The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 30, 1866, Image 3

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nWSO.NJOUUNU. S«1. MOT. w, tm i A MIN. JOI! MWW*®> j“ t r“* ived ■ nt,w mu! other material, 've would [ h'ilU- tliut we are fully pro ixocute all kinds of job ? 'Jsucli as labels, letter heads, ,i!] s , posters, programme*, cir ete , in the best style, at short and at MACON TRICES. number of oatuis on our subterip _ ’ are marked paid for a ah' i ter .'lod lhan or o year. Those who wi h : ls papers conliuued will please noli- I L M of tLe faot at once, remitting the ! nut for any further time it is de j •Tbe Cur rs Still They C me.”— fenvan customers, to the cheap store | Uestera & Colley. Their last “rein neewciM’ in ibo staple and fancy dry w dsiinc was huge, aud they are going ipidly. Now is the time to get whut n want, and at low prices. Gsity’s Lady’s B>ck, for December a been received, and still maintains (position as the the very fiist of its iSi of publications. Its engravings, (] fashion plates aro suberb, and its ding matter, as usual, is very fine. For Hots and Girls —We have ttived fro n Frank Leslie’s publish ,b us-, New York, thu best publiea tjre have lately seen for boys and ;j. It is entu't'iirdcg, and in'truet '.ir.d every family should have ‘‘Frank . I> 'V- & Girls \Y 1 1 !ft Them Come !. all tbo dif ,o( ailiogs that fl sh is luir to cinio that is as long as Dr. Cheatham keeps -ipp'ied with that nr >st excellent tiiian brandy.’Tf you are too young, i.-tl.i" braudy—it will mike a man y.u. ls old, it makes ym young sin, 1 is deed dly a “groat insiitu anlis bound to become popular icrever test'd. See the advertisc ;ut io asotber column. Nut Dsbmc. —Wo were relieved of ■: ,;s apprehension for the junior 'this paper vest rday—he entering e sanctum with a bottle under h s m-on learning that it was on'y ihti Griffin's way of ’etting people mv where the fiaest Liquors may he tri I. Tt was splendid old Cognac— specimen ot the huge stock of Liq pjust received at Hesters & Coi l's "tore. A mere sme'l of it made [jubilant for half an hoor. At this tie may also be found the purest il best I’each Brandy, Jamaica tm, Holland (Jin, and Old Bourbon *•> kt r " ’ ('mar Quk>tion. — Ab s affine ' *rr presented to our Junior yrster-j fYiiy atu wered our querry of last b, n« to the tthorreb’uts of good ei- j "i t'lvrson. After testing, we are ■ ' anuonnee to the smoking pub- I : J aitirde cm le found at j re of Dr. J. L. I). Perry- j os 7):pot Street—together wi h ( rt:o:o usut.lly found in a first class : •g S’, re. tr:,TT’s Monthly, f, r November, has ; n received; and shews a degree of "• cement, that is likely to make it and at,y like publication in this conn j Tt is the only work of the kind in Southern States, nod certainly de-1 the great success which Las so far tided it. iri'Eßiou Court.—This body has t in session the present wc<k ledge J. T. Clarke presi eliDg, with s nal tact for dispatching business, m L >cket we hero is not very heavy ; bus tess will probably ha wound | r the p*csent term by this day— The lar is ably repressuted ■tall the rutmundingcounties. ■• Affray—A very unfortu ■ affray occurred ■ > our ptreet“ on by lat, which resu’ted in the kill-' U C. Martin, of Dover, in this ■ It f-trrns that a difficulty bad ■ lin the forenoon of that day, ■ n several persons participated ; ■ w - jvnovved ia the afternoon, | i'ie deceased and Mr. W. ' B', r , f„ ri ig|l;» of Griffin, Ga , ■ rt doing bm'iness lor Moses ' H twin, of t'.iis place. Not being B ' tiiass, and having bat! the 't mccs of the killing, nres°Etcd : : my difTtseut phases, wo j ~ an extended account ot .the | ,l,!liri ; and can only petite that. ■ ' ■ 1 being arrin'd »ith a re-j ■'o had gone to tlio store, where ■ •••-wer staid—and who, also was ~ :;l las er some parleying and ■' ■ "'ordv, was shot by the latter 'nil taking effect immediately B ; (:( >llar-hone, and,causing bis 1 a few minutes afterward. Ca ' e underwent a preliminary - * a>n on Wednesday; and was B'' 1 ";' 1 tu 'be next term of the Su- o Drewer giving bond in nr f §5,000 for his appearance ■ 4, tmn. ■ • B« N r at,:, "‘ z tVurier says 10 000 ave been hurried there siDce Watch out ! —There is a dangerous place on Depot street, for these who have money they arc disposed to hold on to. Wo mean the storo of E. B. Loyleas, where wd have inspected one of tho hrg" cat and most varied stock of goods ev. 1 cr displayed in Dswson or neighboring markets Fine dress goeds, furnishing goods generally for ladies and gentle rn. n, saddlos harness, buggies, rocka ways, boots and shies, end in faot, any thing you can call for, is to be Lund at I.oyless’ Store. Ilis stock of ready made clothing is superb, and the la dies can fit themselves to ready made under clotbing. The danger speken of, is that goods ars sold to cheap, that it is difficult to I keep fiom buying. Even Editors go j their “broke,’ aud leave with “sme ! tbing nice.” lie also has a fine assortment of fan cy articles, and Italian head-work suita ! table for holiday gifts etc. Practical Phrenology.—Profcsor I. N Davis of Newnan Gn., is now in our city, ami will remain for a few davsj in order to give our citizens the benefit, of bis long experience and proficiency in this most important science. Being throughly accomplished in ll e science be makes use of the samo to secure a living for himself and family, who are entirely dependant on bis exertions for a support. Mr. Davis comes highly recommended, and being known to ma ny ot our cit’zers, we bespeak for him, that display tl liberality, tint is eer tainly deserved. Those who desire a knowledge of the natural bias, as manifested in their Crannologioal developments, aro urged to g've him a call. He may bo found at Capt. Jones ofiice in the Court House His charges are so very moderate, that none can be held back on that at count. A Pleasant Evening —We are in dehtel tothe hospitality of the o and deservedly popular President of An drew Female College, Cuthb it, Ga., for the most pleasan'ly spent evening that it has been our lot to enjoy (away j from our loved ones in many a day. To | begin with, wte were conduoted to the I spacious, well-ad pled dining-room— : where, together with a few friends be side the college coips, we partook rfour favori e viands, rendered the more ac ceptable by the meteoric glace sot nu j merous brilliantly intelligent paits of eyes. After which, we were most pleasantly entertained for an agreeable 1 season by our genial host, Lis charming i lady, and a portion of bis professional 1 c irp s. And here wo must say, wo have never seen institutions, r s any character, | mere thetoughly iD working order. Ev- I cry branch of learning is represented I by a degree of talent that must insure the thorough accomplishment of stu ; dents. Tlirro are at present about sixty.five students, end the friembof the institu tian expect to see tho number and übled the next year; and we see no reason why it should not. The same induce ments as to health, educational advan tages, and non-sectarianism, are not of fe ed elscwl err in this feelum. The down passenger train from Ma- C'ui, duo here at 3p. m , was detained on Wednesday till 9 o’clock, p. m., by tbo breaking down of the Albany freight t rain near Macm. Dawsim ('linn Current. Corrected Weekly by W. F. OUR. Gold, 35 a 40 S 1ver,.... 30 Prints 18 a25 Ginghms 50 a 60 Lard 20a25 (>snaburgs2B a 30 Bacon, ...25 aBO 00rn,..l 50a 1 75 Tea 1 50*2 60 Coffee, 83i 40 Candy,.. .50 a75 Cheese,... ,30a40 Salt, l G! iss t) a 11 Butter.... 25a 80 Eggs,... 15a 25 Beeswax,.ls a 20 Tallow,.. 12* a 15 Snuff,.. 1 OOal 50 Nails, ...12 Shot,... .20 Powder,. .60 a 75 Cotton,. 23 i 26 DeL%iucs, 35 a 50 Lancaster, 40 a 45 Sheeting 26 a 28 Factory Yarn?, 2 75a300 Coats’ Thread, 1 25a 1 50 Kx. Fam. Flour,ls a2O Superfine, 13 a 16 Rice, 15 a 18 Sugir, Brown,. .20 a25 Coffee Sugar, ...25 Syrup, cane,... .65 a75 “ Bovghum.4o a 50 Bagging, Kom’y, 40 a 45 “ Guuuv, 45 a Ropp, '..25 a Candles, Star,. ..85 a 50 Dried Fiuit,... .10 als Tobacco, 50 al 25 Soap, turp’iitice. 20 a 25 Whiskey 3 00 a 5 00 Coperas, 10 a 15 are outhorized to announce the name of S. WISE. PARKER, for Solicitor General for the Pataula Circuit, Election first Wedne day in January next. nov2-td Errors of Youth. V GENTLEMAN who suffered for rears from Nervou? Debility, Prema'ure De cay, and all the effects ot youthful indiscre tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the receipt and directions for in iking the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Suffereri wishing to profit bv the advert'ser’s experience, can do 60 by adds easing, in, perfect confidence, JOHN 3. OGDEN, no’T2*3m No. 42 Cedar St., New York. Southwestern Railroad. WM. *;OLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Sup Leaves 23, AM ; arrives at Eu huda 6 18, P M j Leaves Eufaula 5 10, A M ; Arrives at Macon 4 10, P M. ALBANY BRANCH. Leave® Smlrhville 2 4fc\ P M ; Arrives at Albany 3 34, P M ; Leaves Albany 7 30, A M; Arrives at Sruithville 9 00, A M. / i EOKGIA, Calhoun County. VJC Whereas Jesse 11. Griffin applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of William Ad mis, Notice is hereby given to all concerned, to be and appear at mv office witl.ih the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any there be why said letters should not b* granted. G ven under my hand and official e : gna~ ; ture this Nov. 9tb, 1866. nov6th 1866. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord. R‘ W. CUBRKDGK.O. A. CALDWELL. W. MAZLEItrItS. CUBBSDGE CALCWELL & CO. BANKERS. econd Stieet, Jtiacon , Get. Stocks, Bonds, uncurrcnt funds, coio, sterling and domestic exchange bouught and sold— | depof-its received monies invested as parties may direct. Collec tions made and promptly remitted. AniioßizKi) References— Nat. Rank Rc public, N. Y ; 3d Nat. Bank, Nashville, Tenn. First N it.B. ink, Charleston, 8. 0.; Savannah National Bank; Atlanta Nat. B ink, Atlanta, Ga ; Josiah Mortis, Banker, Montgomery, Ala.; John Caldwell, Columbia, South Car olina. julyl3,f>m First National Bank of Mtcon. SIGHT and time bills on various points pur chased at all tunes. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to any good Northern or European houses. v ollectior.s made and promptly remitted for. We shall keep supplied so far as possible with New York Exchauge, which will be sold at the lowest rates charged in other cit es of the State. W. W. WRIGLY, Cashier. I. C. PL \NT, President. Pi rectors : IL L Jewett, Win. T. Li ht foo*, E. Johnston W. 11. Rose, Win. B. Dius niore, 11. B. Plant. I. V. B*I,•M.YT. WILL continue business at his old office, and will make investments for parties as they mav direct. lie will also purchase and sell Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Hanks Notes, Seven per e*nt. Stateof Georgia Bonds—new issue—and Uni ted States Revenue stamp —all denomination, lors sale here at tar. He will make liberal advances until good sale can be made, charging & small commission for the same. j. rani IIAS NEW YORK! BROUGHT HOME DRUGS, I‘AINTS, DLLS, VARNISHES, DYES, Patent Medici ties, Perfumery, WINES, <fcC., A8 cheap as in New York with Freights added. Our articles arc not only Cheap, but are Pure and Good, anti we are offering great ‘ bargains because we bought our goods for (-ash, and laid iu our Stock ot (he time Gold - was 25 per cent. We also are^undor chs:ae» hunts, WHICH MAKES CHEAP GOODS, And if you want great bargairs, you shall have the advantage of our Low Pure* lie ( aiiuot be Hitlers old. Babbits Potash, sll 74J pvr case. Pl antation Bitter-, sll 74J per ia-e. Spirits Turpentine, SRe, per gallon. Concentrated Lve, Alt) per case, (4 dozen.) Blue Stone, ltip coots. Coal Oil, Bfie. per jrallon. These arc a few of our published ( rices at wholesale, but give us a call, and in luge • quantities we may do b’tier. J, H ZSiLIN & CO’S., Opposite Telegraph Printing Office, is the place to get Great Bargains Remember The Great The ONI SlaudarttFramo ilnig; Store, Corner tTierry und Scroll<l St’s. Brushes of (Vart, Ivory, Rose and Ruin VVoqd. Too’ll brushes that, the II lir don’t t ome out. Pouiades, Soajis, St aving B-ushes, Wines, I.iquorp, Toilet Setts, Hair Oils, Colognes, Lubitis Extracs. All tiom ENGLAND AND FRANCE of <»ur own im;)Ortat»on. And havp passed through r o second liatids; and will l>e gold at New York Prices. White Lead, Sperm Oil, Tanner’s Oil, Lin i seed Oil, anti all kinds ol Oils. j Small Profits and Quick Sales, Is our Motto. IMPORTANTTOMbTHERS. Certain medical properties have recently b'*en discovered iu roots and herbs, which if properlv combined aud administered, will expel Worms from the human system with out injury to the person using it, and at the same time with Certainty. Airs. Vi'itis'oics II *orm Candy contains theso ingredients in the proper form and proportions, mid is the only medi cine now known that does, and for this rea son it is a certain, safe and agreeable remedy j for that troublesome and fatal disease so common to Children. j For the following reasons, this Medicine j should be used ia preference to all others 1 for th « disease : 1 It is safe aud no bad effects arise from its use. 2 It is agreeablo and attractive. Children crave it, aud fake it without kuo-fing for what it is intended. 3. It isppeedv in its effects. 4. It is pure Vegetable. 5. It is cheap—within the reach of every one. Mothers, if yon would save the lives of your Children, use it and no other. CHAMBERLAIN BROS., Knnxville, Tcun, Sole Agents. Aud for sale bv J. 11. ZEILIS A CO., Macon, Ga , And Druggists throughout the country, cef 12fh ALU JEWELRY J*TORE • L. H WING, 90 JUILBERIIIT ST., 90 Opposite Liuier House, MACON, GA. CLOCKS, WATCHES, | Coin Stiver Spoon* and Forks, Diamond*, Jerelry of All Kind*, Silver , Plated Ware, Goblets, Cu;>», And many Fane, article of Solid Silver for FMIESFjrTS Fancy Good. : A-tt ft l ', llaizorx, fnrvhx. Brushes, Pocket Books, Guitars, and Vio tin aS 'tY4ng9, <f:r , <C ‘C. Watches, Clocks,and Jewelry, repaired on short notice, aud waramtd. dqv 9 3ai ALD£RHOFF’S*INSTITUTE, A. Select School FOR .11.1 LES and M' The next Session will open on the First Monday in January next —Tuition ms heretofore—sßo 00, iu Advance, Languag es $lO 00 extra. The design is to maintain a school of a high moral literary excellence ; no Students will be retained who do not mciit the "erpect of their Teacher. H. W von ALDEHOFF, A. M. Dawson, Nov. 23d, 1806. Principal. w, m;tunno&co.. BANKFJIS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AVMVf.r.I/l, Oa. CONIJIET, JENNINGS & CO., L. JENNINGS & CO., New York. Charleston, S. C. We give our friends the Choice and Ad vantage of all the above mark» t B , in which we have our own Houses, and advance upon, and ship Cotton to any European Market. Arrangements have been made for the payment in Savannah of all Cotton consigned | to us from any point in Georgia or Florida. I nov 23, ltn. W. SS. SSii@l( AKTIL AIP(DUIIIIB<8A1B?» ALABAMA. Hub for sale at the lowest prices, the largest and Best Selected Stock of, I>Kl <US, NEDICOES, PAIMTS, OILS, GLASS, Ac., Bver ttferod to the I*eop!c of ihitj Section. STORE: N ' >rttl Side of Bmad St., Sign of the‘‘Grolden Eagle & Mortar.” 59 Mulberry Si., Macou, Ga. 59 D. C. HODGKINS & SON, DEALERS IN* gttks, pistols, TvtVlLtsE, Gun and pistol ammunition, gun and pistol material and Sporting Goods of every description. Also, one Horizontal Strain Engine & Coiler, New and Complete—at a Bargain—and one Gun Smit h’s I land RifiiDg Machine, july 13,6 m WAIRKxYTSTTKD CHEMICAL COLD WATER SOAP. r soap is warranted to make the clothes L as clean as they can be made, without boifintf or battling. One hand can wash as many clothes in a half dav with this sbap, as would require two tlavsnfter the old stj D. It is five ti nes cheaper than lye soap. It is warranted not to injure the elo'l es. The ingredients cm be had ot pay Drug Store at u tri ling cost. One hand c<m do the work of three. Price of recipes $5. Persons purchasing recipes, will have the money refuned if dia sa 'defied. P. L. J MAY Apt. fir Patentee. T. T. Christian is authorised 'Odell reciepes or Terrell County j>c?s f P. L J M. p EOHGI STn reli County. \ X Whereas, M.try Bawkir.s applies for let ters of guardianship of the minors of Lewis S. liawkius: No ice is hereby given to all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescubed by L«w, to dliow cause if any they have, why eaid letters snould not be granted. Given under my hand ana Official rigna* ture, this Nov. 23d, 1860. T. M. JONES, Ord. / i EORGIA, Terrell County. VX Whereas. J N. Seasions apj lies for let ters of dismission ftom Guardianship of Tur ner Ilaruian uud minors of Ruben Sptuoe, de ceased. Notice is hereby given to all int p rested, to be and at pear at my e flioe within the time prescribed by Law, to show cause if any they have, why said Letters shou’d not be grant td. Given und«*r my hand and Official Signa ture, this Nov. 23d, 1866. T. M. JONES, Ord. EXLCLYOtt’S IN compliance with the will of Anthonv Q ; x«rt, Ijte of Tcrrfil Ovuntv deceased, will be B Id before the Court House Dour in the Oitv of Dawson, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary rn'xt, one thous ni acres of land weil iinprrvjd, lying in the fork of hauli e LVeek, known at the “Cozart I lace,” wi‘h encumbrances of widow’s dower, nov 23 J 0. F. CL\RK, Ex’r. \otice to DrUtws aud ircdUors. ALL persons md tbted to estate of ny C >zart, late of Terrell county deceased, are hereby notified to make payment, and all per sons bolding claims against said estate, to present them in terms of the Law. nov 23 J- C. F. CLARK, Ex’r. . S nJfUvTMS TiU* TO MVS S+ILE. BY virtue of an order Rom the Court of Ordinary of Fumpter CVntv, will be sold before the Court llou*e door in the town of Morgan, Calhoun County, on the fi st Tues day in December next-eight hundred and twenty-five acres of l*nd, belonging to the estate ot Samuel R. Walker, deceased. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. J. M. WALKER, BURMAII E. WALKER, pov>' Am’r». To Cotton B’sickcrs. A large lot of Bagging, Hope, and Arrow Tie*6 juit received and foe sale at SHARP *1 BKOr^S and it ORK, BROWN A CO’S , SALT 1 SALT' A Car load of S>li, very cheap, juat reciev ed und lor sale -l FIIARP * BROWN’S or at OliH, BROWN k CO’.'., novle-tf A FINE FAMILY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, WILL he sold bfdbl# tbe Court House door in Dawson, on the firfit Tuesd>iy in December, if not sold at private sale bt fore, a fine Car riage and Harries’*. J. B. CRIM. Nov. 82ih 3t. TO 51 EHO II A NTS. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE! ’l\ r Ehave in .lore one nf the I.nrgest r 1 Stocks of Groceriea ever hronjht lo this market, and are offering tliem on such terms as w ill ludute deal- rs to purchase tri m u. in prefranco to Northein m:\rke.s. Wc have iu store and are daily receiving, B:icon, Sides and Shoulders, Hams, Canvas vndpla n, Bulk sides. Sutrars A B and C, Crush’d and Powdered. Coffee, Hard. Leaf, Kice. GOO Barrels Flour. Bod a. Potash, Lye. Can’d Oysters and L.,listers. Btareh, Candles, Craekeis. Pota'oes, Onions, Soap. Candms, llaisins, Nu's, Pickles. 40() Boxes Tobacco. Wooden ware, Buckets. Tuls fc’.c. Codfish, Mackerel, Bluefish. New York State aud Dairy Criecse. 800 Sucks Corn. Hope, Bagging, Iron ties. Barrel and Case I.iqoure. k.c.ka.. All of which we otter for Cash. SKV-TIOI it, JCiISSOS A Cos., Corner Cherry and Third fc»;r« crs. Jf.SIO.Y G. 8., Jas. Seymour, 11. T. Johnson, a. It. Tinsley novl6-tf. great Watch sale : ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICE PLAN, Givins every Patron a Ilantlsome and Keiiable llaich for the low Price of Ten Dollars ! Without Hcglird to Vulilts And not to be Taut for nidem perfectly Satisfactory / 10(I..Solid Gold Hum’ug Watches $250 to |USO 1 ( mj M«gk- ('d?ed Gobi Watches 2UO io Sou 1 1 K) Ladies’ Wa'ches, Enamelled 100 lo iK'O 200 Gold Hunting Chronometer Waiobo -250 to 800 200 G »ld Hunting English Levers 200 to 250 800 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 200 500 Gold Hunting Amer. Watches UK) to 250 suo Silver Huntil g Levers 50 to 150 5 1 M> Silver Hunting Duplex jj 75 to 250 500 Gold Ladies’ * 6 i to 260 1,000 Gold Huntiug L pines 60 to 75 1,(H)0 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 60 io 100 2,600 lluutii g Silver Wniches 25 to 60 5,000 Assorted Watebafl all kinds 10 to 75 Every patreu obiainsa Waitdi by thi arrangement, cos ing but $lO, while it may be wop til $750 No parti.litv Messrs J HICK LING k CO., 143 liioad wav, New York Cny, wish to immediately dis pose of the above magnificent Stock. Cer tificates, i a ning the ai rides, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holder" are entitled to other aticles named on their certificate, upou piyui ut of Ten Dolai?, wh. I her it be a Watch woith $750 or one worth less. The retain of any of our certifiw cates entitles you to the article named there on, upon peyment, irrespective of its worth, and as no artielo valued less than sl«> is nam ed on anv ucrtificate, it will at once be seen • hat this id Xo Lottery, but a *trniah!~f»rvard leyiti litate'7'rav»actiotiy which map be partici pated, in even by the moat fantiiliou* I A single Certificate will be sent bv na'l, post paid, upon ree ip' of 23 cents,, five for eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium lor $5, sixty-six and more Valuable premium for $lO, one hundred and most su perb Watch fur sls. To Agents or those wighit g eniployimnt this is a rare opt ortuni tv. It is a legitimately conducted business duly authorized hv the Government, »n i open to the most cartful scrutiny. Try a* ! Addrt** J. lIIfKLDiG & fO., DOvl6-3m 14U Bioadwny, hew York. ,i #>.fi /. ns Ttt.t tons s:. UNDER an o der fom the Court of Ordi narv of T«*rr«4l f7ounty, will be fold before the G'ouit House Door, in the town of Dawr son, on the first Tuesdiv in January next; let* of laud No. 208 and 209 in the 18 h dis , ol Webster cot.nt , and puts of lo'S No. 2 and 3, in the 17th D st., of Terrell County, and No. 240 in add county, district not recollect ed, but adjoining the above named lands making in ud 78b acres, and lies oq Bear Creek and adjoining the land-, and near the mills of W. J. Parker, etc., Also 425 acres known as the hammock place, with the excep tion of the widow’s dower, sold as the prop erty of Daniel Lawhon deceased, sold for the benefit of the creditors of said estate. Terms on day of sale. D. F. LAWIION, nov 16 Aduiu’r. I'ospoiitKl Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House Door, in Starksville L*'e County, on the ti'St Tu« s day in December next the following property to wjr ; One Bav Horse, two Mu’.o-*, one fine Whirl Wind Colt one and a half years old, one yoke Oxens and *hirty six head of hogs as the property of Janies A. Taylor, Hugh W. Uasselrus and J. A. D ivies in favor of Melton C. Bill. Property [minted out by de- j feudal ts. Fi fa i-su« and from Doughotv HfinU' Aunual Session. JAMES G. McKiXNOX, nov 16 Sh’fF. | EXEVUTOWH SJLU. WILL be sold before the Court House Door ia the towu of Dawson, on the firai j Tuesday in January next, lof ofUnd No. 18*), ' in the 13th di>-trie f , of originally Lee, now Terrel! County, belonging to the estate of NVillig Mariiu, deceased, swk] far the bepefit of the beirßof said d-ceased. T 1 »s the 12. h of Nov. 1860. J AH. W. WILKINSON. nov 16 Ex’r MJTIS nut TO it'S S.iL, K. ON the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold before the Court .Route Door, in F).»w son T *rrell County, within the lawful hours of sal-, subject to dowers, two lots of land in the 11th dH’.ricts of of snid County, Nos. fiftv three (53) and seventy-six (76), euJd aa iln p»op«rty of Joseph P. Tetrtll, diseased . fo> the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. TeiiusCasU. L. C. HOYL. nov 16 Adai’r. Notice. SIXTY *iys »(T<t dale »rplio»tlon will be maiie lo '.he Ordinirr of Terrell ccuhi. lor lewve loeell the Ml e.tale belorglng to ib« rsidle of Parling Flhee, hiteof Lee couL it, decease.), for tU-i.tuelit ol lb- heirs. )V, 1566 ELI CUCHRAN, Ese«'r T. W. FREEIUAN, WH .'LXSALIt AND RETAIL Grocur and Confectioner, Nk < II Silt ICY stri'Cl, .v.icav .... 61.1. Fresh Fish, Oysters he., in season, *mJ shipped to parlies out of the Ci-y, pro.npily on order. nov 2 3m. J. Jl. SAIiAjUEC, —WITH SNIDER & MITCHEL, F.A1.8R3 I>f G ROOK 1(1 KS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES. and general COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner, Third, and Poplar St.s , J. 11. Ander pon & Sou’s old stand, AS.BIO.V, -s-Vs. O P SNIDER, S. W. MITCH If,. nov 2 3m. FINE MILCH mm. For Siiie! The undersigned has three fine Milch Cows for 3 tie, which will be sold at reasonable rate*. S. J. THOMAS, tiov2-2f. Dover Gn., HENRY C. SHEFFIELD, ATTORNEY AT LAW CoUjfMiUi Jflilirr €?o. % Ga 9 Rkpkrknckb. Co]. S. Wise Parker, Onl uiu Go; Capt. R. 1). 6’hapman, Cuthbert Ga. Meanrg Hesters k 6'ollev, Dawson Gt. J B- M’DONALD & CO., DAWSON GA., j Have just recieved a splendid assort moot of j new F \MILY GROCERIES at the old stand of McDonald’s, aud would mod respectfully ask a continuation of the patronage of the old friends of B. McDonald, who having incurred considerable lossea, both of time, and money, on account of lone protracted sickness, and would also beg of those indebted to him, to come forward and settle, as he U greatly iu ueed of Disney. ortl7-ff. Staple Dry Croud* u lid Groaeritr WAREHOUSE AND Commission Business, Cornrr nf Broad and Etjfaiila Street, KU FAULA. Aon- lo,l>>n* I.i.VEV* KIUNVOU. KESf £R3 & G3LLEY, Gpiicral Dt altT' in DRY GOODS ./.VO cnoCJEMIMMIS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES &C > Lnylcsl Bloc!;, Depot street , Sept s,'f DAWSON, (i\. DENTISTRY - J.A.&N.M. THORNTON, of BsUtnpkin, Georgia. e’AVISG completed their arruQgempnts, .have opeued a branch of their busiuest in Dawson. They are prepired to do all work in thelt line in the most iinprov. and stole. With a long experience and a supply of all th? af-pliance.- of the art, they feel confident of giving sttisfac'.ion iu every instance. Teeth put up on gold plate, witli or without gums. Also, oo vulcanite of rubber base iu the beat style All work warranted. For further information, address J. A. Thorutou, Lumpkin, Ga., or N. M. Thornton, Dawson, Ga. Ofiice, on eornrr oflot now rejupi-d by Elam Christian. Until their office is fit ed up they will wait on patroui at their r» si deuces. 0. I). ANlrKftSOli* W. WOODS. JOBKPII HAY, Sj.ccial Part • ANDERSON & WOODS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DI2ALEKB IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCER IBS an I COMMERCIAL FEKTIL IZERS, Tit SHE) ST. *V«ICOJr> G+l. oct26 3m. jroTict:* fi'' WO months after d»t» application will I be made to the <) dinary ol Terrell coun ty for le.ive to sell all tbo red estate of J. M, Tucker, deceased. JE.SSK TUCKFaR, oct!2* Aii.un'r. JTOTIVE. \1 T ILL be sold, on the 30 h dav of this y y month at tiie resid- nee «>f H. P. Hi.llis formerly of E. G. Brown at Brown’s Mills— -13 head of fine mu'e j —so be dos very fi <• cattle—CO held of stock hogs, 2000 bushels j of corn, a lot of sugar and sviup. plantation and lt),0<»0 pounda pork. Term** rash rov9 1866. M. P. IJOLIiH. TgttllELL kllEtttii ON the first Tuesday in January nexr will be sold before the Court House door in flaw son Terrell Cbunf? the following property to wit t One hundred and seventy-,'i ve acres of Laud, of Lot No. 2 in the 12th district of said County. Also two mnfos, one bay mule and one Biaek male, one Bay horae and one Sor rel horse, all levied on a« the property of Kinlan Diil, to satisfy or c Tax fi <a and other Tax fi fa’s in my hand against said Dail Piopertv pointed out by J* W. Johnson, Tax 6’»)llector, of said Countr. M. W. KENNEDY. no\9 Sh’ff. >7 OTICE. ALL persons iadebred to the umiersigred, either by uo r « or accoun’, are requested to come forward and settle, und uiifors this is complied with in a few day**, their note3 and aeeoun‘B will be placed in the hands of a law yer for collection. J. B, AY ENT. Dawson, Nov 9 IS6O-3t. FARM IM NORTIIBBV l FORUIA, FOH SALE. I oiler for «»le mv f.rm ot two hundref ami aixtv acres of land. pUti.ted oo Conne— sauga River, two miles from Tilton, four from Rcsaca, anil eleven from [,niton. The Writ er,; & AUai.t c railroad runs through the een ire of it. One hond-ed acres cleared. There is about one hundred seres bottom land tn the place—bearing oteba and of choice grafted fruit— very best freestone drinking *a’er.— Tbe hoes- contains rit rooms und ia located in a grove of forest trees, ft irn, etib, smoke houte, hs', on the premise*. The location ia healthy, and the Und suited to raising stock, lav grain to. For fn tie r informal ,on, ad- Jrci,* S. W. BACHMAN, Ncv9,St Tilton, Us. jGoo.l ■ • MeGRATH, PaTTEHSON & b 9.,; OPPOSITE LA yJEft HOUSE, , Vo. »6. OUI aiu.lKl, l\Laoon, Ga., i BK rfcpivti g alin-':-t. •vii'ytMnjt good to a.ii-k i Tiiey I’iiVu in storo, and io anivo soon, sm-h a stock na wi t tn iko it j impcsaiblc for you to call for nut thing in * lie j Grocery, Provi.ioa', Wine and I.’.qnor line, 1 vriilioat finding it Ui lUcir liou-e. I RZA9 AND POND:R WILL! IVr* wl’.l rccci-b in a f \v die-'. Xew -tfrek rrel, Freeh C’aeese, (! n-iioO (toslien But er, and any riling else tirat c. u be lourrd. : Sugar, Brandies, C-Tr-e, Old St. (’mix Hun, 'i’ea, Oi i J tm. Hum, Svrup, Pure Irish Whiskey, Yi'iecxr, Bourbon WUiskoy, Ham., lyear old, J fried B'O* - , ’’ ’’ Sire k’d Toiinges, 3 ” ” Bir kit'd ” 4 ” ” Fulton M’kt F.yn Whi ky, Beef. Coin ” Prek’ld. Pork, xxxx, Baenn, Sherry, Lard, Port, Flour, \\ i re, Meal, 31 tderia Grits, Wine, Sap, Claret, Cbanr. (Vigne, Vo. MO. KI.LS’ O and Stand. Green Seal, CPqaet Aii-h"r, Hideik, Rico, Burgundy, S da, Cham'jctt'n, Pepper, Sparkling Stlnion, Hock, Mackerel, M irasehino’ Yeast P -wdt rs, Sauturne, White Kish, Rhine W’incs, Blue Frsh, D’Absinthe, Sardines, Pickles, Oyaters, Gelatine, Citron, Dites, Jellies, Canned Fmils, Sauces, nov 2 6 n fit. &o. Ac. L. W. HUNT ft (U, DRUGGI.ST S, HU I V!) b J Street* (Next Door to J. N. Seymour ) T\r.iC()X, GKO. Wo have removed to our no v and spacious Store lioom, atul are now ready to supply our customers und the pub'ie with re.iuble DRUGS, MEDICINES, Etc, W’e request Merchants, Physicians and Planters to call uiul examine our GOODS AND PRICES, and buy where they can get bargains. We are offering to the Trade, ms follows: Babbits Potash, 811 75 Case, Plantation Bitters, ?11 75 Case, Babbits Si ap, 16 l-2c p r lb , Spts. Turpentine, 90c “ gal., Blue Stone, 17c pcr lb., Al’spice, 32c do do Bl'k Pepper, 35e do do Coal Oil, 87u pr gill. Our Stock of Oils, Varnishc, Paints, (ihi-s, Brushes nnd Dye Stuff is large, and »ve aro offering laO W. no. 2-!3ino. GREAT EICITEMENT H NEW YOKEL ! BUT GREATER IN DAWSON! REINFORCEMENTS ! Coiinig in Daily at jsl.c. gk£eu»s. S»eh as goad old English Dairy and Xcw York F ctory Chee.e. FRESH GOSHEN BUTTER, Soda aud Butter Crackers, nonpar* il uud su gar biiseuit, M ekerel, CriUi-b, Sityiir, Coffee, Teas, ti.te cl,e*i >g and am.ike- Ing Tobacco, Ciga,s, Candies, Starch, Kicc, Candies, Nats, R trams. Spices, l’.c kies, Sauces,, OysierH, rotasb. Lye houn, fine tabic salt; snuif, Hud a line rei etiou of cuse l quors, consisting of go and old Sherry ami .Uadi-tie WISE, Godard anil Crtuac Hr >l tulles, choice old Buorban, Scotch and Lish Whiakies, good old Jagai.a Rum*, Lemon Sttupand other I qticrs. All ol which 1 ai l s*‘l at SAvtnj ttutCH, Call and see fur yourselves. A .L'.iiaCllß. novi-lm Under Uasonic Hull. ,tIidIS.FJS i (HIS S,n. F. BY r virtue of «u ot dt r ol the Court of O tii nary of Tcrreil County will be sold rot the first Tuesday in Deceuiber next at Dawt-on, South hail ot lot of land. No. two hundred and three, in ilia 11 ■ b diet ict of Terrell, be longing to * lie estate of Wn>. Bridges, de ceased Soul lor the bentfi' of heirs am) eredito s. JOHN D. WHALEY, oc 20 1860. Admn’r. nil CHE.'. BY BALDW IN <t C (At Baldwin’* old «tan IDawson, : : Grr Wt. are receiv'nv dbrotfo " York, a large and go it 1 n-■ .■ DTI Y G OOD u uocej: ii ’s, H.utnw. ■ CUTLERY, HU !OY " nnd everything elsi ' iftH i first class store. /'. I « i la.ngbt for CASH, . . *f.‘ L■- ' . ; > NBWYORK rfM'J In our stock may he loon ducod prices, DITTOS £fi- ' - J’rints rs diffeTen" Beautiful i' us.iu.--, White nn<l Geiehed iTos’ery, Gloves lubbous, L i mings, etc., etc , A-X.SO • J, (DIES Ttats, Boirtiets, an/’ of thevery finest/ qu. litv, und f men's Hats, Boots jM.d Shore f "\V liolesalti Prit r .. . ■ ■ * iat ■■' and as cheap ns +b y now c: i tiought in New York. Shoes Hats range from 6i> cents up to We keep everything neces complete a gentleman’s wardrobe. Six dozen Grindstones ol best qia. ity. It is unnecessary nmv to emir -d ilif ferent articles. NYe intend ke<-> ing evury thing the jnmple want Our goods shall losld nth LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGI Countiy Merchants and ( eansave money ly culling on n: Our Motto ir “Clicapfr (hau the Chf; June Bth, 18(16. THE FALL TRAD'J IN grocerie: AND PEoyjsxp r IS NOW UNDERWAY J. H. SEYMilfd CHERRY ST., MACON, GE Merchants. Planters a el mai/find it to their interest to, 4sIV JR 191.T1 A CAt.r nis Mono i Clßcap Fob* IIE T 8 NOW HEI’F.IV * HEAVY BUITLY b mum FIE! AND ClcKCi’a! (iraari HE ALSO REEFS ON UAI . : Bnggiug :nI Ro; NAILS, TOHACCO, CIGARS, LORILLAIinS FNT. SCO i CII Sb't ,YLA .'OAb< LTQUOKS iu BARREi.S aid OAht TOBACCO Qv.rioUd bia|tT DROP IN, PUYEP;-: I prcnA-c do ury Instto ple I btt\c astropg fores vs iudu-*r: o. Young Men, ready to t. r t.p y f. eb sea with ox|>* dition, Laving en etl additional ke’p. J. N. SEYMOc a oct i FORCES' SHOE HOLE - Whitehail S , ATLANTA Gl., II AYE or> bsrH thr- l trg(?«t ordbb- f - c ed st'ck of 800 TS end 9MO*.L over brruj bt to 'bis mnrke*, s>nd m-h v c Uitt Qifect it orn t e I3n,%#rr»t .* U(n n ra'S, w ill bo off* rod lo c-n ry kieu vuid at N*dw Y*>rk pii- w, ti« ijjrb’. * id. B W. Force formeiiv i t riiaA!e4iOf! > will bo p’caac l to his bj. iLcr o *tv -Uvr-** N *A^lv