Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 14, 1857, Image 4

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3ttutrttaenunt0. COACH J2.*l£8I? ON Amm atEaipntnn urn# >i Eatouton, M. Arrive* it Madison ll( w * £. 1. MOORS. n with the Ni|ht Trains on ** Jmf lumb'^tco; Esr, AUGUSTA. OA -NO UTA1L DtALSRS1M and CheMctls, S Ai DVR STUFFS, 'xW Article*. Varnish** *1 Putty, Ole** W*w, -lean Perfumer, Ft,.* trine Soap*, Fine Heir Brushes, rushe*. tai Instruments, *^R8 OF ALL KINDS >ctuirtl Tobtcco, *11 iirj Mediators* Lor Inlet, Pur* '.let for Mol- iitrectfor hie# To*- tnejr illy t< low u they mil&t establishment 'resh, and Genuine. entry promptly filled with regent to price RIPTION8 trill re- all boon of the tl*y fno» I dwly TO NANUFACTliRKRH. W E at* now receiving i large lot of Met* Laath rr.Calf Skint, Linton, Binding* Lmi*, Pag*, KH, end everythin* connected With th* Beet UmI Shoe buatoaar, vrkifth reilltoaoU a Wre price* fee (leak- All order* aceotneeaitd with Caab wilt be -* L — Ji, “ , t.ind at low rate* __ , Peachtree-street, D1MICK A MIX. promptly filled witKgoedOoodt, and at low rate* —et toe Sign of the Big Boat, Cherokee Block. aftOdtf NOTICE. circumstances herring occur red which render it ncceaauy for th* aubecriber to diacootieue Houso-ktep- iwg. he oflbr* for tale bit House and Lot. The property i* aituated within one hun dred yerdi of the Methodist Episcopal Church. on Peach Tret Strttt, convenient to the beat Schools in the City, end alao to Burinrrj, con- itining tit well dniahed rooms, and two pan- trin, with a pat ago ex tending through the homo. There is alto on the lot, a cooking room, servants room, smoke house, chicken house, crib and corn house, and alto an excell- ■ - The Bitters, &r. Woodman’s Cherry Expectorant l» the Orsat Remedy which it taking the place of all Others. I N a country where multitudes are annually carried oil by pulmonary diteatet, it it scarce I* naceasery to enlarge upon the merit* of REMEDY, which,if taken in time, will assure edly prevent the tad consequences toe often arising from COUGHS. COLDS AND INFLUENZA, and the various TRACHIAL AND BRON CHIAL affections that become, when neglected the PRECURSORS OF CONSUMPTION AND OF DEATH. The Balsam quiets the moat violent cough in the course of a few hours, enabling the patient who may have been kept awake night after night by the continual recurrence of paroxysms t* ENJOY CALM AND REFRESHING SLEEP. It loosens the cough—relieves the tightness of the chest-ami rapidly mitigates all the symp toms attendant upon an IRRITABLE CON DITION OF THE ORGANS OF RESPIRA TION. Asa family medicine, it has already acquired ent wall of water, which never fail* .« hj h ri ,p Utition in lh( , wert> , D j ought t0 «. buildings are all tn first rate condmin^havmg | n]p ® , p 1, ce in ovrry farm( , r -, ilul pi ante ,’a medicine chest. e and all the latest by, NEWMAN ">us other Ma- • for Sale at v Purchasers or sale or • Li.AM talicn, I ulic that .dance ol •se names * first class >», solicit a Pr.yprici or. heretofore exist- and style of Loyd .red by limitation, be authorised agent using the business ol •t til limes be found at Atlanta, Georgia. JAME8 LOYD, . A. C. PULLIAM. -dwU y uceited. a fir-0 lot of While .jjteed Otl, and Turyx ntine .-14 ’67 dfiertf W. W. ROARK. j«d w and utben toteres- rx amine this book found superior to any ass yet been published. 55T, Primary Geography is the totroduc- ■ory volume of MITCHELLS GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES tv inch consists of the tollowing additional books namely: MITCHELL’S INTERMEDIATE GEOG RAPHY. MITCHELL’S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY VND ATLAS. MITCHELL’S GEOGRAPHICAL QUES TION BOOK. MITCHELL S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. AND ATLAS. MITCHELL'S BIBLICAL AND SAB BATH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL’S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (In Pnes.) Tbr Physical Geography wmcb baa been ui ariul preparation tor a long time, will be publish- -1 .-arly in coming autumn. It vill be splendidly iiustrated wiib numerous fine engravings and charts, and contain several copper maps, all of which will be beautifully colored. There are no geographical works published, that are to touch in demand, oi that have so wide a circulation as those of Mr. Mitchell.- There are upwards of four hundred thousand copse* of them - .i.i annuahy,and their manufacture give constant employment to more than 260 persons. The irraiigemenu of the publisher* are such that they are enabled to give correctly all the latest geograph ical discoveries. They publish the nesljfullseries jJ geograpides in the country, and have regularly engaged a strong force of map engravers and oth- # rv, with a view if maintaining their books in ad- v .nee of ail other similar works, in their accuracy, c otuprebenaiveuess, and progressiva character; & nd in keeping pace with the march of discovery ,nd improvement. fdee 1 '66 dwtf. PLANTATION, BAT AMD OAF STORE m J. TAYLOR is now opening a , 4% fresh stock of fashionable Hal*, ' Ca£s and Bonnets. •xt door to lawshe 4 Bn's Jewelry Stare. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Taylor’* Hat A Cap Emporium. [ UST RECEIVED, and opening, the Ant an ure stock of HATS A CAPS ever ottered in —I city. My stock i* now complete, consisting of srery variety and style. Please call and tx • mine for yourtelvaa! been erected in 1*66, and enclosed with an entirely new fence. Possession given by the 1st of October, if deeired, and will be offered at a reasonable price. GEORGE H. DANIEL Atlanta, Ga., May 9, 1867 dew3m School for Young Ladies. M RS WRIGHT, will open a School for YoungLadies on th of January. Her purpose : RS. WRIGHT, will open School for YoungLadies on _ 8th of January. Her purpose is’ to establish a permanent Seminary, and to give the pupils committed to her care a thorough and practical education. She will be aided by competent profeawrs. The year will be divided into two terms of Twenty weeks each. Terms per Session. Primary Class, $12,00 Junior “ 16 '®° Senior " 20,00 Mrs. Wright will leach the Latin Language, at a moderate extra charge. The mother Languages and Mnsic will be taught at Pufesaors charges. Boarding, ar.d Tuition in English $75, per tension. REFERENCES. Right Rev. Bishop Elliott, Savannah. » •* “ Cobb, Montgomery. Hon. C. J. McDonald, Marietta. . dStwtf n Mau New Mail Arrangement. HE undersigned intorms the, ~ mblic that he lisa established. Route from Dalle*, in Paulding county,[to Marietta, and will run a Hack once s -truck be tween thoee piece*. according to tho following schedule : Leave Dallas every Friday at 7 o’clock a. m., running by way of Lost Moutain, and arrive at Marietta at 12J p. m. Leave Marietta at 10 o'clock p. in., and arrive at 7 p. m , same day. CHARLES V. JEN KINS. Dallas, Ga. Feb 24, 1866—dawtf J u thia < r ftx A ifkind* of Pur Hkinj xptnxnber 10 i TAY bOQfht. AYLOR, Jm. 100 B A REELS ol Whiskey (variousbrand For tale Cheap by LG WE A RICA. CORN, AND, MULES IN Pike t wunty, Alabama. ■t-" M. SW --m. HJ EC • THE underaign- ^^^^Ved offer for Plantation of 1-4 SO acres of Land 7,pU ot which is cleared. This plantation is lo cated in Pike County, Alabama It is excellent Land for Cotton : nch enough for all Farming purpoae* ; and is well watered. They al*o, offer lor eale 1000 Bushels of Cor 1: 20 Mules, ami all their ftrcnmguteuiil* Besides these, if desired, they will sell 40 Ne groes, good house and field hands. The Land lies level; and is within 12 miles of Union Springs, where the Girard A Mobile Rad Road, wig, in a few months, run. The lend is fresh, and the location' is as healthy, as any part of the Htsle. Purchasers will please call at the Plantation or ti Louiaville, Barbour County, Alabama where one of us can always be found. They have also other small Gaels of Land, in and near Louitville. for sate. This property is offered for sale, for no othei reason tnan the undersigned intend to quit farming. Terms of sale accommodating. J. A J.M. LAMPI.EY. leJUisville, Barbour Co., Ala. July 22, 1857. w.7m J. F. EZZABD, (Successor to Goodsptnd, Hearse jr it.,) WHOLESALE DEALER LN FOREIGN AND BEMESTIC LIQURS & 6I6ARS, At So. t Cheroka* B.oek, Peott Tree Htrsst. ATLANTAtOEORGlA. Brandies, Cordials, Wines, Rum, Bins, Ales, Whiskey, Porter, etc. etc. 150,000 fipaulsh and German Cigar* of a variety or Brando. Mar 8tb, 1867 dawlv S hoe* and Booto at Hew York Coot.—I have, concluded to eell my stock of Boots _ and Shoes it New York Cost, until the first oi August, if you call quick. W. W. ROARK. | June 14, 1857 dawtf RUNAWAY, From the undersigned in January 1866, my boy SOL; he is about 25 years of age, alight and elegantly formed for a negro, dark smooth skin, prominent eyes and large white teeth. He is passing through the country under forged permits, and assumed the,name JACK PECK, as I under stand in rltlanta, where be has been publicly employed for the last 12 months- He is pro bably nowin the neighborh'od of Atlanta, or On the State Road above. $50 Reward is offered for his apprehension and such addition al compensation will be given as the trouble of his capture may require. If ho has been har bored by any one. and proof to conviction o! th* fact is produced, the peixon giving informa tion will be rewarded and sat shed for his trou ble to the extent of the value cf the negro. A. P. POWERS, Macon, July 6th, 1867 dawtf J t * J. LYNCH. Corner Alabama and White Hall-streets Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE and Retail Deal ers in New Orleans Sugar, Cof fee. Syrup and Provisions gen erally which we offer on the mot- reasonable terms. We keep constantly on hoini n (p-neral stock of Liquor*, Wine* tud Cordial*, by Wholesale. Being in daily receipt of Goods from first hands we are enabled to eell at as small profits as any house in the cities of Augusta, Savannah or Charleston (the freight only added.) We shall take advantage of the Ohio, Cumberland and Al ai,am* rivers on first raise and keep a Large Slock of New Orleens and Cincinnati Goods, cheaprr than they can be bought in the markets above mentioned. J. A J LYNCH. oct. 19, *64. n23-tf. 8. B. Oatman, dkaxkrs in Italian, Egyptian and American STATUARY Qfc, The following original letter was liauded to us for publication; a remedy which can elicit such encomiums, must be a good one: Galvxsto.n, Texas, April 26, 1866. Da. O. 0. Woodman, New Orleans; My Dear Sir-—In justice to you and a duty I owe to a suffering, and, 1 may say, a world ol coughing people, I stste what your invaluable Cough Remedy—your CHERRY EXPEC TORANT—has done for me, when all other remedies have failed to give any relief. In the fall of 1817, living in St. Louis, where I have lesided most of the time for the last sixteen years, I took a severe cold, which settled on my iungs.and was confined to mv bed, and dosed and b/istcred by doctors for several weeks, but finally got on my legs again, but not cured of my hard coughing, and rattling and tickling iu my throat, which continued 1 «aeiutly lot more than six months,alwajThe '-"Katin the winter. My friends insisted I had coughed enough to kill a dozen commen men, and that I must be in the last stage of consumption. I made up my inind that 1 must > my life away. I left Si. Louis in DecviUib r Iasi, to travel and spend the winter in the South.— WhenjI called at your store iu Vicksburg, you will recollect, I u as coughing so hard I could not make my business known. You said you would cure my cough. As you gave me a hot* tie of your CHERRY EXPECTORANT, 1 thought I would not slight you and your medi cine so much an not to try it; and ir. thankful- nets thall I ever remember the day I did so. In but a few days, it began to allay ami diminish my cough and tickling in my throat, and be fore 1 had used more than three fourths of the comcuie of that bo’.tle, 1 was entirely cured, and for week* I did not even raise a cough, tl ougl exposed day and night, in alt weathers, in tra veling. However, in March, wlule.traveling in North Carolina, I took a severe cold, and ray coughing commenced again, and alee the tick ling in my throat, at interval*; and o 3 (o r e my arriving in New Orleans, on the 11th inst., on some night, my coughing would commence and continue lor an hour or two. I soon pro cured another bottle from you, and in less than two days I was entirely relieved again. I am "f 11 0 now determined to always keep a bottle on *his— hand, and in the commencing of a cough, a ve ry few small doses will relieve it entuely. 1 am now fully satisfied it is (ho bmt COUGH REMEDY' now known to the world; ami it is a duty you owe to tho coughing and afflicted Clear the Track for the GEORGIA ALCAHEST! Dr*. T. A IV. L. Callaway, AVE invented a medicated compound ior the curs of *11 di*sas«s of the Skin and ■iir, whicb they honor with the name of the GEORGIA ALCAHEST ! A mcnatrum long sought for, and never obtain ed until now. It is a remedy of the South, and wa ask of the 8outn a fair trial of its virtues and effseta on all the diseases we c/nim for it— as a specific. Each week brings us tidings of cure* perfected by it, that exceeds our most sanguine expectations. It has no equal in preserving, restoring and beautifying the Hair; eradicating Scurf and (Dandruff; preventing Baldness and Grey Hair*; curing diseases of the Skin, Glands and Mucelt, Bruises, Cuts. Sprains, Stings of insects, I rnation and Swel ling rtuted by poisonous plants, Erysipelas, Ring-wormt, Scald ietd, IniltmedSkin, Prick ly heat, Pimples, Scrofula, Tetter* in all stages Salt Rheum, Sore Throat, Shingles, Rough Hands, Peridical or Nervous Headache, Chap- ed Skin, Chilblaian, and all external inllamrna- tions. We will give a few vouchers to what it has done, and trust the Alcahest to herald its own fame when used Monroe, Walton county, Georgia. Alabama, Randolph County, ( Jon. 10th, 1857. J Daa. I\ A N. L. Callaway: As you reques. I led me to state what timo mv J/air began to fall off, I lake pleasure in saying to you that in 1862, my Hair began to look dead, and fall off. the surface of my head became an entire ». url ( and all my Hair dropped off by the time I saw you in Georgia, 1856- The one bottle you sent to mo while at my sisters, (Mrs. McCurlcy’s) made a peimanent cure ol it. Tho scurf and dandruff'all fell off or disappeared, the second bathing, and before I left Georgia, my Hair was some 4 or 7, inches long, and is this dar ss fall and as beaut ifui as ever, and more soft and lively; every person thtt beholds it thinks it i oiled. It has been over 18 months since the | bottle of Alcahest gave out- I do wish that all the afflicted would gave it a trial, as I had triid many remedies before,from eminent physician* all without effect. JANE CARSON. Georgia, Walton County. We, whose nanus ore undersigned, do certi fy that we were w itnesses to the above case, that it is true as Miss Carson has stated, when the left hero her Hair was as beautiful and full covering the whole head as before deceased,and resembled silk velvet. OVERTON O. McCARTY. SARAH McCARTY, SILAS RAY, PHENNIA/f RAY. Georgia, Uwiunctt County. | Drs. T.A N. L. Callaway: My .Iiiughie | Mary Elizabeth was attacked with Tetter on ' her head, I applied to a or 4 eminent physi- i cians, each application only served to aggri , rate it, she was so afflicted that she was com- ! pelled to sleep on her face. Her Hair had nearly all fallen off- The ono bottle of your Georgia Alcahf .-.t that I paid $1 for, made a . complete cure,[and her Hair instantly conimcH-j ced a fresh growth, and as soon as natures laws | would admit, she had a fine head of hair and j is now as full and beautiful as ever; it lies been ! well over 2 years. You are at liberty to uee I 1,11 voCifu/r ^ ,C0Ufy l0,hcl worthless FIELDING HAMILTON Dr. MeLANB’8 * CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LITER PILLS. Two of the bait Prepar-atlo.t of the A|s, They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their ‘ name pur ports. The Vbrmifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The, Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills, All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are ft W. J. mini ILL. J. SL KOaUTi, J. D. TXUtXLL k IDG ILL, ROBEITSA TEBBELL, EOKGIa, Fulton County.— John Lynch of said county, administrator niel McSheffry deceased, and Mich sal MeSheff/y deceased. Isle oi said county, wil apply for letters of Dismission from said admin istrations at the Novnaber Terre next, of the C curt of Ordinary of *a d counlr. JOS- H. MEAD, Ordinary. Aprilt. 1*57 w*m To DckUn aad(Credltor«. i4n<f East Tennessee Marble A, ■VVONUMENTS, Tomb*. Urn., and Vases LVjL Marble Mantels and Furnishing Marble, lx All order* promptly filled. Atlanta, Oe. fib 24 dir JANUARY 1st, 1857. P URE WHITE WHEAT FAMILY Flour. 160 Sacks, ju*t received, which is considered equal to anything ever seen in this makret. For Sale by, E, M. 8EA00. dwtf JUST RECEIVED. )XE; Cheap BOXE8, of different Qualities of ToU-co W. ROARK, dwtf For Sale. O NE of the most desirable reaideneee on the edge* of the city of Atlanta. Dr. D'AIvlg ny offers lo sell the house and lot where he now elide*, on Marietta street, a little above Squire syne. Term* very aeeommodath g, appj, „ n e Mamie** Mseh 4. 1*66 w ,f G 1 EORCilA, Gwinnett t ountj.- JT Whereas, William Maltbia applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the V'atate of Elisha M. Winn,deceased, lets of Alabama, having property in this Stale, these are there- . , ore to cite and admonish all and siugulas the pr*#erib«,J i,y law, or they i kindred and creditor* to ehow cause if anv thev A mil nasaon.. I.JaLa.l »_ L L. L _ :i. r 1 ' . J G EORGIA, Fremytli Connty,*-. All persona having demand* against Ro bert O. Boweti, late of Mid ecranty deceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested to us within tbs tun* eras will not La aetUaJ, and all persons indebted atid deceased, are hereby required lo mak, im mediate payment. SOLOMON 8EEUJK, > d.lmr’s MARY A R BROWN, j Admr i. wbfld have, within the time prescribed by law, why letters should not bo granted to aanl applicant, on the tint Monday in August next. G,,. n under rey hand at office, this July 1, 186; (r. T IIAKE8TRAW. july t—td Ordinary, part of the human family, to put so valuable a remedy within the reach of all. Its praises will voon be upon the tougucsof teas of tluucands oi joyful anil coughless, happy soula So great a remedy as your Expectorant should be brought before the public. I am, dear sir, respectfully your*. Ii. J. WOODWARD, of St. Louis, Mo. rVFor vale by SMITH & EZZARD.snd Druggists generally. may 16, 1857 .i'-.'ioi New and Important Discovery in the Science of Medicine. P ATENT OFFICE SEAL OF G P EAT Bniian, Diplome dc r harmacie Pharraa- cien de Paris, and Imperial College of Medi cine, Vienna. Sold wholesale and retail by Dr H. A. BARROW, member of the Imperial College of Vienna, and Royal College if Sur geons, London, who may be personally consul ted at his residence. 167 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, N. Y , from 11 a. in. till 2 p. m. and from 4 till 8 p. m. (Sundays ex ceplrd, unless by appointment. Tricbeuiur No. 1. Is a remedy for Relaxation, Sperraatorrhira, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abu*e, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates, it hns restored bod ily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who aro now in ihe enjoyment of health and the functians-of - manhood; and whatever may bp the cause or disqualifications for marriag ihey are eff.dually subdued. Triesrmar No. 2, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorrhea,both in ils mild and and oggrnaated forms. Gleet*, -Strictures, Irritation of the Blad dor, Non-retention of Urine, Pains ot the Lions and Kidneys, and those disorders for winch Copaivi and Cubeba have no long been thought an antidote- TiTc*emar No. 3. is the great continental remedy lor Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cu taneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in is course all impurities Irion the virus stream so as altogetlieto eradicate 'he virus of disease and expel it by in*en*ibie pcr*piration through the medium of the pores of the skin and urine. It ia a never failing remedy for that claee oi disorder* which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the inevitable destruction of tho pa- tientj* constitution, c id which all the Parsapar- riiia in the world cannot removs, TRIESEMAR No. 1, 2, and 3, are prepared in the form ofloxenges, devoid of taste or smell and can be carried in the waiscoat pocket. Hold in tin cases, and divided in separate doses as administered by Vilpeau.Lallcmsn, A'oux. Ri- cord, Ac , dec- Price $3 each, or rases In one for $2, which saves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby there is a saving of $U, None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Beai* of the Patent Office of England, the Heals of theEeolo rfe Pharacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case. Imita tion* are liable to the severest penalities of the aw. Hpecial arrangements enable Dr. Barrow to forward immediately, on receiving a ri.mittauc* the $9 and larger sire coses of l’rieermar Free of carnage, to any part of the world, securely parked and properly addressed, thus eiuunng genuine European preparations and protecting the public from spurious sod pernicious imita tions Attendance and consultation from 12 a, rn. till 2 p. m. and Ironi 1 till 8 in the evening. ! 6 Prince Htreet, a few blocks west offroad way New York. aprJ 28 ’67 dawly ‘i Georgia, Walton County. Era. Uallaway A. Hon; My wife lins been afflicted with Chilblains ait over her neck and shoulders, in large lumps uuder tho skin, none of them ever running as common Inlet, which threw her into n high fever, headache, Ac.— Hearing of your Georgia Alcahest, I procured a bottle, and to my great joy, it, in a very few days, made a cure, for which accept my best wishes for your success in so valuable u rein dy Ihcar ita fame spoken Ly every person that uses | it as a spocific for all the diseases you say it will cure. Yours truly, W. W. PETER8, J. I*. I The gf.nuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Solo Proprietor!*. i 8COVIL A MEAD, New Orleans, Getter^ Georgia, Walton, Co., April 29.1867. , w hoBah- Agents for tho Southern States, t Drs. T. AN. L. Callaway; I was sffecird I w “ 0al orders must bo addressed, with a most trouhlcromc breaking out all over fvOLD BY my head, face, neck, shoulders and breast, I __Bmith A Ezzard, A. Alexander and J.!. which had causod my hair to fall off' and seem lifeless My daughter Elizabeth E, was simi. larly affected. The two hot lev of your Geor gia Alcaboat I procured stopped the ilehing a the first application, and has made a complete care • f both of us, the disease had been annoy ing na for year*; and Sirs I hardly know how ro express my gratitude for Biich a blessing, ami I cheerfully recommend it lo the public an a restorative and tonic as my hair looks like a youths in full bioom of 26 years. Yours truly JAMES S. AKIN. For salo by Hraith A Exzard, A. Alexander, and Dr. Woodbury, Atlan'a, Georgia, ni-d rirnggist* generally throughout the country may 21,1857 d*w3m "HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO RECTIFIERS, LIQUOR MERCHANTS AMO WHOLESALE GROCERS. DR. FEUCTWANGBR’S Flavoring to Produce at a Moments Notice every desired Liquor. HE undersigned has lately mado great im provemeuts in this branch of husii cas.— flavorings are put up in packages of 6, 10 and40 Gallons, and requires but the adding of Pure|8pirit, either 1st or 4th proof and Liquor such os cognac, either dark or pale, Holland and Enghsn Gin, Jamaica, am! 8t. croix Rurn Monongehelia, Bourbon, Irish and Hcotch Whiskey, Apple, Peach, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy, Port and Madeira Wince will be in stantly produced. it requires no skill, but an a.dtion of a good spirit say 60 gallons to each gall nof the respective Flavoring The best cogntc oil, green, yellow and while warranted genuine, as low as any other impor ter in the United Htates. Essence of every Liquor, Extract of cognac, 1 lb oi which produces 209 gxllone of cognac- Raw Whiskey may by Dr, F’s age and boyd prepartion bn made smooth with but a trilling expense. The price of Flavoring* are extremely moder ate, and directions in full supplied hy DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER, Chemist and Importer of Drugs, Essential Oils and Metals, Daguerreotype and ’ rphic Chemicals, rpiIE i I prov The flavi I'hotog ngrapmc No. 143 Malden Lane, s. V. N II,— Hole Agent lor Godfrey's celebrated Cordial Bitters and Gin. April 21, 1867 dew6in To the CitizeB of Gwinnett. Jack- son, Franklin, and the adjoin ing counties. W E *ouU respectfully give onr warmut thanks f.,i their liberal patron.ige, aul we liope from th.. era] satisfaction givun In our fanner operation* In Dental demand a large portion of tbelr practice ,n the future. W# are now i ecalvtng a new and flne assortment of Dental Material, Instruments- tnd wi feel assured, with Itu advantage of front eli to ten years reg“‘ * In all operatk R. II., will . of March next, and during irlng n call* wiil he ainmdod to add. Lnv.Tt-ncpvliltt, Georgia. vs williamw Eaton DU 11/kDL'UT II if i n . v. 1 abfttnoe in's winter. • William W. &u!'‘11,31 —.. . a L« I Woodbury, Atlanta ; Wm. Loot, Marietta; K. 0. Sllinijton A Hon. Jonesboro; E. Kossor, De catur ; H. M. Orilfin, Palmetto; W. B. Swan, CampMIton ; W. 6c (J. E. Bennett, Fayette ville • R. N. UuHdell, Villa Rica ; Camp dc Chriu- tiar., Fairburn , Htilwell Brown, McDon ough ; J. .M. Lee & Co., Stone Mountain. Jtin 8 ’67 (1awly Card for (he Ladies. T his great Turkish periodical REMEDY.—For the immediate removal oi Obstructions, Irrcgulant'cs, Prolupsus Uteri, (Falling of the Womb.) Letichorrhea or White*, Ac., Ac. These Pills have never in a singlo instance failed in producing themenses. Too muchcau- not be said in their favor. No woman can en joy good health when that particular part ot her peculiar organization is deranged. Sickness at stomach, headache, languer, debility, pain in Ihe head, side, and haok, lx of appetite, costivcncss, Ac , are some of the symptoms which attend ir-. regular menstruation. As certain as time arc these Pill* to remove one and all of these symp toms. Uo sure and get the genuino, which has our signature on each box. These Pills may be had by addressing Dr. Hanfloy A Co., and inclosiig $1; the Pillii, wiH be sent by return mail. N. Ji.—Ladies whose health will not permit of an increase of family will find these Pills a suc cessful preventive. Ladies who are pregnant, should not use these Pills, as ihey arc sure to bring on mui-cariiage, though no injury to health would follow. Address, DR. 8ANFL0Y A CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feb 10 dwtf J. \V.r HUTCHINSON’S IONIC BITTERS, FOR THE CUBE OF CHILLS AXD FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, LIV ER COMPLAINT. DlARRHOiA, JA VNOVE, CHRONIC OR SEP. VOIIS DEBILITY, Ann almost ull cthex Diseases incidental to a .Southern Climate, ft is a certain preventive (it taken during an epidemio,) to Yellow Fever or Asiatic Cholera. AH A FAMILY MEDICINE, II isinvaluable—itis highly tocommended in the disease* of children—as n nrr.-ontive and remedy for worms, it has no superior. Price $1.90 pet bottle. For sale at KAY’S CHEAP BOOK8T0RES jan 23—dAwlv Atlanta Ga Athens Manalhcturing Company. E arc the solo agents of this Company in f f Atlanta, and now i Her for sale a FINE il'FPLY OFOZNABKROH, at Manufacturing at our Warehouse. Call and *ee. 8U prraa, LOWE A RICE. ■Iwrtf Sorsurbar 2, U4* DK ROBERT II, EATON, V FCW BARRELS, of the same old Corn H Inskey, on hand yet. mhkWwtl W, W ROARK.