The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, January 13, 1875, Image 1
ffoujjeast Georgian. PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY MORNING BY H. H. CASIiTON & Co., Proprietors. H. 11. CARLTON. Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: —j„:— ONE COPY, One Year RJVE COPIES, One Year,. TEN COPIES, One Year... ..S 2 OO 8 78 .. 18 OO 7he Official City Taper Business & Profes’n’l Cards. Asa M. Jackson, L. W. Thomas, JACKSON * THOMAS Attorneys at Law Athens, Georgia. P o Fr.r nfVr.-nre t.y -[>'--!al p< riiii««lon • 3.““ I,, w. TIi.Hua. rrfrr. to William 1,. Mitchell F.«q., i<f Athens »nrt linn. A. 11. Stetn-ni, II. II. IIill an J II. Tnomhe. O A ML 1\ TI lull M () X 1>, Attorney at Law, ATHENS, fiA. 0‘ 'NOBB, ERWIN & COBB Attorneys at Late, Athens, a a. cr«T OtB *e in the Heuprec BuiMing. \\J It. LITTLE, ' ’ * Attorney at Late, causesvn.i.r„ «;a. Ol I N T. OSBOllX, J A t torn ey-at-Law, KLBERTON, CiA. Will practice ('ircti’t. Bank*, \ % \Sr J. in tin* counties of the Northern Franklin and Habersham of the : will Rive special attention to ntrusted to his tare, i 8 7 4 — 1 v. i s S. DORTCH, Attorney at Lair, C.VUNESV1I.1.K, li A. K. A. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL WATCHM'KER and JEWELLER At I»r. Kind's Drugstore, RR«»\D sTREKT ATHENS, OA. ft#~Allwork done in a sti|»erior manner, and warranted to give .satisfaction. jan:t-tf A MAP OF BUSY LIFE. No. 11.1 Athens, Georgia, Wednesday,^ an’y 13, 1873. S OLD SERIES—Volume LIU. \ NEW SERIES—Volume III. ATHENS MARBLE Miscellaneous Selections. WO* IX-SLANDERERS. i An pxohanjrc nays: ' Regarded from an ethical point of view, the most insignificant creature upon God’s globe, is the man who tra duces a woman. If he does it to GRANITE YARD A. II. ROBERTSON. TAEALEIi in Monuments, Head gratify revenge, he is a coward ; if gratuitously, he is contempt i- •rk of this kind will do well to examine my designs, before purchasing eUc- whore. Prices Moderate.— Wort " h "’ the old Cemetary. QIuly 2,',-ly,—jsl. T II E hie. There is no outlet for es cape ; it is a clear and unequivo cal proposition. And yet, iin- iioUini6 , Ijappily, among men, this grave sin is looked upon as very venial.’ — ; Tlie man who will, in your pre sence, slander any lady. Mill at your lmek, speak just as coarsely of your mother, wife or sister.— . As you would wish the slanderer of their honor relinked, you should rebuke the slanderer of other wo men. Sometime ago, wo heard a young man rattling his tongue Enterprise Long Looked For! AT TilK FRANKLIN HOUSE Meals can he had at all h«un», for FIFTY CENTS IE AOFT. This Hot. 1 ha-* thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Thu Traveling Puhlie will he • . .« « . /• accommodate! with Board and lodging for , against UlC ClWractPr Of H VOling lad}’, when another present—who, QAir.niiJ by society, is considered a liber tine—sternly interfered and si- TWO DOLLARS 1*KR DAY. FINE 0Y3TES Is ;,|mi connected with thl* Hotel. This is the place «•«••« oy.tcr.,Fi*h,lwfM.kf, u»«»d lonced the traduccr, giving him a lvggs, Ac. Oysters will he sold hv the quart and 1 . . „ oi.c us a trial | lecture which we hojic had effect those present. If this lie Kall'on, l>* tliose who wish them and we will please voti. W. A. .1, T. Til BULK KLI>, Proprietors. T. MarkivalteR - g •. : * - .1 ‘J - WILEY CHILDERS, I OCATED in this city, is prepared 1 J t.* «1<» all kinds of Cur|»etiters’ Work in the l*e«i *tylo. and at reasonable rates, with dispatch. Simp In the rear o| the City Clerk’s office. June :t, 1M7I. >f. V. GURLEY, sr/tapo.^* 7)/:.i 'Tisr, r |' , AKRS pleasure in announcin'; to JL the . I’t/en-.of Franklin and and adjoining the Athen where lie is is different i»s, l»ut posi- .s 111MI GEO. W. COOPER. (’nrri.-ioti anil liu^LCV 1 ;• . lias Nlrret, i.p iodle I ooper** Liter) Stable. | >AKTKTLAU attention triton to Marble Broad Si., Augusta, Ca. M arble monuments, Tomb Stones, etc.. Marble Mantle*, Furniture Work of all kinds, from the plainest to the most elaborate designs, and furnished to order at short notice. All work for the country carefully t*oxed. City Lob for Sale. F 3R Sale, 79 lots, located on the estate of l»i. E. R. Ware, known a* the Joel Hurt Plat. Said Plat can la* seen at the Bank of the University. For terms Ar . apply to I’rof. L. II. Charbtmnier, at his residence, or at his oitice in the University, 3-1 story, Librtry Building. Tilths, li. BARRETT, Executor. I»ec 2.3m. Administrator's Notice. a.*mi*t ilie claims *, dece dtllv i | tell, rive prompt at- .1 line 17 It .-V'.’i'' tltlr.l .»> pres ill Ih- admitted. Her. 16th, '71— lm. I hi< A A. WINN, WITH GROOVER, STUBBS* CO. Cotton actors, . AND— General Commission Merchants Savannah, Ga. ng. Tie*. Rope, and other Supplies fur- Also, Liberal Cash Advances made on for sale or shipment to Lirernool Nsithern port*. mym-tf tiTjiTentT tJROM l.-t October, 1874, to Dec’r 1 ;m, is;:.. The Best Bcs!m>s Stanm», o; i Lrsi arranged Store in Athens. J .Iy 1 u Apply to E. P. BISHOP. ) : FUKSALK iNE hall interest, or if desired, h de interest in a Livery Stable, will l*i • Id. together with good vehicles and horses. If t h ill intrre-t i> sold, it must ••etna thorough ,»,* nun. The Stable is located in the heart eilv, in cl »se proximity to tin* Court House, , well arranged f.»r the imsines*. Apply to e 21 if. JOHN F. FINCH, Athens, Ga. PROTECT YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY. .voir is thk time to put ui LIGHTNING RODS! Copper and Iren Rods put up at 25 Cents per Foot. [idation.s anti oertifi- recoinmcjr rates given. STRAUB MUX WORKS Portable Hllla, stifTspinril* nnder-runners, cock head up- jter-runners, Ihr Farm or Ttfrrchnnt Work. Stipe- rftor 91111 Stour* of nil alarm. Urnnlne Dutch An- krr Bolting t lotli. Horse Powers, Corn-Shelters and Cleaners. Gearing, Shafting, Pullics, I!angers,etc., all kinds of Mill Machinery and Millera* supplies. Send for Pamphlet. .Straub mil fompnny, Box 1430, Cincinnati, O. CHII.DS. NICKERSON A CO., •71. .1 gents, Athens, Ga. J5?“OrdiT< from tlu* country solicited. Address 0. V. YEKONKK, June 10 Alliens, Ga. jAvcollins Has now in Store ft Full Stock of JJBW COOt>8 SUIT.IBLE FOR THU. Si'll I N< 1 A XI) SIT M MEB " Eli LI© K-G, (\>n*i*finrj, in part, of DTIY GOODS HATS. SHOES & NOTIONS on those present. If tins lie a I sample of libertines, thought we, give us more of them. We be- ; lievc it is not so much the had ‘ spirit or lack of spirit on the part j of men, which permits this prac- ! tire, as the fact that it is only cus- |tom, the knowledge that the jr? i spetikcr is simply lying or desires k i to provoke a laugh. But many a -j fitir name has been forever tar- r i nished by such idle slurs. Noth- | ing is more disgusting than to Works hear one calling himself a man, boast of successes among ladies— yet, nothing is a more common topic of conversation among ' the lords.’ Witticisms and good hu mored caricatures of the fair sex may be excusable, and none enjoj’ those more than the ladies them selves. Usually, this harmless raillery is only evidence that the speaker is ’smitten,’ for, as the old lady said, ’When I hear them ; shake their chains, I know they J are on them.’ Andrew Jackson’s I wife, as saintly :> woman as ever li\ ’ed, died purely of a broken heart from the idle slanders of her husband's enemies, and ! our opinion, the great redeeming | point of Jackson's clmmctcr « Ills bitter hatred 1111 his death, of , the slanderers and the seventeen j duels he fought to silence them, i We love every good woman, and reverence her as an angel strayed from Heaven, and may our arm go like that of Corialanus, when we fail to raise it in her defeu-o. (Oh! if I was only a lady, how I’d work for such a gallant defender as that! Wouldn’t I make haste to subscribe for his paper, and wouldn’t I inform each Let Moderation and Prudence! Rule the Hour. Moderation is a virtue nearly allied to prudence, and if there ever was a time when the Demo cracy should be influenced by both, that time is now. Above all, is it of the highest importance that in this hour of our exultation in the trinmph of the glorious principles which wd hrtVe so stead fastly and persistently maintained, that we should ncithci* he too ea ger nor too selfish in claiming the legitimate fruits of the victory. Some of our contemporaries are, as we think, manifesting more zeal than either prudence or good taste bv thrusting forward the claims of their favorites for im portant positions under the new Democratic regime. We, of the oppressed and outraged South, have more at stake in the great issue decided last week, than the more honors and emoluments of office ; and while it is proper that we should feel an earnest solici tude that the responsible govern ment positions shall be filled by able, patriotic and just men, we belittle our cause when we give our opponents reason to suspect that our ambition to control or monopol’ze the offices, is not less than our anxiety for the restora tion of honest, constitutional go vernment. Besides, the time has not yet arrived when our endorse ment is sure to strengthen the claims and promote the advance ment of the men of our choice.— A little modest forbearance in this matter, while it will deprive our opponents of a potent argu ment against us, will detract noth ing from our influence in the fu ture. A different course may em barrass our friends. When the time comes, the restored South will not be without her due influ ence in directing the policy of the Constitution as well as in the councils of the nation. Let onr.j OR watchword now lie everything f<,12 20 Democracy, union, harmonv concord.—S<i>\ Petrs. i.f Ki. liav.! I*. 1 Ixfo.eJanuniy r |i:tid mu ol alt. r afu-r I lull dale, A* X. III LL, Adni'r. Uncle David's Yarn. Foremost among those com memorated by “Skitt,”is Uncle David Lane,” a tall, heavy, lazy looking old fellow, whose speciali ty was telling hunting stories. IIs was never seen without his “Bucksmasher”—« rough looking rifle of his own make, for he was a sort of gun-smith; and when once seated, would pour out a contin uous stream of adventures most of which had happened to himself, though a few he had “heara.” He had certainly nover heard of Baron Munchausen, though many of his stories are vastly }tke those of that voracious narrations for instance tin following about “l’ige n Shooting,” which we give in his own worlds slightly abridged: “I mounted old Nip and mosey ed off for tlie pigeon roost. IVuv tliar ’liont two hours l»y the sun. and from that hour till chock dark, the heavens was dark with ’urn coinin’ inter the roost. It is in conceivable to tell tlie number on ’inn, which it were so tremendious. Bein’ a man that has u charectcr tor truth, I won't say how many thar wtls. “Thar’wits a mighty heap of snplincs for ’em to roost in, which they would alters light on the big- gist trees fust, then pitch down on the little uns ter roost. Now just at dark I thought I'd begin' sinus- in’ ’mu. .So 1 hitched old Nip to limb of a tree with a monstrous long bridle—a good hitchin’ place I thort. I commenced blazin’away at the pigeons like thunder and lightnin’; which they light on big trees thick as bees, and bend the trees to the yearth like *•’ been lead. *»• 1 st -> ... 85.44: ill Newspaper Laws. I IMPORTANT INFORM ATION TO COUX- ’ Mr. Cooley’s Ilat. When Mr. Cooler eairtc iittn church TV SUItJCIlIBKiiS. I last Sunday he placed his new liieli The following letter from too [v’* j n8t . '"'^Lc^the I>ew in the aisle. Acting First Assistant Pomuster' ‘ r ^ n,1 - v 1 it'nnn entered and as she proceeded up tlie aisle her nlx>und~ ui" skirts scooped Cooley’s hat. and rolled it up hurredly to the pulpit. Cooley pursued his hat with feelings of indignation, and when Mrs. Pitman took her seat he Walked haek, brush ing his hat with his sleeve. A few eli m? again |Url|«st Georgian PUBLICATION OFFICE: Ao. 7, G71AA7TP It Oil, (I'p-Stalrs,) ATHENS, GEORGIA. Rates of Advertising: Transient ad vert foments, ofone wjuart* ornior*,* Si 0*i per square for the first insertion, and 75efcriti fur cavil subsequent insertion. All advertisemvut* considered transient, exeejit where special contracts are inade. Twelve lines space of this type (or one Inch) make one square. For contract prices, see schedule. r--=■ ■ !■- jg TAKING THE VEIL. 1.1 KK KristiDK. General recently received by the publisher of this paper, affords in teresting information to County subscribers in Clarke: Post Office Department, 3 Appointment Office, > , , , . ,, . Washington, D. C., Dec. ID. $ •"T'T* i Gr } n ^V" 9 , S,R —t 0, ' r communication ol placed his hat in the aisle, Mrs. Hop- Dec. loth, has been received, and kins’skirts struck it and swept it along in answer, you arc informed that about twenty feet, and left it lying on the new ltlW, which went into cf- Jhe carpet, in a demoralized condition, feet June 2Drd, 1874, provides Ox'ley was singing a hymn at the that newspapers, one copy to each i,n< ^ didn’t miss ii. Rut a actual subscriber residing in tlie ,,u,,m ‘ nt "' ,en he looked over County in which the paper is j' 1 " ‘ V r - ' L ‘ ™ ' f o . . , , . 1 \ i ho amis ftinons to perceive that it was printed, m whole or in part, and ?0!tP . He skira.islm.1 up the aisleaf- pilhlished, shall pass free through tor it again, red ill tlie face, and utter— the mails, and it is the duty of ing sentences which were horrihlv out postmasters, at offices where the of place in the sanctuary. However, system of free delivery is not in he put the hat down again, and deter- oporation, to receive and deliver mined to keep his eve on it; Imt just such panors to the person named ^ l ,R turned liis head away for a mo- in the. address. \ , Mrs ' ‘ S,, ." le - V , ca ? p :uu C,,ol 7 n , , -ii .; lo >Ue*l around only in time to watch Postmasters are required by the hat being gathered in under Mrs. Ian, to notify pubhshi'rs when Smiley’s skirts ami carried a wav hv subscribers fail to take their news- them. Hr papers front the post-office for one as hedi I so the hat must have roiled month. Respectful I v, Jas. IT. NTaisic. Acting First Ass't P. M. G. —Exchange. The veil wet* taken. Ami In * < nlm pale f -e. Smil»Ml sadly on mens she said p* l-hy ; N<> quiver on tlu* li|» my gnxu could tnu e. No fe u-drop glistened in her young bright eye. ’Twos the black veil. And yet I could not *t*« Upon tint radiant fa'-e one * ! gn of sorrow. We parted : ju*t ms«»ft slic’d saiil tonic, •* I’ll meet you at the .-nine place, dear to-mor row.” Rut now the veil was taken. And she sa’d With just her olden thrill of girlish laughter, '• ( can’t come to-morrow ; hut instead I'll meet you here, dear Charlie, the day after;*’ And so the veil was!j*ken. AH in vifin I’d tried U|»oii her l*onnet-top to cyk-Ii it; So drew it oil', to kiss; ran for the train. And took the veil—Jane’s veil—home In my (KH’ket. , • Two hairpins t<» her chignon fastened if, Wliic!i *Dry quickly I had disconnec t'd ; On the-e incniitincnl I chanced to ait — I Then how I took the v« il 1 recollected! FUATERNAL DIRECTORY.' KNIC.HTS ()► PYTHIAS: Howell l obh trudge, No. 15, K. of I*., meets at .\f.\SdNlt’ HALL, every Tuesday night, at 8 o'cloCl!. T. A. BURKE, C. C! L. ScHi’vr.N Kf.t., K. of U. \ T. Atiikns C’ii u’thii. No. t. It A. M. Meets the sccoml Tlmrsibiy niirlil <>| cncli month. Win.King, Jr., II. P. L M. Keri- hirtcil in pursuit, and just j ucv, Stcrctarv. against Mrs. Smiley’s ankles, for she gave a jump and screamed right out in clmreli. When her hushniul asketl her w hat was the matter she said there must, be a dog under her dress, and . „ ! site gave her skirts a twist. Out Connter.cit Cause once Money. | ri(I | ei |’ f . |H , lt! ,.. - Iiat , an(1 Mrs . Snii | oy Wednesday morning last a stringer lieimj very near sighted thought it was entered a dry onods store on Wood- a dog, ami kicked it no savagely that it ward avenue and impiire-l for the j*ro- flew up into the gallery and lodged on prietor. whose feelings are herewith top of tin* organ. Cooley, jK'rfeetlv respected anil his name suppressed, j frantic with r.tge, forgot where he was, The strange^ uv i “ Arter I’d pV , veived from cm as my w looked f* whar T ’ J ikr ! Bv gentleman of my acquaintance " ,s “' ons ' u til'll lin /mllhlit'f linnrr nt/i TIL that he couldn’t hang around me, j unless he was a subscriber to the j CniTic! I would that! and if the ladies don't do it, we won’t call i thorn angels any more.—The Critic. The Country Skoojy , ! She is invariably ’ twenty years and six. K. <\> and remains rite than!'"” •• ov years l^t.. She wears her ' short or hanging . h'ts. a:.*] iz az preei 7 az one ov Fair 1 ‘" l ’’ ; platform scales.* 01 I She nrvor , i , n Alarupt soltloni over s; T , • ,• . . I nnt;n: tloi'rf, slio <n*'f« J n ter* «t on rales laid y sp aking oumI on Gas ae: Inglish lang “ Interest on She iztln* ble extraekW ,,n Streot rather he i „ “ a!> of i Property Fire Do- 89 25 i 20 no i V!9 on' .820 92 I .19,925 19 j 1, •a-h paid on heads and other debts of 1870 By cash paid on Interest account By cash paid on general expenses By cash on hand to credit of Tdt( ■rest account By cash on hand for gen eral expenses Total Mount Vkunon LodPk. >f<*tfut Vcrncn tiOllgC; No. 22, F. A. M: Meets tin- liii Fri(la\ night in each moatli at Masonic Hall. It M. Smith, W. M.’ 1. M. Kenney. Secretary. Wii.mams Loimik, No. 15. I. O (). K.- Meets every Momlay niglit, fit 0<l«l Fel lows Hall, Tt o'clock. J. O. Dailey, N. G: Wnf. Hodgson, It. 8. Oi.tVKtt Knoampmknt. No. 14. I. O. O. F. Meets the first and third Thursday niglitit of cacti month. »t Odd-Fellows’ Hall. It. ISctisse, C. P. V. II. Wynn. Seri lie. Ocojchk I.onoE. K-MoirTsoF .TKiiiriirt Meets every Friday niglit at Odd Fellmva Dr. King, 8. K. C. I*. W. Hutch- tn .ri. u.rd i..nel-':..ser.syiu|» a..! \,»it iff J. IllUUt ni:l'A ISTMF.XT. Nti, (iA.. Jan. Mil. , l>e * ft MW—I hHV, uafl It syriii* in * .-ulf. fliul in u«y . •■J.-I'.IS ... maikel as to 1r:ive *in- i '.lie n.etit, of u rsmtsly. whtvli, in my 'i ..*.■■ *!.**! e.or* ttiinA atnl ol atninte Itii'X :OtW lionr. I ;1 \* At. nrrf. cl col-l.lVnco. jm.t'A # the n’lt li .e a rcmolv siiicf* ii..n o\|,-r:vm a . d to mv anu V. rv rv-jo tlallv v.itn*. ' .! \MI> Mi AMITU. ,^/ufr Grnryio. S2 Bondcil ilebt 812!), 259 09 Currency 1,788 09 Uni 79 Gpen a.ieoimts 1,850 09 Interest due this dale 1, (514 09 0*. 21 on Total debt .. no 15 14 or .ui Ki which ho otTcrs FO Ft CASH Look Out For Fine Beef, \\T R. DEMOKE. Agent, respect- \ V fully inform** the eitixen*«*f Athena and »tv that he li.w opeiit**! a .Mall for th« *»!« of l’.*rk, Moltoii, Lamb, Ac , at the shop tbmier- • U. j. j by Mr. SJchcvenell, in the rear of L. J. •* u’> >tor«\ and near the Engine House; al ^ipplieil every morning, ami meat will be • r-.| »t :tiiy jKirti m of the city. Hi* wtnll will morniiiit. If W. IL DEMORE. lirerj.Veeil and Sale Stable I ATHENS, OA.. 'NX & KKAYK8....PROPRIETORS L BU i'Oi .VD AT THEIR M >t.-in I rear Fr.tnkiin House building, - "treei. K- p always on hand go-^l Turn- ' a.iri i’..r«’ful dt iTeni. - k well care ! . ir when entrusted tn our care. ' ; ” *• hand for mlc at all times. decBWtf If ALL I WINTER MILUHERY GOODS, I^(i>8. T. A. ADAMS would most i , i j^rtfnllv inf*rni the luidies of Athcm 1 J ' r ‘ intie* atijnrfnl, that she has now reefliv* u f * ''‘ a most eh'drr and select assortment f • 4,1 ami Winter Millinery tio-wls, coiu- i fn part .the latest style* and fashion* of 11**1' „ B0METS, ( K fZiTi O.A S‘ } LA CL'S, lowers, Gloves, &c.^ L *» f ,*'£ "*'* ** 11 r,*«*i,n»W» price., (livr her li.,,.!' ,or, ‘ l l,1 rcl,a»ii,K clwwlicr... Onlrn* from |vlr c ,. r* •■■"cfiilljr fillcl. Store located .,n itr,rad I ' J «t »tx*»c Natoiiml Bank. octl9-tt One of the leading elders of the Pennsylvania Mcnnonites. thirty years ago, was one Miller, a man of immense strength. Passing a crowd of idlers at the court house lie was stopped with the question : Miller, they say if one smites a Mennonite on the right cheek he will turn the other. Is that so?” “That is true.” The questioner Or in Exchange for Country Produce, here gave hint a smart blow on mark.: price r»i,i hi the cheek, when Miller, turning | the other check, had it duplicated. This raised a great laugh as the fellow turned a wav. “Stop, mv .Ihiiii s, e.|H-ei,illy .le.iune.l for tin* farmer, fl lClld, Said Miller ; “if yOII liad I.T'«!I!’ir''*viT.!7’aIo"'«llViViVLn 4 .' '«> a1m“i‘<i j road a little further you would iumr|hnyc found another passage that rcwUnK..f every ».n, l„,t print* nothin* lo | we a ] so hold 1»V.” “With tllC niren.l II,e „1.,**I wr„pul.,u» 1I„,I ,lel,e»te tnate. | , . 1^1..-, SI.211 per yenr. im.time prepai.l. Hie i measure tllUt VO lllCtC Illlto others rh«*at*»**t paper published. Try it. .\ddrc** The # 1.111 * 4 1 A • sun. New vurkcity. Kw.s.u. it shall bo meted to von again, 'asid heaping full,” and picking PLANTS AM) SHEDS ; him up bodily he fairly thrashed THE WEEKLY SUN-c^K; 1 FOR THE SOUTH. Oar Hlardrated Caialognr for 1S75, containing many choice norcltic*, b now ready. For «-opic«, cti' l"’** h ttcr-soanip ami inMn w the BELLEV1 E N 1 K>EBV UOMFAN f, llec.H.lL l'atcrson. New J«*r*ev. the wall M’ith him. Are You Going To Paint? THEN 18E TilK AVERILL CHEM1LL PAIMT While an,I ait the Fa.liinnahlc Shade. Miicl Utility far Uae .V-./J by thr Hall Hundred, ol Testimonials from finest nets of the him try, with sample card »y dealers generally and dors furnished Ir 'Averlll Chemical Paint Company .12 Burling Slip. Now York ; St.. Cleveland, O. or 132 Eaj*t Hiver i*c m.j:. $77 This is not bad in tlie annals of roguery. It might have happen ed to Gill lilas. "When the Pope's ehaimbcrlain, who was re cently captured by Italian bri gauds, paid 50,000 francs as ran soin money to the leader of the hand, the sight of the money so transported him that ho fell on his knees and hogged to kiss the hand of his captive before lie departed. '1 lie prelate stretched out to him, forgetting that ho wore a ring of great value, which the scoundrel, is lie kissed the hand, slipped . id to “Pent parse a soiitv rf .i;pv redeemed She keepm roved album, am bonds redeemed the antog’ drstroved. of 750 ter pocfwd bowls No good m:»^ oc,n °d The c< dies an ...SI:51,002 00 Assists. 1090 ska res in Northeast Railroad Stock 8199,009 09 868 35 j Doe from fines anil taxes 5, 013 69 | Real estate, mules, carts, 13,714 13 and other proper!v 5,300 00 4, 650 11 i Total asset* 8110, 313 69 330 82 i I’ire apparatus, &c., not estimated. | T!„* following statement slows the 97.» 31 I )K ,( income and disbursements for tlie j year 1874 exclusively : ,.)3 00; ijo’cil from liquor license 82,669 00 Thr •!u«’ 'ho firm, anti t * iml.-lit tl arc re-* nifiit, as the books /.t,» the firm • f Bi.rkc A It tlffiotvl* ftiiLiy <•! r i urnii g t«. is y lm iitls mV - ! r Tlit'ir l'bcr.(l fn.tsAiirgc and :» ••oi.ituiiant’*’of lbc raim- \o mf ^00 00 800 00 190 00 2,144 49 2,056 94 4,541 05 1,821 96 j 834,277 82 «o bonds redeemed., on miscellaneous . mints, street slirvev, lied geilii| ian j c ^ merdiants, haz but bothers thinks (tizfieers sttlaric-s ain’t allot! Police aeeount... liiz will * ,: > n d to ]™y in earth. r ‘ I{ 1 mnds With all h. nn,, „ to W'"* i n colloire honas her pompous jan(1 f()r goner- sentiincntalis nses alhvns mist: spcct the < she taught m. nhm 1874 pnshunt whci soothed me wlu°/ ‘ ,,c C,tv January l*t.. and she often me a titbit from"' s ’ ,Sfiile noon-time. j', May kind IIea 5 y rs kind ov liappiness,^ j< suc for she iz paid, lO y’rs.. hardly, and tlicds, issue every I indy's chile 1 5 y’ 1 ^- • receives from the b, issue better than the r® -’ rs ” spekt.—Josh Bill in “ “ Laver Beer . “ “ Billianl license “ “ Drav “ “ Auction “ *‘ Green Grocers Drug license.... “ ..“ fi ties in Mayor’s court Re’cd from Market fees.... “ “ miscellaneous, Impounding cows. Are., Re’cd frotn Itinerant Trad ers license I Re’cd from taxes of 1874.. 19,925 49 474 6! j j) ue on f] n0; , ,,{*1874 514 08 I Due on taxes of 1874 3,045 51 22 06 ! S2, 750 00 25,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00 25, 000 00 "bt, 8102,750 00 ASSTtai* ovor . thc fi, ‘n cr fU,d appropriated C.Vwt* Nothing to try it. l*articu lar« Free. I*. O. VICKERY CO., Augusta, Mo. Nor. 11—H to himself. ^Irs. Swisshelm advises ladies {to sponge thenislves well with al cohol and water twice a dav. We 25 A DAY CUARANTEEL noiT". WELL AUGER ANC I* good terr-forr. HIGHEST Or*il.w? S1AL * OOVERXOfc Or mWA. AHKAHSAS AXD DAKOTA W. GULES, 81. LouD. Ho MOST EXTRAORDINARY rrrm. of lAvrrti.ins «r, offcrnl f>r Xrmpsprni wOtlld 1>C gltld to kllOW whether In thr Stntr nr GEORGIA Send lor H*t of paj»eni and schedule of rat©*. Addrea* Geo. P. Rowell k Co. Adrcrtidag Agents, Ml. 41 PARK ROW, MCW TUBE. Hkckr to Editor ok this Pjipkr- Not.U-K. «( ■ STCIIOMAM V. nr Soul Cli.nnlns."’—How and of any i>eraon they choose, Instantly. Thl» art all can posse, free, by mail, for 25 cent.; together with a Mnrrimce G uide, Egyptian Oracle, Dream., Hints to Ladies, etc. 1,000,000 sold. A queer liook. Address T. WILLIAM A re.. Pub's, Philadelphia. Dec.O.B. the alcohol is to he taken exter nally or internally ; also whether thc water might not be omitted. Perhaps the medicine is to lie ta ken as John McGoodwin was in the habit of using brandy for his baldness. He would rub the stuff on his scalp to make the hair grow, and then would put some on thc inside to clinch thc roots. 2,541 00 650 00 S300 00 1,000 00 200 09 753 0ft 650 00 S2. 993 00 1st., A New Orleans paj rcu * printer who, when his f’”’ men went out to drink 1’” working hours, put into gjq-j exact amount he would 1 t { 10 folio,ving if he had gone out to dr ill during the kept his resolution for fiv He then examined hiof account, and found that lie-., deposit $521.86. In tpf years he had not lost a d- ill health. Three out of 0 ^ low workmen had, in the,” time, become drunkard’’ worthless and discharge ” water drinker then bought printing office, went on e thc business, and in twent from thc time he began ’ anuar - v away his money, was worth 00u - _ $2,450 00 "What is the reason thin qqq (1 q never kiss each other, while ’ ladies waste a world of kissjj qq feminine faces?” said the Cat to Gus- i j the < tlicr day, at 1 j, 788 00 fort. Giissic cogitated a mill 350 qq and then answered: "Bee \ thc men have something liettl 220 00 It requires no particular skill to i kiss and the women havn’t.” make a blunder. I Captain sow it immediately- ,296 00 $29,706 Total received, paid and unpaid. Deduct amount set aside to pay interest on bonds...813, 781 8 Total amount for general putposc3 $15,924 88 By cash paid for paupers coffins and burial By cash on market ae’t ... “ “ “ printing “...... “ “ in’st on currency “ “ on gas account.... “ “ “ Interest ae’t... *• “ “street “ “ “ “ public prop’ty “ “ “ fire denartm’t.. “ “ “ misccll’us ae’t.. “ “ “ officers salaries “ “ “ police account Am’t due on interest “... “ “ “ gas “ “ “ officers and police Ain’t due onstreet account “ “ on mechanics, merchant* and others... $26,356 41 Deduct ain't paid and due on interest account./....$10,200 48 Total general expenses paid and unpaid $16 155 98 Iq the absence of any report from tlio Chief of Police, I have thought it proper to submit the following state ment in regard to tlie Mayor’s Court, as appears from the docket of said court Ibr the year 1874 : No. of arrests during the year “ cases docketod “ white males “ colored males '• white females “ colored females •< found guilty or ple«l guilty. “ dischareil “ committed 2 Amountof fines imposed....$2, 495 15 Amount from sale and im pounding hogs and cows, 75 30 BEFORE YOU LEAP. Small Profits and Quick Sales, tfullv inform the 1 vicinity that 1 have 1\ with a select ytockof | n 1 Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes„ Millinery Goods, Farcy Goods, £c., Sc., &c. 1 attention, ;uirl Will tr<* with any Itotme •»r past i>;.:r.»ua^o hercafmr. < '(throes, j (/ c/s. pryard* < HALLES STERN* BBlop'jr V S. ^’iock SIiHvcn, Itook Skt'lvct. Wail A»ockcr», f* 1 *sjVs« ESsiskclN, &c. Krr.' Brawr/U: So *tfhe»», 1 CU KE’ BKKST03?. HORSES AND MULES. hmii: L !:, :*.j S A L E S T A BLE, A i • • 1 iYmji. tiii - ;,;te, k« on Intel at ai! ti. I iid* r-ignctl have established Ham fhi-lf Livery, a regular Ilarins If-t IVurknt R. arc |.rc|.;md to *lo rc,ui:iii- I. Scpcrior WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Silver Plating ami Gilding, Aiul all work of thin kind, such us Folks Spt oxs Watches, &<\, plated by us, irarrantrd equal to that done by any establishment in the co u N T R Y ! Prices Reasonable! and Nlules, tt»i ■)( stoek ean h«- .«ujq»!ie<l at r»*n»oo- GANN & REAVES. New Styles L*apcterie. 'Hia St. eJumps. Tlic En^IUIi Fi.urt. Tliv Irihli l.tbru. Tli* !Viby Court Fhe The Hiweniltae. Tlie Bijou. t Tfcfi ! :]>ntr:i. The Arlington, Ar*. For *ale at Not.IMf. BURKE’S Book Store. / t KoitliiA, iTartcouyty. V T (iiun.v art'sOkkice, Pec. 2*th, 1874. Wh.’tvas, .lam* Bowcrn, Guaitlian of Nancy Boaersi, K. A. K. Bowers, J. 1>. Bowen, L. M« Boirei’*, Jane Bower*, Mary Botrcia, Martha f’...wcis and l. t*. Bowers, minor heiniofMjr ibiw eis. deceaMsl, renresaut* to the Court that >he has .ully settled with the said heirs In terms of thc I*uw, This is, therefore f to cil« n!l concerned, to shew i-auKo if any they ran. why said Guardian shout not h:* distnivsk’d at the April term, lti75, of the Court ofUftliiHirv for said t'ounty. FKEI». C. h nirUEN^OK, Ord'y. I)cc. .mill. it. . ; • r sin Dissolution. r»»« .. in of .Suimucy A Newton will be dissolve<\ • .... the 1st of January, 1875. We desire dp who are in debt tw the firm, to Some forward and make settlement, a« we will dose up all the old bnsiu >w» at a» early a day as possible. SUMMEY 4NEwT0W« Dec. loth,1871. ‘ , J - ', i'i ‘ -jlJ■» f