The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, February 10, 1875, Image 1

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    ONE COPY, One Ytar,..
PI VE CC~*S; One Yapp,..,
ten COPIES. Ora® Yw,„,
Official- City eapcr
ess&fi?ifts'n’l Cards.
Asa M. Jackson, L. W. Tiiomas,
Attorneys at Law
Athem t Georgia.
P C F"* reference by epcclal iwrnii..
• O* L. W. Thun»»» re.fcrrjjtn William
hell F#|., of Allien* and H»n. A. H. Stein
No. IS.} _ Athens, Georgia,: WedrlBSdSI^Feb’y 10, 187S.
!T V - , w ill; a V . AH ,..'1. H ,•/ n^le.T It.^tutl. Ua .ar It-M •
fisifs fi
xi*|w*n»,>. ii.
/"10RB, Ell AY IX & COBB
Attorneys al Law,
* ■ 'ATHENS. I*A.
OIBn> In the U*B|>rw HuiMIuc.
1yr R. LITTLE,
’ ’ ' Attorney at La?r,
Will |w:wtle«* in I In* count it!!* «»f the Northern
Billy MBckle’s Tbit
Barber Shop!
Thinks I. ef I stay to the fest’val got
| up hr the Athens gals and Stone Fence
Jo in-on. I nrast* have my har nnd
i whi-kers fixed np in fust rate style. I
Doctor, rite then and thir, I forjjot I \rtL\ u" 7WT.'.' <*' . .
ar wer any rich an officer as Mid. j MWCtimBlt TmCCUOttS.
ri thar _
Davis, Chief Uv Police; and you iist
nrter seen me throw off that ole kaliker' A Man
bed-spread, pick np a cheer, tun to!
the door, turn round and commence 1 Arthur
strikin’ right and left; bot, I tell you, j c „‘
♦he soap rads were;U : my eyes, aoI
coodn’t see them niggers, but I cood • UmumtH*,
ii, b.itik
Western tinuii : will give *|*<?cial attention to
all rial in' ciitruMfd to hit* care.
Jaii in, 1*71—ly.i*
* Attorney at Law,
At I>r. King’* Drugstore,
» B*Allw.»rk done Ii* a *uj>crior manner, and
wirrinlcd to giro aatUf;ictlon. janrt-tf
T ()CATED in this city, is prepared
1 J to .!•' rill kith)* of Carpenters’ Work in th«
|n*si style, and at reaaouahlc rat***, with dispatch.
Sl»..p in the raar oj the City Clerk’s Office.
Nearly all *ll*©«*rw originate fr«*n» ImllceMlnii
and Torpidity of the l.itrr. and n-lhf k altars
anxiously nought afler. If the Uteri* l.Ygulatrd
In it* «Ptlo», livnllli isnliiioxt in variably -©t i?r«-«l.
Want of action in the Liver t-au*cs llrndarlir. (hit.
at Ip* lion. J sum! Ire. I*«iu in the ShonM?)*.
Conch, t hills. Ilinlum. Sour Motnarli. had t:j*1«*
in the nmuth. billion* attack*, palpitation of the
heart, depression of spirits, nr the hlues. nnd
rust rue eivie i i hwlr them through the door j j®* , .
»},-# the naners sed about Harris ; awl roll ’ n ’ an d tumblin’ down the i Albert Plkt'i
& Davis, find rosined they wer about \ *'***■ Bv *"> ,irae tb « suds wer j or Te*Ah Thng
the I lest Barbers in Athens, and I in- 01,1 v m - V «J®» ."°* <**** ^ ««r He came to ou.
eluded I’de go to tber s!.o P . "■£ n *S e . r 10 th » t T ^* n >. «&“ up there Rko S
Well, I went from the Chanel, cross- ‘ hnt hnr , h f r - DaV1 *- I *» **>•" I triarch. His Ja
- - he would have been out too, ef lie . • > , , 0.11.4
rood have gyt by me. He wer standin fcU A
•* ' shrmidens.
r, Jii<l"e of the
Comh of the District of
gsyalmc an account of
eil Broad street, and jest helo that cor-
pj«r house whar Hich it Moron kept
lhar eloiliin' store, 1 s»s>n a purty,
ring-Mreaked pale set up before n door
and I know’d it war tlier sine.
T: "I hcanl of
ing nil Indian,
or something.—
court and stood
nses or some pa-
ig, grey hair in
ivn his baek and
in the eornerTrTthe room. hetwcen'tiiV 1 between six
fire-plate anti the front winder, behind !l,, d seven feet nigh, and stout in
Simmons' Liter fiognhkr, or Medicine,
Isnodras’lc \iulcni inodirlne,
klm an«l llaLorshaui of the I» aurt* lo our#* if taken rfgnlnrly,
Ij» nt» int«»xir:iling hfv«*ra*t*,
I» a fnullk*** family vm*diciui‘.
In th<> chrapt ut inrdidno in the* world.
Is given wltli safety and ihe happiest result
flu? most dflicato infant,
Itoes n.*t iiil. rl.-rt- with husims*,
I*oc^ n<*t disarrange the system.
Take* the plate ol Quinine and Ritters of eve:
Contains the simplest an.I W-t rfitudics.
For Salk By All Drvuoists.
ther piopped up upon stools—hut
jest as siwn ns they seen me, al! the
grown niggers jumped up, commenced
bowin’ and scrapin' and a pintin’ to
tlier cheers.
One white, speckled face nigger, with
>1. V. GURLEY,
nrttdttO.Y ‘J)j?.YTlS2’,
r PARES pleasure in announcing to
1 ihc riliien-uf Franklin and und adjoining
. <m 111 ir*, that in now located on ilic Athene
•tr*st. «n<» miU wiuth of CaruraTille, where he i»
prepared to profllcc Dentistry in all lt« different
r w:» hav Price* low to xuit the times, hut |»o*i-
ively no infurior work. octl'J-tf
Cavringo and Buggy
Tinunits Street, opposite Cooper** Llrery Stable.
I 3ABTICULAR attention given to
1- KKFAIU JOBS. Ortler, 1.0 with A. A. Bell,
clipped mongrel. I’ll sliow you , . . . . „ . . ,.. . .
what it is to git Billy Muekle’s dander J'S b , aml: ' 1,a 1 handkerchiet in Ins
up w - -ao J I jest let the cheer cum down clenched into a little ball,
as hard as I ciknI at his head; hut he and anon he drew this across
wer too quick fur me, fur lie dodged his nose, then seized it in his
nj m under the table, and I tell you, ther j fist again. And then he rolled off
a comb stuck behind his ear^hVsliar ) wa J’. onc °heer smashed all to pieces. ' law and learning, solemn and
parted in the middle and the creese' ><>n never seen a feller dodge aUmt. r i„h t on the lill( , () f i lis argument,
jest a druppin’ out uv it, kept s:eh a | be , w nde l '' ere a tryin topokO| JW practical as could he, hut his
Itowin’, scrapin' and jiintia’ to a cheer, i b ' m ,1n ' ,or t,u J j ab ) c " ,th a “'j l illustrations and quotations were
rnly .h„« ho.,,- . j ! mro and n.ora.1, I
take me bj the hand and load 1,10 I,, it, | P stnn^Mr Mueide far I : isltod.” Albeit Pike is a titan Ilia.
CS’^ute’SrilA. W i ^btitvit, toil, yet j * or y has stepped ovef. There i ? „„
ter him, • I cum jest fur that perpns.’ I dander up. I said yer dandruff, and 11 man in the world of so many sides
1 Well,’ sez he, * I kin do it slick az
grocso.’ |
Doctor, I never did much like white,
speckled face niggers, pertickler when
they parts thar har in the middle, an’
I seys to him, says I, ‘ ar you Davis er
Harris?’ Sez he, ‘ I’in one uv thar
my other type.” | were aecideUt, not a repi (tentative
ional Republican.
The Patapsco Question.
justify -with
Lewis will last sometime.—Xal-' specimen of the Pataptco gnano.
j and while the analysis of i'rofes-
| sor White was correct, tin* sam-
i pie did injustice to the manufac-
the itkport of the EXECUTIVE i turors, owing to the occurrence
committee. ' G f adulterated sultstunce finding
The report of the Executive j its way. in spite of all reasonable
Committee alluded to alxivo, was ; care on the part of the nrmufac-
madc on Wednesday last. It is turers, into the stick opened by
as follows: . I ^Ir. Johnson.
Office State Aoric'i. Society, ) j Fourth, The evidence proves,
Atlanta. Jail. 27th,’75. j ami we cheerfully recognize, and
At the Convention of the State 11,1,1 onr testimony^, the ability
Agricultural Society, held m the a,Rl high character of Dr Liebig,
city of Atlanta, in August, 1873, RO W, distinguUUed and .es-
Colonel AY. Lcltoy Broun, presi- denied in the scientific world.—
dent of the State*C’olloge of Ag- i The evidence further shows the
riculture and Mechanic Arts, did, j ll ‘^ h standing and character of
in view of the fact that there p lr - Graffiti, the manuiaetmer of
was great complaint and dissatis- | the Patapsco gimno.
faction with the agriculturists of
the State us to the cost, and in
many cases, the qmtality of the
that word j to his character, and so plain with-
I al. He was born at Ncwbury-
1 port,
Cotton K no tors,
General Commission Merchants
Savannah, Ga.
B'tsing, Tir», Ropo, »n«l other Hnpplle* fur-
A In**, l.iberal Co*h A«lvancmini* on
••ri«icnm#nt* ft»r *»Ie or *hljm»«n» (•*rtKioI
>'>irt!i»rn port*. inyUtMf
L^KOM 1st October, 1874, to Dec’r
r JIM, 1.75,
Tin: Best Business Stand,
md l>ri( imnjrH Store In Athens.
July 1 tf Apply to E. I\ BISHOP.
livety, Feed and Sale Stable,
hands.’ AA’ell, sez I, ‘ may lie you kin
trim har well, but I wants mine cut in
stile by one uv the bosses and not by
one uv ther strikers.’
Them barbers commenced gigglin’
and that speckled-face feller jest tucked
down his head and says, * thar’s Mister
Davis,’a pintin’ to a mighty nice, per
lite lookin’, little ginger-cake culled
Davis commenced bowin’ and scrap
in' and says tur me, says he, a pintin’
to a cheer, ‘jest take this scat and I’ll
fix you up all rite.’ A\ T ell, I sot down
in a hi barked, cushurned, arm cheer,
and one nv the strikers took my hnt
and hung it up. Davis got a big kal
iker bed-spred, tucked it close round
tuv neck and spread it all over my
lap; then walked to a table, took up a
comb, bat brush and pare of shun,
ami commenced clippin’ the slims to*
gether—I reckin, to see ef they wer
JuTE' sharp—while he war doin’ this, I put
my feet on the thing a set tin’ Itetore
the cheer, lea ted hack ami looked all
round over the room. The wall wer
all kivered with pieters of men and
pals; the men wer powerful ornary
lookin’, and sum uv the gals didn’t
have on a speck more dressin’ than
they nrter, nud sum fokes luite say,
‘store goods wer rutlier scace, when
ther dresses wer made.’
Well, Davis -tun cum to whar I
was a settio’. razed up a little piece on
the back uv the the cheer, pm his
hands on mv hod and pulled it hack
A Positive and Specif c Remedy
LOSS OK VOICE, tuitl will cure
As .10,000 Frave-r«»M»«‘il witix-.**** tmtifv. X
♦ aiium. Nothing i*»i!M>nou« Uliciou* to take.
The *-arthly Saviour to all uttiicte i with utWtioo*
of thi* 'I run? mui! Lung*. |{**«|iu*aths to pro*tvritv
one of :!»«• greatest l.hs-iugs, >«>uii«l Luul>, uiiil
an.-.ulty fr«*nt Coiisuiuption.
one liiintlreii th«uis:iinl liottle* have
been umtl, sir*l not
sands of lestiiuoiu.
sent, on ai»pti* anon. to any whodouLt.
For -alt? I»y ill irutn;i-t*.
Proprietor*® Itlanta, Ga.
Read ! Read!!
tell von he sung out
dandruff powerful long.
Says I cum out from under the i t> Muss., the son ofn shoe-
table ; well says he, I will tf you won j lnakcr A winfilU poetica l S p irit
hurt me. Jest then I looked out uv . . ® . , * f . 1 1
the winder, and thar war them | J°? k to Mexico, and he re-
barbers settin on them rock steps ; turned in a pack-train ns a nmlc-
across the street, ther mouths and j Driver, from (’hihauhau to Fort
eyes wide open a lookin at us, and that j Smith. Settling down in a print-
speckled face feller had turned co ing office at Little Rock, he be
came an editor, lawyer, and chief
white you mnut hav counted his
specks across the street. When I
seen them lookin so skeered, I says to w j|j,
D Wcil > bc com from 0 !!!,',lor the table, j | Iiro,, * h perpotiml'minority down
commenced bowin, scrapin, a.ul a to lhe c,vl1 war ’ ^ffhttnsf mcan-
talkin and he saj-s to me, Slister
Commercial fertilizers sold in the
State, and further, to the end that
every member of the Society, and
every farmer in the State should
properly understand and know
the true (Vnnmerciai value, as
well as the constituent properties
of the different brands in the
A. II. Uoi.qurrr,
^ George 1*. TIi.agk,
•I ts. M. Moih.ey,
AA'.m. I‘UILI.U‘8,
J. S. Lawton,
V»\ J. Lawton,
Geo. AY. Adams.
My signature is given to the
conclusion of the Executive Com
mittee, with the exception of the
first section.
.Vo. 7, (rJtA.YITE Ron,
(UiKStnlre,) , t .
Rates of Advertising t
TnuiMeat «tl v.rtftnnwll*. square nrnot®,
Si 00 |H*r *qu»r.* for Ihe fine intwrtk»n,«»tl Wi
fbr each »ulrw*jlentln»ert1«n. • ^
tfq. All a*lvt‘rtiaen»*nln iom4ilrttd tniMftrlli
except where spiral t-ontracts are DiaJf.
Twelve lines space of Ihla type (or on« I«e10
make one square.
For contract price*, w c achiMule.
market, and being sold to farin'rs, j A\ bile I believe th
tender to the Convention the set- " as adulterated alter
vices of tlie College to analyze a
sample of each of said fertilizers,
that the same might he published
for the benefit of the agricultu
The offer being generous, and
the necessity tor such informa
tion recognized by all, and such
being the custom of Agricultural
Colleges of other States, the pro-j
took the same from the sack. I do
not. believe either Johnson or
White guiltv of adulterating it.
but believe the adulteration arose
from some circumstances not de
signed by either.
L. L. Livingston.
—At. Const.
The Lig'litiiimr Unit .Man's Mistake.
Up in Blossburg, tlie other day, a
My l'trtl rides llirou^li bis palace gate,
Mv I uly sweeps along in state :
Tlic sage thinks long on tunny a thing.
And the maiden muses on marrying ;
Tlu* minstrel linrprth merrily.
Tlic sailor plows tin- foaming sea.
Tlic huntsman kills the good rad deer.
And the soldier wars without e'en fear.
Bat fall to each, whutr'er la-fall.
The farmer he must tuud them all.
Smith hnmnicrcth cherry rad tlic sword.
Priest preacheth pure the Holy Word ;
I'ltme Alice worketli 'broidery well.
Clerk liii lmrd tales ol love can toll:
Tin* tap wife sells her foaming ls-er,
Dan Fisherfl-hrth in the mere;
And eourti-Ts rutile, strut amt shine.
While panes bring ihegascnn wine.
But tall It, eat h. wliate’er lieftdl.
The farmer lie must leeil tin tn all
I ft
Man builds ltis
Wherever rivet
Great cities ris
Great ohttrahe.
cattles fair and higti.
runneth by ;
in e\ cry land,
show the builder's baud,
Great nrelies, mimtuncnts and towers.
Fair palaces and plensing Ue.vers ;
Great work is done, be it here or there.
And well man worketli everywhere.
But work or rest, n hate'er befall.
The farmer he must feed them all.
Humorous. 7/
—A AA’cstcru poet who had ex
pressed a wish to die ’ timid tho
irrand solitude of the eternal
mountain tops.’ was killed by the
OrriCK ♦•»• o. S.M'KKTT, Drug* tV MtilifillM,
Nkw A Mia NY, I n i)., April 1«J, 1 >74-
l*r. J. S. PrmlwrtaH. fin.: Dk*i: Sir—
I liavc nwiveil y«»ur rin-iilara, atnl in
•f the (liatrihutiuii, ! have *ol«l al»**ut *i\ doz#n
Globe Flowrr Syrup in tli*» la.*t 1 wo w«*cka. The
Hlohe Flower Syrup i* gaining i*rcat celebrity. 1
rtNoumipndtHllf in Iwora.vttnl' con*u nipt ion. tin*
tw was lN-d-la.*! ; had not laid nn hnt uiie aide f*»r
two year*; hrmorrhagr.* Hay ; Niurl*
( tnaciatcd, and px|h* |rd to di« a . Il«* ha* taken *i\
lot ilea uf GIoIh* Flonwr Syrup; hi*troul*h> arc
all gnn«\ except pr***trath»i». whirl) i« rapidly im
proving. lie will rertaiuly pd well. Th«? other
caae I* aimilar, with *auir pM*| rc*'ilu. I « an .*« ud
you many totinioiiiaK If you want them.
Y»ura truly, etc., " O. SAl'KUT.
Clkvki-ami, Ohio, April 1
1>7 L
till it re.-te ! ..n the piece, took bis j "ashstand. and he onod bad me fixed
I (Mini) and co’imirnwl co;;il)iu* myluir. ! U P* t ,,rne d water on, and com
He t ombed nn bar from the front j mcnced
and then from the back, and then j .
tnuu ona side to the other, and bv the! ^ P P T ,,n l,, ttil hewer Nttisfietl.
time he wer dun, I dtts reck'n it never
h ' h a combin’ before. He then
at, 1
ttktitt lit,useltt,i 1,1
aveep alw :y*on band Turn-
re Till driver*.
I t-ared for wh«n cutn»*ted to. ur rare
hand for Kale at all time*. dorl.Wtt
\ 1 KS. T. A. ADAMS would most
A V1_ r« w)»eft fully Inform Ihu Ladies of A ther.*
and of fountic* adjar«nt, that *ln* ha* m»w receiv
ed and o|HMied a mtXfrhni''' and select a*-ortment
• d Fall and Winter Millinery f»on>l*, fom-
prl«ing fli pari the late*! atylea an I l')*hiim* o(
Jt IBHO,\ .V, /--J CES.
Flowers, Gloves, &c.,
which !»»»• will sell at reasonahlv price*. Dive l»ri
u fill Uf fore pui«Ua*lng wlae w her*. Order* from
^ •li«innt-f caTrfullt* filled. Storw l.n atrd on Broad
■ lreel, one tlunr iiIwaf Natoinal Bank. «*clllMf.
llu now Jn Store a Foil Stork of
stew coo»$,
Ihr. J. S. Peiittterfon It give* »ue ereat pl«
to infoni) yeu t* .1 two le»Ule* oftiLdw I
Syrup have < ured my >••!» of an oh'tiuatc In
ffclion of aeveiii! "gi Ktatidiliu, altei ;><
phyaieiaii* had g.v« idm up to die, with
n.-ti C"i,-„n,|' j..... ^traaE,7|‘,UWiAw tllc tungles out, and when lie war satis-
'iTr,'," 1 "ht'j!. r 'uit-i.Tit.' :Vitl tied with it, he took up his shut s and
happine.** t * on-lo-art-and Itonn-than «me ii
dollar* could have d ne. God hle*s you.
t -»v<*r the same round n brush-
■ imy har wer powerful long,
i veckins he war a trying to get
t'ni it.
Ygpr frietul.
).i.l/.ai»» Til :
Coutitting, in i)art, of
Of All Kin<K which be yffi-r*
Dr in Exchange for Country PriMlttce,
er The higli«il market price paid in cant) l« i
*dt«i» f May IS
1 o—o :
The Largest Stock of
Clock Shelves,
• Book Shelves,
Wair Pockets,
^atch Safes,
Hanging Baskets,
’ ke. f Ac.
*»«• nrmugkt Ut Mhtno,
'or sale at
,*,!■** «TMt
Poole & Hunt, Baltimore,
Man it tact u re r* *or the Mouth ami .*outhwe*t.
Nearly TOuOnow in u*e, working un<ler head* vary*
in^'frontto 4o feutt! 24 sixes, from
^4 t» 1H) inches.
Tho mo*t |Mtrerl'ul Wheel in the Market, and
must eeonontiral in the use of Water. *
Urge I LUrsTHATED Pamphlet *ent p*»st free
Portable and Stationary Straiu Engine* and Boil
er*, BalieiM-k and Wilcox Patent Tuhiilnn* Boiler*
Elaiigh’.* 1’ruaher lor Mim-ml*, Saw ami («ri.*t
Mills, I louring Mill .Machinery, Machinery for
While I«cad Works anil <»il Mills, ShaBing Pulley,
and Ilauirera. SEND FUU ITHcCLAR.
commenced c't"it:{r and sich a clippin’
uv -lull's, 1 ivvor heard ltcft>rc. All
tho time lie war a comhin, hrtishin’
and cuttin, lie wer a talkin’ ahout the
fJrattgers, and %\ !*nt lie scon in ole
Yirginny, whi 1 - nt-r with the hoy-
in tlic Army.
I tell you, he wer al! rite on the
Granger question, fur he said, jest a-
so* tn as they got well started here,
of the Whig party, which lie led
unflinching consistency
time in the Mexican war and do
ing the government business of
the Chcrokccs. He became rich
and celebrated. Quarreling with
i Jefferson Davis soon after the re
bellion began, he withdrew from
the contest, and at the close, was
poor. He removed to Washing
ton about 1807, and opened a law
office with Roltert Johnson, ex-
Senator, the nephew of Vice-
President Johnson. Ilis home is
at Alexandria, where, with a vi-
pictcr, you {raciona and intelligent daughter,
Pike spends his time in a largo li
brary. containing perhaps 5000
volumes, elegantly bound—the
collections of a lifetime, Ilis taste
for books extends to their cover
ing, and he has a passion for ele
gant priuting in common and col
ored iuk, all his own volumes on
Masonry and Hindoo philosophy
being produced in this way by his
amateur disciples. Fine swords,
dueling pistols which he had used
on tlie field, a collection of elabo
rate pipes, which lie smokes pret-
rubbiti on the soap and ; ty much all the time, and strange
and eerateliiu ttiv bead and : things of virtue, arc all parts of
> his surroundings. ilis poents
have been collected and re-issued
position was accepted. _ On the • lightning rod mandnive up in front explosion of a pint of cheap kero-^
day of , 1K7—, Mr.,a handsome edifice standing in the sene.
Muckle. when I shnmpoons a fellers
head, I allers scratches that wav, fur
when I wer tho brag liarlter in the
Army uv Vircinnv, that’s je-t the
way I sarved Gineral Lee and all Ihe
other big ginerals ; and he says to me,
Mister Muckle dus you see that picter
a haiiL'in up thar, a pintin to one.
“ Yes says I,” I dus.
Well says he, that ar the picter ov
Elliek Stephens; I shampooned his
head once in Richmond, Virginity, and
he wer so well pleased, he says to me,
George Davis, here ar ray
can hav it.
I took it. thanked hint and I’m
a gwitie to keep it; fur if he ain’t much
fur looks, he is the smartest man
Savs I. “ did you ever scratch his
head as hard ns vou did mine ?”
“ Yes snvs he. T did.” and if vou
will jest «it down and let nte finish
vourn, you’ll he the best lookin feller
in this sittv.
“Sez I ter him. I'll try it again if
you won’t scratch so hard.
Well, I sot down agin by that
! incit raised my head up, rtiblted it j
with towels till it wer about tlrv; i .,, . , , ,
poured sum monstrous sweet bar ] ' v, thiti the past two yesus, and he
grouse on it itnd then combed and | has written a senes of books on
breshed mv liar till it wer all rite, j Masonry, which, qtieerly enough.
He told me to get up, and then bresh- j have carried him from his appa-
ed mv clothes and lint—I seen a large | rently trivial theme back to me-
slasa hangin on the wall and walked , diajval Jewish and finally, Suncrit
to it. looked in, and I’ll swar Doctor. Masour . % as ho Believes. Not
V'r’7 [*">;>'• I’hdnt hardly know , - a Mason , ] am only aware
at first whether it wer 1 nrnot,. 1 tell ! , . e . , . • . ,
vou [ wer well pleased with mv loo!;-, i as « l’ (,ct or " s< , ‘ olar '
ainl l said to Davis, sez I, what’s tlie I tr:u*(*<l the urerms ot ai.t-
damages? ‘ sot ivy beyond the vestibule of lti.s-
Sez liefer me, 5rr. Muckle, the, lory, lie is a Sanerit scholar,
onor uv rutting ver liar is go id pay, j and lias composed sonic abstruse
je.-t bowed, and scraped, stud treatise, now undergoing publiea-
nnd In
wood hav as much corn, ir.eaf, wheat I * a ^“d like he wer powerfully pleased. ^j on in London, which is spoken
Dissolution of Partnership.
T lfE partiirrahi|i hmtofcit «*xi.*llnj; betareu
lh«* Nulia-rilifn uiulcrthc firm uatue of
I* fhi* ilny <li**nlvi*l liy mutual censfiit. The
huhiii«-*K will Ih* continued hjr T. A. BUHKE, who
will rollrrt all of Ihf account* due the firm, and
•ettle ita iudcLtrdne**. Fartiea indrbtrd arc re-
quentH to niakr immediate payment, a* the laioks
of Ihc late firm must hr rimed.
T. A. Burke,
\Y. H. Hodgson.
In miring fmn. thr firm of Btirkr .% Hodgson, I
lake this opportunity of rcturninc to my frirndi
my alncrr.- tl.anks for Ihrlr 11 hr nil patronagr, and
Mlielt of them a continuance of tb« same to ray
lucnwtr. W. 11. IlOIHaSOX.
r PHE Trustees of this Institution
JL have M-fur.- l ihc services of
Prof. M. V. LOONEY nnd LADY.
ThaSchaoiopenedthiaday. llartwelliaahealthy,
moral, quirt Tillage. Roard, inelndingCTerything - , _ , _ . .
nM*ll||iita uAsvhinjtill dollars p<^month. | htO 1)0, find D&V1S sez to me,
jMi.llrU.ft. (JaaiM-St.
and sich like, as they had in Virginity
when be fust got thar. I know lie
thort I wer a Granger, when be wer a
trvin’ to poke down bis -aft -order.
When he wer through cuttin my
bar, he says to me, -ay-he, “dus
you want yer bead shampooed?”—
Says I, to him, “ I don’t know what
that is; but. dus the Athens fellers
have thorn fixed up that way?” Yes.
says lie, “ they dus, and its powerful
good for the lu.r.” Says I, “ co it,
then.” Well, he jisttooka little hri-h
and brushed the har from ntv neck,
took off the bed-sped, sot a chair be
fore a wash-stand, and told me to set
down thar.
Thinks I, I don’t know what’s comin.
but, I reckon I kin stand it if them
town fellers kan.
Davis tucked another hed-spred
round my neck, took hold on my head,
pressed it down on the edge of the
howl a settin’ on that wash-stand—I
didn’t know what fur, fur thar wern’t
a drap uv water in that bowl—when
be got my head all rite, he kotched
hold uv a litde stiver tube, turn’d it
round till a stream uv water, cold as
ice, commenc’d runnin’ on to my head.
He took up a cake ur soap and rubb’d
it all over my head, and the suds wer
soon a runnin’ all over my faco and
into my eyes, and smartin’ them pow
erful bad. Thinks I, I’ll shut my
eves nnd I can stand it, and I did
shut them.
Davis then commenc’d scratchin’ my
head, sorter easy at furst, but soon got
harder and harder. While he wer
rubbin’ and scratchin’ my head, them
ar niggers kept sich a whiperin’ and
gigglin’ to themselves, that I begun to
git a little ratby, and jest then, that
barber giv sich an awful hard scratch,
that I rood stand it no longer, and I
sez to him, 6ez I, “ what ar
Sez I, Davis, vmt’v dim up the jolt .. ... . . . , •, ,,
’ - • ! - J ol with expectancy by Ins friends.
hrouu, ntnl I'm a gwin to send all our
ho vs ter you to get tber har trimmed
and tber liedr shampooned, and I
knows they’ll all cum when they sees
mine. I put on my bat, and sez to
Davis, a good day to you, and com
menced baekin to the door, a bowin,
scrapin, stnilin, and moshionen my
hand jest az much like hint az I cood.
Doctor, ef tlmt George Davis this
scratch monstrous hard, ho can trim 1
bar ns well and shnmpo'm a fellers
head a leetle grain better than enny
barber you can find enny whar.
Matrimony Renews Youth.—
* * * We saw an old bache
lor yesterday, only recently enslaved
iu mati-onionii rinruti, who looked ten
years younger, and a thousand
cent, happier, than ever before,
deed, he was clean shaved, nicely
clothed, and “ in his right mind,” and
with an uncommonly level head con
cerning the uns]icakuble joys of the
connubial state. The new Benedict is
as cajtcrsome as a hul of eighteen, aud
says, "if Sara Weller was alive and
kicking, he would cross a wide conti
nent and ocean to whip him for that
infamous adjuration, ‘ beware of the
viders!”’—Tel. & Mo*.
We feel “ very much encouraged,
upon a perusal of the ahove. We
-Xeir York Graphic.
The Wag of the Detroit Free
U. P. Lewis is the wag of the
Detroit Free Press. During: the
past three years he has written
sonic of the finest touches of senti
ment :md human nature in his
police court proceedings that have
ever appeared in the United States.
Unlike Bailey, he did not inherit
his wit; unlike Mark Twain, it
did not conic to him through as
sociations. The truth is it was
blown into hint. He was an or
dinary, stupid country printer,
about Ann Arlmr nnd Lansing,
Mich., until he took it into his
head to go on a " tramp.” After
footing it to Louisville, he en
gaged to work his passage on a
steamer to New Orleans. The
first day out the steamer blew up.
Lewis, one of tho victims, was
sadly scarred and crippled, hut as
soon as he got able to write lie
sent an account of his experience
and sensation in being blown up
i to the Detroit Free Press, which
know of several old bachelors in our i at oucc established his reputation
midst who would like to make Macon
their residence, if the “ Viders” can
only he provided.
—As a Louisville girl was
taking leave of a gentleman at
her father’s house one evening re
cently, she said to him : ' If y «u
i ever hear that I am in the habit
y0U ! ol allowiug my male acquaintances
w . T tfca _ _• „ . j to kiss me good-bye, you mustn't
| ban kCand Davis sex to me, m he,! liberties. Thecloee of that in-
I I’m jest a tryiu* to get yer dander up.” ter view may lt« imagined.
as ti versatile genius. On his re
turn homo the Free Press took
him ou its columus as items man.
The leading editor said the other
day that he had to watch him like
a hawk, for about half the time,
like old Milton, he clings lovingly
to the flattest emanations ot his
braiu. Lewis writes a good deal
for the Eastern weeklies over the
signature of ” M. Quad”—"a
bourgeois era quad,” he says "as
it is worthless in a printing office,
except in its own l : ttc—it won't
Malcolm Johnson, Secretary, col
lotted samples from the various
fertilizers, in quantities sufficient
tor analysis. Those samples were
placed in jars directly from the
sacks, and the jars securely closed
itnd numbered. The name or
brand of the different fertilizers
in the several jars, were only
known to Mr. Johnson, the name
or brand corresponding with the
numbers as within on the jars,
was recorded by the Secretary,
and the record so kept as to pre
vent any one having access thereto
without the knowledge of Mr.
Johnson. The jars containing the
samples were then delivered to
the Express Company hv Mr.
Johnson, and forwarded to Prof.
White, and were received l>v
Prof. White iu good order.
The analysis was made by num
ber of the jar, Prof. White not
having the name or brand of any
of the fertilizers, nor who were
the manufacturers, of cither of
them, Mr. Johnson never having
communicated the name or brand
corresponding with the numbers
to any one. The analysis of Prof.
White was made known to Mr.
Johnson, Secretary, who publish
ed the result. Jar number !>,
was found to contain the fertilizer
manufactured by th* Patapsco
company, and jar number 10, by
the Chesapeake.
The commercial value of Nos.
!• and 10 falling greatly below the
selling prices, aud not found to
contain the properties in quautity
as claimed b\ the manufactures, it
was charged by these companies
that they had been injured, and
unjustly dealt by. and by the Pa
tapsco company, that sample No.
!) had been adulterated, and was
not a fair sample. The charge
went further, and, by implication
charged Prof. White, with adul
teration. At the instance of the
Patapsco company, a meeting of
the undersigned, members of the
Executive Committee, was held
in their office, commencing on the
25th of January, 1875. The Pa
tapsco company were represented
by Colonel Arnold, attorney, and
by l)r. Liebig, Mr. Graffiti, and
Air. Gibbons. Prof. White was
represented by Col. AY. Leroy
Broun and by himself in person,
on the 2<ith. After a full investi
gation, giving the parties latitude
in their introduction and state
ment of testimony, we find, and
so declare, as our thorough and
unbiassed convictions, arising
from the evidence,
in jars Nos. 9 and 10, wore as
taken by Mi. Johnson,Secretary,
in the presence of the agents, the
same as analyzed by Prof. AYhite,
and that there was no adulteration
after they were taken from the
sacks, eiihcr before or after the
Second. That Professor AA liite,
and the Faculty of the State Ag
ricultural College and Mechanic
Arts, acted in good faith in the
matter, and that they arc worthy
of the confidence and merit the
thanks of the State Agricultural
Society, and of the farmers of the
State, for their disinterested,
able, and gratuitous services—
a service yet to result in great
good to the Society and State.
midst of trees and shrubs, and spoke t
Mr. Summers, who was sitting on the
steps in front. He accosted Sum
mers, as tlie owner of the residence,
and said :
“ I sec you have no lightning rods
on this house.”
“ No,” said Summers.
“ Are you going to put any on ?”
“ AYell", I hadn’t thought of it," re
plied Summers.
“ You ought to. A tall building
like this is very much exposed. I’d
like to run you up one of nty rods:
twisted steel, glass fenders, nickel-pla
ted tips, everything complete. A Lay 1
put one up to show you ? I’ll do the
job cheap.”
“Certainly you may ifyou want to.
I haven’t the slightest objection,
Daring tlie next halt hour the man
had his ladders upntid his assistants at
work, and nt the end of that time the
jnh was done. lie called Hummers out
into the yar ! to admire it. He said to
“ Now that is all well enough, but. if
it was my house, I’d have another
rod put on the other side. There is
nothing like being protected tlier-
“ That’s true,” said Summers, “ it
would he hetter.”
“I'll put np another—shall 1?"
asked the man.
“ Why, of course, if you think it
best,” said Summers.
Accordingly the man went to work
again, and soon hail tlic rod in its
“ That’s a firstrnto job, r he said to
Summers, as they both stood eyeing
it. “ I like such a matt as you are.
Big hearted, liberal, not afraid to put
a dollar down for a good thing.
There’s some pleasure iu dunlin' with
vou. I like you so much that I’d put
a couple more rods on that It >use, one
on the north end nnd one on tlic
south, almost for nothin.' ”
“ It would make tilings safer, I
suppose,” said Summers.
“ Certainly it would. I’il liettcr do
it, hadn't I — hey ?”
“Just as you think proper,” said
So tlie man ran up two more ro h,
and then he ciiue down and said to
“ There—that’s done. Now let’s
settle up.”
“ I)> what?”
“ AVIty the job’s finished, nnd now
I’ll take mv money.”
“ You don’t expect me to pay you. I
I Itojte.”
“ Of course I do. Didn’t you teli
mo to put those rods on your hou<e?”
“My house!" shouted Summers.
“Thunder and lightning! I never
ordered you to put those rods up. It
would have been ridiculous. Why,
man, this is the court-house, and I’m
here waiting for the court to assemble.
I’m on the Jury. You seemed to be
anxious to rush out your rods, and as
it was none of mv business l let you
That tlic samples contained 20 , on- 1 av * or „ no ' v >
1 that s pretty good.
The Bloeshurg people say that that
the manner in which the lightning-rod
man tore around town and swore was
fearful. But when he got his rods off
the court-house he left periuoncutly.
He don’t fancy the piace.
—One of the most ingenious
advertisements issued at San
Francisco during last summer,
was tlie following:
“ Ice. Ice. lee. |
If you want it pure and ni |
At n reasonable nr J ice,
Follow no new dev
But send to me in a tr I
for I have the largest and best
stock ever put up in this-city.”
—A little hoy asked a Indy, >
’ who made her teeth ?' ’ Mv Cre
ator." she replied. ’ AYell.” said
the youngster, ’ Dr. made
my ma's. aud they beat your’u
clean ou o' sight.’
—The highest building in the
world, pubiie or private, is that
recently erected for its offices in
New York, by Lhe AVestcm Union
Telegraph Company.
" Banditti punch.” is advertised
by the New Orleans saloon keep-
| ers ; and when a gentleman wants
l a friend to drink with him. his
. ! invitation is thus expressed : ’ Arc
j you afraid?’ Tim friend answers,
’I am not afraid,’ and the two
proceed to splice the main brace.
— Sac. Advertiser.
—A gentleman entered a Itacli-
clor’s room, and, looking round,
said: ’Very snug—rather too
Third, That we are of opinion, - T ~ .i
and nil the evidence proves that : «i»g-hot I suppose hey are
the sample as contained in jar No.! enough for a bachelor. -
9, was taken from a sack in theses,’ said the bachelor hut I
store house ot Alessrs. Adair & \ suppose if I had had ti letter half.
Brothers, in Atlanta, bat »'a*, hf I might have had better quarter*.
—A near-sighted man was rid
ing in a Woodward avenue car
the other day, when a lady oppo
site bowed to him. He returned
the bow, raised his hat, smiled
sweetly, and was just wondering
who she was, when site 1 came over
and whispered in his ear : 'Oh! !
I'll fix you for this, old man !’—
Then, ho knew it was his wife.
—Detroit Press.
(>3*Tho other Sunday morning,
a stranger entered Christ Church,
in Indianapolis, and there being
no usher just at hand, was per
mitted to occupy a standing posi
tion for it few moments. At
length he was approached by one
oftlio brethren, when he inquired :
'AYhat church is this?' ’Christ
Church, sir.' 'Is If in?’ Tlie
stranger concluded he was in.
from the fact lie was shown to ti
seat immediately.
—Next morning I sauntered
down towards the Capitol. I met
a man, and saw at a glance, that
he was a legislator. I knew he
was on", because lie wore a bea
ver, and big watch chain, spit to
bacco juice all over the side-walk,
and looked important. I button
holed him and said,
v My friend, I want you to get
a bill passed.’
’ W is it ?’ lie asked.
[ 'This is it,’ said I, anti I took
out ;t mutilated fifty cent stamp,
and handed it to hint.
'I can pass it,' lie replied, anti
putting it in hi* pocket, cooly
walked off.*—Rochdale Register.
—’Sixty thousand children
growing up in ignorance in conse
quence of their employment at
too early an age. nud too exclu
sively in factories !’ Snell is the
report of the deputy constable ap
pointed to look after the children
employed in the factories of Mas
sachusetts. AA’hcrc is Borgh, or
the President of the Philadelphia
Board of Education?
—The Rev. Dr Deems, of New
A'ork, said, iu his sermon last
Sunday : 'To my mind, the four
sweetest things in the world are
—first, baby girls; second, liaby
boys ; third, ripe, good old men ;
fourth, ripe, good old ladies.'—
That is very nearly our creed—
but we rather think we like a
healthy mother-in-law host. And
next, a ripe, good old nuiii. who
sits quietly in tlie comer and tells
lies about how far he used to walk
to school through the snow when
he was a boy, and how he used to
come home and saw up n coni of
wood before supper, instead of
sneuking in the back door for his
skates, tis boys do uow-a-tluys.—
Mil. Sent.
I a