The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 22, 1885, Image 1

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■„» nepuDucan. btsn-WEOar, One - . _ «i VVkkw, One Year HTPAtAwa pi advaxck m All ndmtURnenta eminatln« from public office* will bo charged forln accordance with anytpeeeed by the late General Assembly of Georgia—75 cent* per hundred word* for ®*®h of tbe first four Insertions, andSJ cent* for each subsequent insertion. Fractional parts of one hundred are considered one hundred words;each Ccure and initial, with date and signature, U counted as * The cash mast accompany the copy advertise meat, unless ; different TUK WKKKLY SI7MM RF.lMTU.inT gYC^W. HANCOCK. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS AND DEVOTED 10 NWS. LITERATim* xmvnrv " "'-.""‘"i 'i'i XW,<lv«rtWn ff Kates IgaBBSBSSa^V-JE ■tltute a square. I All advertisements not contracted for will be charges above rate*. * Advertisements not specifying the length ■SSSegsass' B. P. HOLLIS, Mtorneu at have, AMERICAS, OA. , V,5f*' r “Wta Street ’a Nation! Irtrik building. — S&SRE Mr. John Pearson's Statement: deroou E. G. SIMMONS. JUtornctf at tair, AMEIUCUS GA.. building, 1 *Jan6*tf B, H. WILKINSON, dirt of net/ at JLatt. Amerioun, Gn. All business entrusted to him will reoel™. CSa>*«d?wt«l *tte;tl«l. Money oo]> mSriasaLT" ' llpJsfffiSSw 1 SSSu»«, —/Kota ofehSiwia KK7,5'i& {ffjKTS,l53g-» ’FPjMb.W.otOMm. Iir.nriraSSS that lie woo w write" J- M. R. Westbrook, M. D. Physician a^d Surgeon. ’Amor linth.dn.- ' " av " M feb4-3m l ,UD. 1. Prescription druggists. .VMEKICtJH, GEORGIA We undentand this branch of thebhslness and make it a .specialty, We use fresh drugs In compounding and from reliable manufacturer*. aKEtt Statement ofMr.BenJ.F.Heamdon: •K^£°3^ffigK5,~St?JS last fSESnr KrtfeV .'hj*®-. * found tliat*be could retain /t*ou her Dr. J. A. FORT, Physician and Surgeon, Offers his professional sere tees to t ff_ op !2^*Amemus and vicinity. Offlce Dr. Kldridgo s Drug Store. At night ca« found at residence at the Taylor house. iay»vtf K. E. iluovv Kili.more Brown. Edgerton House, Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. S. E. Erowa & Son, Proprietors, » $2.00 Per J> a $. ,he third ........k-e enm« Impromarnt la hew enhdi.Ci {,*“%l- U hll‘ukSft^? aSTbjrth for^cTeral n erwy particular. ‘ ***<*** LAMAR, RANKIN, & LAMAB, MACON, CA. TUTT’S PILLS The Children. To bid me good night tod encircle* >h» '*•“*« embrace: ‘‘“‘•re halo# of heaven, Shedding sunshine of love on my face! A °*i whe “tbfy are gone, 1 sit dreaming. Of my childhood too lovely to last: * ° Whfb. heart will remember, e™il2E£®V°.5 , y'? b<i of tbe P**, *** wfckednees mad# rr p A P^toc r o< sorrow and ala; V aS5 &® ot . w “ »bout me. And the glory of gladness within. > b ! myheartgrows weak as a woman’s wt.™ uw «™t«J5fdS?S52SfS'. mountains of sin h*ngi«. g nKt 1 *? 1 ® *®mp«t of Fate blowing 1 On! tliere s nothing one half so hoi As the innocent heart of a child! ThOy are Idols of hearts and of households- them into the East river. He under stands the combination lock of every dishonest mnnuv in ri!*»<•* ™«..i —» ro.roaj dishonest money safe in Christendom, and could blow it up quicker than by any earthly explosive. Written all over the earth from east to west and from north to south, and all over his tory are the words: “Divine Patience, Divine Forbearanco, Divine Long-suf- fenng” It is a wonder to mo that Lrod did not burn up the world 2,000 y«»ra ago, and. scatter the ashes through immensity, its aerolites drop ping into other worlds and kept in their museums as specimens of a defnact planet. People talk of God as though warnsm tneireyes. ° b 'Hwiven rU “ ta fTOm bom* and from Th^have made me more manly and A 33J i-?2^ now bow Jesus could Ukei The Kingdom of^d toTcbiid! " t ask not a life for the dear 0 iftwnSftP*’ “ othom have done; mayhare Just enough sliad i _°^ mpcr tb® glare of the sun; 1 prmjr God to them from evU, B sel? T prmjrer wo ^ d bound back to my! f * *“r- t - —— -v™ — uwugu ne were hasty in his judgments, and snapped a man up quick. No! Be fore the ancient delnge the people were **”“*120 years to get aboard Noah's ark. The Anchor line give only a month's nctiee of the sailing of the Circassia, the White Star line only a month’s notice of the sailing of the Ilntanic. i_ _ 25 YEARSINUsF Tli. Ontt, Trinmpli of tb. Ago 1 torpid liver, .^?*i,!!.y^}y*- B ga to «yur>, fSt ■ III acbaMlM la (!>• ■Ser the eheelSer. ZERO? * r ?* , *aiHty«ftewpar, lewtpirhi,* a im.h»> r haT|aK ecslrctcd sea . Dlulwe — WMrtKM, OlzilMR Heart, lists before th« •[•Ji JjjJJJJrt^evaj IteuleMae CON STI PATIO N TDTT’S PILU am .... i-i,-. Or. 0. P. HOLLOWAY, DentisT, Americna, ... Goorgia TroaUsuecessfullyaU dlsessesof the yen b *«nnvI?-V-5 nown t ?i’ ,he P rofe *^- lK?! U °™ Davenport and hoa Drug Store. marlit PATENTS Caveats, lie-issues and Trade-Marks se- fffSm* patent c»uaes In the s—sasifissatt' Oo ° r “ vm ** ^■ ^H^nnAtlon, advice ami special ref- erance 'ent on application. ,r U. S, Patent OIBce Preston, Ga. Andrews is now Manufacturing ~ “wssasirs l4 “'^ rable and as smooth to the touch as well as pleasing to the eye as the native marble and and at one fourth the cost. Inspection and orders solicited. apU5tf FORSYTH, GA. This Institution Is fast regaining its for isSESSSS^sasw b«5 bj place tlie best teaching taientat the v?^r art ? e A nt * n, i CT the whol « {gjggg** y** a™ discipline. Tbe * atcady increase of patron *5127“ ,n P° blic confidence SSlftTfV Tbe Spring session will begin Monday January 12th 1885. B TbMln^Mci, of , ,doJ Khool. on. ,<h - «» t oqo u , Q JJ>^»Uyad*pte<l '*?Jl?'l? , ^ eH "^toa«onShtbB#uflSSe^ TUTTS HAIR DYE. Rut the sinner must pray for himself: T^twigtaao easllr bended, 1 have banished the rule and the rod • SlrStt****-! of knowled* ,3^^?8btme the goodness of Ood, L?7 rt i b 5 d “*®on ot darkness, urXXXPl'&nJ™ breaking a rule; A*y frown is sufficient correction— My love Is the law of the school, 1 ^r? 1 i_i eaT0 *be old bouse in the Autumn A M° h ^i T ! ,r * ! **• thnahold no more, AMtyI.laU.ahto, Ih. de.r o^., ,25 5?* » U>. dooi 1 the "good-nlrfiU” and the gush of their innocent glee. T t5*!®S p r^r".***™* ““ uowei lust are bright every morning to me IslmU misstliem at {heir aong in the school and t_ „ 1 W12*”. “** low . h “ m of their voices, , tr * m P of their delicate feet; * iVf , 'f? onsmod tMka areaUenc A^De^th says, "The school is *Tn t ! h M lit * , 222. es F aU,er »r"nnd me, to bid mo good night and be kissed. S\nVOVY \W,V» v-flG, TABERNACLE SEKMONS. *1 BEV. T. PefflTT TALMAGE SIN AND ITS AUT1IOR.8ATAN Britanic, the Cunard line" only _ month’s notice of the sailing of the tlregon, but of the sailing of that first •hip under Noah the commander, God, gavo 120 years of notice. Patience ante-diln vian. Patience post-diluvian Patience in tictus Adamic, Mosaic, Da- yidic, Pauliner, Lutheran, Whitfield u . u - Batienco with men. Patience with nations. ^ Patience with barba- - — ^iliaations. Six thonsand years of patience, over-towering attrib- To make the overthrow of dimacteric. They must pile up their mischief very high, so that whole com munities may see it; very high,so that all continents may see it; very higli *w»ly. Soi«Tby Druggists, or ro) 44*Murray St.# Druggists, Now York. ^IfTEHS In order to enrich the blood, ami thus Im- , f ?*b Ti Ror t° an enfeebled system, ■»Umulato flagging digestion with the nat! onal Invlgorant, Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- £rs, which, by infusing energd Into the op. orations of tbc stomach, promotes, nay, in- sure# thorough digestion and assimilation, and consequent nutrition. A gain toap! peOte vigor and flesh, is Inrarisbly found to follow a course of this deservedly popu lar tonic, which Is, moreover, a reliable -reventive of malarial fevers, For sale by all Druggists at generally. > Dealers IteSSSiS' ilmlSJjto 1 ’ 01 *° nm ' T °°’ K.T.ASBUitr,rt™ideiit. DR. OARLISE S. Xj. &C B. 'YJ 11 »cure ilbcumatism, Cramp Colic JjhOjff* Norbaa. Neuralgia, Inflamatkm oi "WoSSd “***fb®’ Headache, Toothache, Grevi Dlptberla, Sprains, Bruises. Contrect Cords and Muscles, SUIT joints.^ .... . - ^rr- —is remedy InlUsJirac- *^7*” Tours w!U> great success in fT^T^^AndbaTe many certificates from ggnuatasKa •SSaftijSsmsatia. PntjpbjjSSS^ OUPUA'^Tton MtojvGa., to whom all orders should be ad ^Orders Solicited. M. It. CARLISLE. bjUr. E.J.EMrl w. n,ojLjreh, .DRAPER the wicked liver Poor Job—with tusks, with stings, lth horns.with hnnfa .11 with horns ; with hoofs—all the raisfor tunes of life came onhim at once; bank- roptcy, bereavements, ecandalization, eruptive disease an it.. A. eruptive disease ao 'irritating that he had to reinforce hie ten finger n&ila by . ajas ten nnger nails bi a piece of earthenware to scratch him self withal. His wife took the diag nosis ol his complaints and prescribed for him profanity. She thought he wonld feel better if between the parox- ysms of pain and grief he wonld swear a little; for each boil a plaster of ob jurgation. Probably no man was ever more tempted to take this bad advice than waa Job, when at last his three exasperating friends, Eliphez. Bildad and /ophar. came to comfort him : **n°“ ° • •inner; this serves yon right. All this is.because yon are a hypocrite. Wlmt a light you are! God has chas tised you for your wickednass.” The disfigured invalid lifts his swollen eye lids and puts down the piece of broken saucer with which he had been rubbing his arms and tells his garrulous group of friends that it i. ,v. J-.l > or friend, that it b oftin ’th. JilbS who hive the best health and the mo.t OTosperity, and in this connection hnrls the question which every 7 —« existed has juncture of events asked: “Why do tho wicked live? They build up fortnnea that over shadow the earth and confound all the life insnrance tables on longevity 60me of them dying octogenarians 01 P? r “P B . nonegenarians, or, possibly COMPRISES FOUR PREPARATIONS. LITER, HEART JIND KIDNEY TONIC For torpid I her and Kidneys and Pal pitation. BLOOD PURIFIER, Scrofula and Dio Taints. DRAIN TONIC, For Epileptic Fltl and 1 other OOnvuIsl DIARRHOEA MIXTURE, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, &c. I South IJroad SL At- - ’rngrists general! nov28-w&sw-3m i.Ji! D < u - , .* cttr !.‘ d V. 5 ? nou “ Uroad S C At lanu,G»., and sold by druggists generally. ATTENTION WE OFFER OUKSEEVICES AND SKILL AS BENOVATERS OF Feathers and Matrasses Our process is a new steam process, re moving a prevalent cause of disease and ?*“?i we ^^Jw^h«bMa bolster, cm OLD SIRBENE BUILDING EAST SIDE OP THE SQUARE. TULLY A BROS. taeg K « M3 S 5SS: wJff? 5? *hu d.u ob an..- 21?™ whteh wlu dr- dikctolunibh MUenariiB.. °Ah,b in th. i»i.„ Naboth in tho cabin. Unclean Herod on the throne and consecrated Paul twisting ropes for tent-making. Man- ..teh th..or.t of .11 ih. King, of Jadah, lived the longest. While the . ------ —- svu^csi. »* ime general rule is that tho wicked do live out half their days, there are in stances where they lire to great age in paradises of beauty and luxury and die with a whole college of physicians expending its skill in the attempt for further prolongation, and then have ouu men nave with casket under mountains of Calla lily and a procession with all the finest equipage of tho city flashing —V ..j .... and jingling into line, taking the angle-worm of the dust out to its hole in the ground with a pomp that would make the (Rising spirit, from some other world, think that the Archang * Michael wm dead. Go up among tl that all the world may higher it rises the harder it will fall and the greater the vindication of right eousness. Sin is not to bo permitted o sneak out of the world in silence. It ■ not merely to resign aud quit. 1 lot a case to go by default becausi ne appears against it. It is to be signed, handcuffed, put in the prisou- r’s box, condemned by the verdict of all the good, and gibbeted so high that part of the gibbet stood -ith violence and hor ° teac, » 500 eternities that the most aoute and prolonged and stu pendous rebellion against God and Washington andTthe’ other on u liimalayahs, it would not be any moi conspicuous. About fifteen years ago we had a illustrious instance of how God lets - in only to make his undoing impressive as a moral lesson honest chairmaker, then Al derman, thon Member of Congress, thmi Supervisor of the City, then rightoou vutuo uou _sh of everlasting ruin. Gi going to do it by piecemeal. not going to do it in a small skirmish waiting until the fo * .. . . 1 1,10 mei School commissioner, then State Sen ator, then Commissioner of the De partment of Public Works. On and op; .Uslioi thoossodi of dollars «nd thousands of dollars there, swind ling on the largest scale of malfeasance ever witnessed in this country, so that new City Court-house of New York monument of municipal crime,hav- x»7 mor ® than tli e Capitol at Washington or the Parliament houses of London, and increasing the city debt from $30,000,000 to $97,000,000. Now ne stands high np high in Millionairo- dom. Country seats, terraced and har jored and parterred to tLe water’i brink. Horses enough to stock a king’i equerry. Grooms and postillions it full rig. Wine cellars enough to make whole Legislatures drunk. New York politics and finances in his vest pock- rx' v win bcd and officials went down. ^i“le finger and ignorance .Tl. , auu ignorance took high place. Ho whispered, and people at Albany and Washington said it thundered. Higher np and high ***“‘*«v*cu. Aligner up ana iiigh- ap until pandemonium seemed about adjourn to this world, and there was me prospect that in the Satanic realm there wonld be a change of ad ministration, and that Apollyon, after holding dominion so long, would have earthly competitor. To bring all climax a wedding came use of that man. Diamonds as large - hickory nnts. A pen of sixty dia monds representing shea ' ' ——*, of wheat. Musicians in a semi circle half hidder by » great harp of flowers—shipi flowers. Forty silver sets, one of them with 245 pieces. One wedding dre that cost $5,000. A famous Hbertine who owned several Long Island Sound steamboats, and not long before li shot for crimes,sent as a°wedding pros' ent to that house a frosted silver ice berg, with representations of Artie bears walking on icicle handles and a conding the spoons. Never such convocation of bronzes, of pictures, shawls. The highest wave of New York splendor rolled in upon the t and recoiled, never to again riso bo high. But at tho moment when all observation of earth and hell was con centratod upon the scene, eternal jus tice, impersonated in that wonder of the American bar, Chas.O’Connor, got —— joulity, go up by way venge!’ "Como down,’’ hays God, down by w»y of a* miserable Come down by the way of ig- nominions obsequies/ Come down... tb* sight of all nations. Come clear down. Come forever down! So, all around us, though on small scale, the wicked are allowed to re so that their overthrow may be impreasive, memorable* and climateric. six asi> its .iJctud; And what I say of sin may be said t /, Sat * n » l \a author, sometimes called A bidden, tho .dragoon, the serpent, Apollyon. the prince of the power of the air.. That there is a commandor- ro-«hicf of all eviU. no ono doubts . be some place where they will bo righted. God can not afford tq omit the judgment day ora reconstruction of conditions. Yon can not make me believe that that man stuffed with abominations, having devoured wid looked with basilisk lij fellows, liking no mSsic so Sell — the sound of breaking hearts is going ,t death togetontof his landau at the front door of the sepulcher and Pass rient tfirnnreli »L. 1 a '‘l’lease, sir, hero's a letter. . N'ow.then,” add- Acre, as tho door closed bo- bind Mary’s substantial back, “let’s see what my unknown correspondent haa to say. A black seal, eh r having any relations to lose, I an alarmed at the prognostic.” He broke the seal, and glanced urely over the short, business-like co manfeation contained within, with f.rv ‘■“V-flim A unman, t Hindoos called him Siva. In medi; val times he was represented on canvas mythological combinatic comomation of inor.Cerberus, Pan, Vulcan and other horrible addenda. But, whatever you call him, this monster is .bread, hnd only for destructive purposes. Al though Milton sometimes glorified him by splendor of description,he is tlie con centration of all meanness and despic- abilitv M. ability. My little child of -nked her mother: “Why does G -°.^ i !) l „ tha r devl1 at once have done with it?” In Jess terse phrase ive all asked the saiuo question, n promised that he shall bo pm back the pit^ and chained. Why not leave the old miscreant into his den now? It would seem that he has done enough to close the chapter of infamy. His * work in tho last half century ronld make an appropriate perora- m. No; God is going to let him get the tiptop of all endeavor and then, while all the earth, and all “the sokr stem, and all constellations and gal- . . a . . 0 universe aro watching. . , * UW1 vuc sepulcher am pass nght through to the back door of the sepulcher and there get itto a celestial turnout already hitched up to dnve tandem np the primrosed hills one glory riding as lackey ahead, and* another glory riding as postilion be- h| nd, while that poor woman whosup- ported her invalid husband and helpless children by taking ia washing and ironing, often putting her hand to her side where a cancerous trouble had already begun its work, and falling dead late one night while trying to get himsilf, glad you have " S - ®J r “ pns« to sudden gladness. “Am I dreaming?’ . .... Ulltt . rubbing his eyes and shaking as if to insure complete pos- ' V his senses. ‘No. I’m wide awake, and jn my right mind; it is no delusion-no part of my waking sions. But who would ever sup- >» that old Them,a Mortimer, whom haven't seen eince I was a boy ol sixteen, and picked him ontoftherivei hall dead between cramp and fright, woirid die and leave me ail Lis monoy 2 Why I, am not the shadow of a rela- but then I never heard that the r— -; an ha «l any kith or kin, sol can’t imagine any harm in taking advant age of his odd freak! Itich—am I ' illy to be rich ? - is my Aladin vis- Edith !” Sn aCtUal fact ? 0h ! Edith, He clasped both hands over his eyes, sick and giddy with the thought that --- -- --- » garments ready for the .Sabbath day, and going afoot >n « the front door ot tho sepulcher. . 7 —— hack door and find noth ing waiting, no one to say: »I am ----- bemoaned the ... afoot and the beggars a-horse- back, and there must be a time when Hio right foot shall get into the stirrup. To demonstrate to all the world that there must bo another state for rear- ra . n 8‘ n g these inequalities, God lets the dialed, and some day, when fident and defiant mood at the bead of “‘ San “Y‘bis great Goliath of hell stalks forth, or champion, t David, will 6triko him down, not with smooth stones from the brook bnt with a fragment of tbe rock of ages. Yet this will not bo done until the giant of “ v i* an . J ““ holy antagonist stand ful- in sight of the two gteat armies of heaven and hell. This tragedy is only postponed to raako the scene more wirnfapl, and tremendously climater- ' U why God docs That not kill the devil. It is not quite ti_ yet to kill him. Bo patient. If God afford to wmt you can afford to t. The clock of destiny strikes {y once in a thousand year Sometimes God lets the wicked live that they may build that which right- eosness may appropriate for good uses. At the last meeting of our church court we were told of a college started at tho I-ar West by infidels. There was to be in it no nonsense of chapel proyers, and tho obsolete Bible was i be found there. The faculty w ldo nn oftlio enemies nflRinati.*: made np ofthoenomies of Christianity. The college building was reared and work begnn. But such an institn- could not prosper. A minister of the Presbyterian church was in a bank day on business, and he overheard in adjoining room the college Board of I rustecs discussing what they had better do with their college, as they could not make it go any longer. One of them said: “Lotus hand it over to the Presbyterians,” prefacing the word “Presbyterians” with a profane expletive. The motion was carried, and that college, bnilt as a fortress ol skepticism, has become a fortress of old-fashioned, orthodox religion. The devil built jt; righteousness captured it. So there are in our cities very ex pensive club-houses, the architecture aud the furniture aud all the equipment a hedazzlement of wealth, employed in making gambling and dissipation re- spectablo But fret not; those build ings wfll yet be free libraries, or lios- ObscrvataricB have been put up * v expense by monomaniacs of atbo- an'l. the first yon know, they are .-..possession of Christian science. God said He would put a hook into the nose of Sennacherib and turn him, and all the modern Sennachcribs of infidelity for the reason that He has let to give ns time for happiness. What would yon and I have been if God had followed sin with immediate catas trophis? What a mercy that God has, according to the Canticles, the fleet foot of the roebuck when He goes to save. He moves as though hoppled by great languor and infinite lethargies when ho comes to punish. I celebrate rod s adjournments, and God’s post ponements, and God’s puttings off of retribution. Tho slower the rail train tho better, if tho drawbridge is off. Let onr impatient criticism of Providence becauso that man by watering stock ikes a mil lion by one swoop and keep it, and these other meu run on bloated arrogance all their days, fcoi changed for gratitude everlasting that God did let ns live when wo deserved nothing bnt capsizes and demolition. How long have you lived nnpardoned? fifteen years? twenty years? forty years? sixty years? You have lived through great religious awakenings, through domestic calamities, through business disaster, through alarming illness, through providences that star tled nations, and living yet strangers t* God and dnty, and with no hope for a future into which any moment yon may bo precipitated. Through Jesus Christ get your nature revolutionized and transfigured, for God sometimes changes his gait, and instead of the deliberate step lie becomes a swift wit ness, and people in yonr state may be suddenly destroyed, and without reme- d Y- , op your war against God and Lave Him yonr eternal ally. When KingT’hilip, of France, led his army with bows and arrows to fight Kimr Edward III of England, at the moat came into the room, bis handsome face looking a little troubled, yet cheerful withal. Mrs. Wyllis, with an arch nod at her niece,disappeared into the perfumed perspective of tho conservatory, loav- critical time in tho battle a shower of ram so dissolved the bow strings that theyweroof no effect, and Philip’ army was worsted. And, my heare: ill your weaponry will be’ as nothing when God rains upon yon discomfiture — of the heavens. But safe those who have God for friend of foe. The chariots of God are w,- Change allegiance! Takedown istead Stoat residences of th* door plates, and them hold the fof commercial or social iniquity. AMITKK* OF T1IK 19tII CEXTURV. cities and read :rr — ■<*» how many of them bold the names of men mighty for commercial or sonGl J (iorgon. of tto oges. Every wheel of their carriegee i. • joggemeot wet with the blood of thoro sacrificed to their avarice end ovi] deeign. Men who«™ like OalignU, who wiehed thet >U people wen in one neck thnt he "tight ent it off nt one How. Oh! the j dvuicncan Dar, Ubas.U’Gonn the track of theoffender.Firstarresi then indictment, then sentence of 1. years imprisonment on twelve indict* ments then penitentiary on Blackwell’i island: then unit »rein.t t r1—j \ uarj on uiacKweH’8 teland; then suit against him for$G,- 000,000; thm Ludlow street jail; then meape and flight in a foreign country; mi ? ht cut it off at one blow. Oh! the ■ban! the slain! What a procession of lib- °* u, utors.of infamous quacks, ef legal chariatans, of world-grabbling ti^wi. of despoila- U °?’ t demon * wicanute! Thous- andsof men who hav* concentrated all tbeir energies of body, mind and sonl into one prolonged and everintensified and unrelenting effort to sacrifice aad blast and consume the world. I do not tat ' Firet, they Lve to demonetrete be- y°*d eotttroveray the long-iofTering p,. .fence of God. Yon net op and e*y: •I will eot eteiid it eny longer.” hot perhape too are compelled to etaad it. God, with all hie b.tterie. ofomcipo. teoce,loaded with thuoder.bolti.ettndi it ecntnry after centnry. Sontetimae. IhanBodooht, eo engel come, np MdUgethat ho may climbertfi ootterw. crying; “Now i. the time to itrike. "No." aaya God. “wait a pot kook by which *11 the land ■„ p , “c* C . d ?? pol i c .“P"’ 1 "*". ‘o avenge joke at. hi* obesity proclaiming -wi mi —» wm « God doan is not so wondarfnl .. what he does not do. Ha has enough ,. _ r conuiry; then return under tight grip of tho constabnlary, and death from a broken heart in a prison cell. Allowed to go on until all the world learned u never befo™ that the wayof the ttanegteesor *■ bard, that dishonesty does not pav irmanent Jiviilanri .l-. * permanent dividend, that a man liad better be an indnstrions chair-maker on day’s wages than afrandnlent Com missioner of Pnblie Works with all his pockets crammed with plunder. 5° w ,n history sounded the natae of William the Conqueror! In- tiaadator of Franee and Anjou and g* —5. dZiag"^ from their homes that be might have totoft» making _ a doomsday ", n *a ouesuy proclaiming • war. tramping harvests Jl.ld, and viSejante umder calvary hoof until nations were horror-ttruck. Bnt at that aptx of nmown. while be was riding ob ?Lj, his horse put his forefoot and * ^ and pli re. ms i — : mou on a not "—r* ---plunged, wounding tbe rider lacd to get the crown before hie f.ther'e *• T1 ” kBparial oorpre. io a cart fend mott/S tha attendant* laaving it in thestreat at a fire alarm, that they might go aad tea the conflagration, the bnriault tha chprch bmlt by the cocqceror ioter- rnpted by some one who cried: "Biah- op,.the men whom thon bait praiied wan a robber; the very ground on which have a hook in their ** turned this way and that Lord wills it. Great marble halls n<jw devoted to sinful amusements will yet be dedicated for religious I vi ... rblage. All these castles m » Jn will surrender under tho battle cry with which Oliver Cromwell led his army on the field of Nasoby: »Ig>t God arise, let His enemies bo scatter ed!” After tho great London fire there was found tho ruins of a house with nothing standing but tho arch, showing uu».mug Bianaing ont tuo arch, showing the name of tho architecs who construct ed it, and on these great ruins of hu manity that astounded tho world are marked the name of the God who built them and the blackening sins that consumed them. Some of the worst men God has harnes^od for special mission. Witness, Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar. With the bayonets of a bad man the Bastile was prized °P* n » Some of the most selfish and wicked merchants have by their talent opened new fields for lawful God sometimes lets the wicked live, that they may bo monuments of his mercy. It was so Vith John Newton it was so with John Bunyan, it was so with Augustin. Perhaps it is with you and re- I’**— - -vj-p. •;— “*«»• Those -chiefs of sinners became chiefs of grace. Paul the Apoatle. made oat of Bad,'the peteecntor. Baiter, the ovenMiet, mjde out of Baiter, the blaephemer. Whole eqnadrone with itreamere of Emanuel flyiag from "*ho maetheed, through which thay waa launched frem tho dockyard* of dtaboliamH* lata them live because he ie going to make jeweL out of them for coronets, tongues of fire out of them for r,ntecosts, watriort oil of them for Armageddon, conqucr- or *ei? fl ir m ‘ < ! r >' l **“ko head of —' White Hone Gnarda in the great review of th. teat day. ^ Gffd let* the wicked live that all may understand that there must be another the old flag and run up the The American Congress, during the time of the American Revolution, were for long days in anxiety to know whether tho army of Washington oi tho army of Cornwallis would conouer, and when tho news finally arrived at tho door of Congress that Cornwallis bad surrendered and the war w the doorkeeper dropped dead fi uu , JU ,- f?l excitement. Oh, if this moment the long conflict between your soul’ and God could terminate in your sur render, the glad tidings would reach heaven, and nothing but the su pernatural health of your glorified loved otes could keep them from prostration from over-jopr at the close of the spirit nal hostilities. A Negro Sermon. Strata am do road an narrow a tho paff which leads off to glory! Brc. b Blevers; yon am sembled dis nite cornin’ to hear de word, and liai splained an’ monstrated to ^u; yes is an'I’tend to life “bin day. Wo are all wicked sin har below—it’s a fack, breden, i tell yon how it cum. Y’on sea: j 'Adam wa3 do fust man, Evo was do tudder; Cano was tho wicked man Kaso he killed his brudder, Adam an Eve were boff black i n* so was Cane an’ Abel. No- pose it seems to strike ycr un standings how do fust white ;:r, wane rai Why, I let you know: Den y w|cn Cane killed his brudder, i aa cum an say, ‘Cane, whar’s y 7TsT»"r. * Cane » whar’s yn brud dcjAbl.*' Cauee.y T Jon't know Ba$ssa. Bnt do nigger node all time. Massa now get mad an’ ci again—speak mighty sharp dis ti ‘Cane, whar’s yn brndder Able, nigjer?* Cano now get frightened ho. tnra white; an* if it had not „ jot det dar nigger Cane, we’d nebbed be*n troubled wid de sassy whites ’pon de face of dis circumblar globo. D* quire will sing de forty-eleventh hymn tickler meter. Brndder Joe, pass •r*nnd th# sassar just for once! We \re we?” said Phil, with a comical grimace. “It is to be love tage, I suppose?” "Wait until you tee, air,” .aid Mr*. 5X“Yjy roMbnj »' teonsl_ he asked in aston- tog* drew up ii . . . , 1 flUMOBOU8. ? F 1 ° roseoua o ouely. riin,lp ™ tel du “Where are we? ishment, when tho S&'Tf'P onfa “iltor Placed” Dr0ly th,a is ‘bo Mortimer . When a trotting horse dies it is ml- feaaffi »0".k*»%r**r feted a fahnlon. price foThTm. What ia the differenoe between a iew- •ler and a jailer!" One wile watch.. and tTree ntLav w,■ a.V 11 Place 1 if it was! Tiw W n- , Bur P r, ? oa ,r “ was!” in. Wyllis emerging from tho V.'\ al5c *?» tty boy—come, ^ ". a,k ?’ ay 5°y—come, Lwbl Well, Now do yon like tho looks of your new home?” , T 5" r j“ w J om,! " repeated Philip I do not understand yon ‘ ’* v yonder of The knew it till this WW14 ., U1 ,. j, er mother was old Mortimer’s oousin, bnt ■ne absurd quarrel had caused a cos i—a winiiue uiongnt tl tho lovely, far off star of his aiiorat would be brought near to him tIlQ magnet, gold. All those year- patient waiting, which ho feared re before him, were to be bridged - ar by tho strange old i ’ ‘ ' quest; he might claim Edith There was only one alloying shadow —tho almost imperceptible touch of distrust and suspicion with'which stern old Dr. Wyllis regarded his future •n-law. Ah ! lie feared to trust his only child i the ,keeping of any man who had it been proved in the flicy furnace trial It was precisely a week, bofore tho day appointed for the wedding, tlie soft lights veiled by tho sbadei randglas» werejurt lighted iu 1 .. Wyllis drawing-room, where Edith -- among bei whito touch and helio tropes, working on a bit of cambric milling, and singing to herself. She was a slender, beautiful :irl with violet eyes, a Hue veined fi’ head, and glossy abundant curls, that pale gold that painters loved’ “I wonder if Mortimer i’iaco is -rely?” she said to a silver-ha: lady who sat opposito, “Phillip is , ing to tako mo there when we rett. from our wedding tour, aunty; he says placo a poet’s fancy K fl ‘ _ i v vise, with flovrers and shrub- -And delicious copses 1 O] shall we not bo happy thore ?” She started up with a bright, sudd flush, for even while the words we., trembling on her lips, Philip Acre — -o themsclv,. 3 . looking grave, Philip, is he bent over and kissed said Edith her cheek 'And I am feeling so, darling. I have a very unpleasant disolom make to-night—our marriage must be postponed indefinitely.” “To enable me by diligent labor at my profession to realize snflicient means to support yon, dearest, in a man — satisfactory to yonr father’s cxpec ions and my own wishe “ 'Bnt, Philip, I thought i “You thought mo tho heir of Thos Mortimer’s wealth ! So I was, Edith a! few hours since, but I have relin mushed all claim to it now. When 1 accepted tho bequest I was under the iipretsion that no living heir exi6te< _ learned to-day that a distant comm —a woman, is alive, although my law ycr tells mo, in ignorance of her rela tionship to Thomas Mortimer. Of conrso I shall transfer tho property to her immediately.” "But, Philip, the will has made legally yours!” “Legally it has; bnt, Edith, could * reconcile it to my ideas of truth and honor to avail myself of old Mortimer’s fanciful freak at this woman’s expense I might take the hoarded wealth, bnt 1 C ,°, a i d , n ?' er to 8 !* 01 myself again could' I dreSm ot legally defrauding tho rightful heir. Nay, dearest,I may lose nanwnnd wealth, but I wonld rather die .than suffer a single satin on my honor as a gentleman !’’ X\ on *? ave do,l « right, Philip,” said Edith, with sparkling eyes. .“We will wait, and hope on, happy i loving one another more dearly thi Vfit. But who is she ? What is b name ?” . ‘That’s j ns t what I didn’t stop inquire. 1 will write ogain to my lawyer to ask these questions, and t direct that a deed of coveyanco be in stantly made out; and then, darling His lips quivered a moment, yet he manfully completed tho bitter sentence , A Genuine Centipede. .We v vrere ehown, th, Albaa, Newt & Advertiser, on yesterday. " ; *: w yosieraay. * ptmne centipede, three or four inches i°*g. It was found down on Mr. T. TI. WlRnretaro). r. •_ . ** j _ t v vJ* -“to* G. It. Adams, who brought it to the city as * uunosity. Although its head was femd. Friday afternoon, ■tos stfll alrra and abls to do more itteekareoftk. atiogia. when we cionung. n was a Tillainoai looking worm, and we are —“Then I will begin the battle of life And Edith’s loving eyes told him what she thought of his noble self- abnegation—a sweet testimonial. “Hem!” said Doctor Wyllis, polish ing his eye-glasses magisterially with n Silk crimson pocket handkerchief; T didn’t suppose the young fellow had jo mnch stamina about him—a very honorable thing to do. Edith, I have neter felt qnite certain abont Phil Acre’s being worthy ofyon before—” ‘•Papar’ “But my mind is made qp now When is he coming again?” “This evening, sir,” faltered Edith the violet eyes softly droopin m.«i that he i •Tell him, Edith, that lie may have . 1 next Wednesday, just the si ever! And as for tho law practii ----- -—- — teaav «t*.T practicing— why, there’s time enough for that mf- terward. Child, don’t strangle i with yonr kisses—keep ’em for Phil." He looked after his daughter with eyes that were strangely dim. •‘Tried—and not found wanting!” mattered, indistinctly. —o- , uuuu aown on ... ,.^ h ® of orange blossoms had H, Willingham’s farm in the lowtr ' gammer of pearls and pit of thfs coun4, by U. ^ traveling trunks and Mr: and Mrs Acre, old married people qf a full month’s duration', were driving along a oountry road in thewmber glow of glonons autumn sunset. ^Tyra^°T t ^SJ? ng ir^ a ,,re / “Hallo! which wav i.‘ Thomas -fri ’‘I toW him the direction'' to ‘take, ■i-.itiT uiu causeu a ration of mterconrso between tin branches of tbe family. I of tlie facts all along; bnt I „« u w . • jauer; une Ml and the other watches cells. , ( ? n ® to Gsrmany kas mads and ■old 3,000,000 thermometen. That’s fbjgy^might call making mon«y [ “There,” said the yonng hashand as he placed the paregoric handy befora going to bed, “I’m like the prudent Bailor, making read j for squalls.’’ The old lady who asked for a gold nng sixteen paranipa fine was probably Tmv gentleman who “Why, I mean that your little wife Sdi!. 10 ] 1 " « entl ® man who' “I’ll nlako you dance!’’ cried an mother, pursuing her erring «r in hand. . “Then,” remarks*! (he juvenile, “wo thsilTave ■ bawl. ’ j Wisdom and politeness are not al« w»ys associated. The owl, said to be - -- ‘ho wisest of birds, 1 is also tbe most maJ « ^ntemptnoua. He hoote at every- ...... mjsou oi ineoi ing what kind of stuff y< rhil Acte! And now as tbe’ deed thing? :onveyance isn’t made out yet I . Ptsupnoabyour lawyer need trouble Bl ? u « ha » when he was « himself about it. The heiress won’t L l ^ Ia wysr ; “Circamstanees al- with you, I’ll be bound!” ^}j"JA I could get hold enmstances rVt'.Yt.”*!!** JX ' U ’ x *' “u uounai” •, . * cuu “> gee non Phillip Acre’s cheek flushed, and of 80 ™« cases that y? Q uld niter my cir then grew pale with strong, hidden * UmatancM ” ® aH “o looked at his fair wife, standing beside him, when the sunset turned her bright hair to coils of shin- — — ^ x . « .ES* "Mrtinglj enppoeed a bee*, etrongeet psint O o—p -‘•■A auuugm now uncmnelv tho hand of Providence had straighten- ennt the tangled web of his destiny, df ♦!.« darkness had The bees legs are said to be very powerful It can draw twenty times weight of its body. We always posed a bee’s strongest point was in What a Woman Must Do. A woman, speaking of what it.. n,r ed of her sex. savs. in tho Lowell I want to know why it is that when baby is clean and nicely dressed it won’t come to me; but wm he is cov ered with taffy *nd bread and batter it ered with taffy and br*ad and insists upon climbing all over A q Illinois man sneezed a bullet out of his nose tho ether day. Those fsl- No. 2 boot ? Wi wh ,° wi, i P® 1 ** 1 » looking into manage ‘ h « muzles of their guns to see if they . are loaded must suffer the consequences. At dinner; A veggieh gneet before a dish of A woman must wear a No. 3 foot and 6ho dress well on 75 centi *he must be vain, and nu« iuuhi oe “ ""ligii - tho poor, and she must go regu- whon » *>■» been placed • u .. u 0( n sn larly to the sewing society meetings, *° hig Fair neighbor and says; *—* ’ ’ * ’ J-n- • b - "Afioo. will ttnn 1..... fal!. 7 i week, and -dy to dress dolls and make “Hiss, will you have some of this dead ■lies and aprons ffir church fairs. She fi . 8h? ” “Head fish? Oh-ugh—how hor- ust bo a good cook, and must bo able r,ble! °» p “do up” her husband’s shirt s a,, u.. up ner nusband’s shirt so that „ — the Llnneso washerwoman would groan l ro,n Amerlcus to Oglotliorpe. ' ® n 'f aC( ^ gnash her teeth with tbc ^ ® left Americna Monday afternoon holy passion at sight of them. } n company with Judge Crisp, for the o must always have tho masen- ^ a “*r place, and after a very pleasant Hue buttons of the family sowed -- r«»»M »!J« —-i—i *«.. - • >, thank you!” „. wlo ,oumy sewea on an( ^ rapid rido, reached the seat of ins they will never come off while in ‘ ,C6 for Macon county. Court waa ia ), and sho must keep the family session, his Honor, Allen Fort presld- ry so that nobody wonld ever ,B g. a f-i ther , e were toos in ‘bo stock- W* were not present, and hence did ings while they are on. She most hold not have au opportunity of listening orholf in contrast readiness to find ev- ‘® tll « charge given to the Grand Jury; ry thing her hnsbaud has lost—as a but hear it spoken of aa being replete lan nover knows where to find any- "“th learning and well directed to the thing. Ho will put his boots careful- accomplishment of the ends lor which lyou tho parlor sofa, and when “>tended. We were on hand for sev - hunted for them half an hour eral days and can say that things ran wil. suddenly appear to his wife smoothly. Our associations have been with a countenance like an avenging pleasant, as of necessity, when thrown angel, and demand “what in thunder ,n company with such a genial set of has done with his boots.” She g«u‘lcmen. shut all tbe doors after her lord Owing to the sickness of Mr. Uay- uaster, and likewise the bureau 8 0oJ » ‘be business of the court has drawers, for a married man was never been greatly interferred with. Many knor.ii to shut a drawer, it wonld he as CBS « S ‘bat could otherwise have been unnatural for a hen to go in a swim- ‘ried, was passed over. CoL W A mingfor recreation. Hawkinsitruggled wonJerfullr againtt oho must go to bed first in cold aB rilnesa that much impaired his weather so as to get the bed warm, ftrength, but after having participated Her husband, if he be a wise man never 10 ‘b® noted case of Comer & Go. vs asks her to do this. Oh, no! but he Hatcher «fc Baldwin, found himself so sits to “j ust finish this piece in tho pa- OT «roome at ite close, as to make it per, ’ and waits until she has got the “pessary for him to retire from the sheets to a comfortable temperature. c »ort. We hope his illness will Ah, there are a great many tricks in P B8S awa >’ and leave him the trado of living together. A woman wo ™°- »« «vpected to take care of tho baby , We are much pleased with Ogle- - . .j after the first infantile wonder has ‘horpe and its surroundings. The pco- tnultiphed into a round half dozen. And P‘« are clever, courteous and wnnn if ho doubles up with the colic or trials hearted. Hone can judge from ap of cutting teeth or the necessary evils prarance. Macon county ' * — umps or measles and whooping hBalthy section. We d jh and scarlet fever and thrash and ber to have •«;*■ a uuor loosing set ot throat distemper and short sleeves and men than composed the Grand Jury. isre legs and pins sticking into him The business of tho court seems to be o much candy and bad temper, progressing rapidly and satisfactorily, cr husband tells her that he The pleasant countenances of tbe . vish sho would try and qniet her P l *ut«rs evince ‘hat they have fins baby,’ and he says it too as if he prospects. A smile is thought she alone was responsible for «»«ry face. it* being in existence, and if she was are much gratified ... , M , t intolerably to blame for it too. although, quite a number of groceries. Ami when she has the headache no- WB have seen comparatively no drunk' body thinks of minding it—a woman’s ennoss, good order prevails and always having the headache. And if ‘eu‘m«nt sits enthroned, she is “nervous enough to fly” nobody : W* jlo not intend to prophesy as m shuts the door any quieter, and tucks ‘be future of this town; it may never ’ * the lounge with a shawl 1 *“*■ ’ -— ii ni»y neve — over b? 00108 a city, but it is certainly , coddles her to death as a man nice town and filled with a generous bo coddled under such circnm- P^P^ 0 - The old Rci’Crlicak seems to stances. have many friends and it has been our Wo might go on indefinitely with plrasure and the good fortune of oth- mbles of being a woman, and if add “any now cash subscribers. thinks a woman TB «y will get the worth of tbeir money easy time of it, why, just let *. nd * ,ar fi c and handsome interest be- i on a pound of false hair and _-do a pair of corsets, and pnt on pf»*»»*«*^, wo stopped witti pull-back over-skirt, and be a wo- Mr - Gilmore, tbe proprietor of himself, and sec bow he likes it. ‘be Oglethorpe hotel. Never were we better treated, the table literally groan ed with the weight of good things, tor want of room, lodging was not as good aa could have been desired. This was not the fault ot Mr. Gilmore it °”*7 B Jow« ‘be popularity of the Iio- About 4 o’clock p. m. on last Katnr- j ? , on ®,** Ptotentious occasions. n • • * doubtless the accommodations sleeping would be better. Col. F. F. Smith, a merchant i Avenges His Daughter’s ICuin. day, Rodolpho Rodcriguez, fourth net player iu the Mexican Band, shot four times and fatally wounded by John C. Golding, an exhibition . 5*."'au"* t"'"' gate-keeper, at New Oileans. The Jl® 4 Wb '“‘■tost in onr ne shooting occurred just outside of the f, , “ neh . of oar BJWMB entrancoto the exposition groonds, only to call tbe attention o: near the gate an.l cl 9 se to the Mexican „ 10 ‘be general make barracks. It grew out of atieniions ? P Uep V bli cai» in ordei paid by the Mexican to Golding’s , Mcnr ® • «ohscnber. He wil daughter,employed at one of the booths P 1 ^®® accept our thanks. “May Is at the exposition. It transpired P ,W'” that the girl had absented herself from „»»>» ‘ba osus home, and when questioned on the snb- ® • “itune of Solicitor Hudson, pro „—i. * grepsed rapidly. Evil doers are suffer ing for their winlc<*.1n... r ri._ ject made a confession involving the P"T7”“ *.I*'*“* / *. are saner* Mexican. Thereupon her father, after T Z. 1 *®" wl . ckednMB - The num- satisfying himself of the identity of I*™ 1 attorneys .m attendance was not tho Mexican by questioning him, de- nTi, A “ encaB was well represented, xnanded reparation. This being refused «. ■ ‘‘awkins, Col. Hinton and Mr Golding opened fire.shooting fi ve times &, *® oai » « ° nr town seem to partici- •"all. Four of the bullets took effect * k ' business of the ... the Mexican’s chest, arm, neck and I Gnerry waa on hand, oon- back. Roderiguez is about 19 vears ?*?®^ w, ‘b. ‘be celebrated will ca of age. The girl is about 17 andvery h « n ®?* we did i pretty. Golding was arrested whil- , T* pleasure of listening to o m the set of firing the first shot. The of accustomed good speeches, whole affair was witnessed by a num- ” her of Mexican members of tire band, to whom Roderiguez’s ainoui was well ^ *'*'•—* —* —• — - • Nicholsons Pure Malt extract c known, yet not ono made the slightest effort to rave their companion. Rod. ri- R® B * *• at thb hospital in a dying con dition. old Bread. This uncoiled Extract of Malt la AroWificgaatlenA-UtLood^ i, yiag to ptoiuro rot. without tail.. ™lI^i ^?T tt ', n , mK auJ - - jBjgimi-j h “* J - EMr ia s .r