The Barnesville weekly gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 186?-187?, October 28, 1869, Image 1

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- i)C lUcdr'u ©incite. ; sß7T*7AsfiiDiSr K n,roi:s * proprietors rv'EEKi.r Gazktte te published every T " C ... n.otnin? nt Two DoU.arb per. air- IX Auyaxc.. No subserip ntt,n' > !or a less period than Twelve lion# ,nK fllOlltll* - - Rales of. m g* nn , re 10 line* or les?, Sltl 00 for the OoC ? i -i> rent* fo-" enrk subsequent iner-r --o-ontbs, $6 00, Ofte jear sl# 00. s .7t a ivertising s follows: Cjntr" • ro!nmili one month, $lO 00, tlire 0 ne '° to . on jx months, £'4s 00, one year, wootbß. S- 3 u “ $75 cfl „mn, one month. $,17 00, throe ° n f = ' 040 00, six months, &isoo,ona year, Bientl 111 ’’* ’ I 1 ® 0 ° ( i ho . c column, one month, $25 00. three °i 4*o 00 six months. S9O 00, one year, •JJgJ' quarterly in advance. "Legal Advertising. •Pitalion? for letters oh-Administra inn cation lor letters of demission APP on Administration . . 600 Applica'ion for letters of dismission Orai'ion l'or'l* far e t° sr-!l land, 000 M’P 1 . i debtors and creditors, 500 i hnd per square of ten lines, sno , )( , r jshable prnoertv per square, 500 JEh „i(r* earh levy, of ten lines, or less, 500 u'rteasrc 5 ft sales, per square, 6 o< T.x Ci.llrciors’ sa’cs. per square, 2 mo. 500 PI ik’s foreclosure of mortgage, and oVrinonlhlev’s. per square, each time, l f0 fstray notices, thirty days per square, 300 ~ CLUB B.ATFS. Klt’ven Copies, Week Iy , One Year Twenty Copies, Weekly, One Year .635 lIAILSSOVIS SCIIIOI LE. MACON & V'. KBIKRN RAIL- RoA D—100 miles—Fare live cetits per. m il c _A. J. Write, President. P\Y PASSFN'REK TRAIN'3. Daily, except Sundays. I.ctve Macon 7 4.7 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 2.00 p m. Lfftre Atlanta 7 .75 a. m Arrive at Macon --.1.30 e. n SIOUT r.VSSEVOF.H TRAIN —DAILY. f,ave Atlanta 6.80 p. m. Arrive at Mac0n..............2.10 x. m. Leave Macon 8.40 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta 4.10 a. m. EP WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD, E. lit i.ukrt, Sup’t. HAY PASSBNGPR TRAIN. Leave Adapt a 8 45 A. M Leave Dalton 2 30 p. .M. Arrive ;*t Cattanooga 525 p. Mj Leave Chattanooga 3 20 A m. Arrive at Atlanta 12.05 p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave V'lai.tfi 7.00 r. m. Arrive at Chattauoogn 4 10 a. iu. Leave Cb-vtanooga 4.30 p. im. Arrive at Dalton 7 50 p. jvi. Arrive at Atlanta 1.40 a. m. ~LT GEORGIA "railroad 171 miles—Fare five cents per mile.— John I*. King, IVendent,• 10. W. Col.K, Superintendent. DAV PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 5 00 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 3.45 P. m. l.eavc August a 7 .00 A. M Arrive at Atlanta (> stTp. ,m‘ XIGIiT PA.SsiK.VGI.It Tlt AIX. Leave Atlanta .. 7 40 P. .M. Arrive >t Augusta 3.00 a. jvf. Leavo Augusta... 10 00 P M Arrive at Atlanta 7.40 A. m. ATLANTA & W F,ST POI X T RAiLKOAD—B7 miles —Jons P. King. Pnsidtnt; 1,. B. Grant, Superntcr.dcnt. IUT PASSEN..KU Tit A INS. Leave At’ant* 7.40 a m. Arr to rt W est Point 12 30 r. M Leye West Point 12 50 p. m Arriro at Atlanta 5 25 r u SHUT Fit Ell MIT AN!) PASSENOt fell TRAIN. Lfgve Atlanta 3.00 in m. Arrive at We.-t Point... It. Joe. y\. Leave M e>t Point 5.0 a. m. irr'Te at Atlanta 10. GO A. m MuifiT &T\ijV. Music Dealers and Publishers, 67 Washington Street, in Crosby’s Cpcra House, d*clo — tf Chicago, 111. Loo(g Slioes anti Trunks! 0. H. & A. Vf. Force, (Sign of the Dig Iron Boot,) Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. " 'll sell to country Me chat t< at New Vork [ necs, freight added, j n.2 i 1 3 •’*' * • IV. Byjngtox. G. W. Bvixoton. BAIXdTOFS HOTEL, Kyii'Kton Bros., Proprietors. M iihiu 50 yards of the Passenger Depot, MACON, (iEOKGI i A most excellent Bar and Barber Shop * lUched - • oct29 —tf „. ot M- NAPIER, FAMlhjN.tnu,; nvuinai, IMjER BY ING TON'S HOTEL , MACON, GCOUGU HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAM POOING and DYEING. Satisfaction guaranteed. o et29—t VARIETY SHOP. John tv. Waterhouse, Hj'tNUFACTUREIt of Sash, Blinds and fur ', i r3 ’ a< P un,lia ani * Dickey's *ld stand. Ultu,e made and repaired with dispatch, ylso Coffins made to or der. KENNESAW house, * N I Ail lid' 1 TAi GEORGIA, (At Railroad Depot.,) 1 I .ktc;, FKj & Cos., Pro’s R-tf 'liH'oslte the Railroad Depot. 1 UiUS HOUSE, J.D GA . Sd w' ! BK[X a E. BOISE, (for tdT‘ A, J" ° uiuer y, Ala.) Proprietors. reu(l v on ti o urrival " sl tuc iijyt .. ‘‘y luruishcd with the THE BAIINESVILEE WEEKLY GAZETTE. VOL. 2. [V 1 S , A - PEACOCK has returl: eu to oarnesville to resume the nrac u.e of Medicine. Will lo fonn lat mght ;t Residence 61 J M. IlieHnw.r-in the .U W. Hightower , Drag Stare, dec 10—8—ly L. P. HUDSON CABI3EET SriOP. I-URMTI UE OF ALE KIXDS. O'" 1 dwrabovi' Livery Stable. All ordered iWecuteri with neatness and dispatch ci‘2’2 tl. Dr. G. MTMcDOWELI W r ILL CONTINUE in the practice of hie profession. OFF ILK over J. \\ . Hightower's Drugstore 0c!22, — 1y [W. 1. TYLER R ESPECTFUI.LV informs his friends and ■the public that in connection with L)rv | Goods. Notions. Ac.. he keeps on hand a good I sPl>l.v of MILLINERY. Mrs Tvlkr will be pleAsed to auend to all orders in that line. | oc.t29—tf Fa. iilxl ATTORNEY AT LAW, B.\RNFSViLLE,GA. ILL practice in tne counties coiuprising ▼ v 1!• Flint Judicial circuit, and in the Bu~ preme Court ot li e Slate. Office over Drug Store of J. W. flight owe oci22— ly = RLAf KM \N S Graded Sonars for Dav “ F. Schools. Already introduced with "reat cuccess into the echoole of Chicago, Peoria,' Pol. edo, and other cities, Price, No l, Bc. ff> 00 t>r hundred No. 2,15 c<tll2s p, r reef. No 3,25 c. $18.75 per hundred. Address ROOT & CADY, 19—tf Chicago, 111. National Life Insurance COMPANY. WASHINGTON, D. C. E. T. POUND, Agent, 46 EarnesVille, Ga Sluliimorc Stiitionciy House. SELBY & DULANY, ] look sellers Jy Stationers, OfTer inducements fo the Trace that cannot fail to he apprtoiuti and. Sole proprietors of the Celrbrnted Gen. R, E. LEE PEN. A handsome LUbographer likeness of Gen., ffiveti with each Gross of ju ns. Orders respect fully solicited, SELBY & DULANY, 332 West Baltimore St., Palrimore, Md. apr 29 ly.f GEO. TV HOWARD. J>o. II COT.K. RENKT R BCHCITMAX. Chas. U. Corbin, of Mid tie Ga., WITH Howard, Cole Sl C?g. Importers and Whoiesalu Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and No tions, 351 Thiltiuiort, and 04 German |J Inducements nT ml to Prompt Custnineis, June 17-G n E. ANDREWS & CO., Manufaclurers and D altrs —IN SADDLES IIA UX ESS AM) COLLAKS. r. o .\ v‘° 7 J AYR beg to call the attention of -—AND— HARNESS MAKERS To our large and well selected stock of Saddle and Harness HARDWARE. We have the best assortment of ORNAMENTS, BUCKLES, BITS and HAMES, SADDLE NAILS and TACKS, To be Found in the City! Always on hand, a large lot of No. 1 Harness and Sk’rticg Lea the Patent, Skirting Enamel, Dash and Collar Leather, Pad Ski' sand Enamel Cloth, Pug.'y A hil s,La>li es Cnvry Combs, Brush's, And other things Too Numerous to mention. Being PRACTICAL men we are belter able to till orders in our line thanany other bouse in the city. rO I Ml Orders Promptly Filled, £dip Dcift Forget the Sign and place. Sign of the llorsc Head, WHITEHALL STRUT' 17. -ly ATLANTA, GA. BARjEsVILLR, GEORGIA, " TticßSDAl', Mi ""g s " r a:st Alabama itiKMcaS Coiiveiitioii, 1 hursdav Morning, Sept. 9 1809 4 lie East A'abarna Cunventi m met according to previous appointment at I’hh l J ond Chutch, Coosa County, A a., organzed and opened with sing, u g and prayer by Rev G E Brewer I he Chairman appointed an arrang ing committee consisting of Bros US Noland, M L Britton and G W Ball. On motion the reading of the Min ute* of the last anual meeting of the convention, together with t e regu ar husiness of the body, was dispensed with until Friday. Music by F (J Wood, 30 mituues; followed by John W Carlisle, 30 min utes. Recess, 40 minutes. Music by N A Dobbs, 30 minutes; follower; bv J D Morgan, 30 minutes. I>ecess. 10 n mutes. Muse by W M Webb, 30 minutes; (o lowed by Lewis Todd. 30 minutes; followed by A G Holloway, in one piece of music in the close. Adjourned until Friday morninc 9 o’clock. Friday Morning, Sept. 10, 1569. J lie convention met according to adjournment ; was opened with singing ami prayev liy Rev G E Brower. Music by S F Florence, 30 minutes; followed by J V Edwards, 30 minutes. Recess, 15 minutes, 1 he body went into business session. 1 oe Minutes of the last annul meeting ot t lie botiy was read and on motion adopted. On motion the Constitution and Bye -1 aws was lead and offered for member. o . The election of ofiicers for the ensuing year: A G Hollowav was eLcted Frisident, B G Atkins, Vice 1 resident ; Lewis i odd, Secretary-. Correspondence called for, when the following letters were presented bythe Delegates who bore them—to-wit FROM SCHOOLS. Pleasant Grove, Elmore Cos., A'a , —by D Legates, S Spivy, II J Nirkols, F B Atkins, M F Ci usi us, S \V Hightower, W G Still and A E Real. Taught, by W L Williams. Rockford, Coosa Cos., Ala.,—by 1). lega es, S B Waldrcup, J II Free oian, R >ht Snider, Henry Skipper, Mi.-ses Mol ie Bentiev, Snsar, Rohhin- MattL Ingram and M .tU June-. 1 aught by John l 1 ’ Edwards. 4 lnu . i HU 011 ul C* , V/ i"' i>., mu., by' Delegates, John W Jolins n, Wiliam Colley, XV M Webb, R S Noland, J W Fen-on, Mi-ses S V B iiton, A E Hunt. M L Rogers, F W Mo rgxn and B XV Berry. Taught by A G Uoltoway. Mount Zion Church. Coosa Cos , Al t., —by Delegates, R P Philips, J P Bttzbt e, F II MdKinney, L F Craw ford, R A Edwards, M A McKinney, M A Bryant and E L McKinney. Taught by John F K Iwaids. Concord Church, Coo<?a Cos, Ala, —by Delegates, II T Richards, J C Freeman,-T G Stephens, S T Florence, J \V Bird, Misses T J Austin, M E Harris, S A Sandlins, N E Stepheus and S F Simms. Taught by A G Ilollovray. SOCIETI KS. Salem Church, Macon Cos., Ala.,— by Delegates, A \ Atkins, (I B Free man, John Parker, J osepli G Pat terson, L<-w is J’odd, M kshs Mattie Freeman, Mattie Parker, Mattie Br.“ ant, II i liet Atkins and Susnnah Bet tvrs 'ii. Conducted by Todd, A'kins and others, which was read and on motion adopted. On motion business was dispensed with ; followed in music by \Y L Wil liams, 30 minutes. Recess, 40 minutes. Moi-ic by D L Downs, 80 minutes; followed by William 8k pper, 30 min utes Rec< ss. 15 minutes. Music Ly B G Atkins, SO minutes; followed by AG Holloway, 30 minutes in close. Adjourned tin il Saturday morning, 9 o’clock, A M. Saturday Mousing, Sept. 11,1869. Tlw convention met accoiding to adjournment and was opened by sing ing and prayer by It- v G I> Gnnn. The body went into business session. (Jailed for 1 mrespO'id-ence, when the fol owi- g correspondence was pre senttd : Eiinn State Lin ‘ Convention, Heard Cos., Ga.,—by D legate, J N Pitman, which was read aid adop'ed, and Del egate invited ;o sea n with the body. Pt tjtions lor Hie next anual mee-ing ~f tlie body was cal ed t'*r, win 11 a pe itioa fr >ui < amphi’.l, Ta lp"nsa county, Ala., was pres-tiled by Deie gates Jam- s D Morgan and It man lin ks, which was read, and there Being no other petition oftered the next meeting of the bony was given to the church at Carnphill, Tallapoosa c iiinty, Ala., to convi-ue on Thursday i ef ro the first Sabbath in September, 1670. Motion, to divide into I> stride the bounded tetri ory of the body lor the purpose of Kstabishy Diauiot Soci eties. Subject to tite body, and smt abie persons to organize and conduct the same, fur which duty the Chair man appointed Bivs P 0 AA ood, L "is 1 odd and AYihiam L AVMliamn, who were requested to attend the duty assigned tit them, and report. Motion, to co' iespoml with and in vite coi respondem e from other bodies of the saute order. Volunteers weie called lor to go to fe ate. Line Conven tion. liros h C A ood and and D Morgan Yolunterred. rIo Southern Convention Bros W Iliaru L Wi lniii°, F C Wood, Lew r is i odd and A A AikLs. Motion, that it filial be the duty of fin* Secret aiy to furoisti letteis of cor respondence to Deh g.tes, to bear to said bodies. . 0,1 n, "Bon Bros William L Wil liams, b C Wood and J M Beny were appiinmd by the Ct'Mrman to draft mes and oulcr of busiuoas for the body. On motion the Chairman ws added to the com i itteo. 'I be resolutions was read and adopied : Ixesulred. 1 hat we the rnenbers of the La-t Alab-iina Musical CorAeotion -•re much phased w;th the l>at,i)esvillt- GaZEITE, a paper devoted to the cause of mu-ic ; and, ihai we recom nmnd it nasuen to the friends of music g m rally. fLi mo ion, that, the Seer tarv for vraid a copy -f tl< of tiii bodv to the Editors of the Barnesviil.- Gazette, and nquest the puhl'cation ttierrfaf. On motion further, busiuevg was dis pensed with, and Bro J N PiifiVan np poinud by the Chairman to till the hour in a lcs-on of mu-ie. Recess, 10 minutes. Music by G IV Johnson. 30 niiruue- ; followed by M II Colley, 30 minutes. Recess, 40 mtnutis Music by John A Watson, 30 min ute-; fullowetl by Lewis Todd, 30 minutes, Recegs, 10 minutes. Music by 1’ C X\ ood, 30 i&inutcs ; follow, and by A(7 Holloway 7. 30 minutes. Adjoin- e.l to in. et at halt past eight o clock {Sunday morning. Sunday Morning, Sept, l* Hf)9. Fiie. conviMiiion met aecordiiig to aoj uirnun nt and was opened with sing ing and pi aver by Rev G B Gunn. Ihe comp'eiion of imtinished busi ness pel taming to the body called for. Tim Committee on Dist icts tiiade the following report: That tlmy had divined the xenitorul boundary into four Districts, which eomprists as 101 l ws : District of and Elmore coun ties— S ipermtend. nrs, W L WJiiians anil John F Edwards. Macon am, Russell (‘ounlies—Super iritt udents, B G Atkins and N A D.bbf. Lee and Cha-rnhers counties—Super intcndei J,ewis loud, J F Soarp am] Win Davis. i ailapoofi i County Superinten dent , ji u, Wood and A G 110 l owav. A iesolution of thanks to the tne*m bers ol the church at Fish Bond, and citizens foi tluir hospitality shown, wa re >d and adopted. Music by William L Williams, 3d minutes R.-cess, 10 low .y time unlitndcdT* Recess 4J minuies. Music by Lewis Todd, 30 minutes; followed by F C Wood, 30 miimti-s. C osed in one piece ot mus e by the Chairman. The body adjourned to meet at Camphili on lhursday b. fore the Ist in September, IS7O. A G HoixoWav, Bresidcnt. L C. A’I'KInS, \ tee Bies. L t wi.B foiii), Sect’y. The Gihat Explosion of Petro leum at • ouDKAix, Franck. Bor- i and an has Ind i'B day tf excitement, and a mo t painful excitement it must have proved. '! lie Comcte de Ilainaut, ho.n Antwerp, lad on board some fmty tons of petroleum, and of spir ts of petrol, um. It was aucboied at the pi ce appointed for vessels laden with petroleum, and began to discharge cargo on two lighters, one of whi h received petroleum. At nightfa I the master of one of Hie lighters rubi ed a match, and, aft r lighijug a lamp, care essly threw away the match. It tell upon a ease of petro eum. which i nrnediatel y look Gr.. and exploded. 1 i an instant the lighter (which had nine hundred and fifty eases of pe’ro letimy was a mass of fl • tnes. T'e ropes which secured il to the shore were burned and :he rising tide drove it up the riv r toward the mass of shipping. Efforts were at o. ce made tlioughtle-sly enough—to scuttle the lighter. They were siccfes-ful ; it weut down under the water the but tong petroleum rose to the surlace, and soon covered half an ilc of t e liver with one sheet of fu rce flame, wnich Uniting cases of petroleum con tinually' fed. The flame soon envel oped ad totally destroyed thirty vess- ls (none of them Amer can.) many of which had a fill. Cargo aboard,—- The lowest estimate reckons tße loss at 61 200 0 )0, guld ; the It gbest at $6.G00,0u0, gold. Many of the boat men and tihermen of Bordeaux a-e ruined. One newspaper set the 10.-s of life to be twelve men j the other pa pris mention three persons burned, but state expressly there is no loss of life. The neighborhood of S tinter-s is suffe ing severely, and proablv from the same cause winch led to the. and s a-t-r of Bordeaux. A bro k, Le Par paillot, lias b-en and y for some tiirm. — 'l'lie bed w s marshy. A spontaneous cotiflagra-ion has converted the course of the brook into a great furnace, wl.i h lias burned evu-y l ouse and iree peat it. The confDgi ation still con tinues, and resists every attempt made to extieguish it.— Pans cor. oj" the X. Y World October. Keeping Potatoes—A wri’or in th • Country Geu teman says: ‘1 have seen several plans tried tor keeping sweot potatoes, such as putting them i.i dry sand chad, etc., but l have tQiind th t rote wood, finety pulverised, is the be-t thir g yet. Collect t e rotten wood in the sum mer or eaily full ; get it perfectly dr- . grind or pound it ti iu, p ick vour swi et p ftatn-s in it in boxes or barrel and kee[ them in a warm room or in the cellar c ose up to tin fl >* r ol the nous**, and you n ■ and have no ear but that your potatoes 1 b as good in the spring us you p eked them away.” LIP An old bach, lor seeing tin wokis “tMiniites supplied’’ over the door of a sh p stepp and in and said he would 1 take a wife nnd two children. OCTOlltift 2s, 186D. j\o. I. For the IJarnesville Gaze'te. Newnax, Ga., Sep. 28, ISC9. I\Jesus. Editorsi I s-.e in the la-t No. of the Gazette that my goo) brother Dodd is out in a gumless nrti cle after me. I fay gum less because there is nothing in s id eomtmtn cation w 7 oi tb ot ce. I think perhaps by the 1 1. me lie gets his blue col lards digested jhe wi 1 feel hitter and can gve the jivalers of the Gazette something be | sides dams and bed cords. I think j in 7 g n °d brother should not put the W'ord of direction in connection witli tlie name of bis pi ce ; those precau tions should be placed at the first end ol the tune, unle-s ti.e music or lan guage afterwards authorises some al teration. uh yes, I can pronounce I-r-a. I fuel under lasting obi giuiou to you fur that much ot your ki.owl edge on articulation. Weil, my friend, l know T have a shore hea 1. but I would ratlur have a sTTort one than a bdg or diseased head. I want you to be very careful when you begin to rub my ideas ; as my head is shoit there might be danger of friction or collision, or L might become confuddleJ. I will take a dose of “patience*’ on going to bed, as that is Dr. Dodd’s prescription. Patience is a good medicine for a Chris tian to take, but it’s very hard to swal low 7 and it’s are very mi!i in deed. If a person takes a double dose there s no danger of salvation. L was patience that kept good old Job to his integrity. I hope you will giwe us your notion in full upon the subjects of discords, flats, sharps at <] tautology. You want me to point rut the discords in the (tine ‘ Ira.” Well, in the fourth Measure from the first space of your Alio, w'hich runs the Measure nearly through on law Xo. 4, and sol on G 4th space of the Bass, which sol is 2\o. 5. Now it is contrary to the laws of Nature as well as those of Harmony foi Nos. 4 and 5 to produce harmonv : but here you have a whole measure en tirely discordant—that is, your Bass ami Alto; the other parts do very well. I want so know what sense there h in your Alto miming as low, if not lower, than your Bass. I see you have no use for rests in your music. You ask me to tell you whit should have been in the place cf the discords. 1 suppose \*;u think l can’t tell you. It seems to me that I dreamed, or read somewhere, that Dr. Dodd placed those discords in his music to bait “Reubin.’ times like acid foot* *VtAY^sr.-wJ.5040U bad in the place of your discords smiithing sweet anti accordant. For instance, No 5 in the Alto would have been sweet and agreeab o compared with the other numbers in said Meas ure. I had reference fo the Gunter that works by correct rule. I don’t like to see Rtdi. al terms or dams in a commuuicati at upon the subject ot Mu-ic. Lt ss keep poli ics out of our musical sheet and try to benefit our selves and t’m rising generation. I am alter moru light on the subject of mu se; I t us wiite with brotherly kind ness, and in a spirit of meekness, hon oring one another. I don’t mind a brother cubing sharp at me, so he does it in good humor. 1 asked you to give me the advantages < f 1 find or round no;es over four or seven shapes, btu you failed I hope when yon begin to rub up my ideas on discords, tautology, sharps and I don’t know what your so forth (&c.) has reference to, you will give the woild the advantage- of one sliaje over four or seven shapes. Now, Dr., do let ail irive the benefit of round over shape, i notes. You a.-k the Edi tor’s permission to propound a few questions, and you ask this very iin p ut nit question : “What i- a ‘Reubin’ in music I” \\ hy, Doctor, it “R ü biu” keeps taking you; 7 pa'cut ‘ Pa tience” lie may I ecomc one of the best physicians in the land, or it may be that the remedy will produce a nr.u --| sicl death. I will gve the an-wer as | you havo it —a poor old despis and pat ent note singer, 1 ’he qu stion is so in definite tin tno one can give a correct answer. ‘‘A Reubin’ in musick,” you say, ‘‘is a man that and sheiieves in clefs, flats and sliatps,” but I think, Dr., you are a lit:l*-* mistaken. “Reu biu” is nothing in music compared with Dr. Dodd. .Again, “Reubin ’is not in musie, hut music is in the itufficient creature. \Yln> evt r saw an instrument in mit'ic ? The mu-ic is always in the instrument. I don’t know what “Ran bin” the Ur. ha* allusion to whether it is Grandpap, (Jrandma, s n Torn or Ike. The “Re.ubin” family is very numerous, and oU (Jrandm i says it it’s her you have reference to she will at* tend to the Dr. Shi says that she aint as sinai t as the l)r., for he cm till when it is agoing to rain and she ,an always ted the day alter it has rained You ray that you heard me say once that il made no difference hy what nanns jou called notes —Poll, Sal. &c. I may have sail something of the kind, but have no recollection of over seeing y u, and it your Maker knows no more about }Ou than l do, von i:re in a bad fix. \\ ell, you mav call uotb Dad, Mam, Suck and Joe and ihey will do as wel as Do, lie. Mi, See, See. I used to th :.k the Ameri can } eople boasted ot the r advance-* ment in literature, &■*., but it stems tht-re are some who s’lll hi,bl to the old. daik, dull style of music notes Wbi e every oth r science has kept up wi h the ago, they hold Mu-ic back to the < ayg of Ignor nee —because they sav ja enl notes are too etsy and cm be sung by sight, a-d none but ti e poorer class use t h*. tn. Ihi■ is on•- ai - gument I b ,ve bear I against r atent antes. Trifling indeed, Db ! you straight-backed A isto i; ey, r member that, “pride g ,es t eiore a tab. I ani wii ing for Dr. Dodd to bri.h-feu my • ideas. Reubin. A Texas Tragedy. An Insane Mm Murders Ihs Father, His Child and a Clergyman* The Y\ a*'o (Texas) Register relates the following sad tragedv : On las* Tuesday night a wet-k, James McCarty. Jr., in h fit of insani ty. miti fier*tl his own father, his own liMlo sen, six or seven years of age, and a neighbor, the Rev. Henty ITor ley. Ali the. parties are residents of Era'll county, I he circumstances, as we gather the honid details, wero these: For some months at and ffVrent times, Janies Mc> Cnrtv had shown signs of mental nbem i >n, On the dav previous to the dreadful occurrence McCarty express ed (lie wish to his wife to he haptiz *d r gin awav hy The Rev. Mr Hurlev. He soon left liis home ot: Duffau creek and proc ejled up the :r ek several aides to where i is faiher, Junes Me* Cavi v, Sr., lived. lie told Ins fit In r I ’s intentions of being baptized by Mr. lliuiey, but h s father'ded him to remain where he was and In* would go alter Mr. Hurley, who lived several miles off. The son agreed to this, hut when in the evening the* j er returned with Mr. Hurley it \\a. f'Utna iLett the son had gone back home. i lie father and M.‘ Ilml-y followed to the residence of the insa ie man— lied time oune and all mired for the tiijit, Mr. Me. Catty, Sr., and Mr. Hurley occupying the same b**d in a separate room In the night the wifi* ot Alct'arty, Jr., was aroused by her husband, who demanded a light, and was looking for bis six-shooter. Mrs. McCarty was alarmed, escaped the 1 and screamed, but. too late. Tin* insane man bad made ready Irs pist 1. enteied the room where his father and Mr. Hurley were sleeping and shot both in the head, ss is supposed, befor • they awoke, lie then called his litile sou and bade him sit down on the door step and remain quet until he re'inrt ed. J'ite father then went to the cieek. a little distance iff, and g it a rock Returning with this he ordered the chi and to lean over and lay is head up on a block, near which the mild war, sitting. Tim innocent child obeyed when the father, with one blow fions tlie rock, mashed out its brains. Jsmes McCarty. Jr., is not far from thirty ..five years of age, has always home an irreproachable character fib industry, sobriety and integrity, and was uuiversallv esteem and as a good citizen. Tim II v Henry II us ley and •Jamei McCarty, Sr., were both old and prominent citizens of Erath.aged and gray haired men. They wer both universally esteemed ad respected Eta;h had no l etter c tizeus than they. From tlie Tnil’a North Amoiicah. Ihe Latest Sensation. I / in/ . Room in the City of Brotherly Lore. Tn the furni uro auction store in Chestnut street, oppo i*e tne State Home, there appeared the other day a female of perliap* GO years of age. N ■ one saw her etrer. Site was tab, an gular, dressed in the* costume of a half century ago, an 1 the ample hair that tailly drooped from crown to brow w s white as curd. Iler eye was expres sionless, and her manner abstracted and dn-airy. She wand* red among the various articles of furniture tint literally covered the ground floor, as if in search of something too rare to at fiact the attention of any one else.— Picsently she p msed. A piano of last, century make, more like a harpsi chord or spinnet than the present piano toi to, was standing in an ontof-tln*- way corner. It, whs a diminutive af fair, spindling in legs, without action, and in a case ot old-time Spani-h ma ting ny, such as to the pr. sent tinn is ait gether unknown. r l he at temion of the gentlemen in the store was attracted by tlm sound of the worn-out instrument. To it the wtird visitor had drawn a chair, and on it sli Lagan to play. Them sin* never saw. She began with “Ronnie I) on.” Sue pCved that air, and then, without changing the key, modulated that an cle, t melodv into.‘*Tiie Harp that one through Tara's Hals ’ Now she united the sound of her voice to that of the instrument. It was a poor, weak. I ipiug tivble, hut hnl one* b en alik powi rful and pelluci f. Treading soft ly as cats tread, the gentlemen in the store advanci and to the corner where the worn-out harpsichord was placed. — Had they tramped with ail their weight, and slumted with all their power of voice, she would probably have t.o more heard them than she dd now As they neared her they perceived the tears were streaming down her wan and attenuated face. She sang sever al stanzas of lino time-honored melody of Moore, and then struck the grand, bold chords of the old-fashi" ed an them, “Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame.” sobbed as she sing ; but though tears blinded her halt-riaz ."i I eyes, she still played on. She paus-d I abruptly after t< e possage, “lell me, i my soul, c m this 1) ? death l" and bu -1 lied her faci in her bauds. An im p utani customer entering at that rno | ment, the attention of the gt-m Linen was diverted from their strange y in teresting vi itor. When ilu ir business lirul been desp itched slm w r-.s gone, a if h r f no bad me ted from their vis ion. A porter at ihe f oat door declares that she could not have passed u by him the back door was locked. — IT inking that she might be m->a"e or in ands ress, Robert Malt n personally scoured the whole neighborhood in search of her. lie did so wi ho .t suc cess. Slid was a tired iu a s’iabt>\ dress of uubn kuu black. Ller bead coVLjing was anew cap of buhbi it embellished by sundry grotesque sp> c imens of the faded fim ry ot half * cent ry ago. She bad evidently learnc I to play in early <*hililium!, be f re variations of popular melodie* were iu vogue, and be tote Y erdi ever put pen to music paper. Young wr m°:t Sh oo 1 1 1 S r t Tf> r 1 t x : m pi '*s f<>r *’ p young men are always , following them. | Outran** I'pon an Lltierly Lady 1 Tw ItartimM'mtiTtjr by n {£••*- Lytirli Law. Eos 1 we. kfla ) f Ifd corjn t v, Mary* | 'and, vv;iS the secm f anotbrf tragedTi j the Duelling tf a young Colored man, i cig 1 teen yens o giving his name ia> Jim for mi noting - upon the j t e* son °t an elderly lady >t Baltimore i The morale look place near the line of Raltimnrc county, in Harford* five or s x ui lea from White FI dl. The 1 victim was a venerable laiy from this | city, sixty year- o| I, win* had boon \is j iting at t e house if Mr. Win. Robin* i -on, in Hat lord, and at the timed the brutal a-sau’t, Tuesday werk at noon* day, wis on her way to visit a neigh* 1 bur. iShe was at c sted by the negro ! Q iinn, and dragged by .him into thd woods, a most in s:ght of her fi "ends’ house. In her struggles nearly a 1 her ! clothing w-is torn t ff, anti afterwards -he was 1 f supine, covered with blwnlt tied by the arms to the hll-lies, from which the was hardly ab'e to release lierse f an hour afterwards. She finally succeeded in making her way to the house and gave the alarm. Q ii"ii, who it is a 1 ged was raised by Mr. Rubi non, w-s a -tout and power* tul young f’el ow. perfectly black. He made good his escape, notwithstanding pursuit was i istantaneou-, and suc ceeded in getting into Pennsylvania, where he obtained employment. On S tiuday morning last he was found and arrested by officer II zter, near tue, StTe line, on the Maryland side, and was token before Ju-t ce Rutledge in 1 >altiuioie county, wiio ordered him to lowsontown job '['lie. prisoner confessed iliat he !iad be n guidy of the en rage, ami nm I* a statement of the shocking details, in accordance with the narration above, fits under cloth. ng was stained with blood, anrl bore tiaecs ot attempts made to wash it awav. Toe prisoner was handcuffed and put on the ears to be taken to jail, but when at White Hall, the train stopped and a party of about tbiity citizen* came on b >ard and took the accused in chtlrgo. A roje was put about his neck, and he w.i< taken to the Harford and Biitiincre county line, where the I nchtrs hanged him to the first con veni nt tree wit out even the vagucrl loan of a trial.— Baltimore San. The Cod-Fish. RV JOSH HILLINGS. The coiifi.h is a child ov the oshun, lk i- ackounts for their being so salt. Tiny are caught, with a hook and line, and trte like a steel-trap, and field on like n poor relation. Tim 3" are goo*! eiting for a wet day ‘ r they are better than an umkreiU? to keep a man dr}’. Dried cod,isli z one nv the luxuries ov life, but c dii-h three times a day would weaken my onfidense in them. Ho fid, nt_V' r ven lire in fresh water: tliev woui spile if they did. 1 never have b> n codiisl i g myself, hut think I should ik-, it better than fishing for fro_s. I think 1 could catch frygs well etiuil, hut I should insist upon their ti*ki:tiiem-elves . ft" tVom tiie Imok. I had rather take a boss bumblebee u my liar.d than a 1 e frog, n<t be* Out L am arrnni m u * .✓ Some peonle ain t afrai ! to take en* nything with tin ir hands, thai they kan r. ae , not even an eel, hut if I should ever get coight l>y l couldn’t settle wirn hi o tight off. hy eiving him the hook aid !i i**, I would throw the po e into the barga it and put for home. 'The co*.fish is sai 1 to be, an arisfo ki at, atid to keep aloof from other fish of Ids own size in the sea, and claims tew be a re ation of the whale, but this looks to me r dher fishy. 1 liev no iced that the codfish always lias a s id’ upper l;p, 1 nt I think this is more owing tew the bone that iz in him tllsll it is t w Ii- b nod. TilK MAGKKREL. The nvckeivl is game fish. They o u<ht tew f>e we 1 educated, for they ate al wus in schools. They an* v tv easy to lite, and aro ca ight hi !i a piece ov old flannel pet tied onto a hook. They ain’t the only kind of fish citight hy t ie same kind of bait. Mnckercl mtcibif the sen, but those which inhabit the grocery’s alwus taste tew me *s th noli they hart been born and fattened on uo’liin but ,-alt. They want a good deal of freshening before they are eaten, and want a good dea ot fresln uitig aft rward. If I cm hav plenty of mackerel for bieaktast, L c.m gi-rierully m ke the <> b**r two n eels out <>v cold water. Mackerel are con.-i teied by naenny folks tiie. best li-li that swims, and aru called “the salt of the earth.” F5P’ A YYnk/.e soldier was going off tlieiieid too hastily when the provost guard ciied : •Halt !’ ‘Can’t ‘Wounded V •No.’ ‘Sick V ‘N o.’ *\\ hat's the tnat'er V T atn scared, and want to go to the rear to rally.’ LJP A mart ied lady bping asked to wa z, gave the fo lowing sensible and approp'ia e answer, “No, thank you sir. I have hogging enough at home.” Z i‘- A negro hoy in St Louis sold :,ll the furn tore in the house for 8-12, while his master's faintly were iu the count ry. The jr.alo ■■■* mm is always limiting for som. thing be don’t expect ro find a;.d after hi* ins found it, be s t.uui because l e as lie is always tat |.v jmd ii iTijjovtir.ii as he is uns table; -o savs J-b hi ings. Tl’ sbou and :i joui-g man carry with hi .t when <sl ing upon hi- <• flu need ? \ffYcnni it' bis 1 eati, perf- eticn tn bis ;u t uncos, si.d Ccu!< client ry in bis pockets. To-dav lays )>!ins fur m ny years to come ,’ to rn" rw siids into the silent. Litt’e Fiank was taught lie was made out of dust. As fie sto< dbv the window w:.tehirtg ib : s el merit as the wind was whirling it in dd s, he exc'Hiintd seri ously : “ Mi, I th< ught the dust looked as though ti er* wa- going to be another little boy made.” 1 I> and i a are the coupons attach* * el to tlm bon is if matiimony. The interest is due at random.