The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 04, 1885, Image 1

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DEMOCRATIC IN TOL1TICS AND DEVOTED TO NEWS, UTEBATDBI SCIENCE: AND GENEBA1 JPROGfifSS BY C. W. HANCOCK. Terms: S3 A YEAR IN ADVANCE AMEEICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4, 1885. SUMTER COUNTY. PWrtFEdStC-'lAt CARDS. B. H. WILKINSON, Attorney at Lntc. i Manager. Editorial linn a; T* e CkM^st Dm, in Georgia AMERICUS,G\ 1 will i.ttend [.Him.U y ami carefu buslr«*-i <vitru-*t*~l D» me. Momqr e4 will Im immediately remitted. Office— Lamar street IVople’s Uar.k Building. R' ItHllromi, huwiity mile* fnnn Macon aimI the ivuiih •UstantM fn»iu Eufaula, Alabama. Danville from America-*, is o Magnolia Springs, Uhi- tulles north ... nw „ ivra 44 , Sott'iiwestern ltailrmitl. SOU>ll*VESTERX JUDICIAL '• • - CIRCUIT. Jtirf^e-JAllen Port. Sotfcitor General—O. H flud-o , • . L-© Superior Court, Secur'd Mot FULL UKl'Oj; OV TUB t'Atl.. tiHKDIM'.SOKTU* UKORGIA LEGISLATURE, B. B.& Ej F. Hintc n, < .it.romej/s at hate. Fraction In State at.d Federal courts. ZST Uawkln* Building Americas, G». COT 'EM OUT MY • BROTHER AND CARRYj THEM IN YOUR LEFT 1 VEST POCKET FOR. REFERENCE. .sixteen miles i the Flint river; —.—™. -s twelve mile* weat of Aiuesiou*; Abdereonvllle in ten uities north of America* on ttio rijrtfaud latcal Late, Jilt os'nea, Sflcia! tifFer fcr Two MLftBths IncLdiajr tbs Full . Session u( the Le,»iJu- latureaad the w»n«e<im*!»t stjrrlns event* at the Capital, by pihH u-xviit-l, mistake paid. S*yid ttamf. for MtiijH-; eopW • Addrasa Lamp Chimneys - , , .leUfl Qt. Gem Jars. |>er doc. $1.20,- Jgal. Gem Jars, per do/.. $l.75| •Jelly Cups with covers per £ dozen, .50 Goblet* from 35c * set to $6. Large Glass Pitchers, «50c. GU» Sets 4 pieces, per set, 40c . Large Glass stands each 25c. t Syrun Cans each 15c. j 11lambaigEldglnjCperyd let. , Ironstone China plates, cops' saucers per set 40 and 50c. Steak Dishes with GovernGOc. Large stock, finest variety of Ta ble Cutlery in town, Iron han- I die Knives GOots. per set. Valances Lace per yard 2c. Brass Hand Latinps, lScts. Brooms 20,30 and GOcts j Picture Frames very Cheap. Window Shades Complete* 1.001 Mattresses $2.70,4.00,10.00,15.00 30.00. ! Spring beds, $1.50 to 9.00. I Bedstcades. $1.60 to 50.00. i Double locked and guaranteed hickory chairs 50c. i Glasses large size 40cts. Unfair.*. ' • — J- M. 3. Westbrook, iff. D- Physician and Surgeon. Amnr Iou»,Ga. Office In Dr.Eldridge’s Drugstore. Res- ilence oc Church Street, nextdoor to Wm. Haynes. , febl-Sm j' 56 Piece ChmiT^A'Setsirotd i$5.00 to $25.00 Cologne Seta frppi 50e. to $5.1 Waslistaml seta from '$4,001 to $25.00. ,} Tin Toilet sets from $2.50 to! INSURE WITH Dr. C. A. BROOKS, RESIDENT PHYSIOIAN AHO SURGEON. .. . . vouii oucunu InNOw^eJ* 7 ” 4 Fonrti,Mon,J *y Justice Court 780th District G.M., i. o—... • Second — wiutyr,uiCBW UU i Tuesday In each month. 1 I COTJNTY OFFICERS. ^rfjcOwntyOmrt-J. B. PUsbUiy. OdtcUor—U J. Blalock. Heels monthly first Wednesday in •“* month o-arterly. Third June, Beptem- -FOR- lie will lound at [Hawk- Calls li S3 SOCIETY , NORWICH, ENGLAND. Established. 1797. ASSETS, (.11 held Is Uj s.) fl.m.sis lulyl8tsepl-w-sw Clock $4.50. I>r. J. A. FORT, Physician and Surgeon, Offem hi* j.r jffsslonal servict* to the ne-vlt i»f Auact-idu* and vicinity. Office at l>r. Eldridgo’a Drug Store. At night can i>c found' at nvldenee at the Taylor hoot*; Mia Suresstvs prompt ittokovk! 11 “ 5 mayUd-tf ber and December. Ordinary—A. C. Speer. Sheriff"—N. H. White. Pcputrf-Sheriff—S. A. Wilson. Tax Collector—Vf. R. Stewart. 7hx Receiver—J. A. Daniel. County Treasurer—C. 0. Sheppard. Coroner—J. A. Speights. County Commissioners—C. A. Hint- buy a buggy load of nice things for your' table and ten or twelve dollars worth of Furniture will balk a team of mules. You'll find me on the Wanted, ington, J. A. Cobb, J. H. Blitck, S. H. Hawkins. J. W. WheaUey, Clerk. Meets first Monday In each month. | CITY OFFICERS. Mayor—J. B. Felder. Aldermen—W. P. Bart, A. T. Oliver, G. W. Glover, J. C. Roney, E. A. Hawkins. Cterk and Treasurer—D. K. Brinson. Marshal—A. P. Timm. Policemen- W. W^Wheelcr, Henry Speer, Buck Ragan. I PUBLIC SHOOLS. ‘ MEMBERS BOARD OF EDUCATION. President—N. A. Smith. Vice-President—Thornfon Wheatley. Treasurer—M. Speer. Secretary—John M. Gannon. A position as teacher bjr a young lady graduate ot the Wealeyan Female OoUege. Tia best ot references clvenand required, ipjly at this office 1 ausstt Prescription Drdggifts. Of. U. ? H0LLQMMH& liOCKfe & Co. &, fact all the lei manufactureis in this line. AGENTS WANTED ,-JATO ^iSaSsnaesaruiTyairilUhfesSft^Sen A Farmers Lantern Sate; and pasting Only. 50c.; ui organa. FUla teeth oy me ‘.myi method, and Inserts artificial teeth o best material known to the profession. HTOFFiCE over Mrs. M. E. Us Millinery Store. mar CLOSE BY THE "TEM PLE OF JUSTICE." E.E. Uuown. FiLLiionz Known. Edgerfcon House, Opposite Passenger Depot MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. Brown li Sen, Proprietor Rates $2.00 Per Day. BA.HL0W BLOCK spgrestiiglve her to her. mother. It, her mother lain the front car t her coffin. I must do the best I No one spoke a word, and every end disappeared In his or her cur- tin in a trice. Hal stood dumb- junded for a moment, and then rawing himself up and speaking “I humbly heg ywit pardon. I ughttobo ashamed of myself, and o l am. Go to bed and give this dungl^dyto me." “But do you think you ccutd——” »*I think so, If I tried.” “Thank yon. A little rest will bo rreat boon.” Wl F‘Come hare, miss,” said Hal, hqW- he Hollis, 8. H. Hawkins, U. B. Har- rold, A. 8. Cutts. O* H. Wooten, J. B. Felder. } TEACHERS—WIIITI SCHOOL. i»m. * h. Basse oa oil 81dSs Intis, hour ahaU wo eanpoibs dread ssss s,who,for years hate escaped thevU. sol the periodic scourge, through the Ustflnlluenoeof Hostetler’s Stomach k- When the necessity for using pro- e measures arises, use this means ot itkwot onee. It regulates the Urer, itos dlgestten, and liberates Imparl- j&SS&jss.ra.’swi LA.MAR 8TBRET Principal IWjh School—1. Asst. Prin. High School— DeJsrnette. Grammar School—Miss Mary C. Be thane. Intermediate—hln. D. T. Wilton. 1*1. Primary—Miss R. B. Cowles. 2nd. Primary—Miss Bath Brown. 8rd. Primary—Miss 8allie Wheeler. ^TEACHERS—COLORED SCHOOU. Grammar Schools—O. W. F. Philips. Intermediate—Q. T. Collier. 1st, Primary—A. R. Cooper. -xBu me," asicea tne iuiy, • —will the north wind come to-day?” ’ “No,” said the angel,-‘“no* for many months^yet, since it Is early Bat the lonely lilly did not believe ihSanmU. MWilat Southwest tieorgia CA SKEPT’S SAlgl Rangel's wcedsi Btilllooking Ibr or croel lover, shoihekl her p4le tube ldft and qwwttoned each zephyr .that urrled by. And the angel went hU fay. * I *w"»a -.1 And the angel came next day to a ; out his arms. “Come along, or i take you anyhow? folds utter amazement the -tiny ids ware immediately outstretch- to him, and with a little sigh the H estied against his shoulder. *11 that’s mysterious, Will tWi.’r ' • Hiss Baby's arms were tight around i neck, Mias Baby’s cheek waa Mied against his own. I saw Hal Ul tiers >RS who desire to rent or to have ited, boy, sell, or exchange any Real Es- <*, will uo well to eonfer with me, coa- ning the same, as I ahaU take great la- e«t in looking after such property. No irgesunless sales are made. After prop- :y is placed in my hands, commissions 11 be paid, whether property Is disposed by me or the owner, hales made as ear- as possible, rents collected when due, »ney remitted immediately. All property vertisod without any expense to the own- . Taxes given in and paid for parties at l istance- Blank Deeds, Mortgages and >tes, on hand. Honest dealings and rea- nable charges guaranteed. Correspon- nee solicited. B. H. WILKINSON, Att’y at Law, and Real Estate Agent Office—lYoples National Bank Building, iviarSt. Ame*->»us.Ga au«5tf Keep It on hand. were frisking. . . . t “N«y, do not pluck me criea the J daisy, merrily: “I woQld not- cs- . change my home in this smlUng pssf- " tuyeforn place upon tDeprincea boO- om. M ‘" j:c- i.'4«r.. ii 'iL v i “Yon seem very blithsomo, little dmsy,” quoth the angel. ti* .-i- '*8oIam, and why BlionM I not be?” rqjoined the daisy. ! 4 ‘The dews- j bathe me with their hissee, : ami the 1 stars wink merrily at tne all the trtghb < long, and during the day bees come \ and sing their songs to me, aud Uttle < lamlm, frisk {about, and the big cattle 1 caress me i gently with thelK rough • tongues, and^a 11 seem to wyi iAldhth < on little daisy, Ibr we love-yea.' 8b we frolic here on the mwidow ail ■ the time—the lahibs. the bees, \h<v cattle 1 the stars, and I—and vivy nro’very 1 very happy 8” ■ ' ' inu> :<•«'** '•«*' i i Next tho angel cam^ to a cawollia ‘ which 1 was beautiful to lobk*-;aiHji; • But the camellia made ni» reply to the angel** salutation, for ’the'bainollia 1 • haying no fragraneb, Is <hnht>-^for flokem, you* must kuow,‘«peakr4»y -Rev. Dr. A. T. Mann, m—Without a Pastor, an—Rev. O. C. Randolph, ejnSstnaded. Pries YS ? «m * J « COLORED CHU1XTIES. Bcthcsda. Baptist—W« 8. Romney, Pastor. Mdunt Olive, Baptist— U. A. Johnwm, Bethel, Baptist—J. 8. Strong, Pastor. Sy tha, didn’ t marry Him. And over her darling bent And there was a little white kitten; Purring Is calm eontent. "Why, pet, It is only poor kUty Lying upon your arm: It la cold in ber little basket; She comoe to you to get warm." Said the child, her white lids droopl Soft o’er her sleepy eyes, "I thought It was the little piggy That squeals, and wiggles ana eri I thought that he want to Market, And ranned away home again, And showed me alfoC his toesea. t—O. H. Collin f, Pas- ELLAVILLE HIGH SCHOOL- Fall Uttni opens August 24th,T883. Rate* »f tuition, 81.30. fi-00 and 85.50. Music Situation delightful, board very cheap. O. B. WEAVER, Principal. Methodist—\c Thomas, 1*R* d Methodist.-Mhtimmi Hlmil, stores “Sbo is preUy f »M admitted. “Pretty!” echoed Hal. “Well, I liould think so. Win, you may not ellevo It. hut I’d glvo a good round iina If she belonged to me; I • would, pop my word,” And when he looked np there was och earnestness in his face I knew ho oeaniit. He held her so all night, scarcely roathing lest he shonld disturb her, pelted wlUi her In the toniingthere wueteer Elletening ii baby’A white hand, and I' knew tlwaii on the one Hal had ait, before .giving her back to her iahe could and ex-J rmei”: *• ;, pvoreaualr of virtu- said nothing. I dare tainted herself. upon SiMfffSS ore and tambled into HlW Vsi’jvAL jg|£t. ihSeppact. • HAL’S BABY- i a bleak December night and TUTT*S PELLS CSrisp. * ' • i FIRE DEPARTMENT. i WIDE-AWAKE NO. i—WHIT, J. J. Smith, Chief. L. J. Blalock, Assistant Chief. W. M. Hawkes, Foreman. C. Q. Wooten, Asalstaut Koran W. J. Harper, Treasurer. IRE, NEW AND FRESH DRUGS ONLY, HEtNG . DISPENSED. ■onto the atons ragtag within, . “By Jove!” exclaimed Hal, ‘?bed Is a mockery. Of all the nuisances.I ever came in contact with this takes the palm. What do the parents mean by letting U scream like that? Why don’tthey attendpropedy to their At this be opened the curtains, looked out, and calling to me said: “Will the father has it, and he is J* nilcfaj^ ^keTeton. City Property I leave Heaven fox a day and go tp earth to. visit the flower* and and little children, foryou most that no other earthly things j the angels of Heaven as do the es, the birds and the little eUl- Pat Erskiae, lat. Aaa't. Engineer. Wl4.Jsektoa.2nl. Aw't. Eoginet^ AViUiam Mims, tlotse Direutor Walts* Brown, A*'l. Hot** Director Dr. Brooks, Surgeon. j MECHANICS NO. 2—WHITE. II.D, Watta, Foroman. 1- a* OnhK AuaUlont Piirnimin go down’ no longer ONE FIVE ROOM RESIDENCE, half Mrelot convrnlenttobwiiness. GoM wa ter lwalthy location. Will wll cheap, very cheap. Call early it you wish a bargain. BONE FOUR ROOM RESIDENCE, one mere lot near Court House. Good place.— ThU may suit you exactly. Call and see me early. If you desire say city pioperty, SPLENDID FARMS. NINETY ACRES on 8. W. Railroad,- (iood residence and all necessary out boild- lugs. Store room on the place. Splendid for track farmiag. TWO HUNDRED ACRES. Ose three horse tares (Sumter county.) Good resi dence, oat bouses. Soil productive. A d. Cobb, AHsl-tant Foran u. Stanfield. Hose Direct* iHATp. ARsletant Hnaol i. Tucker, Secretary. *. Bolton, Tre*Hurur. , 1. Evan*, Engineer. I must say.” ' “How long have I been asleep?” i ^Ung upright and looking around j “About an hour, I should Judge.” j “ Well, between you and me, Will, ; I needed it. I didn't go to bed at all . last night; so much tol>e done, all at the last moment.” “That’s a fine excuse for you to ! t ve,” I said, dryly. Hal laughed. a was the best-natured chap in the world. A big, strapping follow, standing six feet high, with merry blue eyes, dear cot features, and fair almost to womanliness. He was a grcat^swell, too, and a universal “Abominable night,” be mattered, [ a little irritably for him, “and eoo- - foondedly cold, too. I had j art shoot ' half enough sleep. Will, and If you don’t mind I'll get to bed.” “That suits me,” I replied. ‘Iam with you.” We crossed the platform and step- . ped Into the other car. A gust of wind and snow whizzed past as we opened the door, which called forth out down to the to the boatful h bloomed a rose fragrant than any rose,” said the lly you. hold up e winds to kiss.” liver,1st. Assistant Engineer, fhoeler, 2rd. Asi*t, Engineer, r* Ansley, Forth Beayer. fARf!FULLY ‘JOMPOUNDRD, DAY OR NIGHT. ■Daniel Engineer. GILAXCK NO. 2—COLORED. Dudley, foreman. . aiypns.A^Ltaft. For-nnu... , h.Boivie, tlosH Director. [i Russell,, ASsI^iunt 1 lose.. I>I- Brushes, Courts, Btr- .fumery, Toilet Arti cles, Soaps, Spon- ■dot o*s*lfeer-ftwwt>» Jamia W^Ctosselt. Treasurer. C. W. Brooks, Engineer. Simpson Gris wood, AHrt’t. Engine A RELIABLE A I t riULE,^ For entCrjirLe, pn-b anla ilesln get Mich goods uhiMdII give the tn Smithville Barbershop. 8MITHYILLE, GA. East of the Railroad in rear of Ans* SS ^.Clear Skin pniy - a part of beaut; but if Is a part* Every lac came to a lilyj * these the Invariably travelers ooe Is sure to encounter. First came a . with white hair, who occupied four l seat* and essayed to read by the un certain light of tbn railway lamp, which was of no more use than those lamps usually are, and quite as orna- Magnolia L' Balm bolt freshens and RUP T «! lly, "and I look for msm