The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, March 26, 1875, Image 4

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Aidtknr"hotel keeper* are boy “ iog unabridged diction tries. The Civil Bighta bill calls their houses in mi, and tbej are making innumerable quibbles on that little iron). All the coin your lip* can print. NeTcr will exhaust the mint: Kiss me, then. Every moment—and again ! (Jive tue kisses—d® not stop Measnrin • nsetarhy the drop: Though t. millions th»y imout, They will never drain the foil . OEOBOIA HEWS • Twenty persons nrero baptized at the Greene Street Baptist Cbnrcb, Augusta, last Sundry. Tlio Albany Fetes says a colored preach* er in Dougherty county receives a salary of $2,000 a year. We find the* following Th the GriflhT ' 2fttea of Friday: Mobe Aboct tub Biixs Ginn.—We understand that the blind girl alluded to by us in last Sunday’s paper, as being brought to Brooks Elation for convey ance to Macon, and whom the railroad authorities ref used to take on board the train, was sent or carried back to the house of Brown, in Meriwether, the man *n „ T m I *1*° svnt her there, and who turns out to The- wife of Dr. J. T. Cleveland. Ijnng j , )C „, e ht , lba , d lh , ir| ., mo|b . i> take or ie. then, it—and i r exceed* ihc gems of earth rcr pearls so rich and pure . , -[«».«» girl’s moth near Brooksville, jn Randolph county, j *.|*. His friends say he married the moth' died very suddenly a few dsjs since of jer when the girl was iu the Mind asylum heart disease. * j in Macon, and never saw the gill until T. J- Smith, Master of the Georgia State grange, gives notice of the arrival <>f a steamship at Savutinnh with a ca-go of “ab »iit seven thousand pounds of fer lilizerH." Jos. T. Kiddoo bk* withdrawn from th« Cnthtoit Mffsenger. J. L. Tuck»-r will continue its puhlirntion, with M. Tucker rs the editor. ; the came home to him about Christman, from the asylum in Macon. That he wh* willing to fnrnndi her a h >m** until he found out her condition, when he de* t< rm ned at once to tend her hack to the scene of her fi;«t wrong don gs, and started her for Macon as before publish ed. It is further reported that a lawsuit in to be brought against ihe read for re fusing to teko the gulon board the train. There is a unriery about the case which : nitiat bo unrar<lcd. Theie is crime, and ' a crime moat villanous tnd datunitg 'somewhere. This la»l phase of ihe case j »w*i ms to cast a snapieiou upon the 8tate j Biiud Asylum. Wo are lotb to believe • tliut the girl could have been ruined i tl'crr, but if so, let the facta come out. Humanity cries aloud for protection for * this poor helpless creature. But society emphati- j HlJ d social law demands that such iuiqni- has shrank The ghost Meatnnog; the Baby. \V«inea-.urud the notcus baiiy Against the cottage wall- A lily mev at the thrcahboM Ati'l the bay wo just a* tali! \ royal tiger lily, Well epwarfiNirote and f li. An a heart like a jeweledcbalice . Without th- blue 1 irjw wbi«> led High up in the old roor ire --, An-1 to ami fro at the winduv- That Auguwta ghc#t Mrry up like a punctured b'adder. turns out to be n benzined individoal, who has been iu the habit of entering ti.c haunted lions-* at night when he found the door* uuloik* J. The Borne Courie. cally that Treentirer Jt.oe. -I,nil Lit to j bt ' « u « dod “e*" 1 * 1 whom kc paid the 8152 COO worth of bonds about which there is some doubt. I Tbe Ho,u4on Homs Journal says the Th* Comm'ra.d thiukx this may Ihrow j wh, * ,> 0 “ ,s * nJ r J° "“P* ®* • 1 “‘< COQn, J ho too light on the mat’er “ ro yer ) *■•<■. * od that no.tly every plut- The S-avenn.h Adrrtiur n j. J,d*e!" i “ “ WU . A1 *° . ,hat * Tompkins fined .1-tiler Bnssel fifty dol- | lara, and Judge Russel ten dollars on ; Monday, the ono for tending for, and ! the other for allowing a prisoner iu the .county j iil to go to the latter’s office to ; give testimony iu a cast*. ; T,,E hT . OE N If a young man industriously in-, dined turn* out ut daylight, audt-kips to j Acuc-ta, March 20—A fearfully de* business at an early hour, foolish people j * , / nctiv « tornado passed * • * • I nflopi-ru-n TI.;- «i«„ l-i. who meet him im the street imagine he has been planted. Old telliug at oue dollar per bushel. STORM NEWS. r AUGUST*. AN O KliSKWHKBK. It is rumored that Plymouth Church baa subscribed $125,000 to defray th* expenses of Beecher’s defence, sod that Bowen protested sgainet the appro priation. The Washington Star rays a state* incut has been prepared under tho direc tion of the Secretary of th* Treasury showing the estimated expenditores and receipts of tbe government for the bal ance of the fiscal year. It is understood that if all the appropriation laws are complied with the excels over expendi tures will be twenty million dollar*. If this statement is correct, why did Grant lobby so bard for an additional tax ol thirty millions ? Beast Bdtlu on Bab-Booms.—A Washington disja'ch says: “Gen. But ler received this morning a letter from the South, written in behalf of a number of colored persons, inquiring whether, under the civil lights bill, negroea have not the privilege of tbe accommod: tious of har-routu*. Be has replied H> the ef fect that tbe civil rights bill doe9 not confer such privilege, that ouly white people baro the right to get drunk in bar rooaja, and that bo hopes never to hear of colored people endeavoring to thrust themselves into such places.” Beicheeum.—The voluminous reports of the evidence in the BeecheraTilton ii hunting a cocktail; i tho bona credits him with dissipating the previous night. ft is raid that < mingt, n hu- onlj A3 widow* and 1 j:l old mmd*. She has 4S old bachelor- aud 19 widowers. She has about b.O wives who wear the panU-, and iu hm-hu i w ho l i*»i« ih\t J.-n hke » Uv about way. The Albany AVirg says: Guru planting is about over lion, botwnhvatiding tbe rains. Much Lappy here this afternoon. This city being f it listed in a Iiomu was prelected by the surrounding hills from the fury of the storm. The rainfall, accompanied by bail, was un precedentedly heavy. Severn towns in itie interior suffered severely in loss of life and property. At Camak, on tbe Georgia railroad, several houses were blown dow n. Thomas Gexliug was killed, sod several persona wounded. Near Thomson, forty miles from Augusta, ■\ Itrge amount of property was destroyed | and reverul per.-ons killed. At Appling, this sec I * u Columbia county, the de.-truetion to .. n ...minuted j property was great, several persons aro up and looking well. I sported killed, and many wonnded. At rn the area of cereals I Aiken, S. C., tbe Catholic chinch was Sumter County. Snrntcr Sheriff Sales for April. TV7ILL baaold bet»rs tha Ocart House door, W in tbe dtj of Americas, bstwess the naotl hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In April next, the following property, to-wit: Io»U of land Koe. W, 6», except one acre of •aid lot, it being the lot used and occupied by * ~ p * - « half of lot Mol —, —*—m — i of Sumter coui - tv, «aid tract of land contain ng fire hundred acres, more or lees. Levied cm aa the property ot J.G. Whiteett. to aatMfy aSuperior Court fi (kin Avor of E. K. Doseman vs J. O Whitse t. Pn>peny pi sated out by Plff AU*y. Tenant in poeessiun notified. Al?o t e house and lot in the dty of Americas, and county of Sumter, aud known aa tt>e Hart- leu place. and being »part o! lot of »*n-» Nc. 174 in Uu 27ib Dirinet of Numter coumj. ai-il ku-iWQ al-o an the late residence i f Cot. O. T. Goods, ooniainiwg Altecu acre*, more or k-M, ith all the members an I hppurteusnees he- •niiiUK to atkl house aud lot, Levi d on as the r«>perty of C. T. <hxxk*. to satisfv a Superior •jurt fi fa ot Sumter county, in twor of Cicero A. Tharp vs. T. <?code. Prnpertv p>4ntt d out bi Pi If ttt'y, and oeed fi cd in C.'e'k’s office, asreouittd t,r law, ai d tenant iu no* tasiou uotifiod. Also at the same time and place lots of land Now. 211. 222, lying in the old 16th district or Kamter county, and known as the lots of land «. . spied hy J. T Holcman. contain* idred and five aorta, more or lesa the property of J T. Holeman, to • y a Super or C* urt fi fa in favor of J. M. ■Webster Sheriff Sales. Til ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April If next, within the 1-gal hours of sale, ue- fore th* t ourt House door, in Preston. Web ster oounty. the following property, to-wit: Thirteen hundred arras of land, east half of -J»Ko 1M.Io No 155, lot No 166, lying on southeast side ot the Frundship toad to Tree- ton lot Nos 1ST, tot Nos 154, and 165 and 166. 6 mules, as lohowa—1 dark bay mare mule. Kit, 1 sorrel mars mala, name Beck, 1 imare mule, Lisa. 1 moose color* d mare mule. Fanny, 1 black hone* mule, name Bill, a dark hor*e mo*, name Jtlf; also 1 four horse wagon, 11 o horse wagon, 100 bushels < Also at th# same time and place, the Ware house on tbe east side of the Public Square, now occupied bv 5. L Pnoe as a cotton warehouse, aud known as tbe Carriage Repository formerly occupied by •• m Hirrin X Son. Levied on as the property of Wm birr re. to satisfy a tax year 1874. Tenant notified. Alto, Six hundred acres of land, three hun dred acres of which ia embraced in the levy made by mo «>f March 1st. 1875, aod described aa followa: Lota of laud Noe. 211, ‘ * G“ d referred , a or lees; the north by lands of Barlow A Har- above, in tbe 26th district, lt d on the north by lands o a the east by lands of Mrs. t\al fumy, which occupie* whole pages of the lb « eouth by land« of Wm. Patton, on the .. . sooth-west and west by lands ot JesM Halter. New York papers from day to day, ia aud on the north-west by land* owned by disgusting enough. Bnt wbat is still □ pletely -leuioiialM All lines North ( Reports from tbe j iDiiittry are confused and ODsatiafsctory *:•’o ibeixteut of the damage and the j number of lives !o>t, but there seems fo be bo doubt the etorm was fearfully destructive, surpathitig iu extent auii (violet ce anything of the kind iu this ecc- Ai--1 t:»e«iear tittle luud-s like roai Uroj i>t-) from aro-* lav still. N« v« r t-i snati li#t il.e aunalune, 'I bat crept to Ihe shrouded -Hi. Girl- riiouM be ILll of i danger they run to tnnrryjn" raiiroaU j Won |j ie brakenicu. An entlmsiasuc mc.nuer ot , pj, e narrator i* uu edit' v tint fraternity, on being: awakened the the pistoled n big strike on his pr.-ru- other night from a dream of an impend I »»e*. about a mile tr. m Colombns. 1J« i:i<* crash bv a tMin f iund himstlf biitinc I chopped off the reptileV head with hu .ip'io hi, wilbliv lliu uara. 1 1 ‘ 1 ,l|u ,, » ,r,!rt 1 - 1 TI 1 ": 1 ' he Kind liul.l w i.nvins nearly m-:*l her head IT in hi, , l * 1 T te .. i i . J, ed out sev. n whole dead frogs. H< t n«litic effort, te -lowu bruke, l ,-vl , eon,in who prove — j I lie frogs ought to have l*een alive Natl Ki:.—One cannot imnsine ,,at alityofthe human mind whence Lbvm Rights ! will be largely increased ov j Cotton planting will be commenced ! next week in good earnest if the weather : permits; and planters think they ure not far behind as to endanger the crops. 1 Strozer vs. Wright.---The quo icar- niHto case of Stozer vs. Wright, for the ; Judgeship of the Albany Circuit was i heard before .Iu\lge Kiddoo, of the . Patnula Circuit, iu this city, on Bat- ; urday last, Hon. William E. Smith, I and .General Henry Morgan appeared j N|-vial to Tel. graph aodMcMcngtr J f„r St;zer. Colunrl J ' -1* Ana-trow, Spabta, Gi . M«rrb iM. and Judge I*. I*. D. Warren for „, I Wright. The dechiou of Jiidg-* Kiddmi lhere was a heavy wind storm at JO will not be h.ard before Saturday next. «»*«!«* to cimt. A house wasblown down The cate will be carried to the Supreme tlXv miles went of here, aud Mr. S. I>. ~ 1 wifi, and child, and a young COX. Tiiis from the Columbus Knqui er: A gentleman told us this, which v give, though we know by pnbliriiiDg advnntagi md nature, .-ecing that in tin" not made fi r tolitud- ^ but of life, but inerenM** more agreeable than It ountenanci i.ultitudc of the i ons. It i*. indeed, the CfTHBERT.—'We re- ret to havo to publirii an iucideut ou n* civil rights issue which took place i.n inilroud car going from here to Eurauht n .Saturday lust. A Mr. Walker, for- itrly of Stewart county, but now agent i *’** re UI _»b: r tho Wheeler X Wilson Sewing Ma | , l u *\ dt] liiuu Company, iu Clayton, Ala., bourd ' ‘ e dgcville, :1 the train with two or three negro wo " “* . - — - . » you_ 0 lady named Mi«. Berry, were killed. Mr. Massey was considerably injured. N. From pusseegers who arrived from Mil- ledgeville, by the Central train, the Ma cou Te!rgraph gather* a few- particulars of the dntuuge done iu that viciuity. The storm te. ujH to have been of the most fearful deseription. It pussed along the Mil.inLs of the city, traveling u little i north « f ea'.t. The cloud is represented to have resembled an hour glass in shape, I whs in vertical position, and u* luminous ! iis bihzing fire. Iu fact, it so clotely re- j secibhd fire that all the alarm bells iu i the city were ruug «ud the people turned out, thinking that there wus a file. | The stein) occurred in the afternoon, and up to the time of the de{«rture of I the train news bad been received of the j destruction of fifteeu In uses; bnt we full list of them. * of Mr. Mart Mil- Two Broken Heart*. u new building was blown and oue of bis children and, a enl isted that they were entitled j or,, d eLild also were killed- The fioe ninble l <» nding in the first-class car. a white r «>weHcc «t Judge Htyiter, between Mil- lu» will thus act lets hiaoelf tm> |«»g«*»tde and Midway was unroofed. >r further consideration, and do- r,,e house and stabh-s of Mr . ..sroea the contempt of decent colored T * 11 V* ,,Uier destroyed. A bale r h °W ! people. He would be more obnoxious in °* cotton which had beeu packed was ladies’ company than the dupes of Lis I blowu to piece propensity.— Cnthbert Mcttenqer. vl n; j A Prayer for Peace.—The Atlanta j Herald contains the following paragraph: The Paris Fhfaro tells the following: “At the revival meeting held by Messrs French v story: In 1870 a young French- * ud Cr ' c * cu Monday evening. Mr man. the Count de Meyrac, married a I vara "ho was present, mentioned ri. Mcy beautiful girl of his own station in life. Msthilde . who was very much in love with him. All went well, and the two were very happy in their devotion to each other. They wero fond of the theatre, and every oue just at that time was enraptured with a new netress, Kosi- ta, who took the principal roles in the du bious dramas of tho Dumas school. The newly wedded pair often went to Kosita’s theatre, until tho Countess thought her husband's eyes lingered too fondly on the actress, and began to fee! pangs of jeal ousy. Frt u Frou was one of Rosita’s best impersonations, and o'n her farewell night she appeared by request iu that character. The ties were broken id the eotton scattered about through the trees. The same paper says: Macon wus visited about five o’clock Saturday •wften-.oen by n very considera ble Mot m of wind and rain, accompanied by some thunder and lightning and hail. Iu the southern portion of the city and threatening duel he:ween Messrs. Huff and Hodgk<n*, anil the prayers of the m> e:ing were at once publicly offered. i>king that Divine Providence might avert the ex|M-cted fight. A most elo quent prayer was delivered on the sub j**ct, and a short time -After a tel* gram was received announcing an auiunble adjustment.” J • Tito Dalton g*l, off .U* follow ! Th * Ic. (ior,e, ing: “An amusing anecdote on Gov. [damage Brown while ho wa* in Calhoun last J week, when the news of tlie washing away of the bridges on the Slate rea l was flashing over the wire*. A r:*i!i«.. employe, who had )*i>.t heard of the de struction forsotm* ill-is nee down the Macon and Bruuowick r.iiln ml. the hail fell thick and fust for some little time, and lay in heap* upon the ground. Tho wind also wu,h ferociouu. The train was delayed considerably, but no damage was done as far ns we could ascertain. P»w - • other bridge j Ring The Jockey Club, of which Gcor K e do S oU -.*«“'!? ' Oont - Mcvrac.wa, Vice President, gave bora," 0 * * , 8“”“ The Governor supper after the play. George, of course. ,ni ‘* l,eu, ^ r r, 'l*h‘d, *J)on t talk to me was preeeut, and »at by the side of the j “bout bridges. I bear the Dade county fascinating llosita. who was furroundod coal mine just caved iu.’ ” with bonnuet?. Wine flowed freely, and A Georgia girl has an nctiou of larceny mirth and wit enlivened theb'anqnet til 3 o'clock in the morning. Meanwhile the poor wife, Muthildc, waited at the little gato of the park for her truant hus band. Tbe hours passed slowly on and he came not. A cold, penetrating rain began to fall ot midnight, and' Mathilda trembled front exahostion and exposure. At 5 in tb« morning, when her husband came through the littlo gate, he atom- bled over her inanimate body lying on the rein-soaked ground She was not dead; she lived five days after, but never recovered her mind. In her delirium,?he incessantly murmured, “Frou-iYou ! Fron • JFVou!’ 1 Those were her last word*. Tbe Coont was almost crazed by his wife's Ion. He entered the army and sought death to the bloody battles of the Franco-Pru«*Un war. Fate was cruel and he returned unharmed. Ilis wife’s room, adjoining his own, had always been kept clored since her death, but owing to the suffocating heat one sum mer's night, George opened the door be tween the two rooms. He then fell asleep. In about an hour he awoke; tbe dock struck midnight. As the last stroke sounded, he heard distinctly from the contact of « cold wing, or. perhaps, tbe muslin of • peignoir. He fell un conscious. The next morning he was found lying there insane. To every in terrogation he onlyrepHed/‘Fro«-/Voii." The country people in the neighborhood of that Chateau de Meyrac think that it was thci>iul<»f the Countess returning at mi Inight to murmur iu tho car of her erurl husband: ‘George, I still love thee: bnt it i* chon who hset killed me.*' Th*- loss of four . property by tbe • v. ii<khI, leached more than Lalf a mil lion dollars. Tbe ice is again gorged at Ranaam, three miles above this place, to the height of twenty feet, and extending up the river for about five miles. The La-high Valley railroad track is entirely covered with ice six feet in height. In tho tiurrowM, .two miles north of here, they have & gang cf workmen digging through and trying to clear the track. It ir imporaibln to say how soon they cun run IhroCKh. No train* have been able to reach here yet cither way. A great many miners, in this locality, have atopped work on acconnt of having no route left by which to ship their coal. Tho greatest anxiety exists here in regard to the weather. Should it become wurm enough to move tbe gorge, it will cau&e even mere destruction than Tuesday’s flood. C’oLi'UHiA, Pa., March 18.—The ice in the Susquehanna river at tbi* point com menced moving at 1 20 r. M. and is atil miming jmst in one continuous mass. At this hour. 8 p m. it has carried away the winding bridge of the Tidewater Canal — .... mu i), me WrighUrill*. and moved_o D e femalee of tbe behold, end .be frofij tho houHti against a man who stole her photograph from un ulbum while she is up stairs arranging her hack hair. Says the Macon Telegraph: In regard to lh« foregoing case, the Pruicipal of the Georgia Academy for the* Blind, W. 1>. Williams, says: There was a blind girl in the Iusiitntion ta-t year, who was sent homo for vacation in the month of July ; that she remained at homo until the opening of the term, about the middle of September, when she returned; that after her return sbe remained iu tbe Institution a month or MX'Weeke, when suspicions circumstances were reported to him by the had msdo statements al>out her doiDgs at home in connection with her step-father that were of u very suepicioas character. In cons*queuce of ihiae facts, circum stances and statements, the Principal, after consultation with Dr. Jumes Mer cer Grctue. the President of the Board, and ihe Phyrician of the Institution, sent her away immediately, taking her himself to Tboma-toD, in the oonuty of Upxon in which her mother and step father lived, and then hiring a convey ance nod. 'sending her to her home; and that after advising the Judge of the Connty Court of that county, eonfiden tially of tbe snapirions circumstances o* her case. Le returned to Macon, and that he has not since beard from her. He aays the girl was an amiabe, simple- minded junqg person, and the testimony of tbe females in charge of her in tbe Institution, is tba* she was all ngbt when she went home for vacation. The connty aod names referred to in the foregoing c«se are different from tbe same as known in the Institution, but there being no other case for conjecture, doubtless the cases are identical. twenty-eight inch*-■» out of its place, r dering the bridge impassable for the pms sago of trains over it. The ice and water have done couriderahle damage to tbe Pennsylvania Central traeka we*t of here, piling ice ii|>on them, and rendering tbe passage of trains impossible. It also swept down n great msuy telegraph poles, enttmg off telegraph communication with points between Colnmbis and Harris borg. Harrisburg, March 18.—The fee ia passing quietly. No damage is appre hended in this vicinity. Columbia, Pa.. March 18.—Tbe tele graph wires are broken by tbe displace ment of a span of the bridge at this place. $9* The Washington Capital nonnees, among other books it has in press and will soon publish: “U. 8. Grant on Mixed Drinks; a most valuable work for a party dying of exhalation. 1 IQT If yon wish anything pointed out to yon in a crowd, ask the wearer of a diamond ring. more disgusting is the weekly reports which the same papers give of Beecher’s sermons and lecture room talks, while he stands arraigned and is on trial under a crashing weight of testimony for one of the most heiuousof crimes. To one who has read the detail* of tbe evidence, Beecher's pulpit ministrations must sound like s mockery of religion. D&'-Tbe secretary of the treasury has retuiQ.*oou to the old method pf redeeming mutilated Unit ad States currency undes whisdi a reduction was made proportionate to tho portion of notes missiug. Tho change will take effect ou the 1st proximo. Tbe old sys tem was changed by Secretary Bontwell, who established tbe system now in oper ation, under which three-fifths or more of a note is redeemed for its fall value, while smaller fragments are not redeem able at all, unless pro* f i* pret-cuted tl :i* tho missing portions are entirely de stroyed. Oay Even's of great political significa tion aro continually truuspiring, from which the uninitiated are not always able to dra* correct conclusions. It was but a day or two ago that the Washington correspondent of the Commercial Adver tiser advised of the following startling information: “At precisely three and a quarter utes past five last evening, ex-Presidtnt .Johnson, while standing on the Capitol steps, was observed to pull a wooden toothpick from hia right hand ve-t pocket, bit a quarter of an inch off the end of it, and remark to a friend, “Looks like rail to night.” ‘ A Washington Chronicle re porter was so fortunate as to secnrsbotli the remark and the splinter os they fell from the speaker’s lips *' OexT According to a Cincinnati En qpirtv's, special. Senator Johnson bold* that “Piuchback is disqualified by the provision ic the constitution which declart/tbat a citizen shall have been nine years a aitizen of Ihe United States. Ac cording to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Dred Scott egroes were not citizens of the United Shite*, aud it was not until 18C8. when the fourteenth amendment was de dared to have been dnly ratified, that they became such citizens ” The ex president seems to be the first to take tbi* view of the case, and in onr opinion it fits tbe black Bruce from Mississippi. sitting comfortably in the senate, quite as well as the yelldw Pinchbeck banging on the ragged edge. AN ACT, I BK ENTITLED AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 3554 OF THE CODE OF 1873. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the St>ite of Georgia, That from and after the passage of this act, oection 3554 of tbe Code of 1873 l>e, and i*. hereby amended by adding to tbe proviso of said section the follow ing words, to wit: “Or when the consid eration of said debt i* services rendered by any physician, or surgeon, to the em- plnve or Ins family, or medicine furnish ed by any physician, surgeon, druggist, or apothecary, to raid employe or his family. Sec 2. Repeal* conflicting laws. Approved February 24th, 1875. From and after the passage of this act. wlieuever any person seeks process of garnishment agniaat any journey man me chamc or day laborer, such person shall, in addition to the oath now required by law, make affidavit setting forth specifi cally the actual consideration ol the debt, or judgment sued on, or so much thereof, os be may claim the law author izes the garnishment of wages. ‘ Approved March 2d, 1875. Brigham Yount fo Beecher. Salt Lake City, Dec., 1874. My Dear Reverend Brother : Per mit me to express my warmest sympathy for you in yonr present tribulation*, and permit me to offer yon an asylum that will shield you from tbe maDy uu picas aatnesses and troubles that a narrow hearted, mouogunous public has brought on you. Speak oat boldly, like the noble man to which natnre ha3 befitted von Proclaim aud defend yonr belief sod ex perience in polygamy openly. Come here to ns, where yon can live with yonr many wives and be honored and respect ed, if you publicly recognize them sa such. Do not remain where yonr neigh bors treat yonr highest and moat no ble gifts with contempt. My dear rev erend brother, the days of my naefnlceae in certain respects are approaching a close. This caused me to search for a man who is worthy and competent to take my present position; and, as you are endowed with all the necessary qualifies ticna, I invite yon to come among tu and at once anbmit to onr church regulations —that is, marry your dt facto wives (pub licly), and I am rrady to give yon the leadership of this great people, together with those of my yunnger wives, who prefer a more vigorous and robust man than I am for their companion. The time baa come. 1 must resign my posi tion in favor of a more able person, and yoa are the man. Bapectidily, jonr dear brolher, luulea, 100 bushels of corn, , jno two home w»gnu, also one hou c and lot eilostcd. Ivin • and bring in tbe etty of America*, containing 20 sere*, more or lens, ritanteil, lying and being on tbe street 1 n m (iibnon street, mud lot lying on bo'h of arid street, and said house sod lot now >ied by Spencer Csaon, and known as tbe rt place. Lei led ou as tbe property of • F. Walk* r toastlaiv a Snpenor Court fl fa from Upson Saperio.* Court iu favor of fI L Woodward, administrator, Ac„ v«. Nathaniel P. for Letter* of Administration, tat* of Banco P. Pickett, late of said coun ty, deceased. Tbcae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singularly tbe kindred and persona concern ed to be and appeal at my office within Un* tinn prescribed by law sod snow cous*. if any tbej have, why said letters sbouid not be granted. (liven under my band and official signet urt this 13th day of March, ls7o. 0. W. DAVESPOBT, mxilG-lm Ordinary Walker, principal, and James P. Walker, seonri- * d. TenauU iu ooeaeitidon notided lot of land ia old 16tb district. Mnm- ter Coun'y, number not known bnt known ss the place wbereon J.W. Willett u»w lives, Isviud 783th district, O. M , in favor ef J. H. Doughty 1 eorson A l>. vs J. W Willett Levy made by W. G Sagsc, L. C., and returned to me. Ten- ritate aforesaid; number not knov I'h) and b t lying _ _ d«cp (east 'eat), lying iinmedisteiy west of the *outb lot, formerly occupied by William Williams, said iot levied upon as the property of Jordan Cook,who holds bond lor titles !r<>m T. F. Hamey.for said land, by virtue o a fi Is is*-n« d from the Hn* pr me Conrt of said County, in favor of Tho#. F. Haiuey v# Jordan Cook. Deed filed and tenants in possession notified in 1 tho law. Also, lot of land No. 108 in the 27th district Mann liv Hruuer v . Tho*. W. Mann Beiohak Youno. ti la Zion Chnnh inlhe 16th dis trict of Rumier connty. Levied on to satiety -team Saw Mill lien fi fa in lavor or J. T. Bai row vs W. A. Wilson and James Ba»s, et a Trustees. A. W. WHEELEK, ttherit. Also, at the same time and place, two bund red bushels of corn, more or less, to satn-fy a lieu fi fa issued tiom Sumter Superior Court, in favor of Schumpert, Pickett A King v# J. T. Tumor, U.-vu d on as the property of the defendant, J. F. Turner. Aleo. lots of land,number** two hundred r’CO) and one hundred aud eighty-seven (187), iu the 17th district of ttumter «'<oaaty,b vied on M satisfy two tt r*s, on* in lavor or the State atwi County vs .1. T. Tun . - . . • » I. is. Carter v JOHN E THOM 48, mari-td Deputy Hht-riff GEORGIA—Sumter County: Whereas. H. A. aud E. 11. Cheek apple n the estate of o cite and admonish all, this the 12th dsyVf March, 1875. rl3-lm mi snd official signature, Webster County* with white iace, 1 . »w; al« udkiuhiu furniture; also, plant .... — ' * n the Upeoi ; also, hourebo'd . plantation tools the property of James P Walk .. .. a fl u obtan * ‘ “ County Supeiior Cotut in . ... . of O. - W«iod- ward adoi.n.stratoff.Ac.; u Naikauiet F.Walker, *'rin.; Jse.P. WstLir. bee. on Appeal; property ointed out by plaiMtifi 'a attorney Also, one lot u! laud. i>,mU r 17, in iLe 25th '••strict id Webster County; levied on as th- ronarty of J. C. L* ater ‘to satisfy one ll fa I utu the bopinor Court tf said County, .^«w, — —o No 115. in the 22d dU- trk-t of Webster, known a* the John b Hr- place, near the Jacob Hobbs place, loiru on as ihe proper y of lbs said John ri Rice, to satisfy one tax fl *a tor hia Htate and County tax lor tbs year 1874; property pointed out by Mercer, tax collector erty pointed cut by Mercer, tax collector. Levies made and rstaraed f. m. McLendon GEORGIA—Webster County. milEREAS, Mre. Marsh Holly, Guardian on W the Estate of Sallie D UoUy, applies foi Letters of Dismissiou from said Unanlianship Thee# are therefore to cite and admonish oil kindied and a 1 persona concerned, to be one appear at my oflioe, and file their objections ■f ana have, ia terra* of the law, otherwise aaid letters will be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 3d day of February. *875. fi nr Ordinary. G. W. DAVENPORT, Lo** C.mnty Montgomery & Shaw, Leo Sheriff Sales for April. W" , A settlement of land, making a plantation, >1 a fl. Is. from Lee Superior Court in fa vor ot llenry Meuihsnl, Adtnt. of Oeorge Mein- lisrd, deceased, vs. Wm. 11. Newsome, Adtnr of Wm. Newsom*, deceased. Property pointed )Ut bv Warren A Hobbs. Alsii-Lot of land No. 223 in tbe 13th district >f said connty. Levied on as the property of fas. Vuison by virtu# of a fl. fa. from Lee Kup* nor Court, in favor of Francis 8. Be 11 Vs. Jae. principal. Allred Kersey, security.— lot of land iu tho 14tb district of ; known but known as th* ▼cor 1874, vo. John L. Laramore. Fropem pointed out by Tax Collector, W. D. flr<.en. Also- Settlement of lauds making the plants- tbs Dr. Hitt or MaxweU Loi Place, in said C*>unt\, U nci ou ss the p-opern of Dr. V. G. Hitt, by virtno of a tax fl fa foi* Mate aud Couuty taxes for tk« year 1874 iTunerti pointed ont by tax col’sctor. Also—(in* hundred and fifty bushels of corn more or lcs. fifteeu hundred husbeisof cutt>-n seed, more nr less. and. lw«> thou-aud p -nndr *<f fodder, more or lea*. Levied ou as property of 11 T, Wallers, hy virtu*.* of a foreclosure on lien fi fa from Lee Huperinr C urt, iu favor of N. Jc A. F. Tift vs K. J. WsRera. rro;eity pointed out in said fl fa. Also—Half or lot ol land No (42) forty-two (being one hundred acres mure or teas), m the 14th diatrict ol said County. Levied «>n as prop erty of j. H Watkins, by virtue of a fi fa from the Coun y Court of Lee. iu favor of Patrick lias* vs J. H. Watkins. Property | ointed out bv Dlsintifl. •f * JIF - 8 LI EU, niat4tds the estate of Ksllie Fort, having applied to me for letters ot Distniasion from said Guardianship, These are therefore to cits and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all persons con cerned to be aud appear at my office, -ithin the time pi escribed l»y law and file their objec tions, if any they have, otherwise letters will be R Given under my hand and official signature this 27th dav of January. 1875. jan.2&-3m* O. A. BROWN, Ord’y- GEORGIA—Sumter County. W HEREAS, Wm. Jones and C. G. Hill-man applies to me for Letters of Adminietra tion on the estate of U. U. Hamilton, late of •aid county deceased, These ate therefore to cite and admonish all aud sit gular. the kindred snd creditora.of said deceased, to be a d appear at my office within * and can. why »ahl L granted. Give* ti- ■ - this, iLt u.u . mar23-30d. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to on order of the Court of Ordinary of 8nmter county, Oc-rgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Americus, said .-ounty, on the drat Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours of sale. Mix Mulea Sold Sohl©> Couuty. Schley Shefiff Sile« for April. W ILL lie sold before the Court house door in the town of Ellavillo, Fchity county, within the usual hour* of sale, on the flr<*t Tues day in April next, the following property, to- Eoet half of lot of land No 110 in ihe 3rd diatrict or said county. Levied ou to aaiintya tax fi fa for tbe year 1874 island by the Tax a favor of Ptate tnd connty v r 1874, Issued by the r«x Collector in “ ■* ounty va. T B. My B. C. ME -DOWS. favor or the 8tste aud ounty va. T B. Myers. OWK. marStda Hhenfh NOTICE! To Planters and Others _ Am arietta, my author.ed Agent for the tale of my improved CATTLK POKE, for 8umt*r and adjoining counties, and also for tho ■ale of the right for toe State of Florida. My improved CATTLE POKE tea eat* pre ventative lor horsea, motes, cows, and other cattle from jumping or poshing down fences, and altos same time te not in tos way of their grazing as wall with, as without iL Tbs above invention was patented May 12ih, 1674. Persons wishing to see this invention ‘ ‘ Store of T. O. BATTLE, next to ha North aids ol ‘ W.L. BATTLE, 500 GALLONS _ at f2 50 per gallon, inn Dozen Bottle# of PURE 8PARKUNG 1UU8CUPPERNONO WINE for »al* by J. B. HINKLE. dsslTtf GEORGIA—Lee Cotan When ae, John Israel having applied to tne for ex.-mpuon of Pereoualty aud setiiug apart and Valuation o' Homestead, I will pass upon th- Hameat my office, iu Ltcsburg.ou tbe 23tb in* ED. WAThON. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lee Concty: Whereas, J. H. Wat kina applies for emption of Personalty and sotting a, and valuation of Homestead, I will pass up- my iffice in Leesburg, Hotels. Grocers AND Provision I )EALBRS, Americus, Georgia. 401 Bushels Prime WHITE CORN. 1121 Pounds WHEAT BEAN, 12,759 “ FRESH FLOUR, from Kcnesaw Mills, Mariet ta, Georgia, 10 Barr;ls NEW ORLEANS SYRUP, 15 “ « “ and NEW YORK, SUGARS. 1,010 Pounds RIO, (Parched and Raw), COFFEE, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT, POTASH in CUPS, BALLS, and BOXES, SODA, PEPPER, SPICE, NUTMEGS, GINGER. COPPERAS, SALT PETRE, EPSOM SALTS, GUM CAMPHOR, BLUE STONE,. BORAX, Ac., Ac. Call and get our prices before BUYING ELSEWHERE. MONTGOMERY & SHAW. Does Hard Times effect Low Prices ? At our store wc propose to sell even, LOWER TUBIST EVER! 275 Gallons WEST’S EXTRA No. 1, KEROSENE OH. 80 Gallons West’s Security Kerossne Oil, Will sell the same os Low, Lower, Lowest, Tickets or no Tickets. 8EQSTSABS. CHAIRS, CHAIRS** 19,871 lbs. Fresh Itedsteadfe. 2,340 lbs. FRESH COTTAGE CHAIRS: Just Received and for sale at VERY LOW FIGURE!-. CilE early before they are all gone. MONTGOMERY A SHAW. Because we sell our goods so much LOWER THAN OTHERS is no reason why some should suppose they are inferior. We buy the best at the lowest rates and sell the same way - • price of ordinary Blackitg. MARSHALL HOUSE. A. B. LUCK, Proprietor. Board per day, $3 00. JAMK8 OTONXEL, BROWN’S HOTEL, Vl roOITX PAVKENQKB PHPOT, Macon, - - Georgia E E. BROWN a SON. Proprietor, ot thi* • Popular Hotel, wo Id inform tbetr Lurner- ou- ineiMls that they have reduced their rates to $3 00 per day. They leturu their grstcfol thank* for the verv liberal patronage extended >o the House for Dear twenty years, and assure their many fri> ud* that they ri l use their best endeavors tor the future, to give the same sat' i-factiou that they have iutL* po*t. Every at trntion given to ladies aod families. Large rooms always in readlnr— •— p * relei aeptS-tf E. E. BROWN A SON. H. L. FRENCH. FRENCH HOUSE, Public Square, Americus, Ga. and a liberal share pf patronage is suUdted No effort on the p .rt of tbe Proprietor* will be spared to render their guests enaforiabte and pleasant. Good rooms, good fare and rttentive rer* vants, guaranteed, at moderate rates. TERMS: Board and Lodging per month t “ without 20 00 “ and “ 44 day 2 no Single meals 60 Give us a trial. FRENCH A EASON. BARLOW HOUSE AMERICUS . . GEORGIA WILEV JONES Proprietor. RIBE above Mined BoUl le in Ik. bnelnee a centre of Amoncoo, aod Uw Pro prleto fattenHme^r,froahleiooe eiperieoeemIke t Mean end win gtee general MU Dev, (3 00 u?aggftjg -si trains, and attentivo porters will carry all bog- gaga to and from the depot free of charge. IS. In connection with tor House there is n firat-cloca BARBER SHOP, where gentlemen —- *' *■- —*~ l ~* may gt( iiiim DAikoao ouur, wnc a always be a/vpmmodated. TWENTY-FIVE BOXES TOBACCO, Extra inducement in prices. The cry is still beard “More Goods for Leas Money* 7 ’ When you want to bnv First Class Groceries and Bedsteads, don’t go elsewhere, ootne to our Store, we make a SPECIALTY of this CLASS of goods. MONTGOMERY k SHAW.. Farmers, Mechanics “ANT OTHER MAN,” Can get FULL VALUE for their HARD EARNED MONEY by investing in some of our GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, KEROSENE OIL, CIGARS, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, SHEETING, CHECKS, FACTORY THREAD, SHIRTING, GARDEN SEED, Aa, A*. We keep nearly eveiything the Countiy calls for at onr Store. Call and see us and get Prices, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! WE DON’T PROPOSE TO BE UNDERSOLD 11 This is “Verbum Sap,” and no more time is left before tbe paper goes to press. SEE WIRE 8I6N, NORTH SIDE FORSYTH STRFET, SECOND DOOR ABOVE BARROLD, JOHNSON A CO.'S WAREHOUSE Montgomery & Shaw.