The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 16, 1866, Image 2

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fcmnuiL ) . ■ • ■ ' >*. ; ; 18 ■t WMStmwimTii i A.U h:>.*i‘3off Tim follovihir (fpnilmurii are auihwiz' if . reco'vj etui r»-rt‘i(it tur atibfciipiloim aud • lV'iriUinu for thi? n*p*" : Spkuul Ag ;»t.—Rr». Thomas T. l'hii«'l«n. Lchpkui.—K. F. *Kiri**y, It-?. L. J . *ivi a, Lis Cowry -Rot. T iw. !• Sprljlit. Ccriißioir. -ff v. Wmi A r.i-k«, Hauu Mosi v. —Dr. C. 11. Moore. Harms, «* —S'. <\ n .+i. <HnciA«AWa vTcli* v.;—K ». f*. A. CiowcH. Asucniccs, Uv—R o. .1. W. .f.m; m. Fhituvii.i.k, t; > —F. 11. «'*> rw*. Moroa* fix.—Ur. 11. T. ff-n l’h-K. LcFacla, At * —Jo' n V .1 uVi' •>. I'Olfii OVIK Thuse <f our pair iis *hem « e have nceoiptn off tiled by *• wnifii g,” Wul pltac pay their acwinfH a I the rail e t pi »s --b!a day, as we are making atldi'icin* hi ‘1 iaaprovein “ins in our «»*«l*li.-Huj<'Ui which wfil uspme all that in due u«. I'll I'RKUMI. Fires »n Aieania. —It M'l iiia that 1 tero are ft me ir. this g a * fid city, who are determimu that lit citiit i > si.all not f i.-et tie winks of Sherman, AV’.ilo'rg there. Tbiee or four extensive fl «? rrcumii ili ire last we ok, and the newsy p r< of Jut oil) ure apparently ti !fi ,'i‘ot that emb fi.e rcsuitel from iuceudioi'ism. The ii y ai hcTitici arc eiidcavotirg to feiTct out the seoa' drois, ai d it is to be hoped that they will racered. State Pkixiek—We arejl as dto note the good judgement of the L'gisla inre in tl.o rvcle tion of'urcld friend, J. Vl ßurke, as State Printer. lie ir doing the work adioinb y let'or Iban it has been dot e fir many years, and in fl is respect is bound (o give cniiie sut i. faction. However friendly wo m-sy feel toward • urcerspap.r coUtciuporu— tree M the Capital, auil willing to mve .aetn i all 1 gitimate ways, we think the pul/ c intcrc-t and ejnven.i. nee alone c- n‘r.l sunk ma'L rs. Tub Amendment —We are indeed [roud of our Lsgl-Uturr r ii cj their umm.ry d'nposul-of this lt-f.uious doc ument, bit we cro pained to admit, to the ch'.'rr. cc of car V .nsijjbtwuahb, .battlere were two votes ini's f.vnr i. the li 'Li;. Thus! two votes arc te jouuteu for by tl o fact that they wero Low Gilmer end Fannin Cdtrniiot rather too near that whirlpool of vice, over which ihe Devil’s j>icaoLcr and principal Atnciiian c-genf—Brwvofow, ha iofliinou*, teigns, for anything go.J o emanr.t \ Wora they rpared a lar.diel years . a which to do it, it would he a d.tli.ult matter to wipe out the btuiu this action has placed upon their character asp; li :ian;J. Ji t, them go hi me, they have w e eno\',:h for ot o ike-ion; unless ■ . lave u bill prepareil, that will eak white lucu black. l/.iwsox MAMJFACTIiIIlNG CoMPASY. Ti.ij cttubjiclununt is no.v in thor gh working ordoiv and w-a me much .: stifled wiir. the itpjiarentiy goerd ; rr>s;ioct before the company. Ur rti arc being eonstaiitly Idled, from . .oils sections, for all k nds of cust ,s, while the car-building depart iii nt may be considered one of tiie ; rtitulions, cars having already been . ijrob'ised i.f the cornpiany by the S i . llai ioad, and tested with tlio most tishtclory icsults Wo have insiiect* •• i Iho freight cars being maniifae. ur i lat these works, and are sutisfi and at they will compare fjvo.ubly with •y of the fame class cars now being nufaetured in this country, a his establishment is a step in the lit direc ion, and with -other e-vi 'ices of enterpiise on the purl of our iztns, bids us look forward to the .y that Dawson will, to numbered in-mg the uumufacuuiitg cities of tlie outh. Uaiigont Your tiign. During the past month we have ’• sited several different secti ns ol i ■ aiitiy, and have heard our flourish- I p town considerably flaH-red in! ■ cry direction And the nio t prom >snt mention has, in every instance, ecu niede of the thrift aud enterprise splayed by oor citizen • in the sup •Vt cf their newspaper. Every busi ; s man must know that the newspa , r is tiie index lor the inspection of se in other parts of the country, -me-hunters are uttl'aoted tp the ace by the iippeurunoc of the udver ffg columns, and there is no caleu '-Ujg tho amount of business attract ■J to tiie [dace by inducemen s offered . the newspaper*. We must acknowledge that most of f our merchants have heretofore, ;ted with tbe right epir.t in this mat r, but manv seem dinposed to “take their Bigua.” .Are those owning , operty, or doing business in Dawson • spoaed to a'low their interest to euf i-r by bai uwardaess in this particular, » hile the r neighboring town, business ,:.un‘ uud enterprising communities • very where acknowledge, and are tak ■ t’g advantage of printer’* ink ? Our ■ usiness men have the advantage of a ..-•wspuper which is flattered will) the ...ost extensive cireula'ion ot any pa r ;n Ibis whole eection of «uu try, ml we would admonish them to , rnpsrly coubidvr their interest. Tin* Vor!ln-y it (lie* lions. Ivuly iii«[aiehcs from tho N itlnrc elcCiiona ware calculited to ins; in U'pes wldcli latrr dnveliipmOEtj h»n t itully di pcllcd. U’o rg ct that i! must still be said to Hie shaint ts the mtian, that the wrargliug, u isv, bb>oi thirsty, sritionil pnriy -prcporly Kiln ed f!a<liral —siill has ihc asceoda’ct in lbs to thorn etatoj N.l withstanding the nohlo-tiugglc of the New \cik De mocraoy, Ibo abolition scnlimci.t if the nthor Scales has oTcrwlielmed and di<- tr yed all tl.oir rffor.-f fur freedom and ■x Orintiiutionsl (ovnnnnnt Noldi 'id-.* Delaware—God bless her!—stands -diiaty and a), r.o, but nroud'y i reel sui'd ihc universal* glootn. With this rxcepliuii, auJ Maryland, which may now lc considered a nertboru state siitce all power if Sauthcru scniimeut has bciti crushed wrhiu her i> rdeff, the malignant, revengeful, and inrviia in , ous spirit of fiua ical radical ism his uuivcrsnl sway at the North. Hut let tho South stand linn iu th< in itici; nos right, thongli the last vis ionary ruiwaid si-niblance ot it be swept away ly those who disregard it Lot cnslavirg propositi ns coniinuo i<> full at inr fee*. Let tlio last gbo t-ly ti rm of It ’publi no government he done away With; but net or ct the pig s ts hi.-tury le durkenod With a vaiumary action, ou ihu part of iho Soudi, 1 r her'own humiliation, degraduii ji and di.-gl'.cc. Count}' Court*. Aleut * Editor* s As tho, Suhj set of “(J mo v Oou -i,” is nlrgonga thir eugh Us ussion,. will you all.-w me to make a few observation!, founded on expciiiuce. Wo med a tribunal 1 1 m ;rt nut spee dy j tstic, to a class of misde meanors, such as “Siuip'o Lirceay, as saults,” an t eas*s of like uharacter. To throw this Lufiioess on the yup-eriur ('ojrts, with its dockets already filled with theac'U nulation of six years bus ii e-s, would ti;-t g've the Lecossary n lit f, even if ss one suggest* it were to hold quarterly ses-i jns. The Legishitufe at is last sesiion i felt the tefemi y of relieving the Supe rior court, and lienee pas-cd tho act— organised the County eorntp i.uii what ever may be said against it, it ccrtaiu'y. i 3 some counties, Las done s one g md, but in oil cm, it has been a heavy but don on the sbnu'.Jers of the ei’ize ia. For infi tmoe in tho County of Lc. 1 and rstud that tho‘ Superior Courts” have b v'.cd a tax to meet the expenses of iLi; c ur', without any provision of lav authorizing fm li a Kvyj it's c-rtain lyin'cnltd ti be self, ami lam ir.fermid that in many conn is it has actually P' money i.'o the coun ty treasury. 1 Why is ib:* d.ffercnec ? My opinion is that the fault lies at the dxrcf tbe .ludlcial officer. No grjat r mi.-tiko was ever mails by th-3 perp'e, than elec!it.; men as Judges, who kn w noth iug ab iut iaw, tho very thing they wi ro to administer. VVbut is the eonse qnrrco- The Judge mu-t vni. until the lawyers have exhausted the authrr i.i 8, beariagonthe tuljttl—ire he can deeidr the point, iri other words he must leirn the law as he goes. II w to get rid of (h:se so called Judge o , it a question for the Jjegislaturo, and I cm only suggest, that they ab'dish tLc court and from its nsLca build up . better temple of Justice. But Low can we b; t'er ii f There are aevcral things tL is court i mu-t possess as a criminal tribunal, j And first a Gravid Jury— this jury must | not execed twelve cion—and s.coada' traverse jury This need m t exceed j "twelve. As to s'nkos and talis jurors,, this is all stuff—the remains of the comiDDU law pleadings ai.d can easily | bi disposed with. If one cr more *>f the 1 jar* ra arc not competent, by reason of relationship, let his or their vieaoeios; !be filled instanior by the S!.o iff. Next |as to t rial r let it he the duly ts the I Judge to open ltis criminal docket and j i dispose of it, and dLe'iargo the gland ! jury at the earliest praa.ioablc moment, lie m xt will take up the Civil 1) cko', and by the aid of live jurors selected out of the pauol of twelve, let h in pro ceed to and sp 8: cf the civ;, case*; ta.s l think will mateiiail/ reti;ve the people freai the trouble of all going to coer every month, and spending a week at the court house. Hut rocolloct that a ‘-Black Smith’’ j sill make a better batter, than a fanner | or meebanie a judge <f law. I tax ■ 1 ooked or, ‘ympatbized with some judges ' while they attempted to decide between j two mangling lawyers on a subject that i be kcesr nothing about, that too when ; a fellow beings liberty and character were at stake, on the one tide, and 1 wounded justice on ths other, What must have fceeu his feelings w hoa even j the jeering ctowd could gee his situation viz : e r ia»;hw(n the hen, b L tlhe I legislature recollect that the j people complain t f three defects in the j «ct: Ist want of proper qual Gcariocs in the piesidingoffieei. 2nd the heavy burden in sene counties impose! to Bupport the oourt, and 3d the heavy 'jury duty Caret thine and the ru ! tent ion of that body ia organizing the ! court will be carried out, and it will prove i “speely tribunal for the dispo sal of smalt off-.ncts.” I G. TF. Ir. Vonng .Veil and tho Mcflniß* leal Arli. Mtf»rs Editor* : Sirco the abolition of slaviry in the Siuth, Ihc labor sys- Kmamongcs must gradually affiimi litc itself to that which exists in tbo Not tin rn .States, Itca«*ii t he doi.ied that slavery has always bad :t most del eterious i(lct on tl.e iuilus'iial habits ai.d avocation if the youths r four coun try. Manual labor is to a very injur ious extent, under tho swialhan; the sms of the so-called re-peclulde cl. as, fear to loose th-eir social position Ly making meebanti:* of themselves; young ladies would rather cuhivato the acouir plishments which glitter and fa>- cinato at balls and parties, than acquire the tm re *olid and mcritorius and unesfie virtues of their grandmothi rs. Uofor. tui;ii‘cly It, is but too true tb it S. u h ern society is responsible tor this moat public senliiruet, for though men will | talk most pbilcs iphicilly about he dig j nity of labor and all that, yet t hoi) I practice c mapor.ds iu: with theii j proCess-iU. Agriculture, law, and med icine, sir ni t> he tho only me.ns Ly which to attain to socii! respeefal i!i f y There rre foltioos of thought as well as fashions of drat* j to rcvo’u'.ioriiz ■ ei'her, is a vast undertaking, and one wLich cau be cffcjto 1 only by the con curruTf aetbon of the masses, simulated by individual exertions in the right and -n. I’uLlic 6( ruinunt must gradu ally Lo cured of Iho scßUokrs notion ti nt one kind of I (her is more respecta baepfr sc than another, for true respee— Übili y arises solely from forsona! at tributes, from a high sense ofhonoi, and a viituuus and bemest c >u-se of life. I hold that in ar much a* th< 8-iuth ern people will hate to 1 urn this lesson scorn rir lat cr, that it is tho part it true wisdom and patriotism to begin as soon as possible ao entire change in the manner ts bringing up our boys and giiL. AVhilo in the 1 a o;ou days of the post, men could readi'y accumulate a handsome fuituue for their children in a life-time, it may have been a pardona li'c weakness on the part of fathers to d' sire ti provide for their i ft*: ring a lif of ease on a we 1 stock' and ; l inin'ion, or to destine ;bnir sons for the profession of Lawyers or Physic aos, as being thought the only road to dm motion and fame. Hitaiitlie is now clanged— whe'hrr for our blessing or ourbuhiilia ! tion, 'he (utnrc must decide—the country Deeds labor—herculean labor, to raise ii aguin cm*, of the abyss of p. verty into which it, has fallen. The adolescent youth must toil nit only at the rlow, | but at the anvil, tin loom, and all other : meceanieal avocations f r which the I country needs hi borers. I* is truly I p .i'iful foobs l'rn how little ; skill we us, mil that, mostly •fa very ordinary kind. One hoars on all sides comp'aints of the ir.sufficiency, uuskilif ilctsa. and want of reiiahility ot mochauios. We need this competition which pu's down not the wage*, but the incompctcncy of the mechanics. The tend ney of the times points to an Aggregation of numbers in towns and ciiies * every new cit.lz nis cither a m r chant, a lawyer, or a physician, for no other avocation scarcely can got a foot hold or a livtlihntd in town at present To the obe< rvnht man this is not a tigu ot the luaithy industrial pro-prets of tho country. The three avocations up. ken of, though useful in their way, do by no means oontrif ute to tho pro ductive tes uic-’s and prosperi'y of a Si tarn. Ouiy two classes in s ciety cre ate wealth—the farmer and the nucbau k , uud ti" Ft tc is truly wealthy aud iudcpeiidont that has not a populniou pr prt 1 y divided le ween the two. What a contrast is presented by the two B'ate?—Ohio aud Virginia. The pnpnliliori of the latter is mainly agri cn t irai, th»t of the firmer both egri cural and m'chanual; V r„i ia is one of the oldest State of the Union, Ohio is iwe conipnr tvdy young; yet today Ohio is fifty jcaifi in advance of her older sister in mechouioal skill, energy, enterpri'u and we-.t’th. The prosperity i.f the* Northern un i Western Btatcs is mainly duo to the eocourag men* given to the mechanic,.who 'here ti .(is every j where an ample li.dd for his skill and ! energy. It is no light etimu'us to him i that tie biiugs up his family in n re spectald ■, though net tile higl os', sphere of society j and bo has betoro him the a’t aetive example of very many men, ouee mechanics and poor live him -il*', who by .their own energy have risen io ho head of vast man* aeturing es tablishment. To open such a f wtunc to (he South ■rn youth and Southdn mechanic, all that is necessary is lo e'evale the Me chanic in the social ecale, and mat young men cast aside all morbid pride, end u e vigorously for tin ir own and t' eir cnun'iyV good the nerve and mus cle God lias le-towed upon him. It is a sound maxim, respect your-clf, und others will learn to respect you. At all eve its, I should consider tlio lot of an honest skil ful mechanic, whose r-err ic< 8 are always in demand and well p id fr, far preferable to the weary, hope-des troying life which the young lawyer or and dor must otlen drag out, until suc cess smiles upon him, aud then perhaps until after all power of cuj ij mcut is fled 1 have spnkoo of what I oonceive to be the prin opal objection young ' nion fallowing a mechanical avocation, mmclv— false pride. This i* not how ever tn <K:ly drawback with the®.— Ai> impedeuici.t ia her le s difficult to overcome, is the g nc-r.l desire to get alot g with as little labsr as prgsible, and then, when the task is once begun, to ohange to something else. It is uu dtn tblo that we 8( ldom observe young men stick long to anything, whether as student* clerks, planters <*r in *oy other ! pursuit, though it is eti lent that with | out extraordinary persevcrcnce no man ran ever become a successful mechaniio or rxoi l in uiiytliug ebo. This very general trait, some attrib ute to the climate, 1 should rather ai sign the cause of it, to a defective tiain ing in early Inylo and. And if this again is attributable to slavery, then the Country will le amply repaid hr is l 'sscs, by obtaining imtead, u race < ( toy- now growing up, and • thi*a * et tn lie Lorn, who will tie brought up to hati's of it, du try and unr doling energy —a blessing to themscives and t oil posteri'y. Al.rtlA Dauson Nor. 12, 1880. From The N ,s mile ti n. ,r. Nov. 12-h. A not tier IfairiitK Kailroiid tiuhbery. Tlirc Tar* '■ liiuwn Itinvii an t.*iil>:iaksil<'*it it ii vii. <l. Ihisscuticr* l'liiiiilored by A rul ed ami Di.guiM'd Hiifiians. Another bold aud during sully tins boon made by the booted,, anil belted rt.lli ans Who have s > long in to ld the line of the Louisville and Nash ville llailioed. At about two o’clock ycs'erd.y morning, the Nashvdie bound passenger ttaio wav thrown from the truck six miles Dortb of Franklin, Ky . and n second-class passenger car burnt to ashes, the moves having been opim in the rapid d(»ocot and t eavy coucu.-- sion. Tbolocmi live was turned over three times, and tl.e i xptesr ear wa tt* row o straight down tlio cnbaoKcu.eut thaei and ro-ting (li the truck, aud tliu baggnpe car piled upon it. Tiie ■'batiuoli. Ds on tliS track were nboni throe buudrul yards apart, and were f< prticd by bars of rui.ioad iron, pn-j eting trom tlio cross tics towa-d tho approaching ung ne Fence rails were also piled on the track. Ohs rco iiohs wcie also placed in the rear 1. 1 the train after it bad passe 4 , so that there could be no e-capo to ihi d.omcd trail even if it should be hacked up. The o 'giuecr Jas. L 8 ( Wart, siw the danger when very close upon it, aud gallantly s'ood lo nis |> s l , reversing theeogi ie and so hreasing tne force of the concussion at to save the lift* of every passenger, though he did it at the if his two. He was badly bruised, and a number of oil ers were more or less irjurrel, but not a single life was lost. Tho ti cnian jumped from tho et g’ne escaping nthurt, and the h. o r s ot ■be robbers Imrsci almost touche! him, as be lay hidden wlim the troop passed Inm on the way from the scene of their depradrt’ons. Thosbejrirg coach and the ladies car remained on the track, the si upv passengciH s*pp. sing that bey bid si lived at another stalim, when the sudd u itopyage was made. r J ha conductor, Mr. Charles llicc, went fi rward 1 1 le r . the cau.-e, nd did not. remain lo ig iu ignorance. He was called upon to bait, end in a moment was suit mned by ad z n o*' in. re burly ruffians with blackened faces, armed id ib; teeth and apparently on aome des perate errand, lie managed to effect his ec.i;e however and was soon in Franklin, where be telegraphed the no va il the tcriitlc cctumnce back to Louisville. An ii dividual wh.oro cn io.-ity va somewhat (xeiicd, thrust hi* h od out of ill' window, but Lastly wiitidrcwit, a bullet whizzing dote to his attentive auricuk r. Another man wl o h- and stepped outou the platform, was compelled to retire to tiler mu io ol whistling le.d. 'The ruffians making a cicer<' no of the baggage-uiaster,eaiue to ihe sleeping ear, and with drawn pistol-, and maudid the iniineriiite surrender'! every *vonp ii iu the car. Few of the passengers b-ing armed however, only oue or iWo tevolvers were given up. f*’ouio of the pt-8 ngeis w r; still ;i-)o [>, aid one yuig man was s< z o aud robbed jus* a.- h; was and n - his berlh. Odtcrs had j i-i t.een di - cussing the robbery if iuc p y train, wuich oecuirida sho t time hgo, 1t h; dreaming ot the similar fate tL .t awai> td tin m. 'The r. hhers weie very boisfetoa?, though apparently unu-od to th-ie bu siness, and au much fiighnn and as their victims. All butene, a tail, slim man, we re di guisi and, tbeir ugly, villainous ookiug faces being il orutighly blacken ed wit h oh rireoal or se m ; * lk . sob teiici . They had on sj us, w. re their p.ntloous inside thiir h n.ts, and 1 used fierce geuoia’lv, with tjo ii-truiion iin and .übf, of at once striking t -r or t < ho hearts of their lIL m.i ;• c, unaiund victims. The precise number of the maraud ing pa.ty is not known Only leu o twelve were scon. The leader was .* large man, weigh ing perhaps 200 pounds, a l l >od red nimlorter girdling at Li. was* aud dangling at his side, lie rather kept. f, h„wever, aLd not much was scea of him. The man who took the pocket-books was a little fel ow, two of tbo robbers at his aide cuf:re,Dg his demands by plac ing the muzzles of their p B’ois at the heads of those who seemed at all dispos ed to withheld their currency and val uables, I‘lacing tl exselves at the car d'or after they had taken up their collection, iney made the unfortunate passengers tile into tbe next C( a.h, ketqing them covered by deadly weapons, aud taking caro that none should jump from the platforme and escape. Tuey ibeii Wout through tie vacated i ear and packed up s tale ariiclas of cloth, i ig, while 8-arcbiug for concealed mon i These proceedings lasted about fif i t- «n tuiDutes, and by this time the cx , prissearwas iu flames aud raj idly crum bling into ashes, much to iho cbagiiu j of the sablo b indi s, who, in hastening up the embankment to secure the pas se gars, had ucglceted to Kok to the i Inl.u iron safe Had iis trcuturc. Going to ths baggage car, they secur ed a uum'.cr of vn i-es, shouting, a* they lift the ill starred pamngera, that the Gist man who stepped out upon ti e |ditform of their temporary (ri.ion should die fer Lii tenurity. They then ia the woods, from whence they had cane, the light f> ooi the brining etr revealed their dark forms as tboy flitted away to the shel ter of the gloomy fore«t, raw and then I cooking laik upon the dost rue ion they bid wrought. Up rolled the lnight flames, throw inifia-s of dun i*g light far down ul mg iho I ruck, as if inti ing swift jus 'ire to the fi- cing do- perad ic-Jsi and wcl ocflling tbo little hand of ilotcimined non who were to h'S’iti to tl.e rescu< a* sicn ns tho tidings rhould inch them. The robbers having fl and, the pnssen ?crs siicccdi and in securing the remain ing contents if the baggage ear befori it was (o isnined. M my > f the passettgera povi and ron-id abl bv stowing money *»nd valuables in th. ir I oils and "thi r | laces, ihj burri ul search being by no uieai a a tbor oupti one. The laiii s wero not molested, and only tl o occupants of the sleeping car w re fitva icui ly di-tii l ed. TI e 10-s ot toe L• ■ uis* ill ti Nashville railroad ! v tha dcsiruciion ot ih" enaioe and threi e rs tscsllmatid at from f25, 000 t., 080.000. Jiv ry thinv in the express car was burned, - (tnlv thea'hcs.f the green- Im-ltn In ihes'a'c safe wire to he seen upon ojeniiig i*. It is said that there fit 1 been and» pu-iu and i'i it B'if) 000. Gram) l.udgc ituighlsuf Jcri • 1(0. A mcatin-g of the Otatid Lodge of this order has just, closed at Weston, tea. The in. ,ti <f j i suid to have been v«;y intercstiug .nd highly e coura t i 'g to all advocauaof temperance. '1 lie organ zaliin was (ficcied by the clcc timi of the f. Mowing list of illiecrs: (i W. Chief, V. H. Moore, Weston Ga. G W. V. Chief, G. N. Patterson Americas, Ga. D opt. G. Chiefs, TL J. Head—A mm c m, Ga , J. \V. F. Lowery—Weston. (>a , It F. 8 ninions—Dawson, Ga . Pa-t Chi;f, J. V. Price—Auieii euu ti .. G.W. li cord r, D. Cieghorn— Americus, G*. G. W. T ,J. 11. lila. k—Suuiptcr Cos , Ga. G. W. Chaplain, li.v. T. T. Chri - tian—Dawsii-i, Ga. G. W. M, T. \V. Linlese—D.iwion G. \V. 11., T. M Hyde—America , Ga G. W. Guard, W A. Loylc»s—Daw son. Ga. (r. W. 8., IL Wi son—Mineral Spi ing“, G i. F r Cha.'!er«, Odes, c-tc., n.1.1-c s G. NV. Chief—Dawson, Ga , or G. W. Kecorder, Am riens, Ga. There will be another mceti gat, Min cial S rings, 6* unit t< rC 1 , Ga., on the first Wednesday io F'. hruary nex'. A Flint LA UAIIOA, lio Ckttrlct* J JailcihS, Guvcnor <j' Grvrrjict. Extevn vi. Dti’Aiu aik.nt, 1 Mdolgtv lle, lilili Nov 18GG. y Ti e G ucrai A«seml4y of the S ate of Ge ag'ii, now in ses-. • n, ha * *. as th. ir first c n.i Icte a< t of legielotion, unani •nooslj r> solv and as fallows ; \N Httuis, It h. hooves all men to ■ickuow mice iheir dependence upon the Suoreuic Ku'cr of the Ut.ivcpse, to he mindful ts His provided. e«, to return thanks f. r His li.rcii sand thrsngs, to Confess thiir sii s, ai.d to imp- rtttw Hi- favor, 'I lien tore, rfesohtil. ly the General Asrrmldy of the State of (leonjia, l: * r His Ex— ««!«n*y 'he O vet a; issue his l'r elam *ti it, sd i ir a,.sit Tburduy the 22d i is' as a day nf fasmg, humiliation nl prawr, ivq'i-s'i: g the same io le so id's red ly I!.c p oph of I L is . N \V, li rifore, 1, U’!iari> « J J c i kn s (I vii.'ii' 1 ;i 1 Sts.', Ly inv jr c .mato i.c li upon the w oe P op'e ol G- i igia, nolle and 1. mule, eld and yo iog, el-igyai.d laity. t(r give ri rtn st h-ed to ili , ► L., n mvi cation of t*.. ir Ltw G vers. O i ire day i jq. 'olcd, Ir* the nriii nary aV' C ill -ii- f-life he Mj* pended— let. places of b sinc-s and if plea rue hi cl i. e 1 let ihc temp! ■of the living (L and Le ( pcne l let ail the r-t oide sur round ibe all; is whore If ev are wm to win.-! ip; ad It llu P ii sis lead iho r hi arts m and mir ds n pi us hwail— iati n, ?c?entente, ih uksaivifus and su; p... ai ii 'l b, r- is oiii'C for nl! If. rcnio.O' s, (leei Vances and eeive man, hut "(.ni. is not mi emu.' 1 Lot tin re i c hi an. ami s, ul iu the serve sos the ca . Lit the poor and lim destitute be ri rn mbc »l in cor pr yarn—a and iu the y.-ar f llo.tiog, let him that ha'h, prove nissiuccrny ty the log uess of ii- alms For sinning not. sgiinst Pharj-oh, hot agamsr GOIX Ira I of old, wander'd f ity years in the Wilrferne-s. In the Wilderness are wj now, Fellow-citizens. Our Corn and our Oil have failed ot their ahundun e—' ur fl mks our beards are diminished. The cry of want is heard in ettr land—die manna anrftlie quails come net yet. Hut the thtone ol Goo i- the Mercy-’ i It s light angle, He will gre.i t us ddivcrsn’e and plenty. Cham.eb .J. .Jr SKI s, G' Vi i or o’ Georgia. The S'ato tix if Massachusetts for the present yeir i- three millions of dollars. That an.out t lias nev« r been surpassed or even equalled except in the tear 18(iO when the tax was four mil.ion seven hundred thousand. MAUKIIiW. In this City, on the evening of the Bth inst., st the residence of the bride’s Father, by Rt. lhr>». T. Christian, Mr. Owes P., and Miss. Jessie Oianssuy, all of ibis place. Tile Printer’s fee has been mn-t generous ly reinembered. May fortune smi’e—’rue love increiF*— lloprs fairest ne’er be b ighted— Death only solve the lie to be In u -aven reu-ii'cd. In Dawson, on the 14th inst., at the reside nee of ibe bride’s la her by Her. Thon T. Chris tian. Mr. T. W. Loyless and Miss. ii. S. Alde hoff. all ol ttiis City* In Dawson, on the 14lh inst., at tho resi dence ot Dr.»e ter, by Rev. T. 15. Langley, Mr. 11. U. Hood and Miss. Amanda Lassiter, all of this City. .♦ /. Ff * .It) l *i;/. JiSi .TfI’.VJS. To ( otitiii raclin s. A larpe lor c»f Rapp, and A-row Tie’s just i ect ivthJ hihl nlp hi SM Alii’ Ac HIIOWNS and it OP.U, lIIHIWN Ac CIVS, SAI/i'! SAIT! \C n- load of Stir, very cheap, just rociev. ed aud ior sale "t BH.VRP Ac I>ROWN'S or at OUR, liIIOWX Ac COS., novlf^rf’ A fSt FAMILY GABrWCE FOR iALL I W-lI.Ia mAii btn ,mt Court Iloueedoo. in D.iA'O.i, on *ltt‘ iFr-j, in D-evinbo r r il not fold it privAtc s»lr b tore, h line Cat lingo uud 11artiCjS 4 . J. U. cum. Nov. s*2'lt Bf. to oiatH'M: BY THE NEXT TRAIN | | A/ k/J I* AI KUdOF Fio b Garden 1 \/u Seed, ga'heted ’lie present of all kind*, fi'dish /?uiß, Till])!pa, Beni S, Peap, Onion tSr'f and Bu 1 - t *ns, Ace., &*•., Anything in way of Gi h« ed, tiiat you may need. Korn* uiber tbo p i THE REI) DlitO-STOKE. novl6- f tFmek chants! \\ ' E have iu pioie oi.e of the h.reekt V r Blocks of OroceMea ever brought io litis marke*. nod are cfleiiug them on such lent sa* vrl induee; io puichaiw troiu in iu pielienci; iu Noriheiu noukeis.. We have in siore .uni ure dai'y leceiving, Baiion, bides and shoulders, Hams, Canvas , udpla n, Bulk sides. Sugars Ali uud C, Crush'd and Powdered. Coffee, l.ard, Leaf, like. OUO llarre-ls Flour, fcjoda, Potash, Lye. Can’d Oys'ers uud L./bsters. bturcb, Candles, Crackeis. Pota oes, Onions, boap C.indies, Kaisins, Nus, Pickles dOU Boxes tobacco Wooden ware, Buckets, 'l’uls f.c. CoUff.-b, Mackerel, liluitisb. N. w Fork blalu uud Dairy Cntise. 880 Backs V urn. Hope, Bagging, Iron tics. Barrel aud Case Liquors, .Ve.ekc. Ait ot which we offer lor Cash. KEI'.HOI K,JOII.\XO.H A Cos., Coreer Ciieiiy unit Triad b leeis. JI.K O.V 6.1., ! Jis-. ?flYMOtlii, !!. T. JvUXSeiX, A. K. 1 I.S.SLLY la,? I it -t:. f G KEAT . V rtlC H SALE! ON TIIE rOPUEAK ONE PIIICE PLAN, I (iivitfg t vtTy Patron a Uatulsosit aud ht.table IVatcii Tor ike Io»v l of lea i>o lars 1 | Wilhoiil Regard to Value. Aud not to he J'aid Jor union perjut/y tSaiiiJacUnoj 1 lc*o Solid Gold lluiu’ng VV atcfifcS to | lnU Altigic CrfScti Gold VVtticbts iiuo lo dtHi liu Ludieft’ U a cfroß, E tan yilod ino to £uu 2un Gold lluiiiu g Ctmjnuu.eitr WmLc..Oa i 2MI lo SOW 2on Gold linn lit g English Lever* 2nd to 251> ouO (iolu iJupl« x VV mclms lon to 2i»v liuitJ LlUitUi.g Amei. Wnicbto IMJ(O*2.iO 5' i) Silver iiuhu g L**vt*r» 5o io loi) , [tiM lluom g Implext a 75 <o vso st’U Gold Lioio’ V\ rtict ea to 20«i I,'OOGoiti L pint* 60 io7o I,UOU Mi.-ccJl turotib M.vei Watcl ft- 5o«o lno 2,50 u lluutii g Silver W niches 25 io 6u 5,000 AatOUcd v\ atcbcS all kinds lo Lo 75 iw Every patron obtains a Watch by thin airuiigeinenr, cob ii-g bu while ii may be worth $73-0 N«» pa ti»lii v shown. Mi Bins J HICK LING Ac C-U , 143 wa», New V'ork Guv wisi. to umjc-diutely Un- p<B: ol lilt} above »u<t^ Sioch. Oer— utic.tUiS, laming Ute ai ntlea, ure plnct-d in Beuh*»i etivt-iopt*B, ui-ti well mixed, l older are eoiitled to otr cr aticles named on flteir c-t iriciile, upon |»t \»n •i• L o! IV» B.d win taer il, be a Watch wo*ih |lr©o or om wiMlit UtJ». Hie lelUtn ol any ot our eeriit* oalea entiiL-s vau to the ar ide uatutti iliett ou, upon p. ytm lit, irrrspt c: wof it- wiuth. dad as i*o af title valued leffi (hai. fldia Mam ed on un? certificate, it will at once be Scei th t tine id JS'o Lottery , hut a Hr a igh(~f*r ward hyi ti nt uU Irtiunt Ction, yshicti uwy he ya lu i pitted in ert u by the utoal J’tisl dioUA J A Miugle CVr'iticile will be hci i bv i a'l, post p * id, upon tec p’ of 25 cent*., fi/e lot 5=J, cloven lor tlnrt' -three and t*l« , gaiit p:cudttin tor $5, B xtV'Six »tn 1 more v luibU pien.iu n tor sl»\ one butidred ar.d iimm perb Watcli ior sls. lo Agtyil* or iho§»» wialii' g eniplovm• id ti»B is a rare op; or uni tv. l< is a I.Ki'i nately conducted business duly aurhorix’d bv the Government, *nd opeo to tii** most cartful tetutiuy. Try us ! A thi rout J. Hlf KLl\(il it to.. novl6 3m 14‘J liroadwdjr, N. w Yo W. s I IKTIMtYMH Tit •el TO MIS S*lM. Ml I NUKltan o dci bom the Couu ol Oidi na'vy of Terre-11 G’lMiiuy, will b*? fold be lore Be Court House Door, iu the town ot Daw son, on the fbat Tuesday in January next-;., lots of land No. 20$ and 209 in the 18 h dis , of Wtlwfer count , and paitaof lo 8 No 2 und 3, in I lie 17 tli D «t-, o! Terrell County, and No 240 io fti'i county, district not recoiled ed, but adjoining tbe above named lauds making in all 730 acres, and lies on Bear Creek and a lj ritiitig' the laud**, »Dd near the mills of W. J Darker, etc., Also 425 acres known as the hummock place, wkh ttie excep tion of th»* widow’s dower, sold as the prop pity of Dutiiel Liwhon deceased, sold for the benefit oi tbe creditors of said estate. Ter id* oil d.iy of Buie. D. F. LAVVUON, novl6 Admu’r. I'esyoiicil Sheriff male. WILL be sold before the Court Douse Door, in 3 arksviile Lee County, on ihe fiist Tues day in December neat the following property to wit: Bay Dorse, two Mole-, one hue Whirl Wind Coil one and a halt years old, oue yoke Oxeua and thirty six hoad of hogs as the properly of James A. Taylor, Hugh W HiiSn lrus and J.A. Davies in favor ol Mellon C. B ill. Property pointed out by do feudal ts. Pi fa i.-tui and licm Doughetv r. m- Annual Session. JaMJSSG. McKJNNON. uovl6 Sh’ff. EXECUTOiVS S.tEE. WILL be sold before the Court Bouse Dour in the town ot Dawson, on die brsi Tuesday ill January next, lot ofland No. 130, iu the la h dirt. ic'., ot originally L r, now Terrell County, belonging io the estate ol Will s Mardi , ,i. ee.-rd, sold for ihe benefii ut the hen sot said and cea-esj. Th' J 'he l--h ol Nov. ltJ6ti. dAti. IV. WILKISaOX. _ novlt) ir .tu.’l l.viti Tlt.t TO tvs S.tLE. ON the first Tuesday in Januiry nexi, wdi be sold tieloiu the Ooari UooSe Door, in D w- S m T.-ir.-il County, within the lawful houi» nt sale, eutjeCt toidower s. two lots of land in the ll'h dis rid* ot of said C m t>, Nos. sis v three (S3) and seventy-six (76), sold as die pioperty ol Joseph 1’ Terrell, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud ctodiiors of said deceased. Terms Cash. L. 0. 1101 L. doc 18 Adm’r. w. i mu can. um AND FLOUR € @ B It. Tam constantly reecivirg » Isige shipment of COHN, and ca» J CASH OKDKHStbat may be t ff, r, and rt the I.ovest Market Prico. j B A C O N T . j 25 ca-ks Clear SIDES, J 25 do C. 1C SIDES, 1 25 cio prime SHOULDERS, jfl 5 do el o : ce Sugar Cured HAMS, etc.., etc. * I am receiving fresh supplies of lb sartielu almost daily, nd- can malfl the iutetest of Luvcrs, to call cn n e. R W. A. UUFF. I FLOUR. 1 100 harre’s good Superfin'*. 9 100 do do Ext*. a lUO dc Ch' i e Family. ■ SALT r 8 ALT I 500 barrels VIRGINIA SALT. 250 .'acks LIVEHI OOL «*o For Sale hy W. A. m i F TTA.Y, HAY. HAY, I FSO bale* of Prime lIATT. | Fir sale by j W. A. lIUFF. I OATS, OATS, * 500 s-.cks SEED OATS, I For sale, bv 9 VT. A lil’FF. I SKT7 I > Il YE. ] 300 Iu oh SEED HYK fl lZ“' th ,V. A ucrrl SEED WHEAT. I 500 bu La's SEED WHEAT I F ° r A. HUFF. I BAG O IlsTGf and ROPT’I All Cash orders for BAGGING and ROPK, promptly y'H CAS CASH’ 1 Another Hint To The Aly Terms -A-i-e CASH. s *f ,c ® «< : fl to convince No Order, wll be hufiored W Cash, or a g *od KUaran'e- that it. wdi be roady when 0 ; B iu , rl d„y xcovl tmsmer, and three dny* n utterly out oj tne Q ■ tcUh many men amouuU to AV ear. jjR CASH, GEKTLIMIj t'AS!l«*Pay for your Goods, g ct m ( heap, and save your money. ,■ W. S- H l * nov 5 4t I