Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, February 03, 1864, Image 4

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Rule Nisi. GEORO! A—CLAY COI NTT. January Term of Clay Court, of Ordinary. WHEREAS, Loyet R Power. Administra tor with the will annexed of William Pratt; deceased, applies to the, undesigned tor tetters (jhsmissary troin his administra tion : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby requested to snow cause (it any they have; why said administrator, on the first Monday in July next, should not be dis charged . A true extract from the minutes of said court. S. A. McLENDON, Jan. 2D, 1804. 14-td* Ordinary. *'• -Rule Nisi. GEORGIA--GL AY COUNTY. January Term of Olay Court of Ordinary. WifEREAjS, Williuni Mount, Administra tor of Andrew R. Irvin, deceased, ap plies to tin' undersigned for Letters dismis eary from his administration : Therefore all persons' cone*: mod are hereby required to show cause (if any they have) why said ad ministrator. on the first Monday in July next, should not bo discharged. A true extract from the minutes of said court. S. A. McLENDON, Jan. 20, 1864. 14-td* Ordinary. R,ul3 Nisi. ■GEORGIA—CLAY COUNTY. January Term of Clay Court of Ordinary. ■ WHEREAS, Asenith S. McLendon, Ad ministratrix of Asa McLendon, doceased, applies to the undersigned for Letters of dis mission : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause (if any they have) why said administratrix, on the first Monday in July next, should not he discharged. ' A true extract from the minutes of said court. S. A. McLENDON, Jan. 20, 1864. 14-td* Ordinary. Rule Nisi. GEORGIA—CLA V COUNTY. January Term of Clay Court of Ordinary. * ITTHEREAS, George Vv r . Brown, Guardian Vv of Francis M. Brooks, deceased, applies to the undersigned for Letters dismissory ' from his Guardianship : Therefore all per :• pons concerned are reroby requested to show cause (if any thoy have) why said Guardian may not be discharged on the first Monday in March next. A true extract from the minutos of said court. S. A. McLENDON, Jan. 20, 1864. 14-td* Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLAY COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. IT appearing to the Ordinary for said coun ty and State, that the Minors and Or phans of William Pratt, late of said county, deceased, are unrepresented for want of a Guardian : It is, therefore, ordered that all persons concerned show cause (if any they have) why the Guardianship of haid Or phans may not bo granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit person, on the first Monday in March next. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this Jan. 20, 1864. S. A. McLENDON. Jan. 20, 1864. 14-td* Ordinary. G EORGLA—CLAY COUNT Y. WHEREAS, W. 11. C. Davenport and Susan MoElroy petitions tho Court of Ordinary of said county for the Administra ' lion of William MoElroy, late of said county, deceased: It is, therefore, ordered that all persons interested show cause (if any thoy have) why administration may not he grant ed to petitioners at Court of Ordinary to ho held on the first Monday in March next. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this Jan. 20, 1864. S. A. McLENDON,- Jan. 20, 1864. 14-td* Ordinary. GEORGIA —OLAY COUNTY. lUII UREAS. Mary A. Jones petitions the VV Court of Ordinary of said county for Let ters of Administration on thoKstatejof Kob •ert Jones, late of said county, dee’d: This is to cite all persons interested to show cause (if any they have) why letters may not be granted to the petitioner at the Court of Or dinary to be held in said county on the first Monday in February next. Giveu under my hand, and official signa ture, this 6th January. 1864. S'A. McLENDON, •.lan. 6, 1864. 12-oUd Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLAY COUNTY. • ON the first Monday in April next appli cation will be made, to the Court of Or siimiry ffP 'mill w«u'y. Wve to soil the lands belonging to tWEktaW Thomas J Cams, iate of said county, deceased. MARTHA A. CARNS, Jan. 20. 1864. 14-2m* Adm’x. GEORGIA—CL A 1" COUNTY. riWVG months after date application will .1. be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Lands be longing to the Estate of Martin E. Hunt, late of said county, deceased. ’JOHN G. FOSTER. Dec. 9, Ijg6.t. S-2m* Admr. GEOR QUA —CL A Y CO UNTY. OiXTY days after date, application will be Vj made, to the Court of Ordinary of said cocuty, for leave to sell thy Lands belonging to the Estate of John T. Webster, late of said county, deceased. ABNJSa.AYERETT, Dec. 2. 1800. 8-2m* Adm'r, NOT I C eT - IliE REB Wforewarn all persons from trad ing for a certain Note given, by myself to Edmund Knight, for 8390, dated some time in December, 1863. As the consideration for which said note was given has entirely fa.il •ed. I am determined not to pay the same un less compelled bv law. WILLIAM BELL. Millerilo., Ga., Jan. 27 1864. Id-fit* Rev. F. M. A\ itson is an authorized A lor the Early County News. 0 GEORGIA -EARLY COUNTY. WHERE A'B. LewisG. Kirkland Admin on the Estate of Elijah Pritchett, late of said county, deceased, has fully and faith fully executed the trust in him reposed, as appears of record, and makes his application for letters of dismission from said Estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June next. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this January 6th, 1864. James b. brown, Jan. 6, 1864. 12-lam-Cm. Ordinary. GEORGIA—EARLY COUNTY. WHEREAS, Mrs. M. IV. Powell applies ’ * to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Jesse R. Powell, deceased : This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to he and appear at my office on or before thb first Monday in February next to show cause (if any they have) why letters should not be grunted the applicant in terms of law. Given under my hand, officially, this Dec. 16. 1863. JAMES B. BROWN, Dec. 16, 1863. 10-30 d Ordinary. GEORGIA—EARLY COUNTY. WHEREAS, William T. John petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters ot Administration on the Estate of Ashly Phillips, late of said county, deceased: This is, therefore, to cite all persons inter ested to he and appear at the Court of Ordi nary to bn held in said county on the first Monday in March next, and show cause (if any they have) why letters may not be granted to petitioner. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this Jan. 13, 1864. JAMES B. BROWN. Jan. 13, 1864. 13-30d* Ordinary. Notice to Debtors & Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate ot John Windsor, lute of Early county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said deceased, are required and notified to present them, properly authenticated, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN W. ANGLIN, Mar. 4, 1863. 20-ts Adm’r. Notice to Debtors & Creditors. ALL persons indebted to John D. McCor mick, late of Early County, deceased* are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said deceas ed, are required and notified to present them properly authenticated, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law. R. W. SHEFFIELD, Jan. 21, 1863. 14-ts jAdmV_ Administrator’s Sale. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the Court ,x\_ of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in Blakely, six ty nerds off of the south-east corner of Lot No. 233, in the 28th district of said county.' Said lands belonging to tin* Estate of Martin McCann, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. . AV. R. GEORGE, Dec. 23, 1863. 11-fit Adm'r. Taken Up, THREE stray Steers. The mark of the first is crop and undor bit in on© ear, and split and over hit in the other—no brand. The mark ot the second is crop and half crop in one ear and crop and two under hits and over bit in tho other—no brand. Tho mark of the third is crop and two splits and under hit in one ear, and crop and un der bit in tho other —no brand. The above steers have been sold to the Government because they were mischievous. Any person claiming the same, will call on me and ge: their money, after proving pro perty. JOHN FI A EASIi. Colquitt, Dec. 23, 1863. 11-6m* . Tan Yard Notice; THE undersigned having established a Tax Yard in the 26th District of Early county, Gu.. will tan all Hides and Skins brought to them for one-third. Those wish ing to have their Hides and Skins tanned cheap, can do so by bringing them to us. The Yard will be on the south prong of Sowhat chie, close to Green’s Mill and Cedar Spring Post Office. NOYES & MURRELL. Jan. 13, 1864. 13-ts. YfftrA Nkitiec. • HAVING purchased the interest of Mr, Peter Howard, I am now sole proprie tor of the Tan Yard heretofore owned by Howard & Stewart. Tho Yard will bs kept up as heretofore. Hides will be tanned on shares as usual. Thankful for past favors, I invite all to try me for tho future, promising to do all I can to please my customers. JAS. M. STEAVART. Blakely, Aug. 5, 1863. 41-ly Free Gnmibus Line! rjYIIE undersigned takes this method sis in | forming the traveling public that all pas sengers from the rail road depot, wishing to stop at “ AV heeler’s Central Hotel,” will be brought up in his hack free of charge. G. AV. WHEELER, Proprietor. Fort Gaines, Ga.. Feb. 11, 1863. 17-ts Negroes for Sale. IT OFFER, at private sale, a valuable Ne ll. gro AVomon 35 or 40 years of age—good took, washer and ironcr. Also a very like- V boy about 17 years of age. ) AV. AY. FLEMING. \Blakely, Ga., Jan. 20, 1864. 14-ts ' i — E . AFTER this date I will grind at my Mills for Soldier’s Families free of toll. DAVID S. JOHNSTON. S a Sold, Ga., Jan. 6, 1864. 12-ts ■ . Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, on the first, Tuesday in December next, in Colquitt, Miller county. Ga., Lots of Land Nos. *lls and 116 in the Kith District of said countv. I trill also sell three lots in the town of Colquitt—Nos. not now remembe.ed. The widow’s dower is to be reserved out of these five lqts. All Boldjt, q die property of Daniel Hes ters, late of Miller countv, deceased. 'ELIZABETH HESTER, Oct. 7, 1863. 50-9 t * Adm’x. The above sale has been postponed to the first Tuesday in February, 1864. GEORGIA—MILLER COUATY. WHEREAS, V» ilson Thompson applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the estate of Seaborn Thompson, deceased : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby requited to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted on the first Monday in March next. Given jnder my hand, and seal of office, this 14th Oct., 1863. M. V. JORDAN, Oct. 14, 1803. l-lain-Gm Ordinary. GEO IIGI A—MILL ER COUNTY. WHEREAS, Jeremiah & William Tverti* brol, Administrators on the Estate of Charles' Kembrol, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission frem said Estate: Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted on the first Monday in July next. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this 6th January. 18G4. A m. v. Jordan" Jan. 6, 1864. 12-laiiiGm Ordinary. GEOR GI A—MILLER GO UNTY. TWO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Negroes belong ing to Mary Louisa Lewis, Minor. F. A. LEWIS, Jan. G, 1864. 12-2 m Guardian. GEORGIA—CALIIOUX COUNTY. ' WHEREAS, William M. Pace, Adminis trator on the Estate of John Osten, de ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismis sion from said estate : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted on the first Monday in May next. Given under my hand, and seal of office, this 28th Sept., 1863. W. E GRIFFIN, Oct. 7, 1863. 50 lani-6m Ordinary. GEORG I A—C ALJIOUN COUNTY. To all the distributees of ilie Estate of Lames Hay, late of said county, deceased: YOU are hereby notified that I shall an ply, in terms of the law, to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for a division of the Estate of said deceased among the distri butees on the first Mondav in May next. DAVID P. HAY, One of the Distributees. Doe. 16, 1863. 10-54 m GEOR GIA—CAL 110 UX COUNTY. S~ IXTY days after date, application will be made, to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the Lands belong ing to the Estate of William B. Loft-in, laie of said county, deceased. MARTHA L. LOFTIN, Dec. 2. 1863. 8-2 m Adm’x. ~N 0 TICE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Court. House door in Mprgan, at public outcry, the undivid ed half of Lot No. 116, pine land, in the third district of Caihoun county, for the benefit of the heirs of Win. B. Loftin, deceased. MARTHA S. LOFTIN, Jan. 6. 1864. 12-30 d Adm’x. Tot iceT PERSONS having Cotton stored in our Ware House are requested to come for ward and deposit funds to pay the taxes on the same, else wo shall be forced to sell a suf ficient quantity to pay said taxes, in accord ance with the provisions of the law. And all Cotton lying in Store twelve months after date of receipt, will be put in good order at the expense of the owner. SUTLIVE & HOLLAND. Fort Gaines, July 15, 1863. 38-ts Guardian’s Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will be sold, in the town of Fort Gaines, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the usual pib.ee of'saleo, and Within thirlegal hours, an unimproved lot of land, lying and being in the town aforesaid, for the benefit of the heirs of George Garrison, late of said county, deceased. JOHN MAGOG AN, Jan. 20, 1864. 14-tds* Guardian. noticeT ALL persons having demands against the Estate of Joshua Johnson, late of Ear ly county, deceased, are requested to present them to me within the time required by law, or the same will be barred. Persons in debted to said Estate will please pay up, T. G. JOHNSON, Jan. 20, 1864. 14-6t* Executor. Last Tax Notice. MITE will attend at Sheffield's, on Monday, yV Ist February; at Blakely, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2d and 3d; at Damascus, Thursday, 4th, and at Colquitt, on Saturday, 6th, for the purpose of assessing and collect ing the income, salary and cattle tax. . S. J, DICKINSON, Assessor. ABNER IIEARN, Collector. Jan. 20, 1864. 14-3 t NOT ICE. THE undersigned will, soon be prepared to do all kinds of repairing in the Black smith line, and will do new work if the iron is furnished. NOYES & MUBRELL. Jan. 13, 1864. 13-ts South-Western Bail Road. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' Office S. W. R. R„ Macon, Oct. 31. ’63. Ox and after Sunday, Nov. J, 1863,- the Tra ins on this Road will run as follows : - Leave Macon at 6.25, & m Arrive at Eufaula at 5.15, p in Leave Eufaula at 5.00, a in Arrive at Macon at , 3.31, p m Leave Macon at 6.30, p m Arrive at Columbus at 2.00, a m Leave Columbus at 7.45, p in Arrive at Macon at 4.18, a m Leave Fort Gaines at 5.10, a m Arrive at Cuthbert at 7.05, a m Leave Cuthbert at 3.29, p m Arrive at Fort Gaines at ..5.11, p m Leave Albany at 7.30, a m Arrive at Smithville at t 9.11, 5 m Leave Smithville at 1.05, p m Arrive at Albany at 2.43, p ra The Train from Fort Gaines connects daily at Cuthbert and the Train from Albany at Smithville with the Macon A Eufaula Train. VIRGIL POWERS. Eng’r & Sup’t. Macon, Ga., Oct. 31, 1863. vl-42-tf WOODVILLS INSURANCE COMP’Y, WOODYILLE, ALA. CAPITAL SIOO,OOO. directors: Wm. Wood, W. T. RobinsoN,* R. A. Sodt>- mox, F. B. Wakefield, John M. Bow den, 11. E. Owens, W. H. Hughes. officers : Wm. Wood, Pres’t A. F. PeUrt, Sec’y. Application for risks on all descriptions cf property may be made to the following Ag’ts: J. If. Key, Cuthbert; Semmes & Rust, Al bany : J. M. Taylor. Americas ; James Sut live, Fort Gaines; R. A. Solomon, Columbia; 11. E. Owens, Abbeville. There are also Agencies established in all the principal ci ties cf the Confederacy. Persons wishing to insure in the county of Early, or in the adjoining counties, where there are no Agencies, can apply to ’ • W. T. ROBINSON; ‘ Agent at Blakeiy, Ga. May 20, 1863. 31-ly THE GEORGIA ACADEMY 1 WO JR THE BLIND. npilE next Term of this Institution com- JL mences the first day of September. Blind persons, and such as for want of suffi cient sight cannot be educated in the ordi nary schools, of good health and sound mind, between the ages of 8 and $5, p.re proper sub jects to become pupils. The indigent of this State are received free of charge for board and tuition. The course of Instruction em braces all the branches of a common English . Education, with Music and some branches of handicraft. The Institution is well suppli ed with all the.facilities of .instruction and with ample accommodations fora largeschool. Information in regard to the existence ofbljyd youths in this State is earnestly solicited and also apnlications for their admission to the Institution. W. D. WILLIAMS, . ' Principal, Macon Ga. July 30, 1862. 40-ts Confederate States Mail Lin© FRO M FORT GAINES TO BLAKELY. LE AY ES Blakely every Monday, W day and Friday at 4 o’clock, a. m., ar rives at Fort Gaines 104, a. m., leaves Fort Gaines Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 12 o’clock, and arrives rft Blakely • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings by 6 o'clock. The Contractor would also respectfully an _ nounco to the traveling public, that upon the above line he has placed a good two Hack, and is himself always on hand ready and willing to accommodate all who may wish to patronize him. The public may de pend on going through safe, in due time, and at moderate rates. J. STRICKLAND. Blakely. Geo., July 10, ISGI. vl-l-tf, NOTICE^ Head-Quarters, Blakely, Ga., ) ; Dec. 23, 1863. > SOLDIERS on furlough must report to me at this place as soon as they get. home. Those who fail to report, and stay over their time, will be reported to Heaa-. Quarters, and their namc-s turned over to. Cavalry for arrest. Soldiers who are wound ed or sick, so as to disable them from re porting to an Examining Board, must furnish, me with their attending Physician’s certifi cate, stating all the circumstances attending their case, and how long it will be before they will be able to report to a Board, &e. - J. 11. SAUNDERS, Sub. En. Officer Early County. Blakely, Dec. 23, 1863. 11-3m* WHEEL EITLs CENTRAL HOUSE, FORT GAINES, GEORGIA. Thf; undersigned returns thanks for the liberal patimiage that has been extended to him tor two years, would also in form the traveling public that he is still on hand with the best the' market affords, to supply their wants. As I have no blowers, vrno blow for their GRUB, attached to the Railroad to blow for ME. please give me a call, and j udge for yourselves. GEO. W. WHEELER, - v2-12-tf Proprietor. Interest in a Drug; Store for Sale. I OFFER for sale my interest in the Drug Store of this place. There is a good stock of Drugs on hand, and it possesses the ad vantage of being the only store of the kind t in the place, besides being one of the bestlo- 'nt t cations for the business in South-western Georgia. R. CT. KNOWLES.. Blakely. April 29, 1863. 28-ts J&iT LAW BLANKS Neatly executed ut the Job OSiceof the News