The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, April 04, 1873, Image 1
|orlI|-|asf |corgimt, PUBLISHED EVERY fill DAY JflORJVIJYG l % & T, L. GANTT, — AT — go PER ANNUM New York Sun. RUFFIAN RUSSIA, . this Column, $12 a year per sqr. The Story ol lunations Eiclimulbir Russian Gallows Scone. I iMAl’.COSn, A. S. ERWIN, HOWEI-L COBB COBB. ERWIN & COBB, attorneys at law, ATHENS, GEORGIA. ►•5 r OjRrt hi the Deupree lhtilding.^£F$ SAMUEL P. THURMOND, •attorney at I-ffw, ATHENS, GEORGIA. rnv OlSre over Barry's Store, flroal Street. -5W Will Practice in liie .’mimics of Clarke, Walton, Jackin, Bank*, franklin, Madison and Hail. p PAl.1l iT T J. .N~ (jr. W. M. BONE PROPOSES TO DO ALL KINDS L of Painting—House, PnrriiRc anil Furniture irerk— In Iho neat**!, t-bcftpc*t aud mo*t durable >: >1e. At4.», ini Rattan work .in.l gUiing ami papor k>n-:inj;d »n« at short notice. Pr nipt at tent nm given 10 all order* left at Hu* Druj stores, oral hi* SU.j.oii Oiymu street, -M •Uer K. Kpi*eops»l c!mrcl«, Allien Ha. 1- 5.7 -lv. m\\is$$\nHorEL. R. If. ftAMPKlN ITAVINO OPENED A HOTEL i -1_ *.ti Wall street, offer* to our citizen** an*l tSetravelling public, nclect ItOAUDand Lo<Uings if •laired, ruble always furnished with the best the market .aHorde; nml served up in a superior raanucr. Give meaeall. (eb'JMt DIE J. E. POPE i I J) EXPECT FULLY offers his Pro- 1 f 'soi.nil S rvi. es to the Citizens of Athens an I Adj.e cut fount ry. ><vuj» *** theoili o formerly occupied by I)r. II. *1. Carlton. \t ntghl he can lie found at the n**i- p«i»'o of Pr. J. A. iliiunicutt. febl t-tf Livery ^tat>ie l have a livery stable On 27/omas Street, wher# Horse* will lie FKD and cared for. Also, WAGON YARD. es of Horses and \ j: z. cooper. In the year 1855, there emigrated from Warsaw, in Poland, to this coun try a young Jewish cabinet-maker named Ignatius Eichmuller, who set tled in tliiscily nml opened .a shop on Sixth avenue. He was energetic and enterprising, and soon did considerable business. He accumulated in three or fouryears about $10,000, and in I860 he became a citizen of the United States. He married a young actress named Lean Rebecca Thatuiliclmpr, who was attached to the Stndt Theater on the Bowery, and was respected by all his acquaintances. In 1862 Eichmuller became homesick, and returned with his wife to his native city in Poland, where lie purchased an interest in a large livery stable and licrse-dealing establishment. In the following year THE POLISH INSURRECTION OF 1868 broke out, and among the numerous persons who were arrested in Warsaw a accomplices of the revolutionary leaders was Ignatius Eichmuller. In the dead of night on the 17th of Jan uary, 1863, 1m was dragged from his bed, and the heartrending lamenta tions of his young wife, taken in irons to the citadel. Next morning he was taken bef ore the military tribunal and asked whether or not lie Imd attended the clandestine meetings of the conspi rators. lie denied it strenuously, and did not waver in his statements even when the court ordered the lash to he applied to him. lie manfully bore the sixty las’. e« that wee intli.-: e 1 upon him hv a stalwart Cossack, and, w.ien -on tipi following day lie w is confronted with a police spy who pretended to have seen him among the con-jorators, lie told the man to his lace that he was either mistaken or a wilful liar. Not withstanding his protestations ot inno cence, the court-martial found him guilty of high treason, with extenuat ing circuiiistaces, ami sentenced him to transportation for life to Siberia, without hard labor, however, and with' permission to engage in what business lie pleased at the place of residence the Government would assign to him in its va.-t Asiatic territory. Eichmuller produced his American naturalization pa]>ers and appealed for protection to the United States Ambassador at St. Petersburg, hut without avail. So, almost with despair in his heart, and accompanied by his faithful young wife and two little sons, the unfortunate man, , December, Eichmuller. who had been i treated in prison with the lliinosf rig- j or, nml whose food despite the iuclem- -A jency of the weather, had consisted ex clusively of bread and water, was plac ed before a milita ry commission com- his hanili judges in heartrending tones for mercy, but of course without avail. He was dragged back to his dungeon, where his wife and children had a most affecting interview with him. THE EXECUTION. During the night a gallows was erected on the parade ground in front seemed as if a tempest of teapots had i broken in its wrath above their heads, while shrieks as of those in mortal agony rendered the night air hideous. At last his wife, unable longer to bear the frightful noise, fled from the room they were occupying to another. On her way she passed the fearful closet that held witiiin its limits the ghastly horror. THE BEARDLESS MAX. As she passing rapidly by the closet, she turned involuntarily toward the door, when she beheld the form of a ol the military guard hou-e. It was a I man standing. Unable to move, she rough-.iewn structure, the rope with j stood transfixed with horror, gazing which: the doomed man was to be ‘ strangled to death dangling down from an iron hook in the crossbeam. At 7 o’clock a. m. the garrison of Irkutsk formed a hollow square around th WIT AND HU HOB. Colfax, California, naturally wants its name changed. An enraged man tears his hair, but an enraged woman tears her husband’s. rt . A man who mixes a great deal in society is said to have laughed so much in his sleeve that it is quite worn out. Cincinnati drummers are getting great!many orders now from rural merchants—ordered to leave the store or be kicked out. “ If you don’t give me a dime,” said a young hopeful to his mamma, “ I wildly upon the horrid spectre before kno>¥ a ^ wWs t measle an ’ d ril her. With a horrible grimace the - - — - -* ghastly vision pointed toward his throat with one band while with the other he seized himself by the hair and^hew gallows, fifteen minutes afierwar 1 the 1 back his head, revealing a'bloody gash executioner, his two assistants, and the wretched prisoner made their nppear- ai ce. E c imuller presented a truly pitiful aspect. He was the very pic ture ot boundless terror. lie shed tears copiously and uttered incessantly 1 >w moans, the gallows heaven and broke into loud shrieks. Tueexecutioner pushed him rudely to ward the instrument of death and p aced him underneath the rope. Af ter taking the chains from the prisoner iie put the noose round his neck ; then he stepped behind Eichmuller, and, s izing the other end of the rope, jerked it up violently. In the next moment the culprit dangled five or six feet from the ground in the air. The execution er then suddenly lowered him three or lour feet. Thereupon one of the as sistants hung himsef to the legs of the sufferer, who was again pulled up by the executioner. This pulling up and lowering was repeated four times, whereupon the prisoner was examined by a surgeon and pronounced dead. Iiis remains were filtered by the exe cutioner without being previously en closed in a coffin. The whole, execu tion was over at a quarter to 8. THE LATjStGHOST. 12 — « 5EL se i : AS K» ^ t to solve a still greater ghostly problem mained. fn their -own midst. For some time past numerous re 's 7C 3 So _ ■ / - r. -- a="W rCO 3t> CD => wr - irJ - e*=> ?; CO TftJtSjHtlftLi CIS VRLEY HILL At ;he old e*Ut>U>l.c<1 EAKBE.R-^HOP, Da Rrovl > L. U. Mail, e •?, over the dure of Me**r*. J. R. A r*, Imr* tlie twst nml intwt attentive ► ork'ti«*ii uni all the itKMlern appliance* for •hV/f/j-tn//. S/tampooinff, J/air- etrrssine/. etc., 1 * n ' chil<lri'i» on nt thoir rosidenco*. *" ,T1 d»*ir»'l. martna nun will receive P-vnpf and enrefui aiiemion. Oct. 11, 1ST’.'. CHAINED TO ANOTHER CONVICT, set out on foot on the 2d of March, I<S63, for Irkutsk, where he was to-re side, subject to the surveillance of the police. After a long and wearv march , , e , : , , ,, , i • i T-- i ' n , • port-1 u of a haunted house, with all during winch Eichmuller and his faint- ic : t i • . i i i .mi ii- ii its frightful accompaniments has star lv sithcrcd untold hardships, and dur-L* , . i - . i - .i-iii-i., tied the nnnds of the sight-seers and mg which Ins youngest child died, thov i- - ..7, ... believers in the arrived m the middle ot .June at then- place of destination. A log cabin was iven to them to live in, and Eichmul- in his throat which reached from ear to car, then with a jerk he drcipitated himself and disappeared with a loud shriek. The lady fell to the floor in a swoon. The family hearing her . t . .’j scream, rushed out, and found her When he caught sight of j lyng almost lifeless on the floor. Up- lie raised his chains to on her recovery she related what she had seen, and the rising sun shun on a moving family next morning. A FRIGHTENED NEGRO. Soon after this, a doughty son Africa, expressed his willingness to try the house; tor awhile at least, however, lie wisely concluded to reconnoitre the premises first. One evening about dusk, as he was returning from his day’s labor, lie concluded to go by the bouse and inspect it. Upon approching the front gate he discovered the door ofthe building slowly opening, and present ly a man came out and proceeded to walk leisurely toward the gate. The negro at first supposed the approach ing party to l>e the proprietor, but as the object near him he was horrified at its pallid, ghastly look, and at the stoney, glazed eyes, that was fixed upon him. The vision, when about ten feet troin the gate, stopped, and raised its lifeless hand, pointing its finger toward the throat, while with the other hand lie seized his hair, and with a quick motion SWUNG HIS HEAD FROM THE BODY, and disappeared. The negro, upon witnessing this gave a terrified yell, and left the spot in haste, not stand ing upon the order of his going. Oth ers have also seen this strange appari tion, and heard the noises, w hile some laugh at the idea as an absurdity, and yet these things were seen and heard, in reality or imiginntion, we cannot say which. Since the above related circumstances transpired, another fami ly has moved in, ami as yet have re- They have, however, oplv go and ketch .them It isTsfid that the glass-blowers who atoH# 4fiWpvChimneys know how to ’em so that one out of every five will break from heat. A young man who was caught straining his sweetheart to his bosom the other day, justified himself by say ing that every man had a right to squeeze l.i3 own honey. Out of forty girls at n boarding- school none of them could tell how many years George Washington was President, but they knewjto a cent the cost of any kind of hustle in the nmr- tnr "" les " 1 ket. A Ghostly Vision Presents Itself to the HorrlDeil Inmates of a Haunted Honsc-The Headless Man and His Freaks-Tlie Frighten ing Details. “Angels and ministers of grace, de fend tis! Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned.” The public mind has hardlv reco\or- cd from the astounding relation ofthe facts-connectcd with the “Currency wonder,” before they are called upon JLliey nave, However, onlv been occupying the place for a few Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, <3- /v GANN A HEAVES .. .PHOPKIF.TORS WILL BE FOUND AT THEIR > w «*M titan l. rear Fr.nkiin HouieBuiMin?, fliAniva •‘treet. ive«*j» nlway* on Kami Turii- ••ilt an-1 1 ireful itrir*»rs. w el I r.ireil lor wlte.n <utru*tei1 to on r ran*. Siook on hand f *r *alr nt all time**. dc< itVtf BCO'iK Sze CHAFPINj MarVet Strwl, near Court Uon>r. Fain:!? lib mi and Bar Room constantly on hand ch ore Family Grocc- ,»'* d| kind**, and ;ho Lest Brands ol* Wines, i. q*i .ri and Cigar*. Dive u* a eati, and you will llnd everything in • *ir line of the t*e*t, and jirice* nn low as tin* lowest. v MAN DEVI LLE HEALER IN imported and ^msrican fattlits, Ciocb, Jewelry, Silver <v Plated IFarc, M tSICAL INSTRUMENTS, • v 'l*«>rtins l”/juipnients of all kinds. Kr ' ne:i-.ui:i.\-ti A .vp EXORArixn nm iLne wi-.n care, anj warranted to givo aalLfartion <lppo.i, r , hr , 0 || r|r) «,hrn« t «n. 01.U (i (tin AX it SI IV Kit taken in exchange. SOLE agent* for PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL AX l > Jt, lAi!0XD SPECTACLES. Surveyor, Architect. ♦ -»'iui*• an (lesrripnciifioi Uiuukhi at ,he I - a ' r "llien nf Captain.E.' P. J*uJl-tf R* K. UiMl’KIK. Uoonty Surveyor. ler was told, he could do what he j>!ca cd, except that he must report even- day at noon to the military governor of the city, and must he at home at seven o’clock in the evening, and not leave his house after that hour under any pzetex.t whatever. Being an excellent cabinet maker, the convict exile was not long in finding lucrative employment. The Military Governor of Irkutsk at that time was an intelligent and humane man, Gen. IstevinoH', who gradually took consid erable interest in Eichmuller, and in trusted him with several important government contracts, which the Israe lite filled.’ to his entire satisfaction. Thus Eichmuller lived nine years at (rkutask, and in 1.S72 he had accumu lated a considerable fortune, lie ap plied for a pardon to the Emperor Alexander II., and Gen. Istevinoff, his patron, promised to intercede warm ly in his behalf. Unfortunately for Eichmuller, the General died very suddenly on the 2d of April, in that year and his successor. Geo. Senlnikoff, the new Governor of Irkutsk, was a widely different man. He treated the Polish exiles with the utmost harsh ness, and caused several of them to be cruelly flogged for slight infractions of the regulations, which had never been enforced under his predecessor. Eich- muller had at that time a contract for the carpenter work qp the new thea ter then in course of construction, and one evening in November last he came to the official residence ofthe Governor in order to complain of the dishonesty of some ofthe Government officials who had to furnish him with Inrnbe, Gen. Senelnikolf, upon seeing the Jew, flew into a passion. “ UNCLEAN SCOUNDREL, how dare you to be out after the usual hour of the night?” he called out to him in a voice of thunder. Eich- muller wanted to explain, but the Gov ernor, not only refused to listen to him, hfifc, Seizing a very heavy cane, began tivTOThlior him unmercifully with it. He dealt him several terribic blows in the face, and Eichmuller, stung by the pain and the brutality of the punish ment, •snatched the cane from the hand of the General, * and, breaking it in several pieces, flung them in his face. Uttering a howl of rage at this unex- jiected resistance, Senelnikolf rang his hell. Two Cossacks made their ap pearance, and at a hint from the ty rant dragged the victim of his cruelty to prison. Next day Senelnikoff tele graphed his version of the occurrence to tiic Minister of War for instructions, posed of- four nriny officers of low- grade. The proceedings lasted only an hour, at the end of which the pris- o icr was found guilty and • sentenced to suffer death at daybreak on the following morning. Tho unfortunate man threw himself in an agony of terror KING’S CURB Georgia Railroad Sclicfyilc NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SCHEDJCLB ON THE GEORGIA and MAC OX flfut AUGUSTA RAILRODS. rintcndmru 7 ill h Aulfriftia Railroad, !- a, G.*., June 5, lh?i. ) For over Forty Years this PURELY VEGETABLE. Liver Medicine ha* proved to be the GRKVI’ INFAlLIMi SPECIFIC rr , vrr ,„ . tor Liter Comi*Uist and the painful ot&pring I -A 1\ ILL A MEEK, IT tlrerrof, to-wlt: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION^ - V ll U'. reT,,nt tliu Dura, ainona P»uUrv,.«t fMnUico, BiUimw-•(fteka, SHMt HBA'DACHlg FlF^y. CliNTS. supernatural who re side in the neighborhood of the ceme tery on Decatur street. These reports have been treated as the id'e fintasies and conjurations of the silly-minded, until more recently, when the addition al evidence of unbelievers has at last given a color of truth to the oft told tale of THE FRIGHTFUL VISION. The house where those terrible scenes arc enacted is located on Young street near the City Cemetery. Quite a number of tenants have attempted to occupy it, hut have been invariably frightened away by the frequent oc currence of UNEARTHLY NOISES at unseasonable hours. The noi«es are as varied as they are unaccountable. Sometimes, when all is quiet, a terrible rumbling noise, low and ominous at first, hut gradually deepening, until at last it bursts out in thunder tones, shaking the house to its very founda tion. Again loud knocks are heard in places beyond the reach of human days. It is confidently believed by parties in the neighborhood that they will yet have an opportunity of witnes sing some of the strange freaks of this restless spirit. Without venturing an opinion as to what it is, how it is caused, and by what agency we arc nevertheless satis fied that some explanation could be given if the matter was thoroughly and searching!}- in vest gated. We toss this nut to otir spiritual friends to crack—to give the public the solution of this problem. We have stated the case as ’twas told to us, without any garnishment, and will patiently await for any explanation that will throw any light upon this ghostly matter. THE HAUNTED HOUSE. It was supposed by some people yesterday that our report about the “ haunted house” was a fabrication. Now, those thinking this can apvly to Messrs. Wallace & Fowler to-day. and they will end from those gentle men, who have the renting ofthe house in question, that First, They will allow any one who wishes to occupy the house free one montn. Second. That they have never been agency, together with rattling, clang- able to keep a tenant in the house sounds, as though heav_ pieep of earthenware were hurled iqion the floor. These manifestations would so thoroughly alarm the in mates that they would invariably 1- ave, until at last the house was en- over five days, and that frequently when the rent was paid up fora month in advance they would give up the house after two day's occupancy and forfeited their rent. These and other interesting facts \ certain little damsel having been aggravated beyond endurance ov her brother, plumped down upon her knees and cried: “ O Lord! bless my brother Tom. He lies, he steals, hie swears ; all boys do ; us girls don’t. Amen.” Warmoth was asked ifDurcll git drunk on the bench, to which he re plied : “ No, I think not. My im pression is—mind, this is only au im pression—tny impression is he gets drunk at home before he goes on the bench." A minister a few days age, preached the funeral sermon of a man who in life was fond of skating, and in the course of his discourse said : “ He has gone where there is no ice.” But he didn’t name the place the cx-skatist had slid to. “ Are you not alarmed at the ap proach of the king of terrors ?” said a minister to a sick man. “Oh no! I’ve, been living six and thirty years with the queen of terrors—the king cannot be much worse. A worthy old lady offers the follow ing advice to girls : “ Whenever a fellow pops the question, don’t blush and .«ture at ypur foot. Just throw vour arms arofind his neck, look lvim -full in the face and commence talking about the furniture.’* A fond father recently wrote: “It generally takes twenty years of train ing to eradicate the word ‘nice’ from a woman’s vocabulary. The Falls of Niagara, the Psalms of David and the progress of the human race were all ‘nice’ to my eldest till she got mnr- tied.” A sea captain’s little son was the other day put into long trousers for the first time. Some one asked him why he had changed? “Well,” he replied, “ the hoys made-fun of me, and I wasn’ going to wear my pants at half-mast any longer. It is refressing to come across such a gem as the following: "'l'lie-first bird of spring attempted to sing, But ere he had sounded a note. He fell from the limb—a dead bird was hail’; The music had friz in his throat." Art editor announces the marriage of a friend thusly ; “ He has read him self out of the jolly brotherhood of bachelors, sold ‘ his "single-breasted lounge, jiacked his baggage cheeked it for glory, walked the gang plank of courtship to the vessel of matrimony, and is now steaming down the stream of bliss by the light of the honeymoon.” U.lli-, DcprcsM.m „f Spirit*, SOUR STOMACH. Heart Burn, CHILLS and FEVER, An., Ac. After years of careful experiments, to meet a ltteat and urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powders, THE PREPARED A Liquid form of Simmons’ Liver Regulator, con taining all its wonderful and valuable properties, and otter it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, pr Sent by mail Co Buy tor unless in our engraved wrapper, with trmh murk, stamp and signature unbroken, None oth er is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., anti Philadelphia SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jan3-6nt as before, ...$1.00 \>tr package. 1.04 •« XJTIOUXT. Simmons’ Itegula- rith trade Powders or Prepare* r engraved Is Certain $ Prompt LJ Til, r till kinds.' ’ One Bottle, worth FiF makes Two Gallon* of’ Medicine. The iise of it will save Thousands of Dollars utmuallv to N T drth- east Georgia. Y UF.rARKD BY DR. WM. KN G And for sale hv Merchants generally, and by BARRETT, LAND & CO., Augusti. Wholesale Agents. feb’-M-fim quick for £ln. square, New Y< rk. H. L. Woleolt, ISI Chat hit *k, Agents and ZLi others to sell a new article, indispensable to merchants and manufacturers. Address with stamp, K. It. Smith A L’o», W Libvrty-st., N. Y. MONEY kY free. Stallbrd Man j; v made with our Stencil and f'heck outfit. Circulars Company, tid Fulton-st, N Y fni lyisiii A BE especially invited to call at our Drug New Article. juM received l.y us, including lire finer Superintendent". I (ieorcii and .tlnrnn 1 AMgu'ta, AND AFTER WLDXE8- _ . AY, .Tune .7th, ISTi, the Passenger Tialna on the Georgia ami Mwcou aud Augiuta RailroiuN will run as follows; GEORGIA tlAITAiQAIh Day PaMstiger Ti'ain u r df Leave Augusta nt ..8 fOk.m/ L*nve Atlantaat - —8 15a. in. An i vent Atlanta nt *....•! 4Wfim. Arrive at Augusta at - r* v '^ Night Pateenger Train. le-nvo ml......w..i8'15p. m. l/)ar« Atiautaqt - - -54 P- * rt * r * Arrive at Atlatfht Jrt...m.’ Arrirv at Augitsta ’4H».«.^^.'-«*r*< P rtf: MA CON A ND A UG USTA Hi. lie Day I\tt*aujcr Train. Ijexrt Augusta at H 00 a. n. I.eave Macon at : 0 80 n". m. Arrive in Augusta at • -F» l». m. Arrive in Macon at * 40p. in.' Night Pd^nirfrr Train/ O l^ave Augusta at 8 tj ftis J^*ave Muet*n at m 00 p. ni/ ArrivHn Augusta at - — fi 00 a. m. Arrive in Macon nt —... 4 15 a. ui. Passengers frmn Atlanta, Athens, Washington,' and station* on Georgia Railroad, by taking tho Day Passenger Train will make ismneetion »t fa in ak with the Train for Maeon. . , erTi' Pullman’s (First-Tins* I Steoiung Ctam on sir Night PaKftfngtw Trains on the Georgia Rallrfmdf and First-Glass sleeqdngt arson all Night THiIiih ou* the Macon and Augusta Railroad. s: K. .! 011N SON’,” J rS’(f?W. i THE ECLIPSE Store and examine the various finest and purest TOILET SETS, ROUGES, POWDERS, SOAPS, &c. **55“ THE TRADE will also take notice that wo have now in Store, and are constantly receiving, a superb stock of the Best and Purest Drugs, Jffledicines, Paints, Oils And Everything else Found in First-Class Drug Stores. R. T BRUMBY & CO. SOMET-HTISr G- W©rtto, O UR Buyer, Mr. KUAN, is now in New York, “cullinggems” from all the largest Importing House.* in the United States, and feels confident that, foi ^ & CYTE APXESS STYLE, QTJ Ills Selections will lie lmrd to siirpnss. The S MEETING WITH UNTREC’E- dented sucres.*, fully establishing its claim ni the STAX DA HI) 1IM TEIl WHEEL. Thvr *tti ill use all over the Union, and every wheel board from i* giving unqualitied satisfaction. All sizes’, from S It* 1'1 i\n l«e* in diameter, mataifactur«sl \»f the Stillwell A: llieree 3Imiufneturine Uompany. 08* For dcrtcrlpilve circulars «n«l price 1i*t * ply to or address. R. MCktUMVN. feb'il-<»m Athens, 08. ililiw Allspicef Pepperi Ginger, Cinnamon 9 And, Cloves, pr- FOR SALK BY --h — R. T. BRUMBY & COL jan2l-tf tircly abandoned, until a short period | they can learn from Messrs. Wallace hack, when a family concluded to j & Fowlerr—Herald, 28fh. brave the horrors of the ghostly vision | and occupy the tenement. | WlIY Men - Don ' x Marry. — The VISIBLE manifestations. j Rev. Wni. Morgan lias been telling Accordingly they moved into the | the Bostonians why men don’t maray. A,,U IIS Foundry & Machine Works. ,:-^ E iSS5A L founders and 1 a"*™ Work, Smilhing and exle,l5ivc of ■ IiUA8s CASTINGS •r. r Mining*nd Mill Mac'iine- Slrttig, Wu^ n 4fc_52 , *?‘ Crnmh- and despir on hia knees and implored ■Vlio nionofjci’nro .nil Ac.” ' l r _ S—- —l f ..L>tl... t. ' ’ R. ?1ICKEIWOX, ^ n p^ U J.ll He wanted to know whether he was to punish the offender ns a matter of dis cipline, or whether he was to have him trwd feyS military commission. The Government instructed him to pursue j .the latter course, and,- on the 4th of l building and pt-oceeded to unpack their household goods. The good wife, with her usual prudence and foresight, proceeded to place her crockery and glassware on the shelves of a closet in one of the rooms. Having placed some goblets on a shelf, she was return ing for more when she HEARD A NOISE IN THE CLOSET, and, on looking hack, was somewhat astonished to see several of them tum ble off on the floor, when they were broken in fragments, without any human agency. Turning to leave, imagine her horror, when she heard the whizzing of a globlet close by her head, followed in close succession by several others. Frightened beyond measure, she sent immediatplyMor her husband, to whom she <¥tailed the startling phenomenon. The result was that they [departed immediately from the place. The house being again tenantless, the prorpietor at last offered it free of rent to any one who would occupy it ANOTHER TENANT. Hearing the liberal offer, a man from the country who was paterfam ilias of the most uuruly set of child ren that ever blessed a fond .parent, concluded to give the ghost a trial. He moved in, and had got .everything in apple-pie order, not having heard from the uneirthly occupant, he flattered himself that his unruly progeny had frighted the spirit of the dead away. He was, however, doomed to a bitter and fearful disappointment After a few nights the. unearthly noises were resumed with redoubled fury, in fact it It appears the reasons are—First, lie- cause they can’t get the one they want; bachelor’s have high notions. Second, because many of them are cowards, they dare not face the music; they dodge the question. Third, because they are skepticle; they have no faith in woman, they think marriage a lot tery. Fourth, they are selfish ; they cannot yield for another’s good; can’t support a family; want the sweets of life without hearing itshurdens. Fifth, woman’s extravagance. Here die speaker showed true cause for man’s hesitating. • It costs as much to launch a woman on the sea of wedded life as it would to fit out a small schooner. As to sails, cordage, pennants and streamers, the difference is iu favor of the schooner. During a protracted religious revival at Chittenango, N. Y., one of the preachers improvised l-ymns to familiar secular airs, such as “The Flying Trapeze,” “Walking Down Broad way,” “On the Beach at Long Branch* and the like, while “ refreshments were served to converts gratis.” If this thing of offering a “ free lunch” ns an incentive to religion should bo per sisted in, the world may be saved yet. A well known German florist relat ed. tama tfce other day. in a hi«h state of irritation, his troubles in this way. > Five Stei*s.—A man had commit-; ted murder, was tried, found guilty, and condemned to be hanged. A few days before his execution he drew upon the wall .of his prison a gallows with five steps leading up to it. On the first step, he wrote, Disobe dience to his Parents. On the second step, Subbath Break ing. On the third step, Gambling and Drunkenness. On the fourth step, Murder. The fifth step was the platform on which the gallows stood. This poor fellow doubtless wrote the history of many a wasted and lost life. . have so much drnuhle “ l hav with the ladieS when dey comes to buy He said: la now coming in rapidly, and wo cordially invite? all to visit us daily, as they will *ee soirething NEW, ATTRACTIVE AND NOVEL Ercrv day. It affords us pleasure to display them, whether you buy or not. We will sc^to COUNTRY MERCHANTS for cash, at New York Quotations. For approved City Acceptance, will sell on a credit until 1st Octo ber next, adding \]. £ percent, interest per month. Rely with perfect confidence on our ability and williligtK-ss to serve Von as well a 4 *any house in the South. You will not be disappointed. Very* Respectfully v KEAN & TASSELS, Broad Street, Augnsta, Ca. toYWfabmebs OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. Great Success Follows Wise Purchases. The undersigned is now prepared to offer to the Planters of Georgia a few brands of the BEST FERTILIZERS now in Use. We have the ud all ©IT AW# The Great Fertilizer” ™ World Imported Direct from Liverpool, nnd is,warranted tube PURE, GENUINE a|id FIRST-CLASS, in every respect. Read the following Certificate, from the best and largest Farmers of Georgia, who testily to its great merits: This is to show that we, and each of us, have used the ENGLISH STONE WALL FERTILIZER, purchased of 0. B. Flannagan & Son, and applied it to our Cotton last year, and we deem it a first-class Fertilizer, and the best we have ever used, and cheerfully recommend it to Planters generally, B. G. LOCKETT, Dougherty county. C. P. ILVUTWELL, A. E. VICKERS, Laurens “ W. B. TARVER & BRO., Twiggs at. F. D. WIMBERLY, “ co. B. D. EVANS, Washington county. T. O. WICKER. I). G. HUGHES, Twiggs countv. DAVID S. JOHNSON, Morgan county. J. J. McARTIIUR, Montgomery, The Jonesboro Times has been chang ed to the Jonesboro Ghizen. so? : VeB, you dink you pttf ahnfeflt, aint it t But dat isb not my vagon—it ish mine vife’s hoss’n vngon. Hurry up Shake, (to his partner,) blay out dish game. If dat hoss’n vagon git smashed up ven I ,gU home to-night, my vife give me hell Columgus.” . ; ' 23F* I HAVE ALSO DR. PENDL ETON’S NE1 GUANO COMPOUND, Which is liighly recommended by all the farmers ofthe South who have used it.— Its merits as an excellent Fertilizer arc beyond dispute. If you wish to patronize Home Enterprise, I can sell you the OGLETHORPE FERTILIZER, Which has been used by mnny-Farniers in this section for years, all of whom can testify to its great merits, which speaks well for the enterprise ot Oglethorpe. Don’t tail to get the above-named Fertilizers, and be convinced that the BEST in the World is sold by J. H. HUGGINS, - Broad Street, Athens, G*n. •‘Absolutely the Rest protection Agninst Fire.* Over 1200 Fires put out with if. $01,000,000 00 worth of Property Mtvotl fro’tt In daily us< print iphl eitir nits adopt Mend for its Record. F. W. KAUWKLL, Secretary. Sr: Ifomlway, Ytrtk. hv the.Fire Department* of ihtr •f the Union, rhe Government The lending Railway* ttse it. I.d.-il-ly J. A. SEflOIiRS £ SON, WHOLESALE and li ETA Hr AND DF.AJ.UJW IN Brandies, Wines, Gins, &e., &c, ALSO, TUB Choicest Brands of Cigars Wo* 9 West End, * ELBERTON, GA. mine rose; dey wants liim hardy; dey wants him doubles, dev wants him moondly, dey wants him frngrand, dev wants liim nicegottler, dey wants him eberydings in one rose. I hopes I am not what you calls one uncnllant man hut I have somedimes to say to dat ladies, Madam, I never often secs dat Indies dat was beautiful, dat was rich, dat was good temper, dat was youngs, dat was clever, dat was jierfection in one ladies. I sees her much not!” - A few days ago a pair of Bismarcks were playing a duet on a card table, with an accompaniment by Gambrinus, ita-an-uptown saloon, when a--third Teuton entered excitedly, aud address ing one of the players, said: “ Shinglediddier, your hoss and vagon has rua ayay !” “Ish dat so? Yy you npt shtop him vou leetle ?” ‘“Cos be vas hauf a sqeare avay, be fore* I see him!” s *- ’ “How you know he vas my-boss and vsLcoVrV .»• . _ “ Vy he had your name on‘ de. ry*HB subscriber informs hb fields jS r ^womMt^ 1 im«ph«a, i umi«xfoamen’yraraof JL and tte public generally, that lie wlllretarn'l age, of W*. J. Brown, <1ec«iuse<l: O’Kellcy & Taylor's M PHOTOGRAPH GAtLERY Over William*’ Shoe Store, Dr**ailStreet; • AT1IE&S, GKOIWSIA. > H AVING permnwmtly T'H-atcd liV jitheft*, i* g«»o<l nml c^tvw|iMit rAouie, fc^the purpese of IMiuiornphingaml For rooty ping In the mriouf w*« finest etyien of the Art, an4 having had Imit; cx|M>r1coco iu the hualnca*, we expert U> please all in the exocut ion of Pictures, who may favor ua with their order*. • riioto^raphs suppiietl, all sizi**. from the am all- to lift size, ami cohwcd in India Ink, VTaftr ur Oil ciTfors, when dcsirt d. Pictures made in cloudy pa well as eVar weather. 8 FEKO’l’YPKS FOR $L We invite the public'fotatl and examine speci men*. ,1. F. O’KhLLKY, feb2S-Cm C. II- TAYLOH, PlfVF, HORSES | oEORGIA, HART COUNTY. A L-Z • { vZT " Whereas, Andrew J. Brown applies to me from Kentucky about UthU'iauldie of AiVril or ftrst, “Therefore, ull pc.suiu! concerned are hereby re- ftir the Sad- I <iulred to show cau*c, if any they have, at the reg- uf May, with a lot ofSmicrior Horses, for the Sai die or Harness. mh21 W. 8. HOLMAN. WANTED, At the Tan-Yard formerly owned by V. H. Doyle, 200 Cords Red Oak Bark. pai< St CASH and the highest market prire^wiU be mbit ular term of the Court nf Ordinary of said County, to be held on the first Monday in May next, why said Letters should not be granted. fiiven under mv band, this24th day of March, 1873. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary H. f. ^5 to S20 old, make mere money » work for u. In their *pir» mo- AT COST *•• • ’ ;'F: < JYoic Is the Time fat to jndtee Jllotietfi TTAVING DETERSlINfiD TO J—L change my business, I now offer inf entire stock of Goods at COST ! My stock is law* ami fine, consisting of a full and complete awtorfment of.Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,- a fnll stock01 Gruceries, and all articles kepiirr( firsttla»#Dry Goods and Grocery Store. I mean BUSINESS, And will close out during thi'fnonth. RECALL and SEK."#* Toanwone buyligmy entire efis-k I will offer addition al luducuinebld, and give tliae. A.L.DEARIINGs No. 1 Granite Uow, Bisliop’sold stand. Athens, Ga.j January 1st, 1873; - j*nE-tf ■*' %