Newspaper Page Text
' 1- ill i&ilED
H. H. CARLTON & Co.,
II. H. CAIli.TO'*'. EJ;t«r.\
FIVE COPIES. One Year 8 7.0
General I.ocnl nml Traveling: Agent.
Capt, J. E. Rrrcii,
J* thi* *1 uly authorized Agent of the Nortii-kaat
r%TT. UlTt'li is lh*» diilv authorize t agftit of
that splendid weekly. the *’ Sunny South.”
Another Evidence of Caesar-
The wiseacre of the Southern U'ulrh-
irum says that any T.ejrielator who has
not sense enough to an hark to the
dark lr/c- with him. and adopt the tho-
sertion. We have heen struck, how*
ever, with the improvement since we
publicly called attention to the dis-
tiirhances, which have caused so much
Claiming that our interest in the
success and prosperity of the State
University is second to that of none,
and disclaimin'! any other motive than
the good of tlie College, we shall re-
i gret that if anything we may have
• sit id in our articles should have been
so misconstrued ns to do injury, quite
ns much as we do those irregularities
and improprieties in the institution
| which demanded our attention both as
ft friend to old Franklin and as a
public journalist.
j We are not after injury, but that
remedy, which will build up, improve,
and make of the State University such
an institution ns will prove an honor to
the State, and fill with pride the heart
of every Georgian.
.•ernment. exist in the Legislature,' 7, a ■ Clarke t>
1 that the bandits, who are only to fiW {IgUttaC fUprtlttflnt. j At ft regular n
controlled bv the United States t VJ YH * A* ” “ rv,„ n fv fimnoe
Clarke County Orange-
meeting of the Clarke
County Grange, held January 7th,
1873, the following resolutions were
Army, are really the representatives of . .. .—- - i i»7o tne muowm"
!***?• G ±
dent ha« iis-nI the military forces to de-, * ■ y ... | Resolved, That this Grange disap*
termine who shall he the Speaker of a j courts. i prove of the prosecution which has
TT I T1 . .• 1 * I 17..- (1,a lasf fnll* ll'AAlro #1vaM\ nftO t *
House of Representatives.
To understand tliii stnrtlin
Fur the last few weeks, there has
nr t;„ n j beer. a very great press of business in
of the President if must be consider- j the. Justices Courts of the County,
ed as something distinct f#om the pass- j owing, in a great degree, we think, to
ions which have brought Louisiana to | the very -tringen. times in money
desolation and almost to despair, Re-1 matters. And while all of the.-e
liellion of secret leagues has nothing ; Courts seem to have a great press of
to do with the public organization of a I business. Goose 1 ond District seenii
legislative body. The general disor-j t» l>c the champion of them all. IVo
der of sociclv and the mere dread <>t j learn that on Saturday, December
danger have connection with the choice i 26th, 1874, there was nekr forty cases
Hireling Louisiana!
A® the flag- of the American Repnh- j
ic are floating in commemoration of
cries and principles nf legislation which the Rattle of New Orleans, when pa-
characterized the mcdiiuvnl times, triots risked their lives andftrndition-
ouglit to resign and let his constituents t ), oir cnttnn bales for Ameri-
clect soinelHidy who is capable, like c:u) bl>orty and independence, nolong-
himselt, of taking a goose-quill view of or w illin«r to hear tlie tyranny which
things. N„w, we greatly apprehend was then upon them, how fnrcicnl does j meet. Tie lias passed over
tlmt if the -Great Intellectual Mogul” it a „ wllftn wp 00 ntompl»to the I tumultuous sea of popular passion ; his
docs not revoke or restrain such crush- i ___, T -> i._.i i troops have not fired a gun ; but he has
of a Speaker or the claim of a candi
date to a «eat. These are questions
which Legislature must settle for them
selves, and if State laws are transgress
ed the Slate laws provide the reme
dies for the wrong. It follows that,
even if the people of New Orleans
should become a howling mob of ban
dits and incendiaries, the President
could not rightfully lav a finger on the
Legislature itself so long as its net con
cerned only its own organization.
Anarchy such as this, even if it exis- j
j ted in New’Orleans, would he no ex
cuse for usurpation in Washington.
The secession ordinance of 1861, the
massacre of 1866. could he given by
the President as his reasons for now in
terfering with the Legislature with
just as inneh reason as he could cite
the present state of danger and excite-
11 this
been instituted by certain parties iti
Sumter County, against the Commis*
sion merchants of Americus, under an
obsolete statute, and desires that the
General Assembly of Georgia, shall,
at its next session, repeal the statute
referred to, and take care to fotbid its
application tp cases wherever its pro
visions may appear to be constructive
ly violated.
Resolml, That this Grange in ad
vocating the foregoing recommenda
tion to the General Assembly, desire
that adequate provision he made for
Al the close of business, 2)ec. 31, 18?
ing judgments, that there will he anoth
er State legislature overthrown.
recent damnable Federal usurpations
, which celebrated the anniversary of
that memorable occasion in Louisiana,
by an utter disregard, if not total de
struction of that freedom and indc-
. pendenco of our whole people, and the
, inalienable right of States to govern
—Southern Wntelnuan.
Wb o-o-pce ! just to see what energy
and enterprise will do! It only took j|„.j r own affairs, which has heen the
thirty years to increase the subscription highest aim of the heretofore, he.nesf
list of the )Ya1ehmnn from 480 to some
thing upwards of 2000. when it took
the North-East Georgian from Sep-
teniher, 1872, to January. 1873, to
increase its list of subscribers from 420
to about 2000. Then, t<> think that
an editor in Athens should, in tin-
short experience of thirty years in the
printing business, discover an ini; mvo-
ment in the discipline of (tie Stale
University, without anybody to aid
hint in this discovei v hut the officials
of the institution! Most, wonderful
powers of observation ! And finally.
^Kethirn, blessed is he that hlowet
>nlv done sc to strike the Legislature
itself. Tt is this point that we would
bring the defination of bis act—that
the Executive of the general govern
ment has by force expelled members
of the Legislature ofa sovereign State,
and that no crime or horror or rebell
ion can justify this act. unless the crime
exists in the Legislature itself.
Thus far the President has not. at
tempted to prove anv legislative condi-
Federal admistration*. and vouched- Lion of the kind ; but unless he does
safe unto the several States hv that | prove it the country will hold him guil-
Constitution which our forefathers I *>’ °f usurpation. The sword he holds
- , , , - , » , , 1 was not given to him to hack and slash
framed and which formed them into ... . . . , . , , , , . ,
indiscriminately at rebels and legisla-
an American I nion. ITad the patri-1 ( or:;> rioters and representatives, nor
ots at N ew Orleans foreseen that ban-; to settle the political quarrels ofa State,
ditti, Sheridan, was to lie the repre-1 Even if the coeservative memliers did
sentntive < f the liberty tlien sought
tlie protection of the producers in the “ ,|J lK '*‘ L ' r -
weighing and selling of their cotton.
Resolved, That the city papers in
Athens lie requested to publish these
resolutions, and that a copy be fur
nished our representatives in the Le
...Tlie meanest thieves we lirve
heard of live in Washington, in this
State. They steal wood from tlie edi
tor of the Gazett. A t.lieit that will
steal wood from an editor, and that no
doubt the meanest sort of “subscrip
tion wood,” lias certainly dec-ended
very low in his profession.
wrong in admitting to the House five
men to whose election the Returning
and fought fur. perhaps. Sir Edward ]W(] j m<1110 t certified, that wrung was
Paekenham, would not have been dis- j no reason for his interference with the
placed. Let the flags of American : bayonet. Nor even if the fallacious
liberty be bung at half mast! j n ™ pn t «ere nm le that the troubles
T ■ , . , , 1 without the legislative halls instihed
In this most trying hour, when tlm j lr j t | j^,, nl1 hl tbo facts sih-
liherties of a free imvouIc are liein
on the docket of Ilis Honor. K. J
Smith, to he tried on that day, and
that seventeen more were to be tried
on Friday following, and that his
docket for the next regular term, the
fourth Saturday in this month, con
tained nearly as many mere. This is
indeed, unprecedented in the history
of a Justice Court in the county.
A case of considerable interest tried
last month before \V. G. Johnson,
Esq., as an auditor agreed upon by
the parties at tlie last term of the Su
ltrier Court. The case tried, was the
case of the heirs at law and creditors
of John Davis, deceased, against T. B.
Goolsby, as administrator for said de
ceased. It was tried ns a ea«e in equi
ty. and originate! about as follows :
Some time last summer, Goolsby ap
plied for letters of dismission, which
application was careatfld, and the issue
thus formed, was tried before the Or
dinary, who refused the application.—
The heirs then cited Goolsby before
the Ordinary for a settlement. After
a considerable time, the case was car
ried hv appeal, hv consent, to the Su
perior Court, and stood for trial at
the last term of the Court. It lieing
made to apjienr to the Court that con
siderable calsu'ations and complications
in the evidence would render it almost
impossible for a jury to find a correct j
verdict, and both parties agreeing, the
case was made, hv order of the Court,
a regular Bill of Equity. And Mr. M.
R. Davis, as an execution creditor.
were also, in tlie same (rder. made a n« i 1! _C I _ l*
party. Thus, the oise^stood for trial. | UlSSOlUtlOll Ol LOpSFlflGfSfliPi
The 10th ult., was fixed hv the audi- r I
tor for tlie trial. The who!, of that
dav was consumed in taking the evi
dence of the rcsrcc'ive parties, and
Saturday night following, was agreed
upon ns the time to heir the arguments
of counsel. The en>e wa* accordingly
argued hv Messrs. J. C. Reid and
Samuel Lumpkin for tlie heirs at law
I.oaii* and Discounts JIG1.45S 50 Capital stock
United State* Bondstosecurecirculatlon 100,000 00 Surplus Fund
Other stocks ami llontls
Due from other National Hanks
Due from State Hanks
Banking House
Current Expenses
Checks and other cash Items
Bills of other National Hanks
Fractional Current'! (including N'icklc)
Legal Tender Kotes
12 200 00 Other undivided Profits
1,099 9s Circulation
:U,1IC 71 Deposits
o 000 00 Due to other National Hanks
U.S12 78 Due to State Hanks
5,779 10 J
20,129 00 f jf . v / .
915 38
28,018 75
23,100 00
91(KVi00 00
80,000 00
19,028 ,59
90,000 00
100,772 75
iL&ifu rr
Of Choice Headito ®
MMlE Missing Bride; or j/’ r -
.1 (A* Arenprr. ’ ’“Bdin,
Victor's Triumph. Srgnel to ■* a
HAtd.- A
A lteautifnl T’iend; or, V.'litm, /«■„ n,
j The Artist’s Isivo. By Mrs Southern, *'
, A Isolde lord. Srqurl to “ Istst ]{ri r l
j Isist Heir Uulithgmv ; or, The
Karl and the OaU a*!. //« yj r . o or t Tk«
Tried Fur Her. Life.
tlrave." tty Mrs. tt.oous 1). E. V c, ">•
I Cruel as the Crave ; or Iloiloic Ere MaMr’ro l * ,r **.
! Belle nod and Bondage; or, Bom-ht f'
I Price, tty Mrs. Ann S. si,,hrn, Uh A
Tlie Old Couun-ss. Srgurl •• Lord lion,-, rs.
land Hope's Choice ; or. More Horn
Tlie Reig ling.Belle, tty Mrs. Ann
$397,990 20
457 53
5397,990 20
Linda, sly Mrs. Cor
Robert 'Jrah-iin. tty Mrs
STATE 'IF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF CLARKE.—I, Jambs Wiiitk, Cashier ot
Batik of Athens,” do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best ot
Sworn to and subscriiied tic hire me this
11th Jan. 1375.
JAS. A. CARLTON, Not. Pub.
Correct Attest:
the “National
inv snow c lire
JAMES Will r. , C.9.11 -r.
JNO. W tt I TK,
7,711 33 Ernest I.inwt»ml. Jly Mrs
Ilenn ; «r % Tlio 8nowHir»l. jty Mr*. Ht*t,
Marcus Warland. It if Mrx. Carotin* I** it,
Autohingnphy of ^Iwnrd Wort ev Monti*.
With Pit far r hy hr, Mact^ir, DU W-* The (heat Lore Story.
Count of Monte < p.y Alerander Duma*
('amnio; or The lute of a Coquette.
The De;ul Secret. Lu Wilkie Coilitu.
The Crossed Path. Jly Will ie Collin*.
Memoirs of Vidw*|. *!** Life and Adventure
Cousio Horry. Hy Mr, they.
The Little Beauty, fly Mr*. (7rev,
Cvrilla. Author of “ The Initial*."
Modern ( hi'aliy. Jly J/. II. hrerhenridat.
Major .tones’ Courtship and Ttavel.t. •
Major Jones’ Scenes m Georgia.
Simon Suggs’ Adventure- and Travels.
Cad. Thorpe’s Scenes In Arkausaw.
Big Bear’s Adventures and Tvm/eN.
Don (l iix**:te. With JHs Life and Advent are,
Frank l-’airl- gh. Hy Frank IC Smedlry.
Jx'Wis \ru:idel. Hy Frank K. Smedlry.
Toiu !*ac<|uet. Hu Frank K Smedlry.
TheTouerefl^ndon. Jiy II'. If. Aitmronh.
ot Motite-' ri^to. Hy Alextin^r Duma*.
The * 'ounlcNS ol Moiite-Cristo.
The Throe Guardsmen. Hy Alexander Duma*.
Twenty Years After. Hy Alexander Duma*.
Bmgelonnt*. /*// Alexander Duma*.
The Iron Ma.-k. Hy Alexander Duma*.
nd Dantes. Sequel to Count of Monte-Cri»t§,
•'orty-Five(riiardsm.’ii. Hy Alexander Duma*.
The Iron Hand. Jiy Alexander Duma*.
"diaries O’Malley. Hy Charles Jjtrer.
Harry Lorre<|iier. Hy Charles I^erer.
| Jack Hinton, tin* (iuardsnian. Hy Lever.
HE undersigned lias just received a large lot of the EXG'ELLENZA j ^ "^;V»x?HmVMfirii«,uftt / ' < ^y Cocii.«
. . w . * * ■* ** Basil; or. The “
g:tnd; or the Demon of tho North. By
Hew Advertisements.
r PIIE Copartnership heretofore exist-
■L ing under tlie naino and style of Suintuev k
Newton has been dissolved by mutual consent.
The new tinn at the same stand occupied hy them,
will be Summer, Huteheeon & Bell, who hope by
fair dealing an«f low prices to Induce, not only the
customers of the old tirni, hut many new ones to
favor them with their patronage.
The business of the firm of Summer k Newton
will l»e settled bv efth-T member of the <dd firm.
Athens, Ga., Jan. 1st 1873.—tf.
r P HE Copartiler-liip heretofore exist-
JL ing l»rtween Jcliu C. Pitnur. (\ J. O’Farnd,
k B F. fl. Jackson, 1 under firm uamo of Bitiu r
O’F.u r II A Jackson, mendianta of tins city, is this
day dissolved ; J.din f\Pitner having pureli-ise !
the entire interest oi C. .1. O’Farrell in i he concern,
will receive all the a-*e»s. assum-sail theliahili
and will s< a tiie ihe business of the late firm.
B. F. H. JAGKsoN,
C. J. «f FA Bit!.Li..
.13 h
ami hy Messrs. Siiac-kelford and
Matthews for ike defendant. The
Auditor will make his report at tho
of the Superior Court.
time since the
Jetiii'e I
and 1
Iv to- !
1 and
r GUANO, which he otters to his old patrons and the public generally, as
follows: —
cash price, $58.00
Time. Go.00
Time (with Cotton option al /J cts.pcr lb.) 70. OO
He has also received a large lot of
lie Demon of tho North.
JIuqo, author of 44 Let Miserable*."
The‘piccn’s Itevenge Hy Wilkie. Collins.
Hide and Seek. Hv Will ie Collin*.
After Dark. Hy Wilkie i'ollins.
Cruising in La*d War. A i'apital Sea Story.
Trapper’s Daughter. By duttare Aimard.
fiuy Fawkes. IIy Ain,north. Illuttrated.
Tho Star Chamber. Hu ll’m. Harriton A into
11 tdi hiy, Stories. Hy C'harle* lHcken*.
The !»h-Nic I'apcrs. By Charles Dickens.
TMekens’Short Stories. Hy Charles Dickens.
1 Windsor (’;«slle. Hy If. ifarrison Ainsirorth.
Ilarrv l.urr.-durr.
Hie liesl cimposiuoii ior txtiiipo.Ming mm enumi seeu ami jiarii-yaro manure | Tweuty Y. arTAft!"*"'
that lias ever heen gotten up. . '
This comes hi barrels, 230 lbs. each—two barrels being sufficient to make
one ton when composted.
Cash price, 2 Db/s. 500 lbs.. $78.00
Time li jYov. 7, Colton option, at 75 els.,--. 25.00
“ 7Cov. 7, no option, 22.00
Persons who are well known and have always paid punctually, can buy by
giving plain note. Those that are not known, reference or a good endorse
ment will lie required.
He is also Agent for
Wav do Gitnuo m<<l tin
Man ipula ted Guano,
Acid Phosphate; also, Wilcox & Gibb's
j nd Hell's Am ‘non i a ted Dissolved Bones.
I * Tor
is oponett :t j
of Goods
The planters cai: he accommodated with the Guano reatly for distributing,
or tin* liest ot Chemicals for eomjiostiiig, all of which have been analyzed l>y
Du. Alexander Means, of Savannah.
Cotton option, (13 ets. pei U>.,) can he had on all the above named Guanos.
5yjj,Call ou me for the Best Guano.
Atiiess, Ga., Dec. 30th, ’74. *-4. (IOC > I 1 I P-U
IjOtlls, I.a Vallirre.
Thi- Irmt Hand.
Jiu-k lliiiton.
Tom Burke of Ours.
Eilmond Dantes.
Forty-five Guardsmen.
Love*at First Sight. By Captain Culinq.
Snn«hinennd Shadow. Hy Mr*. C. J. S'etc by.
M is* or M rs. ? Hy Wilkie '< oil in*.
The Dead Secret.' Hy Wilkie Collins.
Mad^Monkton, and other Tale*. Jiy Wilkie Collin
Sight.* Afoot. Hy Wilkie ('oil»ns.
The Corsican Biot hers. Hy Alexander Du mat.
Father Tom an l the Top**. Illustrated.
The Marriage Verdict. Bv Alexander Duma*.
The Flirt. Hy Mr, Gny.
Sa!athiel ; or the Wandering Jew. By Her. i
< red a.
Good Soeietv. Mr* Grey.
The Reh-1 ETiief. Bv Gustave Aimard.
The Border I’.iTW. B.V Gustave Aimard.
Sol. Smith’s Theatrical Apprenticeship.
on i:
’ I pi
Sol. Smith’s TLeatrieal Journey-Work.
The Indian Chief. By Gustave Aimard.
The Gold-Seeker*!. By Gustave Aimard.
Tin* Tiger-Slaver. By Gustave Aimard.
The T/"*t Bank Note. Up Mr*. Henry Wood.
Lion-Hearted. A Novel. Bv J*/r* Grey.
The R.*d Tru k. By Gv. ‘ire Aimard.
Passion and Principle. By Mrs Grey.
Mary Seaham. By Mr* Grey.
For Sale at
T ACK llarkawa
.la k Harkawa
t-U 11 ti kaway am
it* S- apegrait* at :
School Days
ie Brigands
1 ... .
. .n-wt'k.
land Yellow Chief
n, l«v Miss Br.iddon ...
T the Vulture
ThV‘ i.Tdv Lisle
Casli Price.
Time Price,
:i'KKE> Bv., k St*
ft i
is t n 1
o jipinesN
Time ” (ivitli cotton option at 15c pr lb.) 70.00
Also, One Thousand lJaiTels of the very Bus
Chemicals for Composting with .Cotton Seed and Stable Manure ■ j jj 0Q Q - \jjy 6 n ace 0 f ^ oman
Prepared by !) 141 il • ’o., iJahiui.ire, Maryland.
CASH PRICE per, bbl. of 250
TIME PRICE, “ “ “ "
$;o 00
12 50
Receipt for Composting funiishetl hy Manuftictorers. * 11 the above have
been inspected hy Dir. A. Means, of Savannah, Ga., and we do not hesitate
to say lhat our Guano’s areas good as the liest. Come and buv from us.
It will bring on the Menses; relieve >»] al
he monthly •* Period cure KheuinK( 9ni
Neuralgia of Back and Vteru*; LeucorrK^ a fl ,
“Whiles,” and partial Prolapsus Iteri;
excessive (lew, and correct all irregularities pvw
liar to ladies.
It will remove al! irritation of Kidne)*and rlaa*
der; ifliwe c»**livcu«; purify the Biood; giv«
t«>no:iu>l strengih to tin. whole system; clear th»
sk ii, i in pun :i gar >y hue to thecheek, andehwr-
fuluc-s i«i th- mind, llisas sure a cure in all <>1
ibovc divase* as (iotnine is in hills and lever.
,tii»*s«an cure fheinsidvc* f»t nl* the above <1
s xvitlioiit revealing their complaint* to ;■ y
,.H, which is always mortifying P. their pride
nio.lestv. i; is recommendi*d hv the best , u. *
H AY ING Completed our
“Commercial Tour” through
Georgia, we will now dispose of Samples, at a very lib
eral discount. The following will embrace the articles incur
List, and we respectfully request an examination of the same.
Brown of
this day dis-
husiness will be
*n*ons holding
please present
all those indebted
•er that immediate
and with an inton-
oods aa will suit the
item, I resi*e<*tfully
t n run;
‘erm of this Iustitu-
)N HAY, Jan. 25th, 1 -75,
icinted with me in the
L. W. Tip»mas Ksq.,
nun ot* collegiate cmIium-
ilimto of the University
Georgia, whom I regard
of tine ahilitv, sjood m«»ral
threat tnirgy, and under
SHAWLS—Bltiek Merino’s and Black Caslitucres.
Fancy British oit uians.
Fancy .Square’s, French.
Fancy lLunestii’*, All Wool.
“The ParthU” (Manufactaro«I expressly f*»r
T^ird end Taylor,)
Genuine Brochn’s.
Immltation Broche* 4 .
HOSIERY—W<K)1 and Cotton, Foreign and Do-
Ladies and Gents Vestings.
TOWELS—Foreign and Domestic.
BOYS SUITS, Manufactured by Lord k Taylor.
Kl D (* LOVKS, ladies and GenLs (Tlie Trefousse)
Gents Neckwear.
Table Cloths.
Table and Piano Covers.
Ladies Water-Proof Cloaks.
Linen Collars.
Rooms for Exhibition of Samples over the Bank of
the University.
Dr. J. It sJti. Id
ir % «m are pi tting n
. F'l.MALi: RICG l J.
■ lirar rombiriatiun * \
a-es for w hi
■oimuciiOul. 1 have n familiar a ith the prr
K‘rip:i«>u b.jih -s :i pr.ieiiibtner of i.iedit ine an«l i»
i'.mestie | r.i« ii,e, and <■. u honestly say that 1 ct*r-
ipier it a boon i<* Mitfcring females, and can t»nr
tope that ev. ry lady in our whole land, whom**
jo *>utiering :u any \v.:y !»• euliar to their >c\. tua
>e abl-* to proeme a ’vitie, that the:, suffering
mav n«'t on I' hr r l;ev«*d, but they wry t*
restore l to health and strength. \\ ith luy kiitdcst
rcgird.H, l am respevilullv,
N KAn M autt tta , G a.. Mart h 21, !»»"•
Messrs. Urn. Boot A- Fan:—D.-ar Sirs :
mombsago I bought a botllo ot BRAl'FIEU»?
ELM \ LK IlLGL* LAT<Hi from you, tn.i have used
it in my lainilv with the utmost *ati*lkcti«n.
have rerotamende 1 il t«» tlirei or four f»n»ili«*«.
they have found it just what it i*»
The fen
ales who ha>
Regulator are >d
h)e to attend in
and are
i, and we
Yours respect full >
K, v. it. R .toHSS0>
>i it
new York:.
For full particulars, hiat.o y of diseases, a. .1 -
tiflentes of ila woiuierfnl cures, the leader is retn
red to tlie artapper iirottnd tlielxittle.
Manufactured and s,dd-, r adfiki1)
Alee SI 50. Atlanta,'.!
Athens, Georgia.
to practice in nil tlic-|
r rcucli, except the court j
I Clarke County. I hope
ention to business the firm
ly patronized.
Poole ii Hunt, Baltin^
Manutactnrers sor the South and aoutb"^
1000 Tons of Celebrated Sea-Bird Fertilizer.
r FA K E Notice, Every body .--I am now prepared to deliver
A to parties the “ The Island Fertilizer,” prepared by Ah©
celebrated house of
Allowing 15 ets., per ib. for Cotton in payment therefor. I
now own, and am preparedto deliver lOiK) Tons. Come one,
come everybody, and get your orders filled, and your Fertilizers j
safe at home, ere the winter rains make hauling difficult, dis- ; OINGLY, by
Nearly 7000 nmr in use, Working under ’j*** 1
* iug fiqni J t*» 40 f*t}tt! 24 si/a«, •
•U tfft to M iuchc*.
The mom powerful Wheel yi^ivr-
most economical in the u»c f r c«
Largo ILLUSTRATED I'atnplilet se“' i H
. L'nnim'a IH ' - -
IA—Hart County.—
Joseiih P. Bowers, administrator
Ed y Bowers, late of said county de
ls for a discharge from a mlniatra-
i..rc all persons coneernea are hereby
ihow cause why said administrator
tthc regular term of the court .if Or-
agreeble and expensive.
* T flJren’u»&crmy Knd thia 26th day g, DOHSEY, AtfaeDS.
Nov.25.3ra;. ’ *.
Portable and Stationary Meant L"«'®V U ,
ers, B.drcockamt \>'ilcox Palunl l • >n ,| s.ri«
KUngfc’s ( rusher l-r Mineral*; ,
Mills, I louring Mill . M /,"| h \i'ai/'-!l' l «itiac I’ 1 ' ], 1
White Lead Work- an ' V-KEd'hO^ 11 "'
and Hangers. phM'FOI. V
Greer's Almanacs ta
tlie Dozen »r'
ilie«l * l
lowest P u “j h *^g book Stork-,