The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 30, 1884, Image 1

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r'h-:- vjmier Publican.! IV, ...I a, O'* V«.r H - 94 00 I ptom. of diteaee of tb. hrah. n a Ui«ir frieoj, “ 0. t* HOLLOW AY. 1 )entis r 1 Georgia i-«rw< Dr. J. A. FORI\ Physician ani Surgeon. Lumber roaipt attentio^. LUMBER $25.on f REW ARO.~ WOOTEN & FORD, ;m Family and Plantation Supplies, CALL OTV XT Si. • Edgerton House, Opposite Passenger Dejiot, MAC.ON, GEORGIA E. E. Brown & Sen. Pr prietors. WHITE Louisiana State Lottery Co Incorporated ta 1K8 tor 25 year* by the Legisutorefor Educational aid Charitable >>^i added. overwhelming popular rote its — - part of the present ' ■' ifier 3d, iteto Constitution adopted Decemt A.D., 1879. take placa aMalhlf. u nmr teairs or P£P fmf *- Look at the following dlstribu- Estraordinary Semi Annual Drawing In the Academy of Music, New Or 1 —-- Tueaday, June 17, •“Jthlna on .... . It only a question J* Mae strength , r nuMa ,, (v nuun| ^ CeStelnl f n Ituh Itmimlif mi i»rort!es , ha<l , ?iIi l !fd r n- TO!,rr ' Alter all aa*vcn^w b aP n shmiT^uIm" P°“ t lns«l the remedy, and was rostered uid health; and Is toslay tarter tli rrrr born before. I renrd b— — iearly a miracle, for which el ■'« Lsii* Restorer. Under the personal supervision and m agemen» of Qen. O.T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, '-"'■’SSSFtu. I All time. Eternity, and every thought Brewer's Tm, r BcstorwU apnrely reset Me «u witlllUi tliy Self alone, m paral ion, sad contains no oi lnm, morphine, bromide, or any potoonoua sabatamv. heed foe iwuMimtniii ±s*!£2L~ <k~ .... •»-r life « w " &®S ^. r *jSK£SX3ra LAMAR, RANKIN, & LAM An, Whfch thrills with llfeand power Immensity I had not forgotten u cottage pro- pnntihed with tenth!* wvemy, with- thrir vim awl d..l, .71 Y. *•“ *■* ■ MACON, GA. Wlth XXL «*r **t«bl& pi... end ... of my fim engafenX, »? > 1 ™honre in . grottoin ' '— — 1 myaelfw..topas.their,?.t».nd «*«*■*«■ The eon became a Innitic "f ““S’ J 1l “P; in upon them. as the result of this brutal treatment." threw the old *** b and Gen. Jubal A. Early, of Virginia. Capital Prize, $150,000. Tickets are Ten Dollars only, HMfP*, 15. Fifths, »1*. Tenths, ft. list os ruins Capitol prite of fisejtoo... ? 150,0 SEWING MACHINES. tup: iitvt ucRKtriNii! II ANDSOlEVr .nd XOVT^PTHRECT I PLANTERS MECHANICS. SEWIIB MACBI1EII TKIliU Prices Beduwd $5.00 on T»rii StjJe L ATTrXTIOJt IS IKTITKI) T W running qualities, its noteless lo, IU ^4? “ lte ***■ NEW YEAR! Good-bye, 1883. ureriofdurabiUtr the finish of wood work, Cr°P» not first-rate, but might have been L t nf^,i Ut f y K^ ! ' f ^ r *? dln * <iaallttes, Its *«• Money not exactly plenty, but yet, wlDder >Dd >*» toelt shift- «nouih to *•found, and after paying debts, ing device, abo its great ranee of wnrfc- and laying la sappUesu stock, clothing tnano. »miUJ things needful, there will ELIXUT t l MANDRAKE and BUCHU. ousness, Cata’rrah of the’Bladder! Uetontjon FOR SALE BY All DRUGGISTS. HAILE & MOWER, forsaie by dr. e! i.e bridge T Will open lier New Goods, In the Store with WHICH IS AS FOLLOWS- *«<... ■ Plain sewing from lace to leather without :hange Of stitch Sews a curved piece ou a straight Sews two curved edges together, it hems. It fehs It hems and se ws on lace at one opo««oo. It hems and sews on lace and inserts Maa, iirning at head of hem. all In one operation. It does wide hemming. It does quilting. It does braiding. It does It does welt cording. It does shirring. It does tucking. It does raffling, it does ruffling and sewingoaatt aaa It does scollop ruffling. me that will pay the largest dividend, - — -omething that will awke happiness in °»r homes, that will elevate our children, oar friends and ourselves to the highest ^dard of refinement, culture, and socla- Ilara roc a Piano or an Organ in you uOnrt t II net, you should have, and we can SSSESgalS offer. s*» uHcnuuao, i A Batxs, ILallct A "U /uffll.ig between two bands. rian< binding. It does acollop binding. NM. : .— dress trimming. ItdoesfeMAak- .Cheap It does coat binding. * garment and sews on lace at It is the only machine in the world that does hem stitching without the use of blot- it»g paper. It dots embroidery with an attachment it does embroidery wlthoutan un*i«nnit it does chenille embroidery. ^ 'amily Use, Dress Making, Tail ing and General Manufacturing. TH. WHITE ISWITHOUTAfCO. great range of work it stands without Every Machine Warranted for Five Years. “WHITE,” «- Mrs. Fred Lewis, Whore she will be pleaseil to I..., <*.: .1 . mi . ” her friends after Thursday Americus, Ga., April 1st, 1854. J. E. CRAWFORD, CONTRACTOR Guilder. AMERJCUS, CA. * W *»ea«ley, » uAwSuaJSfc U" “ U WF. RESPECTFULLY REFER TO MORE TUAN ONE HUN ORED AND FIFTY OF OUR PATRONS. WHO ARE THE HAPPY *—~— - Grand prize of 1 Grand p-ize o' 2 large prizes o 4 Large prizes o APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Approximation Prizes offjoo... f 2279 Prizes, amounUng to 8522,500 vn for rates to clubs shsukt be wend the only to the office of the Company 1: idw Orleans. For farther information write clearly, giv- New Orleans. Poe further information write clearly, g; lng full address. Make P. O. Money Ordt payable and address Registered Letters -W OKLEANS NATI 0*41. BA* I •WUllWM and i . vlM . - y <•* *™* U and up wards by express at our expense) to "• A rf.5£S». M. A. DAUPHip. MsVsaUi St.,Va«hla(i*a, O.C. MilEHilTS fc CAPITALISTS, A-WORD-lN-T0Urt- EARS-&-DOL- • » u u n - AAtw-a-uu LARB-1M-TOUR-POCKET8. yet be something left tolarest. 1st us suggest that the bent PAtiya TsvKbTiilEyr, MUSIC ALONE WIUrPQ THIS. dorse this sUtement. See - TEN arm. HARPMa*,TBlW?BHB8^nBS PAOuatw PanAca, aad JUr Seat*. 1 pver aooStyles. AU Grades.. AH Prices. to 4,000. ORGANS, «*i to prs names on all. No Stencil or MMTlxi Best is al- ' iLMAMWfuran • AUO OBSS » ai- wnys Cheapest.” but our cheapest is good. fflfMT ¥E 61Y£ PUBCHASEIS With Bach Piano, a Good stool and Cover. With Bach Organ, a uuuuvivi. ,,Iiu HWN urguu, U Good StAoland Iiutrnctor. With Each Plano or Organ, a Book of Alto, a Six Year Guarantee; a IS/- WE PAY ALL FREIGHT Yes, we naan tt.' We sell you Best In struments-at Lowest Prices, on Easiest Installment Term* end pay. every cent of the FreSght.’no matter where you live; so that tbsInstnuKatosstayou no more than If you lived in Savannah or New York city. Why hesltatsT We aratbe men lor you. Sena as ysswnsas. aad will mail you illus- trated Catateguea and Clrculara which will -»--*iwuhMMot*oomt#say here. wfeNvitnaveyeu money and iUvu jeuSOMsethtng gsod. H. BATES „ £uTI.iui.h. Gtrgii. The First Music House In the U. 8- to De nver Pianos and Organs Fndgbt Paid ]anl2tf. Turps PILLS TOR p, D BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVEH, and MALARIA. then. Enameled fields a- d brighter daws appear; (known is sorrow, grief and Where But Inerease love and The trackless voitex o hidnsya nnasiclu la also promot; rcuioviur all unpuritlp* tbrough these three •• kit- and a rigorous body. TUTS PILL* ® a® twassa or uripliijf nor Interfere i dally woricand arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA HE FEELS LIKE A NEW KAN. 1 DjTipepaia, with Conatlpa- i, anil bare tried ten different -, and Tirrrs are the first no me any good. They have Ofi>re,44 Muttmy St., Msnd r fn glory racalled iu aspect a year ago, only ** c ” hc « as his—so blind, »o persistei ■eemM to r«7, ..d the fair voong wife , Alex.oo.r ,h. Oh»t like a KT'. boundlasbhie, dreaming noon th. portico thnt April I»»«» I* th. BtBr daj. of hi. reign, r • ^ ® kt ' T t‘ KSk35^srjsssa. a& •»*" Yet 'Sna*S,ow Ueh ‘ *" ““""'fe™ 1 "' 1 the P ,.hn« going out it .ign.led ti .11 *■«-.«. and he^troveV gigantic SgVoS'riiX ffi'bfnf The very theme oTermws—Its sounds grow bmnan griefs. lution were probably made more or less agine. the vast number of ” . . “ate It was some days before 1 eatbered ,n,ane b y tbe exciting events in which .»L «.♦ ™L a- ‘ f,,lnre8 , or ^ ^tbe* 1 * 1 *’ ltS f tremb,lnR K ^ z ® door. The east wind, was laid that ^ ons, d« ra te. for he began life by en- There » my spiritback i strain. TUTTS HAIR DYE. .— e , —111 the OUU DUUUC Wll genuine spring temperature; there deayoriug to procnVe the ab WHITE CRAPE. Office, 44 Murray Street, WTTS MAHUAIJF MlfDl BtCUPTt FREE. HOSTITJEUIj Felix Gray in Times-Democrat. It was a very plain little cottage, quite small, three rooms and a kitchen, i guessed from its outward appearance, md painted a reddish brown. kppear^d sound of birds in the f roses in the air, that it seemed m speak of hope to the newest grief. I walked slowly by on the oppos side of the way 1 • ’ , capital^ punishmi had been s rich journalists, but — A J°rity are not journalists at all. LouW r xY of France was insane, both c *P iu, .‘ 8U who L *>»»• bought - hi. d„ P „,iccro.l. T ,„dc.”i“’ s He fc To J 0 ”'”* 1 ' 5 "'. 1 " 8 , 1 . hoy ihnt tip hi. noble, in or hung „riL Th^ e.1^ 4 h "" n '" s ™ ter ; * the streets of the forest.. lit ?" ’ £ X ° T 1° ,1 ‘ 8 . - - the constant fear ofdtmth, kept « ri.« ’ t,,e T"; seclusion in hi. castle was on inri- f., , , T , d hoy a pound of jnly'litlift'figtire''stood^on m,, ° ter,ns «• hnngsman, nmnsed “, r , *° t l J* > °“ inntnali.ta tho steps. ? ^ °° himself by watching battle, botwem. In,? I • • ' The door opened when I had nearly **** * ni ^ c ®l 8 , drank the blood of the von v nn _,_ i i 8 ,l* f 8 f 1°°!! i outward appearance, passed, and the figure of the husband yourg children, and tried various and J 0 a‘lack •!*“* ^ Bt —liah brown. «nnear«l II, " . abominable comoeunds in y° n ,a ck the common sente of knowing — -*lood back a few feet from tbe the cate which he h«,4 1 l °» lengthen hit life bow V* “ ak ® moBe y or to keep it if sidewalk, and the little strip of yard JL ched h d mo !’ 1 King Frederick of Prussia withom y ° nr bufcio ® 88 “*n»ger makes it for frODt d °d r aa il the 8 t t0 W “ 8 tbrown '°peo» and a smothered‘S a “7 "ason whatever, treated’his son BuT'totSS^SSS g b iv f y °“ fame fiwaau of gr M . and weeds. An urn- called: ^ 0inerea ' 0,ce sn, l sister for a longtime with the most .do nothing but starve brella china grew beside the gate whose -Harry.’* unnatural and brutal Fitters Regeneration for Enfeebled System*. Suffering trom a general Suffering trom a general want of tone, and its usual concomitants, dyspepsia And nervousness, U seldom derivable from tho nourishing diet and stimuli of A Utt, unaided. A medicine that will “ 1 ' specific otMtscte to renew- , m»k u m Konuine cor- — J»Ineed. Ills the possession grand requirement which make* Hostetter-s Stomaeh'Sittttrs so effective an invleorant. For sale by all druggists ai dealers generally.'-’' J • ^ FOtTTZ*S " HORSE AND OATTLE POWDERS .ordiseawYofthebiaiu. Oar- send to vueir mends. He must not .v..v„ .... rui.jw., iu luauucu mink oi asking anytliuii? if alt,e*«. rlnring which ho lont all hin ha ia acipnaiMe.! Willi iS'venta a'mew^ [SSL*v?k*°!k N«»4 l,k ' » «llj Dangled untnieg-grater ou.I want, it chihl. \\ hen the attack wa, over he notioml. ■ ho recollect' ' - - - of what had passed JOURNALISTS. agreeable end dangerous’from the fhet that in their cairn moments they can be perfectly' sane, upright ’and kindly He mustn’t charge more than, one dollar and fifty cents a year for his “ - »r. He must never send . out. hills , , , , w ms subscribers. He must wait na- «tor who has been long tiently till they get ready to settle tbeir ’ith the newspaper world ^nni, l:ii. i‘.- aKiwK's- ;ir g K , . r r,s isst life is charity, and who goes to the Dav newspaper men to hdp her in philan- fc, And witti a bounteous hand around, before* UM ciasie ' Thy love and mercy sUll withheld from fay* could Each squirrel and bee aud ant, their labor i i . .. fpi'-' -q. ~T*t “—r *—ny o'er, , 1 000,11 two figures seated there, . rbeir ‘lueasi has its exacerbations, s from thy gralnety each one hath filjed liowever in the shadow, and tb«ir. ati- ltB paroxysms of attack, ap.l dnrifi’g tsstore. tude, and the low murmur of their tbe intervals their. bearing l may lie e»- Almighty Father, in my soul I feel voices, accorded well to my mind with rirely courteous, and tbeir whole disdo- Overwhelmed with the thoughts, which the jessamine odor, and the bird-song, amon sweet and tender. ' Some ofth* . *; - „ - ^nsamty, and for that 4r!'Mh mtextfb€r. - - . ... '•»*W f , ’ffS n tm s .. 1 Vf rnl,, - ? ^WUld^bmca of lhe j 0 „rnaiist a ■■ W1A, — - u .. uun . „„ ...47 VTW Each thought apon some other thought ‘ thrown, AVhUefeebly grasping at Eternity; Beloved, revered, thou art, and ^tha * stayed abroad asually late.; I bave '** n tho victims of found myself well accommodated aad y 8rnal *ttacks of insanity, the sea, well amused in Florence, and thesocon rea8on JiavM 7"*r-r- uer in pnuan- thropy, asked- the editor an odd ques- tinn. “Pid von evc t notico thnt journalists drop ont of the business as Then* they get on in years?” -I did not.” "Well, look around von. Most of the editors and reporter* * are young men. Some oi the editors-in-chief may be old fejloys, but mobt of the workers'are y°° n g- “/bag always been so faV back And all things serve thy will, thy ends, thy selt alone. ■ the dii . Wvtiiot.old? . AU wo" know riivv. •«. i', jonrnnlisui. diiion. i;i«iw;^^ST£ , S!3 l S . another to a bachelor without ties. Howard, th It was late in December when 1 landed in New York, and a series of long proroi.ed viri,. 4. .... 4M-, v:*. ***»«\"****>- hf his wife. ' He was in the ' • l ne '' er hear of tho ®’ penance 7^ B 1 '* tho b®* 1 part of their live* A subtler Sence than our sense* own loitwing tontine of my life at home. “n, whom for the slightest offense,he 1 ° » n ® rgy .f nou * - eTt •hiiantliropL., , , lountains to relieve , r'-- family"*Pr"Winrinw-Mv! iMM-WM limre’aM old jonrnalistt working el*. swelling More Jmrfvct than seraphic minstrelsy, in pn.s vnnr g.I. nnn turad now life '•pturous songs Uiat e’er were sung to ,0 <>h >o npon them. as the result of this brutal treatment,” threw the old worn Y 1 ,h ”' , I‘«-VbHgh.. eonsbiny d.y when ,»» rirnngly i.dinnd to th. opinion ltow oft hnvn morion vntved «n .nsel’s 1 I ,‘ e, , ou !: U> k *P thi * if How'Sd w'Hf' >r 1r«I7 bm8TO,en .'* ft- *i rings, though the east winds and the clouds ?* W «* , dn * of the symtoms of | tell Von ionrnaliam i« . K.«-u. a .loft In realms of beauty clear: of dn.t .mply fullll.d th, tradition, of L h .”_ 1| '“ in '“’ ^ wnmty ongr.tdfol bnin^l lot *t. fanowmsl i-iSlid »oc« ^MfeokFi'lf-' * briiliant To soar alort In realms ot beauty clear: of duBt amply fulfilled tbe traditions of tbe ,1 ’ 8 *a«e in his brain, for insanity Pavillioned In thy splendor; m a sphere the ,eaflwa ***** and the closed blinds fcst °Dons, and sncll^ exceptional self- yom fello J Heaven—Wn halos Mend in glory recalled iu aspect a year ago. only ** c ” bce as b,!1 —so blind, so persistent, professions—I b knows that if fame does not com# ! to him so soon as he expects, fortune h on the way to him if he waits longenedgh for it to reach him. For there iff-no rer become a millionaire than publish a local paper. w ----o &y »*»»o *4. In any of the professions—1 believe journalism is profession i-'the'dlder he got the laid that principal function seemed to be the Bent.” They had been for i ^ ipractical her side kicke<1 th em around the-room, pommell !!v,;Tf e lV lft L.!! e J!, r ., kneW a ?.. e ^ l . t °r 5 “' thtm’to SnT'thfmnS’^ *— --Si"HbS% . , ingkis,.,. — 7" nod in overy way mad. thni, li^,’ h ‘“fe““So‘ng to the poor hour. “'-aites i!-®®'?, well-nigh washed -way by tbn win- KaldiSg™,., Mr> , Tinlmins \ hu him to th. mad-hnn». Hot hi, on- !{. £” „* storm., before jt met the predestined b „ h f ™ n.tnral nnd whimsicaltrentment of hi. He eye. which were to look npoo with d.nght.t p..„d the dfninU» 2or family ^t om,on. 0 f th . , ymr?0 -, of £ ..... The chin. -“"OWIKL -a,W™. .evoriainre’veThTXiS ?>*« W .L «SSrf — ww.«i*w leaf, and.tire tall Woman .Tonrnnlists. expense with absurd attention, and ‘*!- a "'' I '® 8be8,(t « s * bl ? l, ank aceount gypsy cousins of the aristocratic daisies Mrs. Frank Leslie, proprietor of the lavishing fortunes on his armvofffi- h " oas ? n " 10 on «- b * woo, d wete camping in the weedy w.ete of hew kork Frank Leilie ante. He would run throogh the streets f h * V ” ' f J? 7'* *7*"? V * d,k *- iU . , Uo ““; «S.oh issue, font weekly, four caning th. lounger, end workmen who ^ ll |” nkl m ’ ,m l had been hint for my aceu.tomed monthly and fonr annual publications, fell in hi, wey nntil they roered foi 1 dld ( ?l- h .‘“.. I Jonotunder- motning atroll. looking alter my toees m * most remarkable woman, who com- merry. ' stand ynnr fascination for vonr boai- the np town ganlnns, and. peering bine, great business eagaeity with Dr. Johnson was hypochondriacal "V yoljle il« slave. You favorable c sideration. srly in April. the- ths cottage on my way home, I v struck by the novel fact that the i efficient little gate stood open. Gla higi, 1.^-zzs^riL*ri.r^^zs5S£Zi band s dying wish, that she continue morbid condition o’the brain. At the t. V',. _ V , amv . 9t . his business in his stead, has been early age of-3» h* became thd victim ol v . J 1 ^ a^^the gbry of that - - "OAM* yoor euitcnal sanctum al and from that is • never happy. On relaimed despairing!}-; j ith. yon wherever you -go. thinking ont artjelee when you are ralkiagthe streets. Yon destroy night ing under the .branches of the ch\na faithfully executed. Since the date 6f melancholv delnsioi tree, I say a young woman standing on their marriage she assumed the editor- time forward the mouldy steps, looking critically ship of the “Ladies' Magazine,” and one occasion li about her, and a young man on the waaeverhis most valned advirer and ”1 woold consent to hare an arm am- j— tiny portico in the act of locking the most efiicient coadjutor in all matters putated to recover ray Bpirit ” Wretch- ano ^*“« b »t buoday. ft rewrite, front door Meeting the make-up of hi, man, edne„ like thi., wben il i. temporary v"*-”' I Ulted beside the gale, looking publication,. When Frank Unlie or spasmodic, mav eignify bnt little- ;'“_“ 6dt U-hd oftheriAWer, hot ray.aetf intere.ted in tbe hoielingol wa. ettieken by an incurable dieeane, bnt when il i. iwrrialont and life-long’ ■ * modgh hit. by some nrchtna in the Street, and told by hi, phy.icam he mnttdie, it must be regarded a» the iYtnhtom of ~ The Editor of a Local Pape;. "T r/ •“ ‘*ui««ie aisemse, «« wm-n ii-ir iierbistenc and life-long, — *7“ toW by his physicians he mnstdie, it must be regarded a.-» the symptom of -moment they came out, their his first worda to his wife were: “Go cerebrial dit-caso that may and often Imwe glowing with the joy of eati.lied to my office, .it in my piece, and do doe, advance to.b.ol„ten.adne,», Th. ci,r. m w,.s. I” 1 . 1 - .. . Sf *»r‘ »»rilmy debt, are paid." violent of Dr. John.on. hi. V*.™ *«»«. In Satatdw Mgbt It ne«i«i no .nperboman penetration The will which gave he, the l.g.1 unre.Mn.ble, altnestfulioua prejudice.. If up, poritiou. demand, gen jdiMovertb.t they were nowly mar. right ha. bitteriy conteited, and when may be acconntcl for on the same will be sati.fiwl with nothing .hurt of rwd and about to Mt up their fir.I at le.t won fonmi her in need of ,.7(1.- theory. _ it, it i. lhe poSiiibn of editor of a local hontekaeping. Her accurately matched 000 in caeh to pay off the balance of F.mo1 wa, uveolthe original paper hat and drawl, simple nnd unpretending th. creditor, elnim,. Through the inter, thinker, of Franco, hot no inmate ot In the firet pl.c, be meet kno. ... an they were, bore the nnmntakable venuon of a friend, whom Mr. Leslie any asylum ever pretented more imiis- eiybody’a peenlisrities, nnd be cognia- M tk. famuMnn. and the cong. had year, before..listed,Mr..Thomas potable proof, of mental di, than — ■' ‘ “ g ■ 7j 7.1 v 'll- , ---- - WM—av.raet.okeu.airB. Auomss puioom proois oi menial disease man anl olall.tlieir tsults nnd failipirs inc d»cc with1 which she took.his arm, and K. Smith, s -philanthropic lady of those which characterixed his whole the faplts and failings of their S grand- inescconawmow- the earnestness with which they spoke, Brooklyn lent the money to Mrs. Let- career. All his life he walked in dark- father!, and grandmothers, and cousin. Prin^of the blL their faces toward each other, he, and the fact that the entire loan neaa. knowing not at what he stumbled, and aunts, ahd mothert-iudawdre he ’ - - ing tUra.. e-vktta >u.«u n»u uuMT, ..®, ,uo iki mat me entire loan neat, snowing not at what he stumbled, TI ?* * •'P p,a * 8 ? aom ® montl>9 oId j »aa. repaid by the profile from tbe in constant fear both of the present and will be liable to get sometbinir mw. ais vancea to her and beginning to deacend to practical business in five months proves Mrs. the future. He was the victim of *b- paper, that will hurt somebody’s feel- jewels wherewith she was a°l ..Y i n considerations. Leslie’s wonderfnl business ability, surd delusions, was harassed by excels- !ng7. J Sll!!”J»> When President Garfield was shot ive nervousness, and was the slave of] ‘ He must print everything sent by I believe I pass ameng my acqnain- yvnen rresident Garfield was shot . uu ... .uo sr.v to -y J tances for a rather cynical old bachelw, down, and during his lingeriag be- nncontrolable eccentricities. Un’ ex- old subscriber. If a' man snbscribee She however remAin*a'nn««^J’— and I suppose my best friend, would tween life anddeath, Mrs. Lesltepnb- amination after death his brain «was for his paper.he^ ° be ’ boweyer.remaiDeii unmoved, gs hardly think me capable of the warm lreLed three illustrated papers in. sin- found to be seriously diseased. his vie£.*on ben raising, andpig-ElT glow that snffnsed my heart at I saw gje Week, an achievement without par- Onr’ American poet, .lames Gates ing, and theology, and the moral as- i k “» 0 '“” g , h ” *“ d -T* X''• ,tron g" *"el in neir.p.per bi.tory. Bomn idea r.rcir.l, wa, troubled. I think, with a peit of dancing^no matter if h. cannot hmberi, manly i- 11 "-- b J the -ay—pat of tke magnitude of thebaaaena which sloar nnd chronic type of cerebral di,- spell pig correctly, nnd doee - - ■ b. little bund that Uy on h„ arm and !• enpc,intended excln.iy.1, by . wo- cue. It would behard. indeed, to find of. alngfi cm whera eT Uogh foodly down into the upturned man re ahown by the fact that there any other theory on which to account young lady dropped dead '"to 1 ^v- # 1 are nearly four hundred names on the for the thousand an/! one eccentricities room. ~i<ri ™L 8 “ C r. .'y] m . 0 ? tb8 Mr8 - and reconrisiencieB of his enigmatical The local editor ia expected gel Ilia cry body. It of his paper mail'salt least two mnntart, i; and one stiidde, (n e»ch three di ^ ^ ^ number, or the paper will be’ thrown down as fiat and stale. * So stapid! in typographical ;sjr; n ‘T ult P r ! nl » n p°«tey sent by all tbe aspiring yonng poete.ess in that section, and if the kisses should be printed hisses, and tbe shouts should be nrinted gnnnia t. l.;^l. —:yi J; i be printed Knouts—which will times happen when the MH. is illeg ible—then that editor’s fate is sealed and the success of his paper is mined for she will never, never send Hire ,an other effusion so long as she li+e*. No, indeed! The local editor has a hard • row to hoe; and if he is neu ral in politic*nnd religion, it is still harder. Hot let him brace np and do his best, foreverybddy Nothing In tliePajier. ‘Nothing ia the paper to-day? What’s that? Nothing in the paper? Nothing particular interesting to yon, perhaps; but plenty to interest the next man and a dozen others, I dare say. •Hut I could do better, myself?”’ Beg pardon, bat I hardly think a trial would verify your assertion. You remind me of the old lady who called on her pallor and found fault because his sermons were not interesting, saying that she could do better, and would prove it if he would furnish a text. This ho pro ceeded to do by giving out the follow ing: “It is hotter to dwell iu a corner of the house-top, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” ”l)o you mean me. sir?” sharply asked tbe old lady. ‘-Ob, my good woman, replied the naraon, “you will never make a good iermonizer. You are too quick in your ipplications.”—Home Sentinel. , Hunting Widows. --- polygamy is allowod among the Hindoos, it frequently happeus that more than one widow immolates herself on the dead body of her husband. One of the most horrible scenes ever enacted in the East was the burning of forty- fieven widows at once, the wives of the I’rince of Marata. He died above the age of eighty. A deep circular pit was dug in a field without the town; in the middle of it was erected a pile of wood, on the left of which, on a couch richly ornameuted, lay the body of tho deceased 1’iince in his finest robes. After num berless rites were performed by the Brahmins, the pile was set on lire and. immediately, the unhappy women ap peared, snarklincr with 1 W«T» r; • -r- r kHng with jew< adorned with flowers. These vietfms '■Iked several times aronnd the burn- -Jg pyre, tho heat of which was felt quite a distance. The principal wi,low, then holding the dagger of her ' band, thus addressed herself to- the' Prince,his successor: “Here is thedag- ger the King made use of to. triumph his Enemies; beware n„,„, ploy it to other purposes, never imbrue with the blood 'of your sub jects; gov- -ti them as a father, a* lie ires' ‘done, and you shall live long .mil luppy as he keep me longer i •, nothing *r!d. AU th follow him. With these words she rcsigued the <i*j the Prince’s hand, xliOTook ..— ~er withont showing ihw sign 0/ grief or compassion Princess now appeared agitate! j 8 of the domestics, a Christian wum; had frequently talked with her upon The One ligion ami. though < ir , ed her idols, had made some imprqssuu her mind. Perhaps they now r*vi 1. With a most expressive look sh cried out: “Alas! what is the end o 1, and human happiness? I know that! aka) of plunge myself headlong into hell. these words horror was visible o countenance, while, resuming courage. r “ «|h« baJdly turned her face to the Si»fn- ’7V. , r-“ , rT"“* "i”? T pil*-*nd calling upon her gods, of. all .tfieir faults and failings, and flung herself into the midst of the flames The second widow u the sister of lhe -'ho wjs present listed at the sacrifice. She w<t- iced to her brother nnd gave him the feelings gave way, he bun-. and fell on her neck in tender embraces. -,....,vvuva v.vv.,.», 1C ij U j a »u- c«uc. ii wuuiu oo narcr, inneeu, roxinu oi a sin] n re ahown by the fact that there any other theory on which to account yonng ; nearly four hundred names on the for the thousand an/! one eccentricities room. —b ... ou..., « i.uj „ocii pay-roll, and in four months Mrs. and inconsistencies of his enigmatical Ths local edit; re not an affair o. many days, to 1 was Leslie paid #77,471) for white paper career. His absurd feai of women was every man, aad every man's busineTs a not snrpnsed one morning toward tbe alone. Mrs. Leslie has accomplished certainly fnll of evidence of monomania; gratuitous puff. If Mr. A. is painting end of the same week, to see the yonng,|the** vast results becanse of her great but wheu we take this fact in connec- his house ft must l>e mentioned' in the give /,r TL. r.ff® tne y° nn *f v »»t results because^ of hsr great uu« wueu we iaxe inis reel in connec- nre nonse it must be mentioned in the of the little gate, and love for her husband, and perfiaps her tion with his life-long melancholy, his paber: and If Sirs. fc. has a calls lilly h “ nd °7 n ? ordB sbow more clearly her no- early and repeated attempts at self- in blossom she wants tbe raomentons to eomebody withm as he turned away, ble aim: Great trials I have passed destruction, hfs unnatural ingratitnde fact wt.before the public in printers ink I met him at the corner, and coaid well through m my efforts to be faithful to to those who befriended him in hie dis- headed with capitals P fanrv that lua amiltn<v lma e#,ii /-I. *i» the great trust confided to me ny my tress, and his anomalous love of soli- When .Tones kills'a hog weighing dear husband. I have endeavored to tilde, we find it impossible to accept any Toor hundred and fifty, that . —. 7 -r~—e> prove to tbe world that he was right in other interpretation of his life than th-* -a^**L,t-S. --j -—•va-ti»» the china tree I saw her standing on all things, even in her to whom he 1 - « jt. u, u >4> un, iimu lunt chrthric'ed; and whets Brown dispatches absolnfely sail^ aid anothar weighing fonr hundred and • J L' — sixty, ibat most be pat ia ty^e; a®4 -*~ - r- —“uiug ou Lu,u K a, cveu iu uer io wnom ne en- he never waa an ansointely ran the portico, her head resting against trusted the redemption of hi* business responsible being. “ J T _ „ .... It, «4nare wooden pliiar, h,t drooped ««K14Mh'9 of hi. Iif. f h. gift«I palt Oollia, „. ,t tiatra MPa lhttmgb tbi li.t rfothtr bk-’ Z- band,cls,p,d lightly before her, ami work. Could there Jw any grander n and nnd muaninglojratic. TheMcan- ker, in town * S F° !C. ! ElSSflEL7~7- U ** t " P r °of °f wifaljr d—otin. to a btrabnnd*, tricltie. and mbfancholy of Lori Byron Whan tbor. i, n wtddin*. th. local tbethoDBandtb time tr.make real unto memorj than thi. bn„ and were probablj thenncontrollbl, tn.ui- pkper nltut pnblilh a lira oltha ealt- hetwilf the ttrang, nawnera of tho ,itn- «o»i.l work? Ah! a profantional feeutiona Of direaw, and daring hit Milan, and'butler-dii hie. and nop. niton. At the toond of mj ,tep the life wi,l notdeatrop n wtfa'a love at to ihort and brilliant career he gnee inffi- lad!es.and photograph albnme bettow- brajj. .wap/™., her reran., and ..rn- tnany hare fenrad. dent ..i4«c,,6f in.anSty. Sdthing cl by’ lh. r io.hf”a„d.° .W if h. sdE^sss; "S To.pra,t,co,ag. ^J. - throogh th._d.rhne... nnd with . wcame a favorite feature In my daily prome- nades, and I seldom failed to catch a trough the darkness, and fee* glimpse of one or both of its occnpante. ******* ,onl the mystery oi life. Botnetimei ’he »u .bout going to J Tidy towel, ptampodlbr e: market, and it was delightful to aoties ery at John R. Hhaw^s - V..V t—serene aonl the mystery oi life. .-« - ; r '!«W9iP»e5t pejef „ ,0 <Wge t w, ownn wrn ■ re i«ytag, ua no realised i t L.fte local eaili hia terrible-prediction. »Hff-.v«a mom in personalities. Sp moist p m less insane daring all hia active life. -ovortU-fapt tbai Tum W * , * P°^** T * maniac. . and, r t ha . pi •** ■» .... | .oofiaaitsoo id] tqo~. 9* ,‘ffi, ing upon the fire and then upon the as sistant. Then londlycrying: “Cbiva! Chiva!” tbe name of one of her gods, she jumped into the flames ,— r — .... — «„ the for bad done. The others soon fbllaw- some with bewildered, downcast and owfal looks. One of them shrieked above the rest, ran to a Christian sold ier whom she beheld among the gourde, and hanging abont his neck begged him tn«*v»w TL. — .4 J her. The new convert, stunned with surprise, pushnl tbe unfoMot>ate woman from him, and, shrieking aloud, ihe fell into the fiery ttench. The 4.1(1- ier, all ahivering with terror, atone* r tired, and a delirious fever ended Ira life the following night. Though many of the unhappy »’ •' - ** p “ tbe utmost intrepidity, yet no soener did they feel the flame* than they screamed out iu the most dreadful man ner, and, weltering over each other, strdve to gain the brim of the pif.^’biii in vain; th* assistants forced them back with their poles and piled new feel up- — them. The next day the Bra^tpiui gathered the bones and threw them in to the sea. The pit was lex'elcl, i trinpie erected upon tbe-spot,’ am) 1 thi J —xsed Prince and hia wives wefc reck among the deities.?—firpoWy* Engle. -•--*« Our preacher aaya he oonld scarcely bear himself preach last Sunday fop the hacking, coughing and spitting'oft be congregation, when a dose of Brewer’? Lang lUstorar jut betera #d»g to ohnrch would have prevented gj .j/.’e- nember this next Sundny. . ; : u twovlna