The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, January 31, 1873, Image 2

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! ^[orth-jfast -(fcorgimt. 11 Ml AM EXTENDED niton. ATI OS IN T11K COUNTIES OK Clarke, OgteUior/w, Elbert, Hart, Hall, Madison, Jackson, Jlabun, Banks, Habersham, Franklin, Putnam, Greene, Walton, Tcnrns, ifarqan, Lumpkin, White, Union, Gwinnett, And a General Circulation Throngliont the State. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. KATES OF ADVERTISING NORTHEAST GEORGIAN * 1 3- : r • a * ! I ! =■ I f ; f | f | f I I i i I 11 lit 00* I 73 a 00| 1 ho: 4 .40! 6 <*»| :»<*»- A* mi I ‘ 2 Oh 5 O') 4 0o< 5 00 0 00 12 fr* 17 00 22 Ml 8 I * 0u 4 50 5 7 »l ft 7ft 12 00 21 00 121 01 * 4 Ou 5 75 7 2ft. ft So 14 ft»Mft 7fti 2ft 0« :W 0« ft ft OJ. 7 <>0i ft 7ft 10 2ft 17 00 21 ;V»J 2D < ft I ft on) ft 2ft. 10 25,12 00|I9 50.21 2f* :« ( 7 , 7 Oo, ft 50 »1 7ft; 1.1 75 22 ou 27 on! 37 < i oo; 4s «) no> 54 in) 7ft! 1ft *2ft' I ft ft*) 24 ft«;*) 7 ft 41 Oo* 00 IN) 10 . ft 00:11 fit) 14 7ft 17 2ft;27 OOiJ2 fto 4.', 00 J ft 7via oi l8 75 29 2ft ft**, oo 44 ftO. 71 00 11 ‘lO SO' 14 Out 17 25 20 2>U 5027 fto: 52 001 It >11 A*, 1ft Ou'*l8 AO >1 7ft .» 75-40 00 55 W>] 81 W» |« 1)2 16 04:19 7ft 2:1 25jl6 50 .V.) 00! $fi «*> 14 112 75.17 00.21 00,24 75 ;« 2ft, 1ft W 62 '*» 91 0*» « 5 “ J v ’ '• SB *H* fS l 0 S8 1 tiS* 8 00 DO 121 00 __ MT 35123 50 29 .WM J'i ’.I 7.Vii3 50’ 87 .M' 12.”. <0 n .17 75-4 25 3-J .70 36 .Ml .Vi 7.7 67 75 !KI Vi 129 10 14 14 00.24 78 31 25,37 50!5S SO 87 7Sl !-3 l«J 122 DO *S is 25125 2S 32 OU :ls SO -GO 25 69 7S 95 SO 135 DO 2* *.S 5»25 73 32 73 39 .VI "3 <iO]71 7,V 98 «MJt DO 17 ll« 7S ! 2fi 2S 33 SO 40 sn|»a 75173 75 luO 00 141 OO IS 119 Ov..t> 75 31 25 41 Vl.i Uvi.u , fto; 25 1ft 01) 12 .V) G7 25:77 75 10ft Oo 1 t» 19 50 27 ,*) 3o 7i IS ft 4 * 1 ,70 00179 75 106 on 1 5 1U3 IN) 144 00 5 10ft Ou 147 no ►0 UU lint™ of JLrznl Advertising for «.f Guunlianship.. t.ilaiiou ur Lc.sat.30: AiliuiniMratioii ;»»*1 »*a I n f «r 1,’fl r^nf Dismission Ailm’i ... 4 00 Application f4#r I filers of lhMii’on GuanI ft 00 Ap|<l ?#iioii for Leave to ^el! Lands .... NolN to iHjb'ors an l Creditors 1 00 Aalea -*f Ltud, die., p.,*- square P?r?nhaMe l*rop«*riy, 10days, per •» |.. V*ir*y Notices, 30 days i.ivriir.'uloi, |H-r l«vv t*f 10 lines «»r less 2 fto #h*rWT M »rlica»c fi#tn. Sales square .. 5 in Tax CalJtM lor’a Sales |H>r square 5 0* Li.ediMjre Morigafcr per s piarc each lime 1 to Exemption Notices (in advance) 2 00 Kale list’s, per *quare. each time 1 On RULES F ill LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Helesof land by Administrators, Executors «»r Guardians, are rt«quired t»v law* t«» be h. Id on tlic first Tuesday in the month, Wtwern the hours «»f leu In lb** hireuoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the prop arly In ait unfed. Notice of these sales must l*e given ina public g.i/ette forty days previous to the dxy of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must •1»o h* published 40days. Notice for the sale of personal property must l*c given in like manner, lOdavs previous to sale day Noth** that application will i •f Ordinary for leave to sell land must •d four weeks. Citations on letters of administration, guardi anship, etc., must l*o published 30 days. For dis mission from administration, monthly, for three months. For dismission from guardianship, 40 da vs Rules for the foreclosure ol iuort«ges niu*t he published monthly, four months. Y’or establish* ing lost papers, for the full spaeeof three months: For compelling titles from executors or adminis trators, where bond has been given by the detests- •d, the full space of three months, sheriff's sales must be published four weeks. Rule Nisi*, monthly, four months. Ext ray Notices, two weeks. Publications will always be continued according t« these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. The agony is over, and the sore head'. arc many. The Hon. George D. Kice has been made Judge of the Western Circuit for eight years, and our talented townsman, Emory Speer is our Solicitor General. The contest was a hot one, and it is only to lie re gretted that so many wise and smart men had to be left in the cold. May a kind providence temper the winds to these. Governor Smith has registered many life long opponents, men who hope that they may never look ujton his like again. It must have been dif ficult to have made choice when Estes, Hutchins, King, Thurmond and Judge Davis were in the field. Judge Rice is a lawyer of the most unquestioned ability and integrity, and his appointment is highly satisfactory to the lawyers and people of this Cir cuit. He lost two son j in the Confcd- erata army, and this coupled with other great qualifications made him the successful contestant. As to Mr. Emory Sj>ccr nothing need be said here, where he is known. He will make himself friends, and admired all through the District upon his first round, and is the very man to put a stop to the commission oi crime. The State has never before had an officer to represent her of more sterling ability and worth. His vigorous prosecution of offenders will have a happy effect succeeding as it docs the lame attempts of the late Marlcr. Those who were disappointed, although they cannot grace the bench, can still be heard in the forum and at the bar. Their pow er for good is not gone. The country will yet demand their services. Ret them, remembering the words of the Post, Hope and Wait! There is to be a new Judge in 1881 and a new Solici tor in 1877. Other appointments will occur at successive periods of eight and four years ever thereafter. It is much to be regretted that the Hon. Joel Abbott Rillups was defeated for the Judgship in the Ocmulgec Circuit". George T. Bartlett was appointed. He bad neither the ability or charactor of Mr. Biliups. The Senate was loath to confirm this appointment and time will vindicate their hesitancy. Davenport Jackson, Jno. T. Glenn, Albert Cox and Emory Speer, Solid GEORGIA ITEMS. No extra charge for Wal, Special or Ru.Incas Naliens. Advertiser, can select any portion of thapaper for oat mice. Marriage Notice* or Oliiiiiarios, not over ten line., will be inserted without extra chare. * . - r .■ , — TT&rr let) lillCS, charged for at regular rates. X SQUARK is one Inch in depth, ortwclre lines of nonpareil. It sir Squares counted as such, and SOT as wholo square*. Parties ran refet to the nlmve taldo, and ace hxactlt what their advertisement will come to hafora they have it inserted. UNITED STATES SENATOR. be'*'.! bi!''i? l° rs respectively of the Augusta, At- 1 lanta, Tallapoosa and Western Circuits are graduates of tlic State University since the war. We regret to say there was not room lor other graduates. To them we say again—wait! Samuel Lumpkin is another, who took the first honor in his dass in 1867. Like all of his name, he is an orator anti law yer. Mizpah. An Important Law.—In the code of Georgia, Sec. 4428 reads as fol lows : ** If any person, by himself or agent, StrrxM U« guilty of ftUiplf)/ing th^ SOT- vant of another during the term which he, she or they may be employed knowing that such servant was so "era ployed, and that his term of service was not expired—or if any persons shall entice, or persuade, or decoy any servant to leave his employer, cither by offering higher wages, or any way whatever during the term of service knowing that said servant was so cm ployed, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction shall pay a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars, or lie imprisoned in the com- South Carolina planters can’t get their cotton picked. The ex-Empress Eugenie is going to leave Chiselhuret, and reside in some other part of England. There was a rumir Saturday night in Cincinnati and Louisville that Gen. ! Grant had been assassinated. It is not known how it originated. A wealthy drunkard at Aurora, Illinois, lately got into the wrong house and beat another man’s sick wife al most to death. In Lake City, Fla., a few days ago, §4,000 in Confederate monev sold for 810. The colored North Carolinians are to attend Grant’s inauguration in large numbers. At.Marion Court House (S. C.,). on the 24th, Sam Boom, a colored man, was hung for the murder of his father- in-law in August lust. The House of Representatives of Congress has before it a bill for in creasing the currency by an extra issue of 823,000,000 to the West and South. The German General Von Man- teuffel thinks Marshal Bazaine the wostr abused man in France, and says history will vindicate his fame. A respectable young man from I'ooria, 111., was lately hung in Cald well, Kansas, by a vigilance commit tee, who mistook him for a horse thief. , 2V lawyer of repute, named God- f ey, of Great Bend, Kan., has lost both feet, his right arm, and part of Iti.s left hand, from frost-bite during the recent intense cold. Ilemstead county. Ark., has two sets of county officials, who are shoot- _ each other in an active manner to decide which was legally elected. A Tennessee hunter killed five wild turkeys at a single shot recently, aud got away with them before the owner missed them from the roost. Bamul II. Nankervise, under m n tence of death for the murder of his own offspring, was released from prison at l’ottsviile, Pa., by a pardon from Governor Geary. Tlic Modoc war prows interesting. The agile Modocs fSut° slain forty more soldiers, without making them- elves known. Let ns deal gently with these erring savages. But it is con soling to know that we are gettin even on the Apaches. The epizootic is reported to have attacked the rabbits and other small game in the Kentucky mountains. The proposition to move the capital from Atlanta to Milledgvillc seems to be gaining in favor throught the State. The Georgia Legislature. An Atlanta cow has borne twins. There are several cases of small-pox in Griffin. Students continue to come in from a distance to Emory College. - . Rome lias a colored temperance so ciety, and ninety-six Africans exotics yre new wintered by coffee alone. Atlanta shudders at the sight of women working in the chain-gang on the streets. An old Macon seder thinks last Saturday was the coldes day iu that city for twenty years. Last week the weather was so cold that an engine 011 the Western Road froze to the track. A movement is now on foot look ing to the organization of a chapter of R. A. Masons in Gainesville. A lucky fisherman in Dougherty county captured 2,219 fishes one day recently. Washington county produces annu ally over 25,000 bales of cotton. The largest cotton producing county in the State. A negro woman in Bainhridge has been put under a 8200 bond to answer the charge of decoying apd persuad ing away the servant of another. Shade Graham, a man in affluent circumstances, while drunk in the woods near Hawkinsville last Friday night, was roasted to dea|b by a fire. The residence of Mr. S..R. McGTung in Polk county, with nearly all its con tents, was burned on tbe 20th. Mr. John Gatumell, living in Harris county, was shot and killed at West Point last Saturday, by Robert W. Richards. Col. J. I). Mathews, in a letter to the Atlanta Constitution, withdraws from the contest in the 8th Dist., in favor of A. H. Stephens. t Mr. J. O. Mathewson’s trotting marc “ Jessie Gray” was sold at auc tion in Augusta on Wednesday for th ee hundred and ten doll .rs. W. W. Kiddoo, of Randolph county, 1 to succeed the South- Gen. Gordon, as all know, has been elected to the United States- Senate from Georgia. We hope he will be I nion jail not exceeding three months, or felt there. Gen. Gordon is a high toned, honest gentleman. The highest compliment Georgia could pay him, she has given, in electing him over the head of one who is acknowl edged bj all to be, not only tlic first man in-Georgia, but tho first in tbe United States, .Vlexan ler II. Steph ens. Mr. Stephens, in all probability, will go to tbe Lower House. If he should, Yankee element will quake he- forrn his giganticc miud and his hon est heart. The 8th Congressional District will he ably represented by him. All honor to Col. J. D. Mathews, the gallant soldier in war, aud the upright, noble gentleman in peace, and to other can didates whose chances fjr the position wore fair, each one of whom would ha vo been an honor to his State, for withdrawing in his favor. Donaton to Boston.—We learn that some of the citizens of Columbia, S. C., donat'd a lot of old brick-bats, fronl Sherman’s burning of that city, both, at the discretion of the court. No one, in its violation, is permits ted to plead ignorance of its pro visions. X Foomhii SnciDK.—One of tbe most foolish suicide that has been com mitted in this country for years occur red a few days ago in Cleveland, Ohio. A married lady living there, whoso husband was in good circumstances, and who provided for her in a style compatible with his means,-took a fancy to a new and expensive carpet which site desired him to purchase for her, aud which he declined to do. Mad dened by bis refusal, she in a moment of desperation, took a dose of Paris jreen. She shortly afterward told her tushand what she had done, and every effort .possible was made to restore tier, but the poison had commenced its work, and all remedies failed. Before she died she said she bitterly repented that, and prayed for the life to he spared that her vainty and temper had caused her to forfeit. B5?* The oldest man in the world has | at length been discovered. His name is Jose Martino Continbo, a resident to assist in rebuilding Boston after the I °fCane Frio, in the province of Rio George T. Barnes and Colonel J. D. Matthews withdraw as possible candidates in favor of H.m. A. II Stephens. The wolling mills in Massachusetts are reported to lie stopped of account of the present high price of the raw mater *3". Massachusetts reports two new mon strosities—a baby eighteen months old who recites the Greek alphabet and a ghost which shovels snow off the side walks. From February 1sL1873-. all between tlieofficc of the Western T Tellegraph Company for ten words, tliat-sre more than 82 50, will be re duced to that amount. Indictments have been found against •Susan B. Authony and her gallant hand, charging them with voting illegal ly in Rochester. Ex-Governor Brown and family have returned fro* their trip to Cuba, with improved health. The track has been laid on the Port Royal railroad to Upper Three Runs, S. C., sixteen miles from the 8avannah iver. The road will lie finished by March 1st. X 4 Foster, the car-hook murderer, will hang if Governor •Shoothimonthespot Dix does not pardon him. With Btokes and Foster, and the dozen other murders iu the Tombs effectually dis posed of, New York might not average over one murder a week this year. The Rev. Win. C. Clark has been expelled from the Methodist Protestant Conference, in Brooklyn, for getting up a church lottery for the benefit of the Bethesda Mission. It is believed that when full reports can bo obtained, it will lie found that nearly five hundred jiersons lost their lives in Minnesota during the recent snow storm. X man at Janesville, Minnesota, was recently bcqten by his wife. The woman was arrested aud fined fifty dollars for tho assault, which the hus band was obliged to pay. In Washington City on Saturday night, John Hill shot and instantly killed Captain Korney, proprietor of of^hc Central House. Hill, .havin^ discovered Korney in his house, mi*- tcaknly supposed him to be a burgla was appointed on Frida; Jmlge P. B. Harrall, western Circuit. The nomination was unanimously confirmed by the Senate. Dr. Webster preached a spiritual sermon in Columbus ou Saturday Hon. 2V. II. Stephens left Atlanta on Saturday for his home at Liberty Hall. The Itesaca bridge is unfortunate. The trestle work of the bridge has now been washed away. A negro in Brunswick, while riding a mule and leading another, was dragged from his seat and killed. The body of a colored child, in an advanced state of decomposition, was found /ecently in the woods near Sa vannah The Savannah steamer Nick King sank at Darien on Saturday. The 2\.tlanta Constitution says Gor don received only three Radical votes. Fitch is terribly hard on A. H Stephens, and calls him an office hun ter. The Tdegrapijh denies the exaggerat ed reports of the preseap* of disease in Macon. The Savannah News “ heartily sec onds the motion, and endorses the in reference to^^remoring ^"the^Cfejntol to Milledgeville The Sun says: The philosopher and orator “ J. N.,” will address the Gen oral Assembly in the Hall of the House of Representatives on the 8th ■v. • fire. Janeiro, Brazil, who was born on the 20tfi of May, 1<J04, and Is therefore nearly one hundred and seventy-nine years old ! It is said that lie has forty two children by six wives, and can countone hundred and twenty-three grand children, eighty six great grand children, twenty-three great-grand Gov. Smith orders nn election in the 8th District to fill Gen. Wright’s placet on the 2Cth of February. Rum 1TAL IK TUB C VKITAJ, to Mu. ,„ r v„.,,_ TI ,c Macon \ of Monday, says: the last. “We are informed on authority tha* seldom makes mistakes, that a de-1 B¥3u X new and disastrous horse Tided majarity of the Legislature is disease is prevailing in New York, and strongly 111 favor of the removal of the has already proved very destructive, capital to tho old and rightful seat of Tlic surgeons call it spinal meningitis, government, Milledgeville. \\ e do and think it. an outgrowth of the epi- not know what wiil lie the result of I zoo ic, resulting from imprudence in inis opinion on the part of the mem- working the animals before their corn- tiers ot the General Assembly, hut we plcte recovery. No premonitory symp- are assured that if the question could toms appear, but the animal is attacked be brought to ai vote now, there would suddenly and falls iu tlic street, and V- ~ ou ‘ ,t a3 *° the result. I (ve y casj thus fa. has pr. ve 1 fatal. In . ou ™ ,l B#t "0 well, hy way of test- Bos;ou sundry* cases of this disease ing tliesense of the representatives of have occurred, but they have generally t | ic 0 ” t***" question, that a vote yic'ded to prompt treatment, U19 ch°if iMouifl tie token t \Y e shall never rest I features or^rbicb have been ease and ea«y until ^tho Inst vestige of Bullock-1 warmth. They have occurred among . . ‘ ‘ -- ed lam naa been luiried iu a deep and | lhat class of horses which are subject a has tli-honored grave X#r3y an pxaapeiutej Michigan Editor : “It is disgusting to see young girls paVade the streets of a modest to the severest posure. kind of work and ex- DST A, rejMirter, not as reliable as and unassuming little country village i romantic, in tliscribiug a fashionable with • tuckuphehindwigglednrnphooli- wedding, not things mixed up tlvenem larger than they are. mgs follows: “!8be stood befi head, a lair wreath of orange A lady’s hat, with ail its trimmings blossoms upon her dainty feet, lovely ore flic alter on ' % ipon her roseate lips, ie for eleven cents | and a confiding happy smile as she ©sucetl on him who stolid by her side.” and a baud-lnix, was lately sent from | white satin shoes 11 California to Maim p.» tage. , now xp BE POLITE^ Do not try too hard to be polite. Never overwhelm your friends hy begging them to make themselves at Ignne, or they will soau w'ish they were there. Show hy your actions rather than your words that you are glad to see them. Have enough regard for yourself to treat your greatest enemy with quiet politeness! All petty slights are mere ly meanness, and hurt yourself more than any one else. Do not talk about yourself or your" family, to the exclusion of other topics. What it you are clevir? Be so, in order that other folks may think so. It may be interesting for you to talk over your ailments, but veiy tiresome for others to listen to. Make people think you consider them elpver and agreeable, and thsy will lie pretty apt to have a pleasant impression of yoti reelf. Treat people just as you would like to have them treat you. It is rail 'll easier to lose the good opinion of jieople than to retain it; and when pue do2a not care' for the grfwf opinion of others, he or she isnot worthy of respect. Do not excuse your house, furniture, or the table you set before your guests. It is fair to suppose their visits are to you, and not to your surroundings. The whole machinery of social in tercourse is very delicate and intricate, and it is our business to keep all places of possible friction well suppliid with t’ c oil of politeness. of February, Heard county comes to the surface with a negro woman one hundred and twenty years old. She is as nimble as a Maltese kitten and can easily see to thread a knitting-peedle. Her in fant grand-child liviog with her is fifty six years of age. A well-dressed, handsome girl of Atlanta astonished a colored woman the other day by placing a bundle in her hands and disappearing. The bundle proved to be a baby. Mr. Kittles, living near Ringold, caught sixteen wild turkeys in a pen last week. The Georgia Legislature is at pres ent one of the most influental bodies of the kind that ever assembled iu the State. The Atlanta Constitution seems to be worried with the ida that the new Slate Printer will find the jub very unprofitable. It is quite lamentable. Murdock McLeod has . been drawn as one of the Grand Jurors for the next term of the U. S. Court at Sa vannah. He is the first colored juror who ever been drawn in that .county. i % The Georgia elections are aliout over. Willie McIntosh, of Macon, son of the pastor of the First Baptist Church, died of menigetis last week. Griffin was frightened to deth last week over tho chicken-pox. A company proposes to incure the xpense of building waiter-mefa in Ltlauta if the citr will give them a years. The editor of the Camilla Enterprise proposes ^appropriate one-half of the profits of his paper to the support and education of the poor of that place. It will be several days before any divi dends are declared. The Marrietta girls are a queer set. They gave an exclusively feminine party last Friday night, and oqe bold youth who was dying to know how they could be happy without some of his sort, and who struck hu head • in side the door, was broomsticked off with a very sore head. ' * Macon benzine is very acrid. A young man from the country took some the other day, and astonished thy police of that village by a; ing with nothing on but a pair < glasses and a corn-plaster. He was carried before the Mayor;'hut as anon a« Huff found that he had sipped Ma con nectar, he tur.ned him loose. 1 the wor- apnear- 01 eyc- They have a C. O. D. ghost in tho Express car on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. IN THE SENATE. In the Senate the following bills were introduced: By Mr. Arnold—To reppeal the act amending and giving compensation to ordinaries, sheriffs and clerks of the Su perior Courts; also, to fix the fees of jailors. By Mr. Hillyer—To amend tho act in corporating the Atlantic and Great West ern Canal. To provide for the preven tion of detaining live stock on railroads during Sunday. To change the lnw of evidence, allowing the introduction of the books of banks and corporations in certain civil case?. A bill to amend the several acts incor porating the city ot Gainesville, and for other purposes. Committee reported in favor, and the bill was passed. A bill to appoint a Board of Commis sioners to sell tho public acadamy of Clarksville. Mr. Erwin proposed a substitute for the original bill—accepted and substitute passed. In tlic Senate, Mr. Cain presented a petition from Rev. J. O. A. Clark, Gen. ^Gordon, Gov. Jenkins, Gan. Toombs and others, praying for such action by the General Assembly as will harmonize the educational interests of denominational colleges and the State University. Re ferred to the Committee on Education of both Houses. A bill to repeal nn act to prevent an emigrant from leaving his employer with- >ut having first paid his passage money. Committee reported favorably, and the bill was passed. A message was received from the House, stating that that body had passed by a constitutionaljmajority the Senate bill incorporating the University Bank of Athens. JUDGES. Gio. I). Rico, We tern Circuit. A. II. Ilausell. Southern Circuit. Uerschcll V. Johnson, Middle Circuit. SOLICITOR GENERALS. C. J. Harris, Macon Circuit. Cicero D. Clemene, Rome Circuit. Emory Speer, Western Circuit. Thomas B Cahanist, Flint Circuit. Carlton J. Wellborn, Blue Ridge Circuit Robert G. Mitchell, Southern Circuit Mr. Amour, Chairman of Co in ttec on Education, introduced a resolution that the Governor appoint a committee ot 2 persons to take the memorial of Rev. O Clarke into consideration and report to the next session of the Legislature. A resolution to purchase Stone Moun tian for a penitentiary was lost. CONFIRMATIONS. Judges— Macon circuit, Barnard Hill; Ociuulgee circuit, George T. Bartlett; Flint circuit, John G. Hall. Solicitor Generals—Atlanta Circuit, John F. Glenn; Northern Circuit, Samuel Lumpkin; Augusta'} Circuit, Davenport Jackson; Western Circuit, Clias. F. Crisp; Oconee Circuit, Robin A. Stanley; Middle Circuit, John W. Robertson. In executive session Senate confirmed Joseph W. Preston, Solicitor General Oc- mulgec Circuit. IN THE HOUSE. In the House the following bills were introduced ; Bv Ur. UuDose—to pronibit parties convicted of larceny from voting or hold ing office. By Mr. Hudson—T9 authorize the ap pointment of an inspector of steam boil ers. By Sir. Hurt—To provide for the tak. ing of agricultural statistics by tax re ceivers and collectors, and for the publl cation of reports. By Mr. Pcalxidy—'To provide a fund for public schools in 1873. This bill sets apart one-half of the receipts from the State Road, the poll tax, the tax on show s and exhibitions, dividends from tbe Georgia Railroad, and the. interest on |3,500,000 bonds. By Mr. Phillips—To make penal of fences of horse-racing, cock-fighting, and the use of obscene, profane and oppro- bious words, where there are no munici pal corporations. Also a bill appropriat ing thirty thousand dollars to the pay ment of printing claims. By Mr. Howell—To clrange the law of descent, providing that where a man dies intestate, his wife shall inherit only a child's port. By Mr. Carlton—To authorize a State Geologist; to create a new county out of Clark; to authorize the Governor to draw j his warrant for twenty-eight hundred dollars in favor of the State University. By Dr. Dell—To . amend the home stead law, By Mr. Mills—To provide compensa tion for attorneys defending or prosecut ing pauper criminals. By Mr. Jones, of Burke—To protect agricultural products and prevent depor tations from farms. - By Mr. Glisson—To prescribe the fees Of Justice's Of the Peace, and require them to demand cash for their services. To require the Ordinary of Jackson county tocxecute the will ot W. D. Mar tin ; to relieve J. M. Wilhite, of Jackson county; to change the line between Franklin and Hart counties. To incorporate the Bank of the Uni versity at Athens. Copunittee on Banks recommend its passage. Mr. Carlton moved to substitute the Senate bill for the Rouse bill, which was agreed to. Report as amended agreed to, and Hie bill passed by yens 129. Nays—Summerlin, Leigh of Coweta, Anderson. The committee reported adverse to the bill fertile relief of maimed soldiers, and the bill was tabled. In tlic House, debate on the resolution looking to the purchase ot Stone Moun tain a strong sentiment against the sys tem of farming out convicts was mani fested. Mr. Turner 396 votes. Ot these, 21 votes were fraudulent, Mr. Duncan receiving 20, and Mr. Turner one of the fraudulent votes. Casting ont all the fraudulent votes, it reduced the number of votes re ceived by Mr. Duncan to 877, and the number received by Mr. Turner, 395, leaving a majority in t»vor of Mr. Turner. In these facts the committee agreed, but there are a few minor points in which they disagree. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Athens’ Retail Priees Current FOB TBE WEEK ENDING JAN'CABY SI. Corrected by J. H. Huggins, Gen eral Commission Merchants, Broad Street, Athens Georgia. 0*toa.— -, PrOTbloas.—Flour, Fancy, perbbl.. Extra Family, Family, Superfine Corn -........-per biuh. Peas - —. “ Meal - “ 14 to 1&% 13 00 12 00 11 00 10 00 90 to 1 00 to 1 10 1 00 90 FERTILIZERS!, rpHF UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS FOR THE SALE of ^ JL following welt-kuowa and popular Fertilizers, to-vit: * JS! I HE Soluble Pacific, Carolina, Paragon, Ammoiated Dissolved Bones Manhattan Blood Guano. ’ Call at our Store, corner Thomas and Clayton Streets. J. C. P1TNER & CO. Wheat “ 1 75 to 2 00 Bacon sides, per pound 10 to *• shoulders, “ 8 to 9 •* hams, “ 12 U Lard “ U!4 to l-'A Irish Potatoes, country, prbusb, 1 00 t< “ “ Northern, “ ISO t Sweet Potatoes, “ 50 to 1 20 Eggs per doz. 25 to 40 Chickens, grown, 30ct Frying 20 to Butter per lb. 20 to 25 Groceries.—Sugar, Crushed per lb. 17 to IS A “ 15 t •• B - “ 14 t •< C •* 14 t 11 Dciuar&ra, " 13 t Codec, Bio, •* 25 1 “ Lagutra, “ 28 I “ Java — “ 33 i Tea, Hysco “ 1 50 to — -' Gunpowder, 41 2 00 to — •• Black..— “ 1 50 to — Onions, -per bush. 100 to 1,50 Syrup, Sorghum, per gal. GO to 75 44 Cane, 14 75 to 1 00 Cuba Molasses.— 44 40 to 50 Candles, sperm... per lb. 40 to 50 44 Adaman, •" 20 to 25 44 Tallow, *• 15 to 20 Cheese, State...... 44 20 to 25 44 Eng. Dairy, 44 25 to SC Crockers, sods,... 44 15 to 20 44 butter, 44 15 to ‘20 44 sugai, " 20 to SO 44 cream, 44 20 to 30 Candy, plain per lb. IS to 40 44 fancy 44 50 to GO Soda 44 12 to 15 Black Pepper...—. 44 35 to 40 Ginger.... 44 35 to 10 Starch — 44 15 to 20 Tallow 44 8 to 10 Dried Peaches, pealed, 44 6 to — “ 44 uupealcd, “ 4 to — Dried Apples 44 4 to — Rice 44 H to 12 Mackerel, kits 2 50 to 3 00 44 obi 10 00 to 12 00 Sardines, per box, ?5 to 40 Sail persack,2 25 to 2 50 Factory Goods,—Cotton Yarns $ 1 G5 Osnaburgs, per yd. 18 to 20 Shirting, 44 12 to 15 m J. H. CARLTON, AGENT K0K . Wando Fertilizer, Acid Phosphate, Giant Phosphate Harvest King, Watson & Clarke Super-Phosphate. ’ Office in Dr. King's JDftug Store, BUIST’S GARDEN SEED! BUIST’S ONION" SETS. Cabbage, Beans, Beets, Lettuce, Radish Seed, 4'C„ IN GREAT VARIETY AT 1-4 “SI to 12% Dry Goods..—Prints, Delaines, 44 25 Ul'chcd Shirting, 44 10 Bed Ticking, 44 20 Tobacco—Common, .per lb 50 Medium 44 60 Fine. 44 1 00 to 1 50 Smokiug, 44 GO to 1 00 Snuff,Maccaboy, per lb, 1 00 44 Scotch 44 80 Cigars, Am— per 1000 DO 00 to 50 00 44 Havana.... 44 75 00 100 00 Ammunition—Powder per lb. 40 Shot 44 12 Lcad...^..... 44 12 Cap* per box, IS Drags—Copperas per lb. I to 10 Indigo— 44 2 00 to 2 60 Madder;... •* 20 to SS Ex/Logwood 44 25 ITtw— 0.1,. •• Sulphur 44 IS Bagging and Tie*—Bagging- 44 18 Ties 44 9 Rope, cotton 44 40 Rope, grass 44 25 Hardware.—Iron, Screeds- 44 9 44 Country bar 44 7 44 English 44 * 44 Castings,.— 11 7 Nails 44 9 Steel, cast 44 25 Steel, plow— 44 12 Cuttou Cards, per pair, 75 Wool 44 44 50 Weeding Hoes 50 Ames* Shovels, spiece, 1 40 44 Spades, 44 1 50 Trace Chains, pair 75 Leather, Ac.—Boots, Northern 4 00 Boots, Southern Shoes, Northern LONGS & BILLUPS. We offer them Very Cheap to Merchants and Families Corner Thomas $ Clayton Streets. YTrE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING FORMED A PARTNKR- > V SHIP, would respectfully inform our former patrons, and the public generally, that ve kin now in store, and will continue to keep, the finest stocks of tne following ever bought to Atb« •: STAPLE GROCERIES, DRV DODDS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, And everything else found in first-class establishments of the kind. To any one wishing to .STORE COTTON, we Iilvj a FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, where the charge is only 25 cents per month, and Insunoct as low as any other Warehouse. Pitner, O’Farrell & Jackson SEED to — to — to 1 00 to 6 00 10 00 to 12 00 2 00 to 4 00 Solo Leather, per !b... 35 to 40 Upper Leather, ** 35 to GO Harness Leather, “ 40 to 50 Calf Skin, per doz... 40 00 to 100 00 Kip Skins 50 00 to 75 00 Dry Hides, per lb.... 12 to Green Hides 44 6 to 8 Pinanrial.—Geld, buying...... 1 11 44 (telling 1 14 Silver, buying.... 1 03 44 Kollinv...~ 1 05 to — to — New Advertisements. The West Point New alludes to the girls of that village as “ Gilt-edge,” Girls, end ,r Rough-edge girls.” What does he mean ? Petor Lewis, who lost liis wife and two children at the recent collision near Bear Creek, on the Macon and Wef- tem railroad, has compromised with the Central railroad for three hundred dollars, which is a very cheap price for a famlv. 1IART COUNTY ELECTION. The Committee on Privileges and Elections submitted tlieir report in the cn«c of the Hart county election, in which Mr. Allen S. Turner (Democrat) contests the seat of Mr. Duncan (^dependent). The committee declare that Mr. Duncan* who now occupies his seat, was illegally elected and recommend that Mr. Turner be so a ted. The evidence showed that Mr. Duncan lmd received 397 votes, and GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF HEAVY BOOTS | SHOES AT E. A. WILLIAMS & BRO’S Broad Street, Athens, Go. P ORDER TO MAKSLJBOOM forottr SPRINO STOCK-we have Jeeldml to sell Heavy Buata and Shoe. CHEAPER than they have been aqld-by us this Season. AH In want of in^h Goods should call bn E. A. WILLIAMS & BltO., dealers in Boots and Shoes, flats, Caps, TRUNKS Leather & Shoe Findings, AND ALSO Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Of which we have a Good Supply. jan31-Gw Buisfs and LandreWs GARDEN SEED DIRECT FROM THE GROWERS. oisov sews* ®nm, f mu, AND IM.BUUt, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE CHEAP. u' FREE. R. T. BRUMBY & CO. cuunty. dec-easod, is unrepresented; this is, there- Valentines at Hew York Pita WE HAVE RECEIVED A LAUGH ASSORTMENT OF mimmm Sentimental, Comic | Juvenile Which we arc prepared to furnish to country •Jf* chants as low as they can bur them in »» '• f ** Send for a Circular and price lihl to fore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if] ^ * ~ ‘ have, why C. A. Webb, Clerk of the any, they 1 Superior Court, or some other fit and proper per-; son, should not besppeinted administrator to rep resent said estate at the March Term of tho court of Ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in March. This January 27th, 1873. Y. C. t STEPIIENSOX, Ordinary. GEORGIA, HART COUNTY.— vjTWhereas, C. A. Webb, adtmuitdrator ofF. G. Stainers, late of said county, deceased, petitions for a discharge from said administration. Therefore, alt person* concerned are hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary of said county, to !»e held on the ftist Monday in May next, lie discharged from said administration. Given under nsv hnti 1, tU> 27th ay of January, 187^ F. C fcTEniEXSON, Ordinary. Surveyor, Architect. rpHE undersigned, having a coni- JL pletc act of Surveying In.trument., is now ready to do all kinds of Surveying, via.: Laying off City Lots, Homesteads, Plantations, Ac., and making accurate Plots of the same. He is also propaaed to execute all descriptions of Drafting, to furnish Plans for Houses, Bridges, Ac., and moke estimates of cost. Can be found at tbe Law Office of Captain E. P. Lumpkin. E. K. LUMPKIN. Jan3l-tf County Surveyor. jsn24-3t BURKE & HODGSON- A LECTTJKE TO VOUNtt MEN. 1 Just Published, in a Seal-1 cd Envelope I W Price, six ceuts. "S*l Lecture ou Inc ostarc, trosuwnt and radical) CUN of Sporrastorrluea, or Seminal Weakiics, In voluntary Emissions, Sexnul I'ebi ilv, and hu-i pediments to marriage gem-mil- ; Nnrvnusness,! Consumption, Epilepsy sod Fils; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, etc. By Robert J. Culverwcll, 31. D-, author oi the “Green Book,*, Ac. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves Kmu his own experience that the awful consequences of sclf-ahnsc may 1 e effectually removed without medicines, and with out dangerous surgical opeiations, bougies, instru ments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode <• cure at once certain and effectual, by which oven sufferer, no matter what his oondltion may may cure himself cheaply, privately and radical This lecture will prove a boon to thousand thousan Is. Sent under seal, to any address, in plain I envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two _ ago stamps. Also, Dr. Culvcrwell’s “Marr Guide,'' price, 50 cents. Address the publish! CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO.j 12} Bowery, New York, Post-Office box, 4,1 oct23-ly GROUND AND WHOLE SPICES j Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon, And Cloves, "rf*0R SALE BT K. T. BRUMBY & CO. jan24-tf C. II. TAYLOR, Tuner, Regulator & Repairer —OF— Pianos, Organs, Mclodcons And all kinds of Musical Instruments. Twenty years practical experience- Having located at Athens, I respectfully solicit odera from town and country. Orders left with Prof. I, w. Hallam or at O’KcI- y A Taylor's Gallaay wtU receive prompt atten tion- dec6-ly DANIEL’S MAGIC OIL. .A SURE CUBE FOB BHEtlATUV. A Certificate from Mr. D. C. Oliver. I certify that 1 used Daniel's'Magic Oil in a se vere case of Inflammatory Rheumatism. It gave relief In a lew boars. Case Is now entirely cured. V. C. OLIVER. BRIGGS & BROTH ILLUSTRATED Flaral Wt ForoTer Forty Years this PURELY VEGETABLE? Liver Medicine has proved tobetb* GREAT IINPAII.INU SPKflFff or Liykr Complaint and the l , \ l . nf “ , ll f^ , i(i? l .hereof, to-wit: DVSPKPSIA, fA™,£ Jaundice, Diilious attacks, ,*.*t-ivnainB, ribo ertt^ Colic, Dcprcssmn of Spirits, SOI It MV'NA 4 44 * wlth 23 cents '-Heart Burn, CHILLS and FEN F.U, Aa., Ac- ., wllfreceive^ the four Q^ !«*.*&j AfterJprrMjf who order Seed* this year will bcjreditod with a ' TliE PREPARED A Liquid form of Simmons' Liver R-‘e> l J’ , '^'„j,s tainlng all its wnnuerftil and valuabl pne i, *um an »ucu lumiLcr mi* ww h>jt v *y fCNTW otter it iu ^ DOLLAR BOTTLER The Fcwd-rs, price ss before, P* T Iff* 1 * For Janusry, 1873, Now Out. Issu ly. The four numliers sent to a mail, for 25 Ceuts. The richest ani tivc Illustrated and Descciplivc FT published. Those of our patrol Seed* last year and were crcdlte Quartern year will _ subscription for 1874. The Janas y number con tains nearly 400 Engravings Two Superb Colored Plates, suitable for framing, A ab i Ti-ited Plates of our gorgeous Floral Chromns- nfojuation ■ re lative to Flowers, Vegetables, etc.,anlr'hplrcuUl- vation, aud all such matter as wss lbrperly found in our ' - - • - “ order V4WKS -A.VUO UVIUIV OCUIIIK Ul Ihh' 1 » ,, ’ . terly. AVechaUegecomparisonon4“» li, J’ 4 ^ s *'" and prices and sizes of packets. Wtf Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List *>rl*J3, »?"tfr < ’ e Address, B Seedmen and Florists, Seat l e Wanted American Fam ly Knitting ami b**t Itt the *o*rld. Agents 'ly Knitting S20O per month mil the Improved Machine. The rtm- Addirss American knitting*Maciiiue'co., \V*si<in8‘‘ ,u Street, Uovtuu, Mass. -a:.:— :—i-« C-A/uxiossr- Bo no P< .filers or rrrpaie-i five** 4 : 1 _ tor rules, in oar engraved wrapper, wi ^*. marlistamp a-d signature unbroken aW ‘ -r * tSBSfiSfc* SOLD BV A1.L DRU<l° ISTft