The Barnesville weekly gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 186?-187?, August 12, 1869, Image 3

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Barnesville Wret ly Gaiette. fiMi'yia!/ Morning, Aug-, 12. 1569. Vool <wi otljcr Gossip. lIIK BEST TIUN ; YET!! I am now ottering; my ENTIRE STOCK r c,irin <T and Sunnfler Goods at, GREAT LY RECCED PRICES for Cash. Now is Your chance. JOHN M. TURNER. mar.2s-Gm 'TcTholbrogk, Peachtree Street (opposite Cox Sc Hills), betfe leave to call the attention ol COUNTRV MERCHANTS To his Large and Weli Selected Stock of Hats, which i one of the Largest ever brought to ■ this market, His prices will Defy all CoivYpe titok ! All the Latest Styles, kept in a First Class House, can be found in his stock. All he asks is an examination, to sell them. Re member the place—Peachtree St., Atlanta, G a June 10-3 m \ LATER FROM THE FRONT. A fine lot of Ladies Dress Goods just receiv ed at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICE'S ;~ •Netv Robe Calicobs, etc. j n my- absence you will receive the most polite Mention of Mr. J, W. Threlkeld who ’is ready willing and anxious togiveyou GOOD NGOODS at as LOW PRICES as can be obtain ed in this united country. julyHtf R. i'. POUND. or ',Ye learn that Mr. Jonathan Colquit, an old and respectable citizen of Upson county, died on Sunday last 'while walking along the road. ji3P Rust is reported in some cotton 'fields in Jones couniy*— also in one or *two localities in Upson county. fitsT Mr. Morris, of Upson, has open cotton in his fields. Star T ho American Hotel, Atlanta, Ga, being very convenient to the Repot of the different railroads of the State, that the way-worn traveler has wily to remem , be':‘ that the distance is btit a few steps, the Tare most excel lent, and charges a9 moderate as any other first-class hotel in the South. 0& n We assure any cure that has cash now on hand, or wild have it in th Tty days, that a fine investment can. be made by calling .on J. W. High tower. Sec his advertisement—House •and Lot for sale. are glad to Chronicle the or 'gan.zation of the Agricultural Club at ZM> ulon, but regret that so few were present ■nt a meeting of such general interest. It 'the farmers of *our county will awake to 'their interests and give aid and encourage o ry 'ment to this socrety, there will undoubted ly be an increased energy developed ; the agricultural interest of our country will take the rank it merits, and we should see prosperity instead of the apathy and dis •couragt n;cnt that has heretofore existed. Job Bush assau’ted Burrell II >Hj way (both colored) with inUnt to hui t him, but Burrell, after having been knocked down with the st'ek, succeeded in -tuTumg; the tide of battle and caused Bush to re treat. Bush was arrested on Saturday and received a six months appointment to a government ofiire. (chain g'ng) As the parties are both colored we presume that 'Gov. Bullock will not modify the sentence of Justices Hanson and Fryer. Tlic Weatltor ;md Crops. Fur the past w eek the weather has been quite cool, reminding us moie forcbly of ‘October than August j rendering a lie 'very pleasant in the motiving and at night. Wc are informed that cotton is still hold ing its fen-ms, notwithstanding the great amount of wet weather we “have had for J the last two weeks. The prospect is still good for a large yield. We understand that Mr. Culberson of Zebulon hssa patch of several acres which good judges say will make at least two and a half bales to the' acre if no mishap occurs. It was planted in rows six feet apart, and given good dis -tance in the row. Mr. John Pearson of Upson has four acres which aheady has a sufficient num ber of grown bolls upon it to make over a '■bale to the acre. We might mention numbers of persons ■who have tine patches of cotton, if space permitted, but the -above are rnest gencr &ily ypdker.-pf, anti are quite a good speci' Ym-n c! vfhat may be expected from a'lib eral application of manure arid attention in cultivation. Of course it is not to be expected that, the above is an average of field crops in d-s vicinity, but of rich garden spots that ha\i received extra care and cultivation. — button in fields is quite promising also. Mr. TFeaver is said to have two hundred fc-eres, which is the finest crop in the coun ty. Ore hundred acres of which, goed judges say, will make one hundred bales 'Unless injured by some mishap. ITilh a good crop of cot!on, at remunerative prices this fail, we may expect Georgia again to prosper, ahd her citizens to feel that inde pendence of character that was their wont .previous to the war. understand that several gen tlemen 0 f capital and business enterprise roin Xew York paid a visit to High Falls 0n la.-t Saturday for the purpose of inspect the premises with a view to erecting a ot.on factory. “We have only to make U e means which God and nature )a ' e i * ace d in our hands” to build up the places of our land and make it bloom and as the rose. We know of sev eral eugible locations for factories which ttie help of Capital could soon be Ul ‘Uc \ery valuable but which on account j", a "ant of capital and enterprise is lying 1 e and unprofitable in the hands of their °"Ders. Why mot advertise for capital to & jistyou? There is plenty of capital at North ifchat -would gladly invest in enterprises, and wc think a refusal on hrt of our citizens to allow the intro c CUoti °f that capital suicidal in its poli sh J ,try brought into the State. Wotv ** u ‘ 0ne y °r machinery, and every <letT u^ mau introduced increase to a won l^e resources of the country, ClUzen will bid all a kindly unities the rancor and ani- Wcestly to r e ,' Tt<i by the war and strive 0V l froui its effects. © had the pleasure on last Sun day of listening to two eloquent and im pressive sermons from Rev. Mr. Campbell who, we understand, is a student of Ox ford. It has seldom been 'o’Ur fortune to hear a move able discourse that! was pre sented by this young gentleman whose rich imagination, copious and chaste ex -pressrons bid fair to make him a useful la borer in God’s vineyard. \V e refer to the above merely to show our fellow-citizens what they lose by a non-attendance at Church. Wo have let our zeal for moral religious institutions languish. Our min isters frequently address empty benches— our people idle and laze away their time at hon ein cu.pable indolence, forgetful of the many privileges of which they should avail themselves. This is not only true of the chureh, but also of all.our other socie ties. fa ake up to yout* responsibilities as citizens, iet us no longer be reproached with lukewarmness in any of our societies, but as wc are blessed with the prospect ot a good crop, let us show our appreciation by a more energetic life—a greater zeal in promoting the welfare of our community by keeping up those institutions which ex ist in our midst. J&g? W e acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Prof. A. G. Holloway, of T ish Pond, Ala., containing several subscribers and the cash. Prom his letter we learn that there must bo con siderable interest iu \ ocal Music in his section, as he has one class of 100 and another of 120 studeuts. These are the kind of schools to create interest, and we know him to be worthy of this kind of patronage. lie has many other applications.— He does not consider himself particu larly in tho field as a tea'cher of mu sic and bus not for about tw-anfy years, though ho has too' mu-ch inclination and love for music not to stir occasion ally. He says there is no scarcity of teachers in that section, though, un fortunately, many are of that class that has always put their weight in the balance to keep the profession in dis repute, being wholly incompetent to teach, and some, he fears, are wanting •in a moral point of view, to elevate or keep the cause to the height it Justly deserves. He further remarks that there are some vi ry worthy teachers of competency, and whose moral charac ters are worthy of the vocation, whom lie wishes every success and delights with them He insist# that many vocalists from Georgia attend their Convention in September next. Tlsc musical Advocate and Singers’ Friend. A Musical Monthly Magazine, edit ed by Aldinn S. Kitff r of Singeis’ Glen, II ckingliatn co., Va., came to band per lost mail. Price $125 per annum. Each copy contains about 30 pages in-patmphlet form, lias much in teresting mu-sieal reading matter and several pieces of excellent Church Mu sic, iu Seven Sbapc I’etent N\,te. - At the same time we receive 1 “The Christian Harp” -and ‘■N'SaUbatli School Songster,” IT’ pages of 3d edition; price 35 cts. ; published by Ruebash & Keiffer—contains quite a number ol very appropriate piec s we have seen in other works, for Sabbath Schools, and a number of new pieces we have never before observed, and is a good Sabbath Sc bool-Hook. Prof. Aldiue S. Kieffcr is Principal ofthe Mount Clif ton Music School. The 'first ses-ion will begin Monday, Sept. 20th, and contii ue in session every day (Sundays excepted) for six wteks — closing on I Saturday, October SOT. Tuition for! the session, $6 00 What Causes‘the Coo-l Wrath- EK. — The Washington Express says : '‘Scientific men in England have re cently expressed tho opinion that there is something out of order in the solar-svStem, the nature of which they arc at a loss to determine, but from which they augur serious results of so me kind before a great while. These crudi'ies will of course be eagerly se'zcd upon by the end-of-tho-world prophets, who wi 1 soon set the weak minded in a nervous whirl, and proba bly make a number of candidates for the lunatic asylums. No doubt the commotion in the celestial world is duo to the approach of the solar eclipse, and productive also of some of the terrestrial phenomena winch have been observed in various parts of the wot Id. A perturbed atmosphere, such as has prevailed this summer in this country, is ‘evidently owing to the attractive ’forces of the sun and moon coming in to fine with the •earth, as they are now doing.’’ KAYTOtJS’S OTL OF LIFE— Cures all Pains and Aches, and is the great Rheumatism Lini- Read titesk Lines and Pcnder them Well.— The best test ol the merits of any proprietaiy article is to ascertain what is thought of it at home where it is manufactured. Such a test Lippmau’s Pyrafuge can well stand, as to-day it is decidedly the favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague and other diseases of a malarious origin, in the city of Savannah, where it is prepared. The principal druggists of the city would as much think of doing with out castor oil in their stores as to be without this popular (and deservedly so) remedy. It is a vegetable preparation, free from deleteri ous drucs, and acts like a tonic upon the en tire system, thereby invigorating the system so much so as to enable it to throw off disease. Pyrafuge does not nauseate or sicken the pa tient and can be taken b.v the moat delicate person*; without Tear, lit .should always be at hand, as chills and fever creep upon us so steal thily-that we are not aware of its approach un til it is upon us. A word to the wise is suili cient. KAYTON’ri PILLS-Curcs Sick Headache and all Hilious disorders. NF. W AIYE liT IB SM K NTS. A BARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY!!! \VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND TWO acre lot for sale VERY CHEAP! in the: most convenient part of town. For particu lars apply, earlv, at the Bru<r Store ot J. \V. HIGHTOWER, augl2-tf Rarnesville, Ga. HERE’S YOUR HOGS! f! 4 NY person desiring to buy Pure Blood or Half JJreed C HESI Eii WHITE PIGS, caii do so by calling on the Subscriber at Ifarneevilie, Ga. oct22-/y MORGAN G. HOWARD. A Voice from the South 1 LOUD! LOUDER !h LOUDEST!!! Deeming it an absolute fact that a man’s health should be hie fi st and Goat peeuHav care, we have taken the liberty to print below a few tes timonials which go to show how sickness may be removed and health mauKtaiirci ty s. Southern Medicine^ made only for Southern People. We refer to that time honored remedy Maggiel’s Life Pills! Used as they are aimed universally, we cannot but take pride to ourselves that these medicines indicate by their sales alone a prouder eminence than most preparations of the day attaiu. It shall alwajs be our aim and most earnest care to maintain the ttandaid of their excellence. hear what IS SAID! READ i READ!!' ‘ READ!!! This is from the Hon. ALEX- 11. STEPHENS. Liberty Hall. Crawford viile, Ga., July 18,1569 Maggiels Pill ard Salve Y\ ores, IN. Y. Gentlemen :: * * * * * And I also ssy that 1 wid most cheerfully accept tbe medicines (M , K . giel s Pills and Salve) you pr pose >o send, and trom tee reputation of their virtues wdJ try tnemwah hopes of much beuefit. J Yours truly, ALEXANDER H. STEfPHEjfS. Fayette‘Gocsr Iloua”, Ala , July, 1869. Gent:— We are entirety nut of tyont Maggiel’s Pills. Send us a supply by Express, at once, for Bilious Diseases. Ycur \laggiePs Pills work wonders. They gain in popnlaiity everv day Fayette, Ala,, “WATCHMAN.” Office L. E & H. E. Welch,X W ROLFS ale D.uggi.-ts V Albany, Ga, July 14,1809. j Gentlemen j—We cheerfully eay that Dr Vac giel’s Pills and Salve sell well, and g ve Great Satisfaction. Our customers speak in tie: bi hest manner ot them. We have lrequeruly known them to cure Chills and Fever. Respectfully, L E. & T. £. WELCH. J. 11. Zelin & C 0.,) W IIOIiESALE DitUGGISTS. > Macon, Ga., Aug. lU, lbo9. ) Maggiel s Pill and Salve Work.s, New -Your Medicines, M \ggiePs Hills and Salve are popular here. YVe sell more Mag gie’s Pills than any other -IMI-jas,.more, than any two others you can name comb ned. The Maggiel Salve tells as much as t)r. H. : bin tor Maggiel'ei’ilU we have extraordinary de ! mam!. Rcepectlullj' vours, J. fi. & co. To tbe readerr wc will briefly say, that for the putpuse ol littmg tkiose whute circum stances are not of the best, try these medicines we wiii ifKtns TIT ExYen-ns, line UOITar T e worth, ol iPiila, on .receipt ot 13 ceuts. Address MAGiG ILL’S Fill and Sail vs: Wcr"ks, I>ox Pust.Otlice, New York. THOMAS MAffCOL, COMMISSIOX MEUCIIAXT , AND AGENT FOR THE SALE OF COTTON, DRIED FRUIT AND SOUTH EBN PRODUCE, NO. 03 SMITH’S WHAIfeF, BALTIMORE , M. D. Solicits orders for t e porch ise of Groceries. Dry Goods. Agricultural imp'dments. FeriihEcrs, ic Having an experience of twenty yea s in business between Baltimore and the South, tin ters hinicelf that he can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their business. jum 4 ‘6.U* The Greatest Medicine the'AGE / COMPOTSDEXTRACT —OF-- STILLINGIA! ! The Great Purifier of the Blood and Renovator of the System!!! The ’TtODtTB omtAxDi of this medicine increases tiie power ot Dig. stiuQ, excites the Absot bents to healthy ftetic>n'(by which all ini, ur ties and ev ery kind of humor and bad taint in the blood are carried off) an ' fire person taking it is soon re stored to a h althy condition “THE LIFE OF AT L FLESH 13 THE BLOOD THEREOF.” Cleinse the Vitiated Blood. Cfeinpe It when e-ver ii Foul. Keep the .Bio and H EALTRY, and all is well No one can take the Extinct of St I ling a slid remain unwell. It quickly car ies of every par tele of poisonous matter, wherein ttie old arc made young, and the pale and sallowAViil become fresh and vigorous. Wc CHALLENGE the WORLD To' pro lure a ‘■Uipei ior Remedy for those E>’>ea'os of Long Standing, such as Scro'ula, • heumatism, Gout, White Swellit g, Lisnises of the Bones. Ul cerous Sores, Turno s, Scurvy, Bctldhead, Ring wo-Bi. Pirn les, Itch, Blotches, tiorc Fyes, ,)au - dice Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Syphilis in all its Forms and Sta*es. -The Extract -of St llmgia acts onall the-e cases in the same marner, to Purifying he Blood and resolving away all mur bi or fatiercul ir deposits in the system. It quickly restotes the pstTent to perfi ct health and purity. YY’hen U.-ed ivording to iJirections, vve Warrant a Ture in Every Case. Try this Biood- Cleinsing Cordial. It will exc-ed your most Sanguine Expeclations and fulfi.l our most con lideut proti't cs. MANUFACTURED IN THE — Chemical Laboratory —OF— Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor & Cos., Wholesale Druggists and Chem sts, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Drugg sts. CBiIVEKSITY OF NASHVILLE -MEDICAL DtPAKTUE®!'. r|iHS TWENTIETH COURSE OF LEC JL TURKS will commence on the FIRST PAY OF NOVEMBER next. The Prelimina ; rv Course commences on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER. Theory and Practice— Wr< K Bowling, 11. D* Obstetrics —Charles K. Winston. M D. Chemistry—J. Berrien Lindsley, M. D. Surgery—William T. Briggs, M. D. Institutes—Thomas L Aladdin, M D. Cinical Medicine— Willian L. Nicbol, M. D. Materia Medica—'John H. Callender. M D. Anatomy—Thomas I? Buchanan, M D. Suigical Anatomy—Van S Liu tsley, M. D. Demonstrator llenry M. Compton, M D. FEES.—Tfie American Medical Association at the meeting in Aliy last, at New Orleans, prssed a resolution that no .school charging less than gl2o, (while t favored by a large majority s;l4i) t ) should be represented in that body, nor should gtadoptte® ot such schools be recognized—therefore the tickets for the f*iM course of lectures‘is $140; lVlatriculatiog&s; Dissecting s!♦).; Graduating S3d. For additional information apply to J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, augs-3t Dean ot the Faculty. Dried Peaches. bu-be’s peeled and unpeeled Peaches illvl wanted, for which the highest market pi i- e in unh. yr goudfi ®l ca a prices will l* paid. K. T. POUND THE kISHOP HLL! TIIE BISHOP PILE I THE BISHOP PILL l A Purely Vegetable Pill. (Sugar Coated) ‘•Costar’s” Bishop Pill!! ‘‘ls Of EXTRAORDINARY EFFICACY for CoSt'lVe ness, Indigeetion. Dyspepsia, Headache, Ner vous Debility, Liver' Complaint.” “The best Pill in the World.” [Medical Journal, Sept. 8. TRY THEM! TRY THEM! All Druggists in. BARNESVILLE sell them. “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations t ARE Costa/s" Rat , Roach, Sfc., Extermi nators. " Costar s” Bed Bug Extc/'itVnators. “ Costar's' ‘ (only pure ) bisect Povpdtr. ‘•Only Tnfall’bl" Rem*>di“R known ” ‘•18 years established in New York.” ‘■2 000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily.” “It! Beware 11! efspu.ious imitations” “All Druggists in BarcesySlle sell them. - ” For sl, |2, f£ and S*v, ADDRESS “COSITAir CO IPANY, So. to Howard Street, X. Y. Sold in BARNBWIDT.E. GA. by J, W. Hightowe r and Wm A. Wrtght Dtuggists. Jan 14—ly THE GREAT ~ Chill & Fever Expeller! LIPrMAKPS F YRAFfJGE! IRK —— IT IS, IN FACT, A MOST WONDERFUL TSVDR CURD, Ou account of this Instant Remedy mjam a list im —AND PERMANENT CURE. NO CASE, HOWEVER OBSTI NATE, CAN RESIST LTS il E A L T II GIVING PROPER l IES, Creates an Appetite, Briiigs Color to the Cheeks of the Emaciated and Strength to t! e Feeble \ z. EVERY ROTTLU SOLD IS AC OO MUA NI ED BVA GIJ A R AN TEE OF ITS -EFFIC ACY. Tho of the Pyrafuge chaE lenges every case, no matter of how long Stand ing. to trv this GREAT CHILL & FEVER CURE, and then deny its wonderful ‘curative properties. —, : o; Ask FOR LIPPMAN S PYRAFUGE, And get fitl of that miserable disease, Chil’s and “Fever. For sale, at wholesale, by the Sole Man 'ufaetdrer for the ‘Uirited 'S tat 3*, by JACOB LIPPI AN, PROPRIETOR OF Uppman’s Wholesale HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. KAYTON’S OIL OF LIFE —CURES ALL PAINS AND ACHES, —AND IS THE— GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY!! Kayton.’s -Pills S." 2 ‘all BIL'GUS DISFA.SE-. julvl-ly. Jewelry Store, 0Q FT IG GINS, having just returned • n from New York with a New Stock ot Clocks, Watches, Jewelry arid all o ti er articles usually kept in his Ime, respectfully informs the public that they can be accommo dated at his new store in the New-Brick Bh ck with time keepers of various kinds and styles, and with Jewelry ol the neatest description.— Piease call and examine my Goods. Strict attention paid to Reparing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. May 6 tf. NEW'MUSIC 0 0K! TllEOhrisnan Harmony, a New 'Pune Book in Seven Syllable Ch-iraetevJNotes, by that Popular Composer, Willia+*’Y.'alker (Author of -Southern Harmony,-). {The system on which this work kj based is unsurpassed (or its sim plicity and toe facility with w hich anyooe can lenrn to sing One of the best and most popu lar music books ever published— setting remark ably fast. Fur sale by books Hers gene'ally and by E. W, MILLER, Publisher, June 10—tf 110J-lli'4, Sansom St., Plnla. L £ 4 the r [a A- J dec24 — lj * MEADOR L BROS., Gommissiaa Aiorcliaats, TOBACCO, SEGAR3 & SNUFF, Whitehall Street, jar>2l ly* Atlanta, Ga. LEGAL AD VEIITISING. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, August sth ls t ,9 - David Wood has applied for Ex-emption of Personalty, and I will pass upon the tame at 10 o’clock, A. M, on the I*6h dnvcT August, 1869, at rr.y office. J. J. HARPE&, Ortl y. augi2 2t GEORGIA—Pike Counyv : WHEREAS John Pilkiitttm, Atlminis* frator of the Estate of Baliu-tn /M --kinton, deceased, applies to roe for an or der to sell the Rea A Estate belonging to said deceased, This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, fo-show cause, if any they have, why said order should not be granted. Given under my hand and official s’gna ture this .July 23d, 1869. July 29-30d J. J. HARPER, Ord'y. Libel for Divorce and Order for Perfection of Service. Mart J Stallings'! „ „ „ vs. (Pike Scrßßicß Court, William Stallings, f April Term, 1569. ** to Court, from the return of, .die Lheriff, that defendant in the abow named case, is notto be found in the coiiety and ie be- , yond the limits of the State, it la ordered that said Defendant appear and answer said ease at tic next term of the Court, tar that the case be considered in default and that this order be en tered on the minutes of the Court and published In s(TflK,e pubt*; Gacet eeft” this St ite, according to the provisions of the Statute in such cases nrade and provided. By the rourt. >l. A. HUNT. Att’y for I.’b’t. A true transcript fiotn the minutes of the Ourt, .haly Ist, C. F. Redding, Cl’k. ju'ylfc lamim GEORGIA —Pike County. WHEREAS John H. Baker, Administrator of Dr. W. B. Baksr, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Dr. W B. Baker’s Estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to snow cause, if any they can, why sai{l Ad ministrator should not be discharged from ibis administration and receive letters o! dismission on the Ist Monday in September, 1569. Given under-mv hand and Official Signa ture, May 24th, 1868. J, .I,HARPER, Ord’y. May 27, 1869-Bui GEORGIA —Pike County ; WnEKKAs, Hiram Travis, Adm’r., of the es tate ol Pinkney Prothro, deceased, applies to nae for letters of Dismission from said Admin istration—Tnese au-e, therefore, ito cite all per sons conaerned Vote, and appear at niv office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any They have why said order should not be granted. Given under my hand April sth, 1869, at my office. J. J. HARPER, Ord’y. apr 8 6m Summer Trade, 1869, IAMBS 6AREY, Late CaREY &, BANGS, 26G Balt. St., Baltimore, WHOLESALE DEALER —UN BOOTS AND SHOES. We keep a general assortment of Boots and Shoes and are now sorting up our stock of goods for the Summer business. We will be prepared to fill orders prompt ly and, when possible, ship t’hem the day the orders are received. V/c pnj•■particular atttiVtion to m-dora and, from our long experience in the busi ness and knowledge Of the wants of our ! customers, can ganer-ally suit them when they-describe the goods they need in such manner as we-can understand. We sell a large-,quantity of goods in this manner, to merchants who seldom visit the city, and give personal attention to ev ery order received. Respectfully, James Carey, Late CAREY & BANGS. Baltimore, June 3, 1869—lyr WANTED r WHEAT AKHO DRIED FRUIT for which I will pay the Highest Market Price, ■ i Bring them in. R. J. POWELL. may 13-tf THE BARNESVILLE Male and Female HIGH SCHOOL. The efvepeises.aft'he Barnes vilie Male and .Female-High School will be resumed on Monday, August 2nd 1869. — Rates of tuition same as for last session, viz : Reading & Spelling Class $2:00 per. mo. Same with Geo. & Arith. t3~OQ “ “ Advanced Class “ “ Classics 5:00 “ “ Thankful for the liberal -patronage given us last session, we Rope by unabated energy and -industry to merit its con tinuance. C. L & A. 31. Lambdin. V. J. SLOWER & sm BREAKFAST & SUFFER HOUSE, GKAVniLLE, GA. JOB WORK done with neatness and disrrrt'-h at the Gazette Office. OfVfA LBS cf D*ni*l Hidwell’s Psint for mil houses on. hand and for sale, ai per hundred pounds. This i* the cheapest paint that be Used for farm house?, fencing, etc. E. T. POUND. A FRESH Arrival —OF— LADIES' LASTING BUTTON, and CONGRESS GAITERS, Kid and Lasting Front Laced Gaiters, Mens’ Buff Brogans and Ox ford Ties ; a fair variety Masses and Chil drens Shoes. On Baud, a fine lot of Li v ■... : Ready Made nothing, Piece Goods, Cassimere Tweeds, Denims, Tick ing, Shirtings and I)omesii Goods generally. A good Supply of Hardware, r ITm —AND— Crockery, and Notions to Fill Out your 3*.s. „ 14you have not the cash, call on me any how. JFill take lineal rather than miss * trade. 1000 bushels of geod dry wheat wanted. A good supply of Tactitim OH Slacking on hand. jnne‘24— E. T. POUND. TIJTT.S Vegetable liner Fills, Cures Liver Biseaeee, Dys pepsia, &c. TLTT S ExpectwaaE, A certain cure fer Coughs, Asthma, &c. TINT’S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT, The great Altera tive and Blood Purifier. TUTT’S IMPROVED HAIR DYE.— Warranted the best in use. These valuable preparations aro for sale by J. W. HIGHTOWER, Barnesviile, Ga. Dec. 24—ly Dr. J. Bradfield’s FEMALE REGULATOR, Woman*sßcst Friend. rff’lHlS valuable Medicine is prepared for Wo? JL mbs exclusive, and to be used by-women only. ,k ia adapted especially to those cases where the nvoifc is disordered, and will cure any irregularity in the ,c mense3,” except in such-ease 9as require a swrgtcn I operation. As tbeae haAt are very rare, the Female Regulator is of almost ur: ivcrsal application. In a sud den check of the “monthly courses” Irorn cold, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by RE&vcßi.’fcG the discharge in every instance, thus relieving the fever,’headache, pain in the small of the baek nnd ‘Slower stoni ach,” Hushes of heat about the face, chilly sen sations, burning of the eyelids and general restlessness. Taken in time, all hese symp toms pass away immediately, without injury to the constitution. Frequently, -however, the 1 proper remedy is not applied in time, the dis ease becomes chronic, and the foundation laid for numberless evils todhe eonet-Itution of the woman. The next “turn” comes around and there is no “show,” or perhaps the “whites’’ will appear. There will be seme uneasiness about the womb, but very little or none of the natural Jiuid escaping. The complexion be ccmes sallow, bowels swollen., a sort otgreonieb caste about the face, constant-dull acbi-r.g pains in the bead, weight in the lower stomach and back, or without whites, palpitations of the hee.rt, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, wea riness, lango-ur, aching across the loins, loss ol appetite,-pain in left breast, tightness across the chest, cough and giddiness. If still allowed to go on,'“green sickness’’ will be fully devel oped—the headache becomes severe, with loss ; o! memory, diminished sensibility, sick stom ach, dyspepsia, no relish for food,'loss of lleab, increas and fluttsi ingot the heart, swelling ol the feet, 'legs and body,-and occasional spitting of blood. The slightest effort causes hurried breathing, almost to suffocation. The skin is flabby and has a “doughy feel.” Tins is a sad picture, but it is the vondii;,.-n of thousands uf women between the ages of fi£ and 45, who are brought to the verge of the grave by-ignorance or neglect to take the proper remedy. To all who are afflictee with any of the-svinp tmns abovo mentioned, in connection with an irregularity of the “monthly sickness,” we ear nestly say Take. Dr. if. Brad field's -Female j Regulator. A few ounces taken, you will at i once experience its benefits, and with a little j patience you will be lully.restored to health. This remedy has been extensively used for j upwards of SO years by manyof the inost ex- j pericueed-and successfuliPhysicians irrGeorgia. i We repeat,-that -Dr. -J. Bradfield’s ..Female j Regulator is prepared for Women, and to be • U9ed try Women only. A tnal is at! we a£k, and sold in any quantity, by TL. 11. BKADFILLe, sYlrolcsalc I>rci^ r sM, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Price, $1 50 per Bottle. For Sale by W. A. Wtight, M. D., Druggist, and : J. W. Hightower, Druggist, Barneville,<Ga. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 180') hy Josiair Bradfield.iin tiie Clerk VOffioe of the'District Coart ol the 'State of: Georgia. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Trobp County. i HIS is to certify that-I have examined the recipe of-Dr. Joseph Bradliekiof this county, and, as a medical man, pronounce it to toe a combination of 'Medicines of in the treatment uf .all Che diseases of females for which be'Tecommenda it. WAI. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Dec. 21st, 1868. apr 29 ly. ATLANTA GA , December 23, 18C8. Dr. J Bradfield— Dear biR: I take pleasure in stating th it | some time pvev’O'is to the late w *r. I used with ! the utmostsucc-: as, on a servant girl, your Female i RioclaTor, prepare i then at Fir tflficld’s -Drug Store, West Point, Ga. She hi'* been suffering i sever- ly from suppressed men truation, and this medicine soon restored her to hea th. She is to- ! day living in Atlantn. sound and well. I st-te, l other, that I know of its being used, with equal success, on a servant girl Of try brothet-in-law, Professor -Rutherford, of Athens, Ga. This woman bad, I think, been diseared for j six years. She was a house servant, and seemed curtd. up to the tme ct “freedom” Ido not ' hesitate to indorse your preparation tor the pur- ! pose fa: which you recommend it -Yours truly, JNO. C. WIIITNER MOUNTYLLE. 1868. i Dr. J. Braufield— T)ear Mr : I have much pleasure in saying I 'have witnessed ihe most decided and happy I effects of your Female Regcl>tor in Urs neighbor- : hood. WM. H. F HiCHEN. MOI’NTVILLE, 1808. Dr. J. BnAPVTH.r>— Dear Sir: I have repeatedlv use-1 in my •family tour Female Rkuclatok and h’ve, in every ; case, met with complete success—G. L- £W/W MOUNT VJLLE* ISCS. Dr. J.— Dear Sib : Having, for many y-vir.a been ac quainted with your Kemvu£ ■Regula.’S-'r. and u-td it in my family. I take pleasiireMn sta ing to tbose thus afflicted that I have never known it to f il. J. CARLIVN. ! CAKTERSVILLE, GA.. April tip, 1869. This will certify that two members of my imme diate family, after having suffered"f ir many years from menstrual I*regularity, and having been treated without benefit hy various medical doctors, were at length comp'ete’y aured by one bottle of Dr. J. Brad'ield’s “Female Regulator.” I there fore deem it my duty to furnish th s certificata, with the hope or drawing the attention of sutler i- " womankind to the merits of a medicine whose power in curing irregular and suppressed men struation has been proven under my own personal observation. Its effect on such cases is truly wonderful, and 'veil may the remedy be called “Woman’s Best FricDd.” Yours, respectfully, JAS. W. STRANGE. Barber Shop. 1% !" U. L *0 XK'ES respectfully : nftTme Ivl* iM DicrifU and custom e-s h ;,t he f as oncried his Rarhcr Shop up weJ Burr A Chambers’ Tin Shop,. pared to do all manner of work j® his line. Terms reasonable. DU. f r R?)TIHtT'R CTT/EBRaTED I.IVF.R MBIUCSHB.** Fbeia‘Wi*t ©6*%#gton, Ga. , —tOi — Nol like mo>.l Talent Sfecfteififc*—a'&pecifio for every thing—but for what it ki reoorne tided, only- This Medicine is a safe and certain remedy for all kinds ot Liver Diseases, and disorders arising from inactivity of that organ. Cbron ic'and acute infta rrmtioo of {tie Liver is cur ed by it immediately. I)ysf*epsia, sick head ache, sourness of the stomach, longed appetite, lowueea of spirits, cholic, costivaacss, ifcc., and may b used by all ages and sexes, male aud fen ale, and at all periods. It answers all the calls with ladies lor Purgatives, aud at all time*. It is taken In the form of a liquid much better than tbetu-ual way of swallowing tbee# or four bitter pills every day. DR. PROPHITT t Having used this Medicine sufficiently lorn to test its virtue, and to satisfy my own mind that it is an invaluable remedy for Dyspepsia —a disease from w liich the writer has suffered much for six years—and being persuaded -that hundreds who now suffer from this complaint, would be signally benefited, a he has been b,- its use —we deem it a duty we owe to this upfsrt&Bate class, to repomend to them the use of tbs remedy, which baa given rut ouly him sell, bty Myeftl members ot bis fami ly the greatest relief. M. W. ARNOLD. Gf the Georgia Conference, Dll. 0. S. PR Q P 111 JT ’ £ AN DTlJf* Pain kill 11. Good for all kinds of local Pains, Rhcumat' and Neuralgic Pains, Pain in the side, bac.; breast or neek. Alee, good tor Corugtvg, Cold Colic, Diarrhoea, Tooth-ache, Car-che, k>cre Throat, erthoracuter.chr®nc. Alea, good for Irish tyoiMuL-yf pviyry kind,Cots,. Bruises £e.. just as eooil f r-horsr-s as for hnimn, in a !i' cases,w.'bicli you will see -certificates Iron, responsible men, etc. ■Dooly County, Ga., A prit, 1867. This is lo certify that I was confined to th house, aqd most o.f the time to my bed, and suffering the grrateet agony imaginable with Rheumatism, lor five months, and att. r trv ing every available remedy, wih no relief, 1 was, cured vfcith.two bottles of Dr. O . Prophitt's Anodyne Pttin £.ll it:! each costing fiftv cent* only.-it-relieved me almost ii>6ta*]tly. I.there fore recommend itin the highest degree,to*>tb ers puffering-from similar disea e. 1 can say that it is oneml the =flnest lamilv media:ne* now out, certain. Yours Truly, TV. A. Forriiand. ©R O. S. PROPITITT’S Anti-Bilious VECHTABIE VIXL S, .PURGATIVE AND FEBRIFUGE. Equal to any Pill either sin ;C'lironc or Acute RisfasevS. Tin above preparah’en of’Medidne’has'beer used by myself for the last ten years,in private practice, anil has been one of the principal agents in Affecting the many wondotful curee that have resulted from the treatment pursued by the Proprietor, vfhich in number amounts to thousands, and-of almost every dsscriptionj male and lemale, acute and chronic. Tbev are very valuable in tbeffoUowing cas es : Fevers, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, and all Bil ious Disorders,'Liver Complaint, 'Erysipelas., Rheumatism, Coughs, Coldp, influenza, Catarrh Nervous Affections,Sour Stomach;'Costiveness, Cholic,'Sick Head-Ache, ’iGiandutar-Swellings. Menstrual'Obstructions, Mercur ; al and Syphi litic Tumors, tc. A safe and certain Purga tive in all cases, eitbar Male or female, and at all times when a purgative is re qilired. This is to certify that T have been using Dr G. S. Prophitt’s Anti Bilious. Pills for tne last ten years ;‘I have used them-regularly in my white family and among a number of blacks for that time. I have found them to be the best-Pill I have ever used4* a Family Pill. I have been house-keeping thirty years; have raised a family of b acks as well tis my white family, and’.i never used any medicine during that time that acted po prompt and effectual as Dr*o.4s. IVophitts Anti-Bilious-PilLs. I can safely recomend them to every family where billious diseases prevail, as a sale and reliable Pill. Very respectfully, P. L. WILLIAMS. 'DR. O. S. PROFIIITT'S ►VEGETABLE AGUE PULLS, A safe and certain remedy for Ague and Fever,‘Chill and Fever, and all kinds of .peri*, odical diseases, and with the aes’stauce of ,my iPills, si£i cure Bilious tf’ever, nine times out of 4cn, without any other medi cine. They may be taken at any time, day or night, wet or dry, with perfect -safety to ihe patient, either mule or female, (by females during piegnancyQ or children ol uny agij, -^:o: — Ba. O. S. I’rophitt : Dear ISib—TT do cer tify that, I have used your AgueiPiil for the met ten years, and I have never failed to cure the Ague in a single instance with them. They always break the'Chills the first day that they are given rl can geoomrneno then, .aa being the best Ague medicine that I have ever found, and they leave no bad effects following them aa Quinine, etc. Yours, respectfully, A, WESTBROOK. DR. PROP DITTOS COil POUND DYSENTERY CORDIAL, ■ A safe and genuine remedy-far all kinks of Bowel Disca.-ea, iL>ysent*ris, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux, etc. It may bc.gitten to all sizes ages atd sex, and at ail times JWith perfect safe ty, wberedhetc iSitny thing el-that class indi cated. Nb tv ton Count v, G a . DR 0. S. ; PRDPIIETT: .'Db.vr Sir —I am grati fied.tode-arn ‘hat you are enlarging the circu lation of your Dysentery 1 Cordial, etc. ’I was attacked once iri IB .2 and ISG3, while in the Cot.federaieervice witlr Chronic Diarehoea, or at lea St.-n ran into a cbionfcr-form. I was treat ed tor -months each time by field and hospital aurgeotje without ituy relief, unitl trry life was despaired of by all, ar.d I was litlfifc-s. lao relieved both tunee by your I)v*entery Cor dial, and entirely cured by the-uae <d it. I am aeound niau to <tay, from .tRe use of your C-udial, only, at.d I am consent that there might have been thousands at my lellow-sok riitrs saved by the useof it,-that perished front bowel complaints, if they.oonld have got it. I have used it In my family ever since the war, and fiud it to be ihe best remedy for bowel complaints that'. I hgve ever seen used. I coroially rec-mstnend every family and eve r y travels: it on hand all the time, etc. Respectfully, yours, JOHN N SMITH DR. O. S. PROPHtTT‘B HI9IALI! TONIC O. S. Prophitt’s Vemijt Tcafm, with itc as?o ci. tee, a rafe and certain remedy for all curable disease to whir.n alone are j-.iable, which I will name in' the bill. This is also an excellent rerr,edy against nervous b&Ddneta, and alt neryoui Judases, Cither uX .male ur female. Homw Count j, Ga„&ij,t, 13,‘GS Dr. Prcjpwitt : „■ , , ... r a f_ nicfed With a female disease for s i x or months. I hawtried several doctor* and va rious remedies, but she was r.ot benefited. I gave her case up aa hop t&s? but j enced by- E. J. \\ ebb lo pv ‘your FemaTiS Ton • ic- I found it to b© niore than, all the doctors. She is wya a n d able to altend to her business after mpivthr , confinem-qu in bed. lean also tte*s)fh'-dVour-‘Ldver Medicine” “ **lo tviU e> f e all you ?jjcocniQPnd 11 t 0 be * eto. THOMAS BExRjiING. , A-itloFthe- medicines soft! bv ti - Of>zea or more at a discount-of 33 1-3 per cen ror s le at rt rnesrilU- (fa., bv, ' H,c v t on EH, end VV . M WHIG H I ! M, I) ‘ And by Wu-ggista generally through the ' South W-><w • o. S. Pipjtfjurr, Covington, Gm jan,l4-ly