The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 09, 1866, Image 4

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Err w a :; " A WAnW |HmS& FEVER HTAIN ) N Oi i.nnn a.*V Fills *t* fotnj***o<! «f Fcyrtn > Medici nr*. Th.*r are CHthnrtie nils, noting pen the Stomach. Liver, ntvl Iluu'ela; cont*trtfa* ■ Ar. , *onic,'<'nloinol, Blue Mass, or imy other Mineral u. trine#. The groat advantage the Proprietors claim fa; tilt**# Pi Ila la tint, without tho ai.l of Caloiucl. Frue Maas, or any other Minerals, they will cure Oil iru-st obstinate cans of UHILLK AND FKVKU, l UMII AGIU-; PKUIODtCAL UKADAPIIK, NEU h \ LGI A. aiD’. all affeotioua of a like character. Fol- I ’v the ihroctions, an.l you will flod they will do oU I* rl. mod for thorn. Try (4h hog, mini their den n.«r: i v* til recoinniend them ever afterward®. tif'”* V» e hove used hau’* J'ills . and nave nr or known them it fail to cure w hin the directions w * fyßo-vul.and unhesitatingly recommend them to j u' lie Tut r. T- H. W ATTS, F.XrGow. of Alabama * T. *J. *jn>f»F!. fludffe Supreme Court of Ala " ROBERT I>OU6iI£KTY, Judge 9U» Circuit of AlaTaira. Vu. G. W ALI»KR, Whcr'ff Montgomery Cos.. Ala. Ilo*. ALKX. H. CLITHERALL, Montgomery, Ala. • .1 \ n VEA \ 1 .. “ CRAWFORD 8188, fJ\S. K. A. H ANKtv Com. M.-rchant, N 0.. La. ' ’>> MaSOV. F>q , Maror Wctmnpka. Ala AliJvE L. WOODS, Att’y at JLaw,BoO UMwojP, N.Y BLOUNT & HALE, Ce’e Proprietor*, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS. Barral, Rlslcy & Toinpklna, 141 Chambers BL, N. Y. L. J liart A Cos., Now Orleans, La. Blount ii Hale, Montgomery, Alabama. Solti I>y all DruuaristH. Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On recotyd of one b<i* of the Pills will bo sent to any part of the United States. Wholesale also bv T. W. Mnrsden, Kcw York, and ' dvvard Wilder A Cos . laukviljo. Ky. For sale *t Dawson, bv Dr. .T. L! D. J crrymitn, Avent k Adams, Drutr^rists. J. E. BRAY & CO., PEA I,EES TV Cooking Stoics, hO&SI FUtKiSHiKG GOODS, EEFAUL.t, ALA. vr-v,*.!. nv/.'o a n'omt .ii yni;, at WHOLESALE DETAIL, We also keep a complotc stock of •PET PLATE, -/i t V ; ; • SHEET IKON, WIRE, Tinners’ Stock Generally. TFIE UROA WITCH, A Celebr&t. <1 Cooking Stove. STAR, \*Ohfßu Quality, Highly Recomendei] E FJLOWIJ II r:':x F^AiiLo, A Large Oven Steve. TCI/ISG AMEUICI, ■KEROBENE OIL. Tj^lllPS*—All Descriptions C-EDEM 80LWITED FROM SOfTHWESTERN cuglOjCm LADI E S , LOOM AT THIS! — :o: ALEXANDER & WHITE Have juFt received their stock of new and fashionable Spring; and Summer DRKSS GOODS, Wb'n ii we are closing oot very rapidlv at Prices much Lower than have I heretofore ruled in this m&iket Our prices surprise all who hear them on cocouut of their being so J-iw. Our Goods were alllPught For Cash, I and since the 10th of April, and we CAM AMD Win, SELL TJIES I AS CHEAr r v try ....... M as any Other House in the City, Our Stock is Freak, full and Com j plete, comprising EVERYTHING IN THE LINE or DRY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONN, ITosifery, Gloves Ac. Give ns a call, and fee for your your ! selves. All ord»rs promptly filled aud j goods sent by Express anywl ere. ALEXANDER Ac WHITE. Plies’ Old Stand Oct IS Sm tlaeen Ga. FOR EVERY FAMILY! “RICH OR I’OOR,” lii South-Western Georgia> GET ! f'vr.RV nmiv Should have, one or nvve B.'*et of tho Kxe* h-tor Ague Pill*—they never fail to cur* chill* ami Fever or tiitUnns Fever. And unit ally without tho aid of any other medicine. In Tetreli the arijniuihg counties tint have the pr.aent cummer cured more titan hund'ed cases witnotit a sitigfe failure. Frier r>uly one dollar a hex. evnitv riian v Shov.ld hare one or more Bake* of the Ki oobior A nli-llilioua Cathartic Fill*. lor the cure of Bilious Derangement, Habitual <-'**- tfvenkka, i?'ck B*"da< he, Liver diseases St., Se. They only cost fifty cents a Hoi. i, vs: it v i' i ti i i.v Where t‘.erc are children shonM have a Bort’e of the Kxee'sior Cathartic Vermifuge. A desdshot for every kind of Worms. And „ g ,od Cathartic Medicine for children Ptic« fifty cents ft llo'tie. EVERI FA.HI I.V Should have a supply cl the Kxetlsior Fain Killer. For the cure of pains r,f t very char acter, no .nailer where situated— and one of the pest remedies ever used for sprains and RtuissM—in man or beast—Ptice fifty cents » Bottle. EVERY FAinaa.Y BbOutd HwaTS keep a Bottle ol the Excel, sior Soothing Cordial. A sale mid c r ain rure for Cholera, Piarrl o*. and Dysenti rv. Fecu iatlvu di, t>'d to the cure of the Diarrhea ol infants while toothing. Price one dollar a F-ottle. EVERY FAHIEY | Sliould have and alwavs k*’en ort hand a Vipfly of tl e Egcetsior C.uigh Hilsam. For the relief of Coughs, Oatarths, and Bronchial affections. Al o a good Kx peetorar.t a"d Anodyne for Consunip ives.— A cure for «hooping Congh. Every Wlf»> aiwl Dan«liter Trouble 1 with irregularity or any uterine "ff '’ ion or Womb Disease, should bavo a Dottle of the Excelsior Female Restorative. It tardy fs is to bring rtlief. Cures nine ten*hs of Womb affections. And from its ah ter-'iveend Purifying action always produces a clear, fair, and beautiiul complexion. Price three Dollars per Bottle. Ali of the above Family Medicines are p’e* pired aid sold Wholesale ard Retuil at the Excelsior Dr off Store, Dawson Con., Where abo may be fmind a large and complete Stock of Fresh and fermine Drug l ', and Medicines. every other artieie ueuallj kept in a class Drug Store. Arrangements will soon be yomphtedto haveeverv tosrii. vl’lige ard neighborhood supplied with the F.xeelwor FatuilvMedicines. C. A. CHEATHAM rropiiitor. HARDWARE STORE! (THOMPSON * KFNTIhICK’s OI.P STAAD.) W. L W ADSWORTH & C 9., A.m eric'list, Ga., VPiF* now uml have on hand, one ot the largest and best selected stocks ol HARDWARE, I'TCVES, Tl\, HOUSE FURXiSiTLVG GOODS -«rer offered in ibis market, viz: L-arp^nter’s, fil*ck«ruttp’ri am! Tanner’s TOOIaS- cyc* ry description of JRtfltdci**# Hardware, Paints, ftils, Ciiass and Polly, I Axes, Hoes, Traee Chairs, Shovels and Spades, Grindttones, Pots, Ovocs, Spiders, tec. finest lot o*' Cooking Sr<>ve# Id xSoutliw estern Oeorgfe,-*t prices to d»»l‘v coni'. , etinor. A full Jimr-oi Wooden and II *t/- iotr WVwV, TUuchets’ t’Jbs.fiaßlcem, OMI dren’s Carriages, efc. Table and Poelspf {.'lii (try. Spoon- 1 , i/oHee Mill-*, Seivc j, Ac. A larrje lot of Till laiwavs on 1 hand of our own manufacture, at 'wholesale | and ret!!. UnoHn" and Guttering done by cotti pptent workmen in the beet Btjle,and work warranted. Araerieui?, Ga., April 13-ts G. L. ANDERSON & CO., GROCERS AND C&XmSSION’ ME R V IIA XT 8 ALTLANTA, GEO., J. 11. ANDERSON & SON, Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Maconi Ga., T\7R solicit consignments of Cotton, Ba v T cor, Flour, Wheat, aud other produce. Prompt attention to sales,.and returns of same. Cash orders for any of the above fill ed promptly. j 206 CROViESTEEN & CO., Piano Forte Manufacturers, i l!)9 liroudtcay, .Fete Fork. mllK Rttentlon of the pnt.l'eand the trade is I invited to our ,I'eir Settle, Seven Octave , Slostteooil Viano Fortes which for volume and purity of tone are On. 1 rivalled by any hitherto otfered in this mark- j et. They contain alt the modern improve-! ments, French grand action, harp pedal iron 1 frame, over strung base, etc., and each in -1 strumei t being mad- 1 under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. Gbovkstkfn, who has a practical experience ot over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. Tli« “Gi’oveatcen Piano Fori,-” Bec'd the liinltcstawat and of m crit at the ccie brated Wcrid’s Fair, where were exhibited iustrumenU from the best makers of London, j j Paris, Germanv.Pltiladc pbia, Baltimore, Bos 1 ton and New Yotk aud also at the American Institute for five successive years, the Gobi 1 ' and Silver Medals from both”of which can be | i seen at our ware-rooms. | By the introduction of improvements we ( make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by ! manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are Pnabled to offer these instrument* -at a price which will preclude all competition. Our ptices are from SIOO to S2CO cheaper than vnv firs elass Piano forte. TERMS.—tXsr Gash in current funds Da-1 suiptive circuiais star ihxx. Aug 17,1 year New Livtry and Sale Stable, '■ .STOCK li'M tillVAsil DAWSO IST , GEO Dk. XV. XV. FARNIW teTnl good atock, good vehicles, and good Olivers, and is prepared to send passe reels to any of th t adjofning ccuntiea lJa ck ; at the Depot on the ar-rival of each train feb 23 ly n ' l>. B. LOYUJSS, DAWSON, GA., At hit ii nw Start, opposite ftiirri/ Stftlle, nexttfi or to J. />■ (’rim A; Cos. OFFERS VJRIY LOW, DRYGOODS, GROCKPJEB, IIAT?T)\A TaK, C UT uKIiY. He hue in the l no of lift) Goods : PRTSTH, MUSLIN* 3 , SHEETING, SHIRTING, LADIES’ IIOES, GENTS’ half HOES, Quaker BONNETS, GENTS’ lIATS, SOOTS ami SHOES, Per Ladies and Gentlemen. And expects to keep every other articfelo tiiia lino usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. ALSO, Sugar, €.'<nfiTee, Flout*, e O 56 IS , SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, Snuff, Camty, Ponder NSsol, Lrsul, Bridles. Saddles, HORSE OI.I.APS, Brppy atd Wagetl hijr—pnitHed ard hrars -bo d P, ckete, Tubs and Selves, Wash P<itft,l)inner-I’<rp, Ovcdr, Spiders, and extra Lids, Plow Ironand Steel, Wcaeding lD’es and Sranotliing Trotis, (h.ffce Mills, Tea Kettles, Carpenters TOOLS, t MARGE LOT OE TIN WARE! S A E* T . I [Paints and Q lass t 1 .HO.VIf S* trill hr rrlrancrd Oil next Crop of Colton. j So if i/vn vnnt either to Spend Money, j k O* Get Money, (wive Nle sa 1'sill! i | Itnicson, Get., Aluy 25, fini 1 -,r. a .isxKxxi'. J. r. jkkkiks I B. ry. JBN K INS. r. M. JENKI.S : .JENKINS r.ROT II MRS fsiocery MeiThaiHs, .Inclion, General Commission. ItUCETVIKQ AND rOP.Y7AHDING HOUSE. Rroatl SI., Eiifnu’ia. Ala. PERSONAL attention given lo tlie sale of Co> too, .Sugar, Molasses and Country Produce. Orders for the of Plantation Sup plies, Dry Good?, Groceries, Ac., filled and shipped promptly. Consignments for «h!c or | respectfully solicited. Will at tend to receiving and forwarding Cotton and every description of freight, whh dispatch. j Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt j returns made of all sales. npt27tf tI.n.USUV II BMB I Af "I SETT'S Donhle tmif Sin- IVf'f gle Uaruesn, from HIS to til 50. 200 Assorted Indies’, gents, antlhnya’ saddles and saddle-trees—from $6 to SSO. 1000 as sorted carriage and team ..collars —epual to anv in the TJ. S Also, bridles, martingales, whins, end saddlery hardware and leather in my line—to which the attention of dealers and planters ore invited. 1 intend to do good work and sell it low. Give me a call before you bnv, G. BERN’D. jttly2o-fim* Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. W». 11. Burroughs. T. U. Maxwell. W. H. Burroughs, Jr. WM. 11. BURROUGHS & CO-, GENERAL COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Mo. 97 IUV STREET S.l ) '.f.V.lVf/f, - -(. EOHCi 1.1, For Hie sale of Cotton and other Produce, Timber, Lumber, Heal Estate, Personal Property, Ac. I recomeud to my Cieuda in Dawson, and surrounding country, the above Firm, as responsible, hones', aud reliable men, and bespeak for them a slure of their patron age. Any business entrus-ed to them, will meet with prompt Ritcu.iou, and entire satisfaction given. Liberal advance made on C-r.on, consigned to them in Savauuah, or deposit ed with nte iu Dawson, ock 8 fun D. M. HARDEN. Aeliett, Itchloix ;iiid Creditor*. VI.L persons having demands Charles D. Bostick, late of Calhoun coun ly, deceased, are he-eby notified and requir ed to present them properly attested to the undersigned within the litre inscribed by Law. And all persons indebted to said, de ceased, are hereby required to make immedi ate payment to the undersigned, parties in debted to said deceased, will find them iu the hands of L D. Monroe, Attorney at Law Morgan Ga., who will proceed to collect, ini! mediately, if not settled, 'bis October Bth 18G6. JAMES MORROW, °utl2* Admu’r. r pWO month after date apjl cation will be 1 made to the Ordinary of Terrell County for l ave to ell a houses and tot, and three vacant lots in the town of Dawson, belongng to the estate of Joseph Gilpin deceased. Sept. 2b, 18tiG.» 8. F. GILPIN, Adiu’x. (Otl!, TO TfclK C O I T IST E Id ! JA?. C. BRYAN, OFFERS AT Wliole.tialc & It€l:ii! DRY GOODS GROCErdES, AT REDUCED PRICES. r I'MIE undersigned having pn chased tli«* L stock of goods of Mr. T. J, Cannon, and secured the excellent position of. “the earner” offers them at prices that will let others live, as well ns himselt: H« has on hand, nearly every descrip ion of LADIES DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, PkLANES, BAREGES, GRENADINES, MOZAMBIQEB, PRINTS, and many other articles in the line c f Ladies D ess Goods, which he will dispose t>f at. the lowest, prices, iu order to malre room for his New fail Stock. I*!;sEsters & Cs'lscns, I Me rffertt a large, well-selected stock of CLOTHING, ! of all l>csca’intions, [ Doots and.Sh.oes, MATS & CAPS, Shirts Splendid Collars, nnd all other ttrbdot* necessary for a gentleman's Wardrobe. Fino Slock of Crockery and Glass Ware, Hardware & Cutlery GEocimss, 1 Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Flour, Cigars, Confectioneries, K»pt constantly on band and at prices that defy competition in this market. Chewing Tobacco, Not excelled by any in Eufaula. LIQUORS Of* -All Descriptions. BY THE It AKREL, or CASE Thanking the public and his old friends, for the liberal pntrousge heretofore received he feclsconfideut that he will be able to give them euure satisfaction, by calling on him at "the Corner.” ■IAS. C. BRYAN, August 10,0 m EE FACE A, ALA n. a. etfloSlfi.N. a, rxa::itK. r. t. ji.tmirws. Soloman, IVarro iV Matthews DKAI.KIM IN GEXKKAL 31RR( HAM)IZL\ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Siinpmn .t' Johronn. Old Stand, lilntaula, tYIm, Coru’gnm tit. rvepevtfully auliciteil. Promp' pvt".l'll. 1 attention viven to purchase arti s ilp sis Cotton, produce, ka Ruler tn Messrs. Win. A. Mi iCenalp k Cos. Apalachicola, Flu.; Eppinj!, Hanaevd k Cos. Columbus, fit.; S kJ. beltin', t, Kp» Yoik Simpson k Johnson, Ktif»ula, Ala. GREE N Hf\ CICB WANTED! IOOFC here yotl that are wearied from rid- A iug on 1 o-Pcback, and in old Biigji.-a. I am now oil, ring fi r sale the cheap, si bar gains on record:; neat and durable BUM MIES AT SISO. parable in Gspsnbaeks, My priera range from §1 Bi>,' to ?Inn, a ithout Harness, f,„t I ha ye a good pitpplv of harness on hand to compare with the Buggies in price and style. Mv mice s on Harness range from fgO, to|iSs fur slog’e harne-s I hare double harness on hand—for from ft", to $l5O. Fine liitl. inef bridles, .TSartlnejales, Itrlv. ill lf reins, *e., kept constantly on hand. lam prepate.l to build at short notice any si vie vehicle that may be desired. It KPARS of any kind, m my line of business dona with neatness and dispatch. Wagons a*d harness made or re paired to order; O il! and ex ratine for yoursc-lf. I think T can suit, you in price aud quality, os I sea no competition; j. \ . FOSTEH. Curi'bert Ga. Sept. 21, 18Bi>. J. V. PRSCE & SONS, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AIIEEICUS, GEORGIA. E are now at the M’are-House formerly it owned bv Dr. It. C. Black, on Po'l on Street, hut will soon he at our old stand in the brick Warp House now being built bv Mr. K. H. Hoy loss. W'c are pre p tre.l to furnish Rigging and Rope to plonteis, make advarcs on cotton or other preebu ein stores, “ship ' cotton to New Orleans, Sivanmth, New York or Liver pool, making liberal advancements on om s'lipm "is. We enu al-o issue cotton in our W ire-House, as cheap ns it cun lie done in any o-hev hcaie in the cite. Our ware house is remote from anv oilier building. As on-senior it is been in tire cotton bu*sitioM for tilt! l ast fifteen years, snd niways on the side o’ the Planter, we hope t„ do a p e:isona~ hie sli roof the coltou business. C\nnn shirp.'d to us below this point on the S W. It. K. will only be charged one fsl) dollar ner hale and no drayage at this pls.-e to our Warehouse. -geptSl 6m i.n COTTON GINS, MAKUFAOTimED r.Y DANIEL Pit ATT, PraUrißp, AJa,, \ Y ID I has had neayiy forty years expeti * 1 once in tha business. Has lived all tho time amorgsiplant.ers. Has visited gin houses, pm gins i-i opaeradon, and thinks he krowa as ne:-r as most any other man what constit* tuiesa good gin. Having heen appointed Agents for the ahove Ceiton fTira, we would request plan* tera who d-sire to get lis m ke of gins, to do ns a fa-mr hr sending jp their orders, so we may know whatsisse to have made. If this c trrse is pursurd they will not fail to procure their gbis in time, Alt Order* tlirei t"tl to G. TANARUS,. Anderson AHn A'lanta, or to onrselres win rre,., V e rrompt attention. J. n. ANDERSON k SON, jv It, t n Agents, Macon, Ga. .1. G. L. IIA KTltf s: IT. i VJL.I, .tC Manufactures CANDY, BREAD, CAKES AND CRACKERS, in nll their virions strle 3 . Keens Fruits, Toys Ci'iars. Stationery Hooks, /-v OHOCKBIKS, Kero-ine Limps and Oif, Garden Beefy, etc., etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Casti Oitnitns respectfully solicited and dat lsfaetion warranted. No char-:.p made for outside purchases. Agent for the W-sMuglm Iron Works Steam Engines Castings and Mach tuery of e».-rv kind. Anri 27 ]j- First in the Market! FALL GOODS ARRIVED. —AT— N. C. GREER’S (until r Masonic lLii, - ) A have j isl reee v, and a fresh sepf 1- ofFancv 1. a tic F’s-ily Goccrit 8 such -.s Candies Itilisins, A’nts, Sardines. Oys ters, Crackers, tie- Also a large lotof FRESH FLOUR of different grades and many other articles, • C uch as y ackeral, Sil», Sugar, Coffee. Porggft, Sptcef, 7*obit€co f Cigar a, Sir, I am determined to supply the lovers of good things at all times and at the Lowest Prices. Give me and (ariy call. aug!7 3m N. C. GREKR. Gi LOKGM, Terrell County: I Whereas, Naomi Coxwell applies for letter of dfsmiarion from guardianship of Wil liam Coxwell. These are therrfo-e to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv, why said letters should *ot be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this October s'h 18(56. Oct. sth 1866. T. M. JONES, Ord’y. WM. WOOTEN, Auction & Commission merchant, Dawson, Geo. A LL business entrusted tobiscare wi’l re st ceive prompt attention. References: E U Loyless, M H Baldwin, fhwsfvn, G« ; J W Fears, Macon, Ga. ; Butler k Peers. Atlanta, Ga. ; Irwin & Hardee, Savannah, Ga. juoe‘29,6m .1 I.VtSTIt.tTOIIS S*IJLE. WILL he sold, under an order from the Court (ff Ordinary of Torre?! County, on the first Tuesday in November nex», before the Court Hon a door In Dawson, the real estate of Bifhdl Haynes, known as the place where on said Haynes, died. Sold subject to wid ow’# dower, for benefit of heirs and creditors HALEY JOHNSON, cctl2 AdmuV. 7 wzm A I M.IVOM, 0F0..J \\\k *?i^P ■v\ \ *JJ si vV »* .. g, *y it v** I® li f OI K STOCK Is now a* complete ns nny in Georgia, of every variety of Goods in our line, and wefeel confident they are effered at as bw rate, as rl (where. Wo therefore invite Ibe attention of all to our stock of Plantation', Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Buildere’ Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Wooden »nd Willow Ware, Seales and other Store Fixlurcs, Children’s CLtfiages, Eet., Eet. Tnrnbsall’s Scales A NEW STYLE, I’bobest and most convenient Scrip for retailers or fjr home use, ever effort and in tLL market For sale by. \Y RIG LEY & KNOT T CHILDRENS’ C ARRI A. Gr E 8. ANOTHER STOCF. OF Cuildrers’ Gigs, PerambnlatoFf, Ramblers and Rop.'-e*. [Some cow and I? antiful patterns just ! received and for sale by. Vi RIG ELY & KNOTT. I%AJS-S 1 WAILS 1 BOON TON NALLS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and fersale by \Y RIG LEY and KNOTT. - . K j j at A MGE? ‘ W ‘ *' I; ! I ,1-1 St., next door tt p-srv I' Express Ooii piny. - Uv Garden li23|>2cntcnfs. Iloofl, Bakes, Forks, Shove!?, Steel Foe--, Grtt’t FTnes, Spades, Trenebittp Hoe at.d Itako Hoes, Sbuffl - Hres, Garden Trowels, G rlv Lines, Wheel Barrows, Etc., For sale bv W BIG LEY & KNOTT. FTSU2AG TACKLE. E invite the special attention of Country Merchants to our stfck of Fishing Hooks, Lines, etc., which is large aud complete, and at lower rates than ever before effered here. WRIGLEY & KNOTT w « O I> E R W A ES E, SIEVES, &C. Brass Bound Cedar Cans, < Brass Bound Cedar Fails, ; Brass Bound Tubs, | Codar and Painted Tubs in nests. Painted Buckets—2 and 3 hoops, Juniper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Otk Pails, I Well Buckets, (7 styles,) Iron Bound Setts Measures, Plain Sets Measures, Iron B -und ll’f Bushel Measures, Plain II ail Bushel Measures, Iron Sieves ,—Nos. 20 and £4. Blood’s Patent Sieves, For sale by WRIGLEY& KNOTT, july 18-3ra- 11. VIZE, ( iie:rh\ steet, M.vcoisr GEO. I AM NOW OFFERING THE FOL LOWING G* ODDS FOR I CASH OaSTLY ON TIIE ITBost Krasonablc TERMS: | 300 i@l C, C. Flalos, 200 Setts Handle Granite Coffees nnd Tc«Sti i ‘2OO Setts C. Cups and Saucers, GO di zoo G ibhisand Winer, 0 White China Dining Setts, 2 Gold Hind China Diunii.e Setts, 10 China Tea Set's, 50 dtiz assorted China Plates, 10 duz. Rur liottl s, 20 di z bur TumUers, 100 pairs of Ewers and Butins, PLATED GOODS 50 and z best Qualities Plated Tea and Table »p<vin=, 25 d' z. plated Ta’ !e Forks, 3 df-z' (1 Caster*, 2 d< z. l’iufed C.-coa Dippers, Collets, flips, Wailers, t:c ., 15 and z Wire C. v r«, 50 and. z. painted Buckets, 10 nests point'd Tubs, 10 neats Juniper Tubs, 5 d' z bra-ia bound buckets, 15 d'z. C e al> pprrs, 20 gross Table Knives and Forks, Ivory Handle Tea asttl Table Knives Shears, Scissors Razors, Kitchen and Butcher Knives, With a splendid Abutment of POCKET CUTLERY. 3 gross Glass R. If sealing Jarp, 30 gross Tin Plates. TX3ST WAKE m OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. SXO W MB; THE CELEBRATED IRON WITCH with other patterns, At Reduced Prices. Wiib a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Kmbracing nearly everything usually kentm my line. B.A. WISE, JulylS Om Cherry St., MacoD, Ga NEW YORK STOR vnuuimq l B. L9YIISS I (Suceasaora lo J. W. B L -ffi mon t DAWSON, WE keep the largest and mtm P ,t assrlment* of * Iu thi ‘ Market. W. have, For the Ladles. F,,,,rh ’ rmsn.h «-au l’rints. Stlka Merinos, Woe) De.l*i„ r j:„ ' Jell, Embrederica. L, r ,» U;|,i Hits, Artificial FJtiwo’s P 1 Nubin«, Hood*, Bonne}* fi’. Hosiery, Dress Hat TriW all varieties f of all funds, balntnral , I’oiltas. TtimUe Cr Gaiters, Glove Kid Anld.D, FANCY TOILET ARri(i,| Ilandkcrcbief Fxtmcts, (x t Oil, l)y«s,(tc,cto. f ’ The rao.-t e. mplcfe asroitmeet fn found in Sifuth-TYestcra Gecrgii Pot Geiitleuim J! ST RKCEirCO jA A POL-SOS best Kinukln -i \ r\ / Su.ek ng T'hticco. Al-n, » fine |,.t of /‘ahiirtlol ochi Stores Irom So, a to 9. \\ e have a large varied assorlnifL Hats, Cap?, BOOTS SHOE Cloths, Cetsinitrts,&e- For Coats, Pants, and Tests. Ttpfl with a beautiful gsssrfasat «f READY-MADE C I.OTBIN All of which will be sold a* VSRY LOW PRICE We also keep a full, complete ftnl HAFDWARE AND CRGCKFRI TABLE AXD POCKXT C TITLE BY Ob' EVERY DKSCKIVriat, GROCERIES* A splendid lot of Rio and Sugar, from common to the fined‘l 13. Tea, Lamps, Keroreae Oil, N CIGARS AMD TOBACCO- TIN WABi In fact, a general assorfrreDt of g 1 suited to the market, both for the Wholesale and Relail Trade. We will put up any greds in l !! f. r Country Merchants at MACON BIUCT" Give us a call. YVe ar® g,, that no house in j gia, sbat undersell us.