The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, January 20, 1871, Image 4

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mmwmm — * * *• '■ ^V. ' ‘ ' 's * » J A. HIRSCH, Cotton Aveniu* two Doors below Toole & Schnnipert’s, Americas, G» IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER. Offers for sale at the very lowest Cash Prices loo Barrels Old Kentucky Whiskey, 2 years old, ]00 “ •• ” <•' 3 « : “ 100 •• *. “ 4 « “ ]00 « •• “ 5 “ “ 50 Pipes of HOLLAND GIN, 50 •• FRENCH BRANDY. 50 Barrels PORT and SHERRY WINE. 500 Boxes Assorted Bitters. 200 BBLS. BEST CORN WHISKEY, A FULL ASSORTMENT Groceries, Segars and Tobacco. Supplies the trade from either one of their Eastern or Western Houses. Call and see for yourselves. dec 10 tf LEITNER & PRICKER’S IJ rid ex’ the Bax’low House, r ,,K BO 0 K HO! FOR CHRISTMAS! HAVING OPZXED XT FALL STOCK I invite my friend* and Customer* to call and examine it. I intend to keep everything that thould be in a FIRST CLASS BOOKSTORE, think on examination it will prove to be ao. SCHOOL BOOKS used in this community. Revenue Stamps, Papers Pictorials of the Day. I have a fine assortment of Miscellaneous read ing, among the choicest are : Dickens’ Works, Waverly Novels, Mrs. Lee Hentz’s Work, Queen Hortens©—Muhiback, Diary of the Gotta Family, Old Fashioned Girl, Hoods—by the same Author, All the Poets—different styles Marian Harland, Mrs. Holmes, and others too numerous to mention. GOLD, SILVER and Cheap Watches, JEWELRY of the latent deals 1 he Meriden Britannia Co’ STERLING SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, CUPS, NAPKIN-RINGS, AC. i, Plated Spoons, Forks, Knivti a FULL LINE of Cnpa, Tea-Sets, Syrup-Cops, any praise from mie’a Goods are too well known ™ J Genuine RODGERS CUTLERY, also the best American ditto, 'uiu-a-ens, aiouttb, rorimonnies, Work-Boxes, Writing-Desks, Ac. Specucles are a Specialty uh ns. Having given the science of Oplic’s a good deal of study, we arc enabled to do justice by , ir customers and suit them with GLASSES of the proper kind and focus, and not charge from iai > * im,s a °f* pair ol SPECTACLES, ns the Itinerant Peddlers, so-called “Opti- AGENTS for Sewing Machines. We also repair them. Bach •r.ler. Walking-Canes worth from 23cts. to WATCH WORK A SPECIALTY „ 6?°^ as new. Aii Work* W abbas*. — oS-Ute. Aquamarine or Garnet. Jewelry of all kinds neaUy repaired and Engraving LEITNER & FRICKER. Rose Tint, White and Mourning PAPER and ENVELOPES Port l|s Csmipaadtsc* Paper, EMITXAIj paper, FBENCH PAPER AND ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, of all sixes to suit customers. IHK84? »»mSST m^RS. Black, Blue, Bed and Purple. • Neither have I forgotten the children, but have selected such articles for their Christmas Presents HOLIDAYS! Cotton [Prices! Oppenheimer & Frank’s CLOTHING HALL, Under the BARLOW BOUSE. DR.E. J. ELDEIDGE QlfMl -AND DEALER IN— YJTE respectfully inform the public that tbs V* can find the LARGEST STOCK SELECTED ASSORTMENT Gentlemen’s Clothing t the above named house, which wfl[ be sold at aTd below Cotton Prices. G-ive us a Call before buying elsewhere, least 25 per cent. by doing so. Wo have also a very i TOYS of various descriptions, but I have selected some very choice reading matter : Oliver Optic—series, Susy Sunnyside, Liti oyside, :ug Prudy’s Stories, Fri “ ‘ W. L. Wadsworth & Co., SOOK STOVES, or mi: jilst brands in the. union. MONUMENTAL, QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, QUEEN OF THE PLANTER, &c. 3,000 lbs. PURE WHITE LEAD, Ten Tons Iron, LINSEED OIL, GLASS AND PUTTY. Qplass Fruit Jars. 100 kgs. Nails,2 doz. Wheelbarrows, 200 prs. Traces,lO doz. Root Hames,10 doz. Ames’ Shovels & Spades, Table & Pocket Cutlery, Plated Castors, Forks & Spoons, WASOfl a BUGGY TIMBERS, Annt Friendly’s series, PICTURE AND FRAMES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Violins, Guitars, FLUTSNAS AND ACCORDEONS. Domestic Dry Goods, which will be sold at the Lowest Prices! Remember the place— OPPENHEIMER & FRANK’S friends to call and examine for themselvc MRS. E. C; SPAULDING, v. 12. -3m. Lamar Street. C OHEHST. Z Tailor jr to the fact that he is prepared to Aingcoc Grin Grearin^;. too PLOUGHS. CAJlSTE mills. TOOLS, HANDSAWS, PLANES, AUGERS, Blacksmith’s Tools, Garden Tools, Builder’s Hardware, etc., ETC. etc. We alsoManvfuclure TINWARE, and do ROOFING & GUT TERING, in the lent style and WARRANT IT. We make the assertion without fear of being accused of “blow ing.” that we have the LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock ot goods m our lme EVER BEFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS SECTION, all of which we pro pose to Sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING RATE8, 0 R CMI,^ Agents for CHAMPION MILLS FLOUR, at Wholesale only. Come and satisfy yourselves. EVERYBODY IS INVITED ! ! 3T? s -Gif kinds of CUSTOM-MADE WORK at the shortest notice. We have Two European Workmen who will give satisfaction to the trade. Owing to the fact that he has had s rood — 4 *— fourteen years from the public, h< willing to ent sn3 make clothes at moderate! t cleaning done South Side Lamar Street. BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. V .. _ FHtST PREMIUM A. Y OF * ,1LI» MIDAi.’ipk mt BARRETT’S HAIR RESTORAnVE lA ^ SrwtT. «* BARRETTS Vegetable Hair Restorative 9 ♦ wo* This Preparation It is thorough id iUactiofa ■ Ilair and its effect permai □ Grey or Faded 'produce * ainfleliain* It does not.erlsp or dry ths hi when others fail to re- . . . , - r, but leaves it moist and siouy. Xadl“*sdU superior to any other as s Toilot The inrredients used In this Preparation are the wwy west that can be found, and art as harm less as water. LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, CSICAOO. It >. Ills. taA perm« r crcrj fara offerer ui it is a p .Sporting .Articles^ abujiutTmlmlpring li«d an .jpcrieiioo of TOrt ? ' ■ DR. SHALLENBERCER’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops the Chills. This JXodicino has been before the Public fifteen years, and ix still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, docs not sicken the stomach, is perfectly aafo in any doxo and under all circumxtanoea, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY Ague, because Material. Sold by *ii Druararista, perfect UiMsis tm Ths Great Medical Discovery 1 Dr. WAumrs cxiiironxiA VINEGAR BITTERS, II i Hundreds of nonsaads SiS •iJ®*** tc * t haonjr to their woadsrfalT £•• ~52 Curative Effects. g£* WHAT ARE THEY? tiJ 3I| 111 min ■■ Hi m o|S THET Aon HOT A VILE n ??FANCY drink,' Made of Poor Ram. 'Whiskey, Proof Spir its. and Refuse Idquors. doctored, spiced, and sweetened to pleore me teste, cal led ‘•Tonics'* •* Appetisers,'* “ Jtwiowr," A?., that lead tho tippler on to drunken ness eud r ilia, bu t are a tr aa Medicine, mads front tlio Native Roots and Herts of California, free from all Alcohol io Stimulants. They er.»tiio ORE AT BLOOD PURIFIES and LIFfJ GIVING PBEN- OIPIaB, a perfect Kenoratmr end Invigorator ot the System, canrin goff nil poisonous matter, and restoring ths blood to a healthy cotulition. No person can take these Bitters, according to directions, end remain long unwell. $100 w :- .l be gjren for an incurable ease, pro viding tlio banes are not destroyed by mineral poison* or o-.'.icr means, end ti e vital organs For Inflammatory *ud Chronic Rheu matism, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion. Bilious, llemittont. and Inters mittent Pevers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters har* been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which Htresevally produced by dsrangeaent of the *^]fiey*lnri|to*£*'th# stomach.and stimulate tbs torpid liver and bows of unequalled efficacy in -*1 imparities, end hr— tb* whole system. tbs torpid liver and bowels, wt Of unequalled efficacy in clean*,ns iwnvi all impurities, end impart.nj new lifd and vigor *o t he whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Hcedoche. Fain in tbs Shoulders, Cough*. Twatrvw* of the C.idst, Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth. Didions Attacks, TalpiUtion of the lies *“ the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urme, Pale iu the regions of the Kidneys, end a hundred other painful symptom* whic h sro thj oflxpring* of Dyspepsia, am cured l>y tbeao Bitter j. Cleanse tho Vitiatsd B'.oo l rrh mev-r tom fl“.l it*iiuimHUesbur*tingthrou.'h t'i.*s’;!ai i IN’ K e. Eruptions, or Sores: cIvac); \ '.en»‘. ia il. end yourfcelaura will t'-.l y« u K - •* the blood pure sad U»© be-*'.h of tlv3 »y»tun» wvli tbs system of so many litoaaandj, aru etieetually destroyed end removed. For full directions, reed carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in foot languages— KnfHiah, German, French, end Spanish. J. WALK Ell, II St It Commerce Street, N.Y. Proprietor, lb II. Me DON AI J) ft CO., Droerist* end General Acentn S t*i Francisco, California, end 81 and 3 k (hum. r-Y ALL DRTTOOIST8 AXB Money cannot buy itfor Sight is Priceless. The Diamond Glasses Msoofsctnred by J. E. which »r* now offered to tbs . . — Bounced by sfi tho celebrated opticians In the worid to bath* most perfect natural, artificial help to ths human eye ever known. They are around under their own snperriaion, from mlp- ete crystal pebbles, mdtsd together, and deriva hair name, “Diamond, on acoount of their hardness and brilliancy. The scientific re constructed brings in* lens directly in front of the r „ jr and distinct vision* as in nainrai healthy sight, and preventing all un pleasant senaabon, such aa glimmering and US i mounted in the it, in frames of the material* need .for that ixcdled. Caxmost—None genuina ng their trade mark *<>^atampe -ffn'-n 11 ' ' on .Ter, Americn., Geo IcoMunod. Kopoddlm NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL, Lamps, Chimnies, &c, &C-, Fine Segars and Tobacco. © P* Ms o s © tf. ^ © H GC tf hj £ © td CD o £d H HI H H 0 tzS CD •3V S1I0 ‘SLNIVd JO 3001S XSa^)HV r I ‘S8UID!P9B sSiuq -ni nauvaa— afDaraaria u a ’jq ^'rgal Sioturs—^mnirr <£o. ] |WE0B®IA—Sukttb Cocntt. VI Mrs. Henrietta V. Mulkey ha ring applied to mo for exemption of personalty aud rettiug apart and valuation of Homeotead, I will x an. < upon the same at tuv office, on Ja. uara 26th at 111 o’clock A. x. B. E. BELT.* jsn I7,«2w Ordinary. Sumter SlierifTa Sale forPeb’ry. TTTILLbe sold before the Court House door ww in tho City of Americas, on the First Tues day in February next, tho folio «ing property to- Fifty acres of land, number not known, W known as tho palco whereon Angus Bkv now lives, lying in the 28th District of .>iimter cuu- ty. Levied upon as the pnipertv of A. B. R«x- ford, to satisfy a fif* issaedr onx the Supenoi Court of Sumter county, in favor of John Scott, vs. A. B. Baifurd. W. J. B WW' 'ItTH. jaa. lO.-tds. Dep’ty Sheriff. /WEOR dA-«u«m Cocntt. VI James Wilson having applied to mo Sir ex emption of I'e*sonalt» an i setting upart and valuation of H<-meoto*d, aud I will pass upoi the e&mo at my office, on he 14th ot January. *871. B. F.BELL, Ordinary." i.n. C.-2- GEORGIA—Sumter County. Geo. L. Barrow having applied to me for exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, I will pass upon the samo at my office, ou the 14th ot January, 1871. jan. 5, 2w B. F. BELL, Ord’y. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TJURSUANT to & judgment of tlio Superior JT Court of Sumter county, and also, by leave of the Ordinary of said county, there will be sold before the Couit House door, in said coun ty, on tho first Tueadav in March next. Fifty acres, more or less, off of lot of land. No. 159, in the 27th District, G. M., of said erunty, in the north west comer of said lot, adjoining J. W. W heatley, about one mile from Americua. STEPHEN SS. BOONE, jan. 12-tds. Adm’r do bonxa non. NOTICE. TjY YIP.TUE of a decree in a Court of Chanco- D xy, rendered by his Honor James M. Clar., Judge of tho Superior Court of the South-West ern Circuit, in the matter of George W. John Kin Administrator, dk bo mis non cum testamF-mo annixo, vs. William E. Clark, kt al, rendered at Americus, Ga , on the 2d day January, 1871.— Will be sold before tlio Court House door in tho town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, ou the First Tuesday m February next, a valuable planta tion situated in Macon county, containing nine teen hundred acres more or less, threo or four utiles from Oglethoqie, on the waters of‘‘Buck Creek" and known aa tho ‘‘Clark Plantation.” teems cash. vr. A. DAWKINS, Att’y. for George W. Johnson, Adm’r. Jan. 7,-tds NOTICE. TJY VIRTUE of a decree in a Court of Cliance- Jj ry, rendered by his Honor James M. C;ark. Judge of the Superior Court of the South-West ern Circuit, in the matter of George W. John son, Administrator, r>E bonis non cm te<ta- mento annex**, vs. William E Clark, et au, ren dered at Amencus, Ga., ou the 2d day of Janua ry, 1871. Will be sold before the Court House door in Americus, Sumter county, on tho First Tuesday in February next, a valuable planta tion situated in Sumter county, containing twen ty-three hundred acres more or less, lying and being in tho Danville District audkuown as the’ ’Clark place.” teems camt. W. A. HAWKINS, Att’y for George W. Johnson, Adm’r. j ,7.-tde. JOHN RILEY, ) vs V Libel for Divotvr. FANNIE RILEY.) October Adjourned Term 1 Sumter Superior Court, November 12th, 1870. It being represented to the Court that said Defendant resides out ot the State, it is ordered by the Court, that service be perfected by pub lishing tho same in the bnsirEU Republican for the period of four months in terms of the Law. J. M. CLARK, A truo extract from the minutes of Sumter Superior Court, January 7th,-1371. A. J. RONALD SOX, jan. 10,-mIm. Clues. Georgia—Sumter County. Mrs. Hattie W. Comer, for herself &iul children having applied for exemption of Personalty, snd setting apart and valuation of homestead, I will pass on the same at mv office, ou tho 14th day of January, at 10 o’clock. /an 3 2w B. F. BELL, Ord’y. Administrators’ Sale. TJY virtue of an ordtr pasted by tho Court o' D Ordinary of Sumter county, will be sold be fore the Court House door iu the city of ,ni.-r.- cus, on tho first Tuesday in February next, be tween the usual hours of sale, that valuable plantation in the 15th distriu. of Sumter countj nuowxi as the Jack Wa ker place, containing 1200 acres, more or less, 500 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Terms—Cash. JAMES P. WEST, PHILIP WEST, Administrators de bonis non on the estate of J.-W. Walker, of Sumter count v, dec’J. dec 20 tds OERORtilA, Sumter County. TJTHEREA8, Uoeben 11. Slappcy, Adniiuis- Vw trater of Uriah Slap-fy, deceased, ap iiee to mo for letters of dismission as administratoi These aro therefore to cite and admonish ah and singular, the kindred and creditors of sa.o deceased, and all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters should not bo goand otherwise letters of dismission will bo granted jn term ot he law. Given under my hand anil official signature, this 19th day of December, 1870. dec 20 mlm B. F. BELL, Ordinary. £tgal llotices—Scjjlfii (fo. ^chley County Stenffs Sales forFeb.y. 7JTILL be sold before the Goprt House doorin W the town ofEUaville. on the first Tuesday in February 1871, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Six hundred pounds seed cotton, more of less, Leviotl upou by a Djstreefl Warrant iu favor ol B F Green, va. 8 J Glover. Said law made for tho satisfaction of the above Dieteess Warraut.- - Property pointed out by Plaintiff lam 17,-tds. T B MYERS, SU’ff. Administrator'^ Sale. AN the first Tuesday in February next, will bt sold before the Court House door in Un- town of Ellaville, Schley county, one-fifth interest in two lots of land, numbers 62 and 35, in tne 3d district of Schley comity, known aa Uie Carter Cleaveland land. Sold as the property of W. A. O. Cleaveland, lata of said county, deceased. Terms—Cash. -J- S. CHENEY, Clerk Sup. Court dec 21) tds and Administrator. LIBEt FOE 9IV0HCE. Schley Superior Court, October Term, 187 , SABAH WALDREP,) v* > Libel 5»r Divorce. 8IM. WALDREP. J TT APPEARING to the court that the defend- A ant in the cbove stated ewe lijis not been served, lie being a non-resident of the Stata : It is ordered by the court that «aid defendant be and appear at the next April Term of said Su perior Court then and there to answer theplain- tiff in aii action for Divorce, and that service be perfected on said defendant by publication of thieo<der in tho Sumter Republican, a public gazette, once a month for four mouths previous to said April Term of this court. J; M. CLARK, J 8. C..S. W. C. A tiua extract from tho Minutes of Schley Su perior Court. J. NEWTON CHENEY, nov 22 m4ra Clerk. « EOBGIA—Sc-let Coi N-T. a* R. T. Swanson applies foi exemption of Per sonalty apd setting apart and valuation of Horac- atead. \ will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. M.,on SatiIrd»yt!fo2QUiUayofJanuarv 1871, at my office. fl, E- EASON, jan. 10,r2v* Ordinary. £tjal Sales-iiSltbstcr Co Webster County SUerlffs Sales (or Vcbrnnry. TIT ILL be sold before the Court House door in W the town of Preston, Webster county, on the first Tuesday, in February next, within the lejjal hoars of sale, the following property, to Three thousand pounds more or less of Cot ton in the seed, levied on as the property of Nosh Wimberley, by virtuo of an execution Is sued by the Clerk of the Superior Court, on fore closure of Landlords lien- • of l»?d. numbers 205, 206 and 180 in the 19th District of Webster county, levied on as the property of Frederick BelL to satisfy three fi fas isaoeti from the Superior Court ot ®5>onty, in favor of Samuel Starr -vi. Frederick Bell, Susannah Starr vs. Frederick Bell, and W. Mss Wherein, J. K i*. Harrell, Adm’r , i estate of J. P. Harrell, late oUu ^4 s*d. applies tomefot letters o! di*a^2 0r,tr ' uinistrator on caid estate. “■“•anon « rhese are therefore to cite and .. to g M r.0H> 4 L YSS a |'M'M.of 1!. , are l.crel y notified to come ft.r. <Ie , Ce “' <l s immediate lenient, and thSTSSfo? ?“ k * ij-ainst uaid dcc’U will hand them in in 1 EGlNrlA—'WbBNTKlt Cotuorr. 0^“* oftice ’ °° *»*rssvi ■I ***** c.. W. DAYENfOBT, 0rd>. Mia. JnliaX^ Horne, next friend to J«hn “ *“ pplied to mo for Exemption of. „ .. . - mtting apart and valuation Of Homestead, I will hear, and pass upon the aame atmy^ofUcei^Preaton, on Saturday 28th inab, a o oe ,ljl geo.W-DAVENPORT, jan. 10,-2w. Ordinary, G EORGIA—Webster County. Edward Maun having applied to m. t emption of Personalty and setting ap^t r* 1 ' abou of Homeste,., ..d , .iu p^. S “f my o&.-e. on January lbh.t O- V. DAVEXPORT, Oriy’ 1 Sotirts-frt CLonntj Leo Mortgage Sales tor Maich! >f Starkvillc. the first Tuesday in March next, the loi,» mg property, to wit: Lots of land. Nos. 30, 31, 34, 36, 62. C$ 57 « 64. and half of lot No. 36, in the 2d District* T — county. Levied on as the property of !' Robert N. Ely, to JffiSynU® urn xjoe supenor Court in favor of wj, n vs. »a\d Fort A, Ely. 3 tds. B. F. 8ALTER, SL-rifi. Fort G eorgia—Lee cocntt. Whereas, Thomas B. High applies to mi for Letters of Guardianship of the pen-on »m projHrrty of Robert McLeod Minor or Joha w McLeod deceased. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish iU and singular the kindred of said minor* m<i c l>crsona concerned, to bo and appear si my uf- nce within the time prescribed by law, tn ,i g]‘ their objection, irany they have* othenvis* Lt- ters w'll bo granted Baid applicant. Given under, tny hand, iu office, at .Starkriii* this 5th day of December, 1870. T WILKERSON, Ordinsrr. dec8 Im. County. W HEREAS, the estate of Wesley J. Dam, I* deceased, lato of said county, it utirepr*- aented. These aro therefor® to cite and adtnonii»h all and tingular, the kindred and creditor* of «id •| *, to be and appear at my offlre *>•'"- prescribed by law, and file tin deceased,t GEORGIA—Lee County. Mrs. ILiry Davis for herself and mine ren haying applied to me for exempt’on soualty and setting apart and valuation o -tead, I will pass upon the same at rnvo the 28th day of January - , 1871. jaa. 12,.2 w VEORGLA—Lee County. Gf Tillman Walden having applied exemption of Personalty, I will pass uj>on the same at my office on the 13th day ol Jammy 1871, at 12 o'clock, M. JAMES W. WILKINSON, jau 3 2w Ordy. G eorgia—Lee county. Giles Stokes having applied to me for ex emption of Personalty, 1 will pass upon the unit at my office, on the 16th of January, 1871. jan 3 2w J. W. WILKINSON, Orij. Adjournment of Lee Superior Court. AT CHAMBERS, December 21st, 1870. itt of the Election this week, L><e Si i adjourned to the 2d Mos j‘. M. CLARK, J. S. C., S. W. C. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, 'Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Atthma, and Consumption. Probably never beforo in the whole history of ■(Heine, has any thing won so widely ana m epljf upon tho < rS°ot F m in their estimation, a * any thing v tlio confident . emedv for pulmonary i ifidence of mankind, a of y D higher s become betterkno ipted to milder for sudder e throat and Iuiq r.d the dangerous affection. cell's mid coughs all si uuld U thought in- Although settled ( curable, still great muuucrs oi eases «uay » disenae sceincKl settled, have )>een complfteh cored, and Uie patient restored to sound tea'A by the Cherry 1‘ectornl. So complete U iu mastery over the disorders of the Lunrs ami Throat, that the most obsth When nothirig else could Cherry 1‘ectoml they eul Slnycrs and PwWlc Spenke protec Unn frojn it. ieldtoi:- ieved P is generally cured by taking a rat In small and frequent doses- generally are its virtues known, that* «he certificates of them bet«,> the public that Its qtuliw c fully juuiutxlned, Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fsver and Ague, Intermittent Fevef, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Di®6 Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac-, and indeed all the affections which anu from malarious, marsh, or miasmacw poisons. As its name Implies, It does Cure, and dx*®'’- fail. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, «*- mutli, Zinc, nor any other mineral or pownout substance whatever, it in nowise injures. M >' FJ tient. The number and importance of its cow )n tijp ague districts, are literally beyond findwebsliovewithout a parallel In thehWjg of Ague medicine. (Our pride is gratified of acknowledgments wo receive of the radicstfoiw »_ receive pi — —•■■ -ted in obstinate cases, and where other rna: edict had wholly failed. ” “-intert persons, either re* “■*—*■ miasmatic locali travelling thron.„ . - protected by takmg the A.Q UK CURE dW, . Per lirer Complaints, arislxxg from torp* ity of the Liver, ltf* an excellent remedy, *fi®^ lating the Liver info healthy acUvlty. , , ., For Bilions Disorders and Liver CotapWtJJV is an excellent remclv, producing remarkable cures, where other medicine* ■“ failed. _ ,.l.i Prspared by Dr. J. C. Am k Cou Fn»J5 and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Ma**^ sold all round the world. PRICE, $1.00 PER JBOTTLB. Lime, Cement, T HE undersigned tenders bit services to W citizens of Americas, end informs t»;w ’ "to execute in iht'fggJSES tho line of PLASTEW^, • »fl_ Specimen of mv work may be * etn on tew roftiqonce of J)r. E. J. lildriuge. Satisfaction guarantied. dec 13 tf JOHN A. DRANU- J. H. GAYAN, No. 11 Broad street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, is solo agent for the sale of the celebrated CINCINNATI BEER Sol* .t Brw«l i iii Unrivalled Ueodora, and other fine Whiskies, Brandies and Gins, which he sells low for cash. .*p38V iti.aft'