The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, February 07, 1873, Image 2

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forpit. aAe AN EXTENDED CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTIES OF Cfcwfe, Oglethorpe, Effort, Hurt, Hall, Madison, Jae!;*on, Rabun, Banka, Hafor+*m, FWnkKn, Putnam, Greene, Walton, Towns, J/umpkin, White, Union, Gwinnett, And a General Circulation Throughout the State. RATIOS OF ADVERTISING NORTHEAST GEORGIAN ill l I i ! i ! 1 1 1 UU, 1 7J 2 (Ml 2 SOI 4 So: (110 uo; 12 on • oo! o is'io 2>vi2 7 no If .Will 7513 11 asjis 00! 13 50 21 7ft 33 7ftl4<l W, 55 50 91 Oo 12 00 16 (W 19 7.V2". 25 nS UlliJ’J 50 o;l 00, (W 00 19 SOI <4 2ft , ... - ft'« 00|27 00 * 00 10 7.5,13 25,15 50 24 .50 39 75j 41 00] «0 00 » 00||| So 14 75,17 25 27 00*32 SO 45 Oil! l« Ml » 75; W 00*10 OO iH 75 29 25136 00! 43 SOI 71 Ml 10 SO, 14 00117 25120 23 31 50)37 SO 32 001 76 00 12 75 17 00 21 BO-24 75 33 23745 OUi 62 SO 91 On 13 SO! IS 00*22 25'26 2 5 40 50147 30: 66 Oo 96 00 14 25 19 00*23 .50127 7.5 12 75 .50 00 69 50 101 00 14 75,19 7.5(24 S0;2J 06 !4 7.5 52 25 72 5o‘l05 00 IS IS 2-5 20 50,25 SOj30 25,16 7.5 .54 So' 75 50* 109 00 IB .3 21 25*26 50*31 Sff-B 75 56 73’ 7S SO 1 113 Ml I* 25(22 00,27 .50132 75,50 7.5 39 Mi. 81.50(117 Ml 16 .5 22 73,29 50 34 Mil52 75 61 25 1 84 SO 121 00 17 25 23 50*29 SO 25 25 51 75 63 50 87 SO 125 00 17 75(24 25 3» .to 3* 50(36 75 65 75. 90 SO. 129 00 1» 06 24 7s 31 25 37 50.58 50 67 75* 93 00 132 Ml GEOBOIA ITEMS. “J. N." Borne. bas been ** lifting it? In A Worth county man recently killed fonr deer in one day. • A young man in Elbcrton was in jured by gin—cotton gin. The barbers of Albany, according to the Netoa, are accomplished. The new male academy atEIberton is being rapidly completed. Fulton County sends nine colored recruits to Grant, Alexander & Co. The youngest suicide yet is an eij year-old Savannah girl, who shot her- i eight- self the other day. Meningitis appears to be making fearful inroads in several sections of Georgia. John F. Quarles, colored, of Au gusta, is an applicant for the position of Minister to Liberia. There were eleven deaths in Rome, five whites and six colored, during the month of January. The Savannah Republican says that the Arkwright cotton Factory will be ready to set its spindies iu motion in about two weeks. Correspondence of the Son. CHILD MUKDBR IN NAPLES. Infants Starred to Death and Infants Poisoned Tor Money. THE FLYING ARROW.. The Gen’l R. E. Lee Monument. T .. . , . I—The grand monument to tho memory Indians are strange people in many - f n a. r .. i„ m mmA L**i “ »ow rapha^bdag con- The excerci.<cs of Wesleyan Feniele College, at Macon, have beeu tem porarily suspended on ncouut of sick ness in that city. 1* 5ft 23 75 .12 75! 19 50*62 00 19 73 25 25(32 Ml 33 Sn'69 25 2C 25 ,53 .Vij-IU 50.,71 7,5 19 On26 75*34 25 II .Vi.65 50 27 25.35 Mill2 .50 67 25 77 75*105 Ml* 147 Ml 27 50*35 7.143 60 711 uO 9*5 50 135 Ml 71 75 98 BO 138 Oo 73 75 loo no 141 00 55 73 103 Ml 144 110 When Atlanta barbers get hold of a rural customer they put him through in style, and then charge nine dollars and a half. The Senate Chamber at Atlanta, has recently become a stable since a Sena tor got drunk and made an aea of himself. 79 7.4 1m) oo;ijo mi ■Rates of Legal .Idea-Using . 2^°° f* r of Guardianship —$3 On (Station f..r Letter* of Admin strjtlur— ...._.. 4 00 Application for Us.tcra ol Dismission Aiiui'r... 4 00 Application for Letters of'oii fioarri 5 OO Applaliuo for I-care lo Sell Ln*di A oo Niillna to Debtor* and I'rediturs 3 00 ' *J r * **_**”", Ac., per square ..... 5 00 jV 1 *^ ahl<! .fcopcrly, 10,l»j^|^ r ai|...... 1 (10 Mirmy ftoucM, 90 3 00 is »■** * 4aa,e * ®» roroeioooroMort~e per square oath lime-... 1 Ml ■xmaptlmi N««l«t (Inalnn.e* j oo ilule Mai a, per aquarc, each lime —... 1 00 RULES FOB LEO At. ADVERTISEMENTS. _BaIa*of hod bp Admln’stretora, Executors or *" rc*inlrcl l.y law In bo bckl on the * 11,4 oiunlh, between llic bourt* of tan In the forenoon aud throe In the aflcrnuun, at the Court Hooae in the count* in whirh the prop- •Jlf it ailailid. Nolle** *f these rales must be . - — • irv.rv 1-AIC3 UIUM DC the'day'of aTte b C *** e,t * days prerloos to «i2, < £PZ!5Im < 2^2 r J« , f d creditors of an estate most •uo be published 40 days. Notice for tho sale of glsen in like Notice that a, of Ordinary for •d four weeks. publish* ^Cilaikina on lottan of a ImioistrsUon, guard 1- “.’".‘P* published So days. For dls- •aforton from administration, monthly, for three ■““•ha. For dismission from guardianship, 40 days ‘h« foreclosure ot mortgages must be Mbllsbed monthly, four months. For esUbiish- »f loot payers, for the full space of three months, ifor compelling titles (him exerul *?£*•* * >on< f haa been give! ih^Si , 3r„ ,rfU,ree “ onl,w - „ a most bo published four MaleMsls, monthly, four month*. Eatray Notices, two weeks. recks. Pablicatios* will always lie continued according •—a*** the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. The women of Columbus, Ga., have discarded silks and satins, and are wearing the plaids and checks manufactured in that city. * There will likely be a street car rail* road authorized by the Legislature to run between Oxford and Covington. A capital idea for convenience. Mental aborration caused a citizen of Telfair county to kill a freedmau last 5veek. The citizen was rational enough, however, to use a hand spike. A. drunken negro in Washington county tumbled iuto bed, setting the mattress on fire. Both man and roattn were consumed. Naples, January 8.—-Mrs. Rose Potto has' made-the following blood curdling confession: Trusting that the ignominy which tins declaration will bring upon me will be accepted by my merciful Crea tor in atonement of my crimes, I. Rose Potto, truthfully state iu the presence of my spiritual adviser, that I am accountable for the murder of those infants whose bodies were found in my late residence by the public officers on the 13th day of December. For three years I pursued a terrible system of crime in order to satiate my greed for money, and I prevailed upon Margarite Coraldi, now in this prison, to assist me in perpetrating th* crimes of which I stand charged, and am guil ty. I earned advertisements to be published iu Neapoli a i journals, stat ing that any persons desirous at rid ding themselves of their edldiei, to prevent shame and -infamy, or for any cause, could procure relief by calling upon me; that I was prepared to take full charge of their children upon a certain sum being paid. I required no person to leave his or her name, aud am therefore unable to implicate any of those parties who encouraged me to perpetrate those crimes, for which I crave the Divine mercy. As far as I am capable of remembering, I wilfully starred to death about twenty children, male and female, by locking them in an empty a{inrtmcnt, whence I could not hear their cries, and whence no others could hear them. I administered poison at intervals to about the same number of babies; and \rhcn dead I, assisted by Margarite Coraldi, concealed the corpses below tlic tiles of the several floors of my house and beneath the gravel in the cellar. These murders only occurred wheu I could not rid myself of the in fants in any other 5vay. I adopted another wicked means of procuring gain by advertising that I could pro vide childless women with beautiful children for adoption, being compelled to part 4\ith them on account ’ of my poverty. In connection with the causes of my crime, I will state that my hus band, one Luigi Francesco Porro, of Genoa, abandoned me without cause ways, and one of the strangest things about them is their power of following the slightest track left by man or beast, however lightly or carefully they may have trodden to avoid pursuit. * There is a story told about a hunter, who, having killed a deer, cht off m structcd under the direction and skill of Prof. Volentine.’ And in order to complete it at the earliest possible day, the Executive Committee of the Lee Memorial Association, of Lexington, joint of the venison and hnng it on the I Va., which, is composed of such dis- iiinlmaf natl Sea Lore —* __ l* tl t__n I a• • ! 1 /e •• n highest nail in his wigwam or hot—a kind of tent all covered with skins. Then he went off to collect dry leaves and sticks with which to kindle a fire, for of coune no such things ^as coals were known to the “Flying Arrow," as he was called, fur these Indianshave no real name. Presently he came bade with well- filled arms; but, lo and behold! his fine joint had vanished. He looked carefully about, but no sign of the tinguished men os Gen’l Pendleton, Gen’l Terry, Hon. Wm. McLaughlin, Col. Preston Johnston, Chas. David son, and others, have authorized the publication and sale of a perfect steel engraved portait of Gen’l Lee. The proceeds of its sale to be applied in furtherance of the object of this Associ ation, namely: to the erection of a monument to the memory of Gen’l R. wmtoeSd My/Eri tooted I K f i ® e ’. at **“ Washington and Lee ever so doeely. ' 'Ili I University* Lexington, Va. The por But our Iiidiaa cabgbt^'tilflub, and away he went in pursuiti4traight throngh the forest He had not gone Judge A. -Allen, and old citizen of Agusla, died in that dty, on Sunday last after a long and painful "illness, which he bore with exemplary patient and Christian fortitude. The Gainesville Eagle says an at tempt was made lost Tuesday to throw the up-passengcr train on the Air Line ... -— ^ntbir, for three Road off the track near that dty, by .hx.FordU^ion^^^.^ p^g on jfc tnlck . There wero 107 interments in the beSnX™b y °u£d^ <*y cemetery, at Acgusta, during the month of January, against 52 in De cember. The Constitutionalist says b’ No extra chaise for Local, Special or Buaioru Notice*. Adrcrtiaers can select any portion of th« paper li»r on n price. Marriage Notices or Obitujtricx, not orer tan lines, will bo inserted without extra charge* when went by a swUeriber or patron. Orer ten line*, charged tor at regular rates. A SQUARE U one inch in depth, ortwelre lines honpareil. Half Squares counted as »uch, and NOT u whole •qaam. Partin can refci to the above table, and see exactly what their advertisement will come to before they hare It inserted. 30 pauper coffins were furnished the city during January. A negro in Coffee county,, who bet 82 75 that he could ridea roan mule with a pine-burr under the saddle, lust tho mouey. He 4vas followed to the tomb by a large and enthusiastic audience. , Since August 31st, the Columbus manufactories have takeu from the warehouse 2548 bales of cotton, against 1708 bales during the same period last year, showing an increase of 840 bales in five months. A CTATECONgTITUTIOXAL CONVEY TIONI There is a resolution now pending before tho Legislature, calling for a State Convention, for the revision of the Constitution. This is a matter of great importance to our people, and one tliat we think Should receive the immediate attention of our Rq resenta- tives. That the present Constitution of our State—framed by negroes, traitors, and aliens, at the point of the bayonet, and at a time when corruption, bribery, terroism and rascality reigned preme—need thoroughly overhauling aud remodeling, we do not doubt anv sane man would, for an instant ques tion. t 01d time-honored laws and enact ments were obliterated, and in their staid were sulistituted such legislation hb suited the corrupt party then in power. There is much that ought to be done —many acts that, at the close of the war, may have been necessary, now, that peace has again resumed its sway, and our people are, iu a great measure, recovered from their financial embar rassments, should be modified. So we say, let there, by fill rara: s, htnitftd ^Constitutional Convention, at aaeariy day; and let it be composed of the people of Georgia, who have the good of the whole State at heart. It is tlie only vent left for us, and one which we should not hesi tate a moment to seize upon. Let it meet, discuss our laws, aud 4ve hope, wipe out every trace left upon our dear old State by tho vandals who held un- 1 iliaturlwl sway for so long-* time. 1 ' hope the press of Georgii (will discuss this matter iliurotighly, and im press upon our legislators the impor tance of the measure, * ..The J ors and officers of the Lhe passongo* __ steamship Huntsville, on her last trip from New York to Savannah, saw two sea-serpents, or the same onedonUe —they don’t kno5v which. It was •bout 40 feet long, with a head like an alligator and “ large, glowing eyes.” How uncommon strong they do make some brands of whisky, these days! Jeff Long, and others, who have been preaching emigration to the ne groes, were shrewd enough tc have an eye to the main chance. They are said to receive five dollars a head for all they induce to gravitate towards Arkansas. A private letter from Dr. Henry, city physician of Atlanta, dated the 2d inst. says that there are five cases of small-pox in that city. The disease, we suppose, is scattered about almost everywhere sufficiently to justify all reasonable precaution to prevent its spreading. A negro magistrate has committed a poor ol i negreo aged seventy-four years, to jail, in default of $500 bail, for trial at the April term of the Richmond Superior Court, upon a charge of steal ing a piece of plank valued at fifty cents! D. W. Echols, colored, of Colum bus, published a card iu the Sun iu opposition to the colored emigntion West. He snvs: “ Let us remain in Georgia and till the soil, and by pa tience, industry and frugality, work our salvation here, where it has pleas ed a kind Providence to call us. An express car, which lias brought many dead ]>ersons from Live Oaks, Fla., to Savannah, is said to be haunt ed. The messenger tells the Savannah Nncs that his sale keys are taken from his {Nx-ket and then dropped at his feet; tlmt rappings and whistling are beared above the noise of the train goods are hustled about by unseen hands, and similar didoes kicked up. The messenger is prepared to swear to his statement tiparan, die wife-murderer, who is confined -in the Lee eounty jail, got Info a regions controversy »few days ago with a negro named Smith, who is also in jail for wife-murder. The dispute waxed 4var», until finally Spann weut to work and walloped the uegruboscvcrly it is thought he will die. * The Iowa^. papers recommend people to use their corn for fuel. The Council Bluff Eonparcil says: W* are glad to see tint many of our citi zens are taking advantage of the. low price of com to lay in heavy supplies of it for fufl. We have experimented with it the last week, and find that it is an admirable substitute for both prices there is both economy and comfort in its usee. A ton of corn 33 bushels, at 17 cents per bushel, is 85.60. We consider this equal to cord of bard wood, as supplied and measured in , oiur market, at 87; the cutting of this cord, $1.50; total, 88,50. Thus making a saving uf near ly three dollars a cord. For kitchen fuel it is superior to wood, except hickory, and cheaper -than that makes » very hot fire with * great deal of blaze. We judge that three tons of com are equal to the heat of one ton ofhmd cod, while in eooQomy of its use it la equal to one and a half tons of opal. In small families and small houses there is always a great waste of hard coal, while then is now* in the of com long before he met a neighbor, wty>, seeing him going along with his eyes fixed upon the ground, asked him what trail he was on ? I seek,” said “Flying Arrow,” little old man carrying a short • gun. He is followed by a fiftle dog with a stumpy, bushy tail. This man is a thief; he has entered my wigwam and stolen my venison. I will crush both him aud his dog.” Why brother, 1 trait will be sold only by subscription, through regular authorized agents. Every subscribed for the portrait will receive a certificate signed by the Secre tary and Chairman of tho Lee Memo- ral Association. We commend this portrait to the public, aud hope some good energetic man will secure the agency in this section in order to help on the good work. Messrs. W. W. Bostwiek & Co., Nos. 177 & 179 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, have other, “I met such a man not far from been constituted and appointed General here, and truly he carried venison on his shoulder; but how couldst thou | Managers of Agences, and nny com munications addressed to them for describe him so nearly, seeing thou , . , .. c t ... wert away in the forest?” - I arcu,ar8 ’ ter, ' ,8 > and certificates, will “ I am in haste,” said New Advertisements. THE RAILBOAB EXTENSION On College Avenue!! Clear the Track when the Whistle Blows. HATING SOLD OUT AH JDTEBEST IN MY Watch and Jewelt; Business To J. P. DORSEY, ander the Dating lit January, 1872, tha buiini leof TALMADGE & DORSEY, Will be continued in all It* branches on a more extenmixe and atUfoctor^MKile. A» our NEW STOKE BOOM D near complete On College Avenue, We bone coon to aelcome all cuatnmei* to • FuU Lino oriTowU at *uch Prices,(hat will merit a con tinuance of patronage. Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Gnus, Pistols, and all kinds of Locks FROMP TLY REPAIRED In returning thanks for past Hirers, wo wo3d suggest that we can make it to the Internet of all who are individually Indobted to us to make IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. Opposite Post Office, Athens, Ga. Vf. A. TALMADGE, JAS. P. DORSEY. CALL, AND SEE, And Get Testimonials of the Best and Moot Satisfactory SPECTACLES now in use. J» MOSES’ when we had been, married only five months. This is one of the grounds upon which I approach the public au thorities to beg their clemency in my behalf. Another is the unusullietl virtue of my early life and the hope- poverty and anxiety, which follow- ny husband’s desertion. Yet anoth er ground is the blind, rash ignorance in which I committed the deplorable crimes, which I never truly realized the enormity of until God’s hand placed me here. _ Then follow references to her early life and the respectability of her fami ly. Bbe says she was “ born in Tras- tenere (that portion of Rome beyond the Tiber), and was reared almost within the Church’s doors.” The two women are to be taken be fore the Court of Assizes on Friday, and, after very little ceremony, they will be found guilty of murder and condemned to death. ‘Flying Arrow,” “ but listen. I found a pile of stones under the hook whore I left my venison; had the thief not bocn short, he would not have needed these to stand on. I knew ho must bo old for his footsteps ' were close together and that he must be a whiteakin simply because the toes turned out, which, as thou knowest, an Incliun’s never do. Had his gun been long, its muzzle would have left no trace on the bank of the tree, as this one had done, as it leaned against it. So, thou seest, brother, it tvas easy, after all, having eyes to describe the thief.” But the cur, hoiv couldst thou tell its size, even to the toil H asked the other Indian, who was* young as yef, and had not learned the value of dose observation. “ Of what use would the eyes of Flying Arrow’ be, had they not shown him at once that the dog’s feet were near together os he lvalkod on the sand, and that the short bushy jtail measured itself when he sat wagging it,' watchining his master unhooking my dinner? But farewell, brother; I must follow the trail, or ; I shall be too late to rescue my venison.” receive prompt attention. In St Louis last Sunday a gentle man sitting in a barber’s chair, while being lathered, observed the knight of the razor ever/ now and then throw some soap-suds out of the mug upon the floor and set his foot in them. The barber explained to him that there was a lot of little snakes in the brush, but the gentleman thought he would go out and get a morning paper before being shaved, and he went. Athens’ Retail Priees Current Corrected by England <fc Orr. ....— Prorblons.—Flour, Fancy, per bbl.. Extra Family, i Family, Suixrfine m Corn - —porbtuh. Pe Wheal •• Bacon aide*, per pound “ shoulder*, •• a?* The past year, like its prede cessors, has seen the removal of earth’s ireat men in all departments of life. The King of Sweden, President Juarez and the King of the Sandwich Island are numbered with the dead. Of Ke- f uhlican leaders fallen, Mazzini, of taly, and Greely, of the United States were foremost. The United States has lost Major Gen. Hallcck from its army and Com. Nicholson from its navy. Edwin Forrest has closed his last engagement, and no more appears on the stage ; Bennett has pnned his last editorial for the Herald ; Sec retary Seward has ceased his forensic displays ; Father Cleveland, in his 100th year, and Peter Cartwright, the oldest Methodisl minister, have stop- A Silent Game.—Scene in a res taurant at Brussels—Two persons sit-1 ting at a table face .Deface; each with a mug of beer before him, each with | face resting on bis hand, intently watching the table in Profound silence. Fifteen minutes parsed, when suddenly! one of the parties remarked, “I have I won !” and the other handed him over a piece of money. The silence and the attention was resumed, when after ten or fifteen minutes tha-pune party made j lhe same exclaiqatir another transfer of 14 to 18}$ 13 CO 12 00 11 00 10 00 90 to 1 10 90 to 1 15 1 10 2 Ooto 2 SO 10 to 11 • to 9 12 to 16 J1X to 12}$ to — Lard._ Irish Potatoes, couutry, prbush, 1 00 “ “ Northern, *• 2 50 Sweet Potatoes, •* 50 E»p per dox. 25 to Chickens, grown, 30ct Frying 20 to Butter.. ——per lb. 20 to Groceries—Sugar, Crushed per lb. 17 to re? Bettro Galrsnle, PxL 2 June, ’68. 'C* Fur sale only by TALMADGE A DOUREV, fab7-lm Sole Agents, opposite the Post Office. f \ C IS _22 jS|g! (Si 2 = sr* <= 1 5 I .teT « oo'! ft UJ -J a5 S £ s J fee B £5 #*-2 o- S = ^ CCS ° oo If LU g © IP c S- = 2iOS ca "2 5* = ii 2 :il®!i S2 -3 £ 1 5a ^ "Ml}* .-1 12 t I© ■ TOftSefUAU CHARLEY HILL At the old established BAMBEM-SHOP, tto.ator On Broad Street, over theater* ot Meant. J. *. * IL. C. Mathetn, hare that best and most attentive workmen and all the modern appliances forHH Shaving, Shampooing, Hair dressing, etc., Ladies and children waited on bt their residences, when desired. Pul mortem cases will receive prompf and careful attention. Oct. 11,1872. A 8 MANDEYILLE aad j^iniosB Clocks, Jewelry, Silver & Plated Ware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Importing Equipments of all kinds. RSPATKIlfO AND BNOSAVING Done with cart, sad warranted to give saUa&cUon Opposite the College, Athens, Us. OLD OOLD AND SILVER taken la exchange. solk aossTa fob PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL AND DIAMOND SPECTACLES. pec6-Iy f : r f fj- TH * -MOCKS [ HEAVY BOOTS fy AT E. A. WILLIAMS & Broad Street, Athen,, ^ T&SSm&JUn to, have been sold by us tlm>L “.- Ap E8t2** Athens Foundry & Machine Works. /GENERAL FOUNDERS AND VJ Machinist*. Fattens Work, Smithing and Repairing. Having an extensive collection of Patterns, manufacture IRON AND- BRASS CASTINGS MtU and Gin Gearing, Mining aud MU1 Machine ry, Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws, Sugar Mills, Cotton Seed Crush ers, Shafting. Pulleys, Threshers, Fsn Mills, Sinutters, Bark Mills, MiU Spindles, Hcrse-Pow ers, Rattle Staffs, Mill Cranks, Corn Shelters, Ac. Also manufsetnre, aud are Ageuts for, the met approved Turbine 4Vater Wheels, Brooks’ Patent Revolving Cotton Press, Iron Fencing, Grave En closures, lialcuflies, Ac. R. NICKERSON, Agent and Superintendent* N. B.—MiU Findings furnished at manufactu rer’s prices. Jan 24-ly E. A. WILLIAMS fc DEALERS in Boots and Shoes, Hab, ta TRUNKS Leather & AND ALSO Gents’ Furnishing Good, Of which we hare a Good Supply. ^ Valentines at lew York Prim, VAtEmm Sentimental, Comic \ Juvenile Hi ®°;!§s; ^ X 5 Z • 9 M f * SC S s 3 ^ 1 s - ceo liS^*Sw , ^ =! 2 ^ al ~ IS i jo a S5 X ca © © PAINTING-. W. H. BONE P ROPOSES TO DO ALL KINDS of Painting- - llooae, Garbage and Furniture te neatest, cheapest and most durable work—iu the neatest, style, Also, imitation work and gtaxing and paper hangiug done at short notice. . . , Prompt attention given to all orders left at the at Ills Shop on Clayton street, 2d Drug Stores, or at lib Shop on Clayton street, xa door S. E. Episcopal church, Athens G*. febi—ly. Land for Sale in Clark Co. to 1 20 /LOO ACRES IN THE UPPER 71 v Uput of the County, joining Jandsof Wm. Pattuun, Sikes and Fulcher. About twenty acres forest. On it about thirty in cultivation and wenty bottom laud. The balance in Old Field Pines. Good 5Vater Power on it. Lies on Bear Creek, aud comfortable house on It. Price four dollars per acre. February 7th, 1873. J. F. MORTON. to . ime party i _ aqd there was I 5ney-—and to on An impulsive I ng on and won- for mort than an he French man was loof dering. At last, unable fojrestmin him 1 self, he rushed to tho proprietor to kuow what those two silent people were doing. “It would seem they are play ing some game, but what ?—There *is absolutely nothing on the table but the two mugs—-no cards, no dice—what are they doing?*, “They are playing a very popular game here,” was the reply; ‘‘each has put a drop of brer on tho tabic, and tniit drop which first attracts a fly wins. The one who put fitly a little powdered sugar on his drop is winning all the other’s money. “ Pewararx, Coffee, Rio “ Laguirx, “ Java Tea, Hyscn......... “ Gunpowder, ” Black Onions, perbush.l 00 to 1;80 Syrup, Sorghum, per gal. 90 te 75 1 50 2 00 1 50 “ Cane,—.. •• • Cuba Molasses. ** Candles, sperm... per lb. “ Adarnan,- “ Tallow, «• Cheese, State •• •* Eng. Dairy, “ Crackers, soda,... •* “ batter, •• “ *ugu, “ to 1 00 to 50 ped preaching ; Bishop Eastburn will The rambling spirit, and along witint baptize and confirm no longer: Moso the Heathen Chinee, creep-out all- has dropped the telegraph wire from his liana; Fannie Fern will issue no more Fern Leaves; and others, too numerous to mention, have gone from time and entered into eternity. . crecp-out over the world, and in every couceiva bio disguise. A Visit to the Other World. -—Mrs. Gardiner, tvjfe of a farmer liv ing near Eastmanvifle, Ottawa coun ty, HI., died recently under circurn stances most extraordinary. Two of Just at the conclusion of a re cent circus performance in a North Carolina town, the clotVn stepped for ward and informed the vast assembly that they had taken in about 8500 that day—more money, he ventured to say, than any minister of the gospel in that county would receive for a year’s ser- Candy, plain per lb. •* limey •• Soda •• Black Pepper « Ginger — •* Starch « Tallow « Dried Peaches, pealed, “ “ “ unpealed, “ Dried Apple*.. — “ Rice Mackerel, kit*, “ bbl...... Sardines,...—..— per box, 75 Salt per sack, 2 25 Fartory Goods,—Cotton Yarns _$ 1 65 Osnaliurgs, per yd. is I T IS THE ONLY MACHINE which makes the lock stitch with a routing hook, thus avoiding the annoyance uf a shuttle. Is the 44 New’* wheeler A Wilson simple in construction, that it may be easily learned, and nut liable to get out of order T WE WILL GIVE 81,000 Foranv standard Shuttle Machine now in market that does nut coutain at least half aa many more »ieces, anti consequently so many more to learn tow to manage, and to get out of order, l)ian the " New’* Wheeler A Wilson. Is the 44 New” Wheeler A Wilson silent in its operation ? WE WILL PAY 81,000 For onyShulUe Machine that run. .. still a* I be New’’ JVheeler A Wilson. Will the ’’New" Wheeler A Wilson oevrrap- ldl> ? WE WILL GIVE 81,000 For any Shuttle Machine in tho market that will tew ten yard* of team at quick at tho ’’New” Wheeler A Wilson. Is the •• New" Wheeler A Wilson easily changed burn one kind of work to another? WE WILL GIVE 81,000 For any Shuttle Machine upon which the change* of needle, thread, ititch aud tension can bo at uicklv made as upon the "New" Wheeler A 11 to 12 2 50 to 2 00 10 00 to 12 00 her sisters were dead, oneW recently! ”?*■ He ? en P 1 ^ *old them that only a_fcw weeks ago. The cause of ^ >rtl °“ ° f th ® a «dienre were] Mrs. Gardiner*s death tvas a conges tive chill, and after she had been con sidered dead for six hours, and was being prepared for the grave, she re turned to consciousness, and talked freely with her attendants.- -She stat ed to those around her that she had beeen to the better land, and had seen both of her departed sisters, with other friends; that it was n most beautiful land—beyond all description! Sh. said she had permission to return to tell living friends of what she had seen, but that she was anxious to again re turn. She passed mvay soon after making her statement, and aeeminglv overflowing with joy and happiness. There can be no question as to the cir cumstances above related. church members, ttho would plead I their poverty when asked for money to support the gospel, nnd severely ex- (>osed their inconsistency. A few •Sundays after, he preached incite.same community, and made a strong appeal for missions, when a collection‘was j taken up amounting to 8438. Ji Shirting, ” 12 to 15 1-4 •* •• 14 90 Oils..—Prints, “ 11 to’KX Delaines, ** 25 to 30 Bl’cbed Shirting, “ 10 to 30 Bed Ticking, •« 20 to 60 reach Brandy, good •• 4 Ot) to *’ medium, •• 8 00 to — “ common,’," 2 00 to — Apple ** good, “ 4 00 to — “ “ medium, *• 3 00 to — “ “ common, M 1 25 to — French •• ——— •• 4 00 to 10 00 Holland Gin “ 5 OO' to 8 00 American Gin —.... 11 3 00 to 6 00 Jamaica Rum——— *• 500 to 8 00 American Rum — •• 8 00 to 6 00 Bourbon Whiskey— “ 2 00 to 4 00 Wines, •• 200 to 10 00 W&“ The Odessa Messenger relates that the authorities of that town are on the track of a painful judicial error committed eleven years ago. At that date a murder was perpetrated on the person of Mme Condovovitcb, wife of | ,Toodt,, W *" - I | aln, * d Bucket*, do* 2 ts a General, and suspicion fell on the lover of the victim’s maid servant, a man named Kisselevitch. This person -*OD- Cedar White Pine, ’ Slexce,..: to * 00 9 00 to 12 00 7 00 to 8 00 3 00 to 5 00 was tried bv a court|ma$iaL demued to lie shot, and was 00 to 60 A Fearful Story of Poverty. —A seamstress was arrested the other day, in Brooklyn, for pawning cloth ing which she had taken home to sow, ana upon her examination the follow ing evidence was elicited: She was hired cd by a Miss Phillips, of this city, who S r seventeen cents for making rs of trousers, .fifty cents for twfwe paira of* dra#A,'-*and twenty-five cents for making six shirts. Because she did not finish the trousers 0 auba hlikimSt to, Miss Phillips re- 1 fused to pay her, and she thereupon pawned them to keep her family from starving. Here is a case which ought to interest those women who are con tinually crying oat against the tyranny of men. It was not a man who ex- executed. It now appears that the real murderer of the lady has been recently discovered, and has confessed his crime in furnishing proofs of the’ truth of his statements. — 1 00 60 per lb, 1 00 to 78 to 1 50 Outrage.—At Milo, Piscataquis county, Me., on New Year’s eve, three roughs assaulted a young girl about- fiftren years of age, forced her toio- hale chloroform until she was insensi ble, and then taking her to a»anoccu- pied building committed a ,horrible Btrage upon her person. After ac- omplisning their infernal purpose they left her still insensible, and went aws] Upon her made ^ _» 'Trheo it „„ famd that her handa aiid‘reet were badly frozen by the intense odd. acted from tills poor seamstress such quantities of work at such a preposte rous price. It was a woman wno re fused to pay her the wretched pittance which she asked, on the pretence that she had fiot finished her work suffici ently soon.—iVns York Tims, * At a recent Lima exhibition a- dock made by a Peruvian Was ex hibited, quite wonderful fiy ite.way. It was fifty feet seven inches wide. It marks the weeks, the seasons, years and centuries: it shows the tiourses of the sun and moon, hoists up and low ers daily tbs flag of Peru, and presents Pretty little laoe cans to wmraf commemorative of the great 7 mua-iaeseaps w.wsar at m t i ie fcntaty 0 f X’oru. It strikes the hours and quarters of hours, and breakfast are vary popular with young married ladies. They save tnense deal of trouble in arrangbg the pUys oertain tunes at * tateu P®"^ hair. Business in Romo is active and in creasing, New stores are being fitted up. To iftswre safety ftgainst the vermin in juts awiJwiw, so extensively used for clygnous, bury the things in the ground six feet deop, and—let ' stay there. them Tobarru—Common, jirrlb.., Medium '* ... Fine. •« ... Smokiuz, “ _ Snutf, Moccabor, •* Scotch Cigars, Am per 1000 30 00 to SO 00 " Havana... “ 75 00 100 00 JtnmalUoB—Powder — per lb. 40 to 50 Shot—.......... “ 12 to Lead <• 12 to Caps —. per box, 10 to 40 Progs Copperas per lb. S to 10 Indigo “ 2 00 to 2 50 » to 85 • 25 to 40 1 15 to 20 Alum—........... “ 15 to 20 Sulphur—.—.— '* is to Boggtag *»d Dee—Begging. » 10 to 22 Ties..— •• • to 11 Rope, cotton.....—. •* 40 to <0 Hope, grass..— “ 25 to SO Hardware.—IroD, Sweedt— “ 9 to 10 •• Country ber “ 7 to “ English..... •* S to «Castings,—. « 7 to 12 Nails “ 9 to Steel, cast— “ 25 to Steel, plow-7- “ 12 to - Cotton Usrdt, per pair, 75 to — Wool " “ 50 to Weeding Hoes. —. 50 to 75 Ames’Shovels, aplsoe, 1 00 to — " Spades, « 100 to Trace Chelan, pair Ae.—Boots, Northera Boots, Southern....... Shoes, Northern ...... Sol* Leather, per lb Upper Leather, > Harness Leather, '• Oalf 8kln, per dot. Kip Skins....—.—.... 60 00 to 75 00 Dry Hides, per lb..,. 11. to Gr«eo UUlee « . a to 75 toioo . 400 to 4 00 .10 00 toll ., 2 00 to 4 00 - 35 to 35 to 40 'to 40 00 to 100 00 THE “ NE4V” WHEELER l WILSON Sewing JflacKe T. MAKKWALTEfi JWarble Works BROAD NT., AUGUSTA, OA. “\/TARBLE MONUMENTS, Tomb _LVJL Stones, etc., Marble Min ties, Furniture Work of all kinds, from the pi Unest to the most elaborate designs, and furnished to order at ahort notlec. All work for the country carefully boxed. Cl The Only Bdiable Gift Distribntion in the Cemtrj $60,000 00 VALUABLE GIFTS IN L. TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN T>. SI3STE’S 130th BEtiCLIB MONTHLY qutcklY Wilson. Will lhe 44 New” Wheeler A Wilson do all kinds of work required of a Family Sewing Machine? WE WILL GIVE 81,000 For a Sewing Machine that will do a greater va- rh-ty or better work than the “ New” Wheeler A Wilson. Does the New” Wheeler A Wilson run easy? WE WILL GIVE 81,000 For any standard ShntUe Machine that runt ms isily ax the “ New” Wheeler A Wtbou. Is the “ New” Wheeler A Wilson durable T ANSWER.—Its joints are *o constructed that all lost motion can be taken up as lost as it accu mulates, and the oldest machine thus be made to operate as perfectly as when new. WE WILL GIVE 81,000 For any Shuttle Machine in the market with all joints sdjustable like the “ New” Wheeler A.WU- son. Is the New” Wheeler A Wilson the most pop* ular Machine T 800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunt tag Watchee (in alU worth lrom 920 to 9360 each, trold'Chains,Silver-ware, Jewelry, Ac., Ac. VThol* number Gifts, 6,500. Tickets limited to AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets 81; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Upwards of $800,000 have been Sold l tJVarranted bye responsive company ; brought to the house of the puichaser without extra charge ; instruction given -n its use, and satisfac tion guaranteed; it is no experiment to buy, and we know ol no investment which pays a better in terest,or brings more comfort, health, happiness and relief to the household. ■VMachlnes repaired and properly adjusted at our office In Athens, on College Aveune. HOWARD & SOULE, General Agent, 120 Churr.h st., Nashville, Tenn, BROWN & SCHAFFER, feb5 tf. Local Agents, Athena, Ga. LAMAR COI B, A. 8. ERWIN, HOWELL COBB COBB, ERWIN & COBB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATUEXBi GEORGIA. Eff’ Office in the Deupree Building. <3F1 tol0 ° SAMUEL 1*. THURMOND, •Attorney at £.aw, ATHENS, GEORQ1A. OV Office over Berry's Store, Broad Street, t* Will Practice in the Counties of Clarke, Walton, Jackson, Banks, Franklin, Madison and Hall. Livery Stable J HAVE A LIVERY STABLE On Thomas Street, where Hones win he FED and ehiudj fir. Also, WAGON YARD. ii5S. , »S22SS5SfS5a”' 1I "" a j: z. cooper. Gift enterprise! Which we sre prepared u, foraUb to chants as low ss they can tmv ,_®V r 71 Send for a Circular Sd X lta to Yl BURKE & HODGSOX jan24-3t GROUND AND WHOLE S® Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon And Cloves, Jan**-if FOR SALE BY R. T. BRUMBY 4 CO. For over Forty Tears this PURELY VEGETABE Liver Medicine has prored to bt tb* GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Couri-xiXT and the painfal ttod ' • ’ —?i9 thereof to-wit: DYSPEPSIA, COSSTIPl’ Jaundice, BilUous stuck., MCE UEADAti Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOl’B ST01U7 Heart Burn, CHILLS and FEVER, Ax, At. After years uf careful experiments, ts n , great and uiyent demand, ** new prwdueet our oridnal tfcawsa* Pmrdcfx, THE PREPARE® To be drawn Monday, Peb. 17th, 1873. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenbacks Two Prizes $1000 = Five Prizes * Tea Prizes li»l{ Greenbacks! 1 Horse A Boggy, with Stiver, mounted Harness, worth 8600. One Fine-toned Rosewood Plano, worth 8500! Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth SlODcxch! Watches Five Gold Watches and Chains, worth CaOeachi ..Vive Gold American Hunting Watchee, worth 1115 each. ^Ten Ladles Gold Hunting Matches, worth 875 TlckeU 810; TwentyJflveTickets 820t taining a full list of] Circulars coni t _ script ion of the manner of drawing, and other I formatlenIn reference loth* Distribution, will sent to any one ordering them. All letters un be addressed to Main Office, L. D. SINES, Box 86. CUiCUdf ATI, o prises, a de- id other In- lettoamust 101 W. Fifth St. F. W. LUCAS & CO. To Our Customers* "AY7T3 ARE NOW PREPARING VV for our SPRING JSTOCK, and ‘most call i* u- nuc promptly, f January, I of Staple and Fancy Drjr Sued*, a (•!,<%, Groceries, sad all ariicfo* kapSintlnitWP Good sand Uroeesy Sure, A seean for all that is due us. We shall continue to gtve our uwal time to those who pay promptly. All arcounts’due 1st of July aud 1st of January, except bv special understand ing- , . F. 5Y\ LUCAS A CO. Athens, January IStli, 1873. jaul«-tf The Suirenderef General lee. At Appomattox C. U., Va., April 9th, 1865. A MAGNIFICENT 14 b> 18 ineb Engraving of the Surrender of Gen. Lee, beautifully colored. Engraved In the* highest style of the art aud i»intad oa heavy plate (toper. It is truly a gem of art, one which should parturof every Southern home. Sent Ey mall, mounted on a roller and post-paid, on receipt of 2o rents, or 3 for 50 cents. _* > Aje5jts?«ri on receipt < ^ anted. Address J. C. A W. H. BURROW, Bristol, Tenn Catalogues of Pictures, Books. Ac-, sentfkec. 4, A SENDERS £ SON, WHOLESALE RETAIL AND DEALERS IN Brandies, Wiees^Gips, fte H &e. ALSO, THE Choicest Brands of Cigars Ho. 3 West End, ELBERTON, GA. BltlOUS & BROTHER’S ILLUSTRATED A Liquid form of Simmona* Liver ReguhlftT, talnin* all its wonderful and Taluabia pirptni and offer it ia j ONE DOLLAR BOTTLE^ The Powilcre, price as before, -Jl.OOfnfui, Sent by mat! - - IN - ! CAT3TION, Buy no rowders or Prepared -SiniaMu’ hg! tor sslm in our eagravnl vnmr, skt as mark, stamp and signature uubnkcs, er is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO. 3foco«, Ga , awLrMltWm SOLD KE ALL DRUGGISTS. JuKb IT COST. sVVw is the Time for Ik to Make .Money. DETERMINED' 5 TTAVING Jt JL change my buaineu, I now •RaSll stock of Goo3» at COST! My ito*k i> WjJ fine, condMingrof a full and somplsi* > m3C T t -- - - -’aW*” BUSIN And wHI close oetdnriag this month. and SEE.-WI To mmy one buying mj wilt offer additional inducements,» A. L. DEARING No. 1 Granite Row, Athens, Ga., January 1st, 1873 V 3 * 1 DANIEL’S MAGIC ^ A SURE CURE FOB ungt ZiTlSI- A Certificate from Mr. D. C l certify that I u.-cd Panic !’• b *J ere eaae'of IufiammsU»7 ',5 t sc. is now entire^** of relief in afow D. C C. II. TAYLOR, Tuner, Regulator & Rep^ ; Pianos, Organs, Melod^ And all kind* efUnskal Twenty yeereptracHeal exysnsnes- Having located a4 Albsn Having fceatod 3*3^7^ * Oder* from town and country. -fl rp Orders left with Prof. I, W. H*Uxx» ley A Taylor's Gallsay will receivs pt**jJ^j, Surveyor, Architeft* undersigned, havisjr * T H r u,c ret *f Surveying !nttrri*>« u 'jj,s ready to do aU kinds of Swrveyiu*. w»-|,y off City Lota, Homesteads, PhnUtio*** *' making accurate Plots of the ssma aw*** . Helsaleo nsens-s.l to execute Drafting, to fareixh Flats for *c„ and make <wtimxu» of cort. nmttit* ' Ckaho foundsttheLaw B.A.STOVALD novl5-ly Livery, feed and Sale Stable, A-Tsaasirs, o-A. ’ 1 GANN A HEAVES... .PROPRIETORS WILL BE FOUND AT THEIR YV old stand, rear Frauklln House building, Thomas street. Keep always on bend good Turn outs and careful drivers. Stock well eared for when entrusted to oar cue. Stogie on baud for galo at all times. dcclJ-lX Floral VFork!, Cotton FacW P„V. to— J» , J AND I , General Commission Mer£>*i f° r {jIMnt, UB, How Out Irausd w a Quarter- ■“•few* soot'to uy address, by I puUi’hed. Those of our patrons who ordered i 8wd» lest year and were credited with 25 cents, wUl receive thetour Quarterlies for 1878. Thooe who order Seeds this year witi be credited with a ruhecripUon for 1874. The January number cot* tains nearly 400 Engravings Two ffiroerb Colored Plates, sultabla for framing, A also Tinted Plates ofourgorgMUs Floral Chrome*’ Information re- tattvatonowere, ▼egttehlee, etn, anil thetrcaljl- vation, and all such matter ae wm formerly found lin our Annual Cstalcgue. You will mis* it If yeti I order Seeds betoresert pc Drlxnad Brother's Qupr-1 fcra ’873,” sent free. , Bi’.OTHERS, Address, BRIGGS A I Soodmoa and Florists, ROCHESTER, N. Y’ No. 2 AUGUSTA, WUl give rxxsexxL xttxstio* nigm entrusted hlrn^^ ^ ^ Consignments of < spectfuliy solleltod. SOP Also, .tgentfor BANCROFT’S Select ]su!0-3m