The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, January 03, 1873, Image 2

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3H-! ast mtorgian, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY* JKORJYMJYGi •W. V-. ' ■ -- ■*—,*Y — T. W. £ T. L. GANTT, — at — TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, invariably in advance. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. The Georgia Legislature meets on the second Wednesday in January, The first proposition that all come up will be thrqbestion of increasing the salary of the Governor from four thousand dollars to six or eight. From the Atlanta Herald. Athens. A STEADY UTTLE CITY—YOUNG MER CHANTS—CHRISTMAS DOINGS—THE GOOD T KM REARS THE NEW OI'KRA HOUSE. Athens, Ga., Dec. 28, 1872. This ble j sed city received your re porter on Ghristmos Day, just about the tiuiolittle folks were peeping into the symbolic stockings that decorated all the Christian chimneys. The casual “croc” of a Chine.-e popper ytirring the solemn silence of the dawn, and an occasional hilarious frosty shop and made to learn the tradrt Haring made his physical education perfect, and having taught (with flu-, occasional leather strap,) the dignity 4>oor of labor, he was then put through A school and . college. This sensible coursfe of training has made every one of them the very finest specimen of a well-balanced, well-built manhood, and if they Were put on exhibition to-mor row Os the “ best pen of boys,” would take the prize at the World’s Fair. Wfe mention this matter merely to throw out-a bint as-to the sensible course adopted by the English people in the education of their sons. It is such fi system that makes England the strongest, most stable nation on earth, that makes her yeomanry the pride of the World, and gives her “her hearts of x»k.” When will the shoddy American father pull the paper collar of! his son’s neck and make him know what work is? These boys take as naturally to business as a duck to wa ter, Und some six or eight of them are now the leading young merchants of Northeast Georgia, each destined to an equal Success in life, because he stands on a solid basis. They form a sharp contrast to many of Athens’ pampered sons, who, rai ed on the high-pressure, fcOcoa-nut candy schedule, have not made, in the first ten years of their business lives, enough money to pay their cologne bills. ggSERAL NEgS ITEMS. mooting is again enjoying In $hio. ^^ The removal of the National Capi tal is again vigorously agitated in St. Louis. ■— THE APPROPRIATION TO THE COLLEGE, by the city will hardly be made, as it goc< before the people, and the most of John A. Dix and Thurlow Weed draw pensions as soldiers of 18l2r— the latter as a fifer. There is sleighing throughout* the entire country north of the Carolinas and Tennessee. ',, The inauguration of General "Dix," Governor elect of New York took place to day at 10 o’clock. Four hundred and seventyrone horses died in Cincinnati, from the horse disease, in four weeks. Four tons of fish were taken from the Arkansas river at three draws of the seine, at Wichita, last week. It is stated that three millions have perished from the famine in Persia, which is about one fourth of the entire population. One of the soldiers of the garrison at Columbia, while drunk, made his bed in a ditch Thursday morning, and was frozen to death. The Lee family of circus performers, comprising eight persons, were mur dered by Apachees while traveling through Arizona. * Rumors of Cabinet changes are all The freight blockade coptih ues a Atlanta. More distillers have been arrested in Forsyth county. Mr. James Moore,* an old citizen of Dahlonega, died on Sunday. The noble young Romans fired their Christmas pistols loaded with balls. Corn nnshelied is selling in Conyers at from 85 to 90 cents per bushel. We have been requested to call at tention to the fact that the Week of Prayer agreed upon by the Evangelical Alliance throughout the world, will begin on next Sunday, the 5th instant. ' The'-following' topies-'are suggested as suitable for exhortation and prayer on the suet eeiive dttys of melting: Sunday, Jan. 5th—-Sermon: Sub- The ice company oYAugusta goe3 to ieetf "The foundation,'security and manufacturing ice'on the first of Feb ruary. The popular morning costume in MaconJa simply .aa. overcoat and a corn-plaster. About five hundred colored politic ians of all grades have left Macon for Louisiana. The editor, of the Washington Ga zette broke his leg while trying to play circus Christmas. Macon has met with a terrible afflic tion. y The cold weather has frozen all the whiskey in the town.* Mr. G. Toombs, of Wilkes, has just finished gathering a crop of forty-seven bales of cotton from forty-eight acres; Two negroes escaped from the Bibb county jail last Saturday, by cutting a hole through the roof with a pocket knife. ' : *3g' them are opposed to it, arguing that it I unfounded. Boutwell, however, will hallo sent lumbering from some throat by the influence OK THE INSPIRING NOG, gave evidence of a weak but well-meant attempt to fi' ht the sleety paralysis that seized all earthly things, and make-Christmas as jolly os it should be. Twas a failure! The Christmas was an exceptionally dull one—at least, out-ide the Iio.isjs. This was probably due to the fact that wel.-organizcd, hard-working orders of GOOD TEMPLARS AND KNIGHTS OF JERICHO have .swept the field of the “jolly ljoys,” and taught the people to prefer the solier happiness that coines from the well-fed fire-place, to the guzzling • f mt-qn liquor and dancing hilarious the gutter. One especial case of thp reformation worked by these orders is a man named 1 ANDEItSON PLEDGER, > ho had been an obdurate toper for years and yea s. For eight Christ- mascs he had been absolutely and sot- tishlf drunk, and on this, the first Christmas that he had rationally en joyed ip ten ye irs, he was emphatically the happiest man in Athens. He made a speech to the Lodge of which-he is a member, part of which we copy, as it is a bom; ly of good sense, a little awkwardly put, but neverthe less, worth leading. Pledger knows Jthat he is talkiug about; “ he’s been there:” • * - “ Ladies and Gentlemen—I very well know that none present expect me to offer an address, but as some appear anxious to hear me, I will first repeat my’,text, you wi’.l find it in the 66tli chapter, 8th verso of 3d book of Billy Patterson, eleven years saturated, and cght years preserved in whiskey. Ladies and gentlemen,.I have had bit ter aad dangerous conflicts with old Billy P., and he always got the best of it. You all not long since heard ’of a challenge between two of our citizens, and for some good cause it was not fought. Now I challenge old Billy P., and will not withdraw or compromise with him, for nay-cause isa good one, for he has cheat- ’hriatmascs, now get htin for the ninth. I been fighting him with tobacco spit and mud, ’ " ray weapons ; I fight d Templars and the? for my seconds, against any friendship with old Billy’ P., for.he and spiteful, and if y hi ' fehe will punish you in mash your nose, and fine vounteen dollars; and he always has all tne lawyers, Council and calaboose on his side; and my only friend is some old dmnk, sick, (iretended friend to scratdh'thfc mud from my eyes and lead me back where I ean get a drink for bun 'and me, is the ouly sympathiz ing motto.. Now Til see* who wears muddy boots, red eyes and sore nose Ui,prj.lp. fM »*.- A ROUND THE IIEARTlT STONES, of course phristraas was celebrated in the usual miuce pie, stuffed turkey manner. Athens has a peculiarly solid wa^ef feeding people, and happy is the hungry wretch who ran thrust his legs! 0^q«r. its hospitable mahogany. A young man with an extra stomach or so can lay in enough provisions at the average Athens dinner to last him a waefc. : THE CITY IS GROWING with considerable rapidity, and seem to havj,especial vigor infused into its old bones. One reason of this is the large num ber of yoiing and. active merchants, who have lately commenced business tlicfe, and who have gradually im pressed their eiiergy and progressive- nee*, upon what has been tne probably too cautious policy of the town hereto fore. No city in Georgia can lioast of a finer lot frit young merchants than Athens. The Tnlmadges, the Cohens, Englands, Hodgsons, Dorsey-, CfFar- rells; Oris Barry, Gailey, Jones, Yancey, Lucas, Luckie, the Weather- leys, and a dozen others too numerous to mention, give the city an activity and dash, and keep things stirring in hiatfy style, while the old settled stagbrs'from Uncle Jim England, and Judge Plttard down, give it tone, steadiness and character.- Nicholson, Huggins, Center, Hampton, Dobbs, Newton. Reaves, Lucas, Moss, Billups, King, Matthews 1 Steady, starchy old names, ain’t they ? »■ A* REMARKABLE FAMILY. Ope of the finest families in this or any other State, are the Hodgsons. . We sofnetime? weep when we think thel&tHjfe so few of them. There are only thirteen boys. The father, an Englishman, name to this country with is taxing of the masses to benefit class. When we remember, however, that when the University was first located at Athens, that almost any city in the State would have given a hun dred thousand dollars to have secured it, and that Athens gave nothing, it would seem that she ought to help it a little now. The people may be sure that witlt tlic present liberal and intel ligent corps of professors and trustees, not a single dollar donated will be rois- appropriated. THE NEW RAILROAD is being pushed ahead with great vigor. Giant & Alexander, and their “ boys in stripes” being engaged in building it. It will ojicn up a large section to Athens’ influence and much increase her trade. AN UNPRECEDENTED NUMBER of new buildings are now going up, among others, several new brick nuild- ings, TIIE OPERA HALL is just fitted up with one of the neatest and most attractive little stages in the State, Mr.-Cramer, of Chattanooga, quit if elected Senator from Massa chusetts, vice Sumner. According to the Boston Journal, there are now no less than twenty-four amendments to the Constitution pend ing in Congress. A feeling of relief pervades the whole country, now that it is known Colfax will not attempt to fill Mr. Greeley’s chair in the Tribune office. Wra. Filbert, of the Seibert House, at Memphis, was shot in the calf Mon day night by ono of two ruffians whom he was ejocting for insulting bi3 wife. Nine human beings drank them selves to death from sundry casks of liquor washed ashore near Portland, from the wreck of the Royal Ade- alide. The horse on which Cardigan rode when he led the famous Charge of the Light Brigade, has just died, r ued 30. He survived his gallaut master four years. The snow at Richmond, on Christ mas day, before the hail that followed fell upon it and compacted it, would being the scenry artist, and Mr. Good- ! ,a \ e measured, probably, twelve feet • P* J _ • indnnt Ioe Yancey manager of the improve ments. An amateur club speak of rendering the thrilling drama of “Ten Nights in a Bar Room ” very soon for the benefit of the Memorial Associa tiori. MR. EMORY SPEER, one of the most brilliant young law yers in the State, is a cahdidate for the Solicitor-Generalship of this Circuit, nnfl will receive the indorsement of the Athens bar. He is a man of con- sunrate talent, untiring energy, and we trust will receive the appointment, i THE INAUGURAL BALL. Several citizens of Athens, ladies and gentlemen, speak of getting up an excursion to go to Atlanta to the In augural ball. Let’s rest awhile! Grip. A Tribute from Confederate Soldiers to (he Memory of Gen. A. R. Wright. Athens, Ga., Dec. 27, 1872. _ At a,meeting of the old “Athens Guards,” held to-day, for the purpose of taking action in regard to the death of General A. It. Wright, of Augusta, Col. H. C. Billups was called to the Chnir, and J. P. Dorsey requested to act as Secretary. A committee, consisting of A. L. Mitchell, G. H. Palmer, 8. D. Mitch ellj J. S. Williford and M. G. Lump kin, were appointed to offer resolutions for 1 the action of the meeting. in dept. A colored man attacked a young lady at St. Catherines, Canada, recent ly, but was whipped out of his boots by the girl’s ten-year-old brother armed with a carving knife. Twelve Indians were hung in a row in Texas recently for driving off sur reptitious beef. After haying their faces washed, eleven turned out to be white men. Cotton raising in California is ap parently destined to become as impor tant and profitable a branch of indu try as the wheat, gold, wine or wool products of the State. Providence hasn’t yet done afflict ing the MassacKhssetts people. Right after the Boston fire comes the announce ment that Beast Butler is to be the next Governor of that State. The telegraph lines are burdened with details of fires all over tlie conn try. Some twenty families were hustled out into the biting cold, a night or two ago, at Elmira, New York. A tunnel for trainsit between New York city anii .fimcmijiMw J?™' posed, in addition ld*reBqgr£at East river bridge. Street railroads in con nection are also proposed, iuorder that the people may get to outlying sections in and around Brooklyn The Boston Herald remarks that the President seems to look upon the universal extension of the Christian Qhurcb. j *1 t, ' Monday—Devout Acknowledgement Remembrance of God’s mercies to the Nation ; to Families, and Church es : Providential and spiritual bless ings to ourselves; Confession of Sin. Tuesday—Prayer: for Christian Churches ; their increase in loVe, ac tivity, fidelity to the truth, and the dearer manifestation* i)f the Unify in th: faith; for Ministers, Missionaries Avangelists. Wednesday—Prayer: for families; for sons and daughters of Christian par ents ; for a blessing on home influence, and on the services and ordinances of “the Church of God;” for all Schools, Colleges Universities; for Children at sea or in foreign lands: for young men in business and professions; for ser vants ; and for all in sickness and trib- Gen. Colquitt has ymttch|tf^etter f^-Jfarsday—Prayer : declining to run, waroffy recommend ing Gen. Gordon for the United States Senate, Reynolds, on the Southwestern Rail road, recently shipped a bale of cotton weighing eight huudred and niueteeu pounds. Georgia issues invitations for “ your company Friday evening to a candy yank. No persons carrying. shotrguns admitted." A Yuan named Ackridge shot and killed his brother-in-law, named Greer on Tuesday night. J. Barleycorn got up the row. Oiir country exchanges are fairly radiant with marriage notices, just now Finer weather for that sort of business was rajelv ever known.^ ( The Macon Enterprise reports a re liable rumor in that city that the chil dren of J. Clarke Swayze have fallen heir to a fortune of $3,000,000. A Wilkes county negro went to bed with John Barleycorn the other night, and even the presence of the genial coroner failed to disturb his repose, Two Elbert county negroes got into a little debate the other day. One of them formed a syndicate with a stick and his opponent had to be hauled off. The Eufaula Times says one of the negro Grand Jurors of Barbour coun ty walked out of the jury room and en tering a store, stole therefrom a lot of calico. for Nations; for Flings, and all in authority; forthe maintananco of peace; for increase of righteousness; for the spread of religious liberty; for the growth of sound knowledge; for contentment, concord and good will aoioagall classes; for the discernment of God’s hand in national judgments, . and for the re moval of intemperance, immorality, and the sins which are “ a reproach to any peopie.” Friday—Prayer: for Maukiud—for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and the spread of pure literature ; for the overthrow of all forms of tyranny arid oppression; for the removal 0 f every form of Antichrist; for all pri soners and captives; and for the in crease of that Kingdom which is 4 righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Saturday—Prayer: for Sunday schools; for Missionary-, Tract, and other religious societies ; for the rais ing up and sending forth of more “ laborers into His harvest,” and for the removal of hindrances to the spread of the Gospel, and the Conversion of the World. Sunday, Jan. 12—Sermon: “ Let the whole earth be filled with His Glory. Amen, and Amen.” 340 TONS OF :* t 'T r r* * Dicksons l Sold Last Year in Athens by Us! his Shows what the Plan ters Think of it. MORE OF IT SOLD AT THIS POINT THAN ANY OTHER FERTILIZER. Louisiana matter aa a certain French judge did upon a case before him. The The committee, through their Chair-1 judge said to the couusel, “ It is no use man, offered the following resolutions: to introduce ah# evideuce, gentlemen Whereas, General Ambrose Ran- the court has already decided the som- Wright has recently departed this case.” life, we, the surviving members of Sam Bind, after lickingGrant’s boots Company “K,” Third Georgia Reci- and throwing filth at every deocut ment, oi which regiment Gen. Wright white man within his reach, has been w4 the original Colonel, deeming it choused out of the -Chattanooga post our duty and melancholy pleasure to I office. There is an agony of appre- preseut this, ouir tribute, to nis memory hension lest the old political leper as a citizen, as a soldier, as a states- should return to Georgia, man and patriot, and, as a lawyer, do The World does n0( favor the adopt the follow mg resolutions: position to double the President’s in . ® «“ th ot .General Mlary . Besides his $25,000 pay direct, \V right, Georgia has lost a citizen in the & tor shows thatj 0 ne way and whom we all had an interest. The ano ther, he manages to get out of the death of linn who stood at the head of | public t rc asuiy between $60,000 and In Savannah, on Christmas Day, Miss Spencer, eldest daughter of Capt. Spencer, fell dead in Christ Church, just after having been confirmed by the Bishop. In the case of Strong, for the killing of McElligott, the Cormier’s jury render ed a verdict, came to his death by a pistol shot inflicted by.*the hand of \V. M. Strong, in Savannah. On Friday night in Augusta a little daughter of Mr. Jackr Rogers let his infant child fall from ner arnfl into tlie fire and the little thing was severely burned before it could be rescued. An Eatonton man trapped thirty- nine rats last Sunday night. This event has caused thoughtful people in that vicinity to look upon ready-made sausages with suspicion. Columbus has a boy who would not go to tlie circus when liia father wish ed He preferred to remain in fehool and read in his little book. ThaLboy is not liealthv * The name of the Conference recent ly held in Coiambus was changed by the last General Conference from the Colored M. E. Church South to the Colored M. E. Church of America. New Advertisements. School JWoticc. THE EXERCISES OF THE HOME SCHOOL WILL BE RESUMED January 2d, 1872. MADAME S. SOSN'OWSKI, Principal Dissolution. T.XAVING PURCHASED THE A_JL enteratof Mr. W. A.WEATHERLY, of tlie firm of J. II. HUGGINS &. CO., all persons haring claims against said firm will present them to me for payment, and nil persons indebted to said firm will please call and pnv their accounts, as 1 am determined to close the old books 1 will continue the business at the old stand, and will be glad to sec my friends and patronsatt No. 7 Broad street, when they visit Athens. JAS. H. HUGGINS. jan3-2t hif* wi and brothel, many years ago t wu hi Athens, building in which they went a carriage factory, ■ ■ to work. Tn thirteen years thirteen sons were.lwn unto them.-' As. soon as each one bec&me old enough to one of our leadiug political journals, and contributed so largely in directing! the political sentiment of the State, is indeed a loss for which we as a people appropriately mourn. 2d. That no hravor soldier ever shed his blood beneath “the starry cross of I the Lost Cause,” and when ages shall have rolled on, the descendants of Souther;: soldiers will revere his mem- [ ory as a hero in the strife for constitu tional liberty. 3d. That as a statesman and a pa triot, Georgia and this country has lost | a great man—one who has ever de fended the liberties of the people in the forum, on the hustings, in deliberative assemblies, and on the sanguinary field $75,000 per aunum—and that, the World thinks, is enough. The French Prince Impend has grown into a tall, lank fellow, with swarthy complexion, hair parted in the middle, nnd an unprepossessing phiz. But there are in his face certain ele ments of strength. He grows more and more like his mother, but dosn’t resembjo the* old gentleman a particle. A brute named Robert P. Bleakley murdered his neice, Maud Murriel, in New York, last' week, because Bhe would not share with him the proceeds if a life of shame, to wlfic& he had driven her. He afterwards gave him self up to the police, but New York of battle, and one whose clarion voice, justice is slow and not very sure. had not death silenced it, would have sour.ded forth in the hails of the next Congress, in the vindication of the right, and in resistance to the wrong. 4th. That as a lawyer, he possessed those rare attril"“es which make men truly eloquent—viz: the intellect to The Now York Methodist preachers at their meeting yesterday had a firm discussion on the doctrine, of the anni hilation of the wicked. Many depre cated the introduction of topies for discussion not in accordance with the doctrines of the MethodistChurah. A see the truth, the heart to fed the committee was appointed to settle the truth, ami the courage to speak the “ ‘ J subjects for this discussion The military 6cnt to fight have not yet succeeded in drawing the Modoc warriors from their stronghold at Ben Wright’s pave. Every stmtegem to dislodge them thus far has failed. Tlie howitzers and bombshells which have . arrived from Fort Van Couvers will 5th. That we tender to the family of I be used against them, Additional tinfiPfll Wriiilif inn nnoidfalh oaiwIo I i t truth. Now, alas, that intellect has ceased its searching on earth; that heart, which could “ feel another's woe,” now slumbers beneath the sod ; aud that voice, so often heard in the cause of humanity and justioe, is hush ed in the stillness of the tomb.* General Wright the heartfelt condo lence of comrades in a holy cause. Gth. That a copy of these proceed ings he forwarded to the family, aiid that copies be furnished the Atlieus and Augusta papers, with tlie request that they publish them. A. L. Mitchell, Chairman, The resolutions were unanimously adopted. H. C. Billups, Chairman. J. P. Dobsey, Sec’y. b..ndle a mallet., he was put into the mothers steeping upon them. troops have been stationed at Fort Konath. Disgraceful disorders are reported as having occurred on Christmas Eve in Charleston. Rowdyism for a time was rampant, and King street in the hands of a riotous mob. Windows were smashed and storekeepers were obliged to abut up. Ladies and gentleman engaged in maUng purchases retreated in alarm to their homes. - The police wdre passive during its continuance, and tne whole community/is justly in dignant Another fracas is reported ^Three tliiimw}- English Rabies are | in Aiken, S. C,, showing a tendency annually 'smothered to death by their to disorder iu more places than one in the State. Gustavus J. Orr, State School Com: missioner, announces to the Treasurer of each county that $100,000 of the school fund is now ready for distribu tion in payment nt the debt due school officers and teachers. The cashier of a bank in Milled go- vitle paid a negro one hundred dollars too much on a check the other day, and the fool carried it back. His friends are making arrangements to board him at the-Lunatic Asylum. ' * The funeral of Gen. Wjright, at Au gusta on Tuesday, was onh of the most imposing ceremonies ever seen in that city. At least 2,000 persons were in attendance, among them Gen. Toombs, Gcd, Kershaw, of South Carolina, Gov. Jqlinson, Bishop Quiutard, ..of Tenn essec, and others. The Atlanta Constitution notices the arrival in that city of sixteen wliite and colored representatives to the pen itentiary from the various counties of the State. The sixteen convicts repre sent eighty-four years of service, which at the per oaptta'paid 'by Grant, Aler andcr & Co., will foot up $4,200. A colored huntsrqan in Baker epun ty the other day, while endeavoring to discover a squirrel in the top of a tree, accidentally vaulted over a stump and shot his co-adjutor in ‘ the shins. The latter, goaded to madness, remarked that it was ridiculous to fire so low, and then proceeded to lam the other until he was limber. During the late freshet a little boy, sou of the widow Moore, in Polk coun ty, attempted to save his little sister by swimming with her to a place of safety The brave litttle fellow was borne down by the current, and he and the object of his care were foudd, when the wa ters subsided, dead in each others’ arms. \....; At an Atlanta Christmas party, gorgeous young swell was'observed by a young lady who was doiug her pretti est to entertain him, to be rather mel ancholy, frequently sighing as if in great mental trouble. Sympathizing with him, she asked if he felt badly, to which lie replied: “ Yes, aw, I al ways feel badly when I take oil, aw.” N««t! An event which excited much inter est In the social world of Augusta, was the marriage, at St. John’s Methodist Episcopal Church, of one of its belles, Miss Anna Russell, daughter of H. F, Russell, Esq., one of our most promi nent citizens, to Col. E. W. Cole, of Nashville, Tenn., the well-known Gen eral Superintendent of. the. Georgia and Western and Atlantic Railroads and President of the Nashville and Chatta nooga Railroad. The church Was crowded with the elite of the city. AT COST. Abie is the Time for YTou to Jflake Jtloney. XTAVING DETERMINED TO -LJL chin-o my business, I noir offer my entire stock of GooJs at COST! My stock Is large »n«l fine, consisting of a full and complete assortment o(Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a fuU stock of Gro-eries, and ali articles kept in a first class Dry Good* and Grocery Store. I mean BUSINESS And will clo*o out during this month. a^CALL and To auy ouo buying my enure stock I will offer additional inducements, and give time. A. L. DKARING, No. 1 Granite Row, Bishop's old stand. Athens, Ga., January 1st, 1S73 jan3-tf The Annual Meeting, AF the Stockholders of the Athens V / Mutual Loan Association wilt lie hdld at the office of Messrs Cobb Erwin-A Cobb, on Saturday the 4th January 1873 at o’clock P. M. A full meeting is desired. WM. KINO, Jr. Pec272t. v . gecty. A. M. L. A. —OFf^ BOOTS “ SHOES -il A MEMBER OF THE FIRM BEING IN BOSTON AND (Wm' wading Shoe Markets ten days before the Boston Fire, and having ^ purchased largely for our Winter Trade, we now offer to ° our Customers and the Public generally Planters who used s lew Sacks last year to tes hare put in theirj orders for a few TONS this Look to your own lutereat, and buy a FER TILIZER that is made in your own Slate, aud used by your neighbors for three years, aud no fault eTer found In it. verySack isWarranteilGenuine We hare now on haud, and will continue to keep a GOOD STOCK, so that farmers will not be disappointed when they come after it. PRICE SAME A i LAST YEAR $58 00 per Ton Cash, $63 per Ton on lime, to First November, 1873 The Farmer paying Freight, S2 00, and gives hia note forS6l 00. FIFTEEN CEXTSisguarantced for White Cotton. delivered at Athens to pay for the DICKSON COMPOUND. To those Farmers who wish CHEMICALS Make their Own Fertilizers We will furnish fur Cash or no Time, os they may prefer. WHAT THE DICKSON COM POUND WILL DO. By permisssion, we here state that Milton Mathews, Esq., and his son, C. W. Mathews, Esq., both of Jack- son county, planted, last year, 23 acres in Cotton, Fertilized it with the DICKSON COMPOUND, and made on said 23 acres 25 Bales of Cotton. Wo are also authorized to give their plan, and who wish can try it: They open ono furrow pul ting about 100 pounds to the acre, and ranuing aroundsaidfurrowand cover itup. Puttingabout 100 pounds more on each side of the first and cov ering it all up. This makes 300 pounds to the acre. When you plant the seed, rnn a furrow on the middle row of the three distributes. The tap roots run through the middle row, the smaller roots runs out into each of the other two distributes, aud hence one bale to the acre is made. In our judgment, it is the best plan in use. England Orr A GKN TS. 3IORR1S & FllEBMAN, . Agents, Carnesville. Athens, January 1st, 1373. oct2o-tf Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court llouso door, in the town ui Jetfeixin, Jack- son county, Ga., within the le^al hours of 2>alu, on ihai lita*' rUfcISOAY IN FKUttCAUY next, to uic highest bidder, the following property. 10-wit: One undivided naif interest in two huudred and. twenty-fiv e acres of LAND, mute or tegs, situ tte, ly ng aud being on Curry’s Creek, *u said county, adjoining lands of C. W. shackeLord and otners. Oa said premises is a coxnibrianitf dwelling uud o.htu out-buildings. *»And about sxy acres of land in a high state M u tivaiion, twenty acres 01 choice bottom land. kvOitv aeveuit -hve acres in original forest. ■co-ied on as the prope. ty of Thomas J. oha kei- foid, to sau&iy a h. ta., from Jackson Sup .iur Court, iu favor of r.. A. Lindsey, Administrator f J. Lindsey, deceased, (i ui windi fi. la. has .-into ne. n turned over by said Administrator A. K. Brooks, Uuaidnn t r v\. V. Linds y iu.uo”, e c.,) i. rousC. W. aud 1 lumas Shackelford. Prop.rV.- pciuteu out by plamtitf. (The other undmued halt interest iu said l.tnd is owned uy Mias Sue. Sfiac^ Terms, cash i T THE LOW PRICES At which we have been aeiVing during the past three months. Our Stock comprises everythin^ found in a FIRST-CLASS SHOE STORE. All Goods warranted to be as represented. Aaour motto is “Quick Sales ana Small Profits,” dealers and all others wanting Goods in At. n find it to their interest to give us a call. our tjfl GALL A lEtt&MIJLSlEltlS 289 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. LONGS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN JUU. J 4te M. N. DUKE, Sheriff* PI UMTS, QILS, DYE-STSHS, kc. 1ST WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Perfumery, Fancy floods, §c, WE HAVE NOW A LARGE &TOCA OF GLASS, ALL SIZES, WHICH WE WILL SELL VERY LOK jss. NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS The undersigned having formed a partnership, under the name and style of & mnntij Increased their capital and established themselves at Barry’s old stand, confer Broad and Jacks* street?, will be pleased to see their customers aud sell them Goods at the LOWEST PRICES befors offered in the city. The old “Lamp Man,” Mr. J. W. BROWN, superintends the department of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Looking Glasses, In which can be found .II the Latest and Beet Myles of Goods. Also, a beautiful assort,neni of FAXCT . CHINA, for the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. IN THE AUCTION and COMMISSION DEPAHTME> T T We have rccoived the largest consignment of HOLIDAY GOODS ever received in Athens, eoasitUeg in pan of DOLLS, of all Sons anil sizes; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, andaTOY to please esrli tnj every one. * .. Fift£*W9BI8 roB CHRISTMAS And a fine lot of OIL PAINTINGS and CIIROMOS. Will keep constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, a full line of Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, Crackers, &c. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. JAY O. GAILEY. JOSEPH M. BARRY. TAKE NOTICE-REMOVAL. W L- WOOD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Aii MBS OF FBlitliBE, Wish to inform their friends, patrons and the public generally, that their Furniture Store hx» beta removed from their old stand, neir Episc »pal Church, to the New Hall of the Franklin House, over Child’s Nickerson A Co’s store, opposite Deupree Hall, OLD FRANKLIN BOISE KNUUMk. when they have on hand, and will continue to keep, an immense quantity of handsome Furniture, the fine** assortment ever exhibited in this city. Be sure and give us a call, and we will show vou someth®* nice. We have also fine Metalic Burial Oases, and all kinds of Wood Coffins, which can be found a:wr Cabinot shop, in rearof J. H. Huggins. * Common Bedsteads $4 SO. de.2(Wo fSi MARTIN INSTITUTE, JEFFERSON, GA. r PHE exercises of this School will be _1_ resumed Jan. J2d, 1873, with * f uU corps of tMchera. Dec274t. For Sale or Rent. YT'HE HOUSE'AND “ JL Lot ou Hancock street known a* the residence adAlrs. General; Smith. Also, the Tenement near tbe Methodist Cmircti, knowu ns the Brown House. Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD, Itesl Estate Agent, over the Post OSce. Dee t-2t* NOTICE, The Interest Due on the IVJFir SOSOS OF CL\RKE COVSTY, due January 1st, 1873, payable in coin, trill be cashed at the National Bank When presented, doc6-4l S, C. REESE. Count}/ Treasurer. Clerk’s Office, Superior Court. r\EOROIA, CLARK COUNTY. V_T I do not wish to Issue Execut ions agaiust plaintiffs for costs, for which I have so long and natiefitlv watted, but If not paid by the JOth inst. I shall be conipelled so to do. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, CLERK. December 5th, X&R. 81 MONEY Easily made with oar 6tencil and Key-Chock outfit. Circu lars free.^ Stafford MTg Co., 66 Wanted Agents *2?,^,’e^p^ American Fagrlj Knitting Machine. The sim- plest and tiwl in the world. Address American Machine Co., MS'/. Washington Street, r.ftft Agents wanted! Just out! Oxluf new Chart: “Christ bf ' sfSOOi dren ’ A splendid mmensesalesYwO^tgents wsntcKi 0 foroar large Map of the *• United States’* with immense “ World” Map on reverie side. Our Maps and Charts go like 'wild-fire. HAASui A LUBKECHT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York. This unrivaled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single psrticle of Mkrcubt, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved its great Talus in all diseases of the Lxvkk, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands M the good and great in all parts of the counu t v ... t, for its wonderful and peculiar powers in.pHrit, ing the biood. stimu lating the torpid Lives and, nnd impart ing new Lifo nnd Vigor to the whole eystom. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR is acknowl edged 16 have no equal as a .is LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, nover untied tn tbe same happy proportion in -any other prepa ration, viz: a gentle Cathaetlc, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a terinin t'or- rectiveof all lwpuxitle. ot the body. Such signal success has attended its use that U is now regarded psthe GttK.\T UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liras Complsiwt and the paintnl otftpvin thereof, to-wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, do., Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons’ Liver Regulator la manufactured only by J. H. ZEELIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price St.00 per package : eent by mail, postage paid, Prepared ready for use, $1.00 A $1,50. SOLD tsY ALL DRUGGISTS, tsr Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitations.-^* JanS-6m LOOK! FREE TO ALL! fiZR PER WEEK TO AGENTS, MALE OR yOU Female. To all wno will write for au Agency we will send a copy of that “ IFomfcr uj Wonders," the Illustrated Uurn of Pleuty It con tains over fifty beautiful illustrations, A will be scut Free to all who may write, Address I. GAR- SIDE, Paterson, N. J. FREE GIFT the only Bible tn TO BOOK AGENTS a complete outfit of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE itia the c which a complete Histo.-y, Encyclopedia,' Analysis of the Scriptures, snd Improved Chusifled Bible Dictionary is given; its unequaled beauty and merits make it tbe cheapest and fastest selling Bible published. WM. FLINT A CO., Atlanta, Ga. $00 made Dee. 3d by one A; HORACE AND FAMILY A fine. 33x28, In., cent by mail for $1.00. We also mail Button-Hole 4 Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 35 cents each Circulars of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all old uid new agebt*, address AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 508 Broadway MULES AND HORSES FOR SALE. W S. HOLMAN will kee . during the W'interseason g< HULKS and HOUSES, for sale at COOPER'S LIVERY STABLE. liunopifiied byauy'xuowu niuicdy. It wiiieiad- icat extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poison ous substances in the Blood aud will effectually dispel all predisposition to billions derangement. Is then- want of action in your Liver 4 Spleen ? Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous orskln diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pim ples, etc.,etc. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach T Unless diges tion is promptly aided tbe system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general Weakness snd inertia. Have you weakness of the intestines? You are in dnnSercf Chronicle Diarrhoea or Imflamation of of the Bowels. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary* Organs? You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. Arc you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or de pressed inspirits, with head sebe, backache, coat ed tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain remedy for all of these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purify ing the vitiated blood and imparting vigor toall tbe vital forces: for building up snd restoring the weakened constitution USE JURUBEBA which is pronounced by the leading meJicsl au thorities of London and Paris “ th* most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world.” This is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Don’t weaken and Imp lr the digestive organs by cathartics and ' ' *' relief, piles use. Keep the blood pure and health is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Platt SL, N. Y. Sole Agentfor lhe United Stales. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular ju v wuaacuwiu imp iff me uigcauve organs o j artlcs and physics, they give only temporary :f—Indigestion, flatulency and dyspepsia with i und kindred diseases are sure to follow their TO PL ANTERS J’HOWN & MERCER’S SUPERPHOSPHATE $38 PERTONT- Warranted equal to any Phosphate msnufkctur- more, Md. 0 PEN the When the Kidney not act healthfully, the wastes from the action of the system remain in the blood, and producelrritstion and disease. These Sewers !! Hew Firm and HUNTER & BEUSSE, TZf AVING formed a copartnership; 1 -1. will open on the first of January the old stand of PITNF.R A HUNTER, con* « Broad and Thomas streets, Deupree BuikUd-* large stock of dby goods, essffiiES'j “Hardware^ Saddlery, &*• Thev will continue to krep the US PROOF WAREHOUSE formerly kepti>yU“» A Hunter. Haygood, Hunter & Co. A RE Agents for the sale of jM XL most popular Fertilizers now in *!jj which are guaranteed to be pure, and win i* as cheap as they can be bought I *•>•* “uTiheft. tWCall and see us, before purchasing Cheap Farms. Free Ho* ' w. a ?i rOAP On the line ofihe UNION PACIFIC 18.000.000 acres of the best Farming * Lands in America. , . Til' *1000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the P»* ley, now for sale. FERTILE soil* ur.sarp***^ MILD CLIMATE. For Grain Growing and Stock Raisin- by any in the United States. gives. ^ Cheaper in Price, more favors.ble and more convenient to market than c« Free Homesteads for Actual The bo-d 1 -cation for ColonicS'-Seldlert ♦ BU to ft Hoimv^Rd of 160 Acres. Send.for the new Descriptive ramphj*,/ new maps, published in English, Germ ■ ish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. ^, WrazB;^ anu produce irritation anu uncase, inese Q tO fi)250 DCV organs are the outlets of the system *“<» ' ry ^ t0 inuri*?* % under the iqflqeuce of ' .'FI W.C. HAMILTON'S BUCHU 4 DANDELION are kept in good runninu order, '. HAMILTON 4 CO., Cincinnati. D O AGENTS Want absolutely the best sell- ins bonks? Send for circulars of \ents ing books? Send for circulars Unabridged Illustrated Fan- Over 1100 pages 10 by 12 in, Bible Aids, 4c. Arabesque ukS. 36th 1000 ready The AmericanFr Horse Book;"- TBe Standard. 46th. IMS _ Epizootic Treatments, etc. OF. Vont, N. Y. 4 Cincinnati- Vent A Goodrich, Chicago 11,00. nve jeure. „ will p»y Ql.M0_*f that will sew a stronger, t£>™ “iaW.Z brolier, tn « i«] C *»• £ ull i,¥ S -O’!® yetua; We will r that will sew nafa t:—I can be cut, br apart without tearl £2 to $35fiper month i W slon from which Pittsburgh, Missouri. ■BP h.