The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 09, 1866, Image 3

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■jgffoN JOUBNAL v \. r, u T., n 6v.~j, ; A , < < .u'ubcrcf n»«« '> ;l nlir (i “ Wr, i > ' h’„,k »ro marked paid foraslurtor id than one year. Those who wLh jLpepew continued will please non-. ,nf the faot atoßoC > remitting tho , amount for a°y further time it ie Jo- ( .ired- _ „ —a-* the rash of ctis , ‘tonwr. to the etore of Hesters & Colley, there it n° linger of cxhnn t-‘ n !r their stock, an they have nn expe tnced buyer Nortii, nnd are eon ifantly receiving “reinforcements.”— them a call, if you want bargninß. Messrs Orr, Brown & Cos. have just received another lot of clothing, Ac, w l,ich is doubtless the lost selection ever brought to this market. It car.uot be excelled cither in quality or variety of styles and s’z's in this section. Give them a cal’, if you want a fine suit nt the lowest 1 liecs. GkBAT Escirl'.Mf.nt has been treat ed among the Invent < f good eating, by tW extenbive nr ival of good tilings at V (1. Greer’s. II :is one who oeruin lydtsenes-rhe liberal patronage, which bis lot* price-,fa l dealing, at and a lur'cons attention to cua omers, lus already sc oured to him. As he deals ciclu.ively in grocriei b, and gives his whole atten tion to ibis iicc of trade, our readers may know the nlyantaga of buytig their eatables at hit store. Special Religion* Notice. Services will commence in the Meth odist ohureb in Dawson on thursday light bis iro the 31 Sabbath in this month. (Nov.) Services Thursday uigh*, Friday night, Saturday at 10} o'clock, awl the ti u 1 services on Sabbitb. It is wi'h pleasure that I am ah o to state that the Bev, Dr. H imiiton, D D now of Cuthbert Fenale College will be with us on the occasion. The.stewards and official members of the circuit are requested to be present (liS#;uiday, to hold the Ji/lh Qiturltr. /y U'Cl’J f.-t them conic without fail or be rep tescuted by proxy. T. T. CnttraTiAV. Track. —Most of our merchants ar* ■ onnsidorably eneaunged wi h the pr *- j 0 ;t of a g'loi tra nog season Our nod liberal advertisers are high y elat od with the business ~f the week no far, ! „nd te l us that this has been an extra ordinary week so far, for trading in Dawson. Tho ouol weather has fairly «tt in, cotton is btic.g di-posod of, and » i t- it is no. dud to bring s heavy trade ■.adds market, is ft roauagement t ;i,e part of our no rchants, and boar itMßind, the first and m >*> important *'rp hekli.f; toward 'hat end is exteo i .vo adv rtising. Th : i» is the ago of tiovtspaper reading, and advertising, end the most junteieus buyers a'o being gov erned to a gr ut extent, fry the manner in vrLicb it is taken advantage of The Journal now iff rs urequate 1 indurc in’nts in the way of eircu'.atiou— AD- Vi'lt'ilSE ! Winter. — S cuv list, we have! Veen visited by several withering fres'. Tbo cotton fiulrit, and all summer veg etation have d.rum,ii th-ir dirkjnud robes <f tnouruing for the departure of the green leaf pea« r. Renters of land, and planters general y, are beriur.irg I to look about them for another years’ arrrangerocii’s; and here we would i tike the liberty o* speaking of what items to us a hurtful delay ou the part of the planters, in hiring fried men for another year. If all wait until the working seas in Lirly gets in, there will probably boa grand rush for laborers, and many will experionoe inonven cnees that nrght be avoided by a timely pre paration. We hHouM n<t be discour aged by tbo resu'ti of the first tri.l jear of tbo freedtnen system ; but with the lessons learned from it, set in with renewed vigor f>r such a crop next year os will, with the unfits of pr->v dence, Boko us at least independent in to far a« what our lands will produce, is on corned. NEW DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, SOON TO ARRIVE, f’O hr Sold for the Cash at very Low figures. E. B. LOYLESS D now in New York, purchasing otic °1 the beat aelocted socks of di v goods hver brought to this naarket He pays ; ihe Cash for these Goods nnd w ill be ] enabled to sell at the LOWEST dASU PRIORS. It will pay lltose *tshiri<; good bargains at low price*, -Tail a few days Ue will also por- C la * e before he rr turns one of tho larg est and bevt«ielecte<l Stocks of Gutiecr- j w ever off led in Du e son, which he "sell at Macon and Columbus pri ’Ls He don’t intend tlint the planter * 1 Bi, y be ctin buy Groceries cheap- i * r to Columbus than in Dawson St Fer tie Pansoo Journal, (mflhviilc. SmitiiVili.v, Novernbt r 3th, IVGG1 V GG The hoary, bearded deceiidant of the Northern dime, puid us a visit a few nights lince, and ordered the summer visitors to bow their beads, nnd do homage to ‘winter," who now assume swfly over the fair fields of the Sun ny South—the farmer now rmtkcs his final arrangements to secure the last fruits of his labor—to gather together his implements, and store away for the n- xt seas n. We have very litt'o news of public interest to communicate The year of doubts, vex: tions and ft a s hat pass ed away anti to tho credit of the ne gro, bo it said, be has done tnnuh bet ter than wo expected. And we hope that hu w ill continue in tho ways of industry so happily begun, until he can he called a useful appendage of Southern interest and society. Ail that is neccessary to accomplish this is to place h'rn within the law of supply nnd demand. We are enough inter est'd in his welfare to as*.st him if he is not made a “thorn in our flesh.” Tho turn pike, so long needed by* of tl is part of the- Country, over Muckabe creek, has lit last been completed, and a fine road is now open from this place to Cork’s Ferry. The roads in the county are generally in I good or let, with several new covered bridge*. | The Governor’s message has been received, and strange to say, that the . two local question* .-o much discussed by the peop’e, his excellency has fail le! to notice, viz: County Court* and “reliefs ” The first the Legislature ! has jumped at so vigorously that many fear they will not furnish a sub stitute. I confess that in many iustan ccs the Court ie a nuisance but ’tis he [ cause the Judge knows about as much ( l«*wv as a horse. Make tho judge a lawyer nf ability summons a tulis par - nel of jurors to s’t duiing the term, { and you will hear nui' h of the abuse of the Court stepped. The i lea of try ing inly one or two cases per day <>t . simple larceny is ridiculous. Let the | Legislature think of a substitute to re lievo farmer* from the many cases of Petty Larceny ami then abolish the Courts. F- N Iv. See card of L. II Wing, who is one of tho mos* reliable Jewelers in Macon, and has a fine assortment of jeweldry, silver ware tfeo. Rem’CTioN ok Fake — The travel -mg public will be pleased tn learn that the Central R.i'road has reduced the fair between Mari.-n and Savannah from sl2 to S10; between Savannah and Augusta, t.-> 66 50 Farm Work Far Hovemlinr Cotton, at prefe’ t prices, is worthy of extra, lab r and attention. The crop -lim’d bo entirely picked this month, ns it is the. last in which wo can look for fine weather for saving the cr p—had weather retarliDg 'he tt*,tk, and i joe ing the staple ; and the ginning, Baling, etc , «• tut rtct-ive particular attention Goßoplaiots are justly made by buyers against cot on being this year impor f cly baled, much of ths cotton being left partially exprs-’d. At ti e present prices of cotton and bagging, in selling Vs cotton, the planter more than gets lock the cs‘ of the covering. Ti it were not so, the buyer would not b' justified in paying s full price f r cot ton so exp sand to injury, as is much, that "h brought to market. Let the bales then be fully covered. Iknpire for the crop next year, planting oniy on j our bext land in the best manner, and I im'ng the best and mot prolific seed, j Hut in trying to make a cotton crop, do not ti'-glcct other important things on j the plantation. Thec'rn crop is s> deficient, that it will take but li'tle tuns to finish gath ering. Tins work m.iy bo completed in wca’her not suitable for cotton picit ing, but should uot belong delayed or it will probably be gathered without your ' assistance. Put up your hr ad corn in siip-sofcuck ti exclude weevil. Sicect tot a toe*, which the lata rains have great y benefitteri, will in most caves be dug and baukel, before number resches our ieide'B If not already In 1 calities wheie ilie vines have no’ already been killed, they may he cut ami sec n red fir stock. Smell Grain, sneb ns Wheat, Rye, ' B ri. y, Wiiitir Oats, sho Id bo sown vriM.ten delay, and rye and wtwat may still bo sown in manured lands fur fec-i --i"g green is the early '1 ho cn p will be later and inferior to trut sown oarlicr, but it » i 1 will pay where forage is scarce. Isis useless to sow wheat ur,l >s the ground rs well manured, deep ly ploughed, finely pulverized, and, in h! respects piut into a first-rate condition, twenty busheln per acre ought to be made, where the condition* are rose >t ably favorable ; and thtreis little pr ft on a kst yield than this— Culticater. An Atchia n paper ways a wrgun friao was passing alotig nine miles from the junction ot th r Bridger and llai s fork roads, on If *ck creek, Sept. 12, when -one of them containing 5,000 pounds of powder bkw up. Tho wag on was ton to fragments and thrown a long distance ; a hub was the largest piece found. The wagon wa* drawn by fivtt yoke of oxen, ta*'.'C of Wviiub were torn iiibi’s, also one yke o.‘ l h« teams in the T ar ap-1 two other yoke were badly burned. AH that could be fmiu,- of the driver was a pieee of one of bis feet, j -ini < 1 a finger, and a small piece of his skull. The Alabama Legc-Uturo will convene in Montgumry, on Monday, tbe 12th of November- Tift: M,l Mid'S. I.unmille .llurheti. I.fKiiavn.ti:, Nov. 2. Toliieco—Sales of fifi hliiia: Out Lea', 85; Choice beat', lUU ; C’oromoa light Luca $3 7 is. Flour—Fop-tfiiie, $9 75; Extra Fumily, |U on. Whea'—lied, $2 85 per hustle). Corn—Mixed, iu bulk, 05c. Oats—s:'. 168 p. r tiu-'h. Bacon—Shoulder*, 16} ; Ole#, Sides, 19} cents. Mess I‘crlt —s32 00 pir bar rat. Lard—ld lii ices, 14 cents. Whiskey—Kaw, $2 3<asi 34. OoLti»n*s, Nov. 4. COTTON—There was no quotable change in our market yesterday, Prices mnv still bo reported at 30}a30} cent* (or Middlings and i Slo for Good Middlings—buyer also paying tax. Tlio receipts of the day were fair. Macon Nov. 6, 186fi. Cotton.—There was a good demand for cotton during the div at 31 cents, at which figures alt that was ottered freely sold We heard of sate* of a few ex'ra fine and fancy lots at 31} to 82 cents, but of eourse they are no eiitereon of tlto market. Wequot* the uiarkot as closing tirmlv at 31 cents., Nov. 8. Cotton. —The market was very brisk yesterday. 'There awts nn in creased activity on the part of buy, re. The market closed at M«. The following are the transactions reported during the day . deceived -108 bales Shipped 200 Sales 875 IhUVALI.A. Nov 3. Cotton. — The market here has been | quiite active the past two days, and j the sti pie has been coming in pretty freely Price* have an upward ten denev owing to re; nrts of heavy frosts throughout the South, wh eh will still remiee the present year’s short crop. We quote nt from 80 to 33:, perch a s r paying the tax. Bciici'iil lntclltk r eiicf. Tlepu'iiic schonls of the ci f y of New York cast 62 500,000 a year. The Dr writ Yui k's r.o ion is an um brella with a gut n rrund he edye and and a spout at one corner. Much attention is bring givrn in Georgia to the raising nf tr a Sanq les of black tea of fine quality, of nadve growth, have b ien exhibited, and it, is said the ph nt fl nfrisbei extremely well on the arras’. The Savann ib /w irs it- Herald, of the 30th O lob.-, si\ b dra’ tb ■ ‘’dtg afe (Cholera is pronounced umongt e things vveiu’’—having r]i*ippe-rrd front that city. Ik uhifiii, jn Pknssti.- VANIA.— A correspondent w-i iig to the C mmisdcnei o‘ r-gricu!'ure frotn Fayette county, I’e in-ylvanist, rrpre sey.t* the errpsiu that s- c im as beu.i t'fu' bcycad all preoedent, being at least ' we've tenths r f tho oidiriary yield. The potato a p is at b-ast four d-ncs greater than in 1855, while the yield of bio kwhent and serghuta has b'-CD remattable heavy. Errors <sf Tonili. AX who Heff-rcd for years fom Norvou- Di-bifitv, Prcma'ure Dc c-iv, and .I] tlic cfiVct-cl yi u I ful ii’discre lion, will, f,»r rl,c ayke of luff,-ring hurnan'tv, seed free in nil who need ir. (he reooipr. and dfre'imon* for making the simple le-uedy by which he was cured. Siiffrreri wiehi g to prof!', hv ihe adverrser’s experience, do so by addres.-iug, io, perfect conti tonne, JOHN ti. OGDEN, nov2-3m No 42 C and. r St., N.w Vrrk. fioultiwiotirn Elis ti road. \VM. nOLT, l’r.s. 1 VIRGIL POWERS, Sup Leaves VTaonn 7 23. A J/; arrives at Ei faula 6 18. P hi ; h- v.-s K-fruit 5 10, A M ; Ariivca at Macon 4 lit, P M. At.RANY niIxNCH. Leaves S-niihvilh* 2 42, P M; Arrives al Albsnv 3 84 1* M ; Loaves Albany 7 30, A M; Arrives at Smili-.villo 9 O ', A M. B i vs;>i> Prices Carrext. Correct,-J WetkU by 117 F. ORR. S.v a 40 ftih-i-r, ...HO Pi-in 1? Iff a2S (linghmd s'l a (in Lard 20*25 Uinaturgf'iS a 3u liii'O'-, ...23a3n C.rn.. .1 50a 1 75 T.-a 1 50a 2 50 Cnff -c, 33 i 40 Hand?,. . .50 a 75 Cheese,... .30«4<> SaP, I OlaM 9 a u Butter. ... 5 i 302 Kites,... 15 a 35 Beeswax,. .5 a 20 Tall*-w,. .121 a 13 Snuff,., 1 OOul 50 Nail-*, ...IS S!,»i 2o Powder.. . *lO a75 Cotton, 25 .> SO DeL tint s 35 a 50 LuuMsrer, 40 a 4.5 Sheeting *25 Factory Yarn?, 2 50a300 Coalf«* Thread, 1 25it 50 Kx. Ftin. Floor, 15 a 20 Superfine, IS a 1(5 Rice, 15 and H Suffer, Browo,. .20 a 25 Ooffie® Htiffar,.. .25 Syrup, cane ♦»& a 75 14 sorghum.4o a Bagging, Iveni’v, 40 a 45 “ Gunny, 45 a Rope, .25 a raiDile*, Slifr,’. ..$5 a 50 Dried Ft ui*,. .. .lo a 16 Tobacco, 50 a 1 25 Soap, turp’i.tine.2o a 25 Wbiskev 3 On » 5 on Coppr„p 10 a 15 JSiOTICE. ALL person* indebted to the uiubsrMsned; either by no e or aceoun’, are r< quenfed lo come forward md settle, and unlerS this is complied w;ih io t few diys, their notes and accoun s «ii! be placed in (he hands of a law yer for coli*«t:nn. J- B AVENT. Dawson, Nov 9 1866-31. / 'i LOtiGIA, Caihonu County. VT VVherons Jesse H. Griffin applies for Lowers of Administration ou the estate of W.niftin Adams, Nrt : oe is hereby given to all concerned, to be and appear at my effrue witldh Iho time prescribed by liw. to show cause if any there be why said letters should not b> granted. Given under my Innd and official signa ture this Nov. 9th, 1866. nov6*.h 1866. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord. .VO 'MCH. \UIU,M#on the 30th day of this » f monrh at ihe resid*n eof M. P. Moll s formerly of E. G. Brown at Brown’s Mil!*— 13 head of line mule*—so head of veiy fine eatfle—6o head of stock hogs, 2000 bushels of core, ft lot of sugar and svrtip, plantation )Oolf anti 10,000 pounds pork. Terms cash, novtf 1866. M. P. HOLLIS. TERRI*:LL MlfiKirp S A L^. ON the first Tuesday iu January tiext will be sold before the Court House door in l>aw. son Terrell Courtfy the following properly to wit: One butuis-ed and acr«»s of fiind, of Lot No. 2in the 12th district of nrd Couotv. Also two muh a, on*; bay mule and fine BUck mule, one Bay hor*e and one Sot. re 1 horse. aH levied on »«• the property of Kiuian O*H, to rati*fy one Tax fi fa and Q'h»r Tax fi fa’4 mv ’nnd against said Dail Prop rtv pG'Hted out by J. W. Jobmou, Tux Collector, of wld County. a- IV. CDUI:KDOK O. A. CALHWKLL. W. lUZLKIItRS. cobbedgecllcweluco. BANKERS. Second Street, *fMacO) I, f* a . Botids, uncurrcnt fauda, com, sterling aud domestic exchange bouuglit and sold— depos-ita received—monies invested as parries may direct. Collec tions made aud promptly remitted. Authorixed Ekpkiknoks—Nat. Bank Re public, N. Y.; 3d Nat. Bank, Nashville, Teun. First Nat Bank, Cbarleslon, S. C.; Savanoab National Bank; AtUcta Nat. B .uk, Atlanta, Ga; Josiah Mori is, Banker, Montgomery, Ala ; Johu C ildwell, Columbia, Sooth Car olina. jnly 13,6 m First Nafioual liauk of M.icon. O IGUT and time bills on various points par* iO chased at all times. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to any good Northern or European boosts. Collections made and promptly remitted for. We shall keep supplied so far as possible wi h New York Exchange, which will be sold at the lowest iu other cit es of the State. W. W. WRIGLY, Cashier. I. C. PLANT, President. Dirkctors : H, I*. Jewep, Win. T. Li ht foo', E. Johnston W. LI. Ross, Wm B. Dius mere, 11. B. Plant. I. C. ATT. WILL continue business at his old office, and sill make investments for parties as they wav direct. ife will also purchase and sell Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Banks Notes, Seven per cent. Sta«eof Georgia Bands—new issue— and Uni ted Starts Revenue stamp—all denomination, I fora sile hercaT pah. fie will miike liberal advances until good i <<ale can be made, charging a small commission for the same. SPERM, LARD, AND LINSEED OIL, Ncatfoot Oil, Tanners Oil, Coal Oil. Whale Oil, AND other Burning and Lubricaiing OILS which we offer at extremely low pricer, having made our purenasea during lb* mon ey panic at the North. In fac', j. h. mm 4 co„ Have on hand, the most complete as sortment. of articles to be found in a DRUG HOUSE. At the very lowest figures, and are offers ing great BARGAINS to Wholesale buyers. Among the stock is to he found, CONGE NTR AT E D 1 >ol’ ASH, CONCENTRATED LYES, PURE POUT WINE, PURE FRENCH BRANDY, PAIN KILLER, SNUFF, TOBACCO, OATI LE POWDER HAIR RESTORATIVE, EXTRACTS, FLAVORS, MATCHES, SPICES, INKS, PLANTATION BITTERS. If you want cheap Goods and pure Goods call at the Drug Store of J. H. ZEILIH & CO., For they c»n sell y>u at cheap rate*, having bought their Goods when Gold was 25 per. cent., and are now doing business on the Cash Srstern, and low Express and small rent which enables them to live ou EMA_«L PROFITS. i.viPoaTANf tTmothers. Certain medical properties have recently been discovered in roots and herbs, which if piopeilv combined aud administered, will rxpcl Worms from the human system with out injury to the person u«ing it, aud at the •tame with Oertaiuty. Mrs. ll’lhslowi JS"iii-iit Catuly •ontaina theai ingredient in the proper form and proportions, and is the only medi cine row known that does, aud lor this rea son it is a certain, safe and agreeable remedy tor that troublesome and fatal disease so common to Children. For the following reasons, this Medicine -hould be used in preference to all others so" tins disease : 1. It is safe aud no bad effects arise from its use. 2 It is agreeab’e and attractive. Children crave if, and take it wi-bout knowing for tvhat it is iuiended. 3. It is speedv in its effects. 4. It is pure Vegetable. 5. It is cheap—within the reach of every one. Mothers, if yon would save the fives of vour Children, use it and no o'her. CIUMBFBLAIX BROS , Knoxville, Teun, Sole Agents. And for s>b- h» J. 11. ZEII.II A: CO., Macon, Ga , And Druggists tl rongbout the cuuutiy. ce.'lg'h niIOKGI t, T«-rre> County : vX Whereas J. J. Davis applies to ini. lor let ters of admin- stratum on the esta’e of Spark n a * Bowen, deceased. I hose are herefore to cite and sdtmouish all persons concerned to be nnd appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. {Fvcu under my hand and offici "1 signature thie November i, T. M. JONES, novi Or.l’v. Notice Debtors, and Creditor*. All persons indebted to the estate ofSpark nian Bowen, late of Terrell Counts, deceased, ,re herehv notified to make payment, and those holding cliime against said estate to coder them in terms of the law. J. J. DAVIS, nov2 Admn’r, Georgia, Calhoun county: Wheteis, Wm. T. Sixou applies io me for letters ot administration on tne estate of Samuel C. Saxon, deceaFod, Tiiese are therefore to ci'c and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at mv ofiiue within the lime prescribed by law and show e:in*o, if any why said letters should not be granted. Gden under mv hand and official signature this October 1£ 1866, W. E. GKIEFIN, out 26 Ord. ikotirr, Diblor. and Craidilor*. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Dr- J\ J. M. T G'lllett, late of Terrell county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, aid all persons holding claims against said estate will present them in terms of low. F. J MARTIN, Adni’r. W.SSIW* OhiiksFSwhstebh. T. W. FKEEMAN, WHOI.ESAI.iC AJID RETAIL Grocer and Confectioner, SIOBURRVtIrMI, jUitvojr .... fl.i. Fresh Fish, Oysters Ac , in season, and shipped to parties out of ihe Oity, promptly on order. nov 2 3*n. J. 11. hlliUilt, WITU SNIDER & MITCHEL, EALER3 IN GROCE KIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES. AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner, Third, and Poplar St* , J. H. Acder sou & Son's old stand, M+lCOjy % - G.I. QKO. P. SNIPER, s. w. MITCHKL. nov *2 3m. FINE MiLGH COWS, For Sale I Tho undersigned has throe fine Milch Cows forsde, which will be mM at reasonable rates. S. J. THOMAS, nov2-2f. Dover Ga., HENR.YC. SHE FFI EL 6’ ATTORNEY AT LAW Cof&Hlf, .ftliter Colony Rcmcrencgb.—C»l. S. Wise P»»rket. Cf>l uiit G«.; Uapt. R. D. Chapman, Cu'hberlGa. Mesais Hesters & Colley, Diwson Gi. B- M’DONALD & CO., DAWSON GA., 11-4ve just recieved a splendid assortment of new FAMILY GROCERIES at the old stand of McDonald’s, and would respectfully ask a cootinugtion of the patronage of the old friends of B. who having incurred considerable losses, both of time, and money, on account of long protracted sickness, nud would also beg of those indebted to him, tp come forward and settle, as he is greatly in need of money, oci 17-ts. Staple Dry Goods and Grojei it**, WAREHOUSE ANI> Commission Business, (Turner nf Broad nnd Enfant* Street, EU FAULA. Aug. in,Sin* LAXEV Jfc I*ll4W!%o\. SESTEBS&GOLLEY, General Dealer* in. DRY GOODS ./.I’D GItOCEIISES, PLANTATION SUPPLIED AC, Loylem liim ic, Ijrjtot street , S?pt s,'f DAWSOft, GA. DENTISTRY • J.A.&N.M. THORNTON, of Lumpkin, Georgia. HAVING completed their arraugrtnente, have opened a branch of their bu»iuee>a iu Dawaon They are p r cp.\red to do nil work in their line iu the moat improved stole. With a long experience and a supply of all the appliances of the art, they feel confident of giviug sitisTaction in every instance. Teeth put up on gold plate, with or without gums. Also, on vulcauite of rubber base in the beat s:yle. j All work warranted. For further information, address J. A. ■ Thornton, Lumpkin, G i., or N. If. Tborutou, Dawson, Ga. Office, on corner of lot now occupied by EUm Cbristiojt. Until their offi. e ia fit ed up they will wait on patrous at their rtsi dences. C. D. ANPKR3 -3. VV. WOODa. J-VSXrtl DAT, Hpe.cial Part, ANDERSON &. WOODS, COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, ANI) t)F. U-Elts IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCER IES an! COMMERCIAL FERTIL IZERS, TtMlKii ST. .IIJCO.V, trj. oct2ff 3m. ,V« Ti C rjw tvo mivnths after and it- applii-atisn will J. be made to the Ordinary ot Terrell coun tv for leave to sell ail the *eil estate cf J. M. Tucker, deceased. JES3E TUCKER, Oc'l2* Adtnn'r. c. w. WARWICK, ,iltornty at i.ntr and Solicitor in Cquity, iJMTni'UJLU . . . GEO., WTIIA, practice in I,ee, Sumter, Terrell v V and Webster. <»allcry I A.T DAWSON. MR T. 11. FULLER, can be found for a lew weeks at tbe old Journal «®o*.— Ltiiiesaod Geniletnen wishing exceiieui Phft lOgrHplH, Ambrotypei*, Portrnita for Albums, and Likeursses in every st>le of Art can have them admirably ejeeti’ed, and sa-'jfdction 2uar«nteed, Every style of copy mada from old D igucrreotypes, Ambrotypcs etc., Old L kenesscb made new. cc 20-i f. RE4DY MADE CLOTHING. A Good assoitmenr, fust weceived and for sale at ORR, DROWN 4 00 Oct 26 1866 HOWARD HOBSEf JtCufalna,-.. Alabama j J" HAVE move from tny Old place ofhesiadhs I to the houso formerly known ue the tutau- I U Home.” ft April, T p EOUGIA,< ai!ionn County: U W-hereas, C M. Davis applies for leuvra of administration on the estate of Henry A. Davis late of said county, deceaa- and : These are therefore to effe and admonish all parsons concerned to be and appear at my office within tbe time prescribed by It* to show cause it any, wby said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand -nd off! :txi signature, | tM- October 19 1866 VT. F.. GP.IKVIST, nr 26 GrJ’r. Migrath, Patterson & Cos., OPPOSITE LAMER HOUSE, \o. SWi. Lilt’ Old Maud, AYacon, Ga., VRB recvlvii'g »luk»i. everything good tn ent aud drink t They in .lore, tud to arriv. soon, Much . .took as will uanke it iuipnsaibW for you to cntl for anything iu ilia Grocery, l’rovi.ion, Wine and Liquor line, without finding it in their bouie. RtAD AND PONDER WELI! i We w?H receive in a few diva, New J/uck- j er. I, Fresh Cheese, G« unine Goshen Butter, j and anything else that «;«n be lound. Sugar, Drandies, j Coffee, Old St. Urnix Hum, ; Tea, Old Jani. llutn, ! Syrup, Pure lii»h Whitkey, Viuegtr, 15 iurbon \\ hi.-ikey, Ham 7 I year old, Dried Bcn f , ‘1 ’’ Smok’and Pickled ” 4 ” ” Fulton M’kt Wlii'ky, Beef, Coin Pick’ld Pork, xxxx, llacon, Sherry, Bird, Purt, Flour, M ioc, Meal, Made.ria Grit*, Win®, Stilt, Clsiet, Cliatnjiague, No. 6tf. ELLS’ O and S end. Green Seel, Cl quot ikuchor, ffuidroik, li : co, Burgundy, Soda, Chsmbiltio, Pepper, Sparkling Saluinn, j Hook, Mackerel, [ Maraschino’ Yeast Powder*, i Sauturnc, White Kisb, Rhine Wines, Biuo Fish, D’Alsintlie, Sardines, Pickles, Oy.ters, Gclaline, Citron, Dates, J'-liies, Canned 17'iiffi, Srttteea, nov 2 6m &o. &o. &e. L. \\. HUNT & CO., DRUGGISTS, N2 Ai\l> tn Cherry Street* (Next D.Kir to J. N. Seymour ) MACON, GKO. We have removed to our new and spacious Store Room, arid are now ready to supply mir customers and the public with reliable DRUGS, MEDICINES, Elc , | Wr request Meruhnnts, Physicianx | tiuJ Piauters to call and extiuiine our GOODS AND TRICES, and buy where they can get We arc otiering to the Trade, us follows: I3abbiU Potash, ?ll 75 Case, Plantation Bitters, 811 75 Case, Babbits S(ap,T‘j 1-2.) pr lb, Spts. Turpenline, 30c “ gaL, Blue Stone, I7c per lb., Al'epice, 320 do do Bl'k Pepper, 35e do do Coal Oil, 87c pr g 11. Our Stock of Oils, Varnishe*. Paints, Glass, Brushes and Dye Stuff is large, and we are offering LOW. nov2-3tno. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN MEW YORK S BUT £REAT[R IN DAWSON 1 REINFORCEMENTS ! Coming in Dailv at N.C.GItEER’S. Such as goad old English Dairy and New Vork F etory Chee-e. FKBSII GOSHEN BUTTER, Soda and Butter C’rackere, nonp*r»H and su. gar b-tiscuir, M ickorcl, U-*dhsh, Sityur, Cot'fte, Trait, fine chewing and smoke lug Tobacco, 6'tgarg, Cindies, Starch, Rice, Cmdie*. Mute, it name, Spices, Pickles, j eaucee, Sardines, Orders, Potash, Lve Soap, fine table salt, anuff, and a tit.a r®h-c i>u of case fiquors, con.ia'ing of good old Sherry and Mud-iie WISE, ttodrrd ann C’v;nac Itrixndies, choice old Burn bon, Scotch and Irish Whivkiea, good old Jao»i«a Rums, laiooii Strap and other liquors. Ait of which I wi 1 sett at Lit iny Uattn, Call and see for yourselves. H.C.URCIvB. nov2 In Uuocr Masonic Hall. 7iDJHijrisTtt^i i tuts sjile. by virtue of an order of the Conn ofChdi naryofTeireß County mill be sofd on ths first Tue-dav in December next at Dawson, South half .if lot ol land. No. two hundred and three, in Ihe 11th dt*t iot of Terrell, be longing to the estate oi Wm. Biitlges, de ceased. Sold tor the benefit of heirs and rredi** t. JOHN D. '* H ALKY. oc 2 n l'«4 Admn'r. THE FALL TRADE ut GROC ERIBS AND phoatusiotstb IS NOW UNDERWAY AT j. N. SEYMOUR'S, CHERRY ST., MACON, OEO. MtrcJiaufs. P( fin ten and Other* mot/find it to their interest to , give inn A ULL. HIS MOTTO IS ; - .1 Cheap For C’a»hl HE IS NOW RECEIVING A’j HEAVY SUPPLY OF j WESTERN PRODUCE AND General Groceries. IIE ALSO KEEPS ON HAND. Unjpeing And RojfC, NAILS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, LORILIARDS SNUFF, SCOTCH and MACOABOY, LIQUORS io BARRELS aud CASES TOBACCO (various brands). DROP IN, BUYERS! I promise t> do uty best to please t have a strong force of iudo.trioua Young Men, ready to put up your pur chfsc* with expedition, having employ ed additional help. J. N.SEYMOUR oct 2t> J. B. JENNINGS. M. J. WICKS. J. W. WICKS. JENNINGS, WICKS & BRO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Aug. to,G .Vf ir Orleans, La. Georgia Itaixlolpli County. TANK E. Aditns Adnoiai-ftrairix on the estate ot Seabon Adams having mado applicntien to at 11 land, all per sons are notified that her application will be consid. red at the next D- cember Term of the Court of Ordinary for said Countv. sep U C 6 Wm. D. KIDDOO, Or. Ilotife, SIXTY day* after d*te application will b© made to »he Ordinary of Towel! county for leave to*e 11 tli; r»*al estate belonging lo the estate of Darling Sikes, latoof Lee coun tv, de*;eaaed, for thebenofit of th© heirs. IS. 1866 ELI OOOBRAH, Kxee'r lOU 9SUBIT SETTLE UIM r i idrbt.ed »o R. T. K-ndick must I cm**i** forward -n.j settle for ! amdeter ndned to do-<© no mv old standing account, aud note", as 1 hare commenced anew bus ineiis aud will need all tho money l can get to carr? on my busiuvss aud pay my dtbu 18 Morgan Scpf. 21 ts. R. T. KENDRICK. FORCES’ VHOE HOUSE. Whit .hall Bt. ATLANTA «A., H.WE on h»n*l the ingert and bo"t select-' ed.t ckof ItOOT* and SHOES ever breught to this market, m*ti as they come direct Iroi'u tlic Eastern .Jllanufue tu rent, will be 'offered to country Merehauts at N'tw York prices, freight added. B. W. Foret forraniy of Charleston S. C. trill be pleast-d to r.S his former customers. N >v2-l v EXECUTOR’S SALE. Uiidei an order from the Ordinary of Ter rell C mntv, will be a »Id, on the firm Tuesday in Teo niber nex 1 , the following property be* longing to tbe estate of James 0. of Raid co’inty and ‘Ceased: Late of land No. 27. ll»h district Musco gee c.ountv ; No. TANARUS, 17th diairict, E Hv cosn« tv ; Nos. 185, 200, 2*l, 2*2, 2*3, 216, eixth dint riot Terrell—in all fifteen hundred aud fifty acres. Lota 233 aud 216, io T errell county, Iwve good improvement for fanning pu« poses im them. Sold f r the benefit of Legatees. JoSSE TUCKER, octl9 td. * ExV. IST OTIC JG! rpWO monlhs after dale application will be L made to the Court of Ordinary of Cal houn Coonty for leave to sell sit the real es tate belonging to the estate of William Dan iel, (except widows dower ) ELItABCTU DANIAL. eet2SlWh» A'dm’x Xetire, Dcbtur* ami Creditors.' All persous indebted to tbe estate of P. A. Wail'-r, late Pt Terrell Conn v, dceeaeed, are horehv notified to make payment, and all per sons h il ling claims against said estate to ren der them in terms of the law. MARY L. WALf.BR, N0v21866 * Adm’x. G 1 liOKCal A, t. alltonii Coiinly : f Wall be so I*l before. tit« Cburt House D->er in the town of Morgan, on the , firs' Ttteelav iu Deoenther next, at the usual hou's of sale, lot of btud Nq. 185 west belt lot No. 186 and lot No. 176, all in tbe *rd district of Originally Evrly, now Calbonn County, sold tor the bcrofilf of heir* and .editor. S !■ YON. o\ B Adiu’x. nv m CHEAPER BY 6ALL)WIN i C0.,- n*» Y «.-' ■•» P T t m ~ (At §l4 «itas*rfv Dawson, : : Georeri? ••• t " f it •iUL-I*,;.'. __ We are receiving diroctfroip N. York, a Urge wad general assortmei t DRY GCfODS GROCERIES, HARB^AItE CUTLERY, HOI .LOW AVAR nnd everything ola® u uufty '"onnd in first class store. AJL-t w! ieh st r '- l«urfr*-t fur CAB If; at trn- 1, OK' lib NEW YORK PNirfx. fn our slock may be fouu-1, at duced pneer, i,.toi£S' nit css actons, Print* “f different gr»d *, Henutilul Mualiiis, White and bleat hod Good. j Unsiery, Gloves Ribbon*, Dress Triu m'uigs, etc., etc , ALSO i.Aui E 8 Hats, Bonn at*, nnd aboc* of the very finest quality, and gentle men’s Iluts, Boots and Shoes for sale at AV lioleHale I'rico.'^, and as cheap as they now can b Itocght in New York. Shoes at, lint* range from 50 cents up to £5 CC \V* keep everything itecoessiy t complete a geAtieinnn'a a i.nlrobe. Six dozen Grindstones of be*t o . it)f 4 ' ft is uqnetjetWfiry now id rnitTr dis ferfint ftrticlirf We intend k ing every thing the people want. Our goods «hafl bes- W/ at'ire ve. LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURt. Country Merchant* and pi ante: a canaav® money by calling on us. Our Motto ii “Cheaper than Che Cheapest/' June Sib, 1566. oSST brown Oft, Journal Banning, Depot St. DAWSON, CEO.' Arc now opening a splendid stoek £ DRY GOOD’S AN® GROCERIES, FRESH FROM NEW YORK. Mr. Orr, having sold Geod* for a. u i years in this market, ho* selected suet t stock as he think* will suit every bod, ' Come and See ITs. We will trj to do you justice lautli j" GOODS AND PRICED Person* buying goodn , from ms rrut - rest assured that they will get none br‘ tbe rrry belt artticlei. , . We have ae Imitalioa binods f Remember,’ W T e expect to everything usml ly kept in any store ia this section ot* country. Sept. B, 1866. LOYLESS ft GRIE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS DAWSON GA., Warehouse in rear of Lofc** l/uik.'p Are now ready to recieve aid atprs cot-, ton. Liberal advances node on cotton it attS-r; We have or band a ht-ge supply es BATON, FLOUR, BAGGING, ROPE. CO BN. am! all kind es plantation fOmls. ,r VS'e reapeelfuily aolh-it the patronage o ' our old friend, and cue. jatoia, octl2 1860 3m. WILKINSON. WiLSeira.' GEICSAL COTTON FACTORS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT r Afffuts for Ihe ptircbase std sc : of all kinds of COTTON DDMESIICS, Liberal •idvancea ,Vt,.lc ts Consignments. , OH|er, IV ts 3, ModdartlS Low er Range, Ba v > . SAYANNAII, <*A : V. B. Wilkinsoa of Kewihuit G» f*., B. Wik 4 OM, formerly of Okeefo&kee Cot on Eillp, Ain. n P. H. Wood, of lute firm J. W. Rubua •St Go., Sftvanumb, Geo. «ct I*2 3m J C L. MARTIN, CESKBAL lN‘t RA%fE ACK\T «!>’ EXCHANGE DEALER, E ti’J CL,i ii .tlabnma. Repreienu a paid t* jital iu A No. 1, Companies, of §22,00« 000 T»l«x. Fife, lulat.d. River, Marvce, L'fe aad Aeei^ 4« it l- ku’ I,ivawm b »dii,».fj -ui ptH, • >k « •fj’iV.