The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, January 20, 1875, Image 4

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J 1 Mi is cl arcous Stic cuor.s. A Legend of the Iron Mask. ! THESUN. During tlie seventeen vour.*’ coniine- weekly and daily for i87S. ment of this strange prisoner, at r jhu: approach of the Presidential Sainie Marguerite, St. Mars, who -L ‘V. ,I , 1C I . l « • ” , „ events anti developments w !>«.». We shall cn- : brought him tO the fortress, re- deavor todescribe them fully, faithfully, and fear- Marv—children—may heaven help me to lie si 1 letter man !' - ' '• > So may it.—Detroit Free Press. How Old Jim Drayton Swore Off. > -••• — He came uptown last night to drinu Schenck on Draw Poker, the old year out. and the new year in. . The New York World , . , . There are men who can remember ' copious quotations, a treatise on poker 1 Governor. The daughter of the hit* lati when lie had :» cottage of his own hv one ot its most eminent devotees—j ter, just emerging from childhood to when lie was well dressed, and had a , (Jen. It. t\ Schenck, United States womanhood, grew up with this mys- frank, honest face; when Ids children Minister to Great Britain. We find it j tery around her. She had seen the went to Sundae sei.ool and liis wifi n <>l over M-veniy thousand coi.ivs. Its roa- are found in every State and Territory, and its«|U.dity is well known to the public. We shall not only endeavor to keep it fully up to the old standard, but to improve and add to Its variety A. IS" 33 utl poorer. very goed reading, and commend it to j graceful figure of the masked prisoner ( was well clothed and carried a happy 1 tho consideration of all who play the '.iroinenadiii; “ 1 ‘ face. Old dim found himself going I game. What Gen. Schenck thinks of down the hill, and almo.-t in a year •• bluffing” and " drawing to a Hnsh” is he had changed from a hard working, j recorded as follows : respectable mini to a ragged, laxy sot, I jii.fffino. and no etlort on the part of tin se who J Without the blind the beginning of loved him could stop his descent. Ilia poker is dull; without the bluff the home went, his fortune went, good J ending of it is vapid. If these hits of Ig at night upon the. ter- will l« ihuud in it, condensed when uniin,lortaM, , . • 1 _ , i ’ ill full length wln*ii ..1, anil always we at Worship Hi tiie C-WpCl ' trust, treated In m-lear, interesting :oi<l iiistruc- racc and where lie was forbidden to speak or uncover his face, the soldiers in at tendant:.; having their pieces always pointed toward hi•*;, if lie should at tempt to do either. She discovered that her father alwavs treated him e'othes and happy faces disnpi>carcd, I fi„ e sse were absent, the strongest card I " ith the greatest respect, serving hi i and wretchedness and poverty moved j W(iu j,i n ]| cases ’determine"the for-1 'w'rejiea.le.l and standing. IBs table Do you rememlier was run over and killed ? Old Jim was ] dead drunk while the Ixnly lay in the j house. Were yon ever at the Central . .Station court when he was sent up for ! drunkenness or for healing his wife? Ill* our aim to mak«* tin* WEEKLY SUN the lH»t family n«*.s|»a|icr in tin* world. It will l»e full ot <‘iiiertaining ami appropriate reading of eve ry sr»rt, but will print nothing to otleii 1 vlie most scrupulous and delicate taste. It will always eon- tain the »»»«»st interesting stories and romances of the day. carefully selected and legibly prints. The* Agricultural I>e|«irtmont is* a prominent feature in llu» WKKKLY Sl’N, and its articles will alwavs Iki found fresh and useful to the firmer. The into the old tenement house on Beau* j tune of the players; nil science and ! •' r _ r \’ w ‘ " a ' massive siher, hi* dress hien street with him. _ _ j skill would disappear from the -game, you rememlier when his child j nn ,| ,l ic empire of brute force lie estab lished. But in draw poker nothing is left to chance if the game l>c well play- i ed. The art of the game is to conceal I from voiir own face everv expression , ..u ii.n vnnr 1 her dreams bv night, oho, too, was . ><■*' f,,r •; . ... , that would UldlCaiC llio V.llUfi OI \Olir * , p , , , . minis. As this liarcly pays the expenses of pape t A1K1 beautiful, lllld thoir nnd printing, we arc not able to make any discount •er of men inde|>eiident in |M>Htics is nd the WKKKLY Sl'N is their paper especially. It hv|.*ngs to no party, and (dieys no dictation, c-uHcnding for principle, arid for the election «*f the b«*st men. It exposes the corru|>- tiou that disgrace* llie country and threatens the overthrow of republican institutions. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favors from their sup porter*. rkets of every kind and the fashions are WINTER ¥R ADB Have you never seen him sleeping his mvil hnixl, an diunken sleep in the alley ? Haven’t' sary's face ev. heard the | ml ice speak of ‘Old Jim Drnvton?’ A reil, wicked face,] having not one soft line in ii—red eyes, looking stupidly and vacantly at you—a haltered hat, ragged clot lies— you surely must have met him at some time. Old Jim meant to have a big drunk. That was a good way to wind the old year up. Hr had licen drunk Thanks giving—he had staggered home drunk ( hristmns night, and when hi* liovs "'ere heard wishing that Santa Claus had not passed them by, the father be came angered and heat them. The lwir-kcc|>er knew- him as he entered the saloon and called for drinks. He had called there dozens of times before, and his face was as iainiliar as the sight ol the big decanter from which lie poured his drink. '\\ ait a minute,’ said the bar-keep er, who was wiping oil the counter ; and old Jim sat down atone of the tables. Two young men came in and sat down near him. Jim was in the shad ow. and tliev did not know who it was. of the richest velvet, he wore the finest linen and most costly lace. She had j heard her father accidentally s|>cak of I him as ‘‘the Prince.” No wonder I that his sad fate occupied her thoughts ... 1 by day, and his noble figure haunted j ''rf!* p’k'iTf t!»-'wV!km.v“srx u one doll* ! her dreams by ni^lit. She, too, was ] mill to road in vour adver^ i \ounj* and beaut 1 eves occasionally met in the chapel.— j eS'u"""/".'" ‘w7^,to.h.r y r^ He sang beautifully, and was a very j the new la*, whirh r«-mir.-> payment orpoatag skillful performer on the guitar. It is said she climbed the rocks under the castle terrace, and sang sweet songs to the poor captive. Thus, a romantic love sprang up between them, and as it gained strength, the young girl dared to purloin the keys from her father, and so obtained access to the piismer. When the Governor dis- . in,.r..v,.r,a.ii«s„, r covered bis child s treachery, he was A.Mrrs-, _ •• tiik si;x,” \>n v«i struck with the greatest dismay. His 1 * >ec 'is,'.i—w. oath was binding upon him to put ini- j A PAPER FOR TIIE PEOPLE ! mediately to death any one who had : “ri’tSjTlie Savannah Morning News, piteously for her young life. Ihc | -v~t would re-iuirc tht-sen',** of unite a lurge volume captive also, to whom the Governor ■ 1 turontain theg.**) things tinware said about The Undersigned begs to an nounce to liis friends ami the public generally, that he lias just returned from New York with a Large and Varied Stock of Goods Selected with the greatest care, and with a irv's lace every sign that will betray to you the value of liis band. As a general rule, with coinage and a long purse, a pair of “ trays” i- worth more than three king*. * * * or Tin; Fi.rsii. More money has been lost in draw ing to a flush than in the Franco-Ger man war. It is estimated in my own countrv—where men are apt to reduce the most recondite matters to thoir arithmetical results—that over oOO,- 000 negroes and 20,000,000 hales of cotton have been Got and lost by hold ers of sequences of four, with the chance of drawing a “quint” and fill ing the flush. Whether the player gets liis flush filled or not, he is sure to bet; hence comes much bluffing. But those who blurt’ on flushes nearly al wavs lose, for the consciousness of hav ing' been so near a good thing and missed it unnerves and betrays them. A Senator who has just failed to got the nomination for President is never good for anything afterwards. * * KXTK.UTS—OKIIilN OF l’OKF.R. Whist, as the name signifies, is a mute game, and was invented, it ti a-lvant***, on.* *l.*!lnr a year, with twenty ten tv the trust of prvI |N»i;ige adilod, itt the rate of *>ih'<-ri|»tinn. It is not necessary to get upacltih in orilerto have the WKKKI.Y suu at thisrate.— Any one who sends ont* dollar and twenty cents wili set the paper, post-paid, for n year. We have no traveling agents. TIIK WKKKLY SIW.—Kight pag a, fifty-six col umns. Only ?l.*20a year, postage prr-paid. No discount* frt tii this rate. TIIK PA IKY SI’X.—A large four-page newspaper of twenty-eight elumns. Ihiily circulation over I’JO.ntHL All the news tor 2 cents. uhscriptioti, postage pr« -|*aid, M cents a month, or Sfi..V) York t'lty. And as they drank their beer they sjxikc j claimed, hv the peers of England, who of the dying year, and their resolves to i needed rest for their wearied tongue- break of!’some of their bad habits, and finally one of'lliem said : ‘Sonic one was saying that old Jim Drayton had cut his throat!’ ‘It’s good news, if true,’ said tin* other. ‘No one will miss the old sot— not even his family. His wife and children are in rags, his home hasn’t a ' comfort, ami if he’d only die folks j would feel like helping them, lie’s i tho lowest drunkard in Detroit!’ ‘Yes, I’ve wondered why he didn’t jump into the river,’ rejoined the other. ‘If I ever get as low and ragged and mean ns old Jim Drayton, I’ll shoot mvselt!' after having talked all day and half the night in Parliament. In the same way ]inker was needed to stir up the exhausted fires of our American ora tors, burnt out on the stump. No po litical campaign or session of Con is possible, or endurable, without its poker accompaniments. “ Short” whist is said to have origi liated from the game being cut in half one night to enable Lord Peterborough to recover some heavy losses, showin the aristocratic beginning even of the modification of the original game, which used to “ walk its dull round” to *■ client the drowsv moments.” Mv Special View to the Plan ters’ Trade. The Goods were purchased since the recent decline, and he is thus enabled to Sell lower Than Ever Before, Kiammwtojawa llntins Ih-sI lVorkmrn, »rc |irfparrd toils rrpairhi* in S U |>rrlnr Sfjl,, WE MAKE A SFECIAI.TY OF Silver Plating and G'ildin Aiul all work of (his kind, such as Forks, l W atcues, Ac., plated by us, warranted to that done by any establishment in th COU N T R Y! Prices Ifiasonalrti The Stock consists in part of the following . i i • • i *. i i he Mousing NkwsUv it* cotenipnraries of the was much attached, |oined his pravers ' s*uth.Tn pre>s. lij* almost daiiv r«fcrr»*i ions to hers, and implored that they might j lie made man and wife, and then the I to a • iu ail a m.«iei SMithcrn new M ii|.. r . . Ill riM r* « Tills is the fame ll»:»t the Mousing N kws covets, Secret would be safe. lhc liovernor • an ,| no pains will lH*>iran*(i ln*reafl«r, to make it was not stern enough to immolate his ; *•>» woniiifrof no- oniiiii.iM-. =>"'* laironaceoi ^ I the |iMi|ile of ami Horliln. The aiiiplr ro- cluld, amt i>erna]>s a gleam of ambi-1 munn or the r»mhii»hm, iii, will iwiievou-.i io lion may have flashed across his mind, j fL'I.iy‘‘ 1 in"fa.‘JiLuoV“'I.!r‘ 1 ilnin"rf.rj"uT.!TJ,m!T as, in the event of the death of Louis : new-"MUc«iny, amt it* -iatr oraiwiiai rorresiHin- v i\- .1 11 i I i iltoi!-lias Ih-1'ti r.—T^.niizivl with a view to ineel All ., the prisoner would be ackliowl- ! i IIK ,. T , r r |H.>sihlcomiinMM,cy that mnyarise. edged and his daughter sit on the [ aiiIiourIi iin> Mokxino nk«-has iitih. or m. » o , . t raniimliliun within th.'Iiehl otitsi'irciilatiuii, noT- throne of France. However, their , ir o,.ir-s. no .-iron will i..- c.oi*i,l,r<sl i.~, .■ nuptials were performed by the priest j ^ V.'*i'l?™*!wiii^ of t lie cattle in the dead of night, anil IV* rrfaxali.mniihcen.leavor to keep it faraliead n ’ f till it * — GI3AND RESULT OF THE D?.Y 600DS AMD GROCERIES. VIOTORY. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar ,Bitters are a purely Veg etable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun tains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, “ What is tho cause of the unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bit ters V Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recovers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Reno, vator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho history of the world has a medicine been compounded pos sessing the remarkable qualities of vnr- bgar Bitters in healing the sick of overy disease man is heir to. They aro a gentlo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. "’ ■’ Tho properties of Dr. Walk er’s Vinegar Bitters aro Aperient, Dia phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa tive. Diuretic. Sedative, Countor-lrritant, Sudorific, Alt •••■. and Anti-Bilious. r. h. McDonald & co.. Druggists A Gen. Agts. Son Francisco. Califor nia. A cor. ofWMhlngton and Charlton Rts^N.Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. all were sworn to secrecy. From this ! union, two children were horn. A j whimper of this reaching the ears of the j Minister, the Marquis of Louvois, the j prisoner wnsJmniodiately removed to 1 the Bastilc for safer keeping; and the | mother, the priest and Governor, dis-! np|>cared. The children were sent to j (’orsii rhf r.Mtii popular, will In l«arfinent will In tii-sl tho ightfulm no*t devotion t cliaratleriavd it. and the Hi-tint. v vial depart ard, and hat have rendered the paper so maintained. The editorial de- ’eondueled with the same digiti- ss, conservative vigor, and ear- »the prineiple that have always The racy reliability of the 1<hm1, and eompleteness of the eointuer- , will In* kept np to the old staml- venient.s w ill U* made wherever t.”l 1 . The Mokmng N kws i* the only Savannah pa- r that publishes the Asjmrelated Pre^a dispatches ica, to be brought up in obscurity I m’.YI umlor tho name of their graudfather, I diii<m i««e»i market r«|w»rts win iw full Bon part, which was corrupted into Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Staple and Fancy Dry (roods,Ladies’ llats, (Latest Styles), Staple Hardware, Drugs, Crock ery, Sugar, Wood and Willow Ware; Pure Red Cedar Buckets and Tubs from Murfreesboro’, Tennessee; Coffee, Flour, Bagging and Tics, Bacon and Salt, Sugar- Cured Canvassed Ilams, Mo lasses, Syrup ; Heavy Rope for Machinery ; Saddles, Harness &C. Also, a Complete Stock of Ready Made Clothing ur Gents’ and Youths’. 15 cts. PER ROTTEN 13 IPOR COTTON. 1000 Tons of Celebrated Sea-Bird Fertilizer. Old Jim heard every word. It he j countrv men do not like the savor of hn<l had a glass of whisky down lied royalty and aristocracy which hangs have Gaped up and cursed them, but | around thc-c olden games. They do he was sober—as sober as be had ever j „ot like to respect the symbolisms of liceii for ten years, and lie made no | power which they imply, nor to move. Was he low and mean ? Did everybody notice his jx)or old house, liis ragged children, liis roil face and I H,'li..] ! foilr kill-" I 0.. watery eves? Did men speak fo each other of his degradation, his neglect of liis family—would his death be good news to the public?’ ‘Do von want whisky or gin ?’ asked Four kibtvci ill garb C ip^ on thoir lie i«N. A tul parti-ooloivl fr- l»r.iw f«»rtli to roiub;t of thoir *oftor pnwer ; • iiioi. :» tin-tv band, 1 lialhonK in thoir hand ; •<, ;» shining train, it llit* vrlvcl plain. So far do they carry their repulsion the bar-tender; but old Jim did not that after poker their favorite games hear him. lie had leaned back against ! rtr *' nlbfours and euchre, in which ple- tlw wall, pulled liis lint over eyes j <""[ k " avcs capture and anti wn^thinking. Drink liml roM)^tl i on | conn ^. f auirt earn?, him of his honest l.x.k, his frank tone. ! I>ok, ' r ,s ’» eve , r . v r e, ! s . 0 ' , a republican and his strength and skill, but it liad I f-’ame-one in which birth and rank not robbetl him of bis memory, lie i P° ' cr y bttle way, and self-assertion could go back over the decade'and re-! an(1 enterprise a very great way. Po- uiembcr bis pleasant home, Ids happy j k( ; r I* k l l J p ;t cut down to proportions family and his own honest, independ- ' v . 1 " , ’ h , enables the player to “ schoop cut feeling. Shame came with mem- " s adversaries with the happiest dis- orv. lie had not got so low liut words P a b’h. It is the antqmdcs of a .silcn- could strike him. Two or throe men ?•"»?• its , . v !"8 ,n T the of came in, and while they were drinking 1 l,1,,fhn ? 11,1,1 finwnng- In P oke G one of then asked; ' *"? ollier a « , ° 1 better than a “cold deck. (Me Drayton over ‘Isn't that old Ji there in the corner?’ *Ycs, that’s the old sot,’ answered another. ‘Wonder if he isn't going to swear off—ha! ha! ha!’ responded the third. The words stung old Jim again. They called np something of liis old spirit, and he sprang out ot his chair and exclaimed: ‘Yes, I am going to swear off!’ ' }'<w swear off-—Yor—ha ! ha ! iia!' laughed the men. ‘But I will! 1 know that I’m a drunkard, and that I’m ragged and low. hut I can reform!’ •'Dial’s good!’ they all laughed; ‘biggest tiling out! Old Jim Dinytou swearing off—bn ! 1 ‘1 will—-with God’s help, I wn.t.!’j he replied, striking tiic bar with liis ! fist. ! 1’heir shouts of laughter followed him ns he wen! out, hut they strentgh- j ened his sudden resolution. He walked ] directly home. lie stopped for a mo- j ment at the gate and wondered whv 1 he hod never before noticed how gloomy and wretched and lonesome the aid hovel looked. It was a fit home for a drunkard and a wife-beater, lie opened the gale, paused, then turned and went to the grocery on the corner, and with the money he meant to get. drunk on lie purchased a few little toys for the children.and returned and mitered liis desolate house. He Stood in the d.ior for an instant and looked around at the Imre and battered walls, (he Imre floors, the wretched ness and --poverty. His wife crept •away, fearing his drunken wrath. He knew what moved her, and it cut him Jike a knife. .Nfary, come here!’ he said, as he closed the door and held out his hand ; ■ *|Pn| lint drunk to-night!’ ' She slowly approached him, wonder ing if drink had crazed him. ‘Mary !’ he said, ns he clasped her hand, T haven’t drank a drop to night !’ ‘Oh, James!’ she sobbed, breaking right down in an instant. ‘They call me old Jim Drayton; say I’m a sot; wonder why I didn’t die; say I can’t reform ;’ he went on; ‘but say a “ deck” of cards in America, be cause the game used to lie most often played on the decks of Western steam boats in the intervals lie tween explo sions.) Civil Kfarlits in Ohio. One Benjamin Gardner, a negro of Cleveland, Ohio, secured a ticket for the dress circle of the fashionable thea tre of that pros|)erous city, or rather lie bought a chance in a law suit, for be knew very well that the ushers would not admit him. They put him out, hut ottered to refund him th price of the ticket, lie refused the nionev, his eves being “sot” on the . j luxury of litigation. He sued in the 1111 • 1 .Superior Court, and here is what the Buonparte. And thus, says the le gend, Providence avenged the wrongs of the twin brother of Louis XIV. nml restored the oldest branch of the Bourbon lino to the throne of France. —“ Bazni ne's Prison” in. Scribner. EAKLT INFLUENCES, There can be no greater blessing than to be born in the light and air of a cheerful, loving home. It not only insures a happy child hood—if there is health and a good constitution—but it almost makes sure a virtuous and happy manhood, and a fresh young heart in old age. We think it every parent’s duty to try to make their children's childhood full of love md of childhood’s proper joyous ness ; and wc never see children destitute of them through the pov erty, faulty tempers, or wrong notions of their parents, without a heartache. Not that all the ap pliances which wealth can buy arc necessary to the free aud happy unfolding of childhood in body, ••I l>y such liahlc, ami will I comment, h* will cnaMt* the husiuc gin an*l Florida to lorm estimates t* accurate ami as intelligent as if the) were in the city. In a word, tin* Morning News will comprise every feature that renders the modern newspaper attractive, and its readers may confidently l<**k to its columns for the latest information in regard to everything of current interest. It will admit of no rivalry in its own proper held, and will allow no competitor to outstrip it in any department ol jounmlistic enterprise. terms of su'.nscription are : Daily, one year. $10; : Weekly. $>; th r, ?♦»; SJ.AO. Weekly, one year, $2 ; six mo $1; lh»ve months, 50 cents. Money may b? hv I'ost-Oifiee order, or hv Kxpress, at the ex| of the undersigned. Semi for speci men copy Address, J. II. K.STILK, Savanuah, Pec. 10. ’74 My terms are 30 days or Cash. All persons desiring to buy goods low, and save money, will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. Cotton a pccialty. I pay the full market price to Planters for Cotton at all times. S. C. DOBBS, Opposite A. S. Dorsey, Broad St. Sept. 30, 1874—tf. ) A\ God be thanked; but children must at least have love inside the house, and fresh air and good play, and some good companion ship, outside—otherwise young life runs the greatest danger in the world of withering or growing United, or sour and wrong, or at least prematurely old and turned inward. WHIL PROSPECTUS FOR 1875. THE CHAMPION AMERICAN C O MIC 3 > .V !> E Tt. r I.LUST artist i.lustkatnii by a corps of the best America (1 CONTKinUTKD t«* by tilt* most |M.p- utar humorist* :iinl artists of tiik hay. Wild Oats how enters successfu'ly u|w»n tlie sixth year of its existence, and has become tin tahlishtMl humorous and satirical paper of the country. It was started and continued the first year as a monthly, then, to satisfy the demand the public, it was changed to a fortnight. Still continuing its good work of hitting folly a" its flic and showing up the political and social shams by Its masterly cartoons and pungent editorials, achieved even greater success than before, and wus recognized as tlie ablest and brightest of its r Since then, we have yielded Mill further to public demand, and now publish the Wild Oats weekly ! In lias lit tonally grown into its present shape* on its intrinsic merits, iHung the first humorous p.»|»er ever published in Among the artists c*imh* ally engaged to furniHh illustrations for Wild Oats*are, Frank Hellew. Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, .Shelton, Wolf, Jump, Keitels, Stuckhardt. l»ay, Poland, and sev eral others who an* yet unknown to fame. 1 n its lib rary departments Wild Oatm will, it always has, stand alone and unapproachable.— At least one ti rat-class serial story will always t»e found in Its jmges. by the !**st humorous, satirical, aud character writers in the I’nited States; while its sketches and squilis will l*e s|>arkiing, original and |M»iuted. Wii.h Oats will !*e first-class in every parthula; mar t»e taken into the I**; families without fea lustra ti< ill ap|>c3i sensible Griswold said to the jury in tiie couise of liis charge: “In the conduct of one’s own busi ness, a man is not hound to consult the tastes of others. He has no right to injure their persons, or chaiacter, or property. Ho long as he docs not do them wrong, or commit nuisance, he may conduct his own business in just such a manner, and on just such rules as lie secs flt. This right appertains as well to white as to Mack. Gardner, the plaintiff, might establish a theatre, and, if he saw fit, he could establish a u*le that no white person should be l>erniittcd to enter the dress circle or any other portion of the house, and they would be excluded.” The Sweet-IIeaktkd Beech Eli.—Beecher, in giving his ex perience of the past year at a pub lic meeting of his congregation, said, “God is my witness that I am sweet-hearted—there is no one in the world toward whom I urn not sweet at heart.” Thatjis exactly what is the matter in Brooklyn. There would never have been any trouble at Plymouth Church if the reverend rhctoric-iau hadn’t been a little too sweet-heart ed at times, aud on occasions when a different form of Christian chari ty would have been far more come ly. There was entirely too much sweet-heart.— Wilmington Star. ...Some sixteen years ago a poor Irish ditcher left Cr.iwfordville, Ga., very mysteriously, and went no one knew whither, lie left a wife and three children behind—two sons and a daughter, A few weeks since Hon. A. II. Stephens was notified through the State Department at Washington that an American citizen had died in Bueno* Ayres, leaving a legacy for his wife and children, if to be found, and if not, making Mr. S. the heir, who was named as the executor of the will. Mr. Stephens went immediately to work to find out the whereabouts of tiie little family of the wandering Irishman, and soon ascertained that ihc wife was dead and the two sous had been killed in the late war; hat lie could get no Tins is the delicate way it is put by a journal of a neighboring city:* Heads of families would be very much obliged to the young men who go about at night A lging for drinks if they would call before bedtime. It is rather inconvenient to get up at midnight, or after, and fumble about in the pantry for spirits, not to speak of the risk of breaking the wares on the shelves. I’m going to stop drinking—I have] tidings of the dngliter until a week or sjnppodr j so ago, when he learned that she was Site put her arms around his neck, I living in Savannah, the wileofashoe- but could not speak. j maker and the mother of several chil- ;i ‘From to-night, as long ns I live, I <lren ‘at otice drewjlhe legaqv I’ll lie James Drayton again—sober— steady—a kind husband and a good father! Go mid wake up the children, J I^frfy, and let us all pray together!’ ':/ ,i ‘Is father going to kill us?’ they *'/ whispered as they were aroused from their wretched Mils. *>»o—no—lie’s sober—lie’s going to La good again!! she sobbed. “‘" At midnight the voice of prayer, broken bvipobs, was heard in the old hovel, am] old Jim Drayton, kneeling at his chair, said: (84,486) from the U. S. Treasury and sent it tu the daughter of his old- time friend. ’ ‘ " —' ...There is a hoy in Coffee county Ga. that weighs three hundred and forty pounds. He is twelve years of age. and his name is Iiicketsoii. t Waking Up.—'life people of the North do not look npon bnyonett leg islation quite so complacenily as when Fatty Harris organized the Georgia Legislature, some years agow “ Wiiat I Know, I Know,” said the great surgeon Magendic. “Give me stubborn facts: I earc not for theories.” This is sound doctrine. Possibly a medical martinet might he able, in a plausible way, to show why Du. NVai.krh’s Vixenar Bitters ought mPto cure Indigestion, Head ache, Nervousness, Liver Complaint Muscular Diseases, and Miasmatic Fevers; but as they do in every in stance effect that object, bis fine theory would he a waste of words. As Ma gendic sai«l, the world demands facts, not speculative opinions. Gold Quotations, From Dec. 31st, 1S68 to Dec. Dili 1874 inclusive. Highest Qu’Vg. Dec. 31st 18G8....S1.35 Sur.sUKIPTlOX PlttCK. One Year. • Six Mouth*. ... Three Months. ... Single Copies. - One |N-r*«n sending us a club of five :t one Year, will receive a copy gratis. Address COLLIN A SMALL, Publishers. ti:t Fulton Street, X. Y. Dec. Hi, *74. $4.00 2.00 1.00 0.10 ubscrilie $955,000 IN CASH GIFTS, TO 1IK DISTRIBUTED BY TIIE Mercantile Prize Association OF NEW YORK. 33aily Drawings!! A PRIZE FOR EVERY TICKET. 1 Cash (lift, each, 200 $100,000 50,000 25,000 5,000 1,000 500 200 100 ..-$75 to BOO ..... 00 to ... J150 to .... 50 to 200 T AKE Notice, Everybofly.—I ani new prepared to deliver to parties the 11 The Island Fertilizer/’ prepared by tho celebrated house of * GEO- DUGDALE & CO., OF BALTIMORE, Allowing loots., per lb. for Cotton in payment therefor. I now own, and am prepared to deliver KHK) Tons. Come one, come everybody, and get your orders tilled, and your Fertilizers safe at home, ere the winter rains make hauling difficult, dis- agrceble and expensive. A. 8, DOBSEY, Athens. Nov.25.3m: Atlantic Lead Linseed Oil Kerosene Oil Window Glass UNDERTAKERS’ NOTICE. C OFFINS and BURIAL CAS- KETis, furnished at a* LOW OR LOWER PRICES At our establishment on Broad Street, over Frank lin House, than lliey can Ik? purchased at any oth- caaesare furnished by us, ire will also furnish, Without Additional Charge, Our handsome Hearse, with horses and driver, for Funerals within the city limits- _ ,t. f. Wilson a co. June 17th, 1874. tf ISTOTICB! FOR SALE, IS NOW offer my undevided half in- rest, in my Plantation, 2* a to 3 miles from Athens. This place contains aUmt 5,11 acres. Good 1 m it tom and up land, vrcll improved. Terms, } .j «*4 cash, balance on 12 months time at lh i*-r cent interest, i will take pleasure in bhowiugaaid land to any one wishing to purchase. JL DRYGOODS FOR THE FALL 5000 lbs 150 gal’s 500 gal’s 100 boxes Now on hand at IfiOH illup My House and Lot, con tabling acres, T*n Story House and II rooms, with Barn’ gtwti 1 *, Car riage and Waggon House, and Smoke House all new and substantial, fino Sping and Cistern on same lot. Terms, .*£ or : *T casji, balance 12 months time at 10 (o r cent interest. A bargain will be given iu the above property. J. vS. ENGLAND. Aug. 19—tf. Beef, Mutton, Pom, q| FRANKLIN & FINCH. — A N I) — WINTER TRADE xx- i i , _ . , r PHEY aro prepared to furnish the W c now have a large lot ot I amts, Oils, Colors, Paint and i JL Hii/.,.,,* <„ .\tii.ns, «itiiti»- t ..i K«-r. A arnish Brushes, &c., wliiclfwe will sell verv low for Cash Only. LONGS A BILLUPS, Broad St., Athens, Ga. Sept. 30, 1S74.—tf. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO | announce to his patrons and the public generally that he has just returned from New York with a largo and well select ed stock of Dry Goods. DRESS GOODS. Serges Diagonals, all Wool DeLaine*, Black and Colored Satteenes, Pongera Australian Crape, Black and Colored Alpaccas. Black nml Colored Velvettecn, Empress Cloth aud Black Silks. Cassimeres and Gents’ Furnish-1 ing Goods. Black Doe Skin, Black and Fancy Ca*sinii Navy Blue Cloth’s for Sa<jucs. But that’s Nothing to Compare with the Peace you will Enjoy ill Visiting: the Store of HUNTER & BEIISSE. FLANNELLS. WIIKRE YOU WIU. FIND A I.AROK STOCK OF Silk, Wool, Sluki'r aiol 0|o-ra Flannels, I.insry Italnionil Skirt., Itlauki-ts aiol Shawls- DOMESTICS. mkM+Mh®Z nie:<ch(Ml SIlirtiliRS. Sln-t-tinR. Prilling* anil l’illar I easing, UnbK-acheil Shetliug, Shirting auil Drillings. NOTIONS &c. Cambrics, Kid aud Wool Gloves, Ladies’utul Cents* j Merino and Wool Vests, Irish Linen, l«aee Trimmings, Kdgeingand Insertion, Najt- kins, Doylees, Table Linen, Towels, Tucking, Ticking, Indies* and Cents’ Handkerchiefs and liose, tatce. Fringe and Gimp Be«*ding’s, BlackCiIt Combs, Chains and S'ttsa R|*ec»ality, Together with a large stock of other goods, numerous to mention. Consisting of Overcoats, (every quality,) Broadeloth and Oasiniere Suits, GENTS’ SUITS, FROM S3 00 TO ^30 00. Broadcloth, Casimere aud other Clotlis, with a full and extensive STOCK OP GOODS IS IIIIS LISP, all of which will be sold on good terms. WOOL, Fur and Ladies’ HATS, Farasols, Umbrellas, Dry Goods, of Every Description l Mutton, front Ide rates. They wd and Pork from the Market also purehnse. Beef, diiintrr. andgive fair A ug. 12.1871, -if. Blacksmith Shop. TT ILL FEW would re*pettfully _L _L announce to the citixeti!* of Athens and ad joining country that he is fully prepared to do all manner ot work In the Blacksmith line in a supe rior manner and at reasonable charges, lie has the best workmen aud nses nothing but the best material- Plantation Work, Horse Shoeing, and very difficult jobs' specialty. WTHilOPIoeal' ppoffite Mr. J; Z. Cooper’s Livery Stable. dev-U tv. Livery .*! GROCERIES R. R. S\ULTF,R Ci \LLS the attention of liis friends ie rest of mankind’* to the fact that ill keep on hand a fresh assortment ot Family Supplies, with a tine quantity of COOKING WINE, either tn*l»ottles or on draught. Also, the I test Brandy, Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Ale, Lager Beer, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. HU* Country IValers supplied at low' figures, »i HOLBROOK’S CORNER, Prices to Suit the Times. Respectfully S. C. REESE. Ort.28.2m. We have received a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Wc also keep FAMILY ASD FASCY GROCERIES, Wooden Ware, Crockery, Leather, Segars and Tobacco. T II E 400 Gold Watches, - Sewing Machines Elegant Pi aims *• MclodeoiiH Cash Gift-, Silver Ware, etc., valued at...$1,500,000 chance to draw any of the prizes for 25 cents.— Tickets d' s rihing prize* are sealed in envelopes and well mixed. I n receipt of25cents, a skat.kD tiukkt is drawn without choice aud sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will In* lelivered the ticket-holder on (myrnent of one doll \r. Prizes are immediately H*nt to any ad dress by express or return mail. You will know what your prize is, before you pay for it. No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. Opinions ok the Press.—Fair dealing can Ik? relied on*—N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25. A genuine dis tribution.—World. Sept. 9. Not one of the hum- hugs of the humbugs of tho day.—M eekly Trlbaue, July 7. They give geueral satisfaction.—Staats Zcltuntr, Aug. 5. Kkeerencks.—By kind |>ermission we refer to the following:—Frank S. Lane, I^mlsville, drew 313,000; MIsk Hattie iktnker. Charleston, SiVNNi; Mrs. Y/ouisa T. ‘lake, 8t. Paul, Piano, 37,000; Samuel V. Raymond, Boston, $5,000; Bugeiie P. Crockett, Pittsburgh, Watch, $300; Miss Annie Osgood, New Orleaus, $5,000; Emory L. Pratt, Oiluinbu.s tthio, $7,Ism. One Cash Gift in every package of 150 tlcketa guaranteed. 5 ticket* for $1.00; 11 for $2.00; 25 for $3.00; 50 for $5. 00; 150 for $15 00. Agents wanted, to whom we offer lil>eralInduce ments and guarantee satisfaction. Send all money exceeding one dollar by express only. Address, MORRIS A. HACKKTTACo.. 730 Broadway, N. Y Athens Foundry &. Machine Works. nEXERAL FOUNDERS AND Enterprise long Looked For! FRANKLIN HOUSE In Stove and to arrive, 100 Barrels choice Flour, which will be sold ns cheap ns the cheapest. Give our Fancy Flour a Trial ! All the above goodx will be sold L 0 W FOR CASH or Country Produce. FAIR NOTICE! after this date, Cash on Delivery. TP ROM and JL 1 terms will be I have tried the credit system faithfully for nearly four years, and am satisfied that It Will Not Do. Meals can l*e had at all hours, for FIFTY CE3STXS EACH. This Hotel has !>een thoroughly renovated and pwly furnished. Tiie Traveling Public will lie | aecoiuuiodatcil with Board and l^odgiug for TWO HOLLARS 1*KU DAY. FINE OYSTER SALOON TIIE BEST FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE IN ATHENS. »)- We (lely competition In prices nml quality. *?r A call is respectfully solicited. HUNTER & BEUSSE, Sept. 23. 74—tf. Broad and Thomas Streets, under Deuprec Hall Is also connected with this Hotel. This is the place to get Oysters, Fish, Beef Stake, Ham and I Eggs, Ac. Oysters will he sold by the quart and gallon, to those who wish them. Give us a trial | and wo will please you. W. A. JESTER, T. TUUELKELIL 0ct.2Ltf. Proprietors. Administrator’s Notice. A LL claims against the estate of Richard 1>. Moore, deceased, if presented Indore January 7th, 1H75, duly certified, will be paid on ot alter | that day. No claims presented after that date, will be admitted. A* L. HULL, Adm’r. 1 Dec. Bith, ’74—liu. FURNITURE, 0 Highest <4h'Cs *1 Dec. 31st 1808.... 1.20} 1.194 Dec. 31 st 1870.... l.llf 1.10} 1.101 108* 1.1:1}..... 1.11* U3f 1.08! i.u no* Since January 1st 1874, tine silver has averaged ^1.27 in uiild p«r ounce. Di*. 31st 1871.... Dec. 31st 1873.... Dec, 31st 1873.... Dec. 10th 1874.... Or Machinists. l\*lDm Work, Smithing and Repairing. Having an extensive col lection Patterns, manufacture IKON AND BRASS CASTINGS Mill »ml (>lu lieariug. Mining nd Mill Machine ry, Hteam Engine*, -'Saw Mill*, Hoisting Screw*. Lighter Screws, Sugar Mill*, Colton Seed Crush er*, Shafting. Tulley*. Threshers, l’an Mills, Smulters, Bnrk Mills, Mill .Spindles, Ilone-I’ow- ers, Ksttle Stalls, Mill Cnmls, Corn Shdlers, die. Also ms .ufnctnre, and nre Agents for, the most approved Turbine Wat-r Wheels, llrook*’ Futen Uevolviug Colton Press, iron Fencing, Grave Kn closures, ltalconies, Ac. R. MCKERS0X, Agent slid Superintendent. N.B.—Mill Finding* furnished st luanufuctu- ers price*. JsuiZL-ly PROTECT YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY. AW IS THE TIME TO PUT UI LIGHTNING RODS! Copper and Iron Rods put up at \ 25 Cents per Foot. W E Keep always on hand, Metallic Burial Cases «nd Wood Coffins, at reasonable prices; Wc have on hand a large and well assorted stock of Furniture, from the Cheapest Poplar Bedstcds to the 1 Finest Marble Top Walnut Sets. Give us .a, call, tee will sell very low. ;! W. A. GILLELASD, & CO. Aug. 19—tf. I:!,?,:-,:. “DEST recommendations and certifi-1 JL) rates given. 5^”Ordera from the countrv solicited. I Address C. V. VERONEE, June 10 Athens, Ga. I Greer’s Almanacs for 1875, A DAY QUARANTEEtl tiring our WELL AUGER AND D RIL L in g -Od Urr larr. HIGHEST 0..-V..V.OX1-.U1 FP.i.M UOVEBXOIh OK IOWA, a::k V* AJ-D DAKOTA I Csst-tru* Ism. w. uua. 3t Louis. Mo S INGLY, by the Dozen .or Gross. Country Merchants supplied at lowest publishers’ price, dt BURKE’S Book: StorL Si AM’L P. THURMOND, Attorney at .’PM ATHENS, OA. *** Office over Barry’s Store, Bmnil street. WU1 Rmctico in the Counties of Clsrke, W sllon Jackson, Bunks, Franklin, Mudisouund Hall. Xenralgia, Diarrhea, Lameness, Toothache, Piles, Headache, Bolls, Soreness, Barns, Sprains, Scalds, Wounds, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Bruises, Rheumatism, Hemorrhages. msi I will guarantee as low price a« the sanu goods can lie bought for at retail, auy where else iu Georgia, while all Mi*cel!*nemiA and School Books will 1h? sold at New York retail prices. But iu or der to do this, I must well for cash. Please re member this, aud don’t ask for credit. T. A. BURKE, Successor to Burke «fc Hodgson. DO YOU WANT BOAR^; TF you are iu need of a cmiven^ 1 . JL hnd pleasant place to board, where the *■ uiIt iuiMlafioniiiiregiwtland teflui rt**on*' 1 '* ' C. C. CARROLL. .. Bishop’* Corner- Scientific Barber-isWi FASHION ABLE T0XS0MAI E*r»n»* TQM HARRIS & SON, 71 l io :t ' 5,fashi< il J »rt, U Fatlsnd .Wlaje* , W>K'ssaa to Ei wonW bv shaved-^hojrn or _____