The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, August 26, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Friday Morning. August 26, 1870. INSURE YOUE PEOPERTY .. t]lf . following aafo tn.l reliable Companies : , IlMTlSH A MKJUURTII.K IXJjTTHANCE Co., Of London, England. Of Brooklyn, York. AJ. LssUnANCK Co., Of Athena, Georgia. I5STJBE YOUR LIFE STk'.' 1 * I-^rBA^CE CO., Of Macon, Georgia. W. T. DAVENPORT, • 1.;h New I>rug Store, Lamar Street, Or to, SPEER A HOOKS, ■V lin ker*, corner Lamar A College eta TO CANDIDATES. \!1 jvrimntfl for office vrho wish to on* n ms.* tneir names as cadidatca, through tiii* pa^er. except those nominated by the Contention, will be charged ns other Ad vertisements, and the cash demanded as rle name is handed in. Also all comma- mirations advocating any gentleman’! claims for office. This rule will be nd- h( red to in all cases. Hawoocx, Graham A ltm.i.v. Pianophone.—Tlds is a new musical instrument invented by a Parisian gentle man us an accompaniment to the Piano. We were invited by Professor Henri Pal ing to hear him perform on this instru ment a few days since, and our conviction ia that piano music is imperfet. without the “ Phone, ” which combines the melo dy of tho round swelling notos of a rich- toned organ with the piercing notes of the clarionet and bagpipe. Tt is a hand some parlor onamout, very small, being not over two feet in length and is operat ed somewhat like a Mclodeon, having the treadle, bellows and keys, yet is small enough to bo placed in a trunk and will fold for that purpose.. The Pianophono showed us by Prof. Henri Paling resembles a minatnre or gan of thirty octave, which is played with the right hand while the left hand plays tho ordinary Piano. By this act the melody is litcrallj sang and as the Pinnopbone has four stops (vex humani, clarionet, hautboy and forte) a variety of sounds and melody is produced that one can scarcely realize. It is the satellite to tho Piano. It was imported from Franco at great expense to Prof. Paling, proved by the Custom-House papers In order that our citizens may have a chance to hear tho music of this wonder ful little instrument, Mrs. M. E. ltobin d Professor Paling will give a Con cert on Thursday evening. September WTha D. G. W. O. T., O. W. Han cock, installed tho following named per sona as officers of Tahlullah Temple, Ko. 18,1.0. G. T., on tie 13th inst., at Pleas ant Grove W. H. Smoot, W. D. T. Miss Julia. M. Raifobd, W. V. I). T. N. H. White, W. D. 8. T. L. Kitchxxs, W. A. D. 8. N. A. Bay, W.D.F.8. j. P. Kaifohd, W. D. Treas. S. W. Small, W. D. O. L. Smoot, W. D. YL Mws M. H. C. Kithisos, W. D. D. id. Mias Cablif. Boose, W. L D. S. A. H. Cravat, W. O. D. S. Miss Lena Pabham, W. D. B. H. 8. Miss Mollie Smoot, W. D. L. H. S. W. J. Dablet, W. P. IX T. Sri?- “In thee I trust, ” is entirely play- ,.,1 out with tho retail dealers of this city. pm, The hot weather has sent the base- til’ists to their “cooling holes*. ” i-x— Watermelons a ; thev were n week o teer Petit larceny baa become epidemic uuo’jg a portion of the 15th amendments t>$,Thrce-<*eut boys peddle daily at ihr trains hiM-cent peaches. atSL-Je-M* Xew cautions city dealers ..^iinst selling to other persons on credit Se«* uotice. as D. Pickett warns all persons trading for a certain note. Read Louis Cohen lias received a large A.ii ply <•! new Hats besides several boxes now goods for the full trade. 1* of M. Waehtel r new full goods or Cm 1 *’The interior ot the Court-House greatly improved by a little mring and eiei :*Jr- Mm. M. Robinson and Professor ri Paling will give ti'voeal and iustru ital Concert at City Hall on Thursday :iirg. Sept. 1st. See advertisement. SesT The two cent stump now •v law to be placed on all rec iius over twenty dollars will be muej. after the 1st o£ October. required ;ipts for discon- SrfX. Miss Ijou Harrison will oj>en a !-«*t school for small hoys and girls on 1st Monday iu September. Read adver- are pleased to annoitnee that Dr. Wilburn has so far recovered from 1 is lute illness as to be enabled to take charge of his school. He will be assisted by Capt. Patterson in his duties until the 1 '•male College is opened in September. lhfc. A Good Movement The planters of Marion county, Ya, have formed an association to be called the "Marion Branch of the Cotton States Association,” tho main objects of which are set forth ia the two following resolu tions : 1. Not to plnnt more than 01 third of onr cultivated lands hereafter cotton, and the other two thirds we agree to plant iu the cereals. 2. We solemnly agree that we shall not dispose of any cereals made by us to any planter not agreeing to the proposition herein tained.—Atlanta Intelligencer. Yon are wrong, bro. Steele, we think, in the above. It was not the planters of Marion county, Virginia, that formed the Association and resolved ns above, but the planters of Marion county, Georgia. It ia .t capital move in the right direction, and wo had Iiojx-d to other counties follow the good example, tve fear our hopes arc to be disap pointed. However, a few more largo guano purchasers and large crops at small prices will assist tLe formation of the above Association. To break up the farmers present idea oi farming, pocket must be at tacked first. , JEW BANKRUPT LAW. It will be remembered that the Bank rupt Act of March 2,1807, expired by its own limitations January 1, 1S69. After that time no one could avail himself of the benefit of that Act, unless his estate was sufficient to pay fifty cents on the dollar. Thus the law stood until about the close of the last session of Congress, when it was enacted thnt any person may be discharged from all his debts created before the 1st .day. of January, 1809, whether his estate is equal to fifty cents on the dollar or not. If debts have been crested since that time, the dis charge will only operate against the debts created prior to the 1st of January, Late Saturday evening as a wagon load of colored ladies and gentlemen were leaving the city, and on tho extreme West ern cad of Lamar street, the lead moles became unmanageable and in turning about upset the wagon, letting the whole load into the dust of the street. Ye Gods! what a yell rent tho air of that qniet Sat urday evening! Each separate nigger yelled as only a scared nigger can yell, and by “ the rolling of their eyes ** one would have thought that the last nig. was in tho throes of death. Ah soon as it was ascertained that no ono was hurt, there was as much ivory gleaming throngh the mass of dust, as there were " stars in the calm azure sky. ” The wagon was quickly righted, the mules straightened out, the living load reseated and U10 merry “Ki, Yi! ” of the happy sons and daughters of old Ham told that the scare was over, and they proceeded on their homeward way “ as merry as a marriage belL ” 1869. As there axe few persons, who have contracted debts since that time, which they are unable to pay, the law as it now stands, will afford all the relief the peo ple may require, if they choose to sur render their property, except that'which "— k—*-./— —J still exempt — heretofore, v der the provisions of the old law.—Ex. Mb. J. C. Wumi, on old and respected citizen of Sumter, died at his residence seven or eight miles West of this city, on Monday morning, the 22d inst He was a good man and mnch esteemed by his fellow-citizens, all of whom will bear teetimony to Iris universal kindness of disposition and clarity to liis follow-men. Ho will 1>e buried to-day. 49* Hon. B. B. Hinton will accept onr thanks for a copy of the " Proceedings of the Investigating Committee, ” and the Report of the Trustees, and Officers of the Lunatic Asylum. ” Plantation Fob Sale.—Col. C. J. Malone of this place, is offering for sale his plantation in Baker county. It ia said to be one of the best bodies of land that section. Sec advertisement. C£j- Col. Nelson Tift has been nomi nated by the Sumter Republican for Con gress, from the Second District. A good selection, and one we hope will suc ceed.—Macon Journal. •A lady at Chattanooga is not ex actly posted on the wonl "disfranchised.' She was told that Mr. Smith was disfran chised, andshe wanted to know how long he had been so. On being informed that he had “been so” nbont four years, she said she didn't see how that could be, Mrs. Smith had a child only two i old #0u Another bale of new cotton was received at tho warehouse of Harrold, Johnson & Co., on Tuesday last, from Capt. J. L. Adderton’s plantation, and -shipped to Savannah. Weight 47c !hs. Low Middling quoted nt 1*,.’. Also one bale new cotton received at the warehouse of.T. V. Price & Son, from — Bryant’s plantation. Weight 424 lt»s. Not sold. 49* Judge Callaway in attempting to rescue his little girl from a vicious cow ou Saturday evening last, was struck by tho infuriated animal as he was picking the child up, and knocked over upon his face. While upon the ground the co tempted to gore him, and in this manner he received several severe bruises about his person which have confined him to his bod since, and had it not been for the arrival of Mr. Mose Oliver to his rescue, it is quite probable that his injuries would have been mnch greater, if not of a fatal character. The Judge would act wisely if he would turn that cow over to the butcher. Religious.—We learn from Rev. J. B. McGehee, who returned from Dawson on Monday, that the revivals were still pro gressing in the Baptist and Methodist Churches. The former had received five by baptism and sorao by letter. He also informed ns that, during a recent revival in the Lumpkin Methodist Church, about forty persons professed a change of heart and twenty-nine united with the Church. Bl- A gentleman just returned from Lee county informs us that tho corn crop is ono of the ljest ever known in county—-many farmers will make enough to last from two to three years. Cotti u is reported as in a poor condition as pored with tho crop nt this time last year. tey*' A lodge of Good Templars was or- ;anizcd \\ eduesduy night at Milner, by ii y. J. 11. Hanson, D. O. W. T., with tho iv. is tan co of a few members of Recliabite No. 21, of Barneaville. census-taker of this county « been in a state of “ extreme felicity ” jnust two weeks, caused from in terviewing certain barrels and bottles to aul out their contents. io*Tiio now building of Mr. U. B. Harrold, erected in front of the Femalo (. ollege is fast drawing to completion. It !• remises to be a most desirable and com fortable residence. UgL. " 3Ionljoy ” is heavy on bachelors, very. He styles them " cold, heartless men, ” “in reality half men. Out of his own mouth shall we judge him, and condemned of himself he cannot ex pect a pretty girl to throw herself away ou a “ half man. ” As his “ heart is shut to Sympathy ” who is an elder daughter of the skies, sent forth to touch into vigor the better angels of our nature, so is it shut to Love. Truth and Beauty were implanted in tho heart of man by divine mandate, the ruder wonts of life threw tho dust of selfishness, ambition and greed of gain, ovor these heavenly attri butes to such on ex ent as to wholly ob literate them in some men, and we fear young contempary is in this fix. Now, brother Courier we ml vise you to try to be a whole man, forsake your evil ways and try to get a wife so that you msy be come u useful member of society, and an honored head of a large number of “ re sponsibilities. ” KSW Business men should not send out a single letter or bill without printed headings upon to*ni. Such headings uro excellent advertisements, and .costs but a alight advance upon plain paper. We are prepared to furnish and print nil such stationery and do the work in the very best stvle. ‘ nwr Bale ok Cotton. —Mr. Herring Hooks, of this county, brought in first lvalo of new cotton for tb« season, yesterday, (19th inst.) It is stored with Harrold, Johnson A: Co., ami fold to biaitli & Stovall at 20 coots per ponnd. (lass low middling—weight 483 pounds. Pleahant.—Those of our citizens who desire to enjoy a delightful and plensaut shave, can be accommodated by calling at the Barber Shop of Mr. Owens in tho old hotel building. It is indeed a de lightful treat to visit his shop and have an experienced barber to fix you up in the latest French or Parisian style. Mr. Owens has lately furnished his shop with the very best material and workmen. Give him a coll. 49* The legal gentlemen of the city have been “ ventilating " quite freely this week, in the Magistrate’s Court, and we suppose that some of them are nearly talked out by now. Old “ Rearer off Thursday afternoon, and tho way lie waked up the denizens of tlie Public Square was a sight worth seeing. We’ll bet onr old red copper that he’s got tho strongest lungs in tho county. ^ (9*Ono of the leading Grocery nnd Lovision stores in this city has hangout "**«gu “ Cats. ” We presume they wish *o supply families with felines, or antici pate an early influx of Chinese. Sti?- W onder if the l:Pg-wr.!low at the P uup on tho Public Square is of auy ben efit to the c ity ? If not, it should bo filled n -’' *1 I s very offensive to the olfacto- riv* of persons compelled to pass it, and besides renders the water unfit to be used to drinking. t*5u Another fight occurred late Tues day afternoon, between an officer of the law and a gentleman residing a short dis tance from the city. The gentleman derstood the pugilistic art so well that the law called stones to his aid, but fail ing to daunt tho enemy he pulled out ax illegal weapon. But btones »nd pistol had no virtue in them—they didn't scare, at this result the law took the sulks nud propped a tree, while a crowd gathered to discuss the event. Summary: Law—hum tie combat Gen tleman—slightly ruffled temper. The Result: Should be an increase it City fnnds. The Members of tho Brass Baud v ” m on Major Furlow’s lawn on Tuesday “'gbt with their musical instruments.— AiiJ a* a young lady said the "music was heavenly, ” we con only add that the cit- ••'ens near the Major’s appreciate heaven- • v things and would bo glad to hear them °hener. Mechanics.—They are the palace build ers of the world ; not a stick is hewn, not a stone is shaped in all the lordly dwell ings of the rich, that does not owe its beauty and fitness to the Mechanic. The towering spires that raise -their giddy heads among the clouds depend upon the mechanic's art for their strength and sym metry. Not an odifico for devotion, business or comfort bnt bears the impres sion of their hands. How exulted is their vocation, how snblime their calling. The horse attached to the beef ^•'" Qn °* Mr. .Tarrold ran off, on Tuob- ' n y afternoon,-suid demolished himself. Ik is now unable to walk from the exer- :otw lle wade in showing bis speed. The Wt S°» *us not injured. understand that Cept. J. J. having received authority from the 1 • & Marshall to appoint an Assitant lias toe appointment on par worthy Mow-townsman, Mr. Jaa. G. Harrison. e ®«n*as of tho county will be prepor- ^ ky the required time and when the Hxnscanbe published we will inform onr ****** on the subject L ^-fsoTerd thousand spinsters in Mas- •«« long y<*n of wnlohfnl “fomution, entirely dissent from file I'forwh— ' ■ b A petition lias bden received by D. O. W. C. T. t C. W. Hancock, signed by quito a number of citizens of Butler, requesting him to come immediately to that place and orgauizo a Lodge of Good Templars. Ho starts on Monday next !b- We wish to know ii the City Coun cil has employed the little cock-eyed ne gro boy Across the street to get m front of this office and call hogs every day. If so, he is the most persistent and persevere- ing city official we have. Rm> Bone Cami* Meeting.—Tho Red Bone camp mooting und the annual Methodist Episcopal District meeting, will commence at Red Bone Camp Ground in Marion county, Georgia Wednesday, Angnst 24. Kll.vvxlle, Ga., Aug. 22,1870’ l*lB- Editob : I pcs that through your valuable pAper you arc suggesting the propriety offholding, n Convention ia your town for the purpose of nominating candidate for the Senate from 'the 13th Senatorial District, the idea is a good one, ‘n this , connection we would like to ask what connty is entitled to the candi date? what was the agreement made sev eral years ago in this regard ? and who m&do it ? and when was it made ? We would like to gain information ou these points, and know of no oej from whom would b9 more likely to obtain it than yourself. Snmter ran the candidate in 1868, and we voted for him ; but Macon county ob tained the representative, (save the mark). Does this vitiate the agreement, cr what effect does it have ? Please answer through your paper, so that we may hear from the people of the counties on the subject and oblige Yours respectfully, Citizens op Scitlsv. We print tho above with tho simple re mark that the best, strongest and most available man should receive the nomina tion and be unanimously supported by the Democratic party, let him bo from what county he may We do not think the present a time for discussing and ad hering to geographical lines,—things of weightier importance are pressing for con sideration. So far as we are. concerned, and hope the entire Democratic party of the Distcrict will act in the sumo man ner, we shall support the nominee of the Convention, tlio county of his residence not coming into consideration. Snrely the Convention will nominate no other than a good available man, and thus be lieving wc do not hesitate to promise support. SPEEB & HOOKS, BANKERS Sc BROKERS, »The Alleghany Presbytery Pennsylvania lias found the Rev. John B. Clare, D. D., guilty of breaking the Sabbath by writing letters to a young lady to whom he was engaged to be ried. 49* Such is the habit of borrowing money in Chicago that the Michigan Central Railroad have two large painted signs in their depot, as follows: "Cau tion to passengers: Don’t lend your mon- iy to strangers.” Such n warning is wholly unnecessary down this way, es people here don't have money to loan. 49* Elsewhere we copv an account of a diabolical attempt to throw the trains of the State Railroad off the track, by placing obstructions on it near Kingston. The Atlanta Constitution s«ys that it is suspected that some colored hands, re cently discharged, were the perpetrators, and calls on Gov. Bullock to offer a large reward for them. Certainly, if his desire to punish crime, here is one of the most atrocious and dastardly that a fiend could conceive or execute, nnd every effort ought to be made to bring (he gnilty par ties to punisment.—Ex. The Governor has offered a reward of five thousand dollars for the perpetrators of this fiendish outrage. From the Constitution. An Iniquitous Scheme to Bob the Sta*. The following measure lias been intro duced into the House of Representatives. It is house bill No. 385 .• A n ILL To be entitled an Aot to authorize tho i sue of bonds of this State, whereby to redeem ell bonds, and the interest thereon, now due or failing due, and for^funding the seven per cent, curren- TheNoeth Carolina Victobt.—The 'Democratic-Conservative” State Com mittee of North Carolina lmvo issued a congratulatory address to the people, of which the subjoined ia the concluding paragraph : To the colored people we say, fear :othiug._ We pledged ourselves cy bonds, carrying a mortgage on the State Railroad, and for other purposes therein mentioned. AMER1CUS, GA., tlUNotc* ttvl Drafts collected at Linker’s We are also Agents for eome of the moei ro- litblo Fire and 0fv Insoranro companies m the oegntiy.' -• ■ ' jniyaitr. Local and Basinets Notices Do Y#o Want Health! And who dnrs not* If so, be advised, USE DB. TBITS SARSA PARILLA. and QUEEN’S DELIGHT, tho great alterative and blood purifier. There is no mys tery about the universal success that attends its nee. I. is the finest seloctiou of tonic, anti-bil ious, anti-scorbutic, aperient and purifying HERBS, BOOTS atul BARKS that ever entered into any medicinal compound. coarse - Smoking tobacco, ai! grades, and fine Dr. J&dridiVsDrag Store. Agency for Clemente’ srtiftoial legs at Dr. EJ Eldiidge’a Drag Store. luriuge 8 urn); our re. juU3 . Keroaene that won’t explode, kerosene lamps at Dr. Kldridge’s Drag Store. tau MiUot Seod at Dr. lOdridgcu. KS. H you went good biscuits buy Baking Powders at Du. Euuudok's Drug Store. * Patent medicine*,~ail 1*0rtn. l>r. EklrUg«'» Drug Store. First Harr Restorativo by “Barrett." “ Barrett's wonderful in it* effect-*. What all bulie* hkc. “ Barrett's.” “Barretts”first, last, ail the time. Granberry & Co., Have just opened their SPRING STOCK, Bocamr vs wvr roax and ornun yosnotax AND KOCTHXBX MA*KTTH At Panic Prices, which Tnnr now oira to GA.8S BUTStaS AT LESS TnAN THE COST OF MANY AR- The Cash System, C HACKED TTTKM A CREDIT, and we have but —ONK 1’ItICE, We repeat tld<«, for the bcuofit of those who may Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That for the purpose of meeting and redeeming all Ginas of this State, and the interest thereon, now due or fulling due, und for the purpose of funding the seven per cent, currency bonus, carrying a mort gage on the State Railroad, and for sneh other purposes an the General Assembly may direct, his Excellency, the Governor is hereby authorized to i«ue bonds of this State sufficient in amount to meet all outstanding bonds, and the interest tho re- on. now due or falling due, until other wise ordered by law, and to fund the sev en per cent-, currency bonds, carrying the mortgage on tho State Railroad, and for such other purposes as the Geueral As sembly may direct. Such bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, with interest payable quarterly in gold, at such place or places as the Governor may designate. Said bonds having twenty years to run. and to be redeemed at the end of that period in not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Buying onr Goods, os wo do, from IMPORTERS, AKD MANUFACTURERS thf. . ’p<>m r . WILLET A STICWAKr. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMERICUS. G-a. h- ' ^ rnrm tln cotton planter*, and id» interested parties, that ww arc pn-parM t.>| fill* B 11..0 W N CO TT O N GIN. For the oornuig season, and cow have a gin at onr place or buwm-eefor tho in section oi onr friend* and the public geui-ntUy. These Gin. ^re too well known to need snj* paiticular descrip tion al our baud*. They *re made of tlie mat eral, with ttie greatest c*re. nndcr tlie person al superviaion or Mr. ISRAEL F. BROWN, (formerly mochatih^al partner of K. T. Taylor A Co., and of their suoceuors, W. O. Glemouo. Brown A Co., ColniubiiB, Ga.,) who lias had an ezperi- vacs of upwards ot tony \ vara in thoir roaowJadttre. V»V o»n coT.fid*nt1v tectinuhsod them, and believe they will be found upon trial unrivalled for Perfect Finish, Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Fast mid Clean Gin. nintt, Light Sunning, and Superiority of Lint, In raying this wo think we will be sustained by tho testira »«y of cotton planters evervwbere who bars used the Qins of this make. It is deeinblo t*-‘ » J —' - * u - scasou as practicabU, thus avoiding tho lose oT t to price will be found to be as fowond as liberal as tint of a • praetlcabla* thus avoiding tho loss of t mo which the delay of ordering oocsoloi ’ * J ‘ ’ ’ * *" * *’ ‘ ■' \ Grist claw mauafacturcr. Address or WILLET A STEWART. - WBfAlU5 _ AlS0rAOESlii‘F0MT.'HE"CEL£BK.VlED BOTTOMS'S HORSE POWER, GIN F E E 1) E R S , COTTON SEED HULLERS, DIMOND’S CORN & GRIST MILL, THIMBLE-SKEIN W A G G O N, (THE LIGHTEST RUNNING WAGGON KNOWN,) WAGGON AND BUGGY HARNESS. I MONEY, wo eon supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS DURHAM BOOTH’S AND WOOSTER'S OELTBRATED upon as oood toiuis ax tltej can make purchases iu any market iu Georgia. I riTT U nA TT Wehayeabrautllfcl Sue of PLAIN,CHECKED j JSj JJ (J 1 JL ▼old c tho legislative address, issued in March lost, that all their rights under the Con stitution and laws of the country, in cose of our success, would be ulike respected and protected with those of white citi zens. Time will show that these pledges will be faithfully redeemed. We know that efforts will still be made to alarm, delude and mislead them, for without their aid the faction that has just been defeated will hereafter be powerless. The interests of the white and colored races iu North Carolina are the same, and what iniures one will surely nud ine vitably result in injury to the other. Let there, then, be no strife among them. Let each respect the rights of the other, and peace and harmony will prevail. Hkc. 2. Be it further enacted, That said bonds shall bo signed by his Excel lency, the Governor, i\ud countersigned by the Comptroller General, and shall, In the Comptroller General, be register ed for that purpose, and the amount so issued reported, also, for record in the Treasurer’s office. Skc. 3. Be it further enacted, That the bonds of this State issued before the first day of January, 1861, shall be funded, principal and interest, in tho gold bonds authorized by the first section of this act, as tho several amounts become due, and that interest at tlie rate of six per cent, per annum, be allowed and paid upon if* The editor of the Colorado Transcript announces uninteresting do mestic event ia the following terms : " Sealed proposals will be received nt this office until further notice for furn ishing the following hospital stores : I’oui (4) bottles of the West soothing syrup per month; six (6) pkgs fine linen with trim mings to match; two (2) pkgs larnbs- wool flannels. Tho whole to bo of the best quality, and subject to inspection by the maternal head. The first lot must be delivered upon the signing of the contract, and dated as of July 15th. It r boii Temperascz Sejuion\—Rev. F. A. Branch wiU deliver a sermon on temper ance, at the Methodist Church in Haw- kinsville, next Sunday morning, the 21st inst., at lialf past 10 o’clock.—Dispatch. We would bo pleased to have the Rev. gentleman visit Americas and preach ou the same subject. 4S7* The Newnan Defender says there is a young I’ompey only two months old, in that place, who lias ent two teeth, and wants to know how that is for sharp.— Your little Pompey is no whoro, Mr. De. fender, by the side of a little Sambo of this place who was bora a few weeks ago having two teeth already in his month. Chicken-roosts and hog-pens will have to be guarded along his line. Two Newspapers for Sale. We offer for sole The Risiro Stab printing and job office at Oxford Ala. We also propose to sell Ocm Mocxtain Home printing and job office at Tallade ga, Ala. Both of these papers have a good circulation and are ranking money. We offer them for sale, b-cause we wish to concentrate all our capital and labor npon onr Roznae newspaper intereat.- Terms easy. Address Moseley Buotheus, Borne, Ga. Exchanges please copy. bonds which arc past due for such time os tho said bonds shall have remained paid and past due. Sec. 4. Bo itjfurtlier enacted, That the sterling bonds, and the interest thereon, until paid, be paid in gold coin equivalent. Sec. 5. Bo it further enacted, That all laws, and parts of laws, conflicting with this act be, and tlie same are hereby pealed. JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Satin Btriped GRENADINES, very Landaoim-: plain lilac* Iron BAUEGE, BLACK SILK; extra fine Black BOMBAZINE; PATENT WHEEL BUtlEIES, & TORN PLOWS. very Landaoim-: plain Blue* iron BAUEGE, BLACK SILK; r Printed LINEN DRESS GOODS, Tbo moat beantifal stock of Printed LAWNS, MMsrCTEs and ORQANEir. MUSLINS we ever had. Homo handsome STRIPED PIQUES, itvlo: PRINTS. new stylo: ruutm BLEACHED and BROWN SHIRTINGS and 8HEETING8 of all widilia and qualities. STRIPED and PLAID DOMESTICS in great variety.. Low priced aud Kxtra CSmA Ticking, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. WILLET & STEWART, . Americus, Ga. LEITNER & FRICKER’S HOSIERY OSNA13URGH. nnnow-c ad 101j LINKS’ SHEETING BELOW COST. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hals, Umbrellas and Paraaola, OU Clothe and Table Linen and Window Shade*, CLOTHS ASD CASSIHERES, Cvttonades, Linen Docks and Coalings FANS, a very largo stock ol Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Forks, Table ami Pocket Knives, Ivory handled Knives, without forks; Candles, REASONS WHY You should use TUTTH IMPROVED LIQUID HAIR DYE. Because the Barbers eay it is the boat. Because it imparts a natural color. Becatue it docs not injure tho hair. Because it leaves the hair soft and gl-awy. Because it does not stun the skin or bed linen. Because its application is simple and easy. Because its effect is inatantaneon*. Because it is tbo best in the world. Soaps, Soda, FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, (A very superior article); Potash and Starch, Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Traveling Bags 2@k. If your Sewing Machine is oat of order carry it to Leitnkr Sc Fbickkb’s and get it repaired. aug. 20. tf. •olal • Maoox August 123. evening.—Receipts to-day 8; sales 55; shipped 133. The market is steady and firm at 1C} cents for low middlings. Demand moderate and offerings light. NkwYouk, Aug. 23.—Cotton dull and un changed: nplands 19(. Gold 1C. Savasmab. August 23.—Cotton iu good de mand; low middlings 17^17}. Lnxin-uob, Angnst 23, evening—Cotton closed dull; uplands 9‘; Orleans 9}. AMERICUS MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Republican T" Our Prussian citizens did not aeem to believe the war news yesterday, and aay we fabricated it One old gentleman became exceedingly excited and jumping up and about exclaimed: "It bees von lie, I beta mine monish! ” " Ich bin ein Prcttssel’’ " Ich Uibe Pres use!" "He Frcnchemuns can’tvipme!" We left for fear the excited individual might take us for aFreooher and "go for onr figure head. ** • We return ow thanks to Mr, Z. T. fl®- Very weak tea, says an -exchange, with a squeeze of lemon in it, will quench the thirst more effectually than all the jnlepe ” or " sours ” ever concocted. A large piece of ice, with two or three alicee of lemon, sngar enough to make it pleas ant, then pour onliot tea, slowly, and you have a delicious summer drink. A- In the Supreme Court of Balti more, a jury having rendered a verdict of 32,000 damages for kisaiuir a woman’s hand against her consent, the Judge has Iven the plaintiff the option to accept . 500, or have the verdict set aside and a new trial granted. She had hotter accept the Judge's prop osition and take a little more kissing at •me price. A new regulation for the French army is not likelyto be immediately popu lar, especially among too raw recruits who compose the Garde Mobile. The. Journal Official says, it having been aaoertained by science that horseflesh is palatable and wholesome food; all horses tilled on tlie field of battle, instead of being left to rot, are,. so fares practi cable, fo be brought to the regimental butchers and tewed out to the troops as r JSOXTOOXtRY * S1IAW. MEAL—tl 75 t) bushel. OATS—1 15 per bnihd. BACON—Clear Hi:lr* 21c. SboaUers 1-Sc.- HSms, Csnvstieed. Bv*t Fancy. 30c. BULK MEATS—Suks 20c. MOLASSES—65(9*1 00. 8YBUPS—90@*l 50 SUGARS—20. FISH—Kitts S3 S0®»* 50. i hi is *- 4 bbi tsooftsuco. Bbu tie oiftsaooo. IRI8H POTATOES—None. TOBACCO—75ftfl 30 per ft for sound. BUTTER—Goshen 50c. Conn tty 30ft4«k EGGS—Buying 20c. Selling 25c. LABD—Prime Leaf 83c. FLOUR—43 00ft*12 00 According to qualitv. | alls $5 0C(R*3 50 |U "The Phrenological Journal and Packard's Monthly ” for September has something which will benefit any person capable of reading and understanding. Each number of this magazine is a com plete work within itself, combining toe useful, the beautiful, the truthful and the good. Persons who wiU subscribe now for the Journal for 1871, will receive it for the bslanoe of this year free. Price threedollaaayear. Address8. B. Wells, 889 Broadway, New York. ar Macon Daily Telegraph k Messen ger for sale at the City Book: Store, alao( just received, Bazar, Chimney Corner, Ledger, Godey’a Magazine for Septem ber, Mbs. E. O. Spaulding, anm .lt. New Book Store. CANDLES—Adamantine, 18cJ ‘ft box, retail 25c. AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. . Akkbicus, Ga. August 21,1870. COTTOIU-We quote HJ ceuti*. FINANCIAL. Axsaioea, Ga^ Augaat 21,1874. fiittmg 1C. j [Texc&aRge ON 1 CARPETINGS! From a cniuuon artido at 50c. per yard, to a deonto Tapeatry Bruraele, a* low ae be bought in any zairket in Georgia. WALL PAPER AT NEW YORK COST! ZB- All are rcapoctfblly invited to call and __amiiw) oar Block. charge nothing f~~ showing our goods. GRAKBEURY & CO. Am erica*. April 12, tf. DR. W. W. FORD. QN and after Tuesday, Dw 3tli mat., lay ufiice Under tlie Barlow House, Amorlous, Groorgia, ^HEllE CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND THE LARGEST AND MOST SELECT STOCK OF FINE G-O O D S , rcr brought to Aiuericua. We bay oar Goode DIRECT from the Xmportorw and SyZanufftoturora, conaequcntly can affurd to wll ihem a* low ae thej; can l»c sold in any market. swEvery article sold warranted to be aa reproec uto(L"ua Our Solid Silver and Mated Ware, Gold Chains, Thimbles, Gold Fens, Spectacles of all kinds. Charms, Walking Danes, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Fine Table and Pocket Catlcry, Ac. A c. W Wo are Agents for the following: The Celebrated BoreKt Coarvoirier Watches. Tho El sin id United States Watch Company's Watches. 8 The American, Grover A Baker, Wheclor and Wilson SEWING MACHINES. Prof. Frank’s, tho Diamond, and Accommodating SPECTACLES. WATCH WORK^r Special attention given to watch work. ParticH having Watches that have been injured bv in- imneifint mrltnnn Ar nihAnrian Villi’ AH llnOT) AH VRW Wl dim vrm * * competent workman • Plain Watches Jew Bings, 4c., made to order. Jewelry REP. r Engraving dour to order. neatly as it can be dono in New York. LEITNER & FRICKER, CULVERTON CULVEBTON, GA will he doeed until the 1st ol September, 1 which time, I will be at home again ready to re- **— -* Take duo — Bordingiy. W. W. FORD, S. COHEN, - “ 2 O Moroliaa 1 nilor, CTTOULD respect I ally call ths attention of the WW citizensofAmericnsaadearroaDdingeoan- try to the fact tluit ho ia prepared to mak kinds of CUSTOM-MADE WORK at the ehorteet notioe. Wo have Two European Workmen, who wiB give eatisfaction to the trade. Owing to the fact that he has had a good patronage for fo artoon yean from the public, he feels a hie and the feci that he has had a good patronage for . j** 1 * fr 0 ™ ti 1 ® puhhe, ho fuels able and is willing to cut anim&ko clothes at moderately lowprioea, so as to save the ladies the trouble of maldnc them, as be can then better Mil hie above promise: Ne fit, no pay. Repairing end cleaning done at short Dotioe. S. COHEN, may5-ly South Side Lamer Street. per month. lightning Fly BDer. N ( OT I C.E . Dr. S. K. TURNER Having removed from the counties of Snmter and Lee, wW inform his friende and old patrone that he is located in Cfintonvillo, Alabama, * radio treat all diseaeoe that and mare especially thoso ot where lie i have medidno seat to auit tho case, or you caff Hamter connty. (fiiargcs w.odermfo. v . IlEXWUCK, 1. sx.s.Kunmoi'Gii,{ Peisc:»al*. Mrs. M. N. Ki»dkick, Instructresa in Music. rnHE SCHOLASTIC YEAR ia divided mto Fall X and Spring sessions of five and a half end onr months eswh: FOR SALE REDUCED PRICES. fllHE DRUGS AND ASSETS of the CITY X DRUGSTORE."’ - of tho firm Jof A. rTi turned over to me as Itcunvrn, by the (Runcch lor, under spplicatkm, hj in Eqnity in Bum* ter Superior Court t and bv order, I shall keep 117 V or urucr, i snau Keep tbohonse open and ceU eald Stock on fsfr termn. BLUC OR BY RETAIL. Therefore those wishing to purchato will make it to their interest to g}ve mo a e«Ji T TV ~" raid firm, or of the We l oCUOLAHTIC VEAn : Pbotograpllw OK and wafer ^ 1 00 iv;e for Drawing is for , - ... nut the niodd-i. l uuils charged from time of trance to ikb n i of tho session. No deduction made except in casee of. protracted illness of thraewseks. 'uifion due at the middle and end Boarding pnpfle arc under tho direct aupor-. of each 1 vision of tts prindpale. Culverton Is'situatsd in a healthy region of conutry on the Macon X Augusta BailnmL It is a «jniet plaoe and free Middle-brook. Come One! Come Alt! mBE nndmlgnea luring Hcnred Uu Mcrlcai 1 Those indebted t_ T „„ ®”“. °/ W. A. Cook k Co., as to the claims that fell into the hands of aaid firm on division, they . win pleaso come forward and ssttlo forthwith, as tuo firm inuit bo closed. I sliaU bo at tlie Store at 1 od off on professional btuim I Khali bo at the Store at »S times, unless call- l off on professional bmiiness. i'OEU ud B. w. SalTH, dorks, that I have emplorcd will settle and receipt parties. W. M. IIARDWICKE, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! I offer the most of my Miscellaneous Stock, Fancy Goods AT REIiUCEU PRICES! as I wish tc maks room ^ r4heP ' FalL Give me * call—you may sec C. SPAULD ING. Stolen gg^MMSie' •og.Tatst. kWatiSHHniB