Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, February 24, 1864, Image 2

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dEarlg Cmrattj ipttos. E. H. GROUBY, Editor, Proprietor & Publisher. ~ 1b xTaTk e L Y: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1864. Attention is called to the advertisement of J. M. Stewart. It is possible that Sherman’s destination ia Selma or Montgomery, Ala. The merchants in this place have put on their goods the “ thirty-three and a third !” • » .4. + Freemont is to succeed Dayton as Min ister to France, from the Yankee Govern ment. That bridge hasn’t yet been fixed, al though we were assured laßt week that it would shortly be done. Don’t sell your five dollar bills—if they are worth any premium now, they will be worth more in a short while. All persons having published legal ad vertisements in this paper from Calhoun county, will please pay for the same to their Clerk or Ordinary, who are duly authoriz ed to receipt lor the same. + ♦ The writ of habeas corpus has been sus pended by the Confederate Congress. Our freedom is now gone ! May the devil get the whole of the old Congress! If we had any specie go to Cuba ! • A large fire occurred in Dalton on the 17th, destroying four large brick stores, the Commissary Depot and Confederate print ing office. Loss said to bo $150,000. {Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. — The Yankees have to select a new King this year. It will be difficult to succeed the Fool who now occupies the throne, with another of such “ infinite jest ” and exqui site buffoonery. Four Companies ot Hood’s Cavalry Reg iment passed through this place last Wed nesday, on their way to Florida. The la dies of this place gave them an excellent dinner, and there was also enough left on the table to fill their haversacks, which they did, and when the boys left they gave “ Three cheers for the ladies of Blakely!” ■ ■» * It is reported that Gov. Brown will is sue a Proclamation in a few days calling an extra session of the Georgia Legislature to meet on the 9th of March. The reason reported is to do something with the Con federate money held by the State. Won der if they won't change the line between Early and Clay counties ! The Devil will no longer have anything to do with Hell! He has been superceded by Brownlow, who died in Knoxville a week or two ago! It is probable that Brownlow may employ the Devil to keep books for him ! We pity the democrats who die, and go to the lower regions—they will fare badly under Brownlow’s adminis tratiou! There was an attempt made, one night last week, to burn the Baptist Church iu this place. It is not known who the vil lain is that put tho fire to tho steps, but as there has lately been seen four or five sus* picious looking characters about here, it is very reasonable to suppose they had some thing to do with the firing of the Church. This is the third "fire that has occurred in Blakely within the last three months. It surely should be a warning to our citizens to keep a look out. • ♦ ♦ We have received the first uumber of the Georgia Times, the publication of which has been commenced in our sister town, Cuthbert, by our old friend, J. T. Whitman. This paper has heretofore been published in Dalton, but, in consequence of the Yankees getting “ too hot ” m that quarter, Mr. Whitman has removed to Cuthbert. The Times makes a very res pectable appearance, and contains many good articles, both iu editorials and selec tions. Having been acquainted with Mr. Whitman for over ten years, we have no hesitancy in recommending him to the citi zens of Cuthbert. We paid our first visit to the town of Morgan, Calhoun county, last week. We were somewhat surprised to find the place so well arranged in the way of public build ings, residences, &c. We are indebted to W. E. Griffin, Esq., for his kindness in showing us around through the many pub lic buildings. They have a very neat and substantial Court House and Jail in the town of Morgan, also two neat Churches and a School House, together with many beautiful residences and store houses. In fact, there seems to be as much public spirit and pride in Morgan, and throughout Cal houn county, as any village or county that we have ever visited in these parts, as the fine taste and neatness of their public and private buildings will prove. We should judge, from the appearance of the many store houses, law offices, &c., that before the war, Morgan was quite a “ thriving ” little inland town—but now, like the bal ance of our country villages, it has about “ played out.” There is now but one or two stores kept open in Morgan, and one of them is kept by that clever and accom modating gentleman, W. G. Pierce, Esq. We stopped with Squire Pierce during our stay in Morgan, and must say that we were never better treated in our life than by himself and family, to whom we hereby return our thanks for their kindness. Wc formed the acquaintance of many of the citizens of Calhoun, and must say, so far as we wbreable to judge, that we have nev er met with a more generous, whole-souled people anywhere in Georgia or any other State. When a gentleman goes to Morgan we will venture to say that he will be as well treated as anywhere else in the Con federacy. There is but one thing that can be said against the citizens of Calhoun, and that is their neglect, since this cruel war commenced, in attending to and keep* ing iu order many of their public roads, some of which are in a very bad condition. We would advise the Road Commissioners of the county to have a “ general stump diging ” and “ hole filling,” on the road from Blakely to Morgan, in tho neighbor hood of McClary’s Mill. The proper au thorities should also have the Court House steps repaired, which are now in a very dilapidated condition. These things should not be neglected, war or no war, and we hope the good citizens of the couuty will see that they are put in proper order. We cannot but give Calhoun the credit of hav ing the best bridges we have ever seen iu all our travels in South-Western Georgia. They have no such old “ wrecks ” as we of Early have. May the good citizens cf Calhoun ever be as generous as now, and ' not turn speculators, as many in this sec* tion have, for the sake of making money, and thereby lose their kind-heartedness to their fellow beings! We have got it ! What ? Why our Tobacco Bag! Yes, two of them—one from Miss Lula Speight, and the other from Miss Gabriella McMillan. They are aro as pretty Bags as any we saw “ up the country,” and we are not afraid to compare them with any we have ever seen. Our to bacco now smoke 3 twice as well as it ever did before! The fact is, anything from tho hands of a young Miss is sweet to us! Think we’ll take another trip u up the country ” shortly— gust to show our Tobac co Bags ! Thanks to the youDg ladies for their remembrance of the u old ” Editor ! We are anxiously looking for the third one from a certain quarter! We have heard a word or two about it! Tho Editor of the Early County Netcs need not be alarmed about any person con nected with the Patriot wishing to escape conscription. When the country first call ed for men, the Publishers of this paper dropped pen and “ stick,” and willingly enrolled themselves among the first of its defenders; and now, though maimed and impoverished by the war, no conscript offi cer will ever have to force us to perform our duty. Can the Editor of the News say as much ? The above is from the Albany Patriot, of the 13th. It speaks very flatteringly (and probably deservingly) of the Pub lishers, but says nothing at all of the patri otism of the Editor of the Patriot. Will the Publishers tell us how the Editor of their sheet has shown his patriotism —has he ever been in the army, or has he re mained at home to make money ? We hope the Publishers will answer this ques tion. Wish we could get that old bridge fixed. The Jews—“An Israelite." We see an article, going the rounds of the Southern presß, headed “ The Jeics,” written by “An Israelite,” who is gener ally down on Congressmen and Editors who have been abusing the Jeics. We are no little surprised at the press of the South in publishing said communication, and that too, while almost the whole press of the laud admit that the Jews are the meanest, most contemptible and thieving set that ever lived on the face of the earth. Then why is it that they publish the article of “An Israelite,” gratuitously, without even making any editorial comments ? This Is raelite asks: “ Has it never entered into the imagina tion of these editors that the hackneyed phrases of contempt against the Jews, which daily fill their columns, might wound the feelings of the brave, the educated, the pa triotic, the good, the charitable, the refined, of that sect? lla3 it never occurred to them that their remarks might torture the sensility Gs some Jewish matron or maiden, who was ministering to the wants of the weary or wounded soldier, at the hospitals or the way-side home ? Have they never dreamed that their indiscriminate abuse may have added mental terror to the phy sical sufferings of some wounded Jew, whose blood had been shed for his country’s free dom?” In reply to the above paragraph we have only to say that we have never yet seen or heard of a brave, patriotic, charitable or refined Jew in our life ! Neither have wo ever seen any of the Jew women of the land “ ministering to the wants of the wea ry or wounded Soldier.” And further, if a single Jew has ever spilt any blood in defense of the South, it was merely be cause he was “ hemmed up ” in such a way that he could not get away in time of battle, and, being compelled to remain and “ face the music,” he failed to get behind a clay root or “dodge” the balls! We don’t have any idea that one of the rascals ever stood up like a white man in time of battle. The only thing in the world that they care a cent for is the almighty dollar , and when they get that, the country may go to the devil for what they care. Eve ryone who knows anything at all about Jrics will admit this. Again this “ Israelite ” asks : “ Do they know that the Jews are God’s chosen people—the recipients of his work— the selected channel through which He has spread the light of civilisation and reveal ed religion ? His witnesses—the ouiy peo ple to whom He has ever manifested him self, or through whom He has ever propbe cied. Do they know that Christ, the foun der of the religion they profess—* religion of love, charity and good will to all man kind—was born, reared, lived and died in that religion that these men abuse and re vile.” Well, we will try to answer the above paragraph as best we can. Though the Jews, as “An Israelite ” says, “are God’s chosen people,” yet they have always been rebellious and 3 thieving set. Though they have been the recipients of Divine favors, such as were bestowed on no other people, yet they have ever been ungrateful. Jeho vah revealed Himself to them in signs, wonders and mighty acts, yet they have been disposed to turn aside quickly out of the right way and forget the God of their fathers. They bowed down to the golden calf in the wilderness, though they had just been the witnesses of His allmighty hand, with which He smote Egypt with ter rible plagues, and with which He divided the fled Sea ; and from that day onward they have gone whoring fram the Great I Am. For their rebelliousness God drove them from their land, and has accomplish ed His threat to make them a hissing and abyeword among all nations, and now they have no country of their own. Though God’s word was delivered to them, they rejected the New Testament, killed the Lord’s prophets, and at last added the great # crowning sin of their nation to their form er wickness by crucifying the Messiah. But, to make a long matter short, the Jews are, beyond a doubt, the most thiev ing, pusillanimous sot on top-side of the earth. They cheat and swindle every one, white and black, that they have dealings with. They were never known to act hon estly, only in cases where they expected to have a second transaction with the same man, in which case they always act as hon est as a thief possibly can, iu the first case, in order that they may swindle the deeper in the second case. The Jews have nearly all hired substitutes since the commence ment of the war, and have themselves re mained at home aud made fortunes ; but now that the substitute - men have to go inv the field, these infernal Jetcs are buying up all the gold and silver they possibly can in order to leave the country. They arc willing to live in our country while they can stay at home, make money, enjoy the pleasures of our fair land, Slc but when we get into trouble, and need the assistance of every one, they leave us like a cat does the house when she gets her tail burnt in the fire ! Their religion teaches them to act honestly among themselves, but to swin* die the “Christians,” as they call us, eve ry chance they get! Such i 3 the charac ter of the Jew race, as every one very well knows who has ever had any dealings with this infernal skinflint tribe of dogs ! + » « Everybody, white and black, ia talking about the Currency Bill which passed Con gress a few days ago, which seems to have fell upon all like a pine-tree upon a cow. The principal feature cf the bill Beems t» be, so far as we are able to judge From the imperfect telegraphic reports that we have seen, that all Treasury notes now in circu lation over the denomination of five dollars must be funded or retired by the first of next April, which can be done at par; and if not retired by that time, the holder will forfeit cne-third ‘their present value, and the loss of the wholf if not retired by the first cf next January. We cannot see how the country is to stand this, for, if we un derstand the bill correctly, it must certain-, ly produce much suffering in the country before the good we suppose it i 3 designed, to accomplish can come about. It is true that the currency is in a bad state of health* and needs “ doctoring,” but we think that Congress has adopted the wrong plan by which to cure it. If there is too much money in the country, which we do not doubt, let the people be taxed, heavily tax ed, and thereby let it be taken out of cir culation. We believe in taxation, let it come as heavily as it may, but we do not believe in repudiation, which is now com ing upon us. Why is not the Government as much bound to recognise large bills as small ones? How are Soldiers’ families to get along if nothing but five dollar bills and under are to be any account ? It is the poor man and woman that this bill will hurt, and- not the rich. Jt has been the custom in this country for years to oppress the poor and bold up the rich, and we sup pose Congress intends it shall continue as heretofore. .— ♦ Surely prices are high enough, without men trying to put things up higher. But, nevertheless, we hear that a certain shor„ maker in this county is continually visiting another shoeshop in his neighborhood and enquiring the prices charged, &c., and, finding that his brother shoe-maker is do ing work at less rates than he i 3, he tells him he ought to charge more, that he is not charging near enough, &c. Now we would just like to know why it is that this shoe-maker wants others to be as mean as he is. If others have a mind to work for less than he does, what business is it of liis ? Why should he want everybody else to go to the devil because he knows he is “ hell-ward bound ? ” We would like for somebody to tell ua what they think of a man who will buy up his own note at a discount of one-tbird its face. We lately had some notes on a cer tain chap nine years old, calling for 890, and he bought them himself for SQO J If he thinks no more of his notes or himself than this, what should other people think of him and his notes ? Believe we will buy a few more notes on the same chap, “just for the fun of the thing,” as we know where we can get a pile of the trash at ten cents in the dollar ! Mobile, Feb. 19.—The steamer Admir al, from Demopolis, reports our army con centrated and ready to dispute the enemy's advance, The Fcderals are reported thirty miles west of Tuscumbia. Wirt Adams engaged their advance to-day. A letter from Quitman says the enemy, 20,000 strong, entered that place on Wed nesday morning, burned the Court House and several hundred bales of cotton, &c., and retired to Enterprise on Sunday, car rying off some forty negroes. . • Why are editors like good judges? Because they are not satisfied without proofs. «* -»■«»-» Why are dumb-waiters objectionable ? .Because they don’t answer.