The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, August 19, 1870, Image 1

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tPC-c- // *<- THE PUBLISHED BY- I iXCOCK. GRAHAM & REILLY, f !R REPUBLICAN. Volume 17. 22V0S3S to :awa fcltucs an j ussosai. : " 9 - I&ES3—ISSEFSamNT ALL TBOniS. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIE ►iAY, AUGUST 19. 1870. TERMS: Tl\ree Dollars a Year, WT1II* D ADTiXCX. Humber 26. VKARD'9 DRKAM. :' in ha> grating e; < u-g glue drew aiga. in eager e 'iie Lobbies dine*. •:*nrw I lore to roll U uer« .Milt to the drnnLari <• >'j » gentle and sweet and fr*n*l, iie with her litfle w*;*d: raa»-«i it ap to «!rick appe-l on ita ailent brink, -ar>l shook from bead th erown. .ntaated goblet down, cried tie host, “what n,-**n- -:akarit rmiaed hi* gitea one* more : at its depths ao oft befbr.! t • -*• on it* picttuvd foam i., >: dead httle child at home! iatidhird st Ji.ui sneered, l. *»»•.?«*u:g crowd of dmakarda jeered: ....}_» ae tried the giaae to drink, . I b:s dead oie- touched the brink. «.alt take every 'lr>p of this do wing r»-..~ car I Lowed to the quivering 1 rim, * •u i.j> heart !>eat fact aril hie eyes irr-yf awoke. H:-* dreaua was gone, othed m the light ot morn: i he ebook with a pale cold fea; f QUICK TIME! ACCOMMODATING' CONDUCTORS! LOW RATES'. THE OUTSIDE PASSENGER. Turoagh Pat*enters Amrs a Paul Raymond, a young lawyer, waa a- ma engaged to Janie Martin, and his sleep " * '““' was trouble-! by dreams about Iris idol. ■ H-; dreamed they were in a dork w./ods “ ! clow grouped funeral tree*—J-nie wa* rouowzso pBor- draggling i n the ever tightning folds of table. | of a huge boscczxstrictor with a human ; face like that of Lindley Grew, a discard- WJteoJcM. b.^1*. n etetat* «»{33“ 2L J “ ie „'J ed, as no ttp-lrairta a re run over the •I am a goose/ mentally protested? Janie; *at»d III go to sleep.’ ’ Ysi eji Bat she torrid not sleep. Onward j rolled the lumbering roach, past the sub-1« nrbe, beyond the lev e raftering habita- ^tzuse « tions that clung to t!ie outskirts offbfLg,^^ little tovTu into the open country woods. . ^nch oth< where solitary farmhouses they occasion- j dilemma.' rasisivr. Hpin^ington. f.:GO A. M. lippleton. 7:00 “ •* Topers-vPle. 7:30 “ “ Medicine Dog, 7:43 “ ” Guzzler's Junction. Drunkards Curve. H^Ofk Rowdyville, Quarrel ville. hig’utington. Bloody Gully. Debauch Slougb. Kill-conscience Cut, Prison town, Beggaratown. Pan per Desert, Muroer Hollow. Idiot Flats. Delirium town. Demonhind, Hometsneat Thicket, UCRTVISO EIPRF.v. Screech Owl Forrest. Hcbnobua Woods, I Rattlcsnaka Lodge. Dark Tunnel, : Whirlwind Crowing. ' Thnndcrland, Black Valley, Dead River, arrWe „t DESTRUCTION at—— * W TICKETS sold at LIQUOR r SHOPS throughout the country, lhxily l nitrons of the Road, above Tippieton, ! supplied with Through Ticket* at reduced t*sx~ From Drunk-ml's Curt* the train | is an Express—all taking in being .lone 1 above that station, and principally of respectable people. Passengers for all places beyond are thrown out withont stopping the train. Passengers are not allowed to stand ' on the platform, or to put their heads out of the windows l>elow Rowdyville— the corporation not wishing to alarm persona vho are not patron< ot the Road Persona desiring to leave the train. , jt will find the Stages of the Temperance Alua.n«'e at Drunkard.- Curve, and all stations above ready to convey them free i vainly to cry oat or hasten to her assist ance. seemed paralyzed in every limb, ; helpless ami motionless as a marble ; statue ! j He awoke bathed in a cold perspiration, ! with a painful sense of the viTidneaaaiid : reality of the horrible vision which had oppressed his dreams. Sorely acme banu hod happened to Janie; study some dark peril hong j threateningly over her future ! It was some time before reason and 1 common sense came to his aid !y to enable him to laugh at these unreal ! chimeras; he hardly felt safe the next day, j until he had called at Janie Martin’s i abode in his way to his office. learning . fratt the «3rvRnrtt»t-/3l*a Martin me* Janie Isaned Oat of the vrindow. quite well! ‘ *f'—I think I will see her for z minute, i if she can receive me" he said. ! The servant came back promptly- i ‘Would Hr. Raymond walk cp to Mias 1 Martin's sitting-room ?’ 1 We should here observe that Janie governess in a family of distinction, the principal members of which were at the | moment ontoi town. Janie was hurriedly packing things in her trunk in the midst of a chaos of fem inine belongings. ‘Janie! surely you are not going av ?’ •f must, Paul. I just received a tel egram i;om my step-mother, who is very •11. and iv *nts me to come to her at once. I *.-• ist travel night and day, or it may be too iate.’ •Let. , „ , il* uu v of the villages upon Conn Steam L P . ! River. Below Drunkard's Carve. Amfm- experarnee | j )fc . itc*»ne:o- j ^.Persons living in the vicinity of ltl0as *7^ ! this Road must “look out for the engine uxu wha: gg no i^ll i* rang or brakesmen employ : a-*eu two ; below Drunkard’s Carve, ana pitatoee for Company disclaim all responsibility for " r potatoes damage-. Ley hod re- , Jhvjgcyn at the risk of the ithoat j owners. Widows end Orphan \ E&stern Taka. _ - \ times, it used to be a very Sane among learne-l ran* itkcEaat, to propound alv intricate questions to one ‘ as the/ phm»-d it, to place. **bclwoen the bams of a One of the most celebrated TELEGRAPHIC. DAY DISPATCHES. IMFO&rAST FBOH BDX0FE. *" y JT*7 **V k ‘h« dfartij ImIL . for the Bight; vaUeys., where the 'KBcte kaxitn : *v A famoia lawer mining Foaodwf lovely strums kept np | uumit a art of pleadinft on ■W moDQtoay-y thwi ‘ La 8 booI,l U. isenica'Aen ita- papU ha.1 Vbl«ne.i hi, theyjJnpged-into the d«t rea»ef, ;w Hetor, i D tb; la^^ourt. The trood; There the Ml tree, Meraed mlmost! p ™ij t htnw-? broceht aa metiou teMehthe mteriMD* hongh* orer the I in or.ler t., be reie»e j r.ermw road. ) from the contract; eayine to his oM in- >hT«rtor, by w.r of tnSpenndim; * di- vood that Pul hrf described to her %n i — •OTiTtdly onOinal in hi, dream. lam! “HI O. the Mthorit instant the worm blood seemed to con- : w j]l absolve me ; if I lose j known its opinion. Julea Favre said — I this Chamber in-?-.* deride. Thier* ra»e • to speak, but coaid hardly lv* heard- H» I 1 nlvocated an immediate decision upon the queatsoo. Remember, .vu l Farr-, how sign fieant it will 1* to toe nation if *. yon pot oTT the deHberalion. We place Park, August 10.— In the Corp* Leg- r P on 7 oa «sj|oiw©ffiiy. Mraiater istif, to-davarreditof fbnrrrilHoBa francs ■ iwpli^l: koa mar aauue - it: foe families of tho Gard-' MoUde w» in- Memtten. of Left : that itun crested to twenty-five million. * menace. ^ nlea Fame awawered : M. Cremeoex sabaritted a proposition ‘Tbi®k of tbr eftoct of JeU*: rviocxuher that «,mmcrrial oontracia faring due, ^ *•* annutery .nul prormaed to between tb- present date — 1 Uiatmt!o»Tofihe««*m. ^>Ji Engine IpTriisd at the Scaloton. The Empress Engine is - h*n«lv>ta»- womas, cLaritaHe, reSgioas, fashionable, and even etjoonh tows of character to play tim port of Bryn* very creditably whito the Emperor » offiat the wars; lmt she is not exempt from some of tkoatt the raeasiiry and Creme.u*x and Jules Simon inameu njh.d i-r, necessity; aajing that to defend tho country the public court’ mind must le free of e-ore. The project ...... ■ w M ^ A ut-. caoeo, I«m| was voted. - * . gealidly in her veins, caUirally free by the terms of *mr eon-. The circolation arwcil the bail xuide ‘XoMcnaedie murmored; itu*mere } tract’ f 1 was by this time stopped by the ivowd. coincidence;_bnt I wiau we were oat of -fo th» the leaned doctor .snceessfaUy! anil several detachments of troop* nor- replied by the i olio wing antagonistic di- ( rounded the building. Tfte maatot bow-- * soa ^ j ever, were not disonWriy. “H yoa gain your suit, yon must nay j A project of the U» for the national me aaeurifing to our agreement; and if' defence waa adopted ncanimoady. amid joa kirjk court will vindicate its own I prolonged applause. In the excitetaent, nilhurttjTatii w»npd yo« to -fulfil-itol w-sia m — limiTnipflj »*J|>irlit/iwia's jadgmeuts. 7 i look ms atnitt in. the /not!" In this case, the doctor certainlv hod f The Coant PaHkao was announced fur this dismal place. We have- outlived the a*jo of highway robbem sed midnight brigands; yet— The coach came suddenly W a »taud- stSL With a side sensation of terror, Through the frosty frathnew night air come preceptibly to her senses that peculiar ocor of diiorofonn. The ojachman had fallen from his box and lay like one dead on the road side, the rain’s trailing beneath the hoofs of the docile hones, while the outride passenger had descended, and, hurrying round to the coach door, flung it open with a hoarse, exaaltant sound, like a laugh. The lantern that he carried displayed his evil, triumphant face; in fact, he mode no at tempt to hide it any longer. ‘ Lindley Grey!’ shrieked Janie, recoil ing to the further end of the vehicle. ‘Yes, Lindley, Grey!’ he answered, jeeringly; don’t you fancy me for a travel ing companion, my haughty, spirited young lady? It’s my’ turn to dictate terms now; you are in my power at last Out with you old lady.’ He turned savagely toward the other Janie he read : step-mother is very ill—not ex- i pedite her descent The old woman, tot- pected to live. Come to her at once. j tering to her feet hesitated an instant on A- MosYAorx/ the step of the coacb. The next a blow ‘And who is this A- Montague T —short sharp, and sudden—descended I do not know; the doctor, I suppose.*’ * directly between Lindley Grey’s eyes, Paul turned the paper over and over , and he fell like a log in the road. The in his hands. ^ | huge cloak fell off; the square wicket ‘Janie.’ he said, ‘are you net acting • basket rattled on the ground, rashly V Wait until yon hear more def-. * Here, coachmen up with you!' eried a initc tidings !’ _ [clear, manly voice to the* bewildered ‘Until my step-mother is dead ? O, jJeha. who was just raising himself on Paul, she wa-sn kind tome, when poor: one elbow, and staring vague! v ror,nd papa w.w taken nwsy, and the little chil- J like one waken--d from a deep slaiol than detract In the ex- ot the Em- which nad a hiotcry. Itiqwt* Mkemljrv, won with the aomiderea to add to frost the charms of the Iphitooo and the ’ T *dc tha territory of lli^ enemy, «od wow ' 3nth of August. * he prolonged for one “* ol,r *» j (grfiMybf —— h—j. niontik. Jules Borne protested against Here the tounlt .«wac exueme. ' ; um1 tt aajrhtial- The Empress • - • DeputyGmmbetU monntol the tnlmne . ^ ;}£*& vm in theriav botcorf'i no«b. W4. A AkCorp, «aM.lthf bou '«d the iUmMor oC ^ HulkrM vote order » IThJdtt*. Ac midax^t u m »Bi»- 01 idfed. TbTSlfc«. tiro termmMiorpctrxtKpmrpamm. harep^boe. iUfcMI in Im refcMl to XiliMrDvnd; “IriM l^»«ttliM— T.U^lt rf the amj dtsoaml few arm* was only to troalJa the. tears she alw ' ’ " public poa^. The Chamber ast know ed him. Ea, what*is vote-1 loir. There most be nojhespi^gfhei equivocation. iiatoedaniRtl *Ue Ant rument u»l not eqaivocate. [ f^riao in the last the best of the argument: but in tile fo»- ■ the minietrv, and read u hst of names lowing example the principals concern- ; follows : Count Pabko Minister of wj _ ed were, probably, like the Council of De La Tour D'Anvergeae foreign affairs;! to-morrow. The President expre*ed a Trent dcrinK eighteen years or .so,'’; Cherrean, Interior; GreodperriL Justice; ’ desire to chioe the" meeting, but deputy “left sitting.” DePanneily. Marine; Pierre Magne. Fi- | Eatancelin inri.»te«l upon a voto that the A great chief, of jusc but arbitrarv nance * ; Jcrotne Davis, Public Work; j Chambers be ia permanent session so notions, placed on the bridge which led! JaIea Instruction; Clexnmect J long as the war continue*, over a river into bis territory a "dlovi' DaTOrne - Commerce; Basaon Billontt. Tl.e Chamber, by a vote of 1,, to 17, compelled everr who pU-H j President of the Council of State. ! refund this. F->rey renewed the acita- eroment did not eqoivocote. At last it waa decided, by a vtke of |, wwikln’t I<x»kat t 170 to 70, that the question of r«-<wgaa- He had refesed to paint the Emperor bring the National (rcarl go rv.w until' otheTwAe than wearing the Kepi, ' although the Empress sect: the gorgeoca jc army around Metz to-day. _ couthmed, as against - within the ..ity* of Paris. A voice ai swere.1. bot it w itnp*j«sib!e to hes which he was going, under penalty, in the eveat of attempting to a««ive &im M J>jsdox. An^ost li.—Advices from the of being brought back and hanged on | Praseian front, to 10 o'dovk Wednesday tho bridge as a cantioa to intore trav-1 night, state that the Preach armv waa elers. , failing tank to the !Ho of MMeHel bar- >. Tnas went on la-rnip tor some time,, rawed fcr the IVissian civairy. which bad ! i " and not a few calprite tesUSed to the J already passed Saarunion. Panio.nemoat! rigorous execution of the he. Bat one! and lisefaaSa. The new, of the Prussian ncton. day a man appeared, who had no inten- Stores cf all kinds, aal raiiwar trains, • ry 1 " 'T rewired oy the radicals, tioa of confiding his private affaire to the; had fallen into the hands oft&ePras- imperious chieftain ; and, in answer to t siuci They Inul taken the smalt fortr* 1 ** the usual query, “Whither goent thou ? of Hutzeilstein, in the Vosges, which tho • replied, “I am going to be hanged on' French had evacuated, l&ivii dress hat of a general of diviaoa for him to copy. Famine is not popular among tbe-artitos althoagh she patronizes tbe gentle emit ia her own way, ,vn»I the cause of her unpopularity is this devo- tioa ta the poetical, which may be esthetic, but is often ridiculous. ■ %m, A O.ise or SrsrxvDXD Avnunox— The Scrrctazii Dzax> Rstnoazx» to Lire. —An nnusual fatality, ia-ilent to the Lto extreme hext and the iliyaaea pecu liar to young children, has fcr a few days | past existed among the iijoaiin* pop- Tlie Virandirrei am going 11 be hanged on French hod evacuated, leaving guns and, your gallows;'’ thereby }>laring lb- ja=U' provision? behind them. PaOs, August 11.—TL« Jouriuii oinciai : has advices from M^tz to 4:30 yesterday evening, lftth. The details of the but- roler in this dilemma: “If,” thought he, “I hang this man, he will have answered , truly, and of course suffered unjustly : ' cumstance is related to cs of the sup- { posed death of a child in Iionaigbaxg. ■ The child, whose parent* reside in the \ r-,™-';. . . ,v . y -m, , tower part ot the villnae, became ilL and Arm-n^.^pondentoithelam-l i _k^ eit wt ^TSul if sank into 11 Mult Tetorrupii gives this lively pm- WMS eapp^dto be death. Th^ bnt i id <1^ he will It i ortuuate that tnubtioi. recortls the resnls. bu: it it probaltle tliat tm—i.^ ,^ t . -«u, u „ CTf , reaiainevT in *toU , { *o for a pretty belnme"tTtie‘ thi^n^al. ^hnVTand > h ' u .? lh * n . e ‘l lf rio ' 1 ‘Bat, Jonie-i’ J foot. He won’t pet up again in a hurry, •There is no u*e in -vasting w >rds, unless my right hand has forgotten i’»s Paul; I must goby the nocn train.’ canning, but it is jast as well to make ‘Where is it T sore of the villian.’ ‘In Dar:-dlsdale, twelve miles from 1 ‘Where am I? What has fca;*r*s CoartfielJ by train, and th**re take the 1 cried the coachman, stage-coach.' | 4 You’ve been dragged with clilorof ‘When will yen reach there.*’ bnt voa’re all right now. Come, np •At midnight jf - — * 1 *- l»ys-’ ‘Janie,’ arid Paul Raymond, dttennin- 1 demanded the coachman, edly, T shall go with yoa.’^ 1 not without ditficalty. of C« diri-ion »»f th- .1 Faiiiv arrived on the field at c!a*e of the day and covered the re. .L. The pursuit ni the enemy v.*s French Yivan-liexe: | body was prepared for the grav< “On the field itself the oaiv woman i the'parent* ‘were prostrated with the whose presence i.-, tok-rable are the cW-m- , deepest grief over the of their little i«w. These g>>i •lames— fi>r the eua- . one. joriD* of rl^rn nre strativ. Tyy«v-l(»kfng Among those who visited the corpse rian >» age. and by no mean* I ir3s a woman whose acute perceptive fo<» ml hog the -parish r/ran lov* who , aitieg dieoovrrrd to her ••ertoin appear ‘tru- tr, th • c-irpu' in boriesq i s c.t firer. l U.-aiu Idv third story, aitho ig’u n< >t fArLukir.i' | o: the nature oi a lilc-rama. is nvrerthfc- , loss rather ccrioas a> afiordin? an llios- j tratiou of that imr-uLsive generouitv t ^ . | which distingniahe.1 the Bedouin Arab »«> *»» ... . ’• I of anch-nt aterr. ■ “ A, TT ' T* “°»“‘ 3oaeJ Three Erieo-.U wera omv .i^p' ire | J V *•'- owopl^i by tut; Pressrel ,.l’ the eonrt of the bar':.'. ,the holy hoase I '' -heir adretto? -.‘t^ yoa,'I sov, and bear o hind here. 5 ^ of Mecca] asto which of the Arabehie.'-! . a “ we ‘ • What are yoa going to do with ban?' t * ms ™* most ^rngmahc-l for 1— M. tie of Frooschwsiler were suili mi?agre. Marshal McMahon iiad his horse killed i derhim. A brig**Ie of cniwlry of »foap ^ discovered t atvl sores which indicated life. She of 1 plied •-old water to the li^s which after it wt .»-)w. Y vterdw. Ai » rerinienl of a dme feebly answered the reviving _ Bn]4in , .hi line was nwrehiug'throarii'th Fan- -Lncglit.indtheproperreatoraaVeihe- « ? i\V « • , . . . Ioutm sl autoiac, thei-row.i .'»o.r.l :he i * n ? u**-d, the child wa* subsetiucctly Marshal McMahon afier being wentr- up The Vi it. broa^ht to •v> M cioa*new. and is now«He. pjeeed the day Vv ^ <T -^ ; n ^ rem.irk'Mv like .! almost restored to a lew life. The joy of washerwoman’- cart hailia*. inf ts *re. ‘the parents can l-e imagine»l T while thoe from North-Find. Fuiham. S. W.—the! Tbo saw the circumstances were U-f; to driven ‘ can °by horse attached to which she was f si^- ila:e on thoee ^mysteriou.- thing- off withont mneb diffienlti driving with her earn fair hx->b, which ! »» coastantly l^rongh: to oar were a-brown w berrico. Tk ortni^otirt, but wnich before were "little t declared in favor of : P.uns, August 11.—Only rix votes were M fr.’J a* a steward's cabin on b»rl a ' dreamed of in ocr piaIo*ophT.Tn y o _ ^ iwi iiiit of the Prophetcos? against tiie censure <>f Oliirier’s steam - ackec with good things for Lyons, i T^nir*. Avgas' 1. „„.t of baggage lost by friends on’thi* ‘indeed, von shall not, Paul,’ sail the • Leave him here by the roodaide; he { s=r ^ uaotu J. v upheid Kois Ebn minatory: .**&*#* to broody, iiotn airdines> to , * ,appo^ the potatow crowao! Road, arc informed that the Corporation ! bttle damsel resolutely, and flashing up| won't take cold 111 venture to say!— : it waluLSS 1 Wjwhisotox. August 11.—Commodore' k^scawa^r. Ihor. arc not many dot- A Wc-BOwBEarrT’sEaR.—Itisdoabt- .:.i tbefreezes in whiter did not i will adhere strictly to the usiqY o/the \ * tUe . K>ote of her hwr - 1 ^ go; fhere he s safe eaoagh new. Jump on pVfSlt Farragut is sinking. , shopi m tie FAa^urg Antoine i ( ^ a 6 oe thing to oe a handsouie y«mg 1 •» *v re-air e-.l ionud' the t»*l Road and positivelv will rot restore loot *^ ono * ; your box. and drive on.’ t that encli should go to brs fnend, .e*gn , , bet ia t.te twin-.hag of an eye the crowd[j VOZB ^ a liberal papa and nothing *”■.* fil' -,; n , ija'n,.. » tnrt ' baftMite. * ‘Ido not think it is safe, Janie.’ ‘ Can’t I thrash him first, ymr honor?” ) P^'erty, defcpou. and uttermisery, and l n ’oeg-vn to p^; site little woman ia tbeicczt 11 0 but to eit, deep, dreai arai amose ‘What nonsense, Paul,’ she cried, ! demanded the Jehu, growing irate as he j ‘t s ‘V? r ai '^ Ab»lallah was foan.l by the: ^ r • ^d-b tHM^aete, and great haL'iing fellows ji 0M v, ^ if making a *et of chime* ** * ‘recovered Lis dozed sensea. I ^ ^ in Uouae*. coiae .we-ing to the ^ofl*|oompw«d of the boUow heads of ad- ti. -r, _ , to P-*- horse and =!iaie the rinintfiert * ai-rers and bangere-oo, V-ns unfortonate- -ILe ilk?- ;.»_i nffhx V K*tl» »a» 1 1_ ...ThTTi.i t3»l'ass»’ugers ia tue Sleeping cars, , V- . “ »u.f;. :ur- ova <Ux*'vic . tepeciallf Sfixiholders, will Le i-almt vp! ‘ an ^ txl *.?‘^ r ' 1 ;ti-o i -L tLe '•*' Screech 0#rf Forrest, Th»wderlancl and ! * , l . lsstei LTL“ “ i** <“ J '/i nr E ? i ^ *• i tl.e U-itom oftbe Stages from TSroecolwtl eonnect with J. ! all trains. 4'H0TICE-—At tlie request cf Sapcria- »:ra» cornstalk*, o I Alcohol, there will be a Business * ns.. » , or • ^j ceta g \,y Y, r 0 f t ^ e Stockholders ihe conciawon* , L; ,i. Q ... k—^ . ic, my dearer 4 f e strong, irrcsistable povr- : , 5rst beggar with ii» loot in the stirrup, f ;Ssta;.sufficientlyP-nished. Drive -Jf?«?p.2L* “Sen of tho Uncle of the Prophet,'' August I» .... , . . . ,, ■*' ha-sd. She took off hfr fittle glazed laf r lytM3 deMghtfui state of xffiin mav P»'U fold W the story of his| ‘But. your honor, -here', th. old *o- 1 P ^II “f S. I liu ,a '-.; ; «r ta. ^thjroud Lcroore,^ the Bert get riredofhsricg xa.l dirt about bank was pring. when tb» po- . tiperiaent Lis teen tried fre- ,a- r, wiih tin same rtsaiw. li is no but an tsub’.L-bed fact, •.j.iy-r it iLe aaf>.et plan, os the dirt rkc i- d off, or nos placed deep eoongii -'Iamv. l>ut i; properir done the '■ 1 **^p ejun.L Dry dirt will not • .*• a.liiy a, res dirt, hence the od- .: - B>iter: arrmngt d correctly, potato Ibe difflc.'Jty it in hiving theca too ! o .pen, and not properly xeathated. I'om’i dau of a potatoe house, ae de- o the Nort-aibtr number of the Southern j.' -C’.kcs ine as most excellent. ~~>ioa arrived at is, that p-Haloe* • -cuLd.kj any phm that secures them v--; and from water standing about >- i- f iBes runs: Le tight ofid well Tentila- i* '^t to have tabs or small boxes, ~ ; n to b» put up, and when digging • baskets or- not apt to akin them, -!‘o:an^» pa: ia baiAs. the dirt absorle •:i:; fii'm them: no uae for veutSatore bsaks are very large. Houses require ioa to pa** ,- ff moisture, as the wood c and Coudaotors of the Rood, to hear i report concerning Liabilities under the Higher Low! dreala. She Uncbed more merrily than e»o? She min't gone off in a broom-1»nwesBty- Give me thy md.” Abdd- qumf entirely eica(p«le» h« som. erer. ■ ! sticks And irhere did you drop from’' !uh instantly alighted, end bid htm fake Paris August U.—-There is great •Now, I am determined yon shall not ] The full stmneer langimd—'I an the :h ccjm»', -uii ali that was npon her,: tirity at Cherboorg. accompany me. Panl. A man to allow a I old stoman ' bntbegged him not to dispose ofa certain , A dispatch from Metz says the Prtm-e i infinence his condnct. The man mounted on his boa nol ' s»onl which vas fastened to the saddle, 1 Imperials stilithere. chereth-Emperor i T,*, quite certain whether he uas ia a land of bot "“O'* i: Uo *« «« other op-, will certainly make a stead. Prince De j t . 3 i enchantment or not; and Janie, still sob- portnnity, as :t had belonged to the] Joinrilie and Due De'Amote bing bystericanr, found herseii clasped | Sroat Ali. The supposed pauper took ‘ tViesbaaden. Count D; E'ans ii Mobf. of the Cnrcca Di^tcbeaxce.- We learn some farther particulars of the dietui bonce at Houle Chapel, Sunday night, from A. 1L Spencer, who is pastor and was at th* tiue preaching. The meeting commenced Friday, and was g rogressing finely. About nine o’clock untlay night a man (whether white or block is yet unknown) rode upon a block horse, and sent in word that unless the crowd was dispersed in ten minute* the chascii wonld be fired upon. The con gregation did not disperse before half- posed ton. Some five hundred persons were presen L A nother cole ml preacher named Henry Haywood, woe with Spen cer in the pulpit. As the freedmon were retiring a party of them were fired into from a dark clump of trees. The weap on used wr-. a double-barreled shot gun. A number of shots were fired, and four persons were wounded. A woman was shot through both legs, and was serious y hurt; a man was shot in the hip, and • ♦ caped a bad wound by having a uewsj * per in his pocket; a third was shot in tin arm, and a fourth had his head grazed. It is supposed that a bad state of feeling had grown up between members of the . , - C _ \f_Ak- 7t_l ll,. Wall. . foolish dream Never!’ ‘Janie,’ he said, almost sternly. •If yon do not abandon thb subject once for all,’ she said, resolutely, ‘I shall consider it as a sign and token that yon desire our engagement to be at an end.” ‘But you will let me ” She put her hand playfully, yet im- prelively, over his lips. ‘What did I tell yoa? Come your business awaits you, mid I am in a'des perate hurry to get all things pocked np.’ ‘lam to consider myself dismissed, then Y he said, half laughing, half vexed. Janie jumped up, ran to him, and gave him a coaxing little kiss os he stood on the threshold. ‘I shall write to voa the moment I get there, and we shall be separated bat a brief time, after all.' ‘I may see voa on at the station ?’ ‘Not even that!' Janie was begining to be annoyed again. Let me have my own way for once: it is a woman’s privi lege until she is married, at least’ Foal Raymond was disquieted stilL The dream haunted him every hoar; it would neither be laid nor exorcised, let him strive as he would. If I were at all inclined to l*e a super- sticious man,' said Paul Raymond. “I should believe this to be a warning; I should i‘ gard myself as mad if I gave .--ed t ’ in a tender hold. Janie, my precious one, don't cry so bitterly. You are safe note.’’ * Oh Paul, what would have happened to me, if you had not been wiser than . --- IsraifjT.—Henry -Jti belcher, raying &s much os he “s. does ^caietimes s. y -a good thing. views on interest are* worth transfer- totae paper. “No blister.” he sap, -ivs * harper than the blister interest '■ \ industries, none is compara- to t « oi interest. It works all day ! n *ghb in fair weather and foul. It no sound on its footsteps, but travels It knaws at a man's substance with •f ble teeth. It binds industry with la * ^. T u bound iu a spider welx rod a man over ami over, binding ; dty.” aSid instead of the outsiders African Methodist Church and the Meth odist Episcopal Church, the latter (being the one in session Sunday night) having won to its membership a Urge number of persons from the former, and the in tention wo* to kill the preachers,—So Spencer thinks. A larj;e number of white and colored citizens were to meet yesterday for the purpose of ferreting ’- ran and low cro* u, .leckeu. with tri- 3 beile.s favorite airs played upon the colored ribbons, id beneath uruica I _ aforesaid chimes, cc-mpose.1 oi their grieve, for the sascof the pict aresque, to utaiij, and the sceptre of the reigning te wore :»raob cap—and cried out beauty be laid as low as the smirk of thu rEmperetir! vive U France! in a sccial'cripple, the wallflowrr. Soitbe- s»> gruff that h would ik>ne hoiwr . hooves her who, in the “insolence of to a drum major. , t^raucy," “pile* that ground with Moslem .. , , kindly Marte-1 httle woman this. : *hna, " to Lear in mind that Time “is no the camel, and found on her several • gland. ! tot in the front of the cart were at least ^.pectcr of persons," and the charms of sQk robes and four thousand pieces of f Admiral Rodnicier La D'Nawry will > «veaty knao^weis whiebsbe wsi* carrying . mizccompanied bv m.jve hating gold ; but the jewei-hilted swonl of Afi ; command the Parisian defences with l for the rank and file—probably her regi- [ qn*lines, will not Mwavs carry the dor, was the most precious part of herj bur- ’ eight thousand navy cannon tors. | mentd; pets. A gallant little woman, ao- j an j thot’men’s hearts are no'nine-pino, ' The left wing of the army ia at oaveru. t sored!v, o»l with a siimag history of her { which are continually set np for them to t Kn-1 The second friend went to Kais Ebn ; The Radical journals Reveilie and 1 0 -vn perhaps. Her grand mother march-! knock down. Selah I Foe the d-af old woman ia the huge i S*»d. aud fonnd a slave a: the door of. IUphel have been suppressed. , «,! into Grand Cairo, and when the battle- 1 cloak and the square wicket bosket was} *»» bmt. who said that his master was J The lost ofiieial act of De Greminont | day was done administered comfort froa» Paul Raymond who, driven onward bv i *»fe-pand could not be dLsf orbed ; but j was the signing of the Belgian neutrality j her brandy keg to tho** wh j L.v tainting, Th* May ex Wastsd k IYar.—“Give the irresistible impulse of hb warning if would mention his business, be [treaty. • in the shallow of the Pyramid. H^r moth-; me,” says Stebbrns, “the mocey wasted dream, hod taken the exprew* train and, \ iroa ^^ inform the chief when he awoke. ' Loxdos. August 11.—The Lank yf | er marched into 3Iadnd, into Rome, into 1 in war, and I wiR purchase every foot of contrary to Janie’s uishea, became her I When he pleaded poverty, the slave [ England has reduced its rates of *lb-} Vienna, into Berlin. She fiilled her short j bad on the globe. I will done every guardian geniae. «*?’d: “Rather than disturb my master, [ count to ij. 1 pipe from the * noting embers of the [ man, woman and child, in the attire that ‘If nothing had happened to you,! 1 witt myself supply your necessity.”, A feeble attempt to proclaim a repab Kemlia, and was bivoaefted by a Pros-l kings and queens might be prood of. I Janie, * he said, “voa would never have j th^m gave him seven thousand pieces' lie at Marseilles aadT-JuIouise was easily j sLxn in the blo«>dy flight from Waterloo: [ wiR fexrild * school hoa» upon hilL- known who was your fellow traveler.— | of P 11145 aiding tlmt it was all the money f suppressed. 1 and the eiomtliere herretf hasFwea at the! side, over the habitable earth. I • As matters have transpired, I can bat ( bythem. He then sent him j Loxdox, August 11.—The Eir! thank the mercifal Providence that, j ^rxtin^ e servant to take o^camel j Derby, i n a public .speech, strongly urged heweii has been at the side, over the habitable earth. I will Malakoff. at Magenta, at Solfetino, afi 1 supply that school-hocse with a compe- Puebla. I fancy that l saw her there, i tent teacher; I will bmld on academy in with Ler brown face and twinkling btock i every town and endow it; a college ia eyes, driving her little wain os £ eerily | every State, and SB it with able pro as now. Why not? Who does not re- j lessors; K will crowa every hdl with a member Be ranger'4 stirring refrain j church oraeexated to the promnlgafino “RitapLic, plan, p’tan! Sokius, viola ‘ of the gospel of peace; I will support ia Catin r And Carin, the ontmere, is the . its palpit an able toocher of righteousness. 1: was a brilliant night, when the trim little tiguo, in the sober gray travel ing drest - *ti 1 veiled face, took her eeat in the -coach, .which stood at the Courtficld Station, awaiting the advent of alllDarneilsdale passengers; sUrlight but cold, with a frosty carelessness in the at mosphere, which made closed windows by no means uncomfortable. •Only two besides the outside passen ger,’ muttered the driver, discontentedly, a* lie slammed to the door and mount ed to his place, behind the horse, where a toll dark figure already tat: I, ain't goin’ to make my fortiu’ on the Darnellsdale road that's clear.’ Janie Martin glance*! curiously toward — »,—, the other passenger—a xnasculine-look- .leronrs him. There is one > to «ay whether the dial :H>anoe was pto- ing old worn in, ;u a beaver bonnet, a ^ & farm like it, and that is the dared by white or black men.—Coimubtts green veil, and a huge, old-fashioned cloik zt-b. rKiet?^ -vjj.' 1 n'er 10th. with double capes, who sat nodding with both her elbows on the lid of the square so clearly pointed out to me my path of j Jreoscd fraewd of his master to his home. ! Telegrams from Metz gives the sssnr- daty!' ' j When K&is awoke, he appoved of h'** • once that Boztdne is the real Comtnon- As Ravnxind had expected, when they : 8 ^oduct, but said :— j der-in.Chief of the French army, reached DamelLsdale, Janie's step-mother; . dnl voa not twuieme. fori Two corps are now at Metz. The was found in the moat perfect health; »*“?**•“ have given him “^re. I others ore under McMahon. —■—».— -—; ^ , - and surprised enough to see her husband's | The thml experimentalist found Ara- the battle of Worth the French {only woman, I take it, who is cot out oi : that on every sa laughter so pale and travel-wearied. The, ^ precreuing tothc macque. lean mg,, the Prasrions eleven rimes. 1 place on a battle field.” f chime oi one hfli telegram had been a mere falsification J ^ HS Wind and aged, on tae shoal- McMahon was fifteen hours in the saddle * ” to aid the working of lindley Grey’s dt-rs of two slaves. withont food. He fell from his hone, machination*. t ° n informed ot Ins fnend s dis- fating, into a ditch . but was acciden- Janie Martin returned to town once, tre fj Arabah said : ;*Owin« to sudden taiir iiseovered. and recovered suficient. again, to be married to Paul Ravmond ; * J c “ heavy looses, 1^ nave^ no ^ money at j {o five retreat of his shattared foot, as there was no horse left. _ the shall answer to the chime of another round the world’s cxr- ! cumference; and the voice of prayer on«l ; the song of praise, like the nfe' j holoeanst shall awefid to heaven. again, to oe mamea aaui iwymonu — — -v- v -- and from that Jay and henceforward, hand; bat take these two slavey sell neither of them ever again saw or heard * k , “ "* ” * * ” of Lindley Grey. Bat they stoutly declare that they believers in theokl-umes supersrition, they are both secretly inclined to pat faith in the fantastic prophecies of , ,. , , , . , , dreams. t The fnend then left Arabah, ’ turned groping along the walls The passion of tbe French for s theta, mud retire huoe U eomfor.-j“LT*]1U^reeeeAWibeei^BtartretedL On the friend protesting against «le-', BmssA . in a reciarkebie manner in reference to| c f your yoaayrbiotaw, ns if they w«* prirtag bin of h» oily Arebeh' 9 3e,D 'Jf*?™ thjnfc ’ t<rI *** ,te V 8,1 • the fate joanteU «e tali of «t«aoh»— f J saidT* *D yoa rein*; thorn, I .ill set \ S»» , . . i Bat the Frei.-h go sheed of the others, j ”«“*«*”* Pelt ^ them st liberty ; I cannot uke bmtk a | bootee at Ant.ero deelnte to ijVhere they get their stories from is .« may CMCa f ™ „.% t, J transact bowaese. ® #— y.. T a*.. that looks strangely longer than yow . . ...... t*;« (mh.i »Vt*i t’w ii* Rvrin«TM {m vm __ „ • thxigLt, and over a pole brow where of- | transact busraese. i feared that the Bow de Boulogne I v. I d i aUOftU i oat the’ offenders. The r«*uit of the meeting b*s not reached us. Spencer soys ha was preaching from the text, . “Shoot.-for the Lord liu- given , -^c. wvs, Ktauu.^ ' dly,’*rt»d instead of tbe ontei« I ~ ^ »nd letting him hang up . q'ondlng w tli rams* Lems they couda- - the fatal mea? until the long-legged | tied ta try gunpowder. He i:.x R thistle, which swarms new plants ~ ’.me you break its roots, whose i*are prolific, end every fiower ••■r of a million seeds. Every leaf T -. •. very branch a spear, and every ' ~ x I'littoon of bayonets, and a • s * *n armed host The whole • torment and vegetable curse. > a former bod better moke hi* iuodo thistles than attempt to be upon interest.” i u more poison in ope package ' ,r> th*n in tbe tin-foil that sor- i Lend red. If anybody doubts ...V Jlm * sheet of white paper smoke that curls up from the ;~^ :°bacco, and after a pipeful or . ■ Ls y I*een consumed, scrape the ~ Mnoke from tho paper and ." 1 x ^7 ? 3wll amount on the tongue *«U' he will see her die oi * of parolysas” in fifteen i I ^wncUare in the habit of im- I 4:1 artificial flavor and fragrance I** 1 * h J ^ following ''**** • The fruit ia riwbd before . rdte ripe, and is *£5*1011 orer I; * J ?“** ne ^Ie ; *fter which it is I j 1 ®- with essence of any ■ The exhalations of the IL-J * f®w seconds by the te tare the fnit is life. Lnrai.tJera.frr ExrxaxsKn.—An drsnyw suade in fiL Patrick’* C«rth- cilral, in New York city on Sunday., by Vicar-General Stans, giving an expla nation of the dogma of -infallibility as sow formally insorporated into the Cttiu^ie cxeea. In his remarks Father -Surra wsod tho fallotrin^ striKug illus tration. He Hid ; So many false ideas have been uttered on this anbjeci, it is nceeassiy to test plainly just wha^the doctrine is. It is well illustrated in some human affairs. Far instance, iu Iho United States we luEiea Supreme Court, yrith a chief jua- lice and aBSOciated jnahea Many cases ore referred from the lower coarts to this. Bat after a ease has been decided in the Sapresao Court there can b« no oppeaL there Anil deereons ore as near like those of the Pope as any seen- ‘ e like a spiritual pat ( Jhitoce is not on th< a optahna only poos os those of oryctfren; when he mxrndosin t his decisions are final, and the chair there Host. Robert C. Wintbrop is , w w to deliver the oration at the two hundred- aod-fiftkrth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims in Plymouth. Fifty yre» Wihhtei tail»■» «>» wicker borket she rarried ia her bp. J&nio felt strangely lovely; even the com* punionship of the uncoath old creature, she fsnae.1. would be better than rttcr desolation; ao she timidly attempted to begin an acquaintance, •If ia ren* cold to-night.” she remark ed. in s conciliatory tone, ‘for the month of May.’ ‘Eh ?* demanded the old woman, pat ting her hand inquiringly to her ear. ‘A cold night r cried Janie, at the top of her sweet little voice. •Eh! It was plain that the old woman would not be much company for Janie, and she abandoned her s jc»1 essays in despair, Still a deaf old woman was batter than nobody at oil, Janie felt that, all alone in the coach, die should have been very lonely, in spite of tbe nerroos thrills she experienced once or twice, when, hap pening to look up; es the coach rattled through the gedighfced subuibe of Court- field, she eonght tho quick vigilance of the eld woman’s fnritire,.ddewise glance, instantly withdrawn. Ik wee ~not pise salt, and Ji wished that she had consented to Pmd Ad's wish to acoostnany her, as an on the long and lonely journey, fitted at and forgotten ’ ne hack to her now wil on ]y with re ’ - *' Grey.* England. Here are a couple IXTOSTATIOS OF CHINXOI to NrWXAS.— f China, as agent Society,” that he lias arrived in Savannah with 30t> Coolies^ and will as soon as practicable be here with his Ce lestial*. This to the citizens of t'-oweta will be a strange sight, and quite a theme for oar old ladies to disease before their sewing society. We will state that of this number there are only 230 contracted for. the b dance to be hired out on arrival. Amro*-* toeir numb-r are several first das who hove been in the employ of the best man dorian families of Cauton ami Hong Kong. The prices asked for their services will be from $4 to $10 per mouth. They are represented os being frugal and strictly honest—au attribute which is seldom found iu the constitution of the 15th amendment. All who are in need of such labor hail better coll on Mr. Smith aa soon os possible and secure a Pig-Tail— Xetenan i&ru&JL nut b* sierifirf to the tie tMtapopoUr. TUSr* is to iite orahuiefbat .Wa tta tltete .JveD- j M ot»t.oj41 tad mrfs Mr. paired notes together, the TheMl ifa» tfazstle rMffinas j Diettm so Hattie m hi. txbifa tb-^t hi Bttseioe of faProK Impem! *nd Unraediy into nigit. w-t ‘ this Sprint; to Honr Kong 1 bestowed on the blind sr.d Imperisls jewels in Lon.l .n «to the "Coweta Inmwim- Ar^ of the tribe Awn l Aognrt been deemreo, :ncm*.ung si! enmes ‘ against the country. Snaxtsc Fate of Oolt.-Three ir.-' p^srs. August 11.—The Senate sdep- babitant3 cf Bolck traveled together.— f the project of a law tending to the They found a treasure, and they divided [ arming of the nation. The Corps L<"g- it equally among them. They continued, isj a tiff rerr stormy. Tumults icter- taeir journey, and entertained each other ■ re r : ed the business. The President was with their different schemes of employing! oat with the *od of proceedings, the ricues they had so suddenly aciicued. j reaskl all efforts to maintain order The provisions they Lad along with them' the meeting slowly dispersed. *ere consumed. Ther therefore agreed • ^tw Toas. August 1L—The steam- that one of them should go to a neigh-! ship Arizona from AspinwaQ brings 59, boring town and buy some, amt that the j -ySff.000 ia specie. roangest rfiouid ««a!e tbe commission, j Aagarf D.—TSe gnu- He wMOldingiT went : ,l rt S political .letnonsiratioo ererwit- Ashewisnpouthe ro^.t he sad | peeLaheie B nowm progte®. in honor “ itf . N .-e I -. r..-V. but 1 (if r ?.-e.V. .-..^ertetve e^tenr ia thia — } state. Eaiircodi and Steunen bronght ' hundreds of persons from other cocs- r Maine. She had bees for some time complaining of ill ness and pains in her head. At hat she wa* confined to bar room, and the phys ician having examined her head found it alive with vermin from this doably false hair. No remody was of any avail and the girt died. A pert wmritm exao ’ tiou showed that tha insects hod per forated the skull and had been feeding the ladies Cre too thoroughly be Switch ed we should think this awful instance I would deter, them from father c«mj such vflloinoos arrargmenU himself: “N'vr, hiijesl, I should have been richer ha«l I been alone ken the treasure was found. These two men carried off two-thirds of my riehesi Cannot I fail upon a war of re covering them? That; I think, may be very easy. I have only to poison the provisions which I am going to boy. and on my retain my that I have dined in town. My companions wili eat without su-piciou and die. I have at present but one-third of the treasure; I shall thus have the whole of it.” In the mean time the other two travel ers conferred together in those tenon: •* Wa had little oocoasoa for this young fellow’s com;tray at sach a juncture.— We have been ebiigvd to give him a share of the treasure. His part ot it would have increased owra and we should hate been truly rich. He will be bar visions. Hk minaaaini him. They that oteW of tbs three enjoyed tha hmtritmwtMehi , habit of walking the streets of London frem midnight until 3 in the morning. ’ *? On the occasion of one of these walks the great novelist observed • Ltdy of res pectable appearance foOewmg him— Night after night sbe followed him^nd if ever the novtLUt approached her she hastened away, startled and eccfused.— At Lis* ther met face to face, and the lady declared. Dickens, you i „ _ _ I can no more rest. Look at me, so that you may remember me, fori desire to be remembered. Yoa will “* * more. “Mr. Dickens so» afterword ascer tained that she waa the wife of a ' in the Indian army. In a fe^ casket of ebony and ivory to the the portrait of the ties this evening- There is a grand tHu- zainadoa, korrb light pro re orion sod boofirea.—Tbe whole city .is alive with excitement, cannon firing, and displays of fire works. Thousands of persona are in theprococsioe and on the streets, but good seder and feeling universally pre vail No mottoes or devices, or txano- pareoces. to give offesop to the »to farted party, and everything a ooadneted in the moaS dignified ana conciTetray man ner. Amoag the speakers are CoL A. M. Waddel. CocscrvxaveCoagreasaa* elect from hie dntrict. His speech is con- extent the future policy of fl* serrarive party w»h regsra to the ne gro. Poms, August IK—The following» ; ie conclusion cf the proceeding* in the 1 of the Oasa ben. The Oommwuon must girothqr report, end the Government he* made ten; half unwilling and pendant posh, you hove ported use narr —you benl with Minding teen and sobs that shakes year very snuL while renotst- fal memory is busy with tho by-gone hours. Yoa wul wish then that when and asked voa to help him is his play, er to hft him ou yowr lapbe- cic&seh* wanted to see, yen hod had aside your book, and made tee little heart gl»d- Pava or Fuser.—Yeera ago Lord Aberdeen, iu the British Parliament, ew the ere of the Scbeatopol campaign of IS&t, said : “The sceptre of novelist, containing the portrait of tin loir, a lock of her hair, and this notice: -I have loved yoa madly. Bat the love I lave given yoe I owe toanockc; of my own fiee will, going to world, where I may think o< you without treacherv. Pire me.’ It was signed, •The Ladr of the Other Night’ Mr. Dickers* flew to her boose, to And that she waa dead with adagger in bee heart. Another of these stories is of a more ag gressive character. The woman md n life, bat presumed to LB i* lova with the novelist, and to write him ardent ktmra. to whieh he oral no repfr The woman deietmked on revrega, and tried to stab the novehat as he was oom- iag out of a theatre. But such vw the tbe humanity of Charles Dickens tbothi. jin goea into this contest hack ed by the power of France, n power which in my pJjiwBl, is grater than • »w of Russia and Ansizm ccnrtrtnod. Modem histosy baa twice proved that in has required in the time of Louis IIY. and of Napoleon, a caoHtica of aB the powers of Europe to stop the career of French tmhitinn. smdevwn ffiw that was V-ll CCZMCC4&KS C Ike ritew of tarill—tea tetai Anllcnlalarm auiiiik taubq> tar lyite. mti. WteMWIkiUi, took tta whip oak laarTta ak S*f3*iiimTateT^ ■TtaiwStSTtaSnsr^ Ooetantaa ai