The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, August 26, 1870, Image 2

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Weefetg ^ejmfclwan. HANCOCK, GRAHAM & REILLY AMERICUS. GEORGIA: Friday Morning, Angast 26,1870. FOR CONGRESS—-2d Puroa, HON. NELSON TIFT, CP DOUGHERTY. Convention 2nd Conirmsional District. We suggest that a Convention of the counties composing the 2d Congressional District Ihj held in AMEBIGUS on WEDNESDAY, 21st day of September, for the purpose or nominating camli- dates to the unexpired term of the 41st and for the 42d Congress. Counties 'requested to hold meetings at an early day and appoint delegates—each county appointing twice as many delegates they have representatives in the lower branch of the Legislature. Let every county be represented. All newspapers in the District are re quested to copy. Appointing Under the resolutions of the Democat- ic State Convention the following gentle men are appointed the Executive Com mittee of tue Democratic party of the State of Goorgia: First District—Wm. J. Young, of Tom as, Julian Hatrridge, of Chatham, Second District—W. A. Hawkins, of Sumter, John J. Clarke, of Randolph. Third Dictrict—Martin J. Crawford, of Muscogee, Hugh Buchanan, of Cow eta. Fourth District—James Jackson, of Bibb, John D. Stewart, of Spalding. Fifth District—A. R. Wright, of Rich mond, Augustus Reece, of Morgan. Sixth District—Wm M. Browne, of Clarke, H. P. Bell, of Forsyth. Seventh District—T. W. Alexander, of Floyd, R. A. Alston, of DeKalb. A. H. Colquitt, Pies. Dem. State Convention. Atlanta, Go., August 18, 1870. The Future and Wliat is to l>e Done. The politics of the South are environed by grave difficulties, ar.d the only means of avoiding disastrous results is by high < onrage, even temper, decided action and n perfect union. The time has, proba bly, never been when :;o much was in volved in a political contest, and when such careful action was necessary. These are truths, earnest truths, tlint calmly considered. It is folly in the people to sit supinely j T J- by’and expect tire future to take care of! ^ 10 P ( itself, and the salvation of free, constitu- j nomination. Rome Thoughts on th* Campaign. The campaign is now jnst opening, and it is important that wo should not forget the preearionrooss of oar position. What we do in the present campaign, must be done in a high conservative (we don’t like that word conservative, but it is the best we can do), spirit, harmony must prevail, discord must be discarded. The interest of the People, the State and this nation requires uuanimity of action and concert of purpose. We most look at the past and learn therefrom for the future. In the conduct of tiro campaign there should be but few public demonstrations, but few public harangues, no appeals to tho passions, no illusions to the past, reference to the glorious cliivalry of the “ boys in grey” uud tho more glorious cause for which they fought, no biUc denunciations should be indulged, but the whole conduct of the campaign should be earnest, quiet, yet determined. There is no necessity of concealing the fact that the Radicals are going to make a desperate effort, they will leave no stone unturned, and already are they boasting of their perfect and superior organization. And, now, when we know this there is nothing left us but work, hard work, if we would put the Government in hands of the people’s servants. We think the work to be done can be better done by individual, private efforts, than by publio assembling and speaking. While we do not object to the candidates for Congress canvassing the District and, if desirable, making public speeches^ still think all other candidates hod best work,—more good can be done in this way, and if anything wrong| or injudi cious is said by them there will not be so many ears for it to enter and months by which it can be repeated, and in closely contested campaign. ,omebodv is always sure to say sometuing wrong. Upon the whole we think the better plan is for everybody to work, an<l but few speak. Public meetings and speeches are apt to engender hatred and arouse passions and those ore thing to be avoid ed in tho present campaign. Let work lie the word. Hon. Nelson Tut.—We plaoc at our mast-head, this morning, the name of onr old pioneer, CoL Nelson Tift, who under took the race for Congress when donbt and fear hnng around the hearts of all, and triumphantly bore tho banner of De mocracy through the contest. The heel of the military despot was then upon our necks, the passion* of tho opposition ran high, tho hopes of the lovers of freedom were weak at the time of his first race, •t l>c j jet, notwithstanding this, he grasped the j shattered banner and bore it ou to victo- and will do it again, and we e him receive a unanimous ; Democratic Meeting. Wo hope the citizens of Sumter will bear in mind that the Democratic Party have a meeting in Americas on tho 17th September, for the purpose of nominat ing two Representatives, also appointing delegates to attend the nominating Con ventions on the 20th and 21st prox. Let i . 1 . i b*th set with diamonds. £©■“Tney hare a Mormon Church in Boston, with sixteen members. SSrTke Georgia Peabody statne in London cost $20,000. tt^All bnt two per cent, of the Prus- m army cau read and write. *a^The latest novelty in Kew York L everybody opposed to Radicalism and usurpation, both white and black, re- . brother of the King of Sweden member the time and be here. We want I ** rcs ^ng in Chicago, a star ning meeting and perfect concert j 5®-The population of St Louis of ac tion. Come everybody. i expected to foot up 250,000. Cga-Blind Tom is taking his summer S&“ The Albany 2Fcits copied oui tice of CoL Nelson Tut and endorsed what we said of him, bat failed to say word about our proposition for the Nom inating Convention to assemble here on 2M pr»ix. What’s the matter bro. Styles.* Don’t you want to give publicity to the proposition ? The time is short and want every county in the District repre sented. If we stop to pout about tho time and place of meeting, there will not be time for the candidates to visit the people. -It l a good sight to see the color of health upon a man’s face, but it is bad sign to see it all concentrated in his i fJ- Whtteeev says he has got the groes of Sumter county well organized and if he cad ge t three good WHITE men to manage them ho will not be afraid of the result Cgi- At the approaching election we lesire to see if there are not five hundred colored voters in Sumter county who will, like men of principle, refuse to bend the knee to Baal. Colored man the Radicals have not kept their promises with you ! Ask yourself how many times you have been deceived by them. £&* Florida beiug only entitled to one Representative in Congress, the Radicals have nominated Josiah T. Wall, negro, for the position. That’s right—we think it proper for the negroes to demand nom inations at the hands of the Radical par ty, and get them, too. tional government to be worked out by stranger hands. The time for the cry of Oh, we are conquered, what can wc do,” has passed into the jmst. Wc arc not conquered beyond the hope of victory. Thu fifty thousand majority wc had iu the Presidential election rings out in clarion note*>, and unmistakably sjtcaks what bo accomplished by work, earnest work. The importance of tho present paign to the people of Georgia, when compared with tho Presidential, measurable. Tins present one is for home aud home intcrcsts. Every man iu Geor gia is interested, and every man must put his shoulder to the wheel. But the future is full of strange un certainties and onr condition is an anom alous one. While we have got to work, we. at the same time, have got to work unobjectionable. The powers that be, thrqugh their spokesman for Georgia, Mr. Aker man, have said if the Democrat ic party is successful the election shall be set aside if the least possible pretext can be hatched np. While wo are for from advocating submission to usurpation at the sacrifice or suspension of principle or right, still we think it best that the pres ent campaign be condncted in a quiet, nnimpnssioned manner. Let private work supercede public demonstrations. Let private talks supplant public speak ing. If this bo be done, and the people keep cool and govern their tempers, the Democratic Party, like an avalanche, will sweep everything liefore it in the State. There are no doubt many who will oppose a conduct of the campaign on the line suggested by ns. There are al ways men who wish to carry everything by lire and storm, provided they can get dupes to bear the brunt, bat we sincerely hope the Democratic party, during the campaign, will bo one undivided whole, free from all dissensions and discords— striving for the one single good of depos ing Radical usurjwtion and substituting therefor freedom and economy, and res pect for the rights of alL Let the work be commenced with a determination to succeed and let all work together for the common weak Then work and gether. Organize and have perfect unity of action. Do this and the result of the election will reveal your reward. Of coarse our announcement i* subject to tho approval of the nominating Con vention. We shall support the nominee of that body. This is no time ior dis cord and division. 8$$- Did anybody ever hear of a Dem ocratic member of the Legislature vot ing for tho XlVth and XVtli Amend- Whitley's going to run for Con gress if he can get three WHITE men in overy county in the District to the niggers for him. Bo send ii names Rads. We’ll receive them. vacation at Watertown, Va. £©'*•A religions revival was in progress in the Methodist Church at Lumpkin, last week. •SL-The Number of Chinese ii United States at the end of 1869 is esti mated at 90,000. SS&-The San Francisco Jews have abolished the separation of sexes synagogues. S®-The stockholders of the Air Line road have been called upon for 20 per cent of their subscription. printer named Wells thrashed a member of the Legislature in Atlanta the other day, for insulting his^omily. tS»A carpet-bag Senator of Mississi ppi has married a mulatto woman and started with her for his former home in Ohio on a bridal tour. C6L-A pane of glass high and ten feet wide, j] New York, is considered the country. A Cincinnati lumber yard watch- an taught a little girl not to steal chips, by knocking her down and kicking her insensible. western woman is writing iu favor of limited marriages for a given time, ranging from one to three years, with the privilege of reuewnl by mutual consent. The last surviving member of a consumptive family atLowelL Michigan, is said to have recently attempted to cure himself by roasting the heart and liver of sister, lately deceased, and inhaling the fumes. on tee a feet it aet np in e largest in !Von aination*. W e hope oar friends will not neglect taking necessary steps to bring out candi dates for Senator, from-this District, and 3 iepresen Utives for this county. The suggestion os to the time, for the nomi nating Convention to meet, made by ns :t few days since, wc fear was rather ear ly, and wo, therefore, recommend that a convention be held hereon Tuesday, 20th •September, for the purpose of nomina ting a Senator, and wo request that the j*eoplc of Schley and Macon coantics hold notings and appoint delegates to attend on the 20th prox. The usual rule, we believe, is twice tho number of delegates to Representatives in the lower branch of ihe Legislature. In sending delegatee we trust the very boat and most discreet men will be select ed, for this is a time for earnest and ju dicious work—we are steering to avoid both Sylla and Cbarybdis, and steady 1 muds must ply the oars. The people of Sumter might nominate Representatives when they meet to ap point delegates to attend the Conven tions to nominate a Senator and Con gressmen, and we therefore suggest that a county meeting be held far those pur- -poses, on Saturday, 17th September.— Let everybody, both white and black, who favor a change in, theadministration of Affairs, come, and let^ be a har- monjf of feeling uid action on tll» part of The following, which wc take from the Lexiugton, Ky., Observer, expresses our sentiments so precisely that we give it place in our columns : "On IU Last Legs.” Tho rapidity with which Yankee papers manufacture news unfavorable to Napo leon and the French army would be amu sing if it were not disgusting. Their tel egrams remind one of the bold falsehoods gotten up against tlio South during the late war. In fact the very same creatures who incessantly informed us that the bellion would bo crushed iu “ ninety days, ” that the rebellion was on its “ last logs, ” and that “ 10,000 prisoners aud 20,000 str.ud of arms ” were constantly being captured, are the very same gath erers up of tho woeful and crashing news from Frt r.ce. Their special reporters in Europe inform them that “ the Freuch army Is annihilated,” “the Empire is crumbling, ” “ Napoleon is dead, ” “the Prince Imperial and the Empress have fled to London, ” “ all is lost, ” etc. After the veiy recent experience of the American people of tho perfect ease with which a nation can be crushed out, with scarcely an effort they will readily believe that all Franco is a! the mercy of her en emies after one comp natively small bat tle. These voroci-..n papers take it for- granted that the American people are to tally in the dark as to a number of things, and among them the following : The population of France far exceeds that of Prussia; the French people are united in their determination to carry the war to a successful end; the i ail way sys tem of France is admirable; her finan- cal condition is good; her arms are folly as great if not grertsr than those of Prussia; her soldiers are equal to any earth, and their arm, the Chaise pot rifle, is acknowledged all over Europe as superior to the Prussian needle gnn. As regards Metz, the present great strategical point, its works were plan ned by Yaubnu, tho greatest military en gineer of his age. It has been immense ly improved and strengthened by the present Emperor, and is considered one of the impregnable fortresses of Europe. Of Paris it, is said that it would require an army of half a million to invest its fortifications, while 80,000 men would suffice to defend them; and for the navy of France, it is in size and efficiency as much superior to the French navy of thirty years ago as tho modern iron c!ad to the Roman galley. All things considered, it is not probable either that the French Empire is **on its last legs” or that it will bo ** crashed in 90 days.” 9u Wjutelet says lie can cany the 2d Congressional District if he can get three good WHITE men, ia each coun ty, to manage aud control the negroes. Colored people, don’t that show you what the Radicals think of-you. They are afraid to trust you,---want white Radicals to manage you. , 69* Can anbody inform ua who are the' three white Radicals Unit are going to manage the negroes for: Whxtelet in Sumter bounty ? We want their namaa. Can anybody give them? The next session of WaOejaa F*- maWCdn^ge, at Uaeon, openocoMon- ter-Romurr Bonner, of New York ledger celebrity has been elected as alter nate t j deliver the annual address before the State Agricultural Society of this State iu Atlanta in October next—Hon. IlERS' inx V. Johnson being the princi pal. Cars now run from Griffin to North’s, l ight miles from Nownan, from whence ! • onnection is completed by fonr-liorse j candies. The fi*re is only $2 from Grif-i fin to Newnan, and close connection is I made with the West Point and the Ma-1 con Sc Western Roads. It is a statistical fact the people of the South read more religions than secular newspapers A bill has been introduced iu the Leg islature to incorporate and extend the aid of the State to the Americas and Lmliella Railroad. Hope it will pa^s. It is said Gov. Bullock gave an Atlanta Brass Band S50 to serenade aud call out tlie Democratic delegates the night after the adjournment of the Convention. But they wouldn’t make nothing but agricul tural speeches! A man at Charlestown went to a doctor to have a rip in his abdomen sewed up, and when asked how he got it, ho said he was ont riding with another s wife, and met her husband. Volumes could not have said more. “Paris in a state of siege uud like ly to be captured !” exclaimed u young lady this morning, “what then shall we do for fashions hereafter!” Aud, indeed this is one of the very important ques tions connected with tho probable down fall of the Freneh capital. fia^The Courier Journal says: A careful estimate reveals tlxe long saspec • ted fact that a single American news pu- per can tell France better how to whip Prussia or Prussia how to whip France than can an average brigade of the ablest military minds in Europe. 8*3*- The Herald correspondent *lm.s describes the Mitbaillps I have just returned from u trial of this weapon at the artillery ground. I need hardly say that I was not only not per mitted to go near Ihe gun, but was obliged to keep out of the way, anil to look on without being seen. Thanks to a very good field glass. I could see well enough to distinguish the general work- the machine, aud was afterwards < ascertain the different distances from which it was fired. If yon can im agine a gigantic revolver, kept always at the same level, and with a point blank range, as able to hit at ten yards os at 2.0(H). without being raised or depressed, will have some idea of what this gun Imagine this weapon turning slowly from leit to right, and then from right to left, and discharging about thirty balls in a minute, not reqniring any working after it Is first set. To-day I saw it work ed at a distance of 1,500 French metres, which, if I am not mLtakcu, would make about two thousand yards of American measurement. At that distance the gun or machine, «r whatever yon like to name it, won aimed at three black marks upon three didcrent butts, each mark being the height aud width of an average front company of a regiment. Thus as the many thousand* among your are readers have seen service in the field will nmlersiaud, tho three black marks on the three bntls represented, as nearly possible, u brigade of infautry ad vancing against a lottery. Tiie brig ade of liviug men would have token at least twenty minntes, even at doable time, to get over tho ground, Iu half that time—-in ten minutes—the mitraille use had pnt upwards of four hundred balls, or, rather, projectiles, into the three black marks, and every boll was well apart from its fellow; and all this, mind, without any alteration on the part of the officer in charge. Tho weapon, or gun, has merely to be loaded and then leid in a certain direc tion, and it works by itself. The object it is aimed at may come nearer, bat it occasion to be elevated or dc- preseed. It works from left to right and from right io left, and back again, with out ceasing. I have no hesitatatjon in saying, from what I saw to-day, that no infantry or cavahuy that the. world has yet seen would advance against this ter rible engine of destruction. An offioer belonging to one of the four batteries of mltreuleasea which are with this anhy oorpse.tokl mo the other day IhaTat 1.50Q, aadeveb op toS.000 metre*. beat ton yard* in the hand* of a‘very good shot. Prom such a _ I _ mspto' what msy we not expect in the way of destruc tion dnrtag the present war ? STATE ITEMS. A bale of uew cot.on raised in Mus cogee county, was offiered for sale in Columbus ou Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, wife of Mr. Thoinas Clover, ofTwiggn county, died ou the 12th tost, iu her 7ist year. The Atlanta Sun says Atlanta no longer holds to the title of “ tho Chicago of the South,” but yield* it to Griffiu. At the lost term of the Spaulding Superior Court, no less than eight divorces were granted. How’s that for Chicago ? The following is a list of Money Orde Postoffices in Georgia: Albany, Americas, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Baiubridge, Brunswick, Carters ville, Columbus, Griffiu, Macon, Marietta, Milledgeville, Rome, Savannah, Cuthbert, Dolton, Lexington, Madison,‘Riugold. First Bale or Nkw Cotton. — The first bale of new cottou for Augusta was re ceived Tuesday last, by Mr. C. H. Phini- zy, from tho plantation of Mr. Jesse M. Turpin, within a few miles of the city. It weighed 580 pounds. The Sparta Times says rust has began its ravages of the cotton plant on the pine lands of Hancock. It says some of the largest planters are complaining heavily of its disastrous effects, and say they will not make as much cotton ns last though they had more land planted. One month ago, says the Columbus Skh we met on our rounds, a sick aud destitute woman, who hail neither bread nor shelter for her children, three beau, tiful littlo girls, four, two aud one year old. A wordiy mau gave her what money he had with him, and sent her to a grocer in the lower, or southwestern portion of the city for more help. The grocer not only gave her food, bat two weeks rations, saying that if she never got able to pay him, he would never miss it. She met others who gave her shelter, and iu a day or two fouud work, and paid rent in advance by tho week, by washing for fifty cents per' day; and now makes by labor, p: obab'y weaving m (he factory, five dollars per week. Good beginning. Wc will warrant this noble woman owns her house iu less than two months. Letter; from Florida. Montickllo, Fla., Aug. 18, 1870. Editors Republican : We arrived ii this pleasant and beaatifnl little city i few days since, after a tiresome journey of twenty-three miles from Thomasville, Ga., accomplished in an open baggy over the sandiest, hotest road yon ever traveled. Bat this ride, irksome as it proved, af forded us a splendid opportunity for a minute inspection of the crops along the way; and from onr observations we must say we find the farming interests in this portion of Florida, in a much more pros perous condition than in Sonth-West Georgia. Tho crops we have seen fine ; and we learn from others they are very good throughout this and adjoining counties. Cotton is better than any we have seen in Georgia,—not excepting Dougherty county. We have neither seen nor heard of a Caterpillar in thi* section. There is some rust where fertil izers were applied too abundantly on old and sandy lands. We see another indication of prosperi ty among the farmers here that is remark ed by every passing Georgian, they no Hupped corn. And as a result we find provisions in the country, bacon and corn made at home, hogs growing and corn ma tured for next year’s supplies; and fat mules and horses without so many occur rences of death, “supposed from feeding on damaged corn. ” But best of all re sulting from the planting of corn enough for home consumption and the residue of land in cotton, farmers are out of debt and freed from those disagreeable en cumbrances so universal in South-West Georgia, “Liens and Mortgages growing crops and stock to secure the payment of drafts for “provisions fur nished. ” How long will people so blind to their own interests and so foolish os to make no provisions at home, when they mnst see that everything brought from a foreign market for consumption of rnwn or beast costs them two prices, be sides the most exorbitant interests, when they are forced to purchase on a few months time, with the additional expense and inconvenience of the Liens aud Mort gages of those who are enriching them selves on the downfall of the farmer. At the year’s end the merchant takes the crop at his own price, and the poor “ tiller of the soil ” is foreed from dire necessitv to give another mortgage by which he may subsist the succeeding year. And thus at the end of this year he has con sumed all he has produced this year, and before the end of next year he will have consumed all he will make next year. Is it not the case with many of the planters of Georgia ? The annual crops will soon fail to afford a sustenance, and then the farmer must begin to encroach on his homestead, and ere long if ho continues thus the Lieu and (iro-att d-a-ludf per cent, per month interest will consume all the homestead. It cannot be denied by any reasoning man, that unless the farmers of Sonth-West Georgia plant more corn than they h ’ve produced for the last few years the day is not fur distant when the * pro vision merchants and capitalists will be tho landholders, and those who now own them their tenants We would say more to our “erring brothers, ” but they have been too often warned of their fate : Verbum Sat Samentl TELEGRAPHIC. DAY DISPATCHES. BA ZAIRE EXTRICATES HIS ABUT. Mediation bt the Great Pow PEKDXNO. Paxib, Ang. 23.—La Liberte reports that JMarshl Razaine has succeeded l Teaching the Railroad from Messieres to Montmedv, and finding trains filled with supplies waiting him at Sedan. Eazaineand McMahon communicate by conriere. London, Aug. 23.—It is almost certain than on intervention by the great powers will occur in afew days. Paris, Ang. 23.—The journals con tinue to urge a levy en masse to extermi nate the invaders. The French gun boats are recalled from the Rhino to the Seine. London, Aug. 23—Bazoine has forced a passage by way of Audnn and Lon- guion,' reaching Montmedv. It is re ported that the armies of the Crown Prince and Fredrick Charles have formed a junction westward of Metz. The Post is authorized to deny the au thenticity of Queen Victoria’s letter to Engine, published yesterday. The Stan dard’s correspondent says that Paris will be defended, even if a bombardment oc curs. The Opinion National©, under the cap tion “Keep Cool,” predicts a Prussian defeat as a result of the pending combi nation. The Emperor is determined to charge with McMahon’s army in the next battle. The camp at Chalons is certainly raised. Tho Emperor’s headquarters are at Rheims—McMahan’s at Cerucelles. A Paris special says it is reported that Bazaine was reinforced on Sunday from Chalons, and the armies of the King and Steinmetz are too crippled to assume the defensive. Another special says Bazaine has the north and centre open, either to reinforce’ or retreat Bazaine professes to be master of the situation. London, August 23.—A dispatch from Paris says Count Palikao aunonnceil in the Corps Legislate yesterday that he n receipt of good news from Bazaine, giving proof of Bazaine’s confidence, wherein the government shared. NIGHT DISPATCHES. NEWS FROM THE BEAT OF WAR. Death ov Another Old Citizen.—Mr. Leroy Napier, one of Macon’s oldest, and before the war, one of her wealthiest citizens, died yesterday morning after a brief illness, at his resilience in Yineville, in ihe 77th year of his age. On the evening before, he had visited his place just below Macon, ou the river, and while there reclined himself fora short while on the ground, and soon afterwards he was taken with a chill and died iu about twelve honrs. He had been, a citizen of Macon for nearly fifty yeais and was extensively known throughout Central and South western Georgia. We do not known single citizen who has been iu and about Macon for a longer time thin Mr. Nap- *.—Macon Telegraph. Grounded at Last.—The State con-' stitutipn, under which, or over which, as the case might be, tho Legislature has been acting, says: “No session ot the General Assembly after the second under the constitution •hall continue longer titan forty days, unless prolonged by a vote of two-thirds of each brancu thereof.” Now this period has expired, and no rote has been taken as required, nor can .it be taken constitutionally now. If that can anj other action legal as that, and without it. The State will breathe freer now, and everybody will be glad. Out with yon, and give place to yonr bettors! The Atlauta correspondent of the Rome Commercial says: Seventy-five thousand majority is just about wliat the Democrats will roll np the next election day. In the stormy Charleston Convention that spilt the party on Breckenridge and Douglas wt courted defeat. Iu the New York Con vention with its angry ballottings and its factious, wo brought on disaster. In the 23rd of July muss meeting, held in Atlan ta in 1S68 by intemperate speeches we so enraged Hnlbert that he counted ns out of a victory. In this convention of har mony and dignity we have prepared for a certain victory. I never saw such a bright Democratic prospect before. Conven tions are the rocks ujkju which the party have always founded. Let there be cc gratnlation that- this last one has been safely passed. The delegates are scatter ing however—and Varney Gaskill and his companions are crawling ont of the holes in which they have been his for the past dsy or two. A Long or a Short War. Speculating on this subject, the New York Financial and Commercial Clirouide remarks : Probably the sympathies of a majority of tho American people aro on tins »ide of Prussia in the present conflict. As to the reasons for this couclitiou of publio opinion, or tho wisdom or justice of that opinion, it would lie useless st present to speak; but we think thtro is one error growing out of it which should be correc ted. We refer to the belief which appears to prevail quite generally that because the Pros* Mans have gained the first battle tho war is likely to be short. First. It looks to ne very improbable that France will make a humiliating peace—or, in other words, will consent to a close of tho war which rob* it of a foot of territory until it is uesr exhaustion. Tho North-German Confederation ia, to be sure, rich ia all tho elo- euts that constitute vast national strength; it it ought to be remembered that France, also, is an empire of great resontco. Uuited Germany, now as a consolidated nationality, is capable of doing and suffering great things for a great national object. Pride of race and iutel- lectusl achievements, the love of independence aud iuflacncc, and ambition of military prestige from the most renowned military to be i nxtion of the world, constitute a liigb aud strong inspiration for the Germans; bat France is bid and developed nation, with an intensely patriotic people, who cherish its traditions with a love that is almost a passion. These traditions they f.iel that they arc called upon to maintain in the present war. All that Germany is am. bitioua and determine to gain, therefore France is equally ambitious and determined to keep; and with resources of intelligence, ulrin wealth, and numbers so nearly balanced, it is altogether premature to predict, from one great battle, either the continuous «uv^ of Prussia or Ihe permanent detent France. Tanas ox t«z Wav—OL Theirs, writing to fcmnd in England, says bo has always been or opinion thai tbs tuns would oorm wk n tbs am bition of Prussia would hare to be resisted by France. Bat be always supposed the time wonld only be when s just occasion arose, and ->*■^1 th. uHou of Ettopa amid. edge Franco to be in the right. “ If, ” 1L Theirs Proceeds, " when asked for tbs production of the dispatches, I could bats obtained twentj- tm hours' respite, I think ihatmy oranby- smo, having time for reflection, would, perhaps have pronounced fbrpeaee. I did riot succeed, and now always; faithful to my arantiy’/flam I con only wish Jor her success, while earnest^ desiring that U may be iattbo least possible cost Paris, Aug. 23.—No decisive action from the daily meetings of Diplomats i3 reported. The Freneh arebuyiug horses iu Italy. Paris is provisioned for two months, and is wine for six months. Six Million of Francs have been dis tributed among the families of soldiers. Dysentery prevail in the Prussian army. Ten thousand Prussian wounded have beeu sent to Berlin. Iu the Corps Leg- islatif yesterday, where Count Palikao gave reassuring news, Keartry demanded their dates and also, whether a dispatch Bazaine hud been received, Pali kao replied it was the 19th, an uproar ii tho chamber drowned the answer, regard- the authorship. Keratry proposed that nine deputies be added to the committee of defence. The party of the left and some members of the majority gave signs of approvul After the tumult had subsided, Palikao said the committee „ f defence was numerous enough, and in tho name of the whole cabinet he repell ed tho preposition just made to question the confidence thus established, and the duputies retired to debate. T1 e matter will be decided to-morrow. It creates a sensation ns au attempt to interfere with tho administration. The Soier saiys the dispatches alluded to were from Bazaine, and adds that Palikao is certain to be tinned by the Corps Legislatif; otherwise he would not have been so decided, is officially denied that Prince Napoleon went to Victor Emanuel on a diplo matic mission. The Archbishop of Paris directs the clergy to contradict the port that the Pope felicitated the King of Prnssia. A number of spies havo been arrested to-«lay. The “Siecle” says that the seven hundred and fifty million loan has more than been taken. ‘ It seems certain that a project lias been brought before the great powers to preveut the dismemberment of France. Assurances have been sent to the French Govern ment, that Italy has no intention of at tacking Rome. Madrid, Aug. 23.—The Government has token measures to repress instantly any revolutionary outbreak. London, Aug. 23.—Ip is reported that tho Crown Prince, abandoning his march :, n Paris, has gone to sopport the Prus sian armies west of Metz, which are threatened with a formidable attack from Bazaine, reinforced by McMahon. A dispatch from Alexandria, says that the frigate Hertlia, 28 guns, has been captured by the French. New York, Aug. 22.— A special to the Telegram, from London, says: Nothing official from either army was received yesterday. Private advices assert that the Chalons anay is moving towards Tliiansville, desperate effort to effect k junction with Bazaine by escaping the Prince Royal and passing the German array to the north of Verdun. McMahon has left the choice between two evils: either to leave the road to Paris open, or by holding it to sacrifice Bazaine. A special to the Courier Dos.State Unto, dated Paris, on the 22.1, says : — Preparations for the combat are being made all along the line. Parisisvirta- alty in a state of seige. It is generally conceded that Iho issue of the campaign will be decided under oar wall*. If we •re able to hold-out for one week longer, •gainst an enemy destitute of material for carrying on a soige, an France will come to the saocor of her capitoL August 23.—Advices from the vicinity of hostilities report heavy wins which most impede, operations to*- day. Le ^Temps’, correspondent says there is no hope for a triumphant issue of the war unless the Emperor and Prinoo Im perial coase interference, and return to Pen*. Tho Ponca chatters about milita- n moyonoate to everybody aud lets put in the vicinity of Metz, without giving fuller explanation. Tho dispatch admits that Bazame’s communications were, at one time, endangered; but asserts them now secure. All quiet at Rheims. - A committee of the Corps Legislatif, to consider the appointment of a com mittee of defence, meet the Ministry to day for consultation. A compromise is probably. A leader of the Villetto rioters has been condemned to death. He wishes to confess, and promises startling revela tions. The departments of Nievre and Cher are declared in a state of siege. The oonstitntionel, on semi-official authority denies, positively, that Engenie sued Victoria, for mediation. AU the journals deny that the mitrail leuse is loaded with explosive bolls. The Gaulois asserts that Bazaine re fuses to consent to the passage of85,000 wounded Prussians through Belgium. The application was mode by the Prus sians to Bazaine, through Lord Gran ville. The Journal official explains, at length, the facilities of the Bank of France for making paper with the utmost rapidity. Luxdon, August, 23.—The general headquarters of the Freuch army on Sunday night were a few miles west of Rheims. Edmond Texier writes thence to the Siecle that the deepest depression prevails, and the Emperor will receive nobody. Prince Napoleon’s visit to Italy to protest against Italy’s neutrality. The extraordinary forces called by the Swiss government are goiug home. The regular army is deemed sufficient to pro tect neutrality. The details of the battle of the 18th at Gravelotte aro still want ing, even at Berlin. The German dis patches are meagre. From the French the following is gathered : Tho 12th corps is between Metz and Thionville, and serves to keep up communication detween Prince Fred erick Charles and Steinmetz. Metz is enclosed on all sides. Com munication between Chalons and head quarters has been cut off. The Crown Prince is at Bar lo Due. McMahon and Failly are still retreating to lower Paris. New York, August 23.—Some of the iw crop of Carolina lice was received to-day. It is the earliest recorded by nearly three weeks. The season in most sections is favorable. Washington, August 23.—After Mon thly interest will bo paid ou the Ten- Forties without rebate. Ralkigh, Angast 23.—In the cose ol the State against Wiley, the evidence for the State closed. Nothing at all positive developed. Nearly all the negroes gave terrifying evidence for the defence. To-morrow the U. S. District Court will have Kirk up for contempt. He is still under examination. Judge Brooks dis- charged 18 more prisoners on habeas cor pus. When the prisoners were brought into Court by Kirk’s guard, who started into the Court-room with arms, Judge Brocks quickly ordered the Marshal to restrain them, suspend ng proceedings till it was done, remarking: “No armed soldiers are allowed in this Court. When necessary I will ask for them.” Kirk’s men retired by order df the Marshal. Tho judge reiterated jurisdic tion in the matter of habeas corpus.— Kirk’s Lieut. Colonel, Bergen, is under arrest in this city for not observing his bail. Quite a crowd is in the city and much interest is manifested. THE RIOT AT LOUISVILLE, GA. Augusta, August 23.—About three hundred negroes broke into the jail at Louisville, Jeffersou county, on Sunday, and released the prisoners. The Sheriff sent to Atlanta for troops, which reached the scene of the riot to-day. Some of the leaders were arrested. The rioters threatened to burn Louisville aud take vengeance on tho whites, but the prompt action of the citizens prevented a difficul ty. It is said to originate from the arrest and imprisonment of a negro for shoot ing a mule. PERRY DAYIS’ PAIN KILLER Has become sn article of commerce—wUch n. medicine ever beauuo before.. It is Mn 0 ‘li> item in every bill of goods sent to ccmurr chants m tea, coffee or sugar. T3ii* sp^ Tc ,' umes in its favor—Glens’ Falla Meeienger. h V * nmetcr . Burmali, writes un Euler haa Immmn *n ,v.i: 1 “The mony ot its virtues. Bov. J. G. Stearns writes, “I consider the W remedy I know of for dyspepsia. Rev* Jabez L. Swan aays, s ‘I havo used i- f,, a my family, and consider it a ■ng my rwddence in Burmah, and have found i very useful medicine.” Sold by all druggists. One Hundred Dollars in Gold Will be givon to any person who, on analysis win discover one grain ol arsenic or other t>6iK.n h Dn. IIukley s Aace Toxic. It is purehr vo vl table, and the-most happy combination that &, science of medione has as yet developed to *r„. ccaefullj combat the most prevalent diseases i-. ■ cideut to a bilious or malarious climate. It b I perfect anti-periodic—ahvavs break iu- Paws, August i3—Tho journals say to humanity, and that it m», briugabouia lut- disputches hare been received from Ba- lag peace. -• £ ■. i.lUH'irrei »aine,ii«1arin K his intention to 'remain ^ Special to Chicago Tribune.] Effects of the War on tho New York Bitnks. New York, August 14.—The war in Enrope continues to drain onr banks of specie, thereby decreasing their legal re serve, and forcing them to contract their loans. The total exports of specie for the pustfive weeks have been 822,530,215. Thun Europe has deprived us, in five weeks, of an amount nearly as great as that held by the New York banks at the the present time, to-wit: 824,101,320.— That is to say, a dram of specie for the next fire weeks like that of the last five will clear out every dollar of gold now held by the New York banks. The loss of specie by the banks enforces a contrac tion of loons on them precisely the as the losse of greenbacks or legal ten ders to a similar amount The banks reckon specie in their legal reserve the same os so many greenbacks. Tho loss of specio by our banks is therefore the same as the loss of legal tenders to them so far as the contnition of bank loans is concerned. Their loans were decreased last week $2,534,^25, and since the wnr commenced about $7,000,000. four doses; but better tlian „ . . . v. TT- lenders it the most e.‘. ueicnt and valuable compound extant, is the urn- vereafiy conceded fact that it leaves tho pati *nt toe attack, puBingup of the akin, no buzzing in the head, and bouyaut health. . At eliminate® disease from the av>u m by di*- wpatmg engorgements of the accretions exei*. mg the liver to healthy action and giving the pancreatic and bepctic juices their normal con. ration and healthy flow. ’* better preventive than cure, and if pur-j,;# could bo prevailed upon t son. th chills i who es before they a Co's column §eur gtflvwfismwttts. TocaT INSTRUMENTAL €©*&€£!¥! Piai\opl\oi\e, Tableaux, and Theatrical. -t CITY EE A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st —ASSISTED BT— NOTICE. debts that I contract ;uyi*elf. NOTICE. o hereby notified n A LL persoj . . . „ fora certain Note made byn._ Lee, Administrator of C. M I*oo f deceased, i ■ Eight Hundred dollars, and dat. J Jauuary 4t:. 1870, and due by the 25tli day of Decern!*:, -TAMES B. PICKETT. School Notice. School for sxnaifboys and girS at the r<»- -e of Mrs. R. P. Harrison, oa the 1st 5Io;.- day of September Notice. A T the church Bethel, near Capt. Davenport’?. -Ca nine miles East of Amc-ricus, near the ret.; leading from said city to Dr. 1). Baglej'a tho lowest bidder. Lumber, place, if requested. AL ill lull LULL. aug 23 2t CUainuain Committo For Sale. A FINE loud-toned seven octave JLELODEON can be pnrchased cheap for Cash. Ajtph aug 20 Z\. SOUTH-WESTERN B. Ii. DEPOT, ■ Avexucdk, Gjl, Aug. 19m, *70 < W ILL he s next, before tho Court Hoi Americas, the following articles, v' i Saturday, 10th Septemle 13 Ploughs, 2 Kq;3 Soda. C Bags Guano. , ;i Cans Lard, 1 Box Hardware. 1 Box Machinery. Sold to pay freight and charges. How to Have a Lovxso Wire.—If you should hate a loving wife, bo aa gentle in your words after aa before marriage: treat her quite as ten derly when a matron .as when a miss; don't make her the mud of all work and ask her why she looks less tidy and neat than when “you first knew her;” don't buy cheap ' tough beef, and scold her because it does not come on the table “porter house;" don't grumble about squalling babies if you can’t keep up a “nursery,” and re member his disposition; don't smoke and chew tobacco, and thus shatter yonr nerves, and spoil your temper and make your breath a nuisance, and then complain that yournife de clines to kiss you; subscribe for cno or more good frmily newspapers; spend yonr ownings st home, joyously and cheerfully read to and converse with yonr wife, and strive- to leads doocut Christian life. Love your wife; be pokionl; remember that yon Aro not perfect, but toy to ba; let vulgar company alone; if vour wife wdtba loving and troe-if yon did not marry fiesrtleasbeauty without oenaa of worth;, if vou <H who ia to blame if you suffer Ahecoaueqtleb- A Bargain Offered H Y PLANTATION, 2000 acres excellent p* Land, on Itchawanochawcc creek, in lb- ker couuty, 6 mile* from steamboat landing on Flint river, 10 inilea from Newton, and 10 miits from Railroad from Uainbrii&e to Cfltlibeft— 830 acres cioarcd land, with all necessary build ings. 1 offer with th > place 8 mdlea, about *•< head of cattle, 50 head oi hogs, 2 jfokc steer* aa>i carts, blacksmith shop, cane mill boilers, »*?• one, and general outfit of plows, plantab*® tools aud implements generally. Abo six* 1 l«VU n Onnl.Ll..l. T i • . -r r... 1500 to 2000 bushels corn, largo amount of and cotton need. >v© property I am offering at the v<u of *10 00 por acre, half cash, half prop*- CHASTj. MALONE, America.*, Gl tlonate terms t will show the premises. ang 20 2t /NEORGU-Scirna Oocjrrv. 1 * TB - *• A. Cameron has applied for settin; apart and valuation of homestead. I will upon the same at 10 o’clock, the 2nd ilar of September next at my office, aug. 4>2t. 3. F. BELL. OrdV. Great Reduction in Prices! THE OLD AND M’itiit," Barber Shop. fpHfiundersigtied takes pleasure in notifjin? .7 . easterners and tho puhlic genfr»U.', ihat ho has reduced his prices of hair-cua*- tad shaving to the following rates : Hair-cutting... . ‘ .25 eta Shampooing, 25 c;e. Shaving,.. |5 «?. , HENRY ANDERSON, aug 18 lm Successor to J. B. Covington^ k October next, sill bf •oU before the Court House door m wwn of starkrille, Loo county, agreeable tow order of the Ordinary of said countv, one-b*^ interest in si house and lot at Admins’ Station, situated near the Depot, belonging to the t^-cST’ , * u * US IS Id* , . Ata* Notice; • indebted to U» MhtUoCU. «• m