The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 16, 1884, Image 4

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j|it Sanltr |Upal>liara. Wktn iie tree to iij good night I pretended to be asleep and took no no- T1IK CXMJUKTTK. s Linien ira* the prettiest crea- And l liad l«rM that man like a titter. After awhile, when 1 waa sure »be was quietly sleeping and dreaming, I west oa tiptoe* ‘ ** One evening I introduced ray broth- door wa« nnlocl er to her—a young, fresh-hearted hand-! to “*» P 0 * n might e boy—and, without delay, he ceeied to fall in love with her. She danced with him twice, and gave him her fan and bouquet tn hold half the How pleased he looked IV-or Albert in against t>e indulgence of dang* it dreams, I encouraged Lis wild fa rs. How was I to know it a Circe p she held to liis lips? At the wnd ..f the week he wa* aa f man to be. Sbe conld make him bl aigh, pale tremble at the sound of her the lightest wave of her hand. At the end of two weeks he had reach* the point when it is said of young* ind him round r little finger,” and at the cloae ol * third week there mint have been a ms about kit neck. Ile looked at ns• quietly enough but I couldn't bear to see hiafaea etf white, ao stony, calm, so terribly de spairing. I hate women—I bats hears- .j I hate—< »h’. my brain is oa lin when I thiak of the'ruin she made of that dear, simple boy. I tried fort hin Sumter Sheriff Sales for Jane. Will be sold before the Coart Hease door, in the city o< Amerirw. Scatter coentv.Ga-. oo the Cut Tuesday la June next, tfeefet- lewlag Z2S#r£2l££?J!2S3Z’. Glaze, to aatttty ewa t fa iaioed from Sam* — eonnty court in favor of tt. E. Cobh tul ceo Glaze. Pro] Mingo Glaze. Property pointed oet ia Also eoe hove ani loti* the city eCAmer- For low’s laws, boarded ms follows: THE BEST AND e north by lands of ». H. Hawkins, ca a* by lands of W. 1- Murray aid S. lawkla*, on the south by Puriow -Dear Alb. Sn^nh! 1 Levied on " ** “ Mathis, to s by lands of Lew satisfy the iwepasty . , rfy oae A ta w I said.-I know it. sued from the Justice Court at the 7*9th .11 *cene in the 1 district G. M. ta favor at S. KracskofT n*. garden ” th * J Mrs. XLB. MatMA^Preperti^ -Were you?” tjuiet, passionless ;oaes. • And dear, dear Albert—precious Limber—I have come to try—to aak— oh! my brother, ray brother, to love The pabtte sentimentIn one jndTenal expression, says: 'ThatCol- JotaCLCWd- weU’swea fixture, as representedta the rut. Is the best water-drawing attachment ever introduced. In two mouths it has had unprecedented sale of one thousand, and the damanil is Increasing dally. It is Mat, durable and cleanly. Its sim plicity, without any complication la ooe of the chief merits. There is Bathing to get out of order. Yea can lift ooe hundred cal lows of water in right minutes, requires Jess exertion than any pump or elevator ever ottered to the public. Any child can draw **- Mr from the well with ease. Asa •tor In giving impulse to this public by defendant. Lstj made and returned '*- — *— — *». Gaerry Constable. Ten- « notified. M ygA%J. W- MIZE, blwriff. or.: my nrotnsr, ray oroinw.iu | me again and let that heartless crest- j q_ oa ^ Txxea&xj in Jun- next! ore go!” ! within the legal boors of sale, the following •1 .mootbed j projperty^to-wifr He tbr the ill he Kate, a little dashed, sod looking, I though-, a little exultant. She nodded gayly, and ran up stairs toward her room. Two minutes later Albert came out of the library, with a cold, dead ex pression on his white face. He passed lining to tee me, and left the In Day-, pasted, and I never saw-. except at meal times. Hut 1 c*.t how terribly changed be wa«. He frequently rode over of an my pretty friend, ery, -lane dear; its n«.t worth while. All there is of life i* n-thirg- ne»» to those who live lung enoogh to dud it out. Von are ten j e us older than I dear, but I've found it out first. Good night, sister go to bed." There was that in h : s manner I didn’t care toreaiat, and I felt that fa ther words would be utterly useless - nd left the room. At the door he kissed me again, and 1 think a sigh !ng from'the marked on bis, and • if anyth : og was the matter. t< made no reply. "ne uight he remained out very iat* and I began to be alarmed. As 1 bad beer, his self-constituted guardian since 1. a hook, bnt \t last, about two in the morning. I ird a click of the front door lock. He • leting himself in with his latch I harried down into the hall and nod on the gas fall Maze. I had aev reen hin look so wildly. 1 sprang to- , but be staggered away from Perhaps his mood had changed and he would be glad to see I knocked gently at bit door bat got no answer. 1 tried w hether it is locked; it was not, and I entered iselesslv. How quiet everything was! How Mil! Albert lay! He was asleep, then; and I advanced iptoe, lest 1 should awake me and, huskily. “Go away I. zie. I’m not fit company for yoo!” •»reat heaven! he was drunk! Al bert- -my Irother-whom I had thought an angel among men! The sight be fore me—Albert, my brother, tlasbed, staggering, maudlin, and smelling of alcohol—was so repellent that I was sickened with disgust. He observed that I recoiled from him. drunk though ho was. and with an hys terical laugh lie said: “Oh, y*s; I’m a beast. 1 suppose. I feel like one. You see 1 can’t keep away from her. .lane, though she don’t love me. and 1 trv to hate her. So. when I leave her, I feel so miserable, I have oo resource ows in the flow- : bowl’ •The i boldly, and staggered past e.l myself fn, and cried for That v J morning I spoke to him l entreated him to overcome bis pas sion for Kate, if it was hope! listened to me stonily, till speaking; then answ*red. with a short •lry Uugh that wot n—I She sm not one of that ther makes a man ol utterly. 1 will ask her hich she means to do.” He caught up his hat and hurriedly “Simply that she can’t love him!” thought. And yet 1 have seen hi bend such looks upon him as bore far different interpretation than t! assurance remained in these word*, knew bet to be a coquette, anil full > be s to be a coquette, and full bnt I could not believe h 1 np between his lips have pa*t, I thought, sine# he now slept so soundly, turned a littla from me, sol tr him and looked down at him. Oh, Heaven’ What I taw thea will ever leave my eyes. Hasten—oh, ssten, in pity’s name, to paint in few* it worda that horror! There he lay—white, cold, dead! ngle deep gash in the side of hie troat. Albert—my brother, my pet! and lot in Amexleus, bounded the sooth by F.ujth sheet, oor.h^by 'trees-west by Hen-y Jones by Tom Edwards. Levied or — property of Doe McCoy, to satisfy A fa in favor of the State and count year 18*3, vs Doe McCoy. i n Amerk . by Jackson street, sooth by Henry Anderson. ’ - ~ — Head, otter w . . »wn ae the place oa which A. B. Cooper w resides. Levied oa as the property of B. Cooper to satisfy hU State end coon « for the yean lsei, 1883 and 1883, or of the State and county, vs A. a£o, one boose and lot in the city .. Americas, Ga., bounded on the west by Lee street, sooth bjr Church street, and north by P- L. Mize and J. IL Allen. Levied ones the property of George Brooks to satisfy oar Ux A fa in favor of State and county for the year 1883, vs George brooks. Also, ooe hease aad lot In the city of Americas, Ga., bounded on the sooth by Forsyth street, north by Francis Pitman, west by B. M- Wheeler, and east by B. P. Toodee. Levied on as the property of George Cook, to satisfy ooe state and coun ty lax A fa for th* year 1883,vs George Cook, Abo, ooe house and lot in Americas. Ga-, bounded on the north by K. K. Rowel, east by T. E. Smith, agent, sooth by Marshal Sweringen’a piece, and west by the llame- ’* Levied on as the property of Bee bes CetUe, sgent for State stud count ' Reuben Cottle. o satisfy « Reuben Cottie. agent for Wife. soay2td W. 11. COBB. Deputy Sheriff. ithont an instant of reffeci that he had died ao for love of the girl stairs in the breakfast room. I know how, bat there he was, confronting he*—glaring at her with ride mad eyes, hat speaking' quietly. “Katie, Albert is dead—murdered!” “Murdered! Are you mad .Jane?’ “Yes; because what I tell yon ia rue. Come and see him—he killed hit* lelf for you.” “Heaven forbid! 1 wouldn’t see him lor all the world!” < »h, how I hated her then! I fell aa f it wonld l>e a luxury to rend her all just sacrifice to my tnis- MORTGAGE SALE. Will be sold before the Court House door, ia the city of Americas, hum ter county, G*., oo the first Tuesday In June next, between the legal hour* of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lot of land situated in the city of Amer- eus. Sorater county, Ga., together wit* - *” tfceJpriTileges and appurtenances to the bekmriug, and buuaded aa follows. . menclog at G. ff. Glover's brick grocery store, running west tweaty-seven feet oo th* public square, thence north three hun dred audtwenty-fivefeet to Jeffrrsoni thenc* east twenty-seven feet, thence to the starting point. Said lot being In Aumter county. Levied on as the property of M. K- IIart, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa Issued tram burner Superior court in favor of A. R. Altmayer A Co„ vs If. E. Hart. rasyitds J. W. MI/E. Sheriff. ery. I caught her by the arm—my grasp her out and locked and bolted the door. Another moment.I was up in her room, hurling down ont of the window every thing that was hers. “Albeit.'—my own Albert!” The shriek that bore those frenzied rords from my lips brought all the j find thre r the dead body of ray dear brother, wil dly kissing the palid brow and ebseks,shud dering and shrieking with horror when I looked on that fearfnl wound. It was for canting that scene—that minery, that crime—that my love and admiration for Kate Linden changed i hate and loatbin to lead that ->oy— the brother of the friend whom she pro fessed to love so dearly—on to wor shipping her as he did, from the mere thirst for victims. I would not believe it. She was but trying him. Keueath all sbe loved him. And why not. Nothing to won derful if she did. He was wall worthy the love of any woman, or had been when she took him in hand. If the had made him less so, let her blame her own work, and repair the mischief she had wrought. Thns thinking, I was well pleased when Katie arriveil the next day; and after scolding me for not keeping my “solemn promise,” announced that she had come to pay me a long visit. I argued from this that sbe repented of her treatment of Albert, and took this means of showing it. Poor boy! lie thought so too. And with good reason. What a dance she led him. How divinely she smiled, and how Her visit had lasted about a week. It was evident to my watchful eyes that Albert would toon ask her what she roesnt to do with him. One night they were togethi ing in the garden. I could net the white moonlight, smiling n| lace and leaning on hit S bit Thewio- dow opening on the garden was and I was sitting in the shadow of the cnrUins. So occasionally as they passed ami repassed, I could heai low, whispered words. I’.y-and by they stopped right under the window,I didn’t move, though I kuew I conld hear ev ery word that passed. 1 considered 1 had a right to hear. “Kate there roust he an end to this, I heard him say. “An em! to what 1 ” she retnrned. “Don’t affect innocence, Katie. You are maddening enough to me now. Don’t protend not to understand me. You know I love you. Are yon still indifferent to me? Will yon still tell me with that divine smile—with tbo»e low, sweet tones, “Albert, my friend, lean never, never love you.” “My dear boy, don’t be a goose, i *f course I can never love yon!” “Good!” lie laughed bitterly. Any- ebange. I think 1 like yonr impatience better than yonr pitying tenderness.” He looked at her for a second or two with an expression I would like to call Then be said to himself, “After all, it’* scarcely warth while; bnt it ia too lata to think of that now. Good night Miaa Lin- him. pnzzled. She knew he loved her to madness. Such dread de spair—she wasn't used to that sort of thing. People usually upbraided her, tor* their hair, called her coquette, and ao forth. All that sbe rather, lilted. Bat this love Advert Ulng Cheat*. “It has become so common to write the beginning of an article, in ai gant, interesting manner, then r into some advertisement that we avoid all such, and aimply call attention the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possible to induce peo ple to give them £one trial, whieh so proves thetr value that they trill never nse anything else.” “Tier. Heuenv so favorably noticed in all the papers, religions and aecnli it having a Urge sale, and issnppltr ing all other medicines. “There is no denying the virtues the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewd ness and ability in compounding a med whose virtues are ao palpable to i observation.” “No! she lingered and snffered along, ning away ail the time for years.” “The doctors doing her no good;" “And at last waa cared by this Hop Bittera the papers aay ao much about. “Indeed! Indeed! How thankful we should be for that medicine.” X KAI'ORTCK'S miskry. Eleven years onr daughter suffered bed of misery, from a complicate of kidney, liver rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, under the cate of the best physician*, who gave her disease various names, but no relief, and now sbe is restored to ns in good health by 'mple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we bad shunned years before nsiaS ”—Tiie Pzrrxts. My daughter* say, “how mnch bet ter father is since be need Hop Bitters. .He is getting well after his long suffer ing from a disease declared incurable. And we are so glad that henaed yonr Bitters." A Lady of Utica, N. Y. SUMTER COUNTY. City Marshal Sales for Jane. Will be sold before the City Council Chas er door, In the city of Americas, on the rst Tuesday in Jana next, the following roperty, to-wit: One house and lot in the dl vied* * satisfy • and lot in the dty of Americas, the property of Ben Harris to special tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and U^yOoaadl it for the year 18*3, v» Ben Harris. Bounded 18*3. vs Ben. north by Lamar Street, on thee and sooth by James Ettla, and on tbe i by Andrew boy I Also at tbe sa sold, one lions* aad place will be oiy of Amer icas, Gt. levied on as the property of Alex Crittenden, to satisfy oae cfcy tax I fa la favor of tbe Mayor aad City Council of Americas, Ga., for tbs year 1883, vs AJsx Crittenden. Bounded on the westby Troup Street, on tbe north by an alley, on the east by Willis Turner and James Lockett, ew the sooth by vacant land. Also at the mmettmo and place will be sold, oae house aad lot ia the dty of Amor- eus, Ga., levied oa aa the property of John Burnett, to satisfy one city tax fi fa In favor of tbe Mayor aad Cite Council at Americas, Ga., for the year 1183, vs John Barnett. Bounded oa the sooth by Letter street, oa the westby vacant land, oa the north and east by Oily Dykes. A bo at tbe same time aad place will be •old, ooe boose aad lot tntbe city of Amert- cus, Ga., levied oa as the property of Seas Dickson to satisfy one city tax ft fa In faver >lckaoa to satisfy oo* dty tax ft fa in fsvar f Mayor and City OoencUaf Aatarinas.Ga^ for the year 1888. vs Sam Dleksoo. Boond- eviffently beyond oo the east by Forest Street, aoutt by 7 7 . Jam Buseell' aorth by Charles Catledge, I don't know how long sbe stood there, lor 1 ion- and went to my ror m. City Marshal. tlssosimp> Eldridge’s Drag Store! Owing to tiie faithful and, continuous efforts of oar Fire' Department, one of my Drngj Stores was saved from tbe late! fire. STp.i. iN THE fflN6,”i i humbug. If jo the merit" you can write to, or c of the fotVowins named r<-. Get using tbe fixture, <m their well-* CERTIFICATE*, i. Heys & Stewart, gentle I ctfull^ solicit cl) my customer* and public generally ; to give* men LI BKRAL SHARE I of their PATRONAGE at my s and being so t ought to have his lot Axzmxccs, Ga. “Air April Icbeerf Heys A Stewart: jrfully bear testimony to the fact Uia your Well Attachment which 1 bought, L complete, perfect and faultless. It doei everything It promises. S. W. SMALL. Americas, Ga s Jc Stew ir Well AtUehmi getber and entirely satisfactory Hying to know there is such a u=eiui iurr tion in tbe land and I glaaly sire it tbe be efitof mvcertificate. C. A. IlrsnsoTox. Messrs. Heys A- Stewart Well Attachment- itis always be useful improvi 1*. BURT. id which is hardly should be withot Old Stand Our Spring Goous, SS&sss-SEESS-5 SSSmr*?™ <“-Kt 0*4 Teuuy_acu*sI<imtotS2^ri, 0 ?!=^ f ^ • • H0 ^ W Q*u r S^S , „°£ edia ' -KKSESS.'S-. admSoment. The *t^o*in JgSE*** ■*>■>- > . nearly *11 the book* are Small iw«mi ^. Pie*, the ciae used in thin sen- jgn.sawigyrosmtw.ttttaaam.yttem* noglp.^ ‘ IB CKHV BOOKS: ■VtSp.tSt ' Ht^kw.,..r ■.li.r.t.r., r.j run! tfzgir- .S'****”"•**••*• «t«LaSchafT-Herzog Encyclopedia ■ Of Religious Knovvledc By Phi up Scbaff. D.I _ Aaalsted by 438cf the Ab!> wttwe€tt»eswe8rMesiJBwytoi«). H»*rjr WmS B*Wks.| -u, _ •eopeof AByefM.fw kco«l~l.. rrUabiUty oTJ b<1cb< ysra? • S.*%cnl Klwbtilty of j nUcK ent. uialwp Sl*pwai-ll u • »erj ■BKOUE MO frr tkl. hook m a lawplc <.f met, per doth. >:* 00; thrty. t;X3.. Knight's History of England. i’s Ufa Work. 4w J tc2 * _ * u ‘ su . f Spurgeon’i Ufa Y, The TreMuqr of David. rmdj. John Hall -»s»»iwt»B*-j« FUNK * WAGMALXB. Fubiiaheta, t faaBBW are rapidly coming in and we propose making things lively by putting pricfcs down to lowest possible figures. EMBROIDERIES \ND LACES. i Ueya & Stewart: Tbe Jones Patent Pulley 11 is tbe most desirable arranger rod1 cleanly. I a JSSit, Application-Letters of Administration GEORGIA—ScscTMt Comm. To all whom it may concern: Whereas. J. W. sod C. I- Min;, applies to turn for letters of Administration upon tbe estate of Mrs. E J. Mize, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause on or before the June term of said court, to be hold oo tbe first Monday li June next, why said let ters should not be granted to the said peti tioner aa prayed for. Witness my hand and official signature, this the 1st day of May, IB8A. THOS. H. STEWART, mayL'tds Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Scirm Cmrvrr. To all Whom it may Concern. Whereas, Mrs. S. A. Books, administra trix upon the estate of D. U. Hooks, de ceased, applies for letters of diamission from These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause before the June term of the Ordinary’s court, to bo held on the first Monday In June next, why said Ir tiers should not be granted tbe said peti tioner m prayed for. Given under my Land and official signa ture, this the 3d day of If arch 18*4. meh'td T. H. Stewabt, Ord’y. Application—Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—SottTKK CoeXTT. To all whom it may Concern. K. S. Windsor, Guardian of Mand Florie Bell and Bessie Windsor has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell an undivided three-fourth Interest In a cer tain bouse and lot in the town of Decatur. DeKalt) county, Ga , belonging to said minors, Srod said application will be beard on the 1st MondsyTn Jane next. This May 3th, 18*4. T«0S. H. STXWAkT, mayTtd Ordinary. SCHLEY COUNTY. Application—Letters of Administration GEORGIA—ScoiXT Cogktt. To all Whom it may Concern: Whereas8. J. Alien, having filed his ap plication In my office for letters at Adminis tration upon the estate of Mrs. S. J. Ellis These are therefore to cite and admonish an aad singular, tbe kindred and creditors, to file their objection at my office, on or be fore the June term of Ordinary’s Court, to be held oa toe first Monday In Jane next, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant as prayed for. Witness my hand aad official signature, this 2nd day ot May 18«4. C. If BATTLE, may 3-td Ordinary. Application—Lettet* of Dismission- GEORGIA—SOtUET COCBTT. To all Whom it may Concern: Whereas, M. H- Barnet, Administrator on the estate of Jack Barnet, late of said county, deceased. ha« made application for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tbe kindred and creditors, to file their objection at mv office, on or be fore tbe August term of Ordinary's Court, to be held on tbe first Monday In Angus! next, why said letters should not be granted to aald applicant as prayed for. Witness my band aad official signature, this 3th day of May 1*84. majssm C. J* BATTLE. Ord’y. WEBSTER COUNTY. Application—Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Wsasm Cocstt. To all whom it may concern: U. F. Shivers, Administrator of Alnrarino Dillard deceased, has In doe form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell either pcbltdy or privately, one fifth Interest, In wild lot laadXo 43, said lot lying and be ing in tbe county originally Troupe, now MSrrtwtther county- Hearing on the first Monday in June, 1884. G. W. Divxxrogr, Ordinary, april 18td. Application—Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA, Webster County. To all Whom It may Concern: Whereas, J. P. Wlaa, Administrator oo the estate of David Wise, late pf sard coca- ty deceased, having filed Us petition In my office for letters of dhraissto* from said es tate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause before tbe August term of Ordinary’s court, to be held oa the should not be granted the mid petitioner as * ^rten^nnder my hand and official slgna tare, at office at Preston, this 31st day of OBO. W. DAVENPORT, aprts-td Ordinary. ’Wotd Candy, Stainer's Indian Venn Iforavatrictly vegetable and sure death to worms, at Dr. Etdiidye’* Drag Store. Fine lot of Core be. Tooth, Hair and NaU Brushes, at Dr. Eldridga’a Dm* Store. Fancy toilet articles, ooloffnee.ioap, etc., at Dr Eld ridge's Drag Store. it, W. B. STEW All wrs. Heys A re are well p Pulley bought of you fordi ilng durable. LAMAR STREET. msht of you torurawing water. : laim for it, belli*: durable, ea-.y j i without it funsnythinjl I II. A. c. BAG LEY, I Hamburg Edging 2 i cents, to $1.50 Per Yard. WHITE GOODS 1 J. B. 1)U> AHsaiare, Ga., March P.*, Messrs. Heys Jc H Having bad one of y In use for sometime, we it is a most desirable arrangemer Ing water. It saves labor, saves time, is aur-1 able, easy of draft and cleanly, the rope lx>- ‘ ■——• • “Mini, HUDSON, Well A uthfnliy Ing always dry. Messrs. Heys & iitewart: Tbe Jones latent W« bought of you is the compictest arrange ment for drawing I have seen. Everybody that has water to draw ought to have one. It will give satisfaction. T. J. MORGAN. Messrs. Heys Jc Stewart, < you claim for It. I have and have been In search way of drawing a satisC« - — Ced with your attachment. R. H. SLaPPEY, Jr., Americ Bargain* in Fishing Tackles at Dr. Ektridge’s Drag 8tor*. Messrs. Heys Jc Stewart: 1 am perfectly delighted with the ! Attachment I bought of yon is all you c. for it being durable, easy in drawing — very elenly. The rope b-ing always dry. • B SCOTT, Americus.Ga. If yon desire further information address, HEY-s & STEW ART. Anierk-it*. Ga. THE BEST CF ALL LINIMENTS TO1XAH AMD BEAST. Iraewa toaUllloas aU over the world a* the only safe reliance tor tbe relief of srriilwds ami cam. it u a medicio® ttw.wasMfw.iw timwwrtui asw*. For every tocm of external pain MEXICAN allnhneetlswlthoeti MUSTANG T^ttmeat la aMMbr somebody 1 ■njseayyeF—^wvSwMlSewa robdmkt. of rhMuuUi wutm LINIMENT which epeedUy core* such emnwifi tbe HUMAN rUbu S*^ LINIMENTS VOB HAN OS BZA57. No pains will be nparetl to make it a First Class Store, INDIA LINENS. VICTORIA, l’ERSIN AND LINEN LAWNS. STRIPED and CHECKED NAINSOOK. DOTTED AND FIG URED SWISS. SWISS MUSLIN. FRENCH MULL. ALL OVER TUCKING. LACE CHECKS, LACE PIQUE. LACE GOODS. LONSDALE CAM BRIC. IRISH LINEN, ETC., ETC. All in great variety and at the right paiees. Lovely mu lace crass, noli m to iuo m un CHAMBRAYS, FISURED LAWNS, CALI00E8, Suitable Tor Spring are now open for Inspection. We got “fired out'* of our old stord on the night of March 26th and can now be found at the old stand of .1. W. Harris & Co., next to Waxelbaum’son Ctotoi. Avenue, where we will sell goods at Lower Prices than ever. All goods iamage/l l>y removal will be sold at a Sacrifice. We can do this and lose nothing, as the Insurance Companies have paid us for all e>uch losses. All other goods will be sold at a discount from regular marked prices. We cordially invite all to drop in an-1 e.t- us in our new quai ters, examine our stock, get our prices, and see how very low wo are offering goods not damaged at all. We have ordered new Fixtures, Tools and Material to take the place ofthoee destroyed, and will noon be in perfect running order again for all kinds of work. We saved every PIANO, ORGAN and SEWING MA CHINE, and are offering bargains in them also. NOW IS THE TIME TO BOY. Call early. Remember the place, NEXT DOOR TO WAXELBAUM*Son Cotton Avenue. Tutkay ted Dauntk. Bleached and Cream Damask. Napkins, Doylies, Tow- ala, Crashes, Linen Lap Robes, Table Covers, Bedspreads and Qnilta. In unlimited variety. No such price* elsewhere. The Lai’gest stock and Greatest Variety of FOB LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. HANDKERCHIEFS for the MILLION from 2*c to 2.50 each. Comprising all the facilities heretofore found in both houte*. j I will deal in A Large and Varied Line of PURE DRUGS, PP Dr. EMrldga’n Drug Store. CHEMICALS, And all the popular PATENT MEDICINES of the day. Having careful and efficient clerks, I will give special atten tion to my prescription depart ment, both day ana nigbt. E. J. ELDRIDGE, Druggist LADIES FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS I Always in stock, froir such well known houBes as ZIEGLER’S, STR1BLEY & CO.; SMALT/., MONROE A CO. AND OTHERS. We Will do Better by Yon than Others Can or Will. CALL AND SEE US. JOHN R. SHAW, Forsyth Street, .* .- •Hmeruun. ««. REMOVAL! JAMES FRICKER & BRO. Axzucus, Ga. April 16, 1884. NOTICE TO EVERYBODY, ESPECIALLY INTERESTING TO FARMERS. My embarkment into the “Bargain Dry Goods Business'* up town, baa in no way diminished the 'merest in my COMMI88ION BUSINESS, At m; old Stand, on the lower portion of Gottoa A-eaue, nearlv opposite the Railroad Depot. I am in every respect willing and better prepared to pay Cash and the highest prices for DRY AND GREEN HIDE8, FURS, BEES WAX, TALLOW, COTTON IR ANY QUANTITY ANO QUALITY. Dried Fruits of every Description and all kinds of Country Produce. Having ao long been identified in this business here, 1 have re ceived favorable offers from the East and Went, to ship EARLY VEGETABLES and FRUITS. True* farmers will therefore do well to call on me prior to bringing their 1 ruck for sale. Mr. E. BLUMEN HEIN, a gentleman well known in Americas has en tire charge of this business and will give satisfaction to everybody who will trade with him. Respectfully, S. JS/L. CotLen. T. S. Q-REEUE, CARRIAGE BUILDER Thankful for &lie patronage heretofore ’ extended to him, would inform the public that he is fully prepared to do all work in his line,in the best manner, and at prices as low as the lowest. Bring me your old Buggies, Wagons, &c., and I will surprise you at the price they can be put in order for. All work I do is fully warranted, and I won’t go back on anybody. Come and boo and he convinced. Shops Cot ton Avenue, opposite Prince Bros.’ Stables. T. 8. GREEN F, W inship & Callaway, 120 Second -Street. Macon, Ga- Leading CLOTHIERS AND BATTERS of Biddle Ga. •plM. aw