Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, December 29, 1854, Image 1
H. A. RAMSAY, EDITOR. VOLUME I.] RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertising in the Daily Examiner will be' in serted at the following rates persquare of 10 lines: One insertion 60 cents. One month, $5,<10 Two “ SI,OO Two “ 8,00 Three “ 1,25 Three “ 10,00 Four “ 1,50 Four “ 12,00 Five “ 1;75 Six “ 15,00 Six “ 2,00 One Year 25,00 .Special contracts will be made for yearly ad vertisements occupying a quarter, half or whole column. Advertisements from transient persons must be paid in advance. Legal advertismenta published at the usual rates. Ordinary notices exceeding ten lines charge as advertismenta. Announcing candid ates for office, $5 00, to be paid in advance. The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular busi- ness. Professional Cards not exceeding six lines, sls per annum. Advertismenta not specified as to time will be published till ordered out, and charge at regular rates. Advertismenta inserted in the Weekly paper only will be charged at former rates. NEW SCHEDULE. fTT? ms r mnrinfftsn t wroTafeyj tzrn I .' r> ■. 74. WENTEttSf ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Arrival and departure »f Trains. DAILY Mail train leaves Atlanta 4.50 a. m. “ “ arrives at “ 6.45 p. m. « “ leaves Chattannooga 11,05 a.m. “ “ arrives at “ 12,30 p. ni. Mar’ta“ leaves Atlanta 5,50 p.m. “ “ arrives at “ 10,40 p.m. Notice to Shippers. FIIIIE Agent of the Western Ac Atlantic Rail | road is not authorized to receive and forward consignments intended to pass from the Road to the River, or from the River U> the Rond at Chat tanooga. Hereafter all freights per Railroad consigned to the Agent, at Chattanooga, will be turned over to a commission house in that city. JAMES F. COOPER, aug 26, 1854 ts. WILMA M< . TA IN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hot-House, Fannin County, Georgia, nov. 18, ’54. Uwly. WASHINGTON HALL, Atlanta, Oa. LOYD & PULLIAM, Proprietors. T. M. G. POWERS, Book-keeper. I I YDR.II LIC CEMENT, (bdeined ami II Band Plaster, for sale by "Dec 7 Uwtf J. NORCROSS. BOOK BINDING. PAMPHLETS, Music Books, Periodicals, Law Books, &e.,bound in EVERY STYLE at very LOW RATES, by WM. KAY. , [46-Uwtf. Negroes to Hire. FITHE subscriber has six or eight likely wo- I men and girls to hire until the first of Jan uary. L. J, GARTRELL. 43tAcw ts Robert Bnttcy, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, Choice Hotel, Home, Georgia. Or Physicians’ Prescriptions c unpounded with care. Dec. 7.’54 Uwly J. R. BROWN, A T TOR NEY AT LAW, DALTON, GEORGIA. nov. 14, ’5-1. Uwly. w. T. DAY, ATTORNEY A>’ LAW, Jasper, Pickens County, Georgia. nov. 18, ’54. Uwly Etowah House, ROME, GEORGIA, General Stage Office to R. R. Depot 1/k/k YARDS. To Htcnm Boat Landing |UV 200 yards. WM. KETCHAM. December 7, 1854 Uwly Papier Mache Goods. VTTRITING DESKS, Portfolios. Cabinets, y V Albums, Arc., made of this rich material. F/NE E.VG7MI/M.X O/7. PrtZNTZAGS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. At [44-Uwtf.] WM. KAY’S. Wedding Stationery. FITHE LATEST STYLES of Invitations to | Weddings. Also, new and neat BOXES tor WEDDING CAKE, j>te just opened and ready for sale by WM. ICY Y. [46-Uwtf. Insurance Bank of Dalton. • TITHE undersigned will receive, at pah, for | BOOKS, or other articles of MEKCHAN DI'ZE, which he has for sale, the Notes of the INSURANCE BANK OF DALTON, until further notice be given, WM. KAY. Atlanta, Dec. I, (t-w&w ts Ladies’ Stationery. 4 CHOICE selection of the LATEST /Y_BTYLEB of Visiting Cards, Note Pn]>er, Envelopes, Gill and Plain Letter Paper, Healing Wax, Mourning Visiting Cards, Mourning Letter Paper, Note Paper and Envelopes, Seals, Stamps, Pens, Knives, Quill Pens, Pencils, Gold Pens, Cart! Cases, Porte-Monies, Pen Holders, etc., etc., etc., just received and for sale by | 146-Uwtf,] WM. KAY. VICTORIA HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Travellers for the above well known Hotel will find Carriages and Omnibuses at the Depot in Charleston, to convey them to the said Hotel, FHKK or C.HAKGK. W. W. STARR, Phopiuktob. Dec-5, 1854. 43t«fcwly Map of the City of Atlanta, at Half price, viz: $2 50!! FIIHE subacribsr begs most respectfully to inform | the citizens of Atlanta that he has on hand a bout TWENTY of the above excellent MAPS, mild a short time ago, here, it $5 00. For sale at KAY’S CHEAP BOOK STORES. Call quick, or you will loose a bargain! [46-Uw3m. THE ATLANTA DAILY EXAMINER. BUROH &. PHILLIPS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Marietta, Ga. ' \\ r ILL practice in all the Counties of the i TT Blue Ridge Circuit, to wit: Cobb, Lumpkin, Campbell, Union, Paulding. Fannin, Polk, Gilmer, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Fulton, Also, in the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the United States Court, in the Northern Dis-1 trict of Georgia, at Marietta. ROUT. 8. BURCH, WM. PHILLIPS, nov 25, ’54 n4O-tf. JOSEPH E. BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canton, Ga. WILL practice in all the Counties of the. Blue Ridge Circuit, to wit: Cobb, Lumpkin, Campbell, Union, Paulding, Fannin. Polk, Gilmer, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Fulton. Also, in the Supreme Court of and the United States Court, for the Northern District, of Georgia, at Marietta. sTweil, ATTORNEY AT LAW, __ CANTON, GA. Thos. K. Daniel I. . ATTORNEY AT LA W. Atlanta, Ga. ! Office over Valentino’s Confectionery, oppo site Intelligencer Office!, Whitehall Street. aug. 26,185-1. ts. iFlt. DANIELL, | ATTORNEY AT LAW ATLANTA, GA. To lie found at the Examiner Office. AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. H. J. SH AC K ELFOR D, Having taken the large and commodious House, On Alalmina-street, South of, ami / contiguous to, the Common Passenger De-. I pot, Atlanta, Georgia, where he is prepared to receive Consign rrtents of All kinds of Merchandise and Produce, ’ Bacon Lard, &c. &c. (WILL also give strict attention to the selling and purchasing of Houses and Lots in the , I city of Atlanta; the renting of Houses, hiring and selling of Negroes, the selling and purchas-: ing of Stock, such as Horses, Cows, Hogs, <t., , as well as every thing else in the range of a geen 1 oral Auction and Commission Business. Persons wishing to sell or purchase such, had ' best call and register their names at our office. t3T All Consignments will be disposed of agree- i ably to instructions, and funds promptly remitted. oct 10,’54. n »>3. I I - ———-■ ———-■ ■ I Portrait Painting. THE undersigned begs leave . ' ~X-n_ to * n< ” r,n the citizens of At- : 1 J- ,an, a and vicinity, that he ' has again returned to the city I ami has taken rooms in Hayden’s buildings, (up i i the first floor—left door,) where he is prepared to . paint Portraits in Oil, of any size or description, executed in the best style of art, and at shortest notice. Call and examine specimens. j w n JOHN MAIER. N. B. Instructions given to those who wish to ' lake lessons in drawing and painting Landscape and the human figure. Please make early Hp plication. J. \f. tw 21 ts. Dr». Rumsey & Kiuitii . flr HAVING formed S Copartnership in the i I * practice of Medicine ami Surgery, tender, their services to the public. Dr. Ramsay may bo found at the Examiner; I office. Dr. Smith at his residence, opposite the ' Methodist Church, Peach-Tree street Sky «n<i Hide gLIUt DAQUERREAN ROOMS, ’ <h>er Alexander's Drug Store, Whitehall street ! ATtANTA, GROnofA. ;' And nlfthe Materials used in the Art, • • BAT.K AT THE LOWEST TRICES. 0. W. DILL. Atlanta, August 26th, 1854. (1-tf)* | ’ —■ ■■ --* - —i ~ . • T. C. MURPHY, 11 . Retailer of Fine Liquors. , tr. j The subscriber keeps a splendid BAR, a furnished with the Best of Liquors, A Wuics, Ac., White-hall Street. Atlan-H ta, Georgia. The Bak is near all the Hotels, 1 I and we invite all to call. T. (5. MURPHY, i ► : act 12 n2otf-tw ; - il Auctiou Business. 8. J. SHACKLEFORD. VUUTION sales regularly every Momlny, ‘ Wednesday, and Saturday night. r, oct 19, 1854, ’ n23-(f. ( *-■ - ' —1 —y jd ‘ J. R. Wallace & Bros. 1' RESPECTFULLY in- fTfin i form the public generally, f that they Imve now in store, ' by late arrivals from New York. Baltimore and • .! Boston, a large and extensive assortment of’ Drugs, Medicines, Lampblacks. Pure White ! ’I Lead, Lin Seed Oil, HARDWARE, BACON, 1 ' ! CORN, nnd everything else sold in our line. r WE invite the public and the bjUstv-c . * ll,ar, kind to call and see for them- j ' ■ a selves. Our alock of Bagging, Rope, ‘ and Twine, is the largest ever brought to this; market. We intend to sell it cheap, our motto being quick sales and small profits. We charge noth | ing for showing our goods and we hope all will ‘ I com* and look nnv Imw. . ’ ALSO: L| on hand and for sale, 600 yards of real Tennessee t Jeans. All who wish this superior winter cloth t . must come quick, as it is going faster than “hot I I cakes.” Noveinlier 10, 1854. tr-ts J Bolting r |4HE best “Anchor” Bolting Cloths sale | at New York prices. Also, Mill rten-wa. Mill 1 1 Cranks, Wire Webb, Ac. ■ By J. NORCROSS. *; nov. 23, '54. w and I n4O-6m. , 5 ■—■ I I AI" AUK ERE L, Smoked Herring, Goshen i . xv JI Butter and Cheese, for sale by Dec 7, uwtf J. NORCROBB. j “ EBROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS, WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—JEFFERSON. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29; 1854. Whitney & Hunt, WIIDLBAI.E AMD RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, Hats, pe Bonnctpi, Crockcry, Ac. i Store on White-Hall Street, opposite Davis' Hall. Also, Men’s Boy’s and Youth’s Ready-Made Clothing, and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, &c. ' Store in large Hall of “ Ifollaod Hotoo:"' Building, White-Hall Street. ; N. B. Our line of Goods comprehend the lar gest and most varied assortment ever offered in | this Market, and will be sold at greatly Reduced Prices in every instance for pay down. We are determined to sell as cheap as the I cheapest, and we shall charge not a “red cent” ‘ for showing. We invite all to come and look bo fore buying elsewhere. We have good Goods, i new Goods, fresh Goods, and we are determined I to sell upon good terms. WHITNEY A HUNT. Atlanta, oct. 10, '54. nl9-tf. .L&J.LYNCH. i Corner Alahama and White Ihdl-streetx, Atlanta, Ga jrtF —"frN HLEBALE and IL-tail Dcal erS * n cw Orleans Sugar, Cof ‘ee ’ an ‘l Provisions gen- Orally, which we ofl’eron the most reasonable terms. We keep constantly on hand a general stock of Liquors, Wines and Cordials, by Wholesale. Being in daily receipt of Goods from first hands ■ we are enabled to sell at as small profits as any house in the cities of Augusta, Savannah or Charleston (the freight only added.) We shall 1 take advantage of thfe Ohio, Cumberland and Al abama rivers on first raise, and keep a Large Stock of New Orleans and Cincinnati Goods, cheaprr than they can be liought in the markets above . mentioned. J. A J LYNCH. oct. 19, ’54. n23-tf. Dissolution. FFWE partnership heretofore existing between j Abram Angel A, Ed. Sharp is this day de solved by mutual consent. I’hc business will hereafter be conducted by W. C. Hougton & Co. All business of the firm of A ng* & Co. will be settled by Ed. Sharp, sep 30, ’54. t nls-6m. JAMES HASLETT. IMPORTER AND GENERAL DEALER IN Llciuors Cigars, No. 4, Commkrck Street, Baltimore, :::::: .Maryland. M Cnidter, Agent. Aug. 29, ’54. nltf Fluid. Burning Fluid per Gallon $1,20 (Jamphene “ “ 1,00 Alcohol, 80 per cent Gallon. 1,12 J Alcohol, 95 “ “ “ 1,30 Tenns Cash. For sale by T. R. RIPLEY, Atlanta, Ga. sep. 20, 1851, n!2-6in TROUT HOUSE. THE undersigned begs to inform thecit- Tr izens of Atlanta, and the traveling public : XjXLthat he will o|»cn the TROUT HOUSE |on -Monday next, for the accommodation of I Boardeza and Transient persons. The House and furniture lieing entirely new, Rooms well ven t tulated, Halls large ami airy, the subscriber hopes : by constant attention to the wants of his guests to make his House desirable to the traveller, and . merit a share of public patronage. ; AARON GAGE. Proprietor. Nov. 9th's4. t n32-3m. E. B. & J. F. REYNOLDS, Coinniissioii Merchants, Decatur Street, Atlanta, Georgia, Have on/handa general stock of Family a fine lot of Bacon and Lard, ’ “fi .<’a splendid article of Cheese and M.tckriv ; Fish, all of which will be sold low for cash. I oct 12 n2O twtf Just Received (Lt Consignment and for sale lore for cash. t A few fine Rocking Chain*. Several Fine ! CtJ Sofas. A large lot of elegant Cottage Chairs. A large lot of Superior Bacon. 8. J. SHACKELFORD, oct. 19, 1854. n23-tf. 1,000,000 Copies to be Sold! B arnunFs Autobiography ! T‘ S. REDFIELD, 110 A 112 Nassau-street, e will publi.-h, onThursday, Dec. 14th, THE I.IFE OF P. T. BARNUM, written by himself. In which he narrates his early history as clerk, 1 merchant and editor, anil his latter career as a showman. With a portrait on steel, and numer ous illustrations, by Darley. In one volume, 12uio. Price $1 25. “In this work I have given, in every particular, the true nnd the only full noDiinl of my enter prises."—Preface. I The Publisher only rc|>eats the public senti ment in announcing that tins book will be one oi i extraordinary interest. Mr. Barnum's unparal . Icled tact and tukiit as a business man, the grand and liberal scale on which his prominent enter prises have been conducted, together with a hap py temperament, which can both give and take ‘ a bit of humor, have made his name a world ; known ‘’household word.” Adopting-“nothing extenuate” as his motto. • he presents the authentic history of “Joice Heth,” f the “Fejee Mermaid,” the “ Wooly Horse,” the , “Herd oil Buffaloes,” and other showman inci dents, generally denounced as ‘Humbugs,’ while ’ larger s|>acc ia devo cd tn his connection with ' Gen. Tom Thumb and the Triumphal .Musical i Campaign of Jenny Lind. Incidents of travel, ! and interviews with the crown heads and nobili ty of the Old World,and skclchcsand anecdotes in our own land; the entire history of the engagt- • ment of the Swedish Nightingale, and the exact receipts of each concert; the purchase and man agement of the American Museum ; life before ’ and behind the scenes; the travelling Circus of earlier times, and its adventures; the Travelling ' Menagerieoflaterdate; agricultural experiments, j experiments in banking. Rules for business and makings fortune, and innumerable additional enterprise- nnd operations, ’ afford the author an indefinate range of subject, ' and he will abundantly prove, by his pen, that he lis something more than a showman. We know indeed, of no aubject which affords a greater scope ! for a deeply interesting narrative than the Auto | biography of P. T. Barnum. For sale by r4B-tw:wly] WM. KAY. TOMLINSONJDOOLY, P.ain, House, Sign, Coa h Passenger Car, Fresco. On - i mental and Decorative Pair i erfU | Opposite Jacob Haas & 00., White Hall Str., Atlanta, Ga. I Auguat 30, 1854. 1 ts. Morgan, Kirkpatrick, & Co. lIAVING opened a new^ —— ——•» Ware Room on Peach Tree St-, would call the attention Jot the public, to their stock of Furniture, embracing Cabinet Ware in all its varieties; Chairs of every kind, Lounges, Mattrasses of springs. Hair. Mosh Cotton and Shuck. Carpets, Rugs &c. Window .Shades, Win dow Curtains, Damask, Corniced, Bands, Cord and Tassels, Loops, &.c. Window Papering, House do. Fire-board do. They still continue their shop south of Geor gia K. Road square, and are prepared to do all kinds of work connected with their business, such as making and repairing furniture, making matt rasses, upholstering, &c. &c. They keep also on hand Metalie burial cases, and make upon sliort notice Mahogany, Walnut and other wood coffins. T hey have enlarged their Manufacturing shops at N—cature, and can .supply Morgans original Cottage Chairs, Hindley’s Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware of their own Manufacture in any quantity desired. Atlanta, Gu., oct £ ’54. uIG-tf. Fresli Arrivals, NOW in Store at the produce Depot, and for sale at unparalel- I** l ’ l° w P r^’‘‘R ’ Ab- HlfiOsdaCß bott- lO Hhda. Fair N. Orleans Sugar, 20 do. Prime “ “ “ 52 Bags “ and Fair, Rio Coffee just received from Baltimore. 501) Sacks, Choice T.iverpool Salt, all in good order and of the finest, quality. 20 Boxes Virginia Tobacco, all grades. 20 Packages Macken*l, (at very low prices.) 50 Bags Extra White Wheat Flour, the finest ever offered in this market. 30,000 lbs. Choice Tennessee. Bacon inclu ding choice Hams, Sides, and Sholders. 10 Bbls. Lard. Also, Corn, Corn-Meal, Potatoes Ac. &c. also the largest stock of Lime at lower prices than can be bought elsewhere. To arrive 100 Bbls. N. Orleans Molasses and Syrup. All ot which will lie sold on as accommoda ting terms as they can lie bought elsewhere in the city. South end White-Hall street, Atlanta, Ga. oct 17,’54 n22tf SEAGO A ABBOTT. Dissolution of Copartnership. ’X’' OTICE is hereby given thvt the partner i y ship lately subsisting between Thomas Brooksand William P. Moon, Iwth of the city of Atlanta, under the firm of “ Brooks &. Moon,” was dissolved on the 17th of November last, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by said Thomas Brooks, and all demands on the said partnership arc to lie presented to him for payment. THOMAS BROOKS. For Brooks A Moon. Dissolution of Copartnership. OTICE is hereby given that the partner ship lately subsisting between Thomas Brooks and James Moore, of the city of Atlanta, under the firm of “ Brooks A Moore,” and en tered into on the 17th November last, was dis solved by mutual consent, on the 25th of said November. The said Thomas. Brooks will settle all debts due to and by the firm. THOMAS BROOKS, For Brooks A Moore. 4 LL indebted to the above named jLfnnis, will please make payment to the sub scriber, and those having demands against them will please present them for settlement, THOMAS BROOKS. Atlanta Dec. 9, '54. • —.—, FJYHANKFUL to his friends and the pahlic | generally, lor [last favors, the undersigned takes this occasion to inform them that the busi ness of the “MAGNOLIA” will in future be carried on by him alone, and that every exertion will be made, without regard to expense, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to his house. THOM AS BROOKS. Atlanta. Dec. 9,’54. [45-tWtf. New Conieclionery and Bakery, Opposite the Council Room, White-Hall Street, ATLANTA, CA. fiIHE undersigned respectfully informs the ett izens of Atlanta and its vicinity, Dial he has opened a CoiifcctloiK'iy A. Biiklog Eslnlilhluiu nt, as above, where he will keep constantly on hand all kinds of CosFEcnoxs, Pasthieh. Fruits, Ac. He is also prepared to furnish every description of Plain and Ornamental CAKES for Weddings or Parties, at short notice, and on accommodating terms. • Imported Wines and Brandies, of all descrip tions, lor Medicinal pur|»oses, kept always on hand. Also, genuine Spanish Cigars and choice chewing Tobacco. Also, a large assortment of Toys, Fancy Articles, Ac. Orders from the country, aecomjianied with the cash, or good Citv reference, will be promptly at tended tu. D. VALENTINO. August 29, 1854. I ts. CRUTCHER HOUSE, Corner of Spring and Summer Streets. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. JO. W. BELL, PROPRIETOR. rilHlS is the nearest Hotel to the Railroad De j pot; equally near to the Steam Boat landing. Is the centre of business, entirely ncwlv furnish ed, and very comfortable. nov. 16, ’54. Uwly For Sale the Finest Stock of WALL PAPER ‘ Inthe Southern country.con- sisting of about FOUR riS' ’ JN P KED PATTERNB, YjoftX nearly EVERY QUALITY’ made.—An examination of onr stock and prices is respectfully solicited. PAPERS AND BORDERS. Suitable for Stores, Offices, Rtataurats, Earlier Shops, Bar Rooms. Parlors, 8.-d Rooms, Halls, Ceilings. Bases; Side Lights, &c., Ac. Toasters. Fire Boards, Green, Blue, Pink, Scarlet, and Buff Papers; Paper Carta'w, Linen Muslin and Window Shades, of ALL SIZES, by ri6-uw]tf WM.KAY. House and Lot for Sale. VFINE two story house, with eight rooms and basement. Kitchen, Stable and all other necessary out-houses. The Lot contains one half acre, and is located on Hunter Street. Any person desiring a good residence and location would do well to give us a call. Terms moder ate. Apply to SWIFT A BRYANT. [45-twtf. Dentistry. DR. W. T. U. CAMPBELL, recently waited New York //v*, ;and secured all the new and usefu improvements in Dentistry, has return ed to Atlanta and taken rooms over A. Alex ander’s Drug Store, Whitehall street, where he is prepared to attend to calls in any branch of th<! Dental art. Block teeth with contin uous gum, executed in the neatest style. Plain and gum teeth upon atmospheric rold or platina plates, from one to an entire set. Extracting, cleaning, plugging and fillings warranted to stand, and nerves killed, with little pain, the, teeth filled and preserved for years Being deter mined to do work .1, Korwi as the ‘Best, oj- lufcilor to Kone, He has spared no trouble or expense to benefit those who may favor him with a call. His friends, former patrons and the public generally, arc invi ted to call and see for themselves. All operations warranted. He begs leave to refer to those for whom he has operated. August 29, 1854. 1 ts MEDIC’AI. CARD. DR. J, E. BLOUNT, F North Carolina, having permanently Io rated in this city, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Atlanta and the surround ing country, after an experience of four years in the Hospitals at the North, will practice Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. Office on Whitehall street, next door to Mr. Lewis Lawshe’s Tailoring Store, where I can lie found at all hours, day and night, when not profes sionally engaged. 1 Refer to the following gentlemen, and any person wishing to know more of me can do so by addressing, Hon. F. B. Sattcrthwaks, Hon. Josli ua Taylor, Isaiah Rcspass, Esq., Gen. Win. A. Blount, Washington, N. C., Prof. N. S. Smith, Baltimore, Prof. Muter, Prof. Pancost, Prof. H. Giger, Philadelphia. Prof. Bedford, New York. M. A. Bell, Atlanta. aug. 26, 1854. ts. ~ STAGE LINE. From Marietta to Dahlonega, Via Ros well, Cumming and Aurara. Stages on this route leavi's | Marietta for Cumming, byway of Roswell, every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, soon after the arrival of the Passenger Train from Atlanta in the morning. Leaves Cumming for Dahlonega byway of Coal Mountain, Crossville and Aurara, nt 7 o’clock ou Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and arrives at Dahlonega at half past 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Dahlonega at 8 a. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive at Cumming at 5 p. nt. same day. Leaves Cumming for Marietta at 5 a. in. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrives at Marietta at half past 2p. in. in time to con nect with the cars for Atlanta. The travling public will always find on thin route good stages, good teams and careful drivers. Public patronage is respectfully solicited. State office in Marietta, at the Howard House, and at Todd’s Hotel, Dahlonega- A. R. WHITE, Marietta WM. M. VERNU.V. Dahlonega. STAGE LINE FROM MARIETTA TO CANTON, riI HE hack on this line leaves .Warietta every J Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m. and arrives at Marietta from Canton cverv Mondays Wednesday and Friday at p. ni sep. 19, ’54 nlO ts. A. R. WHITE. Almanacs for 1855. npHE subscriber has just received a large, lot. I of GREEN VILLE’S ALMANACS, fin the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama nnd Tennessee, for sale nt 25 cents a dozen, at Kay’s Cheap Book Stores, Whitehall street, Atlanta. [46-t,tw3m. New Confectionary and Baking Estab lishment. ONE store opjiosite J. Haas <fc Co., White- Hall street, Atlanta; the other next door to the Alhambra, where may lie found at all times a large assortment of Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c. Every variety of plain or ornamental cakes can be furnished for Weddings and Parties at short notice. Imported Wines, and Brandies of all descriptions for medical purposes always on hand—genuine Cigars, choice chewing Tobacco, and a large assortment of toys, fancy articles, &c. Orders from the country accompanied with the cash will be strictly attended to. J. R. PRESCOTT. IL Butcher, Agent. Atlanta, sop. 28, nJ4-6m. Converse Co., AND DEALERS IN WESTERN PRODUCE. Corners Turo Auenue, (late Canal Street,) Fulton, Common and New Levee Streets W. P. CONVERSE, j 'l'. M. CONVERSE. S new oiu.kanr. W. P. CONVERSE, Jr. ) Dr. J. M. Brown. OFFICE near White Hall,at W. W. White’s will attend to the diseases of women and children. !???’ Constitutionalist,’at Augusta, will please copy. [l6-wly. Lost. IN this place, this morning, (the Bth inst.,) a Daguerreotype containing the “phiz” of a fast young man enjoying otiuui emit dignitutc, with a cigar in his mouth. The finder will receive the thanks of an anxious sweetheart l>y return ing the same to this office. [twtf. Read! Read!! Read!!! 4 NY person wishing information in a new and reliable invention and discovery, whereby he can make from S2OOO to S3OOO per year clear, can have full instructions and cir culars. Ac., forwarded them by addressing ’ I AMES R. DENISTON, Canandaigua, New York. N. W Ami enclosing two dollars. This is not oneofthoscHwindlingadvertisments circulated in the press, but is a reliable and safe business. Money will be refunded if required. December 9 45Uwlm J. R. D. Bargains ! Bargains!! Bargains!!! R THE Subscriber would —£o OQ Sg respectfully inform the cit izens of Atlanta, that he has opened the Store in Johnson’s Buildiugs, White Hall st., formerly occupied by McGetterick A Supple, where he offers for sale a large and desirable assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods—which will be sold at New York city prices for cash. —Come one, come all, and be fully convinced of the fact. M. GERRARD, Agent. Open on Monday, Dec. 4th, 1854. [43t-w2w —wtf KAY & RAMSAY PUBLISHERS. [NUMBER 57- MEDICATED INHALATION! CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED AS TREATED BY’ DR. E. N. TRIST, WITH HTS (’ELERItATKP Hygen & Oxygenic Vapor! DR. TRIBT, graduate of the Royal College ol Surgeons in London, and the recipient of di plomas from the Lung Institution of Edinburgh and Hotel des Invalides of Paris, having settled permanently in Now York for the practice of his profession, begs leave to suggest to the citizensol the United States that several years of study and SUCCBSSFI L EXPERIMENTS in England and Scot land, as well as other parts of Europe, with CON SUMPTION IN ALL ITS FORMS, enable him to warrant, not only relief, but a complete cl 1 ke to all those suffering with this great national disease. Dr. Trist deems it unprofessional to advertise; but others having represented themselves as the Originators of the Inhalation Treatment, he would say to the afflicted that he alone is entitled to its first introduction, and would caution all against using the useless and dangerous compounds ad vertised by incompetent persons. il Take up thy bed and walk ! Dr. Trist woukl'say to those interested, that he has had manufactured, for the use of his patrons, his “Patent Inhaling Tubes” through which the vapor is conveyed to the parts affected, and which he earnestly commends for the cheering results which Ifave attended their use: and the fact, that they may lie used by the most feeble invalid without any unpleasant symptoms. To those residing out of the city, Dr. Trist will forward one of the Inhaling Tubes, together with a package of the Vapor, sufficient to last three months, accompanied with ample directions for use, on receipt of a letter containing ($10) Ten Dollars, and describing symptoms. A cure is warranted in all stages of Consuinp tion, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all other affectior of the Throat, Lungs, and Air Passages. T> case of failure, the money will be returned. Address (post paid) DR. E. N. TRIST, 68 Grand st., New York City. A Card to the Ladies. DR. E. N. TRIST'S Brcnch Periodical Lite Pills have ever proved infallible in eradica ting any difficulty, nnd removing all obstructions and stoppages of the menses. These Pills have been used for years in the private practice of French physicians, and, to some extent, in this country. Urged by many ladies, who have used the Periodical Life Pills, Dr. Trist has been in duced to call the attention of the public to their wonderful powers in the alleviation of suffering from any irregularity, of whatever nature, as well •as to prevent pregnancy in those ladies whose health will not permit of an increase of family. Pregnant females, or those supposing them selves so, will not, of course, take these Pills, as Dr. Trist assumes no responsibility after this ad monition. Their mildness, however, would pre vent any mischief to health under any circum stances. Beware of imjiosition. These Pills are sold only by DR. E, N. TRIBT, who will forward a Ihjx to any address, in any part of the country, with ample directions, on receipt of Three Dol lars enclosed in a letter, post-paid. Address, DR. E. N. TRIBT, 68 Grand st., New Y ork Citv. [46-Uwtlmar] WM.KAY. H. A. HAMSAY, M. l> The Atlanta Drug Store! DRUGS! DRUGS !! DRUGS!!! Xj rto Arrivals!! KAY & RAMSAY, \ Y' r HOLEBALE and Retail Dea- V y ers in Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Surgical In struinents, Dental Apparatus, Per ftimery, Fine Medicinal Wines and Brandies ; Fancy Articles, Soiqis, Cigars, &c., are now re ceiving and opening in Dougherty’s new brick building, near the Atlanta Bank, and in the vi cinity of alt the Hotels, a splendid assortment of Drugs and articles usually kept in a Drug Store. One of the partnerw being a practitioner of Medicine, he. has [mid particular attention to the selection in the PHYSICIANS’ DEPARTMENT o which he invites the especial attention of the medical profession. We take occasion to say that we have enga ged one of the most experienced prescription and Drug Clerks in the South, who will superintend this department of the, concern, which is com posed of the Purest Medicines that could lie pro cured in the NORTHERN CITIES AND EUROPE! Our assortment of Common Drugs for the trade, will be found equal to any in the country, and we intend to sell them to Merchants and oth ers upon terms equal to those attainable in Au gusta, Charleston or Savannah. The supply of Surgical Instruments is probably the best ever brought to this section of the State. They are made by a superh Cutler, and we can afford to put them at very Reduced Prices! I’hc Fancy Department is peculiarly rich, The most fastidious can be accommodated from our Show Cases, and we invite the Ladies particu larly, to call and look, as we charge not. a copper for showing. In the Paint and Oil line we intend to be fully posted up, and at such rates that n > one can fail to purchase. In fine, the whole establishment shall be worthy of the wants of our city and the adjacent country, and we resjiectfully ask all to come and examine our stock liefore purchasing elsewhere, as our motto will be “small profits and quick sates." On hand a splendid assortment of Brandies, Wines, Cigant, &e. Atlanta, nov 21,’54. taw Gm. PYBUS RAILROAD SALOON, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. above capacious Establish- I ment, three doors from the City Hotel, is now open, with a splendid Bar, supplied with the choicest Liquors, and Ci gars of the finest flavor. The Eating Depart ment is not surpassed by that of any other Res taurant in the South. Every delicacy of the ..cason is always on hand, and first class Cooksto prepare them for the table. The Proprietor invites his friends and the. pub lic to call and give him a trial—they will find his assistants polite and aecommodating. Private rowns are at the service of those who desire their meals alone, and those can be had at any hour of the day or night. WM.PYBUS. nov. 16, ’54. Uwtf A Valuable House and Lot for Sale r- ;s ; A VERY valuable House and Lot on ls£ s' Prior street, containing one-half acre, .withjgood Buildings, Stables, Carriage house, and a verv desirable location. For tenns apply to SWIFT & BRYANT. Dec. 4th, 1854. 43 t&w ts