The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, March 14, 1873, Image 2

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A ITEMS. PUBLISHED EVERY T. W. & T, L GANTT, S2 PER ANNUM RATES OF ADVERTISING NORTHEAST GEORGIAN THE SEWS IS A SCT SHELL. t- 1 001 ! 731 i (to 2 301 4 301 6 00 2 00' 3 00 4 OOl 5 00 »'"0o[12 (10 3 < 0 4 30 3 73) 0 75 12 Oljlfi 00 4 00 3 75! 7 23 S 30114 SO is 73 3 no, 7 00 s 75110 25! 17 00 21 50 G 0o| 8 25,10 23 12 00119 SO|24 25 7 GOj 9 3 l U 73,13 75 22 03127 Ooj 37 DO 34 00 H 00:10 73 13 28.15 00|2» 30 39 75 ! 41 00' 60 00 9 0,1 II 50,14 75)17 25 27 00)32 30 ( 45 Oo! CG 00 8 73; 13 00 IG 00 lx 75 29 23 3rt 00 4S 50. 71 00 10 59 14 00)17 25 20 25 31 SO 37 50 52 00! 11 25'15 OO'lS 50 21 75 33 75 10 00 55 50! 9 Oil 12 00 17 On 22 •*) 21 00 so 00 25 0n : 39 00 29 oo! 42 00 3:; no! 48 0) 13 |15 2 5 20 50 .23 50,30 25 48 75154 50 75 5o:lu9 00 19 !15 75,21 2V29 30131 50 4S 755.1 75 79 30 113 00 20 |19 23122 00127 50 32 75 50 75,59 00 SI 50lll7 no 21 16 75 22 73 28 50,34 00,52 75,ol 25, S4 501121 00 72 '17 25,2*1 30 29 50 95 25’31 75*G3 50 S7 50 145 00 23 *17 7S|94 25,30 50:99 50 5G 75 85 75, 21 - - 1 25 1 ‘1 / 7S|» 25,30 50199 50 .Vi 75 S3 75 90 50,129 00 US »pS:SfSS 883' Wig & P MI8 Ooic. 75 S3 75 55 .50 62 00,71 75 98 M 13S 00 Meningitis has visaed Elberton. Hon. A. H. Stephens is in Atlanta. A McDuffie countj^ boy recently killed thirty-three birds a^one shot. A very fatal cattle disease is prcval- ing in portions of Early couqty. A negro woman was burned to death in Elbert county last week. Velocipedes have broken out 1^ Ma- eon again. \ Senator Gordon, of Georgia, is on a brief visit to Texas. The “epizooty” has attacked thecows in Early county. Grown white men in Macon blow up sewers with gunpowder, just for fun. In the Circuit Court now in session at Atlanta there six are negroes on the jury. The dwelling-house of Mrs. Moffett, of Atlanta, was burned on Friday night. A man named Bone killed a man named Burton in Forsyth county last Sunday. Tlnee negro women and a negro man were drowned in the Chattahoochee recently. “Bill Arp” is to write a new book, and have it illustrated by a Georgia artist. Tim Columbus Sun says one house in that city has sold to date 700 tons of guano this season. Students are still flocking into the Dahlonega College. It numbers t now The condition of Spain is becoming more troubled. Buffalo Bill has been artested in Iowa for horse-stealing. J Jeff Davis and* U. S. Grant were rc- . cently christened in Tennessee. Ex-Governor Horatio Seymore i s traveling in the Southern State®. Several counties of the Stale have called meetings to give expression of opinion on the Bond compromise. The labor market in Texas is said to be greatly overstocked by the im mense immigration from the South. The Legislature of Rhode Island has legalized marriages between whites and blacks. , The French government has already paid to Germany 3,600,000,000 francs on account of the war indemnity. A fire in Boston, on the 27th, enused the death of three working girls and three firemen. The poor house of Edgefield county, S. C., is advertised for sale by the Sheriff. The Court House at Abbeville S. C., lias been completed at a cost of 818,602. The Modocs have agreed to consider terms of surrender, and they will be put on a reservation further South. A bill has been introduced into the South Carolina Legislature to make drunkenness an indictable olfencc. Athens’ Retail Priees Current Corrected by J. ff. Huggins Gen eral Commission Merchants, Broad Street, Athens Georgia, Cotton.— .’........per. lb, 14 to 17^ Prerialoas.-lk.ur,Fancy,per bbl.. 13 (JO Extra, Family, 12 Oo Family,'’xrT .1100 Superfine....*. __ lo 00 .Com —perbush. 90 to 1 10 Peax A •• 1 00 to 1 25 ileal 1 lu Wheat •• 2 Onto 2 30 Bacon sties, per pound 10 to 11 “ shoulders, •• 8 to 9 •* hams/ $Lr* “ 12 to. 16 Bari •< 11 >4 to l y % Irish Potatoes, country,prbush, 1 OO to — NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REPORT OF THEE CONDITION "• * * OF THE littesl Hull AIKmmi Friday, February 28, T873. TO THE FARMERS OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. ^ . Great Success Follows Wise Purchase ^ The undersigned is now prepared to offer to the Planter Geqrgia a few brands of the BEST FERTILIZE^ 0 * Sort hern, Sweet Potatoes, “ ^ ~.fcrdur.. Chickens, groy£O*#0ct Vf Butter : ...-per lb. Groceries.—Sugar, Crushed per lb. “ B J ’ « * 41 C.......... * ** 2 30 50 to —- 14 to 1G 14 to , 1G editor ill _ j’s 75 29 25 33 5(1 40 50 ft! 75 73 75 lull Ml 111 01 ?S 0(l|2G 75 34 25 41 VI 65 .50,75 75 103 00 I II (10 20 ,19 25 27 25 !15 110,42 50 97 23>77 75 105 00 147 (xi SO 10 50127 50 35 75 43 5*1 7*1 00 79 75 103 1(1 139 0-1 The ladies of Atlanta have raised money sufficient to erect a monument to the Confederate dead. ----- | Cap. Black Johnson, of Macon, has ! " ^ Bpksiiii.n-t’s Mkssage.—We i dug up t!ie skull of a “ varmint” that pul li -h in this week’s issue the speech.! had teeth in the roof of his mouth, written by President Grant. No one who reads it can have the slightest doubt .lint, the President is its author. It begin® bv asserting that under Prov idence lie lias been again elected. De clares his belief in a universal Ilepub- lie, and his convictions that we are to have a universal language. Speaks of the rights of the emancipated negro, whom lie says must he admitted to schools. And when he travels his “conduct will regulate the fares and treatment he will receive.” lie has nothing to say of tyrannical rule over the (South. We place the docu ment before our readers. Let them judge for themselves. FBOFILF OF THE TORT ROYAL If.R. BY I AFTIX W. AY. TIIOUAS. We were shown yesterday evening a splendidly executed profile of the Port Royal Railroad, from this city to Steel Creek, tS. C. The drawing is the work of C’apt. W. W. Thomas, Civil Engi neer in charge of the Augusta Division of the Port Rfiynl Railroad, and is the most perfect affair of its kind that ha® ever fallen under our observation. It presents not only the line of the road and distances, hut also shows the natural surface of the ground over which the road passes, the excavations and embankments necessitated by this conformation, the different sections of. the road and the cost of the construc tion of each section, and at each change of the grade, miniature flags are mark ed showing the point of beginning of each change, with figures denoting the number of feet per mile of the rise or fall of the grade. The bridge across the Savannah River, is very neatly sketched on the profile, nnd the accompanying figures show that its total length is 84.> feet; the cost of its construction being, for masonry, 8.'>0,031 07, nnd the super structure, 828,027 27. The structure is a How Truss Bridge, having ft draw bridge of. 200 feet, nnd is placed 35 feet above low water mark. The trestle work of the road as shown by C’apt. Thomas’ profile-drawing, consisfs on the Georgia side of 2,000 fe^t, and on the South Carolina ride of 1,000 feet, making in nil with the bridge, three- fourths of a inilo super-structure of the finest order. Captain Thomas, the engineer in charge of this division of the read, and the draughtsman of this most credita ble drawing, isa graduate in the Degree of Civil Engineer from the University of Georgia, and has won for himself an enviable reputation in his profession, ciiuee March of 1872 he lias been in charge of the Augusta division of the road, hut has most particularly devoted his attention to the construction of the bridge and trestle work. We learn that Cuptain Thomas lias accepted the office of local agent of the road at this point, and our congratulations are ex tended to the Management of the com pany for the fortunate selection they have made.—Constitutiomlst, Sth inst. “Order Reigns in Warsaw " The news from New Orleans must, be entirely satisfactory to our military rulers. The disturbance that has fol- General Gordon passed through Augusta Sunday, cn route for Wash ington, to take his seat in the Senate. Hon. Alford Iverson, of Macon, is dead. lie represented Georgia in the United States Senate for several terms. “Sir, it fatugues the indignation,” was Robert Toombs reply to one who asked him about reconstruction. Allen G. Jones, the missing hook keeper of the Southern Bank of Geor gia. is a defaulter to tho amount of 830,000. Judge Erskine’s petit jury, in the U. S. District Court, for this week, is composed of nino white men and three negroes. The Georgia R. It. Co. ’ is in receipt oft,wo splendid locomotives—the "Gov ernor James M. Smith” and the “Mont gomery.” Ed. Norris, son of the notorious Chap Norris, was crushed to death by a railway train at LaGrange on Sun day afternoon. Some very had boys of Augusta have defaced the walls of Houghton Institute, in a very vulgar way, with coal tar. A man was shot to death in his own house and in the presence of his family in Gordon county on Saturday night last by a drunken mob. Savannah is to have a paper mill company with a capital of8100,000. It |s to manufacture paper of grass grown ;n Florida. A negro woman nursed her child while smoking, wjapep it in quilts and went to her work. The child was roasted. It happened near Macon. The Carroll County Times of the 28th, mentions several cases of small pox in that county, and states that no new cases had occurred in ten days. In Wilkes county large tracts of laud sold at three dollars per acre. Twenty shares of stock in Georgia Railroad Company, ninety-five dollars per share. A Hincsvillc negro drove a team of oxen into a wasps’ nest the other day. One of the oxen died, and the intelli gent contraband himself is somewhat afflicted. Mr. James B. Stafford, of Dalton, returned to Mercer University in Ma con, on Tuesday, and on Friday he was attacked with menigitis and died that night Mercer University has resumed its exercises, with‘good promise for the future. The Telegraph says that with about ten exceptions the former pu pils have all returned, and new ones are coming in. An anithological curiosity is on ex hibition at Ed. Hink’.s in Macon. It is a rilvcr-spangled Roland rooster, weighing eighteen jxiiinds and sport ing ten toes on each foot. Thcjlown freight train on the W. it A. R. R. was thrown from the track two miles above Marietta, on the 6th, by a brokeu rail. Several cars were smashed, killing several horses and mules. to 1 00 to 50 iftCii. From all accounts, the average Co lumbus girl is not averse to taking unto herself a mate. A voting man from the country visited Columbus recently, wn3 introduced to a girl after supper and the twain were made one before l:ed-time. A Carroll county man, aged sixty, got on the cars for* the first time the other day. He enjoyed it very much, and when the train stopped, he smiled sweetly and asked, “ Has she lit yet?” The Hon. Alford Iverson, cx-Scn- ator of Georgia in the Congress of the United (States, died at his residence in George WUliam Curtis, ed Hnl^or’9 WetdHy, 1s seriously typhoid fever. Senator Cokling will contest with Senator Morton for the leadership of the new Senate. A young Irish girl in Jackonville, Illinois, has refused 8100 for her hair. It reaches the floor when she stands erect. The total number of acres planted in cotton in 1872 is set down at eight million four-hundred eighty two thou sand nine hundred five. (Several of the West Point cadets had their faces and .feet badly frosted during the parade at Washington on the 4tli instant. The majority of the Massachusetts legislative committee on the subject have agreed to report iu- favor of woman’s suffrage. A complimentary reception will be given Oakes Ames by his fellow citi zens of North Eastoi, Mass., on Thur v day evening next. Families continue to fly from Spain in large numbers. A vessel crowded with refugees has arrived at Port Ycndres. The ashes of Bulwer Lytton rest near those of John Talbot, the great Earl ofShrewsburv, who fought against Joan of Arc. A report is current that the great powers of Europe have resolved to postpone recognition of the Spanish Re public for tho present. Why is a pretty, well-made, fash ionable girl like a thrifty house keeper? Because sho will make a great bustle about a very small waist. The Senate of Alabama is * again Democratic—the vacancy caused by the death of Gilmer, Radical, Little, Democrat, was elected to fill by 370 majority. The skeleton found by Captain Ilall, in the Arctic regions, is believed to be that of Lieut. Le Viscomte, one of Sir John Franklin’s officers. It has been buried at Greenwich. The President’s carriage in the in augural procession was drawn by four horses, nnd he was acconipaircd to the Capitol by Senator Cragin, Logan and Bayard. About two hundred noted New York pick-pockets went to Wash in;, ton to.attend the inauguration and ply their trade. They have returned roblied and disgusted, from contract witli those* Credit Mobilier gentle men. The St. Louis Democrat says : “ Diaries and memorandum hooks aie among tlic obscene lxioks suppressed by Congress.” Colfax will rejoice thereat. But the ghost of Ames’ mem orandum book will haunt him throueh life. The General Assembly of Virginia has appointed a special committee of five to investigate the charges of mis management against the Ladies’ Mount Vernon Association. The charge is unauthorized speculation upon visitors o the tomb of Washington. The leading journal at the City of Mexico says the outbreaks along the frontier, between Texas and Mexico, are due to the prevalence of the an nexation fever. Our Democratic friends who have consoled themselves with the hope that Grant’s second term will Ire less parti- zan than the first, because, you know, lie will have no temptations to prosti tute his power in iiitrignes for re-clcc- tion, will see, with some disappoint- it that his candidacy for a third term is already openly admitted. He is yet a young man, and if not Presi dent for tho next twenty years, it will 'to *’ Ueuiarars, Coffee, Rio, •• 28 “ Lagulra, « 28 “ Java. « 33 Hyscn 1 50 to 2 00. “ Gunpowder, “ 2 00 to — “ Black <* j oo to — Onion®, perlm.-h. 1 oo to 1,39 Syrup, Sorglium, (tergal. GO to 75 “ Caup '(( 75 Cuba Molasses ; k jq Caudles, sperm— per ill. 40 “ Adaman, * 20 “ Tallow, 8-’. 15 Cheese, State f 1 20 “ Eng. Dairy, Crackers, soda,... “ butter, . AIMKU. “ cream, •* Candy, plain per lb. “ fancy •• so to 60 Soda Black Pepper “ 35 to 40 Ginger •• 35 to 40 Starch.— “ 15 to 20 Tallow •• s to 10 Dried Peaches, pealed, “ 8 to 10 “ “ unpealed, “ 1 4 to — Dried Apples “ 4 to Rice ' 11 to 12 Mackerel, kits .*... 2 23 to 3 50 “ bbl 10 HO to 12 00 Sardines, per tux, 25 to 40 •‘■i.ilt persatk,2 25 to 2 50 Farturj Good*.—Cotton Yarns _S 1 G5 Osnabnrgs, per T(). 13 to 20 % Shitting, “ 12 to 15 CKESOUftCES. Discounts Overdrafts United States Bonds Other Rond* - Due from National Banks Due from St:\,tii Banks Banking House Current, Expenses Cash Items, including Stamps Bills of National Banks Fractional Currency, including Nickie.. Legal Tender Notes ZZA'J}7I,I2IjKS. ....$175,995 SS Capital. 1 17,700 00 Surplus Fund... .... 100,000 00 DUcount ..... 13,200 00. Exchange — .... 2,391 07, Intere5t 15 * 20 “ 67 ; Circulation - 5 ’°“ W Deposits 70 55 pj, e to National Banks .... 5,403 51 p ue state Banks.. —...... 30,512 OO 2,866 95! 28,112 S3, 32,000 00 ...$100,000 00 ... 65,000 00 81,518 40 2,311 03 1,724 30- 5,553 73 89,949 00 107,712 21 59,245 23 9*9 31 8423,459 48 now in use. We have the 8428,459 48 STVTli OF GF.Or.CI\. COUNTY OF CLARKE.—I, JAMES tv hite, ( asmer 01 mo nauuuas Bank of Athens, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true, to bCl ‘ ef ' JNO. WHITE, Y . Correct Attest: A. K. CHILDS, >Directors. It. L. MOSS, ) t Sworn to and subscribed before me this, lltli day of q \RiyrON N. P. W, Is. & €0 MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN *9 Bedsteads, from §4.50 to §40 : Elegant Parlor Suits, very low; Handsome Chamber Sets, all styles and prices ; Bureaus, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. SUFKKMm MKTALIC ISURIATa CASES Give us caU£aatour New Furniture Hall, Old Frankin House Building, Broad Street. 1-4 “ “ Dry Cowls..—Prints, “ Delaines, “ BVched Shirting, “ Bed Ticking, «* IVach Braird v, good ** medium, ' 14 *>0 11 to 12}' 25 to .10 10 to 25 * 20 to 50 4 00 to 3 00 to — 2 00 to — CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES R. Is. S VOLTEII /'‘'IALLS the attention of his friends i ‘•■he rest of mankind” to Ihtr fiict that he will keep on hand a fre.nh assortment of Family Supplies, with a fme quantity of COOKING WINE, either in bottle® or on draught. Also, the best of BRANDY, WHISKEY". Rtn. gin, all, laser beer, TOBACCO AND CIGAKS. etT* Country Dealers supplied at low figures, at HOLBROOK’S CORNER, Near N. E. Railroad Depot, Athens. CAT-TAIL MILLET, tiie rest known article Foil FORAGE. Imrod n flagrant usurpation by the ; East Macon, on Wednesday morning, Fedoml authorities, has been quenched j March 5th, at 4 o’clock, and his remains in blood. The following significant ^e taken to Cohimbus last nighr for comimiidcatiou from Gen, Badger il lustrates the President’s message, which says he has done in the Btates gf the (South only wlmt lie claims a right to do in any State: “I have just arrived with my gun and detachment, ami dispersed the mob with canister. Ain in quiet juissession of this part of the town, [•Signed.] 4 “A. a Badges.” Our President says in Ids inaugural that lie does not wish negro equality to be forced upon the people by legis lation, on’y when they travel, go to school, or stay at home. This is like tho roan who never drank whiskey, nn r Jess when by himself, > n company, or wanted it, interment. A cotton pool, with an entrance fee of ?5, has boon formed in Augusta. It is a guessing game, and he who comes nearest estimating the crop of last year, os determined by the New York Finan cial Chronicle, September 1st, 1873, takes the money. The wheat crop on the bottom lends of Uppjr Georgia has been badly damaged hv the recent overflows. In many instances it will doubtless be ploughed up ami com or cotton plant ed instead. Soma of tho “oldest inhabitants” of Columbus report the present month the coldest March since 1834, when the thermometer stood at zero, and ponds five feet deep were frozen hard enough to bear the weight of loaded wagons, for sale at KING’S DRUG STORE. uihl4-2t JACKOII'S MAGIC C ^lURES 1 bo worst rate of Rheumatism in four J ilaysi. the worst Toothache in live minutes, five minutes, the worst 1’. VAIS ALSriISF, Proprietor, liirncfrillo, G.i. iURKE & HODGSON Booksellers & Stationers, •Ithcns, Gfa., [ Dealt rs in School,- College not he liis-fault Ex-Vice President Colfax nrrlv ■<! at South Bend, Indiana, on Saturday last, and was escorted to the court house by numbers of people, where the Mayor delvered an address of welcome. Mr. Colfax replied in a long speech^ which was but a repetition of his many explanations. His hearers oppeared to be satisfied, and at the conclusion of his address said so in a resolution, in which they declared that he was a model statesman, temperant and faith ful and that they had undimished con fidence in his honor and integrity, both as a public man and a private cilizen. Short Not and at reaxma-1 l/.e price*. t-iy- Any Book published sent post paid on re ceipt of retail price es-PIANOS, of the best in.ikts, sold at .Manufacturers’ Brice*. Send for a catalogue. *** -STEREOSCOPIC views in great variety. , Miscellaneous Rooks OF ALL KINDS. Ladles’ Office and School STATION BUY and Mem orandum Books, Diaries, WRITING DESKS, Port folios, Gold Pens an I Pencils, Pock et Knives. Draw ing MATERIALS Paints, Bronze A Fancy Inkstands, Brackets, Book Shelves. Paper Hanging, Window Curtains A Fixtures, Cl! ROMO 3, Mouldin gs A Picture PRAM ES. r PIIF UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THE X foil following well-known amt popular Pcrtilir.ers, to-w it: GUANO The Great Fertilizer « Hs WorU Imported Direct from Liverpool, and is Warranted to be PURE, GEXI'IYf FIUST-CLAS3, In every respect. Kead the following Certificate, from the i**^ and largest Farmers of.Georgia, who tesiiiy. to its great merits: e “* ,t This is to show that we, and each of us, have used the EXGL1SII STovn WALL FERTILIZER, purchased of C. B. Flannngan & Son, and aprA'icQ t our Cotton last year, and we deem it a first-class Fertilizer, and the best h ever used, and cheerfully recommend it to fhantefs generallv, n n. T ((f'TfVTT ' TJ r» mr . x-c B. G. LOCKETT, Dougherty countv, C. P. HARTWELL, “ “ ' A. E. VICKERS, Laurens “ W. B. TARVER & BRO., Twiggs co F. D. WIMBERLY, “ co. B. D. EVANS, Washington count; T. O. YVTCKER, “ ,, h D. G. HUGHES, Twiggg countv -DAVID S,. JOHNSON, Morgan coma, J. J. McARTHUR, Montgomery >• I HAVE ALSO DR. PENDLETON’S GUANQ. COMPOUND, • ; Whic^f1S , highly recommended by all the farmers of the South who have used it — Its merits as an excellent Fertilizer are beyond dispute. If you wish to patronize Home Enterprise, I can tell you the OGLETHORPE FERTILIZER, Which has been used by many Farmers in ibis section for years, ail of whom can testify to its great merits, which speaks well for the enterprise of Oglcthorpr. 25^” Don’t tail to get the above-named Fertilizers, and lie convinced that tha BEST in the World is sold by J. H. HUGGINS, Broad Street, Athens, Go, Soluble Pacific, CaE'olina, Paragon, Ammoiated Dissolved Hones, Manhattan Blood Guano. Call at our Store, corner Thomas and Clayton (Streets. X C. PTNER & CO. FERTILI FIRE, FIRE! fiiAa and Slim 1 • UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ) March 3d, 1873. j Messds. R. T. Buumhy & Co.: I have tested, sit your request, the KEROSENE OIL offered for sale by you, and find it to stand the fire test of 114 degrees F. Respectfully, H. C. WHITE. This OIL was also tested by the Agent of \Vm. M. Bird & Co., of Charles ton, S. C., in the presence of many citizens of Athens, Ga., and stood 115 de gees fire test. Wrrranted PURE and NON-EXPLOSIVE. For sale, in any quantity, by R. T. BRUMBY & CO. IN TIIU PIUCES OF HEAVY BOOTS!SHOES AT E. A. WILLIAMS & BRO’S Broad Street, Athens, Ga. SiiEAT reduction JHE RAILROAD EXTENSION On College Avenue!! Clear the Track when the Whistle Blows. HAVING SOLD OUT AN INTEREST IN J1Y Watch and Jewelry Business To J. P. DORSEY, TALMADGE & DORSEY, Will be continued in all its branches on a more extensive and satinfnetory scale. As our NEW STORE ROOM is near complete On College Avenue, Wc hope s»on to ncTcomc all customer* to a Full Line of Goods at such Prices that will merit a con tinuance of patronage. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, and all kinds of Locks r'ROMP TL Y RE PA 1RED lMLin returning thanks for past favors, we would suggest that wcean make it to the interest IMMEmAT C E n FAi&T. ,,,1C!,,ed ‘° ,U Opposite Post Office, Athens, Ga. W. A. TALMADGE, JAS. P. DORSEY. Respectable women get stupidly drunk in Georgia.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. That maybe a funny paragraph, but it is a lying one. ‘I have used Dr. Siminons' Liver Regulator in my family for Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, and regard it as an invaluable remedy in these attacks. It has not failed to give relief in any instance. Bev. W. F. Easterling, Florida Conference- B. A. STOVALL, Gotton Factor, —- AND Geneial Commission Merchant, No. 2 Exchange Building, & AVGUSTA, GEORGIA win give PF.nsnXAL attention to'all busi ness entrusted him. Consignment* of Cotton and other Produce re ject fully solicited. A iso, .4 gent for B\KR ! >?r’J Silest C’Jf f).r)3 jaal0-3m • GOODS AT COS-T. JYoic is the Time for Ibae to JtlaJce Jlloney. TTAVING DETERMINED TO J—L change my business, I now offer mj‘ entire stock of Goods at COST! My stock is larfce and Anc, consisting of a full and complete'assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a foil stock ot Groceries, and all articles kept in a Ant elan Dry Goods and Grocery Store. J mean BUSINESS, And will close out during this month,. mjCALL f nd ., f - E L*" s, ‘ To any one buying my entire stock 1 will offer additional inducements, and giro time. A. L. DEARING, No. 1 Granite Hoar, Bishop's old stand. Athens, Ga., January 1st, 1873 jan3-tf TN ORDER TO MAKE. ROOM _L for our SPRING STOCK, wc have decided to fell Heavy Boot* and Shoe* CHEAPER than they have Wen Bold by us this Season. Ail iu want of surh Goods should call on E. A. WILLIAMS & BRO., DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, TRUNKS Leather & Shoe Findings, AND ALSO Cents’* Furnishing Goods, Of which wc have a Good Supply. jau31-Cw The undersigned are Agents for the sab of the following well known Fertili zers, all of which has been tried for years by many of our most prominent Planters, from whom we can show numberless certificates as their great merits, and who show their approbation by giving largely increased demand the present year. All are warranted as genuine, and free from adulteration of any kind: CAROLINA, BAHAMA, PARAGON, SSradlcjf s Superphosphate, Star oiSmmoniated Bone, WHAM’S RA'W-BOKE SUPER-PHOSPHATE! Any Fertilizer not included in tbe foregoing will be ordered, if desired. HAYGOOD, HUNTER & CO. CALL AND SEE, Aud Get Testimonial* of the Best and Most Satisfactory SPECTACLES now in use. J. BIOSES’ Heftro Galvanic, Pat 2 Jane, ’CS. For *»le only by TALMADGE A DORSEY. fcb7-liu Sole Agents, opposite the Post Office. I Mean Business! TT'OR SALE—Over seven acres of J- land, lying on the road leading from Millcdge Avenue to the Bobbin Mill, and aliout one-fourth of a mile Inside the city limits of Athens. On the place are two residences, suitable for small Cunilics —one recently put up: the other, though loughly constructed, has all necessary conveniences for comfort -good gardens, good wells, cowshed, feed-house, Ac. If not sold in one body, soon, will be offered in small loffPif desired. PRICE REASONABLE—TERMS ACCOMMO DATING 1 For particulars, apply Feb 28 STAFFORD. F. W. LUCAS & CO. To Our Custom erSi. -^TE ARE NOW PREPARING for our SPRING STOCK, and *mu®t call for all that I. duo us. We ahallcnntiuue to give our usual time to those All and 1st ol The Surrenderof Geneiallee. At Appomattox C. H., Va., April 9th. 1865. A MAGNIFICENT 14 by 18 inch -Ci. Engraving of tho Surrenderor Gen. Lee, beautifully colored- Engraved fi» the highest style of the art and printed on heavy plate paper. It is truly a gem of art, one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home. Sent by mall, mounted on a roller and post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 cents. Agents Wanted. Address J. C. A W. H. BURROW, _ . Bristol, Tenn. Catalogues of Picture*, Books, Ac., s-nt free. ng- accounts due 1st of July ex "(.'lit by special understand- F. W. lUCAS A CO. Athens, January 13th, 1873. jan!7-tf who pay-promptly, ofJanuary, C. II. TAYLOR, Tiacher of Music & Telegraphy, T UNER of Pianos, Pipe and Reed Organs. Mu sical lustrumeut*of every description tuned aud repaired. Agent for. the celebrated Arion Patent Piano, the l«st made. Brass aud String Banda furnished at short notice* Office at O’Kel ley 4 Taylor's Photograph Gallery, over Williams’ Shoe Store, Broad street, Athens, Ga. decG-ly Young Steele, T iis celebrated Stallion will stand during the Spring season in Jackson and ad jacent counties, lie is of the best blood on all sides, and is now in his prime. Price, to insure colt, $1$. If a party tradesa mare folded by him before the birth of the colt, the money becomes duo at that lime. R.J. JOHNSON. DANIIL’S N/t 1C CIL A SERE CURE FOR RIIEUXAT1SX. A WONDERFUL CURE OF MR. JAMES REAVES. Mr. Reaves, a citizen of Athens, au thorizes us to say that he was affected with pain in his ear, and a great defect in hearing. He purchased a bottle of Daniels Magic Oil, and after using it was greafly relieved. 340 TONS OF Hickson’s Compound SOLD LAST YEAR 1ft ATHENS BY US! This shows what the Planters think of it. More of it sold at this point than any other Fertilizer. Planters who used a few Sacks last year to test it have put in their orders for a few tons this year. Look to your interest, and buy a FERTILIZER that is made in your own State, and used by your neighbors, for three years, and no fault ever found in it. Every Sack is Warranted Genuine. We have now on hand, and will continue to keep a GOOD STOCK, so that farmers will not be disappointed when they come after it. PRICE SAME LAST YEAR $58 00 per Ton Cash, §03 per Ton on Time, to First ftovember, 1873, _ The Farmer paying Freight, $2 00, and gives his note or $61 00. Fifteen Cents is guaranteed for W lute Lotton, delivered at Athens to pay for the Dicksoil Compound. those Farmers who. wish CHEMICALS TO MAKE THEIR OWN FERTILIZERS We will furnish for Cash or on Time, as they may prefer. * YVhat tbe Dickson Compound will do* By permission, we here state that Milton Mathcwa, Esq., and his *>n, C. • Mathews, Esq., both of Jackson county, planted, last year, 28 acres in toil . Fertilized it with the DICKSON COMPOUND, and made on said '-. 3 acre *A Bales ot Cotton. Wc are also authorized to give their plan, and who wish can j it: They open one furrow putting aliout 100 pounds to the acre, ana run around said furrow and cover it up. Putting about 100 pounds more on c8C |i. hcn of the first and -covering it all up. This makes 800 pounds to . the acre. you plant the seed, run a fnrrow on the middle.row of the three distributes- ^ tap roots run through, the middle row, the smaller roots runs oui into other two distributes, and hence one bale to the acre is made. In our jn“B ii. is the best plan in use. England & Orr, Agents* Athens, January 1st, 1873—Oct25tf. 400 KEGS MAI 2.® Rome and Boonton Manutkcture. For sale by CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. feb21-lin Prepared by the Oglethorpe Fertilizing Co., Maxeys, {, “* „. gjj GUARANTEED FREE FROM ADULTERATION. V.T Per Ton .2,000 pounds, at works, *52 55; TIME, lein, on acceptance, =*'*.-, the Plant 4 *. could furnish numerous certificates as to the vtilue of this Fertilizer, but prefer to to those who have used it in (his county fotlhe la,t two or thr«g ^DURHAM, ?H. HUGGINS. . janl7-3m Ascot, In STOLEN—$25 REWARD.\q B. yERONEE, F rom the undersigned, on Wednes- | ... _, lfc KE day night last, between midnight » n A LjPtoSfw^WueAtodoSlmsB"® 1 ^ w »small Iron Gier MARE, four yearn old next ton. M^wpogarsw™^ Hanging May. rheanlmafhadto hair ahedd^off^m B«eflogGut^»^»^ k mUsfiwtlsn „ [guarantee*!i in every toataave. &