Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, September 05, 1857, Image 4

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i ie*ww£ «s US* H. ft! II, III I i "i**^ lltciriciacs, fcc, EUREKA OIL, Tha Greatest DiicoTery of the Age. Prom the Columbue Sun. A new remedy recently introduced to the ptibho. it ttattling our community bf the wonderful cunt that ut bain* effected by it* Ua# It htt burn tried in cteet of the most no- 1 lent cholic, on tor* breast*, cricked nipple*. ***" Itre, eruption* of the *kin, ulcer*, tor* leg*. Ul cerated *ore* of Ion* funding, tpnint inJ bruit- to, in every instance where we nave nemo of its being u**‘d. »l ho* proved t«> remedy. To in former high chancier, I* now addcd’that o( the destroyer of the bot Inthiteil- uabic xiumal. lh« horto ” ho woijlu bv Witn f > out so good a Samaritan for the ailmentt of he I msr and beast. a* >he Eureka Oil. It can be °* had in this c.ty at the store of A- K Ayer, and ^ [ at the drug store of Dan forth. .Nagel A Co. It i, a discovery ofaouthrru origin, and is trinu Woodman'i Oh*rry Expectorant U tAt Great Remedy whid w taking the plan ,,/all Otitre. I N a country where multitude* ate annually carried oil by pulmonary disease!, it istcarce tj neceseaty to enlarge upon the merit* of REMEDY, which,if ukenin time, will assure tdly prevent the sad consequence* loo often ariaiog from COUGHS. COLDS AND INFLUENZA, and tb* variuue TRACHIAL AND BRON CHI AI. affectione that become, when neglected the PRECURSORS OF CONSUMPTION AND OF DEATH'. Tho Ralaam quiets the moat violent cough in the course of a few hours, enabling the patient who may have been kept awake night after night by the continual recurrence o( paroxysms t* ENJOY CALM AND REFRESHING fa.'ture 1 and s >|d at wholesale by O. W. Croalt j jcpjrup. A tV, at the city of Atlanta, Ga Read the > It loosen* the cough—relieve* the tightness followiiig no'f addressed to u* vestrrdsy u( ( ;, t . che.-t-and rapidly mitigstes all the aymp- t Jit.a attendant upon an IRRITABLE CON- Coliudls, Ga„ July 2*, 18.67. | nn'ION OF THE ORGAN8 OK RESPIRA- 1 think it my duty to inform the public thro \ pioN . ur valuable paper, 01 a most remarkable cure J -,3 a family medicine, it has already acquired tch was rll, ctml on a home ot Mrs. King s. a high reputation in the west, and ought to oc- uh ws- taken in BruaJ street, and pronoun.. CU p» a place in every farmer’s and planter's j by knowing one* to be hopelessly affected . , n eclioil)e chest, the Units. I administered Eureka oil, and | .p^,, following original letter was handed to us ! vsiv short time the horse was entirely re- f 0[ publication; a remedy which can elicit such j d, to the astonishment ot a crowd of spec-1 encomiums, must lie a good one: v. im (chant*, countrymen and others, who' Galveston, Texas, April 26, 1856. celt it traded to the spot by the agonies of; ,, 0< W’ooduaX, New Orleans; imal. tty gtv mg this a place in your col-| Dear Sir. —In justice to you and a duty i v, ' u "dl center a grc’vt lavor on man and I j t , )0 a s utlering, and, I may say, a World ot ' CHARLES V. SMITH . coughing people, I «t»te what your invaluable Cou^h Remedy—your CHERRY E.YPEC- A tlllc'tetl Ilt'iitl ! TO RANT—han done for me, when all other *>.! »o \ Lady IrOtn Alabama, who j remtilios have failed to give any relief. In the me to Atlanta on a '!***• " ‘ u * n y n ’ fall of !Ht7, living in St. Louis, where I have he ro.-rn, l found her fitting in a cnitr: ie«id«ril most ot the time for the mx toe n • glan > of her neck to much swollen j 1 to^ u severe cold, which settled on my «. lamed, that she could not turn her head , and was confined to my bed, and dosed ’ght »r left, to ppeak so a« to be heard ! ali j h/ntered by doctors for several weeks, but m rorm. 1 prevailed with her to try bu- | gj J8 jjy g 0 i oll ni y j V g* again, but not cured of Hie c msentfd, and commenced by | ni y hud coughing, and rattling ervl tickling iu it well on the throat, .nd gargling fre- | my ( j iroalf w hirh continued UwanUy for und to my great astonishment, in three > mori , than six months, alwaye the V’ltBtin th*' pnOMJunced. horse t efledually cured. w inter. My friends inaiated 1 hod coughed tor Alabama with a good supply of the j enrtU gh to kill a dozen commen moB, and that ■lebratcd Luraks Oil. Sold only by | mug t i H » tn the last »*tage of ojrsumption. I J 8HAOKliEbORD, Sole .-fg t. made up my mind that I muet Cirt'&'h my life away. I left St. Louis iu DcooJdxsr last, to Try It, Kvcrjbotly I travel and spend th»* winter tiouth.— kdy in this city who was awfully afflicted Whei^I called at your store in VUkaburg, you flammatory Rheumatism from the bottom | will recollect, l was coughing • * hard I could *?ft foot up the same limb side, both shoul* not make my ’ utineas known. You said you and down the arm to ihe ends of her fin-1 would cure my cough. As you gave mo a hot- Could not walk, but lay in bed tormented tie of your CHERRY EXPECTORANT, I . th»‘ most excruciating pain, day and nigh’, thought I would not slight you and your raedi- j commended her to try the Eureka Oil. She : cine 1.0 much as not to try it; and ir. thankful- idily agreed to do so. and commenced rubbing 1 ness shall I ever remember the day I did so. In ; on the »ur r ace three or four times a day, and , but a fow days, it began to allay anil diminish i u about five days she was entirely relieved of my cough and tickling in my throat, and he* Inflammation ami pain. I was an aye witness ! fore I had used more thin three fourths of the of the wonderful * fleets of this oil. and aflirm > contc uts of that bo.tie, I was entirely cured, anvl tha above ti be substantially t. | for weeks I did not even raise a cough, tLaugl H. J SHACKLEFORD, Agent. expand! day and nigtit, in all weathers, in tra . Clew the Track for the QEORGIA ALCAHEST! Ora. T. fc M. I*, oallaway, S AVEioventeJ a meJicatsJ coaipouml for the cure of *11 ditMtic* of th« Skin and which they honor with the name ol the GEORGIA AL' AUEST I A menatrum long eon ght for. and never obtain ed until now. 1< >• » remedy of the South, ond we aak of tho Soulh a fair trial of ita virtute and effect! on all tho di*ea*o* we c/aim for it— aa a apecifif. Each week bring* ua tiding* of cue*perfected by i', that erceeda our o>ohI •anguine expectation*. It ha* no equal In preaetving, reatoring and hcautilying the Hair; eradicating Scurf ami ^Dandruff; preventing Baldneae and Grey Hairs; curing di*easoa of the Skin, Glands and Mucda, Bruiaoa, Cute, Sprains, Stings of insects, Dilation and Swel ling rnused bv poisonous plants, Erysipelas, Ring-worms, Scald lead, InllamedSkiti, Frick- ly heat, Fiutples,Scrofula, Totters in all stn^e, | Salt Rheum, Sore Throat, Shingles, Rough | Hands, Peridical orNervousHeadache, Chap- i ed Skin, (Jhilbtaisn, and all external inilamma- I tions. We will give a few vouchors to what it j has done, and trust tho Alcahost to herald it- j ow;; fame when used. Monroe. Walton county, Georgia. Alabama, Randolph County, ; Jan. lUtli, 1H57. ] j Daa. I . & N. L. Gallaivat: As you requos | ted me to state what time mv IIair began to S fall off, l take pleasure in saying to you thatin, I 18.Vd, my Hair beguu to took dead, and fail off. the surface of my head became an entire s. urf and all my Hai* dropped oil by the time I saw I you jn Georgia, iN7-• The one bottle you sent ! t> me while ut my sisters, (Mrs. McGurley’s) I made a peimaucnt cure ol it. The scurf and | dandruff all fell off or disappeared, the second j bathing, ami before I left Georgia, my Hait i was some -1 or •> inches long, ami is this day as j full and us beautiful n“ ever, and more salt ami lively, every person that beholds it thinks it is ; oiled. It has been over 18 months since the j iottle of Alcahest gave out- I do wish that nil the'afflicted would gave it a trial, as I had tried many remedies before,from eminent physician -! all without effect. JANE CARSON. Georgia, Walton I'ounlv. We, w hose names are undersigned, do certi fy that we were witnesses to the above case, that it is true us Miss Carson has stated, when she left here her Hair was ns beautiful ami lull eovering the whole head as before deceased,and resembled silk velvet ovehton o. McCarty, war .11 MeCAim . -sll.AS R \ Y, ittebirints, fcc. ” Dr. MoElwira * CELEBRATED y E_R MJL F U G E I.IVEKPILLS. Tvvoofth* b*atPrspataltoaa*fUaAf*, They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vbrmifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by M/YMJYV 1 PHENNIA// KAY Auguat 11,1857 dtl IT IS NOT A OIK. PRESIDENT ./. H. EATON, l„ D. I'nion Univcreity, Murfreitlwro, Ttntu/tee, ?-ay* : "Notw-th*landing ‘ lie irregular use of A< cling. However, in March, wliile traveling in North Carolina, I took a if vert.* told, and my coughing commenced again, and else the tick ling in my throat, at inteivalo; ami before mj urriving ill New Orleans, on the IDh inat., cn some night, my cougtnng v.-oti a commence and continue, for an hour or tv■ j 1 soon pro- 22. In allh t the Plantation County, Mabama lie foutid. .tall tracts of Land, in -a If red for sale, for no other undersigned intend to quit i sale ifrommodatmg. J A J. M. LAMP! EY. Niur co.. Ala. "> vvffm „ve jUit .ition ol the cook. —uslrayed by *evence-o oi which are new, anJ drawn ex- .ol ih* work; and by nearly one hundred ^,nc engraving*, many of which are from new anJ .rigiaal deeign*. TeacUers. Sc L.iol Duedora, and otBer* inure*- ,rd, are respectfully inv.ted to examine this book which it is believed will be found anptr.or I Similar work which has yet been published T W asliingtou Hall. HE FIRM OF LOYD A PULLIAM having expired this day by limitaticn, I tike this opportunity to notify the public that the House ia now under the *u; erintendenca ol Mr. W. A. M. I.anicr and Lady, whose names alone are a sufficient guarantee fur a first clae* Hotel, and thankful for past favors, solicit a continuance of the same. , JAMES LOYD. 1‘rnprietor. June 1, 1857.—dwif A Mobile) ^S;. A Allen s\\ orld - Hair Hi , T" and continue, lor an hour or iw i soon pro- The land cearrd an, mjf prey lock* ; cuteJ lmuhfr bot „, from am ]in less than y. as any “VvV m‘tH H-FR^'ro i f t> , i two days I was entirely relieved again, lam RL\ . M. TH.ICER, bOvear. of age), 1 it- , nQW j/,„ mine j to a , , wa , j U „ e p a bottle on baud, ami in the commenciug of a cough, a ve- I ry lew -taall doses will relieve it entirely. 1 I ant now fully satisfied it is tho uxst COUGH : REMEDV now known to the world; and it i- a duty you owe to the coughing and afflicted perl of the human larmly, to yu sj valuable a remedy within ihe reach ot._ ! ’-j yraises will soon lie upon the tonguesof L: u . thousand* ol oyful ami coughlesa, haj/py soul*. So great a remedy as your Expectorant should be brought before the public. I mil. deal sir. respectfully yourei R. J. WOODWARD, of St Louis, Mil. GTFor rale by SMITH A EZZAKD.and Druggists generally. may 16, 18.67 AVSai ge), cher Ceeiiango Co. N. \ “My hait is now re-; stored to it- natural color, anti ceases u fall 1 off " Rev, U. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N. “,\fy hair which was grey, is now restored t natural ritlor. <Vc. REi. I*. t'LENDENTN, Chicago, Ml. and recommend it lo Y. Mitchell'* Primary Geography is the imruJuc. otf volume of MITCHELL'S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES Which consist* of the following additional hooka namely: MITCHELL'S INTERMEDIATE GEOG RAPHY. MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. MITCHELL’S GEOGRAPHICAL viL ES-; r riON BOOK. MITCHELL s ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, VND ATLAS. MITCHELL rv BIBLICAL AND nAB- HATH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL’S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY tin Preea.) The Physical Geography vnueh nas been ui * irt'ul preparation for a longtime, rviUbe publish ed eariy in coming autuicu. It a ili be splendidly ...tistraU’d with numerous fine engravings and mart*, and contain several copper maps, all r,i * inch will be beautifully eolonaJ. Tfiere are r.o geographical works published, i that are to much in demand, or that have so wide I * circulation a* those of Mr. Mitchell. There a upward* of four hundred thouaand copies of them j t. •old annually,and their manufacture grve constant I X etnploymeut to more than Soft person*. The irrangtmenu of the publishers si. such that they Notice, rnifE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exist- ± i:.4 under the firm, name and style v( Loyd Ac FulJiam, i« this day dissolved by limuation. can my le^tiruon rut friends.* REV. l». T. WOOD. Middletown. .N “My jffu hair hae greatly thickened, aUo that ol one ui iny family who was hecorninp bald.” ri^ We nught swell this list, but if not cen vinced.TKY IT. MHK « A. ALJ.E.N’r* 7A LOB.4L8AMl'M Or World’i Hair Dreising, i« essential to uo» with the Restorer, and m thr best Hair Dreeing fa»r old or young extant, being often etlicaciou?! in caara of Hair falling, die., without the Re- ^ <torer. Grey haired, Bald, or person* afflicted with liiaaaieH of the hair or ucalp, read the above, and I MhS.S. \. ALIEN’S WORLD’S HAIR D A .’* . E .*' ,T ! > .*. r,CE . S ?. AL l,f 0»HAT Georgia, Gwinnett County Drs. T. aV I*. Gallaway: Niy daughte . Mary Elizabeth was attacked with Tetter on | her head, I applied to :) or 1 eminent phyei- j ciann, each application only served to .iggri * fate it, *he wa.« s) afflicfe«l tYiat she was com* j pelted to *leep on her face. Her Hair had | nearly all fallen oil The "ne bottle of \oitr ' Georgia Alcahest that I paid $1 f**r, made n I complete cure,*uml her Hair instantly commen ced a fresh growth, and ns s 'on ns natures laws would admit, she had a line head ol hair and .is now aa full and beautiful n* ever; it h»* been well over li years You are at liberty to use this—a* all my neighbor w ill testify to t he tame. Yours truly, FIELDING HAMILTON. Georgia, Walton County. Drs. Gailaw.iy iV 8i»n: My wife has been afflicted with (*hilbtnins all over her neck and shoulders, in large lumps under the skin, none of them ever running ns common biles, whirh threw her into a high lever, headache, &c.— Hearing of your Georgia Alcahest. I procured a bottl**, and to my great joy, if, in nvpryfew days, made a cure, lor which accept my best wishes for your success in so valunblo n rein dy Ihear its fame spoken by every person that uses it as n specific for all the diseases you say it w ill cure. Yours truly. W. W. PETERS, J. P. Georgia, U'alton, t’o., April ft). 1R67. Nt w and Important Dl-oovery in ?2S the Science of Medicine. Mr H*nry G. Dean i* ih* autfcorixeJ agent of Loyd <fc Pulliam, in closing the bu.ine** ot tin late firm, and may a! all lime* be found at the Wv.hingitin Hail, Atlanta, Georgia. JAMES LOYD, A G. PULLIAM. June I, 1857 —dwt! Valuable & 7 Property A* Fam ily Retblame for Sale, '|8HE underiignetl offer* for *a the Hnu*e and Lot on which hi nowroni*. in 1 lie cily of Atlanta. Toe House ir a comfortable one for a fam ly and ha* a firat rate Garden with a fine apart ment 0 Fruit Tree, attache 1 ; al*o a small hour*: at the corner of *aid lot—the whole lot containing about five acn- of land. Thi* property ix aituatad on Martin and Con ley -tree(», and will be sold on accommodating Perjo. de»irou, of purehaaing, tan RESTORER. It Jus nut foil ur ftilin. Sold by all the principal whoit*a e and retaii rre. hanlein the U. S M t-’oba or t’anada. DEPOT. a-Vi BltOOME .STREET, New York. CP Hone Jealeis try to s»*ll articles instead ■ of th a, on which they make more profit* Writ*! Depot for circular and information, pril 7 w6m. D. li. PLUMB & CO., BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA WHOLi£8ALE At'a 3'TAIL DKAI.KUB IN Drugs, MetliLiiii'-, vmi Chemicals, DYE WOOL’S i. DYE STI FFS, OiD, Points and PsaiP-. j Articles, V'arnishes- Window (»l»ss tun* Putty, (ilass War» French, and American Perfumer) Ki .e To’let and Shoving H*>np>a, Fins Tooth and Hiir Brushes, Point Uruhea, Surgical and Dental Instrument*, by calling . iijy aboencc at the "Eztunner j i’lD Hi. 1 I * H I LIN OF ALL KINDn Office,” or • /plying at the premi«erf, obtain Hj.icea, Snuifi*, Manulactta»*d I obacco, all i lull deaerr/.i.* „ of it* *-ame. une 3—-o*»iTtf M. E HEGGIK JANUARY 1 bU 1857. >:;re white wheat family Flour. 1^0 Hack*, juat receifed, which u •Jere.d e*jual to an'»hmg ever wn in thw J rn . For r*ale by, K. M. M E AG O. dwtf ihe Patent or Pvuprietar) Medieincc •>f the Day, Superior hka. Pure Which and HrandieMfi/ Mud iral Purposea, Extrac fur Flavoring, Cluce 'To- rt and Fancy \rUclcs. \it enabled to give correctly all the UteeCfc ,gra»,h- cal diaoj'eriea. They publuh thr only full une* , ( U>t Rcceit td ♦y geographies in th** country, and nave regular! t-ngagrd a strung force of map rngmer- and uth- r- with a mcw oi maintaining thrirhtjokain ad. ar»ce of all other atmllar work*, in their arru/uev • uiprthcuaive.neai. • mi m keeping paer ml improvement and progmesve chart *er • ith th»* march -»f di*emerv fdre 1 , 55 dwn J; X J. LYNCH. Alabama an>I liali-tirecti Atlanta, Ga. VS HQLESALL *r.J Hcl*;1 Deal er* in New llrleaii* Sugar, V»(- fee, Syruj, and Pfovuion* gen- era!!) which w» bflerun the m,e,t reaaonable Ur::, We keep con.uuily LutiJ u general «u,ck uf Liquora, Wine. aiid'O riimla, by Wholetale. Being in tfaily receipt I, *h1* f mln g rit h, n j, we are enabled to aril at a» .mall profiUaa any houte in the eitie* of Augu-u, Havannah or CharWwton (the freight only aJOed.) w,, ,j, aU tage advantage of the Ohio, Cumberland and Al abama riven on fire; raiae and keep a Large St .eg of Sew ijriean* and Cincinnati G*e>d-. cheapr than they can be bought in the market* aum mentioned. J. dc J LYNCH. oru 19, ’M. n»:t- Lathi! Lathi! Lathi!!! . it AK Load*, for Piaatrrihg On Coniigr Jjtnrht and f" *ale low t v Wwrf E M SEAGO. , I Lead. *eed Oil. and Turptntin Jut.- it ’37 dfiwtf VV. \V. ROARK J. E. EZZ.iBU, ''urui-. ir to li'rtdtueiid, Dtartt 4' f’o.,1 WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DEMESTIC LIQURS & CIGARS, W No » cv.e.- .kee B.. k, reach Tree “tre-t AT LA NTACO EOH OTA. lirandies, Cordials, i lCities, \ Rum, Gins, Ales, . Whiskey, Porter, etc. etc 150,000 Hpunlvh und German ( l-ar* of a varU-ty ol Brand*. M*v 8th 1857 _ daw I v BROWN’S HOTEL, (<)ppo*ite the Pa»«nger Depot,) .MACON, GEOIIGI.i. E. K IHtijVV N 4 E. ISAACS, Pruprielora. B- F. DENSE, Superintendent. Jan 17—Uwly C3T VV >&r good, equally u lov they nne lot ol VN hlte j etn be obtained from any similar c*tw,| u hmenl in thia acction. Warranted to he Purr, Prch, and Gnuinr (y Order* from the I biuntry promptly filled and aatulaction guaranteed with regard toyrice and quality. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS will ur* |,art;e*l!ar attention .( all hour* ut the ,1,* If R E K N -1- ro n'ght- T « M A V I ¥ 1 C I’ \\T B are iim* receiring n y y targe lot of Sole Leath er,Call Skina. Linings, Bmdingi Laau, Peg*, Kit, and everything _ __ connected with the Boot and Shoe buaiue**, whirh will be aold al low price* for Cath. All ortiera accompanied with Caah will !*■ promptly filled with goodGooda.and at low rale* — at the Sign of the Big Boot, I'eachtree-«treet, Cherokee Block. apUOdtf DIM!K A MIX. A DAILY jjfet COACH LEAVES MADISON t Sufulay* Lxctptcil,) Vv i o’clock P. M. Arrive* atEaforiton .ame Evening l.eo*»res Ku ton ton, At * o’clock, P. hi- Arrive* at "Madison 11 i P. ,M. J W & lo t koore Run in connection with the Nigh. ' on ,1.0 Georgia Bail Road aguft H * dwti Britian, Diplome de fharmacie Pharma- cien de Pari*, and Imperial College of Medi cine, Vienna. Sold wholesale and retail bv Dr. II. A. BARROW, member of the Imperial Collfge of Vienna, and Roya! College of Sur gcons, Loudon, who may be personally consul ted at his residence, 167 Prince street, few block* west of Broadway, N. Y., from 11 a. m. till 2 p. ro. and from t till 8 p. m. (Sundays ex- ceptetl, unless by appointment. Ti'I€80uhii' No. 1. Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermatorrhtra, and all the distressing consequence* arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. Bilan restored bod ily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who aro now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the cause or disqualifications for marriage, they are effectually subdued. Trlcaeniar No. *2, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorrlia-a.both in its mild and and aggra vated forms, Gleets, .S'tricturca, Irritation of the Blad der, Non-retention of Urine, Pains of the Lions and Kidneys, and th isc disorders for which L'opoivi and Cubcbs have so long been thought un antidot*’ Trlcsemar No. J, is the great continental remedy for Syphilis and ftec ndary Symptoms. It also constitute* a certain cure lot Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cu- janeolui Eruptions, removing and expelling in • course all impurities from the virus stream, so as altogetheto eradicate the virueof disease and expel it hy imionsible perspiration through the medium of the pore* of the *kin and urine. It is u iiivtr failing remedy for that class of diaordor* which English Physicians treat with Mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the pa- liehtj* constitution, c id which all the Rarsapar- riiia in tiie world cannot remove. ^ 7 HIESEMAR No. 1, 2, and 3, are prepared in the form oflotenges, devoid of ta*tcor smell uid can be carried in the waiacoat pocket. Sold 11 tin cases, and divided in separate doses aa aiqtiniatered by Valpeau.Lalleman, Aoux. Ri- cort Ac , Ac* Price J$3 each, or cases in one forks, which saves $3, and in $27 cases, whehby there is a saving of $!i, Noqt are genuine uuleai the Engravings ol the Se^} of the Patent Office of England, the Heaia ofvtie Ecole e’e Pharacie do Paris, and the Imperial’foliage of Vienna, are affixed upon each wratyer, and around each;ca«o. Imita tion* are liblc to Ihe oeverest penalities ol the aw, Special "rkrigemcnla enable Dr. Barrow to forward nnmt\*ie|y, on receiving a remittanea the $‘J ami lar^, cases of Pneaemir Free of carnage, to S'y pari ol the world, securely packed and pr ip*|y addresw-J, thus ensuring genuine Europe*) preparation* and protectiug the public fromapkiou* ami pernicioua imita tions. Attendance and ccruultaUon bom 12 a. m nil 2 p. m. and f-unt 4 s|| h in the evening. 16 Prifte* Bluet, tl'cw blork* west ofnioadw w York. »pnl 28 '67 <Ltwly npilB under I provemen The flavorings my head, face, neck, shoulders and breast, which had caueed my hair to fall off and seem lifeless. My daughter Elizabeth E. was simi. larly affected. T^e two hot les of your Geor gia Alcahest 1 procured stopped the itching a the first application, and ha* made a complete cure I both of us, the disease had been annoy ing us for year*.; and b'irs I hardly know how lo oxpresf my gratitude for such nhlorsing, and I cheerfully recommend it to the public a* a roaionitive and tonic a* my hair looks like a youths in full bloom of 25 years. Your* truly JAMES H. AKIN For »alo by Smith fc Lizard, A. Alexander, and Dt. Woodbury, Atlanta, Georgiu. and Druggist* generally throughout the country may 21,18.67 daw 3m HIGHLY IMi ORTANT TO RF.CT1FU2I18,^t (lit JIK1U HA NTS AND WHOLESALE GllOC'F.HS. Hit. Ft VC TWA XU Ell’S I-'ltivorln . to Province ut a Monuot* Notice y vleklreel Lltiuor. udersigned ha* lately made great nn menls in this branch of business.— Ilavoringsare put up in packages of 5,. it) audio Gallons, and requires hut Ihe adding of Puu.Spirit,cither 1st ur 4th (roof and Liquor such as cognac, either dark or pale, Holland and English Gin, Jamaica and bt, croix Rum Motiongshella, Bourbon, Irish anil Scotch Whiskey, Apple, Peach, Cherry und Raspberry Brandy, Port and Madeira Wines will be in stantly produced. It require* lio skill, hut an a jdtion of a good spirit, sav 60 gallons lo vach g all nof the respective Flavoring. Tho best cognac oil, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as low as any other impor ter in the United States. Essence of every Liquor, Extract of cognac, I Ibol which produces 200 gallon* of cognac- Raw Whiskey may hy Dr, F’s age and boyd prjpartion be made smooth with hut a trifling expense. The price of Flavorings arc extremely moder ate, ami directions in ft 11 supplied hy DR. LEWIS FKUCHTWANGER, Chemitl and Importer of Drug}, Lucntial Oil3 and Metals, Daguerreotype and Photographic < hemicalx, No. I lit MHldrn Lnnr, V 1. N B,—Sole Agent lor Godfrey's celebrated CorJial Bitters and Gin. April 21, 1857 dan6ui To the Cltizes of Gwinnett, Jack- son, Franklin, and the a^jpin- ing counties. W r K would reapeotfally glvt our w^meKt thank* foi thetr llbaral j>ntroTmg*\an'l w« hopofrom Ilia gen- •ral ftattafootlon gixau In our /ormwr operuttona In Dontai Hurfury. lei damand a large portion of their practice In tb«« future We are new receiving a new and tine OAnortment or I)<*uieJ Jlaterlal, lnatrunienu, and we fuel ueeurad, with thi ad van lag*' of from itx to lenyrarr regular practice,we ean give full RHtlefuctlon . r. tie* * perallona. tea ye* In all o] K. H., will open hi* ofllc aga of March next, arid during hU abecnoo Ihie winter, a>! coil* will te attended to ad dree* William W Katun, at Lawreucetllia, (Jeorgla. Dll WILLIAM W K A TO SS Dli KOUKUTKATOKN WW dw sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison witn Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING- BRO S, 4)0 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. sole Froprletor*. tv.oV’11, A MEAD, New Orleans, Gcner WbuLole Agent* for the Southern States, to whom all orders must he addmued. SOLI) BY Smith A Ezzard, A. Alexander and J. F. Woodbury, Atlanta ; Win. Root, Marietta; K C. Ellington fit Son,Jonesboro; B.Roaaor,De catur ; S. M. Griffin, Fahnelto ; W. B. Swan, Campbell ton ; W. A C. E. Bennett, Fayette ville • it. N. Russell, Villa Rica ; Camp A Chris tian, Fairburn , Stilwell 4. Brown, McDon ough ; J. M. Lee 4 Co., Stone Mountain. da,, 8 ’67 daw] v Card for the JLadies. mHIS GREAT TURKISH PERIODICAL | REMEDY.—For the immediate removal ot Obstructions, Irregularities, Prolapsus Uteri. (1 ailing of the W omb.) Leuchorrhca or Whites, 4c., 4c. These Pills havo never in a tingle instance failed in producing the menses. Too much call- not be said in their favor. No woman can en joy good health when that particular part of her peculiar organization is deranged. Sickness at stomach, headache, languor, debility, pain in th* head, side, and hack, loss of appetite, co*tivene*f 4c , are some of the symptoms which attend ir regular menstruation. As certain as time are these Pills to remove one and all of these symp toms. lie sure and get the genuine, which has our signature on each box. These Pills may be had hy addirsaing Dr. Manfloy 4 Co., tn d indosng $1; the Pill*, will be eent by return mail. N. B.—Ladies whose health will not permit of ail increase of family will find those Pills a suc cessful preventive. Ladies who are pregnant, should not Use these Fills, as they are sure to bring on mu-carriage, though no injury to health would follow. Atldrcsi, DR. SAN FLOY 4 C0„ Cincinnati, Ohio. Feb H) dwlf _ J" WJ 1111C111 NSOiVS IONIC BITTERS, FOB HUE CURB OF CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA L1V LR COMPLAINT. DIARRHEA JAUI-IKOK. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, Ana almost all otfcur Diseases incidental to a Southern Climuto. It is a certain preventive fll taken during an epidemic,) to Yellow For*. L Asiatic Cliolora, " AS A FAMILY MEDICINE It i*invaluable—ills highi, recommend^ in ,fo. tltseaae. of chddrcn-as n ;«*jonrive and reinedv tor worm*, it has no atiperfor. Price a in,, ’ bottle. For sale at v** KAY’S CHEAP BOOKSTORES lau 23——d4wly Atlanta Ga 0 For Sale., NE of the most deairahloJeaidence \s «d*c* the city oi Atrauta. Dr. uy offers to sell the houee and lot when cable*, on Marietta street, a little above ayno. Term* very accommodatirg, a e piamiaaa Mach 4, 1868 A FEW BARRELS, of the earn* ol ITblakey, on hand yet. mhSSdwtl W. W RO