The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, February 17, 1875, Image 1
ftotijjcast ^torgiaa. §- • PDBL1SMEO ON WEDNESDAY MORNING H. H. CARLTON & Co., L 1 L: i .'. * Proprietor*. } i .. . H. H. CARLTOX, Editor. y ,. TEBtyg QB; SljpSCKJFI^p#: —— ONE COPY, One Ye»r...„.~~..—S 8 GO «V« COPIES. One Yew, & 70 TKN COPIES. One Veer, ........ IB OO 2he Official City Paper BaSfaWStFWftS’OTWKK Asa M. Jackson, L. W. Thomas, JACKSOlTs THOMASiji Attorneys at Law Athens, Georgia. P C _F<* retrrexee by ajweUl muiUIm • L. W. Thorax* refatx.'to William U Mlich.ll Kk)., of Athenaind Hon. A. H. Siepcna, H. II. llill and It, Toorab*. -7<2 .vc’ A' MAP No. 16.| ^ Athens, J. M, Orb, 'fiitff of Newhan.Gm. J, G. MoLester, Jefferson, Ga'. •inn. O R It & CO., .{ ; }5‘; I»t: I lot ! .••«••• • ■ * T<WV\/ 17 1 Q7R * 5 OLD SERIES—Voi.fMK I FCU y -L * , 10/0. \ NEW SERIES—Voiami. ■ • x cgrrircaftl 'AO PUBLICATION OFFICfe: Xo. 7, GUAXITAX (I’u-stnlrs,) ATHENS, GJSQUtflA. Jlntcs of AdvcriMa»» Tran-ieni adr<-rti-eineni*,i>f<inc w|uara erntore. , $1 0)^erM*wefari|raar*Jn«#i*«;«**S»ceuU | f«ir reach siibs^|ii<>Qi insertion, j All a<!r*rti.*eimat» innslfat, j ***Ti#t where siK'ciul contracts arc m*le» , #t j Twelve line* space *4 tM* type (or one Inch) I wake "W squarr. u • - '* ■ C '10BB, ERWIN & COBB Attorneys at Z,an>, ATHENS, U A. Ofllcn In tha IinuprM Building. R. LITTLE, Attorney at La?e, CARNKSVILLE, GA. w. J OHN T. OSBORN, Attorncy-at-Law ELBERTON, GA. Will oractico in the couutio* of the Northern Circuit, Ittnk*. KninLliN and Huhrrshnm of tin* Wnl rn t-irvult; will give specie! attention to all claims uu trusted to his care. Jan. 10, 1174— T S. DORTCH, * Attorney at £a?r, C AKNESVII.I.E, OA. E. V. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL W HCHM ’ KER and JEWELLER At Dr. King** Drugstore, BROAD STREET ATHENS, GA. art* All work done in a superior manner, and warranted to gitu *aii>f.utiun. jnnR-tf WILEY CHILDERS, f OGATED in this city, is prepared I -J t«» do all kiwis of rarieninrs’ Work in the I,pet -tyfe. an I at re isonaMc rat*-*, with diapatch. Si» ip in the rear o| the City Clerk's Ofl-v. Tune 3, 1ST I >1. V. GURLEY, •sW.V; EOX 2JEXTIST, «' kivES pleasure in announcing to l .ii« I'itiirn^of Franklin and aud adjoining feN'iiir*, that he is now loentHl on the Athens street, -»nu mile -out It of t'ariiesville, where lie id prcjM •• I io i.ra -:ice D.ntfetry in all its* ditrereiit rn he*. Ptir*** low to suit She timed, hut posi- t«rl> no inferior work. uCtlMf GEO. W. COOPER, ’ivringe and Huggy Th* followin' faaquifujpotm. UIron the yon of Uto (tiled trasedUn, Lf. react Barrett. TUBmoneyless sax. I* then no pl*» on th* fe* of the earth Whew charity d wellet h, where rirtue bee With ? Where bosoms iu kindness end mercy erUi beat#. And the pour aud the wretched shall ask end ivetire ? la there no place on earth, where a knock from the poor • .* * Will bring a kind angel to open the door? Ah! search the wile world wherever you can, There it no open door for the moneyless man. Go look in the hall where the chandelier light Driven off from iu splendor the darkness of night; Whcfe tb# rich hanging velvet, In shadowy fold, Sweeps gracefully down, with it* trimming of gold, And mirrors of silver take up and renew. In long lighted vistas the ’wildrering view ; (Jo there in your pitches, and find If you can, A welcoming trail*) for the moneyless man. Our Goods arc bought for CASH, and wc know we caut be UNDERSOLD. Go,uok t® yur Ju.iiM, u> dark (ovine gown, ••• ~ • With the scales whoreiu law weigheth quietly down; Where he frowns on tha weak aud the smiles on the strong, And punishes right while he justifies wrong; Where jurors their lips on the Bible have laid, To tenders verdict they’ve already made; Go there in the court-room, and find if yon can. Any law tor the case of a moneyless man. Go look iu the hanks, where Mammon has told llis hundreds and thousands of silver and gold ; Where, safe from the hands of the starving and |*oor, Lies pile upou pile, of the glittering ore ; Walk up to the counter—ah, there you may s*ay, Till your limbs have grown old and your hair tur. s gray. And you’ll find at the hank not one oi the clan, With money to lend to a moneyless man. Go look in your church of the cloud-reachin; spire. Which gives back to the sun his same look of fire, Where the arches aud columns are gorgeous within, And the walks seetn as pure as a soul without sin; <io down the long aisle—«ec the rich and the great. In the pomp and the pride of their worldly estate, Walk down in your patches, and find if you can. Who opons a pew for a moneyless man. Then go to your hovel—no raven has fed. The wife who has suffered so long for litr bread ; Kneel down by her pallet and kiss the dcatli frost, From the lips of the angel your poverty loat- Tlien turn in y^uragony upward to God, And bless while it smites yon, the chastening rod; And you’ll find at the cud of your life’s little span, There’s a welcome above for »he moneyless man. Arc now Opening a New Stock of j GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, C ONSISTING in part of 32000 lb.*., Flout nil grades; 20,000 lbs. bulk meats bought before the advance, a good stock of Orleans and Northern Sugars, Kio, Java and parched * kifteeV, Muscovada aud reboiled Molasses, Or leans and Fancy Northern Syrup—Hams, Lard, Irish Potatoes, Seed Oats, Nails, Tobacco and Cigars, CANNED GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Plain and Fancy's, NuU, RnMns, Maccaroni, &o., Ac. We invite especial attention to our KLOXJR -ViSTD TOBACCO, We cordially invite an examination of our stock. W. O, Ouu ANII S. P, P.UIKER, Are with the new house and will lie glad to see all their old customers and lots of new one’s. We are Agents for the Old Reliable DICKSON COMPOUND. OKR & CO*. At the old stand of Ejiuland & Oku, Lroad St., Athens, Ga. Fcb.10.lni. IL^iriE Of Choice Heading. r PIIK Missing Bride; or, Alii'ntm, A- tkr Arenger. * .1 Hravti/ul . wnIip Cmipcr** Llvrry Stable. ) iRi K ULAIl attention given to i UUJOHS. Order* Ivfl with A. A. Bell, Sit. • .k Newton’.*, will receive prompt at- I ... .Tunc 17 if \. V. WINN, WITH STUBBS & CO. ■on actor; istietal iommion Merchants S tvannish* Ga. I ;; n-. Ties, ll>|> •, .m l otlier S ippl'u-* fur- ■i^iUd. IJI'vrnl 0»-h A<lT>nce» ms GLOjE flower sirup, A Pos'tiv: '< d Specific Remedy for COLDS, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, HO A USEN ESS, OBSTIN ATE LUNG AFFECTIONS. ASTHMA, CROUP, BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS, PLEURISY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, LOSS OF VOICE, unt! will cure CONSUMPTION, A» 50,000 grave-nibbed witnes-e* testify. No opium. Nothing im.Uooou* Doliciou* to take. The earthly Saviour to all aflliete with affections of the Trust and Lung*. Bequeaths loprosterily one of the greatest rdt-ssings, "ound Lungs, and iin iiun t y from Consumption. M"(»ver one hundred thousand 1 Kittles have been use«l t and not a single failure known. T ou- aamls of tinttmoniaU of woudcilul cuah, will he sent, on application, t«» any win. doubt. For sale hy ;tll druggists. I»r. J. N. I'EMBKUTOX A i O., Proprii’tot*. All.ala, Ck. V i, ■» toiler. 1874, to Dec’r . r Blsin kss 8t a n d. ml store in vp > o ..(iij, read and Sale Stable I 3rl Hi J :>•:. vt:s... .i'KOPWETous HU FOUND AT THEIR .« i 1 r.*r Ur ink Hu llou^e Imihliiig, \, v , • :ilw >• on hand go«»d Turn- u. ii 'ci*. .r,* t • .!»-.i w in’ r i.eJlal* Read! Read!! CONSUMPTION CURED T u.nci; ok O., |ir i,< ,i M.-4i ine«, N >:«r AI-kanT, Ini)., Apr ilO, 1874. Dr. J. 8. Vtmb'rton, AtliHto Ga.: Krai: SIR— I h*v« your ••IrcuUn*, and in o..ns- luence of the d'.atrihution, I hare »■ Jil about ui dnn.-u lob*- KluwerSvrup iu t!ie last two week.. The lobe Flower Syrup 1* (Hilling (rent celebrity. I ^ommcndedli In twoen»e»of con.uai|ition. one w win hed>fa..t; had not laid on hat one aide for ro years: hemorrhaue.alnin.1 every day ; much emaciated, and esmird to die. lie has taken six bottles uf Globe rlower Syrup; hlstn.uUes nre all 8- ne, exerpt prostrallou, which ts rapidly iin- I’roving. lie will certainly «et well. The other rase 1« similar, with same 800.1 results. 1 can son mi ilia y tcsliuianiais ifyou wan them. Yours truly, etc.. O. SACKl.T. RKXAItKtBf.K fl'liF., Ohio, April 12.1871. 7>r. J. S. Prmhrriom . —It pirra Die rreat pleasure to Inform you that two bottles nfi.lobe Fluwor jrrup hare cured tuy son nf an ubstlnate lung af- rtion of several year.' .stan ling, alter mir host livsleiana liad given hint up tu die, with what _.,ev called Consumption. I shall ever remember with T.itelul hear and reeomnieud to all Ihetilolie Flower Svmp. It has brought for sunshine happiness i.> our licarlsand h»methan one million ~t,liars could have done. <!od Mess you. Tour friend, Klizabeth Spencer May.12.1874. i .J. f WINTER MILLINERY 6C00S, \ k r.; . V JL re*pe Ifvi.l; 'Xr • I .*MHI0'a U HI »f • VI aud \V1.» e ^ f: pirl lh»» la « ilia Lidle* of Aili-* 1 ATS, BONNETS, • V.?.'/ V.V. /,. /(V;.V. «&13 •it p d.-«* fr. 11 11 Broad • •rllSMf Victor’# Triumph. Sequel Fiend.'" A Beautiful Fiend ; or, Bettreen /»eo Fires. The Artfet’* Ix»ve. By Mrs. S*n*hirnrth. A Nnhlt» lsord. Sequel to •* J^tst Heir Liolithgov ." I^ont Heir Linlithgow ; or, The Broths r* ; or. The Furl and the Outcast. By Mrs. Smuthtcurth. Tried For Her Life. Sequwl to “ Cruel a* the Grave.” By Mrs. Eunua J>. K. S. Snuthirorth. Cruel a* the Grave ; or Jhillmr Ere Mystery. Belle-"im! nml Bondage; or, Bought v. ith A Price. By Mrs. .tun S. St'phms. The 1 >ld Counlo*. S-quel “ lend Hope's Choice." laord Hope’.-* Choice : or. More Secret Thun One. The Reigning Belie. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Linda. By Mrs. Caroline J.ce Jlrutz. Robert Graham. By Mrs. Carol me lee Jitnts. Ernest Unwood. By Mrs. Caroline Jlrutz. Rena; or. The Snow-Bird. By Mrs. Jlrutz. Marcus Warland. By Mrs. Caroliye J*r JJrut-. Autobiography of Edward Worlltjr Montagu, With Preface hy Hr. Mackenzie. The initials. The (treat Jetre Slory. Count of Monte Cri9t4i. By Alexander Dumas. Camille ; or The Fate of a Coquette. The Dead Secret. By Wilkie Coil ins. The Crossed Path. By Wilkie Collins. Memoir* of Vidoeq. JJis J.ife aud Adventures. Cousin Harry. By Mrs Urey. The Little Beauty. By Mrs. (ircy. Cvrilla. By Author of “ The Initials.*' Modern Chfvalt y By II II. Bred bridge. Major .Tones’ * «>urtship and Travel-. Major Jom s’ Seen * n Georgia. Simon Suggs’ Adventure* and Tnv»h. :oi. Thorpe s.-e •« ^ in Ark:n.M.w. Big Bear’s Adv. Tti. es nd Tiiiv. Is. Don Quixote. ii't//j His Life and Adrenlure*. Frank Fairl-gh. By Frank E Sundley. is Arundel. By Frank E. SmtdFy. 1 Racquet. By Frank E Stnedley. The Towerof I>>uoon. By 11’. If. >unt of Moiite-t’risto. By Alexander ltumas. The Coiiiite*-* <.t M..iit*-Cristo. The Three tio.inls vien. By Alexander Ihtvtas. Twenty Year* Aft*r. By Alexander Dumas. Brngeionne. By Alexander Duma* The Iron Ma*k. /• • Alexander Dams. ud D;«nt«*s s 1’> t '• \ i.t .'Tn tt-Crisfo. Fortr-Flve G ».;r l>m •. /» Mcxan Fr Humus. Ttie Iron Hand. By Alejam'rr Humus. Charles O’Malley. Byi'harlrs I **er. Harry LorrequeV. By Charles I.ever. Jack *11 in toil, the Guardsman. By lexer fours. By Charles l.rrrr. Valentine Vox, the \>ntri!*M|iiist. By Cocktnn. Ilosil; or. Crossed Path. By Collins. The Brigand;er the Tvmon of the North. By Viettnr Ifvao. author of 44 Lea Mls-rcblr*.'* The Queen’s Revenge By Willie iolHnx. Hid* and Sewk. By Wilkie Collins. After Dark. By Wilkie i'olUns. Cruising in !a»-*t War. A Capital Sea Stury. Trapper’* Daughter. By Guztare Aitnard. Fawkes. By Ainsworth. Illustrated. The Star Cliaml»er. Holiday Sjoriea. By Miscellaneous Selections. J VS.LEFFEL’S IMPROVED DOUBLE TURBIRE WATER WHEEL I J. SY COLLINS lias now |u Store m Full f ,i t«*ek of SEW GOODS ntiTABi.i: fob rim SPUING AND SUMMER a ” a«. .Wk H 9 EL-CS, CoimMiitg, in jxirt, of DRY CiOODS QddtJEBfES HATS, SHOES* NOTIONS Of All Kinds, which be oilers GJHC HiAP ir’O x-t CASH Or i:i Exchange for Countiy Produce. SIT The hlghct market price paid In each L > cotton :* BR ACK K/FS. The Largest Stick of Khackels flock Shelves, Book Shelves# Wall Pockets, .Hatch Safes. Hanging' Baskets* Ac., Ac, Cwr Brought to .fthens, For sale at . BURKE'. BOOK STORE. Nov.2Ji.lf, The Pic-Nic Papers. By Charles Di l 'k*nr. Dickens* Short Stories. By * h trlcs Hitkens, Windsor Castle. By IF. Ilarrisnn Ainsworth. Charles O’Malley. Harry Lorredtier. Tim Three Guardsmen. Tw'ehty Years After. The Iron Mask. Utilise lot Vallicre. The Iron Hand. .Tack llinton. Tom Rurke of Our*. Edmond Dantes. Bragclonne. Forty-five Guardsmen. Love at First Sight. By Captain Culing. Sunshine and Shadow. 'By Mrs. C.J. Eewby. Miss or Mrs.? By Wilkie Collins. The Dead Secret. ’ By Wilkie Collins. Mad’Monktnn, and other Tale*. By Wilkie Collins. Sight* Afoot. By Wilkie Collins. The Ctr^ican Biot her*. By Alexander Dumas. Father Tom and the Pope. Illustrated. The Marriage Verdict. By Alexander Dumas. The Flirt. By Mrs Oreu. latliiel; or the Wandering Jew. By Bear. G. I'roty. Good Society. By Mrs Grey. The Robd Chief. By Gustave Aimard. The Border Rifles. Hy Gustave Aimard. Sol. Smith’s TUea’rical Apprenticeship. Blus- t rated. Sol. Smith's Theatrical Journey-Work. Ulus* t rated. The Indian Chief. Bv Gnstare Aimard. The Gold-Seekers, lly Gustave Aimard. The Tiger-Slayer. By Gustave Aimard. The L* »t Bank Note. By JVnr. Henry Wood. -Hearted. A Novel. By Afrs Grey. The Red Track. Py Gustave Aimard. Passion anil Principle. By Mrs Grey. Marv Seahani. By Mrs Grey. For Sale at Nov. 23 BU RK E’S BOOK STORE. Commercial Travelc: s. An IntoreMins Iit*i<lp Vi* w ofSht- I.ifc of These r bl.initous lii-iitlciueii. 'Off again,’ I said to a well- dressed man, hurrying along with a traveling bag in one liriud and a shawl in another. f Whore are you hound now?’ lie was a com mercial travel.and worked tor one of tiie largest houses in the city. ' Yes.’ lie replied, cheerily, ' I’m off again. I’m always off, and never on. I don't know my own wife. One of these days l’n» go ing to stay at home long enough to get acquainted with her, if I can. .she seems to he a nice kind of n i woman. I’ve got to catch the train at Forty-second street, in an hour: jimp in the car and go y little way with a fellow, can’t oir!- * That's the only way I can say how d’ye do to my friends.’— I did as ho requested, following the biblical injunction, ’ If any j kind of fare he gets ; he can t have man compel you to go a mile, go! any too good, and a sensible lirni mil tint ore, (1 -tout h west. i ng under he.uls vary- gi sizes, trout lies. The rn-'*! powerful Wheel in the Market, und most 'oifiouiiiKl in the use of Water. Uirge ILLUSTRATED Pamphlet sent post free MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, OF Portable and .sutiunary Steam Engine* and Roll er*, B:1h*m k an«l Wilcox Patent Tubulou* Boilc ElmuKh's «’rusher t**r Mimnils, Saw ami Gri: Mills, i-louring Mill Machinery, Machinery f* White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Sanlling I’uili■; and IK tutters. SENI» KOI. '.'lltL'lLAR. 0ii3)loti9n of Partnership. r-pltF. partnership hrrelofnre exi«ling between i th. su•>*. riher. un.lerthe firm name of BURKE & HODGSON, Is this dav ditt^tlved by imitnal consent. The business will !»•« «*ntlnueil by T. A. BURKE, who will collect all of iheflccnttnlsdne the Arm, and ». ttlcits iiHlobtedness. Parties ludebt d arc n- qnested to make immediate payment, au the fe^ks at the late firm «na*t ftf efastd. T. A. Bckkk, W. II. Honchos. In relirlnc fmm the firm or Borke & Bnd«pon, 1 take thin nppnrtnnily of reltirtiltiB to my frieml. my aincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and solicit of tbetn ■ eontinnaneeof ih*imn V»»7 successor. vv . Hi HvlKiSOa HIGH SCHOOL. r pHE Trustees of this Institution JL have secured the services of Prof. M. V. LOONEY and LADY Rimmis Liar Bogahtor, or Medicine, I* harmless. Is nodms*1c violent ninliclne. Is sure to cure if takeu regularly. Is no intoxicating beverage, IsaCtultles ftmily medicine. Vs the cheap >st medicine in the world. Is Rlvtn with safety and th® happiest results the n»e*t delicate intxnt. Does not interfere with businesa, Itoes nut disarrange the system. Takes the place ol Quinine aud Bitters of every kind Contains th* simplest ami bvst remedii-s. Fok Salk By All Dkuggists. Blacksmith Shop. H ILL FEW would respectfully announce to tbo cltixena of Athena and ad joining country that he la fully prepared to do all manner ol work in the Ulackeraith line in an rior manner and at reasonable charges, lie the he-t Workmen and nae* nothin- bat the beat **—“ ■ .led time, and others have two or three, according to their line and extent of trade. You spoke of our seeing the country. You’d laugh if I told you that I never saw Niagra Falls in niy life until I was tlurtv-five years old, though I had Been within two miles of it hundreds of times. It is so. I never had time. At last I was ashamed’of it, and absolutely took a day, and wrote the house I was going, to the Falls on a spree. I went there and stayed a couple of ning to tbiuk of 0 see in Buffalo, took tlie first train for that city, and let the Falls go to pot; the fuct is, when I am on business, I can’t take any pleasure in fun. 1 scarcely know one plaee from an other, except hy the business houses in them, and as for scene ry—the finest scenery 1 know of, is a merchant calling at .your ho tel two or three times before you arrive, wanting to know ifyou have'iit come yet, so he can buy a bill of goods of you. ’ 1IOW THEY LIVE. 'We do not stop at first-class hotels, and we always get as good accommodation as there are iu the house. Why? Because we pay our bills; because wc arc the big gest kind of walking advertise ment for a hotel, and the men who know how to keep one, un derstand that fact. Wc can send hundreds of dollars worth of busi ness to a hotel, or drive hundreds away from it, simply hy report ing to each other how wc are treated. We get together in smoking cars and iu our rooms at nights, and detail every mean act or petty extortion, and von bet that landlords don’t make any millions out of us by crowding! Some of us have our regular rooms—best family rooms, too, wc occupy every month, for years, and wc always get them, even- time, uo matter who is in them. The head wallers know us like a hook, and so do the hoys; and you bet we don’t get any tender loin steaks or broiled chickens or birds and tilings ! Oh, no ! they ain’t for us ! "* ! Certain towns are celebrated for their mean hotels. Provi dence, R. I., was, until a few years since; the meanest of all mean hotels, eight.or nine years ago, was the City Hotel. For a place of eighty thousand inhabit ants, it used to lie a wonder to us why such a hole was in existence ; but it was the only one in town and we had to goto it. The boys got so they used to do their busi ness up in n day, and then go to Boston, fifty miles off, and stay, rather than sleey in town. I be lieve it is better now. It makes a mighty sight of difference to a man who works twelve and four teen hours a day, as wc do, talk ing and walking all the time, what h- at big places on the New York a store until I got* an order. Central, like Syracuse, Utica, [you haven't given me any, Rome, Rochester, etc., was $6 90 per day, exclusive of salary, of course. A nmn can spend as much as he likes. ’ Entertaining customers,’ covers a multitude of i der. sins, and there’* lots of fellers and „ . , . 4H* I thought I would wait.’ The mer chant laughed, and finally per suaded the young man to leave, very disconsolate, without an or- Herc wo are at the depot at spend three aud four dollars a [last,* and swinging off the pint- day iu tliis way, hut the custom-1 form, ho shouldered into the ers don’t get much of it. Com mun sense tells a man or a house, that a traveler must have a thun dering trade to spend so much ev ery day. I told our folks that if they found any items for whiskey or cigars in tny bill, to charge it to 1113- account, and as for enter taining customers, I don’t have to buy iuv trade. I make it fair and l If tny fliUt’recocd and give assurance of my crowd and went his York tfitn. wav.—A'eir sqiyire; they pay me for the j t° judge of the temper ot the par- goods, and that settles it. I want! ty ] n control of the Government. my head clear, not full of whiskey and tobacco, if I travel. SALARIES. * What do von got? Hid I regret to say that I see am <01 in«- to! many manifestations, both on the | floor of the Senate and of the House, of a settled purpose to Oh, cer-| arouse, if possible, the animosi- tainly that’s a fair question; 110 j tics ot the late war, and thus se- offense whatever. Wc get just! ‘‘ ,,re !l *' c ' vv lease of power. But what we are worth, like every other man iu the world. Our sal aries vary from $800 per year and expenses to $5,000 and ditto.— For me, 1 get $3,. r >00, which is fair, l consider, though I earn every cent of it. My house is a good one to work for, that’s one comfort. They never write me scolding letters, blowing me up when I have done 1113- best; but thoy sav, ' Mr. Jinks. 3-011 have had a hard trip this time ; better go home for a few days and see your wife, and then come hack [ and try it again.’ I can’t keep; here 1 ! And life' do not give assurance (if my integrity us well ns judgment in such matters, 1 bnvo mi> business lien*.’ He went on to s:ly in con versation, in substance* * that he was deeply anxious for the condi tion of the country ; that* he 're garded the re-election of .Giant hv the Radical -part3’ to the Presi dency, ns the greatest possible calamity which could befall tiie country; and that it would lie Iris utmost endeavor now, as it jtnd linen Tor two year* past, to Wje- vent that state of things which would bring it about. Itnprji- j dent speaking did much mischief I sometimes. There are occasions in tin life of a great part.v, when silence, prudence and n masterly inactivity are its highest policy, because then the opposition is al lowed to develop its pernicious schemes and show its hand fully, and then can find no shelter from tiie storm of popular indignation certain to come upon it. These seem to lie his views, and, further, that it is ot the first importance, that the friends of Constitutional freedom, with whom is tiie hope of the future ot this Govermneiit, should fully understand and wiae- . *, ly appreciate tiie truth that, ’ in .senator Gordon on j ,^5,.* , atil . m . c , llo8wlW they their le Senate the other! ,,1'. J THE SITUATION. Vieira *11100. A. II. Mr|thr»«. Washington City, I>. ^ Fehruar}' 2, 1875. } My Dear Sir.—I have been here now, long enough, I think. 1 can but feel that the sober, sec ond thought, has conic to the peo ple at large, and that this genera tion at least, will not and cannot he hurried again into fraternal strife and bloodshed. I’wa*grati fied to hear the floor of tiie day, after declaring iris fealty to the Constitution and tiie Union of these. States, make hisappeal from the sectional hate'on that floor to tl.e popular heart and tiie patriot ism of the whole country. Thu speech was a masterl}’ one iu nil its features, but grand in its mun- awav from tiie store two days at a 1 hood, its uuscctional patriotism with him twain.’ ' This is a queer sort of life 3 011 lead,’ I said, on being seated. Don’t 3'ou enjo3* going altont the ountiy, living at first-class ho tcls, riding iu palace cars, smok ing the best cigars, flirting with *11 the prett3’ girls you meet, and, in a word, making a long spree of life all at other peoples’ expense? Seems to me, a commercial trav eler has a mightv- easy berth of of it. I’d iike to bo one myself.’ He listened to all I said with an amused twinkle iu his 03-0, nnd replied : ' Well!’ now it is strange that about even* man outside of the business, has just exaeth- 3’our idea of it—which is just exactly the wrong one. There never was more incorrect idea of the du ties nnd animus of commercial travelers than the popular 011c Win - , man alive!’ he said spirit ed^-, '3-011 mustn’t suppose the merchants of New York are idiots,' or that they lose sight of us the moment we leave the store. They know ail about us, and wo know that thc3’ know it, and take care N’nrly all !i* originate from ItidifMtlos thrv ftlvili't' lfiinw hlrtll nd r.»ri idity of the Liter, and relief is always uuxt u,e J ® n<ul 1 KllOW an ) Harill anxiously'it after. If the Uteri* Regulated in it? action, uejltli is almost invariably secured Want of action iu the Liver causes livathtrhr. Com- Ipatioii. J.mmlirr. Tain in the Shoaldrr*. Ough, t hills. lHr/hirv*. Sour Stomach, bad taste la the mouth, billioux atlneks, |ialj>itatl<»B of the heart, depnssiuu of spit its. or the blues, nnd hundred other symptoms, for which SIMONS LtVKR I* III a l L.ITtlii is the best remedy that has '•verheen discovrrrd. It acts m'Mly. effectually, and being a simple vegetable compound, can do no injury iu any qualities that it may be taken. It is larmirss iu every way ; it has been used for 40 tears, and hundreds of the good and srrat from all parts of the country will vauch for its being the |mrt»l and best. of US SELLING goods. * Our calling is our bread and butter, and we have to cam it by the hardest kind of labor. You needn’t laugh, it is so. Business of all kinds now-n-days, is done tn* actual personal representation and solicitation. A merchant has certain kinds of goods which he puts on the market; he adver tises them ful^-, and then follows up his advertisements by iris trav elers, nnd rakes in all he can.— Commercial travelers are more numerous to-da3* in all lines, than ever before. When you sec a smart, active mau going from store to store in suburban cities, talking with the proprietor con fidentially, and producing a hook ill which he makes notes from time to time, that man is a commercial tourist, as we call ourselves for feu, and is doing as much busi ness in his way, tor his house, as “£a?«cuHjo& ,i ^ V 'a“ur! wPsiiopXktSl .they do for themselves. No firm ppealtB Mr. J. Z. Coopqr'a LiVerf fitahlq. „ pt a|o||g wH ho..t the,11.- know's it. IIow is a man to have any spunk or spirit in him, alter riding, sav five hundred miles a week, and talking all the time, except when lie’s asleep, if lie i- disturbed I13- lings or fed on bull- beef and slops goneralh ? lie can’t do it. Can't ride live hun dred miles a week and do any business. Young mail, we work all day and ride all night. That’s the way wc do it, except in J>ig towns like Buffalo and Chicago ; there, ot course, it's different. SAMPLES ANI> EXPENSES. ’ Samples ! 3"cs, ot course, wc carry samples; some ot 11s have half a dozen big trunks lull ot ’em; regular store in itself, to lug around. Diy goods, hats, hoot and shoe uien, all have 'em; and at the end of their trips, tl>c3' sell the lot for what they can get to some Cheap John ; trunks and all; unless thc3' arc sample trunks made on purpose for their busi ness. Some have samples which thc3- cany in hand, and those are the* worst of all. Cutlervmen catch it heavy 011 these. They ain't hcav’3’ enough to put in tiie liaggnge, but the3' have to be toted round from store to store; weigh 011I3' twent3*-fivc pounds, some of them. You take one of them, carry it all day in a country town or cit3% talk all tiie while, and perhaps make 110 sales after all—find some chap has lieen ahead of you and done it all for 3-011 and when it conies night, ifyou don't feel tired, 30,1’re a horse, that’s all. Big bill expenses! Well, that depends on where and how you travel. In the Eastern States, where distances arc short and ho tel charges small in the towns, the expenses arc ver3‘ slim ; $2 75 to $4 a day, unless 3-011 hire a horse too often, covers it all; but when 3’on get to Boston or Phila delphia, or go West, the scene changes, and 3-011 can’t go decent ly for less than six or eight dol lars per diy for legitimate outla\". That’s what it will cost day in and day out. For live years, my ac- in detail, from .fall. II, llL. . . 1 Some have twenty travelers ftc ro,,ntr - v nt thc sa,uc time. We represent, thc house, }<m know, away from home, ami shrewd merchants take care that their representatives shall lie worthy of them. Why, mail}’ 1 big house in this cit}- depends more upou its travelers than upon its partners for trade and saga cious conducting it. and if tiie}’ lost llicni, would be in a box. I have known travelers to stand b}- a corner, voluntarily accept a re duction of salary, cut down their expenses all they could, dcceutly, and work hard when thoy knew the house was in a tight place, and their efforts were in no small degree, enntrihutive to final suc cess. rXTKCSTWOETHY TRAVELERS. ’ Black sheep in the business ! Certainl}-, there are ; just as mail}- as in any other profession; and they make so much noise, live so much in the public eye, that they get the whole ot us a bad name sometimes, but that afl’ects us very little. They don't get far; their lareer is soon terminated. Thc telegraph is too long now-a-days and roaches too far for a nmn to j cut up man}- didoes. First thing lie knows, in one of iris drunken sprees, somebody telegraphs or writes to liis folks that their trav eler has been drunk about town for five or six days, and tiie}- had better get him home, which they do might}- quick. Then again, there arc men who smooch fifteen or twent}- dollars a week hy 1 op- resenting they have been to such and such places, when all the}- ever did, was to talk to a mer chant from town whom they met 1)}- chance on tiie platform of an other place fifty miles a fray : they charge traveling expenses all the same, but such tilings are like all otlier forms of human swindling and dishonesty, found out sooner or later. Then again, there are men who pick up loose women and go about lintels with theui, thinking that nobody knows them or tlicir company, lint they soon get undeceived upon that point, by hearing of it in many W113-9.— Yon must not judge all travelers hv the misdeeds of a few. for no class of men work harder and more faithfully, than they do. DIGNITY OF THE PROFESSION. 'Get snuhlted sometimes? I don't understand you ! Rebuffed ! Wliv, who should rebuff me? I am not a bootblack or match ped dler! It is a favor a man does me, to Inn-1113- goods ! He knows that as well as 1 do. ^ on don t rebuff }’our grocer, do you, when he brings }*our order in. or your butcher? Not much. I would like to see the man I couldn't ap proach. All men are approacha ble one way or another; and if you know your business, you know how to meet them. No merchant ever tried to put on am" airs with me, simply because I al ways respect nnselt. It docs not take long to see that. A good mail}' men are sent out in driving times, who ought never to lie on the road at all, and they get re am! comprehensive appreciation of tiie great issues of the pending crisis. As a Georgian, mv heart beat high with emotions of pride and gratulation as lie stood erect with iris fine martial form dilating with the noble thoughts aud sen timents that stirred within him, and hold!}- denounced the spirit that would fan into live coals the dying embers of thc late unliapp}- strife, and declared that his hope and confidence were in the hearts, consciences and courago of the soldiers and people of every sec tion of tliis broad land. souls. It is believed that Mr. Stephens' great fear is, that wild and fiery speaking on tiie Louisiana ques tion. denunciations of Grant and the military, nnd persistent' fili bustering’ in the House, will re kindle tiie anil lositicfi of tiie lute struggle and bring about 11 condi tion ot tilings that will lead thc Republicans to rc-nominatc Grant, (whom they do not really want, lint will take, in order <0 win), land who, in Mr. Stephens' opin ion, is thc strongest man they can run; and that Grant, at tiie head of that party, however practical and conservative lie might other wise he iu his own \iews and feelings, will !>e carried along by tho mad whirl ot re-installcd Rad icalism, until tiie last vestige of thc liberties vouchsafed/ hy the founders of the Government) will he swept away, lie believes that of thc .. . . , tlm past and present nets l 1 ron 1 this local centre, a man Klt(li ^. ;l | 1Mlrty n.pidly crush ing it out of existence, and that it must die in the next election, un less thc Democrats and Conserva tives, by inexcusable blundering. ^ j revive its sinking fortune . ills ' policy, in a nutshell, as iris friend* understand it, is to avoid all vi«*- nee it) word as well us action, aud to appeal only to thc.peacur ful remedies of the Constitution, the Courts and thc ballot-box.— r In this way, the Democrats and Conservatives can easily bold tfic vantage ground obtained in thc late elections, and b\- addressing themselves in tiie calm and patri otic judgment of au oppressed and impoverished people, will most surely succeed in hurling tiie has better opportunities to see and appreciate tiie popular senti incut of tliis country, as it ij reflected from all sections.— It would lie well if all th citizens of this country, could i occasional!}' visit Washington. ((| and put their fingers on the pop- j ^ ular pulse, and know how the great heart of the nation beats.— It would sure!}- tend to delocalize and render less sectional and bit ter our American politics. Tliis, however, being impracticable, how important tiie duty resting on thc Press aud public men ; for they constitute the chief, it not thc sole means of information to the great body of the people. If the}- are unfair, partial and sec tional in their outgivings; if the}’ do not trulhfull}- represent all shades of public sentiment, so . , * * • im»nv> 1 oifiitn their patrons ami constituents can > > , ( ; . . , 1 , . , tile to all el; tor themselves, j' dge ot the situa tion, they arc recreant to their high calling and obligation, and do vastly more harm than good. Instead of faithful sentinels, they * arc deceivers—instead of pacifica- j tors, they are factionists, and in stead of pouring oil on the troubled ; waters, are in fact raising the whirlwind and the storm. The ] great need in this country at this ! time, is less passion and more | principle in our polities. Tliis line of thought leads me to con- ! gratulate 3-011, as well as nil other J years of a Geor re longs 10 mill Class o, omtesme., ., B y tJioueit.-atlon (greatly m demand just now) |mBlt „,|„ wc< | a , nil meals on Sun- who subordinate passion to prin- J ( )nys, and once each day, at the prin ciple, and look away from mere j c i|>nl meal, on Mondays, Tuesdays, ephemeral party tactics ami tri j Thursdays and Saturday*, except on iiniphs. to the* higher ends of the second Saturday of Lem. on ac- «*owI, peaceful, prosperous and i count of its.bring an Emlier daiv. and permanent government for : II. I <"> ‘ h ? " * hms&ny. „ . j 4. Thc use of butter nnd lard for By the by, hw room w flequeut- tlic ^ of is p-mfitted. Iv thronged wilji visntors Ironi all j jwp, am | w lmt arc commonly present dominant party from power. Meantime, some wise scheme of financial relief, whereby money shall Ire made more a’ccossi- ishcs of inrt istrial ptir- j suits throughout the entire land, I may he devised, and some general ! policy adopted looking to pacifi- \ cation aud kind relations between all the people of all sections.— (kinstifiidonalist. Lent. 1. Thc Holy Season of I--ent erili com mence 011 Ash Wednesday, February 10th, and will terminate nil Suuduv, March 28; h. 2. All |>cro,iis over tWeiity-ona not otherwise exempted jeorriaiis, that your immediate j by lawful authority, are bound to ob- •epresentative, M'r. Stephens, be- •ervethe Lenten last, hy taking oniy . 1 „ . * . 1 . one mual each dav, except oh buntlHve. longs to that class ot Statesmen , ., «. t , ie u , c offish parts of thc Union, who call to pay their respects to thc renowned Georgian. A citizen of our State just arrived, aud passing through to New Y'ork, came in to sec him, and not having but a minute or two to stop, inquired after Iris then said : ' Mr. known as white iae-it* are allowed hy dispensation. 5. Lcng established custom l as made it lawful to take in the morning a little ten or cnHee, or chocolate, with a very ’smalt piece of bread; and in the evening a collation, which should not exceed one-fourth of au ordinary meal. 0. Fi*h and meat arc not allowed health, and Stephens, some of our Georgi: people want to know why you j at the same meal, don’t speak on thc Louisiana ques tion ; and whether you are going to speak on it?’ Said Mr. Ste phens : ' Say to them, I never attempt to cross a river, until I conic to it. The Louisiana ques- buffed ri^ht aud left. I would re-j tion hasn’t reached the House : Yhose employed at hard labor, aud huff them mvself. I remember one J yet ? and when it docs, it will he j the poor who may be unable tit pro- young man who was standing in a j time enough to speak upon it —; cure regular meals, store when I entered; the propri-j And even then, ctor came up to me and talking, but stopped and to tiie fellow still standing Well 1 fie said, ' yon have your know when to spesik ami what to answer for? 7. The following perso- 9 are dis pensed Irani thc obligations of the I-enten Fast: (1) Ad jierson* un der twenty-one years of age; (2) Mothers in 11 state of pregnancy, or nursing ehil*Iren ; (3) The-sick, and rsons lar advanced in age; (4) Bv order lit, Rev. William H. uid began! upon it, unless, in tny judgment, Gross. I). D., Bishop of Savannah, nd turned 1 I can sec some good to lie accom- ! Michael Ccllixan, Chancellor. Jing there. | plished by so doing. If I don’t j ^'mmah, Ga., I-ehruarj' 5th, I87«. New* York to*Cbic^o, C not slop-* says this bright young merchant, away tr ^ liitlffnwn. but oil- ‘Onr folks told me never to leave possibly ping at every little town, but ou- j what arc you waiting sa}’ for thc security and welfare, Take advnutage of modern fuci)jt>rt< I am waiting for an order,’ of our people, letter than they far i nnd accomplish ns much in a single ‘ - 1 front the scene of action day ae required weeks, months, or can, I’ve no businesa years formerly.