The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, December 10, 1880, Image 2

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®lit WnfelggrpubUraB. C. W. HANCOCK, 1881. and to ask him if be bad any communication to make to the members AiEBias. ecaacu* THE SEX ATE. Atusti. December 4 ; he Senate met at ten o’clock and called to order by the Tremdeat. rbr Chaplain Dnacan. ^ The roll • calle*! and'tbe journal read and ap- eourt of Jefferson. WtomnfefcSwa'bgioa>.iss^! P-JA of ... H,„ Atlanta will be a capital summer re- j tor g toreT on account of sickness. , « « ysra-for .he L^i»Uton.. : Mr. *W««r tl... th» g, .. i — ! ctal order of tlie morning, to-wit tru Who wrote the proclamation of Gov. j coQgidcration of tbe eontest case of Gig- Colqo'm, calling the Hancock Elector, | nilliet and Hanra—be wstponed until! „„ ,L ™,r Jnv- ! <1» tor of the nljonrncd tenn. I Adopted. W! — —e hundred ! house. .„ v . . pority re- The roll j ports of the committee on privileges and un*l approved. at this session, reported that tbe Gov ernor had nothing farther to submit. in executive session tbe Senate con firmed tbe appointment of Jonathan L. Saggs, judge of tbe county court of C>ay county. R. R. Blocker, solicitor of the county court of Clay, and William In. Phillips, solicitor of tbe county i the wrong day* What did tbe Legislature do? They j On motion of Mr. Wi elected the Judge* and Solicitors and j copies of the majority and minority drew their own salaries, we know. Prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Clark, of the called and the journal Almost every ->ne has tu-ned cabinet maker tor General Garfield. The ‘•>nn that shines for all” also tnes its hands and suggests Deacon Richard Smith. The Ikacon is from Ohio, which is one recommendation of importance; Int, then, be is a Presbyterian and not a Campbellite, bnt he i* “truly goo-1.” and in hi# case it may be said, exaggeration that without elections printed and mailed to tbe Senators dnr- A message was received from tbi bouse that that body had adopted i joint resolution appointing be I iphsat stilly Who knows but that tbe presence of such a man in tbe new Cabinet might be as leaven—leavening the whole The Passion P’.ay. _ The author, Salmi Morse, of this much-talked-of play proposes to read it m public that hearers may have the op portunity of judging from accurate in formation. He says he spent five and a half vears in Palestine and had seen such wretched representations of the Passion at Ober-Amergan, and in the cathedrals in Jerusalem, Madrid, and , that be resolved By Mr. Sweat—A resolution to limit ne of speaking to five minutes and allow no one to speak more than ice Agreed to. * The committee on banks reported in * lavor of accepting the surrender of the ! * charter of the bank of Athens. The report was agreed to an 1 a res- j olntl-n accepting the surrender wa* A bill to incorporate the Citizens | p* ss *d. bank of Augusta, Georgia. Passed. A message from the Governor an- A till to change the time of holding ; noccced that he had approved the fol- the spring term of the Superior conrt ot 1 lowing acts: • * ‘ To change the charter of Jonesboro. tbe constitutionality of pealing the convict lease system. bills were read the third ** Mr. Hansell, of Cobb, moved to ad journ till eight o’clock, as tlie senate had adjourned till that hour. The special committee to visit the penitentiary camps during the recess and report to the general assembly at the July term 1881, appointed by Mr. Lane, of Bibb, tbe chairman of the general committee, are Messrs. Lane. Willingham. Post, Farnell, Coffin, Hansell, Wilson, of Camden, (col ored). The house adjourned till 8r. n. THE SEX ATE. The senate met at 8 o’clock and was called to order by tbe president. A sealed message was received from the governor, and tbe senate, on mo tion. went into executive session and confirmed tbe appointment of Francis Foctsine as land and immigration agent for Georgia, Mr. Westbrook, from the joint com mittee of conference on keeper of public buildings reported that the committee had fixed the salary of that officer at ei«ht hundred dollars perannnm % - Tbe of the Superior the county of Mitchell, from the first Monday in the month of March. Passed. A till to repeal an act to consolidate the office of clerk of the Superior Court and treasurer of the county of Douglas. Passed. A bill to relieve C. D. Leonard, J. X. Leonard and E. A. Leonard as secu rities of J. A. Cameron from liability on bond. Passed. A bill to repeal an act consolidating j in regard to publishing To authorize the refunding ot the debt of Clarke county. To establish a board of comtui-sion- of road* port was adopted. Tbe senate notified the house that it was now ready to adjourn. Tbe governor was called to tbe chair and tbe senate passed into humorous session, tbe members getting off a num ber of appropriate and side-splitting resolutions, A message was received from tbe lioose stating that that body was read; to adjourn. President Boynton made a few ap>- propriate remarks and adjonrned tbe till the first Wednesday in July, • of! i An act incorporate the Buena Vis- i amend the charter of Grif- , l»8l. the office of sheriff Green county. Passed. A bill to amend an act < the town of llawkinsville in the cot ^ ^ of Pulaski: to define tbe limits of the The speaker announced the follow- same. to re«puire voters for mayor and iag&* the committee of lawyers to in* couDcilmen to register, etc. Passed. vestigate the penitentiary contracts an i A bill to repeal an act to provide for 1 report whether or not they can be can- the p t of certain insolv ,,.ic „„ th»t wonU show tlie life»t,1 i io ‘ho Aognstt jitdicisl circuit, approv. D u Bi s n. f * , . ... • j 1,1 I ed February loth, 18*3, in so far as The t character of Jrao. u, ‘heir‘roc sod holy | | ^ , p ^ , u COUM? ... I!ich . .. [.The speaker G*a*ral Lee’s Reconstruction Letter Pustox. Ga., Nor. 22nd, 1880. Eorroa Ixdetesdext: Will you do thoee of us who favored reconstruction in 1,867-8 the favor to publish in your paper the encloaed letter from General Robert E. Lee, tbe leader of the South ern armies, during onr late war. Tne letter was read by Governor Brown dur ing liis address "to the Legislature the evening previous to his election to tbe United States Senate, and the original is mow in his possession. It shows that those who favored a reconstsnction of the government, and a kind submission to tbe inevitable weie in sympathy with our great leader. And tbe election of Brown to the Senate shows that though prejudice may for awJHe be all {lower ful; truth and right principles in th< end will prevail. Respectfully, D. B. Hakeem.. Lkxixctox, Va., April 3,1867. Mr Dear Major: 1 have read with attention the subject demanded the cle inclosed in your letter of the 23rd ultimo. I think there can be uo doubt in the minds of those who reflect, that conventions mast be held in tbe South ern State under the Sherman bill, that the people are placed in a position where no choice in the matter is left them, and that it is the duty of all who may be entitled to vote, to attend the polls and endeavor to elect the best represent them, and to available act for the interest of their States. The division of the people into parties is greatly to be reprehended and ought to be avoided by the willingness part of every one to yield minor points in order to secure these which are essen tial to tbe general welfare. Wisdom also dictates that the decision of the conventions should be cheerfully snb- celled: Mays, of Richmon, . Hunt and Bee-e. : act was taken up for the , . . i c- i -j j I •rr"'’ *” •“* vv ““v "• **•--- considerat : on of tbe senate amen inun s l, s lt- but hcfiullv decided upon thc| moa j. I>urad. Tice florae* committee reported in dramatic form. He claims that the; A bill to amend the several acts in- f*v.»r of amendment putting the tax on composition is sablime, it is not like the j corp>orating the ".ovn of Cochran, in the retail liquor dealers at $2o bv making one on tic other side, raj to withdraw ! ooonfv of l'lU--ki, sod to grant terrain it (m. ,. • .. I privileges to the ••me. Prarad. | >[ r . Borrow rai-ed the point tbst the | A bill to repeal an act to incorporate ], onw c00 ld not amend the bill in the The Censas Returns. the town of Tallapoosa in tbs county j wlv proposed, as it has aheadr acted The official census figures for fleer- i of Haralson, and for other purposes; to ! on Vr., gia have all been com pitted except horn I ^’IdeT .bVlfrae7“min™ of k ^ *” ten counties, and it is found that the > holding elections for municipal officer* 3>p r Millner *p>oke in fav< population of the State i« over one nil- J of said town; and to define the limit* of s * na!( » amendment. He did lion, let hundred thousand. We clip ! the same. Passed. | , a trying to legislate m. from tl»e returns the following, show- kill l ? re P*^ * n act to rolnce the the p^pfe. , , . . • .1 - ! compensation of the countv treasurer of I \i r ifoi.w ralhsl the rrevi. mg the population of counties m this ‘ r>. t , * .ur. iren ier cai.ea ineprevu . ‘ . *»reen county, r as sen. | Uon. which was ordered, immediate sertkn. A bill to repeal an act to organize a . Mr. .<tuith, of < ►glethorp*?. called f^i Baker.7,30o; Berrienb.OlO;Calhoun county court for the county of Masco j veasand navs which were ordered. 7,«>24; Coffee. o.OTC; Colquitt, 2,527; g« »nd to provide for the disposition Tbe veas were 87; navs 3'.*. lloolr. 12.41.-.; Dougherty. 12/.-2;E.r. of c«e« lending therein. Pnssed. ' The Senate an»cd:n« 1 i i lit r ,— Tbe House resolution to accept the fere concurred in. *>: ‘.'•O-i. Irwin, - Eee. iu,;..., , 0 ^ nder of tte Athens bank charter| On tlw senate amendment to taa Mitchell, 9,392; Macon. 11,07a; Ms- wa s concerted in by the Senate. The sta , e bo n .}^ w bicharenote»piec:allvex- rion, 8,598; Randolph, 13,341: Schley, Senate on motion of Mr. Foncbe reced- <D ,p te d. Mr. Wright made a ringing 302- Stewart, lS.OfK Sumter. 18,- ed from its amendment to increase the ! ' ' ^ 239: Taylor. \:.95. Terrell, 10.4M; •p.pmpr-— - Webster. 5,237; Worth 5,892. It will be seen from the above that j„g S il,000 Tbe house met at 8 r.: The speaker announced that it w necessary for the honse to remain session till 10 or 11 o’clock in order receive tbe report of the enrolling coi mittee, which was necessary betore the . — - 4 — officers of the general assembly could 1 , in S °ow to act, I think it safer sign the bills—Mr. Grav, of Catoosa, 1 ^ <aTe fhose who have to fear the in the chair. ' j sponsibility tbe decision of the qoes- By Mr. Host, of Coweta --A resol a-! t * on * involved, without embarrassing tioa thanking the local press for courte- j l l >CTn ^ith the opinions of those who do sies. Agreed to. not feel this responsibility. Mr. Robbins offered a resolution as I Under these circumstances, and for follows: That five members be sent to | rt * ! * ons which I tnitted to by the citizens of each State who should unite in carrying out i . crees in good faith and kind feeling. As ~ relieved from tbe necessity of de- Dm Ddrcrtijcrarats. GENERAL PRESENTMENTS Brand Jury of Lee County. NOVEMBER ADJOCRNED ERM.-M We, the Grand Jurors, chi for the Nevember adjeermed term of the Seperier Court 1880. beg leave the following General Protests have eaamiaeu by proper o*rks and tebacco juke. 1 be floor ia front if tbe South-cost room, should be repaired iwwadiately. We recommead that the pron er authorities have railing put and sheultl bo repauod a fort of tBe prisoners, glass ia the Court-hoc The fencingarocad the jail has blows down and west sides, and all the feme ffivjail is ia bad condiuou, and. oath. should be repaired ai The books vf the various Notaries Publico and Justices of the Peace bare been exhib ited to os as required by law. and w< them all properly kept, and charges tod as required by law ofj. VI. D. Gi rxcept i 34 , where the advise tbe following appointment of W H Newsome, of the 73&h District ( 1UD JOHN EL SLTULlViUSr, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEfi, -AND DEALER IH- Watches, Clocks and Jewplry, PUBLIC SQUARE, AHERICUi, GA, fv«t a|VJ4 -ot itrtmJMait ♦*« Warfs-a. CW-H rupr Bn*. Br-i, t., awberanwke.towhiAholsvtrenthonteotfeooflhatndlnr paUc 8 lo» aa any bouse in Ihoyy.and every arue^gaarsntiel to boss reytese:;^ , Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry done at short notice. 0TIn tlra stem with F. A. GYLES. Cl^bier. ,!^ 4tf NEW BOOKS. MARCHAL & HtTH ORGAN. COm’^gjj FINE PAPETERIES. NEW PREMBM CORN SMur, TWO laPOBTART ADVANTAGES. nK-.T^-JtZerejatlLvt Wr-ey ut u .•»; -,h, ••• ft, r~i r „ . strsitteKJgga' ' TLLtMt? it vrtu ravro rwfls>^«uMr , rSSc. < 4?sghi<^: IMPORTANT NOTICE! s auetftiov. and the bridge know: rill be finished this week. We call the attenticn ot the »the uncovered bridge o he penitentiary during the recess, in j ^ er * Un ^' ^ h»ve a great reluctance to order to examine into and report the Strode my opinions upon tbe public, practical working of the present system *"■ 1 ——* * k “ e * ‘ l *‘ and thus no par diem or milage be allow ed these convicts during the aforesaid durance vile. Agreed to and the chair appointed Messrs. Robins.Wriirht, Gar rard. DoBidion and Palhill. '[Laugh- By Mr. Wheeler, of Walker—A re solution tl>at the presidential electors cast their vote for Bill Arp for gover ns for vice-president. therefore request that yoi will not publish my letter, which has been written out of my kind regard for vourself. Very Trulv Your*. R. E. Lee. restigated^as thoroughly a allowed cere reports, and' fiaaac’ial affairs of the county generally, and find that the Treas- And that he has coLectod from ail ih a: h« b-s paid os i and ha» prop- The Bankrupt Law. Xr mter is far ahead in pKjpnlatio r other county in Southwest Georgia. nendment to increase the for the lunatic asylum, forcibly opposed it. The Senate adhered to its amendment Mr. Polhill urged the house to pay the keeper of the public build- cotum j t t h c injustice of putting where she would l»emM A bill to establish a ci»v court ii | county of Hall and to p^vide foi appointment of a judge and soli A sealed message, through Secretar; I. W. Avery, was received from th j Governor. »rm has been spread through j These bills were read the third tim •y by asserting that the j and passed • party was for repudiation. This is contrary to the facts in the case. Virginia as is known refused to 1 repudiate and now, says the Xew York ; A bill to amend the charter of the World, a committee of Tennes-*ecbond- i of Xewnan. hol.lera ha. it.cM aa affiltM, coogtat- j A Mil «tnaafet th. coontr of Stew. , . , . ,, ,, , , ! art from the Chattahoochee to the ulat.ttg th.: bondhold.r! opontho r.,.ut StlUth „ lt5rn jodicj ,i cire!lit „ j f„ of*the recent election in Tennessee.; ot hor purposes. Democjati: Tennessee, like Democratic A bill to amend the charter of Macon Arkansas, was repudiated at the poll*.; * n A * or other purposes. This Xo holder of Minnesota bonds, we le- j gll II indebtedness Mr. Barrow sj id the a ild be lb « I form. j Mr. Tatterson said tlie idea advanced | by Mr. Wright that all bondholders were rich was eroneous; as statistics show that the average bondholder does not hold over 81,(RH). The taxation of the State’s securities would drive them away from home and damage the credit of the commonwealth. Mr. Martin, of Talbol norand Uncle Rc; Adopted By Mr. Hunt, of Spalding—A rei Intion to extend a free pvass to 5 ; Wheeler, so as allow him to walk over | there- the railroads of the staie free of] i charge. Adopted. ;o tax i By Mr. Martin, of Talbot—A reso lution that the (Mjlice t-e requested to keep aa eye on the enrolling committee who remain over. Mr. Brannon offered to amend by adding tbe services of three physicians. The amendment and the resolution were adopted, anti the chair appointed Drs. Perkins, Willingham and Day to attend on the committee. Mr. Crawford of Muscogee- 11 aspirants to congressional honors report the same to the horse, particularly the member from Jefferson, mmonly called “coal burner.” Adopt- , December 2.—At tbe regnarl meeting of the Chamber of Com merce to-day, a supplementary report of the special committee on bankruptcy laws was submitted, embracing the fol lowing: The Lowell bill should not be accepted hy tbe Chamber of Commerce or 'the country, without amendments and addition*. Xeither should so val uable a beginning be allowed to pass r, and has voucher* tor th# And that ha has proper ahoring oti That ; ndmei vil, and made s nght v isible lieve. has yet congratulated his fellow- bondholders upon the result of the late election in that Xorthern Republican State, which still repudiates its guaran teed railroad bonds ia the face of the earnest protest of its last Democratic Chief Magistrate, ex-Govcrno d the third time and piassed. A bill to amend the charter of the j Jhe senate amendment was not con- wn of Camilla so as to change the cnrre ,i i n _veas 17. navs 61. of bolding municipal election, from j The hotiseadjocme-ito three o'clock. the second Saturdav second Tuesday of'sam provide for the election men instead of three. And then these billi third time: A bill to amend January to the | month, and to j >f four council- : AFTERSOOX S ESSIC The house reassembled at 3 o'clock, j and was called to order by the speaker id the, *Th*f roll was called and a quorum found present. ed. (Applause.) By Mr. 'Wheeler, of Walker—To appoint a committee of two from the janitor of the house to hunt up the lost electoral vote of Georgia. Adopted. By Mr. Branson—Resolved, that in case of a famine on the ship of State ugh Bacon and Rice the common-wealth. After a few more humorous resolu tions th* journal was read. * A resolution thanking Speaker Bacon for his courtesy and impartiality, was adopted, and the press received a full share of honor. The speaker then declare! the honse adjonrned to the first Wednesday in Julr. obscurity, because, distribution of insolvent estates is con- cerned, it will be difficult to provide a better. The committee tendered a res olution. which, after a long discussion, is adopted in the following form; lietolred. That a national bankrupt for the distribution of insolvent tates and for the discouragement of in solvency will promote the general well being by conferring confidence in busi- actions, and greatly increase inter-State trade. A series of resolutions v declaring that in the opit Chamber Congress sbonld, app.roaching session, enact soluble leg- , , * 161 , of ‘J* I On motion of Mr. Hutchins the geu- of 18.3, which provides for the j erml appropriation act was ordered the truth of tbe turn in cases of certiorari. Passed. A bill to authorize the Governor to famish arms and accoutrements to the cadets or students of branches of the State University now esublished or hereafter established. transmitted to the senate. On motion of Mr. Crawford, the door keeper and messenger of the honse were Gen. Hancock’s vote fell off largcl from Gov. Tilden’s in most of the j answering Southern States. Probably tbe prin- courts of this ripnl cause of this was the discoaraging outlook after tlie October elections, and the well assured fact that the Sutes were safely Democratic. The Repub lican vote fell off largely, because in most of tlie Southern Sute*. their or ganization was abandond. In Al abama, according to the Tribune's vote by State*. Hancock had 11.U00 votes less than Tilden, in Georgia 28,00**, in Kentucky 16,000, in Louisiana 9.UUU, Mississippi 37,1*00, in Tennessee 3,00l*, in Virginia 11,000. The only State in which there was a marked increase was . \ bill to repeal an act to confer addi _ Texas, which gave Hancock 40,000 tional power upon the tax collectors of j conference~at~the r request'of the ho more votes than Tilden, but the growth the Sute of Gcotgia—to make them I Th* committee on tbe purt of the he garnishments in justice State. Passed. A bill to extend the corporate limits of tbe town of Waynesboro, Bnrke county, and for other purpose*. Pa*sed. A bill to change the time of holding the supwrior coart of the county of Schley and for other purposes. Passed. A bill to amend section 4066 of tbe cade of 1873, allowing plaintiffs to after absent member’ A senate resolution to appoint a committee to examine into the feasibil ity of a new edition of the code of 1873 was taken up and agreed to. On motion of Mr. Sp«nce, honsebills with senate amendments were taken up. r little difference l *;weeu the votes of Tilden and Hayes; but in the seven above noted Hancock received 110,00*) votes less than Tilden, » hereas if a full vote had been p*>lled, he would have received largely in ex ec** of Tilden’s vote. Hammering by Electricity. Under the name of an “electric ham mer” Messrs. Siemens and Halske. of Berlin, have lately presented an ar rangement which consists essentially of three coils and a hallow rod of iron or steel, which can move to and fro within tbe coils in ^redirection of their axis. By means of a constant current, of unvarying direction, sent through tbe other coil* a machine or battery send* alternating currents, by virtne of which tbe tod is alternately drawn in and tnrnst out with great rapidity. The motion on one side i« limits! by spiral spring ^working _ elast cushion" With a screw arrangement tbe rod can be worked with the neces sary step to step roUtion in boring rock. When the borring in rock has gone so far that the border no longer reaches the rock, one of tbe rod-guid ing projections on tbe npper coil struck, and this has tbe effect of dis placing all three coils in their sUnd, wherein they are held fast only by fric- Georgia Cotton Factories. Augusta is becoming prominent in tbe South as a manufacturing city, there being eight cotton factories .focio sheriffs m certain cases and 1 were person, Flynt." Hill and Ree*e. for other purposes. Passed. ! On motion of Mr. Milner senate bill* A bill to provide for the trial of cases ( fur th5nl rea di ng were read the third .V- :- A — r..i . j p4#4edt a# follows: mea l the garnishment laws of Georgia’s Vote. The AtlanU Const-.tut ion says: A great sensation was created over the city yesterday afternoon by tbe repwrt that Georgia had lost her electoral vote in tbe Presidential contest. While Garfield’s success is assnred withoni the aid of any such accident, yet the announcement created no little surprise. It appears that there is a strange discrepancy between tbe 5*tate code and the United States statutes, on the sob- r-. . .... - ject of the manner in which the electo- Th !*2“J7 b J U he .v 1, “|ral»«,.lraU t* era.. Th, United .mend the eh.rter of the cue o! Ne«r-1 Sut „ ; luUll „, radio, lit. The electors fur each State shall keep «M “1*0 of ttie keejer of f.uli- J ““''wedSihr"?" he bmldtnp. .nd grannd. at 1.0W ... mt6A lbev „ •tend of .. WX>, „ the^hon„ proposed , oeh j, ^ Suu . ” The serrate eppomted > of | , ncll , h .U dime.. , “ Ihsed in March, 1T92. P*S.? f ll ? Bn. here come, the code of Georgia agreed t The senate insisted on its araend- the general appropriati county courts when tbe judge is for any reason disqualified. Passed. A bill to amend an act to authorize tlie city council of Angusta to create a board of health for said city, approved Fehrnarv 26th. 1877. and amended August 23d. 1>79. Passed To amend section 3972 of the code. The sp*aker appointed as a commit- t to wait on the governor and inform intended adjournment of the A bill to ineorporate tbe Rome nnd wukttnre until July. Meun Kin,lev, Chattanooga railroad company and to I l^ ster an j Sweat. grant certain powers ami privileges to j A bill to amend ihsictu to the in- tlie same, and to anthonze said com- ^tioa G f fertilizers. Passed, pany to consolidate it* road with any ! A bi n to j irotect Hfc f njm kerosene. Tabled. other road incorporated in this Sts other Section 1312. On tbe twentieth day after said election shall have taken place it is the du»y of the Governor to consolidate the several returns and im mediately notify those persons of their election who have received a vote amonnting to a majority, and to re quire their attendance at the capitol the first Monday in December thereaf ter to cast the vote of the Sute on the Wednesday following at 12 a. it will be readily pierceived that no conflict could ever occur between these o laws exc*p*t when a Wednesday December came before a Monday. This year Wednesday is the first day of tbe the Srate of Trane,see. an<i for other j Mr Sweat. f ro m tbe committee to in- rraTwSSw cite court of At- I m« ££ J^Ttbra -kSetW-lrar Sutra b.c. Innra to tr>- civil era,, with .be Conran, j £^ b,4 £ S* l'™ '«"• G~rgi, i, of the pvartie*, daring the March and ! f nrt v „ c tumnnicaie-n blank in the count, and without an_ September terms of said court in each. 1 i‘,; on hv \t r (i r , r 0 r Catoosa f “ U °“ t . he of ber E ** catiw ' *** ,4 Prarad. I to rail tbc'ndl « tlte boor ^mljonrn- pfei ' A bill to provide for the serv ice of, mrnl order to discover the names of summons in smu in the justice cunrts thtf members absent without leave, of this ?ute against co-obligors, joint The Teai ind MT , we re called 01 contractors, indorsers of promissory resolution. notes, etc. Passed. Tbe resulted as follows: Yeas i A Sbort Cotton Crop. The yeas and nay ci» u> prcuiiKsurT ~ ‘ Passe<l. A bill to incorporate Etowah City in ; 47f n 08. tbe county of Floyd; to confer certain I A message from the senate gnage of tbe law of the State. Governor Colquitt thinks the vote will be counted. lation for the distribution of tbe bal ance from the Geneva award to'the per sons entitled to it. deprecating the delay and declaring that this neglect regardless of tbe causes that ra spread and well founded sentiment that international arbitration was unsath factory and abortive if the awards n salting from it were to be detained i he treasury, whose authorities use tl rational power and inflnence to secure and collect it from a friendly pow Also that a copy of these resolutions the President of the Senate p>resent to that body, and to forward pies to Senators and congressmen from this State. Tbe resolutions red to a committee. A report was heard from the dele gates to the national convention of ship>- ping-men held in Riston on tbe 6th of last October, which ga the proceedings of that body, and the Chamber adjonrned A Singult Telegraph and Measenp Sunday night the Atlanta train leav ing this city had on board, in freight Xo. 842. the baggageand prarapbei nalia of the Herne-Ueartsease When the train reached Jonesboro, smoke was observed issning from tbe car; when the door was opened, flame; burst forth.. The car was run upion 1 siding, when it exploded, tearing off the top of the car and creating considerable excitement in the neighborhood. The explosion is supposed to have been casioned by two cans of gasoline in the car; tbe origin of the fire is unknown. The tronpie lost all its baggage and the . s balance in hie banda of That Geo. C. Edwmfie, Tax Collector bad collected np to laat March * be has paid to the ti UP BUSINESS* PHOTOGRAPH FROM AND AFTER THIS DAY, AUTOGRAPH 24th of November, 1SSO. . 1.038 33: 3160' 39tt! I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF «vu«cbere for Taxee < Hats and Caps! Land eold this jtar | ^WycheA Hay*) '. *135 from Sidney Scarbor^ on*h • raotey. fgchtwl ftndj. Toil Svnopeie of •crin leaned the year Jan- naxylkbu<NovemberJad.onpan-^ ^ Bridge fan'd (of which *m 50 On b*i iff and old deb* to Dougherty cwnety, Oe geoeral'pnrpoee fond fueda. Receiver's**;or USTotions! SCRAP BOOKS ! ! OlottLing I v Boots and StLoes M» or $500 lo’Upreeeed**? i«e Bailiffs receive$1.50 p vices, and that tbe riding receive $-3.00 per dav f a the ehortaess of t Ve reeommend 8 that the Conn aer* establish a Poor House, a •ngratulate tbe people of 01 judge C F. Crisp, and GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC., A.T A.^s D UNDER COST! For Cash Only! entmenta be published in * ifeeerrfer and Albany 1 OF VARIOUS KINDS. tVllouibby Beacbt r. K Taylor J. C. Hicks. B. Both well. J. L. Mines. Daniel Melvin, J. E. Harvey, J. A Waldi Ordered by tbe Conrt. that the foregoing Positively no Goods will be Charged IML Ootton ATenue. - - - - Americas. Georgia Ihe Cheapest Hardware Store in Town . Fleet wood, Central railroad a Alexander the Great wept because there were no more worlds to conquer, but the proprietor* of Dr. Pierce s Family Medicines who have found it neces- epplyfi • remedial blessings to foreign c* great conqueror's sentiments, as 'bur conquests are of disens* and have made happy not only the eoaqaereebot the people who employ them. Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery cures all blood and shia "* 1. swellings and : and a >. Buffalo and London and privilege* upvra tbe mavoi raid eonneit thereof, .oj for other par- i of Clarke—A reflation retpuire tbe clerk of the bouse to have printed a list of all bills before tbe pioses. Passed. A bill to change tbe time of holding tbe superior ty. Passed. Tbe Senate adjonrned Washington coun- Tbe Senate met at three o’clock. Mr. McDaniel, as chairman of tbe judiciary committee, reported that a factories aggregate about 2,500 looms and 10.000 spindles; they consume about 50,000 bales 0f cotton ananally, manufacture about 50,000.000 yards of cloth, and employ about 2,500 opera, tirea. Tbe capital stock of nearly all these factories is at a high praraiem. ia Mai-aaaaal and quarterly dividends. Theae factories are constantly increas ing in their capacity, aad m companies are now forming. The effect of these eaterpriaea is to stimulate all prieeg of all local eocazities aad real e^ has been unable to consider them. On motion of Mr. Fcuche a message was sent to the House requesting the return of the appropriation bill to the Senate. The consideration of the Honse lotion to appoint a joint committee to look into the constitutionality of repeal ing the convict lease system* was poet poned till the second Wednesday in Jaly. 1881, by a rote of 22 to 18. On motioa of Mr. Goetry. the Senate Mr. Priced from tbe committee to notify the Governor that the General honse, with tbe names of their intro ducer, and that he be also required to fnrnish each member with said list by mail. Mr. Barrow stated that be offered this resolution for Mr. Bassenger, of Chatham, who is absent on account of sickness. Tbe resolution was agreed to. Mr. Patterson, of Fulton, chairman of tbe committee of conference on tbe part of tbe boose on tbe disagv of the bouse and senate on the amend ment of tbe senate to the appropriation bill relative to tbe salary of tbe superin tendent of public works reported. On motion of Mr. Hillyer tbe report of tbe committee which fixe* tbe salary of said officer at $800 A resolution by Mr. Garrard, of Mnscogee. that tbe governor famish a list of all maimed confederate soldiers ani their coaaties who hare been bene fit ted by tbe act to furnish artificial limbs. Agreed te by a vote of 07 to 8. The whole cotton region, with but re- [ limited exception, has had a mouth of linv and cloudy weather, princi(rally 1 Xovember, when the fields are white ith the staple, and even before this solid block of wet and cloods set in, ton in Arkansas. West Tennessee. Memphis, and in many parts of Texas was reported Totting in the field from too mnch rain and lack of sun shine. It is clear that a very large portion of tbe cotton grown has already been lost from this cause, and very lit tle that is now exposed can be placed in tbe maket in a merchantable condi tion. Tbe picking seas>«, as a whole, has been the worst in our memory, and estimates founded on acreage and comparison with last year, are of no value. The outturn so far from reach ing six million bales, as anticipated by some, will be considerable .bovt of last year. Instead of being about 290.000 * j- fxcm of last year’s yield. Sale of Unclaimed Freight m ILL U aoU at th* IfopW sf tks 8 ” cm Bsikvad CMpsaj. bstvsra oflOo'dxks <th day ut Jaa bales (vkick wra 5,757.39? Ulra.) it .ill aad But W a good cranj balra .kart of tie prod act. The araa of loa, fig. Administrator’s Sale. w u ii , sirtr. have got to come down. There will be no surplusage in tbe cotton crop of this years.—Telegraph and Met C F Csi be published a December 6,1880 fTTHUElS, XiteWtt Johnson, sdmiaistrs- ft tor of O M. Jnhnma, deesnasd. Savug foJ Us petition lor letters of -tmmiaamn from •• sbonld not be granted eaid applicnct as Bitneee my bandied (Sealsacnatnie this M Sib day ot December. 13B0 declwim C. EL TaRNER. OrdSnary. la whan it u; Concrra. GEOBOI1- Scxux Cocstt. ire of gunrduu5 botra of tbe cbUdrtn of Geo leed therefore to ciu ami etow fgTULBEia, MraSsl ff filed her petition fr ebipof iba minor botra M. Jobaoou. deoonaed on or before tbe January term of be bold am the first Moa-lav in January, 1381, wfey em4 koere abonU not be tbe eaid petitioner aa prayed for th day of E dcdO-lm U H. TABNER. Ord j. T# wkaa il Bar Conctra. aiA—CcniXT Cocxsi. yyHEBE tH.nq eoa baaing appbad to me for 1S5L oJasid Conrt, to be held on tbe firm Mon day a Janaarr. ISSL why eaid letters of U minknstien ibiralS net be veen dim tbe deck [ tbe Snperior Ooort of wd oontj. Wrtneee mv band aad tffiaal ■^mtnra.thk NdnyerDoetmbar.XKa. fodilm C. H. TABSEB, Ord’y, Ta vkM It uj CMcera. GEOBOLa—Seim Coon, LEBEA9.V. B i C. B. TABNES, Orfy. FOR THE CHILDREN. J. W. HARRIS & CO., ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK CF Mwe, Stoves, ai Tivari CUTLERY AND GLASSWARE! Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Whips. ,., ;. Agricultural Implements 01 all lw ; SUNS, PISTOLS, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTT1 1 HUT Ul VtffLY lETSfAfdS For Sale. Public Square, Americas, 6a. Axes and Plows of all kind, and in fact everrthing to be fcual a First-lass Hardware More!! -Vs hay. the Best Assortment of Pocket Cutlery, Scissors end ~ 1 -- in ths city, which we will sell V«ry Low!! WE PAY CASH FOR OUR COODS • S? ««r « AGENT FOR MbMO-Ifoy «e warranted VCOBBAKTS CAXX BILL AXD iYAFOElTOBf, • o^hraud TXBBs COOB !HOTX. CITE rs A CAU. JJAHams&Ca. -- Cotton Avenue.Americus.^ Notice of City Mention Notice te berebv riven that en - »S!sneketS «SbTS MdCWaker.ratbeemyef Amarkem Sw Bayer, three iMtran, Uark ami or*. “^7,vr-gSgograwa: $777 I m AM new An Awed ak tb- Livary Iw. Air aImaTHKn>.with rai -rraemai wn-w srw krais |N • M raraWra he -ra_. aBafegsr^S