Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 18, 1857, Image 2

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Bails (Scammer. - HSt UK-’HRAXE, n y dowsing &. CO. I. II. STEELE, i. \V. DOWSING. Editwis VTLANTA., GEO., TUESDAY, AUG. S! lt-57. TERMS OF THE EXAMINER. Daily, pst anmirn in advance, - - $5 00 Weekly, “ “ • * $2 00 CAMPAIGN PAPER. Daily Examiner, - - II T>0 Weekly. 50 Advance payments arc required tor sub- -'CTiption>» Direct letters to Editors Atlanta Examiner Democratic Nominations. cor governor. JOSEPH E. BROW*. OF CHEROKEE - FOR CONGRESS. shorn/ District M. J. CRAWFORD | of Atlanta; we did not hesitate Third “ fourth Fifth Sixth Strait h Eighth D. J. BAILEY. 1.. J. GARTRELL. A. R. WRIGHT. JAS. JACKSON. LIN. STEPHENS A. H. STEPHENS -STATE LECISLATI RE. > Fur. Senator. JARED I. WHITAKER. For Rtprts entatia JOHN G WESTMORELAND. '‘PWN&tlltiN.' Tht “Amcricjut” under the ,itiov»- c-itp- Ua* Vetera to andcomurants upon, aWtittnuni- catiM whichappeared in our iwtte of the Mtit’incu, aij pied “0»e wh > Knows You.” and which reflect-, upon the character of A. K. Settfo, Eaq., of this place. It is evi dent that our cotemporary feels sure at t he charge of “personalities” made against him, and seeks to assail the Examiner (if being one of the “ Democratic papers of this city”) for admitting a communication into its columns accompanied by a name, and, \t tlh which, we, personally, have nothing to do. But we copy from the “ American." It says: "We have been charged, lime aue uu, by our city cotemporaries wi'h indulging largely in personalities, and. by implication with lending the nse of our columns ;. ,i. fame private character." Since the writer’s (the Junior Editors eon- nection with the " Examiner.’' u > charge oi indulgence in personalities, or tin' using ot tb e *■ American's" eolutnu* to dcftim- private ■harac ter " has "been made against it by this papet; aod we defY the Editor of th: • Atnu- ican" to produce vidcuee to the contrary T:: aauuit upon Mr. Seago, we admitted, b , an c, in cor jadgtneM. it was provoked by thatv ’ tieman him-cif. Rcekiw? in his a vaults upon • our oely banking institution, and up > i tins- j into whose hand? ltave been entrusted j; m . , agemeut pointed uud iusuitiug as v.crc the ! queries be propounded through the press of a i distant city, oar antagonistic t every interest o insert th e communication of One Who Know? You, j nor do w? otter any apology for ao doing As . to the “consideration to which the '•Alcri- j can” refers, we have only to say, that oar i neighbor should not • measure our corn by his I balf-busbel: " in other words, he lira doubt- ! leas "judged us by himself,” u standard, when i ‘‘considerations'" for "good works” atv upon | the tapis, w> shell object t" • • weighed or mea sured by. i We had prepared the foregoing article tor j our yesterday’s issue, bnt iu order to give Mr. stage u bearing, it was trowd.-d cut of our col umns. That gentiemau complain, in his card of the irresponsibility of the author of • One Who Knows You.” Responsible or not re sponsible, when -we nrst came to this city, we found Mr. Wells occupying u position of ;c- sponsibility and trust, to which be had bum elected by the Citv Council of Atlanta, ami Thr Twin In tits Telsgarph Cable. Messrs Nrwmu. A Co. write to the Lon don Tim- , that they are Tied responsible for the error in the Inv er twist of the Atlantic telegraph cable The following is their cvjilan- ati n 1 The c iiclusiou drawn by your corres ponder,t, that we arc in tlir fault, i* certainly tot warranted. Admitting all the premises, bow were we to know anything about Messrs. Ki.assr A Kt,uoTrV work'Wo"have no entry to their premises and could know nothing of lha lay of the cable manufactured. 2 We took our contract from the Atlantic Telegraph Company in December lost; and we wero supplied by their engineer with a spe cimen of.the cable to he tntrde. \Ye ro. -triet- ciwractsrlaue of tbe hatty, The attempt to Impote a spurious child up on the public, and thus obtain posscssiow-of the estate of Burtlell, although very cluafflly perforated Is characteristic of the family to which Mrs Cunningham belongs. Her.old- est sister, now deceased, practised a triitk cf the same description and for a similar purpose, about SO years ago.. I .speak of a matter louebiug which I was fully informed at the time, and the circumstances being of n nature calculated to make a daep impression on the mind, arc yet fresh in my recollection. It wan in the year 1827 I think, that nut ah Hotnp- ,d new machinery specially adapted lur the | stead, cf Brooklyn, entrapped au unlucky nupnlucture f tins cable ol tue same lay as| Bermudian, then a resident of Middleton Con- thc specimen supplied to ns. i necticut, into matrimony. She was a showy. Wc begat-. to manttfaciutc the last week ol . . . . F chre-.-v and when tv began, about 2001 P' 1 , °I Sue hgure, lair manners, and IB! *rs had been made at. Greenwh'teh. The en-1«" invincible propensity to intrigue—just the ditto r of the company then found that the lay . pcijfm to bamboozle the simple minded island- . t the cable at the .wo works was in reverse j eri ^ v ho had been bred to the sea, nnd had direct.ons, « Jo alter it in otr \U | on , a3aiIor . 8 klIOW |ed|rooT the sox. could not do t r is without altering the mnemne- 1 - " ty, which, as before said, had been specially prepar d for the work, and this tv all lave involved a delay of three weeks, so that the I mein, r divi.l I azainst th* nReratiin. As it j turned would certainly have bt ea bet- I 'er to i.av" . cit'd it. for. although .re had lot begun . .. half of the cable tj:| the j whichtir i had completed about 200 miles, yet ! wo 1 id . ia •'.., 1 per: wh-m they had up- tvard ol l.M'miles still todo, so there would I have ample time to mole the j u p- rat ot - in the machinery viihont di • uu i'cIicuof ties cable. However, tlint *A Cotton Factory U about to be eetab- ■ - ~ e, and the sumof #60y I forftat purposd, M^roowdiMbetWlG) ofthsage.” said Curran to Grattan, you would only arrauft and tig up your • ■»»*♦ JQhMoaa B. Ives, one ol the most promt- cent men in the State of Rhode Island, died at Warwick on the 7th lost. llo carried her to Middleton, whither she was accompanied by a younger sister, called Amie: the same exemplary female, I presume who testified with such simplicity and candor in the recent Cunningham case, under the name of Ann Burns. These excellent women were kindly received by the friends of Sarah's husband, who were respectable aud tnfluen- •i '-sttry I P 01 '! 1 ’^- nnt ' through their means found their clay in | way into social circle, distinguished for its ultivation aud refinement: But I must ro- iir "I i f >r another letter a narrative of the man ner in which Sarah freed herself from her hus- , we were loui.u to com- serv certain uuy, under u peu- puuot'uti'hv f A | tja,ld ' aLt * swindled his lawful heirs of his prop- i. wc think he was • iglit I vrty. Meanwhile I will inform you the trick ■•v it •v.ns of our ma-j undertaken by Mrs. Cunningham was success- i fully iKM-formed by her sister, and that another , ‘j sister aided and assisted ia the fraud, her own illegitimate offspring being represented os .Sa rah’s child by her deceased hnsband.--.Vetc York Vrihntie. See Third page for Late News. Mr. Hunter, who lectured last week in our city, in behalf of Sunday Schools, will deliver a lecture on Temperance, in the City Hall to-night. The Ladies arc especially invite i to attend. — — . --- - which bo still ho ds. The endorsement by t First New Cotton at Hew Orleans. |-Atnertcsm Party of that gentleman wnvsufi;- We learn from the Savannah Georgian ! eject for us, and we did oot hesi.ute to uilmit that the first two bales of new cotton for the his conimucicaiion. Nor did we hesitate to «tason. arrived in New Orleans, via Galves- give up Mr. Weils name as the author ot the tor, on the Hth instant The cotton was article when il w»B demanded ‘fvr redress." plcic the. cubic by a ally of COi. o day, u:; • , iter expected i! the. ,'tber contractor in not risk me deity diiuery. 3, The specimen ra the cable for our guidance in the maunfactu made bv us, but we believe it was made by Messrs iitasss ,t Ki.lioi. At any rate , it is for lit engineer to explain how .: came to pass difT/rcn 1 directions v.-.rc given to the two contractors . and pvt laps the geulloman who gave vou the infot nu ' t Ibat wo are in fault, can‘throw some ! . .it on tin subject as| famous London lawyer, whose florid tbren- to how the sj •vimeii given to us : uppened to be of a contrary Inv to the . t-<v iniinnfae 19-Lord Althorp, who arrived in tbo last steamer, intends,we understand, making an extended tour in America. 19“ What is tho oiflerentj; between a horse and n postage stamp T One you lick with a stick, and the other you stick with • lick. 1&. An exchange says Mrs. Cunningham seems to have had her labor for her pains. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE— This wonderful preparation is having an ex tensive sale in all parts of the Union. It is one of the few patient medicines which arc uow sold over the country that are really what their inventors claim for them. Whenever it has had a fair trial, the result has been precisely os Wood predicts. It has never failed to tarn the white hair back to the natural color, where the directions have been strictly followed and in numerous easts : t has restored the lmir upon heads that had been bald lor years. It is not pretended that it will make the hair grpw in every ease, but where it fails there is ccr(aiuly no remedy. The restoration of the hair ha? been effected in so many iustuuces where the case seemed utterly hopeless, that it is certain ly worth while for all who have lost their bair to try the experiment of using a bottle or two ol Wood’s Restorative.—[Moline JForkmrn Sold by all respectable Druggists. August 8,1857 iUw2w | l'h. Death Penalty.—Charles Phillips, the r.try lay to the i i > v tured at Urcenwhieb. Tin inco venience *ri» ig In i det ’ is. we think, overrated by y ly of small importance. T.-iijedy it. .irhense*.—A I '.t to us received yesterday gives the of a terrible tragedy which took j vicinity of Pine Blutt. Arkansas, weeks into, ill which n lost t i c.fc at the hat i t.luu- '. rea>- Pi: grown tti Brazos Bottom, Texas. personal or legal, as we were assured. Ho* | that pledge thus far ha? beeu redeemed, th columns of car paper of yesterday show. nay. We insert the following at the rtijiied its author, and will insert the documents t. Mobil*. Many of our merchants do a large business in Mobile. To those, and ail who ccnfi.mplate ordering from that city thi3 fall we commend j the ho sc of CAMPBELL A C’0 *ho=ecard | which be refers,when they arc handed into tr- w,|| be found in this paper. j -**'« n '*ich, we uu?*. that the — » | controversy will cease, at least ? ■ far a? our ;u R Peters & Co ’a Steam Flour ' per is concerned; .for it .s a matter now p, r - j sonai between Mr. Sairoand Mr. Wells, ard from the press, resort should b,* had to s,mo ot her mode of settling tbeir difficulties. If, now- ver, either party thinks injustice may •- Atlanta Mills 1 done him. by a ittfa-al toir.3:r- whm they may is congratulated ! desire topublDh.our advertising co\am .- • P- he was com er- A Co.. with For the F.xamin• . Peters & Co ’s Steam Flour Mills During the absence of the Senior F.m of this paper, from this city > i linen ted by Messrs. R a sack of flour from the and on his return he me by n.s •• bcitt-i l.aif,” who is ionic judge ofjbpen tj tncirus-- flour; and who knows how to make good j bread ; at his good luck in being so favored.; ArLaxra. August . t ,b, 1 e-->, hr, a liad good reason tojoinher in praise Mr.Editor. A, K. .teago has replied to of the flvur—it is indeed a very superior.; queries with rainoliog assertions and low saper-txtellent article, and will compare fa- j abuse. I wih pr-ceed to pro-luce the docum ^t- vorably with the choicest American or Eng* to prove tbo sffiemat v? o( mi cjnerie-. a; -, liah Flov.i. The light bread and biscuit when they are tally placed before the public, made of it bv experienced hands, surpass j l will l-tra- to the scorn tu-i co t uip T any that we ever saw. Such flour w ill give all honest m»n t thr *• Atlanta Mills” a worldwide reputa-j •' I> WEI.!.- ;: \i. We challenge creation to excel it. A oony. ii.-rriuiy cau.. as if by some shar placet A jury if . picioa rested iu the minds of a negro. th> n a fugitive fr- nt hij master, Loui 1 ; latter plots. I ho fngitivc was afterirurds arrested, und confessed to the perpetration .if 111- many other a*r -cifi-'s f sic efforts used to be the favorite pieces for school-bov declamation, has lately publish ed a pamphlet, in which lie avows the opin ion—the rc-ult of his long and varied expe- rinc —that capital punishment, so far from ; diminishing, only increases crime, and that lor it'd its effect i- brutalizing to the Inst degree up- particular? j on society. He insists that the imprison jcv in the ment following the conviction of a murder- abont two ! er should be absolutely perpetual, and that stitndblc citizen I those who enter the grates of the prison runaway negro. | should leave the hope of liberty, in this t*r Gninn.whtjt world nt least; behind them. lic also favors ,! y- fou rd I a system of solitary confinement, of'hard •I :: 1 and New Ims- labor, and uf vigorous prison discipline. Hi ; i.i? »ka I broken : recommends separate prisons for those con ■cmciii in - verui J victed cf capital offence?, and thinks that was I: i and ?as- these should be ol a gloomy exterior, isola opuluceu on ted from cities and villages, and, in fact, Special Notices. IVeMcrn Freights. FROM ST. LOl'IB, LOT I8VII.LE, CUV. cinncti, and other Western Cities to Atlantn, via Memphis, 'I'usi umbin, and Nashville, at THROUGH RATES, over the Memphis, Nashville, and Western A Atlantic. Railroad. E.U. WALKER, Muslci of Transportation, W. A A. R. It. August 12, 1*6? dim •the graves of the murderers charac f rmw b. li . lie tat-, aster, bef-ir . aud t!;at h nanv ir-s'aa iciteinc-pt w lose horror? of tli-: most : that he liad killed his ii iving be;-:, pn chased w gnillv o! 8S5U -V brutal murder was committed in well as ! Freestone county by John Cocktum upon bis l ing | brother-in-law, W. N. Self, who received hreecuts from the former, either of which would have proved fatal. Samuel Swan & Co., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. UAJVK.BHS, And lhuhr$ in Hold, Silver, Bank Note* and Domestic Exchange. Demand Exehango on Now York, New Or leans, Mi. Louis, Savannah, Charleston, aud all points in the United States. Unourrrnt Dank Notes and h-pecie bought and sold. Collections tntuln everywhere and prjceeds remitted by Sight Draft on New York or New Orleans, on day of payment, sAMt ao aivan uio. e, aoDV. At'anta, July lft, 1857 il*w'f EUREKA OIL, Th* Greatest Discovery of the Age From the Columbus Hum A new remedy recently Introduced to the .public, is startling our community br tbs wonderful three that are being •fleeted by iu uae It hka been tried in caeei of the most vio ient cholic, on eote breaete, cracked nipples, lei ten, eruption# of the akin, ulcer*, eote legs, ul cerated sore* of long etending, sprains end bruis es, in every instance where wc hate heard of its being used, it hes proved to be* sure endapeejy remedy. To ita former high rharacter, is non added that of the destroyer of the hot in that v el ueble animal, the hone Who would ho witb out bo good it Samaritan for the ailments ot man and beaet, aa the Eureka Oil. It can l>e had in tide city at the etorv of A- K Ayer, end at the drug etoro of fianfortb. Nagel dc Co. It is a discovery of southern origin, and it manu facturcd and sold at wholesale by Q. W. Croeft A Co , at the city of Atlanta, Ga. Reed tin following note artdreaaed to Us yesterday : Columbus, Ga., July 23,1857. 1 think it my duty to iniorrn the public thro’ your valuable paper, of a moat remarkable cur,- whioh was effected on a horse of Mrs. King s, which was taken in Broad street, and pronoun ced by knowing onea to be hopelewdy affected with the Ilotts. 1 administered Eureka oil, and in a very short time the bone waa entirely re- leived, to tho astonishment of a crowd of spec tators, merchants, countrymen and others, who had been attracted to tho spot by the agonies ol the animal. PBy giving thu a place in your col umns, you will confer a great favor on man and beast CHARLES V. SMITH. Afflicted Read! 1 called to sec a Lady from Alabama, who had come to Atlanta on a viait. When I en tered the room, I found her sitting in a chin witb the glands of her neck *o much swollen and inflamed, that she could not turn her head to the right or left, to apeak ao aa to be heard across the room. I prcva'Icd with her to try Eu* rzka Oil. Hhc consented, and commenced by rubbing it well on the throat, and gargling fre - uucntly, aud to my great astonishment, in three days she pronounced hcrseli effectually cured, and left for Alabama with a good supply of tlu- justly colebrated Euraka Oil. Sold only by s.J. SHACKLEFORD,Sole Ag’t. Try It, Everybody! A Lad) in this city who wan awfully afflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism from the bottom of the left foot up the saino limb aide, both shoul ders, and down the arm to .the ends ot her fin gers. Could not walk, but lay in bed tormented with the most excruciating pain, day and nigh*. I recommended her to try the Eureka Oil. She readily agreed to doso, ar.d commenced rubbing it on the surface three or four times a day, and iu about five days she waa entirely relieved ol Inflammation and pain- I was an ayo witness of the wonderful eflocts of this^oil, and affirm the above t< be substantially true S.J SHACKLEFORD, Agent. August II, 1857 dtf rape and isc darint: he bru'al his last a limitary v upon til" : z ; d I Lye vd and - titn, I) tmedic manner • ■t of vil- ngeanee j pot. It 'il l take vas placed nn<lei u •d to the jail a: Fine intensity of the feel- | villain- j ,'-;nt!.di(?ofJidge| ;ral, and li.ngtoa an, was universal!y There are fifty-six manufacturer- of Tobacco in Richmond, Vn., whose united capital amounts to four or five millions of dol lars. d bv h!3 msav At It. h flour few loaves of the bread made from tht nd complimenting some of our friends w ,.h, that they may enjoy that rare luxury. good bread, arid which w e affirm cannot be made unless th- flour be first-rate, and an '■xperienced hand makes it. We are pleased to learn, too. mat the ■ Atlanta Mills” are now in successful ope ration, running day ai d night, and turning out 280 barrel- of flour every twenty-four hears. The machinery in in splendid order, jj 0 '®' - b chisel -nd under the charge of the very best rue- Mont C'utciug Mjm blue. A New York journal give* an account >■■■ ol Carter ? machines’for cu ting and carv atcr.e, now in opera'icin in that city. It volvc? the same general Kuitre- h K .atm: well known machine, viz : a r .w uf ircii cutting chi*!?, striking the - or., ... <juicV - «« on, the ?tone being carried >. i:j car, ar.'l fed towards the Qattci- i iic m ; of woraing the chisels ii tic of the t.. slidinc in n gu d» tached to a l.a m t, House of Lords rd in i ich sensatiu Talbot w.t of refincmt doiI'DMtic ll eguo 7 f I in i: hanics and millers. Both •vbeii-sale, the country around can now be supplied at these mills with an article of flour that cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by anv other mills, h-'-ate ’hem vherew-r the reader may. tflL. Da Wednesday, Wn,. Ciereian I for .erly clerk of the I’oatoEcc ia New Orleans, was arreted under suspicion of being gai.ty of having abstracted a letter from the mail c?r.- taicin/ a large amount of money. 59* John T. Henry, a young man of re- -pectabic family to Henderson county, N. C. was killed on the 24ib by a free negro, who stabbed him in a fight. Sdi' For the first time since 1828, Ken tucky has a Democratic majority in the |^- •rislatme ttfi*. I here vserc more than 25o arrivals at the Roar.,;kc Red Buipbur .Springs last wick At the Commencemer.i of Hamilton t ollege, New York, the Rev. a Wood, Pastor cf the Broom* street Preabytenan Church. Now York, received the degree >,f l). D. by retail „,d ! jbisH hr hibge? in it The fit? \W the • at- edge bri-e ag-itr i the Mr. ■aid-.j have aght hi • with ; n tgnorai grobm of the stable, jr threi servants swore to the knowl- jf her guilt, hut the principal witness i her was the family clergyman, Ruv. arg. tt. He testified, we believe, to •t of adultery. The ■ time of the trial, :s..e<l tiie belief that act she was in the lity- Muchsympa- furiunate husband.’ -d tiie lady to be a e high character of man carried through the- bill for Recently ho lias delivered him* the th ■ itii a, a i n iwledging elf. In thr meantime piracy ha- deceased. ■ uirt.-l i'.M’. :t h fir a me inctpu-i thy wai and tho I the cler divorce : -elf up clergyman expn ic camimttfd the t stag- 4 of ins'al felt for the • un tgh many believt if conspiracy, th A gentleman, who has a very strong uea re to be a funny man, sat down upon a hooped skirt, the o’hnr day. With a des peration equal toanyemergency.he whUtled. • Fui sitting on the style, Mary.’ head of tbe tbisel, act (Ik die nf tbe rod, the -bird The rod is acted upon it. tin; :ut. , -.-r twi. earn? Lat lag a corr,;-.ponding moling, <• .-• to j throw it altctnatety on the uus bide or on the other of the straight iit-fe.. The effect of this! is to give 'be chisel* an up-and-down me.ion j and to give it with aa immense force, fit::] arrasgcrnect is tbe principal point J tfc city. In former machines the chisci? were ra by cam?, anti thrirnu against tbe e,tor.‘. airong springs ; here there i? theoretically no! ,), e vlcllm 0 f the blow, and tbe chisels are merely pressed against \y r ar0 no . perfectly the stone They work at the velocity of five of hw huaband. a- -png ofnobilitv.’ hut be hundred strokes a minute. The angle of the j ]„. T( . |, r . ,| chisel frame may be varied with the fetd (ram j rfjrnr ;;, according to the nature of the atone that i« to ._ 1x1 Cnt - |t< I R ya Hai. Di I ,.;or Big Bods Ftraci'y.— Ben Iliil :-?»t-J iu ui? I ‘l -‘ 11 coifftnr vr . i rc.-eiv, i2 000 a year speech here last Saturday that he bail tcrur j for dressing her Mah'-’r iw • » .- day, been caught in a misstatement In our re* i had gone to London in tht in->.t?ti. - meaning view of bis speech we have shown that Lcmade! to return to M ,r ! or in time lot tits, but severil, and that Judge Brown raught him.— | arriving at the ratio . rt j'tst five minutes He- denied that he said last year that Kansas i Uw 5*R'i -•*•! *■**.- train . rpst ’. witho it him. , could never be a slave Btate. There- are fiun- i HM horror was great, u. -t ■ k;. wh.- wan. ot deeds of people ia Georgia who will lo?tily | put- utility would >-■•{>: i i him -.1 Jilt plitce : 1 that be raid it in Carroll, Oglethorpe. . 1(l d -c he at- obliged to take « -k-. ul trair: and Wilkes countie*. i the e’xblmhincnt feeling the iuifKjrtai.c rd The great** uiaatatemwit be bn.- mad. was j bis b-g me— put on extra team and whi-ltcd tuning tire the when be raid, *1 have never been anjrtfltetcat'..’—-l'Atni Banner. f4Ugbt . hint iilfc. .-igh'r- n mi 1 ieht- minutes for I! steamship Asia, Captain Lott, sailed on Wctltierday for Liverpool, with 41 passen- g.u, ami 8018.945 7* n specie. ttfir*t 'iiiet JnsMoo McLeod, of Bexar Coun ty, died on the 21st ult. ProcrctUiiffs of Council. CtUNClt. f’HAMIlEH, j Vtlanta, Aug. 18, 1857. ) eetiitg ol tht B -ard of Health fur it Atlanta, iield this day, it was— d, That the Second Section of tiie . Ordinance? for the preservation of the Ith of tiie citizens, Ac., he rigorously en- forced during the hot weather, and that the .-■mu lit-forthwith republished in tiie city paper V. H. TALIAFERRO, Sec. Ordered tint the above request be eoi plied with. \VM. EZZARD, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE T’-- preserve the health of the citizens and to remove causes likely to endanger the same, Ac. Sec. 2d. An; owner or occupant ot any lot who s-hall suffer tot-emaiu on hit or tier lot,own ed or occupied by hint or her, uny decayed liesh or vegetables, or uny other tiling which may nanny hi? ror her neighbor?, o? tend t affect the health of auy citizen, shall, ou coat plaint to the Marshal be required to remove the same in six.hour*, aud on failure to remove orretredy the saute in six hours, if it can lie done, (anil th> possibility to bo deoitled by tiie Mayor or three members of Coneil.) shall, od conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars and co tts, for every six hours it is suf fered to remain. And if it be adjudged a ouiwuice iu the manner prescribed by the stat ute, the Marshall -ball, in that case, by ordir abate tb< name, and tbe offender shall pay all co-tJ- of the trial und uba'crueut. And it is hereby made the duty of the Marshal and Deputy Marshal, to make fre quent examinations [more e-perialiy in the Spring, Samnter and fall months] into the c udttion rd tl- lots,yards, and fences of the citizens, to see n they are kepi in a clean and healthy state. And if lie or they find any tiling which may become a nuisance, or produce sicknes , he shall notify the per son t persons on whose premises the same may bp found, to remove tiie same in six hour?, and in default.or refusal on their part to do so, shall be proeeeded against, in the manner prescribed. V tru- extract front the Ordinances. JAN Mr.PHERSON,Clark. %m jl&UFrtisrmrnts. AI.E.N. ('AMPBELl.. JAR. V. SHEPPEBD. CAMPBELL A CO., Hecciving Forwarding and Genernl QOMMISSIQN MERCHANTS, B7 to 72 Front a,id TO to 75 Commerce Street, MOBILE, ALA. Au; 18 '57 wly A dministrator's Hale.—By virtue of an order issued by the Court of Ordina ry ol Forsyth County. Ga., on the first Monday in August instant, will br sold at Cumming, in .aid county, on the first Tuesday in October next, witbin tbe legal hours Of sale, One flntc—to-wit; -me Negro Woman,a- bout CO years of age ; one Lot of Land, No 67f>, in the 1 l'h District and 1st Section, Forsyth county, containing 4U acres, more or leas, im proved. Hold as tho property of Henry Ed- onis.latr of said r runty, dreoased, nnd sold for the benefit of the heirs of said decensod. Term. ruad< known on the day of sale. WILLIAM FINCHER, aitg It)—w-tde Administrator, 10,000 Shares SOUTHERN PACIFIC R, ROAD STOCK! e~~" — — " MtCS-Ww IWlI'SS.) kIISK riAHV. PRESIDENT & DIRECTORS of the Southorn Pacific Rail Road Company, have set apart Ten Thousand Shares of this Stock to be offered, for a limited period, to the citacns of Georgia, and those who desire to subscribe, will do ao poomptly. Five per cent is all that will ever be calbni for upon this Stock, as the grants from the Butte o f Texas, nre held to lie sufficient to pay the other ninety-five per cent. Hevonty miles ol the Road havo been put under contract, with Messrs. John T. Grant + Co., of this Btste, whose experience, ability, and resources, give ample assurance of the most rigorous and speedy construction of the Road. The Rights, r’ran i bises, and Property of this Company, are sc rured, beyond all contingencies. The Iron for 27 mill e of the Road, has al ready been delirered in Texas, and the Road Bed is now nearly ready to receive it. As the Company hav • no immediate use for tund?. I am authorized to take good paper maturing nt Havannah. Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans, or New York,[on the 1st of March, 1868, with interest and exchange added- Tho Stock may be secured on application to ine at the office of Williams, Rhea d Co., Atlanta, Georgia, where printed Charters, R- ri ins, and Statistics, can be bad. BOLLING BAKER, Agent for Hale of Houthern Pacific Rail Road Stock in the State of Georgia. Atlanta, July S3, 1*67 dswtl Form of Stock Ortltltate. He it known that 'is entitled m EXECUTOR'S SALE. B Y' order of the Court of Ordinary, and in accordance with tho will of Arnold Milner, deceased, will be sold before the Courthouse door in thetown of Cassville, Cass county, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in October next: A Tract of Laud, lying on Etowah River, within one mile of Cartcraville, containing 9(JO ACRES, move or less, and certainly one of the most productive and i>7.-tRAi<i.K Plantations in Ctierokecdeor gla, about 350 acres of which is in s high state of cultivation, with all necessary improve menu. AL80, Town Lot m Ca/tcrsvilic, No. not rrc.ilk-cod—on which is a commodious Ntore flntiwr, now orcupird by Mesars. Stephens. ALSO, Town Lot in Cassville, No. not re collected. which is vacant, and lies adjoining the lot in .aid town owned by J.M. Patton, Esq. on the North, containing one half acre, more or lout. ALSU, 80 acre* of Land in Oothcaloga Valley, lying on Uolhcaloga Creek, and within one half mile of Adairavillo, very fertile and in a high state of cultivaf on. 41.80, two and a hnir*liareg— valued at (jllOO each—in the Brick Hotel in tho town ol Adairavillo. Terms on dav of sale, but will be easy. WILLIAM MILNER, uug- t :t—w-td» Executor. $)50 REWARD. .Ma .or’s Office, j Atlanta, June 30,1857. 1 4 REWARD of $160 will be given to any x\.pcrson who will apprebond and safely de liver to the sheriff of Fulton county, William M Witcher, who is charged with having kilted his father, I). II. Witcher, in this city, ou the 25th ins!. WILLIAM E'/ZARP, Mayor. DESCRIPTION. -William M. Witcher ts abputl8 years of age, live feet six inches high, weighing about 150 lie, broad shoulders, sandy bair incline d to rsd t-light snd long, facs broad and slightly .rockleJ. He had on when he escaped, a blue fcluth coat, light colored caxitnere pants and black gaiter shoes. July 2,1*67 dswtf J UtsT KJSCEIV £ D. ftA BBLH., of New Mackerel. w hoabu. N otice.* f k: Shares, of $100, each, in the Capita stuck of the Houthern Pacific Kail I’o d Company, representing all the rights, in terests, privileges, lands, and other property of the Company, transferable only on the Book* ot tho Company, by said — ■ or his at torney, on tho surrender of this Certificate. On each of thcc shares, $6, have been paid, and no Jurther call or accssmenl, car, or shall be made, on the 8tuck represented by this Certificate.— In testimony whereof, the said Company have caused this Certificate to be signed, Ac. OT Intelligencer and Am«ncan will copy- WASHINGTON HOUSE,' Cliesnut st. above Seventh st. PHILADELPHIA. 1 8 central, in the- immediate vicinity of the most important Public Institutions, the bem and most fashionable places of business, and the attractive Public Hquares of thu City- In the important requisites of light and ventilation, two principal objects aimed at in the recent enlarge- ment and thorough improvement of this House, it is not exceeded, perhaps, by any establish ment in America. To strangers, therefore, it. position is peculiarly desirable. Tbe subscri ber returns thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal pattonage they have extended to him, and assures them that he will endeavor to merit a continuance of their favors. A. F. OLA88 Jug 10, 1867 d2w W hlakey I Whiskey I! ftft\ Whiskey! l! More o ||j*j (Iswfi Cheap W hilkey.—J lilt reeeivod and to arrive, 2U0 barrels of Tennessee W hitr Whiskey, which I offer on good terms Also, fresh Gteceries of ail kinds, such as Huger Coffes, Molt****, Sait, Mackerel, Riee. Tes Powder, 8hot, Nails, Ac. O-.II soon. June 14 67 iswtf W, W. ROAK. _ AIJ persona indebted to the Estate f Joseph E Bishop lato ol said county deceased, are requested to mako imme- diat payment and those having demand, against the Estate, are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated to J H BORN, i *, . W 1! BRASWELL, j Admr April 22th. 186 7 •*« EORU1A, iPnlton County.- _ John Lynch of *a d county, Executor of _ antel McShaffiry of «*ul county decoaaed.wi! apply for lettere ->f dismission Boa aid Ad- miuiitrtUon 4t the November term n#xt, of thr •eid Court of Ordinary of eeid conntj. Bv or der of JOB He MEAD, Ordinary. April 24 1257 w6 i