The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 25, 1885, Image 2

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—— ..... She gunmros gtpublifira. c7 W. HANCOCK. I'JTOH awo paovuHTO* AMRRICt'H, GEORGIA. FtWiy, Septtmbw 25.iStt. r) S’ in'. Pqtria Souhwot OMiste ESTABLISHED IN 1854. 5*b«* principal paper •MfeUl Organ of CMy of Americas. CMteUt OrfUaTKan OftcUl Organ of HcMry C«u»iy. All the OMcUl Notices of the above t 'oaat lea appear In the Ucpabllcaw. nasrivn rcggggfcggg The high license problem is now «ler di*env.ion by the people of Wash ington City. The export* of produce from the port of New York during lart week were valued at <0,000,214. The General Assembly very properly “«at down" upon the constitutional convection proposition. A Fallacy. The di scum ion of the ftuestkMoT ter-works, a question of great inn tanee to our people, has been drill away into side Iwne^fand oven i personalism. This we fnwatly r*"i Our readers will bear us out in the statement that this diversion has been not only not of onr seeking’but against ir protest. To return from these digressions, we ish tj» address oiwselves to a phase of the question that our friends in favor iW VorT^trouicty urgeT They say that the issuing ot the bands will en hance the Value of property in the fire limits, and hence, reflectively, the val- of property all over the city. Let consider this briefly. Wo think in the first place that the first proposition that the value of prop- the fire limits of the city would increased, is one of very doubtful truth. How it can be assumed as a That increase of shi^ges upon a property tends heighten its value,we do not think.That increase of pro rata tax upon the present value of a piece of property increase its market val- than the collection, say t of a mort gage lien thereon, is neither eoi^onant ills reason nor justified by experier But let us grant that such will be fact. Let us fully assume all that the In the disposition of federal patron age the administration has studiously ignored ail ring* and cliques. Recent statistics allow that i there were 132 boiler explosions Unit'd States and 234 persons killed by Two hundred and seventy-five thou sand pounds of dynamite are to be ploded in Hell Gate, New York harbor, October 1. * The liberalistA of England seem bo without any fixed policy, unity action or recognized leader, but is di vided into a multiplicity of factions. Nearly two hundred thousand dollars are annually expended by the French government in the purchase of pic tures and sculptures by living artists. Three prominent business men I«ogansport, Indiana, were recently swindled out of <5,000, <2,000 and <730, respectively, by the venerable gold brick game. The city press of'Atlanta report) that the fall business has fairly opened in that city, and the retail trade is ad mirable and satistaetory. This is very pleasant to record.^ Various alleged ex-federal officers are again indulging in stupendoui feats of lying, regarding the capture of Jefferson Davis and his manner escort into Macon. The Virginia democrats seem t< throwing more energy and enthusiasm into the present state campaign lhan they have ever before displayed during the past twenty years. 9 The smallpox has gained footing some of the eastern cities, and that cold weather is approaching increase and rapid spreading may confidently looked for. The N. B. Forrest Post of ex-Con- fedcrates was organized at Chatta nooga, Tenn., one day last week, der the charter granted the B. E. Post of Richmond, Va. Tho indications now are that Got Kill will succeed himself as chief ecutive of New York. He is a fairly good politician, and has a good start the race for nomination. There has been no matter brought before the General Assembly upon which bo\h press and people are mainons as the bill providing for equalisation of tax assessments. A convict in the Utah penitentiary now poses as a martyr and bewails his separation from three of the “ lovliest wives in the United States, together with twenty-three children." Tv : promptness with which Georgia House of Representatives indefinitely postponed the bill to or lease the State road was at creditable of that body- The people will endorse its action. Ex-Secretary Robinson give* it his opinion that “General Grant not know a rascal when he sa' Secor is good authority upon that jeet, Grant himself having been honest man, of course. Authenticated advices from London state that England doee not intend support Germany in her claims against Spain, regarding the Caroline Islands, but offers to mediate with 8pain ’ er*nce to that question. The prohibitionists are now waging war in Maryland. A state ticket been nominated for-the fall campaign, and for the first tirao in tho history the state, prohibition is to be sene in a political campaign. While it appears that the cotton crop will be considerably damaged caterpillars, nut and other causes, is gratifying to know the states oft South will harvest fifty million bushels of porn in excess of any previous year, Secretary Maaniag recently visited Mr. Samuel J. Tilden, and the republi can paper of the Noth laid mneh upon the event. Mr. Manning that his visit was simply one of friend ship and had no political feature bearing whatever. Eighteen hundred and forty-two Boo. ton women recently expressed their de- aire to exercise the right of suffrage, by entering their names upo ixtration books. The books for 1884 ■how only two hundred and seventy* A Distinction With a Difference. Tk* Ittempt of Senator Mahone to cowhide twra young Petersburg men. for alleged misleading of his son Bnt- ito ler, caste vary near ending in disaster cates of the bonds claim for them, the enhancement of the value of property in the fire limits. I Joes this justify the second prop- which comes to from the first proposition, to thej the effect that the increase o' value of property in the fire limits will increase Joe of |troperty outside the li its ? Candidly, we think not. Let look at this position. The increased valuation of property within, tho limits will Ik- due, if pres- enf at all, to the superior advantages offered and the greater convenience af- limifx. This would create a greater for property within the fin- limits. People seeking to invest real estate, it seems, would naturally seek to purchase property within th< fire limits, to get the lienefit of this perior advantage of the fire limits the property outside. * It would, consequently, just in proportion to the mnt the fire limits would increase aloe, depreciate the value of prop erty outside of the limits. This clearly demonstrable. In exact pro portion as property in one part of increased in demand other part because of advantages whi< that part may have over the other part. that proportion is the property decreased in value that advantages. Simply to illustrate, with- meaning in the least to say that the amounts we name would lie those actually resultant, suppose this office, being in the fire limits, would bring <1,000, without water-works, but would bring on the market <1,100 water-works are built, then this office Would lie increased in value <100 erection of these works. Now sup pose that this office was outside of Are limits, its material value being the advantages for the purposes Used Wing the same, Wfore works were built, it would W worth <1,000. Upon the building of works in the fire limits, therefore, maketable value at the present site would W increased because of a great- demand, to the amount of <100,00* In proportion, therefore, ope place is greater, the demand in another place having the advantage whith enhanced its price would decrease in valne, and, therefore, it is reasonable to 'suppose that the valne of the office if outside imits would drop jnst <100,00. will thus bo seen that the building of -•wotks in one part of the town, while it may enhance realty in that part, instead of enhancing in the other part, would actually decrease it. This makes it clear that our citizens owning property outside should not W deceiv ed by the fallacious -rgument that value of this prof L-rty would W creased. It seems remarkably clear that in proportion as property, formerly of the same price another’s, is increased by causes which does not operate upon tho oth er’s, in just that proportion ' other man’s decreased. Prices the world are gnaged by the mand, and as the demand from transferred to another, proportion that the demand is changed, the price of the one goes up and *’ other goes down. Do those who own property outside of the fire limits fully appreciate fact that as it now stands, when there are no water-works or other superior advantages, for resident limits over the property outside, that their property is the equal if not the superior in price of houses in the fire limits for the purpose of dwellings? This is because, other things Wing equal, people gradually gravitate for their honses/re* and not to their places of business. But in order for this W the case, all things must W equal. Vote to put water-works in the fire limits without putting them to your dwelling, wbieh is withefitf and you decrease the demand for your prop erty. to the old ‘ gentleman. The fact is Senator Mahone has gireiabad exam ple to bis boy, who is apt at imitating whatever i* vicious. Nobody now is required to lead him astray. The fath- of young hopeful is chiefly to blame, id should, if possible, resort to hair- shirts and self-inflicted flagellation. Not only has Senator Mahone exhibited imself in a vile way Wfore Bntler, but tpped the climax of stupidity and indulgence when carrying him to Wash ington and using his position to fur nish the led with a big salary at Gov ernment expense. But there is a social side to this mat- It appears that, while the Sena- is ostracised at Petersburg and else where in Virginia hi* cub has entrance the homes of the alleged firs? fami- A letter from the Old Domin the New York Sun, says: Butler lias frequently visited houses hero in which his father would not W admitted. The young man’s former playmates here have stood by i manfully in this respect, contend- _ that the odium attached to the fath- _ should not W applied to the son. Young Mahone has been prominent among the memWrs of the boat club, and has rowed in one or two races. He fcM also been a member of the German Club a»d. closely identified with th< social fife of Petersburg, which is math up of Jh» Democrats, the negroes form ing tho bulk of the Mahone party her fcs elhewhere in the State. The resu ' ‘da affair will.Ue to render the eld- ione stijk -Wore unpopular. T1 people are very much wrought i about it,. - (£& hiladelphia Record says that while Pennsylvania has enjoyed or the Daily Sztcbucax. Tha Dollar of Our Daddies. In the fnsneial circles of the great annoy centers of the United State* here is as undercurrent of no mean ■roportion* the drift of which is rapid ly becoming manifest on the surface, boding a stormy passage for the ship of State in the near future. The fi nanciers of the first decade of the federal e vernment decided that a silver dol- ■ should weigh considerably less than four hundred grains—374 grams if I remember correctly, and twenty-five grains of gold were considered to be an equivalent of this silverdoHxr. Every government, unquestionably, lias the vested right to make or adopt stand ard* for the measurement of quantity, quality, distance, value, and, in fact, any and all things susceptible of meas- ’* • t seem*, extraneous ir- i establish a bi due. binding them as by a injunction. These foreign powers which have adopted the gold basis extend their influence to this country through the laws of trade. The telegbaphic hews. Ventilation. ^Wisvery important that every bed- room or sleeping apartment W well I to the Daily lupatikna.] ventilated to promote health. If a per- son shot themselves up in a close room 1 HNiw York, NcpUgnber liL—At a good for nothjgg, feeling for tli*t many meeting of the board of managers of boars to come. Bedrooms that are not the National Temperance Society,held we ll ventilated, do not infuse health tathis city yesterday, the following and. vilatily, to the inmates. Every e artificial « ivertheless. If this country’ did only an export busine ss, so that there would W no afflux of gold to foreign countries, there the silver dollar and the gold dollar would li* coffer on terms of intimacy and perfect equality. But so long as the Unit- States ‘imports foreign goods in val equal to or greater than the value of -xports, th« the folk jemori»LWM **>!*»* •*!**’■ to both Democratic and Repul State conventions: , , v “The board of manager* of the Na tional Temperance Society, a non-par tisan organization, respectfully ask that yon will declare by liiolaOsin — favor of submission to the people of amendment to the constitution of the State of New York wkieh when ratified will forever prohibit tho manufacture il sale of all intoxk-atiugbeverage*-’* HAS. , - Dyar, who lived near Martin, who ha* for the past six months been playing the part of the spy and informer upon the illicit dbtlllers of Franklin county, was shot through the head by some unknown person, near Martin, We ’ day evening. sWpixg apartment a a. It is absolutely'necessary tbiin summer or’ winter, with ►ntHres to have a Free ingress existing*/)' imminent ,in the oral advantages possessed by few oth states in the Union, she has not only farm values to the extent of fifteen per cent, between 1870 and 1880, »nd of that period it behind all other states in the pro|K»i which Its annual farm production bore to farm values. Un'ess the Ret ord is sadly atfaalt in "it* statement; >uld seem to be about time f»r lead ing protection organs. North and South, to cease publishing from the “carefully prepare*! statis tic*” issued by the republicans campaign document last year. It is rumored in Macon that R- W. Warren, of the First Baptist Church will ask to be released at the close the present year. Several statenu • made as to his intentions. * that he had been offend the p of professor of theology iu Mercer University, an institution in which he has been greatly interested for a long period of years. Another was that h< had received a call to the pastorate of leading Baptist church in Memphis. With all Editor Dana’s faults and shortcomings as a political ndvis- hax been a model newspaper ma is to bo regretted that he is making the Sun a rival to the sensational jour nals of New York. Is it possible that office cat lias petite for badly-executed nowspape cuts! The feline should li tonic at once. :h, cithi ^ „ tesofthe metals which the rigors of a civil right* bill cannot obliterate. Th suit is, a premium on gold or a disc l silver. The patter dollar is the shadow * ' ’ .liar, and they lia\ interchangable. > specia resumption in 1881. the three have been on terms of forced political cqnalitv, but not social; and now* the ' ’’ 11 reatens to break the In the New York •ociation an- fifty- as .roximately one-third of the entire the United States SB Treasury Manning may r These banks have determined to n S^cretar^c the Bland silver bill: •pealed immediately on the convening ’ "ongn-ss in December. It will lie lenroered by your readers that the law authorizing the remonitization of silver increased the weight of tho silver dollar to 4121 grains; and the Bland .ill provides for the coinage of 2,000, 000 of these dollars monthly. At the rate of $*24,000,000 per annum, :en years more, the coinage, added that already existing, will nearly equal the volume of circulating medium .w requisite for the transaction of all mmcrcial business within the bonl- s of the United States. As there i international recognition of silvi a standard monetary metal, silver -based to a commodity, the commer- .. ‘bullion is worth now in tlu-neigh- borhood of <13J. Ten years ago it consderably more. The intrinsic v of the present dollar of 4121 grains is 83 cents. Manifestly, this deficiency will ultimately put gold at a premium, as it was in the dark days of the great rtgtmd, reviving all the horrors of Wall with it* black Fridays. Fi nanciers demand that this dishonest dollar be withdrawn from circulation, and recoined into dollars with est dollar’s worth of silver in them, which the present value of sil ver bullion, that they shall weigh some thing like 4<>» grains. Of course this idea of a dollar destroys the old notion than money is not wealth, only efact The Gainesville 8o*thron says that in the upper counties of the state, il licit distilling has increased folly one handled per cent, ranee last March, in consequence of the popular delusion that the present administration have no regard for the national revenue laws and <V> not intend to enforce them. One would suppose' from the recent Utteranocs of recent republican ora- i Ohio that republicans did not t all in the south at the last pme- “ ‘ and yet'statistics 4775,000 Mob Law. In our Schley county column on yes terday afternoon appeared what oui readers may construe to mean a vindi cation of toob law, and an invitation of the good people of that county to some leader to come forward and lead them in a charge upon Sumter county jail, for the purpose of lynching Charles Blackman, the alleged murderer of Stonewall Toodee. We do not pl*ee such a construction upon the words of oar correspondent, bat easily tee that such is possible/and even probable. It u unheeeoeazy tor as to remind eor readers that such a doctrine is not only not entertained by as,bui is looked upon with peculiar abhorrence. Our opinion upon the nbjeet waa sounded la Fri day’s issue, of our paper, in our leader on “The Supremacy of the Law." The Atlanta Constitution predicted, ime time since, that more than ooe hundred elections would be held un der the provisions of the recently enacted local option law, and the propheey seems in a fair way to fulfil ment. The mattet is receiving atten tion in quite a number of counties, and Atlanta has taken the first step to* * — iathat city.. The Massachusetts Mugwui fuse to repent for. not voting for Blaine, and avow that they again as they did last fall if the Repub licans do not nominate men worthy of confidence. What* distress of the grand old party may be *ei little consolation from the Mugwumps just now. Under the present law of Italy any circus which mislead* the public l»y means of paintings, or fails to fully perform everything promised printed programmes, is liable 1 of five hundred dollars for each of fense. The margin for profits for the average American circus would c tainly be small in that country. The Ohio Republican* appear to i desperate straits, but they have i yet called on the Rev. Dr. Bnchanl help them. The dear old man only committed an error of the head and not of the heart. Still his Republii friends treat him as if had committed the unpardonable sin. The Cincinnati Times-Star complaint that Gov. Hoadley replies to Sherman and ignores Foraker, who it says, the Governor’s opponent. The Times- Star does not seem to grasp the sit tion. Senator Sherman is the real sue in Ohio. Foraker appears to practically out of the race. State Senator Jordan hold* that General Assembly represents “sovereign will of the people,’* end thinks that the railroads should appeal to that body for remedy against any wrong or damage, real or imagined, its sense of justice will accord them their just rights. The Republican journals persist charging that the Democratic party opposed to civil service reform. These journals lie under a mistake. The Democratic party is earnestly in favor of civil service reform. It is, however, opposed to civil service humbug- >:-y. Tha merchant tailors of Cincinnati have prepared and circulated among themselves a black list of all the fash ionable dead beats of the city. It expected there will be a rapid diminu tion in the number of dndes in Cincin- Senator John Sherman continues to ago war in Ohio, using^hs^avorite Nitro-glyccnne is now prescribed by me learned physicians as a stimu- nt, in place or brandy, and it that two drops of a one per cent, solu tion is equivalent to an ounce of bran dy and creates no unnatural cravings. teems to be the belief of many that the Irish language is a dead lan guage. This is by no means true. The is of Ireland shows that a great many of the Irish people still speak their native tongue. ’ Sommer is very mneh disposed linger in the lap of antomn, but Boreas is getting jealous and is deter mined to bonnes her oat. The Republican primaries in Brook lyn Friday passed off quietly and with out contests. The old machine worked well, and no enthusiasm waa expected. The faith cum people profess to be able to remove warts. It is feared that the old-fashioned eonjirer will should hayo a fire- a transom to let in a fresh current to carry off the vitiated for health or without ofttfrr-“F0W nfr wrfl! *Hlw«ys find a if a sufficient quantity of pure mitted into tlie apartment. It and wise to let the air come from >ut side current, amlthixaiin should accomplished without causing a heavy draugh. Let the windows down from the top and you will avoid this. * i open fire place will generally suffice -. produce the desired effect when the windows can not be lowered. It is es sential to health that tho out side air be pure and tho ventilation from a proper source. Tlie mass of jieople trifle with their health every night of their live* with no thought or know ledge of their imprudence in this di- i, i a., repiemocr io.— Through the long strike of nailers tlie stock of nails in this city and the West has been almost exhausted. Dealers here report the supply smaller than for twenty years, and say that an order for 1,000 kegs could not be filled An Easy Conscience, boldly a person can walk th daily rounds', bear their burdens, their duties, if they hav ring Hou? raised in the gospel tent, a fearful gfist wind, with torrents of rain, seemed burst right over the great tent; the poles and rope* to the leevard gave way, and in an instant the canvas be gan to settle down upon the people, and confusion and terror reigned supreme. Fortunately but a comparatively small number of people had arrived, so the danger of serious injury Was not so great. As it was, the egress of the people was greatly impeded by the s and tangled ropes, but no one hurt than frightem-d. Last night intended a* the closing night of — meeting, but no on® *nti«ipau-d such closing scenes. Some of the worldly ones, who were eye witnesses * the catastrophe, say that it “looked ing is a portion of an official communi cation from Gen.-Miles, recef military headquarters yesterda; and explain the status of New Mexico, as far a* the Indians • concerned: *1 have put additional troop* ■Id equipped in such a way that they - where the miners or Indians ind it will be their duty to hunt ailing dollar of Oh, thou “Bland’ „ ir daddies, thou hast been weighed and found wanting—15 cents, to make thee what we thought! Like the asper- tionsnf youth, thou has proven to be deceptive trhttl of fortune ! In v thou In-arest tho legend: “/* Gad trust"—for that discrepancy of 13 cen As the Englishman wuuld sav. the bulls and bears of Wall street would give that legend a “hell" (1) and make it: Go(l)d iot wholy bad. behold Liberty, and, reversing E. Plurrbvs L'num, he that hath “many ' ’’ heap will have liberty, for, verily, e the little weights, though short, that turn the scale of justice, in many Thou pledge of a broken ! Per H t Simmons. right. A Word to our lloy; Always liegin right, keep < and you will end right. Success ly to liegin right. It is the boy that be- pus the day nght that prospers through > manhood and < t be up with the days work the soon- . „in the day right. The greatest number of enterprises fail lie- cause they are not commenced right Sometimes a business is undertake! without proper thought and profession, you must begin right, and not expect to spend your time in idleness and pleasure, and gain success. If you begin any business at all with a hope of success, you must be gin right. Above all things, life should begin right. Young men little know how much their conduct during their first few years, effect their subsequent success in life. Your future happiness and usefulness for all time to come will rest upon the habits you form while young. They color your whole life for good or evil. Then sow good seed in early life that you will have nothing to regret in afterlife. In otl words liegin right and continue rigl If you will adopt this as your rule life, and be industrious and economical yon will rise to fame, fortune and influ ence, with many fnends to brighten your home and life. Ben Franklin is a familiar illustration of what a boy may be if be begin* right. It at any ti in life you commence an underlaid survey the whole ground work and that you have a rood foundation, oth erwise you will fail. A good start is half the battle, a false step is certain defeat. So be sure you teyia right. An exchange says that Chattanooga, Tenn., “boasts the meanest man in tne world," and set* forth the fact that recently appropriated to liis own u* basket of food which had been Mnt some charitable person to a family destitute orphans, for which he waa promptly and very properly jailed. Uo is certainly a mean man, * cannot see that he is.a whit than the banker who receive# as depos it* the soring* ot wUows and orphan*, settle* thousands of dollars upon indi vidual members of his own family, “fails" and lire* a life of luxury ana esc. In one case the man mjy hare been upon the verge of starvation, without employment and destitute of money with which to liny food, while the other had business, money and credit; one offender Upromptly jailed, the other is reepee ted fp proportion “ the magnitude of his stealings, V< ily, crime is viewed through very tradictory lenses at time*. 1 y ,r ?o their bosom „ - offence toward man or God. There iration like this. To feel that they have omitted no task, left no obli gation undone, contributed all they could to the happiness to others, will “ any heart with satisfaction and the ‘ continue in the o observe the goi- n rule laid down in the lxxik of books and let your watch word bo justice, lave and mercy. Justice is the pillar that upholds the fabric of human soei- Love is the foundation of all good works, mercy is tho gei that cheers and warms the her ibitatiousof men. Be generous and K° the latter in places where they seek shelter. Colonel Bradley agrees with me in the belief that with the present disposition^ troops they will give protection ‘ ” “ a . ttlements and neorafortablo ^ My object is make New Mexico untenantable for Indians and restore confidence from Dickinson, Dakoto territory, that fires raged all over the prairies that section yesterday. stock, buildings, e thousands of dollars. tenbury and Cicero Darby, two car- late Saturday after- all who knew them int imately. Darby n jail. Pettenbury has Jl.-J. L. Boss, from near Roclcwood, Ham * i county, Tenn., was to-day. jailed the charge of attempting to violate the person of his granddaughter, ten. Ross is 7J year* old, anti heretofore liorne an excellent reputa tion. The Rock wood people are wild with excitement, and talk of lynching the old A row occurred in this city yesterday, JEWS IN JERUSALEM. Washington. September 21.—It officially stated that U. S. Minis Cox and Consul-General Heath have succeeded in obtaining a revocation of the order expelling American Jews from Jerusalem. ingGei . „ Then i tho hands of the printers, contain all the interesting facts and .'PAIN HOLD* THE CAROLINES. Washington, September 21. Madrid telegram states that the Span- turn at office ish man-of-war,Aragon had established Sept, 1885. a garrison on the chief of the Pelow islands and returned home. Her « eers report that they saw no traces Germans on the islands. The boiler of Fable’s soap factory ploded yesterday afternoon, kill engineer and throwing his body fifty feet. The building is damaged ‘ “ rrtM emi. prize, r. -K«t« itnif shamlspretsHl umh Louisiana State Lottery Co. "Ws 4m ktrtby etrtify that ms hmnm (A* srrauftmtKis f»r mil tks MsnUUg srf&al-Ji ms! Drmtrmgt •/ Tks Lsmuimmm Stats Lstitry Csmpmf,mm4mpsrssmmmufs miimtrst tkt Drawings tktmstlsss, «t4 that tks smms sr. conducted milk ktmsstg, faimsm, mmd m'f— MA toward mil fwrtiss,nd ms mutAsristlAt ^tsun^nmlursfsttmSu^btits mdssrtistmmU, 1 Bargains! Bargains! •Ml. TT- Incorporated In 180 for 18 ] Lqcuufin foe UnUdral poniPM. with m topiul a (1,000,000—to which a reserve Cana of rarer <550,0*8 hat sines been added. overwhelming popular vote It* was made a part of the present _ nutation adopted December Id A.D., U1». Tks s*!y Lottery ever voted ossmJ em dorsti y tks people of sny Stole. les a psetpeue will take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A POKTUMK. TENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS K, IN THE ACAD- KMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, October ISUa, 1833—183th VIUIIIIUJ5; Monthly Draw ir g. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 TloketsatFlve Dollars Each Fractions, In Fifth* in proportion. ST. (McTyier’it old stand next to Felder*s Warehouse.) WE OFFER ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BESE 8ELEC TED STOCKS OF 1 CAPITAL PRIZE — Mr. Day. The proprietor of the pres; a clergyman named Glo 5°: — * Oath/* tho second n The first ' ... .. Boston, in 1704, and thereafter there wa* n New England, t opy of tho Psal ~ is printed v years pw York, Time Pennsylvania, one in South Carolina and one in Maryland. After this date they increased’ rapidly and many books wa* also printed ! : “ * ;t style just think of th* made in the art of printing less than a hundred y complUhes all things. There is talk of a League in Georgia ext year for base ball, composed of the larger cities not now in the South ern League. It is proposed to call it the “Georgia State League,” and it' is iposcd of Americus, Albany, ille, G riffin, Athens and Rome. What do the towns mentioned satt of ... <75,800 i ao ao 25,000 1 do do 10,800 2 do <6000 12.000 5 do . 200* 18,100 10 do 1000 10,000 20 do 500 10,800 100 d * 200 20.000 J00 do 100 to,000 500 do 30 25.0)0 M0 do 25 25,0)0 AFTBOXIMATION nUZU. 9 Approximation Prise* of <750 <-*0,( Appl . mads only to th* office ot the Company ir New Orleans. Por further information write clearly, giv ing full address, postal notch Ex press Money Orders, or New York Ex change in ordinary letter*. Currency by Express (si) sums of <5 and upwards *1 our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN r M. A. DAUPHIN the sehem Whal • do v t do quickly. Americus would have < parativcly little trouble andexpen: pet ready for tho season. This year ha* lieen laid off and built our ground >1 stand; remodel the stand, a fei ys work on the ground* and w- wouhl lie remly. If this league cm be formed Americus now puts in he application for the pennant. A WOMAN calling herself Mrs. Tilr >rris went to the office of the A-je i: .rmingham, on Tuesday, to call t account Wales Wynton, a reporter c that paper, for a statement about be conduct which ’ '* * Constitution. I found in the ol •f the Chi * SL.U'aaklngtoa, S.l VaV* P. 0- Hcney Orders payat and address Registered Letters to XEW ORLEANS NATIONAL DAN or" - 1 * LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans, La. STATE NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La KBMAN1A NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans. La the Atlani •ad of Wynton, she E. L. May, reporter bicli paper had puli- lislied a similar account, and shot V twice with a pistol, inflicting serious but 11 atal v > have figured di** reported ii Atlanta »nr 3nlwti5fmtnt5. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. AU persons Indebted to the estate of J. B. stile 1st® of riehler county deceased are ward and settle •aid estate,will pre e holding claims against sent them to either of Ur ms of tlie law for pa] W. J. ROSS. C. L-ROnS, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Ordinary ot Srhley county, will be told before the Court House door In the town of EtlaviUe, Ssbley county, on the first Tuesday in November next, lot of land number one hundred and sixty-five. In the twenty-ulnth district of bchley county containing two hundred, two and s hair seres, joining lands of John Stewart. John William* and T. J. Pilcher. The B. V.4K. It. R. passes jnst in front ot th* dwelling. Mold as the property of J. W. Reed,late ef Schley county deceased. EMILY ULACKSllKAlt. iptotds. Administratrix. Allen House Mrs.W.H. Allen. Pro’s. AMERICUS, GA. WATER WORKS. ELECTION NOTICE. TI16 qualified voters of tho city lericus are hereby n<““ * turday, the 3d day of election will be held in the council chamber in tho city of Americus, determine whether tho municipal 1 thorilies shall create a debt by issuing bonds of the city. The Mayor and City ■’ propose, if authorized so to do, __ fronds of the city to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purposo of erecting a system of water works within said city. Said bonds tc bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Two thousand dollars of the princi pal to become duo and bo paid on the first day of January 18S8. And two thousand of the said principal to be- b dne and to be paid each and every -after np to and inclua- „ y of January 1910 va first day of January 1911, vu« thousand dollars of the principal, and on said first day of January 1911 the whole of the principal and interest A pplicstion—Letters Administration. Gkosoia— Scblky Cocatt. To all whom It may concern. Whereas K. L. Worthy has applied to me .jr letters ot Administration on the estate otff.G. Sims, late of Sehley county de- This Is, therefore, to cite all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear »t my ’office on or before the first Monday In Nov, 1885, to chow cause, if sny they have, stoy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official slgna- _ In Ellavi * On January 1st, 1 aept23td ille, this 21st day of T. J. DOZ1KR. Ordinary. Application—For Leave to Sell. GXOKGIA—SCHLKT COCXTY. To all whom It may concern. Notice Is hereby given that thirty days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of stid county for leave to ae" the real estate of T. J. Kills. J. M. ELI,IS, Guardian. . sep23td about ten feet in tho past twenty-four hours, and much of the com and eotton in the bottom lands will be flooded. The loos to planters will be very great if the rise continues, as the swamp crops are very fine. FOUND DANGLING. Blakxlt, Ga., Sept. 23.—A sixteen: year old negro lad attempted to violate the person of a white girl about his own age, in the Lewis Harris sottle- ment, this county last Sunday, but was thwarted. \ esterday .morning he was found dangling from the limb of ■ tree in the vicinity very dead. DEATH IV HOGS. Chicago. Sept. 23.—A Beloit Wis., special says that a fatal disease pre vails among the hogs in that state jmd that probably more than 1,000 hogs have died within the past two weeks. Some pork raisers have lost entire heard*. Almost every fanner in the vicinity of Sirland, Ilf., has lost from <200 to |G00 worth of nogs, and some cattle, CABINET MEETING. Washington, Sept. 2X—A cabinet meeting was held yesterday, and was attended by Secretaries Whitney, Man- ning and Endieott and Postamster Gen eral Yibra. Attorney General Garland and Secretary Lamar art out of the city, and Secretary Bayard ia sick. figssasssg sssssfeisss nd the remit has been that Na- sonts quite an instructive V year the cholera took a firm hold , the city and sorely scourged the popu lace, and it was expected that it would — ‘*-is season with renewed Tiro* Jut the at epforced^ plea Ws thus far escaped its inflio- pin 1u>; thM f»r «e>j»d id mflie- unras tho maium coniidtiTj'.t tho tion. while contigous eitit, have been meeting. The political Btnation in ravaged by it. New York irai informally rvferml to. Application—For Leave to Sell. Gbokgia—Sculky County. To *11 whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that to days after IIIt --* - " county deceased. BCpt23td C. U. SMITH, Adrar bend six cents for postage sad receive free, a costly box l B of goods which will help all, "either sex, to more money ■ right away than anything else nthls world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely »ure. At onoe address Taos A Co., Augusts. Main® iU will bo resumed MONDAY NEXT 2l«t. la- •cplfi-lt J. M. GANNON. Supt. Mortgage Bonds for Sale. phased and rooa the road will be eomMeJTto teuapkBu 1 lake ^Useurete noamy dtasttuM lass, “ * 1890,' “ •* “ “ 1891, “ “ “ “ 1882, “ 1W, •• .. ra .. - 1885. “ .. .. « 1898, •• 1897/ “ " ** ** 1898, ** 1899. “ •; “ wg.;; .. .. .. 1903; .. “ •• •• 1903, “ .. .. .. 1904, “ WW, ” ;• ;• •• 1888, “ .. .. » 1907, - *, ” ” 1988, » » m .. 19l0 II “ ” M ’.MU, “ Total If the voter desires to vote to create Said election will be held tinder same rules and regulations governing other city elections. All persons whose names appear on the last registration list unless they have become disquali fied will be entitled to vote. By order of the Mayor aud City Council of Americas. J. B. FELDER, Mayor. D. K. Brinson, C. and T. sen3 NOTICE. A valuable plsatattoa LAND FOR SALE. WIH be told before the Court Hons® door II •t Tuesday la Oct nbers tars® h res hundred Boots, and Dregg Goods, Hosiery, Etc., Shoes, Hats, Motions, Etc. That him ever been brought to this market. My stock of Is one of the best makes, and selected with a view to the wants of this trade and will be sold at astonishly low prices. DOMESTICS AT FACTORY PRICES. We have uo specialties. All goods as represented, and of the best grades at the very LOWEST PRICES. 11. SOLOMON’S. LB. iwifoeei*ie COUNTRY PRODUCE. Family Supplies, Cigars, Tobacco, Whiskey, Lager Beer ported WINES AND BRANDY. Agent for Speers domestic Wines and Brandy. Jobber of Ar mour's can meats of ell kinds end CHEESE, CRACKERS, cahdy^sardines Vm MACKEREL, SOAP; POTASH, SffUFF. TOBACCO, SUGAR. Coffee and in feet everything usually kept in . Go eery Store; V» propoec to meet legitimate compction from >11 eoureee. eepl-d-wtf TZHCE ROBS GKn tan el Carnap Moil 138 and 140 Broad Street, Eufaula, Alabama WE SELL AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE ROSS WAGONS, BOY’S VELOCEPED» 8 BABYCjlBBIA0Bi- Dexter Gem, Timpkin. Bruiater Eliptio, end Americsn .ring Buggies, Fbrctone, Brouehes, >11 of our owm m>ke— sell cheap. BOSS «Sb GO.