Newspaper Page Text
, //■■]//
A ~~ r
T. ¥. & T. L. GANTT,
Caids in this Column, $12 a year per »qr.
orflU-^ast p|tr^pt.
Kales of legal Advertising
Citation for Letter, of OuanlUoabip...— S3 Oil
Citation for Letter* of Adniinitlrntloa............ 4 00
Application for Loiters of Rlsmhriori Ailm’r... 4 On
Application for Uttrn of Pirm'on Gnarrl...... 5 00
Application for Leave to Sell Lands 3 00
Notion to Debtor, anil Creditors 3 on
Sales of Land, Ac., per square 3 uo
Sales Perishable Property, 10days,per 4q...„. 1' no
Estray Notices, an days. 3 #•<
Sheri(f Sales, per lery of 10 Hues or leas 3 4o
Sheriff Mortgage A. fa. Soles persquare — 3 On
Tax Collector's Sales per square 3 On
Foreclosure Mortgage per aquare each time..... 1 on
Exemption Notices (in advance) — 'i in
KuleNlai’s, per square, each time.................. 1 on
A correspondent of the Thomnsville
Enterprise tells the following good ’un
In connection with the mysteries and
miseries of the ahare delightful busi
ness: 4.
In this country contracting withlii-
iTT Ai.v-v. V r ; l l \V horer-i is exceedingly annovijig p.t ho«fJ
AllUltd. < - ‘ v s ! an I'Oui'.tiui a .veSndon.'liei# irdthirj
.1TURNS, 0 OllGJA.
tSgr Ojfic* in the Deupree Buildiny.Jf*
.Sttorneij at Law,
‘Office over Barry'* Store, Broa*l a Street.
«the Oonutids ofClsrke,.Watiop^
hnd been pointed out r few feet dis-
L of Painting— II<>«•«. relate ^•'ufr.iiuro
work-in (be neatest" che.»i>c*©uii#
alyl- " * '
most t
imiutifi) work am) glazing and paper
han*ittg dont: at abort uut i<*. . #
r t‘‘.r^
door S. K. Episcopal church, Alhen»(ia. fcl»7-
fi. fri LA31P KIN
LI. o« Wall street, offers to ourjeitfKi-naljtnd
(het—wrffiHng public, select ROAKIrynd Cwlgioja
if de&ired. Table always furnished {with tlurnest
the market afford*, and served up in a superior
manner. Give mo a call. feb22-Zi
J-V; fcasional Seurkw to the* of Alhons
and AdjacentCoandjl.I'
Occuuiea the owe formerly occupied by I>f. II.
triton. / ‘
* of Dr. .1
Livery Stable
alter siruggling until late in t'le s«i«otj;
without securing the labor desired,
perplexed and driven to almost ■ des
peration. Such was the ca*e with our'
friend Me, when appearing on * the
streets one day, he approached an in- „
dividual, and soured bv his recent ex- *»»P-
perienee in setting his' plantation ‘
_ , _ m in I _ YoS^jpigUt as well attempt to sham-
order for the year’s crop, heasfcefllpDo flnelcjftifant with a thimbleful of
• ™ Sapsuds, as to attempt to do business
(with an almest shadowless hope').
•*Do you know of anv hands to hirer,
“^o sir, I do not.”'
< Pwrtti*g*td W % TOl<ked gemmen” wh'b
tant, triend Me, goes for him in this
“Mn-do yon wrfnt to hire"?” t
TV No,“fir. I don't hire, myself—I got
plenty to dr)—I works for my sell 1 .
s jkjl il^Jjetty annoyances since the
mmloBi broke-out, no doubt, rushing
upon our friend at this moment, he
straightens himfeelf up, and looking
and talking like none but him can
look an ( ]£tjl£. gays: V * j
-r N r -. / anil wanting to lur^ah'lfdo
'ydu'tf ease tell all you see offtbtAfri-
'•'‘Mjp&rsfiasidoiwliat my term
"to fyrnish the land, the'* mw.,, ,. lc
tooLy Teed the mules, feed the hapd%
and their families, and I want no man,
''T bout he lists A Targq ftmily—great
many uncles and aunties—a large
acquaintance«‘in the neighborhood—
friends that will call often, and \ will
cloth them neatly,' pay their Doctor’s
bijl, furnylj them with a d—m goorl
House to hold prayer meeting in, and
(give them all they can make, except! the
fodder, and d—nd if I don!t pull that
myself.” -
+ The following story is related by the
New' Orleans lima: *“Not many
days ago, a fashionable up-town rectory
was visited by a charming young lady,
who, with a lace suffused with blushes,
informed the reverend divine that Bhe
contemplated entering into the holy
C ** < “" :,l, ' 0, 'cut in an is going to move : bonds of matrimony, and thatflfc her
out ol me ■•Mate right away b&au-c the , lover was somewhat retiring in disposi-
trusteft? of a cemetery object to bis rais- tiou and especially sensitive to any re
ference to their mutual affection she
The most bashful girl was the young
lady who blushed when she was asked
if she had not been courting sleep.
The first thing the cat said when
she came forth from Noah’s ark:
“ Ar-a-rat about here?”
ing onions on his cemetery lot.
There are some things that, won’t do
to trifle with—for instance, a woman's
opinion and the business end of a
and ignore advertisii
lt.%*)il Parents cannot be too particular
w "0 [about the fit of their little girls’ clothes.
A Danbury lady believes that she
would have been converted years - ago
had hey clothes fit any how.
ty point. “And I swish I had
heart,” replied Mr. Mill. “Well,”
said tbe k lady,i“sii^e. your head and
niyshearriagree go well, I am willing
that .We should vgo iffto partnership*’
And so it was.
The man who wrote 'to ' theh State
Board of Agriculture to ascertain
whqt was best to plaqt in \VBt' land,
was favorably impressedjiy the Answer.
It^was, “Leeks/ ^ ; *
An absent-minded Danbury lady,
on Monday, tied a bed-quilt she. h$nd
iiisfwftshed.dh n'ronkervi fm
On 2'homas Street, ., .
vth.rr Uarset will l>o FED anil cared for. Also, ^
j: z. cooper.
f. 53 O £2 J 3
|| 2" 2. =3
gs- Xs § 5 jgli.CT
;; »,S | —
=: 2E
! =? 0
“2 0
• Th
yS\\o \
i-live iwimn?. one is n aeii-
little creature’sneath, and just
>-1 2- ~ ^cd 2|'
4 - '’ ? * Z 7: =3 ~i ♦.
° c* ~ y X“ — A
A^Spirit Baby.—The New York
correspondent of the St. Louis Repub
lican tells the following remarkable’
tosp:h yarn in ajate JeMer: >
here’s a scli^ol maai <V>wnt East
m. phwtoiif- Aiohr; you’ve
S I heard al^>ut7 Bor JcoiWie# lady
as in -this city-last Aveefe- who has a
spirit baby. Four months ago she lost
a child of five months. She is a deli
cate. figtgilo
Ji'er baby _
after the little'creature’sTleatli, and just
at dusk, she became aware of some
thing pulling-at her dress, and there
was her little baby back upon her
bosom.. From that time to this the
baby comes back to be nursed as the
evening shadows fall. She cannot see
it, tbut she feels its little* hands pad
dling aboul, as a baby’s will, and those
around her can sec her dress disarrang
ed, her collar pulled, and the indenta
tions on her bosom made hv the in
visible hands of the spirit baby. Her
physician is staggered. There is no
alteration in her physical condition,
everything goes on as if she was nour
ishing a livilig child. The !adv is not
jus$w&fthtK^*ih v a' rocker
Stove,‘-’imd pinned her
clothes-line. , v
j* r » • t r f * -
“Maxima,” said it precious little
boy, who, against his will, was made
to rock the cradle of his baby brother,
‘if the doctor has any more babies to
give away don’t you fake ’em.”
Who made you-.?? was asked of a
small girl. She replied, “God made
me that leflgth,” indicating with her
hhnds the lengflrdf a new-boriuinfant,
“igrowed th^rrat 1 -myself * *
’ £° ir -? ' _ W
'. Ii
f t-
• < Z fl > 1
1 I £ % 1
: n
H t.:
■ ‘‘i'f/, SA /.■ttyoqbtff,
■ ere.,
Mra-ts. J. R. A
n l .lost .itieniivc
pliaum for
:l ihcir rr-tldrncos,
taacs will receive
Oct. 11, IST'J.
a spiritulist, is exoesWvely refined and thing.
husband (business man) — “OlLWI^
should advertise tor it immediately!”
A five-year old put this conundrum
to his ?nni: “Ma, ^’ou told me the
snow WoulAi’t go away until the weath
er gets waipiqr pnnd how^s the weather
going to get warmer 'as long as the
sntnv stays?” ' "
An Irishman was once indulging in
tlie very intellectual occupation of suck
ing eggs and reading a newspaper. By
a mischance he contrived to holt a
chicken. The poor bird chirruped as
it went down his throat, and he very
politely observed: “By fhe'powers,
me friend, ye’s spake a little too
late.” •
An Indiana woman is mad- because
her husband took her very best sheet
to hang himself, when there was an
old clothes-line in the cellar which was
good enough for the purpose. She
says he always was extravagant, and
two lazy Ip go into the cellar for any-
had called to arrange the preliminaries
of their marriage. The minister was
somewhat taken back, but the confus
ed fair one presented a license 4>ade
out in due form, and at once proceeded
to a discussion ot the all-Qipertant
step.\7 - (
The day and hour for theccrmouy
was fixed, aad promptly *! the XJJpbtnt-'
ed time the youqg couple arrived at
thefclergvman’s residence. The dhn 1 '
didatesTior nuptial honors remained
iu a sitting-room of the rectory, whjch
by the by, is in the immediate vicinity
^n U » 'he church, until the final pre
ations were made. The mini
dortned his surprise, and, repairih
the church, announced |iimgelf-really.
-‘•'Several minutes elapSBSb futl the
wedding party did not apfiear. The
: atidience became impatient,’and, at
length eveu th.e clergyman felt con
strain^ a to repeat his admonition.
What fL tlje surprise of altwheu the
iturn|ng ^messenger announced that
the bridegroom positively refused to
enter church. The minister visited
him personally and rebuked him for
*tti$ his apparent lack of -decision, but ex
postulation was useless. The unhappy
youth Ivxd tjo pbjactifiq, to the silken
bond, Wd were'tlbffastenings adjusted
in the rectory it might be done in-
stanter, but to'appear in a church add
before that crowd of people was impos
sible. The minister was CTptally firm,
and Stated positively that the ceremony
must take place in the temple or not
at all, After many tears on the part
of the bndjt. and earnest protestations
from her timid lover, the sorrowing
pair departed, and if rumor is to* be
erdditedj-they still remain .in a. state
Young of single blessedness.”
aristocratic, and she shrinks from hav
ing the phenomenon made public, hut
every night she cradles in her arms her
intangible baby, 'he feels its unseen
inoutli warm again-t her and she bends
with Litter tears above the invisible
little visitant. It is not a desirable
possession, and I should advise her to
wean it as soon as (>ossible.
livery, reed and Sale Stable,
V V oM ftairl, r»»ar Franklin llou-t- Imildin^,
Thotua*street. <v**ep always on haftil go»>d Turn
outs and c.troful drivers. *
.Stuck well cared fur when entru>ted to our care.
Stock on hand Yur tiale ui all times. dvcl3-tf
Market Street, uear Court IIou*e,
Family Grocer}' and Car Room
Keeps constantly on hand ehuLe Family (iroce-
rie*, of all kind;*, and the 1»est hrand:* ot Wlne»,
LiuuorA and Uipin-
t»lve us a call, and you will And everything in
our line of thu be*!, and prices as low as the lowest.
Athens Foundry & Machine
Vj Machinists. Fsttcrn Work, Smithing anil
Repairing. ■ tiering an extenstro collection of
raiicrns, inanuracture
Mill and Gin (tearing, Mining and Mill Machine
ry, Sten in Knginen, Saw Mill*, Hoisting Screw*,
Lighter Screws, Sugar Mill*, Cotton Sect) Crush
er*, Shafting, l’ulley.s, Throlier*, Fan Mills,
Smutter*, Bark Mills, Mill Spindle*, IIome^ n ’nr-
er», Battle Stalls, Mill Cranks, Corn Slicllera, Ac.
Also manufacture, and are Agents for, the most,
approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent
ltavolvinjr Cotton Press, Iron Feudng, Grave En
closure*, Balconies, Ac.
V .fm o, .. AK, ’ U, a " d Superintendent.
>. l‘*ndtags iuruishod at luanufaetu-
rer. price. Jan Z4.ii-
Singui.ak Discovery.—A singu
lar discovery, says the London Globe,
has Iteen made at the old Conciergerie,
iu Paris. At the Court of Cassation
tire had destroyed two out of the three
towers, and a few days since, the work
men engaged iu repairing that named
alter St. Louis, came suddenly upon a
mysteriously deep well. This was
contrived curiously in the wall facing
the quarry, and proved to he nothing
less than the fatal dungeon of the old
| palace of tit. Louis. Yet uone of the
historians of the Concigerie mentioned
it, and chance aud mischance only
have now made it known. An open
ing of two square yards in one of the
turrets reveals shorrid tunnel reaching
the level of the Jcine. There is forms
ot a gallery sloping downward to the
bed of the river. The attempt to pen
etrate into this fearful dungeon was
fruitless, as the interior is lined with
sharp iron spears and points, which
cross each other in every directi ju.
When this tower of St. Louis was used
occasionally as the dwelling of the
Kiugs of France, captives of note were
confined in its underground prisons,
and when the powers that were be
came anxious to get rid of any one of
them, they led him through a passage
formed in the interior of the wall to
ward this newly discovered dungeon,
secret door was opened, and he was
precipitated into the yawning chasm,
and there, transfixed by spikes, he
iterished in slow torture. Of course,
it may be easily imagined that it was
only portions of skeletons that ever
reached the bed* of the Seine.
Surveyor, Architect.
r PHE undersigned, having a com-
-L pl«t« fetof Surveying instrument*, is now
ready to do all kind* of Surveying, vi*.: Laying
on City l<oU, II«mo*tead*, Plantation*, Ac., aud
making accurate Plot* of the same.
Hei* also prepaid to execute all description*of
Drafting, to furniah Han* for Houses, Bridges,
Ac., aud make estimate* of cost.
Gan be found at the Law offic* of Captain E. P.
Luiupkin. E. K. LUMPKIN,
jauul-tf County Surveyor.
,‘M? c ?T uf r ‘hot I ha». uwd DANIEL’S
Ero«t Rill .'Pml 1 c *" r * c “”>men<l it for
tatisfifHi^K IfcWn* Sprains and Bruise*. I am
led that »o one would reeret tryiug It.
M. P. DAVIS, Chief Puller, AlhetJ, Go.
j. u. ULGUINs, Athens.
The boy who forged his mother’s
name on a shingle with a piece of chalk,
and bought five cents of candy with
the bogus order, now languishes and
slumbers on all-fours at night. The
mother got possession of the shingle.
A Sunday School scholar, only
eight years old, was* asked ; “ Why
they took Stephen outside the city to
stone him to death ?” The little fel
low thought a moment, and replied ;
“So they could get a better crack at
This is indeed turning the tables
with a vengeance. None but steady
and square whisky drinkers are allow
ed to live in Pioche, California. Habi
tual water drinkers are ordered to
leave by a Vigilance Committee.
A verdant young man from the
classic precints of Dooly county
came to Macon, and put up at the
Lanier House. Locking his room
and leaving the key in the door he
sauntered down the stairs and walking
up to the clerk, said, “ I’ve got to go
out in town to buy some tricks and I
may be late, but you ueedn’t wait
dinner for me.”
The Sumpter (S. C.) News gives us
the following, which is the best we
have seen in a month: As one of our
fast traveling Radical citizens dashed
through Main street, the other day,
behind his gallant, high stepping steed,
some one expressed his admiration (for
the horse, not for the driver), and
wondered where he got him. A ready
witted old gentleman who overheard
the question, replied promptly, that
the animal was sired by 1 State Treas
ury,’ out of the dam ‘Taxes.’
One of the Ohio papers tells about
a brave little boy out there who found
a broken rail on the railroad track
and perceiving the peril in which the
train would be placed if it should come
dashiDg post without warning, sat out
on the fence for five long hours in the
bitter winter cold, in order that he
might carry the first news of the acci
dent to his fathe*, who is local editor
of a paper published in the neigU
ing village.
For three hours did Mr. Nathan
Hosier, of Davis county, Ind., stand
out by the fence and rave and cuss,
and fear his hair, aud dare his wife to
dome out doors—all this with the
chill winds of February whirling up
his trowsers legs, and all because of his
wife. Hosier was a milk peddler, and
had just sold his farm and was going
The Augusta Chtftmek has this:
At the rodent session of the Superior
Court of Hdrcounty, Judge Rice pre-
sitling, orm-ofthe most important cases
tried JWHttfujjhnction iortho case Qf
some thirty citizens of Hall county,
against the Ordinary and Tax Collec
tor, to restrain them from collecting a
tax levied by the Ordinary to pay the
interest mi fifty thousand Bolters of
bonds issued by the county of Hall, as
subscription to the Air-Line Railroad.
The Court decided that the Court' of
Ordinary had no authority to. issue
bonds for the purpose of aiding a rail
road- That such subscription would
have been null and void without an net
ofthe Legislature authorizing it, and
that the Legislature was expressly
prohibited, by the Constitution of 1861,
1865 and 1868, from passing anv act
authorizing su^i contract. TheCourt
passed a decree perpetually ignoring
the collection of the tax and the ne
gotiation of any bonds yet unsold. This
decision settles a question which has
given rise to considerable feeling and
controversy in Hall county.
hour Thursday night quite
irty arrived in the city and
put'tip-at one of our hotels. The
bride was accompainedy two of her
youngjfiepds, and the groom by two
gentleateuj; The names were register
ed in ufe' asual wav, but in some way
a mistake was made in registering in
the identity of the bride. The hours
sped on toward -the dawn, aud the
bride,' In her silent chamber awaited
the appearance of her lord. Yet he
came Dpt Surely, he was not sitting
up thife time. The rest Of the party
had reuxjc& fihe was certain, since she
had; Staid theme In their apart-
inenU.X^ijp '
become of him ft;- Im-
idly grew-info-terror,
agihe bell and the servant
knocked at the door.
“Doyou know where my husband
is ?” she. inquired.
here, mfUn?” 1 ^
he stepped oftt w the city,
will be back'dirfctly.”
iid; oh, do inquire at the
office and see if there i3 any intelli-
egnee about him.”
The servant retired, and in a few
iqpmcnls {returned with information
that there'\yas none. The wife was
then alarmed iu good earnest. She
never had ‘a husband before, aud like
the man wl» drew the elephant in the
lotlfcry ’scarcely knew what to do with
the animal.
In her anxiety she went to the room
of her bridesmaids and knocked.
*.*1Who’d there ?” came in accents un-
m&nkably masculine.
“Me» Sarah; but mercy, who are
you !” v*
There ivas ft sudden stir and the
sound of , Jieeti fulling heavily on the
carpeted floor..
“Win* in the devil am I in bed
with, theta!” she heard the man ex
claim, asrthe door swung open aud her
husband&face peeped out.
“Oh I’m distracted about you;
where have you been !”
“I’ve been here in bed; but deuce
take me,4 thought you were too.”
“Oh! James,It wasn’t me.”
“Whois it, then?”
Why fits Sarah.” ”
“The devili--
“Oh! nA James, it was Sarah.
Didn’t yoa know H, James!”
7*.‘Blast the if I did f I found her
asleep and thinking this was your
room, I crept into bed and went to
sleep,” replied James, evidently im
pressed with the idea that he had a
difficult ease to argue.
Is Certain # Prompt
Fororer Forty Yearn thU
Liter Medicine Las proved to be the
for Live* Complaint and the paintul odsprin^
•« ..... —
Colic, Depression of Spirit*, SOUR STOMACH “»» kc * Two Gallon* of Medicino. The use of it
Heart Burn, CHILLS and FEVER, Ao., Ac. / will save Thousands of Dollars annually to North-
After vears of careful experiments, to meet a I casl Georgia,
great and urgent demand, we now produce from I PREPARED BY
”“"~™ DR. WM. K'NG
ON Tns
Superintendent** Office. >
Georgia aad Maroir A AiteuMta Hal I road, -
Augusta, G:»., June .1, lsT'2. )
DAY, June 5tb, 1672,'the Puwcnger Train*
on the Georgia and Mocou aud Augusta Railroad*
will run as follow* #
Day Passenger Train will
Leave Augusts at - - 6 20a.m.
Leave Atlanta at v 6 15 a.m.
Arrive nt Atlanta at 6 40p.iu.
Arrive at Augusta at....*..-.... 30 p.- la.
Night Passenger Train.
, . iVtXL. A W IT Leave Augu.taat. K ,..jj 43 p. m.
CTEjrrH, Arrive at AugustaAt 6«wa. iu.
A .Liquid form of Simmons* Liver Regulator, con
taining all it* Wonderful aud valuable properties,
offer it in
The Powders, price as before, ...$1.00 per paekaeu.
Seat b, mail i.o, _
Buy no Powders or Prepared Simmons’ Regula
tor unless in our eugraved wrapper, with trade
mark, stamp and signature unbroken’,
er is genuine.
... _ Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia
And for sale br Merchant* generally, and by
BARRETT, LAND & CO., Augusta, Wholesale
Agents. i*?b*21-Cm
quick for $10.
square. New Yc-tk.
t bv
U. L.
Wolcott, 161 Chatham
I EMPLOYMENT, $100 per week, Agents and
\j others to sell a new ariicle, indispensable to
oNoueoin- merchants aivd manufacturers, Address with
stamp, E. B. Smith A Co., 93 Libcrty-st., N. Y.
Kev Check outfit. Circnlar*
i free. Stafford Muu'g Company, GC Fulton-at, N Y
% ' ^ ~t.
A EE especially invited to calinit our Drug Store and examine the various
-Z-A. New Articles just received by us, including the finest and purest
f-O" THE TRADE will also take notice that we have now in Store, and are con.tantly receiving,
a superb stock of the Best and Purest
Drugs, Medicines, Daints, Oils
And Everything else Found in First-Class Drug Stores,
GcorgiaRailroad Schedule
Day Passenger Train;
11 00 a. in.
Leave Augusta at
Leave Macon at
Arrive in Augusta at...
Arrive in Macon at
'2 43 |i. i
7 40 p. i
Night Passenger Train.
Leave Augusta at 6 f5* p. in.'
locave Macon at - 10 0Hp. in.
Arrive in Augusta at 6 00 a. in.
Arrive iu Macon at - 4 13 a. ui.
Passengers from' Atjaftiin, Athens, iWhlngUin,
ami stations on Georjfla Kail road, by taking th*
DayPaxv.mgcr Train will make connection at Ca-
male with the Train for Mnonn. •
Pullman's (First-Glassi Sleeping Car* on alt
Nigrit Piurfcnger Train*on the Georgia,Railroad;
and First-Glass sleeping Cars An all Night Trains on
the Macon and Augusta Railroad.
w 61
Ra PzWt
- ^
§ - -r—-
§0 £
L dental success, fully e>tahlisliing its claim «4
the STAXJIAISD WA TKll WHEEL. 7hcv aro
in use all ov^r the Union, ami every wheel hear’f
from i* giving unqiiaUCcd satisfaetiou. Allured,
from 8 to 72 inches iii diameter, manufactured by
the Stillwell Jt Itirrre Bannfartnrimc t empat y.
RB* F«»r descriptive circular* and price list ap
ply to or addrea*. U. XII h KKM1N.
feb2i-C»iu Athens, Ga.
^^UR Buyer, Mr. K HA N, i* now in New York,‘'culling gems" from all the Largest Importing
Houses in the United States, and feels confident that, fot
Fashion Notes—The Way the
Girl of the Period Will Look in
Her Spring Clothes.—Mrs. Mary
E. Burnham, the New York cor
respondent of the St. Louis Republican,
who is the handiest woman with the
pen we know of in the profession, send,
that paper the following in a let-
letter :
Little, heavy, chunky-hauilled um
brellas will be carried instead of para
sols ; oxidized silver will be stuck on
in all practicable places; Hamburo
and costlier embroideries will supersede
ruffles and puffs on all white dresses
and underwear. . Gloves with six
buttons and seven crowd the importer)’
counters. I therefore unhesitatingly
predict they will, in time, push aside
such minor items as sleeves and waists.
We shall require very little more than
a pair of gloves and a trained skirt to
clothe us comfortably. Then a lan
guid expression of face is to lie fash
ionable, and the eyes will be worn very
much closed. This, with the high
comb all on the bias, and the hair ar
ranged a al scramble, has an after-
dinner effect perfectly indescribable,
but rather nice; and classed, in my
mind, among such adventurous spirits
as Columbus aud De Soto, will ever
remain the nameless heroine who wore
a ship hat last Sunday, together with
a pale grey silk and rose-colored rib
bons. I clung to a friendly hydrant for, . . .
support. Thought I, what have the I purchase of them
March winds sent us now? Iu she' _ , , ,
came, in a “sit up Sarah Ann and 1 Tue Reason \\ hy so many barrels
show your breastpin” style. The grey' of sugar daily leave the store of Tal
silk ballooning out, the white chip hat madge, Hodgson & Co., is because
I* now coming in rapidly, and we cordially invite all to visit us daily, aa they will seo someth 1
Evorv day. It affords u* pleasure to display them, whether you buy or not. We will sell to
for cash, at New York Quotation*. For approved Citv Acceptance, will sell on a credit until t*t Octo
ber next, adding 1}^ per cent, interest per month. Ytely with perfect confidence on our abilitV and
willingness to serve you as well a*auy house in the South. You will not be disappointed.
Very Respectfully,
Broad Street, Augusta, Ga
“is she asleep yet,- James!”
“Why.-dvn’t wu hear spore?”
But jdst then Sarah .waked'up and* sWfVfT «fc
seeing a man in her room, set up screams 3 ^
which filled the hall with people. fc His Selections will In hard to surpass. Thu
And now the bridegroom found
himseJfin a delicate position. Inthe
hurry of explaining matters to his wife
he had neglected to put on his pants;
and now in his eager search for them
he was dancing around the room like
one possessed ; and now and then tell
ing tiarah to hush*
“I’m going, doq’t you see!”
But Sarah was seeing too much,
and would’t hush; and the wife in the
hall, hemmed in by an eager crowd,
had tried to explain, but failing in this, |
had leaned her head against the wall
and was enjoying a hearty cry.
At hist, however, the pants were
found and put on, aud the husband
and wife escaped to their chamber,
while Miss tiarah double locked the
door agaiust nit further intrusion.
The next morning explanations
were gone into,\ but there’s no deny
ing that .both tj^e ladies were a bit in
credulous, anil it is said that a percept
ible coldness lias grown between them,
whilst kite unintentional offending
bridegroom afelks about a good deal,
his head down, and evidently indulg
ing in unpleasant meditations.—Bos
ton Post' i
Stephen^ History—The Sctool
History ofthe United States.—
By Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, is
fast supplanting all others in public
favor. It i$ already used generally in
the South and in many Northern
States. Burke & Hodgson are pre
pared to sell it to teachers and mer
chants as low as they can buy it any
where. A copy will be mailed, post
age paid, to any teacher for examina
tion who will remit them $1—retail
price IS-50.
Burke & Hodoson are advertis
ing a Una lot of Pianos and Organs.
We hope all who wish anything of this
kind, will give this firm a call; Don’t
leave Athens till yqu look at their
stock, and we are convinced you will
Allspice, Pepper,
Ginger, Cinnamon,
•: t. .MO* SALTltY^,,, > \,
“Ab-olnteljr the Bert pmtfction Amiltlkfiru.’
0«er 1200 Fina put < nt with it.
$10,000,000 00 worth of froprrtr Mvfl fio'io
the flames. THE
— - Trii
Was it a Ghost?—In the great
storm w hich proved fatal to so many
people in Minnesota, one Joint Wes
ton, of Worthington, was overtaken
on his way home through the woods.
Three days after his wife, who was
anxiously waiting, his coming, heard
as she thought at the door the voice of
a neighbor, saying, “Mrs. Weston,
John is frozen to death.” She went
at once to the door, but nobody was
there. So, six days after, another
neighbor saw the missing man stand-
ing about fifteen feet from the stable! West into some well-watered region to
beard. He addressed him with, “Why, g]- ow u p with his cows. He .had stored
bearing a climbing rose with tendrils
enough t<? go over a front door. The
wind had the whole garniture stiff and
straight in the air above her, the
Dolman sleeves were like two immense
qj^iTwings each side of her, and numberless
’ buds of rose-color finished the fly away
'** picitrffe.
are you here ? we thought you were
frozen.” When the ghost answered,
“So I am. and my body lies a mile
and a half northwest of Hersey.”
With this the ghost vanished. The
v depth of the snow prvents searching
for the body at present.
The* inttn who’ tried to sweeten his
away bis last year’s earnings amount
ing to 8700, in a parlor stove that had
not-been used for some time. While
“tearing up” the carpet preparatory
to moving, Mrs.. Hosier started a fire
in the parlor, and before she thought
of the mohey it was entirely destroyed.
At last accounts her husband had
eloped with the town pump, and the
* * -- * ...If. Lt |1ia mill 1 if n/vimln
they sell at such short profits.
Talhadqe, Hodgson d* Co. have
the largest stock cf Flour iu the city.
A complaint has never been heard
from their celebrated brand of
' “ Choice” Flour.
iymsXbout Wouien. I
Very short wedding trips and short
engagements are the fashion now.
The Grecian ladies counted the age
front their marriage, not from their
Hair has grown to the length of
nine feet on the head of a young lady
at Humboldt, Ky.
A well-built woman is probably she
of the alabaster neck, marble brow,
and arch expression.
A lady in New York is a remakable
whistlerist, and accompanies the piano
in thatnoval style of musical art.
Portland young ladies btfjr blade to?
be married 1 in; becaused it will answer
tea wrtiront o&e of his wife’s smiles,; injured wife says let tho guilty couple J for mourning at case any of the family
lute “faHcw back on sugar.” go. ~ ’ * t drops off.
Bass’s Pale AJe, for invalids,
Talmadge, Hodgson & Co’s.
Staple Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes
flats and Groceries
We are ready to receive all money due us. Xo customer
hall be turned away who wishes to pay his account, as we
have plenty of time to serve them. ociW
E. S. England & Co., have a lot of
fine Irish potatoes, that they are very
anxious for some one to buy.
Now ii the Time.—The Spring of
the year is the time for Croquet, and
Bubke & Hodgson, mindful of the
wants of.their many patrons, have re
ceived a fine assortment See adver
. *«*
L Large Arrival of Corn and'
Oats, for sale low by-Talmadge,
Hodgson & Co. *
Which we are offering at very low prices. We will also keep during theseason
a full stock of those famous Summey & Newton AXES, at reduced prices.
IF"'© fedfeso© Wagii
Gift enterprise
The Only R( liable Gift Distribution in the 1 Countr
f60,000 00
lOtitll KKtll-LAR B0NTII1.Y
Gift enterprise i
To be drauni Monday, April 28</i, 1873.
Two G rand Capltatu of
§5,000 each in Greenback^
Two Prizes $1000.5 (n f. I I
tStRuS Greenbacks!
1 Hoiw and Iiiigb'y, witlrisUrcr-Ifotifited Harness,
-ortli iiKXi.
1 Fine-Toned Rosewood Piano*, worth 2300.
10 Family Sewin* Machines, worth SlUVeach.
Fire (.old Watches and Chain*, worth S3U3 each,
s Gtild Autr Hunting Watches, worth 8123 each.
10 Ladle,’ Gold Hunting WHtctic*. worth. *75 each.
*00 Gold and Silver LqVor HuntingWatches,
wort h front 32U to £300 each.
Gold t'hnine, Silver-ware, Jewelry, Ar., Ac,
Whole number Gina, £300. Tickets Limited to'
whom L’hr-*! Premium, will lie paid.
Single Ticket* £1; Six Ticket* S5: Twelre
Ticket, 910 ; Twentv-ftv» Ticket, 520.
Circular, containing a full lint or prize*, a de
scription of the manner ofdrawing, atidtdhci’ ip-
forotation in reference to thu Distribution, Will 1*4
rent to any one ordering them. All letters muni
lte addressed to
Main Office, L. D. StSES, Box 86.
tot w. Fifth st. Cincinnati, u
H^HE subscriber informs his friends
-L and the public generally, that he will return
from Kentucky about the middle of April or flrat
of Mzy, with a tot otSuperior Horne*, for the .-ad
dle or Htirnen. mhSl W. b: HOLMAN. -
At fln Tan-Yard formerly owned by f. H. Doyle,
200 Cords Bed Oak Bark.
OtJL. CASH and the highest market price wilt bo
paidT mhZl W. C. KEMP.