Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, September 05, 1857, Image 2

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datlg <8*anutttr. b v LOCHRANE, DOWSING k CO. J. H. STEELE, | Fditom j. W. DOWSING. j tDrroM ’ ATLANTA, ffECfo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1837. a*kt AU*ata.Mfaaa 4M do tatrigao or can pede its rapid march oaWani to proaperlt y.— Justly do we fee! proodof its location bore, ted grateful do our cUmm oil feel to thoag whose indomitable energy end perseverance bore imported to it o reputation end soccers tbot hove established It os one ol the best Medico) liMitfcrtMw in the South. terms of the examiner. Daily. por mount io advance. - * . W 00 VV.uhlv, . “ •* 00 CiMPilM PAPER. Daily Examiner. - - 41 SO Weekly, “ * 50 Advance payments are required for sub- -rtption«. Direct letters to Editors Atlanta Examiner Democratic Nominations. FOR CiOVEKNOK, JOSEPH E. BROWS OF CHEROKEE. FOR CONGRESS. First District—J AS. L. SEW ARD. Second, Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth M.J. C'RAWTORD. D. J. BAILEY. L. J. GARTRELL. A. R. WRIGHT. JAS. JACKSON. LIN. STEPHENS. A. H. STEPHENS. STATE LEUSLATI RI.. For Senator. JARED I. WHITAKER. For ' fitpraeniatiee JOHN G WESTMORELAND. See Third page for Late News. Kota Meeting ot Rome. Tbe boar Southerner A Advertiser -wy? that tbe " Hon, Joseph K. Brown and Hon. A. R. W rioht. our «aedidete* for Governor and Cougressuuu. have responded to the in qttiry of the committee appointed to torree- pstid with them on the «ui>jecf by appointing Tuesday, the 15th n! Hepteraber next, a-, the day when tl« y .-an make it convenient to he with us, and address their fellow-citir'oa at this point upon th. p iitical topics of thi day. There will be a Ireo barta'ue. ami the tallest provision will be matlo lor accommodating the tisseuibletl thousands who will be present on the interesting occasion. A cordial invi tation i« her». by extended to the jieople of cv«. ry (jnartiT of the State to make themselves welcome at this grand rally of the Democratic masses. Besides our t’acdidatrs other well kncwi and popular orators are expectetl to crace the occasion with their eloqueuce. Come one—come all!” I We have been advised, aisj. that the Deta- ; oeraey of, and about tbe vicinity of <’arters- I ville, propose having a Mass Meeting, at Car- tersvilieon ihe day lollowiog tite one at Rome, to-wit : on Wednesday. the 16th September. We hope that th y will: and from tLenee. by thousands. ail can repair to Canton pu tbe next day. where such a demonstration will bo made as will strike terror to t! ■■ hearts of our pclit col toes. ( Second Congressional District- it may oe interesting to air readers in this city •« know tbit the • American' candidate for O "ogres?. in the Second Congressional ills' trict. is their old acquaintance Samuel C. Elam. Esq , who left Atlanta scarcely a twelve- mouth ago. We congralulale our late fellow citizen upon tbe impressiou he lias so soon made upon the American party of the second district. This, however, will do him blit lit tle good at the polls, for while he has succeed ed in making so favorable an impression upon his own party, the reverse is true with the ma jority (the democratic) pa-tv of that district. Friend Elam, however, can stand a defeat a- bout 3' well ns anv American we know of. and Democratic Meeting To-Night To-night, at the City Hall, the Democracy o' Faltoo county will assemble. Judge Whitaker, our candidate tor Senator, and Dr. Westmoreland, our candidate for tbe House of Representative-, will address tbeir '•How citizens. Come op, ONE AND ALL, Democrats, will Jo so, rusting, doubtless, that when his ..-t as greet each other, acd hear what our can- j party ar>' in the maj rity they will not forget Uidates have to lay : Oar American' trieuds will be welcome ; and. doubly, as a matter of coarse, the Ladies wili be, who will honor the speakers with their - t» v ;v* T mtsssmmm Atlantic TaHsgrapli Ctapur. The Liverpool Daily Post, of August 19th • • .Vf.vM' ...W- •• • flNWHDflTB T«~a '-jv- from Ut CoMttMtlauUft, cotfxtnricans. Perfect Failure—Old Burke -This days general meeting of the Atlantic- J ^ ^ . SjJffiSSg been given that Telegraph Company is to be heM in London w MUler E lbf imk> _ for the purpose ol determining the | paudnt. no-party, go-a-heacUof-a-man can- be Qmkr th0 ciratln K d,fficullK * n T m he didate for Congress, in the ‘infatuated eighth/ newspapers teem with suggestions and com- ^ ^ ^ of Burke , t Da . Sr'ii: SFing, about dfteen mile, from Waynes- opinion, however. appeaVs r„ oeall but.iumni- I ^ t f ‘ "7“ , mous against a -be attempt to sink : ^ fu ** ** '**' bttt - oome o^- the cable null after the coming winter. The Atthe.^lntedhour, Mr. Miller and Col. ioterveiling time cm he and profitably J Jobn f W 10 * lbe f"S? employed » experiments and improvements in ' »"■" of lll ° P"“ l(,fl “ lttr ,he,r bont the paving out machinery. Wi believe that . with Mr s,e P hcn ' i at Orawfordvillc.) appear- the temporary check interposed will serve to , ' ,t L ' n lbo gro,nJ ’ bnl ,ht P eo P U haTnot 8r ' stiniulate activity uml watchfuluess, and pre vent any repetition of the accident hereafter For thi final result we,certainly entertain un gloomy apprehensions.’ J'ht 2km if an Irirh \teehauic, —I he fol lowing notice of the late Senator /t’usk u]>- pears in ti e Troy (.Y,-w York) Budget : fleuatiouis now bewailing the loss of Thomas J. Uu«k, a gallant soldier in the cause of liberty, and a -talisman of commanding in fluence. He was among the first of the Texan volm’.eers to avenge the atrocities of tha ilex- ictvtiu upon Amerie iu citizens nud served faith* fuliy tlpotigh tlie war for the indepen fence id Lone Star To his wise foresight the victory rival, nor did not. About fifteen men had ns- - milled to hear them, nearly half of whom »et\ democrats. The ‘fry’ being too small lor the 'pan, 1 the immense assemblage adjourn- id 'n a barbaenc, about eight or ten miles off. I lu ll , there was a large crowd, but it was composed principally of foreigners, or the de- sc admits of foreigners, immigrants from Afri ca. ami Mr. Miller and Col. Milledge declined to address them. 1 don’t know whether the two gentlemen hunted any further for a crowd that day—but don't think they found it, if they did hunt lor it. The last I heard of them they were pissing through Waynesboro', ou their way to the depot, to take the ears for Augusta—all well, but low down in tbe mouth, San Jacinto is mainly attributable, aud j and the’frying pan'so badty used that it took when Houston was wounded, he it was who I both ot them to ’tote’ the pieces. Old Burke countermanded the order to halt, and cried Push on, boys, push on !' and they did, push on. with the terrib’e war cry of retribution. Remember the Alamo ! As President of Texas and its chief j tstiee -n his advocacy of annexation.and as United States Senator since that event, he occupied a commanding position and iu evt ry situation showed liimseT a r ue American. And Vet his father was a s'one- maaon, and an emigrant frini Irelund, who set tled in Pendleton district. South Carolina upoo land belonging to John C Calhoun, where Phoina.- J Busk wu- born. Such a man would have becu prohibit!' I from holding office were the know nothing party in th- ascenden- ibe blood of hi- father would have worked ittainder ugam-t him. and the country must have twi"; ilepriveil of his eminent services - This i ik practieui illustration of the f IK and | injusti-e of distinctive Americanism carries with i' a stronger argument than any that ever era nated trom the secret lodges unde-r the de lusive cry that ’Americans must rule America.’ /There in the aunals ot our history can we point to a man m^re deeply imbued with the spirit ol' tre Americanism rba'i Thomas J. preseoce. HON. ROBERT TOOMBS Will accept our thanks for recent favors ‘ j this office, in transmitting us public doc uments of great value. The “United Stales Coast Survey, ” among others, is a work replete with valuable information, and we »:» glad to see that under s resolution of the Senate a large edition, ton tb.eusan copies, has been published. . Bank of Fulton With ail tbe great fusa that tins iieen made •bout'the Bank of Fulton, in a certsi l quarter iu this State, wesee ite bills quote! at /ur, in SaTs.insh. on Wednesday last- r ffice 'tanking Bmoking Tobacco. Wo invite our friends to eal! a 1 i md to receive for trini. an nrtic!" of Tobacco, the equal ot vh»b wp ’hem to produce This tobacco is marn'actnrti by R H Ma-s d Brothers, of ClarkesviUe, rirginta.and n known as their M‘'■rsehami smoking Tobac co.*' It it a magnmeen' article, acd we »h'iil take pleasor* iu ad»i*iag ur friends win r- it cm be prjjnred now. i*nd shortly when: ihe manulie tu: -■> k-bgr • »• whltsbing n o* f us sale Savannah Georgian's 'Wvnsly Pr.e>« Correa^ These Prices Cdfrant 'should in t'u< - jiids of every merchant in Atlanta. They ire issued, on a letter sheet,.every W ednes Civ. We do not know, hut believe that they ate tran omitted to all subscribers of that paper. If every merchant here should have the "Georgian," f .r from i'o val ue as a new s journal, to business men, its prices current arc exceedingly important Rink the j.jn of ait Irish mechanic his noble sdf-sacrifice for the cause ha advo- j cate- i fcaj* 1 In a letter of William Wirt to his Seriously, though, wr have aiwavs said, that J daughter occurs a pa-sage which *i give for the American'party of Fulton, had more of the benefit of our readers They are simple the -stand up' materia! tot a campaign, than] truths. He say-: existed in any county in Georgia, Troup coun j " 1 want to tell you a s-’crei. The way to xcep’.-.-J ass we ;ay now that it can’, make yourself pleasing to others is to-how that upon demand, honor the draft of th Americas 1 you car- tor them The world is lik th mil- per.v. m any other dautet. v» th a candidate tier a 1 Mansfield, who eared for nobody—no, for Co-criequal to Mr. Elam; who wejo- not be—bocanse nobody card for hint. And r ousiy ss-.r in. ;r judgment, can make a better slump -pc-cb to-day. 'ban ever their candida'e for'* irrr: r :i i in h ; s wbo» polit ical care-'r. (Tilton- Atlanta Medical College. Ihe Commencement Exercises of ’.L • ysuDg nut flourishing Institation, took pa a- the City Ha I on Wednesday morning m,’ t irge and briIliac'. as t mb!y weie in attendance who wituc-S'S) with er'd.nt ^nionirt of tlie day Th • . pray*r y toe R-v M • a. D au of til- F; :U • - - •: acd, coolerrc 1 t.v t. a'-dilating c.» !•' ' isfaC'.ion th 1 . were opened lum-', .if er t J .tin G i M H An StudeQU, Fac It J [it mi iff', was ap, rapt « by Mr. T M. Da and Trustees. An delivered by Dr. Puweii.ffenMilg: ->f nparto. in rhts State. Brth theae addr>k-r-, wrr- r-piete with «Ound stzue and iateraper e! -irt’liaDt high'- > f eloquence, eliciting great pAcse from me audience. Our city has gp.nt rtaa.a to be proud of !.-r Medicai Instituti'm Bat three years agu. it a as Trotted upon. m.a spoken of, a» a mere rrpen : t/if destined to run failure. This cane mi- trumpeted a.. iv.r tbe S'ate uoubtlrsa. seriously, lorn time, uff-c'.ed its pros Like the favxred city i. which It ;• |i> u*ul .' t'*l t. tU Oh..c ..I ‘.auitl 9f ,t Thurui'rhott in Church -On Sunday evening. 23d nit . the Congressional Church at (.’ j,- ester. Conu.. was struck by iightnimt A letter to the S' w York Tribnnc suyi ; It followed the lightning-rod down to with' io about ten feet of the ground,! whew the rod stem- to have t- n discocnected) then leas,og the conductor, it (.ajscii into the en trance hall, pitching ’be sexton several feet a- gainst a i vi striking tw w men prostrate, »• "lading and b!i:teriug ’h-ui from hip to toe. ('taring * St from isch to lattori. theu seizing a girl's bonnet I* parsed fund the wire both in fror’ si i rear, coo-umiug almost every thread ;|">ti it nearly - ■ ring it from the bon net. burning the fl-:th -r.verely und"r the chin where the two "itrimints of the wire met and then passed down the right arm, iiMvicg sever al injuries .pon it Others w.-re stunncii by it but none win killed, tor e- ;. beikived, permanently injur d. Th mah <• jrreot of the mg hi- *• i irn, t" sent I electricitjt pa-- 'i under tr.t flagstone- of the} itory fur the urrcntyeai porch, and there separated do foor or five | wrutt him a letter, enc !■ braochea. guiog in diflerent direct:’us uad-.r which etler us; • wire the stone steps, a;.d so out on the ground, like so many firo-balls, in frou' of the church; and wbat t * tukrfol li; wbok (pace id the ball utd |swen and in front of th? church wa. crowded witli pe iplc, and none seriously in jured.'. Ctsy. During the troubles iu be re;g . f ' . I, u country girl came to London in eearih ot a pltcc as a servant imid, bnt not . .. h'red berseifto carry out beer U -tr. .. warehouse, and was one of those called j tub-women Tbe brewer observing u good! h.-,k tg g,r. in this low occupation, took her j ., faniily a servant, and after a i or t time oarred her He died while shewn yet j a y .'at i wnnun and ieit lier tne bu k of his luroi.• T bi-mess -,f nrewiog dropped ! iaii'l'il' H . -"C iimnenikd to the young j w n o ,, . ,k. . lawri r t. arrange her btt— ban i *n.j *a, afterward Kail ot CUiendo:. I ; . widow’s fartun? eon- sklerabie. married l- r By this matriag there wa» n- other Lau.- in a laughter, who was wout take the ‘s. p' which it holds, or did hold, before Mr. Stephens made it leaky. Yours in haste, Imoh.Jk. P. 8.—Some folks iu my neighborhood say that Mr. Miller is not the American candidate, that he denies it, says he is on the third reso lution of the democratic platform, alid will go with tlr democrats when he gets to Yjtashing- ton. is this so, Mr Editor/ I know he said he was tlie candidate, but they do say now that Col. Milledge is the real candidate. Can’t you inform us if Mr. Miller has turned democrat? 1 alwnys thought he was a clever fellow, acd though I can’t vote for him so long as Little Aleck is out for Congress, 1 will quit writing letter? about him, and telling how the peoj le wont come to hear bin . I . Jr. Fiuukliu College. The rxercist'S of this Institution have been resumed, and we learn t! at twenty-nine appli cants lave been admitted to the various classes. This, we believe, is a larger number than is u- sually matriculated for the Fall term, and as the admissions are usually more numerons in January than iu August we may confidently look forward to the Spring term, to inaugurate a most flourishing era in the history ot our venerable Institution. The-Faculty is now complete, ami eancies in the chair of Belles Lettres and Ora tory, and Natural Sciences, having been filled by the election to the first, of It. M. Johnston, Esq , of Sparta, and to the latter, Dr. Joseph Jones, of Savannah, it at prisent consists of the following gentlemen : Alonzc Church, D. D. President, and Pro- f»s or of Political Economy and Mental and Moral Philosophy. It. M. Johnston. Professor Beilis Lettrss and Oratory. Williams Ruthetl'ord, Jr„ Professor Mathe matics, Astronomy, and Civil Engineering. Rev. I’. Li. Me!!, Professor Ancient I.nn- Spttial Notice?. CARROLL SHERIFF'S SALES. NOTICE hi hereby given that the SHER IFF’S SALES of Carroli countjv wWfw ptrtv ligbed In future in the Southern Democrat. ELI BENSON, Sheriff. Carrollton, Aug. 31, 1857 Judge Brown's appointments. Judge Brown will address his fellow-cili- tons at' Columbus, Wednesihyjnight, “ Talbotton, Thursday, 3. " Zchulon, Piko Co., Saturday, 5, “ The Hon. B. H. Hill vvi‘1 ph ase conaidcj the appointments as mutual, and will he al lowed to discuss on equal terms il he will attend. The lion. L. J. Gnrtrrll will attend Judge Brown's appointment ut Maiu.Ua; and the Hon. David J. Bailey the uppniutmet at Hamilton, Talbotton, and /.ebulon. These gentlemen will also, at the places named, ad dress their fellow-citizens. Animat 21, 1857. Atlitnti* Medical School. Preparatory to the Collegiate Coun'. Session commences on first Monday in No vember and closes on the first ol V jiril, 1S;>8. For lurther information, address, II 1). CAPERS, W. !>., or V. II. TALIAFERRO. M. D. Atlanta, Gu., -Vugust 24,1857 dtf Nevu^huctlismrnia. Time of holding tbe State Fair. The enquiry of u- i- so frequent, "when is the State Fair to be Held in Atlanta 1 ” that tte shall Make till- a St ; e in our paper for some weeks. The Fair commence- mi Monday Pie 20lll, and closes mi Fridav evening, the '24th Oc tober next. Me also notify out readers, that my query in reference to thi hu>ini» arrange ments of the Fair, addressed to ns in w ri ting, will be anewerod thr iugli mr i oluinns, without delay. Samuel Swan & Cc., ATLANTA UEDIIOI \ BANKSIHS. ,ir\<l Deahr* in (mid, Silnr % Hunk Sotn uui Domestic F.rehungt. Demand Exrh«ngo on .Vcu \\ rk. JNcw Or* leand, St. Louid, Savannah, Ciiarlrston, nud all points in th*' United Staten. I’ncurrcnt Hank Noteo’ and Specie bought and sold. < ’ollertioin made everywhere and prJceedi^ remitted by Sight Draft on Mtw Vork t*r New i». ti day of payment. BA.Mi ni. SWAN. v. EDIlY. At'nnti, Julv l. r », 1 >.Vi dawti DEM(>( It \TI< TEE t K.YF.lT 11 YK I Fulton C ount COMMIT. John D. Eiter, M. D.. I’rof^-tor Natural the «rbnle world will serve you ho .if you give them tbe cause. Lit every one. therefore 1 see that yoa cure lot them, by showing them | wbat Sterne rO happily calls the small swe-et co ;rtesic^of life,' in which there is no parade ; j wboee Vfitv still, to ea®e, uiul svhicu mar.- j themseive^ ly tender affeclionate looks, : aod little kind 'ie!« » r r. , *ection--j7iving other*! S ua <f e ^ aD ^ Literutnre the prcUtC!*-* »m: little ^'fljr»yni<nt—V- tbe table, fieM. .talking, sitting or ! I'iJ'^pby # ud Chemistry. j n .. Joseph J me?. M. D , T rof'iwnr Natural ... j Sc'iecc.?. Daniel Lee Terrell Profe*=3or ol Agricul- | ture. '!v existed it. I YV'illia in D. Wash, l’utoi iu ilathcmatics. N.w a e acv ’ Wilfiatu H Wadded Tutor in Ancient Luu, lged '"each of g«»ges aly f j q„ j 'These guitiemco hare all been passed upon >. yonug ladv pflbyaBoard >>: Trustees, consisting of some f'diaua Arneri For the Oily ol Atlanta—J. A. Hoyden,D. 0. Yancey, Dr T. M. Darnall, Dr. B. M. Smith, William Watkins, I'. K. MeDaniei, Join Collier, A M Wallace, II Wallace, Thos. F. Lowe 1. L. <’ p.r.J T. lowia, J. H. Steele. J V, l»i,neji., at. I J, li. Wi!* liams. Cutay's Dist, W. S. \\ ingfield, I’liomns Moone and Mathew (JabOtne. Buckhead Dist. John L. Evil--, K. C. Collier and llenry Toby. Oak Grove Dist. Lewi? Wright. Ji lin \ .- ernathv. Thomas Abernathy. Black Hall Dist'. Jane H. Uo.-er, Ed ward Taliafi rr > and A. R. Aim t Stone’s Dist. Thomas 0. Konnetly, Jon. Willis and Clement 0. Green. E. N. CALHOUN. President Democratic Club. Atlanta, Aug. 6, 1857. I. B Breach of I’roiulsc C’Hxe. Qaiie an mtcrft Southeastern Indians Tribune, on acixuut i promise ague.,: th U city Circnii. by a ret MaJlS-n \ 'irdinz can, the circamatacce* oi icase were about a3 follows Mr. - _t’ r’atoed during the lat’ - t-ion ■ f 1 n.i :* , by the family of which this vouuglady was a part. As au ac- knowkdgement of the kindie ■> •h-i vn him dur- the Ladies’ Repr - Oa its receipt, she te him a book mark, wtt’i thanks for the ight the coertipondtnee t so with the yo"ng lady, received some fonrtceu letters f whicli I' answered io due n his part, proposals of mat- d* . which were accepted by marriage fixed n*-a, A lew davs before G 1 wlnuett SherlO Dale*. — wui Jfbe »ald betorc tho Court House Door io the town of LawrenoeviU,, on the fir«t 7\imdav in October next, within th* Weal hours ol eaJ*. the following property,to-wit; One hundred and sixty acres of land, it be ing part ol lot No. 301, In the 7th district ot Gwinnett county, levied on to satiety IhreeJus- tiie’a Court ti fas., in farm ot William HcaJes vs. John Adair, levy made and returned to, me by i'amuel Yaung, L. C. AH ' 'iitr acres of land, more or less, lying on thr \v lent of. tlie Mulberry, adjoining the land" of Thoa.J. Hardman and Mrs* Jtichard- son, m niil county, levied on to satisfy on« Justice Coni'.li. fa. in favor ol Isaac M. Konny v». M. (!. Term "ml. property pointed out b? d»- fendnnt, levy made and returned tn m» by Thos. Ivey. I.. C. Aiv< ix'y sivaeres ofland, moreor loss, lying un the waters of tliu Mulberry creek, in Gwin- nett county, adjoining the lauds of Thomat J. Hardman and Mrs. Richardson, levied on to satisfv one Justice Court ft. fa. in favor of Isaac M, Kenney vs. Elijah Mntlnx, property pointed out by Jefctidant, levy ma le and returned to me t’yJTlios- Ivey, L. <*. Alsu will be sold, one hundred acres of land, more nr less, adjoining tho lands of 8unsberry fepper, Kennedy and others, levied ou to aatify one Superior Court li. ta., ill favor of Wiley Pierco vs. Elijah F. Beam and Thos. M' Beam, levied on na property ot said defendants. One tract of laud w ith the buildings and im- provemouts there'll, containing twenty acree. more or less, which is now in the possession of the Lnwrenceville Manufacturing Company,on which the main Fact'ry Ituildinga stand, with Jg Dwellings and out houses,offices, sheds and all ether fixtures and improvements thereon. Also, one half acre lot on the north side of the road, with the improvemrnts thereon, In which Casey Crow norv lives. Also the follow- ing Colton machinery to wit: A I t'U horse power engine, 3 boilers, main and jack wheels, with all tho other wheela pul- lies, fhafluur, hungers and belts used in connec tion therewith ; 2 willows, 6 pickers, 71 cards, 8 It V\ heads, 8 drawing frames, 14 20 strand spi" < ’ rant grimlingmochines. 54 spinning li unit - with 8100 spindles, 26 reels, 4 yarn pi -• s f'r n; lulling;, 2 baleing presses, 42 • ■Also tlie repairing machinery to wit t ! Iki go a ud 1 smaii iron laths, l cutting engine, I w i id lathe with tools belonging to each, with ■ J it :li'" machinery, tools and properly ol aid •' pony in their said factory building and on the premises aforesaid, indu ling a wheat mill »ini three corn mills with all tho necessary fixsures; • each, t iron safe and other office fur niture, n ,1 I ix mule w igon. and 2 two florae wag.’ii- end •'! hoises with their harness, Ac., properly pointed out by commons & Hunter.— 1,,'vie.lon ns lIn'property of the Lnwrenceville Manufacturing Company, to sati.fy the follow ing Miner: r Court fi. fns One in favor of I. B liuicliings. on" in favor of N I. Hutchins, one ! in fin Jr of K M Cleveland, one in favor John i I’n'i.ioson, and ono in favor ofj A T Jenkins j and ofliers. Also the following Interior [Court 11. fas: One in favor of Nathaniel : f, Hutchings, assignee uf\V W Webb, one in favor of Wm B Roberts, one in favorof Win Maltbie Ex’tr ol Ann Hall, dec'd, ono in favor Wm Maltb’p, one in favor of Few Gordon, one ,n favor of M 11 in favor of Anthony W Bates, and ono in lavnr of John Bankston and others, all, vs the I.uwrenceville Manufactu ring Company, nml to sa'irfy 73 Justices Court fi tas, in favor ot X L Hutchings vs. the Law- rencevilla Manufacturing Company, Jas Ger- niitnv, JiH.e I.owe,John Mills, Joseph P.Bran don and John Bankston securitie " Also, one in favorof Silas J.awrcnce, and one in favorof Moses McConnell is. tbn I awrencevlle Manu- facturing Company. Property pointed out by .1 8 Peterson, agent of raid Company. I-evies I made nr 1 reiurnnd to tnc bv Obadiah Oravilt, i, C. I Ah ' Nathaniel Aker's interest in aud to 360 ‘ "e; h ,.f lanJ in Gwinnett county, in the 6th i in ! 'J". place whereon John Akers resided 1 t Ins di'ii!:, and in and to two ne- U' i v rim a, James and Harrison, about It ; ,i id t.t years of age; the intere t being the ona j tenth part of said land and slivcs in remainder jit', the death "f the widow of John Akers, Pr >;" ily pointed out by plaintiffs as- l : nc, i satisfy two Justices Court fi. tas., in ! favor ol George W Jones vs George II Davis ml Nathaniel Akers. Levy make and returned 0 me by It Jones. I, C. HENRY ALLAN, Hheriff. DEMOCRATIC Ittisccllaneous. \>» Fall Goods. i®IASS MEETING ' he tho token, oniithin ended Bn' I She ailedge? -h from him. a! time, in which, riituay wer ti her, and the time of the boat tbe middle of Apri the time fixed, she allege? that shew rived an other from the gim-r hand, informing her that be was dead, i nclosing a T < It of hair and giv ing his dying wonl', Ac. Site soon aac rtain- ed that be we- not deed, and h -r friend ', bc- i vir.g that be had been playing fa!,e, had charge? preferred against him tsfore thi Pre- tidi' g T. d-.r Upijo an iuves'.iga'.i n, only six in lets were prcdaced, and those wen proved to hr f"tg :ries. Of course Mr. G'ary was ac- qu.t ed. It is believed that tbe young lady is j innocent o any complicity in tbe matter. afterwards the wite of James II. and mother Of Mary aad Anne Q ice:.? of England seat' Bishop Otey of Tennessee, is not pp’.sed to the cultivation "t innocent a- tnent. His pleasant disposition is tllustra. i :.e i Mowing remark f his Thirty year, ago I came to Tentieesee with my wife, my fiddle, and a horse and sulky. J/j tu •»" 1 sulky are long since gone, hut my wi;,. an : fiddle remain as good as se* ' tJt'NF.tur. lit ax—The mother of G"t Rutk | ts living at this time, within two iniies of the | village of Walbalia, Picketts Dialriet, riouth Caroli a, and is in the seventy-eighth year of j her age, and retuius all the faculties of her ! mind perlect. We ure in possession of the i fset, says tits Walliulla Runner, that General j Rusk provided her with tbe comforts ol life up I to th" very latest period of his life. VP/ Lours Khrick, d rotiinutiu young CierinaD, s^bd dUout ‘JO, coroiuined suicide on the 3o uli,, ct tlm Slidkepranr Hotel, St. Louis, by »kmg poison. of the very tat meu in the State, aud who e every impulse is for the prosperity aud honor of the College, What mote i.- necessa ry t We think we speak but the sentiments o’' all the friends of the College, w hen we ex press the belief, that under each auspices as ti.e present, the venerable duma will grow aud increase in honor and usefulness, our State ire benefitted, and each succeeding year witness the grutJying spectacle, of scores of intelligent and accomplished youths goiug forth from her hall? with feelings of sincere and Glial love to ward? their Alma Mater, and a determination to do honor ulike, to her, to themselves, and to the "Empire 8tate of the South.’ So mote it be —.lthenf [tanner. will perhaps lie interestingto some to know that a Urand Fancy Ball will come oft" at Varner's Hotel, at the Indian Springs on the flth Inst, The greatest natural ornament tothe'human form divine,’ is unquestionably a fine, luxuri ant, beklthy growth of hair, it has been so esteemed in all ages of the world aud among all nations, savage, and civilized. Hence, the Indian brave regards the scalp of his enemy as his greatest iropby. For a similar reason,tbn fashionable belle disguises the region of vanity as well as her other phrenological organs with borrowed locks He who should discover a mode of prevent" ng the hair from showing the inroad of envi? ous Time by turning prematurely gray, a me thod by which it could be restored when falling or turning whit",and a way of promoting its continued aod luxuriant growth, would be justly entitled to rank among the benefactors of tbe human race. Read tbe testimonials in aootber column of the wonderful, ; not to say almost miraculous effete of'Professor Wood's Hair Restorative,’ aud see if he has not accom plished all this.—Capital City Fact, Bold by all respectable Druggist*. August 22,1857 da*2ff iKJ fc Dry GtoikIn S LI J. L. CLTTI.NC. LfV.I s v. IUTE. J. A. JUNTA. CUTTING, WHITE & CO., 'IVrnl LD/cBDcctfuHy inform the cftTieiiHO. V) Atlanta and surrotunliog country,that vro an* receiving a larg*? an 1 well selected Block of DRY GOODS, and BOOTS and SHOES adapted t> Ladirs and Gontn, which v,-, offer for C ASH, nt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, much lower han ever offered in Atlanta. 'We having facilities for pui< '•.‘•iiiR GOODS, »tich as NO other hoUho han. And we would :her*». foro respectfully inviv thuriH who wish to BUY, to call an«l EX A MINt! <>ur large and varied 81’OUK before purchasing elsewhere. Our StWnllER STOCK will be sold greatly below the regular pric.**.— (iivc a«i a call. CUTTING, WHITE A CO., 69 Whitehall Street, near Roarks', aug U livd'Uw i«. lili 11; COMMISSION MERCHANTS & AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. A LL BUSINESS entrusted to th«m, will leceive their best attention, liberal Gault advance mad" un all cungii menta when desired. VV. B. GRIFFIN, flelerences:— HUGH O’NEILL, Jackson, Miller’A Vcrdery, Augusta, Gn. I’oullain Jennings A Co , Miller A Warren, Conley. Force &. Co , Cavmichael <V Bean, Lamback A, Cooper. " Augusta, Aug. 28, \ohl dawfiw* 31 ay 1601, IN37. 1 i \n HHDS. ACi)N Choice article, Side* X'/'/ Haul, end Shoulder., Just receiving and fur sale by. E.M SE.AGO, Com. Mer FREE BtRBECUK, i'JSsfa, SbadnCo., September 17th, GIVEN BY THE DEMOCRACY TO HON. J. E. BROWN, A.ND HON, A. R. WRIGHT. The ("Mowing Speakers have boon invi ted ; Gov. 11. \. Johnson, Hon. Robert Toombs, "J {A’ H. Stephens, “ J. H. Lumpkin, •* Mil iiraru \Vnrnnr, 1(1. llainar, “ \V. H. Atiles, j “ \.H. Colquitt, •• James Gardner, j “ <’li.irles J. McDonald, ! " J. M . II. Underwood, T. L. Clingman, of North Carotin | The Democracy of the surrounding eo ! <><-- nre expected to aeml Delegations. E body is invited to come! FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE A EXPECTED I C O ME ONE ! COME At AdH witness the GRAND EXHIBIT1 ot the Cherokee Democracy! JAMES it. BROWN, SAML. WEIL, JAMES JORDON, I J V/Yi v SAGKB, extra Family A Choice IUVySupeifim Fluor, in Store and short ly t? arrive, which in (duality will cotnpaie with any Stock in Georgia. For *al* Low by , E, M. SEAOO, Produce Commiuton Merchant. |AUo, new Baton, pltnty tu arrive in a few <M ;• [r#b« dwtf t o hi am facti rei \\ r E ate now receiving-a T f large lot of Sole Leath er,Call skin*, fining., Binding. I I,n*t?, Pegs, Kit, and everything . connected with the Boot and Shoe Tua! which will be .old at low pric«* for Caih. All order, accompanied with Ca«h wi promptly filled with goodOooda.and at low -atth. Sign of the Big " ~ ' Cfiitokc* Block, a e Big Boot, Peachtr*e-'i P*Odtf DIMiCK A Ml