Newspaper Page Text
tyilay Morning, SaptamTw 30, 1870.
„> following safe and reliable Companies :
m British A Mr entitle Ixsutuxce.Co.,
Of London, England.
Of Brooklyn, New Tort
HUBS 'Ittval Ixstnuxcx Ccl,
Of Athens, Gtvtga.
;ruis iNinusa Co.,
Of Macon, Georgia,
t hia New Drag Store, Lamar Street,
A Brokers, corner Lamar A College sts
ilrlins of the Grand
I. O. G. T.
flic next annual meeting of the Grand
bodge, Iml< pendent Order of Good Tem
plars will l>c held at Americas, commenc
ing on Wednesday, the 5th of October
]t is expected that Representatives from
every Lodge in the State will bo in at-
1 i. Jancc, and that they will come pre-
I sired to make a report about tho condi
tion of their respective Lodge.
Ample arrangements will bo made to
entertain tho Delegates and visiting mem-
1,ors of the Order, free of charge, during
the sitting of the body.
l’ajH-TR throughout the State will please
notice. Sep. 10-td.
The voters of Sumter county without
respect «»f color, who desire good gov
ernment, are requested to meet at
tin* Court House in Americas, on
TIT.SDAY, tho 11th of October (conrt
Meek) for tho purpose of nominating
finilidates for tho Legislature and trans-
ufiing other business.
Thb Americus Bank.—-We aro pleased
to learn tlwt some of onr most prominent
citizens are abont to establish a Bank in
this city. It is an institution which h—
long been needed, and which will bring
to its corporators a sure and rieh harvest
This Bank will be of as much importance
to our city, in proportion, apparently, as
any of the other projects that are now be
fore oar people. The benefits will be many
to all classes of onr people, and more par
ticularly to the planter, who year by year
has been compelled to mortgage his crops
for the necessaries of life. Now he will
lie enabled, on good security, to draw the
cash and spend it at any honse he may
desire and hold his cotton for the best
Tho corporators are the following gen
tlemen, than whom the connty cannot af
ford a more reliable set: W. W. Barlow,
Wm. Hooks, T. G. Bryan, S. H. Haw-
kins, W. T. Davenport, F. M. Coker, and
Moses Speer. These names are enough
gain it the confidence of tho people of
the surrounding conntry and guarantee*
its popularity. Already a bill has been
introduced in the Senate to incorporate
the Americns Bank, and we hope soon
to record the fact that this bill has passed
both Houses and-been approved by the
Governor. 1
. td.
Quarterly Meetings.
For Bethel Circuit at Bethel, 2nd Sat
urday and Sunday iu October.
Magnolia Circuit atj Bottaford, 3rd
•Saturday and Sunday in October.
Starkvillc Circuit, at Starkville 4th
Saturday and Sunday iu October.
fi-rroi Circuit, at Copcrs-Chapel, 5th
Saturday and Sunday in October.
Stewart Church, at Irena, 1st Saturday
Mini Sunday in November.
Lumpkin 1st Sunday eveniug in No
vember, Monday Tuesday kc.
Dawson nml Lumpkin Press will copy
and oblige. .T, B. McGehef.,
Presiding Elder.
fctf* Col. A. R. Lamar, late editor of
c Columbus Sun and President of the
mthern Press Association, arrived in
e ritv Yesterday.
Bank of Southwestern' Georgia to
bo located at Americus, is another of the
projects now under consideration of the
Legislature, that will meet tho approba
tion of our people. We learn that the
papital of this iustitntion will be S300,-
OOO.s The Coq>orators are, all of them,
men whose bnsiness qualifications are of
the highest order, and iheir names will at
once command the confidence of the peo
ple of this section. They ore: John W.
Wheatley, J. A. Kendrick, Seth K. Tay
lor, Judge Jos. A. Ansley, Hon. John A.
Cobb, Wm. R. Stewart, Wm. H. Dud
ley, Seaborn Montgomery, of Schley, and
Hon. G. S. Rosser, of Webster.
Wo nre glad to see that onr capitalists
are arousing themselves to moot tho wants
of the people of this section. With two
banks to furnish cash to the people for
their produce, and threo new railroads,
connecting us with all parts of tho Union,
Americas will present greater induce
ments to farmers to bring thtir i otton to
this market, than any city in this section
can offer, and will ulso afford them tho
cheapest markets to purchase clothing,
provisions, Ac. Then let our monied
men keep moving; build railroads, cot
ton factories, and establish banks, and in
a few years yonr reward will be great.
Jewish New" Yeah..--Monday next,
tho 26(h being the first day of the Jewish
New Year, 5030. it will be observed fay
onr Israelitish friends. Their stores will
all bo closedon that day. .
f&*Sam1 Anthony; & Sons have an
advertisement in to-day’s paper calling
attention to their beautiful stock of Chi
na, Crockery, Glassware and Furniture.
They say they will sell at astonishingly
low prices, which should be an induce
ment to persons wanting anything in their
line, as they aro men of integrity and
mean what they say. See advertisement.
*65-A young man in town had his
hair shaved from his head, a few days
ago, with the intention of having it var
nished for a parlor ornament. Upon his
maternal jmrent beholding the sight she
was so indignant that she drove him from
her sight
Tuesday next is the day appoint
ed for the Convention of tho Americas k
Newnan Railroad Corporators and Dele
gates at Newnan. See the call of Judge
Feathers ton, at the head of local column.
B@u We acknowledge the reception of
an invitation to attend the “GrandTourn
ament Ball” at Ayre’s Hall, in Macon,
Tuesday, October 4th. Capt G. T. L.
Robison, well known in this city, is Mas
ter of Ceremonies. We are sorry that
other engagements will prevent on
tending. ' * f
Fresh Fish can be obtained eve
ry day at the store of L N. Hast k Co.
These gentlemen receive a bnrrell of
them every day direct from Savannah by
Express. Orders left at the store in ad
vance will be promptly attended to.
Messrs. J. J. Smith k Co., late of
Savannah, have settled in our city and 1
opened a Grocery and Provision Store in
tho room lately occupied by S. P. Boone
as a Fnrnitnre Store, where they will be
happy to accomfnodatc persons with any
thing in tlieir line. Brooks Bosworth is
with this firm and will bo glad for his old
friends to remember him and give him a
call whenever it becomes necessary for
them to lay in a stock of provisions, as
ho feels confident that ho is in the very
place to satisfy all their wants with the
very best.
J* Messrs. Flesh k Wertheimer, the
business managers of Waxelbaam & Co.,
at their old stand on the Northwest
of tho Public Square, are receiving a
superb stock of new goods. They
both clever and reliable gentlemen,
tending strictly to thtir business, and al
ways ready to accommodate customers,
thereby making many new friends and
never losing an old one. They never
misrepresent their goods bat act upon the
square with all mankind, and especially
good customers, the result is, they are
doing a thriving business for dall times.
They have now in store a lot of spleudid
clothing, madoper order expressly for
themselves, which they enu and will sell
very cheap.
A band of gypsies have been en-
... , T” ~ . , | camped in the Western suburbs of the
vT 8 . 8 ™, rc< l ue ‘ et ® city for the past few days, A number of
y *>>® nr0 curing to know
: when they are to marry, to whom, and
m ! the result, have had their fortunes told,
Aa^-On Wednesday tin-5tli of Octo- j and no .lonbt, they nrenll to ho very hnp-
l»T. the .tores of our Jowish citizens will py Iovu ,- oc prcttJ , faocB oik1
tv olosoil, as this is their.I>sy of^ Atone- j pre tty hands, and would not liavo chan;-
cd a copper to tell their futures to them if
they had called on ns. Better let those
gypsies alone, as Borne of our exchanges
do not give them a very creditable repn-
istituted i
s past, and obs
For inr. Ladies.—Most of the f*ll|tation.
innets are made of crepe tie ckim
Large jet and tortoise shell stars aro I D^-Yesterday wore the serious
cd r.s hair ornaments. j Sunday, occasioned by onr Jewish friends
rlosing their stores to celebrate tho ad
vent of their New Year. One of the un
initiated upon looking at the closed doors
proposed to go home as he didn’t like to
do business on Sunday, and seemed puz
zled alxmfc two Sundays coming together.
A called meeting of Crystal Tem
ple. I. O. G. T., will be held on Friday
evening next, 7J o’clock. Candidates for
degrees will please be in attendance, os
this will 1h> tho last Temple meeting pre
vious jo the sitting of the Grand Lodge.
Weekly fob Boys and Girls.
We are glad to qote a steady improve
ment in this excellent publication. Every
boy and girl in the South ought to take
it. The latest feature Is a piece of innsic
every month for young singers, and a
scries of illustrations of Southern scene
ry. It is cheap at S2 a year. Tho pub
lishers offer a Rosewood Piano, worth
$500, and other valuable premiums, for
new subscribers. Send to them for a
specimen number, which will Imj sent free.
Address J. W. Burke & Co., Macon Ga.
-tel?* Attention is directed to tho adver
tisement of Blockshear k Laramoro,
Photographers. These gentlemen nre
both of them first class artists and are
prepared to toko all kind of pictures at
the shortest notice. Their stock of ma
terial is complete, embracing everything
necessary for hiking and coloring pictures
of any size, and will take a photograph
on a handkerchief that cannot be washed
out Mr. Laramore, who has but recent
ly returned from Baltimore, bears testi
mony from Mr. Bichard Walzl, the most
eminent artist of that city, that ho is a pro
ficient in the highest branches of Photog
raphy. This firm is still at their old
stand on tho Northwest comer of the
Public Square.
Objections to tho Temperance Moye-
. men..- - ; .' £
Wo desire in thia article to meet sonie
of tho objections urgsd against joining
Dr. W- W. FORD
TTAVINQ returned to tha city will rex awe the
A the prsctico of Dentistry immedistdv, he
h * wun ”
Office oo North Lent comer of tho Public
Square,, Amencus, Gs. Terms moderate, bat
tain esse.strktl,cab. reptl talk-
Ko more ttek Headache, no man Dyspepsia,
no more hvttgretion, no more FOea, no more
ChiiU, no more liver Complaint, no moreJann-
dien, no more Pain In the Dick, no more Eidner
Diaeoae, no more CostiTCneaa. no more heal
certain go&rmnteo amnnai all there dislretting
t D liB? K a 8 S‘^S I ? 0NUS - 09U> -
ra jM- Notts and Droits collected at Banker’s
Will ship jpOTTON for Planters to any of onr
Seaports. Deposits Received.
-r ’ Advances on Gold and Silver.
ku **> Agents for some of the most re-
i- i.i_ S *or Dome oi uic motii rc-
usnie nre and Life Insnrsnco companies in the
Ammicrs, Sept., 2S, 1870.
COTTON—We quote middlings at 12 cent®.
Maoon September 27, evening.—Cotton; the
market is dull and lower; middlings 13$.
8aviswadi September 27.—Cotton, no mar-
I Let.
Nor Voiuqyw/27 Cotton
Correctofiexpreusly for the Republican
MEAL—(1 60 $ bushel.
OATS—1 15 per bushel.
BULK MEATS -Sides 20c.
MOLASSES—63<t£$ 1 00.
8YRUP8—OOtgltl 5C
tep From a letter received from our
"Senior," wc learn that the Bailrood
Convention at Newnan, on Tuesday last,
was a complete success. Great enthu
siasm was manifested among the Corpon;-
lors and Delegates. An organization was
perfected among the Corporators, and
Mr. Ilngh Euehanan, of Coweta, elected
SQL. There are many pillars to our
church—they are pillars of pride, bigot
ry and intemperance, and suffer tho light
not to shine upon those places where
muck fruits would gathered—and need
Amoral that grace may be more nbund-
? Books will be opened for the pur
pose of receiving subscriptions on the
Hh of (letober. The Committee appoint
ed to receive subscriptions for Sumter
;,rc F. M. Coker, J. J. Granberry, and
Jno. V. Price. As soon as fifty thousand
dollars are subscribed a meeting of the
'‘Oekholders will be called and five Di
rectors ho elected, one of whom will be
i looted President of the Company.
In our next issue we will give the pro-
* oedinps of the Convention in full.
There Is a man in Terre Hauto
who pays his wife a regular salary of £3
)>er week to keep her month shut. Eve
ry time she speaks to him, except when
absolutely necessary, he “docks” her one
*nt a worth Ho was out a littlo late last
^Saturday night, and she took out a
month's wages for his short comings, and
he finally had to agree not to “ count it"
i< order to get to sleep.
What New Devilment is oh Foot ?—
Hie Atlanta Georgian of Sunday says :
M'e learn the Private Secretary of Gen.
Benjamin F. Butler is in this city, and is
-topping at the National HoteL” Aker-
>iun Laving fixed npon a law to prevent
an election worthy of the name of an
♦•lection in Georgia, has sickened and
£°uc back to Washington. Has Beas?
Butler's man Friday, been sent hero to
finish what Akcrman began? Or Is there
-nrne new devilment in store for Geor-
p:a .Sijp, Xen*.
fiSy The Baptist revival still continues
with unabating interest. On Sunday af
ternoon Rev. Dr. Cooper immersed eight
converts in tho Mill Pond near the
Southwestern Railroad Depot. A large
numbci of citizens, besides tho members
of his congregation, witnessed the cere
EL- Messrs. Heymon k Bro., aro still
receiving their fall and winter stock of
goods. Their store has jast been hand
somely fitted up, nicely cleansed, and
presents a beautiful appearance. The
smiling countenance of that clever gen
tleman, Capt. French, still sheds its ge
Dial rays and extends a hearty welcome
to old and new friends alike.
SOU-Col. W. J. Patterson wliilo read
ing, on Sunday afternoon, was stricken
with apoplexy and fell from his chair.—
Medical attention was immediately called
in, the proper remedies applied with pro
fuse bleeding, and at a late hoar yester
day, we were informed that be wasmnch
improved with some hopes of his recove
To Good Templars.—From the fol
lowing notico it will be seen that delegates
to the Grand Lodge will be passed ovei
the Southwestern Railroad for one fare.
Southwestern Railroad Company, )
Office Macon, Ga., Sept 22d, f
Charles W. Hafcook Esq. Americus ;
—Dear Sir: We will pass tho delegates
to Grand Lodge Good Tex
Templars forona
fare -full fare going to be returned free.
Yours Respectfully,
Eng. and Supt
Messrs. Oppenheimer k Frank
throw the gauntlet to Clothiers for supe-
hority in fitting garments, of goods, etc.
B^d advertisement
Our Senior left on the Sunday
“'ght train to attend the Americas^:
-Newnan Rail Road Convention to beheld
m Newnan to-day at 11 o’clock.
* White Cabbage Seed, at
Dr. EijDsiDCB’a Drag Store.
A few gallons of “benzine"
hidden by some of the citizens of this
place on Thursday afternoon, and the ef
fect was that the persons hiding it were
unable to keep their heads and feet from
mixing. Each one was faying to cany
the other home, bnt couldn’t pass
“ benzine ” shop.
•ST Eight new members v
in the Degree of Fidelity, sad thirteen
in the Degree of Charity, Crystal Tfemple,
L O. G. T. on Thursday evening last.
—that its votaries violate' its principle-
break the pledge and* drink like other
men." It is a lamentable fact which we
acknowledge with humiliation and shame,
that the lapses are sudden and fearful,
but let us meet the objection squarely,
and see what force there is in .it. To
meet this objection we ask, “if these
violations are in accordonco with, or
against temperance principles ?” The
objector, ofconrse, is forced to answer
“against them.” Then the virtue of tem
perance is untouched—its purity unsoil
ed. Temperance then remains still the
same beautiful virgin, her white flowing
robes tho emblem of innoocnce unpol
luted, and her person not violated. To
condemn temperance because some of
her votaries ore untrue to her require
ments, is shere injustice. One might as
well condemn Banking because some
bankers have proved dishonest, or poli
tics because some politicians are dema
gogues, or law because some lawyers are
untrue to their clients, or physic license
some physicians kill their patients, or
religion becauso some of its votaries are,
If it could be shown that her princi-
pies were unsound or lior reqaircmaats|
were at varionee with tho public good, j 0 ° M 7 *'
thon we wonld say discard her, kill her, j ^ £, pL at
hot if it be only some of her friends who I nplands a: Orleans tij.
untrue to her,, and dishonor them- ■ m
selves, onr reply is, “ this is her misfor- i
tune not her shame.”
But the objector says, “however good i
tho principles of temperance are, its!
votaries aro not tamo and it is expecting
too much of honorable men to ask them
to unite with any organization, whose
members have so littlo regard to truth and
personal honor." This is certainly a hard
thrust, but we can feud offthoblow.—
We are free to admit that if the organi
zation maintain those in it who dishonor
themselves by a violation of their pledge
and yet hold position in the society, then
the cbjection is sustained, but if it be
only a fractional part of the body, and
these are properly dealt with, the objec
tion is not valid. Or even if these dis
honored persons are continued, the or
ganization being ignorant of their viola
tions she is certainly unfortunate, but
not blame-worthy.
Bat suppose all the temperance or
ganizations of the State or oven of the
United States, wero to a man, to prove
nntruc to the principles embraced, and
in a general debauch were all to get
drunk, their defection would bo only
their own shame, and tho cause remain-
noble and pnro ns ever, wonld rise
again as a phoenix from the ashes, in all
of its heaven bom purity and lovelineos-
The lapses in temperance shows no
more than the same thing in other organ
izations. Because the teller in a bank
l»etrays his trnst and robs the bank to a
lnrgo amount, it does not prove that the
bank was at fault, bnt that the teller was
a rascal. The botr&yal of Christ by the
kiss of Judas, proved nothing against
himself, but theVhypd^rncy of l^s betray
al. The defection of Arnold proved
nothing against iHf.American cause, bnt
only that Arnold wq3 a. consummate vil
lain. We can make no apology for men
who trifle with their own honor and stab
the cause which they profess to embrace.
We pity them, for tbeware either too
weak to maintain the principles which
they espouse, or axe void of temperance
principles; but let not these weak or
wretched men be n reason against so good
a cause. The cause of temperance is as
worthy after, as before the betrayal of
these persons.
Then let all good citizens come for-
I ward and unite thcinseivea with the tem-
i pernneo movement.
Come and join os in oar labor.-,
We aro working for tho rigid;
Como and join as friends mud neighbors,
In tho temperance cause unite.
hr The best Segara, Snuff and Smoking
“ ToUooortiha Cnr D*co Stobi.
tiiHottled mid-
frlfoffijp f-\ Ornr Dmjq accfifcy ;
Friends indeed are those that pay their
■coonnts at the Crrr Daub Bronx.
The best investment to be had lathe
stock cf Drags and Medicines at the
* . - . v Dmxj »ro*x.
Fine silver-plated showcases for sale at
Crrr Drug Store.
WTll close ont a lot of Paints at cost, at
Orrr Dxua Stork.
Will close out a lot of lamps very cheap
the City Druo Store.
Constantly on hand fino Brandies,
Whiskies and Gin, at tho
Crrr Drug Store.
I intend to sell the stock of Drags and
Got Drug Stork.
Medicines at the
I am selling goods at reduced prices at
ho COT Drug Stows.
The place to buy cheap goods now is
tho Crrr Drug Store.
The finest Chewing Tobacco for sale at
City Drug Stork.
Veterinary Barg eon* recommend Eqaim- rem-
Eqnine Powder* »roitn Aitcratrya.
"Aquino Remedies best in market.
Granberry & Co.,
Factory Thread,
-A-t *1 7B.
Full and Complete
TOBACCO—7i*f*l 50 per V. for aonnd.
BUTTER—Go*hcn 50c. Country 906240
EGGS—Buying 30c. Selling 35c.
T mn dJL,. r n- . n
CANDLES—Adamantine, 18o.j box.
; retail;
One Hundred Hollars in Gold
Will be given to any person who, on analysis will
discover one grain of arsenic or other poison in
Db. Hearn's A*ms Tonic. It is purely vege
table, and the most happy combination that the
science of medicine has as yet developed to sne-
ecR*fully combat tho most prevalent *’
cident to a biliou.- or malar— ”
the most perfect anti-periodi
tho Chill in three or four doses ; but better thi
that or all else, and what renders it tho most ef
ficient and valuable compound extant, is tho uni
versally conceded fact that it leaves the patient
■, and clastic step
; system by dis-
impaired vision, but a clear liejul,
and bouyant health.
at eliminates disease from i
sipating engorgements of the secretions, excit
ing the liver to healthy action and giving tho
pancreatic and hepotie juices tlieir nonnai con
dition and healthy flow.
It is Letter preventive than cure, and if people
othtu Noimtmx
At Panic Prices,
AT T '!™. TnAN THE cost of many Alt-
Bnt our biuinees is still STRICTLY ON
Embracing Everything in the
The Cash System,
° ^ A CHED1T,
and we liave but
which we expect to sell us LOW
not remember that tlioUurA-orthcwowiiomajj Q a || an( J 8a tjgfy Y0Ur86iVeS.
Buying onr Goods, aa we do, from j
For Hobilit.v. Loss
Weakness, ludigtaliou, h
pepsia. Want of ActK .
tlw IMt'^ • TK4. S
Notice to Mothers;
Infant Soothing Syrupy
Ivan cement of 1L.
Summer CompUlntu. IheguluraiM oF
m Hio Bowels, EertiTeneeM, Teeth- .v
ing, etc., etc.
ahre brellh to the chOdand rret to tha mother.,
■, WJuB- Root. ' 4
iintucYx . >
worma that are found in children; Hi* fast bo-«
ooming tho remedy administered in saoh Iron-:
btt*; its pleasant taste ia quite a rcoommcnda-.
tion of itself, while its efllcienoy is truly wondrr- •
Mosers. Jftmea Buddie & 6o.-SenUemen; Iu ,
consequenco of the benefit 1 hsvo received Ire in
the use of your Dr. Hurley's Worm Candy iu '
ray family. 1 send t you thia, hoping you will -
mak* it public for the good of other parents.
My wife and selfAro satisfied but for Uwuso of *
.taf'imfirTCdiS“ .
inches long. Anyone doubling tl
“uo mo at corner 10th and Chcsnnt struets, am I -
will givo tliem proof of this and more. Yours ‘
ith respect, Jf. Horn.
M“Jof them BY THE PACKAGE, and W
THE MONK1, we can supply
Hurley’s Sarsaparilla,
could lie prevailed upon to take
Colored and Black Satiu Striped GRENADINES,
plain Blac* Iron BAREGE,
{^CKSHJk;extra line Black 110S1BAZ1NE;
doKrtC tl)
>• liair
: diseascM; l»ut,
icept the vary prndeni, will take medicine
they arc hick.
salo everywhere. Read Jas. IUudij: A
>lumu. July 21 tf
nan.l, all day the lwvst cotton at
The uioat beautiful stock of lYintod LAWNS,
WBTTES and ouoAndie MUSLINS tctc
had. Some liandaomo STRIPED PIQUES,
new style; PRINTS. .
SHEETINGS of all widths and qualities. I rf-
plaid foME^ncsyat^atj^ l
Low priced and "
Our readers will find, iu this pa
per, a copy of tho Bill to incorporate the 1
Americus k Florence Railroad, also one:
granting a loan from the State to said!
Road, as they have passed both brandies 1
of tho Legislature. The Governor lias! •„ •
. , , . t . ... fiw* Cluuquepins ore iu season. Boys
not approved of either ,o, , hot wo aroao-1 „ nd ^ are cnj ; „ mbta thlo „ s i,
aureJ upon rohablo ontbordy, that h«r t ho wood, in aeareh of tMin.
Has become sn article of commerce—which no
medicine ever bocamo before. It is as much an
item in every bill of goods sent to conntry mer
chants as lea, coffeo or sugar. This speaks vol
umes in its favor.—Glenn’ Falla Messenger.
Rev. IL L. Vanmeter, Bnrraali, writes, “The
almost indiepcnxiblc
Hundreds of missionaries give similar testi-
ony of its virtues.
Iter. J. G. Stearns writes, “I consider the ltest
medj I know of for dyspepsia.
Rev. Jabez L. Swan says, “I have need it for
ing my residence in Bnrmali, and have fonnd i
nd 104
OSNABURGS. 1-illow-,
Umbrellas and I*arn«.]«, Oil Cloths and
Table Linen and Window Shades,
will do so at an early day, when,
informed, the Corporators will imme
diately call a meeting and take the ucces-
The Legislature of California, on
snry steps to commence the work without | Tuesday last, eleeted J. K. Kelly (Dem
delay. i ocrat) United State* Senator, fo succeed
j Senator Williams (Radical.).
Meetiko of the Ghakd Loiwc, I. O. |
. T.—This body which meets in Ameri-
is ou Wednesday, the 5th of October,
bids fair to bo largely attended by Rep
resentatives from the various lodges in the
State. Already liave we received the
names of a large number of delegates
who will be.iu attendance.
As a largo number of the members of
the order in this plaoe, axe young persons
and not in a position to entertain the
delegates dnring their stay, we hope that
citizens, so proverbial for. their hos
pitalities, will open their . houses for the
accommodation of the body. We feel
satisfied that they will take a delight in
doing fto.
A committee of ladies will wait on our
citizens this morning to ascertain the
names of those who will entertain the
Representatives, and the nnmher they
will accommodate. The body will con
tinue in session about three days.
Tiie Phrenological Journal von Oc
tober—Now ready—contains twenty lead
ing articles, with numerous illustrations,
ou Scientific, Social and Literary Sub
jects, and a largo amount of rich Miscel
laneous Matter, Poetry, Personal Inci
dents, etc Those worthy of fipeeial men- lading sent to
tion are Admiral Farragut; the leading
Generals in the European War; What
can I do best ? Editorship ; Will the
Man of the Fntmw control his dreams ?
Liberal Christians, as viewed by a Con
gregstioqalist; Franco-Prussian War
Eccentricities of Genias; A Remedy for
Bine Monday, and the racy “Auwen fo
Correspondents.” Anew volume is an-
noonccd, and a very enticing list of pre
miums is offered. The person who in
vests $3 in a year’s subscription to this
Magazine, williiot forget to renew when
the year expires. Fries per number, 30
cents. New subscribers for 1871, who
send in at ones, will , receive the Oct,
Nov. and Dee/Nii, of this year FREE!
Address S. R. Wells, 387 Broadway, N.
What Taxes Expire in October.—As
a matter of public interest wo state that
taxes ou gross receipts and sales, except
those on tobacco, spirits, and wines, will
expire on October, 1st and the income
tax on inoomes over $2,000 will be 2)
per cent After that date, the nse of
stamps on promissory notes for less than
$100, and also on receipts, checks, and
drafts, will expire. Ou deeds, leases,
and contracts, the tax remains.
Quin Restored.-—Tho war in South
Carolina has come to an end, and all
is now qniet along the lines. The negroes
whom Scott and his mon doped into
arming themselves and in bodies taking
poaseamon of the oounty, and setting up
a higher law of their own, found an
equally determined body of armed white
men planted across their path, and wisely
concluded it wrs best to retire, go to
work snd keep the pence for the future.
Air. Itep. %ltn inst.
Ho ! for the Fair !
All the Railroads leading into Macon
will take visitors to the Fair, and articles
or amixnala for Exhibition, at half rates.
Fall rates going—returning free.
articles should be addressed, and bills of
Central Gs. Fair, Macon, Ga.
sept 17
Machine Oil, at
Dr. Eldridgf.’s Drag Store.
t&r Greaae'yoor Gins with Lard Oil,
for sale at ELDsnxHt&Orng Store.
.Onion Seta—Bed and White—at
Dr. Elpbipob’s Drag Store.
< . MARRIED. -
- In East Americas, bv Rev. J. B. Mc
Gehee. Sept. 25th, Mr. T. M. Cobb, and
Miss Jennie Naylor, i A ,
By Rev. J. E. Seutell, on 22ud Septem
ber, Mr. L. P.- Dorman, Jr. and Miss
Jimmie Wheeler, daughter of B. W.
Wheeler, all of Snrater county Georgia.
The Great Medical Discover/!
Dr. WALXXK8 nAT.Tvngvr*
Hi Hundreds or Theuuds fa3
[ Bear testimony to tbsir wonderful:? &i
‘ ‘ d IS
From »commonartick at 50c. per vard, to*
very handsome Tapestry Brussels, as low sa
n bo bought in any a trket in Geoigis.
they „
A small consignment of beautiful
chargo nothing for
examine onr ahick. We
showing onr good*.
America*. April 12, tf.
m ||FANCY DRlNK.fl
Made o f^oor^nin; Whiskey. ProofSpir-
• j*IsWevl«M> J t> |>^»*> uio tad*, ca lMl*^ToaiMr
“ ApmUsoei.” - Iteeiorers” Ax, that lead tha
tippW oa tt dnuhewMM and ran, hut arsatni*
M«lietee, ma.1* from ti»e Hoots mul
CLP LB, a pexfjct lUaoriS.v tu»d InDforatoc
No aerMacan ttkothcao Bitter*, aseordiag to
:'ir(*«lrind.andreni *“ “
♦too wui Wfi-
xi«Lt» ■ ■
in hngtoiwtR.
*- forMWMnk ,—
pot destroyed by miasral
p-xUi) Iterwvl i ho |»
iT.Lor moar.a, snd fas vital orgauj
Wm Ikrapcpsia. or J
ro -.tion. Bilious, Iferuittont. nnd «
sa.ts ssjs? ysaa-Bfcgjfc
is jMHvallyPToJncsl by Oentigisisst of tho
. D, n5fiii^|onlo tbs stomach, and stiaslsls
tbatorpid lirer andboweL*. which readjvthsm
ofs-K^mltedstflsaey ia r'oandnx tho Most) of
iflteapmriUss.aadlmpartinjnowUfoand vigor
Cottonades, Linen Ducks anti Coating*
FANS, a very large stock ot
Crockery and Glassware,
FI*ted Spoons a:nl Fork*,
Table ami Pocket Knives,
Ivory handled Knives, without forks; Candles.
Soaps, Soda,
Royal Baking Powders,
irtiele) ; Potash and Starch,
We arc Amenta for the
No. 11 Broad street.
If you have no Wool, in a way of ac
commodation, will let you have the
GOODS for tho MONEY.
I. reU .pmt a» tk. Ufa of lire
for tbs State of Geonpa. WM at Brewery
prioes. Has always oo hand
Unrivalled Deodora,
and other fine
WhlskieH, Brandies and Gins,
wtrieh he arils low for rash. spQt-ly
U ..J. ftrr joaa^ men oo Ibe dchjUt.ol
ilTn—IHW rertitrerelil ifin^iTC , 8-aV
in the city of Americus, on the Hint Tues
day in Octoberjiext, tho old S. MV. B. Hoad D
pot building. To be moved by the purchaser
ten days alter sale. Terms cash.
WM. A. BLACK, Agent.
And will Exchange
TMiU the pore .nd iTcmiipo utner of U..
root, and will, on trial, be found to eflbct s eer-
rteiiaLsr tor u “ r ° u °r h “ •—
Affections of tlio Bones, Habitual Cost-
ivenosa, Debiaty, Diseases of the
Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas,
Female Irregnlai-ities, Fis
tula, nil Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Indiges
tion, Piles, Fnlmonary Diseases,
Scrofala or King’s Evil, Syphilis,.
And all impurities of the Blood, etc.
To Dr. Thus. A. Huxioy: sir: I deem it an see
of justice to you to atatl that iutho month ol
1 obruary last, I had a severe attack of inflam-
rnstoiy rheumatism, wlnth completely pros-
tratet uio. At the same timo my lunus ware
much afflicted. I wms so reduced tlmr it was
with tho greatest difiicnlty I could walk. 1 pro-
began t
g it. IfouiMlthat
. . . ugh liecarau Issa ««-
„ — xr *»y o^C 11 wi.d brekats
gradually auhaidod, my rheumatic pains icsh
vero, tlio
months! I hsV'o Ukcn in sUliraboiSiriti..-
f«Jtt have been moet sstiettetory to nkaidl
sdriso cdhers eimilarly slfocted to give yon a
triaI * Jos. Clexkht.
The gentleman whoee name is i
the city of Louisville.
Tonfo. There ha7eboen
spo Whik) in Vicksburg, Mias., snd usod saver-
qaenUr HblghMCO pcrSJ, and ,
moat bar* cost me ooarlytlUO. I eousultot
South, of Louiavilic, and found lie
binith, of lAmmviBe, and found lie premrilxd
qtliniuo .fremc, coniUncd, wliWH reltrend
to take, profoning to let tk» dhirssa take its
eourec., I wan almost WobdlemTcitromcly
wmn.. ittMAMMi uooaicss, extremely c:
hsusttvl, and twonoonccl with enlarged live.
„ , _. ,.....
Sh e etmg8,Faet°iy Thread, j
Knitting Thread, Plow
Lines, Jeans, &c^ i ‘ !
W<j want to buy .
5000 lbs. Sound Fodder
sept 8 cf
VALUABLE property
_ into late and a
.... tx pamplfets and
d at the office of
. HAWKINS. Attorney
for Charles Day.
Uri D gdisMsea,oidni
ities peculiar to f«msL^ ....
PB0FB1BT0R8, .
I.nborntory }to. 41 Buttlfstmt.
Louiiyille, Xj.
W. A. COOK & CO.,
Amerlen*, Ua.,
AaA at Wboteul. br
L.W. Hunt& Co., Macon, Ca
Ten Tlioueand Pounds of’Cotton anl i
H AVING given indulgence to those indebted si
tho City Drug Store on account of the
but a* " “
scarcity of money, but ae I shall have to oloee ]
up the business and lepoxt my acts soon, I wish
ail indebted to oome forward and settle at once.
*ept 23 lm WM. M. HARDWICK*, Bec’r. | for which cash will bepaid.
. -v
• Jkib.