The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 18, 1870, Image 4

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President Davison Genral Dee. At a meeting ©t Confederate soldiers j and aailorylieid at Richmond last Week, Hon. Jefferson Davis was present and spoke. He is reported b/ tl» Dispatch, as follows: •. ■ • '* As Mr. Davis aroee to walk to the stand every person in the house rose to his feet and there followed such o «torm of ap- planso as seeming to shake the very foun dations of the building, while cheer upon cheer was echoed from the throats of veterans saluting one whom they delight ed to honor. Mr. Davis spoke at length, and with his accustomed thrilling, moving .elo quence- We shall not attempt, at the la to hour at which wo write, to give a full report of his address. • * • Ho adeemed his heaters as “Sol hers and Bailors of the "Confederacy, com rades and friends: Assembled on this sad occasion, with hearts oppressed with the grief that follows the loss of him who was our deader on many a bloody battle-field, a pleasing though mebuicho- ly spectacle is presented. Hitherto, and in all times, men have been honored w lieu successful, but hero is tho case of one who, amid disaster, went down to his grave, and those who were his com panions in misfortune have assembled to liouor liia memory. It is as much an honor to you wbogive ns-. to him who receives, for"iboVe thfi vulgar test of merit you show yourselves competent to discriminate between him who enjoys and he who deserves success. “Robert J3. Lee war j»y associate and friend in tho military academy, ~ and we were friends until tho hour of his death. Wo wore associates and friends when he was a soldier aud I was a Congressman ; and associates and friends when ho led the armies of the Confederacy and I pre sided in the Cabinet Wo passed through many sad scenes together, but I cannot remember that-thcro was ever ought but porfecV harmony between us. If ever there was difference of opinion it was arced, and I may add that I never in my life saw in him tho slightest tendency to seUseeing. It was not his to make a re cord, it was not his to shift blame to oth er shoulders; but it was his with an eyo lixed upon tho welfare of his country, nevor faltering, to follow the lino of duty to the end. His was thoheart that brav ed every difficulty; his was the mind that wrought victory out of defeat “Ho has been charged with ‘want of dash.’ I wish to say that I never knew Leo to falter to attempt anything ever mun could dare. An attempt has also been mode to throws cloud upon his character because ho left the army of the United States to join in the struggle for the liberty of bis State. Without trench ing at all upon politics, I deem it my duty to say one word in reference to this charge. Virginian born, descended from a family illustrious in Virginia's annals, given by Virginia to the servico of the United States, ho represented her in the Military Academy at West Point Ho was not educated by the Federal Gov ernment but by Virginia; for she paid her fall share for tho support of that in stitution, and was entitled to demand in return the services of her sons. Enter ing the army of the United States, he represented Virginia there also and no bly. On many a hard-fought field Lee was conspicuous, battling for liis native State ns much as for the Union. Ho came from Mexico crowned with honors, covered by brevets; and recognized, young os he was, as ono of tbo ablest of his country’s soldiers. And to prove that he was estimated then as such, let mo tell you that when Lee was a captain of engineers, stationed in Baltimore, the Cuban Junta in New York, elected him to be their leader in the struggle for the independence of their native country, They were anxious to secure liis servi ces, and offerod him every temptation t hat ambition could desire. He thought the matter over, And I remember, carno to Washington to consult mo as to what lie should do, and when I began to dis cuss tho complications which might arise from his acceptance of tho trust, he gently rebuked me, saying that this was not tho line upon which ho wished my advise, the simple question wan, ‘Wheth er it was right or not. ” Ho hud l»eeii ••(bleated by tho United States, and felt wrong to accept place iu tbo army of a foreign power. Such was his extreme delicacy, such was the nice feuse of hon or of the gallnutgentleman whoso death we deplore. But when Virginia with drew- - ihe State to whom lie owed Lis first and last allegiance—tho same nice sense of honor led him to draw liis sword and throw it in the scale for good or for evil. Pardon me for this brief defence of my illustrious frieud. When Virginia joined the Confederacy Robert E. Lee, the highest officer in the little army of Virginia, came to Rich mond, and not pausing to enquire what would bti his rank i,i the service of the Ci.nfedemcy, went to Western V rginia under the U lief that ho was still an offi cer of tho State. Ho came buck, carry- by the people whom ho ser ved, for they could not know, ns I knew, that if his plans and orders had licen carried out tho result would havo been victory rather than defeat. You did not kuow, for I would not have known ii hail he not breathed it in my ear only at my yurnest request., and begging that nothing be said about it. The clamor which then arose followed him when Le went to South Carolina, so that it be came nrceesatv on his going to South Carolina to write » letter to the Gover nor of thufState, telling him what man ner of man he was. Yet, through all this, with a magnanimity rarely equalled ho stood in silence, without defending himself or allowing others to defend him, for he was unwilling to offend any one wh i was wearing a sword and strik ing blows for the Confederacy. Mr. Davis then spoke of the straight* to which the Confederacy was reduced, and of the danger to which her capital was exposed just after the battle of Seven Pines, and told lum General Leo Lad conceived and executed the desperate plan to turn their flank and rear, which lifter re yen days of bloody battle, was crowned with the .protection of Rich mond, while the enemy was driven far from the city. Tho speaker also referred to the cii eumstancea attending General Lee'_ crossing the Potomac and the march into Pennsylvania. He (Mr. Davie) assumed the responsibility of the movement. The enemy had long been concentrating his forces, And it was evident that if they continued their steady progress the Con federacy would bo overwhelmed. Gur only hope was to drive him to the defence of their own capitid, we being enabled in tho meantime to ro-inforce imr shattered army. How well General Lee camedoul that dangerous experiment need not be told; Richmond was reliev ed, tho Confederacy was relieved, and time was obtained, if other things had favored, to reinforce tho army But, said Mr. Davis, I shall not at tempt to review tho military career of our fallen chieftain. Of tho man, how shall I speak ? Ho was my friend, and in that word is included all that l could say of any man. His-qualities rose to the height of his genius. Self-denying • always intent upon the one idea o! duty; a ware cf the straights to. which we were reduced, ho said: “With my army in the mountains of North Virginia I could canty on. this war for twenty years longer.”— His men exhausted aud his supplies fail ing, ho was unable to carry out hi* plans. An untoward event caused him to antici pate the movement, and the army of Northern Virginia was overwhelmed. Bnt in tho surrender lio anticipated con ditions that have not been fulfilled—he expected his army to bo respected and his paroled soldiers to be allowed the enjoy ment of life and property. Whether these conditions lwve In-en fulfilled, let others say. Here he now sleeps n the land be loved 60 well, and that Lind is not Virginia only, for they do injustice" to Lee who beliete he only fought for Virginia. He wm ready to go anywhere, on any service for the good of his country, aud his heart WM at broad, as the fifteen States strug gling for tho principles that our fore fathers fought for in the Revolution of 1776. Ho is sleeping in tlie same soil with the thousands who fought under the earn© flag, but first offered up their lives. Here tho living wo? assembled to honor his memory, and.there tho skeleton sen tinels keeps watch over liis grave. The citizen ! the soldier ! this great general this true patriot! left behind him th. jCrownmg glory of a true Christian, His Christianity enoblcd him in life, and af fords us grounds for the belief that hois beyond the grave. "while wo mourn the loss of the great and the true, drop we also tears of n >athy witn her who was Lis helpmeet o—the noble woman who, while her bttsband was. in the field laiding the Army of tho Confederacy, though an in valid herself, passed her time in knitting socks for tho marching soldiers! A woman fit to bo tho mother of heroes— and heroes arc descended from her.— Mourning with her. we con only offer the consolation of a Christian. Onr loss is not his, bnt ho now enjoys tho rewards of a lifo well spent and a-nover-wovering trust in a rise a Saviour. This day we unite our word*, of sorrow with those of the good and great "throughout Christen dom, for his fume is gono over the water -—his deeds fill bo remembered; and when the monument wo build shall havo crumbled into dust, his virtues will still live, n high model for tho imitation of generations yet unborn. HAIR 'RESTORATIVE. -ft . 4« ■ fi&SfOftACvS ^ BABIUCTT’S Vegetable Heir Restorative- ■ Orv Hur t- a, * Ut imdlU tl* KUr <“ 12!!*“* i ‘“*''** f ♦: hi* Preparation turt-n&r? jiJI o’. class *9 » Hair Itenctvct. It <s thorough in 1 to no* Ion llair and Us effort perwun.-n. t pro tue-w bat en« rtiMlMct ■!» _ other* leave the li*ir in nu.< t,« It promotes growth nbra • ■ _ moist and cloa-r. tt superior to uny eifcer TheinsretifonMwsfliVWYhTel’-V' n '■? .. Mouey cannot buy itfor Sight is Priceless. Another Great Lie. Tho radical papers are howling over the murder of the "Hon. Alfred Richard- they stylo a froedtaan of this conuty, who was elected at the bayonet election of 18G8 ns a member of the Georgia Legislaturo from this couuty. Wo have tuken pains to ascertain the facts, as far as practicable. It appears that, one night last week, a crowd of men cawo into 'SYatkinsvillo-—nobody know ing whom they were, or from whence they came—and, after whipping om more negroes, were attacked by a num ber of negroes in Wat kinsvi lie. Both parties fired a number of shots, and the melee All. .Richardson was hit in the leg, as wo learn, with shot. So far from being murdered, he is not even danger ously wounded. Tho negroes report that they hit one or more of the “Ku Klux,” as they call the unknown party— having heard one say ho was shot and found blood on the ground. In common with all good citizens, regret the occurrence; but are satisfied, from all the various versions \re havo beard of it, tliat tho citizens of Watkins- ville had nothing to do with it. Since the foregoing was written, wo learn that tho freedman, Alfred Richard son, acknowledges that ho fired tho first shot. This case serves to show tho avidity with which tho Bullockites pci vert tho truth.—Athens ((in.) Watchman. W. L. Wadsworth & Co., COOK STOVES, ;: V-pirTHS BEST BRAKES IN THE UNION. MONUMENTAL QtJEEN of the SOUTH, delta, PLANTER, &c. 3,000 lbs. PURE WHITE LEAD, Ten Tons Iron, LOSE ED OIL, GLASS AUD PUTTY. G-lass Fruit Jars, 100 kgs. Nails,2 doz. Wheelbarrows, 200 prs. TracesJOdoz. Root HamesJO doz. Ames’ Shovels & Spades. Table & Pocket Cutlery, Plated Castors, Forks & Spoons, WftGOti $ BUCCY ftfffiBEflS, Cheap for Cash.! 4t The Diamond Glasses Manufactured by J. E. SPENCER, New York, which are now offered to the public, are pro nounced by all the celebrated opticians in the world to be the most perfect natural, artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are uround under their own supervision, from luiu- gto crystal pebbles, meited together, and derive their name, “Diamond, B on account cf their hardness aud brilliancy. Tho scientific principle on which they are constructed brings tho core or centre of the leas directly in from of the eye, producing a clear aud distinct vision, as in the natural healthy sight, and preventing all un pleasant sensation, such as glimmering aud ware-ring of eight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar to all Others iu use. They are mounted in tho finest manner, in frames of tho material- used for that purpose. Their finish and durability can excelled. Cautios—None genuine unless ing their trade mark stampod ou frame LEITNIT. .t PRICKER Watchmakers md Jewelers, no'.o agents for ' " £& Ths Great Medical Discovery! Dr. -WilSEB-S OAUPOiralA. YINEGAR BITTERS, nnndrcds or Thousand, £J Boar tostiaony to their wonderful*! jj-* Curatiro Effects. P? o WHAT ABE THEY? If? l»o obtain(xl. No peddlers etaployeiC J REMOVAL;. 3. P. BOONE lined by liim last year—known as tho G. M. Hay budding—is now manufacturing, and keeps etantly on hand a lull supply of Pino Fumltm- o. PARLOR SETS, Id Walnut and Mahogany; CHAMBER SETS, With find without marble tops COTTAGE SETS, BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Chairs, Btuketj, Brooms WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purpose* of a Laxative Perhaps no one raedi- G-in Gearing:. PLOUGHS. CAJSTE MILLS. TOOLS, HANDSAWS, PLANES, AUGERS, ETC.. Blacksmith’s Tools, Garden Tools, Builder’s Hardware, etc., etc We also Manv/ucture TINWARE, arul do ROOFING & GUT TERING, in the best style and WARRANT IT. We make the assertion without fear of being accused of “blow ing,” that we have the LARGEST and CHEAPEST stocked goods in our lino EVER BEFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS SECTION, all of which we pro pose to Sell at Um LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING RATE8, *^F Q R CASH Agents for CHAMPION MILLS FLOUR, at Wholesale only. Come and satisfy yourselves. EVERYBODY IS INVITED ! ! *elf-controlled to an extent that many thought • him cold. - -HI* feeling* were really warm, and hi* heart melted freely at the aigMrof a wounded soldier, or the atory of the Bufferings of tbo widow and orphan. Daring the war ho wax ever conscious of tho inequality Of the means at his control; but it woa never his to complain or attar a doubt—it was always hi* to do. When in tho la^t campaign he was be- leagured at - Petersburg and painfnDy cine to to universally —[ttlrcd by cvery- a cathartic. cl~ THEY AR3 NOT FANCY DRINK •f ■vlo cf Poor Rum. Whiskey. Froof Spir its. find Rjfuso XUquor*. *i*>c ur.*h» 1 <>w>h ts aplcr on l-M’.rutik.r.aoki i.-.A run. but aro atn: j sLU.-in*, mill liw:n tu* Jf.»Uvr» Jinoti and 11 <1 i'j. .i,.rnl v,fi-co fpr.m allAlcnholia Stimulants, ’feyn t iCEtnATBLOOD PURI I'LEHun i Isll'i: GIVING PRITT- CIPIiB. a !• rf.ct Is. isqatcr aud lavigwator I ha*l7ooi 1 E.tttrs, accutdi&g to mguntreX - - nparaUi cam>, pro- Vor l iftvr.m izr? md Chrouio Hhcu- matisia. find Gi-t. IVS’^epaio. c.e Indi- ec tio.i Till: ox:, Pemlttor.t. and Inter- ir?, l>iT:anesofth» Blood, ' *" ’ ' ‘ -so Bit- ih. Bla- ailBhu! .-I by VitiatedBloi ... _ ierilly, proDiced liyspepxia or Xndi*crrtton, JTc*!H», cTc»:. D fit«*aeVlto>i Tutsi* Ihe Ma-KH, H:.turns AtHcks, ptUplt.itlon cf tl.o Heart, Cvpiuw* Discimrgsj of L'unn, Pa!n i:» tho regUnucf tho KUney*, and a handtad oilier p»t-i!ul f yni;>toms vliwh t*: i oCiiirU»i» or ty*iy*r*Aa.»ro^rtircd L]Tlhc»o T-rtter*. ^ ^ U-t imp-iritic* IaimU'XT t lireur’.i llmwq 11*. - - ytrs. ErnptFin*, or d****> n > ‘onj '• _ urntrid C*eli bottle, piiiUed i.i lour laa-uiigun— Eagiinh. (ienaati, 1' l J. WAbKEd.35 X 31 Canuam*J r lreet f h.Y. rnTO'^r. iLH.jr. noxAi.ocra. In.ic-r«Uauil CJOnoml Aren's. .*■ rrswIiM. Cirifertirt, anil . J an .: . » .m* CSfOmSTS ATO 300,000 Good Hard Brick TJIOR SAI.E. nitlifa onc-half mile of tho dl * of Americas. »na dcairimr Brick unrk and Flantcria unfiereiguecl. or work kft i Di-lve prompt a R. E. COBR dono will So well. All order* for either Brick or work” kft Cobb A AJlen’a Saloon wiU receive ‘ reqau body ^ nor was ever any be- foro so uDivcrsail; adopted Into use, h_ •very cooatry and this wild but efficient purgative rut. The obvious reason is, that it is a more relia ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who have '~*~d it, know that it cured them: those who have , know that it cures theimeighbors and friends; tried it, know that it cured not, know that it cures their— and all know that what it docs once it does al ways—that it never fails through any ffinlt orneg- plect of iu composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable eurce of the following complaints, to* ‘ known in every neignboctMod, publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from *heir use la any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence internal viscera to purity, the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of Ihe body, restoring their irregular action tohealth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such do- remems as aro the first origin of disease. —irate directions aro givenla tho wrapper the box, for the following complaints, whicn tin PUU rapidly euro:— rorPypopoia, or *ch, and restore7u healthy- tone and action. - For X4v«r Commtelmt and Us various symn- uns, llillon* Headache, Sick Head, che, JTanndice or Green Sickness, DU- diseased action or remove the obstructions which Dysentery < ose is generally _ w Dhenmr** - Pli Ml.. uously taken, complaints disappear. For Ureasy and. Dropsical Swell they should toe taken in largo and frequent toproduoe tbo effbei of a drastic purge. For Ssppresilos a large dose shoal taken as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Thinner PUl, take one or two THU* to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dooe stimulates the steesae bowels into healthy aetkm, restores the appetite, sod invigorate* the system. Hence it ie often ad vantageous where no serioos derangement exists. Ono who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these PiUa makes him feel decidedly bet ter, from tbelr cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. J>r. J. C. AY TUI A CO., PraetUnl Chemists, LONTLIu ALAS*., V. S. A. cause For Dysentery or Dlsrrkcra, but one mUd dose is generally required. Rhenmutlam, Gont, Oravel, Pah inis of sho Heart, Psln is tho tow, they should be contfaH action of the system. With si —pear. andJDrapalcal Swell© DR. SMALLERBEROEB’S Fever and Ague -ANTIDOTE' VALUABLE property T FOR BALE IN BRUNSWICK, G a., con- «sting of JyUtoauit porcoaaeni.lUwiT ‘— 480-M lfiOtSSS? situsUd. . rininsthe .—. - — — - corporate limit* re cently Hurvcyod into lota and now for tho first ** T*. rod at ’ — SsS Titles are perfect. Dcscriptivo pampl&t* and maps can be seen or proem od at tho office of ; fifteen years, nu l ii still cUcad of all other known reauklioo.' It doet not purpo, docs not sicken the «tomac!;,/ii pdrfocily ea£a in any dose and antler all. cirjutastancea, and is the only Modldno that will ..OURS IMMEDIATELY and permanently every iotxa of Fever Ajne, bocauso it i« a perfect Antidoto to TO LET. - mWO (Woo Rooms in TVexelbcuoi** new LniM- rag. > novSIw cor. Ortton At. laJ LbukSL LEITNEPt & PRICKER’S Unde v th.ts Barlow House, Axaovicucj G-oorgin, 3ST E W GOODS! iLT. m\. VHIL'hV.i'. lxs lust i<-tunicd iroiu New York with lbo LARGEST anil moat HRIjECT 9. Htohi; of. lit ; • • DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND l’LATER WARE. GENUINE “RODGERS" AND REST AMERICAN CUTLERY, WALKING CANES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS AND FANCY GOODS .Vi . GENERALLY. IL l S-Ci Onr frhauli* and tho public cvncrally ai e conliallv invin-il to call and i prices before j>nirlia»iug eliHnvhere,- as wo are prepared to sell them as low i lot in anv market. . Jlrere articld sold by *1 Warrantod a-i rt preseuted ; i! trarv the money wiU, in in cmwq bj lifcraxoxnf. AT Wo .iro Agouti; for tho following : The CVlobrate l Bore! A Courroiiier Watches, The Llg:u and VuiN Stct^a Watch Comi*auy’M Watches. Tlic American, Grover A Baler, Wheeler and Wilson PETVTNQ MACHINES. Prof. Frank's, t!»o Diamond, ami Accommodating tUT^TACLEa m-W ATCH W O R watch, work. Partins ha*l*g Watches that havo been injured by in- —vansi ah rttuito ah vv\V and WARRANTED. , Aqiumunuu and Garnet Badges, , iado to nr.ler. Jewelry i:umuu.u as neaujr as ““ * ‘ “ Rn8«a' I'rgul jiotirfs—Sumter Co. ^tgal ^ales-Mctettr. Co QUR STOCK PE RFECT! DRY GOODS MILLINERY —SOLD AT— COTTON PRICES! Sumter Sates for l)em»lier.. ot silo, Uk foBoVin* proportr. I"-* 11: 0»hoiM uid lot in tho ritr ot imonou, knonnaatho r™id««.o! W. A ttdM. LeJ- District, Q. XL, two in farer of W. C. Brown, one in favor of Richard A. Beid, one in fa™* Pf W. A. Young, one fa fkvor of Remley * Co.lone in favor of kffini*] flladsi *nd one in favor of Al ien Brothers aD tb. said Wilson. Levies made ar.d returned to me by W. J. Boeworth* L. C. - Also—One house and lot in the city of Ameri cas whereon SI. B. Council now lives., Levie 3 mr~\ the property of M, b: Council fa satiety HHm court fi fa. 7e91h District, G. M. ill flavor of Green A Hawkins, for tho mo of S. B. Haw kins vs M. B. Council. Levy made and returned »me by W. J. Bosworth, I* C* ■ Also—One hom-e and lot in the city of Ameri-1 cus, known as the placo whereon ■ (col’ii) now lives. Levied on as the property of said Reese to satiefy a fi fit issued from Justice Court for tho 7K»tl» Diatriot, G. M , in favor of r Calf and. select your BONNKT8 and b . . . - . - . Orders Solicited. MRS. LAZJlRON FltEKCH MILLINER Cheap for Cash! S. O O HEN , fa Ik O z 3VT oroli ffTOULDrt’spectlully call tho attention of the W citiroos of Amcncus and Burrouiuling coun try to tho fact that hi\is prepared to.raaki kinds of CC8T0M-MADE WORK at tko shortest notice. Wo have Two European Workmen who will givo satisfaction to the trade. Owing to the fact that he has had a good patronage for fourteen years from the public, he feels able and is willing to cut and make clothes at moderately low prices, so as to save the ladies the trouble of making them, as he can then better fufill his above promise: No fit, no pay. .Repairing and cleaning dono at short notice. 8. COHEN, y5-ly South 8ido Lamar Street. I1LACKSHEAR & LAUAHOKE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC STERESCOPIC Kmpoi-Ium —or— ART AND BEAUTY Webster Slici ifl’s Sals for Dec’r WK&'S^rSiSftggsix i of Webetcr oouhty, in favor of Hawkina * Tack- •TON, Slu-riff. said Reese Court fortuoiKnunwnw, u.«, u Hawkins and Greene, for the use of W. A. Greene. Levy made and returned to mo. by W. J. lluawortlj, Im C. ^ DAr.LEY, Hlioriff. IT TUB 8AXB tlUB AXD FLACK WILL BE SOLD : . riand. No. 122, in tho 2Gth District of county. Levied on as tho property of “.Transferee vs Fiancfa K. Albritton; i«uod from Sumter Superior Court. Property pointed out bv phiutilT. °Also—East lialf of lot of Land No. 03. fa tho ter county, in favor of John H. Wallace, vs Damt-1 G. Patterson. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's attorney, „ 5 tds W. BOSWORTH, Dep. 8hff and four acres off of lot No. 173, audl50ac..„ or No. 172, containing 8G0 acres, more or W j.. tho 19th lusirict of Webster eouaty; known u- the Fred Bell plantation, near Hardmoney. L v . led on tho pjoperty of J. A. Bell to tatbfv tw,. fifas in my bauds issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of J. U. Parrot w J. A. DeB and D. B. HarreU vs J. A. Cell. l>re,,; erty pointed out by Joaiah HarreU, riiintm « Attorney. W. H. MATHEWS, BOV 8 tds Dtp. Sheriff. Executor’s Snle. and by virtue of a decree v p«.or court of Sumter county, t the April Term. 1870, of said Superior Court, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday fa December next, before the Court House in Americas, be tween the legal hours of sale, tho VALUABLE PLANTATION BEST COTTON PLANTATIONS in tho couuty and offers a rare opportunity for safe investment. The greater portion of the land is River bottom, and on the place is a splendid residence, an abandonee of good negro houses and a fine gin house and screw, and the place is fa fine repair and under good fence. The place is sold for distribution among the heirs of Term a : Ono-half cash, the balance 12 months with mortgago on ihe placo. For further particulars apply to or address r.'rtxr. Honsfe | A4“ r '*- Ex’rs J. E. J. Horne. aept 8 Administratrix’s Sale. W ILL be sold at public outcry, before the Court llouso in Americas, on tho first Tuesday fa Docambcr next, the following reali ty belonging to the estate of F. W. Forth, dec’d, “ : Lot No. 54,10 acres of lot No. 75, south * No. 74, and North half lot No. 4T acth District of burster couuty. Also 118, and north half lot No. 119th fa the 17th District of Sumter county. To be sold by order of the Court of Ordinary, f l Ter ms—half cash months credit, with f l Ter ms—half cash .. —*»- itisfoctory security. E. L. FORTH. Adm’x oct 18 tcls F. W. Forth, dec'd. Webster Mortgage Sales. ILL be sold before tho Court house door,in . _ the city of Preston, county of Webster, on tbo first Tuesday fa January next, the follow, fag property, to wit: One sorted horse Halo, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa fa my bands issued from the Superior court of said county, in favor of John Turner vs Join, Beil. J. T. WHARTON. r 3 tds.. Sheriff. Postponed Administrator’s Sale. O N tho first Tuesday in December next, before tho Court House door in the town of Pre*- tou muter County, will bo sold between tho lgal hours of sale, the following described lands, being a portion of the plantation of J. M. Saun- ders UCceas&L whereupon he lived at tho time *; lot of lot ths lSth DUtricTor Buid cuniy om cosier. The sold laudB having been bid off at the pre- inistrotrix to wit: The fir*t lost, by Sampson Bell — *- -~aply with th.- Terms ot sale—cash. . SARAH SAUNDERS, w* Whereas, J. P. p. HarreU, Adm'r de houi* non. estate of J. P. HarreU, late of said county, dec’d. applies tome fot totters of dismUion i« administrator on said estate. There are therefore to dfa and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of boil deceased, and aU persons concerned, to be ana appear at my office within the time pescrlUd by law, and show cause, if any they nave, oth erwise letter* or disrahwian will be granted i u terms of tho law. Given under my hand and official signature, this 25Ui day of October, 1870. oc27«m4m G. W. Davenport, Onl’y Sarah Ann Turner having applied to mo jor exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead. I will pass upon the same at my office, ou Saturday, the 2ikli November, at 12 o'clock^M. nov 4 3w Q. W. DAVENPORT, Only. Elihu Stinsyn lias applied for exemption or personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon tlio uuie at 11 o’clock, tho 18tli day or November, 1870, at my office. nov 8 2w O. W. DAVENPORT. Ord-y. |v|al |totkts-lvi Connta. the estate of Joaepli , , ty deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all persoua concerned, to be and appear at my office within tho timo prescribed by tow. and show cause if any they have, oth erwise letters of dismission will be grauted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature this loth day of August, ’ Aug. 11 4m lk F. BELL, Ord’y. GEORGIA —Sumter County. Favorite , Eesort of the Fash ionable and Lovely. Amoricus, Georgia. photographs, IVOBYTYPES, POltOELAIN, AMIittOTYPES, GEMS, Ac. Or any other kind of picture* of all sizes and descriptfou slid in Ilia very best style and at prices ait bin tl»o reach of all. We atin make tho Slcresc^iic llctures something new and pretty. 0 Whereas, James Hancock, appliic* for I Al ters of Administration on estate of John .Stew- 4 'art. colored, lato of said county, deceased. These aro therefore to oite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said, deceased, ana all persons concerned, to bo and appear at my office within the tim&prescribed by law, and file their objections, if any they hkee, otherwiso letters of administration will be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 28th of October, 1870. oct 29 lia B. F. BELL, Ordinary. ROAD NOTICE. GEORGIA. I Court of Ordinary of said Sumter County. J County. JAMES F. ROSS and others having petitioned this Court for tho discontinuance of a Public road leading from Peter Faust’s, iu tbo 17th district of said county, by Davison’* Mills to the place known as tip; Cutts’ plantation ; it is or dered by the Court that aU persons having any objection* to the discontinuance of the came lie and appear at my office on the first Tuosdav December next anil make known their obj i, and that notico hereof bo pubtii term* of the law. DUPLEX-TYPES By which tbo likeness of the same p rson ap pears twice fa the ammo card in tho most incua oulvably different positions. Jn true sympathy with tho many ills to which trail humanity to heir, they have for a long timebscu endeavoring to ascertain some pro- trinu inferior subjects, this discovery, and are l iu heralding the glad > least uncomely in from o ir.ltr. Jewelry BEPAll k to order. a be done m New Turk. LEITMER & FRIGKER, RKScopicil to Miniature 1 INTERESTING EVERYBODY! prepared to take fir them the most beautiful and lettering pictures, at tho some time pro- "S^oYopIcroiti Portrait-aate, by such * skillful as to reuder them even more natural thau.iife itself. *S- We aro also i rtpared to paint LIFE- SIZE l’OUTUAITS in Oil, l' or Water Col- Ar I in to ml <hmiging mjr feitoiilrss I fifri now offering my entire Block of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, AT New "'STorlx, Cost! Americu-s Ga., Oct 20Ui, lm D. T. BYRD. THOMAS M. EDEN . . large .took of OUN8. IUFLBS. 1'ISTOLS, tLAHSa, roUOIlEB, AUilUSmOS, FENO- 1XO 1-UIL.S ami JUSKa, and complete uoort- ment or Sporting .Articles, BARGAIN OFFERED. fE ufT.r f.7^ Oil. W. j. niiieiioii'e Kta- freren or eight out- acres of l, ,m land, with Jnfai to "first ot^vcrobCT.jFonr wleties of IT'S tree*, the Jnno to first NOTICE. jjAyiNQ.on the first day of Juno last, sold XL out my interest in the furniture tmamess. to Mr. 8.P. Boone, the buaincaa heretofore ' ted by him utfaer ths firm name of 8. P- Agent, win hereafter beta his own name m. quested to call at. Boone, and thore - to present them at once to the - oct. a 2m, ' -*«*.» t St . last made permitted to rcjoic. Four weeks after dato application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of aahl couuty, for leave to sell all tho lands belonging to the estate of Jackson W. Walker, deceased of said county. JAMES P. WEST,) . , , . lm, PHILLIP WEST, \ AlUn G eorgia—smiTER county. William G. Clark having appliexl U for exemption of itertuinalty and valuation and setting apart of Homestead, I will pass upon the same at my office on the 14th day of November, 1871k B. F. BELL, Only x. Let all c e and see for the PLAGE HEAR A LAUAMOUE. 12 t. Photographers, Boone's cor. SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! Personalty aud setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon ihe same at my office, at 10 o’clock, a. %. on the 12th dtyof Nr her 1870. B. F. HELL, >v 3 2w» - Ordinary. WE WILL HELL £tgal. |Jotia5--&rj!lc| (&o. SCHLEY SHERIFF SALES FOR DECEMBER W ILL be sold before the Court House door, iu the town, of KllaviUo, ou the firat Tues day in December next, within the legal hours sale, tho following property, to-wit; One Bay Mule, Lcned upon by a fifa, freon tho supeior court ofHumter County. April Term 1870, m favor of E. H. Baldwin vs W. B. Tiner. Atoo at the saino time tudplice will lie sold The American Combination BUTTON-IIOLE Jfc OVERSEAMING SEWlNfl atACHINE OK THE PLAIN AMERICAN, which will do all that can be dono ou the Com bination Machine, except the Button Hole & Overseaming, ON TIME ! Tho*. uuhion m»ke ths lock stitch, which •like on hath sides, wd Will not Rip! •, and castor than any areou i«aan“* w ~ " 11 — ,r> ro«rtnn-il.L> ing terms: t05 auk when Ihe bought, bai- unc. tn uetkly inslnkncnU tut* the . machine it paid for. hny My can, io a short tuns msko the mtchlne Pay for Itself Every Macliino Warranted. Leitner andFricker, SOLE' AGENTS B. F. HELL, Ordinary. in the case of Hci r Henry . Woodall, . L. Jordon garneshee •W. 1‘arne Administrator T.R. Admiuistrator’g Sale. AS the first Tuesday iu December next, will be U sold before tho Court House, door in the town of Ellavilio, tichley county, agreeable tosn order of the Ordinary said couuty. One house and tot (No. «> hi-the town ot Eltovilto, North east side of Public Square, know* as the Sellars aud Edgo tot. Sold as tho property of John H. Wsl!,. doce i sod, for tho benefit ot tho creditors -• —d deceased. M. X. WAT.T,, 113 lm Adm’r. Leo Postponed Sheriffs Sales for December. TITILL bo sold before the Court House door in *» tho town of gtarkville, Lee county, on my haudM, and ono in favor of TLo^. Cameron va Green It. Mayo and Thom** P. Porter security. The other in favor of Officer* 8 (Jreen B. Mayo, also to eattofiy ii fa* Leo Morlgage Sales for December. W ILL lie sold before the Court House door, in the town of SUrkvilto, Leo county, on ie first Tuesday in December next, between the siiftl hours of sole, the following property, to- One Grey Mare. Sold to satisfy a mortgage tl fo in favor ot J. V. Prico A 8om JAMES BALTER, sept 29 tils. Deputy Sheriff. G EORGIA—Lkk -County, , Whereas, Mrs. E. A. Green applies to me fi >r loiters of Administration, on the estate of Win. H. Green, late of said county,deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all aud singular, tho kindred and creditors of sail deceased to be and appear at mv office within the timo prescribed by law, and file their objec tions, if any they havo, otherwiso letters of a<l- minutiwtion will be granted Said applicant. Given under my hand and official'signature, this 19th day’of October, 1870. ‘ 18 lm J. W. WILKE RSON Ordinary. J. H. GAVAN, No. 11 Brood street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, is sole agent for the sole of tho celebrated CINCINNATI BEER. Unrivalled Deodora, and other fino Whiskies, Itrandics mid (jins, Lich Lc sc^low for cask. ap2.H ly NEW STABLE. I HAVE opened a now stable- on Cotton Aven ue, where I will be glad to see my fricndij and the public generally—feed tlicir stork ami sell them what they may need in my hue-. 1 shall give my business my personal attention and do my best to give satisfaction. I will also keep a wagon yanl with roomy tots and shelter* for man aud beast. oct 13m J. W. JORDAN, Jr. NOTICE. be stationed at some point ou the railroad, a as I am in debt—having received but $12 fr"<» the appointment to which 1 was sent by the South Georgia Conference.' lam now boarding with tho high minded brethren of Americas and with the Good Tem plars. J.T. JOHNSON, nov 3. tf Junior Prereher Bethel Circuit. Executor’s Sale. December next, will be kefiro the Court House door iu the town of EUavilto, Bchtoy county, by order of the Orifinanrot aaid county : Lota of land number 241, and half ot tot number 241, in the 80th dis- tnrt, Bchtoy county ; also, eastlialf of lot No. 1 jot No. Si and northwest quarter of lot No. 33, m tho 2fith district of Hi inter conhty, all com- nrisingtho nlantatiou belonging to Wru. Boas, ^“ Uw „*W>-Wia bo ROkl in (lio town of Bncn. Voto, Sjrton coirntT on the tot Tnerfejiu «>TJ. of lot nranber 176, uj north ns of lot No. 177, in tbo diet diatriot of Morion Mt I T/3T‘ U ’ ” CU rif'r7cTtAvf?5uII, Ext. Notice to Debtors and Creditors^ LAND FOR SALE. A BARGAIN OFFERED T WILL effor for calo till November hext. wJ JL Plantattoo on Lancoliasse Creek, in M«l^ 6 ter county, containing tliirfoeu or iouneeu huu- dred acres or land, with the stock of mules, cat tle aud hogs, corn and fodder on the farm. Tu<- plantation w in- good repair, about half ole&reti, with houses sufficient to comfortably accommo date laborers, and all other. improvements m- Ct 'l*b2rgain can be hod by eoriy application to W»T. Felts on tho farm. J. W. Wheatley & to, r myself, at Americas, Georgia, sept. 3-2m JAMES P. WALKER SIR JAMES. CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS rnHE ouly reliable remedy nov offered to J"® ; A for the cure of those painful and dangefoM diseases to which tho female constitatiou u *uu jeefc, and which moderates oil excesses and Removes all Obstructions! from wbntoror esnae, is Sir June. Ortto’r wiU fa a short time bring on the monthly ^ huftfol to the.constitutioiL In von* and si UOTIS-Ir