Newspaper Page Text
HT ■ OE5EB1L X0W9 fflfcS.'
BY T. W. & T. L. GANTT,
OlBre, Bread Street, ilrsnitc
The election is over and we have
been beaten—shamefully beaten. ’ A
great move hy the Irqst of, leaders to
rescue the country from an accursed
and tyranical admjnistmtion hxs been j
defeated. Peace .and reconciliation '
Jeff. Davis got wlttM* for ^Pint-
dent in Danphin t «euntf, .pOiinsjlvaaia..
fTlicre hare b«n'tw#'deaths from
hydrophobia in St. Louis within a week.
A Philadelphia telegram reports the
ddath of Thomas Sully, the famous artist,
jn that city in the 80th year of his age.
* The great trotting race between Occi
dent, tlte celebrated California,horse and.
Lucy, came ■ off at San Francico. Lucy
wou the hist heat in 2;25t, and the second
in 2.20, distancing her opponent and
wiuning the race.
In the Trappist monasteries, in Eng-'
land, there i# lio flesh-meat, no ^fish, no"
butter, eggs, wine, lirnndy or whisky,
and not a word of speech all *tlie year
round. They readj nothing hot written
by the saints!
Egypt has not been neglected by. our
countrymen abroad this season, a'nd
has been rqjeetfeti and- spurned by : the j American eicufiionlstto the Holy Land
majority—and an overwhelming ma- i arc now frequently expatiated on in the
jority—of the !North. More oppfes- j London newspaper^"' Brother Jonathan
sion, and' greater degradation for tire} in Palestine is a funny sight
•South is put down on the bills. Sftch I 1 A man recently died in Xew jersey at
5sthe programme that has been mapped’ the age of ninety; who never owned or
out for us fbr the future. Thousands worc » P^i 4 of-bodts in his life, and
A colony of Lowndes county negroes'
are about to embark for Liberia.
A "talbot county farmer caught
county farmer caught a neigh
bor in his beaver trap the other dnjri " 1
A negro child was accidently burned”
to death in Upson county last week.
The Good Templars of Thnmaston are
in a very flourishing condition.
Col. W. G. HcAdoo says the building
of the St. Mavy’s and Western Railroad
is an assured fact. - ■
A Locomotive’s Race Thrbiigfi’s Sfiower
of FIre»-Serious Interruption to
■Business. * 'Tr* .
•V - . -- 'srtfS 3
The horse disease has reached Atlanta,
and is classically denominated “ febriquo
A colored farmer of Washington county
has raised turnips measuring . •seventeen
and a half inches in Circumference. •
Mr. J. Henly Smith, who lias been
connected with the Atlanta Sun ha»
retired, U-Knoxville, Tcnn.
• The work Of draining Okeefenokce
swamp has begun. , Some very fine iicat
lias been discovered. , ••
^ * 1ru " ! >f n tcRuw by the name of Mohs
was fined by the Mayor of Macon *25
and put to work on the street YofUO da vs’
for ill treating his wife.
«of men, ns pure anil'honest as Gojj' I,u ‘’ errode '* nft railroad-car. lie outdo lus
wii! forty, years ago. hat since he wro'e it
all the witnesses, aud-the.heir-died some
tjinebcforc-him. . . • -
- United' State Judge-
•ever mode, have sacrificed every thing
but their honor to reconcile the North"!
and have peace jn our common coun.
try, but what has it availed ? The }
same hi
towards I**'*"**”- » * : torn him to take the prison
ha\e been basely deceived and betrayed | it's In jail-to the polls to vote at the elec-
by our Northern allies.
• ~ ‘, .. j 'vo°:l,°n the c)ay proceeding tlieelectioo
^ ?-n T, 1,a ',^1 g» ci., tSm tfST
. 51,11 f lreval1 ' 1 - " e ; commanding him to take the prison-
“ They have tion
kept the word of promise to our hope,
and broke it to our trust.
As a people, the South has been true
A Washington dispatch says Gen. Grant
has recently received several letters,
anohynibuk, ini'onniag him that, incas e
iw atcel. They have signalized their he was re-elected,. tlteHvrireisi-intended
virtue and courage hundreds of. times, j to t.s>sassiirnte likn./Tjjolettcnvitisatatecl
The Good Templars of Milledgeville
have sever, d the-r connection with the
Grand Lodgj, and will return their char
ter. .
Chap Norris is again on the war-path
He threw a tomahawk at a special deputy
slieritlm Atlanta the other dav, and had
to be arrested and bound over.
. A negro w!.o murdered another negro
in Talbot county some weeks ago says
lie.has seen the ghost of his vlcfiw „„
several occasions.
,^ k ® art is crowi «S i'tsti?v over the
act tliat a passeuger coach has at last
been placed upon the narrow-gauge road
running to that place. 3
John Beard, of Newton countv, lost
house ami furniture, by fire
Tfe 1 ** 4 nd r r - V “». ™ *he same
n q.hliorliood, suffered Irom a similar
"C have shown that, without a doubt,! = ivt l ‘ a ‘ uneasiness what-
we have sought for peace. We have
voted for Greeley as an evidence that
we were willing to bury the hatchet
and once more shake hands, and have
e\er, the writers be:nng supposed to be
i It may not stein to bo specially no-
I table that a serious conflict has arised
a «Mqr i- All m , w j <W * “ 0 Ir A.,? U r? 0ck ' , 1Kar Gonyivs, hns kept
rust put ot ins wheat tor seven years, bv
sowing one hundred pounds of salt per
tures have l>oen
henceforth, we must tnke care of o Ur -1
eelyes. Spurn the men, North or j
South,’ who Have sung hosannas to ■
, r- V,mucll, Lot
rejected. From j an d ir.fiuer.tiul ressults liav
m port an
e often grown
out o! such complications. At any rate,
the Swiss Federal Government has
signified an intention of making the
Grant; who have shouted for corrup- j casc °f M AlcrMillo.l an occasion for a
tion ami villainy. We say again, we J 3«*«»1 movement against the pretensions
must look to ourselves. Constitutional i of the ,Io, 5 Sw -
liberty and the right of citizens has ; Under the new system of voting
keen decided against us in the late j ballot in England, voters who cannot
election. It makes but little difference i rcud are P ut ihough au elaborate cere-
what efforts we make to return to old I m0D - v . the presiding officer marking
times, to old and pure ptincipals j 0 | "bli a pen on the ballot the named
V « a . i 1Dnn.l. .1 -if a .. _ . • ,
honor and to justice, we will never be
sustained by the Northern people.
We are once more under the foot of
the tyrant —we may writhe, but there
will stay until God, in his mercy, secs
proper to relieve u.«. Let us yo to
work like men—forget there is a Gen
eral Government, if it will only let us,
and build up our own State atlairs.
Georgia is prospering. Let us try and
keep her so. ‘
^ _ *■ '' ' * r ’ ' -i
f FIRE IN’ BOSTON. f ? (
*’ The mills of the Gods grind slow.”
'• Scarcely-.-, av year has passed V^inoo
Chheugo was laid in ashes. '"Not -a
year since fire passed over tiirec hun«
dreil acres of land in tins North v.;cst,
•destroying homes, timbers, slock and
whole tamilics. The people 'lmvo
'scarcely got over th8 heavy losses bc-
fore ,ijewa flashes over Abe ..wires that
• a IjWgeportion of. Boston lias Iretn'
laid low by the' fire fiend—£200,000,-
000 ivortirbf projicrty destroyed.' r It
is said, after Columbia, S. C., .was
he candidate, the illiterate voter wishes
to vote for, the voter holding the top of
the pen. Electioneering agents have
great diflieulty in training stupid voters
so that they will bo sure to pat the
atark in the right place, no one being
allowed to enter the booth but the
The ritualistic clergy in London ar-
making efforts to furnish comfortable
and respectable places n which work
ingmen and women may spend their
evenings, free from the temptations of
the public house parlors. Here is one of
trfc announcements: “On
announcements: “On Thursday
evening throughout the winter otujgirls'
schools will be open to all members of
the St.Mary Magdalene Society front
8:30 to 10 r. m. chess, drouths,'papers'
Ac. Women are invited to bring their
work,but not their babies. They will be
able to get tea at a small charge. Men
arc-invited 1 1» bring-^heir pipes and to-
baraouguout&r.becr yik*
it. God tave the Queen!”
• Tub ; Vacant Genkbai-siiif.—Gen.
HtAifibclk, by'the death of Gen. Meade, is
made senior Major General, and as such
:6‘ entitled to • the complimentary cora-
hurnt, some one attempted (o"tnke up 1 mand of ,1,c Department of the Atlantic,
a collection in the North fot the'si'f i " iada « cant «hi IfittCs death.' The
<nrBrj j in * .:.i- _ s . ! Department, however,-ia to be abolished,
Bishop George F. Pierce has returned
Ins home in Spann, alter a long tour
the est, looking not u bit the'worse
for wear.
A meeting of the members of the
Atlanta Bar was held on Saturday, with '’"i
a view to organizing a Law Association, Ue
and a committee appointed to prepare a
constitution. 1 1
Monday afternoon the Georeia Fire
Company of Augusta celebrated their
supper fd an ‘ UVcrsary b - v a parade and
The Conttitutionalut savs there are
cases of the epizootic yet in Augusta.
A man named Cope, in Newton conntv,
ras fa-ally cut on Sundav »-
was m any cut on Sundav night bv
another named Tomlin. Whiskey.
Three bays in black relieved a coun-
tiy-man of one hundred dollars the other
' A Virginia City
says i Last night John Bfirthohimew
made the trip as enmneer on.the loco-
nidtivd 'Kano, carrying.'-thfa jiasaengdr
train. Early‘this -morning, on enter
ing the long JunQsd.lftpgiJ American
Flat, and on turning.thy.gacve-piside,
Bartholomew diseovi ^
from the'rttof oT tbe^ffiniiel
end, and having too m^ch ftiofn'erituin
to stop, Bartholomew.: pulWd,,,. wide
open and aud.pj^ouger
train plunging through t^e fire amid a
shower of v faffing umitlrs, #r fire- and
earth. Comil#through fn fciftty (He
tram, was stopped and 'am attempt was
mado to arouse thp ..wateJimwi, who
hyes at this end of thefunnel, but the
watchman m nhf'at' home! Tlie
ti Ain“\vas then ruri u]v tfi| BfaltTc side
*”{*•'«®. .^'ne -prfiertjfef- to GoW
Hill and hitch d on-to?a tflat-car, and
the. Liberty fire .engiHftyvaa. taken on
board and the engine relumed io the
tunnel. Filling the fenffer at the
American flat watcr-ftBKj-and ap-
pi oachiug the northewi e^tning as near
os.was safe, the fire eogkA^minenccd
throwing water upo-yl^re.. When
the passenger- train ©une through, tire
ire did not appear to toeing much
headway, but by thotj*' ' *
reached the Baititf i
btirst from the north!
train htid
L,: fignies
in One
the-bodies again, iiild of ascertaining
if this had bee*» v a menagerie with"»
few. double-headed. persona in the
there lay exactly twenty corps;
and/to make matters itdfse, otte of . _ . .
them was a bald-headed man, who, for A ” ubllc
additional security to his scalp, 1 '
run a strap over his head find buckled
it under his chin.
.New Advertisements.
When they returnod, the entire camp
devoted itself to meditation and calcu
lation. Twenty men killed and forty-
seven scalps in the possession of a
single brave, * without coanting those
secured by other participants in the
contest. The more the warriors pon
dered over this fact, the more perplex
ing it became. A brave, while eating his
-upper and reflecting upon the prob
lem, would suddenly imagine he saw
his way clear, and he would stop, with
his mouth full of baked dog, and fix his
eyes upon the wall and think desper
ately hard. But the solution invaria
bly eluded.him.. Then all of them
would glide behind their wigwams and
perform abstruse mathematical calcu
lations upon 'their fingers; arid’ they
would get sticks and jam the points
into the sand and do hard sums out of
their aboriginal arithmetic. Ai d they
woifid tear around through the Indiaii
rule of. three, and struggle >!m>ugh
their own kind of vulirur fractions,
and wrestle with something that they
believed to be a multiplication table.
But,in vain. Forty-seven scalps off
heads! it seemed impossi-
A Mr. Cross is working on the chain
gang m Macon because lie was cross to
Ins wife.
aldosta has two hundred and eiHity-
threc children between the ages of six
and eighteen years—one hundred and
ntty white and one hundred and tliirtv-
threo colored. J
. k young man of Washington conntv
just starting in life, made this year with
one horse and laborer, fifteen * Uiles of
cotton and one hundred and twenty-five
bushels ot com.
Dr. Daniel Lott is giv ing away lots of
land in a newly laid-otf town at' the
junction of the Gulf and Brunswick and
Albany Railroads to actual settlers who
will improve them. This is better than
going to Texas.
Col. Elisha Smallwood, n carpenter of
Thomson, has left an invalid wife and
eloped with a 11 arren comity woman.
An Echols county negro got lib head
in the cogs of a horse-power the other
day and materially damaged the machine.
He was looking for a nickel w hich lie
had dropped.
The Covinngton Enterjrritc say*
Possum for supper at a boarding house
in town, on last Sunday night week,
lmd stteli an effect on a young man that
he arose in his “night garments” and
was found fast asleep perched on the
limb-of a persimmon tree gnawing a
green ’simnion. .. . . =
forers, but .the reply to tiie'rcque-i
wax ** We.’ivljlgi ve fi ve hundrctl dol
lars to purchase arsenic to kill * oil the
rest of the d—d rebels.” Columbia
was burnt—Atlanta'was burnt—Sher
man’s army passed through the South,'
with fire and sword. We have no
comments to make, “ vengeance is
more saith the Lord, and I wilj
repay it.”
so that General Hancock will remain in
his present command. It is ruinord in
army cirelers that Gen. Ijoward is to be
promoted to : . Major Generalship, and
then at once retired, and either Gen C .nby
or Gen. Terry promoted to the vacancy.
The Brigadier Generals will then be
reduced to six, us required'bv law*.
' '■> ~ ■ •- f t' •>
The following is a summary of the
latest Hews, which we clip from the
Atlanta Sun:
The Duchy of Brunswick is swal
lowed up by Prussia. Thirty-two
citizens of Macon have been taken to
Savannah for trial. F. A. Hawley,
Boston Banker and Broker, has sus-'
pended. The Equitable Insurance
Company has stisjrcndcd. Special
shipments from Now York yesterday
were *1,000,000. Many business sus
pensions liave taken place in conse
quence of the Boston Fire. An AJ-
hany Bank was robbed of *-100,000.!
The horse disease, in a new shape, is
prevalent, flitch stolen property has,
been recovered from Boilon thieves.'
Heavy gules are reported Jbn the Eng
lish Coast. Tlie Boston Belief Com
mittee protest against the further issue
of currency hy the Secretary of the
Treasury. A gentleman has been
arrested in Louisiana for counterfeit
ing,Election Tickets. Peace is at last'
announced iu Mexico.
No Fiarm;* {xareHi-iiUitnJS wnjf
the South.—We are glad to note,
fio n an editorial in the administration
organ, the New "i ork Times, that the
italics!* will nit iiiterfcrb any more
wlh the Southern FtAtes. • Kadkalism
liera, we are tol.j, is t<ibc left to fight
,ts otfn Kittles ifrtlieThfure, unaided
hy the government. This is good
news. It is an admissirrn that the do-
Sayannah has just received her first
Afri'-an managers, at an election down
the river below Savannah, forwarded ns
their election returns a notched shingle
in lieu of a tally sheet.
In the Superior Court of Richmond
county, on Saturday, seteneo w-ispasstd
on Ifcnry Johnson, a negro, who was
convicted of the murder of Mr. James
II. Mattin, near Bel-Air.
Rntisc-Lowery, who was captured in
Harris county some time ago, under the
name ot George Applewhite, li*s been
identified by the Sheriff of Robson
county, North Ourrolina.
A negro man stump -d his toe in
Griffin the other day, and died in a
few hours. Whereupon the Xnr*
observes. ‘ Truly life hangs on a brittlu
niinant party has conducted its last,
campaign on war fsshe.*, nndfhat'henrts
W iiite Labok ix the SotiTU.-The pop-’
ularfallacy that white laborcis cannot
endure the lieat of the cotton, sugar and
rice plantations of the'South, la explo
ded hy New Orleans Picayune, which
says that white laborers are working in
the field all over the. State of Louisiana
the year round as low down os tide wa
ter from the Gulf of Mexico ami < n tl e
islands along the Gulf shore—and these
Ubo/s arc not more sickly than colored
men, or men who stay in the shade.
. A Gwkat Comhobt.—Amid the wreck
and ruin oflust Tuesday's work there ft*
onegreut comfort lelt us. AVe know
how to beat Grant next time. We’ll
nominate him.
V ».; ■ j » •• '• ■
.heard from in Georgia tire majority of Cana, and Ptfler'nltJrtfinteresting relics
. Greeh y and Brown is 11,476.
of O’Conner is 1,601 j
„■ . t
Tlie vote
forth it will confront'its adversaries
P'ith other weapons than it lias em
ployed fur the j-ast seven years. Wc.
trust i!:at the New York Tme.i truly
represented the intMiiidhs'njr the giv-
ernment. Ku-KIiix bills and enlorce-
ment nets aud, Toeonstructious nre not
tlie measures bcstonlculated to make
us loyal. Persevered in they rather
tend to produce a state <.f feeling which
might sonic day become a source ot
very serious danger to the United
v ' n * eeitrrfing
tlie London Dalit Xcies, a host of uu
A hideously ugly negro having eloped
witli a young white woman of Madivun,
the editor of the Daily Deognsa lias be
come a Darwinian enthusiast.
Geo. Ulmer, the Savannah printer who
fi ll and broke his leg several days ago.
has had it broken twice since by the
Dr. Hicks disputes tlie positions
assumed by Dr. Harrison in his recent
lecture on spiritualism in this city.
Abont seven miles from Maeon, a
negro named Jbn' O. Pry atH-motcd to
rape n three year old wliitti cirf. He
was arrested, but wut allowed to escape
by careless officers, One hundred dollars
is offered for his arrest.
A negro boy, in the employ, of Scott
Wimbish, of Gr .ffin. stumped bis toe and
fell on the pavement. lie complained
of a pain in his stomach, and died in
three days after.
The Savannah cadets are trying to
Syvnyze and his wile are before the
divorce courts.
great sheet, and lenpetj iuto, tlie ai(
nearly one hundred feet, presenting’ a
magnificent appearance in the tlistaiTce.
A-J- Bhbton, agent of the Hank of
Colifiirnia, started xlomi’a little after
0 o’clock, taking a locoityyfjvp, but bc-
ore it arrived an immeuset column of
smoke was seen issuing from the further
end of ti e tunnel, showing that the
fire had made rapid progress southward
immediately after the passenger train
came through:
At noon to-day .the timbers and ties
for a distance of 500 feet from the
north entrance had been destroyed,
and the tunnel filled by caving. 'The
fire engines are working on the north
side, forcing water from one locomo ive
tender over to tlie other at the south
entrance, which is playing into the tun
nel. The tunnel will be destroyed anti
filled hy caving with the exception of
100 feet at the south end. This will
close the road for a week or ten days.
It is unfortunate tliat nearly all the
passouger trains belonging to the com
pany are cut off on the short piece of
road between this city and the tunnel.
Ihe break will also necessitate the
shutting down of nearly or quite all
the mails on the Carson river, including
the Eureka, Santiago, Vivian, Merri-
mac, Brunswick, Yelloijr Jacket, aid
Mexican, the three latter being mills of
great capacity, at work on ore from the
Crown Point mine. • -
Tlie origiu of tho.-fire was a spark
from a locomotive passing through
several hours previous to this morning’s
train. The fire was finally extinguish
ed at noon to-day. A large force of
men are already at work excavating,
and it 13 cxi»ected to take several days
to have the tumid in proper shape.
Meanwhile, passengers, baggage, mail
and express matter will be-transferred.
If deemed necessary, however, a track,
which wjll take two day* in building,
will lie laid around the tunnel.
• They tried it with algebra, and let
,the number of heads equal x and the
number of scalps equal y, and they
multiplied..* into y and subtracted
every letter in the alphabet iii succes
sion from the result until their brains
reeled, but still the mystery remained
At last a secret council was held,
and it was determined that Squatting
Bear must have some powerful and
wonderful charm wl ic’i enabled him
to jierforra such miracles, and all
hands agreed to investigate the matter
upon the first opportunity. So the
next week there was another fight, iu
which four persons were killed, and
that night Squatting Bear actually had
the audacity to rush out one hundred
and eighty-seven scalps, and to ask
those benighted savages, sitting round
their fire, to believe that he had snatch
ed all that hair from those four heads.
It was too much—much too much ;
they se.zed him and drove a white
oak stake through his bosom to hold
him still, and then they proceeded to
h s wigwam to ascertain how that
st alp business was conducted by the
Bear family. They hurst opeu the
fa.rat< go trunk, ti e first thing, and
iLutein they found 1,500 wigs, and a
keg of red paint, purchased bv the
d sgraceful aboriginal while in Phila-
d hat cou dud'M his career. They
buried him it once in the Saratoga
trunk, and the wigs witti him, and
ever since that time they have elected
annually a committee on scalps, whose
business it is to examine every hirsute
trophy with a double-barrel gun mi
croscope of nine hundred diameters.
A Strange Visitor.—The Fay
etteville (Ark.) AVuw of October 24th
describes as what apjiears to have been
tlie fall of an srolite:
About tivelve miles south of Hunts
ville, Madison county, on the 8th
AbORKiINiHp’POMTM-l \N. iD8t '’ OCCT,rred the most ,TOBderf «i
A Story of MathematicalScalp-Ilal-dag-
How an Indian ‘ Itrufc I’.-octired
scalps-Sqtutting BenrU Straugem,
"T "J ' •: *
Bishop Pierce ins been in Sparta.
Joe Howard lias been arrested in
Augusta for robbing the (lead.
Tlie Sparta Planter is rejoiced with a
Among them were a , turnip 31 inches in diameter.
commonly interesting relics were de
stroyed at the recent fire in tlie lioya] '
Monastery and i’algce ofthe Escuriuh I,
near Madrid.• Aiiwinot fiimn wam •»' 1
.iiehr Madrid,
bar of tbe grid-iro^<qu phich St. Law
rence was burnt; a pieee of the sponge
in which drink was given to our
Saviour while hanging on the cross;
some pictures of the column to which
he was bound when scourged; two
thorns: from hiswhwfl;' n piece qf hi*
tunic f a piece of the manger in which
ho was lwrn ; the thigh-bone, of St.
iiv win, UlC llll£l|-UUne, UI Of.
l’aul; some Bones Af the Evangelists
Herod; a finger of St. Lawrence and
half ofdiia hack-bone; the entire bodies
of St. Mauricio, St. Theodorus, St.
Mercury, St'. ^Villiain, and others;
the heads of SI.' Bias, St. Julian, St.
Felix, and others; a ribofSt. Albans;
f^stiwi; % ftwt *f
st. H
. ^ , ip ure apesue; cbe^ftBc
. Ei.ectiox ik Georgia.—In 97 counties water pets from the-marriage feast at
of men and events mentioned in eode-
] s : astical history.
A mother iu Savannah gave her inj
tout a quantity ot laudanum by mistake.
It is needless to add tliat the child came
'very near tfayiir.y.
Thirty two" citizens of Macon are
accused of “ intimidation,” and have to
gi» to Sitvnnnnh for trial.
_ The work of draining Okeefenokkec
swamp has been liegun. Some very
tine peat lias been discovered.
Governor Smith received a consign
nient of .cavalry arms on Friday.
Thq AVnrrcnton Clipper and the Atlanta
Stiu urc now running on the manly and
able platform of u I told you so.”
' The Albany Nntt now contends that
planters must become farmers, and all
our large bodies of prouductive lands
cut np into email- places” supplied
with necessary buildings, and emproye
nients and suited to the reduced means
and cireumstancesof the people.
Two Jonesboro ladies quilted a whole
quilt in one evening last week, and.the
Tima alludes to'it as “ expedition.”
During the risen* a party of
Indians to the East, on^of tlie num
ber, Squatting Bear, was* observed to
behave Himself hi a Veiy‘ reniarkal.le
and mysterious manner.He separa-
ted himself fiom-bis companions upon
one occasion lor severul hours, and
was then seen returning dragging a
huge Saratoga trunk “whiner lnm
through trie streets '‘n!ih i 'la string.
When he reached bis lodaipgs vrith the
trunk, the other . Indians- ^Kere puz
zled. Some of them believed the
trunk to be a model for a new kind of
wigwam with a MaMsartP^iduf,' while
others conceived the iden.lhat it was a
patent bath-tub of some peculiar sort,
and that Squatting Bear, ip a inonnnt
of mental ablx-rration, had been
seized with an inexplicable and
unprecedented desire to wash himself.
The souls of the savages burned with
fiery indignation as they contemplated
tlie possibility of tlie adoption of this
revolutionary, enervating and demor
alizing practice ofthe pale faces hy the
nobler red man. But when they ques
tioned Squatting Bear and remonstra
ted with him, tliat incomprehensible
brave merely placed his copper-colored
finger ujkiii his burnt-umber ’nose and
winked solemnly with his right eye.
The trunk wag carried through the
wigwam of Squatting Bear muopened
(at the exjx-nse of. Uncle Sun,) and
within the precinct of his home it was
hidden finally from view,"hud was
soon entirely forgotten. s :
In the tribe, the brave who killed
the largest number of enemies iu any
given year, and .secured the. usual
trophies of victory, was entitled to oo
Bear was known to have, "iiiftent aspi
rations for the office, and hie : worked
hard to win it. For awhile taftcr bis
return he was always . foremost in
Meeting of the Citizens of
Athens is hereby called, to meet
in the Court House, on
Wednesday, November 20th, 1872,
At 7 i-3 o’clock p. in.,
For the purpose of Nominating a Mayor
and Aldermau tor the ensuing year.
H. BEUSSE, Intendant.
Watchman copy once.
Office Geogia Railroad.
ATHENS Nov. 13th 1872.
I hereby notify all persons having
Fertilizers st this depot, that unless the same
be removed within a reasonable time after their
names are published In the “ Northeast Gkos-
oiav,” the Fertilizers will be sent to a warehouse
and stored at the expense of Consignees.
A. GRANT, Agent.
Livery Stable
On Thomas Street,-—J”
where Horses will be FED and cared for. Alio, a
J! Z. ( OOPI-.R.
aw Office over Barry’s Store, Broad Street. *
WU1 Practice in the Counties of Clarke, Walton,
Jackson, Banks, Franklin, Madison and Hall.
Perfumery, Fancy Goods,
;wv ‘cnaiANaaa t a
“BO l*°j attsoddo anXXXV alKITXOn^o^twoqraazo^ '.S?■■ ,
•11“ * *H!» a,u ■><>**; oq« u« JOJ poauxus u»q olsq SKOOH OKB^J* ^
asva r id ox aaaxiivavnD mho.w
vmm 3mo aims j °i
^XV * ' 'Tgs
: s3omd mums iv sHmittia
axvK xiiai i siiix oa ox axv
«'A3xok xsaxsTai -toysaanxaid assisok ,
anx Havre ox si xoarao xr
;8odAfto<>.i.i;v| put? sqdcjljo)«i|i
T3T Office in tlie Deupree Building. OFt
mie am
In the Superior Court.
G eorgi a, madison co.—
Present: lli» Honor Garnett Andrews,
Judge uf said Court.
SAMUEL G. STRICKLAND, Transferee, vs.
DAVID WIMPEY. Mortgage in Madiso^Supe-
rior Court, September Term, 1S72.
It appearing to the Court, bf the petition of
-Samuel G. Strickland, accompanied br the notes
and mortgage d.cds that, on theisth of June, IMG,
and startling phenomenon that has
ever been witnessed hy the citizens of
that neighborhood. Near the farm of
Captain Smith, Sheriff of the county,
some of the citizens were startled by a
frightful noice like the rushing of a
mighty cauuon hall through the air.
Oil looking lip they discovered some
thing tliat .looked like a solid column
of fire passing with tremendous veloc
ity, through the air, with a whining,
hissing sound, something like that of a
shell, but many.fold louden It ap
peared to lie from eight to ten feet iu
length, and from four to live feet in
diameter, but it was passing with such
swiftness that it may have been many
times.larger than it appeared. When
first discovered it seemed to be several
hnndred feet above the earth, and was
inclining in its course toward the
ground, profusely emitting great sparks
of fire. About a minute or two after
it passed oot of sight an awful explo
sion was heard, that shook the earth
for mi?«i around, and was heard for a
a distance of fifteen mifes. '
We cncc store earnestly solicit theatteutiua ef
our people to the enterpri.-c fur the er ction of a
Monument ill honor of the Coutederate Dead of
Ct-ontia, a»J others who were killt-J or died on
Georgia Mil. The lime for ihi-olstrlbniiun Is ni|>-
iilly approaching It will take place in ‘this city
on the lourtn ol December next, Deo Voiahtc.
There will positively be no p-ftojui-meirt. All
sales will stop on the twentieth of November.
Ihe feteoV this eir.irt will be derided then. Our
people willeshibt *heir pmtilude for Ihe Moody
saciifici'. ef their brute defenders, or exhibit to
the world their euhl ii.d.tleienee. They sriltea-
hiuit tbeirptitle or Its to-,; their appruciatlon ef
those trho fell in their eei vhe, or a disregard of
tlie noblest racribeo which man eat. make for his
own laud, hDpvojdc and tueir bouts.
U'e vet believe the:spiGfsot th ■ dead stIR haunt
the laud they lured, and £•■ wlii. hUtey died. We
>*i believe thatthtwe w. olive i» these haunts ur
love will stihsiuntiuily i» ove their tl.-votioa to the
dead “ Soldiees iu Gray Htuidieds, yea thous
ands u|m>ii th-iu-a >ds, wilt w sh to become tiiare-
holOers iu the tribute to their feme between uow
and the twcutietbuf.Xov. tuber.. Weusost re»p-.c -
fully request thenl'to rcBeet. Those theusuadsof
names thrown upou us at the last moment tuny an
overwhelm us as to make it in.HO.cibi. to prepare
alt of t eireeit fieites,- rwtord.tbtir name*,mail
the defendant made to and delivered his two proni-
iswry notes, bearing tlie dates aforesaid, whereby
he promised liy the first day of October next, after
the date of said notes, to pay one John M. Carrol
or better, in oee of sold notes, seventy-fire gallons
ol good proof Peach Brandy, for value received,
and in the other of said notes to poy John M. Car-
roll or bearer seventy-live gs Ions or good proof
Corn Whiskey, for value received, and on the day
and year aforesaid the defendant, tbo tetter to
secure the payment of said notes, executed and
deli vein! to mid John M. Carrol his deed of mert-
gnge, whereby tlie slid David Wbtiupev mortga
ged to the said John M. Carrol a certain tract or
parcel of Land in said county, adjoining lands of
Strickland, Nash, Harris sod others, beginning at
a post-oak, running south 74, and west S3 chains
mud SO links to ■ post-oak, thence north SU and
west 22 chains to the branch; thence down the
creek to a dogwood, thence south 19 and east 17
chains SO links, to a pice ; thence south 46 and
east 9 chains to a pine ; thence north 17 and east
17 chains to a red-oak ; thence south 34, east 8
chains to a red-oak; thence south 7>£, north 88
chains to a post-oak, the lieginning—containing
one -uiulred and forty acres, more er less. Which
mortgage ha ve been transient: ■ tofthis plaintiff, and
it appears that said notes reaaain unpaid. It is,
therefore, ordered that said defendant do pay into
court, on or before the first day of the next term
ol th s court, the principal iuterest and coris due
on said notes, or show cause to the contrsrv, and
onfeilureof the defendant so to do, the Equity .f
Redemption in and to said mortgaged premises he
forever thereafter Itarrvd and forsclosed, and it is
further ordered that this Rule be published in the
Northxast Georgian, (formerly Southern Ban
ner), once a mouth for four months previous to tho
next term uf this court, or served or the de
A true extract from the minntes of said eoart.
November tlth, IS72. J. M. SKINNER,
uovli-lamtm Clerk Superior Court.
jy/'K rs?3,
For site by the Gross or Dozen, at Macon prices,
R. 1. BRUMBY & CC1.,
Druggists and Pharmacists,
S3BRIDW mm t mi
‘da aais xiiora
3K axi3 q r IIAl SH3K0XSQ3
‘jsiavoo; acaisdn
asiinaAay i KonoHJ/iv ■
italm in rog» Cheminls, Paint Mtiiicints,
Special attention given toFrcscriptiousatall hours
College AienUe, Athene. Oa.
Auction & Commission Merchant
Broad Street, Athens, Ga.
Speetal Attention Given to the Purely
ase, sale or Renting oj Real Estate.
All Returns Made Promptly,
October II, 13T2.
faundtj and Machine Woib,
enpy the position OS chief. Squatting »t»*m an; I»yp4«w l fio uumUra for the'diaWia^ M
•r» TA.L »-- 1. xk. 1 '*■ 1 *- - TV*" - XD IM
every fight; pad when the
counted orouud the camp-fire, lie in
variably had secured the grtlftfef num
ber. (jSradually, however, (J d6rtain of
the braves were impressed with the no
tion that fSquattiug’s trophies some
times did not bear a very correct pro-
purtion to tlie ferocity of the contest or
to the number of the slain. Several
times, after a brief which
ten or fifteen men were killed, Squat
ting would come sidling home with as
many scalps as there were dead men,
while, at the same time, the'other war
riors would together liave nearly as
nianv more.
The braves thought it wps queer,
but they did not give'the subject very
sc.ious attention until after the fnfts-
sacre of a certain band ofemigrant*
which had passed clow by the camp of
the tribe. There were . just twenty
C ersons in.the company^ and after, the
utch'ery several Indians took the
tribe to count the bodies add tb keep
talley with a butehertknife qpon 'the
side of a chip. That nighty when the
scalps were numbered, eaqh jjrave had
one or two apiece, but fiqualtlng iWr
iiauded otit exactly forfy-se^en” Of the
most- beautiful bunches of ; htfnian <h6ir
that ever .were seen ’west of tho Misgi#-
eippi. The braves looked cr^jpeyed at
each other and cleared' theif * throats;
Two of the number stole out to, the
battle-field for tbe'piirposd'of'clyirating
tic Mce.-c«niy r turn.a, win. uei.iiuoniui uu
came and their diiupi»lntmeut h the chances at
the dls ribuliuu uf the prize*. L«t thuev, then,
who nave the means Mid intend tncuntriimte do mi
at once. If Mime :.r» Dot nauly sad must wait, let
tHelrcuntribationscomc *» soon as they are able
to make them to be agent* iu their lucaiitr, or to
.Bis office.
Hare uofeary of irjv-kcry, or fraud, or ape. nlgttcn.
Whatever may have happened In othvr schemes or
sections, we Imv.-on organized a*-oc t at on, g..n*ut-
ing of some of our l f t citizens. An expose will l*
mode of all that has been and will be don* iu con
nection with tbia enterprise. All will be feijr and
IfaU the ticket! shall besold, the amount to tie
distrslmted will be ill cnr.ency, one hundred and
thirty-one tliousanddol are; in real estate, nine,
ty-nino thousand dollars; io cotton, twenty th u-
sand dollars; m king a grand total of two hundred
amt fifty tlmusaud dollar*.
If gU the Ucketaarc not sold the amount received
(after deducting the portion allotted to the monu
ment, the coinud«ious of the ageuts, and the sum
required to defray the n. cossgry expenses), will
be distributed among the shareholders. The pre
cedence in this fetter case will I* given—1st, to
the 1,744 priz.-s In curreucy ; 2d, to the real estate;
3d, to the eotton.
Wc are pleased to state that expenses hare been
much diminished by the liberality of a portion of
the newspapers, and Ihe boundtos- assistance rsL-
dered us free of charge by the Southern Express
Company ot this city.
Should auy one who h»ve nude, or mar make,
voluntary donations to aoy uc-.ount, desire to ex
change their special tickets for others which fur
nished chances In the drawing, we orour agents,
la this or other Buies, will cheerfully comply with
their wishes.
We propose to furnish two whole tickets to the
proprietor of aoy weekly paper, and three to the
Vi Machinist*. Pattern Work,Smithing
Repairing. Havir- an rxtensive collection
rattexns, aunafrctniw
proprietor of any daUy («per in this Bute, or oat
of it, who will publish this notice until the twen
tieth of November. In doing tkU we ave aware
thevwil he influenced by liberality of sentiment,
rather than remuneration fer tlieir work
All orders promptly attended to.
'hole Tleketj, 8o: rut
L. A A. U. McLAWS, - General Agents.
be found at the New Drug
.. A few tickets can
Store, for solo by Ur. Herrington King.
‘ i ' * i ■
Is 0u!y $2 Per Annum.
SUJ}SC%T$£ rox IT.
Manufacturer's Agents for the Sale of
BJngley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows,
Fairbanks’ Standard Scales,
Sawyer’s Celebrated Cotton Gin,
Water Elevators and Pumps,
Circular Saws, &c., &c„ *<•
Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, tc**
least possible delay. fioP* Call and examine our stock and, prices. norS-d
Iron and Brass Castings,
Mill and Gin Gearing, Mitring and Mffi Machine-
ry. Steam Engines, tSaw MUlv, lloistii
Lighter Screws, Sogar Mills, Cotton Heel Crash
ers, Shafting. Pulleys, Thrashers, Fan Mills,
Smutten, Bark Mill*. Mill Spindles, Horse-Pow
ers. Battle SUfth. Milt Cranks, Go n shellen, Ac.
Also nunufiKtme, and are Agents for, the most
approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent
Devolving Cotton Prees, Iron Fencing, Grave En
closures, Balconies, Ac. „ _ . .
Agent and Superintendent.
X.B.—Mill Findings ftirniahad at msnufictn-
rtr’a prices. novS-Usnl
Snceesfiors to Wm. H< Tali.
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals
264 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
, —-AT
The Chicago Farm Pumps
hksi ImAitVsd Im CjMtr?n®p
lafedWaltaafAByW 14 '
tl 5*-
The Put at the Breetfad Table— I
By Oltrer Wendell Holmes, ft 00. |
The Marble Prophecy and Other Poeme— i
By Dr. J.O. Holland. |15". j
Dellinger's Fables and Prophecies of tie •
Middle Ages. Ct 23. ,
The Land ef Charity—An Account of ;
Travancore and its Devil Wonhip. ft 23.
Present Issues ; or, Fads Observable in the
Cbascfeuzacae ef IS* Awe—By Rer. K. W. Mem-
mitiger, of Sooth Carolina.
Premiums Paid to Experience—
By Edward Garrett. Illustrated. St 75.
Try Cracoie and the Carpathian*—
'By Alex.H- Hutchinson. Illustrated. $2 00.
The End of the World—A Lore Story—
By Ekward Eggleston. $1 .
Wonders of the Yellowstone—
Edited by Bayard Taylor.
Travels in Sonth Africa—
Edited by Bayard Taylor. 81 50.
Wonders ot the Moon—
43 Illustrations. 81 50.
Coppee's English Literature—nets. §2 25.
The Cruise of the Frolic—
By W. H. O. Kingston. Illustrated. (2 60.
The Fire 8hips—A Tale of the Natal IPar.
By Kingston. Illustrated. 82 00.
Kingston Library of Adventure—Q tol. f 3-
The Eustace Diamonds—
By Anthony Trollope. 81 25.
Ebb Tide—By the author of Valeria Ayl
mer, Ac. Paper, 81 00; cloth, 81 50-
Mayne Reid’s Works Complete-$l 50 pr tol
Elegant Editions of the Poets, $1.50 to 3.50
Juvenile and Toy Books, Games, $rc.,
In gnat abundance. For rale at
Agents for Pr. Wll. H. TUTT’S STANDARD
Are Cheap, Dnrahle aad Sffldest
OVBB 100,000 SOI^'
day taa Ota Got Sua.
General Hardware
nor8-tf AGE5T8*
and gottebins
W AU work warraatod and done 1
c. B.