The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, April 18, 1873, Image 1
u 1 i-fast Georgian, 'ttffeLrSHED EVERY - ^ «nW|| .wojwwww, BY T.'w. & T. t« 6ANTT, — AT Sa PER ANNUM - ,Lu.. KVl :ill T 1 ».VAi .y^nXtt .al VOL. 1. AlHtRSBUSIHEoS CARDS, Caidt HfUJtt a year per sqr. LAMAR COBB. A. S. ERWIN, HOWELL COBB COBB, ERWIN & COBB, * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A T1IKNS, GEORGIA. . \ OfHte in the Deupree Building. SAMUEL P THURMOND, •Attorney at ATHENS, GEORGIA. Mr OQIr* OT«r Barry’# Store, Brand TdT '%# ,v~ Will Practice in tlie Counties of Clarke, Wallon, jKkMB. Bank#, FrankUn,M«Hfffl>H ,, J> w. COImMNS Hal now In Store a Full Stock at DRY GOODS mmEE ies HATS, SHOES & NOTIONS Of All Kinds, wbicli he offers CHEAP FOR CASH Or in Exchange for Country Produce, OT The highest market price paid in cash for Tetton. apll-tf "3 a uuT on! acd sH m/:irj/.w imiv HORRIBLE ! * J ‘ " fueling creeps over me at first,-but as L , A Visit to tScWVcck of theAtlantlc-- A Wrecker Among the Deadfc-A F8- male Sailor. 1. H 1 ^.Hofmono 11 f< eliug creeps over m« af firetabi^ as IL- - , T r ; r proceed it wears away and Ienter Upon- *- John-*. Anderson, Democrat, I havfi undertaken witk more been ap I iaitciSr I possessed. s Tbd it /. HYUOA Immense hull lies well down on the PAINTING. W. M. BONE P roposes to do all kinds of Painting—House, Carriage and Furniture work-in the neatest, cheapest and most durable stylo. Also, imitation work and glaring and paper hanging done at abort notice. Prompt attention $iven to all orders left at the Drugstores, or at Ins Shop on Clayton street, 2d door S. K. Episcopal church, Athena Ga. feb7—ly. UNIVERSITYHOTEL, R. H. LAMPKIX H aving opened a hotel on Wall street, offers to our citizens and the travelling public, select BOARD and I^nlglngs if Allied. Table always furnished with the best the market affords, and served up in a superior manner. Give me a call. feb‘21-!t From the /Ufrajd’a \ mMk.„ dated the 17th inst, we extract 1 .4>e ■ following graphic details i": HJHA \ Notwithstanding the Vedthy ilUB been cletir and cal An ever sindt^the feventfol disa&jer, tlto monster wftli all her strength ? 4itt sh$ift cbnstantly drifted to pieces. Fi^fe thotgh have worked their best and SOsb. recovered hundreds of the bodies it becomes more and more incompre hensible how. it was possible for the ves sel to have been driven in where she now lies. It is the opinion of the fishermen of the locality that she struck on the Grampus Reef about half a mile east of the scene, and ran along the reefs until she brought up against Ihe fatal rock. She is now lying on "her port side, well under water from amid ships ; the hull is almost abreast of the reef and forms a sort of breakwa ter between it and the shore of the island, which appears only about forty yards off. All that portion of the hull from the forward hatch is severed as completely as if it had been cut with machinery. The sea has caused it to forge ahead thirty feet or so, leaving a gnp or passage way, where the small boats are continually running in and out and carrying curiosity seekers from the shore of the wreck and back. D11. J. E. POPE T3 ESPECTFULLY offers his Pro- JL\) fes.'ional Services to the Citizens of Athens and Adjacent Country. Occupies the office formerly occupied by Dr. H. H. Carlton. At night he can be found at the resi lience of Dr. J . A. Hunnicutt. fcl>14-tf Livery Stable .TCODAr i&r ■‘‘ rh .Tc.g-»niY t(I mva ^oO ,onTI p >rt side, pjaces from contact with thereef. | are so puffed upA^ caught PfLthjj.deck. descended is where sectional view of rgo is obtained. The is open and I peer down ' 1 SELECTED CLIPPINGS* sojoelk) ) .vrelwifeH .A Xuri '!*' ioitl!<*fl difodTlo orfj Tafia futis mi vjrKj labxp 1!A it Rtllijltoi ">{!j rjsw *, »ilt Vu tsoJRo odi ,hoo-w«rt»r!8 in« u Jojfaiij'iri! 9hi«Jati ^R& otiiiw a vm .t n < ^I:a:lb; ailTJ » w I.jrj-i ■ I cation for Letter, of Dismission Adm’r... u I Icatlon fur Latter, of Dime’on Guard...— S SO llcation for Leave tn-SrETRaad*. S OS ■to Debtor, and Creditor! —— S OS i«*W Ir^ndT* L mit u f'* WW**™*™ i»»e *n»1m ». — U.3 nna .gooddad." rp ho , Gola jhas been discovered las county, Texas. A co been organize^to work the George Washington was i Ai« time, but be ’ • 4 G -^W’STHA^ A BPECTACLE is presented! Tli6 > cargo has broken hulk:jfjid lays heaped up in a confused ipasAi bodies of men and women, bruised and torn, were jammed among the cases and crates. It is a horrible ter, jk «ui *=*•.:■ .-J3JS? A Connecticut man swears to an‘ox which trots its mile inside of four min uses, and offers to enter it for breef- steaks. Richard George, one of the critni-, , , . , ... nals in the attempted murder of Byrtih sight to look upon,and the magmfymg j w at Cedar Cit Iowaj ha3 power of the orbs through which I gaze I ^ ^ and is not to be upon it renders it all the more horrible. Fishes swim in and out among the bodibs ntftl boxes, feasting upon the bodies of the dead. Limbs are strewn arouud, having broken off from the body from the continual action of the waters, which, when agitated, drives against the ugly pieces of the broken hull which stick up here and render my movements very hazardous. Hav ing seen enough of this part of the sunken horror, 1 proceed towards one of THE STEERAGE CABINS, J HAVE A LIVERY STABLE On 2‘/iomas Street, wk#re IIor*«v will bt FED and cared for. Also, WAGON YARD. I prepared to Feed Droves of Ilorsca and Holes. Parties will do well to call. j: z. COOPER. »OTlJ-l]T ?|W 9 2.3 iJ2».s „gi; 5* s n St. ii'S* is l |S .Sf-.g U as i 5 ■ I— ra |» 5 ?-9C5=-CI5 z'&h'i.z EP 5 \~J l|«‘| eof- 21 nQD sS ° i4| -:r « |_J it’jS TIIE FATAL ROCK f looks close enough for one to to leap on to it from the forward part of the hull. It was a small rock, or rather that por tion of it which was above water, scarcely thirty feet square, and upon this two hundred or more human be ings stood for two or three hours, until rescued by boats from the main land. TIIE ROMANTIC INCIDENT of this terrible calamity is the discov ery that one of the men, a common sailor, and one whose life was sacri ficed in efforts to save others, was a young woman of about twenty or twenty-five years of age. Her sex was not known until the body was washed ashore and the rude clothing removed preparatory for burial. She had serv ed as a common sailor for three voya ges, and was a favorite shipmate with all. She is described as having fewer of the vices incident to a sailor’s life than is usual, but she was, neverthe less, as jolly an old tar as any of them. One of the survivors of the crew iu speaking of her remarked, “I didn’t know Bill was a woman. He used to take his liquor as regular as* any ot us, and was alwayfe begging and Steal ing tobacco. He was a good fellow, though, and I an# sorry he was a wo- TOffsemftu CHARLEY HILL At llte old established BARBERSHOP, On Rim4 Street, over the itorf of >Ienr». J. R. A l>. C. Mattii'w., hvrA the hen eiirt nnt uttciitive workmen nn<] all the modem appliance* for •Shaving, Shampooing, Hair- dresting, etc., U - Ladle, and children walled on at their reaidei when derired. Pott mortem will receive prompt and careful attention. Oct. II, I8Z1. livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Ia.'X'XXSCTS, ; &A.‘" : GANN & REAVES... .PROPRIETORS TKTlhh BE FOUND AT THEIR. VY oil Hand, rear Franklin House building, Thomaa ttreet. Keep always on bond good Turn out. and carefhl drivers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care, Stock on hand-far sale at alltisnes. derl.Vlf BOOTH «Sc C£3UA:r^I3ST 3 Rarket Street, near Coort Home. Family Grocery and Bar Boom •unnor. and CiRara. «vUo. U »tu al l' *" d wil1 ' ,n< l everytblne in , - *t>f«b« he.t,*udpriccaa8 lowaatio lowest. Athens Foundry & Machine Wovks. ; ' ! ‘ r 1 Ssaag FatUrn., manufLmre* 0 * XtraulTe °° U « cU « n - ot CASTINGS ”, Steam* Fn^ r ns ' M,nio * V# Mill Machine- a^acts^'feaaasss, ai-jsa lorn Shallere, drc. tent, fur, tSe moat „r. M, Brooks*. Fatent n I rem. Iron Fencing, Grave En. s»P' «ev... ftosure.. Balconies, Ac.' man.T JTlte wn^f^irigijliyrjjart of the whole story is that the woman was an American, and was the only one of that nationality belonging; to t^ie crew. Who ; she was and where die cafue from, and her motive for leading such a strange life of hardship,, never, if«« and never will be fully known. , , , t THE DEAD. All along the coast, a few rods back from the shore, are hundreds of rude, plain, unpainted coffins, piled up in a hideous, conglomerated mass. In front arc long lines of dead men, women and children, in all the various positions which result from sudden death. There was a woman with her hands clasped In prayer and a peaceful. expression upon fier face; then a man who had evidently perished in terrible agony; then, most horrible of all, a little girl staring sightless, a babe with its arms clasped about the peek of v its mother, and the dead woman clinging to her child so firmly that they had not been parted; was but one of the many scenes which made strong men weep. ONE VERY HANDSOME WOMAN, with long, flowing dark hah 1 , had died seemingly in the effort to screen her beautiful person from rude gaze.. .Al most her only -raiment -was a night wrapper, and that was clutched about her persoD. Another woman, lying the one \yhere all the women and children were drowned as they lay in their bunks. Scrambling along the deck, guided by the rope from above, and assisted by one of the divers who has undertaken to conduct me through the wreck, I reach the companion way. If the sight in the hold among the cargo was horrible, the one that now met my gaze was ten times more so. There, lying in immense heaps were hundreds more bodies. They look ed lor all the world* as if they were alive, with arms dislocated, eyes star ing wildly, faces grinning as it were at you and moving backward and for ward with the under-current; some were dressed ; many were half nude. Children were clinging to their moth ers and stout men were clasping their wives and seeming as if they met their fate with calm resignation. No de scription of the bodies brought to the surface could couvey an idea of the horrid sigh t in that cabin. I dose my eyes aud motion to my conductor my readiness to leave. I have seen enough in that ebarnd house, the recollection of which will never lade. My conduc tor motions me toward the steerage cabin, where the men were by them selves and where there was such a rush for the companion way. Peering down into that cabin I saw a similar picture of death. Bodies of stalwart men, old and young, were hustled together on the stairway, giving—from their distended nostrils, gaping mouths aud staring, glossy eyes—some conception of the terror which seized them as they vainly struggled to reach the deck, but were prevented by the waves which swept over the ship a9 she heeled over $nd filled the cabin. From another part of the vessel I obtained a view of THE ;3LEEPING APARTMENT. found. ■ There are in Alsace and Lorraine eight hundred and twenty-eight inonas- steries and colleges, providing accom modations for eight thousand inmates, all under monastic laws and discip line. A French commission have report- edjthat the inordinate use of absinthe is-occassioning considerable loss of life in France. They recommend that it be classed as one of the ^poisons, and its sale in France be interdictqfl. In Massachusetts, by an act of Legislature, a dozen hen’s eggs must weigh twenty-four ounces, no matter what arrangements the hen has made to the contrary. The roosters have voted, in convention, to retire in dis gust, and to give way to the members of the Legislature. The Tun Republicans, one of our Mexican exchanges, says it is reported that M. de Lesseps entertains the idea of cutting’a ship canal through the Isth mus of Corinth, where excavating less than five miles in length would open communication between the Gulf of Lepanto with the Gulf of Egina and make Morea an island. Not only are the very fine t of oranges raised iu Florida, but also in California. In orchards near Mar tinez, thirty miles from San Francisco, oranges famous for size and quality are produced, and also in the Vallego range in Sonoma Valley, forty miles from San Francisco. They are said to equal those from Southern Califor nia. They sell at SI. 50 per hundred. The pious ladies of Des Moines, Iowa, visited the abandoned faraales of that city last week and urged, them to'quit their sinftiihabits 'of life. ’’Fhe abandoned females asked the pious ladies if these latter would find them homes and furnish them vrith,other occupation. The pious ladies said that was wandering from the arrange ment, and elevated skirts and their Hoses, and in a second the : abandoned females were abandoned. ....... «raS4F«JI ** *• •MfU It I ri«{ft9/t r >a 8 bustle e^mblaTjt* Backgammon^ What flowers ’ire there between h lady’s ^ose and chin.? ...Two-lips. • e. popular business with voung ^lufsbandrjr; and niany ofltejn ijiake a great bustle about it, too. Jady at’FrmqCTjBVB lma lover with mstruciiofis not til he "means business.” rent ol t a return i rh«C ian. has had liis eyes “some- d,”jnccoriling to a local re- ugh being run into by ,a train. $ Y,'. informs the public iob* ntleman’s residence.” This is the-affecting epitaph on a eceased Long Island captain’s tomb- one; “He’s done a-catching cod, and gone to meet his God.” ;j 4 g The Waterloo,' Ind., Press sayS: t The Toledo Commercial has ciit off our exchange, thereby sacrificing its entire Indian circulation.” “ You exhaust my patience,” cried a doctor who was engaged in a quarrel with his wife: “You exhaust your patients worse than I do.” 11 ' A neighbor was asked the other day ivVmt. marip 3u>r rrfit.'Rn TtoMiliar. “Oh!” -tnsw edw ,vod 7; avulw sjlom odt ni qti nWo ol mufl .og few hluow vo rlt Jod ,=ir# ^8' mmmmm riff Mortgaso 11. (Coll«ctor*s Sale* ptnqtBH ■losure Mori gag# per square each time— . -**.** 1 < S44vwlsi#nsi>iM.* •• ; . . *,4 1" lb!iiniH tmtUHlii* 973 (WEiS Certain & Prompt I GREAT 6NPAILING SPECIFIC Here, piled up in heaps on the port side,, were nmnhers of bodies^ of. men, and strewn among them bod; clothing of one kind and another.' ' From con tinual knocking against 1 tlie stanchions %B88SflffiG38Ei of tKe banks, the feces ofi these dead are more ghastly than any I have ever driL.—Imagination cannot pictuer anything “badte terrible than what was in this compartment. The flesh is torn dead ] others again are bruised and battered about their heads 'aird 'ftbto, which tore red and bloody, add ‘in ^ striking Oon- trost to tlto pale, litid features of others Which the action of the waters has not disturbed. R. NICKERSON, ^miu I atill and staxk/was ip the. ^ary a«l of hooking her dtess when death overtook her. An old man had one arm raised, and the. other hapd. grasping a purse containing fifteen sovereigns, had been wrenched from it. The gy^sp of the dead almost defied^Lla TIIE HERALD CORRESPONDENT IN THE HOLD OF THE VESSEL. Anxious to obtain a view of the ship below the wateir, tbo Jlerg.ld cones- pondent procured a diving suit, with A painful anxiety is still felt on tlto Pacific cost in-regard tb the udkaowu fate of the crew aud passengers of the Sitka steamer George ; S v -Wrig Fragments of her wreck have been picked up along the shore for-tvfo hundred miles in a region where and of the wildest, roughest and ndost d an gcrous of. coasts leads the I’ritendi’irthi ill-fated voyagers tbhope that tidyifoi * an easy death iu the suff' instead falling into the hands of the ravages of land. Surveyor, Architect. “D'lersigned, having a com- . feulr £ ,lo a u' t k 0 /n?i‘. , 7r e t tl ' K in “Wuin*n««, la now Zifa, *H#lt oft,,c «u»e. ' ’ ’ , T ”»ftlnJx> P ^ p r *'’,;2 allffewrlptlon. ot Uou ^' Bria «“' f ,Un<i * l the Imw E. P, " twiniy^ureryor., 1 bloated ^formsinto twice their size. Tho an d laugh about marriage as thougl it was a jubilee, a gladsome ^ing, a rose without si thorn. And so it is it all is right—if they go about it as ra tional beings instead'of merry making children. It is a serious thing to marry. ItliisV'Basfeesb, and th<x»r^ieart and happiness. Therefore never do it There are rumors afloat in Wash ington of thg revival of the project; eooreivdd by Gdner|f Shidfijs, iO 1 for the establish m? «t 1 on the Mexican sidfl of the Bio Grande with MS) Vnd«• itbe capital and MatomtHae and Tampico as ^9 par ports. It asserted that a force, of five ’ thousand men can be ensfiyi recruited at Mobile find iNtov Orleans, by the aid of which the new State end main tain her independence against Mexico and then ask admittance into the United States. TJie matter has been struck during the present month ApriL * Y< ; The Connecticut piga are really b«- coming alarming. One specimen .was bom in Bethany, last week, with*! two As^'v j : ..r - *■< What made her get so peculiar. “Oh! said she, “it is a new edition of ‘Bun ion’s Pilgrim’s Progress." 1 . * *” A Connecticut paper solemn^ Jfl serts that a man fractured the cellin'* just above a chair in which there had been placed a hot poker. Arkansas newspaper correspondents iu the.Legislaturemnke assertions and hack ’ehi up by saying “I’ve got “six bullets which say's" it’s so.” A Pittsburgh bride’s dowry lately consisted of two barges of coal, which her father thinks ought to secure her reception by the ton anywhere • Tlie fet.-Louis Republican rccorii: mends an ambitious debating society in Kansas to take as its next subject, “Which is the butt end of a goat?” “Were you ever baptized?” inquir ed an earnest minister of a green candidate. “ N—-no—**o—-o—*o, sir \ never only onct, and then I fell in.” “I should have ho objection to my wife’s reigning,” said an affectionate husband, “if it wOrt not the fact that when she reigns she is so apt to storm also.” A woman who slipped and sat down iu the street, didn’t faint or scream, but the way sh'e used cuss words set two members of the Young Men’ Chris tian Association into a dog trot after tracts. - v A young man, in San Francisco, found an old deacon he knew “buck ing the tiger” in a gambling-hell. VVhat l", he exclaimed, “deacon, you here?” “Yes,” was the reply; “I bound to break down this evil in stitution. * l ,{ A Georgia editor, who has been irinting from' Boyd’s Miscellany Blocks, says the story on the first page would not have been set up back- j wards if it had potheen for a sample of vinegar he had licen preparing for washing rpll^rs. Too thin-. yqg was sitting beside bis beloved, and being unable to think of anything to say, asked her why she was like a tailor. 4 1 don’t know saijl she, with a pouting lip; unless it is because I am sitting beside a goose.' This odd advertisement is from an English newspaper: My husband is out op a Strike. /He prefers that to workV Hfi fid’t of aby use to'm<01 astSvbrk tVkeep tho children Cm^- self. His ten shillings goes into beer. I’ll swap him while he’s on a strike for a sewing machine,” A Western musical -critic thus speaks ofaprima dona; “She hail, and we suppose still retains, a mag nificent voice for a frog whistle. J ts compass was perfectly surprising. She would shake the chandelier with a wild whoop that made every man in stinctively feel for his scalp, and fol lowed It up with , a roar that would shame a'bassoon.” «, BUUous attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Oollc, Depression pf Spirit#, SOUR STOMACH, HeartHurS,CHILLS and FEVER, ,*a., Ac.. 1 After rear* of cafefttl experiment#, to meet a great ana urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powders, THE PREPARED A Liquid form of Pirn mens’ Liver Regulator, con taining all its wonderful and valuable properties, andoffqritin * * ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powdery price is before, ...i?f.00'per package: Sent hy ipuil 1.04 ; *V O-A.XJ *x*xoir. Buy‘no Powders or‘Prepared Simmons’ Regula tor unless in our engrav<*<l wrapper, with trade ntark, ittamp and signuture unbroken, None oth er !■ genuine. ^ • t -_r • I f - .'J. H. zeilin & co., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia JansJm LI> BY ALJLl DU V> 0<iK> ?^ Piirily Your Blood ^ BLOOD AND LIVER At & BILLUPS. tPtluU ; ijra.SbMhBau'Ki stn VlB a«^o^.,aao r Dollau aauually to C ; S ' VRFP.iRED.XY , ,-f DH.WM.KING t /.j l ( And tale by Merchant# generally, and UARHETr. LA.VD & CO.; Augiikla, Whole M-l . bn, i eorgifoRailroadSoIiGdule A aj>4 WAClIJJ lAuernfAl N AND AFl'ERi WAJSNBK . DAY, June 5lh, ISTJ, the l’aiweiigor Traln^ the Georgia”and Macotf Sntl Augnsta-Railroed# Dap; Passenger Train will i - iWjrii Passenger • : Aitgustaat JrlSp. tf. at’ ' ! hy BEIJSSB'&MOON Keeps Cortst.mtl y on ‘Hand the Heat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, ‘ j|T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At their "Hill: will be ibuntl .the belt ef erery- thing to drink, nerved up “according to Gunter.” Gentleman- will aho find Xo.l BILLIARD TABLES, kept in good order. To the Children ! | .-rwi* to yr.*t ft I •’a-': ,t;it,Ju,.*. v» pul i-,. . SUPERIOR 1 - b v.v CHEWING GUM At LONGS & BILLUPS. ’ I^s'e All 1 Arrtte Kt Atlahi* at ; Arrive at ®. MACON AND 'AUGiUSTAi R. R. Day Passenger Train. Leave Auunsta .}» Og 4'Aun ; Jjcave Macon at • Iw I.W" , Arrive in Augusta 2 15 p. t*r.’ Arrive in Macon nt 7 40 p. m. 1 t - - Rigid Passenger Traitu'! ka^ Leave Augutla at ,„ r _... r .. All I^ave Maeon at W'DO Arrjvo in Macon at v iff. tu. risaengers fromiUtonts, AthvwJ 'V«sbl«tim.'.) uidslation# on Georgia Railroad, hy, taking thp. DavPassonger’ Tlraln will make ronnectioJJ at mat: wllh the Train for Macon. * j, OW Pullman's(Firs;-Cla«slSleeping QWJflitol .Night Passenger Train# on the Georgia liallroan;', and Firat-C!a»s#li-eplnRCpiTonpH f NiglitTraiiison tlie Maron and Augusta Railroad. S. K. JQUNSONvi'^nfa r-rrmf; EOLIPSa ii'i -mv,sy iZ. ; SOMETHING .. Wortli Hamemfeerto O UB Buyer, Mr. KEA3J, is now if# KerW York,‘*ri<Dlng gems* from all the Largest Importing Ilouses in the United State*, and feela confident tpat, for . , STYLES QUALITY & CPIE A^IPlSrESS' * ' HU Selections will be hard to surpass. , The Is now coming in rapidly, 2nd we cordially invite all to visit us daily, as they will free something in haste i iiever run away to get mar- mjmz'x&zjz person, or, manners,, but only Tor char- the permission and under the direction actor 0P r>ortb, for the purities of tbf were at, raikdltotfl naBr^i’hich jnako an bonor ntfed ‘ ^ " work upon the bull, and descended in to the interior of the wreck. The waters' wexb cfear, and every object plainly visible around the ship where she lay on the reof.. All around the objects looked weird-like; the glasses in the casque magnify the already able man. Take time, think long and well bcfdre yoti accept any proposals; consult jjrouf parents, then, some judi- cious friend, then your own judgment. ' Learn all that is possible for you to loam of . your proposed. .husbands; when iH.' doubts have been removed, and not till then, accept ,him. sets of legs and four ears.. iTfeo of the four fore-legs grow out ot the back the head, and cannot, therefore,; very useful for pedestrian purppses the possessor, though they might serve well enough as horns. ” The rities of the richly formed creature two ^e<p of teeth, and his mouth is alg> provided with a double roof. But loveliness like this, of course, soon fade. The pre cious cherub but just glanced at l world, just understood that he was native of Connecticut, arid would cer tainly be made a show of if .fie .lived He preferred.4eaUir—he died; and who can blamo him ? NEW, ATTRACTIVE AND NOVEL Every day# ^Itafford j ua pleasure to display tiiem, whether you buy or not. We will sell to COUNTRY MERCHANTS for cash, at New York Quotations. For approved City Acceptance, will sell on a credit until 1st Octo- 1 l»er next, adding 1V£ per cent, interest per month. Rely with perfect, confidence on our ability and willingness to serve you as well «*uny house in the £outh. You will not be disappointed. Very’ Respectfully, KEAN & CASSELS, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga A P*buil vn^nM TB MEETING WITH UNPRKGEW3 i th L . i imcrallover the Union, and wheel hiard ..oirflVRlvtnff nnqralifled aatlsfaetion. Allvlrev,- flrom * to 7- inshes in diameter, nianufMtondLbX. the Stillwell A Rierre MsnufnrtDrter ( oinpeny. lT - *' TW For ilcscrintivo clrcplara and nriee list an-, F to or address. It. MthFRsoS. ■' ! ' tcb'21-fim _____ Atlicn »i a *,-;3j “ Ahjolutalv th-s Rost protection Ag.itnst Fir*.'.< . Over li.W Fire.' put out with it. ’ r ^ - * flll.IHtil.OOJ ill) worth of 1‘roporty saved from' o flames. TIIE g \Il! :i “ . o,. h • a m F. W. FAR WELL, S<wtsry. 407 Br tad way. New York. -» In daily uso by the Fire Departments of tk# prineijiiil cities of the t’ujon. The (lovernmcnt lias adopted it. The leading Bnilways use it. S »nd for it# Record. fch2|-1y :jT 'fr ■nli -rr.I| STOVES and TIN-WARE ■It ,r.aj ->ir.'> r, , • .. , I'littn. .! r. T.ifv) *.r. n ot; .7 .oj, »i„ ■ '•''■ ■< Tiqi'-* -..'.r ] >« avjuf v', ■ ■ 1 Which we are offering atyefy low prices. We will alsc keep duririg thcscason ,a fall stock, of those fkmous iJumruey & Neivton AXES, at reduced prices,. ',/ ’E’lta iadsaon. , tea year old, boasting to a school mate of hh; father’s accomplishment, •fit' thus: “My father can do almost thing. He’s notary public, and a ’pnthecary, and can pull teeth he’s-a horse doctor, and he can d \yagqns and things, and can p fiddle, and he’s a jackass at • I’ young-da ©, .. r. ThtnAS -.1-'riV.j : ‘ •• I J-«l Txiil-ii ;rfn- tn, , ALjIRGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF * 151 ! v>n,j.-v) toy rill 1,i ,nr—»(". .H I ;<r> ->.iK i<ua Erin; !>.:«} fiaK Ifll WOti -rnui, • ‘>ril .«!:.( v«.‘ ,Vi .1! SPE CM&LITW The Only Reliable Gift Dislribjfof rxmmwzz IX VALUABLE. GIFTS; JT ' K> 4*6 fiE "ftrifAfiiilWfiB* KI IPfitft HWLLAK MONTHLY Tt l ■l. .udttsJsuJr-rankr# luu Jf PSP Ef ■ &" NEWTON An old gentleman of eighty-fo years haying taken tq the altar ^"^"amaMot rfxteen, the dtogy biip v ‘.‘.You will find the tfuFopposite end of the church.” What do I wanf-with the font?” asked * -fa ™>"*leman. “I beg your par- ie clericaLwit, “I thought you fiod brought the "child to be chris tened,*; A newly married couple found In 8 railway carriage with orily‘on*£eUow-praseDger, J whqapp*»i'- ed to sleep profoundly. Soon the lady Ammencetl to afir^erJ^toall the ei^emntig names. th*t. naluraphis- tMcrfM supply., The traveler roused up. begged the lady t$ call her p^pner^ a “Noah’s Ark” at once, and allow bfe&.sleepqpifefljr^ Roosteto have commenced S in Kentucky, of Which makes''the following j J*Xhe yflllow is at one end, and about th'p siretof a hickory nut, white- Is coritoinedin ^semi-transparent tissue oovering.-some four or five inches In length. . The peculiar shape of the egg shows that the chanticleer that laid it did not understand the business as well as the lay members of the chicken tribe, 3«»anghto be liasiefringod.”. WIRE HANGING BASKETS, in great variety, BEAUTIFUL TOILET SES,; " , ■ / , REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS, ’ - ' . ICE CREAM FREEZERS, - wiRir dish covers’ HU’, HAT and PLU^E 1JATH TUBS, INFANT BATHS, FOOT BATHS. ^ i! ;C, r '4 SmXrIaMt QP THE CELEBflATEI) , _ rs-Mi isnomutl odj noau ■ t. rr' hsjqswjo w<wi makr. Awnims mmBSm I V O^O^iB^iv«rSraw)ii:««lta, : to-.. Seif ■ " Ciiru^vra Viptaioins a full h wcriptlon or the manner of drawing, ituLmn .n- arfisiSa- ISiitS"-- ■ uKMslinel lia W. FifthSt.;; ■! ‘".nkmvstxi.- ’'A IAiciure on tn# nature, treatment anil radical «sam PvmiSRi ——out a ■«<# fit ISHINU ;1I0U8K a# Cheap a# they can be purcXa#»tt any where., . CaU and examine. - - ' • 1 * DISSOLUTION: E partbi/fshipV heretofore ekist- apH-yqa “ E. E# JONES- - -t A:'V| t: oS gilslba *i itknr ay dlaanlvrd J 1st enntm- |H 1 hrunrlips. at the same «t*n‘ | William's Shoe Wove, kv April 7tlt,is:?. . , UK* F. O’KULl.FY.