The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, June 24, 1870, Image 3

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Theweekly republican. griia? Morning, Jnn» 24. 1870. I, A. friend from the country inform* ns that the prospect* of n large hay crop arc excellent insure YOUR PROPERTY ,e following safe and reliable Com panic* : j !nr nsii X Mercantile Insurance Co., Of London, England. Of Brooklyn, New York. insure your life c Co., Of Macon, Georgia. . , W. T. DAVENTOBT, ,,lT I.. At liia New Drng Store, Lamar Street, Or to, SPEER X IIOOKS, ult ra .V Broker*, comer Lamar X College a >a. Ladies will dud the fineat gaiter* Why ore fashionable young la dies like letters ? Because, unless thoy have stamps, the males reject them. JBgy* It. T. Byrd has again replenished his store with the choicest fabrics, which he offers for sole at extremely low prices. B®. Mr. Wiley Chambliss offers a ward of $200 for information concerning some cattle, which have either strayed away or have been stolen. Mr. Hancock left this city, yes terday, on a tour through [Calhoun, etc., in furtherance of the interests of Gocd Tcmplarism. W ehtheimeu'h, Mr. Tosie R. Stanfield has opened a boot and shoe shop over the warehouse of J. V. Price & Son. ££$•“ A genius remarked the other day, with a grave face, that however prudent or virtuous young widows might be, he had seen many a gay widow-err. Masonic Festival and Social Re*union. Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock June jll. meeting of the Eastern Stir Degree ami Heroine of Jericlio, for nil Master Masons iu good standing, their wives, widows, daughters aud sisters—work by Dr. W. J. Johnson, E. G. S., Fort Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, a meet- fur conferring the Good Samaritan u all U. A. Masons and their wives, who iav desire it—by Dr. W. J. Johnson, E. I. S. a Friday morning, June 21th, at 9 ..Vlock, the fraternity generally are iu- vited to meet at the..Lodge, where they will form in procession aud under the es- ,-ort of the Knight Templars will repair the College Chapel to listen to an ora- tl(>n f r om Dr. J. E. B'nckshear, G. S., of Mieou, to which all persons, and espe- 4 .jjly the ladies, are invited to attend. Friday night, 8J o’clock, at College fliajicl, Grand Festival and Supper, Mfhythe Brass Band interspersed by d.ort .sj>eeches from Drs. Austin, Block- .l,,. a r, Johnson, <•/. «/., to wliicli all Ma- v imaud their families, nnd theAmericus Dross Band are cordially invited. J. A. AXSLEY, W. M., Americus Lodge. W. T. TOOLE, W. M., Muekalee Lodj BOr The churches were but thinly at tended on Sunday, on account of the We will not venture to say whether •ain would have interfered with the attendance at a circus or not Beff* Trying to do business without ad vertising is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. Yon may know you are doing it, but no one else does. A blushing damsel called at one of the agencies the other day to buy a sewing machine. ‘Do you want a fellerV" inquired the modest clerk in attendance. The ingenious maid replied, with some asperity, “No, sir; I have one.” jr* Mr. J. J. Hales, of this city has been appointed Deputy Marshall for the Southern District of Georgia. The darkies had a chicken eating, etc., yesterday, out in the suburbs. It was a sight to make the black heart of the Radical villifier of Macon rejoice. Justice Court. Two cases of vital interest to the citi zens of our city were tried on Saturday last, Justices Johnson and Callaway pre siding in the case of Policeman T. W. Lee, and Justice Johnson in the case of W. W. Wheeler. As the charge against each was the same, and the evidence elicited the same, we will briefly state the first case: The State "I T W Lee i' imprisonment. W. W. Wheeler. J Goode k Lumpkin Plaintiffs Att’y., and Fort k Hollis for Defendant. This action was brought by Levi John son who was arrested and imprisoned by Lee and Wheeler in the city guard house on the 9tb, for violating city ordi nance, and kept there nntil 10 o’clock the following day, when ho was brought out for trial before his Hon. R. C. Black, Mayor. At the request of Mr. Johnson his case was postponed nntil 3 o'clock, at which time he rendered a plea of guilty to the charges preferred against him for violations of city ordinance. The plaintiff’s counsel iu this suit tained —That the arrest aud imprison ment were illegal inasmuch as tho plain tiff was arrested and imprisoned without due process of law ; and hence his arrest was in direct violation of the provision of the Constitution of the United States and of Georgia, which guarantees the personal liberty of every citizen. They further argued that Lee and Wheeler were not city officers within the meaning of tho provisions of the city Charter having failed to comply with its require ments in not giving bond for their faith ful performance of duty, and also, that their appointment having been made by the Mayor was a nullity in that the city Charter confers on the “Mayorand City Council" the right of electing city ofii- and this right could not by any diuanco of Council be transferred to the Mayor. And also, that, according to the terms of the city Charter, the Mayor alone was not invested with authority to try 'violators of its ordinances—the Mayor d Council alone having such power.— The last proposition was incidentally brought forward, as it was irrelevant to .A young lady in our town aaw in a wicked paper that if two young ladies would each take a pole of a galvanic bat tery in one hand, then complete the cir cuit by kissing, that the sensation upon the lips was exactly that of the pressure of a mustache. She immediately commu nicated the fact to a number of friends. A battery was secured and the experi ment tried, and found to work to a charm. A large number of pocket bat teries have been ordered, so that hereaf ter when the “gals” meet and kiss, as is their custom, they can just lay back and shut their eyes, and fully enjoy the satis faction of feeling a gentleman’s lips pressed to their’s. ££»** Chemistry is furnishing us new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other important aids over those wo once possessed. Forts from which commerce was driven during the hot months by their terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity now. Many localities in the South and West kept tenantless by their deleterious miasmas are now fill ing up with populations under the pro tection of Ayre’s Ague Cure. Their af flicting Chills and Fever are so effectu ally cured by this remedy that the disease longer turns emmigration aside or de stroys the settler if he ventures upon its infected districts. [“Gazette,” Inde pendence, Mo. Two new Good Templar lodges are to be organized in this District next week, one on Monday, the 20tb, and the other on Saturday, tho 25th instant BT-5U Willet & Stewart are agents for the Brown ('-otton Gin. We have heard this gin highly spoken of by oil who have used it See advertisement trtf* Lawy iX Blai i have dissolved ion will carry on Dr. McDonald will bo absent Tom his office for several weeks. Notice till l>e given of liis return. It few- The public are hereby notified that Mr. Reilly, of this paper, is not the hero of the lute marriage at the Spotts- w<»od Hotel, Macou. Owing to the receut ra earn that the crops generally ftaSS- Tho price of property lias ad vanced 50 per cent in this city, conse quent upon the action of the Geneva Convention. The hotel at Genova, kept by Mrs. Morris, is tbo stopping place for all passengers between Fort Valley and Co- lumbns. The whole establishment kept in the best possible style, and the table cannot be surpassed. the i: To elucidate the position of the plain- tifTs Attorneys we give tho sections of the City Charter upon which most of their arguments were based—independent of tho personal rights &c., guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and of Georgia, which was the basis of their argument, together with the unconstitu tionality of the sections referred to City Charter. Sec. XI. Be it enacted «£c.—“That said Mayor and Council of tho city of Americus shall have full power to appoint a Marshal and such officers of the city as they may deem necessary and proper, and shall have power to regulate the tune, mode and manner of electing said officers, to establish their fees and salaries, to take their bonds, to prescribe their duties and their oaths, aud to remove them from of fice, ko. ” We are still having plenty of rain aud cotton and grass are trying to see which can grow the fastest Farmers all speak in glowing terms of the prospect of good crops. A better stand of cotton 1ms not been known for years. EFjL Ben Butler drew a set of “ table 1*00118 " in a lottery, recently. He lias iro.seeuted the company for libel. t-jf - Field laliorers, from scarcity and l !*e rapid growth of grass, demand a !« avy price, hereabouts. fletj 1 * The City Council has removed the lamp from the front of the Baptist church, but lias not interfered with those in front of the Presbyterian or Methodist houses of worship; whereupon Baptist friends wish to know if it was done as a compliment, on the ground that their particular has light enough, and the others have not. 3 W* President Grant lias opened tin 'Uiumcr’s campaign by getting on a bij Jrtmk.-u spree under cover of a fishing Ri|*e iteaches appeared ou yesterday and the day Indore at ' '••i iits jK-r dozeu. tnT Green corn lias made its appear ing: at some tables in our city. Ripe figs were gathered i I,lr s garden on the 22d inst. How they make Goon Templar*.— One of the Good Templora of this city; having Richardson’s exposition of Ma sonry before him, has concluded to pose the Good Templars. The follow- is the result of this determination: ‘In the first place the victim is blind folded, tied hands and feet, and thrown into a cider press, and pressed for five minutes. This is done for the purpose of clearing his system of old drunks. He then taken ort of the cider-press and by means of a force-pump, is gorged with cistern water, after which a sealing plaster is placed over his month, and he is rolled in a barrel four or five times across the room, the choir singing the old cold water song. He is now taken oat of the barrel and hung up by the heels till the water runs out of his He is then cut down and a beautiful young lady bands him a glass of cistern water. A cold bath is then furnished him, after which he is showered with cistern water. Ho is then made to read the “Water Works Act,’’drinking a glass of water between the readings, after which the old oaken bucket is hung around his neck, and fifteen beautiful young ladies with squirt guns deluge him with water. He is then forced to eat a peck of snow, while the brothers stick his ears full of icicles. He is then run through a. clothes-wringer, after which he is handed a glass of cistern wa ter, his boot filled with the same, and he is laid away in a refrigerator. After moiniug in the refrigerator for half hour, he is taken out and handed a gloss of cistern water, run through a clothes- Set. XXVL “That the said Mayor I wringer and becomes a Good Templar, and Council of the city of Americas shall I ■ ■ ■ re l 1 * Ve J )OW , er t ? and . re 8[nlate a | Amebicus, Ga.. June 20th, 1870. city guard who shall have the right to take up all disorderly persons, all persons committing or attempting to commit any crime and to commit them to tho Guard House to await their trial the next day, As to the above section it was main tained that a City Gnard and a City Po lice were not the same; that the City Guard was only to be established in times of insurrection, Ac. That under Section XI a police force could only bo establish ed. It is related of a gentlemau iu ,:ir town that when called upon to give lir fames of his children to the census- ; Aer, he had to go home to learn their Ph. A Convention of the Independent Order of Good Templars will be held in Atlanta on the 29th instant Among the qwaker* for the occasion, we notice the names of Bishop Pierce, of Sparta, Dr. " ills, of Macon; Col. Julius W. Wright, "f Columbus Lodge No. 4, and Mr. 8»m. Lumpkin, of Price Lodge No. 14, Bgk. “Hearth A Home” for this week (dated June 25tli) contains tho first of a series of sketches entitled “ Jethro Tliroop’s Night j Thoughts, ” by John Thomas, who is no other than Petroleum V. Nasby. The great humorist will take an honest country boy to the city, con duct him through tho usual experience, and restore him to his home a sadder and wiser boy, satisfied that the peaceful, honest and temperate life of tbo farmer is the liest and safest life that can lie j lived. BQL. When the Sumter county delega tion arrived in Geneva, (which was about clock in the morning) au old gen tleman of about 70, became terribly im pressed with the idea that they were the veritable kuklux. He jumped up out of bod, aud rushed, en dishabille, into the room where the delegates were, and looked the impersonation of fear. One of the delegates told him he looked like “the d 1 himself.” It ' time liefore the old gentlemau conld be convinced that he had nothing to fear. Communicated. Col. D. W. Lewis. Mr. Editor : For more than twenty years I have been thoroughly posted in relation to tho history of this gentleman. have known him as a lawyer, and per haps no man in Georgia possessed a clear- legal mind or was a more successful practitioner at the bar. I have known him as Statesman—for many years he was a prominent leading influential mem- tlie Legislative councils of the State of Georgia, whose record will ever bear testimony in favor of his giant intel lect and superior talents, in instituting laws for the promotion and protection of those whose interests he ever and faith fully represented. I havo known him for high-toned moral gentleman, for which ho stands pre-eminent throughout the State of Georgia. Possessing these high and lofty qualifications he was chosen os the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society of the State of Georgia. This po sition he has filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the people of tho State. Perhaps he might havo dono better, but many others might have dono worse. When the fact of his resignation reached my section of country, like electricity it shocked the people, nnd the universal en quiry was made, •* Why was it thus ? ” They had not heard of the efforts being made to defame the fair reputation and untarnished character of D. W. Lewis and the remembrance of his past acts and life almost entirely devoted to the pros perity of the Georgia people, from the mountains to the sea-board there was one long and universal regret at his resigna tion. And thrice happy will tho people of Georgia be when they liave learned the fact, that tho President and Executive Committee men, who know how to ap preciate the services of the man, have prevailed upon Col. Lewis to again cept the position which he formerly filled as State Secretary ; and now he goes forth to labor for the great Agricultural inter ests of the people of Georgia, with a char acter and fame untarnished by the tongue of slander, and a reputation so high that it cannot l>o reached by tbo poisonous darts of his enemies. South Georgia. C0Tr 0y PEBRY DAYIS’ TAIN KILLER Ha* become an article of commerce—which no medicine ever became before. It ia as mnch an item in every bill of goods sent to country mer chants ia tea, coffeo or sugar. This speak* vol- nes iu its favor.—Glens’ Falls Messenger. Rev. IL L. Vanmeter, Burm&lt, writes, “The Tain KUler has become an almost indispcnrible article in my family.’’ MARRIED. At the Bpottswood Hotel, in Macon, i the evening of the 13th instant, by Rev. R. B. Lester, Mr. Riley, Sub- Assessor of the Second District, and Miss Julia Thompson, of Atlanta. Hundreds of missionaries give similar tcati- y of its virtues. Bev. Jabez L. Swan say*, “I have used it for Rev. M. H. Bixby writes, *‘I havo had occa- WILLET & STEWART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMERICUS, Ga. BROWN An ounce of prev< To prevent chill and fevei mops’ Liver Regulator. Sim- After the experience of more than 12 year*, and a careful examination or more than 40 dif ferent machine*, having u*cd in my family 5 different kind*, making the look, donhle-loop, single loop and twisted loop stitches—tho last rstfo for nearly 4 years,the first for nearly 12, and the iyi „ . ... not worth the room they occupy Y-a few that do good servioe for those who havo tbo ability to manage and keep them in order, and but one that is always in order, always ready for service, and that always give* satisfaction. Thi* raa chine uses a single thread, makes the twisted . — •'* - 1 ’ never fail* in making it. It is >xX Gibbs' Sewing machine,and w simplicity, durability, ease of management, certainty of opera iou and beauty of its work to any other that I have seen. The work doue by tin* machine lias shown greater strength and durability than that done by ma chine* making any other kind of stitch.—S. T. Fowler, in the Phrenological Journal. How many are there who, afflicted with dis- tse in an incipient stage, delay from timo to time having resource to some remedial agent, which would effectually arrest tho further pro gress of disease, and render tho system impreg nable to its insidious attack*. It is unfortun ately too true, there are thousand* who sink in to an early grave, whereas at a trifling expense they might have lived to a gocd ok! age. If properties of any o Hurley’s Barsaparil ably the greatest medicine * which tho flesh is heir. Jug from any of the ills to apifCtf I shall ever consider Simmons’ Liver Rcgula- tho preserver of the lifo of my little soi i now in blooming health. Mas. Ellen Mkachau, Chattahoocliie, Fla. DIED, In Preston, Webster county, Ga., June 15th, 1870, at 5 minutes before 9 o’clock p. m., of dropsy, Mrs. Hattie J., wife of Rev. J. H. Cawood. The deceased was a veiy worthy Chris tian lady, and leaves a devoted husbaud, three small children and a large circle of friends to mourn her oss. Atlanta CJtristian Index pleasocopy. Granberry & Co. Have just oteked their SPRING STOCK, COTTON GIN, ur place of bosincM for tho inspection of < re loo w " * * * ““’ - . , „ . well known to need any particular dcscrip- hands. They are mads of the boat material, with the greatest care, under the person al supervision of Mr. ISRAEL P. BROWN, (formerly mechanical partner of E. T. Taylor A Co., and ortheir successors, W.G. Clemons. Brown* Co., Columbus, Ga.,) who has had an experi ence of upwards of forty years in their manufacture. We can confidently recommend them, and believe they will be round upon trial unrivalled for Perfect Finish, Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Fast and Clftin Gin ning, Light Running, and Superiority of Lint, .ink we will be suit aims! by tho testimony of cottou plauter* everywhere who ... or this make. It is desirable that orders should be received as early in the iracticable, thus avoiding the loss ot t hue which the delay of ordering occasion*. The ^ think have used the Gins BC * SOn to be as low antfas liberal a* Uiat of any first class manufacturer. Address WILLET A STEWART. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED BOTTOMS'S HORSE POWER, G I N F E E D E R 8 . COTTON SEED HULLERS, DIMOND’S CORN & GRIST MILL, 33 3F&. ZEES 3Xd[ BRM -AUXT’Si IMPROVED THIMBLE-SKEIN W A G G O N, (THE LIGHTEST RUNNING WAGGON KNOWN,) WAGGON AND BUGGY HARNESS, At P anic Prices, Montgomery k Shaw ore doing a livd’lyr business notwithstanding the dull bines, from the fact, that they sell goods i< r small profit and the public generally i ive found it out, consequently they go there to trade. So«? advertisement. We have lieen requested to for m the proper authorities that the gang little negroes who daily congregate at the corner of B. Emanuel k Bro’s store, have become a great annoyance to the proprietors of that store, as well as to the ladies who pass that way. Wo take pleasure in stating that Frof. a. V. Robinson’s Dancing School opened for the season, at City Hall, on Monday last, under favorable auspices. Class for Misses and Masters every Jonday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Evening ~ for Gentlemen, ** 81 o'clock. Scholars can enter at any time daring the term. i.? 1401 °* B*- Hamzs.—On Sunday lsw > inst, at5 o’clock, Sumtercoun- y lost another of her most influential in the death of Dr. B. T. Hames. ttenrmfor maD y yearaa representative the county in the State Legislature, . record is one of which his inenta are proud. He was buried yee- rjnaj evening by the Masonic fraternity. «family and friends will miss him from •itir circles, but will remember with love veneration his many noble qualities. 18 disease was typhoid dysentery. Amy* A day or two ago we stepped into the variety store of Willet k Stewart and were shown through tho premises by one of the firm. Our astonishment was great when we saw the amount of business transacted by them, while we were iu the establishment they had no less than ten orders to fill for Gins, Wagons, Buggies, Cotton Seed Hnllers, for making oil and v food, and Harness. They have sold luss than four car loads of wagons this season, which are of the best Northern manufacture, light and durable, and the best road wagon ever constructed. Tne Baggies which they sell daily, will rival any made in the country for extra finish and cheapness. They are also agents for Biown’s celebrated Gotton Gin, made by Mr. Israel F. Brown, formerly mechani cal partner of E. T. Taylor k Co., of Co- 1 iimbos, Ga. They will furnish to order Steam Engines, from four to twenty bone power, to any person who may want one, all kinds of the latest and most improved Agricultural Implements, Diamond Mills, etc. Every article in this establishment will be sold as cheap as they can be had in any of the cities of the South, the pro prietors having made tho necessary ar rangements with manufacturers to fur* nish them at a price that will allow them to defy competition in their sales. The numerous orders which are daily received by these gentlemen, for Cotton Gins, and other articles, from Cnthbert, Dawson, Eufaula, and other points down tho coun try, to say nothing of the trade received from this and ad joining counties, are sure evidences of their future success and prosperity. Read their advertisement. It is useless to say that the Plaintiff’s Attonie3’8 acquitted themselves hand somely. The points made by defendants Attor neys were first: That the provisions of the Constitution of the.United States and of Georgia were not violated by the ar rest and imprisonment of Mr. Johnson ii that he was not charged with any offence against the “ peace and dignity ” of the State, which would require a warrant, bnt with violations of municipal law—c crime unknown to tho statute and for which no warrant conld be issued. Secondly—That Lee nnd Wheeler legally appointed, in that the Conncil had conferred on the Mayor the right to make sacli appointments, and that under such appointment they had the right to make the arrest and imprison the plain tiff as provided for in Section 2(5. Third—That Section XI leaves it dis cretionary with the Mayor and Council to say who shall file a bond before entering on the discharge of the duties of his of fice and to assess the amount of bond, and that said section did not contemplate the establishment of a city guard lice force, but had reference solely to the city Marshal, who at that time was Mar shal and Clerk and Treasurer, and who was privileged to have a deputy. The latter office being abolished, and the election of Clerk nnd Treasurer trans ferred to the people, tho section was a nullity only in so far as to provide for the election of Marshal and the assessment of his bond and that of the Clerk and Treasurer; that under Section 2G the city guard or police force was organized and which did not provide for any assess ment of bond or oath of office. Hence this appointment was legal, and under the powers conferred by Section 2G they arrested and imprisoned the plaintiff, neglected to state in its proper con nection that the plaintiff’s attorneys . ar gued that their client had proffered to give bond in any reasonable amount and was refused by the defendants. The de fendant’s attorneys replied by saying that they were not the proper officers to as sess or receive bonds, and if they bad done so tho bond would have been ille gal, and of coarse of no force or effect. The defendant’s attorneys, though young, conducted their case with marked ability. At the conclusion of the lead ing Conncil’s argument for the plaintiff the jury was charged by Justice Calla way, when they retired and made np a Mil Editor—Upon my arrival from Macon, on Friday last, I was asked by you and others the usual question- What’s tho news?” My reply was, nothing but tho marriage of Mr. Riley,of this place, and Miss Thompson, of At lanta, on Monday, the 13tli inst. It was all the talk in Macon during my short so journ there, having heard it from a dozen different persons. I thought its publicity Macon should not prevent me from telling it hero; indeed, I attached but little importance to an affair of such corn- occurrence, for other people have married besides Mr. Riley and Miss Thompson, and a large majority of them don’t care a fig who knows it. Upon the information derived from me was predi cated the marriago not ice which appeared in your last Saturday’s issue, and to my astonishment, I heard that Mr. Riley publicly denounced tho publication as a base fabrication and slander. A I heard of Mr. Riley’s ridiculous conduct I assumed the authorship of said notice, and requested you not to withhold my While I disclaim any intention to per secute Mr. ltiley, or array the good name of his wife before the public, at the same timo I feel iu honor bound to ^vindicate my word, by repeating that Mr. Riley and Miss Thompson were married city of Macon, on the 13tli inst., presence of Mr. Harris and many other respectable witnesses. As evidence of this I herewith enclose an exemplification the record of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, which the curious spect by applying at your offiqp. By writing this note I do not intend to give farther publicity to this marriage, but simply to place myself recins in curia be fore Mr. ltiley aud the public. That Mr. Riley should wish to keep thin alliance a secret is a mystery to fori am creditably informed that bis wife is infinitely superior to him in every respect. Hoping the matter will here rest, I respectfully subscribe myself, Yours, kc., JACK BROWN. In Americus. Ga., on the 7tli June, 1870, Mrs. U. E. Stanford, wife of J.E. Stanford, and daughter of Mrs. Jane M. Cobb, in tbe 27tli year of her age. The deceased joined the M. E. church at camp meeting in 1858. She lived and died a sincere Christian. She wa affectionate wife and mother, a dutiful daughter, and ever ready to add to the pleasure and comforts of others. In her last hours she expressed herself as being perfectly willing to die, believing that her sonl would be at rest She leaves large number of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Death should come ally to ouo of gentle mould, like tliec, glit wind*, w&nd’ring thro’ grove* of bloom, Detach the delicate blossoms from the tree. Close thy sweet eye* calmlj, and without pain, will trust in God to ueo thee yet again. Maoox June 21. evening.—Receipt* to-day IS; sales 59; shipped 150. The market wa* a shade firmer to-day, aud closed this evening with a good demaud for middling* at 18| cent*—offering very light. York, June 21.—Cotton quiet and Him; sale* 009 bales; middlings 21J. Gold dull. Sayaxkau, June 21.—Cotton quiet; middling* 19j. verdict in favor of defendant. The cat* was listened to by many of oar citizens and considerable interest manifested. A case or two against the City Conncil of a similar nature may, wo suppose, * considered settled in favor of it If you want good biscuits buy Baking Dr. Eldridoe’s Drug Store. It ia no more than natural that any one should think that any particular kind of a sewing machine that they have been using is better than those of any other make. r What constitutes a good machine is. that it shall be well made, simple, and to require but little power to ran it, and to do a great variety of work. The plain American machine all these require ments, and the ladies are gtaMgfl call at Leitner k Flickers i ■ fore deciding to purchase any other . All goods are sold at panic pricesi at WEKTBEUm’S. BACON—Clear Bides liKJ£20o. Shoulder 17c. Hams, plaiu 2(V5J2.>. Canvassed 25c. Best Fancy. 8YRUPS-90@n 60 HUGAB8—15M20. FISH—Kitta 92 50@*4 50. IRISH TOBACCO—75@$1 50 per lb for sound. BUTTER—Goshen 50c. Country 80^40. “ ’ — - Selling 30c. EGGS—Buying 25c. LARD—Prime Leaf 2— FLOUR—$8 G0@!11 00 according to (jiualitv. CANDLES—Adamantine 17}, by the f Mitchell's Pond.—The attention of the Board of Health having been called to the waste of Mitchell’s Mill, and to as certain if there were sufficient causes that would produce sickness, a committee appointed to look into the matter. 1 At the meeting of the Board on Thursday last, the committee submitted the follow ing Report which was unanimously adopted: Report of the Committee appointed to examine the waste of B. Mitcell’s pond; A careful examination of the the pond satisfied tbe committee that there were no oansea productive of aick- nem. The waste on tne Sooth ride of the mill is the only waste of the miU. This waste has water in it dozing the greater i of the day, and when the water is iwn from it the evaporation conld not „_aie sickness. The time daring which the water is withdrawn from the waste is - ' riso to miasma. __ to thm waste Into the main’ditch, as tho water from the waste would gradually cut .down tho fillup the ditch. Tho small stream on the No mill is not connected with the _ waste but is a continuous stream, nnd therefore not a cause for sickness. We therefore deem it inexpedient for this board to take any action on the subject G. T. Wilburn, ) Wm. Shibixe, }■ Committee. C. W. Hancock. ■oial. The Cash System, lYE marked tukm JL CREDIT and we have but .ONE PRICE Wo repeat this, for the benefit of those who may not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH Buying our Goods, a* wc do, fr< IMPORTERS, AND MANUFACTURERS Many of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH THE MONEY, we can supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS ncnn.vM booth’s and woosrrn-s PATENT WHEEL BUGGIES, SUB-SOIL & TURN PLOWS, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. WILLET & STEWART, Americus, Ga. Six Great Remedies. purchase* ii a tf.ums as thej can make their any market in Georgia. We have a beautiful line of PLAIN, CHECKED and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Natiu Stripod GBENADlSia, •v handsome; plain Blaca Irou BAREGE, •: ... L, in..!, nmmi’/ivv. BLACK SILK; e: Black BOMBAZINE; Printed LINEN DRESS GOODS, Tho moat beautiful stock of Priuted LAWNS, jAOONirrrEs and ouoandik MUSLINS wo ever bad. Some handsome STRIPED F1QUES, BlSSl*HEDand RROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETTNGSofiO.widaiejmdguaU^ Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss '‘f Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dys pepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, or Disor dered Stomach. Iiere are no bitter* that can compare with these in removing theso distressful complaints. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 7,1«70. l> James Ruddle, X Co. Louisville, Ky; Gentlemen: About two months ago I pri cured a bottle of Dr. Hurley’s Bitters for ni wife, thiuking it a pleasant tonic, but not rely ing much on it* medicinal virtues, aud it cured her of a disease she had long been under treat ment for. I was afflicted in a similar way, aud eonio for my own use, and f*tf,o^Udder AMERICUS MARKET. Corrected cxprcesly for the Republican STRIPED aud 1 riety. 1 iu great priced aud Kxtr* Good Ticking. HOSIERY, OSNABURG8. usln, aud 101 LINEN SHEETING BELOW COST. BOOTS AND SHOES, I fxts, Umbrellas and Parasol*, Oil Cloths a Table linen and Window Shade*, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Cotlunades, Linen Bucks and Coalinys FANS, a very largo stock ot Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoon* and Forks, Tablo and Pocket Knives, t has cured me. My disease was ‘ kidneys. It is cortainly at, aud being pleasant to take is quite ... _ a — niglibors liave n respectfully you J.LC. Wo and o Notice to Mothers. ■ DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. Ji3e. par Battle. U*oii quite up PUEIFY YOUR BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDE POTASH i extract of tho matory rheumatism, parilla. I hart and reliable lowing diseases: Summer Complaints, Irregularities of the Bowels, ltestivenesss, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Give* health to the child aud rest to the mother. Marietta, Ga., Nov. 1. Kitta 92 50@*4 50. 4 bids 95 OCftttS 50 4 bbl 99 (XX&SIC 00. Bbl* 91G 00<5f 930 00. POTATOEU-Nono. AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. Axeuiccs, Ga June 22, 1870. COTTON—Wo quote 17A—best quality. FINANCIAL. Ameiuccs, Ga., June 22, 1870. GOLD—Buying 11. Sailing 15. SILVER—Bnving 8. Selling 12. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON N. Y.—Buying at jelling 2 pi James Buddie A Co. Louisville, Ky.—V/e have used your Seahrook’a Infant Soothing Sy- lamilies, and find it doo* r children quicker than all other r FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, renperior article); Potsrli aud Starch, molang andChcningT..L- Travtliaf Hags awl C.UU-ETOJOS I CARPET! NCS! From a common article at 50c. per .yard, to a very handsome Tapeatry Brussels, as low as thev can bo bought in any market m Goorgia. A buiall consignment of beautiful WAL L PAP EI\ HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO ARSENIC--NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE I The only remedy for Chills aud Fever The only remedy f< Ague andFovcr, that Tlua is tho pure an root, and will, on trii.., tain and perfect euro for tbe following com plaints and disease*: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases of tho Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, (Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And nil impurities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Tlio*. a. Hurley: sir: I deem it au act of juaUce to you to utatl that in the month of lebruary last, I had a severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism, which completely pro*- tratec me. At the same time my lung* were much afflicted. I was ho reducal that it was with the greatest difficulty I could walk. 1 pro cured some of your componnd extract of Sarsa parilla, and commenced taking it. I found that 1 began to improve, my cough became less se- U J® eorcness of my lungs and breast* gradually subsided, my rheumatic pain* lets acute- I attribute this mainly to your Karsa- bcon taking it for over two ~ all live bottles. It* el- itisfactory to mo, and I affected to give you a iriiM * Jos. Clement. The gentk-mau whose name is appended to the above certificate has long resided here, ami sf the present time is one of the magistrates of of Louisville. hurLkyV POPULAR WORM CANDY Thi* being really a speciflo against all kinds of worm* that are found m children, it ia fast be coming tbe remedy administered in such trou bles; its pleasant tasto is quite a recommenda tion of itseir, whilo its efficiency j* truly wonder ful. J _ Ixmiaville, August 30,1869. Messrs. James Ruddle X Co.—Gentlemen: In consequence of the benefit 1 havo received from the use of your Dr. Hurley’s Worm Candy in .y° u hoping you will make it public for the good of other parent*. My wifo and self arc satUliod but for the use of Hurley i Worm Candy at least one of our chil dren would have died. Both of our children are now welland hearty, they passed worms seven inches long. Anyone doubting this can call and comer 10th and Cheanut streets, aud I will give them proof of this and more. Yours «... H. IIojcy. advise others similarly affected to r can bo depended up- ic. There havo been •l«y*8AgUL ... ... thousand* cured bjnmingrt who havo triod the with respect. To Dr. Tho*. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during tho last year 1 was attacked with the ague while in t lckaburg, Miss., and used sever al popular patent medicines with bat temporary rebel. On reaching home tbe disease returned E3LI: RATE OF INTEREST- Ou n per month. I l>cr AT NEW YORK COST! All are respectfully ‘ invited to call and examine our stock. Wc chargo nothing for showing our good*. GRANBERRY & CO. Americus, April 12, tf,. attendant ordered quinine, in largo doses, fre quently a* high as 60 grains per day, aud which must have co*t mo nearly 9100. ' Smith, of Louisville, quinine and arsenic, combined, i Local and Business Notices. GBOVER k BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, LEITNER k FRICKER, junlC-tf Agents. i Clothing made to order in the best styles Just reoeivod, a largo lot of bleachinga, to be sold cheap at If you want cheap clothing go to i take, preferring to let the disease take its onrse. I was almost bloodless, extremely ex- -ouonneed with enlarged Hver A>* ifoao dresa^oods at 10 centa peryanlat f to «s. Xerooene that won't . . lamp* at Dr. Bdridga’s Drugstore. SOT Beat Flint Glass Lamp Uhimnieq that won’t break, of tin at Eklridge’a Drag Store. ay If yon want cheap dress ^ood* go to ( Millet 8eed at Dr. Eldridgew! ~ “ *3- Millet Seed at Dr. Eldri tar Thb'cheapest goods in i AS. Boys’and youths’clothing can bo found • ynmnto haustod, and prom and spleen. About this timo the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared in a citv paper, and I determined to give it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. One bottle’restored me completely, and since that timo I have seen nearly a honored cases in which it acted with equally happy result*, aud would certainly commend it as preferable to any other,tome fore tho public. James Marti*, Engineer. . Louisville, Ky., June 14,18G5, Cotton Gins Repaired roliaxxt call the attention of the P. C. SAWYER, At Dixie Works, Macon, (ia. <f70ULD respectfully call the attention of W citizen* of Americus and surrounding c taryto tbo foot that he is prepared to mak< ■JB made as good as new, at from o one half tho cost of a new Gin. tl to the beat gins manufactured riOTTON V one-tu “theCtfL . . any required size. None but tne best and experienced workmen, from the shop of the late CUSTOM-HARE WORK ^ Samuel Onswold, are employed, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction, or mooey re funded. I keep a large supply of the different kinds ofnbe used by the several gin makers, liefer to hmktreds of planter* in the counties of Wilkinson, Ionreno, Twiggs, Pnlasld, Houston, Bibb, Crawford,^Monroe and Upson, junoog at the shortest notice. We hav» Two European Workmen, who will give satisfaction to tho _ trade. Owing . Wilkinson, M. J, Care- DR. SEABROOKS PYROPHOSPHATE IRON&CALISAYA Thi* elegant combination possesses all the tonic properties of Peruvian Bark, and iron, without the disagreeable tastes and bad effect* of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines. It should be taken in when a gentle tonic impi without it, if liable to such disease*, for nothin* ~*' well take its place. JAMES Bl’DDLE* A CO., PROPRIETORS, . Laboratory No, 41 Bullitt Street, Louisville, Ky. All the above n W. A. COOK & CO., Americus, Ga., And at Wholesale by L.W.Hunt & Co., Macon, Ca f.blg "