Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Editor : As you know, a great ami
glorious meeting has been held at the M.
E. Church in this village. The meeting
commenced on the 24th ult., and closed on
the letinst. There was an addition to the
Church of seven whites and twenty-six
colored. There were about eight or ten
conversions among the whites—number of
conversions among the blacks not known.
The Missionary collection on Sunday, the
last day of the meeting, was a very good
one indeed—b'ciug in round numbers five
hundred dollars. Well done, Blakely—
*• many have done virtuously, but thou ex
cellest them all.” But to you, Mr. Editor,
do we fell indebted for so large a collec
tion. We will long remember the strong
and ardeut appeals you made in behalf of
Missions. Oh, what a man you would have
been bad you gotten your growth !
The Sabbath School paid £33,75 for.
Missions. God.bless the “little folks.”
The colored people raised, for the support
of their preacher during tha.ymug £1,35 45.
They are a noble band. “ The Lord lias
done great things for us, whereof we arc
glad.” Withall, the oldest citizens declare
such a meeting has never been held in this
place. Yours Truly,
F. M. Wilson, P. C.
Blakely, Nov. 4, 1863.
Bags for the News.
We desire very' much to procure a quan
tity of Clean Cotton & Linen Hags, that
we-may obtain a sufficiency of paper to
continue the News through another volume,
which we will be unable to do without we
can get Bags to exchange for paper. We
appeal, then, to the lady readers of the
Neivs to forward us all the Bags they have
on hand, and save us still more. We will
certainly be under many obligations for
large or small quantities, and besides will
pay ten cents per lb. Then let us have
Bags, and continue our paper.
Lookout for the X.
There being a number of subscribers on
our books whose times will soon expire,
and whose subscriptions have been charged
to the former Editor of the News, we have
concluded to notify them of the approach
ing expiration of their subscriptions by
annexing an X opposite their names on
their papers, which will denote, that their
subscriptions will expire in three weeks.
Then lookout for the X, and renew your
T.fee Alabama and Florida Conferences
—Change in tlie time of Meeting.
Summerset, Oct. 22, 1863.
Dear Brother: In the last Advocate, you
will sec a notice fixing the time of the Al
abama Conference for the 4th of Decem
ber, and Florida for the 24th of December.
Late intelligence from Florida has decided
me to change these times. The Alabama
Conference will meet at Columbus, Dec.
4th, and Florida, at Thomasville, Ga.,
Dec. 23rd.
As the time is short, I must request you
to have this notice of change published in
the Montgomery papers as early as practi
cable, and call the attention of the preach
ers of the Alabama Conference to the change.
Your compliance with the above will great
ly oblige,
Y ours affeQtionally,
, .James O. Andrew.
From Florida.
The editor of the Columbus Sun learns
from a gentleman direct from the vicinity,
that a Yankee gunboat, iron-clad, entered
St. Andrews Bay on Saturday morning
last, driving off the salt workers, and des
troying the works almost entirely. They
then moved up to the town of St. Andrews,
and commenced sounding the May, prepar
tory, it was thought, to further advance.
The Salt Works on East Bay were all des
troyed, as of those on West Bay. Desert
ers from our army are said to be plentiful
in that region, and the probabilities are
that one of the objects of this raid was
to gather as much information from these
deserters as possible, as well as to destroy
the salt works, which .were being worked
successfully by our people.
The Charleston Courier says : In one of
our tip-country towns, lately, a Charleston
family of refugees was suffering iu the ill
ness of several children. Milk was need
o i for dressing a blister for one of the pa
tients. The miK was procured readily at
the rate of eighteen cents a pint. The
i" ighhnr who furnished the milk at this price
had, «>n the next day, a case of illness iu his
own family, and sent to the Charleston fam
ily begging a dish of coffee, which was de
sired for the patient. The coffee was giv
en. Which acted the part'Of the “*Good
Samaritan ? ” Such eases we hope will
not become characteristic or general.
From South-Western Virginia.
From the Lynchburg Republican , of the
21st, we learn that this important part of
our State is once more clear of Yankees,
they having fallen hack into East Tennes
see. Our.forees were advanced Sunday as
far as Blouutsville, nine miles from Bris
tol, hut nothing was seen of the enemy.
The damage done by the euemy in this
raid was nothing like as great as reported.
They burned live small bridges within four
miles of Bristol, and tore up about half a
•mile of track ■ destroyed twelve or fifteen
cars and two unserviceable locomotives be
longing to the East Tennessee and Virginia
Railroad, and destroyed one car belonging
to the-Virginia and Tennessee Company.
A small quantity of salt belonging to the
" East Tennessee Railroad was also destroy
ed. No damage done iu the town of Bris
tol, other than some petty plundering un
worthy of mention, and the same may he
said of the country which they advanced
through. —Richmond 1 Vhig.
State Rbad Appointments.
We learn that Dr. Phillips, formerly
Auditor upon the State Road, has been ap
pointed, by Gov. Brown, Superintendent,
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death
of Major Rowland. This appointment we
consider a most excellent one, aud are in
formed that it, met the decided approbation
of the President, who learned of it as ho
passed'through this city. The Doctor is
too well known in Georgia to require any
commendation through the papers.
Mr. George Hillyer, of Walton county,
* has succeeded Dr. Phillips to the Auditor-,
ship of the Road. He is a son of the Hon.
Junius Hillyer, was foimerly a member of
the Georgia Legislature, and is a young
man of decided ability. He has been in
the service, and we believe was in the army
at the time of his appointment.
Atlanta Confcderaby.
A correspondent, writing from General
Bragg’s army, tells us a good joke that
was going the rounds of the camps- rela
tive to Gen. D. 11. Hill and a band of mu
sicians. The leader of the band made ap
plication, through his Colonel, for a furlough
for himself and hand. The application too’k
the regular channel, and was approved all
the way up until it reached Gen. Hill
The General disapproved it, and returned
it with the endorsement “ Shooters before
Tooters.” It is said that this actually oc
curred, and it smacks of his characteristic
aversion to every class hut that which car
ries the musket aud the knapsack.
(-olumbus Enquirer.
A dispatch in a Northern paper from
Chattannooga says :
Our supply trains are much annoyed by
their sharpshooters between Bridgeport
and Chattanooga, who pick off, daily, team
sters, mules aud horses! Most of the ar
my supplies are carried over the mountains
by pack mules, on account of the difficulty*
of transportation. -
M us. Sabah J. Barn aud died in Blakely,
Ga.. on the 15th -Sept., 1863, aged 3.0 year:-.
Sister Barnard joined tiro Methodist E.
| Church when 11 years old, and lived a eon
j si stent and zealous Christian until her death,
j when, like Maul, she felt that she was: ready
to he offered, and the time wf her departure was
j at hand. She placed her live little orphans
in the hands of her Master, and fell asleep
in .Jesus. Peace toiler ashes! and mercy to*
her children ! Moses.
Tiie friends of James B. Brown announce
him a candidate fur re-election as (Ordinary ‘
of Early county, at the ensuing January
election. paid
We are authorized to announce the name
of C. J. Bush as a candidate for the office of
Sheriff of Early county, at the ensuing elec
tion in January next. paid
Notice to Advertisers.
All advertisements inserted in this paper
without the time specified how long they are ,
to be inserted, will be continued until a W rit
ten order is received to stop them, ;«pd pay
ment exacted accordingly.
Tax in Kind.
rgUIE Producers of Early county are here
-1 by notified that after this date I will have
Sacks at the Court House in Blakely for dis
tribution to the payers of Tax in Kind.
Notice is also given that Howard’s Land
ing and Porter’s Landing are the shipping
points for tlie county.
Gov. Ag’t. Dist. No. 16.
Nov. 4,1863. 4-ts
DTE will he at Blakely on Monday, Tuesday
\j and Wednesday, 16th, 17th and lHth No
vember ; at Damascus *m Saturday. ! 4th : at
R. W. Sheffield’s on Thursday, 19th: at 20th
Court Ground on Friday. 21st. and at Col
quitt on Saturday, 22 1, for the purpose of
Assessing Tax iu Kind and Collecting Tax
i*j\v due.
S. -T. DICKINSON, Assessor.
ABNER IIEARN, Collector.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-3 t
rpWO months after date, application will
1 be made to the Court of (mliuarv of said
oouuty for leave to sell all the Land belong
ing to the Estate of William Daniel, late of
said countv. deceased.
Nov. 4, 1803. 4_m Adm’x.
A rare chance to enlist in a Company
for Home Duty!
r pO young men between y> and IS, and all
JL wiio desire to enlist in the service and lie
near home, a rare opportunity is now offered.
My Company is now stationed at Macon, aud
will remain permanently at this place to do
Guard Duty. Young men who arc nearly
IS had better avail themselves of this offer,*
and join my Company at once, as when you
do become 18 you will he sent to any Com
pany, without having choice, in Virginia or
Amnessee. ’ Clothing, pay, rations and good
criers furnished. Young men belonging
to the l ßftVtte Guard can he transferred to my
Company, with the approval of their Cap
tains, or they will be taken up and conscript
ed when th(-y arrive.
Apply to meat Camp Aiken, or Hardeman
.1 or to Lieut. C. A. Taylor,
Americas* B. D. LUMSDEN,
\ Ni.-w*f, 1863. 4.-3 t ■Captain.
Administrator’s Sals.
BY virtue of an order of the Court of .Or
dinary of Calhoun county, Ga., will he
sold, cm the first Tuesday in December next,
between the lawful hours of sale, before the
Court House door in Morgan, the following
Slaves, to wit: Ben, a man about 23 years
of age, and Cato, a man about 53 years of
age. Also will, be sold, at tlie same time ami
place* 125 acres of Jjot of, baud No. 118, 40
acres cleared, and also 73 Wren, more or less,
of Lot of Land No. 158, all in tlie 3d District
of Calhoun county. Sold as the property of
William Price, deceased,.for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms
of sale-cash. AY. G. PIERCE,
Nov. 4, 1803. 4-41 Adm'r.
Plantation for Sale.
I OFFER for sale a very valuable place
upon Spring Creek- containing63o acres,
about one half in cultivation and under good
fences, the rest well timbered. The improve
ments are comparatively new, consisting of
a large framed gin house, framed quarters
sufficient for twenty hands, overseer’s house, •
shops, and all other necessary plantation
buildings. There is good water, and a good
range for cattle and hogs. Termsoasii. Like
ly young negroes taken for one half payment.
Apply to J. A. 11l LL,
. Nov. I, 1863. 4-31-paid Blakely, Ga.
To Soldiers.
ALB Soldiers now, or who may be absent
from their Commands, excepting those
who are disabled by wounds from reporting
at Macon, are hereby ordered to report to
their Commands immediately at the expira
tion,of their furloughs, or they will be sub
ject to arrest, by order of Lieut, Col. Harris.
1 trust all Soldiers will respect this order,
and save me the unpleasant task ol' sending
them to Head-Quarters, *
Sub. En. Officer of Early Co.
Nov. -1. 1863. 4-2 m paid
GEOUG[A — CALIt<)UN < ()U A! TV.
WH.EREAS, David P. Huy applies in
proper Turin for Letters’ol' Adminis
tration, with the will annexed, on the Estate
of James Hay, late of said county, deceased:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern
oil to show cause (if any (hey have) why the
administration shall not he granted to tlie ap
plicant at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in
said county on the first Monday iy December
Given under my hand, and official signa
ture, this Nov. 4, 1863.
N iv. 4, 1863. 4-3Qd' Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the Estate of AYm.
-■ * Norwood, late of Calhoun county, dee’d,
are requested to make immediate payment;. *
a; ha \ ing claims against said deceased
tire requested to present them, properly au
thenticated, to the undersigned, within the
time prescribed by law.
. Nov. 4, 1863. 4-6 t
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the Estate of J.
G. Hancsley, late ot Calhoun county, de
ceased, are hereby requested to make imme
diate payment; ami those holding claims
against said Estate .will present them tome,
in terms of the law, or they will he barred.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-Gt Adm’r.
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the Estates of A.
11. Norwood, AY. 11. Norwood and D: J.
Norwood, late of Calhoun county, deceased,
are-requested tu make immediate payment;
and those having claims against said deceas
ed are requested (o present them in terms of
Nov. 4, 1863 4-Gt Adm’x.
Administrator's Sale,
WILL ho sold, before tho Court House door,
in Blakely, on tho first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, between the usual hours of sale,
Lots of Land No. 31L and 302, both in the v
6tli District of Early county. Sold as the
property of John A. McDonial, late of said
county, deceased. Terms cash.
Nov. -J, 1863. 43't
L T 0 T l" c E 7
A LL persons are hereby forewarned from
J ’ trading for a promissory Note, made by
me, for the sum of Fifty Dollars, to Mrs. Par
rnelia Husky, for the hire of a negro boy,
dite 25th of December, 1863, as the consid
eration for which the same was given has
Fort Gaines, Nov. 4, 1863, Lit
THEREBY revoke a certain Power of At
torney made by myself to M. AY. Stam
per, of Olay county, Ga., to sell mv land and
plantation in Early county, Ga., (fated some
time about October, 1852. as also all power
to him given to sell the same.
Nov. 1, 1863. 1 lr-paid
Iv'e Coma I
IVrOW you come, and lot me boil you as ,
Xl much good Tobacco aa you want. Call
on me, or my Agent, Bcuj. Collier. Come
quick, or I will sell it.
BlakelyJ Oct. 28, 1863. 3-2 t paid
fTMIE subscriber lias ten or twelve Hand#
.1 who have no engagement beyond Christ
inas next. If*any poison has a place with
cleared land enough for them, provision,
stock, &e., and wishes hands, 1 will furnish
them, and go shares in the crop, if oau
agree oil terms,
Apply by letter at present to
Oct. 28, 1803. 3-3 t Colquitt, (la.
U ICR address the Citizens of Early, Mil
ler and Baker Counties, Tit the times
and places herein mentioned, on s subject of
vital importance to every man, vtfomau and
child in the Conlederacy :
At Blakely \Y edriesdav, N->v, -1,
At Colquitt -.on Thursday, Nt>y. 3.
At Newton on Monday, Nov, ‘j.
The Ladies are invited to be prei, a!
Oct. 28, 1863. ,3-2 t
Administrator's Sale.
A GREEABLE to an order of thn Court
AjL of Ordinary of Clay county, (la., will
be sold, in the town of i*»rt dailies, on the
first Tuesday in December next, at the usual
place of sale, and vvirhjn the legal hours. Lot
of Land Np. in 7th district of said
county, containing acres, more or less,
il being the property of William Lindsey,
deceased, and the place on which he lived at,
the time of his death. Number of lot and
acres will be furnished on the day of sale.
Terms cash.
Oct. 28, 1863. 3-tds-paid _ Adm’r,'
Guardian’s Sale.
A GREF.ABLE to an order of the Court
J\_ of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will
ho s*ld, on the first Tuesday in January next,
in the town of Fort Gainey, and within the
legal hours of sale, two Negroes, to wit:
Angelina, a girl about 16 ye its old, and Au
gustus, a boy about, 13 years old. Sold as
tae property of F. M. Brooks, late of said
county, decoded. "
Oct. 28, 1863. 3-tds-paid Guardian,
Executor’s Sale.
A GREEABLE to an order of tlje Court of
jIV Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will bo
sold, in the town of Fort Gaines, on the first
Tuesday in December next, at the usual p] aye
of sales, and within the legal hours, a negro
woman named Gracey, about 17 years old.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of James HE Burnett, deceased. Terms of
sale cash. PEYTON 11. HOLT,
Oct. 28, 1863. 3 tds-paid Executor
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLE to an order of the Court
./Jl of Ordinary of day county, Ga., will
he sold, at Fort Gaines,-in.said county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, within
the legal hours of sale, the late residence of
Audretv B. Irwin, late of said county, de
ceased. Said residence is situated in the
town of Fort Gaines. Terms of sale cash.
0 at. 26, 1863, ■ 2-tds Adm’r.
Administrator's Sale.
A GIIEE A BEE to an order ot the Court
f~\ of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga.. will
be sold, at Fort Gaines, in said county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, within
the legal hours of sale. One Hundred Acres
of Land, being apportion of hots Nos. I.VJ
and 160, in the 7th District of said countv.
About fifty acres of said land are cleared,
and in good order for cultivation. Terms of
sale cash. P. P. MeARTHUH,
Adm’r of Berij. i). Pittman, dee'd.
Oot. 28, 18163. 3-tds •
Administrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will
be sold, at Fort Gaines, in said county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, within
the legal hours of sale, 66 acres of Land, be
ing one-third of Lot No. 161, in the 7th Dis
trict of said county, and being the late resi
dence of said deceased. Terms of sale cash.
Adm’r. of Mary Pittman, deo’d.
Oct. 28, 1863. 3-td -■
Administrator’s Sale.
HTILL be said, on the first Tuesday in De
l/lf cember next, in the town of Colquitt,
Miller county, Ga., the following property,
to wit: Lots of Land Nos. 70, 23, 12, an l
fifty acres in the north earner of Lot No. 20,
all in the 26th District of Miller county.
Sold as the property of 1. L. Wilson, late of
said county, deceased.
Pet. 28, 1363. 3-tds__ __ Adm’r.
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold, on the first Tuot lav in
December next, in Oalquiit, Miller
county, Ga., the north half of Lot o&Ajiin 1
No. 21 in the 26th District of Miller eOTutv.
Sold as the property of A. -J. Tenant, late
of said county, deceased.
Oct. 28, 1803. 3-tds Adm’r.
Land for Sale.
I OFF EH for sale my half interest in Lots
of Land Nos. Lit) and 122, lying hi tli-e
28th District ot Early county, Ga., immedl- -
atoly on the road leading from Blakely to
Cuthbert, and three miles from the former
place. There is about forty acres of cleared
land on the place. The other half of these
two lots can also be bought on fair terms.
Sept, 9 ( 1863. 46-3 m-paid
Neatly executed at the Job Ofiieeof the News.
Rev. F. M. Wilson is an authorized A
gent for the “ Early County News.”