Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 14, 1857, Image 3

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DillA li^AklXEIi! Latest News. Fatal Accidknt.—Ezekiel Mace, an aged man and citizen of this plape, was tun over by ilie cars of i lie Maoon 4s Western Hail* i ad, neat ilic Depot in tills city, on yestor- Jay morning. His legs were badly maahad and Ins skull fractured. ^Ie was conveyed immediately to his residence where he died ,ibom 12 o’clock, M. He was very old and deal— iti Ids 'tfiili yem. His deafness was ilie cause of the accident. He has lett a daughter, with whom he was living, to mourn In. untimely decease. Tim Goodwood Cue.'—Halifax, aug. 13. Tim result of the “Goodwood Cup” races, hi which the American horses, Prior and Prioiess, were beaten, has already been tel egraphed. The French horse, Mnntiri)iic won the race. The English horse Riseber was see- ond, and Fishormon third. Prior was fifth, and Prioress sixth. Communicated Mr. Editor : ill common with all good citizens of At lanta, l feel an exceeding anxiety that our Commission Merchants should have a char acter beyond reproach. My attention has been directed to one A. K. Seago, who ad vertises himself, and seems desirous of no toriety, and 1 beg to ask him some questions. 1st. Are you the Seago who falsely over- weighed Bacon sold by you to Mr. I.arkin Davis of this place; and when discovered, did you pay to settle it 1 b’d. Are you the man who was accused by Mr. Ballard of fraud, and did arbitrartors de cide that you should disgorge V 3d. Are you the man who, in n corn trans action, acted in bad faith to those who trusted and aided you ? I refer you to the Messrs. Wallace of this place. How did you serve Mr. Belcher, of Ken tucky? I refer to J. 1). Wells, Esq., of this place. Now can you—you expect to obtain notoriety by presuming to attack a Bank ! Do not try to eat your last letter as you did your first—but leave—go away—your name •tinks in the nostrils of all honorable men. 1 am no Bank mail, but T am one who knows you, and you shall he stripped of your false colors and stand exposed to the sonrn of all honest men. ONE WHO KNOWS VOL'. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER Empire City. View Voiik, August 12. The Empire City, Capt. McGowan, from Havann, has arrived with dates from that place to tho Pth instant, aud with later intelli gence from Central and South America, and California. The Empire City brings SL.'iOO.OOn intreas sure. The news front Central America is not of special interest The .Democratic Convention in California has nominated the Hon. John B. Weller, as as candidate for Governor. The Republicans,in Convention, have nom inated Edward Stanley, as their candidate for Governor. A destructive tire had occurred at Valpar aiso. V desperate buttle bail been fought uear Arequipa, in Pern, between the armies of Vc. ranco, and those of El Muriscal Castilla, the President of Peru—both armies claim the victory. There has been an attempted revolution at i .C uo, a fortified town of northern Pern. A11 ft l \ A EOF TU K STEAMS! 111* Additional by the India!* ut Quebec. ' Livaarooi., July 2b. The mutiny in the Beugal army is increns- iog. The Insurgents still bold out at Delhi. Several sorties have besn repulsed. The Brit* ish arc waiting reinforcements. The Chinese fleet has been destroyed, after two severe engagemeuts. The Niagara and Susquehanna went to Cork with the cable on the 29th. Consols on account 91 a 91 J—decline caus ed by adverse news from India. Money in active demand. The Bank daily (rising its specie. R ee quiet. Ralriou, N. 0., Aug. 11. Returns from Purycur’s district indicate that he has been beaten by Scale, Dr in., some 300 or JUt) votes. In the Weldon is also reported that Dr. Shaw, I lem , has been elected over Smith, American. Nkwark, N. J., August 9. This afternoon the drying building connec ted with the Chadwick patent leather manu facturing works took tire, and together with the adjoining building, containing the office and warerooms, were almost entirely consumed.— The loss is estimated at twenty thousand dol lars, aud is fully covered by insurance. Sev eral persona were very seriously injured by the falling of the wall. Among them are James M.tjuinby, a large carriage manufacturer and formerly mayor of the city ; Peter Biker, a fireman; Peter W'ctzell aud Christopher MeVoy. The Baby Trial. New York, August 10. Justice Davidson to-day refused to admit Mrs. Cunningham to bail. Her counsel an nounced his intention to apply for a writ of certiorari. Tlte I im vn Filed Ion. Dcbuquk, August 8. Returns from 2G counties foot up for the new constitution, C.665 votes; gainst 3,- 398. The counties yet to be heard from will probably increase the majority for the con stitution. Nashvilln, Tens., Aug. 1-’. The Democratic majority in the Legisla ture is 11. The delegation to Congress stands 8 Democrats to 3 Americans. The Democratic majority for Governor is 11,- 000. Boston, August 9. Four young ladies, two of whom were daughters o( B. F. Soule, and the other two of u Mr. Grant, were drowned ut Watervilie Maine, on Thursday. New \ ork, Aug. lo. Justice Davidson has refused to admit Mrs. Cunningham to bail. Her counsel have announced an intention to applv Ibr * writ of ccrtiurii’. 8>t. Louis, Aug. U. Advices Irom Ivannas to the 8th inst. have been received. Gov. Walker bad returned to Lawrence with the United Slates troops ; the apprehension of an Indian attack proved groundless. The. election returns indicate nearly a unanimous vote in favor of tin T >pek:i con stitution Roiburt, Aug- 7. The chemical, oil aud turpentine works of tbo Boston the foot of North ampton street, in ihla place, were destroyed by fire this morning. The.loss is about 5*73.000 and the insurance very small. Serial llfltifffi. Lotteries! FtrLTON. ["-♦»♦» New York, August 11. I'll? steamer Fulton arrived this afternoon from Havre, bripging also T/indon papers of the 29th nit. In the London money market ou Tuesday there was quite a panic, owing to the rumors jf another attempt to assussiuate Napoleon, ud the unsatisfactory character of th# advices Vim India. f t onsols, which opened at 91 1-2 for money i it'll to 90 7-8 a 91, and after official hours ubere was a further foil of au 1-8. There was au active demand for mouey und i steady withdrawal of bullion from the bank The Paris Bourse closed ou Tuesday nt a slight decline. l.kwrcuce Reusliuw, the president of Muy- uooth College, is dead. Sugar in the Londou market is active at au advance ol six dais. Wiishiiigtoo, Aug. 11. Cupt John Pope has Urn ordered to the command of the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, Sew Hampshire vice Com. Newton, deceased. Capt. .VcKean has been appointed Governor if the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia, to re lieve Commodore Storer on the «0tb inst. $3 50 REWARD. M*.or's Office, I Atlanta. Juuu JU.lsdT, j V REWARD of $150 will be given lo any person who will apprehend and safely de liver to ihe nhfriffof Fulton county, William M Witcher, who is charged with liming killed his father. 1). H. Witcher, in this city, on tho ~ r >th inst. WILLIAM EZZARD. Mayor. DESCRIPTION. \V illiam M. Witcher is about Is years of age, live feel six inches high, weighing about 150 lbs., broad shoulders, sandy hair inclined to red straight and long, face broad and slightly freckled. He had on when he escaped, a blue cloth coat, light colored rasimere pants nml black gaiter shoes. Inly 2,1857 duwtf CIO TUNG! New Spring Stock <S£B IIERU! Elegant Styles of Cloths, CASSIMERE & VESTING, UNEN, Sfl aRSEILLES, &c., HP '. CAPS, umjIvTS iHLiibfiirtu liOuDS Superior Fitting Shirts, Tailors trimmings Winl®Ll@A3=l 4 A Superb Stock of Clothing ot our own Manufacture. Also, Agents fur the Sale of SBWtNft MA0H1II£$, Prices very Low. X3T The Public are Invited te call and ex amine our Stock. \\ HERRING 4 son. - match l dwtl Important to Married ladien and „ those ubout to marry ! Dr. Delonmer'uICelebrated Monthly Pills. Prepared from a prescription of A LEX AN- i BLR DELORME, member ot the Frepch A ; ademy of Rurgeuns, mid attendant phyaisian f., | her Mojosty, the Etnprei. Thia invaluable medicine ad-, like a < Uaim in all menstrual diflieultle mrnming obstruc tions, and bringing on the Monthly pen. ids with perfect regularity, fu all cases 3f Nervous Af fections, Palpitation of tin- Heim Flour Ml,is ,,r Whites, and in fact in all complaints arising from a disordered condilioii and unhealthy ac tion of the Genital Organs, thc-o Pills will ef-' fort o speedy and permanent run Tiny are j pal up in small plate glass flasks, securely seal- I ed from observation, and accompanied by full! directions for use. Price $1 per package j •V II.— Their Villi should not lie taken by females during the first th re months ol preg-; j nancy, aa they are certain Ui bring on niiscar. I I riage; but at any other time they are harmless.; I J. K. Bi.a.hoin, M. D., only Agent for the I uj. j ted States and Canadas, /5l*o jus/ reccieved at the Lector’s ofllte, a I fresh supply of Ricord’s Female Protector—an j unfailing preventive of Conception, and invalu. J able to those females wito, owing lo habits of; life or physical malformation, ore incapacitated from safe re-proiluetinii. Price $2 s'-nt by mail. In eonnectioli with these remedies, I have | constantly on hand the fullowiug work;: Mat- I rnn’a Manual, Marriage Guide, Diseases of Females, Diseases of Males. Bach work is j substantially bound and beautifully illustrated with colurrd plain, and contain nearly 400 j pages of reading nutter. Sent | ost paid to any address on receipt I $1, and 25 cents in ! stamps. All letters addressed lo mo will rccei't ray imrnejiatc attention; and letter;, of inquiry j (when a postage is enclosed.) will be promptly | attended to. J. K. BLANDIJJ, M- D.. bvitACCSK, Nb'v York. dune 29, 186. iDtvfiin . R, It.R.—SHIP FEVER—On the coasts! of South America, in the Tropics, and in Ihe 1 East ond West Indies, this dreadful pesti'erce I has broken out with the suddenness of the 1 lightning flash, and as suddenly been checked i by the timely use of Railway’s Ready Relief a Regulators. It is truly a blessing to feel sale. I when you aro in the midst of a terrible posti-1 liner, breathing ito poisonous air, and knowing I that by taking a few drops of IfaJnroy's Ready Relief, ami keeping the bowels free and clear, regular and strong, by one little Pill, called J ; Railway's Regulators, that you »re safe, and 1 I can bid this pestilence defiance. Whole squad- 1 i ions of ships have time and again been purified I alter this pestilence bad broken out, and ihe lives of the crews and passengers saved from a sudden and terrible death by the It. R. Relief and Regulators. Every vessel that leaves port, and every traveler by s'a, should lay in a supply ol ^ Railway's Relief Regulators and Resolvent—no matter what form the pestilence may appear in whether aa Yellow, Spotted, Ship, ltrrin, 7 y- ‘ t hus,or other malignant Pc'cr«, or Cholera lyaentery, Radtvoy’s Relief, aided by n dose or two of Regulators, tvi.l protect the human , body Lost sudden attack;-, i’or Scuivy, Sou . 1 Tumors. Hods, Balt Rheum. Skin Disco.-.. and all Scaly and and Scrofulous Di-ets. Ita'• way's Resolvent is a posttiiv - ure YrmcJ with these ii'emcdies, the travclc.-' cm B - most. sickly places with salcty. MEDICAL TESTIMONY CANNOI UB CONTROVERTED. One of the most .tartiing n.-c- is n .rro tcJ of Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge hy Di. John But- j er, of Lowell, Trembcll Co., i >hto. I he ca«' | was that of a young lady wh' had been very, aick tor eight years, and bad consulted a uuui j her of physicians , who had treated it as me of I Prolapsus Eteri Dr. Butler was then called' in, ami fur a time la In ved with his predecessors that it w as a case ul Prolapsus. He was, In vv 1 ever, aoon forced lo the conclusion that Ids pa- j tient was suffering from worms, and alicr much persuasion prevailed U[>on her to take two dc. es rl Dr. M'i.anc's Vermifuge, prepared by 17cm. ing Bros.of Pittsburgh. This medicine had the effect of removing front hei a countless nuroher' of the largest sire. Alter she passed them, !.rr j health immediately returned. She is since mar ried, mid continues to enjoy excellent health. pi)~ Purchasers will be careful to ask for lilt ! M LANE's, CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEMING BROS., of.Pitts-1 burgh, Pa. AU other \ ermifuges in comparison arc worthless. Dr. M'’s genuine Vermi-i fuge, also his celebrated Liter Pills, can now be j had at all respectable drug store-. \ me gtnj : tune without the signature of FLEMING BROS. ‘ Taylor's Auti-DyNpcptlc r.livli. Atlanta, Gkiikoia, May 1-'. '57. DR. J. A. TAYLOR, Sir 1 regret 11 say to you that fut a Unit 1 aOI'ercd most severely from that horrid disc a , dyspepsia, and all its evil attendants. Lite, it- self, almost became a burthen. Utntedy alio remedy was tried— medical advice sought Irani tinia to time—but all would not do. Heart burns sour eructations, a difficulty in breathing, paw in tho head, aud many other tils to winch flesh is heir, w ero the torments ol my tile. At last. 1 tried your Elixir, ami since then have iouinl re hel. Upon my caac, it has operated sacharm l can now eat with some san-'aition. ami sleep without )>eiiig troubie-1 with Irightlui dreams. In truth. Sir, to your Lliiir 1 owe ai- most u new existence, ami you »re at liberty to publish th.s to ihe world should you ihmk pio- pcrlodoso. MM. KAY. Sold by Smith fc Errand, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Atlanta,Ga. may Unit J e'c-nruaxtoK—can lie acquired t>> using the Ita - a Tkoufand H'tctrt." What lady ot genii. ! man wou'd remain under the curse of a Jim grceable breath, when by using the “Halm ol a 1 Thousand Flowers ’ as adcmunce, would not only render it awee*, blit leave the oe'ih wh.te I is alabaster 1 Many (a rsons do not know their I breath ts bad. and the subject is so delicate the i | Iriends will never mention it. Beware of coum | terlcttf. Ue sure each b. tile u e guod FBTUlDliB A CD. N V. I For sale bv all Druggists- fmh2ttdflin I It scouts that, Deatness, ! Netiiaigia, Swollen and StilVJuii ts and other complaints lo which we am all uthject hav, (lost their terrors. Prof. DeGrath's Electric Oil is warranted to relieve any ease in i abort space of time sttd with a lulling expetis >. It can !*■ had of the agents her* ^Seo mbertieenoent is another column July k 3i, l»S7 dwlrn WHO WANTS MONEY ? stwogootk MAt BL OBTAIKtTI BT lt!B«iy(t TK.V DOLLaM Halves and Quarter Ticket* IN PROPORTION f> ■ JASPER CO., ACADEMY laO'l^rRItYy BY AminRtTY OF THK sriTlOV OF.OROI A. I In run it Plan. Single Ntunlirri. 30.W4M) Ticklta—»,2Mi Prize*. AhmiSVlXU 'To 8215.260. Prizes Payable Withont Deduction ANDERHON a 80.V, Manageis, bucresoorfl to J. F. Winter, Manager Our Lotteyr /raws in Macon, Ga.. (Small Scheme) every Saturday, and in Savannah,Ga. (Large Schemes, vt- ,nt the 15th ol every month. CLASS A A. tiavv, Afnvsr 17tu, 1857, tt Armory Hall. Savunnub. <>ro.. Under the Sworn Superintendmer nf W, II. iSymons and J. M. Prentiss, Esq«. GAPITALH of $60,000, $211,000,$.6,000 $to,- 000, $4,00ii, $2000,9 Prizes of $1000,5 Prizes of $500. 100 of $100, 100 oi $50,3000 o! $30 and 72 Approximation prixes am- Hiding ni $3,760. Whole Ticket* *l«i. Italic* W. Quarter* M.M). Look to your interest and e, mpare this Scheme w ith any other Hank Notes of sound Banks taken at ptu. Checks on New York remitted f..r prizes Addrcar order- for Tickets or Certificates ol Parknees of Tickete to ANDERSON Zk SON, Manager*. Macon or Savannah. In July 17, 1857 tUwtf THE FAR-FAMED AND POPULAR Harjlaud Lotteries FOR AUGUST IH57. U FRANCE ,fc CO., Managers BRILL] AWT_SCmME Giancl ('onsolidated Lottery Or Maryland. r /, .1 v s A , In drawn Saturday, Aug. ‘ilMli In Baltimore, Maryland. Drawings conducted under the .'Uperintrndence of the State Lottery Com tniasioner. * 78 Numbers M Drawn Ballots. Lutteriei SWAN &TcOfI L»TT r ihe moit Brilliaut St bone e CAPITAL PR iOO,tlO(t!!|. TICKETS ONLY $ Owing to the great favor wi;h win gla Number Lotteries have been rev- public, and tbe larga demand lor 'I Managei., .s, Swan.A Co., will ha> each Saturday li.nughout the year, ing Scheme will be drawn in each teriea for August, I8f7. CLASS 49, To be diavtii in the City of Allan' in piib ir, ou SATURDAY, August CLASS NO, To drawn in the City of All- in public, on SATURDAY, An. CLASS 01. To be drawn in the ,-ily of A in public, on Saturday. Augur tin tlie IMu SINGLE NUf 3,34.* Pr» •V«ir/y r,t I'riz? fo rrr. MAGNIFICENT i" xr. mu EACH SATI RDA1 I Prize of I Prize of 1 Prize of. . 1 Prize ol I Prtre of ! Prize ot. I Prize «f. I Prize of. .. . 1 P*ize of. 1 Prize of 1 Prize of .... _... 1 Prizes ol 45 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 100 Prizes of. . Approximai 4 Prize* of $200 Apv’g 4 175 • 50 30 3,000 3,315 Prizes, a. WhoLe Tick 200. 64. fit fil. Cl 5,569. $62,619 12,600 .. S.008 . .. 6,000 . 5,000 4.000 3.000 — 2,000 . 1,91)0. 1,600 1,000. 1,250 000 . ... 100 . 150 UKI $62 518 25.000 .. 16.000 12.000 10,000 20,000 15.000 10.000 18,000 >6,000 10,000 12,500 . 60,000 80,000 .9,600 • 6,400 5.1-0 3,840 . 222,7*0 .561.480 $4.41*4 prizes, amounting t ' Ml.179.17S Wholes $20; Halves 10; vicat. 6; Eighths') 50. Certificate of Package ot 2e* W holes, coal, $262 ot) 26 Halves, ' 141 00 Kb Quarters, <0 50 26 Eighth*, “ 35 25 j-JiA V/A ■ PLi Gr’.n'l Consolidated Loiier> oi M. D. Extra ('lass 8, 'To 1 r drown in Baltimore, Md., 29, 1867. Satur lay. Aug SPLENDID SCHEME Lip.i'UPrr l • r Prise ot $32,500 4 ol $600 ; prize of ,«r 10.290 4 of 150 i \)MX . i prize ot 1 prize • t‘ \.. - 6009 . '2,260) 2,200/ 1 ol 76(1 l prize of 1 prizo t]prize ot . .,. 2.200'' 2,200 . '-‘.20o| 5 pltiea ol 1,600 20 of 90 . 1.250 20 of 80 io 1 1,000 40 ol 60 .0 . . .600 SO ol 50 *i0 500 80 ot 40 139 " . . - ...400 5J9 0! 20 1.000 prizes, ua j to S>ltvS.7UU WholeT cket* $!(•; Halves $5;Quarter> $2,60 rF'Please addres* all orders for Ticket* ttt t j* anovc Atagr.iticent Scheme, to T. H. HUBBARD A (O. 39 Fayette-**., or Box, No. 40. Baltimore. Maryland. I), ll toiy) ('tear ami Tobacco I STORK. M'liK.SI BSCRIBF.R begs m.ivt res|HTtiully J to Inform the Citizens of Atlanta and *ft- . mg country, that he has u*i n r . . dditjon l ’ In* former Stork ■" r.-~. vliiAiis, roBAcco. VNUFF. PIPES, SNU’K BOXES, MATCHES,' At'., ACS U ch is offered at VN l.elcaait or Ket.v '- at i\ no desiring anything tit my line wn. do nr I, call and examine my Stock before pur- chiMUg elaewhere. CP" Store on White Hal u'r’ y->*itr the In r. cencer office. liiHN FICKEN. Vianta, March 18 d WI1 Ou Utmslsrtnnent. I I re.Piano Ircm J Ch ckering. lor <ale on I n vaonable Term* by LOW & KICK F l 21 dwtj Brushes of all kind*. V Large lot on hand ot «u|«rior Qualities. For vale by, LOWE 4 RICE. F .4 21 JwU ** j rup.—Steward's rvfmrj Sugar House vNjjyrup it|at received, and lor --ale on Teaftim- ,', ,■ tarm*. June 14 tf57 daw W, W. RO ARK The numte with those no separate slips lin tubes and The firm 26 circled, ere pin The wbeeh is drawn fmm t' same tints z pit; The number and ; and oxhtbited to th the Commiaeioncrs against tbe number re[>eated until all the tpproxlmi , The two preceding * Number* to tbo>c draw . will be entitled to th< Prizes. For example; i. draw* the $6O, 11248, 11219-11251,11852, to $225. If Ticket No. 650 Prize, thov lickrls nttmbcm. 552, will each Ire entitled I > according lo the above scheire. The 3,000 prizes ol $2“ sn!l be del. tho ls>t figure of numUr which draw* u. 600 Prize. For example, if the number dra the $60,000 prize end* with So. 1, then all tt, Tickets when- the number cuds in 1 will be en titled te $20. If the Number ends with No 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 wib be entiUod to $20 and so on to u. Certificate*X 1 ! Packages will he sold at the tot- tawing tales, which ts the risk. I ertifieate of Package ol 10 Whole Ticu'fts $80 10 Hail 10 iO Quarter - 2# " 10 Eighth ~ 10 In ordering Tickets or Certificates, eaefoee tie money lo our address for the Pickets ordered, on receipt of which they will t>e forwarded bv urst mail. Purchasers can have token- ending with any figure they may designate The list cf drawn Numbers and Prize* wm oe sent io purchaser# immediately after th* draw ing. Puichasets wilt plea*v writ* the signatures plain, and give their post office, coanty sud 8tale. X3F Remember ibat every pnii i* drawn, and payable ut full without deduction. *4* AU Prizes of $1,000 and under paid im mediately after Ihe drawing— other prize* at the usual time of thirty nays, in full wnhotii deduc tion. AU commonvaUous strictly conh lenusi. The drawn numbers w.ll be forwarded to purchasers immediately after the drawing. ry AU proea of $1,000 and under, paid im mediately alter the drawing—cHf.-er prrrr- oi the usual time thirty days. Prize tickets c.vabrd or renew tel at either office Addras- orders for Ticket.- or Uerttficates t o 8. S\\ AN 4 CO., Atlanta Ga. A lt»t ol the number* thit are drawn from tiie wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one uentilied to, will be published after ever, drawing, nt ths fcilowing paper*. New Orleans Delta. Mobile. Register. Charleston Mandswl. N'a.shtille Gazette. .Itlantx Imclb- gsnerr, New York M eekly Day Book, Savan nah Mermng News *ml Richmond Dispatch, New Y ork Dispatch an I Panldtng (MtatAtPIvr* lor.. June Si, 1*6; d4»lm pur PRE. As soon rs - Pr rmtuuTis Je in. Lilt if Bent ana . Gold Pen* Gold i'en Engrvwemg size * 50 am. Gi ld Pen Sliver Ex. Holder* 2 50 and 2 Gilts Gold Pen silver dbl ex. holders .1 75 and t Gin Gold Pen silver mammoth hold’s 06 and 4 Gilt- Gold Pen atlver leviathan Holders 6*5 and 5 Gift* Fountain Pen Gold Desk Hold- Jcr 3.5 and 3 Gilt* Mammoth Gold Pen Desk Hold- der and Bex >. 25 and S f>rt- L< vnthait Gold Pen. Gold Desk Holder and Box. . 6 25 and 5 Gift, Gotli.c Silver Case a Gold Pen 3 75 and 3 Gift, Mammoth Gothic Stiver Case and Gold Pen 6 85 and .'•Gil;, Gold Tooth Pick. , . 2f,|i anJ2 Gill* Gold Tooth Pick and Ear Pick 3 75 and 3 Gi<' Gold Watch Kev. Tooth Pick •>■. wiujvxs-. uix xnut, q.-acmjui p>»xr WILLIAMS. RHEA Ik CO. V nc vsj.-v ' J. F. H am.* I GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT*. And Particularly for the *tie of! 'Gram, Bacon. Lard, FA ur. Featb rr-. anJ Vennevaee Produce Genfraflv. Decatur Miwt, near the Trout House, Atlan ta. Ga. [Nov 15 JwU I A/ir t SACKS, extra Family 4 Choice A\r vlVjSupertine Flour, in Stole aud short ly to arrive, w hich in Qiivlitv will compare with any Stock in Georgia F it sale Low by E M.SEAGO, Produce' CommisaiOD Merchant A -o, new- Bac< n, plenty to aztive in a few days [Feb 6 dwtf LYONS & UL iMvur.ii.KS a.nd aiii.u.. te HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. kSiO AU. KKtDS 06 F0 *!i ES No F) Cedar Street, ille, Teuu. match 21 *ly ind Pencil 3 75 utd 3 Gift- Ladies' Gold Pencils....... 2 50 and 2 Grit Ladies' Gold Pencil. i ;5and 3 Gilt- I.sdie*' Gold Pencil.... V no and 4 fitfi- Ladies' Golj Pencil and f’e 6 25 and 5 Gifi • Gents' Gold Case and Pen \0 00 an.) 8 Gif'- Gent ' Gold t’a«e and Pen. M >mmoth sue [2 50 and 10 1. We warrant all our Gold Pen* to be Dtomu-iJ /tarn/ed, and not surpassed by any establish ment in the States, and beside* *v::;g voti Pan or Pencil weU worth your men* . , w e a. presen: roe with Cl/t* worth fisui 50 CSMts to yi.tMKI, In Clot Watchaa, O-old Qu ardacd Vs-t Chains, 'Gold l ockets, Diamond Puis, Cameo v . Gold Studia, Ring*, Breast Pina, Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets. Sd vox Goblets, Ac. A CENT 8—AQEN’TS--AGENTS. -Vote is the time am! here . * the chance to a.«a • HI. 4M)0~ $’4,000— *4.000— $.7,0041. rer year, in the sale of Gold Pens, Jewelrv, 4c Wo oBer a Liberal Commission to Local anu Traveling Agents, an J give ( th< m Ora Jit or. One Half till sold. A light aud agreeable bus- ne«, and aK-ve all, a good paying business - Agents wanted .n ail parts of the. count!>. A Catalogue containing a List of Goods with full Explanauoos of terms to Agents will be sent on application, Ure. AU oidrra will be promptly .sttendended to. and these sending us money by j mail will receive such good* s* they order bv i rfle return mad or express. th the tiiflt *n I Jused in the package. Addicts all orders to MERRICK. BENTON 4 DEAN. 335 Broadway, New York. N. B.~tiold Pen* re-pointed in a superior ■ , manntr Enclose the Pen, and Thirty nm ■ i [vnts in P. O. Stamps, and rbe Per. will be re. emitted aud teturueJ. past paid. July 8, 1857 w3mos Atlanta Steaui .HUla. \\f E will keep constantly on hand a large i W supsly W GOOD FI.Ol R,alto BR.A A I and SHORT8 Tho highest Cash price* paid for WHS A." «t the .Mills. R. PETERS 4 Cu .Ai'tnta. July.21,1667 » match 1