The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 18, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Friday Morning,November 18,1870. insure your property following wife and reliable Companies : ' ru rmiso A Mescaktilk Ixscraxck Co., Of London, England. six InmiumceCo., Of Brooklyn, New York, •.mix iimai Imsuraxck Co., Of Athena, Georgia. instjee your life inu*cE Co., Of Macon, Georgia \V. T. DAVENPORT, Drug Store, Lamar Street, ), SPEER &. BOOKS, , corner Lamar A College sta lej- Bird hunting ia brisk, and it takes brisk hunter to find game in this sec- ih,. Turkeys, chickens and eggs have iij»—Christmas is coming. pfi. ( hiirles F. Crisp wonts to sell a .ill ntlid plantation in Schley connty. L We have been informed, by a gen tleman living near Smith rifle, that on Sunday laat a band of 48negToes, moot of whom were armed, arrested two white boys, respectively named Jos. Ward and Jack Scarborough, on account of some misunderstanding on the part of the boys with a negro man. After threatening to kill the boys they carried them to the woods and kept them bound and guard ed during the day, awaiting the arrival of the leader of the* band. Their chief not arriving and the night having set in, the negroes consulted as to the mode of dis posing of their prisoners. Some were for killing them on the spot, bat the ma jority were in favor of releasing them on being paid one hundred dollars, adding that if the chief was there they would be compelled to pay $1,000. The boys fear ing that they might be murdered if they did not agree to the terms, paid $14 in cash, all they had on hand, a cow and calf and promised to work for any person the negroes would designate and let them re ceive their wages until the balance o! the ransom was paid. They were then al lowed to depart, and ore now, we under stand, working under contract to pay the negroes. The above happened in the 17th dis trict of Sumter county, but we are dis posed to discredit the story as a week has elapsed since it occurred and no mention made of it, wo will await nntil the matter bos been investigated before com menting upon it Cff*. The weather of the past few days , .,-tty cold. Heavy frosts for the last im* mornings. lajr The Sheriff presents his compli ments to the late Grand Jury in this pa in r. head them.! g4h. Head the Grand Jury Present ment., in another column. j-y- What lias become of the A. Sc N. R. ? We fear its slumber is becoming in riK'tnal. Emanuel & Bro. are in tbo field for the reduction of high prices in dry w«nK See advertisement Snjr Waxelhanm Sc Co., yet shout their tattle cry— "There swells a cry as thunders crash,” and sell goods cheaper than tho cheapest See advertisement. frir W. 1*. Loraraore offers two nice rooms over Westheimer’s store to any «iw wishing to rent a comfortable office. ftaT A dead calf on College street near iL«-Tommy House needs the attention of ■* City ^avengers. fciT A relief law is needed in our City lo relieve it of the “ hog nuisance. ” ioTThe “Senior” left yesterday, for -•me of the lower counties for the pur- ;»>e of organzing Temperance Lodges w\, md will be absent for a few days. lx! u A house near the Southwestern | Uailroad belonging to Mr. P. H. Oliver, | intended for a mill, was destroyed by fire 14 or 5 o’clock, Sunday morning 8&~ A negro man entered one of the stores of Waxelbaam & Co., yesterday, and seeing that all of the clerks were busy waiting on customers, picked up a bolt of goods and started to leave, bathe was detected by one of the salesmen who tried to catch him* this so frightened the negro that he threw the goods down and.’ ran off, leaving his wagon and mules be hind. Ballou's Magazine fob December. An examination of this magazine shows that it is a model number in every respect. The engravings are excellent,the descrip tions are ingenious and eloquent, while the stories are remarkable for their inter est and great originality. Mrs. Edson finishes her continued story, and Hora tio Alger, Jr., concludes liis "Sinkor Swim ” in a satisfactory manner, as the juveniles will learn when they read it.— Macy has furnished a sea story in his own peculiar vein. Stephens gives ns 4 Evening with a Catamount ” Darling tells us "Why our Wedding was Post poned, ” in his most comical manner, and then there is a Christmas story, fall of humanity and goodness, and three or four love stories which will bear perusal half a dozen times, and "Lost and Found” is a regular California tale, by a new as pirant for fame in the columns of Ballon. In addition to thia there are many articles worth reading, in the shape of sketches, poetry, etc., etc., and all for the sum of 15 cents per copy, or $1.50 per year. The New Year will commence with many rare novelties, so don’t delay in making up yonr clubs or purchasing at the periodical depots. Thornes & Talbot, 63 Congress street, Boston, publishers. Improve your look* with “Barrett's.” Communicated. Mb. Editob : Onr young friend James Callwaay Esq., after a critical examina tion upon the various titles of the Law, was admitted to the bar on last Friday morning. His clear and sensible answers to the Attorneys evinced close study and excellent judgment This young gentleman is courteous in manner, of genial disposition, and may be justly commended os worthy beyond his years of patronage and trust The law is a jealous mistress and more effectually than all other professions guards herself from imposters, and we have no doubt of Mr. Callaway’s success, for all present indications give promise of flattering fruition. SENEX. k. Messrs. Havens Sc Brown, News Dealers and Stationers, Macon, Ga., will accept our thanks for late copies of the following papers and magazines: The Illustrated Police News, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, DioModenwelt, Har per’s Weekly, The Rural New Yorker, The Phunny Phellow, New York Clipper, Peterson’s Ladies National Magazine, aud Frank Leslie’s Pleasant Hours at Home. 'he Bads. Lad a meeting here last v night, bat couldn’t agree. Too poor white bnckra ” want to run t&- A subscriber of tbe Sumteb 1\e- n iiui an has paid the cash for this paper ■to hundred and fifty years to come.— Ho is an honest man anil not crazy. Ww Look at onr advertising columns ii-l see who are the responsible business : J»n of Americas. Hgr- Wo have received a specimen of the artistic skill and ability of Messrs. Blackshear & Laramore which, in jndginent, cannot be excelled. And this is true of all their work. Their pictures are the most life-like and perfect than any artists we know of. And it is cause of surprise, as they devote them selves to the study of their profession with the assiduity that cannot be resisted and which will ultimately place them at the head of their profession. Onr citi- izens should take pleasure in supporting these gentlemen, as they are young men high social standing, pleasant and accom modating, and altogether such meu ol whom any city might justly be proud.— Our friends who desire good pictures will do well to visit the Gallery of Black- sheaT& Laramore. See advertisement. Bu From a private source wo learn that the fine new depot of the Southwest ern Railroad at Fort Valley was destroyed by fire, on last Saturday night. Messrs Hart & Co. have placed us again under obligations to them for late favors. These gentlemen are in re ceipt eyery day of fresh fish from Savan nah, which can be had immediately alter tbe arrival of the train. They keep also hand fine Northern cabbages, apples, fruits and other articles for family use, which can bo purchased cheaper than at any other house in the city. ~ “Barrett’s" tho leading thing. gu We will from this date, sell our en tire stock of Groceries at cost and charges. Call soon if you want Bargains. Montgomery Sc Shaw. Nov. 14th-tf. USX- A large number of our farmers paid 25@30 cents, on credit, for bacon, and $1.5002.25 for corn, with which to raise cotton. Now cotton is selling at 12 @13 cents per pound, and com at $1.25 @1.50. Wonld it not pay better to raise more Corn and hogs and less cotton f We think it would, and advise the farmers to try it one year, at least Auebicus, Ga., Not. 15tli, 1870. Mb. Editob : Dear Sir: At the i quest of Charles Darley, Bb’ff. of Snmter County, we have caiefully examined his Execution Docket and compared it with the like docket of the Clerk of the Supe- Court We find upon Ills Execution docket, regularly returned, every case noticed by the Clerk, except one case, in favor of Bradford, Wells Sc Co. vs. T. B. Daniel, which the Sheriff says, he is sure he never received. We have also examined his file of news papers, containing his advertisements of Sheriff’s Sales. We found a file of the Sumter Republican for every week, put up regular monthly packages, so that any one who desires might see any advertise ment in said paper since his installation into office. W. A HAWKINS. JOSEPH A. ANSLEY. Wachtcl has concluded to cn- >r Hie iitl.1 for the redaction of the price • l clothing, ami this morning offers his <><ls ut greatly reduced rates. Seo ad- 8®k-Mr. T. E. Dalwick has taken a room in tho old Americas Hotel-where ho proposes to renovate old feather beds That is he will cleanse the feathers and purify them by means of steam. Onr citizens who have feathers they wish cleansed can have it done with very little cost. As a matter of health and comfort wonld advise all of our friends to have their beds renovated, both feathers and cotton. Mr. D. will remain in Americas » short while, and asks only a trial of his process of cleansing beds, which bo ii confident cannot be equaled. Ho bears testimonials from many of tho prominent citizens of the State to that effect. 1: you would enhance the value of us or town property, plant and fruit trees and flowers. '•Ultll leant that the Radical League Lileil to nominate candidates, at their ’ui-etiug Saturday evening, on account of w * rt ‘ '’ring too many aspirants. I . rA terta * a white man in onr city, I v> 0 * s s,r »ving to l>e the nominee of the •■firroes, f° r the State Legislature, | 'Mreil “ missing” a negro baby u ' ,s T lla ro, lust Saturday, in order to • ‘ h- himself in the estimation the color- "I voters. A meeting is called on Tuesday evening next, by Mr. Ph. Donenberg, for the young men who desire to organize a Dramatic Corps in this city. We hearti ly endorse this call and hope that the yonng i will too. We know of amusement fraught with so much good this, and we advise all who can to join it Mr. D. has had much experience in such matters and is oonfident that he can make his corps, when organized, do jus tice to any audience. See notice. The advertisement of Mrs. E. C. Spaulding appears in this paper announc ing that she has a largo stock of the most instructive and entertaining books pub lished, all of tbe standard works of the day, school l>ooks, music, papers, peri- d of J. J. Pearce, Butler I odicals, stationery, together with a beau- . Cotton Factors, Augusta, Go., will tiful lot of toys for tbe children, and nu- m.l with the new advertisements in ] merous other articles. Be certain to visit her store if you need anything in the lit erary line. £Sy*In another column will be fonnd the card of Mr. T, E. Dalwick proposing to renovate feather beds, which he does by a steam apparatus. We have seen two beds cleansed by this process and think it is the most complete operation known. The feathers when put in the renovater were in lumps and stuck together; when taken out they presented a fine and new appearance, and were free from all dis agreeable odors peculiar to feather beds after long use, and their bulk seemed greatly increased. This is the most ef fectual way to renovate beds that have been used by *dieased persons. Those of citizens who wish to have their beds mode new will certainly be accommodat ed if they will send them to Mr. Dalwick at the old Americas Hotel. Below we print a letter recommending the Reno vator : Hawkinsvzllb, Go., May 2,1870. Bbo. Edwin Your letter in relation to the renovation of old feathers has been received. The gentleman in your place renovated an old bed for me which seemingly as good now as a new one, (done one year ago). I saw Cob O. O. Horne in regard to the same matter. He states that the same man renovated some for him. He is well pleased with it, and does not think it will injure tbe feathers. Neither do I. I have not seen Bozeman, bnt Mrs. Bozeman told my wife that she was well pleased with hers. It will do. Your affectionate brother, J. O. Jelxs, Jb. Cs£r We respectfally recommend oi friends in this city and county to go to Oppenheimer Sc Franks’ Clothing Hall, as they are selling their stock of Gentle mens’ Clothing at greatly reduced prices, such prices as will astonish every that calls at their establishment, as they offer better inducement to buyers than any other house in Southwestern Geor gia. They have also a fall stock of Dry Goods which they sell at low prices.- Store next door to the entrance of the Barlow House. Nor. 10-tf. B6L. The largest stock of sterling Silver and Plated Ware ever brought to Ameri cas con now be seen at Lkitkbb & Frncx- eb’s, all of which will be sold at prices to correspond with the times. tf. s l*pe advertisements They are reliable gentlemen ' business entrusted to them will prompt attention. ^ drunken white man named was relieved of his money, last San- ftiglit, near Sirrine’s Carriage Facto- ■ w ' niC colored individual whom he I ls Aik-d to identify. McCarthy’s Excelsior Min-. | I ri v- aie t0 l>er * orm * u thi* city next ti„ n * ^ at, irday nights. The ques- i v■< 1Hall large enongli to oc- I We u • th ® crowd Umt wiU attend? j mk not; and therefore advise all w ant a good seat to go early. lacJL? 056 "' 10 promirad to pay their I is,, " sal theCitj Brag Store as soon ® *ell their cotton, which they foiled to do. < I 0,6 P re8ent condition of money I it i> absolutely the dntj of eteiy “d woman—to bny their goo> S “'™-Uge_the 3r will find I Iwrti.®* to "* d EMANUEL'S ad- I * Then go there and boy. 1 11. tb 7 Complimentary. —A beautiful and ac complished lady of high standing in the city of Macon, in writing to Dr. W. W. Ford on professional business pays him the following well-deserved compliment: Mrs. is waiting to come with me. We are both fully determined to come to you, aud would not have any one’i work but yours. To see your stork, Dr., is a sufficient guarantee that you have arrived at perfection in yonr profes sion, and goes further than idle words of praise. ” ji- As it has been insinuated by those who are jealous of the growing populari ty of our house—that our advertisement of prices, is all gas and buncombe, that we have not the goods in stock—that they can not be bought by tbe bale, at the prices wo advertise them by the yard See., Sec., in reply we state that’s onr business—we invite a call, and if we don’t stand up to wbaf wo say—we are willing to take tbe consequences. B. EMANUEL A BRO. nov. 11-tf Equine Remedies best in the world. TELEGRAPHIC Washington, Not. 15.—There is offi cial authority for stating that Minuter Motley was peremptorily recalled by or der of President Grant on last Friday. Secretary Fisk has not yet sent inhis letter of resignation. The State Department has received dispatch from Vienna, saying that Aus tria bos been officially notified that Rus sia wonld no longer observe the treaty of 1856 regarding the neutrality of tho Block Sea. This is construed as a notice of tbe speedy advance on the part of. Russia towards the Turkish Capital. London, Nov. 15.—It is reported that documents have been captured by the Prussians seriously compromising the neutrality of Switzerland. The Times in an editorial says that "if Paris should fall it would not be the end of the war.” There ia great enthusiasm created in Vienna over Prussian reverses. The French have achieved several vic tories, more or less important, alvarious points. The battle aft Orleans was desperate. The Prussians areic full retreat. t&'K large and beautiful assortment of Lamps and Fixtures, at prices to suit cotton at Db. Eldjudge’s. GRANBERRY & CO, Again announce uut the. Ion Good. Only for Cash. aihr itrlT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH1 03XT A. OR33DZT. Wo hare NO CREDIT PRICE. Trr°v < ir?JvPv f onr , £ ow ”**» i*» wo sell FOB THE HONEY, and have but SK PltlCK. Wo have s full stock of Domestics, both of ^orUiern and Southern manufacture, auch as aerrants, Osnabnrgs, Brown and Northern and Southern manufacture, auch as H"®*- servants, Owiabnrg*, F Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, at CASH PRICES, corresponding with the LOW price of COTTON. Americus, Ga., Nov. 15 th, 1870. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir:—Noticing in your paper the Presentments of- the Grand Jury of Sumter Superior Court-of last week, calling attention to the failure by the Sheriffs of said county, as far _ . „ '^***" 7 * w v,< *° fawsk as 1865, to make entries upon the Sheriff's docket of fi. fas. which has been T m turned over to them by the Clerk o^the Su perior Court, See. Although I do not sup pose the Grand Jury intended to do me any injustice, yet, ns this was a general term, including all the Sheriffs, and I be ing tbe present incumbent, would be tbe •reHkely to suffer in the estimation of the people. I have therefore, in order that I mny be set right, requested two lawyers, W. A. Hawkins, and J. A. Ans- ly, Esqrs., who are entirely familiar, with such matters, to take the Clerks docket, aud the Sheriffs docket, and compare the interest of each separate esse, and I here with, present you below tbeir certificate, which show -on entire correspondence with the Clerks docket, except one case, therein mentioned, which I led perfectly assured, never came into my hands, to wit: Bradford Wells, Sc Co., vs. T. B. Daniel. I was absent at home with my sick wife at the regular October term, of said Court. At the adjourned term of last week, I proposed to the Committee, who had been appointed by the Grand Jury to inspect the books of tbe county officers, to inspect my docket, but they informed mo they had already made out their report, and did not care to change it As I knew my docket to have been fairly kept, I urged and solicited an in vestigation. I presume therefore, that whatever investigation - the committee hod of the sheriff’s docket, that the in vestigation did not extend to my term of office, bat as their charges were general, I deemed it necessary to moke the above showing. As to the files of {papers con taining the advertisements, although but few of our sheriff’s, I am informed, kept them, yet if the committee had have called upon me I could have presented C. S. DARLEY; Sheriff EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, BL’K & COLD SILKS, ALL LOWES THAN USUAL FOB CASH. A Stock of ladies CLOAKS and SHAWLS, cheap enough to satisfy the closest buyers. Hosiery lower than ever fob tub won- EV - Clotha and Caaeimeree, both of Foreign ana Domestic manufacture, some of superior "uaKty. and warranted to give satisfaction. _ Pnnt*. White Goods, Table Damask, Irish Unen, Pillow case Linen and Sheeting, all Astounding Low Prices FOR CASH. A Urge Mock of UMBRELLAS, WINDOW SHADES nl OIL CLOTHS. .tSUXS* -rtiele of Ticking, warranted BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A very large stock of BSP*Save your money by going to EMANUEL’S to buy your Dry Goods. . 11-tf. At Reduced Prices for Cash* Plated Spoons aud Forks of superior quality. Al«o, CASTORS, Table and Pocket Knives, Fine Teas, Candles, 8oap, Starcli, Boda, Royal Baking Powders, potash. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. A very large stock of S A.X>Z>XjBS, Lower than ever. Trunks, Travelling Bags and Baskets, all at tho lowest raicEs von cash. Wo have the LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETINGS! eveu bhouout to south-west oxobqu, Aqd at Lower Prices TBAX THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN SOMEOFOUR LARGER TOWNS. and VeU TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, AND RICH VELVETS, Of entirely new Styles anil Patterns. M t M It you want Cabvets, HANDSOME Cahyets, CHEAP Carpets, look at ours. We cordially invite all to call and examine ur new stock. A lot of beautiful WALL PAPER in consignment to cloao out at less than sea geanbehuy & co. Aiuericus, Oct. 8, tf. For loss of appetite nso Equine Powders. ANUOUNCEM ENTS. For Sheriff. The mauy friends of CHAS. S. DAR LEY take the liberty of announcing bis name as a candidate fox the office of Sheriff of Sumter county, without res pect to party or color. nov 10 ^d Tax Collector. A great many friends, both whiio aud colored, and irrespective of party, of GREEN M. WHEELER, announce him a candidate for Tax Collector of Sumter county at the approaching election. For County Treasurer. i are authorized to announce the name of MOSES SPEER os a candidate for the office of Countv Treasurer of Sumter, at the ensuing election, nov 5 tde. Tax Receiver. At the request of many voteis, both white and colored, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for the county of Sumter, aft the ensuing election, nov 5 tde* JOE MIZE. For Clerk aud Treasurer. H. D. RANDALL, tho present Clerk of the Council, and Treasurer of tbe city, is hereby announced as a People’s candi date, without regard to party, for re-elec tion to said office. A Great Manx Voters. i 3 tde* Six Great Remedies. Hurley’s Stomach Bitter^ For Debility, Loss Appetite Weakness, Indigestion, or Dys pepsia, Want of Action oi the Inver, or Disor- dered Stomach. Thorn srouo bitters that can compare with these in removing these distressful complaints. Indianapolis, Ind-.Fob. 7,1870. To James Raddle, A Co. Lonkvule, Ky; Gentlemen: About two months ago I pro- enrod a bottlo of Dr. Hurley's Bitters for my wife, thinking it a pleasant tonic, bnt not rely ing much on its medicinal virtues, and it cured her of & disease she h»d long l>eon nnder treat ment for. 'I waa afflicted in *■ similar way, and got some for my own use, an.’, ini happy lo say it has cured me. My disease \ «s of the bladder kidneys. It is certainly «. splendid medi- », and being pleasant to > ‘no is quite a re commendation. We and onr nighbors have no nee for any others now. Ve- respectfully yonr friend, J. L. B. Notice to Mothers DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. ftOc. per Settle. Use iu the future 8eal>rook's, a combination quite np in advancement of the age: pleasant and reliablo in all cases, Invaluable in the fol lowing diseases: Summer Complaints, Irregularitios ol the Bowels, Restivenesss, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. it families, anil find it (toes t ogood tried. We be children quicker than all other iffeml for sale. We have been Ing it for three years, and it gives universal satisfactio n ” * ’ ” ' ' * — wives will iw plained o oother. Yours, Wu. It.Be,. J. L. Root. IIUIULKY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY Thia being really a specific against all kinds of onus that are fonnd in children, it is fast be coming the remedy administered iusuch trou bles; its pleasant taste is quite a recommenda tion of itsolf, while its efficiency is truly wonder- _ iL Louisville, August 30, 1869. Messrs. James Ruddle A Co.—Gentlemen: In consequence of the benefit 1 have received from the use of yonr Dr. Hurley’s Worm Candy in my family. I send yon this, hoping you will make it publie for the good of other parents. My wife and self are satisfied bnt for toe use of Hurley’s Worm Candy at least one of our chil dren wonld hare died. Both of onr children now well and hearty, they passed worms inches long. Anyone doubting this can call and see me at corner 10th and Cliesnnt streets, and I will give them proof of this and more. Yours $50,000 WORTH OF Dry Goods Great Reduction in Prices S. Waxelbaum & Co’s NEW STORE, r of Cotton Avenuo and Lamar St., oppo se tho largo Grocery House or Toole A Kchnmpert and Furlow A Bro. PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, lODIDEPOTASH This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a cer tain and perfect euro for the following com plaints and diseases: v Affections of the Bones, Habitual Cost- iveness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all imparities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Thos. A. Harley: sir: I deem it an act of iustice to yon to stall that in tho month ot February last, I had a severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism, which completely pros trated me. At the same time my lungs were much afflicted. 1 was so reduced that it was with the greatest difficulty I could walk. 1 pro- ‘""■M »omo of yonr compound extract of Barsa- a, and commenced taking it. I found that an to improve, my cough became less so* . the soreness of my lungs and breasts gradually subsided, my rheumatic pains less acute. 1 attribute this mainly to your Sarsa parilla. I have now been taking it for over two months! I havo taken in all five bottles. Its ef fects have been moat satisfactory to me, and I rilarly affected to give you a Jos. Clement. _ . . whose name is appended to the above certificate has long resided here, and af tho present time is one of the magistrates ot the city of Louisville. O WING to the low price of Cotton, we have concluded to offer the balance of onr Fall Stock at the following remarkable low prices : Good Fast colored Prints, 10 c. $ yd Very best Merrimack, Sprague, Ac 12J “ ** Best Shirting, 10 “ *• Best Sheetings, 121 “ *' Macon Sheeting, lo « « No. l.Osnabnrgs, 8oz 14 •* «' No. 2. “ 9 « *• Sta Island Uomespnu 10 “ “ Good Bleaching, ^ ** « Better quality 10 and 12} “ •' Osnaburg Stripes, 12} " “ Best Spun Yarn, 145^ lmn. For Tax Receiver. ) are authorized to announce the name of JOHN H. BAILEY os u candi date for the office of Receiver of Tax Re turns of} Sumter county at the ensuing election. nov 3 tde. For Sheriff. At the solicitation of many friends and voters, both white and colored, I am per suaded to submit my name to the voters of Sumter county for Sheriff at the en suing election. Respectfally, ALLEN. oct 25* H. H. For Representative. Aft the solicitation of many friends.both white and black, I announce myself as a candidate to represent tbe connty of Sum ter in the next Legislature, oct 13 te* J. R. G. HORNE. For Representative. At the solicitation of many voters, both white and colored, we are authorized to announce the namo of STERLING GLOVER os a candidate to represent the oonnty of Snmter In the next Legis lature. Voters. oct20 f* To the Voter* of the 13th Sen. District Aft the request of many voters, both white and colored, irrespective, of party, in the Counties of Snmter, Schley and Macon, I hereby announce myself an Independant candidate for the State "mate. R.O. BLACK, oct 15 td. For Tax Receiver. A large number of the friends of THOMAS B. GLOVER, both white and black, who appreciate his abilities as tho present Tax Receiver of Sumter County, take pleasure in announcing his name as a candidate for re-election to that office, pledging to sustain him with suffrage aud DRESS GOODS rer offered, among whieh we offer tho follow- Emprcss Cloth n Block Alpaca ‘ .50 c., worth 75c. Cotton Avenue two Doors below Toole A Seliumport’s, IMPORTER AJSHD DEALER OLD BOURBON, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Wines, Cordials, «fcc. -ALSO- Fancy Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, &C., &C-, &c. PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER Has become an article of commerce—which no medicine ever became before. It la as much an item in every bill of goods sent to country mer chants as tea, coffee or sugar. Tin* speaks vol- mea in its favor.—Glens’ Falls Messenger. Rev. H. L. Vanmeter, Barm ah, writes, “The ‘ain Killer has become an almost indispensible rticle in my family.” Hundreds of missionaries give similar testi- lony of its virtnes. Rev. J. G. Stearns writes, “I consider tho best emedy I know of for dyspepsia. Rev. Jabez L. Swan says, “1 have naed it for ears in my family, and consider it an invalua- lo remedy.” ltev. M. H. Bixby writes, “I have had occa- ion to uso tho Psin Killer very frequently dnr- Hurley’s Ague Tonic. —Those afflicted with the Fever and Ague, will be profit ed by rending the testimonials, iu anoth er column, of the superiority of the above infallible medicine, in the permanent cure of this detestible disease. Messrs. Jas. Ruddle & Co., proprietors, have thousands of testimonials from physicians who use it in their practice, and those who have beeu cured of the different forms of Ague. The orders of this firm are very large from all parts of the country, for their popular goods, and they can be found in almost any country ’town in the whole country. Their list comprises Hurley’s Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, Hurley's Worm Candy, Extract of Jamaica Gin- •, Dr. Seabrook’s Elixir Phosphate of m aud Calisnya, Hartman’s Pearl Drops, Bcttison’s Horse Liniment, and many other good medicines. Their office and laboratory is at No. 41 Bullitt street, Louisville, Ky. HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE! The onlyremedy for Chills *nd Fovor or Ague and Fever, that is or can be depended up on ia Hurloy*B Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cared by using it who have tried the aal remedies without benefit. To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during the last year I was attacked with the agne while in Vicksburg, Miss., and used sever al popular patent medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching home the discaso returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered quinine, fa large doeee. fre quently aa high aa 60 grains per day, and which 1 have cost mo nearly 3100. I consulted Dr. ti, ot Louisville, and found he prescribed quinine and arsenic, combined, wluoh I refused to take, preferring to let the disease take its course. I wss almost bloodless, extremely ex hausted, and pronounced with enlarged liver and spleen. About this time the advertisemeitf of Hurley's Agne Tonic appeared in a city papet, and I determined to give it a trial. I did ao, and have no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have aeen nearly a hundred cases iu which it acted with equally happy result*, and wonld certainly re commend it as preferrable to any other,tonic be fore the public. J axes Mjlutis, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 14,1865, .17 and 22 cents. In CLOTHING We have the largest and beat selected stock in the city. Good Caasimcro Suita 110 00 and *15 00. Fine Walking Frock Coats, latest styles. Freedman’s Suits from *2 50 to *5 00. BOOTS and SHOES 9 positively t DR. SEABROOKS ELIXIR PYROPHOSPHATE IRON &.CALISAYA This elegant combination possesses all the tonic properties of Peruvian Bark and iron, without the disagreeable tastes aud bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines. It ahould be taken in all cases when a gentle tonic impression is re quired after convalescence from'fevers or debili tating diseases,or in those distressing irregular ities peculiar to females. No female should be without it, if liable to such diseases, for nothing can well take its place. JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, Laboratory No. 41 Bullitt Street, Louisville, Ky. cent, leu than any ‘ them direct from friends . -.—, i : rket af fords we invite all to call and examine onr atock and patrons all the inducements the market *f- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Call before you purchase elsewhere, and yc_ rill find that yon can get more here fora little money than any where In the city, •a. Remember the old reliable firm of 8. WAXELBAUM Sc CO. novOly e Meeting of the Incorporators of the Americas and Florence B. K. YTTHEREAS, Uio General Assembly, at its last V section, paaaed an Act to Incorporate the above named liul Rood, and whereas, the pro visions of said act require that notice be given wspntdic gazette of the State, of a meeting of tho Incorporators at least twenty davs before suck meeting, It i. earnestly u.*2d tliS tho In- oorpoiatora-named in said actassemblo in tbe city of Americas, onTueeday, U ‘ * — SSSS5® Treasurer’s Notice. nty T IL I . County Treasur. BOOK School Notice. r is with pleasure I announce to tbe dtissns of Americas that I have secured tho ser vices of Mr. W. W. KSNNEBLY, as associate teacher for tbe ensuing year. I nave endeavor- ’ ace I began to teaA in tlds city, to estab- nd maintain a school of the flrat rank, and for thia moon I have associated with those only who were known to be thorough scholars and good teachers. I do not now hesitate tossy* that in presenting to this community Mr. W. * W. Kenncrly, that he ia on accomplished scholar and successful teacher, and that he will give sat isfaction to tbo so who may entrust thefr chfld- mnch interested as v A competent assistant for the Primary Depart ment will be employed. novlOtf G. T. WILBURN. Wanted. High School. References required. ~Ac- •» -* ‘t-* — ■’-— 1 —ned, at tjmithvi * Johx Batts, Wm. Wells, G. C. Edvtamds. E. Ik Watsox, E. A. Wnsox, J. H. Aim. NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to me either for shop work or tuition, will please come forward otdnce and settle in order that I may be able to settle with my creditors. Forbearance has oeased to be a virtue, and I will expect you to settle with out further notice. My time is worth too much to me to waste it in begging parties to pay me. «3l Remember my claims come nnder one of the specifications of the Homestead Law. nov 3 wtf J. B. SCOTT. TORRENT. rpWO Office Rooms oyer H. Weetheimer’s W. P. LAEAHORK. FOR SALE. O NE or the finest DWELLINGS, and lot of 2 acres in the city, with all necessary out buildings, and an excellent well of water. Would be exchanged for some good Planta tion. G. W.THOMJ8. oct 181m PRESENTMENTS —OP THE— GRAM* JURY OF 8UHTEH COUNTY, OCTOBER TERM, 1870. HAVING orKNEli FALL STOCK I invito my friends aud Customers to call and examine it. tend to keep everything that should be in a First Class Book Store, and 1 thiuk on examination it will prove to be Besides all kinds of SCHOOIi BOOKS used in thia community, Revenue Stamps, Papers and PERIODICALS OF THE DAY, I have a fine assortment of Miscellaneous read ing, among the choicest are : Dickens’ Works, Waverhr Novels, Mrs. Leo Hentz’s Work, Queen Hortense—Mublbaek, Diariy ol the Cotta Family, 01<1 Fashioned Girl, Moods—by same author. All tbe Poets—different styles, Marian Harlan<3, Mrs. Holmes, and others too numerous to mention. Ail the above medicines are for sale by W.A. COOK A CO., Americas, Ga., And at Wholesale by L.W. Hunt& Co., Macon, Ga Notice to Debtora and Creditors. fpHOSE indebted to the estate of Dr. John. A. A Comer wiu please make payment promptly. Those haying claims against the estate willreu- i in terms of tlmlywtetlmmideti^ncd. 10 6w ^EORGIA—WpsTim Coprrr. J", Whereas. Mrs. Cm thia Goare applie Lcttera of AdmmiatetiioD, with tbeOTai coon? t deoSS^° f Ph * n * Go * re> Uto of *“ d These an therefore to dte all persons inter- Gi™ 1 "fAx-tar Iliad and officul aignrtnre, ttiifl T til orAoremUr, 1870. . hot 101m O. W. D^YEtroBT, Ordinary. Blank Books & Stationery I do not think can be beat in town for cheapnees and variety, Rose Tint, White and Mourning PAPER AND ENVELOPES, FOBEION COBBESFOITBENCE Paper INITlAI, PAPER, FRENCH PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Blank Books, Of all sizes to suits customers Inks of different colors, Bine, Black, Bed and Purple. *3. Neither havo I forgotten tho Children bnt have selected such articles for their Christmas Presents as will combine Amusement, Instruction and Durability. I have not only TOYS, OF VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, bat 1 hive selected some Terr choice reading matter: OLIVER OPTIO series, SUSY SUNNYSIDE, LITTLE PRUDY’S STORIES, AUNT FRIENDLY’S series, Pictures aqd Fraiqes, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Violins, Guitars, Flutinas & Accordeons. Those items will dose my list. I ask my friends to call and examino for themselves.' " MRS. E. C. SPAULDING, The public Roads and Bridges, so far as we havo been able to asoertain, are good, except the road and bridge across Muclcaloochs creek near Well’s Mills, which we learn is impassable ford loaded wagon. We request this matter looked into by the proper authorities withoat delay and tho nocessary steps taken for im provements. The Jail wo fiud in good repair and well kept; but wo wonld suggest that limo or sorao other disinfectant be used which in our opinion wonld add to tho healthf ulucas of the place. Wo find tho Court House needing some slight repairs which should bo attended to before they get worse. The books of our various County officers we find neatly and intelligently kept, except thoso of the Sheriff’s office, which we do not think are k ept in accordance with the law. We find fi fas have been handed out by the Clerk to the Sher iff which do not appear on his books, neither do we find any public Gazette in his office contain ing liia advertisements and sales as required by tho Code § 397. Wo request the proper authority to take no- tico of these Commissions and look close to his books, duty, and the law as for back aa 1865. Deputy Sheriff Filsbury’s books, as shown as by him, are correctly kept We find in the hands of the Connty Treasurer $917 57, bnt from the imperfection of the former system of giving orders we cannot arrive at any Idea of the present indebtedness of the connty. We found in his hands of county scrip $189 90 and $5210 new issue; this amount upon an or der from the Ordinary, we havo received and burned, receipting the Treasurer therefor. We tender our thanks to His Honor, J. M. Class, for the able and impartial manner in which ho has administered tbe law, and to So licitors WnnxLxt and Bsowx, for their kind and prompt attention reddered ns as a body. DANIEL O. PATTERSON, Foreman. Eoastus J. ITulxet. Joel B. G. Hooks, Jakes H. Nelms, W. R. Stewart, Bexj. Johnston, Calvin Carter, Jakes W. Sloan, Patbick Bass, Natiux R. Rooks, Benj. B. Hamilton, Hexbx R. Jose sox, Thos. B. Daniel, Pxbxt H. Oliver, Andrew J. Wiluakt, Gkoroe Dtxes, Shad. T. Cuawtord, Mal.B. Couxcil, •To he W. Wheatley, Jesse Habiit, Hon’T. T. Byrd, Akos K. Schuxhxst, Calvin W. Felder. At the request of the Grand Jury, it is order ed that the within Presentments be published In the city p&pen. J* JI. CLARK, J. 8. C., a W. C. True extract from tho minutes of Snmter Su perior Coart. A. G. Roealdbde, Clerk, nov 12 It NEW STABLE. AVE opened a new stable on Cotton Aten- jo, where I will bo glad to see my friends and the public generally—feed their stock and edl them whatthey may need in ttyhne. 1 ahallgiYo my buaineee my personal attention and do my beet to give satisfaction. I will also keep a wagon yard with roomy lota and shelter* **r man and beast. oct 13m J. W. JORDAN, Jr. LAND FOR SALE. A BARGAIN OFFERED I WOiL offer for sale till November hext, my Plantation on Lannahagao Creek, In Web- etor county, containing thirteen or fourteen hun- *ed seres of land, with tho stock of mules, cat- tie andhogveorn and fodder on-tho farm. The Pkntettonis m good repair, about half cleared, with houses sufficient to comfortably accommo-. date laborer^ and' all other improvements ne cessary. A bargain Qan bo had by early application to Wm. J. Felts on the farm. J. W. Wooatley & Co, or myselfi at Americas, Georgia. ^ JA 5u*a r. WALKER. SAW MILL. H AVING purchased my father's Saw Mill, * formerly located on Levy Johnson’s place, in a few days I will bo prepared to furnish good Lumber at reasonable prices FOR CASH, nov 12w S. P. SLOAN.