The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, January 10, 1873, Image 2

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N ortt i-{"st 4 A •* w PUBLISHED EVERY JFMiMhMY 'M0XJMJW, T. W. & T. L. GAflTT, TWO ; (ll/RS PER AKNOM, IK VARIABLY IK ADVANCE. James Buchanan died a bachelor and left an estate valued at $200,TWO at cornian, iea-.t. , “ | Abraham Lincoln left ; ooo. - j President Grant was poor i war. By a careful hnsbaniJiyof j salary, and through the generous gifts of friends before he became President, his fortune is a handsome competence. [That last touch on Grant is very rich.l Messrs Editors.—In thelasKlssue of the “ Watchman,” I noticed a com- musication from Prof. W. Leroy Broun, in relation to the Subscrption of $25,000 from the City to assist iu the establishment of a Mechanical School in our City, in couuectiou with the Agricultural College. I am surprised to learn that there is considerable ob jection to the donation of that amount, aud ask the attention of your city readers, and more especially of those who may have objections to a few reas ons why it is gieatly to our advantage, both financial/, and socially that measure receive the unanimous sanc tion of the entire community. That the College is of immcnce advantage to our Mercantile community no one will pretend to gain-say. There are now some 300 students here who pay o:i an average about $6,000. per month for board alone, which is divided among our Merchants a snug little sum the loss of which would be severely felt. I learn from a very reliable source that strenuous efforts are now being made to have the College re moved to another location, and in view of the fact that Athens has never given anything towards its maintenance, 1 think it would be but a just retribution for her ingratitude. Were the effort to succeed if they defeat this proposed subscription, and in view of the fact that these efforts are being made, it behoves as not only to make the dona tion, bat make it unanimous, and let those who would take it from us kuow that we fally appreciate its valuable presence, and intend to spare no effort in our power to retain it I suppose that the objections that arise to the amount of taxation that it entails a n ere song in comparison to the inesti mable value that this most important addition promises. The direct benefits of the construction of such a building is no small consideration while the in direct benefits are incalculable. Not only the merchant, but all classes of our community are alike benefited by its location in our midst. The me- who will have free access to the lectures which are proposed, tbe benefit of which hecau hardly cs- (coBtale mow. In fact, not only the oMBBMmity, hat the State will feel die effort of its teachings, and we will have the honor wf planting the seed to die glorious tree of knowledge. Let there bo a meeting, and let the friends of pro gress and those who feel the welfare and piwperity-sf pin fltj at beart tally to the support of the untiring originators of this most important step. Carry the subscription “ Una Voce,” and aa a community we will have done a duty whtch we shall have just canse to feel preudof. *•-. V •. Progress. Coming Obituary.—An American journal gives this as a speciraen of the “ coming obitnaiy “ Died in the 35th year of bis age, John Smith, hus band of the Hon. Jane Smith, at her residence in Franklin, at six o’clock. Mr. Smith was a meek and quiet hus band, beloved for the graces of a culti vated nature. He excelled in the domestic virtues; as a cook he was surpassed hy few ; as a nurse, he was equalled by none.” The year 1372 will lbng be remem* bored (says the British Rcvieic) as one of the most disastrous for shipping in the Northern Hemisphere that has ever been expected that the casualty of collision should bear its proportion. On the British coast alone the number last month far exceeded the total of any month ever before recorded, whilst in the North Sea, Baltic and Ameri can coasts, the proportion greater. ) -Qorke C jtmty The petition of R. M. Smith, Alex. S. Erwin, F. M. Williams, F. A. Lipscomb, G. Jacobs, H. A. Lowrance, T. A. Burke, Wm. King Jr., A. S. Dorsey, P. Weil, Howell,Cobb, C. G, Talmadge, Leonard Phinizy and otliers}VreSpreffilMj • sh'ttW o that they desire a charter incorporating them and their successors a-body politic and.corporate under the name and style of the “ Oconee Building and Loan Association” v^th powpr, tosu,c and be .sued, to have and use a c6uftmon rear should they so desire, to hold such real estate or other property principal and Interest by instituting proceedings according to law. When any sale shall take) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pre-1 he funds are selling produce the ,ymen4 of interest as that which j purchase money miumat which the ft same monthly payment of interest as that which said stockholder had been previously paying on his or her advance, together with aU other pay ments due tbe Association by said stockholders according to the By Laws. , Thitt6eiit|».--Th& Board of Directors to be em powered to give the consent of tbe Association to the sale of property mortgaged or pledged to it, and to the substitution of other pfoperty in lieu of that mortgaged or pledged on terms to be fixed Fourteenth.—Tn case one or more rtockholtlers REPORT OF THE CONDITION GIT TREE Friday,- December STtb, 18*72. RESOURCES. Discounts. Orel Drafts 1 Other Bonds ....: Due nom National'BanVs........ Due from State Bula.».«~. may di^advi^le anTpro^ toW^ w»cE I vaIue °/ ‘7° hundred dollars, by deducting a fair objects of their Association ; the nature and <>b- P^ 11 * o{ * ot lessthan ten nor more than twenty of which Association, and tbe particular e of which Association, ■ and the partictular I . «, 1 * - - •« «. * . , • - . □ess they propose to carry on beiog as follows: row,n g stockholder or stockholders, the Directors (1 First.—The object is.the accumulation of a fund I a . re empowered to-moke such deduction and de- by monthly subscriptions orsavings of the members I c e Association determined and closed.^ thereof, to aid them in their business, or in pro- „ Fifteenth.-—capital stock of this Association curing sue’, real estate and boilding thereon as to be two bunclred shares with the privilege ,t, ov mn „ nmrw»i- I creasing it to8ix hundred within twelve monl Your petitioners state that two thousand dollars the capital to bo employed in conducting the operations of said Association have been actually Banking House ....... Current Expense*....,.... i TaxesPsld Cash Items, Including Stamp* Bills of National Bank* Fractional Currency, inrlulln? Kickle. Specie, Coin..— Legal Tender Notes...——. ———. Total Resources ,*150,134 02 14,1.76 23 , 100,000 00 13,200 00 274 77 - 13,3%tL.J)uo . . 5,000 00 . 3,206 33 .1,200 00 . 14,439 60 . 16,755 00 !- 3,319 65 , 35,473 44 , 25,000 00 LIABILITIES. Capital - - Surplus Fund ...—... ........... Discount and Exchange...... ~ Circulation — Deposits— i, to National Banks......—.... Due to StntQ Bank* ——. ,.$100,000 00 ... 61,000 00 ...13,107 87 ... 37,919 00 .... 06,793 23 ... 34,792 91 230.70 .*393,879 76 Total liabilities ...1393,879 76 A German firm is making extensive purchases of polecat skins in Bourbon county, Kentucky. The skins are col lected and deodorized in Paris, packed in bales, shipped to a firm iu Balti more, thence to a fur company in Leipsic, Germanv. The price paid iu Paris is from fifteen cents to one dollar for the skins, according to qual ity. ofin- they may deem proper. I crc ™ m 8 >» tosj x hundred within twelvemonths. .—They desire to regulate and prescribe f \ our petitioners state that two thousand dollars by their By Laws who may be members of said of ‘be capOal to bo employed in conducting the Association v> operations of said Association have been actually ‘ Third.—Each Stockholder is to pay in par P"? »“> that said Association, desire to transact funds, one dollar each month on each share „f business inithe CHy of Athens, m said county and w ___ stock he or she holds, into tbe treasury of said .They desire to be incorporated for the Association, so long as said Association continues, | Wherefore petitioners pray at such time and place as the By Laws may desig- * "" " * nate. When tjie value of tbe whole stock shall be sufficient to divide to each share of stock the sum of Two Hnndrcd Dollars, as hereinafter pro vided, then this Association shall wind up, and cease to operate under this Charter. Fourth.—Should auy stockholder fail to pay his or her dues or premiums of insurance as _ _ 1 l soinmnTy swear that the above statement to true, to the best of County OF Clarke. j ray knowledge and belief. JAMES WHITE, Cashier. Correct Attest: h 0I i^ brittain, A. K. CHILDS, j New Advertisements. B. A. STOVALL, Cotton Factor+ — AND General Commission Merchant, No. 2 Exchange Building, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Will give rnr.s-'.vAt. atthstios to all svm- -nessentrusted him. Consignments of Cotton and other rroduc* r*-' spectfully solicited. tar Also, Ajent for BANCROFT’S Select COTTO.YSjBtiD* janl0-3m K 4 NOTICE. TT'OUR WEEKS AFTER DATE, JP ■ application will be made to tbe Conti of Or dinary .f Jackson county for leave to sell tbe Beal Estate of 1'. b. Uober, deceased, late of nid county. . JACKSOX BULL, Administrator. January 10th, 1873. 4w Dissolution. BOUGHT OUT SIR. -Director*. A* A. titllDvCf J Sworn to and satweribed before me 9th day of .Tannery. 1373. JAS. A. CARLTON, Notary Poblic. that ati order fee granted by the Court incorporat ing them as aforesaid in the terms of the law. COBB ERWIN & COBB, Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY.—GerF* | Office Superior Court. A true extract from the record of said Court. J. B. BENSON. E. B. BENSON. prea „ as the same shall be payable as aforesaid, he or | Given under my hand on the 8th day of January, j she shall forfeit and pay the additional suru of ten 11873. La v it down os a rule never to smile, nor in any way show approval, at any trait in a child which you would not wish *to grow with his growth and strengthen with his strength. An excited young man, clad in a pair of slippers, recently rushed into a church at Walpac Centre, New Jer sey, shouting, “ Here I come in the name of Jesus,” He was taken out. Thirty years ago Mrs. Lydia Wilson, of Raisin, Mich, stuck a willow riding whip into the ground. It now measures ten feet in circumference, aud spreads over eighty-four feet. The house in which Joan of Arc was bom is falling into ruins. The officials of the department of the Mones have decided to repair it. The natives of Fredricksburg have preserved all the noted points of the great battle, and tourists can see them for twenty-five cents. Prudent Connecticut clergymen com plete the marriage ceremony by gyving full instructions non* to procure a di- The celebrated stallion, Socrates, rallied at $40,000, died in Philadel phia, of dropsy, a few days ago. Pcoud Flesh can be cured by wrapping the part affected in dry wheat Hour, changing it as often as is necessary. Abraham Lmooca>-4Mi thr -Pay- KENT TOR EUASCIFAYRR fct-AVE' . — Judge O—fUn, dttring hmlAte in terview with m reporter of the New York Bondi, in die cel ebrate 1 Haaptuafieed fcafariUk: Said that in a conversation «t tl at time he asked Mr, Lincoln whether, if the Sooth laid down her arms, and accepted the Union again r the peopl; there would have any chance to receive compensation for their slaves. To this Mr. Lincoln replied that he coaid not promise what the attitude of the govern ment might be on the subject, but for himself he would heartily favor a com pensation on the ground that the North was as responsible for slavery as tl e South, and had abetted in it, traded in it, and defended it until slavery be eline a vast public question and w vited war. Pcom the American Historical Itrcori. The Fortunes of Oar Presidents. Washington left an estate worth neatly $300,000. The elder Adams left a moderate fortune at his death. Jefferson died comparatively poor. If Congress had not purchased his library at a price for above its v lue (#20,800) be would with difficulty have kept out of bankruptcy at the c!c his life. Madison saved his money and was comparatively rich. The fortune of his widow was increased by the purchase of his manuscript papers by Co i] for $30,000. James Mnmoe, the sixth -President died so poor that he was buried at the expense of his relatives in a cemetery between Second and Third streets, near the Bowery, in New York city. John Quincy Adams left about $50,- 000, tbe result of Industry, prudence and R small inheritance. He methodical and economical. Andrew Jackson left a valuable estate known as The Hermitage, about twelve miles from Nashville, Teim.. Martin Van Boren died rich. His estate was estimated at nearly $300, 000. James K. Polk left about $150, 000. James Tyler was a bankrupt when he became President. He husbanded his means while in office, and married a rich wife, and died wealthy in world ly fortune. Zachary Taylor left about $150,- 000. Millard Fillmore is a wealthy mw. Franklin Pierce 8a&edr$oO,0OO duinr Hie term of service as Presi dent. — *■ ' * Bat**. — A case o: di*r MkmgiAfe to stationed /(■M A private attached to at the suggestion of h Morai-—Have some care as to the air you breathe, the food you eat and the water you drink. It is-estimated that kill 150,090 children am of a Soldier tment of a sol Corps, and le, is reported. camp es, and wcat to Alexandria fur the purpose of purchasing vinegar. When he returned he passed the quarters of his lieutenant with the bottle containing his purchase in his hands. The officer, without any question as to its contents, seized the bottle and dashed it to tbe ground. The soldier’s remonstrance at thia con duct was nu t by aa order for hi* immed iately being put to hard labor* Another remnnatrauce followed at this order, the soldier stating that he was’outy a day or so out of hospital, and was really unable to wark. The order, waa repeated, when the soldier refused compliance, whereupon, by order of the lieutenant, he was lashed to a cart-wheel, in the drenching rain preavailing at tire time, and their kept four hours. When the sold itv waa untied he was found speech less. He has since been in t|ie hospi tal, and it is stated that he has entirely lost hi* mind. cents for each dollar thus unpaid, including in terest, fines and premiums of insurance. The same to be charged with the monthly does. Fifth.—Should any stockholder not having re ceived au advance, neglect or refuse to pay ms or her monthly dues or fiuc3 for more than three months, he or she shall receive from the Treasurer the amount of installments actually paid, without interest thereon, first deducting jill fines and ar rearages, with his or her proportionate part of any losses and expeuses sustained, and then ecase to be a member of said Association. Sixth.—Should any Stockholder not Iiaviug re ceived an advance wish to withdraw from tlie As sociation, he or she shall be entitled to receive frwn the Treasurer the amount of principal paid in, first deducting all arrearages, with his or her pro portionate part of any losses and expenses sustain ed, provided such stockholders give at least one mouth’s notice to the Directors of bis or her desire to withdraw. Transfers of stock may be made at any time by consent of Directors hi the presence of the Treasurer, but no such transfer shall be valid Bnijl all arrearages on tl*e shares shaft hove been fully paid; and the person or ji&sons to whom the transfer is to be made shall have agreed to- and signed the Constitution and By Laws of said Association. Such transfers must be ruadb at feast thirty days before an election to entitle tbe bolder thereof to vote. Seventh.—In the event of the death of a mem ber who has received no advance, his or her heirs or legal representative may continue- bis or her * relations to fhe Association; or should sweh lreirs or legal representative prefer it, they shall be en titled to receive from the Treasurer the- prin cipal paid in, with legal intereet (average time) thereon, first dedubdiigwhy Charges there maybe due for fines, arreages, or proportionate part of losses and expenses sustained. Should any mem ber die having received ail advance, the heirs or legal representative may return the balance doe according to the Constitution £nd Bv Laws of said Assspciation, or contipqc to^ay ibe interest and monthly does until the Association is def er mined and closed. * • Eighth.—No stockholder .is to hold in. bis or, her own right more than ten shares, nor in voting.^ election or altering r the Constitution or By Laws for each and every share of stock nfeld -by hipi p*,. her either in hiaor.her own right, or as trustee or proxy, personally ure^ent at any tings of,the Association r ?q one vote in allr eleptiou?|jkuer for officers or otl(er purposes. Eftch stockholder shall receivpa cer tificate of the number of shares held bj him or her tu» paying the first moRthVsaid certificate t? he signed by,the Treasurer ana iountecsigoed hy the President. ^ ~ * ^ . V - : - Ninth.—The officers of ihe Association are to be a President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Directors, anT tlic President shall be tXrOffitAo a member of thfc Boatd. The officers of the Associa- ti<Jti‘,*k*i to TOstucldiotdert^ td*m'elected fey the members of the Association, and vacancies to be filled iu such manner an 1 at such times as the By Laws my prescribe. < , ’, i; ' The Board of Directors shall appoint a Solici tor. The duties of all the officers shall be defined in the By Laws of the Association. The Board of Directors shall fix the compensation of the officer^, to be paid out of the funds of the Associa tion.~ * i&a Tenth.—Each stockholder fur each share of stoek shall be entitled to purchase an advance of two hundred dollars, and uo more under such rules and regulations as the By Laws may 1 prescribe. Whenever the funds in the Treasury shall warrant it, one or more advances shall be disposed bf at the month! JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Clerk Superior Court Clarke County. Athens’ Retail Priees Cerrent FOB THE WEEK EXDlXd DECEXBEB 27. Corrected by J. H. Hugyinx Gen eral Commission Merchants, Broad Sired, Athens Georgia. Cotton.— per. lb. I’roiLlon*.—Flour, Fbncj, per bhk. 12 00 Extra Faiullj-, 11 (ft Tamil y. 10 00. Supor3ne 9 00 Corn —perbnih. 90 to 1 10 Peas •» 9» to 1 OO Meal “ l 10- Wheat •• I 50 to 1 75 Bacon aide*, perpound 10j^ to 12 should* ra, ;i2 to Lard... ; Irish Batata*,country, prbush, 1 00 ,‘f s Northern, “ 2 50 Sweet Potatoes, — 50 to 9 20 IS to — to 1 20 ..per dor. 20 to 25 Chickens, grown, 30ct Frying 20 to 25 Batter -...per lb- 20 to Zi -—Sugar,Crushed per lb. 17 to 18 ” ** A — -•» 15 to 16 i : ■“ ;». •» 14 to 16 ,,M c ** 14 to 16 , •’ - Dtmarars, “ 1» to 15 Coffee, •Bio,...—.. “ 25 to 30 ~ Lqrafra. “ 23 to 30 “ Java “ 33 to 37 Tea, Hjacn " 1 50 “ Gnopowder, 2 00 ** Black T S9 OBionr. ..—„—per both. 1 00 Syrup, Sorghum, per gal. 60 1 “ Cane, “ 75 .:1.1ft >K ifx i ■: Camll**, *9san... pea lb. r ; • >* -Adamas, - . " Tallow, Cheme, StaCh “ -! 1 1 feg.DifcTr ~ Cnehera, soda,... — . y butter, *• . To : * eraam, » Can Jr, ptafo perils. ~ A '' ether— ''■'9b46......’---*1 - IV WwSf Pepper ** - Ginger................. “ ‘ Starch....... .L-I p* ,' V' rf TNWrl’1 ‘ Dried Poaches,-pealed, ' '*, l-rw'.(tii'l* unpealed, •• Dried Apples •• . t Rbie.» 1 ..i.■* . Mackerel, kl|s - to t 5» to 75- to 1 00 » 50 . St- 35 IS R S 4 4 It 2 50 25* 20 to 4C3 to 60- tO W- to 40 to- 40 to 20 to to to — to — to 12 to 3 CO bbl.... _...!. 10 OD to 12 OO Sardine*, per box, 25 Salt. pcrsack,2 25 Factory ®ood».—Cotton Yam* 9 1 65 0*nabu*Ga, per yd. IS % Shirting, •* 12 to 40 to 2 50 Strayed—$5 Reward. C OMETIME in the past summer, a b * largo brindle eo-, marked with a awallow fork in ca-bear, left my bouaa. Said cow waa dry at the tlate the left, and In Ant rata ardor. Tht last heaid of her. rite waa between Athena »nd Ueorgia Factory, near the plaatation ot Cal. B. C. Yancey. The shore reward will to paid for any Informa tion hading to the recovery of tbe cow and all ex- penseeedpaid. T. D. WILLIAMS, At Otter of Northeast Georgian or Southern Watchman. Dec27. Cnarrr.D Hard*, Ihe*, rough ekln, pimple*, i.and other cutenoouiaffl akin i by *uin( the Jtxiriut Tan Soar, made hy Cat- well. Hazard A Co., New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Seep, at there are many inutation* made with common tar. DISSOLUTION. HHIE FIRM licretoforo cxistiui -L under the uame and *tyle of PITNEB « HUNTER, will be dsiaotved, by mutual consent, on tbe Ant day of January, 1S73. AU peraonstndobteA to arid Ann arw carnettlr nduosied to couw forward - and aettta up at euce, and those haring claim- acalnat the same will pre sent them. T he nolee and aeeouuts will l-e turned or re to an officer, for collection after the Aratof January next. PITVER A HUNTER. Office Geogla Railroad. ATHENS Nov. 13th 1872. I hereby notify all persons having Fertilizer* at this depot, that unless the tea* be r< moved within a reasonable time after thfir names are published tn the *- Kokthkast Ouob- •taa," the FerUUaef* will be sent to a warehouse and etured at the expense of CohelgAto*/ ! (,i • A.GRANT, Ageot. Clerk’s Office, Superior Court. (GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY AT I do not wish to Issue Executions against plalutlflk for costa, for which 1 hare so long and JOHN CALVIN JOUNBC., December 5th, 1872. *t MONEY N* “ ..** 14 to TO- Dry Geeds..—Prints, •* 11 te 12/4 Delaines, - “ , 23 to SO- Bl’ched Shirting, " 10 to 30 Bed Ticking, •* 20 to 50 Tobacco—Common, per lb 50 to 69 Medium *• ...... 60 to 75 - ~ Fine. “ ..—.... .... 1 00 to 1 SO Smoking, •* „ to to t 09 J>n hy the By Laws, and the By Laws to prescribe the manner aud times of altering the minimum rate of premium. Should the fnnds ' of the Associa tion remain unproductive for two consecutive months, the Board of Directors shall invest such funds for the best interest of jhe Associotion. Eleventh.—From all advances taken by any stockholder is to be deducted the premium offered by him or her, or fixed by the Association. Such stockholder to secure the Association to such ad vance by hypothecation of one share of stock for di Snuff, Maccaboy, pet lb, 1 00 to — ; •• Scotch •* 80 to —‘ Ogar*, Am per 1000 » 00- to 50 00 •• Havana.... “ 75 00 100-00 Ammunition—Powder.....™ perlV. 40 to » Shot “ 12 to t* Lead “ H lb l> Caps - . per bon, 30 to 40 Wooden Ware.—Painted Bucket*, dox2 75 be S 00 Cedar “ “ 0 OO to 12 00 White nne, " •» 7 » to 8 o'* Sieves, “ 3 OO to 5 0* -C*raWbiskyffi*odpetgaL310 to — ringworm, »alt rheum,and other cuteaepusaSic- each avaanqe of two hundred dollars, aud by bond lions cured, and the ritin made soft and smooth, * . - - - - ■ - ~ or mortgage, or other satisfactory security upon real or personal property, to be judged by tlie Board of Directors, and the polioy of insurance on tho property pledged, to be renewed annually at his I Drag*-Coppen*... or her expense. The Board of Direotors are em powered whenever they deem it necessary, to demand additional security than that originally accepted. When such additional security is re- quireda written.notice from, the Secretary, specify ing the time when such additional security must be given, and such stockholders refuting or fail ing tb#i\Ag the additional security demanded to incur a precun'ary penalty, to be imposed by the. Board of Directors. Whenever practicable the tifte tcr the propeity ofered as security shall be vreted in the Association, the conveyance to be made to the Treasurer of the Association, and his successors in offioe, as trnsteo .for the same, and he is herby authorised as raid trustee to execute a bond for titles to the borrower, conforn able to ihe bonditions' of the loan. ]n case of failure to offer sufficient seourity for an advance within one mantbi *the month’s interest to be charged to such stockholder, and his or her right to said advance to cease. A stockholder taking au advance to K ,y the Treasurer in addition to his or hermontb- dhieft Far shareij one dollar per month for each share on which such advance « made. The bor- rorrer shall pay all cost and charges that may. - jwraueiu perfecting the security offered ;i fiir fi* Mvanoe or advances. - t -, * medium, ** 2 0* to 3 00 3 § t 1 a tfrl to Peach Brandy, good “ 4 m to " medium, M 3 OO to — “ common,! 1 ' 2 09 to — Apple “ good, " 4 00 to — “ •• • medium, •• 3 00 to — *• “ common," 2 23 to — French " —.... “ 4 06 to 10 00 Holland Gin •• 8 00 to a OO Amerioan Gin..........— ** 3 00 to < 00 Jamaica Rum............... " 5 00 to s 00 Amerioan Rum. “ 3 00. to < i 00 Bourbon Whiskey...... " 2 00 to 4 1 00 Wine*. *' > 00 to 10 00 Drags—Copperas - per lb. 8 to 10 Indigo « i 00 to 4 1 SO- Madder......... “ 20 to to Ex. Logwood...... “ 25 to 40 Epsom Ealts — “ 15 to to Alum..—....—— “ 13 to 20 Sulphur........... ... «• 15 to 10 Bagging and Ties—Bagging. " 1* to 22 Tiss " » to U Bepe, cotton “ 40 to 50 Rope, grass. *■ 25 to SO Hardware—Iron, Sir cods— “ 9 to 20 •• Country baj^. “ 7 to 8 «■ English...... « a to • •• Casting*,... “ 7 to 12 Nalls « 9 to 10 . Bteel.e^..... “ 25 to — •i Steel, plow— «* 12 to ■ is Cotton Cards, per pair. 75 to — Wool " so to — Weeding Hoe* SO to 75 A roes' Shore]?, apiece, 1 1 40 to — « Spades, ,« 1 60 to — Trace Chains, pair 73 to 1 00 Leather, *».—Boots, Northern 4 00 to 6 00 - Boot*, Southern 10 OO to 12 00 i j Shoes, Northern 2 00 to 4 00 - ,« Sole Leather, per lb... 35 to 40 Upper {-either, «• Bsritesa Leather, “ Calf S|5tn, per dot... Sk|n* Hide*, per lb.... Groeu Hide* '• __ 5i 35 to 10 to 40 00 \o 100 00 5Q 00 ta 75 00 12 to {Q 6 tft « Dealers in Everything Except Liquors, And Tombstones HARTWELL, GA. M. J. BBOWN.of the firm ofE.S. Eng- land * Co-, the public is respectfully notified that he is no .lunger one of the firm. Thi* pure hue is made by mutual consent. Tbe firm will still be known a* E. S. ENGLAND A CO. AU parties indebted to the old firm will please, without foil, come foraard at onCB, and settle up for last year’* account*. If not, w* will be compelled tu put our paper-,out tor collection. W e keep a good supply of the SOLUBLE SEA ISLAND GUANO always on band. Thanking our many patrons for the liberal pat ronage heretofore bestowed, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. E. S. ENGLAND. janl0-3t H. P. ENGLAND. Shoals Creek Factory and M/7/s FOR SALE: TY7TLL BE SOLD BEFORE THE VV Court House door on the first Tuesday la February, 1813, during the legal sal* hours, in accordance with a decree rendered in Hat* Superior Court, at September term, 1672, in ease of Wia. Knox and A. Coruog, executor* ofSamt-el Knox, rs. Mary A. Knox and others, tbe Shoals Creek Faetory and Mills, together with the Tract of Land on which they are situated, containing •eveoty-fire acres, more or leai " ' c Factory and Mills are The Mills are it rock for wheat a 696 spindles, 406 In good running eider, with* tary preraratioc* for the same. Alec, a new Lin* Shaft. The above machinery is driven with e 26-inch Double Turbine Water WheeL Connected with the Faetory are a Saw Mill, Turning Lathe and WodCt-fo. On the premises are good Dwel'ingeand a neat Storehouse. Terms of Sale—One-third cash, the remainder iu two installments of one and two yean, with interest from date of sale. The purchaser will receive hood for tltiee, end will be required to. give notes, with two approved securities. Sold art he property of A. Coruog 'and estate of Samuel Kuox, deceased, for a division and distri bution. Said sale baa been postponed from sale day ia December on accdtintof purchaser not complying with term* of sale. j - D4eri.bcr3Rh.1872. : Executors of ffamnel Knox, deceased. acres, more or tees. T and Mills are comparatively new.' s in splendid running order, withoc* *t and one for earn. Tbe Factory has J. H. CARLTON, Agent for GIANT PHOSPHATE, HARVEST KING, WATSON & CLARK SUPER-PHOSPHATE. # - , . . , -. . -. 4 .V!a;W t'.tin ■ : i Office in Dr. King's Drug Store, 340)- ■ “(340 TTOIWai JET” Qicksons Qompouib $OI>D EAST YEAR IN ATHEJfS BY US! : -I 4., t ;: r r rT •: «»- «Sf | This Shows what the Planters think of it. MORE OF IT SOLD AT THXi4 POINT THAN ‘ANY OTHER FERTILIZER., Plantes who used a few Sacks last year to test it have put in their orders for a few tons this yeai*. Look to your own interest, and buy a FERTILIZER that is made in your own State, and used by your neigh bors for three years, and no fault eve? found in it Every Sack is Warranted Genuine. We have now on hand, and will continue to keep a GOOD STOCK, so that farmers will not be disappointed when they come after it PRICE SAME AS LAST YEAR I $58 00 per Ton Cash, §63 per Ton on Time,, to First November, 1873, The Farmer paying Freight, $2 00, and gives his note for I $61 00. Fifteen Cents IS guaranteed for White Cotton, delivered at Athens* to pay for the Dickson Compound- To I those Farmers who wish CHEMICALS TO MAKE THEIR OWH FERTILIZERS | We will furnish for Cash or on Time, as they may prefer. What the Dickson Compound -will do- I By permission, we here state that Milton Mathews, Esq., and his eon C W Mathews, Esq., both of Jackson county, planted, last year, S3 acres in Cotton’ Fertilized it with the DICKSON COMPOUND, and made on said 23 acres 25 Bales ot Cotton. Wo arc also authorized to sive their plan, and who wish can try it: They open one furrnw putting, about 100 pounds to the acre, and running around said furrow and cover it up. Putting about 100 pounds more on each side of the first and covering it all up. This makes 300 pounds to the acre WHett you plant the seed, run a fnrrow on the middle row. of the three diatribet*. The tap roots ran through iTio middle row, the smaller mote runs out into each of the other two distributes, and hence one halo to the acre ia made. In our judgment, it is the best plan nt% . ** u ’ England & Orr, Agents, Athens, January 1st, 1873—Oct25tf. ° School Notice. THE EXERCISES OP THE 7 HOME SCHOOL WILL BE RESUMED - * - - January 2<i, 187'2- MADAME S. SOSNOWSKIy Principal. Dissolution. H aving purchased the enurcstof Mr. W. A. WEATHERLY, or the ,firm gf J. H. HUGGINS Sc CO., all persons having claims against said firm wSS present them to me for payment, and alt pecsooe indebted to said firm will please call and gay ttobr accounts, aad am determined tocloeetheoklboek* 1 will continue tbe business at tbe oltk stand, and trill be glad to see my friends and patronsat No. 7 Broad street, when they visit Athens. JAS. H. ' HUGGINS. jan3-2t . ” . : * AT COST. »- . -I? i.V, . . . )' JVbtv ft the Time for to JtlaJke JJIottey. TXAVING DETERMINED TO stock of Goods at COST ! My stock i. fine, consisting of a full and complete of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a full stock of Groceries, and all articles keptln a Ant class Dry Goods and Grocery Store. I mean A. L. BEARING, No. 1 Granite Bow, Bishop’s eld stand. Athens, Ga., January 1st, 1873 Jaa3-tf Tlie Annual Meeting, { ) F the Stockholders of the Athens ' • Mutual Loan Araoelstlon wiU to held at the office of Messrs Cobb Erwin A Cobb, on Saturday tho 4th January 1873 at 7V6, o'clock P. M. A ton meeting is desired. WM. KING, Jr. Secty. A. M. L A. MULES AND HORSES FOR SALE. W S. HOLMAN -ill k • during the Winter scmm MULES and UOIISKS, for ante COOPERS LIVERY STABLE. LONGS & BILLUPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN baying:—. Belling...,., Sllyir. buying.... ^ V .. *elUuy— 1 U 1 14 105 to. — fOMTS, OILS, DYE-STSFFS, & c . WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ~ utnery, Fancy Goods, tf e. BT miursjKwAjuatOft stock 'drj GLASS, ALL SIZES, WHICH WE WILL SELL TEBY L01V Dec272t- A BOOK FOB THE MILLION t Marriage Guide. ; "c^imliyitiio !w!ut5» latest AlaTOverlea ta protiuciag u4 preteoUaf effkprtif, feow te pre>erT« tfee complyxioa.Ae. ^ffeUI • M UUreeting ttrl • f two hu4n$ e»4 etxty pi(e«, with Bvn«nu* cucra\i«|a, tad wmlnnliiMt laloraatlea f*r Un« who are inarrl«4.«Ycoau*rl*t*i**r- rhi«. auilUlea Wk thatwihi to I* t«pi »el»f W> an 2 key. »< not laid carelcuiy *t»*i the heeee. Iteonulaa the esperienro ae4,b4t!««ele HhmMm erh««e repuutUoa Is vorUl-wM*. u<I »Im14 Win the prt* me drawer of every wiOe iniJ fcnukle' ‘ *“ f lobe? It enhnteca cverythlng on tl ^ entire eyetem that to worth kaowlnf.emd MM* • Bet pablitbed la war other work. Bent u any one (free of poete^o) for Fifty Ceotf. Addreae pr. Butte* DUpemsnry.No. 125. B%BSI 81. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afflicted othrooghoott— the subject of tho $••• •BtfeU* p»per®,or using nay ft nook reaodtoo perm Butte* work bo matter whet jourdtomae l*, or hew 4 able jour condition. Dr. Bntta occepleo B donfele boom of twonty-osro« rooBtsit tlBdoreed fey Mtnoof Iheaoetoetehrolod Bodl* oa 1 profooeoro ol thla ooBBttw BBd •oiled personally or fey arnll. eetl felo works. Office u4portoce. No. U V.&a •“***^4n Market and Chetaut, St. LobIo, Mo* TO PLANTERS IJItOWN & MERCER’S SUPERPHOSPHATE PER TON- Warranted equal to any Phosphate manufoctur. cd. Send for Pamphlet of Certificate* and Analysis, by Professors Mean*, INggi-tt, snd Stewart, to BOWEN A MERCER, 65 rfouth Gay Street BelU- more, Md. 0 W.C.I PEN the Sewers tl When theKidneye, Uver end Brareia do not act hnlthfully, the waste* action of the system remain in the Wood, I and produccirritation and dUease. Thesffi. organs are the outleu of the *Tst*m and, HAMHTON^SBUCHO a dandelion* art kep , in good runninn order, HAMILTON A CO., anoinnaU,. D O AGENTS Want absolutely tbe ing books? Send for circulars c Edge, 1 cia'sp, *8.25 FuH'Gilt. 3 darofo 11,00. •'!Bolden; the White Chief," For Winter Epizootic Treitiaent^, etc. C. F. Vent. HncincMl. Vent & .qdodKcb. CUcmfo.