The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, September 08, 1875, Image 4

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Pocirg. Late 1o Chnrch. Along the road, on either side. The elder (toughs arc budding. The meadow lands a rosy tide Of clover bloom is flooding ; Tho sunny landscape is so fair, So sweet the blossom-scented air, That when I went to church to-day 1 could but choose the longest way. Loud sang the bobolinks, and round The milk-Wf»l flowers the bees were humming; 1 sauntered ou, but soon 1 found Behind me there was t-orue one coming. I did not turn my bead to see, And yet I knew who followed me Before Tom called me-" Kitty! stay, And let me share with you the way !” We did not mind our steps grew slow. Or notice when the bell stopjied ringing. Or think of being late, but, lo! When we had reached the church, the singing Was oTcr and the prayer was don*'. The sermon fairly was begun ! should we go in, sh« uld we stay out, Prc«* boldly on, or turn a)>out ? Tom led the way, ai d up the nialo I followed—all arc und were ^taring— And here and there I caught a smile ; 1 tried to think I was not raring; And vet I blushed, I know, and showed A face that like a poppy glowed. For every one seemed saying, “ Kale. We all know why y.»n are wo late.” AnolherSunday, ro nr \» hat will, I mean to l*e at church in *ea***ji: But to regret this morning still, 1 trust I never Mull hate reason; I'or should 1 wear a weddiug-dres- A year from now, jm ihap- you'll guess What Torn said to n e when, to-day. We walked to church the longest way! “ Thank <J<kI f«r Sunday.” Now, God be thanked! That lie hasgiven— Best boon to raint and sinner— A day of rest—our day in seven. Where toil is not the winner; Best for the tired and jaded bruin. The wearied hand, on Sunday, That they mighi gather strength again For toil renew *d on Monday. The merchant, i » his counting-room. The c lerk, o’er desk and ledger. The artisan, at forge or loom, The ditcher ar cl the hedger— The laborer, who must toil and slate. From early »la .rn of Monday, I'rafil the* week finks in its grave, All cry : ••Tin nk God for Sunday!” The day that lifts the weighty chain Which all the reek hath l*ound us : That respite gives to heart and brain. From thousand cares around u-*; That in the toilsome march of life Thus bids us trke, for one day. Best from the battle and the strife ; Oh ’ fJod lx- thinked for Sunday ! ^ If thus by all one day of rest Be hailed, as rcspite'solcly, How to the Christian doubly bles-cd Must l»e the Sa'ihatli holy; As, in faith’s ligl t he lifts his eye- To that bright world, one day, He longs to spend beyond the skies. One blest, eternal Sunday ! Cheese vs. Bultrr for Prom. A correspondent of the Dirigo (Maine) Rural discusses this subject ns follows: ‘ Take the price of butter as it is brought into the market, and it has not averaged over 25 cents per pound; it also takes three gallons of milk of the native breed of cows to make one pound of butter. A high-fed Jersey will do a little better. The figures show that the farmer only gets a frac tion over 8 cents a gallon for his milk to pay him for making nod marketing his butter. Now for the cheese. It has been demonstrated by actual tests that 1 gallon of milk will make 1 pound of cheese; or in other words, the quantity of milk that will make 1 pound of but ter, will make three pounds of cheese. At the prices cheese has been selling for at the factories, 14 to 16 cents per pound—we will call it 14 cents—the figures stand thus: One pound of but ter at 25 cents, or three pounds of cheese nt 14 cents per pound—42 cents, leaving a balance of 17 cents in favor of making cheese, besides saving a great amount of labor to the house- HOPE. ‘8 O'clock.’ HOPE. MBEEDMUCBAU. •• Behold I trill stand before thee there upon tho rock im lloreb: mud thou shall i smile the rock and there shall come ra* teroulof it that the people may drink."—Ex. Perhaps* at no period of Christian history from ! the day* In which Christ astonished the multitude ; at the pool of Bethesda, has such au excitement ! prerailed among the sick as is now created by the I accidental discovery of a fountain of mineral water which beyond cavil eclipses the whole fraternity of the learned faculty in restoring to original health almost eTery form of chronic disease. 1 ind- ing it impossible to accommodate the sick here, the proprietors propose to furnish the concentrated medicine prepared by simply reducing the water by evaporation into a fine powder or Mass, which IMjssetwes all the wonderful virtue* of the water in a cheap aud convenient form. The Mass is a fine tonic, alterative and absorbent and is especially useful to ladies suffering from irregularities aud affect ions peculiar to their sex. It has been uni versally approved and endorsed by the Medical Profession wherever introduced, both as udissid- rrafnm in their materia, and as the lx*sl popular remedy ever offered in the cure of Asthma, Bilious Affection*, Bronchitis, (’hills, Coughs, Cancer, Asiatic Cholera, Craiup Cholic, Cutaneous erupt ions, Dvsnepsia, Consumption, Dropsv. Sore Eyes, General Debility, Diarriura, Effcctsof Debauch ery, Female weakness, Gravel, lleahache, Heart Disease, Hemorrhages, Kidney diseases, Fleers, Boss of Appetite, Languor, Liver diseases, Tetter, Mental Depression, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Nocturnal Emissions, Night Sweats, Prolapsus Uteri, Sexual weakness. Scrofula, Summer Com plaints, Venerial diseases, Worms, Whites, and all diseases wh eh derive tlieir origin from the Blood, Liver or Kidneys. Dissolved in water it makes an excellent wash, gargle and injection, and incorporated with fresh Uxv\, permanently cures the most obstinate case ot THE GREAT 6E0R6IA STATE FAIR, A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON Y. II. WYNN JTAM.U1® *,2 —DEALERS in * rican & Foreign Watches CLOCKS JEWELRY without taking care of aud mamifac- turing the milk into butter and cheese at home. Some have argued that they save the skimmed milk to feed to their pigs by manufacturing their milk into butter at home; others have claimed that they would rather have a gallon of whey to feed than skimmed milk. In my opinion, there is hut little differ ence; there arc no flesh-producing qual ities in either; it merely keeps them alive.' In regard to this last point, we think the correspondent is mistaken, But- tor-milk contains nearly all the nutri tive properties of the pure milk, while in chccsc-inaking. almost all the nutri ment goes into the cheese, which is as valuable for food as most kinds of meat. The dillcrcncc in value between butter-milk and whey for feeding does not, however, offset the difference in butter and cheese from the same amount of milk in selling. Something also depends ou the breed of cows. Jerseys generally give milk richer in butter, and Ayrshires give milk richer in caseine for cheese-making. Bcslroylng II 'mis. July and August, sws the Rural Sew Yorker, are probroty the best months in t he year for destroying weeds. The summer heats are then at their fiercest, and all annual weeds cut down at their roots speedily wither and die. j The tougher perennials have made their I growth for the season, and have nearly | perfected their seed. The root then ! lias least vitality, and if tho top be cut j off, a feebler effort is made to reproduce it, especially if the weeds grow in a | tough sod of gross. We have known frequent mowings of thistles in sod to | reduce the vitality of the patch so J much that it would produce only here land there a stalk, until the field was Improving Poor Soils. j mcnvP( j aga j n . Many examples are given in the last j In the growing corn, August is, rojiort of tho United States Agri'-nl ! of all months, the time to destroy tural bureau of the renovation of worn j Canada thistles and quack. Keep the and apparently worthless soils, and the j plant down as much as possible early increase of feitility in fresh but nil- I in the season; then, as the corn begins promising lands. Fields that have to tassel out, go through with a light The Annual Fair for 1875 of the Georgia State Agri cultural Society will be held in M1CON, GEORGIA. At the Beautiful CENTRAL CITY PARK GROUNDS, Beginning MONDAY, OUTOBER AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK. 18, HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. ?u> hi in U*t, covering all Departments of Industry, from which the Field Crop Department. r As Sulphate aliove. The Analysis of the Mu.-* by Prof. Ch F. ChantLer, p|». B. of the College of Pharmacy. New York Citjr, proves its iierfcct adaptation to overv form of disease pr«*cecding from the the Liver the Kidneys, and the Blood. ANALYSIS: Sulphuric Acid. Alumina, } Oxide of Iron, Line, Magnesia, Poixra, | Soda, | Carbonic Acid, l'horphoric Acid. Silica. Organic Matter. The Mass is harmless and may Ik* used at will. Being fully aware of the popular prejudice existing against advertised remedies we otter the Mas* under the following warrants, via: 1st that the medicine shall Ik* what is claimed for it. 2nd. All money sent hv Registered letters snail reaeli us. 3rd. All tuedielucs ordered by the public shall reach them in good condition and give satisfaction. 4th. That We hold ourselves res]Km*ible to forfeit if we violate any of these warrants. l’KU’E—$2 postage |aid by mail, or. three pack ages for $5. Six packages wiil »** sent by Express for $t», will be sent C. O. 1». with return barges added, if ordered in b»t*ol not less than me half dozen. Address, Ali m Mass Company. Alum Wells P. O., Washington Co., Ya. August In 187%—42-Iy. For the beat and largest display in merit and variety ot sample products from the field, garden, orchard, dairy ami apiary—the contribution ot a single lartu — —— For the U*st six stalks ot cotton -to liecome the property of the Society ~ For the l**st five bales, crop lot of sh irt staple cotton, by one exhibitor —- —• For the best single ale of short staple - —- Horse Department. Best thoroughbred stallion. Best walkiug horse. Best saddle horse or mare, Best single buggie borwui mare, Best combination horse or mare. Best double team, owned by once' Best Georgia raised mule, Best mule, open to the world, Albemarle Female Institute. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Nineteenth annual session begins first of Sep- temlwr. For circular giviug Faculty and cx- M. A., Principal. |**!I.SC add res K. II. RAWLINGS Aug. IS—12-K. Cattle Department. lte«t herd—one Lull aud lour cows or heifera-all to 1m of erne breed and owned exclusively by one exhibitor, - -.---------si Best milch cow, - -- -- -- -- -- - Cow giving the richest milk. - - - - - - - • ’ * $10 aud 820 for the best bull and cow, res]** lively, of each of the following breeds: Alderney, Ayreshire, Devon and Durham. R«*st sow and pigs under six mouths old, - -- -- -- - Poultry Department. For the best trio of each variety, Best aud largest display in variety aud i Best and largest display in variety and i Best display of pigeons, - Bc-t display of rabbits, - - - erit of domestic fowls, raised in Georgia, frit of same, open to the world, Droaildus Female College, I Late Winchester Baptist Female Institute,) WINCHESTER, VA., Rev. E. J. Willis, - - President, With & full corpsof instructors, commences its fifth year on the first of Scpteml«*r next, with the most encouraging prospects. No location could Ik* more favorable for health, and the religious and social advantages are unsurpassed—commend!;ig it*clt esi*ecially to Southern Parents. For Catalogue, addiess th«* President. August Is—12-U. Farm anti Fidt). been exhaustively cultivated fur twenty and even forty years have been restor ed to original productiveness, not by guanos and superphosphates, at sixty and eighty dollars |>er ton, but by in expensive local resources, the cheapest and ino-t reliable of which is found in clovcring. In one case in Butler county, l’a.. a section of thin gravelly hoe and cut every spear or thistle and pull up every blade of quack with nil the root that can be got attached. The quack should l>c got in a heap and burned, hut the thistle roots will sel dom, if ever start again; and pulling up at this season of the year, or even cutting off, i- final destruction. The cost of doing this i- not laigo, varying LARGEST SCHOOL. Ds. WARD’S Seminary for Young Ladies Nashville Tenu., is the largest in the South and fifth in the U. S. Send for new catalogue. Fall Session SeptcmU'r 2d. August IS—42-K. THE ONLV POMTECIINIC HUM SCHOOL. Horticultural Department. B.-I <li«|ilar of garden vegetable*, grown l>r one i- rxin, J Home Industrial Department. Ik >t colh riion ol jellies, preserve-, ptckl*'*, jams, catsups syrup* aud cordials, made and exhibited bv one lad v, - 5 Best ai*play of breads by one lady, - -- -- -- -- Ornamental Needle Work. B*-r display in \ariety ..ffotaalo baudi craft,embracing needlework, embroidery,crocheting,knit- MI LB TJRN WAGON'S, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs,&c., Rublier and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, Ac. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the W I 3ST S H T !P Cr T 1ST * Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Ac., &c., Ac. Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. Gall and examine our stock and price*. "Wa June 16, 1875. ^ Fine Art Department. Fest oil painting (any subject), Hr«t |x»i 1 pat iiUg, color, Ik -i display ot painttug* aud drawing* by lie-t collection **f drawings hv a gut under Best display ot drawings t»v the pupil* of o Best display of Photographs, Hc-t di-pi*y of jewelry, siUerwarc, etc., Bc-t displu Best dlipltt ILm •iispla SEND YOi l: DAUGHTERS TO Till: , Georgia Female College, j Ta School, luatlhful ami a<v,-soibI.-. i pro .Merchants' Displays. Special Premiums for Granges. P. A. SUMMEY. P. W. HUTCHESON. Silver i^Flalod^art- (MUSICAL IflSTflUifiEHTS,' SPORTSMEN'S ARTICLES Of ALL kl\6>. B EING bettor prepared now than ever to do all kinds of RKIWIUINg. 0 . sparing no pains to please all, will only •„ GIVE US A TRIAL. IGTENGRAVING in all it* branchesNf.XTrr AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Our aim will tm to otter k«mh|, reliable p,„d« ., the VERY LOWEST FIGURES. SOLE AGENTS FOR J. Moses’ Electro Galvanic Spectacles. tti; Old Gold mul Silver Wight, f.. r v. \>\, i, Uir highest caah price will U* paid. «*>- College Avenue, op]H>*ite tli I\.>i-- March 6;d,-tf. GENERAL TICKET RAILROAD TICKETS p sale, by all route*, ’and to all principal n, • in the UNITED STATES. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON 8t BELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 9 IRON, STEEL AND N AILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF l’ii-i»rpa-'cd. I’j Horn Tin* Kx|ien*e* ar»- 1 *chuot.:md the inst and Mu*ir utc *|h* Y. BROWNE, I’resi lent, Ma ti-.n. on. August If*—12-R. Wesleyan Female College MACON, GA.—Tin* :Sth Annual Sex-ion opeim Sept. I s 1*75. w ith a full c*iri»« «»f |>n»fe««ir* and teacher*. The olde-t Fnuale Oil lege in the world. Endorsed by the »k-*1 |«Uroii:u*e in the South. Health record uuMir|«a*neU ; iuMruction thorough ; curriculum of the highe*t order. Addrens, R# v. W. C. BOSS, D. D.. I’re*’!..or Rev. C. W.SMITH, D. D. t Soc’y. Augu-t 1*»—42-It. P leasant and profitable EMPLOYMENT.-” Beautiful!” ”« harm ing!” **Ol», how lovely!” “What are they worth!” Ar. Such are exclamation* h> those who v*e the large elegant New ( hroiuos produced by the Euro|tean di-play in merit aud v: m1uc(*1 or made by the i ck Sin nprehi assume most erroneously to lx* unstiiUHi for grass culture, aud which Southern fanners have strangely neglected as a meat producing section, tor obvious reasons, »now era is dawning, and clover and orchard grasses are in many places found to ho sources of imme diate and heavy profits, and of so great ly increased fertility. In large lands of more torrid, temperature the cow pea performs quickly and inexpensive ly, Inc work of amelioration assigned to red clover in argillaceous soils. It is a plant literally worth millions to the South, probably ns good an amonia gatherer as clover; perhaps equally as good for fattening swine and growing with greater facility ir. poorer soils. This investigation presents prominent ly three suggestive points; first, the use of the fertilizer is becoming more general and more discriminating; second, few, if any, soils in the country are so rich that they cannot l>e made more productive by judicious fertiliza tion ; third farm yard manures are the time last year purchased 14J ewes, giving 82 per head. The lot cost him therefore 82S6. This spring lie sheared and sold from his lot of ewes 600 pounds of wool at thirty-four cents per iKmnd, realizing therefrom $204. They brought 110 lambs, which, altogether, weighed 8,758 pounds. These sold nt 5J ceuts per pound, realizing there from 459,004. One ewe died and nine lambs were killed by the dogs. Twenty- two of his ewes failed to bring lambs. He has on hand yet 120 good ewes of the lot bought worth 8240. Now figure on this farmers of Sumner, and see if it is not profitable, leaving out the cost and trouble of feeding, shearing, and attending to’hese sheep, is it not clear that he has realized in less than a year, from an investment of 8286, the sum of 8617,794. Broom Corn—Broom corn should and can he raised in the South. It will grow on any soil where bread corn will grow--and yields from five hun- Cliroi tb<* i-. l a u|tlali<» to l.i s AgeDt* Ih-M 0|HllillR « ltili partb tilar, A-Mr^s F. GL Bo* I on, Ma>*. The land, on which it was thought no one ! with prices of labor and abundance of could secure a decent living, came into weeds; hut we are satisfied that it is _ i( <o >nd lVlu ,. 1 . jl . an t hrolu „ ,. ul , u the hands ot' German imigrants at no-: always a profitable operation on all I rs.-Vuii perf- t .ui. minnl rates. They cleared off’ the j land foul with thistles. 'Vc have re- “ " " ‘ brush, plowed and cultivated, turned i peatedlv hud the cost more than |>re- under green crops; savc<l every fertiliz-J paid not only in the crop, hut in the ing material available; never dupli-1 succeeding o:tts and liarley, besides aitevl a crop in five or six years' rota- leaving t ho land cleaner for years there- tion, ami that is now a garden, and I after. from worthlessness has advanced to the I — ... value ol one hundred dollars per acre, ! How Kiikei* Raisixi: Pays in Till, audit is yearly Iroeoming more pro- ! Simmi:i:.—It is said by some that ductivc. These owner-, in some eases, j raising sheep in this country does not have raised and educated families, live I pay. Let us see. Practical experience comfortably, ride in carriages, and j is letter than theory. We will give have money at intcre-l. In other in- j our readers ou example that has oe- .-tnnees in which the aid of clover Iras j eurred in a mile ami a bn If of Gallatin, Iks-ii invoked, swine feeding in clover and it demonstrates that it is, ami can fields have been a valuable means of • he made a most profitable branch of soil improvement. In the South, a agricultural industry. M. J. I>. Mi!- region which many Northern writers 1 ler, living just South of town. tii. 1 Hi I:nli II liu*i thi-the make uume)-. K..r oiitilfiitial circular. : :s \Va*hiuKi»n St., Au>:u>t 18 42-R. ail»lrt***o* a* tho Fa Tito public will l*o kopt : cut*. So ml to tho St filiation*, etc.. iuo aud |i itrsc, milch c«»\ tuuitjr t«» net'll repro*oiitative id niauy <li*tiiiKui*h«*l li*t oi'Lxrxo Money Pri-iniuu'.s. vor lull iu tho State or tho South. More aud tutor hor*e*, than ever Ik*fore exhihitiil. Fartie* wishing fine ntock, a* a horou^hhred hull, trio of chicken*, etc., will liml the occasion • t*> the progrt- • North an*l North went have ltoen inviUtl to deliver ..r* throughout the whole country ate expected, mul development* of the Fair iu future advertise- outturn List-, embracing a fall schedule of the premiums, rule*, graving* of tho beautiful and magnifievni Fair Ground*. A. II COLQUITT, Fresldent. T. G. IlOLT, General SuiH*rinten<ient. M A LOOM JOHN ST« )N, Secretary. Brown Cotton Company. (Hu ATWOOD COLOGNE, ROSE GERANIUM COLOGNE, GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE, FARINA COLOGNE, HOYT’S COLOGNE, LUBIN'S EXTRACTS. liest for general use ; green manures, ,drcd to one thousand pounds per acre, ' w and requires but little care. It is plan ted closely in drills four feet apart; nnd ns it soon outgrows the weeds, re quires hut little work. The lowest yield is five hundred pounds per acre, nnd this at ten cents (it is two to five cents more) per pound, makes a crop worth as much as cotton, with less trouble every day. are the cheapest means of soil renova tion. and commercial fertilizers are useful for quick results nnd for specific purpose. Who is the Best Farmer?—The best farmer is he who raises the best and largest crops on the smallest sur face of land at the least expense, and at the same time annually improves his soil; who understands his business and attends to it; whose manure heap is very large and always increasing; whose corn-crib and smoke-house are at home; who is surrounded by all the necessaries and comforts of life; who studies his profession and strives to reach perfection in it; who keeps a strict account of his outgoes as well as his incomes, and who knows how he stands at the end of each season. Such a farmer, in nine times out of ten, will succeed and not only make farming a pleasant, but a profitable occupation. Try it and see liow it is yourself, read er.—Farmer’s Vindicator. Attlt. MarANGE.—Nine large ap ples peeled and prepared the same as apple sauce, three tablespoons of sugar; cover tight in a stow pan; when done strain tnrongh a cullender, beat the yolks of four eggs, mix this with the rinds of two lemons, put it in tho pud ding dish and cover it with the whites hfflten to a stiff froth with a tablespoon of sugar and the juice of one lemon.— Place the whole in the oven until the marange is slightly browned. TOOTH BRUSHES. SOAPS OF ALL KINDS. WHIG 1 IT’S EXTRACTS, IIA1R BRUSHES, GENUINE BAY RUM.! Cotton Gins, Presses, . PORTABLE ENGINES, Mowers, Reapers, Threashers, &c. DEUPltEE BLOCK. ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 28, 1875. * 34-tf. 11’^ All, Buy your Tickets bef all information from Gait. WM. WILLIAMS. Agent Southern Ex|ir«*«* ('«*., Athens,Ga May 12, 75-tf. •>. The Chicago Farm Pumps Patent PorrrlainLinil Iron Winik hmip Tor CUterus and Wells o: i-y POWDER PUFFS. And a iv many of other Toilet Articles. Just it« LONGS & BILLLJiPS. NEW LONDON, ui.NX., Manufacture!* of C<*tt«»n Gir.*, (\.tt*»n Gin IY«*<1- **rs, Condenser* and Cotton Gin MateriaDot every dcM-riptioti. Our Gin* have Iwen iu u*c thirty year*, nnd have an established reputation for *itu- plicity, lig t-rutining, durability and for quality and quantity of lint produced. Our Feeder is easilv attached to the (■iu, uud easily oiH?rated by any hand of ordiuary intellUtence. They are the simplest and che:»j*e*t Feeder in :!»•• market uud feed with more regularity loan i* po*-iblehy band, increasing the outturn and giving a cleaner and better sample. At all Fair* when* exhibited and by Planter* having them in use, they have lieen accorded the highest enconium*. (*»r Condenser* are wcll-mwle, durable and *iniple in roii*trnction, and do what is miuired of them rapidly and well. No additional power i- required to drive the Feed er or Condenser, and no Gin Hou*c i* complete without them. We are prepared t<> warrant, to any reasonable extent, perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. Circ ular*, prices aid full information furnished. Address us above, or apply to .SUM MEY, HUTCHINSON A BELL, Athens, Ga. August 1&—42-li. $50 TO $10,000 lias been lnv<*sted in 3t<s-k Privileges and paid 900 c Fx r t. PROFIT. '* How to Do It,'* a Book on Wall St., sent free. TUMRRIDGK A CO., Banker* A Brokers, 2 Wall- st., N. Y. August lh—42—11. mwiO —The choicest in the world— Im- 1 porters’ price*—I.argc*t Company m America—staple article—please* e very bod v-*T rmde (‘ontinnallv increasing—Agent* wanted every- where—best Inducement*—don’t waste time—send $77 A Week guaranteed to Male andFe- male Agents, in their locality. Cbsts Nothing to tir it. Particulars Free. P. O. VICKERY A CO., Augusta, Me. Augu*t 18—12-U. Baked Tomatoes.—One quart of fresh round tomatoes. Scald and peel carefully, so as not to break the toma to ; put into a deep dish, and season with a little salt and cayenne. Boll a teacupful of crackers and spread ov er the top; cover lightly, ana bake iu a quick oven half an hour. Two or three lumps of butter, the size of a Lima bean, may be dropped into the dish, just before dishing up. Slip thorn out carefully, the brown side up, or leave them in the baking dish. Sore Shoulders in Work Horses —Get a piece ot leather and havo it cut into such a shape as to lie snugly between the shoulder of the horse and the collar. The collar will slip about on the leather instead of the shoulders and there will be no chafing. A simple m6do of keeping butter in warm weather is to set over the dish containing it a large flower pot or un glazed earthenware crock, inverted.— Wrap a wet doth around the coveting vessel, and place the whole where there is a draft ot air. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! Savannah Weekly Morning Sews Will he vent to any add re** sir: months for On« Dollar. Thia is one of the cheapest weeklies pub* lislied. It is not a blanket sheet in which all sorts of matter is promiscuously thrown. It is a neatly- printed four-page paper, compactly made up. and edited with great care. Nothing of adullor heavy character is admitted into the coluuius of the Weekly. It is an elaborately compiled compen dium of the best things that appear in the Unity Jfnes. The telegraphic despatches of the week are re-edited and carefully weeded of evenrthins that Is not strictly of a new* character. It also con tains frill reports of the markets; thus, those who have not the advantage of a daily mail, can get all the news, for six months, by sending One Dollar to the publisher; or for one year by sending Two Dollars. The Daily Morning Sexes I* the same reliable organ of public opinion that it has always been— vigorous, thoughtful and conservative in thedis* cunalon of tho Issues of the day, and lively, sik ling and entertaining in its presentation of the news. Ingathering and publishing the latest in formation and in discussing questions of public policy, the Morning Sexes ~ fully abreast of the uigat enterprising journalism of the times. Price, 310 for 12 months; ft5 for 6 months. The 7W- Weekly Sexes has the same features as the Daily Sexes. Price, 36 for 12 months; 33 for 6 months. Money for either paper can be sent by P. O. order, registered letter or Express, at publisher’s risk. The Morning News Printing Office Is the largest In th. Suite. Every description ot PrlnUn, done at the ahorteat not lee. Blank Booki or .U kinds cade tooidar. Book Binding and Bulla, executed with dltpatch. Estimates for work ptmopUr furnished.. Address all Utters, J. H. E8TOX, Savannah,Oa Atif.n.isw. ,i. 18T5- 1875. READ THIS. SPUING ANNOUNCEMENT!! I would respectfully inform the citi- sens of Athens ami vicinity, tlrat I have lust returned from New York with a COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, consisting of Dry flood*, Clothing, (aSpecial- ty,) for Men, Youth and Boy*. Also, a full line of Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats, A r o- Xrarlyrail * originate from Indiee-tlon f 10IIS, (i}c. , (t’C., tC'C. jti'C. and Torpidity ol the IJvrr. aud rrllef is always ; anxiously sought arter. If the IJver I* Regulate! . A fllll line of THid I PR (Hid CwPnt* in in. action, health i*almost invariably secured. \ " , v r . W Want of actiou in the Liver causes Headache, t on- Philadelphia (JllSlOm Jlfade *!lpstion. Jaundice. Pain in the Shoulders, ** Uough, thill*, Plr/lnrsN, sour Stomach, ka*l tule tO/lOCH. in the uiuuth, bllllou* attacks palpilatlen of the heart, depression «r spirit*, or the blare, and hundred other symptom*, for which *1 MUONS - .. M - , LIVER REG FLAVOR 1* the lu**t remedy that has cau * motto is ever been discovered. It act* mildly, effectually, and beings simple vegetable compound, can do no ’ l>e tak< **' To which I invite their special attention before purchasing, a* money can t*o saved by giving me a iujury in any quantie* that it may l liarmlr** in every way ; it ha* been used for 4U year*, aud hundred* ot the good and trreat from all part* of the country will vouch for its being the purest and best. Simmons' Liver Rogulatcr. or Medicine, Is harmless. Is nodrastic violent medicine, Is sure to cure if takeu regularly, la no intoxicating beverage, Isa faultless family medicine, la the cheapest medicine iu the world, Is given with safety and the happiest results to thu most delicate infant, I>oes not interfere with business, I>oe» not disarrange the system. Takes the place ol Quinine aud Bitters of every kind. Contains the simplest and bust remedies. For Sale By All Druggists. Manhood; IIovv Lost, How Restored! Just published a new edition of Dr Culverwells Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Sperranttorhcra or Seminal Weakness, involuntary Seminal Lotnes. Imputen- 1 ev also. Consumption, Epilepsy aud ced by self-indulgence or sexual extrar- ;am r, nC. Price, In a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, dearly demonstrates, from a thirty years success ful practice, that the alarming consequence* of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dan gerous use of internal medicine or the application of Hie knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once sknple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. W This Lecture should be in the hands of eve* ry youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to[ any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt ol six cents or two pos tage st am I*. Address the Publishers, CUA8. J. C. KLINE A CO. 127 Broadway, New York. Post Office Box, 458C. July 14-3m SLAJVR 'DFFDS, Neatly printed, and for sale caeap at this office. Quick Sales and Small Profits. Respectfully, OIIAS. STERN, April 21-Sra Athene, Ga. WEATHERLY & CO. ARE NOW READY® W far «ie and }uum? ffads. H aving just returned from New York with . LARGE AND W*» L SE LECTED STOCK of Dry Goods and Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Hard ware, Crockery, Drugs, &e. Prices to suit these hard times. AU kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goods. Call and see us at the corner of Clayton and Thomas Streets. April 21, Wi!. 25*tf. ’<\V Bj. SCIIEVE*ELL «Sk CO., BROAD STREET, ATHENS. G \. DEALERS IN 'Watches; CJoeSss, ^eweX^yj SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUNTS, PISTOLS, AlfUl VNITIOX Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, e&WMS, F&JVCF tmTICLES* &c. Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OK SILVER AND GOLD PLATING, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, plated by us, warranted equal to that done by any establishment in the country. -Y£- Are Cheap, Curable and IScisut OVES 100,000 SOLD. ^ EVERY PUMP WARRANTED Asy C-.: 7i:a. • CHILD', NICKERSOH&CO., GENERAL HARDWARE DEALER?*. June 16,1375. ASTONISHING. REASON Tho progres* made by the WILSON SillTTIJ. SKIVING BACIIINK. luventivr *k:ll lu* b*vn taxed to it* utmost, an«l th** re*uli i>. th«* The Most Perfect and De-irabie Ma chine, for General and Family yet prutluct-l. It is Simple ari. 1 Ea-y t<> i* net liable to got out ol repair, it* ” orK 1 Best n* wa* shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awanleil it at the Universal Exhibiti. n in ' i« nn— in 1873, and it is sold ut a LESS PRICE than any other Machine of it* >TANBARD • CELLENCK. , „ „ rIMV . For rale by J. M. UPSHAW and V- I’.UKH FITH. Be sun* t. * 1 Mav 19, 187.% Wil-“ 2Wt Rustic Window Shades. At $1.50 per pair. At $1.75 per pair. At $2.00 per pair. At $2.20 per pair. At $4.00 per pair. At $4.50 per pair. Th, met elqnat, •lmpl*, and mart durald, Bhwlu in w«. Th, tlwr. price, Include nil the nfcpmxj flature,. They can be put upin fire mln- otee, by any one who can drleen nail, and they nerer gegout of order. Call nnd we then nt . . „ BURKE'S Beok Store. June 2. 1,75. 1776. 1876. THE GREAT CENTENNIAL But that is Nothing in Comparison with the GBAUD ITEBCAOTIILE ESPOSITIOU AT THE STORE OF HUNTER & BUESSE, WHERE YOU WILL FIND A LARGE STOCK OF RE4DY-MADE CLOTHINC4 ! AIDAIP^ID 1P<I> Will® oassimbrb anb other cloths, Parasols, Umbrellas and Ifry Goods, STREW GOODS, IAMBS' A!M 0SMT3 T HATS, Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, WOOB3BN-W.AJB3B ® OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, Sec., &c. CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C.’ &C., &C. i Jhe above Goods having been recently purchased in New York, at re duced prices, are now offered to the public at Low Figures. U&r Come and be convinced. HUNTER & BUESSE, April 14,34-tf DEUPREE’S CORNER Pattern* for Dolls’ Clothes. Instructive, Amusing and Enter• tain ing. “I stopped ut the B«x»k f*’torc, tin* Trou*w»u l For Dolfic must hive some new clothes I thought. See! here are the pattern*, in color* -o bnifnj. I have tried every one. and fiud them all right- Each package contain* all the rot terns n0 U*’!V,V/ for a DoB’h Wardrobe. Price cen}*. M»tW. postage |«tld, on receipt June 2,187%. BURKE’S li.Mk f :tl-t* NEW BOOKS. CIGNA Onida’s last, $2.00. O Three Feathers, by Win. Black, 81.00. ape of thcGamp. lllus'.rated, 3l.0*». lice Blackwood, 75c. Walter’s Word, by James I*ayne, 50c. A Mad Marriage, by M. Agnis Fleming, 51* ,: Pastor’s Recollection*, $1.50. For tode at June 23. ,H-tf. BURKE'S Took !*>** m TUB JAS. IEFFEI' Pooble Turbine Water POOLE &H S I’ Uaiii*f' e ; rsa factor;., ®B|gl 6£g§SK Blacksmith Shop ■pjlLL FEW ....UlSeSfi ■ il announce to tho cltijens of. U, t0 Jo all joining country that bo i« tal*y i ff c K, r in » manner ol wort in the MnckeaKh jm Hc a« rlor manner and at reawoaMe - , Uf the l«at workmen audhaea nothin 1 h0 , ing ,and material. I'lanuiton Work, “2go 110 r lor*!*", very difficult jobr^npecWty. W' ^c. ppoaite Mr. J. Z. Coopcr’a Livery > ta Good Reading at Panic P rl ^ 8 ' TkURING the summer n' on fc JL> eeUaneona Book, of all Un*. **>« g,,»« at UnaArvr Beducko Paic»- No* to jet ««od reading at low p«,k|tot*' Jnn® 2,1173.