Newspaper Page Text
Uorijjrast (Georgian.
H. H. CARLTON & Co.,
II. H. CAULTO.W Ktlltor.
ONE COPY. One Yonr, $ 2 OO
FIVE COPIES, One Year, 8 70
y//e Official City 'Paper
No. 274 Athens, Georgia, Wednesday, May 8, 1878.
IlfltlljfMi Georgian
A'o. 7, GXA.YITJ? HO*,
Rates of Advertising:
Transient adverUaemettts.oiouc square or more,
Si 00 per square for the first insertion, and 73 cents
for each subsequent insertion.
»J6. AH advertisements considered transient,
except wherespreial contracts are made.
Twelve lines space of this type (or one inch)
make one square.
<5fFor contract prices, see schedule.
Hates Of Advertising. City Government of Athens.
2 25 2 75 5 Oft I
5 t
00’ 8
. 1 ) IS 17
6 OO 8 25 10 25 12 OOi 10 ■
7 00 9 50 11 73 U 75122 <
8 00 10 75 15 25 15 .'*>,21 i
0 0 *11 50 U 75 17 251-7 1
0 75 13 0.» 10 00 18 25 29
1-iU 25,15 00 18 50 21 75!
12 12 0U 16 UJ 10 75 28 25 i
1 *i 12 75 17 O') 21 0) 21 75 I
I V »3 50.18 00 22 25 26 25 ■
16J11 25 10 O' 23 5.27 7u
171 i t 7 > 10 7 * 21 .50*29 OJ
18115 25,20 30 25 5o 30 25
20! 15 75 21 25 26 50 3! Au*
22 i
U 23 .
23'17 7 < 21 25 3.) 50 36 .* 0, .56 75
21 13 Cm 21 75 31 25 37 5u .g 50
25'18 2-s 25 25 M 00 .VS 50 50 ‘'5
26 IS 5,25 85 32 75 80 5 » 62 00
27 1 i 75 -26 25 33 5 * 10 .Mi 65 75
28 1 ) 00 2 i 75 31 25 | i 5 j!, Mi
29 1 » 50 27 25 :tt 00 4 j ,50 67 25
30,1 ♦ 57 27 75 S5 75 44 50 70 00
Citation for 1 pttors ot Gnardini
Citatiou for LcSlcr* of Atlmiiiis
Application I »r Letters of Dbr.i
Application far Letter* of l>ir,:t
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10 days, persq..
b lies of L ind. Ac , per a
Sties l’er. Stable Drupci
t^tray Nut iocs, 39 day s
Sheri if Sales, per levy of Hi lines or less
Sheriff Mortgage ti. fa. bale* per square
Tax Collector’s Sales, per square
Foreclosure Mortgage, per square, each time.
Ex* xnption Noti* cs tin advance)
Kale Mai’s, per square, each time
Business & Profes’n’l Cards.
TV 1 A
Jk.ffi al Service* to the citizens of Athens and
<>(&ce at the Dr hr Store of K. T. Brutnbv A Co.,
College Avenue, Athens, G*. 21-tf
Notary Public ami Ex-Oifieio
Justice of the Peace.
Off ce over L. J I.ampki.n s ore. March 31-6tu.
Dr. IVm. King, Jr., Mayor.
First Ward—Green Blair, Wiley F
Second Ward—F W Lucas, A L Hull
Third Ward— Jas D Pittard, Malcom
Fourth U’.irrf—B L Moss, C G Till-
Finance—Moss, Lucas and Hull
Police—Talniadjje. Lucas and S ufford
Streets— Pittard, Hood and Hull
Public Property—Staffoid, Pittard and
Health—Hood. Pittard and Blair.
Ordinnnees—Hull, Talmndpeand Moss
Market—Lucas. Stafford and Moss
Fire Department— 1 Talmadgc, Hood
and Moss
Belief nnd Petitions—Blair, Lucas and
W A Gilleland, Clerk of Council and
City Treasurer
T W llucker. City Attorney
A S Dorsey. Magazine Keeper
J W Brumby, Clerk of Market
Ilcnry Hill, Street Commissioner
W T Moon, Lamplighter
i* department.
H Cobb Davis, Chief of Police
Policemen—B F Culp, B 0 W Rose,
Clarke A Shirley, Wm Shirley, W T
Henry Beusse, Esq., Chid Engineer
Cnpt S D Mitchell, 1st Assistant
Wui A Bain, 2d Assistant
as to carry conviction, to intimi
date the aggressor, and crush ttie
mover. What show of mercy
would Sumner’s fanatical meas-
iuliiu, oes- • ures have met with at the hands
i of Gen. Toombs, had he been smaller boy
And they told Kim that Jesus of Xazarcth paucth | there to Continent ItpOU them?
O rich man, from your happy door,
Seeing the old, the nick, the poor,
Who a 3 k for uolhing, scarcely weep,
To whom even heaven means only sleep ;
While you, given good things without measure,
Sometimes can hardly sleep for pleasure ;
Let not the blessed moment fly,
Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
Is there a sinner, tired of sin,
Long!:;*, a new life to begin !
But all the gates of help arc shut,
And all t.e words of love are mute ;
Lr.u'i be A j«»y* sere, like burnt up grass,
Ana e'en the very heavens as brass:
Turn not i way so pitilessly—
Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
Self-hardened man, of smooth, bland smile;
Woman, with bean like desert isle
Set iu the sea of household love,
Whom nothing save •* the world ” can move;
At your white lie, your sneering speech,
Your bickward thrust no sword can reach.
Look, your child lifts a wondering eve—
Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
Oh, all ye foolish ones, who feel
A sudden doubt, like piercing steel,
Wheu your dead hearts within you burn.
And conscience sighs, 4 * Return, return "
Why let ye the sweet impulse fleet,
Love’s wave wash back from your tirtd feet—
Know ing not him who came so nigh—
Jesus of Nazareth passing by !
• would have been tame before
| Toombs’ torrent of logic and in-
j veetive.
“ Will you not use your influ
ence in trying to deter large boys
from contaminating the minds of
Thiugs which
Should be told
* *» Attorney tit Law,
attent.on paid to criminal practice. For
reference apply ;o Kx. (iov. T. 11. Watt* nnd Hon.
David Cloplon, Montgomery Ala. Office over
Barry’s Store, Athons, Georgia.
Asa M. Jackson L. W. Thomas,
Attorneys at Law
Athens, Georgia.
~SO 1515, E H wTx & COBB
Athens Fire Co. No. 1.
Meets on the fourth Thursday in every
month, at Firemen's Hall. Lamar Cobb,
Captain, N. A Rhodes, Sec’y.
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1.
Meets on the rirst. Wednesday in every
month, at Firemen’s Hall. C. G. Tai-
mndge, Captain. A. II. Vonderleith.
Belief (Colored) Fire Co. No. 2.
Meets on the first Monday night in every
month, at their Hall. T. IJovd, Cap't. j
B. Johnson, See’y. |
lie roust do', pass! Hold Him secure ;
In likeness of ilis helpless poor ;
Of many a soul, **ia-be;uiled ;
In innocent face of little child ;
Clasp Him—quite certain it is He—
Iu every form of misery ;
And when thon meel’st Him upon him,
Ba sure Ho will not pu&itbce by.
lies deeper than with the big boys.
I have been looking around, and
am quite sure that it does. A ju
ry might acquit them with the
verdict, more sinned against than
sinning. It is the men that I am
coming at, for just so long as they
meet in groceries, on street
corners, and in shops, telling
daughters, just so long l)ig boys
will listen and think it cunning to
emulate the filthy example. Is it
not a terrible tiling to look into a
young man’s face and think of the
impurities his mind must be loaded
with unless he has had strength to
cast off the unclean thing and be a
nobleman ?”
No subject more vital in its
bearing on the morals of tho young
could have place in this column,
Cicero’s impeachment of Cataline| manner and as solemn truths are
distorted into vile shapes, and
permanent injnrv is done to chil
dren’s minds. Would it not
I J* better for the body to be pois-
The people, Mr. Editor, are qj.ed than the mind, that parents
getting tired of politicians *nd "Sight see tho harm done, and
wire-pullers. "The elections iu thereby be enabled to use cures
' Chatham county point that way and antidotes ? But I am sorry
very significantly, and true merit to say that I think the trouble
j only has a fair field when it has
.lair play. Brains will tell, and
j we arc for giving the broadest
field to their display. Were we
j a voter iu the Ninth District, we
! should certainly vote for Mr. Hill;
j not that we are an ardent and
i blind admiicr of the man, but
I simply from the fact that he lias
j the brains and knows how to use j stories unfit for the ears of
ithem for the interest and honor of mothers, sisters, wives
! Georgia in Congress, lie is a
marked man, and his voice and
I utterances would at least claim
j attention and respect. The North
ern man who felt disposed to join
issue with him upon legal or con
stitutional questions would soon
find out that he had unwittingly
caught a tiger in debate by the
ears, and would be anxious to let
; loose, and that quickly. Geor
gia’s sons, in days past, left their
I impressions upon the councils j says the New York Tribune, in
| of the nation, and we now need i reply to the above letter. There
Cold manifests itself differently j Entering the State north of and
indifferent people. In some, it (along the Air-Line railroad and ex
produces fever and pain in the te,i,1; ng' in a belt sixty miles wide,
limbs; fh others, catarrh : in stilli V, or,hc ? st :l '" ! southwo.-t across the
others, sore throat. Whatever ^ ate *^uochee v«ihy, through
. , . ... the counties ot Cherokee, Cobh,
part of the system is weakest, will ; p Ilu y iu „, n ;iru i son ami Carrol, into
be attacked by the cold. ] Alabama, is a region which has yield-
A large proportion of tin* eases ed more than §20,000,000 of gold to
of deafness, comes from neglected mere surface washing, for though good
sore throat. This is because of veins exist never has n shaft been 6unk
the intimate connection between
the throat and the ear by means of
the eastachian tube. Hence ific
over tme hundred feet deep. All this
land was, until 1834, tin- home of the
Chorokea Indians. Traders had
■ . . i learned of the Indians wealth over
importance of keepingAhe throat l wIlich the xuu , rs of tiie TnMu .
in a hemthhil condition. i he j iho Tgccgu, thii Tu^aloo, the
tendencies of sore throat are to Chattooga, the Etowah the Ami-
tlio worse and liot to the better ; j cola. In one year 3,GUO people rushed
hence, any affection of this part I into the east cm! of t-'.e Cherokee
of the body, should receive prompt county.
attention. In ease of ordinary | , Everywhere yne travels through
sore throat, the simplest and bes't I ll, » GeoPg.a gt.M regmi. ti.e tale of me
treatment is the wet pack, using a j ^ ^^ of l " 11 ‘
honest industry. It must he remem
bered, too, that very little encourage
ment is given in the South to women
who stri\e for themselves; but ever
lasting honor be to those who break
the bonds if couventioiml prejudice,
and prove themselves far better than
the shiftless “ lords of creation” and
worthy helpmates of ttfc best of the
other sex.—Augusta Constitutionalist.
s:in* I - ot many
'■ and tho records shoe,
j yielded millions.
From ore i:i White
! v/a.-lird by recorded v.c
| tons of gold, and many ::
,'isaw its wav to the 1
i river, in
. crystal st: c sin,
acres that have
ounty was
at over two
.igget never
ks. There
I those of the same sort.
R. M. O.
Attorneys at Lent’,
AO* OiBca In the Deupree BiiiMing.
Attorney at Jaw,
bnx T. OSBORN.
Officers—A K Childs, President; J J
Thomas, 1st Vice President; J II Hug
gins, 2d Vice President; 8 C Doblis, 3rd
Vice President; J RCrane,Secretary and
Business Committee— R L Moss, Chair.,
man; W C Orr, J I) Pittard, Win King,
Jr., J Hampton.
Erecutiie Committee—Dr R M Smith
j Chairman ; T A Burke. J B Mathews.
Committee on ileinher/hi/t—A S Dorsey,
| Chairman ; II Beusse, II K Bernard.
Regular meetings, 2d and 3rd Thurs-
! day nights of each month.
Read this able and most sensi- •
The nineteenth century has wit
nessed many and great discoveries.
., , . . In 1809, Fulton took out the
blc article of a correspondent to ] ^ p;ltcnt (or the iuventiou of
the Savannah Morning News. t the steamboat.
It shows in what estimation Mr. j 'J he first steamboats which made
Hill is held throughout the length | regular trips across the Atlantic
^ 1 ocean, were the Sims and the
Great Western, in 1839.
are parents who recognize among
the duties they owe their children
that of instructing, them with re
spect to the origin of life. This is
left shrouded in impenetrable mys
tery, and all manner of lies arc
told in reply to the questions
which at a very early age children
will ask. The mother leaves
this matter for her daughter to be
told about by any chance school
mate, who, with the few grains
of truth she may communicate, is
Will prariupt in tho c
** rvtnt, B.»uk*. Fran kin
ext tin Circuit; will >
41 claim* entruxtcJ u» In
Jan. 10, 1874—1 v.i*
i of the Northern
, ] Iul>c roll ant of the
orchil attention to
Clarke County Officials.
Asa M Jackson. Esq . Ordinary
A L Mitchell, Ksq„ Jmlgc County Court
John 1 Huggins. Clerk Superior Court
J A Browning. Sheriff
J W Johnson, T ix Collector
D E Sims, Tax Iitcviv. r
S C Bees -, County Treasurer
E K Lumpkin. C u.uty Surveyor
M G Wat Kins, Coroner
Attorney at Jaw,
At I>r. King’* Drug htorc,
Allw'*rk iu a superior manner, and
tu gire satisfaction. jan>tf
LOCATED in this city, is prepared
»do all kiivia of Carp^nttra* Work tn the
Jflo, aaJ.a: re isunahie rates, with dispatch,
i In the rear o; tho City Clerk s Ofli*re.
► S. 1374.
$rria<|e and lAuggj 7 ojuro.ltf Cooper’s Llvrrj Slrjilr.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
Post Office, Athens.
Arrives 3:45 r. M.
Leaves 9:45 a. m.
Arrives G:30 a. ji.
Leaves 10 I*. M.
Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at
12 A. M.
Leaves “ “ “ 3 p. M.
Leaves Wednesdays and Fri
days at 6a.m.
Arrives Thursdays and Satur
days at 9 p. M.
and breadth of the land, as a
Statesman of most extraordinary | The lirsl public application to j moro t i, au likely to sow tares that
aunties. ! practical use ot gas tor practical j never can be weeded out. The
The late Gainesville Convention ; illumination, was made in 1802. innocent-hearted bov learns from
of the Ninth Congressional Dis-1 In 1813, the streets of London
triet, called for the purpose of; wore tor the first time, lighted
nominating a candidate to till the
place of Mr. McMillan, deceased,
after ballotting over four hundred
times, adjourned without making ,
a nomination, 'flic two promt
his rough companions what ii s
Xiwn.fijther or mother should huvu
with gas. ^ told him with perfect simplicity
1813, there was built in Malt- nnd ingenuousness, and learns a
ham, Mass., a mill, believed to j g lva t deal that they would never
have been the first in the world j l iaY o had him know. Truth is
j. j which combined all the require- j sacted, truth is pure and never
iiont candidates were lion. B. II. ments oi making finished cloth i corrupts any one. It is the vile
Hill and Hon. II. P. Bell, present I from raw cotton. admixture of falsehood with it
representatives in Congress. Air. | 1790, there were only twenty-1 that contaminates. Every tact
McMillan was elected to succeed ; tive post-oificcs in the whole coun- : j tl human physiology can he
Mr. Bel!, but the death ofthc'Ly, an< J up to 1837, the rates ol: communicated to a pure mind that
latter, necessitated another elec- j postage were twenty-live cents tor j HelicAcy shall not be in the
least offended. The time to make
linen cloth wrung from cold wa
ter, and over this a knit or erotcli-
eted yarn band, four feet long and
four inches wide. Apply this two
or three nights in succession, un
less it is a very severe ease, when
the pack should oe kept on during
tire day. If taken off in the morn
ing, wash the throat in very cold
water, rub dry with a coarse!
towel and with the l and. This
will prevent taking more cold. j
Mucous membranes have throe i
kinds of inflammation—catarrhal, I
croupous and dipthcritic. Every- j
body knows how the first appears ; I
in tiio croupous, a liquid is poured ‘ valley'and on Yahoola river bufo
out which collects on the outer ' war, and their works haw be; n a
Treasurer Spinner is a kipd heart
ed man, but blunt aha profane.
A gentleman (who was evidently
posted) inclosed a Confederate-
bond in a letter to the Treasurer,
with the request that tlih Enclos
ure be redeemed, and its equiva
lent in current funds be returned
to tho subscriber. The General
got stormy and sent the following
answer with his signature at
tached :
" .Sir—Your damned bond is re
spectfully returned, and with tho
information that such ’trash is
not redeemed here. You had bet-,
ter take it to hell, the place of the
Confe Je racy s inception."
No doubt the veteran flattered
himself that this tineerepionious
rebuke would cool the apdov of
the Confederate, but in i\ lew days
be was rather nonplussed by the
receipt of a spirited reply’,". Here
ill first class style has ever been ! 18 a c o[>V ;•
" Dear Sir—Your favor bf-
has been duly received, and I
hasten to aeknowlodgeyour court
esy in the premises. I .should
have mentioned in juy pFevioiis
letter inclosing Confederate bond,
that the certificate, of indebtedness
had been presented at the.depos
never were anywhere richer
than Nacouchte, the old .'■fixes in
Cherokee, and some place- in Carroll,
and mo.-t of these places having tested
through r. any a year will now yield as
well as ever, “(told ^rows” say the I
old people. No organized svsiem
carried out in Georgia.
A Northern company erected dams
and pipes and flumes in Nacoochee
ro the
»fit aide, but’ it destroys
the hills, j itory now designated by’you, and
that payment wiis positively de
clined. It now, however, affords
mo pleasure to advise ycitt-lHat on.
being tendered a second ffme to
surface of the mucous coat, and j used since, hut prepaiatiotis are now
forms a membrane which can be j making to refit and work extensively,
peeled off or removed without ill- i This hydraulic system is undoubtedly
jury to the mucous coat beneath I L ^ ie p*
'it. ‘ In the dipthcritic, the liquid | !“ u , c 1 fC'* 1 hmd, not unly
poured out infiltrates UseU iuto] va!k .^ Vd “ ofgreat hAmiss are
the mucous ineinbnuie, ana ii | S;no\vu to. exist, hut no effort is nuule
forcibly removed, loaves the mu- : t > work any in Lumpkin or White
cous coat raw and sore. Dipthe-! comities. In Hall two com . antes ate . -. lM | •,
• •it q • rji j .• , j t i j. « * , i iiooI/cliiRi & J inuiH liI beuetai v,
nil is blood poison. llie patient ! at work, and have each a ten stamp ; . ., ,
mill, while it. Cherokee work is done I Pj'vmont was prompt,y made,
on tlie old »5ti ickhuwl place, where I that your iiiiiiutablo
there i< a ten stamp mill. autograph did the business'2 Al-
Gold mining in tieorgia will pav if low me to yeturn thanks Ljr your
worked in tv.o wavs. First, in a | infernal agency, and accept, dear
small wav, by one or two men, with | General, the assurance of thedev-
pans, tittle, sluice boxes and rockets, j jp s niOst distinguished considera
11c was rather pleased with the
complains of feeling stupid ; tlu
angle of the throat swells ; there j
is likely to be more or less nasal ea- j
tarrh ; there appear in the throat
patches looking like dirty wash-j
leather, which, being removed,
leave a raw spot; the odor ol this 11 saw at tlie Sixes, C’lieiokce countv, a
exudation is offensive, but the dis- man at work who»o ouliit could not!
oaso is not nou.ilh contagions un
less the exudation comes in con
tact with the mucous membrane
ofanother individual. lienee,the
greatest care should be taken that
no towel or drinking vessel or
have cost five dollars. He was not
Leaves Wednesdays and Sat
urdays at 5 A. M.
Arrives Wednesdays and Sat
urdays at 5 p. M.
Leaves Wednesdays at 6 a. m.
Arrives Wednesdays at 6 p. m.
Leaves Tuesdays and Fridays
at ’ 10 A. M.
• Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays
.TICULAIl attention given to J 7 „ ,,
FAIR JOBS. Orders left with A. A. Hell, I ac * 1 ’ M ’
«>• a Newton », will rccsoe^promptnt- j q*| ie Iktilrond mails close one hour
j before the departure of trains.
. -.a - t -s.- -v- R. S. Tayi.or, P. M.
cY. /V. M INN,
Jottou V'actors,
— AND—
;ral Commission Merchants
Savannah, Ga.
ring. Ties. Rope, end other Supplies fur-
..j. Also, Liberal Cash Atlvauoes inede on
Hhltgnroents for sale or shipment to Urerpool
Hortherr poru. n.yTO-tf
ivery. Feed and Sale Stable,
»ltl »tan 1. re\r Franklin House building,
[proasstreet. iCecp always on band good Turu-
U an<l careful drivers.
tflock well card for when entrusted to our care.
Stock oo hand for sale at all time*. uecl3-lf
tion. lienee, the G; tinesville Con-' over four hundred miles,
vention. 1 Id 1807, wooden clocks com-
Mr. Bell is a very worthy man, J nienced to be made by machinery,
ar.d something above the average j ushered in the era of cheap
man Mr. McMillan was consid- clocks.
ered also above the average, but About the year 1833, Lie first
his death put the voters of the : railroad ol any considerable length
Ninth District, or, more properly i * n R 10 United States, was cou-
speaking, the politicians, to cast- j strueted.
iug about for one to till the va- j _ 5n lb40, the first experiments
cancy. Tho common sense peo-j * Q photography, were made by
pie, the practical thinking people,, Deguerre. ,
turned their thoughts upon Hon. j About 1819, the first Express
B. II. Hill as one not only wov- business was established,
thy to represent them, but a man -I'* 10 Anthracite coal business
who to-day, notwithstanding his Diay be said to have begun in
so-called political blunders, turn-) 1820.
ings and twistings, stands among i
In 1836, the first patent for the
invention of matches, was granted.
In 1835, tho first telegram ivas
Steel pens were introduced for
use in 1803.
The first successful trial of a
his fellow-men, intellectually, a
peer among peers. Mr. Hill is
no ordinary man; he is mentally,
the peer of any man to-day iu
Georgia, and as a member of Con
gress, would rank with the first,
Let it be remembered that there | reaper took place in 1833.
is no man so deep, who has not i I' 1 1842, Elias Howe obtained a
his shallow places, or so sound, i patent for his sewing machine,
that lie has not his weak points, i The first successful method of
and, therefore, the cloak of charity j taking vulcanized India-rubber
should be thrown over the faults was patented in 1839.
and frailties of human nature.
Railroad Schedule.
Day down-train loaves every morning,
except Sundays, at 8.45 o’clock, A. M.
Day up-traiu arrives at 3.45 o'clock,
P. M.
Niglif ’down-train leaves the depot at
10 o’clock, P. M.
Night up-train nrrives at G.35 o’clock,
A. M.
Night trains run daily, including Sun
Both trains make close ronncction at
Union Point with the up nnd down trains
on the Georgia Railroad.
►tnteipiise long Looked Foi!
Menu can be bad at all hours, for
Thi. Hotel ha. I,eon thoroughly renovated and
newly furnished. Tho Traveling Public will bo
•ccommodatod with Board and Lodging for
laalao connected with this Hotel. This is the
place logrt OyMen, Kish, Reef Stake, Haiu and
Ebr», Ac. Oysters will be sold by the quart and
gallon, to those who wish theut. Give us a trial
and we will please yon.
W. A. JESTER, ... _
T. TI1KELKELD, J Proprietor*.
Pocket Telegraph Instrument.
TDy the aid of one of these little in»
J J slrumMls, any one can learn telegraphing
without difficulty. Full direcliona accompany
\ each instrument. Price 25 ctnts. For sale at
April M-St-tf BURKE’S Book Start.
1 S 7
The politicians, however, want
some man of their own stripe to
represent them, and hence their
jealousy of Mr. Hill; he is too big
a man for them, and there is no
affinity or congeniality between
them. There can be no trading
bargaining with him. In this
respect, lie is like the lamented
Howell Cobb, who had no peer in
his District, nnd who acknowl
edged no superior in Congress, but
stood alone in his genius, talent
and ability, impressing himself
upon every order of intellect.
Mr. Hill is the equal of Mr. Cobl,
as a debater, rcasoner, logician ;
but not his equal as a politicial
tactician or parliamentarian, for
those were the peculiar gifts of
Mr. Cobb in a remarkable degree.
Were Mr. Cobh alive to-day—and
ever honored he his memory—we
would rather see him in Congress
than any other man, had we all of
Georgia's sons from which to sc
A story is told of an engineer
on the Union Pacific railroad who
ran a race with death at the rate
of forty miles -an hour, and won
by five seconds. He was driving
the passenger train West, and was
taken suddenly and seriously ill.
He seemed to know that death
was near—yet, the train must reach
Cheyenne before lie could be re
That was the end of his route.
Hc> increased the speed of the
engine and ran for life. Forty
miles an hour saved his distance.
He reached Cheyenne ahead of
time, and when the engineer who
thex* facts known is when the de
sire to inquire into them manifests
itself, ana the best teacher is the
parent. As between husband and
wife, so between parent and child
there is no place for shame.
Where virtue reigns shtunc cannot
A child thus'taken into sacred
intimacy with its parent will in
stinctively revolt from whatever is
vulgar anti base and obscene. At
cverj period in the development
ot the young life tho parent should
be btfore cvcrbody else iu prepar
ing and fortifying his son or
daughter against the dangers
which lie in his or her path. There
is nothing that so strongly binds
a child to virtue and honor and
chastity, a» perfect and unre
strained intVnacy between it and
the father did mother. We arc
careful abuit the sewage of our
houses, alput ventilating them,
and see toit with diligence that
every uoo! and corner is kept
neat and swept. Let us carry the
same thin/ into character and open
all the dial's and windows of the
soul by tftal frankness and trans
parent simplicity, that the pure
air and <unshine of hoavon may
have arfess to thorn and keep
them lure.
Ouc word more. If home is
made jo attractive that boys and
men j efer it to the corner gro
ceries an ounce of prevention
will b found better than many
pound of cure.
disposed to nil what lin was doing, but
it wits certain that he had gathered
lull S150 in a couple of week*. Fine
golu he did not o C ;., a> lie did not have
any qittek-.-ilver. but lit: found one
nugget weighing six tv six penny-
spoon used by the patient, touches ; weights. There are dozens of places
the lips of any other person.— I from Rabun county southwest to the
Croup is inflammation of the lur-1 Alabama Hue where two men, work-
ynx and usually attacks the pa- {ing hanpoaiously together, can easily
iiont suddenly in the night. The j ma ^‘‘ ^ 10 "‘ f‘ vc ll “ twenty-five dollars
membrane is formed in the larynx, , per da - v c: !F b ’ ; lml b ‘! a1 '" , tliebac ? t
is white, ntub extends each way up , ouUit ue , (1 llot C0£t yioo each, and if
and down. Til dipt hem. it forms j t h L . y wil j gt ick to work an.l eschew
in the throat and extends down- j whiskey and cards, itiey will have a
S E i. f-Reliaxce. — Young men,
don’t rely upon the good name of your
ancestors, Thotisau.l have spent the
prime of life in vain hopes of aid from
these they call friends, and thousands
have starved because they’ l.tvl a rich,
father Rely upon - the gltod name
which' is made by your jtwn exertions,
land know that the best ftfieldFyhu navo
i? >m unconquerable (jcter.mimttioii
united to decision of character.
The spelling mania is taking queer
shape. A Madison county '(" 1111) girl
The food of a patient suffering
from dipt hem, cannot he too nu
tritious and stimulating. All pin s- j
iciaus agree in this. There isi
nothing better for the patient than j
beef tea, made by putting a pound I
oV two of tenderloin into a glass j
can, or bottle, sealing it tightly j
and immersing it in water, trradtt-
, . | Inis offered herself as’a utizo to the
good balance on the credit side of their one 0 ,- !ier f t) .,r suitors win:
account at the year’s
end.—New York
W bile thousands of young men are
living in idleness, and worse than idle
ness, there are many women, tenderly
and delicately reared, but reduced to
poverty, who have nohlv striven
ally raised to the boiling point, | against hard fortune and won the bat-
and kept there until the juices ot | tie by industry and thrift. We have
tho meat are extracted. Give as : been very much impressed recently by
much of this as the patient will j certain correspondence of the New
take. Old sherry is also pre-
THEjmpudence of an-interview was
well rttked the other day, when a
miidsteloflered prayer at the laying
of a corler-stone. A brisk young re
porter nstled up and said, “ I _ wish
you wotjd give me the manuscript of
was to relieve him stepped aboard ^1*+^J i^eachSw"Well?
Blacksmith Shop.
TTILL FEW <avould respectfully
XI announce to the citliensof AthenaaBdad
joining country that he ia fullrprepareJ to doall
manner ot work in the Blacarmithline in *’ 0 P*"
rior manner and at reasonable fhwsff- *»•£*!
the beat workmen mad u»M aotMnw but tho belt
material. Plantation Work, Hoja«Sbo«t„c.»nd
very difficult Jobe-vpectalt*. 8HOP lo«»t»J
ppoalte Mr. J. Z. Cooper'* Literr SUbte. deczv
Executed neatly, at the Georgian Office.
the engine, he faintly gasped:
" Take the engine ; I am ready to
die now.” In five seconds, he was
a corpse. It death had stepped
before the other engiueer, what
would have been the consequence
* i to the passengers? But they did
not see the grim spectre running
the engine like a phantom train. It
As a debater, as a close and I
logical rcasoner, with extvaordi
nary powers of analysis and syn
thesis, and oratorial powers un
surpassed, he stands before the
people of Georgia, before the vo
ters of the Niuth District, a giant
among men. We want in Con
gress men of intellectual power,
thought nnd weight, with ability
to denounce wrong, usurpation
frightful instance of a man remain
ing at the t )os f °* duty long
Successful merchants are those who
advertised in some way. Advertise
ment of one’s business is absolutely
necessary to success. Where adver
tising does no direct benefit if such a
thing be possible—it confers indirect
advantages by building op the uewspa
dvei ‘
saii? the\eporter, “ I couldn’t hear a
word yoj said.” “ I wasn’t praying
to you,”Luickly responded the parson.
WhyBo you not admire my daugh
ter?” saft a proud mother to a gentle
man. t Because,” be replied “ I am
no judgtof painting.” “ But surely,”
replied be lady, not in the least dis-
concert! by this rude reflection, “ you
never star an augel that was uot paint
ed.” '
In tht et ent of Easter offerings,
that onetaken at St. Peter's Episco
pal Chuch in Albany last Sunday
cannot q equalled. The plate collec
tion anunnted to the handsome sum
[ of $45,OK).
scribed as a stimulant by the most
devoted adherents to temperance
One day Farmer Robinson’s old heu j
cante scratching about in my meadow, j
says St. Nicholas, and just then the
pretty sehoolma’tn tripped hv with two
of her children. She was talking to
them about the fish called the sturgeon.
“ Yes, my dears,” site was saying,
•‘I read it this very morning in the
Popular Monthly Science. Nine hun
dred and twenty-one thousand six hun
dred eggs have been found in a sina’^
sturgeon l" ■ ■
“ My! what a lot!” exclaimed out
of the children; “and if every cgj
gets to be a sturgeon, and every one
of the new sturgeons lays just as many,
just think what heaps and heaps of
grandchildren a sturgeon must have.”
The teacher laughed. They walked
on; and suddenly I heard a sort of
It was the old hen. I never in nty
life saw any living creature in Bitch a
state. She was so mad she could
hardly keep inside of her feathers.
“Nine hundred thousand eggs!”
she exclaimed, (you would have thought
she was only trying to cluck Iter head
off, but we understood every word),
“ nine hundred thousand eg-gug-gug-
gegs! Don’t believe a wool iff it!
Never was such a thing since we world
began—sturgeon, indeed ! Nevtr even
heard of such a bird. What’ll school
teachers say next, I wonder? Nine
hundred thousand egg-gug-gug-gegs,
The last I saw of that hen, she was
strutting off indignantly toward the
barnyard to tell the other hens about it.
the others. The trial isV/cnhte off
next .Si lur Jay in the. district., .-ehool-
house, and 25 cents admis-imi is to lie
charged, the money to go ’ to wauls
furnishing n house for the young
couple. ■ - i' ,f
Two girls attending a seminary in
Illinois set two cocks lighting iu their
room last Sunday. Bets on the result
ran high, and at the conclusion ot the-
contest the winning maiden was ‘•’bet
ter” by a gold watch, a pair of. silk
stockings, a French corset, two rolls of
fal-c hair, a patient hustle, nnd a
beautiful bookmark with “ Christ Our
Guido' worked oil it itt colored silk.
Never reproach a child with the mis
deeds of its parents, no matter hotv
descrvii g they may he of your censure.
It is the ver. refinement of cruelty,
and in the heart of the child there will
spring np hatred for you which will
never be eradicated.
York Tribune, relating to lady far
mers in Thomas county, (ieorgia.
We leant from this correspondent that
it is told of a widow in that county,
Mrs. Julia A. Mitchell, and, he it
ever remembered, whose husband died
in 1^08, leaving her with a legacy of
six daughters and a debt of 84,000,
that she lias paid it till and now has
C8UU in bank. .Site did it from a,
farm, too, and never has bought any
fertilizers. Site scorned all lien and j ,.
homestead laws and fought out the “Julius, why d.dn’t you oblong
battle with her own hand and head, j- vour fiU h v at tliu Springs?” “,
She has fattened and sold the past j s,,ow ’ ,lc . v charge too much.”
year sixty-three hogs, nnd a p 0 two “ How so, Julius?” “ W r y, de bud-
horses winch she and her two olde.-t! lo . r< * charged dis ‘ ol .red individual
daughters raised. Bi ,r , ,, I u ' w ’ at<> ’ <l,n "_^.i’~ZiLZ~ ”—
uuuu not be taking tlie G. Xj. ami o. . . . , ,. r . r T
trains too liurriedlv, lur rumor ^aith flio e»ectriet telegraph.— \\ ife, I
that the handsome judge who t.ffl this ! < ll>n 1 see - a, . v l“ rt . ,10 . w tl,0 >: f 1cd
true tale to the Fanner’s Convention ! letters on them ere wires without
at Thoruasvillc hath claims there; yet I *f ar,n e ™ a )l1 '’ , a ’ 'I 10 :
thev need not stop, for Thomas has 1 1 Ley <.on t send the paper; thev^ ju-t
other fair and skilful daughters equal- j- end lae wrltlil g ia _ ailuld state ’
ly worthy, some nearer the Judge’s'
home. It i? also on record that Misses j
Joanna and Margaret Bowman
made last year with their own lianas
five hales of No. I cotton, besides
keeping house and gardening in first-
class stylo. They failed, not for want
of merit, iu getting the premium at the
State Fair, hut propose this year to
try again.
Taking off his lmt most respectfully
to these noble women, the correspond
ent says it is the spirit displayed by
such persons that may well constitute
the hope of the South and her true in
dependence. W r c are of opinion that
these examples cited from Thomas
county can he matched everywhere ia
the StatQ. If so, we should be most
happy to receive any records of the
same and publish them, not merely to
testify our unbounded faith in the
gentler sex, hut also to present such
examples before the men of the city
a,ud. country, whose constant cry is
“ I can not get anything to do.* 5 If
every idle man iu Georgia was use
A young man charged with heing
lazy wapasked if he took it from bis
( fler pre®, which advertises and illus- 1 father.! “I think not,” was the reply,
and unconstitutional legislation in j [rates the city and its citizens to the • “Fathers got *1\ the laziness he ever
such a vvay and in such a manner! world- I \
„ A New Orleans paper says the dul-
fully employed, as he might be, the lar stores in that city are places where
They havegot a paten t horse-detacher
in Louisville, Kentucky. Your horse
runs away, he reaches the brow of a
hill, you touch a spring, he and the
shafts go dashing down the street and
leave your carriage at the top. You
sit there and placidly gaze at him run
ning over everybody and into every
thing .that gets in his way until he _ _ _
meets a stone wall. This patent is of I shame for men with beards on their
course like the prayer of “ Bless me J faces to be spinning out worthless
and my wife, my son John and his wife, t lives, when so many of the female pop-
ns four and no more.”— The Capital. | ulation are engaged in enterprises of
Patient, to doctors after consultation
—“ Tell me the worst, gentleman; am
I going to die?” Doctors—4” We ate
divided on that question, eir; hut
there is a majority of one that you
will live.”
“ Three and sixpence per gal !** ex
claimed Mrs. Partington, looking over
the Price Current. “ Why, bless me,
what is the world a coming to when gals
are valued at only three and sixpence?’*
“ I’m so thirsty,” said a bov at work
in a cornfield. “ Well, work away,”
said his indust.ri.ons father; “you
know the prophet says, 4 Hoe, every
one that thirsteth.”'
An obstreperous white man was be
ing taken to the lock up i.i Americas
on Saturday. A darkey who watched
the proceeding put in the exclamation,
“ Dat’s cibil rights for you.”
wealth of the State would he vastly in
creased, other men would not lie com
pelled to labor beyond their proper
share, and the women of the land
would have better husbands. It is
you may buy a twenty-five cant article
you don’t want, for four times its val
ue. .
A Chicago man thinks that the
worst speller ought to get the diction
ary, and the winner should liavo a
“ wreath of sorrel, or some other gar
den sass, like them Greeks.