Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 14, 1857, Image 2

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J flails hammer, JV*m M"8otanna)t Daily Orargrrm B Y LUCHRANK, DOWS J. H. STEELE* if j. \V. dowsing. 1 ATLANTA, _GBO. f FRIDAY, ADGi 14, 185". Daily, per anwjHn W*j4van#e. ■ *p*flfilTvriih a tba pmocratic itiljginciple ob the ftdtbful erred* Rod of which depends, not only tbe prosperity | but the safety of the Government. He allu ded to the fact that the Democratic I'arly bad lieen tbe dominant party in this country, and that under its rule, oar ’territory bad been en The OMdWMd €«p Race This great event, to fraught with imports Mfce and inHjteat to the sporting circlet in this Wintry. as well as to the community groom! jy. wasdeeidad on ITtorsday i-r Friday, the 36th or Slat’of July last, ami wo hope to be •bis to publish the result in our paper of Tues day, or at the ’atest, of Wednesday The in* tulligeuce will be brought by the steamer Ni agara, which left Liverpool for Boston via Halifax, on Saturday, the 1st August, and WrefclT, (iMPiinn paper. *1 50 Daily Examiner. - Weekly, " ’ .* . . 60 . Advance paymenis are required for *ub- Dum? 1 letters to Editors Atlanta Examiner Democratic Nomiiatlons, tatged. Mid with it oor (Ainstltntion ard gov-) wl11 probably reach the latter plnor on tire .-1 t it __ : l *l. . Hi. •». X nit. : a r (k.v « n U,runl. tVil (lilt POK GOVERNOR, J IKiEPH E. B10WN. OF CHEROKEE. ernmenial principle. He said that Florida had been sacitreabj a Democratic administra tion, that the territory of Louisiana had been secured by thcsaihe puny, together with Texas, California and the recently organised territo- ri> s, and that for all the jjavc ferriiorv which has been acquired by ««. we are indtb’ed t> the policy tuul action of tho Dcmoo-aUr porty. He referred, to tbe Old Whig Party which had opposed us gallantly through a long course of years, sometime* successfully. Rut always open ly and manfully. He pointed out truthfully and forcibly the causes of its decay and defeat and paid a just tribute to its former leaders, aod those of the rank aod file, whose honesty rod patriotism could not be controlled or awed by the Know \olhing party, but who had in the hour of peril despised tbe difference of names, defects.’ of tbe South under It He reviewed the hiliorj of ibe K now Noth- , idg party from its commencement in tho North-I the American !ior-e 1 ern States until upon Southern -oil it was j, , . , J broken down ard defeated by the solid phal-1 ,l ‘ l ’ I acres of the Democracy, and hurled back to I P' uc<; al | tbe Northern dens fromwhich it emanated coy. | erfd with shame and disgrace. His examination of the history of tho posi- I ! tion of the^ Know Nothing party of Georgia lOtb inst., front Whence the telegraph will put us in possession of tho news The infen** Ifitoreat which ha* been, and stid continues to be, numifdsted in this parti cular raor in England, sod which is so widely difi'used throughout the Union, being equally exporie-oed by the cotton planters of Georgia aud Carolina, the backwoodsmen of Nebraska and lotra. aud tho merchaut princes of the Empire City, arises from. the significant fact tliat it is regardeti in a national jvoint of view, as being the race in which the boasted super iority of the English racehorse orerhis Amer ican compeers will be fully and fairly tested, c , . . , th, relative merits of the English aud American and laid stood side be side with tis in I , .... ... ,. . , of the Cooatitation.anJ the equal rights' of •"'»"* tf »- " oH « POT,r “’ - - ted and eompated. We have already in this pa|ier stated the circumstances under which were sent out to England aiuc of them may r.ot lie out of FOR COXGRESS, Second District—,M. J. CRAWFORD ( upou the Kansas bill, wasaevere aod searching, 1 100 ^ ov, ’ r * ' , * 1 llim hast summer, Vr. Ten Brooch,u Southern I gcmleuiun well kuowu ou the Amercau turf, | and owner of several first class racehorses, to Englaud three of his of money are depending on the retralt ol thia r»c\ not only In Vew York, hot slrowt eve ry city of theDuiou, yet we shall not hail the intelligence of ibe victory of our American horses On this account outv. aa we regard it is a higher and more important light than simply as » sporting affair. We believe that, ia the event of our sucoos\ it will give a stim ulus to the breeding and imprnvmeut of the horse by our agriculturist, and lead to tho de- yelopement of excellence far exceeding any thing we hare rot witnessed. It will crenle n desire auiougsl our traualantic cousins to |xw- scss animals of a similar stamp and class to thrwe by which they have beeu conquered, anil a wish to infuse new blood into their preseut stock. And when we look at tho piices which English owners of race horses have beer, in the bubit of giving : when we have seen them give $3i),i)d0 for a goo,I three year old thorough bred . and upwards of 89, 400 for an untried and unbroken yearling, we may reasonably anticipate that the soccesa of Pryor or Prio ress iu this race will lie attended by (be most beneficial results to the breeders of the horse in this country. Wc have lately seen the Em peror o( a European State sending a commis sion to this country to purchase some of onr unrivaled enrriage horses, which ure always admiral when seenjaml we hope soon to be aide to announce the arrival of similar commis. sions from our English friends, for the pur chase of some of the some stock from which Pryor. 1-ccomptc, Prioress, and the still more celebrated Lexington, have been derived. leyau! Church hi session ut Mauehemet, the Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society protested against Bishop Simpaon and Dr. MoClin- tock, for the delegates from the American Methodist Church," foralleged complicity in slavery. France.—Nearly all the partis* charged by the Moniteur With complicity in tho ro om conspiracy, emphatically deny the charges in the London papers. Ledru Kol- lin is especially bitter against the Moniteu and tho French Emperior. and appeals to the British Courts of Justice Letters from Paris, however, intimate that there is sufficient evidence that France can demand their extradition, hut will content itself by simply asking England to trans port the parties convicted. ,Spain.—Letters in the London IS rues stale that the English and French Ambassadors nl Madrid had notified Spain that she could not rely on assistance from their Govern ments in the event of war with Mexico, consequently .Spain has acceded io the of fers of mediation. A representative from Santa Anna had arrived in Madrid. Uermuny.—A Berlin dispatch says that the Governments who are parties to the Zoll-Verien confederacy claim from Eng land indemnity for losses sustained by their ssels m the bombardment ot Canton. mtMoi iiAiti i:x.ict i tit tc . TF.K uC F«ft*i. Founly. ~ For the City ut A limit tv—1. A Hayden p. . Yancey. Dr. T. M. D.uunll. P,- it. M. nith. WillioA Wntkiuk P. K. McDnnic) .Inl.n Collier, A M Wallace. t ’ H Wallace Cooper, .1 T. Lewis mild. E Wil Thom Tims. F. Lmve, T. J. H. Steele, J. W. DitnCan litttns. Carry's Dist. \V. S-. Wingfield, Moone and Mathew Osborne. Back head Dist. John I.. Evins. K. tf. (.’oilier and HenrvToby. Oak Grove Dist. Lewis Wright, John Ab ernathv, Thomas Abernathy. Black Hall Dtst. dames li. Rosser, Ed ward Taliaferro find A R. \ Imond, Stone's Dist. Tiiontas O. Kennedy, Jos Willis and Clement U. Green. E. N. CALHOUN, President Democratic Club. Atlanta, Aug. tl, lr-57. Third Fourth Fifth sir/A Seventh F.irhth D. J. BAILEY. L. J. OARTRELL. A. R. WRIGHT. JAS. JACKSON. LIN. STEPHENS. A. II. STEPHENS. showing in no tnvinhle light, tbe action ofthat' best hor-es. Lecomptc, l’ryor ami Prioress— party, which once endorsed the principles of j all of which hod proved winners here; Lecomptc tkat U .11 ., e J .1 • fi . I * 1 ->TATE LEGlULiTrRE. for Senator.' JARED I. WHITAKER. For RrymtiUalitt JOHN G WESTMORELAND. 1 that Bill, »ud were now found denouncing it: i aod declaring to tbe world that they are insin cere now, or were «o when they solemnly as- servated that opposition to it was hostility to the rights of the South. He defiued his posi tion npon tlie Walker and Kansas question boldly and distinctly. He said that the Geor gia Convention was right in denouncing the interference and language of Gov. Walker — That its action under the circumstances was entirely right aod projier. that in his opinion it was alwavs letter if it were necessary to err at ail to err on the -ide of the South. That it was not the part of wisdom or justice to crake See Third page fbr Late News. Personal \Ye arc gratified to learn from our eotem- ,.urary of the American, that he has pro- ured the services of Dr. Frank J. Robin- indeed, had defeated the great Lexington, 4 though the latter subsaqnently retriev' d his laurels by beating his former conqueror. Pryor and Prioress bail also defeated some of the best horses on tbe American tnrf. After his arrival in England he publicly challenged to ran any English horse or horses for 825,000 a match ot four mile heats; but this being a kind of race almost obsolete iu England—they pre- fering n short and speedy dash of one or two miles to one in which the stamina und staying war upon Mr. Buchanan because he did not j qualities of tbe horse are fairly tested—his immediately recall Gov. \\ alker. * J 16 * j* was 1 challenge was not accepter!. In consequence a naesticn for calm consideration and dalihor. .. r 1 a question for calm oonsideration ami deliber- , ... . ation. and that as Georgia was tbe only State j' r . 1,1 ^ rcorK reso 7u ^ t0 l * ienl ID which had made such a demand upon the ad- 'beir own fashion, and run them at their favor mmistratioD, it could not be expected that iho ite distance. He entered Prvor and Prioress for the Goodwood cup, which is a race of 2 1-2 Executive should hastily, yield a complianci with ibe demand- . . . . of Lexington, as Assistant Editor, and - He sbolwd ^ ^,1 iMoflciwcj of | n ni* biisiness and commercial relations,' valuable assistance of J. S. Peterson, E»q.. of Liu rencevillc. The duties of an Ediior.'w e can testify, art arduous, and often, tbe various remedies propo-ed by Mr. Hill lor w it>twrs. ; 'n the way of extra weight) a redress of the wrongs of the South, if any i and allowances tor uorses that hare been de- bad been committed, and said that be had yet j featod or never won a race, as well as to for- to learn of that breach and division in the eign bred horses. The allowances i:i the latter _anks of our party, which the opposition press \fty often, h«? needs assistance; and wo as- j prated al»out^withau iodu.-trj’and jjerscvcrance 1 ’'***'' ‘ said allotvacc our A- -ure our friend Hanleitcr, that, on the first which evinced their desire to create a division j mcricau horses, its well as three French horses M uday in October, be will require more as-1 £"1?^.!. than cm he obtained in the State that arc eutered, will receive The prize is a massive gold cup, value 81, M’e cannot attempt to follow Judge Brown . throughout the whole of his speech—which ,, . (leorgia, in order to secure success to his ^ waa 0BC 0 f t p c m ostcalm, temperate and con- | ou0, utili “‘ways u magnificent specimen of rty. Nevertheless, we welcome the gen-1 vincing arguuumts it has ever been our pleaa- ( art, together with a large surplus in hard cash. urc to hear from sny political man. Me in- There are forty horses entered for this race, of dulged m uo extra' agaoec of lauguageqr g«-, which „ irw Br ,. Fn . m ., 110 but one tare, made usu ol no abu?e im v ituperutton, in dulged in no: of Uic jests and tricks common Frui 11 Porter's Spirit of the Tim's, .toe;. 9. New Kunairemeut ol' the iisterl- can llorset*. AVe learn by Boll's Life, of July It*, that Mr. Ten Broeck has entered Lecomte and Pryor for tho New Market Houghton meet ing on the 20th October, a sweepstakes of one hundred dollars, half forfeit, with five hundred dollars added; tlircc year olds to carry one hundred and two pounds; four year olds, one humlred and nineteen pounds; five year olds, one hundred and twenty six pounds; six and aged, one hundred and twenty eight pounds; thirteen subscribers. The distance is four miles one furloug and oue hundred and seven ty three yards, over ttie Beacon Course. The following are the entries: Pretty Boy, four years; Pryor, five years: Lecomte, aged; Melisa, four years; Pitapat,) four years: Poodle, aged; Gunboat, three years; Bogetborpe, four years; Fright, three yearn; j Fisherman, four years; .'.anee, three years;' Skirmisher, three years; Fandango, five years. 5 Prioress is eutered (or the 'Sussex County J Cup,' to be run for at the Lewes meeting, on j the 10th August. There are seventeen en-1 tries, and the distance two miles and n half.— I The following are the pntries und the weights 1 applied to each WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE.— This wonderful preparation i» having an ex tensive sale in all parts of the Union. It i» one of th" few patient medicine* which are now sold over the country that are really what their inventors claim for them. Whenever it had a fair trial, tho result has been precisely as Wood predicts. It has never failed to turn the white hair hack to the natural color, where the directions have been strictly followed and in numerous cases it has restored the hair upon heads that had been bald for years. 11 is not pretended that it will make the hair grow in every ease, but where it fails there is certainly no remedy, The restoration of the hair has been effected in so many instances where the case seemed utterly hopeless, that it is certain ly worth while for all who have lost their hair to try the experiment of using a bottle or two of Wood’s Restorative.—[Moline Workmen. Sold by all respectable Druggists August 8,1857 (ixw'Jw $rw iltmci'tisEiimits. EUREKA OIL, The Greatest Discovery of the Age From tho ColumhitH Hun. A new remedy recently introduced to the public, in startling our romn unity bv the wonderful cures that un* being ellocted by it» use It ban been tried in emeu toftho most vio lent cholic, on noro breastR, cracked nipple*, Icl ter*, eruptions of the skin, ulcera, non* iega, ul cerated sores of long viandiug, apraiun und brui* er, in every instance where wo have h ardofitw being used, it has proved fn be a *}uro and speedy remedy. To it* forinur high character, ia now added that of the destroyer ot the but iuthatva] liable animal, tin* horse Who would be with out so good q Samaritan for the ailmehts 01 mar and bca/d. as the lJurekn UiJ. it can be had in this oily ut tbr store of A K Ayer, and at the drug store of Drnforth Xnpcl A Co. It ia a discovery of southern origin, and i» trantt factureu and aold at wholesale by t». YV. Croaft A Co., at the city of Atlanta, <»a. Head tin- following no*o addressed to us yesterday : Special Notices. VVoKtex’ii Freight*. their editorial dntie- Frank Dillard, a youth, tear since, left Pertersburgh. Va. with Col. Rosser scompany to Kansas,ana whoshort- | ^ „ v after entered Walker’s Nicaraguan army, j race . retained to that city a lew days age. from • His speech t'self provoked uo buiat? ot ap • - f. S. sloop of watC vane .'via the James- ] plauac or merriment, but was listened to r throughout with a quietness and attention 1 jwn. Walk He gives a flattering account present prospects of succes- whicb sufficiently attested tbe potter and force ot truths of which he spoke. We are fully conquest of Nicaragua, and expects soon convinced that the reports ot his ability return and share the glory. Several Vir- ' debate arc not exaggerated, fur his coolness gmians returned with him. He «av» that I and self-poaseauon and power of argument are counts of Walker’s cruelty arr levaggcra- d and uialicious.—Bit patch. The Winner cf the Goodwood.—It u thought! to defend h» principles, strengthen his - > -f If r Tnn riamw'l’ ii nnf fnrfnnfiB* Pitfiacdi 1 ok.. U. if Mr. Ten Broeck is not fortunate enough j party and attach himseif to the he.cest and in- wic the Cup race at Good wood, bewillebaK telfgeiit yeotnant , . yeomanry of bis country. The im enge tbe winner to a match at four tniie beats j pressiou be made upon the Democracy of twenty thousand dollars. Or, that be will Chatham will be read in large majority for propose to meet the English champion* ot the I 'art on this side of tbe Atlantic. If tbeGood'- Am ricnn nnd the remainder English, though the number of but addressed himseif at i star*' is will probably not exceed ten or fottr- ,tvl -.*cll-’ct f his audi-; tcec. 1 hough the win: cr of tbe French Der by, Tutocki, L-* amongst them, yet Blink Bonny th': victress of the great Kiiglisb Derby and the Oaks, is not included, nor yc'. Fandango nor Skirmisher, both Aseetuip wiouers, uor Vid- ette. the 2,000.guineas victor: still, among the Goodwood cup horses are some of the best upou the English turf, and iu tbe event of the victory of cither of the American representa tives, Pryor or Prioress, will leave no rootufor cavil as to the quality of the English horses they have defeated. Amongst the best and ipost celebrated ol these are Fisherman, tbe victor in many a w. ll contested field, and the best four year old thorough bred iu England Fozzoletto, the winner of last year's 2,o00 guineas stakes; Rogerthorpe. who won the tbe most proper and effective weapons with which to meet tbe eiap-trap and bunkum of popular political speakers, lie is not tbe man (o make floaters yell—but is evidently qttali him st the election in uctcl ^AfUr Jxdgi- Brown tmd ■ jucluded Col ood go adverse to as, we think the Foihi®o-f«&,- ur ,i was called upon and responded. Hi Goodwood cup last year; Pretty Bay, the win- | ner of tlie Liverpool cop and Goodwood stakes den and tits backers, and fully exposed the ockey Club of thio city might make such on I immediately addressed himself to the mat- tier ? The trial will not be complete until tbe j tori at is-ne between himself and Col. Gaul- o:„,- .Vuni'. Pole Star, Good Friday Trinton. Lecomt*. CctswoM. Viscount. Alice, Urey Chicken. Gemma di Verge Prioics . Ctedric, Frigitt C'ouiquot, Cbevalierd Industii rouruaiaeut. Potoeki. Ibt. 127 121 lib 110 110 I U) too 109 107 10fi 10(1 105 105 100 loO til FROM ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE, CIN- ciunati, and other Western UitieH to Atlanta, via Memphis, Tuscumbia, and .Nashville, at THROUGH BATES, over the Memphis, Nashville, nnd Western & Atlantic Railroad. E.B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, W. A- A. If. it August 12, 185V dim Uotcsrncs, Gs., July 22, i8f>7. I 1 funk it my duty tn inform the public thru 1 your valuable paper, of 0 most remarkable clue which tvos effected on a horse of Mr, King's, which was taken in Broad street, and pronoun ced by knowing ones to be hopelessly affected with tho Butts. I administered Eureka ml, and in a very short time tho horse was entirely re j leived, to the astonishment of n crowd of spec tators, tnrreban's, countrymen nnd others, who had been attracted to the spot by tbe agonies 0! the animal. * by giving this a place in your col umns. you will confer it great favor on man and beast CHARLES V. SMITH. A filleted Head! I called to sec a Lady from Alabama, who had comu to Atlanta on a visit. VVheuf en tered lire room, i found her sitting iu a chair with the glands of her neck so much swollen and infiamed, that sho could not turn her head to the right or left, to speak so as to he heard across tliu room, t prevailed with her to try Eu- raka Oil. Site emsentrd, and commenced by rubbing it well ou the throat, and gargling fre quently, and to my great astonishment, in three days sbe pronounced hersc.l tft'eclually rured, and left for Alabama with a good supply of tlie justly celebrated Buraks (Id. Sold only by S..I. SHACKLEFORD, Sole ,lg'L Try If. Everybody! A Lady iu this city who wan awfully afflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism from the bottom of the left loot up the same limb, side, both shonl - J down the arm to the onds of her fin- English racer- meet us on our own ground.— Pvrirr's Spirit 0)' the Times, Aug. Hue in the Atalrama fitiro-r —The Detnop- 1 into action Me dented having made any bargain with last year, as well as a score of other rich stakes; Arsenal, wht) carried off the Queen's gold vase ti at Ascot this year, and Anton, the favorite champion of Sir Robert Peel, who backed hint Col, Gauldcn, further thau pledging himself! ^ or ‘LWH! guineas and Derby, to wir, half a material of which the opposite created and the motives w hich 1 to him was) brought ;!3 Gazette, of the 3Dt uIt-, says. The fre quent rams have earned a brisk rise in the ri- to support him, provided the Democratic | million dollars, besides others whose naw-tand There seem/ 1 ’.0 be more rise iu tbe Lit- party of the District should nominate him at j performance.! it is unnecessary to mentiou e Big bee than in the arr.or. s v..ral feet He ackn-, It has risen | **»* enioing campaign „. , : edged having drawn the rompllmenfary reso-1 ... j lution in farvor Col. G.. w itich he did at tin:' carrie '* t * J ' we append the names and weights various animals entered. From the Savannah Georgian, Aug II Judge Brown at »t. Andrew;* Hall. I b- ateness of tbe hour «■ wmch the meet g adjourned ins’, night, prevents u* Iron- gtv. _• a ik ailed -account ot the speech of our candidate for GoTfcfaor. Ibe meeting wasc,rg»' *d b, callingHolo- m ju Cohen. Ksq to tbe cltair who. iu a few net and weli-funed remarks, advrlcd to the d.jecu of tbe meeting.Bit position of parties. ai,d the eminent qasltfieatior. an who had Uen selecttd - urcr of the Georgia Democra rv. Mr Harfridge, in behalt of the committee, then introduced witii a short and eloquent -pet h, Judge Brown to tbe meeting. ] request of Col. Guulden’s friends, and which was drawn to suit Col. Ganlden's own taste. He admitted that Ire buttered the bread ra- I ther thick for *0 modest a mar, as Col. Gaul-: 1 deu. but denied that he was responsible for' the fact that Col. G. ate it. He showed up the style n, which the late I Holmesville Convention was created, andj called by name the , . ,.- .b)c Democratic' delegates who assumed to represent the Demoeraoy ot the Dtstric: up n that o< . ston, one o!" whom had since gone the gentle- from the effect of having acted with th I) - the standard rnocracy for the first tune, and the other of) w hom had also made his debut in the of th- Democratic party ny coating his , noitdeii vote for Col. Gaulden. Gol, Srward alluded to the two contests in which he had Wc have not the time or space at present to sustained the raus' fthe party, his services -allow Judge Brown through his Speech, or 1 in Uon^tess, and said that the people should en to note the meet prominent features io it decide it he had not faithfully pertormed the iffice it to say, that it wag a sound, dear and , trL >t confided to him,and not the faction who gullied argument, which, whi e it reflected | »ougt,i from personal rnoti at credit upoti bis intellect and leeiing, at throw thru. He then m; t' same time creattd a deep and lasting un-' u**'* arg-.nier, - . upon the llone to over- tiong and j Kar.»as question,} tessmn in hit favor opoo the large audience,) enJorsfng and sustaining tlie position of .Licit gave it throogbonc aa undivided a'ten- j Judge Brow.',. H,s speech was welt r<- l cetved, and did much towards relieving Mr. j The Hon. Janes L. Seward being present,| Saward trotn ibe odium which has been at- , u« then eahed ,pon. ood responded to tbe I twnpted to be cast upon him. The hasty n -i with a pointed and forcible speech, foils i pbrt which we have been enabled to throw tting forth his position towaru) bis oppyoent | off from meuiory alone, 0) the speeche,. of Gaulden. and the nreserA poiitcai issues 1 he meeting then adjourned after giving • hearty cheers for Jndge Brown, ard three ■n ,te f r NIr. Seward. We will refer to tbe speeches of both gen- ••mcr. in a fature iasue. these gentlemen, w e are satisfied does not j do justice to the effort of either, hot onr friends abroad may be assured that they have : rioi failed to make an effect here, and that I when the conte-l is sounded in October I next Old Chatham will be readv to take her Judge Brown addreOK* tlie people of Liber-1 position at the head of the column and lead , •j county to day, who, doabflew after a per- unal aequ*ititance with him, will agree with . all here, that the favorable reports which aTe reached ua frota every quarter concernihg .un, do not do justio ctber to the tnera, hut harac'.et or hi* UtkoG the Democracy of Georgia to ar.otlier glo-j nous victory. .1 Paradox.—Why is a barrister 'ike u mart | who pasts-- sleeple-.r nights? Bec*.u* be trie- first on one side anti then I ou the other, aj.,J j w.Je awake all the time. I Nome*. Age Lbs. Foiestur 5 131 Mary, 131 Rogerthorpe. 4 120 Nerilc. G 128 i'azzoletto. 4 127 Fishcruiar:. 4 127 Pretty Boy. 4 122 Artillery. \ pa nl I'ryor Amerieaaf 121 Monar-rU' French j 121 Kelt re). 4 118 Melitj.i 4 118 I’.oclmnier. 4 117 Mg /<ag. il 115 V -coont, 4 ,13 I'rioreas f American; 4 inn Gemma.di Vergy, Unit, by Flying Duff •hmau I07 out of Barf*. to.', Kt Giles. 3 103 Anton, 3 1ft'. Blue Jack'-t Hr, Warder mareke 3 105 .Sir Colin, 3 105 Araenal, iu;. Mongrel, hai: bred lor, Sneeze, 3 paid 7,t idee, 3 101 Riaeirer. ;j too uyder Y.x. .3 T, Sw«t William, a 87 Dulcamara, 3 <17 Gun Boat. 3 y- Lord of tbe Hills, 3 07 t <aberinnzie, !*7 Tlying Englishman, 3 ’17 Sacharssa. 3 93 Arts, 3 93 Florin 'French) ,3 91 Potoeki (French; 3 91 Although arc a^axc tliat imueo!'. . Till; EB0K IUXOICAI'. The American horses, Pryor and Prioress, are withdrawn from the Kbor Handicap.— They complain of the weights. THE OOOOWOOD Cl'f — BETCINO IS ,'ISCtSSATI. Prioress has been backed ‘even’ in Cincio' uati. Even against Gemma di Vergy; even against Arsenal, even against Fisherman, at new ori.ea.ns. I’ryor and Prioress have been bucked a-1 aain-t tlie field, in the Goodwooii Cup, at on 1 '! to eight, in New 1 )rleaiis, to the extent of one thousand dollars. betting in new vork. At the office of Porter’s Spirit of tin 1 Times, Pryor, ten to one taken; Prioress, eight to one, taken; Melissa, fifteen to one, offered; Anton j x to one, taken: Potoeki, seven to one; Mon- urque, twelve to one; Pretty Boy, tlfieen to one. Eureka Oil for Cholic in Horses. On Saturday last a tnttlc, the property of Mr. John IV. Ransom, of Russell county, Al abama, was violently attacked with cholic iu tbe street iu Columbus, was very much swol len, aud from all appearances could live hot n short time unless relieved. Two ounces, li- j quid measure, of Eureka Oil was administered. I and in five minutes relief was perceptiblo .and ' in twenty minutes the animal was entirely re lieved- This new and valuable mixture is certainly agreut acquisition to the list of remedies here tofore before the public, which, in addition to the many reliefs it has given man, i; now found to lie invaluable for the horse, iu the ture of hots aud cholic, and the removal of fistulas and naval gulls. We have done our duty in spreading its good qualities before the public. Call on Danforth, Nagal k Co\ or A. k Ayer, and procure the never failing remedy.—Columbus Son. August 11, 1857. ,itf grrs. t.'oulil not walk, hut lay in bed tnrmcnlod with the most excruciating pain, day and nigh’. 1 recommended her to try the Eureka Oil. Sho readily ngreed to lo< >, and commenced rubbing it on the BUi'ace three or lour times a day, and in about liif days sliu nun entirely relieved of Inflammation am! pain. Iwaann ay* witness of the wonderful c-Oi-cta of tins {ml. and affirm th* above t< be substantially true a. J. SHACKLEFORD, Agent. August II, Isr>7 dtf Col. tiartrell, The Democratic nominee for Congress, in this District, will address his fellow-citizens ’McDonough, Saturday , 15th August. Stouu Mountain, Monday, 17lh •• Greenville, Wednesday, lUih “ Franklin, (Heardco.,) Thursday, 27 Aug, Campbeilton, Tuesday, 1st September. WASHINGTON HOUSE, t'licMiuI si. above Seventh st. PHIIilUELI'IlI.t. 1 8 central, in the immediate vicinity of the most important Public Institutions, tho bust and most fashionable places of business, and the attractive Public Squ ires of ti.e City - In the important requutea 1 f light and ventilation, two principal objects aimed ut in the recent enlarge ment and lliorougli improvement of this House, it is not e.ceuded, perhaps, by any establish ment in America. To strangers, therefore, its position is peculiarly desirable. The mluscri- i-i r returns thanks to his triends an t tho public for the liberal patronage they have extended to him,and assures them that he will endeavorto merit « continuance of their favors. A. F. GLASS Aug 10, 1857 d»w From the Baltimore Patriot. Additional .News by the ndian-j Quebec, August 10. Tim following additional items of for eign new s are embraced in the advices per ateamci Indian : The steamer City of Baltimore left Liver pool simultaneously with the -.learner In dian. fn the House of Lords ou Monday, Lord C larendon moved the production of tho pa pers relative to the affairs of India and spoke strongly in favor of a complete reform of the Indian government.* His motion was adopted. D'lsraeli, also in tlie House of Commons, moved the production of certain papers re lative to the organization of the Bengal ar- 'rny and elaborately reviewed the Britnli In dian policy, asserting that the present out break would result in a national revolt, and denouncing the apathy of the government in the present dangerous emergency. Lord John Russel moved as an amend ment, that an address he presented to ihe Queen assuring her that the House would j cordially support the government in any ef fort* necessary to suppress the disturbance j in India. D'lsrach’s motion w as rejected und Lord Russell’s adopted. The utmost dispatch was being u«e,l m tlie shipment of troops to India. At the Genual Uoafereflce oi the Wce- 22d August. 24tli do 281h do 2‘JtU do 2d September. o<l do Ith do 7th dr- 11 th do 12th do Congressional Appointments- We, the undersigned, agree to address tho people of this District at the following time and places: Fayetteville, Saturday, f’almetto, Monday, Gian Grille, Friday.’ LuG range, Saturday, Stone Mountain, Wednesday, McDouougb, Thursday, Jonesboro’, Friday, Campbeilton. Monday, Marietta, Friday, Decatur, Saturday, Each party to have the liberty of speakiug at any other lime nnd place thay may think proper without notice to the other. LUCIUS J. GARTRELL. M. M. TIDWELL. Samuel Swan & Co., ATLANTA GEORGIA BANKLE3HS. .‘/rot Drillers in Gold, Silrir, Bank- .Xntet anil Domestic Exchange. Den,un i Exchange on Now Vork, N't-tv Or- lesns, Wt. I.oui*, Susannah, Charleston, and all points in the United States. Uncurrent Bank Notes and .specie bought and sold. .Collection* made everywhere arid proceed* remitted by Sight Draft on New York or New Orleans, on day of payment, BAMUBL SWAN (.go. f. *i,DY. Atlanta, July 15,1857 daw'f 10,000 Shares SOUTHERN PACIFiC R. ROAD STOCK! T Laths! Laths!! Lath*!!! . )CAR Loads, for Plastering. Un Conaigi ^ment and for *ale Jow , by, NwHdwtf B. M. HEAGt*. ftrw Bacon. 4 Choice |,,t just receivnd, in afore and ter -air LOWE A HILL NilF. PRESIDENT ft DIRECTORS of tin _ uthern Pacific Rail Road Company, have net npatt Ten Thouaand Shares of tht* Htock to la) offered, fur a limited period, to the citizen- ot Georgia, and those whtMlcsirif to subscribe, will do so poomptly. Five per cent ia all that wit! ever bv called for upon this Stock, as the grants from the State o r Texas, arc In Id to be sufficient to jiny the other ninety-five per rent. Seventy rn-les of the Road have been put under contract, with Messrs. John T. Grant fi- Co., of this State, whose experience, ability, and resour ce, give arnpli assurance of the most rigorous nnd speedy construction of the Road. The Rights Fran chises, ard Property of this Ompnnv, are sp. cured, bevolid all contingencies, The Iron for U7 mil's ol the Road, lure al ready been delivered ill Texas, end tho Road Bed is now nearly ready to receive it. As the Company hav no immediate use lor funds, I am authorized to lake good papor maturing at Savannah, Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans, or New York, on the 1st of March, IN5N, with inlcrest and etchange added' The Stock may be secured on a [plication 10 nre at the office ol Williams, Rlica ,y Co,, Atlanta, Georgia,where printed Charters, Rep rts, and Statistics, ran l-s had BOLJ.INO BAKER, Agent lor Sole of Southern J’acific Kail Road Stock III the sinle of Georgia Atlanta, July 23,*11-67 > ,f 4 vvtl Form of Stock CerUtirnu , Be it known that — ,la.'f Milled in ” Shares, of J-1 UO, each, <n ihr Capita^ Meek of the Southern Pacific R»;i Ro-d Company, representing all lire rights, j,.. tercstn, privileges,lands, and other prop ( rty ,,! tho Company, transferable 011/1/ on the Books ol the Company, by sard — or his at torney, on the surrender of this Certificate o r , each of these shares, *5. have been paid, and i,„ further call - r a Mam, nil, cat, or shall t, e m „ )t on the Stock represented by iljis Certificate In testimony (thereof, the said Company have caused this Certificate to he signed, Ac, ’ 1ST !uteiitfcn«er WiOnmican’will copy