The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 11, 1870, Image 3

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THE weekly republjgan. Friday Morning. November 11,1870. Mr. Feter Croglian Trill accept onr thinks for copies of late Northern pa- pjj. Candidates o •jiniillv increasing. plentiful and still pTy. New Syrup c Smith A Co s. i be had at Hardy* The Sheriff’s Sales for December ,11 i H . quite interesting to some of onr pc,. A competent teacher is wanted to .ike charge of Smithville' High School Joe Mize states emphatically that i, in the race for County Tax Receiv- r. un<l that he goes in to win. p'4. Our County Treasurer, Mr. Moses s. ,, r. is a candidate for re-election t i, e coming election. < io to the City Drugstore and set- >>,. your accounts if yon desire to escape l ring sued. See what Dr. Hardwick avs on that subject Tnr Cut Eumos.—The suggestion of •'A Citizen" which appears in our columns in reference to Selecting candi dates to be run for city offices at the next municipal election, is worthy of consideration and ought to be car ried out In onr municipal elections there should be no political questions. The aim should be to get the best men in office—men who are alire in business and who are thoroughly imbued with the spirit of progress—men who are entirely sound on all questions pertaining to the growth and development of the city—men who desire to see good government car ried out Our colored friends are as much interested in having good city officers, as the whitest and should take as deep an interest in selecting such men ns the whites. The interest of one, is the interest of the other.— When one suffers by bad government the other equally suffers. Therefore let us all, both white and colored meet to gether at some fntnre day and nominate a ticket for city officers that will be accep table to all parties. P. S. Since the above was placed type, a notice has been handed in calling a meeting of citizens at the Court House this evening at 7J o'clock for the propose of nominating city officers. The notice will be fonnd elsewhero. broken Promise*— Are those who promised to pay their ...limits at the City Drug Store they could sell their cotton, which they l i: ,ve failed to do. 1‘i.kasisg.—Tho countenances of our inTuing friends wore a pleasing appear- iiits- a few days ago, at the news of cot- t.ui udvuncing. We hope their hearts may be made more glad by a continued advance price, until we can hear the -wiling all over the county. Sn r.Riou Court.—An adjourned term •>f Sumter Superior Conrt commenced in this place, yesterday, Judge James M. (’lark presiding, and Col. Jack Brown acting Solicitor riiyj >n the first page of to-days’s paper •ill lie found an interesting account of tl.o condition of the crops, taken from the Monthly Beport of the Department of Agriculture, published at Washington PC. It contains much valuable in formation, and will well repay u peruse!. Wo learn that the young gentle men of Americas propose having a mas- ,|iM-rade hall at an early day. Those indebted, as well as those .ring claims against the estate of Dr. din A. Comer, will find a notice ad- vssodto them in our advertising col- u A meeting of the Corporators of .inericas k Florence Hail road is call- r the 6th of December next, at 12 k. in Americus. See notice. >5™. l)r. < J. T. Wilburn announces this morning that he has secured as associate t. richer Mr. W. W. Kennerly, an nccom- I'lhhert scholar and successful teacher to Ksid him in conducting his school.— or Adams, Washburn k Co., have lohed copartnership, and the busi- * will hereafter bo conducted under firm of Adams k Bro. See card. tuT It will be seen from their adver- sement that Messrs. Waxelbaum k Co., ive still further reduced prices in some •ir goods. Their prints and fine **h are of .the best quality and need no Auction as they cannot be purchased lu-h lower iu New York and put down of til CN5U.S. Waxelbaum k Co., aro offering iheir magnificent stock of Goods at such l -w prices that wo are confident a rush *’•11 l>e mndo upon that store. Most of "«r readers are awaro that Waxelbaum k t'o.. Lave one of the finest stock of goods iu the South, and—we refer you to their advertisement in this paper, which, after nailing, you will lie satisfied that you can certainly get bargains by buyiug at that h&Tln purchasing goods it is always •lo.-irul ile to trade with polite and accom modating gentlemen, and of this kind “I* Theo. Loo vis and John Cobb, at Kuianuol k Bros store. They seem to "var a jierpetnal smile upon their .faces aUl | ure ovi r mindful of tire interest of *h'ir patrons. The ladie s will find u lot of nice and beautiful dress goods at the Mon- of Kmauuel, and either of the gen- '■••uun named a\>ove will be delighted to ’’W them. The reason Montgome- & Shaw never advertise is, 1 , «very one know they keep Aril and complete Stock of '•ix>cerie.s and know they sell :' s low as any house in Amer- !, |,s - •’n> what is the use of their advertising ? tf. We are in receipt of a circular ao- "’tupauyingan advertisement from “The •topire Watch Co., 196 Broadway, New ,,r ^- requesting ns to publish tbe ad- |«;«taemcnt for three months and send ‘. *’* l ^ iat Company, and they will re- IUlt a watch or the cash. The Com- l'»<7 say, “ wo can not, with safety ourselves, send either. cash or goods in * Vauc °- ” Wo are under no obligations •the ‘'Empire Watch Company” to Punt their advertisement and let them I ,a . v at their leisure, neither do we think 1 w °uld he safe to do so. Onr pas! j*rifcnee, in such advertisements, prohib- s know nothing Qf the said Com- a, “l prefer to be paid for an intro- • action to them. In such cases onr terms are cag],. Piret National Bank of Americas. We are glad to be able to announce that we are to have a National Bank here and that it will soon be in operation. Tbe following officers have been elected : Ron cut T. Byrd, President. ' Frank E. Burke, Cashier. directors : R. T. Byrd, Jno. A. Cobb, J. W. Wheatley, W. It. Stewart, W. W. Barlow, W. J. Barlow. Mr. Byrd is one of our very best busi ness men and being safe, judicious and reliable will make a capital Bank Presi dent. Mr. Burke has the reputation of being the most attentive man to business in the city, quiet, sober and industrious. In him the Bank has a faithful, energetic and good officer. The First National will start with a capital of ono hundre 1 thousand dollars, bnt the authorized capital is five hundred thousand dollars, and the stockholders re the very best men of this section.— The names of tho Directors will guaran tee the success of the Bank. We have been surprised that a Nation al Bank has not before been established here, for they are the safest and among the most profitable investments that can be made. Money cannot bo more safely and profitably invested than in National Bank Stock, as Bonds, the principal and interest of which are payable in Gold, are required to be deposited with the United States Treasurer, and after this is done bills arc issued to the Bonks to the ex tent of 00 per cent, of the Bonds deposi ted. the Treasurer reserving 10 per cent, as a protection to the Stockholders. The National Bauk system is one of the most perfect that has ever been gotten up—the stockholder and all others being fully protected—hence say it is the safest investment that eon be made. Nominations of City Officers.—The convention held at the Conrt House, Tuesday evening,for the purpose of nomi nating a ticket for city officers was largely attended by both white and colored, and its deliberations throughout were harmo nious, and good feeling prevailed. The following gentlemen were nominated by ballot, thus expressing the choice of the meeting. The nominations were then made unanimous. The proceedings will be found iu another column. FOR MAYOR, T. M. FUBLOW. ALDERMEN. W. T. DAVENPORT, II. B. HABKOLD, WM. SIRRINE, J. C. GRIFFIS, H. WESTHEIMER, A. S. CUTT& FOB CLERK AND TREASURER. H. D. RANDALL. There were quite a number of uspirants for the various offices, all of whom are quite well qualified for the positions they derired, but as it was necessary for the sake of harmony to make nominations, we trust all will acquiesce in the action of the convention and work for the suc- of tho ticket. Tho gentlemen com- ng the ticket are old citizens of the place whoso interests are identified with it, and who if elected, will administer city affairs for the good of all. They gentlemen of high social qualities, without a stain upon their moral charac- This is no party move bnt the voice of tho teople, irrespective of party or caste. Wo hope therefore that no man will be led into the folly of running inde pendently, thereby endeavoring to de feat the object of the meeting. Such a policy would be suicidal in tho extreme. Our only hope is in a united effort. Let all personal prejudices be laid aside, and every man do his duty, by supporting the ticket nominated. Wo ore pleased to see that CoL Jack Brown and Mr. F. H. Oliver whose friends had,’previous to the nomination, announced them as candidates for the Mayoralty, have with great magnanimity, withdrawn from the contest, and will give their hearty support to to the ticket This is a noble act on the part of ~ gentlemen, and will not soon be forgot ten by their fellow-citizens. City Nominations. 1 Pursuant to a call fox a melting of the citizens to nominate candidates for City Officers, a large number met at the Court House at 71 o’clock, P. M. Nov. 8. On motion of P. H. OUrer, Dr. 8. B. Hawkins was called to tbe Chur, and M. B. Council requested to set as Secretary. The object of the meeting having been explained, on motion it was resolved that the meeting proceed to elect, by ballot, a candidate for^Mayor. After speeches by various citizens, both white and colored, in which the ntmoet good feeling was manifested, end a gen eral support indicated for the nominee, P. H. Oliver declined being a candidate for the office in any way. 8. H. Hawkins and B. P. Hollis were appointed tellers, and after a ballot for all the officers, the following was an nounced as the ticket .* For Mayor: Col. T. M. Ftrlow. For Aldermen : William Sirrine, Jno. C. Gwffls, Henry Westhkimeb, A. 8. Cutts, U. B. Habbold, W. T. Davenport. Clerk and Treasurer : H. D. Randall. Col. T. M. Fnrlow being called for came forward and, in a very neat and ap propriate speech, accepted the nomina tion, promising his beat ability to the dis charge of the duties of tho office and the maintenance of Law and Order. Harmony and unanimity of feeling pre vailed throughout th9 meeting. Both white and colored citizens seemed pleased with the nomination which, on motion, was made unanimous. 8. B. Hawkins, Chairman. M. B. Council, Sect’y. Jr We respectfully recommend friends in this city and county to go to Oppcnheimer & Franks’ Clothing Hall, as they are selling their stock of Gentle mens’ Clothing at greatly reduced prices, such prices as will astonish every one that calls at their establishment, as they offer better inducements to buyers than any other house in Southwestern Geor gia. They have also a full stock of Dry Goods which they sell at low prices. Store next door to the entrance of the Barlow House. Nov. 10-tf. $50,000 WORTH OF P* Aa it has been insinuated by those j ; who are jealous of the growing populari ty of out house—that ode advertisement of prices, is all gaa and buncumb, tift we have not the goods in stock—that they can not be bought by the bale &o Ac,, at the prices we advertise them by the yard, in reply we state that’s our business—we invito a call, and if we don’t stand up to what we say—we are willing to take the consequences. j B. EMANUEL k BRO. nov. 11-tf j 8ions of the Zodiac.—A philosopher j i the West, grown into admiration ofj at the Cbeny Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayers j for instruction under which sign he shall j CJ 1 CL be bled, which blistered, and which vom-j ” &XelDaUIH tttOS ited and under which he shall take Ayer’s Pills for an affection of the liver : also under which sign his wife should com- mem*, to taka the SemeporUta for her j oT Arcnne st „ uppo . ailment. He adds that he already knows j tho Urge Grocery Haase ofTc-’- ean his calves under Tanrus, change \ * 8rfwmpert Furkinr A Bro. his pigs in Scorpo, cut his hair in Aries, Dry Goods Great Reduction in Prices NEW STORE, ' tho low price of Cotton, we have O WING concluded to offer the balance of ..... »„ Etock at the following remarkable low prices : Good Fast colored Prints, 10 . . yd Very beet Merrimack, Sprague,Ac 12} Best Shirting |u ! Best Sheeting*, ii| £ka5-Rcnd EMANUEL’S advertise-; Macon Sheeting, m and soak his feet in Pisess or Aquarius as their condition requires. Schoolmasters, start for Wisconsin, and visit Mr. Ham, when yon get-there.— Ijoicell Daily News. . 11-tf. your money by going to j EMANUEL’S to buy your Dry Goods, i nov. 11-tf. DIED, In this city, on the 2d iust., after a long and painfal attack of consumption, Solomon Fleischman, aged 27 years.— Ho was born at Pechovolhotto, Bohemia, in 184 3. He had a noble and generous heart, and his patient and quiet suffering during his long illness made him many friends. A kind brother and associates were assidnous in their attentions upon the sufferer. His remains were conveyed to Macon and buried in the Jewish Cem etery at that place. No. 1. OiiiaburR*, 8 o No. 2. “ «i 8e» Island Homctpnn in Good-Bleaching, s Better ^ualitr, io and 12} Oanabnrg Stripes,... 12} • Best Rpnn Yarn, 1’ 50 ; DRESS GOODS rer offered, among which wo offer tlie follow- Emproaa Cloth we sell at.. . .50 <\, worth 75c. ...73 c., “ 100 . ,35 c., “ . .50 c., “ ...18 and 25cents. ESk-Iu the present condition of money matters, it is absolutely the duty of every man and woman—to buy their goods to the best advantage—they will find it to j their interest to read EMANUEL’S ad vertisement. Then go there and buy. nov. 11. tf. In CLOTHING Wo have tbe largest and best selected stock i tho city. Good Cassimero Suits 110 00 and $15 00. Fine Walking Frock Coats, latest styles. Freedman’s Suits from $2 50 to $5 00. Communicated. Mr. Editor: Can wo not have uni nimity in our city Elections ! Can w not, white and black, as in Macon, come together and nominate a Mayor and Council ? This is desirable for reasons which at once oocur to tho prudent mind. But if two or more tickets are to bo farced upon the public, I hope for the sake of onr own solve®, that the question of caste will not come into the contest This is unnecessary, detrimental, sin ful. The candidate who publicly or even privately, opposes or claims to es pouse particularly the cause of any class or man, does not appreciate tho true condition of affairs. Permnnentharm is the only result of such an issue. It is enough for those who are not of us to sow dissension ; in onr local elections, at least, let there be hearty accord, regardless of race or political opinion. CITIZEN. GRANBERRY & CO.. Again ANNOUNCE tint tbe; eelt Goo.1* Only for Cash. Their FALL »tul WINTER Stock ia duly arriy- ing, and will boou bo complete— bought VERY LOW, aud a large portion of it will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PB'.CIi POE C A S H! ° IN J. CafiSIT. Wa k»vo NO CnEDIT PRICE. Tl-o .etret of onr oiy price, ia. we aell FOR B. Emanuel & Bro. READY TO MEET THE CRISIS Since the natural expectation of every one is to purchase goods lower now than when sold for 20 or 25 cents a pound, we have fully determined not only to meet the crisis, but go a little be yond it;, accordingly we offer our whole stock at the following schedule of prices, until further notice : Good fast color Prints - 10 cts. per yard Very best Merrimack and like 12 “ “ “ Extra heavy Northern Shirting 10 “ “ “ Sheeting ...12 * Macon Sheeting .10 . No. 2 Osnabnrg, & 1-2 oz 0 Sea Island Homespun 10 “ 3-4 Tilde Bleaching. 7 “ Better Onaliity “ ....• 10 «• Yard Wide 12 Striped Bomespon 12 •• Spnn Yard 145 per bunch. We make DRESS GOODS a specialty—keep the largest stock in Americus—have been offering them low already, hut offer them to-day still lower, for instance : American Delaines,.. ...17 to 23 cts. Poplins, col’d Alpacas, Ac., at 30, 35 and 37 cts, worth fully 40 to 50 cents. DON’T FAIL TO CALL AND SEE THEM. We are willing to compare PRICES and QUALITIES of CLOTHING, SHOES, &c., <fcc.. WITH ANYBODY, and don’t fear the result. We keep a huge stock ot everything usually found in a Dry Goods store. BLANKETS and SHAWLS. BLANKETS and SHAWLS, BLANKETS and SHAWLS. We hive Northern anil Southern manufactm ™ * servant*, Ounaburgu, Brown both of ] ' ^kiutaule.—At the Pair ia a set of 0| io!e teeth, arranged iu the highest ? e °f tho dental art, which are much ®irod for the skill, ingemmity and per* , ‘° n Splayed. They were executed w ®. J- Fogle, a young dentist 10 Col attbua.-S im . Dr. Ward showed u* a few days since, a tape worm taken from a n child, age 4 years, which measured i first discovered, twenty-two feet He says that iu this section, they are more numerous than in the Northern country.- Columbus Sun. It seems os if the Democrats are 'asleep in this county. Everywhere else they are moving, bat wo are lying stilL As. those who were appointed some time ago are not moving and seem not dis] to move, we suggest that the Y. M. D. O. be revived. Can’t the old Presides cell it together » Will he not do it f We mssfrhsvf an oigaaizstion. . K W sD yoar heir oa, "BsrrsttV “Bairctt's” the leading tiling. Fatal Affray at Dawson. On Wednesday last, a fatal affray oc curred at Dawson between some of tho citizens of that town and some of the em ployes of CoL C. T. Ames’ Circus and Menagerie, in which a citizen had been instantly killed and Col. Ames mortally wounded. a gentleman who left Dawson the day after tho difficulty, we are indebt ed for the following particulars of the occurrence. At the afternoon performance of the company four brothers of the name of Kelly, with three other men named How ard, Guss. Sasser and R. J. Russell—all represented as desperate characters—and all rather tho worse for liquor, got into a difficulty with the door-keeper, drew their repeaters and commenced firing indis criminately into the crowd. as tho firing commenced.— CoL Ames, who was in his ticket wagon at the time, leaped out of it aud ap proached the assailants, unarmed, for the purpose of endeavoring to quell the diffi culty. At his approach, the cowardly brought their weapons to bear n him, and though ho told them he unarmed, and asked them not to at him, fired upon and wounded i in two places. The first shot took effect in one of his thighs, and the second through the back, coming out at the lower portion of the abdomen, as the Colonel attempted to retreat *nnd escape from the murderous wretches. During the melee, a citizen named Da vid Oxford, who was standing near with ono of his children in his arms, was shot through the heart and instantly killed. He was a brother-in-law of Russell, 01 of the assailants. Madame Frew, the mother of the Albino children, connect ed with one of the aide shows, was badly wounded in the fleshy part of one of her thighs,of which wound she has aince died. No weapons are said to have been drawn or used by any one connected with the circus, though they would havo been perfectly justified in so doing. CoL Ames was conveyed to the resi- dencejof one of the citizens of Dawson, the best medical aid obtained, and thongt everything possible was done by his medical attendants, yet he slowly sank into the icy embraces of death. Thus has a good man been ruthlessly murder ed by n band of [desperadoes, who are said to be the same fellows who, not long sinoe, came near precipitating i emoute between the white and colored races in that vicinity. Judge Harrell who was in Dawson the time promptly ordered the amet the deepovdoe., end they were lodged injail. Such conduct as gave rise to the shoot- expression, be too great for Plaids ft. , , , r r Bleached Sliirtinga and Sheetings, CASH PRICES, I'orresponding with tho LOW prioo or COTTON. MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, BL’K A COL’D SILKS, LL LOWEB THAN USUAL Ft>K CASH. A beautiful stock of ladies CLOAKS aud SHAWLS, cheap enough to satisfy tho closkst buyers. Hosiery lower than ever >-un tub mon ey. Cloths and Cassimeres, Loth of Foreign aud Domestic manufacture, some of superior quality, and warranted to give -**— ... .. . - • • "•hit*Goods, faction. . ... . ,—bleDania... Irish Linen, Pillow case Linen and Shoetiug, a Astounding Low Prices FOR CASH. A large stock of UMBRELLAS, WINDOW SHADE.* and OIL CLOTHS. Avwv superior arthio of Ticking, warranted BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A very largo stock of guilty. Improve your look* with “BanettV BOOTS and SHOES We have the largest stock in the city, which v.. are positively selling 25 per cent, less than any other house, as wo purchase them direct “ — s the market af rits we invite all to call amt examine our Btook DRY GOODS, CI £TriING, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Call before you purchase elsewhere, and vou will find that you can get more here fur a little money than any where in the city. fJL Rcnientlier the old reliable firm of 8. WAXELBAUM & GO. nov 8 ly _e Mitchell County Lands. hue we muni Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1870. * LOTS, of 258 1 trict Mitclu 334, 333, 337, 338, : 300. 307, r““* — 2B7, 253. aa. Tho Albany and Thomasville Rail Road imutesthrough nix lot**, viz: 293, 294, 295, 29G, In the tract ia a good Plantation, with a good House and eight Cabins, Barns, Stables, large Mule Shed and Fodder House, Blacksmith Shop, Mill Site, Ac., Ac., aliont one mile from R. It. Station No. 2. The Land is well Timbered, and tho best point l»ctwecn Thomasville and Albany 'na a Saw Mill. Titles perfect. Terms made known on day of A. P. Wright, Esq., of Thomasville, - - .Id, ••• *' These we absolutely guarantee to sell you anj make or quality for less money than the same article a t any other house in any other house in town. We have many more of them. The best way—the only way—of knowing whether we will car ry out what we put in print, is to call on Yours truly, 11. EMANUEL k BRO. nov. 11, tf E. McDonald, of Camilla, K ill ’nforroation desired. J. O. MATHEWSON, Surviving Part nor of McLaughlin A Co. 't 18 3t Augusta, Gi » At Reduced Prices for Casio Halml S)>oon. and Forks of superior qdalitj* IK CASTORS, Tabic and Pocket Knives, Fine Teas, Csudlca, Soap, Starch, 8 >da, Loyal Baking Powder*, Potaslu Smoking aud Chewing the lowest i LARGEST STOCK OK CARPET IN GS! 3-WEST unoPsOlt. Ar\d at Lower Prices INSOMEOFOUR LARGER TOWNS. Common Ingrain from 50 cents a yard up. Superfine and Extra Superfine, Hemp, Venetian and Felt. Beautiful 3 plytt. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, AND RICH VELVETS, Of entirely new Styles and Patterns. 5 S E) p f J8 If you want Caupeth, HANDSOME Caskets, CHEAP Carpet*, look at ours. We cordially invite all to call and examine ir now stock. A lot of beautiful WALL PAPER n consignment to oloeo oat at uas than xeja OHK COST. GRANBERRY Sc CO. America*, Oct. 8, t' Valuable City Property FOR SALE. I also oflbr Cos ssle, m, inlsKst in Barlow House, Z ot Five-sevenths of the building M moat desirable property in the city i a handsome per cent, on tliecapiia information apply to COAL! COAL! COAL! ‘•ECONOMY 18 WEALTH !” S»te Mh<mkl ” WJLBIEbSek 8 largo and beautiful assort of Lamps and Fixtures, at prices to suit cotton at Dr. Eloridcie’h. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. I A dressing which is at onoe agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray to its flrxginal color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho * * * tho follicles hair where tho arc destroyed, usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make som injurious only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing el» cau be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tbe hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Practical and Analytical Cumins, LOWKLL, MASS. .. PBIGB »LOa' Cheap for Cash! OUR STOCK PERFECT! DRY GOODS M1 L 1.1 N E R T COTTON PRICES! Orders • Solicited. MRS. L A ZA R0N FRENCH MILLINER. Cheap for Cash! oci 4 tf WMs LAZAROK. BADBL00D i!ne Life is the Bleed-’ 4, m^MW Cotton Avenue two Doors Im-Iaw Toole Sc Srlmiiqiert's IMPORTER AND DEALER OLD BOURBON, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Wines, Cordials, dbo. Fancy Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, &C., «&G., &C. mental capabilities. ' ing, around which revolves aU that makes exit- prominent ar "lieu this source is corrupted — l M sreritdlile in many shaper, sc r’of U LA. Thin is s taint or infection of the human or- foul uisc] urges from tho nostrils, eruptions, glandular swellings, throat affections, rhenwat- —i, heart affections, nervous disorders." is, disorders of the womb * affections, liver complaint, i sia, neuralgia, loos of n bUUy. Ithas becnU S&Slgi re. often proves injurious ami entail* utisdry after life. The long known injurious ttroper- a of these no-called alteratives apd puriucre a led the philantrophieal man of arifnee to arcana of nature, the result of which has Iwen the disoovOry of e^ctable pro ducts which possess the tvr-r of eradicatin'-; these taints fr*m the blood. Dr. TTJTT’S COMPOUND KXTJt 1(7 OF num&w Is tbe acknowledged antidote v» .ill b *>ti dis eases. By its tut tho aflUclitsi- abov.- enunu- rated can be permanently baai-hed. and il. Source,the Centre of Blood,tliol.ifr be maintained in all its purity wod vi.,—, For dtacaw. product'll i>, I hr use of Mercurjr, and for S, i>l>i I i,, with its train of evil., ini- p-vund i.theonlr sure luxidot. REMEMBER THE OLD AND ESTABLISHED STAND WC8TKHHHE«I^ —1>KALKB in to the poor creature, eiifoebks! i:. i^;.|.t»!» body, by secrets practices,>... . unstrung and countenance dowL< av| SARSAPARILLA Queeii’s Deli^rlit is a blessing. Try it fairly and your mi , bo restored to their wonted vigor. a<.d visir .% . iected countenance be made raikml *V*i4. <i.c conscioiuincM of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals,it i* adapt* I general use. Tito old and young », ar i»n' the moot delicate female at any tlm< mu idte it; Uie tender infant, who may hs * n.*.. r,.... disease, will be enred by it. rea rearn'isfi THK n Dr. TTTTT’S OF Ilf BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ghent’s anmafssKJts© &mm, MEN’S AND BOY’S INSUEE YORE In the following safe and reliahlo Compan ioe: Norm Rama* A Mkrcantiijc iKsmuaes Oa, Of London, England. Ph.kkix Ixkt;a.vRCK Co., or Brooklyn, New York. Southern Mutual Ixsuraxck Co., Of Athens, Georgia. INSURE Y0RR LIFE Cottos Statu Ixkkaaa.ti Co., Of Macon, GMirstA. Apply ta : W. X. DAVENFOBT, ; -At fab New Dreg Store, Lamu Street, Orta, fiTEKB A HOOKS, Banker. A Broker., corner Lamar A Colhse .ta QUEEN’S DELICHT. When used in the spring it removes all iiM c* > which infest the system: and banishes tn« i»i- gonr and debility peculiar to that sea«or I * :1.» year. It acts promptly on the LIVER A BID KIDNEYS. Produces a healthy action of the imponan'-' »*»• *4(7 which all th«f impurities ot the f, ccif. earned off; and the result is a CLEAR 8XIH, A GOOD APPETIT A -v * BODY AST SPIRITS. PRKPAItED li Y Wm. H. Tutt & Land, AUGUSTA, CA., And Sold by DruggisttEverywhere R'-EMO VA JL S. P. BOONE H AVING removed to tho old stand owui.le.. by him last year-known as the G. .tf. Tla> THE GREATEST INDUCEMENTS Ever Offered in Wholesale and Hetail. REMEMBER CLOTHING MADE TQ ORDER. -M& Amerieo^O*., Oct. 4. • 3m. . South Side of ^Utant Street. - PARLOR SETS, In Walnut and Mahogany; ; CHAMBER SETS, With and without marble to|* COTTAGE SETs. BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Chairs, Baskets, Broome . WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS Mpmltf -. . .. A Desirable Residence . FOR SALE. f.J - t containing six acres, low, it ' " p. H, OLTVBB.