The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, July 28, 1875, Image 2

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PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY MORNING BY H. H. CARLTON & Co., Proprietor*. H. II. CARLTON. Editor. The Unlrerslty Chancellorship. As our attention has been repeatedly called to the letters of CoL H. H. Jones, one of the Board of Visitors to tho University, to his paper, the Telegraph and Messenger, which letters seek to set at naught the charges we have made against Dr. Tucker, and as this Inspection of Fertilizers. In a late issue, we stated that A Day In the Woods. 1 Carteneh. . Last Thursday will be a day long! Poor dog!—no, he was fat; fat and farmers of Georgia paid an annual tax remembered by tho Odd Fellows of $ ek l *!* t of $50,000 for the purpose of having Athens and its vicinity, and by those munched B his last gristle, chawed his the fertilizers sold in the State inspect- outsiders who were so fortunate as to last pone and heard his last whistle, ed. Let us see how we arrive at such kc numbered among their invited I No more will he wag his little tail, alas, figures, and how much protection tho guests. It had been known for some nomore. Mooney and McKeearesad. laws afford. We have before us the time, that the members of Oak Grove will bo tho last issue of the Georgian very excellent report ol the Coramis. j Lodge, No. 77.1. O. O. F., had de- | arc Melancholy, for Cartouch went sioner of Agriculture, giving the termined-to invite their brethren of I with them to the butchers. WEDNESDAY MORMSH, JULY 28. j Trustees of the University, (our paper nnm be r 0 f tons of fertilizers sold in Williams Lodge, No. 16, to a regular I Town dogs howl mournfully every ■beinga weekly,) we trust we. will be Georgia, last year; the chemical ana- old fashioned barbecue; and a few days I “W*/* Ca 1 rtUQ ^ 1 WM *Wj 1 j“ d *T alluding to this sub- Hffi| * ; being a wee General Local and Traveling Agent. escU5e< j f or Thursday evening, July 29). The ... , , , ...v.. He marshalled their 1 Plume to be awarded to (he best drill' lysis of each brand; the commercial ago, we were notified that last Thurs- hoslg against the countrv dees. He ed man in the manuel of arms. Up value, based on the valuable constitu- day, the 2'2il inst., was the day select-1 didn’t like country dogs, nor yallerltor’ XT - J — L ‘ **■ Attention, Tronp Artillery. Capt. J. E. Hitch, jject, notwith|j^Rmg we stated in our va i UCj based on the valunbloconstith- j day, the 22dinst., was tho day select-1 didn’t like country dogs^ nor jailer 1 ton’anew edition. Nodoubtthoex- i« tbc duly authorind *gcnt or th«NoKTn-KUT last issue, tni^^ would dismiss for contained, »nd idling priw>, ed. I dogs, nor hound dogs, nor nigger dogs erefaes will be very interesting and c*nr. bitch is akoUMdo^ authorised «gon t of ^‘P^sent W fortller dfreu*k» of jfcbuggies,nSJ3! that«|d«adid weekly, in* •- sunny soath." | the reported irregularities. _ shows, that there wWspld in Georgia I omnibuses and odfeaveMdes n&tto I S^S^tSSShlsS. In justice to ourselves wo think it but year, so far as . reported, 48,6481 seen wending their way, in hot haste, I no t fight much himself—not modi— I of admission twenty-five cents, in orier nothing bnt proper, that we should tons, we may safety assume that all I towards the Giim Bpring, and after a I for his life was too valuable; but be I to defray expenses. . All members of the Troup Artillery notioe certain points or statements id imn BO t npnJ end tirat folly plsaaustdrive nf fiva minutes, we were I fo® gf** ‘* siccer on." Heknew It faearnestlv hoped thatthe cte ii ving in Clarke and Ocome counties. Col. Jones’ letters, which might create go.OOO t0 ns were sold. Now, the law brought to a sudden hank in the woods. *7 *** ***& Se are guested to mrot at this office on such misapprehenrion as to bring into rffews 50 cents for each ton sold, to the I Already a large crowd of both sexes I bari^^^chSonL I theS^ ronklmong thfeiSei com- next Saturday ^at lOJoclock a. ro., for question the correctness of our former i n9 pector. In fixing the selling price, had assembled, and the pleasant aroma I He was very smart, Gartooch was, panies of tho land; and if they are t»o purpose of arranging for our re- statements. In one of CoL Jones vendor must consider this inspec- of cooking meats was wafted on the I bkit he has had his day. Every dog I sustained by our people at home, par- union, which is totako place on the letters he states that in an interview Uon M an efanfcntof cost, and breeze. A hearty welcome from the Mu today, or will have, if hlrtory is ticularly our noble women, (God Hess August net. A futl .tt^- .b^Wi^.W^^.. ptuBt» > ±±Ti SSS t£u^Z .tSl he (Ur. B.) stated that Dr. Auc* fe ] a0 . if wa assume that the vendor I invited guests, among whom were a a black dog. He was a tui fleams that loud to none, had not heard a recitation from the a ^ | gj.oo per ton, to coverall ex- number of the brethren of Augusta I is he was for himself. He was too lug I Twenty-Five Cents. | junior class in about eight months— ^e iMpection tax, and iu and Macon, and all soon were made j for » a*d two little fora mastiff- ance is desired. H. H. CARLTON, Capt. Troup Arty., A. N. Vn. 1’remlnm List or the Oconcc Fulr As-1 ^ llis “ P rcscnt ^ in opposition to the ^ we probably are not far wrong, I to feel at home. socliition for 1875. | statement that Dr. Tucker had called ^ guin total of the inspection tax At about ten o’clock the t pud by our farmers will be in excess met the visiting Odd Fellow^ The Premium List of the 0conee ^is class jackasses, and is daim«l by Fair Association for 1875, is now ready 80100 ? S £ oof that h ° d ‘ d ” 0t J I CA ctl’ln (horn for distribution, and will be widely circulated throughout Northeast Geor gia. so style them. But let it be remembered, that about eight months ago Dr. Tucker did hear a „„ Mr . m „ . ... ,, . la recitation from the junior class, and Any person so desiring, can obtain I,,. .... . 1 that was the time he applied to them this rude and offensive epithet, per haps adding, that instead of being termed “ the junior class of the Uni versity, they should be called the in fant doss of Clarke county,” and which has called in question the dignified a copy of the same by applying to Dr. H. R. J. Long, President Oconee Fair Association, Athens, Ga. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Atlanta Constitution says: The Knoxville and Charleston roil— I propriety of the Chancellor. 3lSS££ re*" “f2 The extension of the road southward Jones “y*. 11 18 lhe universal tesU- | mony of the citizens of Athens, the was thoroughly discussed, and resolu tions were adopted looking to its com- I Chancellor and the entire Faculty, E lotion, provided the proper assistance I that no students of the University e jpven by the counUes and towns to I wcre ever more tractable, conrs De benefitted by its extension. This . , , .. , - will be good news to the projectors of h 008 ' gentlemanly and kind m tho Marietta and North Georgia road. their deportment, than those now in The two will join rails yet. I attendance at the University. In a Let the Directors of the Noithcast- subsequent letter the Colonel says, it ern RaUroad read the above carefully, probably cannot be denied, that at then reflect, consider, aud with renew- tin >es, owing to some thought- ed energy push their road to comple- j or improper conduct on the part tion with all possible speed. Athens of tlie students, the Chancellor did in must look to her laurels; with us it is dulge in some sharp rebukes or ani now or never. I madversions, which were not altogether wise or discreet. The Coiistitiitionalist says: , . . „, . „ , Now, if thft first statement of Col. P ,,bfaL b 2f • r "”“ , 1 ™'- ’' 1 “^ “f h ™ T ers of that place is stoutly protested I roe occasion, or what the excuse, for against by many. They have a perfect tho Chancellor indulging in such re right to object. We deny the right of I bukes or animadversions as would call ^?;, nT«^v t0 au , thoriz f the publi- J.ito question his cation of a citizen for not paying his I , 1 . . . , taxes. Private debts might be sent to studcnts > ,n P° ,nt of wisdom or dis- thc newspapers with just as much pro- crectness ? If his statement in his priety. It is a slur cast upon many a subsequent letter be true, then it is man with a good name who has no c i lCar that hc must have been mistaken money. The State has no earthly . .. .. . ... . , .. right to thus disgrace its ci izens. ln h,s atatement of the Previous letter. The point is well taken. Let this From the fact, that Col. Jones and , . ,i others, after being in Athens but a unjustafiable exposure of the peoples , , ° . . : t .. , , / 1 , very few days, presumed to comprehend misfortunes, be no longer tolerated. , . .. , . . . ., T . . > , , , . , the whole question pertaining to the It certainly can do no good, can find |™. „ , T t • •. , . . ... • , ’ , Chancellor aud the University, and to no justification under the laws of com- 1 • , . , . .. . , . i understand it better than those whose inon right nnd justice, and in many .. . instjinMMi mav An i u Hi observations gave them a far instances may damage good citizens in no small degree. Communications. [For the Northeast Georgian. Dear Georgian;,Owing to the extreme warm weather, tho Guards have concluded that it would-be better to postpone the Hop. indifinitcly, and consequently have made a change in the programme for Thursday evening next. The prize drill for the Rea Plume will take place at the appointed time and place, (Deupree’s Hall, THE GEORGIA PRESS. a spaniel rhor a pointer nor a setter—I MB& ro. r , l „ . .. he rarely set—generally he layed or Earth, air, fire and water, were con of 650,000. What benefit do our at the Lodge room, which was literally lied, as the case may be. He wasn’t sidered by the ancients as thefonrg- farmersderivefromthepresentsystem? in an Oak Grove, remote from «nj IZr’dS fftTS ftttfihl! The report of the Commissioner of residence. Thence they marched half I up 7 » fight, ^od keeping out himself that they arfnot chemical elements— Agriculture exhibits the analysis of a mile to the speaker’s stand, which I He cloned in canine misery; we have I yet, they cause almost all the diemb 112 brands. From this, we find that had been erected in the neighborhood I no idea where be got these traits from. I cal changes which takes place in the the cash prices of the fertilizers avers of an. elegant spring ot pure, cold wa- j *“ foaled in 1863; kevro a I physical world. ^Oxj^n is g”* , u . 0,1 wi . .. L T? . . j I dozen ‘jeare old; he was pigged in agent of the change, earth is the ele- aged about 611.00 per ton more than ter. After singing an ode, prayer was Greensboro, Ga.; Greensboro is an ment acted upon, and water fa the the calculated commercial value, I offered by the Chaplin, Rev. W. W. I honored town; the Greensboro people I medium through which the action Taking the amount actually reported I Oslin, when Capt. J. E Hitch intro-1 have tel^prapbed for his remains; I takes place. They constitute the phts- as sold, 48,648 tons, wesee that Ae duced Mr, D. B. Woodruff, of Maeon, where they are; remmnsto be «fan. I i«l elements^ of life and ***?■ nr • i. [ When he waa calved he was the pros [ life, the Oxygen acts through the me- farmers of our State paid last year! who entertained the audience with *jp ert _ 0 f Demosthenes —the Demos- dium of the water—the same fa true for .heir fertilizers, provide^ they I speech replete with eloquence, winding j thenes of the mountains; but he lin the decay of bodies. Tbedfacovery bought, alone for cash, above a htdf\ upbyarecitationwhichUterallyhroUght I didn’t like the Gate City n6r the I of Oxygen fa the most important step million dollars more than the fertilizers I down the house. The regular orator I Legislative Haifa, nor Republican dom-1 in the history of Chemistry. It fa were really worth. Here we find, in Lf the day, Rev. W. W. Odin, was j? a ^ aBd xJ e 1 ^ Y toke ? ^T U8e “* •?’ u j-. t M5AAnm r . . i , , , I kindred. He liked them, and he liked ergetic chemical element, *and unites a cash expenditure of 62,500,000 for then introduced, and for three quarterr I j^me and Howard street, and be liked with all others. It composes the greats fertilizers, a half million dollars fa paid of an hour, the audience were enter-1 Mooney’s beef better than Atlanta's I est part of one of the materials—-air to manafiicturers. for which the farmer by one of the best speeches on I Bullock. Chrtouch was a demonstra- and water—and of all the elements; fa receives no equivalent of value. Odd Fellowship it was ever our good f^anftn We ask, then, of what value are fortune to listen to. . He them high—the It compoaw ooe-fiflh of the atmoe- onr inspection laws, when we derive Boon after the dose of Mr. Oslin’a I higher the better, and with sharplphere, that fa air of the globe, eight- tbese facts from the official report of a speech, the audience were called to I noints. When be passed by such pal-1 ninths of the water, and one-third of State officer ? dinner, and for an hour the time was “g* » w «“ otb “ ^ “l id of . the ■ A ,nr f TThnn, t* nnn niK*r nninf- n..r).rmnr. , , -, L _ ^,.1 how be did flourish. How he did amount of the air and negative sub- There is one otber point, our farmers pleasantly spent in discussing the roer-1 cavort and ^ ^ bark. How stances and one-third of dl the sub- generally buy fertilizers on time. The its ofone of the best barbecues we have I f ar ious be could get. Blithe had a stances we know of, consists of Oxygen. Commissioner’s report gives the time ever partaken of. I horror of low fences and open gates. Before the discovery of Oxygen, price also. This time price averages The brotherhood were called tngeth- ^1 such be would pass by on the other Chemistry could hardly be considered eon ivi mnro I 'j;--.- ,u. ride. It is not known from whom he a Science. Then, all changes were nearly $20.00 per ton more than the cr again after dinner, at the Lodge learned ^ ^ supposed to take place in a different real commercial cash value. Hence, room, when the Degree of Rebecca Cartouch went off with the Ker-j way. Now, if we unite iron with Ox- a simple calculation shows, that if the was conferred on fifty of the brethren I heversons and the Kerheversons never I ygen, the iron will be consumed, and 48,000 tons of fertilizers sold in our | and nineteen of their wives. | brought him back any more. The | Oxide of Iron will Jie produced. State last year were bon farmers on time, they wUI pay anout a | soon forgotten by too brotherhood in j Mr. Ramey and Mr. Carey and their I will be produced. Oxygen million dollars for the privilege of its enjoyments. constituents will be held to a strict ac- free state in the atmosphere, and fa’not using fertilizers; that is, they will pay . I countability. They mast at least give mixed with the Nitrogen. ,-i a million dollars more than the real „ • # _ ffcl “J^ ren ^“- Itromainsto be seen DECAY.-\Ve wiUtreatabontit^Ui , , - . . , , I knights of Pythias. I whether they will or not Alas, I a little synopsis. It is also a process cash value of what they purchased. Th* Grand Lodire of the Knfahtsofl^krtouch. Would that we turd hfa of combustion. In the cose of iron, we But this time question fa one for the I ■ u ™ w * Asatge or roe igutsoi | — nr„.u >l> ... «— . 11... «... _i,u. :. n«M. n r Twin Work has been resumed at Sco field’s Rolling Mill. - Hon. B. II. Hill and daughter are at the White sulphur Springs in North east Georgia. The Savannah News says the ther mometer mounted to 103 deg. in the shade at nooa on Friday. The last issue of theNew York Mer cury contains a short sketch, entitled “The Cobbler’s Daughter,” by St Chur Abrams. . , Mrs. W. D, Anderson, wifaof i&n. W. D. Anderson, representative in the Georgia Legislature from Cobb coun ty, died on Iqst Saturday morning. The Albany Neva says that the Brunswick and Albanjr Railroad fa to be completed from the junction to East Albany, The same paper says: “ We saw yesterday a strange freak of nature iu the shape of a head of wheat growing from the base of an ear of corn. One ride of the head contains grains of corn, and the other perfect grains of wheat.” The HawkinsviUe Dispatch, has dis covered a heifer in Pulaski county, eighteen months old, that gives a gal lon of milk a day, and that, too, when she has never had a calf. AfrPj M. J. Westi.,vj 1 emna !* sum mering up the' Air-Line Road ,ni will leave for Warm Springs NaS? Carolina/on the 1st She fs’ at ZC on a new book called “Ruth^J Naomi,” which promises to be tl.« best she fias yet written.—y Herald. ^ — ...—. . „ r , T I dogtype. Would that we were a poet have rust, which fa Oxide of Iron. farmers alone, and should not draw 1 1 i -1 " 108 Georgia, convened in an-1 an y vrrito hfa doggerel. Dog-bn I Thfa process fa nothing less than m city, on Tuesday I Ramey. Dog-on Garey. Dog-on the j combustion; for there fa the same our attention from what we consider I session in thfa . . . the defect in our inspection laws. On of fast week. _ The attendance was full, ^versons. Doggone.-Rome Qmr generoted in cornbu^ this point we may have something every Bodge iu the State being repre- Arp Again in the one cas/than in the other. more to say. 8 rented. The Grand Chancellor, Hon. Tom \Sinature, the pro- ■ ■■ AHuuiAwaamuLiu...., |a» J J «» 0,1 •• » WJS Ul UWUJf M Ul IUQ Great Refonuatlon in the State Uni- the reports of the officers, it appears I Alexanders .ucnneiaer —tne I tance. The air may be considered as The Columbus Enquirer says: better opportunity for knowing and | judging as to these matters, caused him and them to toko an awkward and The Columbus merchants, received embarrassing position in opposition to last week 80,000 yards or forty- stubborn and undeniable facts. CoL five miles of bagging. About five Janes must admit to one of two sup- times that amount will be required. ... ... .. ., n . « And the Enquirer adds: “ It pays a P 0 * 11 ' 003 ' 0,ther that l,e "* of man to cover hfa bales entirely with I ha8t J presumption, or that he had “the bagging. Say hc uses eight yards, wool pulled over hfa eyes” most com- which coot $1.28. Good bagging, they I pletely and effectively, say, weighs two and a half pounds to We trust that we shall not be con- I'*>“> f ” —w versltj. I that the order fa steadily increasing its I cani,w known *° I® Roman the great store house of inorganic mat- 'jr 1 Make Ptjbuc their Report, to I daries, a number of new Lodges hav-1 “v" .' , I ygen would be consumed by decay; the People of Georgia. tog been organized during foe past The above mentioned pet, a present I y^reas, we have a continued sunply. We have read with much in- yean oS terest, the full, able and elaborate re-1 Daring the session, which fasted two | with ^ ^ | P~f. sSt many valuable researches concent' its value. At first, he thought it Oxide of Hydrogen, bnt afters If he gets fourteen cents per pound for P er ^ a P 8 Dol. Jones and other his staple, he gets $2.80 for that which I members of the Board of Virite's, . . .... , ... . . Rome and Dalton RaUroad. to the Ozone was discovered by Prof, Scho- port of the Board of Visitors to the I d *y 8 > * grriit deal of business was tran- _ __ H . - Chm&vn cubrin, and to whom wa are indebted State University, published in the «cted. Some, as we are informed, <ff *” ceP8 “° B foe many valuable resean Macon Tdegrafh and Messenger of the U very important character, which has Georgia, lhe party stopped at the mgit 23dinst.Jand ’hid) Ube» I»«ic. toy in our net fesne. Thi. report, In Tho.ffico.dtod forlh. »|ll „ tohUMMio tlU Ihi toaonofOjreeo. Bj lUbtoo, we this public manner, to the people of I year are as follows: t. , v„ .-.-ii-i mean the same dements, bnt one pos- Georgia os to the condition, progress Hon. Thomas Hardeman, Jr., Em- ^ConvenUoofaoyjfr y ^ dififerent chemical quality and prospects of their State University, piro Lodge, Ka 11. Macon, Urand | !^_ B ^ ^ ^ I ^ fa weU calculated, to enoourage the Chancellor. costa him $1.28. If he has a con-1 devoted more time and attention rideraUe crop, this foots up consider- to the Cbancdlor and hfa defense bly. Besides, when well baled, cotton ^ t he examination of the is more secure against pickings and I . , , . ^ . ” “ e stealages, and such heavy samples. 1 8en,or doss. And now in this con- It produces a better impression on the I ncction, inasmuch as Col. Jones eye, and that fa a great deal on either I did look into the affairs of the a duU or. active market. A planter I University generally, and was kind makes money by it in every way.” 1 * auu xma . enough to answer two questions pro- Sensible remarks which our farmers j pounfiefi by us some few weeks since, would do wdl to heed. we would further ask, that if the law The Telegraph and Messenger thinks 801,001 “ d 1U “• *» n( > ~ ^ u • ^ part of the University, why was his there has been perspiration enough in I * « ... . , Po“if i“ Well ., - ,i their report? Again, tho Colond, in h * p- it jj jeomo of the Taylor appropriation what a Big Bonanza tins would prove and ^ di ,po«ition had beTLda for ye Macon editors, if they could \ ^ fand which ^ only get ,t in a pool. (accrued therefrom, give, a very Hut Premium List Again. | fuU, complete and interesting ao The Watchman of last week in at- count of the origin and foundation of tempting to make amends for an attack fMs appropriation, tho provisions for made the week previous upon our Fair J management, and the present and Association, for eeuding their premium I previous embarrassments in the way list away from Athens for publication, of its utaixed “ 4,10 d °norintend- and which attack was made without J it should be, bnt be fails to answer knowing the facts in the care, makes 1 whether any fund has ever accrued an onslaught upon our Athens morchs J ^ rom this endowments « scholarship ants for not advertising in said pro- in the University; and if so, how it mium list. was used. Now, since the •• Sage of fa pasting strange that so old ] liberty” county, has “risen to exs noon to the city and wero heard slogs I for then fa a small producL Plum- . :iwiw* . iiiTt. n i . ilm ia —*-s~A lnn»nnin stria that I fa an aOotropie modification of hope of wise and profitable reform, L. Schevenel, Hmvell Cobb Lodge, ® , k. m .^ , * Carbon, which has many others. Ox- UfVlAn illAV AnnoMaw lltal fnw tl*n fi-af 1 1 ^ A (Lana Hranil VlAO - PKfltlL I ® 9 ' *' * * when they cooridar that for the first I No. 15, Athens, Grand Vice. Chans time perhaps in seventy yean or more, I cellor. the shell has been broken, and the se-1 D. B. Woodruff, Empire Lodge, crecy removed,' which gpye Vtp, the I No. 11, Macon, Grand Keeper of Rec- University the character of a dose | orda and Seals., corporation, and that at last the whole Vto, Oh to, iSSSti doggie gone.” j so another example. The blood, to* Gustavus J. Orr,"state 8chool C,«-1 ^ ^^"g^^utoO^ In the twelve cotton states, includ. ing Missouri, there are 187 cotton mills that contain 10,447 looms and 497,627 spindles, which consumed last year 58,996,519 pounds of cotton. Rev. Howard Key, son of Dr. Key, of Columbus, has been elected pros fessor at Wesleyan Female College. He fa a young roan of good mind, and has many fine elements of character that will make him a successful teach 1 - er. Mr. James M. Smith, the largest planter in Oglethorpe county, has six teen hundred acres in cotton, and one thousand in corn. Ho raised thfa year one hundred and twenty-five bushels of oats on two acres. Arrah, me Jimmie. After a careful perusal of tho Gwin nett Herald, we are forced to the con clusion that unless the Hon. Tyler Peeples succeeds in passing a dog-law at the next session of the Legislature hfa life won’t be worth a premium in that county.—Atlanta Herald. Atlanta, July 22.—The Convea tion of Southern Railroad officials met today. There was a large attendance. The subject of pooling freights has not been settled so far as the South Caros lina Railroad fa concerned. Affairs in Georgia.—We have to answer so many curions inquiries of late, that we don’t mind stating here that the Atlanta Herald has not pro posed H. I. Kimball for Chancellor of If the State University. When the time comes for that, there are two thousand prominent citizens in Atlanta who will sign a pet hi >u.—Savannah News. Members of the gallant old Third Georgia Regiment will be delighted to learn by authority, thfa morning, that there is no “ Yellow Jack” at Norfolk, and so they can go to that place with perfect safety and cat soft crabs ad lib. In 1870 Geoigia produced 137 munds of ginned cotton to an acre; in 1871, 120 pounds; in 1873, 184 lounds, and in 1874, 136 pounds. The highest average production last year was in South Carolina, 194 (munds, aud the lowest in Florida, 100 munds. The production in Georgia ast year was just about tho average in tho eleven cotton States. The Greensboro Home Journal an nounces the death of Mrs. Mary Cun ningham, one of its oldest and most respected inhabitants, aged 74 years. From the Mobile Register, we learn thiit Gov, and Scu&tor Gor- don addressed the people of Lee, Coosa and Talapoasa counties, at Goodwater Station, on the Selma and Meridian Railroad, a day or two ago. Messrs. Cohen & Selig, oar enter prising merchants, have made arrange- nents to open “ an Atlanta Store” in Glbcrton. Wo hear that Major Hanvy fa going to build a ware-house in that town. In the meantime the railroad that fa to connect it with Atlanta, fa being rapidly finished. Dr. Mathews, the President, was in the city yester day, making arrangements for the iron rail. . •(.?! missioner, gives notice that the amount I Ozone fa supposed to he pofaonous-r H. Edmonson, Viigilant Lodge, No. of apportionment of funds tins year is I and within the last few years, to be should be more fully and thoroughly I HawkinsviUe, Grand Master at Arms, j Jack son $1,291.53; Madison would lead to a long line of arguments, centered their great educational inter- 8. W. Mangham, Griffin Lodge. $628.03; Oglethorpe 61,322.11; 17 hicb »mescholar more versed than est. No. 17, Griffin, Grand Prelate. Walton $1,693.86; Banka $652.86; *’ g“ 0 J U0 ‘“ , “: ^ . ..^ Let ns now hot bo discouraged, but M. M. Sullivan, Friendship I«dge, Dawson $490.27; Gilmer 61,038.66; ping a piece of paper into a solution with an increased interest in our Uni- No - 4, Savannah, Qrand Inner Guard, j Gwinnett 61.654.98; Habersham of Iodine of Potassium—ordinary Oxs verrity,an Interest which entirely dfa- N. W. Clark, SatiUo Lodge, No. 5, $800.13; Hall $1,143.58; Lumpkin Jg®* will uot affeot-but Ozone will Jeunp, Grand Outer Guard. $688.09; Morgan $1,513.83; Newton change its colorto a hrewn . _ , v . : color by setting the Iodine free. John Lord, Forest City Lodge, No. $1,326.69; Pickens $620.10* Rabun Now, i{. thfa paper be expored to the 1, Savannah, Supreme Representative. $484.98; Towns $354.40 ,* Union air aud its color is ebangea, we imiue- The officers were installed by P. G. $765.02; White $598.96, dte. dhitely conclude that Ozone fa in the C„ D. B. Woodruff, Supreme Vice m ^ afr. i Again, if paper be impregnated p, „ m j. * I The Bankers Convention.*— I with starch and hung in the air, it will Chancellor of the World. ^ Saratoga, July 21.-The Commits change to a bluish color. Oxygen The session was pleasant and har- on Resolutions reported: will not prodneo the same effect per We nn*h»r«inmt the attend- First—Favoring immediate resump- se, as combined with Ozone. tion, and calling upon every citizen to J. G. R. hasten the day when every promise of I the Government to pay a dollar, should Shipping Cotton Goods to Eno- land.—It fa said that some of the regards all unjustifiable prefe and prejudices, contTnuo the good work ] until our State University shall be come tho pride and boast of every j Georgian.* Personal. Col. J. F. Shanklin.—Our office I mon ious. a journalist as the editorof the Watch- permit us to suggest that be masst shoul i- persist in these attack* make anawrir* nfafa complete withontfirst knowing tho facts in the I * nd satisfactory, that wo all may I understand fully imd exactly, how . , ' ... I stands these important matters, which There is scarcely a merchant in j m seriously concerns tho success and Athens, who bns not advertised in the true interest of the University. premium list, and when applied to, | ^,p ort u, 0 Board of YIsitors of the gladly and cheerfully gave thfa aid to 1 University of Georgia, the fair asociation. If the WaUhman 1 In reading this able and well ex- would grumble less and use a little pressed report, wo see the Board special- more effort to ascertain facta before ly reports upon the Law Department, «going for ” those who may seem to which they must have recognized as a neglect him, or home enterprise, he part of the University. Tho question might perchance be the means of bring- then naturally arises, why, in the ads ing about a correction of the existing j vertjscmeut for tba reception of offi- errors of our people, certainly it would cers of ibfi Uni veraitj’, to Uka piece nt save him from falling so often into the next meeting of the Board of frror Trustees, the Professorsihps of the Law L.’, ihc iu abuse our own Department were not declared vacant, nooplo less, and it may be, things will | under the same resolution which an* go better with him in future. tbonzed thfa advertisement? was brightened, on Tuesday, the 20th ing Knights speak in the highest praise mst., by tho genial presence of this 1 0 f the courteous attention they received I the Government to pay a honored citizen of Rome. Tho Grand at the hands of the brotherhood of I be redeemed in coin. ‘ m Lodge of tho Knights of Pythias was j thfa dty. . I Second—Calling for a repeal of the I Eastern cotton mills are about to ship tho attraction which led him into our a*. . • « .i , war tax on banks. an invoice of cotton goods to England midsL If Pvthian ennvnntion* nmld I /Dre next session of the Grand Lodge I Third—Urging Congress to issue I with a view to opening up a market retain Urn in ,iB :fc> ^ to> ' Macon, coupon bonds in exchange for idfiMhUrAa. This idfea wassqgggeted by retain him permanently m our city, we Qa., Qn jj, e Wednesday in ed bonds of the same denomination, j tho uecline of these goods in thfa mar* wouldbfivo one called every weekiu 1 j. j 8 .t 5 Fourth—Demauding the aboliali-1 ket, while the samo reduction has not the year. Meeting the Colonel brings mont of two cent stamps on checks a(4 3?£. urrod *? Great Britain, leaving a Alabama, Tennessee and North Ciro- bopk the membranoe of many a happy 4 YQUOhprs, differenoe in favor of our goods that lina come next with a consumption um - LSSESfsssj^ssr* Rirtt- ci t k a: ii.ill' it *. I On Sunday, the 18th inat, at hia I Mr. Buell, of New York, spoke m I them to tlie English consumer, as tho ^ rora |hft Chronicle and Sentinel we Akhebsoh W. Reese-—The lunior ^dence in Oconee county, after a ^ vor resolution for immediate quality is claimed to be superior, while . rn •A fl f - lhe ^dfrfL^ llug ® rin S ahl ^ 8 * Jud ^| Mn^^aaF.McGrew.ofSpring. foe ex^riment er wiuU 8 su^riul!Tn E rem j se8 of a cif!zen - evcr the and Messenger paid a. flying visit to his Bedford Langford, about 68 years of fi,]^ Rfinofa, offered the following re«> which case more extensive shipments revolutionary war, has been purchased old home on Thursday lash Our. a SC* This good man was too well and lution: ^ * ■ are contemplated. It is now true that ty ^ adhington Artillery, and hearts and homes are ever open to our favorably known to require any. eulo-1 That it is the opinion of this Con* I cotton goods are lower In the United order.^ r It was n\ounted “ Athens Bov.” We regret that his fiium from our pen. veutiou . that /“ acl to P rovid ® for Sta *«> “{"'i. "“>• other market in the on S‘ n:lll -T rl 1, - v . t ’! c . S rd,sh °!‘ 1 ' T ‘ ,rt . Cor ‘" . 7 n . ■ ... ,, 1 resumption of specie payment, appro?* world. 1 lus is as it should be, and if wal * 19 - The Third Georgia Regiment engagements allowed him ro brief) Fora number of year* he was a ed January ll/l875, ought t, be the rapid dectine iu these gc^ds the ^ a sojourn in our city. w .. j patient sufferer under a severe and amended ao aato provide for the grad- present season shall prove the means wwuvi re*** saa ***** vtwj antuuiug # A.OOU, hV MlilCHU HTO UUSIUCSSU auvailUJgC WU| 1)0 gaUlCU Uw Will meeting .of tho Grand I^pdgp of (he w " ,c ‘ l were Wg professions.— {he country to adjust itself to the not only far exceed the losses occa* Knights of Pythias, and of which or-j The demise of the Rev. R. Langf.ird change without a sudden fall ofprioes, *i«Mted by the fell, h«t it will euable der ho was. Md has been re-elected, ] wdl bring sadness t« mm»y a b@"rt-- - in ^VQ^Pw^rXilutinn. ^The Oom- Grand Chancelior. Notwithstaudimr He will be greatly nnsserl throughout nAnni^l • Grand Chancellor. Notwithstanding H C Wl l l he greatly missed throughout mjttppV fesolutioua were adopted. the wither was excessively hot, the ! fo at lar 6 e circuit wjiere hfa ministerial | -- - —rrt- CoL seemed to say, «lot fooGuberoa- J dnties 8 « faithfully perfurnnxl.^! .. “ I ra . u »‘ ‘hat girl,^ sgid ft ™ «V,„ gooa m .„ ii|§— happy still." lhe ftffcotiow of « girlthdt .whl»t|ss,“ oqr m‘dl« to find a market for full pro- dqciion.—N. Y. Bulletin. How a woman can keep on talking while she twuu up her hack hair am hns her month foil of hairpins is a mystery not yet explained,- Carl ItcMi A Correspondent of the Savaunah News puts Georgia’s Idas by the war at $525,965,355. In 1860, her negro property was worth $302,694,856, and . her other property 8369,627,925. Total, *672,322,777. In 1866, she B yein her wealth at $146,457,422. le difference shows the immense waste of property during tlie inrerven ing years of war and reconstruction. We understand that large prizes will be offered by the State Agriculture]. at die approaching State Fair for rifle shooting. First prize for teatais of eight from'any military company or rifle dub. second prize to individual members of dubs, and third prize to all comers. There will also be prizes to military.companies for the best drilled. We expect to see a large attendance of military and riflemen. We al derstand that prizes will be offered for pigton shooting from traps.—-Telegraph and Messenger. • t -- '!?; ■. tTT The consumption iif cotton 1 :in thi Georgia mills last year far cixceedeL that of any other Southern State, al most of any three States, if Maryland be exduded from the list. In round numbers, our mills consumed eighteen million pounds of cotton, while the next highest on the list, South Caroli na, consumed seven million pounds. Mrs. Maria Jourdan fa preparing and will soon have ready tor the pre4’ a splended book on “ Housekeeping » The best book that, Marion Harkw^ ever wrote was a cookery book, and it gives her an income of 2,000 per an. num. Wo hope that Mrs. Jourdan will do as well. She can certainly »t up as good a book. Judges Tnppo.nud McCay are again reported to have resigned their seau on the Supreme Bench. Jama Jack, son, of Macon, has been tendered and has accepted one of foe vacant posj. tions. William Hope Hull, of Aug Uj , ta, and Logan E. B'eckley, of Atlanta, are prominently spoken* of in conned tion with foe remaining vacancy. Later.—The position was tendered CoL Bleckley, which he declines, p te . ferringto devote hfa undevided time to the practice of hfa profession. The Utterance of a Wretch.— A friend of mine and.I, came across a “ spooning” couple the other night, and a remark wo chanced to hear, in duced him to relate this store: Not long ago, at a Mansion on Murrey’s Hill, a sentimental young lady strolled with a gentleman, on whom she had her eye, into the conservatory. Look ing up pensively into bis face, with tears in her voice, she said, “ Ab, no one loves me, Mr. Barnes!” “ Some one does!” “Yes?” she said, drop ping her head, and pressing hfa arm evpr .1 lOMV&Egigra Nellie,” said foe wretch, “ God loves you.”— Atlanta Herald. For the first time in the coarse of hfa administration, Gov. Smith is al lowed access to 'the books of Henty Clews. Accompanied by Attorney- general Hammond and Dr. Bozeman of the Treasure Department, he is now in New York, where be will re main until every particle of informa- tion refitting to Georgia affairs ami the V transactions of Bollock, fa gathered from the coveted books. These books show, among other things, the bonds that were paid by Clews, and will thus settle the question whether any bonds have been twice paid or not.—Atlanta ( Constitution. There fa danger of another know- nothing movement. The new society fa called the American League. "It puts none but Americans on guard, and all that. The order fa saia to be 40,000 strong in New York. The whole thing fa probably a side-show of aspiring Radicalism; for the Republi- * can leaders in Ohio are opeuly con ducting a rigorous crusade against the Catholic church, aud the league will be usedr we predict, to support the ghost of Republicanism in the next presidential campaign.—Atlanta Con stitution. An Associated Press dispatch tele graphed from Augusta last night states the important fact that the hot weather now prevailing in Georgia fa injuring and endangering the cotton and corn crops. Upon thfa point, we have a private note from, a planter in Colum- & bin county, which says: " We are ,■ burning up literally from dry winds, whfah can’t be beat by the simoons on the coast of Africa for either heat or' dryness.' The temperature ranges from 84 in the rooming to 96, in the middle of the house, where it ought to be the coolest, and we live in no small shan^/j#lter.?-*»»Ctemtitirte—liti. The druggists of Atlanta propose a State organization, under the following call: “We, the undersigned druggists of Atlanta, respectfully solicit the members of our profession throughout tfie State to meet with us at Macon om the 20th of October next, Wednesday of Fair week, for the purpose of organ izing a Pharmaceutical Association.—- The first object of said Association will be “ to estaolfah the relations between druggists, physicians, and the people at large, upon just principles, which shall promote the public welfare and tend to mutual strength and advan tage.” All papers in Georgia friendly to the same will please publish this no- tice at least one time. Druggists who can and wilt meet with us ore requested to communicate with the temporary Secretary, F. King. Hunt. Rankin dt Lxmar, Tfaoa Pulliam & Co., George .e\* J. Howard, J. L. A A. J. Pinson, Berry & Co., Theo. Schuman, Ed. will bo saluted with thirteen guns by thfa ancient bull dog when it leaves for Portsmouth. A savings bank has been put iuto active and benificent operation in ” con, under the direction of W. The bank has already opened font hundred accounts, upon whioh it pays interest at the rate of seven per oent. a year. The establishment and Hurt A Brown, J. A. Taylor, M. D. Dogs Going Over Niagara Alive.—In November, 1836, a trouble some female bull terrier was put in a coffee sack by a couple of men who had determined to get rid of her, and. thrown' dPftea* the middle of Govt Island bridge. The following spring she was found alive and weU about sixty rods below the ferry, having lived Al *“ougU the winter on a dead cow that a thrown over the bank the provioiis fall. In 1858, another dog, a male of the same breed, was thrown into the rstpids, also near the middle of tilt bridge. In less than an hour, boons* up the ferry stairs very wet and not iu isJ&s&isrisSj down so rapidly and in such quantities that the water bolow, so to speak, car' not run off fast enough, and it plies up-in large water cones, which^are constantly forming and breaking. If aoy strata animal should lnll on one of these cones, as upon a soft cushion,. it might slide safely into the current below. Tho dogs were, doubtlei tiiuate enough to fall this way, i which they pasted. It fa not irnpossi- - ble that some strong man, in a light, strong boat, may thus, at some future time, go over the Horse-shoe Fall and' not be killed.—Niagara Falls llegislrt- On Ascension Day there was a hor rible row in Jerusalem between some- Greek and Armenian priests who h*d been allowed by the Latins to o>ke- use of a chapel built over what is be lieved to be the Savior’s footprint. The quarrel arose ou a question of precedence, and ended in a fight. The priests went at it “ tooth aiid lighting up and down tho sacred edifice Huff, J. Ml Bonrdman, W. P. Good- with such fury that they had to be top- all, B. P. Walker and H. T. Powell. 1 tPL _ \. .. .. T • l.&n 1 _ i f r y, ^ united by Turkish soldiers. Two presence of economy and prudence in the South, They are, in fact, harbin* gera of bit'-er times. Greek priests were wounded, and one of the soldiers, in trying to K* tore peace, lost his eye. The Musiulman population look upon these s«‘“" Will. iSJUUl. XHG UMaUllMlllltiUl ana *W*»»W uuwv cw success of such institutions show the shindies at Jerusalem as peculiar “in?* trations of the brotherly love wh'ch ^ tlie distinguishing mark of their OliriE^ tian fellow-subjects,-if ‘