The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, May 30, 1873, Image 1
ori!|-f ast TOcrpn. Our Cash R*t.s5»<&trlfaSls. EDITORS AND I’ROPRIETORS, At Tho dollars Ter Annum, CASH IN ADVANCE. *S*3pecimen Copies Sent Free on Application." 1 ®** KE«ROBAPTIZING IN MISSISSIPPI* ATHENS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 30, 4873, From the St. Ixmii Democrat. . THE DEATH OF SHACK-NASTY JACK. The ceremonies had already begun when I arrived. A negro preacher, assisted by two attendants who only appreciated the importance of their position, stood in the edge of the stream, and one by one the candidates, or “seekers,” as the negroes have it, descended to the water from a tent on the slope above. The sacred formula was pronounced over each one, then came a little splash as the sinner was ‘•buried” a moment in baptism, and then that shrill and to me almost ter rifying shriek which constitutes an or thodox religious “shout” was heard as the regenerate darky emerged from the water and was led hack shrieking and struggling to the shore, where the old er, “bretheren” and “sisteren” were waiting to receive him. As -soon os the preacher pronounced his for mula the whole assembly, led by a magnificent bass voice, set up one of those wild, weird, negro choruses which, once heard, can never be forgot ten. The music continued till the next candidate was about to be immer sed, and craised only a moment to rise again as smn as the preacher's voice was bushed. Those who have never heard a cliorns of this sort don’t know what music is. Such a magnificent volume of sound, such a grand roll of human voices, as some favorite strain such as “Let’s go down to the water,” or “Stand on the walls of Zion,** carue surging aed swelling over the.rivcr, never greeted my ears before, ; It beg gars nil description. The grand organ at Cologne, is but a penny whistle i<> it; the Boston Jubilee But a piping of sparrows. There was uot a siinrlo f-il-.- note, not a slip in time or tune, os the wonderful jchoriis came spelling over the water, making the very heavens ring with melody. All four parts —tenor, bass,’ alto, sftprano—were carried in such perfect harmony that it was as if one might y voice were hyming its piai-e to heaven. How tnev manage it is a mystery ; not one of all that sable multitude was ac quainted with even the first rudiments of music, yet no trained or chi stra ever kept more perfect time. We kept buf station on tin raft for over an hour, while some thirty “seek ers’’ were converted into “professors,” and then, at the suggestion of my friend, proceeded further down the stream to have a nearer view of the .. . ... -. y. I was sorry afterward that I had done so, for all the solemnity.oi ihc occasion immediately departed. Some of the gestures in the water were ludicrous in the extreme, and their language of ten irreverent, even blasphemous. Negroes consider some violent physi cal demonstration a necessary evidence of the validity of their conversion ; in deed one old woman informed me that she “never had knowed uubodv to come through all right without they went in a trance.” The effect of the inu.-ic was decided ly spoiled by too close proximity. The voices wbieli bad sounded so grand aud sonorous from a distance were harsh and coarse close bv, while a distir.ct hearing ofthe words did not contribute by any means to the gran deur of the music. Who, for instance, could repress a smile at the following, though sung to a most exquisite mel ody : Again are we called upon to perform the painful duty of nnnouaclug the dcatli of one who, if not altogether lovely, was chief among a fraction of a thousand spirits who are not yet made ncss • perfect. We refer to “Shack-Nasty Jack,” thegeneral, whole-souled, or per haps (considering his mixed parentage) we should say half-soled, copper-color ed gentleman, who recently died peace fully, and in pieces, in his little lava bid. Jack did not wrap what little LACMHERISMS. A Kansas newspaper employs a she-devel.” De gwitipm non, etc. A Chicago poet begins an apostrophe to the ocean with “Prodigious damps HOW IT FEELS TO DROWN. Dr. Hoffman’s Experience of the Dixon Baptism. OLD SERIES-VOLUME LI. NEW SEIUES— VOLUME X.' My wife and I went to see the bap tism of the converts, and toot" up a What is the difference between « *"dg* ab ? u ?' tl,irt - v Jew and a lawyer? The one gets his I ? e * tbc fi / st V™ nnd netweeu law from the prophets, the other his “ ab « ta } eut - " e were SUP T profits from the law. r ??” dcd women and 1 r ! children, suddenly, while Mr. Pratt An epicurean has discovered that j was entering the wafer with a female, the pleasant way to take cod-liver oil j I heard a report similar to that made drapery he had about him and lie down ■ 5s t0 !} nu '. n P'g conb with il » 3,1,1 thcn j b >’ a small cannon, and in an instant to pleasant dreams, and his demise was hastened by a seven inch shell that entered and exploded in his diaphragm, raining a digestive apparatus that had never been disturbed by banquets of roast dog, salt horse, washed - down by copious draughts of fiery- untamed benzine and needle-gun whiskey. As we recall the virtues of the (lucca-ed, our pen unconsciously drifts iuto the Philadelphia Ledger form of mourn ing, and we are led to exclaim e it the pigeons Dourest Shack, thou has left ns. No more horses thou will steal, But 'twasGi.lcin that borife us. He can all our sorrows heal. First we thought it was Schoncliin, the water closed over me and I felt A Mississippi quack is making a for-1 tba , t something was pressing me down, tune bv selling to the negroes a nosJ £ h oa%Y we,ght appeared to he over trum which 1,“Tarrant* to turn their; me ’ 1 d,dn< * the bl)t . tom ’ * wool into long, straight hair. Pf, r & ct & cons<*>u 8 , and mnnedi-l*. ; . ® ately thought of getting out if possi- When a Philacelphia woman don’t : b!e.‘ My hands came in contact with like the taste of the medicine that the the trestle-work, and, crawling up as druggist lias put up for her, she bring--; if ascending a ladder, I was fortunate the stuff back- and exchanges it for j in finding an opening, through which soap. - I crawled and immediately arose to the A cheerful giver .put the following f u ^ :lc -- I was then, as near as I can mf in mir of pantaloons sent to the l.» ud 8* a bo , ut *»*“* or eighty feet Michigan sufferers: “There, take’em. 1 f ro:Jl t lG s!,Grc > 1 swatq toward the Last pair I’ve got Don’t get burned out b:mk ’ b “ l " ben T r ‘ ca [ 11 n>y strength rgain ” j gave out and I sank. While swnn- ° ; niing, some person, who must have A parent who lias fifteen daughters ! been under the water, caught hold of Then we heard was sWr-f^l Charles, 1 b J* P~‘ l his ** l » ke “ tb « Jocks I my left leg and grasped tight for a But the latest nejvs, Shack-Nasty, i 0,1 * doors, and hung rope-ladders minute, preventing me from going for- S»v* ’tis you have quit earth's ’ snarls,! ovcr bls door-yard fence by the dozen, j ward. The person let go ns suddenly Gonebutriot iorgiflten. and still his provision bill is as large as' as he had taken hold, and I gave a cver - J stroke or two, when I encountered a The Connecticut agriculturist who ! dress. Thiuking it was my wife, who last week found a five-dollar gold ' was standm S i’eside me when the span - - i 1 piece in the crop of one of his chickens j lel l, I grabbed it, but, having become Born of poor but honorable parents, ! remarks that for itssizc it’s one of the j «M?vated, I was to let it go. I was Jack manifested at an early age those ; niost profitable crons ever produced on ! almost exhausted at tne time, and do traits that in after years made him ! ] x ; s f IlrIll . * not notice it particularly. My thoughts famous, and would in time have sent! . | were almost solely confined to her, and him to Congress if bis soul had not . “ Troy dentist became emotionally j imagined, when I saw the dress, it been shelled out of bis ephemeral shell 1 ,nsaac while repairing a front tooth for wa? hers, bv a cast-iron namesake. He served j « ,ld her - ‘ SllG h'is tribe as tax-collector, president 0 f! told her husband, and he went round a baseball chib, and wa* about orga-1 and , borrowed §500 of the dentist on nizinga Young Men’s Her e Plagisriz-1 011 ' 0,, 8 time. ing Assoeiatir. , when lie felt a sensa- “I wish you would not give me such j hands frequently came in contact with tun of genes* at the pit of lus stain- short weight for my money ” said a j the gravel I couhl feel the water ach, and was gone. I osscssing many ! customer to a grocer, who had an Friends of the family invited to at tend—covered carriages for all who wear gloves. When I ^ank I was still sensible of the surroundings. I went apparently very close to the bottom* The cur rent rolled me over and over, and my of the virtues that marked the Credit Mobilier ojierators, Shack-nasty was also as generous as the increased salary voters, who only drew their back salary to pay off the public debt, and the news of his sudden death will eaase a thrill of anguish in many bosoms—anguish that lie was not permitted to die slower, and by inches. | running down my throat and in mv standing dill against him. “And I; car3 and all at once experienced the wish you wouldn’t give me such long j Illost delightful sensation. I seemed wait for mine, replied the grocer. ■ t0 i )e at po 1CC nit!l everything, and The Morristown Herald is in receipt; perfectly happy. My whole life pass- ' Whv i ed before me like a flash of light WHY THU COim-IH-RACY FAILED. From an able review in the London Standard of an article upon General J-ice, in the Edinburg Jlcricir, we take of a perfumed -note asking does Air. Byron, who used to write such nice, sweet poetry, keep so quiet of late?” The editor replied that one reason is, be is dead. He died before the burning of Chicago. AY lien yon have a bone on your plate, and are obliged to take it up in yonr fingers, don’t neglect to mention that “fingers were made before knives and fork-.” The novelty of the re-1 _ mng, the events appearing in sequence, the most prominent appearing to be inde libly impressed upon ray mind. Cir cumstances I had forgotten, appeared vividly, and I did not want to lie dis turbed. I should have preferred to was Ye cdltor-sat in his rickety chair, as worried worried could be, for ye devil was: grinning hefore him there, and “Hg&jP* ye devil sayed he. Oh, ye editor grabbed his big quill pen and 1t sputtered ye ink so free, that his manuscript looked like a war map, when-—“Take this,” to the devil spake lie. He sen oiled and scratched through the live-loog day, no rest or refresh ment had fee; for they kept constantly coming that way, and howling for more “cop-ee. scissored and wrote, countrce; while ye single note, “A Day a saying devil kept little mon.. And whei fir bis m Mr. Brice C, Johnson, Sr., living near Antioch, in Troujp county, died ^ r- the netHp room heat^ the sound of unequal fray, the voice of a blow anil a blasphemous word “He’s raisin the devil!” said they. And oft when a man with a griev ance came, ye editor man to see, he’d turn his back with a word of sin— “(Jo talk to ye devil,” sayed lie. And ever and oft, when a “proof’ of work ye proprietor wanted to see, “Ye proof shall be shown by my per sonal clerk ; you must go to ye devil,” saved lie. And tluis bo was destined through all of his life, by this spirit tormented to be ; in hunger and poverty, sorrow and strife, always close to ye devil was be. I Ye editor /died. * * * But ye devil lived on.! Ami the force of life’s habits wo see, v for ye editor’s breath no sooner was gone, than straight to ye devil went lie,- op the 2d, aged 60 TSojbg pppting Georgia the Bainbrige Sun, will be so!d bylne Sheriff in June. .. p 1 ’ lhe ' Mr. John C. Lane, of Franklin, died on Monday of last week, and on the following day his wife died also. A miller in Dougherty county who lias lost much corn and meal, fixed it trap. A negro was buried the next dav. Not So Bad a Bargain After All.—Two Small, rocky islands in the Behring sea, says the London Globe, will soon lmvc paid back to the United States Treasury the whole sum expen ded for the purchase of Alaska. Wheu the cession of this territory was grant ed by Russia, people smiled at the bar gain made by the Americans. It was asserted that Yankee shreducss had deserted Mr. Seward in the matter. He knew better, and did not buy with his eyes shut.- St. Paul and St. George’s Islaulls, belonging to the Aleutian chaib, have siucc been leas ed to the Alaska Commercial Compa ny for seal fishing, at a yearly rental of $55,000- A tax of nearly three dol lars on eachJfnr seal skin taken and shipped from the island is also impos ed. As one" hundred thousand skins the following vumet, the length’of the (mark’ will immediately strike the com-! an( j 0 ., " ro review forbidding its publication cu- pany very happily. insensible but'-rad remain where I was. "W hile in the j are expected yearly now to San Frau- mid.-t ol a beautiful reverie, thinking cisco anil New York, a fruitful source what inv wife would do if she were of revenue is obtained from these two savedand I were drowned, f felt a hand ] barren rocks. This, territorial cuter- iriso of tlic United States is therefore GEORGIA ITEMS. i ’SWdWberiies AreT thirty cents per qi art n Savannah. The LaGrange Methodist Church has a new 450 pound bell, which cost $350. A hail storm near Columbus, Thurs day last, was very destructive to the cotton plant. A negro in Washington county is in trouble for stealing the pistol of the Rev. Will C. Moreau? Hotels. JWewton House ATHENS, QA. E undersigned lmvjng taken cUargo of the' ahore populw Hole), takei pleamire in ennounclug to thu travcUipg public end cltizeue of Athens and surrounding country, that he is prepared to accommodate. In a satisfac tory manner, ail who may favor him with their patronage. Persons wishing to spend thulrsum mer months away from home, will And Athena a delightful piaoe, and rates for Board very moder ate. Permanent Boarders taken at low rales. apr4-2m A. 1>. (JUXARD, Proprietor. UNIVERSITY HOTEL. It. H. LAMPKIN {G OPENED A TIOTEL ‘iidte lii ‘ ■ Aged 114 years is what they say of a negro woman who died in Atlanta Thursday, and who saw “Mr. Wash ington.” The State debt of Georgia is only $1,017,700, which the excess of revenue over civil expeuses would pay up in two years. The number of students returned to the North Georgia Agricultural Col lege is nearly equal to the former ses sion so far. Miscelta?icous. T. MARKWALTER, tta* Advertisements, (r One Dollar per Sfjuai-e (of ouo irch) , inserted at for ike H tiit, for nsertjon, and. .S!vei»tj-fiijo.Ccdit^r^jt(are *W No axtra charge C;r Locator Spccijj,tylumn B3T Transient Advcrti’scuicnlscwh.' Ollier bille' eeMeWMtevesyntnaVydcys Liberal contracts trade for a*y pdrimt over one month. -j " ^Professional Cards. DK. J. E. ■RESPECTFULLY o»crs hb Pro’ JL Vi ft-N-sional Services to the Citizens of At hen* nod Adjacent Country. » Occupies the oflico fnrmerly ‘ ‘ ‘ uples the oflico formerly occupied by Dr.1L. II. Carlton. At ifluht he can be fmfilfitrfie rw»S rfB * dence of Dr. J. A. llunuicutt* nuicuit- Surveyor, Architect!, u n coni- »1»J r n ,'W: i, via,: LayjBigi tious, :*r., aud off t'lty I.ohs Ifemosteads, riantati making*' Plots of the same. lie is also prepa-ed to eKccuie all descriptions of Dnifliuc, to furnish Hans for Houses, Bridge*,' Ac*, and make estimates of co«t. v , Can lie found at the Law Oflico of Panlani K. I*. Lumpkin. E. K. LUUpKAN jandl-tf - ^ Cugntx.gHucyor. asm, WBQ&fik ATTORNEYS A® LAW,” The wives of a couple of gentlemen in Columbia count}', recently give birth to seven children—one three and the other four—that’s business. Newton county boasts “one hundred and nine young and interesting wid ows.” IIow many old and uninterest ing ones, not stated. The air of the hymn, “Front Green land's ley Mountain,”, was composed in Savannah in 1827, by Lowell Ma- ron, then a resident of that city. A man is said to have lately gone to Macon to buy a tombstone lor his wife’s grave, but meetiug with a street walkei; he afterwards found himself minus three or four hundred dollars. BlIO.tD NT., Allil'.STA, lit. ARBLE MONUMENTS, Tomb lie*, etc., Marble Mantled, Furuilure Work of alt kinds, from the {I’aiucDt to the xL&.t elaborate design*, and furnished to order t notice. -Ill work for the couutry carefully boxed. M A i“ COTTON GIN WINSIIIF IMPltOVED Athens, abionaiA Office in the Da/jirec BtiUtliii SAMUEL I’. TIIURMQAl)," •flHomey at JLatv, ATHENS, GEORGIA. . ;• Otliee over Itarry’s Store, Ilroad "hi* Will rraetlce in tlie Counties of Clarkje, Walton,’ J. S. DORTCH* Attorney at Law, CA.RNESVII.LE, G.Y. W, R. LITTLE, Attorney at. Law,' CARNESYIl-LK, GA. IPusincss Cards. COTTON GIN. PAINTING.- LBOR Lightness of Draft, Fs JU ninp. CleAosin^ the Se- d well, an mnp (Jood Sample, this Gin has u of the Fast Gin- . and making efiiial. It is made BEST MATERIAL on mv shoulder 1 weep, I moan, wliat luuku 1 moan so slow ? 1 wonder if a Zion traveler lias gone along before Mary and Martha, feed my lambs, Feed my lambs, feed my lambs: Mary and Martha, feed my lambs, Statin’ on de golden altar. There is another specimen, the effect I’ which I leave to the reader’s imagi- of nation 1 meet mv soul at de bar of God, I lieerd a mighty bumber ; It was my sin fell down to hell Just like a clap o’ thunder. The creeds of the two African church es in this place it would puzzle the brain of an Athn::asius himself to formulate. They shout like .the Methodists, im merse with the Baptists, have godfath ers and godmothers, and observe Eas ter and Good Friday with the llonian Catholics and Episcopalians, and ob serve various fetish practices besides, so that, if the truth is with any sect, Christian or Pagan, they stand a pret ty fair chance of being * in the right sometimes. A Wakm Dose.—A Danbury limn is the unenvied owner oft. dog that is a terror to the neighbors, purely by its snapping And snarling propensities. He simps at everybody, ami knows a little something of the flavor of everybody up that way. It is esthnatfed .that he has oLtli enough in him to make a pair <d breeches for everybody on Long Is land Sound, 'lce other day a voutb oa-L-vl up the end of n stick with a mixture compounded with horse radish vk„n a ’ e . uuc l*TP ( ' r . and commenced n.iA'A 11 through the fence at the cur, s hf cur * cw a™ 1 caught the bait L, f • • an ‘l the boy drew the stick tents in .V a T'- v . lhnt it left all the con- anUn»l‘.l , V llm:,1 ’ s ,u,, uth, and the ultinn r :CUe< - a " :l ' uu 11 in awful ex- JneD( , *°. r an Jn stanr. Then it com- liowl » ° stare i amf then spit, and over ’ "i t: aml l* 3 ' 7 . and roll wh,IT h " a ! ! - v r,,n un<ler the barn, ji„i 1 ecraaincd for two days in re- 8fc f- l ! S ‘°. n - * N,,W . "lien anylnidy dn<* 1 a , s,lc ^ tnrough the fence that v.ct ?"I sl ? up- Jt ,nt!rel y iii" in'll 15 ’ 110 aa - v: “^° aenson- "«5 ,] ' n, uie. it you please." tire: Its failure had nothing to do with its alleged demerits. The South wa* crushed by weight, not broken by weak ness. Three things determined the fate of the war—the closing of her ports, the superior wealth, and far above all, ihc overwhelming numbers of the enemy. The North was a corn growing and manufacturing country, and bail open to her tlie markets of Europe; she had unlimited command of all the resources of the civilized >rld. The South was subject to the disadvantages both of an agricultural and of an" non-agriculttiral country. She had no manufactures, and yet she lived by manufactures and not by agri culture ; by producing clothing, not by producing food. Her wealth was-at once annihilated by the blockade, which prevented her from selling her cotton and tobacco and sugar ; her supplies were cut off, and* she bud a bare suffi ciency of food,'and a total want of every other necessary of life ami war. She obtained power and arms from the enemy; hoots and clothes and blankets she had to want. Her finances broke down at once; tor her exports were her wealth, and exports hail ceased. But, above all. ♦lie was crushed by numbers; the North could recruit at home four men for one, and could hire the off-scouring* of Europe. And it was this alone that decided the bsue. The Edinburgh Reviewer adds the want of discipline; but we believe that in the essentials of military discipline, the Southerners were always superior to their foes, and that if the troops of Grant and McClellan bad been tried as Leo’s were tried, they would have melted like snow or died like rotten sheep. Lee won almost every battle he fought, aud against odds of from two to one to four to one. Wliat de stroyed him was Grant’s cold, cruel policy, which only a Yankee, a Na poleon or a Prussion could have de- liberatly adopted—of sacrificing men without stint, whom be could replace to wear out an enemy who could not recruit. Under different circumstances such a process might last longer. But a General who can afford to sacrifice three men to kill one must always end by leaving his enemy without sol diers; and therefore greatly superior numbers, thus used, .must prevail in tie long run. 'It il’fio longer possible in wars between civilized nations for prowers to prevail against numerical odds of great weight. And this terri ble lesson a state like England will do well to lay to heart. This, and this alone, was the cause of the fall of the Confederacy; this is the dark and pain ful moral of the Virginian campaigns. Against everything but sheer “attri- ion” Lee was victorious. A general was inspecting some mili tary stable*. “Wliat do I see there?” lie said, in tones of thunder, to a sor- gent. “Cobwebs?” “Yes, sir,” was the resjiectful reply. “We keep them there to catch the flie*. and prevent theinteasing the horses. ’ A farmer recklessly publishes the following challenge: “I will bet $42. that my hired man can take longer to go to the harvest-field, get back to dinner quicker, eat more, do less, and bear down harder on a panel of the fence, than any other hired man within fifteen miles of the flag-staff in our town.” Jedediah Burcharil, once preaching a revival sermon, was interrupted by the entrance of Aaron Burr. Here comes one, says the revivalist, against whom even 1 will testify in the day of judgment. Yes, sir, said Burr, in 50 years of criminal practice I have always found the greatest rascal turn State’s evidence. seif. felt. I was pulled out k. I was almost .dually came to my- Oh, how sick and wretched I The most original s]>elliiig we have cver seen is the following.—It beats phonetic*.—”80 von be—a tub—80 oh! pea—a top. Be 80—bat. iSeo 80— cat. I’ea 80—pat. Arc 80—rat. .See ob! double you—cow. See you be—cub. See a double tea—butt, call. After remaining on the rock about an hour I was taken to my home. Here I commenced vomiting, and fre quently ejected water and partially digest' d food until 4 o'clock in the af ternoon. I was taken out ofthe water 000 feet below the bridge. I was very thirsty after vomiting, and tried to drink some water, but the taste was so disagreeable that I could not hear it. The only way I could quench my thirst was by putting vinegar into the water, about an ounce and a half to a quar ter of a pint. That struck me as a rather curious circumstance. I was greatly astonished at the number of events that passed through my mind while under the water. Nothing that occurred during childhood was evident, but everything since I was about nineteen years old appeared before me as if photographed. The sensation I experienced while the water was going down my throat was not unpleasant. It seemed as if I was going on a jour ney and was surrounded by all kinds of beautiful thing*. While on the rock I felt Y'.ry bad and de*ired to lie let alone. The sudden transition from pn it success, and will probably help to develop the idea so rapidly grow ing in America, that colonial posses sions are useful front many national points of view. cr ln .’ H 'i a M? ng ‘j> uu ,a - st Thursday 1.1A..A ,. IlS8 fe usan Gntdv, an or- while aim U ’ • Vfas 80 Merely burned rate iu i,, 1 ■ '*re k—osipe oil to satu- lowini * •’ tha V * bc d,cd 0,1 the fol- , m ^^2 CNCniQii->h(»r IrHraitlin.k*. • 1 . Mhiln .t.*. "" IW'riectlv charred of ber Wn wag aod fir h Of skin Mr. J. K. Adams planted some Iris jiotatoes in February, at the time when the moon was nearly full, and again twenty days after, during the dark nioou; that now he is using daily largo potatoes froi» the crop planted last, while the first planted arc not as large as marbles, from .which be con cludes that the German idea is correct of planting 6uch vegetables as grow un der the ground in the dark ofthe moon. Six persons died last week in the White Plains neighborhood in Greene, county, though there was no epidemic at that point. the beatific state in the water to the be—cab. Be you I dry land seemed to have a bad effect, 8ee a double ail— I and made me indifferent to wliat was going on around tne. Several people came to me anil wanted to take me home, but I told them to let me alone, I was so miserable. The corpse of tny wife was found after she had been in the water about three hours. It is said that Mrs Hoffman’s countenance was lighted up with a life-like smile, so peaceful and suggestive of such pleasant thoughts wheu dying that everybody’s attention was attracted to her. Cfeo” We admire figurative writing when it is kept within reasonable limits. But, when the Philadelphia Pkm informs us that Charlotte Cushman and Janruschek are “ two great mountainsthat one of these mountains is a “snow-dad jicak, sharp ly outlined against the sky,” anil that the other mountain “conceals a volca no in its boSom,” and is “covered to the summit tyith a rich and iuviting growth of vegetation that one of these dramatic mountains is “a picture of sublimity,” anil the other “is impelled to sudden eruption*;” when we read ail this we arc uncertain whether we are reading dramatic criticism or an improved system of geography. Wc confess to a dread of actresses who thrust their “snowclad peaks” in one’s face, and prefer giving a wide berth to dramatic nymphs that “areimpolled to sudden eruptions,” howevor they may be “covered with a ridiand inviting growth of vegetation.” Wc prefer to stay in the lowlands.—Courier Jour nal. The death of Major George Dent— formerly of Athens—and Mr*. Trippc, widow of the late Judge Trippe, of Bartow county, are announced in the last Cartersville Standard and Express. The Columbus Sun learns from river men that the Chattahoochee and. Apa lachicola rivers in the lower part of this State and Florida have overflowed their banks and caused great destruc tion to corn and cotton. tobt* ba«l in this country or Europe, in pood style and well finished. Planters art* invited to call on ns in Atlanta, or nt any of our Apeutle**, ;»nd exam ine this Gin, hefore purehasinp. Also to send in their orders EARLY, to insure their bcinp tilled in pood time for the coming crofr. ©35* Send for Circulars. SUMMEY A NEWTON, Agents, Athens. WINSHIP A BRO., Atlanta, Ca. The Atlanta Herald is informed on “good authority” that President Brown will tender hisresignation, as President of the State Road, to the Executive Committee of the ’Board of Directors, at its meeting Monday. • The great case of the trial of Z. B. Cantrell, charged with the murder of William A. Alexander, both of counEy of White, which commenced in the Superior Court of Talliaferro 011 Tuesday, the 13th instant, terminated on the 15th in the acquittal of the accused. THRILLING INCIDENT ON THE AIR LINE RAILROAD A young lady who hasjust returned from Europe advises her friends not to go there, “unless you are sure that you know enough to appreciate the beauties of Europe. It lends such a charm to Italv to remember that among those groves of olives the im mortal Beethoven sculptured the Medi- cean Venus, and Shakespeare com- C ised the sublime poem of Paradise ost.” Journalism is looking up in Japan. The Tycoon has stated a daily paper, and every able-bodied Jap who doesn’t subscribe at once is beheaded. By this manufacture of dead-heads a big list will be worked up. The merchants who don’t advertise, very properly have their property confiscated for the benefit ofthe new paper. With these prospects, the paper cannot fail in suc ceeding. “Chicken on the shell,” said an Englishman, looking down the carte at a Boston hotel: “that must be a delicacy.. Here, waiter, chicken on the shell.” The waiter shortly after produced tire viand; which was in the shape of eggs. Tho Britisher was nonplussed. Upon inquiring what it meant, tho waiter replied that it was a bad time of year for fresh eggs. They advertised them as chickens that ther might be no mistake. v *4JV r hile lounging on onr scat in a car on a certain road in this State, the other night, a married couple entered and faced us. ■ The conductor appear ed anil enquired of the lady, who seemed very tired, if she “desired a berth on his train ?” Shehung her head and pldced one arm around her hus band s neck and with blushes red and deep sweetly replied, “No, sir, we’ve only been married four months.” Of course this couple don’t live in this couDty. Honey-Bees by Mail.—A strange question is now befbre the Post office I fepartment awaiting a decision from tho Postmaster General. A man in Massachusetts has invented a cage composed of wood and wire netting to send honey-bees through the mail*. The trap is a block of wood about six inches long and two inches wide by .an inch deep; in this three large holes are bored nearly through, and tho under side is covered with a fine wire-reitin Seven bees, including a queen-bee, are placed in each compartment, and are introduced through a hoje in tho side ofthe block, which is plugged up by a piece of spongo soaked in honey. The postmasters and clerks object to these packages, for the alleged reasou that the honey soaks through the paper placed over the holes, and daubs other mail matter in contact, and besides, as one postmaster complained, “ the clerks in his office did not get through exami ning and studying the contrivance un til the bees stung every one of them, and, in showing them how it was made and how to handle it without injury, the blasted things stung him, too.” Acting Assistant Po3tmaster-Genernl Marr, several weeks since, decided that these packages could not be admitted to the mails, upon the ground that they injured other mail matter;’ but Gen. B. F. Butler, as attorney for the Extraordinary Case of Resus citation.—Thft New Orleans Tim'S reports a curious case of this sort as having that city last week. A child of three years old died early in the morning, and was duly laid out for interment; a competent physi cian certified to the decease, and the friends ofthe family assembled to sol emnize the funeral. Late in the after noon, the body having been confined, and the’ funeral carriages watting at the door, a thunder storm arose. It will be remebererl that there were some unusually violent reverberations du ring the brief term of its prevalence. Simultaneously with one of the most deafening of these clof s, the child re covered its animation and resumed all th« functions of existence. It is now jiermeiitly recovered. There is no doubt of the fact in this case. Buford, Mry 12th, 1873.-This af ternoon, near this town, the engineer of the down freight train discovered a little child, about two years old, on the railroad track. The faces of (he engineer and fireman blanched with terror as they whistled “down brakes,” and saw that it was impossible to check the train in time to save the merry prattler, who stood astride the rail, look ing at the approaching train, uncon- cious of danger, and a pleasant light gleamingfrom his blueeyes. Thcsus- pense set mod ter'Lie, aud it is said that the black hair of the engineer is now stieaked with gray from the inten sity of his dread. The fireman, how ever, at the risk of his own life, ran forward on the engine, and leaping forward from the cow-catcher, grasped the child aud saved it from a terrible death. That gallant fireman deserves to he embalmed in song and story for his heroic deed. , . . The Evacuation of Richmond.Vct. vv. M BONE, "PROPOSES TO DO ALL fcfNDit. _L of Ptintiup—lions*;, rarringp'utitl. KurnittVrf* k—In tlxo,. cheapest anil most di^raMo style. .. .... Also, imitation work an l glazing and pap»*r hanging done .at ftliort notice. Prompt attention given *toall orders left at tin*. Drug .Stores, or nt his Shop ou Clay tou ftfi eel, 2*1. dour S. E, Episcopal church, A then a (ia. Teb7—Iy. BOOTH <3c CHA Market St reel, near Court !L»u*e, Family Grocery and Bar Room Keeps constantly on hand choice Family Groce- By (ifa. Let and his Aircy, April 2, lSlil. A NEW and beautiful Engraving 1 lx is incite* in size. G* n. I**e’s Army crossing the .lames Itiver, the city of ItieUiuoyul oh fir.* and many other things which make this picture a gem of Art, one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home. Sent hy mail, mounted on a roller aud (Hist-paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 cents. J. V k W. M. Itl RROW. Publishers, Bristol, Tenn. Agents wanted to sell Pictures, Books, Charts, Ac.. Ac., Front S3 to SI5 per day can easily he made. Send for private terms and Catalogue. MaylGlin. I ATHAIRON Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It promotes the iZ UOWTII, PKESEttVIIH the v'OhORi mul inrreasen the Vi^ur and BEAUTY oi* the IIAll:. Over Thirty Years ago T.yos’3 Kathaiuom ron Tine .Haiti was tir*t placo-l in tho marker by Profossor K. Thom a* Lyon, a gradoato of Princeton CJoUearo. Thfo aatno is derived from tho Groefc. •*KaTHRO,”signifying to, /.«» or rr»»nrr. The favor it has roceivod. and tho popu larity it has obtained,is unprecedented and incre !• ibl*>. It increase* the Growth a ml Bam or tki Hair, ll is a delightful dres*inc- It eradicates l>andruf7. Itprevents tho Hair from lurninu irray. It keeps the head cool, and gtvestheLs rnne'n.sotf. glossy appearance. It ia trie pamv. m yt’ANtn c and QCALtTV «»it wav over a Oiunmon TURT Ago. and is *o!d bv nil Drucci&t* and (’..Ha iry Store* Ll c...y -'.r.T Cm..4 per Liot-lc* rics, of ail kinds, aud the best brands v| Wines, Liquors and Ciptrs. . f - ». 4 Give us a (tali, and you will uuti everything id. our line of tfiv l>cst, and prices as !o\r a.* the lowest. BKtKSKAMOON, Keeps Constantly on Hand tlic Beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars," AT WHOLESALE AND DETAIL ’’ At their BAR will l*e found Qt.nfa‘ r Y* m tiling to drink, scr\<d up “according to Giinti Gentleman TABLES, kept i 'oiling oii.nci. jy* No. * BILIAUH* «L W. r»as now ii I)RY COLLINS Store a Full Stock of GOODS' H ATS, SHOES & NOTIONS Of All Kind*, which he offers OKE-A-IP FOR CASH Or in Exchange for Country Produce. st market price paid in cash f*#r aptl-tf hi- o U ^ " S L. C5 f5 Hit. C- k at Forty newspapers were repre*e the Press Convention at Ameri nted mericus. An hottest-old Pennsylvania far mer hadatTeeonhis premises.he wonted cut down but, being weak in the back, and having adull axe, he hit upon the following £lan: Knowing the E ton among his neighbors for coon- ting he male a coon’ foot out of a potato', and proceeded, to imprint nu merous tracks to and up the tree. When all ready, he informed his neigh bors that the tree must be filled with coons, pointing to external evidence made with his potato foot. The bait took and in a short time half a dozen fellows, with sharp axes, werechoping, away at the base of the tree, each taking their regular turn. The party also brought dogs and shot-guns, and were in ecstasies Over the anticipated haul of far coons. The tree finally fell, but uarv coon was seen to drap. UGi&ii’s lilory is Her Hair. AGENT FOR THE SALE | = ? r-0£t. = * roCP tjn 8 co ni CZ2 raj Sf Sjj" C3C3 Si |g U-s cd v:= S Y-J A BARBER SBL(tP OK Big Gun.—An old negro man in an adjoining county concluded last week to celebrate the anniversary of his freedom. He loaded an old musket which was given him by tho Yankees and putting four charges ot powder and about two pounds of red clay in the old gun, he called his wife aud four children about him to hear the sound of “freedom’s” first gun. Standing close to an ash-honper he “ let her slide.” A neighboring darkey called in about fifteen minutes after, and found the “freedman,” tied in a bow- knot under the bouse. His wife phu - ed in a perpendicular position in the hopper with “heals up and head un der” the ashes. The children disap peared through .the garden palin and it is thought was called to order Dy an old barn as a “committee of the whole.” He won’t fire that gun again, soon. n To All Principal Points UNITED STATES. ALSO, FOR THE DAVIS HARRIS & Sflf Book Store, oil Broa'l Street, where they uu all kinds' of work inTtheir Hue, Shaving, Hair Cutting &c ,- utid Is* I>*»ne in. the beat .style, with proiuptocs* patch. AUG ANCHOR LINE OF EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Company, Athens, G.«. J.C. LI AJRDIK* DEALER IN DRY GOODS, AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Justly Celebrated Magno lia Hams, Hologna Sail* sage, Dried Beef, 7 A Canned G oods, &c. *' Snuff. Pipe*, Tobacco and Segar*, KaBIns. Sor dine.*, Nut*, Crackers, Clujew, Caudy and Pea nuts, lemons and Orange*, Picklct, Nvrtfepflu Ap ples and Butter Scotch. Caah paid for country produce* -,*j * Broad hired, Allien.*, Ga., opiHudte J7II. lluggin*. Bringham Young Iras ibdicated. He leaves all his official positions in Utah, has made a will giving his prop erty equal to bis wives and children, invenmr, appealwl the caseto-the Post- {asd says he sballretire to Arizona. master-Gcneral. and the latter is now I In accomance with his «ugg^tmn, deliberating what disposition shall lie ] President George A. Smith succeeds made of lift matter.—I* Louis Globe. ' him as trustee in trust tor the church. Still Burning.—The Chicago fire, although it occurred more than eigh teen months ago, it seems, has not yet gone out. The papers there mention | that smoke was recently seen issuing from a portion of the ruins near Van Bureu and Clark streets, and, an exca vation being made, a pile of glowing, coals were found, which, when the air reached it, was speedily fanned into a vigorous flame. The invigorators, to make the fact memorable, baked some potatoes in the fire, ate a lunch and lit their cigars after the repast De- i the t 7«ft80fEtftM part of scribing this tenacity on what it calls the “ champion blaze of creation.” the Chicago Inter-Ocean asks, “ Will it never go out CHARLEY HILL At the old established WD$ SUCTfltlD un nrtmu mreei. over ibi L. C. Mnthews, have the be£t and most attentive workmen and all the modern appliances for Shaving, Shampooing, Zfair- dresaitig, etc., Lwlles and cliildm* walled on at their residence*, when dts-drod. Pott mortem cases will receire prompfaad careful attcnllon. Oct. 11,1872, /CAUTION.—The public are hereby v^worued not to trade tor a note, pojsdde lo efttlidsj Center & Besvee, (for the sum aft SI SO, K. O. JOHNSON, dated on or ahoutthe O’KELLEY’S SKY-1 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY} Over WUllame’ Shoe Store, Un*ad Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. -pHOTOGKAPHS and Ftfrrentypes JL. ext’eutt**l-in the fluent and beet style of the art, in cloudy a* well a.*‘c!t»ar weather. Fall ami be convinced that you thn obtain True Likenesses at this * Gallery; Term* Ya.h and Is»wr I’rice*. "! j; p. o’KELLDtw — —— : Airnl f tr Hstc ihc finest lot Of FISHING February, IS7S, and payable on tho 1st day November. »*73. Said note harln;bcen tost. to Eves brousht to this martet. Ah«a^perl« ;toVo day of f PISTOLS o'J U. O. JOHNSON, And every thins else licptaln flr<>l dsn Jewclery .Stole. May itf. t~~ —